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Burlington weekly free press. (Burlington, VT) 1919-09-04...

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10 (Continued frnm tinge fnn) Wells anfl Richard fhusc. The only con- testing team wns that of Jeffe rsnnvlllo which won the cup last year. The cup will remain wit h the team winning twice nut of three times. It will on placed on exhibition III oho of the store windows. PrlnclB.il L. H. Hums of the People's Academy acted as Judge of the contest. W. W. Aers ami son, George 11. Ayers, lolrl their stock at auction Tuesday. Twenty cows were sold at -- prices from Ml" lo $13.1 and seven hulls, alt yearlings hut one nt fioin $;?) to $t0. Mrs. Dover Southntrl and daughter of Richmond, Me , and her mother, Mrs. .I0I111 Porter, and sou, George, of Walden were visitors for tho week-en- d and the home of Mis. Southard's uncle and mint, Mr. and Mis. S M Porter, of Moscow, ft, M. Porter has bargnined with Mark L, Shaw for the sale of his farm.Ronsom CJoodell has purchased the Luther Bedell farm In Brownsville. Miss Kate O. Jones, who haa passed the summer with Miss Cluni Barrows, returned Wednesday to Lowell, Mass. Mls Beslo Brown and aunt, Mrs. Colo', who have paused the summer ,U "Seven Springs," have returned this week to Boston. Ft. W. Rarrnws, who Is past P.I and the oldest resident of Stowe, has completed cradling a field of wheat raised by his son, Dr. H. W. Barrows. There 11 be about ten bushels of the wheat. Notwithstanding the dry weather dur- ing so much of the summer, gardens In thlp locality ate giving an abun- dant yield of vopetnbles. tn some par- dons peas were a failure and sweet corn has not filled out well, but other vegetables are dolnc well. An unu- sual absence of the common house fly has hewn noticed In this vicinity this season and has been much appreciated. Mr nnd Mrs. IT. C. McMahon left Tuesday on a vacation trip by auto- mobile polnp to Snrnnno Lake and from there to Boston Henry 3. Jenney, Jr., returned Wednesday from Florida, where he has lived for several years and where he served In the coast guards durlnp a part of the war. Mr. Jenney will remain In Stowe for the present. Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Cary were In Sunday to visit their nephew, vnilard Cary. who has hail the end of his left thumb cut off In an accident. J F. Cnry has heen dlsahled for some time by the effects of a carbuncle on the left wrist George S. Harris and his sister, Miss Margaret Harris, left M ednesday to resume their teachlnp In the towns of Montclalr and Morris-tow- N. J They were accompanied by their brother. Harlan H. Harris, re- cently returned from the European war, who expects to And employment. In Keene, .V. H., wherp their hrother, Dwlpht W. Harris, Is employed In a bank. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Lawrence and chil- dren, Gladys, Hart and Arthur Lawxence, visited Mr. Lawrence's brother, Otis Iyawrence, In Montpoller Sunday. Mrs. Lawrence hrother, Ambrose Larow, of Northfleld. who accompanied them home was accompanied to Middlesex by Mrs. Lawrence's daughter. Mrs. Esther Hart Smith. Mrs. Elizabeth C.larkson returned Tuesday from a business trip of several weeks to Chicago. Mrs. Mary Heed Ayers Is employed as clerk at G. W. Buzzoll's dry poods store. .Mrs. C. A. Sim- mons is also asslstinp durlnp the absence of Mr. Buzzell, who is in camp at Mallctts Bay with his family. The followlnp are the recent arrivals at Pleasant View House. Moscow: Miss Mabel Gray. New York city; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Safford, "WolleMon. Mass.: Mr. and Mrs. Fred ..Boyden. Wollaelon, Mass.; Loyal Safford, Montreal; Wendell Boyden, Wollaston, 'Mass.; Mr. and Mrs, William Morse and daughter, Elizabeth, .Vow Haven, Conn.; Mrs. A. W. Forbes, New Haven, Conn.: ,Wifllza.beth Feeney, New Haven, Conn.; Miss-Mart- Bowe.n, Waterhury, Conn.: 'Miss Fredrika Hodgdon, AVaterbury, 'Conn. MORRISVILLE An interesting meetlnp of Lamoille county thrift workers, in charpe of the county chairman, Mrs. H. Shaw of Stowe, was held at the academy hall Saturday afternoon. An Inspiring' address was delivered by Mrs. Myra B. Lord, district director of the woman's organi- zation for New England, with Ueadquar-ter- s in Boston. Other very Interesting remarks were made by the State chair- man, Mrs. D. C. Jortes of AVaterbury, Field Secretary Charles S. Parker of Montgomery, Mrs. Lola Douglass of otowe and the town chairman, the Rev. W. T. Best. The speakers were intro- duced in a pleaslnp manner h the county chairman. Mrs. H E. Shaw of Stowe. The purpose of the thrift and movement, now being con ducted by the savings division of the t'nltert States treasury department, is for the betterment of the financial condi- tion of every Individual, man, woman nnd child. The most valuable asset in winning the world war was the practise of thrift and realizing this great value is .why the government has sent out ngents to keep the fact before the minds nf the people. W. H. Boardman of Fair fax spent the week-en- d with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. M. H. Roardman. 