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Building Construction and Tech. 3. Responsibilities of participants

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LECTURE NO.3 RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTICIPANTS Building Construction Technology I International Burch university Architecture department Sarajevo Course : Building Construction Technology I Date : xx / xx / xxxx Professor : Prof.dr.Nerman Rustempasic Assistant : M.Sc. Ahmed El Sayed
Page 1: Building Construction and Tech. 3. Responsibilities of participants


Building Construction Technology I

International Burch universityArchitecture departmentSarajevo

Course : Building Construction Technology I

Date : xx / xx / xxxx

Professor : Prof.dr.Nerman Rustempasic Assistant : M.Sc. Ahmed El Sayed

Page 2: Building Construction and Tech. 3. Responsibilities of participants


Today we will define the responsibilities of Construction participants.

Participants in the Construction process are: investor Contractor Engineer of construction site Chief engineer of construction site Designer (Architect or Civil Engineer ) The supervisory authority Reviser

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Investor is a legal or physical person in whosename is built (the building structures).

Design, control and validation projects, construction and technical supervision over building investor must entrustparties eligible to perform these activities prescribed by The Law.

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Design, control, validation of projects, construction and technical supervision over Construction must entrusted to persons registered for performing these activities.

Appointing a chief designer (when there are two or more designers).

for Revising projects to authorized an reviser, if necessary.

Obtain evidence of the right to construct at a particular property

Obtain decision on constructing conditions / location / building permit

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Appointing a contractor responsible to harmonization of work when participating in the construction two or more contractors.

Before the start of construction to obtain an act authorizing the construction and report the start construction (the survey project + (un) approved major project); report the start of building to constructing body and a building inspection not later than 8 days before the start / continuation of work after a break longer than three months.

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Provide technical supervision over of construction or reconstruction.

Appoint a chief supervisor (if there is more than adequate supervisory engineers waist for individual papers).

investor who is also the contractor must entrust technical supervision over construction to another person who is registered for technical supervision.

Person that is investor for residential or residential-commercial building whose construction (brutto) area does not exceed 400 m2 , for its own purposes can design it by himself and perform construction supervision, if has the appropriate professional qualifications.

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Must allow timely review of the work, on the demand of the designer.

If the realization/execution project has not made by the engineer of the main project, the investor is required before the start of construction or performance of specific components to provide realization project or its parts to obtain opinions on the realization Project and its compliance with the main project.

Also is required to enable The Reviser timely control of works.

To obtain Survey project of the building until the start of construction works.

To ensure building, the neighboring buildings and areas in the case of interruption of works

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Obtain technical amendment documentation (or new), if the changes in structure affect the technical properties essential to building.

Obtain usage permit for the building, which is issued after successful completion of technical inspection on the building by the construction body.

Permanently preserve relevant documents and projects for the construction of with the amendments marked and changes as long as the building exists

Must act in accordance with the decisions of inspection during construction

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Securing sources for investment

Definition and assignment of research works

Assignment of making investment studies

Rating investment study and make a final investment decision

Obtain building land

Defining the project task for the preparation of project documentation

Assignment of project documentation

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Assignment of construction, installation and finishing works

Supply (taking over) and installation of plant, equipment and devices

Organize monitoring and directing the realization of investment project

The execution of contractual obligations undertaken towards contractors

The final calculation of the Construction Contract

Obtaining the use permit

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The building can only be used in a manner compliant to its purpose

The organization of the test operation (testing functioning of the building, plant, equipment and devices)

Development of current and investment maintenance of the building

Investment maintenance of the building

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The contractor is a person who builds or performing works on buildings.

Building or performing individual works in the building can do a person registered for performing this activity.

Contractor shall appoint site engineer or manager of works as a responsible person who leads all or some of the works on construction.

