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Builders Outlook 12.12

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Builders utlook years EL PASO BUILDERS  A S S O C I A T I O N O F BUILDIN G EL PASO’S FUTU RE SINCE 1946 www.elpasobuilders.com www.epbuilders.org 2012/12 By Ray Adauto, EPAB The 2012 El Paso Association of Builders Awards Dinner and officer installation took place on December 6 at the El Paso Country Club. The setting was selected by 2013 President elect Edmundo Dena. The event was a sell out with requests coming in to the very last minute for seats. This was due in large part to the Installation Committee that took the event to new heights. Chairwoman for the Installation Committee was Lorraine Huit, ably assisted by Kathy Carrillo, Kathy Parry, Kathy Rose, Claudia Dena and Margaret Adauto. The committee prepared with help from the staff at the EPCC and the result was a spectacular evening. “I am blown away at the wonderful response we had so quickly ensuring that we would sell out,” Ms. Huit said to the Outlook. “I want to thank my committee for the hours and hours they put in working on the dinner,” she continued. Guests were all d ressed up for the occasion and the crowd was pleased with the results. “I can honestly say that it was one of the classiest installation dinners I’ve attended and everyone looked so nice,” said Larry Patton, President of WestStar Bank. His comme nts were echoed by many others in the crowd. The evening saw presentations for various accomplishments during 2012 and awards were presented to the following: Builder Member of the Year went to Frank Arroyos, Cisco Homes Associate Member of the Year, Sam Shallenberger of Western Wholesale Supply (his third win) Pat Cox Lifetime Award went to The John Schatzman Community Award was presented to HUNT and HUNT Family Foundation Honorary Life Membership was awarded to Rudy Guel, Guel Construction Employee of the Year went to Margaret Adauto Others receiving recognition at the event were Bret Thompson, Foxworth Galbraith; Tony Mullen, MTI Ready Mix; Ken Wade, El Paso Building Materials; Kathy Parry, HUNT; and Javier Ruiz, Border Solar. “I wasn’t expecting this but it is really nice to be recognized,” said Bret Thompson. He was as surprised as many of our award winners. Javier Ruiz tried to contain his emotions saying that he was humbled to be selected and felt he didn’t deserve the award. Mullen, president of MTI Ready Mix and Platinum Sponsor for the evening hesitatingly said a few words of say thanks,” he said to the crowd. It was a night at which 2012 President Frank Arroyos, accompanied by his wife Ruth, saluted the accomplishments of the year and reminded the incoming officers and board to do all they can for the association. “I feel that God has given me that rare opportunity to serve my industry and to bring something to the association,” he said. “I appreciate all that we have done and look forward to my new position as past president” he added. David Miller, Immediate Past President of the Texas Association of Builders installed the Board of Directors and offered commentary on the state of building T exas. “I have to tell the membership how special it is to come to El Paso and to have the privilege of installing the board,” Miller told us. “The event was really special and beautiful. I appreciate the welcome you have given,” he continued. Miller also said th at issues Legislature agenda for T AB. Mr. Miller also invited the attendees to Rally Day in February. “I look forward to seeing a large delegation from El Paso,” he said. The evening saw Edmundo Dena installed as 2013 President by Past President Mark Dyer. “I’m here tonight to install one of the nicest young men I’ve had the pleasure of associating with, Mundo Dena,” Dyer told the a udience. Dyer then went on to tell the crowd how he and Dena have worked together at Winton/Flair/Accent Homes and the close bond they have developed. He spoke about Edmundo and his family and then installed him. Dena told Mark that he thanked him for his mentoring and friendship and was glad that he could install him as President. Additionally Dena told the audience that his upcoming administration was going to be focused on ensuring that the association is around for a long time. “One of my major goals this ye ar is to build a foundation of revenue that will assure future generations that the El Paso Association of Builders will be around,” he said from the podium. “We have a lot of work to do and we need everyone to participate,” he continued. Installation partners were MTI Ready Mix, Interceramic, Texas Gas, Western Wholesale Supply, Sun City Winnelson, Foxworth Galbraith and desert partner was Jobe Materials. “There are many people to thank for making sure tonight was special, but my appreciation extends to our partners because without their financial commitment to the event we wouldn’t have been able to have had such an elegant affair,” Ray Adauto EPAB installs 2013 leadership, recognizes outstanding members Taking their offical oath, the 2013 Executive Board of the El Paso Association of Builders are: Frank Arroyos, Immediate Past President, Cisco Homes Ray Adauto, EVP Greg Bowling, Past President, Tropicana Homes Edgar Montiel, Secretary/Treasurer, Palo Verde Homes Sam Shallenberger, Associates Chairman, Western Wholesale Supply Frank Torres, Vice President, GMF Homes Dena family Mr. Mrs. Tony Mullen, MTI Ready Mix

