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Building the Shastri Librarians’ Network Project Moninder Bubber Chair, Library Programme Advisory...

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Building the Shastri Librarians’ Network Project Moninder Bubber Chair, Library Programme Advisory Committee (LPAC) Canada, Shastri Indo- Canadian Institute (SICI) Presentation at SICI, New Delhi, November 29, 2005, and at Panjab University Library, Chandigarh, December 6, 2005.

Building the Shastri Librarians’ Network

ProjectMoninder Bubber

Chair, Library Programme Advisory Committee (LPAC) Canada, Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute


Presentation at SICI, New Delhi, November 29, 2005, and at

Panjab University Library, Chandigarh, December 6, 2005.

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.



Overview EducationCanadian Academic Libraries – current state of automationReference Services Available to Canadian ScholarsShastri Institute Library ProgrammeCanadian Information Sources of Interest - websitesBooks in India for Canadian Studies

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.



Canadian Universities and Colleges - public

Decentralized - under provincial jurisdictionFunding - govt., tuitions, private donations, fundraisingFaculty expected to do research and publishResearch $ - NSERC, SSHRC, corporations

Free education K to 12 (Elementary for 8 yrs; Secondary for 4 yrs)

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Postsecondary Education in Canada- federal / provincial sitehttp://www.cicic.ca/postsec/ Statistics Canada Register of Postsecondary Institutionshttp://www27.statcan.ca/IP_Internet/English/main.asp

University of Waterloo’s – education links http://www.uwaterloo.ca/canu/

Education Sites

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Canadian Libraries

Library and Archives Canada (National Library and National Archives were amalgamated)National Science Library -- CISTIProvincial - public library system with regional libraries & city libraries

Provincial funding / city fundingSchool libraries – funding by school boards

Government Department libraries Special Libraries

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


National SceneLibrary & Archives Canada http://www.collectionscanada.ca/collection/index-e.html

Canadiana: published in Canada, creator is Canadian or Canadian subjectDeposit requirement of 2 copies of each item published in Canada

AMICUS Search enginehttp://amicus.collectionscanada.ca/aaweb/aalogine.htm

Over 30 million records from 1,300 Canadian librariesServes as an inter-library loans (ILL) tool

ArchiviaNet Search engine


Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


National Science SceneNational Research Council (NRC)http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/

Canada Institute for Scientific & Technical Information (CISTI)http://cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/cisti_e.htmlParticipates in Document DeliveryCISTI’s proposal to Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Canada http://innovation.gc.ca/gol/innovation/site.nsf/en/in02281.html

A national digital STM information collection and archive Nationally negotiated site licenses for STM information access and use

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.



Canadian National Site License (CNSLP)3-yr pilot project 50 million budget (47 million for content)Partners: CFI (20 mill), 64 universities, provincial govts., partners (30 mill).

Kick started the e-journals for Canadian libraries Evaluation/Impact of CNSLPhttp://www.crkn.ca/initiatives/evaluation/CNSLP-ImpactReport-Apr2004.pdf

Initiative continued by CRKN

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN)

Canadian universities continue the work of CNSLP with this non-profit body. CNSLP - Model license agreementhttp://www.crkn.ca/pr/achievements/CNSLP-License-12Feb01.pdf

Now focus is social sciences information Agreements expected to be in place by January 2006

Participating Publishershttp://researchknowledge.ca/participants/publishers/

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Library Organizations / AssociationsCanadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) http://www.carl-abrc.ca/new/new-e.html

Headed by Library DirectorsResearch initiatives / software developmentAnnual Report 2004http://www.carl-abrc.ca/about/report/2004-e.pdf

Spending/initiatives/photos of research librariesRole of Canada’s Research Libraries in Expanding the National Research Base


Links to: Canadian and provincial library associationshttp://www.carl-abrc.ca/links/links-e.html

Canadian Library Associationhttp://www.cla.ca/

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Synergies Project: Canadian Information Network for

Research Develop the infrastructure to transform scholarly publishing from a print to digital environment in social sciences and humanities areas http://www.lib.sfu.ca/about/projects/synergies.htm

Collaborative initiative of five Canadian universities: Simon Fraser University, University of New Brunswick, Université de Montréal (with the Consortium Erudit), University of Toronto, University of Calgary.

