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No . XL Ap r i l 1972



T A B L E O F C O N TEN TS p<j

Books Availab le from the Secretaria t . . . . . . ...........1

Announcem ents .........................................................2(a ) Membership Fees

(b ) Members' special fields of study

(c ) Correction

(d) Papers for San Sebastian Conference

(e ) Change of Address of Members

(f) N B - Seen in a survey on "Functions ofInternational Music O rgan ization "

Report on IM C Moscow Conference.......... ............ 4

Dance N o ta t io n Bureau News . . . . ....... .... ............. 5

Reports of National Com m ittees . . . . . . . . . . . ----6

S tu d y G r o u p ........... .............................. 12

Com ing E ven t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Reports of Liaison O fficers ................................... .14

Pub lications .................................................................21

O b ituary Notices 22

Books Available from the Secretariat

Yearbooks 1, 2 and 3 $10.00 ap ieceThe C o llecting of Folk Music and other Ethnomusicological M ateria l (edited Maud

Karpeles) $ 2.50Annual bibliography of European Ethno- musicology 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 . $ 3 .5 0A Se lect Bibliography of European Folk

Music $ 5.00D irectory of Institutions and organizat­ions concerned wholly or in part w ith

Folk Music $ 1.50Memorandum on Cataloguing and Class­ification of sound recordings of Folk Music $ 0.75 Les instruments de Musique au N iger freeCopyright Statements freeNotation de la Musique Folklorique freeHandbuch der europaischen Volksmusik

Instumente free

A V A IL A B L E AT SWETS & Z E IT L IN G E R N . V . Keizersgracht 471, Amsterdam, Holland: the complete set of old JO U R N ­ALS of the IFM C volumes 1-20 and the Accum ulated indexes 1-15.W e are happy to announce that the reprinted Volumes 11,13, and 17 (part I I ) of the IFM C Journal are now ava ilab le at Swets & Ze itlinger also.

O C O R A RECO RD S A V A ILA B LE : in USA and C anada, at any record dea le r, under the label International Record Industr­ies (135 West 41st Street, N ew York , 10.036, USA ); other countries, at the distributors of C . E .D. Barclay records (143, avenue de N e u il ly , 92 N e u il ly , France).Musique Celtique O C R 45Musique Indonesienne O C R 46Musique Gouro de Cote d 'Ivo ire O CR 48

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F ILM S O N T R A D IT IO N A L M U S IC : a first international c a t­alogue compiled by the IFM C and edited by Peter Kennedy, is a va ilab le at le Librairie de I'U nesco , Cultural A ctiv itie s Dept. , P lace de Fontenoy, Paris V I I , France, price 22 francs, or from Peter Kennedy, Dartington Institute of Trad­itional Arts, Totnes, D evon, England, price £ 1 .7 5 plus postage.

FO LK S O N G S O F EURO PE and FO LK S O N G S O F THE A M ER IC A S edited by A . L. Lloyd are $1.25 each , postage extra at: N o v e llo , Borough G reen , Sevenoaks Kent, England.

ET H N IC M U S IC A N D D A N C E SERIES: Series D irector Rob­ert Garfias has films a va ilab le for rent from: Audio-Visual Serv ices, Booking O f f ic e , University of W ashington, Sea ttle , Washington 98105.


At its meeting in Jam aica in September the Executive Board of the International Folk Music Council established the fo ll­owing subscription rates to take effect for the fiscal year 1972:

Individual Members $ 8.00 CanadianMarried Couples 12.00 "Students 5.00 "Institutions 10.00 "Corporate Subscribers 60.00 Minimum

If payment is made in currency other than Canadian (A m eric ­an dollars included) 5 % is to be added for exchange. W ill the English members who pay through their banks please

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C H A N G E THE SUM O F S6.00 to $ 8 .0 0 . M any s t i l l pay the o ld , old fee o f £ 2 w h ich is not q u ite equal to $ 5 .0 0 , much less $ 8 .0 0 .

MEMBERS! LET THE SECRETARIAT K N O W YOUR SPECIAL FIELD OF STUDIES.We get constant inquiries about W HO WORKS IN WHAT FIELD.So please le t us know: we often d o n 't (however reprehensible tha t may be), and cannot answer inqu iries w ith o u t your t e l l ­ing us.

CORRECTION: Madame L oca te lli Pergamo is A rg e n tin e , not Venezuelan as we wrote in the O ctober B u lle tin .

PAPERS FOR SAN SEBASTIAN CONFERENCE:Members proposing to g ive papers in San Sebastian, a t the tw enty-second Conference in 1973, please contact: Prof.Luis F. Ramon y R ivera, Apartado de Correos 6238, Caracas, V enezuela .

C H A N G E OF ADDRESS: W ill members who va lue re ce iv in g th e ir IFMC pub lica tions please inform the secre taria t o f any change of address. The postal s itua tion is bad enough as it is.

NB - Seen in a survey on "F U N C T IO N S OF IN T E R N A T IO N A L MUSIC O R G A N IZ A T IO N S "The "In te rn a tio n a l Folk M usic C ou nc il is operating w ith too few contacts w ith many countries who could con tribu te to its aim s" (Lennart Reimers).

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Report on the General Assembly of the International Music

Council in Moscow, October 4th-6th , 1971

The IFMC was represented in Moscow by Professor L. H.