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Builders utlook




B U I L D I N G E L PA S O ’ S F U T U R E S I N C E 1 9 4 6www.elpasobuilders.com www.epbuilders.org


By Ray Adauto, EPAB 

The 2012 El Paso Association of

Builders Awards Dinner and officerinstallation took place on December 6at the El Paso Country Club. Thesetting was selected by 2013President elect Edmundo Dena. Theevent was a sell out with requestscoming in to the very last minute forseats. This was due in large part tothe Installation Committee that tookthe event to new heights.Chairwoman for the InstallationCommittee was Lorraine Huit, ablyassisted by Kathy Carrillo, KathyParry, Kathy Rose, Claudia Dena andMargaret Adauto. The committeeprepared with help from the staff at the

EPCC and the result was aspectacular evening.

“I am blown away at the wonderfulresponse we had so quickly ensuringthat we would sell out,” Ms. Huit saidto the Outlook. “I want to thank mycommittee for the hours and hoursthey put in working on the dinner,” shecontinued. Guests were all dressedup for the occasion and the crowd waspleased with the results. “I canhonestly say that it was one of theclassiest installation dinners I’veattended and everyone looked sonice,” said Larry Patton, President ofWestStar Bank. His comments wereechoed by many others in the crowd.The evening saw presentations forvarious accomplishments during 2012and awards were presented to thefollowing:

Builder Member of the Year went toFrank Arroyos, Cisco Homes

Associate Member of the Year, SamShallenberger of Western WholesaleSupply (his third win)

Pat Cox Lifetime Award went toMike Santamaria, Mountain VistaBuilders;

The John Schatzman CommunityAward was presented to HUNT andHUNT Family Foundation

Honorary Life Membership wasawarded to Rudy Guel, GuelConstruction

Employee of the Year went toMargaret Adauto

Others receiving recognition at theevent were Bret Thompson, FoxworthGalbraith; Tony Mullen, MTI ReadyMix; Ken Wade, El Paso BuildingMaterials; Kathy Parry, HUNT; andJavier Ruiz, Border Solar. “I wasn’texpecting this but it is really nice to berecognized,” said Bret Thompson. Hewas as surprised as many of ouraward winners. Javier Ruiz tried tocontain his emotions saying that he

was humbled to be selected and felt

he didn’t deserve the award. Mullen,president of MTI Ready Mix andPlatinum Sponsor for the eveninghesitatingly said a few words ofthanks. “I am not used to speaking atthese deals but tonight I just want to

say thanks,” he said to the crowd.It was a night at which 2012

President Frank Arroyos,accompanied by his wife Ruth,saluted the accomplishments of theyear and reminded the incomingofficers and board to do all they canfor the association. “I feel that Godhas given me that rare opportunity toserve my industry and to bringsomething to the association,” hesaid. “I appreciate all that we havedone and look forward to my newposition as past president” he added.

David Miller, Immediate PastPresident of the Texas Association ofBuilders installed the Board ofDirectors and offered commentary onthe state of building Texas. “I have totell the membership how special it is tocome to El Paso and to have theprivilege of installing the board,” Millertold us. “The event was really specialand beautiful. I appreciate thewelcome you have given,” hecontinued. Miller also said that issuesfrom water to tree ordinances will takeup a lot of the upcoming Texas

Legislature agenda for TAB. Mr. Milleralso invited the attendees to Rally Dayin February. “I look forward to seeing

a large delegation from El Paso,” hesaid.

The evening saw Edmundo Denainstalled as 2013 President by PastPresident Mark Dyer. “I’m heretonight to install one of the nicestyoung men I’ve had the pleasure ofassociating with, Mundo Dena,” Dyertold the audience. Dyer then went onto tell the crowd how he and Denahave worked together atWinton/Flair/Accent Homes and theclose bond they have developed. Hespoke about Edmundo and his familyand then installed him. Dena toldMark that he thanked him for his

mentoring and friendship and wasglad that he could install him asPresident.

