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Build Your Own Magnet Power System

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By Andris Valodze 








Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The History of Magnetism ………………………..………….....................4

Michael Faraday………………………………………………………………………………………………5

Alternative Energy Implications …………………………..…………………………….…………6

Chapter 2: Electricity and Magnetism ………………………..…………......................9

What is the Connection? ……………………………………………………………………………….9

What is Magnetism? ………………………………………………………………………………………9

Magnetic Poles………………………………………………………………..…………………….10

Magnetic Forces…………………………………………………………………………………….11

Magnetic Fields ……………………………………………………………………………………11

What is an Electromagnet ? ………………………………………………………………………..12

Electromagnets in Our Daily Lives…………………………………………….………….13

The Maglev– New Innovations in Train Travel……………………………………..14

Electricity Basics…………………………………………………………………………………………….16

How Electricity Is Generated…………..……………………………………………………17

How Electricity Travels……………………..…………………………………………………..18

How Electricity Is Measured.…………..……………………………………………………18

Chapter 3: Theory Behind Using Magnetic Energy……………………………………20

Using Magnetic Energy as a Source of Household Electricity……24

Chapter 4: Do-it-yourself Simple Magnet Generator………………………….28

Items You'll Need……………………………………………………………………..................28

The Function Of A Generator…………………………………………………………………….30

This Is How Your Wiring Should Look…………………………………………………………32

Wiring Diagrams……………………………………………………………………………….32





The Rotor Diagram……………………………………………………………………………34

The Construction…………………………………………………………………………………………34

The Parts Explained…………………………………………………………………………………….40

A Brass Rotor……………………………………………………………………………………40

The 12 Magnets…………………………………………………………………………………40

Insulated Copper Coated Wired………………………………………………………….41

The 11 Turns………………………………………………………………………………………..41

Why Use Copper Coated Wires……………………………………………………………41

Preventing Fly Magnets……………………………………………………………………….41

Mica In The Slots………………………………………………………………………………….41

Rotor Magnets……………………………………………………………………………………..42

Generator Position……………………………………………………………………………….42

Running Of The Generator…………………………………………………………………..42

Copper Coated Steel Wire……………………………………………………………………42

Coil And Turn Sizes………………………………………………………………………………42

Purpose Of The Acrylic Dome……………………………………………………………..43

How You Can Reduce Power Consumption With Or Without A Generator…………..43

Conclusion/Wrap up………………………………………………………………………50




Chapter 1: The History of Magnetism and Electricity

How often do you think about the electricity that you have access to

every day? And do you ever think about the simple ways that electricity

makes it possible to light your way through your house, watch television,

keep your food cool, power your computer and

for some people even provide energy to make

your car work?

The science of magnetism was discovered

as early as 600 B.C. when ancient Greeks used

a form of the mineral magnetite referred to as

lodestone. Lodestone is made of iron oxide, the chemical compound created

when combining oxygen and iron. The ancient Greeks called it a magnet due

to its ability to attract similar pieces of the same material and iron.

William Gilbert (1540–1603) was the first scientist to truly investigate

the details of magnetism using scientific methods. Through Gilbert’s

research, he found that the Earth itself is a type of weak magnet. Carl

Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) picked up where Gilbert left off by continuing

the theoretical investigations of the Earth’s magnetism. It was Hans

Christian Oersted (1777–1851) that first began to study the connection

between electricity and magnetism alongside Andre Marie Ampere (1775-

1836) and Michael Faraday (1791–1836). 4


Nothing is too wonderful to be true if it be consistent with the laws of nature. 

                    ~Michael Faraday 



Michael Faraday

Michael Faraday was a British physicist and chemist best known for his

discoveries of the laws of electrolysis and electromagnetic induction. Faraday

was the son of a blacksmith and was not formally educated. His first

apprenticeship was with a London bookbinder where he loved to read books

on scientific studies and experiments with electricity.

In 1812 Faraday was introduced to the

works of a British chemist Sir Humphry Davy

through a lecture series. Afterwards, Faraday

reached out to Davy to request an

opportunity for employment to study with

him. That same year, Davy was impressed

with Faraday and employed him as an

assistant in his laboratory at the Royal


A year later, Davy took Faraday with him on an extended tour of Europe.

Just a decade later in 1824, Faraday had earned the honor of being elected

to the Royal Society and a year later was appointed director of the

laboratory at the Royal Institution and would eventually succeed Davy as a





professor of Chemistry. In his career, Faraday

was the recipient of many scientific honors such

as the Royal and Rumford medals of the Royal


Faraday was most known as the

experimental scientist of his day was in the fields

of electricity and magnetism. In 1821, he had plotted the magnetic field

around a conductor carrying an electric current. Ten years later, Faraday

discovered electromagnetic induction and demonstrated the induction of one

electric current by another.