Correa de A ze ved o , who reports as fo llow s:The meetings were e x c e lle n tly o rgan ized , w ith every

f a c i l i t y , by the Union of Composers o f the USSR. Eleven in te rna tion a l member o rgan izations and th ir ty - tw o na tiona l committees were represented a t the G eneral Assembly, w ith the members o f the Executive Com m ittee and seven in d iv id ­

ual members.A new in te rna tion a l o rgan ization was adm itted as member

o f the IM C ; the M usic Section o f the In te rna tiona l Publishers U n io n , b ring ing to fourteen the number o f in te rna tion a l mem­bers o rgan izations. The admission of three new n a tiona l mus­ic committees was announced to the G enera l Assembly by the Executive Com m ittee: those o f C o lom b ia , Senegal and

Zam bia.The fo llo w in g in d iv id u a l members were re -e le c te d :

Samuel Baud-Bovy (S w itze rlan d ), N ad ia Boulanger (France), Luigi D a lla p ic c o la ( I ta ly ) , O liv e r D an ie l (U SA), V la d im ir Fedorov (F rance), M ario Labroca ( I ta ly ) , W ito ld Lutoslawski (Po land), M stis lav Rostropovich (USSR), Domingo Santa Cruz (C h ile ) , D m itri Shostakovich (USSR), and Tran Van Kh£ (V ie tnam ). Three new in d iv id u a l members were e lected:Andre Jurres (N e th e rlan ds), Hans S ittner (A u s tria ), and Con­stantin Regamey (S w itze rlan d ).It was announced tha t amendments in the Statutes w i l l be pro­posed, in tw o years' tim e , c rea ting a new category o f Hon­orary Members w hich w i l l create room fo r new a c tiv e members to p a rtic ip a te in the w ork of the C o u n c il.

Partia l e lections to the Executive Com m ittee brought three new members to this body: T ibor Sarai (H ungary), N a r - ayana Menon (In d ia ) and Roberto Caamano (A rge n tin a ).They rep laced Andr£ Jurres (N e th erlan ds), T ak ji Nagasawa (Japan) and Hans S ittner (A u s tria ), who were not e lig ib le for re -e le c t io n .

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The G enera l Assembly also ra tif ie d the appointm ent of two new co -op ted members o f the Executive Com m ittee:Salah El M ahdi (Tun is ia ), and J .H . N k e tia (G hana).

Yehudi M enuhin (USA) and Egon Kraus (G erm any) were re -e le c te d resp ective ly President and V ice -P res ident o f the C o u n c il. And Ladislav M okry (C zechoslovakia) was e lected Secretary G enera l.

The G enera l Assembly d e a lt w ith rou tine matters such as exam ination of a c tiv it ie s and fin a n c ia l reports of the C o u n c il, programme and budget fo r 1972-1973. A large a - mount of time was devoted to the presentation o f reports from In te rna tiona l Member O rgan iza tions and N a tio n a l Com­m ittees. Professor Correa de Azevedo reported fo r the IFM C.

The in v ita tio n of the Swiss N a tio n a l Com m ittee to hold the 1973 G eneral Assembly and Congress in Sw itzerland was accepted . A Canadian in v ita tio n for the 1975 meetings was also accep ted , in p r in c ip le , by the G enera l Assembly.

The retirem ent of John Evarts, D eputy Executive Sec­re ta ry , a t the end of the year, was announced, and the G en­era l Assembly paid tr ib u te to tha t d istinguished member of the S ecre ta ria t.

Dance Notation Bureau News

8 East 12th S treet,N ew Y o rk , N .Y . 10003.

The Dance N o ta tio n Bureau, a ided by a grant from the N a tio n a l Endowment fo r the A rts , is conducting a program to tra in ten professional "Reconstructors" , people w ith the a b il ity to recreate and d ire c t dance scores w ritte n in Lab- a n o ta tio n , the most accurate system ye t devised for record ­ing dance. This is the firs t tim e a p ro je c t s p e c if ic a lly to tra in b a lle t masters has ever been undertaken.

O ne of the fa r-re a ch in g results o f this p ro je c t is that audiences outside the major m etropolitan areas w i l l have the opportun ity to experience major dance works.

The p ro je c t began e arly this year when the Dance N o t-

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ation Bureau was awarded tw o grants, one from the N a tio n a l Endowment fo r the Arts and one from the N ew York C ouncil on the A rts , to subsidize the no ta tion and restaging o f o u t­standing b a lle t and modern dance works.

The new reconstructors w i l l use w hatever tim e they can take from th e ir teach ing and d ire c to r ia l positions to stage works for reg iona l companies.

Reports of National Committees


The GDR N a tio n a l Com m ittee a t its G eneral Assembly 1971 adopted a new Programme. C o n jo in tly w ith the Ethno- m usico log ica l W orking G roup o f the German Composers and M usicologists U n io n , three meetings w i l l be held a nn ua lly .As its main tasks the Com m ittee specifies:

1. Analysis and discussion o f new currents in fo lk and mass music practices as caused by changes in class s truc tu re , c u l­tu ra l and industria l re v o lu tio n , in te rna tion a l exchange e tc . ;2 . p a rtic ip a tio n in some IFM C -S tudy Groups; 3 . in form ­ation and con tac t trips to other N a tio n a l Committees of the so c ia lis t countries; 4 . th e o re tica l and p ra c tica l a id to the "S ingebew egung" , the singing-m ovem ent o f the Free German

Y outh .

The Com m ittee continued its in form ation trips . A fte r con­ta c t w ith the C zechoslovakian and Hungarian N a tio n a l Committees made in 1970 by D r. D . Stockmann and A . Hesse, in 1971 D r. Kurt Petermann and D r. A xe l Hesse went to Bulgaria and v is ite d the Hungarian Com m ittee once more.Some pro jects such as fo lk dance c o lle c tio n in German m in­o rities o f Hungary and a meeting dea ling w ith new tendenc­ies in fo lk and mass music practices were o u tlin e d .