Additionally Dena told the audiencethat his upcoming administration wasgoing to be focused on ensuring thatthe association is around for a longtime. “One of my major goals this yearis to build a foundation of revenue thatwill assure future generations that theEl Paso Association of Builders will bearound,” he said from the podium.“We have a lot of work to do and weneed everyone to participate,” hecontinued.

Installation partners were MTIReady Mix, Interceramic, Texas Gas,Western Wholesale Supply, Sun CityWinnelson, Foxworth Galbraith anddesert partner was Jobe Materials.“There are many people to thank formaking sure tonight was special, butmy appreciation extends to ourpartners because without theirfinancial commitment to the event wewouldn’t have been able to have hadsuch an elegant affair,” Ray Adautosaid. “This is one for the record booksnow,” he concluded.

EPAB installs 2013 leadership, recognizes outstanding members

Taking their offical oath, the 2013Executive Board of the El PasoAssociation of Builders are:

Frank Arroyos, Immediate PastPresident, Cisco Homes

Ray Adauto, EVP

Greg Bowling, Past President,Tropicana Homes

Edgar Montiel, Secretary/Treasurer,Palo Verde Homes

Sam Shallenberger, AssociatesChairman, Western WholesaleSupply

Frank Torres, Vice President,GMF Homes

Dena family

Mr. Mrs. Tony Mullen,MTI Ready Mix

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We sometimes feel that time goes by too fast; that technologyis both a blessing and a curse and that keeping track of all theinternal and external forces that impact our lives is a dauntingtask. We are not alone in thinking like this. It seems that in arather short period of time our world has undergone dramaticeconomic, social and political transformations. And that changewill not slow. For the foreseeable future instability andunpredictability will or is the new normal.

Working with so many great people over the last year hashumbled me and given me hope for our industry and thewonderful work we do to house people. It is truly an honor to beable to do that for our fellow human beings and in particular forour folks here in El Paso. As I enter my next phase of service asyour past president I know that I am better for having been yourpresident.

I have both enjoyed and learned a great deal from my turn asEPAB’s president. The people that I served with in this industryhave truly been a blessing to me and my family. My sincereregards for the incoming executive board and board members.May God continue to be the epicenter of our membership. Thankyou again for your support and prayers.

President’s Message |

El Paso Disposal


32012/12 Builders Outlook



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So now we have the holiday’s goingon and we are getting the added stressfrom all the panhandlers sitting on everycorner and the bolder ones creeping upon you in parking lots. I was at theWalgreens on Geronimo when I wasapproached and the guy said “hey bud,you speak English?” I tried to ignorehim but he insisted. “Not interested” Isaid and so he stopped, looked aroundand headed straight to an older ladygetting into her car. I stood outside mycar and watched to see what this guywould do next. “Excuse me, excuseme,” I heard him say. The lady dideverything she could to get into the carat breakneck speed, or at least as fastas those knee joints would let her. Thedoor shut and I hear the click of thelock.

I don’t know what I might have donehad the beggar done anything but walkaway from the lady. But I have to tellyou this: he was well aware that I wasstanding there and he had no idea whatI would do if he’d done somethingstupid. It’s become so common to be hitup for money any time you go to astore, a restaurant or stop at a light. I’msick and tired of this as I’m sure many of

you are as well. I’m tired of seeing thesupposed “homeless” guys at thecorner of Geronimo and Gateway. I can

assure you they’re not homeless. Theylive in a house directly behind our office.We have given the city the information,shown the house to our districtrepresentatives, and the police. The“homeless” jump over the fence,through the parking lot and head towork. Yeah, work. I watch inamazement as people give themmoney and I’m upset to see the not socute signs they reel in the victims with.I have heard reports that there are two“scammers” at the corner of Airway andMontana who actually live on theWestside in a home they own. I’veheard that the man (with crutches) andthe woman (who wears shorts andshows her scars) get picked up in theevening by a younger woman in aCadillac and drive off. How muchmoney do they make? Reports ofsimilar corner beggars report that theycan pull in $50 or more per hour. In asix hour take that’s $300 plus a day.Tax free one would assume. It adds upquickly.