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Library Consortia List: Consortia Canada: http://www.concan.ca/

Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) http://www.coppul.ca/index.html

Licenses and products: http://www.coppul.ca/licenses/licenseindex.htmlReciprocal borrowing privilegeshttp://www.coppul.ca/rb/rbindex.htmlSimon Fraser University’s software developments: http://researcher.sfu.ca/

CUFTS, GODOT, dbWiz, CMLibrary related links: http://www.coppul.ca/links.html

British Columbia Electronic Library Network (ELN) http://www.eln.bc.ca/

Resource Sharing: http://www.eln.bc.ca/view.php?id=18ARIEL document delivery software:http://www.infotrieve.com/ariel/

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Library Consortia conti…

COPPUL (W.Canada), ELN(BC), OCUL (Ontario), TAL (Alberta), NAUL (New Brunswick),OCUL (Ontario)

Scholar’s Portal, hosted at University of TorontoLocally load a lot of the e-resources on servers in OntarioRemoves vulnerability of being dependent on the publishers. using the CSA Illumina platformBought data from vendorsSFX – Open URL linking (SFU’s “where can I get it” link does the same thing)Run RefWorks on itLocally hosted, unified platform with full linking capabilities

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Library Consortia conti…

TALMulti-type consortium, with public and university libraries included32 million endowment from provincial government (4 million for digitization, and 26 million for content)Librarian – Kit Wilson, seconded for 2 years for project

SAUL - Ontario Public libraries; small, for collection development and ILL)

NAULbuy e-books consortially

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


E-Book Resources (SFU)

Books 24x7 (purchased books (SFU)

Net Library (only one that allows consortial purchasing)

Safari Tech Books (IT manuals, books)

Ebrary (24,000 books)XReferPlus –

200 titles in total, SFU has package of 100 selected items (2 times/yr monitor use and change content. E.g. add 5/drop 5 titles)

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


SFU Collection – Statistics

> 40,000 e-books> 20,000 e-journals> 500 databases In 1998 – had approximately 8,000 print journals, now have < 3,000 printThis trend from switching from print to “electronic only” is widespread, since libraries had to cancel print to fund the electronic format.Publishers’ packages – Elsevier, Wiley, Gale (Social Sciences), Springer, Taylor and Francis, Sage

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Collections IssuesPreservationHomogeneity of the collections;

we all have access to more materials, but we all have more of the same materials. Before, we had wider diversity of content

Shift – incredibly rich content, deep archives of resourcesA lot of expansion in primary resources,

e.g. newspapers (Globe & Mail)Associated issues: management of the e-content

Electronic Resource Management (ERM) modules being developed by North American vendors. Innovative Interfaces (III) is the market leader (III ERM)

To keep track of information such as trials, licensing details, permissions, public / staff views

Broken link software

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Inter-Library Loans (ILL)

Consortia: COPPUL, ELN, OCUL (Ontario Council of University Libraries), Quebec, MaritimesFairly automatedMost messaging through ILL Management SystemsAlways had agreements within a consortia, but now starting to get agreements among consortiaStarting to get standardization of policies for delivery; policies would deal with:

Who to lendHow fast you will sendBy which means you will sendPrice

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Software for ILL ManagementThere is a standard, but like Z39.50, never properly implementedAlmost all universities in Canada have some system; only 5-6 vendorsSystem will talk to the other system (some libraries use email)Generic script – standard format that other system can readAlso a protocol

SFU Uses Resource Sharing System (RSS)UDX (Fetwell Downing, UK)Illiad (OCLC)URSA (Dynix/Sirsi)Relais (from Ottawa)Open ILL (from Winnipeg)AVISO (SFU had developed many years ago, now defunct)

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


ILL software conti…

Front End (user interface) - Link resolver; takes citations, finds print and e-journals & presents links to the full-textGODOT – SFU developed (open source)

Used by ELN, COPPUL, Trent University, some people in Europe

SFX – commercial, very priceyDidn’t have ILL portion before, now has it

ARIELIs the standard softwareIt scans documents and sends to other libraryHas address book to which to send to Reads scanned objects and prints

In U.S. allowed to send e-documents to the end-user. Post it to a website where the user picks it up or email to patron

In Canada, copyright law doesn’t allow electronic delivery. New copyright legislation will allow e-copies, perhaps this fall.

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Software Development at SFU Librarywww.researcher.sfu.ca

SFU Library uses open source software for library applications and shares them with the library world. Godot software

allows you to see whether a particular journal is in the holdings of the partner libraries, if held, it takes you to the full text or provides location of printif not held, it allows end user to initiate an ILL

CUFTS software (Database name: Knowledge Base)allows you to see where a journal is indexed

DBWiz softwareAllows grouping of sources into categories of your choice, and then provides a common search engine available now

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


PKP – Public Knowledge Projecthttp://www.pkp.ubc.ca/ http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/

Open Journals System (OJS)Developed by Professor John Malinsky, UBCNow being developed by SFU and othersOJS allows publisher to set up the software

Provides a whole infrastructure for publishing, including emailing internal to the system (allowing an editor and author exchange), copy editing, is web-based, easy to set up and use.