In 1831 Faraday followed this accomplishment with the discovery of

electromagnetic induction and in the same year demonstrated the induction

of one electric current by another. The famed inventor created the first

electric generator, called the dynamo, as well as the first electric motor. The

importance of these discoveries will be explained in more detail in Chapter 2

when we discuss the connection between Electricity and Magnetism.

Alternative Energy Implications

As the future of our environment remains questionable to its future

stability and political implications of relying on other countries for our energy

supplies, many scientists, developers and individuals are looking into





alternative or renewable energy resources. Many other

developers are attempting to build machines that are

capable of creating energy from magnets and possibly

even extract more energy than the amount of power it

takes to run the machines in the first place.

Energy can't be created and it can't be destroyed;

it can only be transferred or converted. Something may

be able to run itself for a while but nothing so far has been able to run by

itself forever.

There are a few successful beginning attempts at the ability to create

electricity “for free” using electromagnets. One example is the Perepiteia

machine, a perpetual motion generator developed by the Canadian inventor

Thane Heins which is currently raising some attention as a potential

perpetual motion machine or over-uni-ty generator.

There is however much speculation despite

its ability to create a positive feedback loop

causes it to run even faster. Through a motor that

spins magnets and charges a coil with electrical

energy, it creates an electromagnetic field. Typical

science would tell us that by increasing the current, it should slow the

generator. Instead, the system's rotor and drive shaft are conducting the





magnetic friction back to the motor, somehow boosting its energy. Heins is

currently spreading the word about his discoveries in the hope that it will

one day be seriously considered as an alternative energy resource.





Chapter 2: Electricity and Magnetism

What is the Connection?

Magnetism and electricity share a common relationship. Magnetism is

caused by the movement of electrons, and the word "electric" is derived

from the word "electron". Magnetism can produce an electric current, and

an electric current can produce a magnetic field commonly known as an

electromagnet. An electromagnet is an important part of an electric motor

which can power things, and it is responsible for

the transformation of electric energy to

mechanical energy. Now, let’s explore in more

detail more about magnetism, electromagnets

and the basics of electricity.

What is Magnetism?

The term magnetism comes from

Magnesia, a district in Thessaly, Greece. Magnetism occurs when materials

attractive or repulse from other materials. It is also often explained as a

physical property of an object that shows attraction for elements such as






Magnetic Poles

It is important to understand that a

magnetic force is not uniform. There is a great

concentration of force on each end of a magnet

with a weak force found in the middle. A simple

demonstration to prove this is to dip a magnet

into iron fillings. You will see that these iron

fillings will cling to both ends of the magnet with very few in the middle.

Each of these two ends is called the magnetic poles. Magnets have two

magnetic poles and they each have equal magnetic strength.

Every magnet has one north pole and south pole. A great example of

the everyday use of magnetism is in ocean travel. Sailors use the natural

magnetic field of the earth to determine their course of direction by using a

compass that contains a freely rotating

magnetized needle that points automatically

towards the North Pole of the earth. The

north pole of a magnet will always be

attracted to the south pole of another

magnet and will show repulsion to a north pole. The law for magnetic poles

explains that like poles repel while unlike poles attract.





Magnetic Forces

The magnetic lines of force have many important properties. They

attempt to form closed loops from pole to pole never crossing paths with one

another. Magnetic forces all have the same strength and are considered to

have flowing direction yet no actual movement occurs.

Magnetic Fields

A magnetic field is the space

surrounding a magnet where magnetic forces

act as a magnetic field that extends from one

pole to another creating a loop around the


This can be seen through a simple demonstration using a simple

magnet and piece of glass.

1. Place a piece of glass over a bar magnet and sprinkle iron fillings

over the surface of the glass. (The magnetizing force of the

magnet can be felt through the glass, and each of the iron

fillings now become a temporary magnet).

2. Next, tap the glass gently and the iron fillings will align

themselves with the magnetic field of the magnet in a definite






From this simple demonstration, you see that the magnetic fields near

the poles are very strong due to many more iron fillings in those areas from

one pole to the other creating a loop around the magnet.

What is an Electromagnet?

An electromagnet is a magnet that runs on electricity and the strength

of it can be changed by changing the amount of electric current that runs

through it. Therefore, the poles of an

electromagnet can be reversed simply

by reversing the flow of electricity. An

electromagnet works because an

electric current produces a magnetic

field. By using a few household items,

you can create an electromagnet.