D r. Jurgen Eisner, Secretary o f the G D R -C om m ittee , was in v ite d by the A lg e ria n G overnm ent to engage in ethnomus- ic o lo g ic a l f ie ld and research w o rk . His successor as Exec-

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u tive Secretary is D r. A . Hesse, e thnom usico log ica l assoc­ia te a t the D ep t, o f M us ico lo gy , H u m b o ld t-U n ive rs ity , Ber­lin . He is w ork ing on Latin -am erican music and defended

in 1971 a Ph.D . thesis on "The Transmission S inging o f Cu­ban S p ir itis ts " , dea lin g w ith problems o f transcu ltu ra tion in the music o f e th n ic a lly heterogeneous groups o f the urban s e m i-p ro le ta ria t.


1. D r. F e lix Hoerburger has been appointed Professor a t the U n ive rs ity o f Regensburg.

Prof. Hoerburger w i l l be ca rry ing out a f ie ld research in G reece from A p r il to June 1972.

2 . Prof. D r. Suppan w i l l continue in M ay 1972 his research w ork on the Faroe Islands.

3 . The printers Schott's Sohne, M a in z , have published Volume II o f the "G ottscheer V o lk s lie d e r" by R olf. W . Brednich and W . Suppan; this volume o f 390 pages con­tains 291 va rie tie s (p a rtly in various versions) o f sacred fo lk songs.

4 . The commission fo r so ng -, m usic- and dance-research o f the German S ocie ty for Fo lk lore held a m eeting in W e tz la r from 23rd to 25th of M arch 1972. The subject was: C o lle c tio n and research o f Folksongs during the 19th cen tu ry .


The fo llo w in g is subm itted on the a c tiv it ie s since June 1971 o f the members of the Folk M usic Research G rou p , Hungar­ian Academ y o f Sciences.

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On the occasion o f Zolta^n K oda ly 's 90th b ir th d a y , the Folk M usic Research G rou p , together w ith the Bartok A rch ive s , w i l l organize a s c ie n tif ic session, of w hich the theme w il l be: Z o ltan K o d a ly , the composer in the music o f the 20th cen tu ry .

Under the ed ito rsh ip o f D r. Lajos Vargyas, the C orvina Pub­lishing House (Budapest) produced an enlarged English e d it­

ion of Koda ly 's "Fo lk M usic o f H ungary" (195 pages, 206 musical exam ples).

The Hungarian record ing firm "Q u a lito n " published tw o re ­cords o f M ongo lian fo lk m usic, co lle c te d by D r. Lajos V a r­gyas during his research exped ition to M ongo lia in 1966.

The Publishing House of the Hungarian Academ y o f Sciences issued the book of D r. Laszlo* V ika r and D r. Gabor Bereczki in December 1971, e n tit le d "Cheremis Folksongs". The c o lle c tio n contains 320 re c e n tly recorded M o u n ta in - , For- est- and East-Cheremis fo lksongs, in a musical system atiz­a tio n . The m usical m ateria l is preceded by a large disser­ta tion on the characte ris tics o f Cheremis fo lk music. In the annota tions, a ll m elod ic texts are translated in to English and H ungarian. The musical m ateria l is complemented by 55 photographs (560 pages, in English).

The record publish ing company FUG A (H e ls in k i, F in land) issued a new record ing e n title d "F inno -U grian M u s ic " from the C e n tra l-V o lg a re g io n , co lle c te d by D r. Laszlo V ik a r.In the re co rd , there are Cherem is, V o tyak and M ordvin fo lk ­songs.

D r. B a lin t Sarosi re ce n tly com pleted a series o f 100 programs in the Hungarian R adio, ca lle d "O ur M usical M other -Tongue ". (O ne 10-m inute program w e e k ly ).

Another fo lk music series for the Hungarian Radio produced by members o f the Folk M usic Research G roup is near com -

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p le tio n . The t i t le of the series is: "100 Evenings, 100 Folksongs". (Tw ice m onth ly).

The Folk Dance Departm ent o f our Research G roup has f in ­ished shooting 2000 meters o f f ilm (p a rtly in sound) in 16 v illa g e s in the past 9 months. The h is to rica l analysis of Hungarian partner dances and g ir ls ' c irc le dances is now in progress.

Since September 1971, M r. Laszlc/Dobszay and D r. Laszlo' V ika r gave regular folksong lessons to about 20 Am erican , C anad ian , French, Japanese and Swedish music teachers, who have been studying the Hungarian system o f musical ed­ucation .

The manuscript of the s ixth volume o f "M agyar Ne'pzene T ara" (Corpus Musicae Popularis H ungaricae), presenting the oldest s ty le o f Hungarian fo lk music, is in the press.(In Hungarian and in English).

Folk M usic and M usic H istory (M usica L itera ta et l l l i te ra ta ) w i l l be the t i t le of the book series to be published under the ed ito rsh ip o f the Folk M usic Research G roup. The firs t vo lum e, w ith English summaries, w i l l be issued th is year.

Among the members of the Folk M usic Research Group the fo llo w in g were abroad to conduct conferences or to study or c o lle c t fo lk music in the fie ld : Miss Ilona Borsai and D r. Istvan Halmos in Rumania, M r. Laszlo Dobszay and Miss Janka Szendrey in Y ugoslav ia , M r. Agoston La'nyi and D r. Laszlo V ika r in F in land , D r.E rno Pesovar in West G erm any, D r. B a lin t Sarosi in B u lgaria , D r. G yorgy Szomjas in C zech­oslovakia and D r. Lajos Vargyas in France.