These beggars cause us not to helpthose who actually need help. I’m surethere are legitimate needy peoplebegging, but I am so jaded now that I

ignore the pleas. I do not give money toanyone on a corner, or hitting me up ina parking lot, or going door to door.

Trust me the door to door happened tome just recently. I worry that someolder folks will open the door and beforeyou know it something happens tothem. Warn your parents orgrandparents about this today.

So where is the city in this? What canbusinesses do to stop it on their parkinglots? Apparently not much. Frankly thebest solution is YOU. Just don’t do it.It’s up to you to say no to these folks,and in return give to your church orfavorite charity. Don’t open yourwindow, keep your keys in your hand

and place a key between your knucklesin case you need to punch someone.Be aware and don’t invite trouble. Keepyou purchases in your trunk and makesure your alarm is working. Hold ontoyour purse or packages. Don’t be thenext victim. Report any suspiciouspeople to the manager, or call the non-emergency police number 832-4400.Put this number in your cell phone. Besafe and be generous to your favoritecharity or church. It’ll be a good feelingdone right.

Perspective |

Ray Adauto,ExecutiveVice PresidentEPAB

4 Builders Outlook 2012/12

Be generous but wary this holiday season

 NO W  is  t he  bes t  t i me

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 ho me  i n  E l  Paso !

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S u Casa  N ue va






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6 Builders Outlook 2012/12

The National Association of HomeBuilders (NAHB) applauds the federalOccupational Safety and HealthAdministration for listening to theindustry’s plea to consider the negativeimplications the recent change in the fallprotection requirements — such animportant component of job site safety— would have on residentialconstruction companies.

Home builders and remodelers havebeen given a reprieve from OSHAenforcement of new, more stringent fallprotection regulations which have beenin effect since Sept. 15, 2011.

OSHA’s temporary enforcementmeasures, which provide free on-site

compliance assistance, penaltyreductions, extended abatement dates,measures to ensure consistency andincreased outreach, have beenextended until March 15.

"We are very pleased that OSHAheeded our calls," said NAHB ChairmanBarry Rutenberg, chairman of NAHBand a home builder from Gainesville,Fla., and a longtime advocate ofsensible, practical regulations thatprotect workers from falls.

While the enforcement deadline is astep in the right direction, NAHB is still

advocating that the standard still needswork to make it practical in today’shousing market.

In a Dec. 10 letter and petition toOSHA officials, NAHB staff asked theagency to reopen the rulemaking andtry again to create a rule that applies tohome builders, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach that is better suited tocommercial contracting.

"NAHB’s builder and contractormembers make safety a priority andregularly take steps to reduce oreliminate falls during residentialconstruction activities and comply withOSHA’s fall protection standard.However, after years of interpretations,

compliance directives, and guidancedocuments that have failed to ensurecompliance and improve safety, NAHBis convinced that the most beneficialway to address falls in the residentialconstruction industry is for OSHA topromulgate a standard specificallytailored for residential construction," theletter said.

NAHB advocates for a more

practical fall protection standard


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The holidays arehere and everyoneis making a wish-list, including new

home buyersWith the holidays lurking just

around the corner, it’s never too soonto bust out a wish list in preparationfor the gift-giving season.

Even home buyers can’t resist theurge to get in on the fun. Accordingto the National Association of HomeBuilders and other experts, househunters have a definite list of “musthaves” in mind when it comes tobuying themselves one of thegreatest gifts of all: a new home.

Modest floor plansThe McMansion era seems to be

coming to an end as more buyersindicate their home-size sweet spotlies in the 1,400- to 2,600-square-foot range. Some experts predict by2015, new home sizes will average

2,150 square feet, compared to thecurrent average size of 2,380 squarefeet.

Organization and comfortA home can provide refuge from

the hustle and bustle of everydaylife, so it’s no surprise thatorganization and comfort are top

priorities for buyers. Walk-in closetsin the master bedroom, separateshower and tub in the masterbathroom, great rooms, linenclosets, an insulated front door,energy-efficient appliances andlighting, central air conditioning andlaundry rooms are among thenecessities new-home buyers listedin an NAHB survey earlier this year.