1. Wrap a copper wire from one end to the other around a nail in tightly

wound circles. Make sure you leave a one each piece of wire on each

end and make sure you cover the entire nail. (You have now created a


2. Place each end of the extra wire to the one of the diodes of a battery.

This will send an electric current through the wires and create a

magnetic field.





3. You can now pick up small metal objects simply by touching the tip of

the nail to them.

When the electric current from the battery passes through the wire and

around the nail it creates what is called a solenoid. A magnetic field is

created that reaches out and expands in circles. The magnetic fields twist

within the coiled wire and cause the magnetic field lines to concentrate

inside the coil. This creates a powerful magnetic effect that creates an

electromagnet and because these fields are all pointing in the same

direction, it allows the magnet to become strong enough to pick up other


Electromagnets in Our Daily Lives

There are many uses of electromagnets in our everyday lives. You can

find them in many electronic devices for

your home and car such as electric

doorbells, motors, generators, etc. You can

also find electromagnets in magnetic locks,

loudspeakers, magnetic recording devices

such as tape recorders, computer disks and






Large industrial magnets are used to move large amounts of magnetic

material from one place to another and in propulsion systems that provide

the power to launch spacecrafts. Electromagnets are also found in magnetic-

resonance imaging devices, or MRIs, in the medical field.

Another example of digital magnetic storage and reading is the

magnetic strip on the back of plastic debit and credit cards that you use

every day. The magnetic strip on the back of your card contains

identification data which can be accessed through an automatic teller


The Maglev– New Innovations in Train Travel

One of the most recent uses of electromagnets is the Maglev Train.

Maglev is short for magnetic levitation which

allows the trains to float over a guide way that

uses the basic principles of magnets in place of

steel wheel and track trains and uses

electromagnetic propulsion to move it.

The EMS (Electromagnet Suspension)

system requires a large electrical power source, metal coils lining the guide

way/track, and large guidance magnets that are attached to the underside of

the train. The Maglev train does not have an engine like a conventional train





required to operate it. Instead of using fuel, the magnetic field created by

the electrified coils in the guide way walls and track combine to propel the

train forward.

The Maglev track has a magnetized coil running along the track (called

a guide way). This repels the large magnets on the train’s undercarriage.

This allows the train to levitate

above the guide way. Once the

train is levitated, then the

power is supplied to the coils in

the guide way walls to create

magnetic fields. These fields

then pull and push the train along because the electric current is constantly

alternating the polarity of the magnetized coils. This causes the magnetic

field in the front of the train to pull forward while the magnetic field on the

other end of the train to add more forward thrust.

Maglev trains run by floating on a cushion of air, and this eliminates

friction. Since these trains do not rely on friction and because of their

aerodynamic design, the can reach more than 310 mph (500 kph) which is

two times as fast as Amtrak’s fastest commuter train. Many developers

believe maglev trains will eventually link cities that are a thousand miles

apart and allow travelers to go from Paris to Rome in just over two hours.





Japanese engineers are developing maglev trains that use

electrodynamic suspension, or EDS, that use the repelling forces of magnets

for its movement. Japanese trains also use super-cooled, superconducting

electromagnets that are capable of conducting electricity even after the

power supply has been turned off and it also saves energy.

Electricity Basics

By the end of the 19th century, electricity was used in an industrious

way through the inventions of automobiles and aircrafts and began to be

found in nearly every home. It wasn’t until 1897 that scientists discovered

the existence of electrons where electricity begins.

Electricity is defined as a form of energy

and the flow of electrons. All matter is made up

of atoms that contain a center, or nucleus,

which is made up of positively charged particles

called protons and uncharged particles called

neutrons. Electrons are negatively charged

particles that surround the nucleus of an atom.

When the balancing force between protons and electrons are upset by an

outside force, the atom will gain or lose an electron. When these electrons

are lost, the free movement of these electrons creates an electric current.





How Electricity Is Generated

A majority of the electricity used

in the United States is provided by

power plants. There are various energy sources that are used to turn turbines

whose shafts turn electromagnets surrounded by heavy coils of copper wire inside

large generators. This motion creates a magnetic field and creates electricity when

the electrons in the copper wire move from atom to atom.

Electricity created from a power plant is transferred through high powered

transmission lines held on high towers. The electric current must be very strong on

order to travel the long distance from the power plant to where the power is

needed. As the power travels along its path, it loses some of its strength (also

referred to as voltage). Transformers help the energy current along by boosting its



Did you know?