31 r. and Mrs. George Clark and chil- dren, Mae and Francis, and Miss Flor- ence Chaffee returned Saturday evening from a several weeks' stay In Maine. Miss Bessie Ryder returned Saturday evening frnm Sugar Hill, N, II., where she has been employed throughout the summer. Mis Ryder will soon go lo Barre, where she has been engaged to teach the coming year. The funeral of Fred "Elmor Wheeler, whose death occur- red August &- -, followlnp an illness of several weeks, was held Friday after- noon at two o'clock from his late home on Bridge street. The Rev. George F. Fortier, pastor of the t'niversallsl Church, officiated, and burial was made in the cemetery at Wolcott, The bear- ers were his three brothers, Carroll, Eugene, Jr., and Clarence Wheeler, nnd R. Rruce McDonald. At the grave a Mns-onl- service was conducted. Mr. Wheeler was In Wolcott September fi, 3866. the son of ,1, Eugene and Emma A. (Towne) Wheeler. He was twice married: To Angy ). Brown of Wolcott f years ago nnd years ago to Mrs. Gussle Bassett Lllley of this town, who survives him, with a step-so- Wil- liam Lllley. of this town; a father, .1. Eugene Wheeler of North Wolcott, and three brothers, Eugene, Jr., and Clar- ence of Wolcott and Carroll of Llshon, N, Y. He had made Wolcott hi home until iWS. coming from there lo e, where he had since ' resided and been incorporated in the blacksmith business with It. Bruce .McDonald. Mr, Wheeler was an nttendenl at the I 11I. versallst Church, a Mason and a momber or the wolcott camp of m. v. a. tie was a much respected citizen, a kind neighbor, and his loss In the community will be long felt. The beautiful pro. fusion of flowers marked the high esteem In which he was held by tils many friends. Miss Apnea Hodges wcut lo Wolcott Monday, wheie she has buen encaged to teach the coming year, Miss Hattlo Bur- roughs went Monday to Burlington, where she will take up a course In training at the Mary Fletcher hospital. Miss Bessie Bickford of East Hlgtlgate was a week-en- d guest at the home of her brother, G. D. Bickford. Mrs, Henry Fisher went Monday to White River Junction to tpend a few weeks with her deter, Mrs. C. P.. Jameson. Mr. and Mre. Alton Parks of Hardwlck were Monday visitors In eaCWllllam Whipple, who has been spending a few weeks with his .rootJVef, Mrs. Cora Whipple, returned Mtfhday to his duties In Boston. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. C, Page Sr., nf Woburn, Mass, were week-en- d pltcsts of their son and wife, Mr, and Mrs. D, C. Page Jr., nt the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Minnie Smnl-le- y. Mrs. Nettle taw, who has been spendlnp a few dnys In town with her father. Stephen Brnrkctt, left Monday for Washington, .V. H., to spend a few days with friends before returning tn her duties In Mlddlebury. Mrs. Marlon Orout returned Monday from East Hardwlck, where she has heen spending n few days with her niece, Mrs. W, O. Jeffords. Miss Ella Taylor nnd trimmer, Miss Jessie, Taylor of Montreal, left Monday for Bos- ton, to purchase the fall line of millinery. Miss Gladys Burgess, who has been spendlnp two weeks In town with her hi other A, C, Burgees, returned Monday to her home In Waltham, Mass. Miss Nellie M Da. vis of Lyndnnvtlle was a week-en- d guest at tno home of her cou- sin, D. N. Sanders. Miss Marion Little returned Monday to her home In e, Mass., after a few days spent twlth her cousin, Miss Mne Chase. The 'Misses Hodsdon of Brookllne, Man., are lcglstercd at Hotel Randall. Miss Gladys St. Louis of Burlington spent Sunday nnd Monday In town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. St. Louis. Mis Marjorle Collins, who has been the guest a few days nt thp L. C. Emmons home, returned to her home In Waterhury Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. G. Terrlll spnt Labor Day with their parents in I'nderhlll. Miss Peitha Page of North Hyde Park was a Sunday guest nt the home of Ernest Cross. Through the C. J. Ohen real estate dealers the E. H. EeJIs farm has been sold to Adelald Wemas. A very pleasant event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bedell Friday afternoon, the occasion helnp the 70th birthday an- niversary of their uncle, H. T, Blakely of Waterhury. Dinner was served on the lawn, the tables being prettily decorated with popples and golden plow and laden with good things to est. The after- noon was pleasantly spent nnd supper was served on the porch after which music was enjoyed, both vocal and in- strumental. Those