Smaller price tagsWhile a quarter of today’s buyers

say they’re shopping for a homepriced above $300,000, a largerportion (45 percent) of house huntersare looking for a home priced below

$200,000.Improved energy efficiency

Going green is on just abouteverybody’s minds these days –including home buyers’. They’re

concerned with saving money ontheir energy bills, reducing theircarbon footprint and doing right byMother Earth – and they want ahome that can help them reachthese ideals. Green homes presentlymake up about 17 percent of thenew-home market, but could reach

38 percent by 2016, experts believe.

5 Hot DesignTrends in NewHomes

Creativity and cost-savings are themain themes driving new-homedesign trends today, according to theNational Association of HomeBuilders.

Here are some of the latest new-home design trends, according toNAHB:

1. “Pocket offices.” More spaceis being added to popular familygathering places like the kitchen andfamily room. As such, space devotedto formal home offices and dens are

falling to the wayside. Instead of aformal home office, more new homesare incorporating a small spacedevoted to home management,known as “pocket offices.” Thesepocket offices may be anywhere,even included in a large pantry. Theyalso might be tucked away near the

kitchen or family great room. Mostpeople today are mobile with theirelectronics and home office itemsanyway so they might not need asbig of space to spread out and a“pocket office” may suffice.

2. Tucked away relax spots.Window seats and alcoves areincreasing in new homes becausethey don’t take up much space butcan still provide some private time.

3. Master laundry rooms.Laundry rooms are being added ontothe master bedroom’s walk-in closetfor added convenience.

4. “Shadow” units. As more

families live together under one roof,“shadow” units are increasing inpopularity in new single-familyhomes. These units may be builtalongside a home and operate as aseparate living unit accessedthrough a door from the home’s mainfloorplan. Shadow units may alsoinclude homes that come with atleast two master suites, such as onelocated on the ground floor and oneupstairs.

5. Rectangular home designs.Rectangular home designs areincreasing in popularity becausethey are more cost-effective to build.The trend was once grand, multipleroof lines. But to make rectangulardesigns appealing, these homesmay have two windows in a cornerwith mitered glass to allowunobstructed views and light to flowin, according to NAHB. Or thesehomes might mix exterior materials,such as with metal, wood, and stoneto give the home a more modernlook.

72012/12 Builders Outlook


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Builders utlook on the scene |

The setting, the El Paso CountryClub, was last used for an installationdinner when Mike Santamaria was

installed as President in 2007.Unlike that installation there were no

pep bands on hand this year. Mariachiswere ordered but they showed up anhour late and weren’t allowed to per-form.

This year’s dinner was a complete sellout 10 days before the event, a newrecord.

Eight past presidents were in atten-dance at this year’s installation. BradRoe, Rudy Guel, Bobby Bowling IV,Herschel Stringfield, Kelly Sorenson,Mike Santamaria, Greg Bowling andMark Dyer.

City Representative Carl Robinson,

District 4, was in attendance for his 4thconsecutive installation.

Sam Shallenberger was not awarethat he was going to be awardedAssociate of the year. His good friendsLarry Patton and Burt Blacksher(WestStar Bank) were asked not to leton that they would be attending. Sam

said that when he first saw the pair hethought they might be there to repos-sess something of his. All in good fun,

of course.Mike Santamaria was equally puzzled

by seeing his brother and sister there.Mike had no idea he was to be awardedthe Lifetime award and brother Ed didn’tlet Mike know he’d be there. “it washard to keep the secret, but worth it,” Edtold the Outlook. “I was surprised so Ifigured something was up,” Mike said.

Installation Committee members putin over 80 hours prepping the table dec-orations, and hand constructing thetable wreaths.

The theme of Black and White nor-mally means evening gowns and tuxe-dos. The committee felt that suits and

cocktail wear more suitable. The tablesettings were black napkins with whitetable clothes as were the wreaths.

The El Paso INC., El Paso’s businessnews publication, sent a photographerand the pictures appeared in theDecember 15 edition of the newspaper.

2012 Award Dinner and Installation

The Gilletts and Najeras

Beverly Clevenger and David Cerna

Joey & Cindy Najera and Salina & Lance Van Deman

Kelly & Ryan

Esther, Jill & Ruth

Linda Bastraw & Sharon Ramirez,GEPAR

Mark Dyer & Edmundo Dena

Aztec Contruction

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Greg Bowling and Carl Robinson

Ed & Mike Santamaria

Dena Kids

Foxworth Galbraith

Jill & JoAnne Bowling

Installation Committee (not pictured Kathy Parry)

Dan Rowe and Barbara

Scott andBetty Clark

Loretto Angels

Paul & Kristi Zacour

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Number of ImprovingHousing MarketsSurges to 201 inDecember

The number of housing markets

considered “improving” according toparameters established by the National

Association of Home Builders/FirstAmerican Improving Markets Index (IMI)

surged by 76 to a total of 201 metros inDecember, according to IMI datareleased today. The index also shows

that the number of states representedon the list by at least one metro

increased from 38 in November to 44(plus the District of Columbia) inDecember.