Electricity travels 186,000 miles per second!

If you traveled that fast, you could travel around the

world eight times in the time it takes to turn on a





How Electricity Travels

As electricity gets closer to where it will be used, its voltage must be

decreased. Transformers that lessen its power are used to decrease the voltage.

The electricity then travels to underground

distribution wires to neighborhoods where another

transformer reduces the electricity down to a

voltage that can be used by lights, appliances and

other things that use electricity. A house uses a

meter box to carry the electricity from the

neighborhood distribution wires into the walls of

the house where outlets are installed. Once you plug in something with a power

cord into the outlet, the circuit of electricity is completed causing it to turn on.

How Electricity Is Measured

There are three terms associated with the measurement of electricity: volts,

amps and watts. Volts measure the amount of pressure in which electricity flows.

Amps measure the amount of the electric current, and watts measure the amount

of work produced by a certain amount of current measured as voltage.

The easiest way to understand how each of these terms relates to one

another is in an everyday example. Imagine a water hose and running water

through it. When you turn on the water faucet, it supplies force similar to voltage.

The amount of water moving through the hose is similar to amps. If you use a lot of





water then it comes out hard similar to higher watts. Fewer watts would be similar

to when the water comes out more slowly and with less pressure.





Chapter 3: Theory Behind Using Magnetic Energy

One of the things that you need to understand is that magnetic energy is a

great potential that is waiting to be tapped. Unlike other sources of energy,

magnetic energy can be considered as an unlimited source of power unlike.

Take our sun for example. You can quickly see that although the sun’s

energy looks like it can be present and shining forever; this is not true.

There is a finite lifetime span to the sun’s energy as the thermonuclear

processes that power the sun will stop some day, when the hydrogen inside

the sun will be depleted.





Thus, all sources of energy have a finite span. Even the power of the oceans

is finite as they can dry up some day. Of course, all technological means of

producing energy are also quite limited since you will need to supply sources

of energy (such as petroleum, nuclear isotopes, coal power, natural gas etc)

in order to keep up the processes.

But, if you think about it, you will quickly see that a magnets attraction

seems to be without bounds. Even if a magnetic material seems to lose its

magnetic energy, you can quickly magnetize it again so that you will have

magnetic attraction again.





Of course, the energy related to magnetism comes within the molecular

bounds of the metallic material. The electromagnetic properties of the

magnetic material arise directly from the quantum bonds and the weak

nuclear forces that govern the subatomic particles at the molecular level of

the material.

Hence, one thing that you need to be aware of is that if used properly this

magnetic energy can be harnessed and transformed into other kinds of

energy for using it in our lives. This is a significant way of making sure that

there is a way to make free energy. In a sense, magnetic energy is

considered as free energy because of the fact that it is only limited in

intensity by the amount of intermolecular forces trapped within the material.





Thus, as long as you use your magnetic material within those limits, then

you are relatively within bounds of making free energy for yourself. This

way, the energy needs of the world can be met since the most important

thing that the world seems to lack is energy.





Using Magnetic Energy as a Source of Household Electricity

This is where the fun begins as you can use magnetic energy as a source of

electricity in your house. According to a recent statistic by an academic

research, it has been shown that magnetic energy is a scalable form of an

energy that can be transformed into a household electrical energy.



Of course, it is essential to understand that this has bounds since the

amount of magnetic energy that you can generate is really bounded on the

intermolecular structure in the magnetic material. Also, you will have to use



certain means of transforming this magnetic energy to household electricity.

However, the good news is the fact that there is a great similarity between

electrical energy and magnetic energy since it is interchangeable. Hence,

you will need to use this interchangeability to create 220 V / 110 V

household electrical potential.

The amount of power that you can generate will be strongly dependent on

the thermodynamic efficiency of your convertor. If you have a relatively

efficient system, then your system will be able to generate sufficient amount

of Watts of electrical energy for your household items such as your

refrigerator, TV and your lights.



This method can be used to create full power for all of the electricity

requirements of your house, or you can use this method to generate



supplemental power for your household needs. This way, your power bill will

be decreased considerably.

Of course, as another alternative, you may want to think about selling any

extra electricity that you may produce. In many states, there are local laws

that allow you to sell any excess energy back to the power company with the

use of a reverse meter. Simply any energy produced more than you need

will flow back in reverse direction at your power meter. Thus, you may be

able to save off on future energy bills too. Or, if you have the ability to

produce even more energy, you may even be able to make some money

from it.