Close to 400 journals internationally are using OJSProject - African Journals Online – 210 African journalsBrazil – 45 scholarly journals all managed from one contact location, and one administrator to manage software for 45 titlesPKP Steering Committee has been set up to manage future developments

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


PKP conti…

PKP Harvester Funded by CARL for a Canadian interface to search Canadian repositoriesPrototype availableStudies indicate that if you make your paper more visible, more people will use it and also cite it.Trend among larger libraries to becoming their institution’s repositories for their scholars’ published articles or pre-printsHarvestor tool or software, called “open access harvesting” will search other repositories and get metadata (ti, author, keywords, links to full text) and aggregates that.PKP Project in Indiahttp://reseau.crdi.ca/en/ev-61422-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html Collaboration between Canada and India

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Reference ServicesSFU: http://www.lib.sfu.ca/researchhelp/askus/index.htm

Role of Reference LibrariansReference, collections management, liaison with Univ departments, course- integrated instruction Ask Us Here (mobile reference), Ask Us by EmailAsk Us Live (web-based) chat reference

SFU – Virtual Reference Toolkit software by – Tutor.com

o Other software – Question Point (OCLC), and Docutek (all 3 allow for co-browsing)

Colorado – 24x7 services http://www.aclin.org/ Research and Writing Guides (web-based)

Plagiarism tutorial; Guides to Citations

Faculty and graduate student workshops

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Reference conti…

Big trend – use of instant messaging (msn, yahoo)

Univ of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) – big leader in instant messaging for referenceCanadian libraries – using instant messaging in own libraries: Carleton, McMaster, U of Waterloo, U of OttawaUniv of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) – big leader in instant messaging for reference

Blogs (web logs)as tools for current awareness to faculty and to organize websites

Collaboration in reference servicesCOPPUL Library Directors agreed (Nov 2005) to explore the possibility of post-secondary services starting in 2006Collaborative reference with other libraries – will likely be picked up by ELN SFU / UVIC already collaborate

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Library Support for Scholars

Reference ServicesAsk Us Live - web chat Ask Us Here - in person (go with a laptop to heavy traffic areas of campus, inviting people to ask reference questions)Email, Phone, In-person appointmentsInformation Commons – librarians along with computer technicians at Reference Desk

By fall of 2006, plans for Information Learnings CommonsResearch web guides & FAQsSDI - email alerts for current publications of interest for researchers Some librarians participate in online class discussions, regarding information sources, (e.g. for distance education classes, using WebCT software)Library classes integrated with university courses as well as drop-in sessions

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.



Academic Search Elite – searched for a topic in a multi-disciplinary database, then downloaded citations to RefWorks account

RefWorks – web-based bibliographic management software that allows you to manage your citations, and using Microsoft Word, format your paper in a desired style (APA, MLA, etc.)

Coutts – vendor database for selection of current Canadian publications

EJDB – creating subject categories of e-journals using software developed by SFU Library

SFU Library -– Library Catalogue, Research & Writing Guides, Fund Reports in Innovative Interfaces Inc system for current budget/expenditures information

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Collections Management / Acquisitions

Blanket / Approval Plans - based on profiles mounted on vendor databases (get either books or slips/forms)

Subject and non-subject parameters (NSPs), such as reprints, level of audience, language, cost, etc.Coutts

SFU has switched to entirely online slips rather than printReceive and email to review forms http://www.mycoutts.comEmail can be sent to faculty member about new titles.Current Canadian Books – monthly listing of Cdn titlesCan search dtbs, limit by country, readership level, time frame, subject parameters (e.g. LC, Dewey, or UK classification), format

Blackwell North American (BNA)Collection Manager http://cm.blackwell.com/

SFU has switched to online slips

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI)http://www.sici.org/

Named after Lal Bahadur Shastri, Prime Minister of India, 1964 - 1966Over 35 years oldBecame bi-lateral in 200523 member institutions in Canada with focus on “India Studies”From 2005, membership allowed for institutions in IndiaNow 34 members in India with focus on “Canadian Studies”Exec Council –3 Members Council reps. & 1 govt. rep. from each countryFellowships for study and research, including a “librarian fellowship”Profiles of Canadian universities in the “Directory of India Studies in Canada” http://www.sici.org/2004shastri/english/indiastudiesincanada.htm

Rankings of Canadian Universities by Macleans MagazineCategories: Primarily undergraduate, comprehensive, medical/doctoral


Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Library Programme - Canada Side http://www.sici.org/2004shastri/english/reference.htm

Funded by Government of IndiaBooks and journals sent to Canadian librariesProgramme managed by Shastri India Office (New Delhi)Each member university designates a librarian for Shastri Institute Librarians form the Library Programme Advisory Committee (LPAC)LPAC Executive

3 reps. from “Resource” libraries (UBC, U of T, McGill), 2 reps. from other members, 1 observer from National Library, 1 Past ChairChair - elected by members of the Executive, Chair also member of the Shastri Canadian Members Council (formerly, the Shastri Board)LPAC Exec last met in person in 1999. Communication largely by email or teleconferences (2/year)

Canadian librarians interested in networking with colleagues from India

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


India Studies Collections in Canadian libraries

English and some Indian languages collected, largely booksMember Libraries and collection strengths:http://www.sici.org/2004shastri/english/indiastudiesmembers.htm

Current Journals List from India through this programme:http://www.sici.org/2004shastri/english/indiastudiesjournals.htm

Unique project in the past with National Archives of India (Delhi) to microfilm private papers

1 copy of Microfilm Collections held at University of Toronto and 1 at National Archives of Indiahttp://www.sici.org/2004shastri/english/microfilm.htm

Collections are integrated with the rest of library collectionSFU adds a notes field to library record “Shastri Collection”

In addition to book programme libraries also purchase books and journals on India from their own operating budgets.

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


India Studies Collections conti…

3 Resource Libraries with concentrations of collections on “India Studies” in different parts of Canada

University of British Columbia (UBC): http://www.sici.org/2004shastri/english_text/IS_UBC.htmUniversity of Toronto (U of T): http://www.sici.org/2004shastri/english_text/IS_Toronto.htmMcGill University: http://www.sici.org/2004shastri/english_text/IS_McGill.htmHave blanket plans” based on profiles as well as firm orders

Others - with smaller collections, mostly through firm ordersSelection done by both the scholars & librariansMost books sent to Canada by sea mail, all journals by air mail (Jan 2005 on)Use vendor websites for selectionCanadian libraries have a keen interest to collect electronic resources from India

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Canadian Information Sources of Interest

Government of Canada http://canada.gc.ca/main_e.html

A to Z Index: http://canada.gc.ca/azind/azindex_e.html

Guides to Programs and Serviceshttp://innovation.gc.ca/gol/innovation/site.nsf/en/in04259.htmlResearch: http://canada.gc.ca/azind/rindex_e.html#rshTechnology: http://canada.gc.ca/azind/tindex_e.html#tecCanada Foundation for Innovation – Research Projects Funded:http://www.innovation.ca/projects/index.cfm?websiteid=145

Statistics Canada http://www.statcan.ca/english/search/ips.htm

Free internet publicationshttp://www.statcan.ca/cgi-bin/downpub/freepub.cgiBy subject:http://www.statcan.ca/cgi-bin/downpub/freepub.cgi?subject=allEducation Statistics – http://www.statcan.ca/cgi-bin/downpub/freepub.cgi?subject=1821#1821

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Books in India for Canadian Studies (1991 on)Funded & administered by Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC) worldwide to provide books and journals to institutions for “Canadian Studies” In India 25 “Canadian Studies” (CS) Centres recognized by FACCurrently most Centres operated by Directors (professors)Canadian Studies Library at Shastri Office (New Delhi) administered by a librarian. Library Programme Advisory Committee (LPAC) – India, 2005 on

Formed on Day 2 of the “Building the Shastri Librarians Network Project” Workshop, on Nov. 30, 2005, New DelhiMember institutions were encouraged to send librarians to the workshop. Some Canadian Studies Directors also attended.LPAC India Chair elected by Indian Members Council (IMC), early 2005: Dr. Usha Pathania, Director, Canadian Studies Centre, H P University.Other LPAC India members elected, Nov 30, 2005, SICI, New Delhi: librarians (1 IIT, 1 IIM, 2 CS Centres, 1 Other)

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Thank you.

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.



I would like to thank the following individuals for their contribution regarding their areas of responsibility / expertise for this presentation:

Trish Rosseel, Head Reference Division, SFU LibraryGwen Bird, Head Collections Management Division, SFU LibraryScott Mackenzie, Head Document Delivery Services, SFU LibraryKevin Stranack, Systems Division, SFU LibraryAlfred Leung, Systems Division, SFU Library

Shastri Librarians' Network Project, M. Bubber, Edited Dec 20, 2005.


Contact information:

Moninder Bubber,

W.A.C. Bennett Library Simon Fraser University,

8888 University Drive, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Email: [email protected]