In the spring o f 1972, D r. Ba lin t Sarosi and D r. Laszlo V ika r w i l l trave l to the Soviet Union for several weeks o f research. D r. Sarosi w i l l be in the Caucasus region and D r. V ika r w i l l be among the F inno-U grian and Turk ic people of the C e n tra l-V o lg a reg ion .

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I .N . I . D . E . F . A c t iv it ie s of 1971

Between 12 A p r il and 16 December a course in "G enera l Ethnomusicology and Ethnom usico logica l Analysis of the Latin Am erican A re a " was h e ld , the firs t course o f Ethno­m usicology and Fo lk lore aimed a t Latin A m e rica , attended by eleven scholarship w inners: one from Uruguay, one from B o liv ia , one from Paraguay, three from C o lom b ia , one from Panama, two from Honduras, one from Costa Rica and one from Suriname (the firs t ten being scholarsh ip-holders of the

O A S , and the last of I .N . I .D . E .F .) . In a d d it io n , seven Venezuelans attended the course e ithe r as regular students or as aud itors.

The subject matter inc luded: E thnom usicology, F o lk lo ro lo g y , Phenomenology, Techniques of F ie ld In ves tig a tio n , C a ta log ­u ing and A rc h iv in g , M us ico lo gy , O rga no log y , Extensions of Fo lk lo re in to Education, M usica l Transcription and Dance M ethodo logy . The teachers who were encharged w ith te ach ­ing th is m ateria l were: D ra. Isabel A re tz ; Prof. Luis Felipe Ramon y R ivera; L icenciada M abel M am bre tti; Prof. A lva ro Fernaud; Prof. Jose C lem ente Laya; Prof. Gustavo S ilva .The classes were complemented w ith f ie ld trips undertaken by the scho la rsh ip -ho lders , who made recordings and present­ed an a n a ly tic a l repo rt.

An in te rna tion a l meeting was held in Caracas, 22 -30 N o v ­ember, organized by U N ESC O , on M usic in Latin A m erica . In the m eeting , D ra. Isabel A re tz represented the Republics o f V enezuela and A rgen tina in the w ork ing group designated to study T ra d itio na l M usic in Latin A m erica .

- 1 0 -

A few paragraphs w hich re la te d ire c t ly to IN IDEF are here­w ith transcribed:

I I I . Scope o f the Proposed Plan12. It is proposed tha t the establishm ent tha t w i l l commence

to organize and implem ent the plans proposed in this m eeting be the In te r-A m erican Institu te o f Ethnomusic­o logy and Folk lore (IN ID E F ) located in Caracas, w hich must augment its human, te chn ica l and m echanical re ­sources by means o f co llabo ra tion w ith the Latin Am er­ican countries and UNESCO as w e ll as other in te rn a tio n ­al e n titie s .

IV . A ccord and Im plementation of the Proposed Plane) The m ateria l copied shall be sent to U N ESCO . Those no t used shall be sent to IN ID E F , th e ir u t i l iz a t io n being reserved accord ing to the p u b lica tio n contracts w h ich shall be established regarding ed itions.

2 . Publications

14. The experts a ttend ing this meeting ask the support o f UNESCO for the Spanish and Portuguese tran s la tio n , and fo r the p ub lish ing , of basic m usico log ica l works w ritte n in other languages, as w e ll as fo r a p e riod ica l pub lica tion w hich w i l l bring together the b ib liog raphy on records and books ded ica ted to tra d itio n a l Latin Am ­erican m usic, overcom ing in th is w ay the present in form ­a tio n a l d e f ic i t , and gathering them together besides in the ce n tra lize d arch ives (IN ID E F ) and other reg iona l ones.

In the course of the yea r, 27 m agnetic tapes were deposited in IN IDEF by the N a tio n a l Ins titu te o f M usico logy o f the Republic of A rg en tina ;-the y conta in copies o f co lle c tion s made by Isabel A re tz in f ie ld tr ip s , and the discs of Luis T. Laffer "C h im banguelero" w ith "G a ita s , Decim as, C u lt of San Benito and other Z u lia fo lk lo re fo rm s", "C h icham aya, Folk lore o f the Venezuelan G u a jira " , w h ich contains musical transcrip tions made in the states o f Z u lia and M erida .

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In the month of June the p rin tin g o f A fro -V enezue lan M u s ic , by Luis Felipe Ramon y R ivera, was com pleted; i t as a book dea ling w ith A fro -V enezue lan ethnomusic ed ited by the C entra l U n ive rs ity of Venezuela .

In the month of December the a r t ic le "T rad ition and V igour o f C hris tm as", by Luis Felipe Ramon y R ivera , appeared, pub­lished in N o tic ia s Texaco (Texaco N ew s).

Study Group

The Study-group for Research and Publica tion o f H is to r­ic a l Sources of Folk M usic w i l l hold its 3rd session from Sept­ember 18 -23 , 1972, in Sazospatak, H ungary, under the pa t­ronage o f the Hungarian Academ y o f Sciences. The theme is "The Exposition and Discussion of in d ire c t Sources of fo lk music from before 1500. In add ition to the members o f the Study G rou p , a ll other interested persons inc lu d ing those from neighbouring d isc ip lin e s , are welcome to p a rtic ip a te .