The index identifies metropolitanareas that have shown improvement

from their respective troughs in housingpermits, employment and house prices

for at least six consecutive months. Atotal of 84 new metros were added tothe list and eight were dropped from it

this month. Newly added metros includesuch geographically diverse locations as

Atlanta, Ga.; Bloomington, Ill.; AnnArbor, Mich.; Seattle, Wash.; and Green

Bay, Wis.“The big gain in improving markets

this December indicates that key

measures of housing and economicstrength have now been holding steady

or improving in metros across thecountry for six months or more, which is

an important signal of stability amidstthe slowly emerging recovery,” saidNAHB Chairman Barry Rutenberg, a

home builder from Gainesville, Fla. “Themain thing that’s limiting the progress

we’re seeing right now is the difficultythat potential buyers continue to

experience with regard to overly tightmortgage qualifying standards.”

“This fourth consecutive month ofexpansion in the IMI, coupled with thefact that well over half of all metro areas

are now represented on the list, is inkeeping with the upward trends that

we’ve been seeing all year in terms ofhousing starts and sales, builderconfidence and other measures,” noted

NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe.“In general, we expect the overall

housing recovery to continue expandingin 2013. However, that is absent a major

policy change of the kind that somepolicymakers have been discussing withregard to the mortgage interest

deduction.”“The dramatic expansion of improving

markets at the end of this year shouldhelp encourage consumers who may

have been on the fence about a homepurchase that a housing recovery is nowfirmly underway,” added Kurt

Pfotenhauer, vice chairman of FirstAmerican Title Insurance Company.

The IMI is designed to track housingmarkets throughout the country that are

showing signs of improving economichealth. The index measures three setsof independent monthly data to get a

mark on the top improving MetropolitanStatistical Areas. The three indicators

that are analyzed are employmentgrowth from the Bureau of Labor

Statistics, housing price appreciationfrom Freddie Mac and single-familyhousing permit growth from the U.S.

Census Bureau. NAHB uses the latestavailable data from these sources to

generate a list of improving markets. Ametropolitan area must see

improvement in all three measures for atleast six consecutive months followingthose measures’ respective troughs

before being included on the improvingmarkets list.

A complete list of all 201 metropolitanareas currently on the IMI, and separate

breakouts of metros newly added to ordropped from the list in December, isavailable at www.nahb.org./imi.

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112012/12 Builders Outlook

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BuilderConfidenceContinuesImproving inDecember

Builder confidence in the market

for newly built, single-family

homes rose for an eighth

consecutive month in Decemberto a level of 47 on the National

Association of Home

Builders/Wells Fargo HousingMarket Index (HMI), releasedtoday. This marked a two-point

gain from a slightly revised

November reading, and the

highest level the index hasattained since April of 2006.

“Builders across the country are

reporting some of the best sales

conditions they’ve seen in morethan five years, with more serious

buyers coming forward and a

shrinking number of vacant andforeclosed properties on the

market,” observed NAHB

Chairman Barry Rutenberg, ahome builder from Gainesville,Fla. “However, one thing that is

still holding back potential home

sales is the difficulty that many

families are encountering ingetting qualified for a mortgage

due to today’s overly stringent

lending standards.”

“While there is still much roomfor improvement, the consistent

upward trend in builder confidence

over the past year is indicative of

the gradual recovery that has

been taking place in housingmarkets nationwide and that we

expect to continue in 2013,” noted

NAHB Chief Economist DavidCrowe.

Derived from a monthly survey

that NAHB has been conducting

for the past 25 years, theNAHB/Wells Fargo Housing

Market Index gauges builder

perceptions of current single-

family home sales and sales

expectations for the next sixmonths as “good,” “fair” or “poor.”