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Must build in accordance with the act which authorized the construction

Build with quality in accordance with the main and detailed design on the way to meet the essential requirements for building

Must draw up a written declaration of executed works and the building maintenance conditions

Apply the material, equipment and products with the proven quality (with document from the manufacturer or a certificate of product conformity)

Provide evidence of the quality of construction, embedded products and equipment (under the provisions of the laws and requirements of the main project)

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Properly dispose the construction waste generated during the works on the site

investor shall appoint main contractor responsible for the harmonization of work if you participate in the construction a several contractors

Contractor shall appoint the site engineer (graduated engineer with 5 years of work experience and passed the professional exam), site engineer (graduated engineer with five years experience or an engineer with 5 years experience, all with professional exam), or site manager (High School Diploma with 5 years experience working with professional exam), which lead the construction

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Make a study of safety at work and organize the construction site

Enclose the site and prevent uncontrolled access for the unemployed

Mark the construction site with prescribed markings and traffic signs

For temporary occupation of public traffic area he must obtain prior approval of the competent authorities and enterprises

For temporary occupation of the neighboring ground he must obtain a prior approval from the owner, according to special laws

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Temporary facilities to be constructed in accordance with the regulations on protection measures against fire and explosion, health and safety and all other measures to protect human health and the environment

Remove all temporary structures before obtaining the use permit

Make plan of common temporary and temporary work sites

Inform the labor inspection authorities about the start of works (8 days before the start of works), i.e.: type of the intended works, staff and schedule, and responsible persons

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Site engineer and work manager are responsible for the implementation of obligations under the Act.

If participate in the construction two or more contractors, the investor determines the contractor responsible for the harmonization of work and who appoints the site engineer.

The main contractor must perform at least half the work necessary for construction and the building.

The main site engineer is responsible for the completeness and harmonization of works, for the harmonization of the implementation of obligations under the Act, and also coordinates the implementation of regulations which regulate safety and health of workers during construction works.

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... can be both engineer of the site and one of the contractors or manager of work for a particular type of work.

The main site engineer, site engineer and head of work may be persons who are eligible for performing these tasks under a special law.

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... a natural person who under a special law has the right to use professional title licensed architect or engineer.

The designer is responsible to design a projects that fulfill the prescribed conditions, in particular, to design a project to comply with the building location permit, to meets the essential requirements for the building and to comply with the provisions of this Law and special regulations.

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The designer is responsible that the projects are to meet the requirements made by the Law on spatial Planning and Building Act and special laws and regulations

If participate in the design of a several designers, investor appoints the designer who is responsible for the completeness and interconnection compliance of projects.

The right to perform the design under the Law on spatial Planning and Construction has just the person with the professional title “licensed architect” or “licensed engineer”.

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The designer can not be an employee of the person who is the contractor on the same construction

The designer has to Correspond to that the preliminary/Conceptual and main, and all other projects are made according to the requirements of building regulations, respecting:

Essential requirements for the building

Regional planning solutions for construction work

The conditions of special regulations that affect the design solutions

Technical requirements (technical regulations and standards)

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THE SUPERVISOR AUTHORITY investor is obliged to provide professional construction

supervision according to the Law If the investor does not have authorized engineers for the

supervision, he must contract with supervision organization that has a licensed engineer.

This organization will appoint a supervisor (s) supervising engineer is an individual who under a special law

has the right to use professional title of licensed architect or licensed Engineer and implement on behalf of the investoran expert supervision of construction if it meets the requirements of construction who under a special law and regulations adopted pursuant to that Act.

The supervising engineer can not be an employee of person who is the contractor on the same building.

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In carrying out supervision of construction works supervising engineer shall:

Supervise the construction to be in accordance with the decision on building conditions, confirmed main project, and building permit, the Act and special regulations,

Determine whether the survey of the building done by the person authorized to conduct tasks of state survey and Real Property Cadastre under a special law,

Determine whether the contractor meets the requirements for performing construction activities that are regulated by special law,

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Define the implementation of control procedures in respect of conformity assessment and quality evidence of certain parts the building by an authorized person who is not involved in the implementation process of issuing the documents and evidence to all parts of the building and performed for the works that are in progress in certain cases when such an obligation,

Without delay to supply investors with all information about the defects and irregularities before the construction phase, while investors and building inspections and other inspections about the measures undertaken,

Make a final report on the performance of the building.

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Reviser is a natural person authorized to control the project.

Reviser is responsible for the project or part of the project for which he spent his control and gave a positive report that meets the requirements of the Law, special laws and regulations made under the law, technical specifications and rules of profession regarding controlled properties.

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