Interested members are asked to co n ta c t one o f the lead­ers o f the Studygroup. a) Prof. D r. Benjamin R a jeczky, Budapest I, H ungary, Uri u. 49: b) Prof. D r. W olfgang Suppan, D78 F re ibu rg , S ilberbachstr. 13, Germ any.


The th ird meeting of this Study G roup w i l l be, as a lready announced, in Sarospatak, Hungary. The members should meet on Sunday 17 .9 .1972 a t 2 o 'c lo c k in Budapest; from there on a bus goes d ire c t to Sarospatak.

During the meetings a tr ip to Tokaj w i l l take p lace w ith a demonstration o f liv in g F o lk tra d ition s , around Sarospatak. The return by bus to Budapest on the 2 3 .9 .1 9 7 2 w i l l go by way o f Eger/E rlau (w ith s ightseeing). *.

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The cost of the bus tr ip w i l l be taken care o f by the Hungarian Academ y o f Sciences, so th a t members on ly need th e ir ticke ts to Budapest.

The d a ily cost for food and sleeping quarters is estim ­ated as 10 or 15 german marke. I request your reg istra tion

now ,so tha t the Hungarian Academ y can send you your in v i t ­a tion in good tim e so tha t you can use the in v ita tio n to fa c ­il ita te ge ttin g your V isa. Lectures and discussion c o n tr ib ­utions are welcom e: these should c h ie fly concern the "Exposition and Discussion of in d ire c t sources o f fo lk music from before 1500. "

Prof. D r. W olfgang Suppan

C om ing Events

IN T E R N A T IO N A L M U S IC O LO G IC A L SOCIETYCopenhagen, Denmark August 2 0 -2 5 , 1972


Septembre 5 -9 , 1972

INSTITUT FUR AUFFUHRUNGSPRAXIS DER HOCHSCHULE FUR M USIK UND DARSTELLENDE KUNST IN GRAZ w i l l run an in te rna tion a l cong ress,en titled "V io lin p lay ing and V io lin music in h is to ry , and at the present day . "

G ra z , AustriaJune 25-2nd J u ly , 1972

IN T E R N A T IO N A L SOCIETY FOR THE RESEARCH IN J A Z Z w i l l hold its 2nd Conference

Strobl near St. W o lfgang , AustriaA p r il 1 7 -22 , 1972

Jazz investigators from A fr ic a , Am erica and Europe w i l l read papers.

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PHILADELPHIA FOLK FESTIVAL Eleventh Annual Ph ilade lph ia Folk Festival

Pool's Farm, U pper-Salford Township, Pa. USA August 2 5 -2 7 , 1972

Reports of Liaison O fficers


A rian o Suassuna, d ram atis t, poet and n o v e lis t, who has contribu ted so much to the subject o f fo lk lo re of the B razilian N o rth East, introduced in 1971 in Rio de Ja n e iro , the "arm ­o r ia l" movement in music. It is a c u ltu ra l movement based m ain ly on the search fo r the most au then tic musical constants of fo lk music.

The m usic, handed down by the firs t co lon is ts , is preserved in the popular c o lle c tio n o f ba llads, sung by the N o rth East­ern singers (ballads and musical challenges) to the accom pan­iment o f the v io la and f id d le .

The melodies are played by the A rm oria l Chamber O rches­tra , made up of the classic com bination of strings and percuss­io n , w h ich varies accord ing to the music p layed; and , a lso , when necessary, tw o transverse flu tes appear. The flu tes represent the pifes (rustic flu tes tra d it io n a lly used in instrum­enta l groups from the in te rio r o f B ra z il).

Pifes and the percussion instruments correspond in the A rm oria l O rchestra to the most popular ensemble in the rural area o f the N orth East, ca lle d zabumba in Pernambuco and esquenta-m ulher in A lagoas e tc .

The A rm oria l O rches tra , d irec ted by the v io l in is t Cussy de A lm e id a , w ith fifte e n members, appeared on 30 M ay 1971 on Rio de Jane iro Televis ion and in the C e c ilia M eire les H a ll, scoring a great success not on ly fo r its recrea tion of fo lk music in sophisticated terms but also fo r the appearance there o f au then tic fo lk musicians.

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The School of M usic of the Federal University of R io de Janeiro offered, from 4 to 25 M a y , an Extension Course on Brazilian music, 2 classes being devoted to musical fo lk lore, illustrated by folk dances. K le ide Pereira spoke on "The Folklore Contribution of Rio G rande do S u l" and Du lce M a r­tins Lamas on "Aspects of North Eastern Fo lk lo re ".

The Centre for Folklore Research of the School of M u sic , Federal University of Rio de Jane iro, promoted two public sessions on 15 and 22 Novem ber on "M yths and their M o t­ivations in Brazilian M u s ic " , with the participation of the

M usica l Folklore class.

The Museum of Fine Arts of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro organized in September and October a course called "Know Brazil through its F o lk lo re " given by Professor Du lce Martins Lamas in which appeared folk groups who per­formed dances like maculele (Bahia), bum ba-m eu-boi (Par- a iba), different dances from Rio Grande do Su l, and fetish

dances (Guanabara).

The 1st Festival of North Eastern A rt, under the auspices of the Pernambuco Secretariat of Education and Culture, had

on its program:(a) Presentation of the A fro-Bah ian orchestra composed

of students from the intermediate schools of Salvador (Bahia).(b) Concert by the Arm orial O rchestra, presented by

A riano Suassuna.