The survey also asks builders to

rate traffic of prospective buyersas “high to very high,” “average” or“low to very low.” Scores from

each component are then used to

calculate a seasonally adjusted

index where any number over 50indicates that more builders view

sales conditions as good than


Two of the HMI’s three

component indexes are nowabove the critical midpoint of 50.

The component gauging current

sales expectations rose two pointsto 51 in December, while thecomponent gauging sales

expectations in the next six

months slipped one point, to 51.

The component measuring trafficof prospective buyers increased

one point, to 36.

ted escobedo915•820•2800

 [email protected]

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12 Builders Outlook 2012/12

WCR El Paso Del NorteChapter installs officers

The Women’s Council of

Realtors, El Paso Chapter,installed its officers at aDecember 7th event. AngelaOchoa, realtor and formerGEPAR representative to theEl Paso Association ofBuilders, was installed as2013 President. OutgoingPresident was MarthaMaldonado. The Chapterevent was emceed by realtorJennifer Stroh, past presidentof GEPAR. Texas WCR

President VaLois Hounsel wasthe special guest for the eventwhich was held at the El PasoClub. This was the 34thannual installation.

El Paso Mortgage BankersThe El Paso MortgageBankers Association held their

2012 Installation and Awardsceremony at Vista HillsCountry Club on December13. The sold out event wasthe site of the installation forincoming president RuthLopez from Teachers FederalCredit Union. OutgoingPresident Myrna Tovarpresented awards to herBoard and special awardswere made to other members.Ray Adauto was the emcee

for the event.

EPAB member Joe Bernalsworn in as President of theHealth UnderwritersAssociationJoe Bernal, EPAB Boardmember and owner of El Paso

Employee Benefits wasinstalled as the 2013President for the El Paso

Chapter of NationalAssociation of HealthUnderwriters. Bernal, whohas owned his insurance andfinancial services company fortwo decades, will assume theduties on January 1. NAHUrepresents licensed healthinsurance agents, brokers,consultants and benefitprofessionals who serve thehealth insurance needs ofemployers and individuals

seeking health insurancecoverage. licensed healthinsurance agents, brokers,consultants and benefitprofessionals who serve thehealth insurance needs ofemployers and individualsseeking health insurance co

around town:

Builders Outlook nowavailable onlineReaders cannow view anddownload issues of theBuilders Outlook by vistingwww.elpasobuilders.com

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A & E Environmental And Safety Consultants

Bosch Thermador Appliances

Carefree Homes

Circle H Homes

Cisco Homes LLC

City Bank Texas

Edwards Homes

El Paso Times

EPT Land Communities

Foxworth Galbraith Lumber

GC Mirror Company

Hunt Companies, LLC

Lone Star Title Co. Of El Paso

Mounce, Green, Myers, Safi & Galatzan, P.C.

New Era Foam

New Start Insulation

Real Estate Weekly Newspaper

Rio Roofing

Rocky Mountain Mortgage Company

Texas Gas Services

Tropicana Development

West Star Bank

Xavier Homes

Membership News

Thanks to our



Aztec Contractors



E L P A S o

BUILDERS A S S o C I A T I o n o F

B U I L D I N G E L P A SO ’ S F U T U R E S I N C E 1 94 6

11395 James Watt, Suite A-11 79936


132012/12 Builders Outlook



























FEBRUARY 21 & 22



Border Investor CapitalLLC seeks Civil Engineerin El Paso, Texas.Bachelor Degree in CivilEngineering required.

Candidate must possessat least 60 months ofexperience in CivilEngineering.

Qualified applicants maysubmit résumé to:

Mr. Sergio Cuartas Jr.,President.

Fax résumé to:(915) 855-2106.

Civil Engineer 

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I am humbled by the AssociateMember of the Year award that Iwas presented with at theinstallation. Holy Smokes. When Isaw Burt Blacksher and LarryPatton from WestStar Bank Ithought they were there torepossess something from me, butinstead it turns out Ray asked themto help us celebrate and Burt dothe presentation. I want to thankthem both for being there andtaking time out for the event.

The award is such a nicerecognition but the work I perform

is no more than so many others dofor the association. I want you toknow that I am looking forward topresenting this award to you. Howcan I do that? By you coming tohelp us with our association’sevents and helping in ways thatyou can. When you do that then theassociation leadership notices andI can call out your name. Simple?You bet. I’ll be looking for you.