Thus, magnetic energy is the way of the future. If it is

harnessed properly, magnetic energy is a great way to

handle your household needs. Imagine that if every

house in the United States had such a magnetic

electricity convertor, then the power needs of the United States would

decrease by more than 60 percent. As a result, trillions of dollars can be

saved at the national level.







Chapter 4: Do-it-yourself Simple Magnet Generator

The first thing that you will need to keep in mind while building your

magnetic generator is that you will need to have all the equipment needed

handy. There are several online stores and stores even in your locality that

might be able to help you with getting these equipments. Make sure that

you follow directions on how you use these equipment before you venture

into actually using it.

Items You'll Need

A Multimeter:



A multimeter or otherwise called a multitester, is also known as the volt meter or a VOM. It is an instrument which brings together many measuring functions into a single unit. Any given multimeter will have several features like the ability to be able to measure voltage, current and resistance. In the market you will find two kinds of multimeters.



One are called as analog multimeter and digital multimerers. For our little project you can use a digital multimedia but you should take a note that you use a pulse DC in the SSG. Therefore, when you are about to measure amps, make sure you use a analogue amp meter which unlike the digital



meter can go up to 1AMP or even more. the meter is going to come in handy quite a bit in the project especially in measuring the input amps and also in checking the voltages for your battery.

A Soldering Iron

This mighty piece of equipment is important when you are about to put the parts of the project together by soldering it together. When designing the circuit and wiring it, you will find that your circuit works just fine even without soldering. However, for your connects to stay in place for awhile, you should solder the wiring once you realise that you have the right wiring.

How Does The Generator Function



The first thing that needs to be done is to get the magnetic generator charged up to be able to handle a load of 2100 RPM in 42 seconds. This is a process, which shows itself as being functional by using magnetic energy with six coils of copper wiring. The process can be made to work as the six coil connection of wires start making contact and start setting their





alternating magnetic poles. Energy is being taken from the six coils. Therefore, it sets up the poles of the magnet, which are formed because of the rotor magnets and the coils that are connected to the setup.

This entire setup causes the main shaft to rotate with the help of the 12 permanent magnets as they attract and start building a release field. Once this is accomplished, the crank is disconnected. This allows the entire unit to rotate, the load received from the activating force.

The circuit allows the interchanging of energy. This is otherwise known as the recycling of magnetic energy, which is stabilized. This is not an electromagnetic force, as the force field does not have an electrical input. Only when there is some sort of electrical input, can a circuit be known to carry electromagnetic energy.

The build up of magnetic energy causes a thrust in energy. the most important thing that you have to realise is that both electrical and magnetic energy have the same functions. I.e., the manner in which they work is by setting up a differing effect of energy. The other effects that are the same is that the magnetic structures that are being used would want to share the flow and thus making it compatible with the Universal Force. However, electrical energy argues with it. Due to this process is why the energy is being circulated throughout the circuit and the desired operation takes place and thus resulting in a fully functional unit. A transmutation process, which is continuous takes places inside the unit. By this process a magnetic energy is, manifested in a current that is measurable. This is a motor, which is only driven by magnetic power and cannot be compared with perpetual notion. This makes their principal to differ. When you talk about perpetual notion, it means that you are talking about unknown factors that produce an unknown force. In this current process the force used is an attract-attract to an attract-release one which is found inside the magnetic structure. This therefore produces the outflow of power in the circuit. This power, which is



used, therefore causes the rotor to turn, due to the outflow of power. The power source is not predicted based on continuous flow of energy, instead it is predicted on the consistency of the transmutation process of the magnetic molecular structuring inside the Earth’s flow of pressure.

This Is How Your End Wiring Should Look

As you carry on with the construction of the generator, keep in mind of how your end wiring should look. Following these diagrams at the end is essential for you to be able to see if you are going in the right direction with your construction.

The Wiring Diagram





The Rotor View








The first thing that is part of the circuiting process is an aluminium base plate, which will act as a balance to the structure, which then in turn equalises the magnetic energy flow. While considering the size of the aluminium base plate, here is what is required for you to get based on the specs below. These specifications should be followed to be able to set up the perfect base system for the process:



• Once you have your aluminium base plate, you will need a Sleeve bearing about 1” long and have an inside diameter of ½”.

• It is very important that this is oil impregnated brass.

• You will also need a 4” long brass Shaft of ½” diameter.

• A 2” bearing brass Rotor of length 1 – 2/4” is also needed.

• Fabrication of 6 rotor slots is then needed. These rotor slots should be of 1 – ¾” long and .260 deep by 23/32” wide.