During the month of August to commemorate Folklore D a y , many folklore performances were given in Brazil:

In A lagoa s, the Department of Science and Culture off­ered a "Course on Popular A rt, " presenting popular revelries of the region. In Bahia the State Co llege put on a Festival, presenting several folk groups who dances the sam bg-de- roda , m acule le , capoe ira . candom ble.

In Brasilia, the Department of Tourism presented the

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V I I I Folklore Festival, with an exhib ition of a Samba School from R i o d e Janeiro. In Sao Paulo, the M un ic ip a l Library, apart from other promotions, organized processions of folk groups who performed and danced mqyambiques, caterete, con gad o s, danyas gauchas, fo lia de re is.

In Rio de Jane iro , amongst many song and dance dem­onstrations, there were the Samba Schools who put on e xh i­bitions of fo lk dances, e specia lly the sam ba.


Am ong the activ ities of the Folk M usic Society of Ire­land which receive priority is the publication of an annual journal (languages: English and Irish). For the present, the editorial committee consists of Dr. Seoirse Bodley, M r. Breandan Breathnach and Dr. Hugh Shields, and correspon­dence about it may be addressed to the Hon. Sec. of the Soc iety, M iss Ao ileann N i E igearta igh, 37 B^thar A rdphairce, Baile A tha C lia th 6.

Hugh Shields


I - P U B L IC A T IO N S :1) Y U V A L - Studies of the Jewish M usic Research C en ­tre; edited by Israel Ad le r, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Vo l. I, Jerusalem, 1968.

2) Y U V A L - etc. .. , Vo l. II, Jerusalem, 1971.

These are the first two volumes of m usicological stu­dies concerning the research of Jewish music in all its w ider aspects. It is the first attempt to organize the many ind ividual activ ities of Israeli folklorists and mus­icologists as well as international specialists from all

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over the world in this sphere and to bring the results of their research to mutual knowledge. A rtic les are written in English and French with Hebrew abstracts.. Emphasis is led on origina l research and interpretation of historical treatises on the subject of Jewish M usic and on the ana l­ysis and decyphering of new recordings. Am ong the authors of the first volume - w h ich , by the w ay, is ded­icated to Prof. Eric Werner - are: the late H ig ino Ang les (Rome), Jacques C h a ille y (Paris), D ika N ew lin (U SA ), Bence Szabolcsi (Budapest), and among the Is­raelis: Israel Ad le r, Hanoch Avenary, Moshe Barasch, Bathia Bayer, D a lia Cohen and Ruth Katz, Edith G erson- K iw i, Av igdor Herzog, Amnon Sh iloah , Nehem ia A lo n i and Shlomo Hofman. In the back of this 1st volume a booklet of transcriptions from origina l recordings is en-

c I osed.Am ong the authors of the second volume are: Joseph

Smits van W aesberghe (H olland), Eric Werner (U SA ) and, as a newcomer to the Israeli forum, Andre Hajdu whose contribution is enriched by a 7 " L. P. record inserted in ­

to the cover.

3) O R B IS M U S IC A E , Studies and M u sico lo gy , issued

by the Dept, of M u sico lo gy Tel A v iv University, Vo l. I, summer 1971.

This is a new sem i-annual, dedicated to the research of traditional music and music research around the world (whereas the above mentioned Y U V A L is specia lized in Jewish music only). The journal is published by the Department of M u sico lo gy at the Tel A v iv University (editorial board: E. W erner, E. G e rso n -K iw i, H. A v e n - a r i, H. Schm ueli, J . Cohen) and aims at providing a forum for the exchange of thought, and criticism for Ethnomusicologists around the globe. In particular, O R B IS M U S IC A E tries to bridge over East and West in making acquainted with each other research workers from the Asian and A frican continents to the European, Am erican and Austra lian ones. Together with articles on ethnom usicological problems, the journal w ill always

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include articles of musical actualities in our time. A r ­ticles are in English, French and German. Am ong the international contributions of the first volume are:Eric Werner ( N . Y . ), Egon W eile sz (O xford ), H .H . Stuckenschm idt (Berlin), Hans Tischler (Bloom ington), Mohammad Taghi Masoudieh (Persia), Paul A . Pisk (V ienna ), Eckhard Neubauer (Frankfurt). From Israel:H. A vena ri, A . Sh iloah , D . Halperin and Don Harran.

4) H. A V E N A R I - HEBREW H Y M N T U N E S - Israel M u sic Institute, Tel A v iv 1971.

This is a selection of 18 ancient Jewish prayers and Hymn tunes from medieval times until this day. Each of the 18 tunes represented here is provided with a thorough analysis of the literary as w ell as musical sources. At the same time, each of the 18 tunes has been set into the frame of its liturgical functions thus providing a v iv id new musical liturgy in Jewish cult.


1) Recordings made at the phonotheque of the Research Center for Jewish M usic , Jerusalem, comprise a great number of new recordings among which may be mentioned those of Hassidic music as published in " Y U V A L " by Andre Hajdu.

2) A t the Phonogram A rch ive s of Jewish and O riental M u sic (D ir. E. G e rson -K iw i), a great number of new recordings has been made of the Folk M usic of Kurd is­tan i Jews as w ell as those from Yemen and M orocco.

Artic les published by M rs. E. Gerson -K iw i in 1971-72 inconnection with recordings recently made are:

- M usica l Instruments of the Western O rien t. Booklet acc. by 15 dias (colour pictures). Israel M in istry of Culture, Jerusalem, 1970.

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- O rien t-O kz iden t-Bez iehungen : Dargestellt an den Tonsys-temen Asiens und ihrer Formung Handbuch des V o lk s - liedes. W. F in k -V e rla g , M unchen, 1971.