As the holidays are upon us I’dlike to thank you and wish eachmember the best. I want to thankFrank Arroyos for his leadership

and I look forward to working withEdmundo. We have a lot to do andonly a few months to do it in. Let’swork together and get it done. Getready for two big events coming upin January: the Spring Home Showat the Civic Center and theInternational Builders Show in LasVegas. Questions about either ofthese? Ask, and we’ll get you theanswers. Until then, MerryChristmas and Happy New Year.See you in 2013.

14 Builders Outlook 2012/12

Sam ShallenbergerWestern Wholesale Supply

Associates Council

For the latest updates &

event information, visit:


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execuTive oFFicerS

Fank Ays - Psdnt

Cisco Homes

ednd Dna - v Psdnt

 Accent Homes

Fank Ts - Stay/Tas 

GMF Custom Homes

Sa Shallnbg - Assats cnl

Western Wholesale Supply

Gg Bwlng - idat Past PsdntTropicana Homes

ray Adat - et v Psdnt

El Paso Association of Builders

couNciL/commiTTee cHAirS

Affdabl Blds cnl

Bobby Bowling IV

Assats cnl

Sam Shallenberger 

Bld PAc

Randy Bowling

Dst Gn Bldng cnl

Javier Ruiz

indsty PtnsGreg Bowling

Land us cnl


 Yng Dsgn Awad

John Chaney

rdls cnl

Rudy Guel

mbshp D

Mike Santamaria

Fnan ctt

Kathy Carrillo

edatn ctt

Frank Spencer 

ADviSorY To THe BoArD

J. Crawford Kerr, Attorney, Firth, Johnston

& Martinez

BoArD oF DirecTorS

Joe Bernal, Joe Bernal Insurance

Doug Borrett, Karam Co.

Kathy Carrillo, Pioneer Bank

John Chaney, Passage Supply

Sergio Cuartas, BIC Homes

Ted Escobedo,Snappy Publishing

 Art Garcia, El Paso Door 

Juanita Garcia, ICON Custom Home Builders,LLC

Samira Gonzalez, Edwards Homes

Lorraine Huit, Cardel Design Group

Walter Lujan, Dawco Home Builders

Sal Masoud, Del Rio Engineering

Bruce Meyer, JDW Insurance

Edgar Montiel, Palo Verde Homes

Kathy Parry, Hunt Communities

Javier Ruiz, Senercon & Border Solar 

Frank Spencer, Aztec Contractors

Henry Tinajero, WestStar Bank

Linda Troncoso, TRE & Associates

Ken Wade, El Paso Building Materials

Paul Zacour, Zacour & Associates

2011 Bld mb of Th Ya 

Greg Bowling

Tropicana Homes

20110 Pat c Awad

Kathy Parry

Hunt Communities

2011 Assat of Th Ya 

Sam Shallenberger 

Western Wholesale Supply

Jhn Shatzan Awad

Bob Bowling III

Tropicana Homes

ePAB Spal Awad

Rudy Guel

Guel Construction

Hnay Lf mbs

Brad Roe

Cliff Anthes

Wayne Grinnell

Chester LoveladyDon Henderson

 Anna Gil

Past Psdnts

cttd t S

ePAB mssn Statnt:

The El Paso Association of Builders is a

federated professional organization representing

the home building industry, committed to

enhancing the quality of life in our community by

providing affordable homes of excellence and


The El Paso Association of Builders is a

501C(6) trade organization.

© 2012 Builder’s Outlook

is published and distributed for the

El Paso Association of Builders

by Snappy Publishing

240 Thunderbird • Suite C

El Paso • Texas • 79912 915-820-2800

6046 Surety Dr. El Paso, TX 79905

915-778-5387 • Fax: 915-772-3038

Kelly Sorenson

Mark Dyer 

Mike Santamaria

John Cullers

Randy Bowling

Doug Schwartz

Robert Baeza

Bobby Bowling, IV

Rudy Guel

 Anna Gil

Bradley Roe

Bob Bowling, III

E. H. Baeza

Hershel Stringfield


Doug Borrett, Karam Co., Life Director 

Randy Bowling, Tropicana Homes

NATioNAL DirecTorS

Bobby Bowling IV.

Demetrio Jimenez


Home BuiLDerS

(800) 368-5242

TexAS ASSociATioN oF






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