• These slots are found to be based exactly 60 degrees apart from each other and one of the slots cuts into the centre of the brass Rotor. It is 360 degrees around, ¼” wide and 5/16” deep.

• After this, the 12 slots are formed from the 6 slots when the 360 degrees cut is being made.

• The slots are lined with .010” thickness of mica for the sake of insulation.



• Also, needed as part of the circuit, are 228 pieces of U-shaped wires which are .040” thick and copper coated steel.





• The 12 slots that are, present will have 19 pieces of wires fitting into the Mica. Therefore, these wires are not allowed to come in contact with the Brass rotor.

• The lead edge of these wires are flushed with the rotor’s surface exterior.

• The tail edge protrudes 1/8” above the diameter of the Rotor.

• The next step is to make 11 turns with the .032” tick, steel wire, which is coated in copper.

• The 11 turns should be 3/8” wide. This should be, replicated around all the 12 magnets.

• When you put them into firm snug fits, they will come in close contact as they are bent wires.

• After this, you will need 12 pieces of. 005” mylar insulation which will be inserted into the core of the wires. These wires are the ones that are described earlier.

• Now the 12 magnets, which are permanent is going to be used. They should be well insulated with the mylar.

• They should not come in contact with, the 11 turns that you have made with the wires as well.

• The size of these magnets is ¾” long with a width of 3/8” and is made specifically for its composition and for its strength.

• Alnico 4, M—60; 12 AL, 28 Ni, 5 Co, bal Fe, Isotropic permanent magnet material cooled in a magnetic field, Cast 9100 TS.

• 450 Brin, 2.2 Peak energy product should be used as well.

• When inserting these magnets into the rotor, the outer faces of the magnets should not to be machined to a radius.

• The core of these magnets, pass through the center of the coils with a 3/32″ clearance.





• The edges at which the wires are wrapped, pass 1/32″ away from the coils.

• This ‘changing magnet spacing’ aid is not only the release cycle. However, it is also contributing to the rotational movement.

• You should take note that the sharp magnet edges, which are found to be facing the coils should be sanded into a small smoothened radius.

• The 12 wires that are wrapping, are segmented into 2 parts of upper six and lower six.

• These two parts are not connected in any manner.

• The flow of magnetic energy is from the upper 6 part to the lower part is got by “flow direction” which you can see in the figure.

• In the second wiring diagram you will see the wires being wrapped around the magnet right from the top half(north) and after wrapping around the magnet 11 times, you will see that it is connected to the lower half (south).

• This wire then goes into the second magnet and is connected to another wire which is the attract wire which is its north side.

• By this all the magnets are found to be attached to the north to south or the south to the north part.

• The actual connections should not be soldered with the insulation and instead should be crimped copper clips that stop the contact to the Rotor body.

• Six of the slots are then cut at the top of a copper tube, which is 0.3” thick. It is also 2’ long and 21/2” diameter on the inside.

• These slots are found to have a width of 5/8” and 1/32” deep spaced about 60 degrees from each other.

• You can then repeat the same process over again at the bottom. However, you should keep the wire in line with the upper slots.





• Then make an acrylic ring to hold the copper tube in place.

• The acrylic ring dimensions are 3—3/4″ O.D., 2¼” I.D, 3/8”.

• It should be bolted on to the aluminium plate directly.

• This ring should have a groove which is .030 wide

• The grove is cut to about ¼”deep so it could allow six copper tube mounting points to be inserted.

• After you have done this, place a .002” thick plastic insulation paper around the inside as well as the outside of the copper tube.

• After this you should fabricate six coils of insulated copper wire with each coil having 72 turns of .014 thick wire.

• Each of the coil is wound into two layers.

• The bottom layer is completely filled with the 5/8″ wide slot with 45 turns and the top layer to span 5/16″ wide with 27 turns.

• Just to be sure that each coil has the exact wire length or if it has 72 turns, a sample length of wire is wrapped. Then the wire is unwound to act as a measurement template for six lengths.

• To wind a coil, you are supposed to fill a small spool with one length then by holding the copper tube at the lower extension, start at the plus wire and temporarily secure this wire to the outer surface of the tube. This is a recommended way.

• The next thing to do will be to place the spool of wire, which has already been measured, inside the tube. Wrap it down and around the outer side.

• Make sure you advance it clockwise until the 5/8″ slot is full with 45 turns.

• Return this wire back and across the top region of the coil for 15/32″ and then wind it in the same direction again.





• Advance it clock—wise and place the second layer making sure it spans for 5/16″ with 27 turns.