- The M usic of Kurdistani Jews. A Synopsis of their M usica lStyles. "Y u v a l " - Studies of the Jewish Research Centre, vo l. 2, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1971,

pp. 59 -72 .- O n the Technique of Arab Taqsim Com position. - Fest­

schrift Walter G raf, pp. 6 6 -7 3 , W iener m usikw issen- schaftliche Beitrage, vo l. 9, V ienna , 1970.

- Beethoven's Sacred Drama "Engedi - D avid in the W ilde r­ness" ("Christus am O e lb e rge ") - a Re-va luation . - Report of the Int. Congress of M u sico lo gy , Bonn 1970 (in print)

- A rab isch -islam ische M usik . M eyers Lex ikon , Mannheim ,

1971.- Drone and Dyaphonia basilica. Yearbook of the Int.

Folk M usic C ounc il, vo l. 4 , C h ica go , 1972.- Harfen- und Lautentypen aus M itte lasien und ihre topo-

graphischen Abw andlungen. Festschrift Kurt von Fischer, Z u rich , 1972 (in print).

- Entries for "Encycloped ia Juda ica ": A . Z ide lsohn, LeoKestenberg, Robert Lachm ann, Egon W e lle sz, Kurdistani M u s ic , e tc ., Jerusalem, 1971.


The X X ls t Conference of the IF M C which was held in Jam aica in 1971 in conjunction with the X I 1th Conference of the Inter-Am erican M usic Council (C ID E M ) has had a very stimulating effect on the local Folk M usic Research Programme.

Interest from home and abroad has greatly increased re ­sulting in several requests for tapings, photographs, inform­ation, lecture demonstrations and programmes of Jamaican M usic . It is at times a strain on the slender human and other resources of the Research Project, but one that we welcome.

The Government increased the Staff by one in November

in answer to an urgent request for technical help on the

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sound recording side. This has made it possible for the tape for the IF M C disc requested by the Executive Board in Sept­ember 1971 to be prepared.

In Novem ber Jam aica was represented at the U N E S C O Conference of "W ork ing Groups for the Study of M usic in Latin Am erica - For the purpose of putting forward a programme of long term action for the conservation and diffusion of Latin Am erica 's M usica l T rad itions", held in Venezuela. There were very fruitful discussions on various aspects of traditional culture and its present day sign ificance , as well as of plans for h igh lighting its importance. Submissions for Caribbean participation with the help of U N E S C O have been forwarded to the Head O ffice of that O rgan iza tion .

Through the O rgan iza tion of Am erican States the Jamaican Folk Singers were invited to Argentina to partic­ipate in their N a tiona l Festival of Folklore, Cosquin. The group found it a most inspiring and stimulating experience. Added to this was the joy of being judged the best foreign group and awarded the O A S Plaque.

A book of Jam aican songs compiled by this O ff ic e is now in the Press, by the generosity of the O . A . S .

A t home there have been scores of talks, lecture demon­strations and presentations of fo lk material on rad io, TV, in schools, libraries, theatres, hotels and for private organ­izations. The project has also been helping students with research assignments, and has been host to visitors from C an ­ada, the U . S . A . and Grenada who have been in search of information and material.

The U .S . Government through its local Embassy present­ed the project with a N agra (Stereo) tape recorder which has proved invaluable on field trips.


The G renadian Governm ent has been w orking on the co llec ting , documentation and use of that country 's folklore with heartening results. The agency responsible is app ly ing

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for membership of the IFM C , and has established close work­ing ties w ith the Jam aican Research Project.


G uyana is planning a month long Festival of Arts in Georgetown beginning mid August. Included w ill be folk song and fo lk dance groups from various South American and Caribbean countries. Jam a ica has been asked to take part and plans to do so.


Helen Creighton - Publications in Folk Culture no. 1: Folksongs from Southern N ew Brunswick, N a tiona l Museum of M an.

Wolfgang Laade - Neue Musik in A fr ik a , Asien und Ozean- ien-Diskographie und historisch-stilistischer Uberb lick.

A . Danielou and K . Vatsyayan - Kathakali - DancedTheater of India (in French and Germ an) - International Institute for Comparative Music Studies, Berlin.

A . Danielou - Bharata Natyam - The C lassical Dance of India (in French and Germ an) - International Institute for Comparative Music Studies, Berlin .

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Obituary Notices


It is w ith deep regret that we announce the death of Richard Waterm an, Professor of Anthropology at the Univer - sity of Tampa, and a member of the IFM C from its earliest years. An extended obituary notice w ill appear at a later date .


It is w ith deep regret that we announce the death on February 16th at Bristol, England, of V io le t A lfo rd , who had for many years been a valued member of the International Folk Music C ouncil. She was, in fa c t, one of the pioneers whose interest and work contributed ind irectly to the form­ation of the C oun c il, for she took an ac tive part in the In­ternational Folk Dance Conference held in London in 1935, an event which paved the w ay for the founding of the Inter­national Folk Music Council tw elve years later.

She became interested in fo lk lo re , including folk dance and folk song, in her early years and she devoted the rest of her life to research into the many aspects of the subject.Her unremitting zeal combined with an adventurous spirit and liv e ly mind have resulted in many va luab le an illum inating writings. Her publications include Peeps at English Folk- Dances, 1923; The Traditional Dance (w ith Rodney G a llo p ), 1935; Pyrenean Festiva ls, 1937; Introduction to English Fo lk ­lore , 1952; The Singing of the Travels: In Search of Dance and Dram a, 1956; Sword Dance and Dram a, 1962; beside many articles in journals, including those of the Folklore Society and the English Folk Dance and Song Soc ie ty . Her last book on the Hobby Horse, on w hich she had been engaged for many years, w ill appear shortly. It is sad that she did not live to see its publication.