present from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Blnkely of Wntcrbury, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Blnkely of Hartford, Conn., Mrs. Carrie Moody of Providence, R. 1. Mr. Blakely' sisters, Mrs. Carrie Barrows and Mrs. Mary Bedell, and several nieces were also pree-en- t. JEFFERSONVILLE Xenl Carpenter of Charlotte was an over-Sund- visitor at the home of T. N. Vlde.tor Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sever- ance of Boston have been stopping the last week at I. M Powell's, C. B. Richards is moving into Mrs. L. J. Smith's house. B. E. Reynolds, M. S. Hawley, Mrs. W. M. Reynolds and Miss Smalley were In Burlington Saturday. A kitchen shower was given Miss Flor ence Cornell of Morrisvllle nt the home of Judge Cornell Friday evening, which was attended by 15 young ladles. .Mrs. ,. J Brown was in Montpeller Saturday to attend the funeral of her step-brothe- r. Judge Melville E. Smilie. Thirty couple attended the M. W. A. dance at Morse's hall Friday evening. Excellent music was furnished for dancing by Isham's orchestra of Enosburg Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Chnse and two children of Chicago have been visiting at the home of H. C. Chase. A goodly number of townspeople were nt Cambridge to at tend the Chautauqua last week. Guy Thomas, who has been six months In the U. S. navy, Is spendlnp the week ' with his parents here. Claude Blodpett I left Wednesday for a position as baggage master between St. Albans and Mont real. C. H. Tucker has resumed work on the Burlington fc Lamoille freight. The monthly meeting of the Jefferson-vlll- e Cemetery association was held with Mrs. C. B. Hapgood Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. John Berry, Mrs. John Kcefe and son of Richmond and Miss Eva Berry of the probate office at Burlington were visitors nt James Berry's Tuesday. The sailors and soldier boys of the town are Invited to the meeting of the American Legion at the .leffersonvllle school build- ing Friday evening. Election of officers will occur. The Knights of Pythias meet- ing was held Wednesday evening, The Order of Eastern Star is to meet this Grange Invited of the meet with the Gilson Valley Grange at Hyde Park Saturday evening. Edward Lynch, district deputy of the Modern Woodmen of America, i in town perfect- ing plans for a large class to be adopted on the evening of September 12. .lame Berry, Jr., and Clifton Powell are to enter Goddard Seminary this fall. Charles Smith of Underbill is painting H. A. HawJey's residence, Mr. and Mrs. .L. A. Jacques returned home Tuesday from their vacation in camp. Miss Leona Jncques relumed home Tuesday, having spent the summer with her aunt, Mrs. Ralph Hebb. There was a large attend- - anoe at the opening of the .leffersonvllle high school Tuesdny. Several from town attended Sheldon fair Wednesday. .Miss Mildred Powell and friend. Miss Mattel Tooley have come from their work at Silver Bay, N. V.-- Chloe Powell Is to enter Normal school at Mlddleboro, Mass., next week. L. B. Thompson's fam ily of Graniteville been visiting at Peter Polander's this week. B, C, Hawley, A. W. Edwaids, O. C. Hitchcock nnd H. .1. Tooles attended the Elks' clambake at Shelburne Point Mon- day. Mr. and .Mrs. Mntt Cyr and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flood nt St. Albana. The regular meet- ing of the O. E, S, will he held at their rooms Thursday evening. Edward Lynch, district deputy of the M. W. A., is in town this week completing the list of applications for n large class to be adopt- ed Into the order the evening of Septem- ber 12. He Is trying to jierfect plans for a date with the National Lecturer Whe-la- n, In the near future, Mr. Whelan was the speaker at the outing at Eden Pond the 26th and made a forceful spcoch. The school faculty 111 rived In town Monday and school reopened with a large attend- ance Tuesday H. A. Avery and Mrs. Blodgett. of Newbury, arc visiting at H. A Hawley's, Messrs. Collins nnd Goodspeod, of St. Albans, directors of the Warner Home, transacted business in town Friday. Miss Otelma Green, of Sheldon, at Lynn Tracy's and attending high school here. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Richards have taken possession of their new home in Mrs. 1,. .1, Smith's rosldence. Mrs. Mary Wilson Is taking a vacation from her duties at the red fiont store. Mrs. Harold Montague Is taking her place during her absence. Leslie DIclMneon spent Labor day with his people here. H. A. Hawley and fam- ily with their guests were In Burlington Tuesday. CAMBRIDGE Mrs. W. A. Saffoid nnd son Lelgliton of Burlington visited In town Sunday Mrs, N. I). Hnll Is at the Fnnny Allen hospital, where she Is receiving treat ment. W. A. Allen has gone to Burling- ton, wheie he has employment in the Jewelry store of P, G. