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Building Applications Using Ajax

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The first of its kind Web Technology Conference on Open Source Technology, WebOSS '07 was organised in Kolkata on Sat, 13th Oct 07 and I spoke at the event as one of the participants on "Building Applications using AJAX". Here I will share my presentation.
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WebOSS ‘07 S Pradeep Building Applications using AJAX
Page 1: Building Applications Using Ajax

WebOSS ‘07S Pradeep



using AJAX

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What is AJAX?

� AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript And XML

� Is a web development technique used for creating faster, interactive web applications.

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Who uses AJAX?

� Google maps

� Gmail

� Google Suggest

� Flickr

� del.icio.us

� Meebo

� and many more…

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How AJAX is different

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Need for AJAX

� To increase web's interactivity, speed and usability

� Issues with classic web applications

* Almost all processing is done on server

* High latency

* Low interactivity

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Benefits of Using AJAX

� Enhance your sites by allowing quicker access to data.

� Reduce the amount of bandwidth used in data presentation.

� Make a web application that feels more like a native application.

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AJAX Workarounds

� Hidden IFRAME

� <SCRIPT> src hack

� Cookies

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Where to use AJAX

� Anywhere you have a search box, adding Google suggest functionality.

� Pages where you have a multi-step process.

� When working with large or highly interdependent datasets.

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Simple Ajax Application : How To

� Create a request object

� Make the request

� Handle the response

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Create a request object

if browser is mozilla or safari or opera then

create a new XMLHttpRequest

otherwise if browser is IE

create a new ActiveXObject


error - browser does not support XMLHttpRequest

� IE 5,5.5,6 implement XHR as an ActiveX object (Msxml2.XMLHTTP/Microsoft.XMLHTTP)

� Mozilla 1.0+, Safari 1.2+, Opera 8+, IE7 provide XMLHttpRequest natively.

� All XHR objects have the same methods and properties.

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var xhr = null;

if(window.XMLHttpRequest) // Mozilla,Safari, etc.


xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();


else if(window.ActiveXObject) // < IE 7


xhr = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');




alert('Oops! Your browser does not support XMLHttpRequest');


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XHR Methods

� open(‘method’,’url’,asyncFlag)

� send(content)

� abort()

� getResponseHeader(“header”)

� setRequestHeader(“header”,”value”)

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XHR properties

� onreadystatechange

� readystate

� responseText

� responseXML

� status

� statusText

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Make the request

� set onreadystatechange to callback function cbProcessResponse

� open a request on the XHR object

� send the request through the XHR object

� “Same Site” rule

� “GET” or “POST”

� Asynchronous flag

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function cbProcessResponse()


if(xhr.readystate==4 && xhr.status==200)





/* readystate values

0 -> uninitialized

1 -> loading

2 -> loaded

3 -> interactive

4 -> completed


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Handle Response: Parsing the XML

// Our sample XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>



<msg>Hello World!</msg>


// Revised callback function

function cbProcessResponse()


if(xhr.readystate==4 && xhr.status==200)


var xmlDoc = xhr.responseXML.documentElement;

var s = x.getElementsByTagName('response')[0].firstChild.data;

var m = x.getElementsByTagName('msg')[0].firstChild.data;

alert(‘Response Code:’+s+’\nMessage: ‘+m)



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Enter JSON

� JavaScript Object Notation

� JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format.

� JSON data are slightly simpler and slightly more in line with the rest of the JavaScript language than scripts for XML data.

� Find more about JSON at http://json.org

//sample JSON


response: ‘OK’,

msg: ‘Hello World’


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� JSON can be generated by all the popular server-side languages.� Native/Library Support

// Revised callback function to use JSON

function cbProcessResponse()


if(xhr.readystate==4 && xhr.status==200)


var jsonData = eval(‘(‘+xhr.responseText+’)’);

var s = jsonData.response; // easy ;-)

var m = jsonData.msg;

alert(‘Response Code:’+s+’\nMessage: ‘+m)



� Doesn’t that look simpler?

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� A framework is a re-usable design for a software system with built-in generic functions for performing repetitive, natively unsupported operations.

� The Prototype JavaScript Framework is a JavaScript framework that provides an Ajax framework and other utilities.

� Download from http://prototypejs.org

� Others: YUI, Dojo, jQuery, mooTools

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Using Prototype.js

� Prototype provides the Ajax object to abstract the different browsers.

� Ajax.Request() � Ajax.Updater(container, url[, options])

var pars = 'topic=ajax&framework=pjs';

Var url = '/cgi-bin/myAjaxHandler.cgi';

var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(url,{

method: "post", // get/post

parameters: pars,

onComplete: cbProcessResponse // Our old callback function


� Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater(container, url[, options])

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� Don't overuse AJAX, the usability requirements for JavaScript applications are quite different than the requirements for regular web pages.

� Escape content sent to the server.

� Use AJAX activity indicators.

� http://www.napyfab.com/ajax-indicators/

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Debugging AJAX

� Always test your PHP/Server-side code before integrating it with the JavaScript side.

� Always check xhr.status

� Use FireBug to pin-point errors, and trace performance bottle-necks.

� Download from http://www.getfirebug.com/

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� AJAXIAN - http://ajaxian.com

� AJAX info - http://ajaxinfo.com

� AJAX Lesson - http://ajaxlessons.com

� Go4Expert - http://go4expert.com

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� Hussain Fakhruddin

� Teknowledge Software

� The wonderful audience.