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V A S IL H A D Z IM A N O V (1906-1969)

New s of the death of Vasil Hadzim anov, on December 16, 1969, came as a shock to his colleagues abroad. Indeed he had attended the IF M C Conference at Edinburgh only a few months earlier. A s representative of Radio Skopje, Y u g ­oslavia he came to seven IF M C Conferences, beginn ing in 1958, and presented papers in 1960, 1962 and 1964, on M a c ­edonian music. (See the summary in J IF M C 12 (1960), and articles in volumes 15, and 17, part 2 . )

M r. Hadzim anov began to co llect fo lk songs in 1927/28 in his spare time. He taught himself to p lay fo lk instruments, and sang so successfully on the Yugoslav radio that he be­came known before the war as the best singer of M acedonian songs in the country. After the Second W orld War he was placed in charge of the fo lk music programs at Radio Skopje, w ith an opportunity to continue co llecting and publishing as

wel I .His collections of M acedon ian fo lk songs and dances

number over 8000 items. O n tape he recorded not on ly M a c ­edonian songs, but also about 700 A lban ian fo lk songs and dances (presumably from the A lban ians in M acedon ia ), and some 500 laments sung in the days fo llow ing the disastrous Skopje earthquake in 1963. From all this about 800 songs with music have been published in collections.

The new Skopje folklore journal M akedonski Folklor , edited by Bla'ze R istovski, carries an article about Hadzim anov in V o l. I, no. 1 1968, which includes a list of his published fo lk music collections and his articles. He w ill long be remembered not only as a collector of his native music, but also for his warm and infectious enthusiasm for fo lk music.

Barbara Krader

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International Folk Music CouncilDepartment of Music

Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada

President:Professor Willard Rhodes

Hon. President:Dr. Maud Karpeles, O.B.E. (United Kingdom)

V ice-Presidents:Dr. Claudie Marcel-Dubois (France)

Professor Dr. Walter Wiora (German Federal Republic) Professor K. P. Wachsmann (U.S.A.)

Treasurer:Mr. T. H. R. Parkinson

Hon. Executive Secretary:Professor Graham George (Canada)

Executive Board:Senora Isabel Aretz de Ram6n y Rivera (Venezuela) Professor Luiz Heitor Correa De Azevedo (Brazil)

Mr. P. Crossley-Holland (United Kingdom)Dr. Edith Gerson-Kiwi (Israel)

Mr. Douglas Kennedy, O.B.E. (United Kingdom)Professor Dr. Egon Kraus (German Federal Republic)

Professor J. H. Nketia (Ghana)Mr. Poul Rovsing Olsen (Denmark)

Professor Roger Pinon (Belgium)Professor Dr. M. Pop (Rumania)

Professor Dr. B. Rajeczky (Hungary)Professor A. Ringer (United States of America)

Dr. Erich Stockmann (German Democratic Republic)Dr. Karel Vetterl (Czechoslovakia)

Dr. V. Vodusek (Yugoslavia)Professor K. P. Wachsmann (U.S.A.)

Committee on Radiotelevision and Sound/Film Archives: Chairman: Miss Marie Slocombe (United Kingdom)

Secretary: Miss Olive Lewin (Jamaica)Chairmen of Study Groups:

Research and Editing of Sources of Folk Music before 1800:Dr. Wolfgang Suppan (German Federal Republic)Folk Music Instruments: Dr. Erich Stockmann (German Democratic Republic)

The Systemization of Folk Songs: Dr. Karel Vetterl (Czechoslovakia)




Suiuz na Bulgarskite Kompositori, Sofia, BulgariaCANADIAN FOLK MUSIC SOCIETY

President: Professor Gaston Allaire,Universite de Moncton, N.B., Canada


Cs. Akademie Ved., Grohova 7, Brno, Czechoslovakia Secretaries: Dr. Oskar Elschek1 and Dr. Jaroslav MarklGERMAN DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE

President: Dr. Habil Jurgen Eisner,Musikwissenschaft Humboldt — Universitiit Berlin, 108 Berlin, Germany

GERMAN FEDERAL NATIONAL COMMITTEE President: Professor Dr. Egon Kraus,

D-2900 Oldenburg, Wallgraben 5, GermanyHUNGARIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE

Secretary: Professor Jeno Adam,Moszkva-ter 14, Budapest XII, HungaryITALIAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE Secretary: Professor Diego Carpitella

c /o Centro naz. Studi di musica popolare,Via Vittoria 6, Roma, Italy


Secretary: Mr. H. F. Jans,PI. Muidergracht 65/11, Amsterdam, Netherlands


Vice-President: Professor Tiberiu Alexandra Str. Nikos Beloiannis 25, Bucharest, Rumania

UNITED STATES NATIONAL COMMITTEE President: Professor Charles Haywood

Secretary: Mrs. Ruth Rubin,245 West 107 Street, New York, N.Y., 10025, U.S.A.

VENEZUELA NATIONAL COMMITTEE Dr. Isabel Aretz de Ramon y Rivera,

Instituto nacional de cultura y bellas artes Caracas,Republica de Venezuela

YUGOSLAV NATIONAL COMMITTEE President: Dr. Valens Vodusek Secretary: Mrs. R. Petrovic

Knez Mihilova 35, Beograd, Yugoslavia