• This is a method, which should have the second layer perfectly centered on top of the first layer.

• After you are done winding this coil, repeat this process.

• Fill the small spool with another length of pre—measured wire by the act repeating.

• This is very important as at this point a very important magnetic response happens as all six coils get their second layers spaced as disclosed.

• Once the unit is driven at start-up where in it is hand cranked it for 42 seconds at 2100 RPM, all of the six jumper wires must stay together which also means that the plus wire goes right up to the minus wire and in turn be connected by the start switch.

• After about 42 seconds the load is gradually added to the circuit and the start switch is opened.

• To be able to double check your connections that you have make between the coils, you should be sure that the finish wire of coil #1 goes to the finish wire of coil #2. This is top layer to top layer.

• This pattern then has start of coil #2, which is the bottom layer coil going to the start of the coil #3, which is also at the bottom layer.

• When the copper tube with the coils are placed around the rotor, the distance from any magnet to any coil must be identical.

• If it measures different than what it is supposed to be, acrylic holding shapes can be bolted down to the aluminium base, and protruding upward, and therefore push the copper tube toward the direction needed that is needed to maintain the spacing as stated.

• The rotational direction of the whole system is clockwise when you are viewing it from top down.





• You should then make an Acrylic dome for protection against outside elements.

• In the end, make sure you add a coating of clear acrylic in order to solidify the rotor.

• A word of caution thought. Do not use standard motor varnish. Pre-heat the rotor before you dip it into heated liquid acrylic.

• After removing it from the dip tank, hand rotate it until the acrylic hardens, then balance the rotor.

• For the balancing procedure, you can either add brass weights or remove brass as and when you need by drilling small holes into rotor on its heavy side.

The Parts Explained

A brass Motor:

Throughout the procedure you’ve probably heard of the brass rotor. If your question is about the kind of material that is used in making a brass motor, then here is your answer. The recommended material that is used in a brass rotor is copper. However, other materials like zinc, tin or lead can be used for the brass rotor.

The 12 Magnets:

With concerns toward the 12 magnets in Alnico 4 material and it's charge at 2.2 peak energy, you might wonder what the significance behind using it is. The 22 peak can be considered critical even though the magnets can be considered weak. It is actually a much more difficult job to make magnets, which are charged less than their energy potential. There are several teachings on magnets. One such teaching states that "the release timing in magnets is dependent on their strength. For a magnet to function without hassles, the magnetic current needs to be free to flow TO the rotor, then away from it, as the magnets charge and discharge their energy. The release timing is the key to this activity"





Insulated Copper Coated Wired:

It is recommended only to use copper coated wires that are insulated for the generator.

The 11 turns:

The 11 turns of copper-coated steel wire should be connected. If you look at the drawing that we have provided, you will notice that the upper 6 magnets are connected in series, as well as the bottom ones. However, the top and bottom magnets are not interconnected with each other.

Why Copper Coated Wires?

You might wonder why you use copper-coated steel wires around the magnets. The answer is that when the spin mode occurs, the method for containing the magnetic power for each of the magnets is to wrap them as specified. While the rotor is spinning these wires are critical connective disturbers.

Preventing Fly Magnets:

The magnets that are used are fixed by the wires and are wrapped tight and comfortably around them. this might not be the best way to do the experiment. However, it sure keeps the magnet in one place.

Mica In The Slots

You should bond the mica that is present into the slots. Mica is known t crack if it is bent at room temperatures. The first thing you need to do when you use mica is to cut the mica to size then hit it with a standard iron.

• The next thing to do is to pre-heat the rotor to about 200 degrees F, and the soft mica is placed onto a heated tool in the shape of the slot.

• A bonding agent is placed in the slot area to force the mica to stay in place, allowing it to stay there until the bonding agent is set.





Instead of mica you cannot use anything else for the sakes of insulation. It has a very important magnetic function and not only does it insulate. Therefore, the use of mica in the generator is very important.

Rotor Magnets

The rotor magnets changing shape can sound a little queer. It simply means that the faces of the magnet, which faces toward the stator coils, is a flat surface, while the coil has a rounded surface.

When the lead and trail edge of the magnets used in the circuit are passed in any coil, the central part of the magnet will maintain a distance from a coil, which is farther away.

This action causes the various surfaces of the magnet to reach to coil, with changing sizes of flux lines.

Generator Position

The generator cannot run in a horizontal position except in the vertical position. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to try it.

Running Of The Generator

The generator will not run by itself if the starter is not opened. Therefore, you must open the starter to make sure it starts working.

Copper Coated Steel Wire

It has not been tried before therefore, it is not recommended to use a copper coated steel wire with solder for the wrapping purposes of the wire.

Coils And Turn sizes

If you are wondering what size of the wires you should use. Then read on. we have not given coil sizes, only number of turns. We found that the coil sizes by measuring our coil after winding. Everything we did was hand wound and the human element might cause some fluctuations in the specified size. If it fits, it's the right size is what we recommend.

Purpose of The Acrylic Dome





the uses of the acrylic dome is great. It not only protects from weather but keeps the air space contained so that it can be magnetically charged.

As the unit begins to spin, the waves of magnetic energy can be felt inches away from the stator.

How You Can Reduce Power Consumption With Or Without A Generator

It is important to know how you can conserve energy. With or without a generator you can conserve energy. It is important to know these facts so that you will know how much more you can conserve with a generator. Before you set up your generator, you should read through these tips to conserve energy so that you will first learn to conserve now and produce more for the future.

• Changing your regular light bulb to LED light bulbs can help. LED light bulbs are 12 times as energy efficient and good as tungsten bulbs, and they also last for 100,000 hours. In addition, if you are unable to find it in your area, you can use fluorescent light bulbs which are also more efficient when you compare them to the regular light bulbs. In addition, don’t forget to turn of the light when you do not need it.



• When you have turned off your TV, PC, or your DVD, it still uses energy. This is through the standby mode. Being on standby mode does not mean it does not consume any energy, if you would like to know how much of energy each appliance consumes during standby mode, look at the chart below.

• In order to be able to eliminate the energy consumption you could either unplug the appliance or make use of a switchable power strip for clusters of computer or video products. That way you can switch everything to zero with one action. The degree of the standby mode power consumption should be taken very seriously, since it comprises from 10% to 15% of your entire power bill. In other words, standby power use is roughly responsible for 1% of all global CO2 emissions.



• Use your Air conditioner responsibly, the colder you want the inside to be, the more energy you will tend to use, it’s same when you want to use your heaters for heating. Keep your rooms at a comfortable level and do not attempt overusing it. By doing this you will be able to save at least 1.5Kw per hour if you have a 3Kw Air conditioner. If your



air conditioner is used regularly at home, itwill definitely be the one taking a big chunk of your energy bill. The other thing you can do is to make sure that the windows and the doors in your home are very well sealed, so no cold or warm air escapes or enters.



















• You should consider to air dry cloths as much as you possibly can, the clothes dryer is the worst energy consumer

• Make sure you use the dish and the cloth washer once is fully loaded, this way you save energy as well as water.

• Consider implementing these advices, as they are given here for you to consider the reduction of the consumption of energy in your everyday lives.

• By not following these, there is absolutely no point of using renewable energy if you are going to consume the same amounts of energy every time. By following this, you can produce 50% of the energy you use and you can also eliminate the other 50% with the advices that are given above. You can also start thinking about producing energy

• Other than this the economical benefits of doing this are great. Do not forget that you are saving the environment as well in the process. These steps, which are listed are easy to follow.

• When you change the regular light bulbs with LED or with Fluorescent light bulbs, you can easily lower the energy consumed for lights as much as 12 times.

• Using the heating thermostat with a little bit of care will save you as much as 50% of the energy that you spend on heating.

• The same rule can also apply and the same goes for the Air conditioner as well.

• By using the dishwasher, the cloth washer and the dryer as advised will drastically bring down your energy consumption.

• Overall, you will be able to eliminate the stand-by energy consumption as well, and thereby will reduce your power bill by at least 10%





Conclusion: Ever since the world has started slipping into an energy crisis, it has become a very important need for us to be able to reduce our dependency on the various sources of energy which is not renewable. The clean and renewable sources of energy keep recurring without you being able to exhaust the energy source. There are several examples of renewable energy are solar energy, hydro or water energy, and wind energy. These sources of energy are freely available in the environment, and are very often overlooked and not used properly. The best thing we can do is to take advantage of these sources of energy. Therefore, we will make a step towards the independence of energy. The sun’s energy, is the most abundant energy available on earth. We should learn to take advantage of this energy. When we implement a system, which uses this solar energy to provide power to our homes, we will reduce our power bills to a large extent and also be able to contribute to a green planet. Water energy or Hydro Energy is an very effective source of clean and renewable energy, and it is commonly produced on a very large scale, which means a lot of investment and time gets put into building these systems that produce energy from water. In this book you would have learnt how to construct another alternative source of energy, which has not reached the mainstream media yet. But with time, this energy will be widely accepted and used.
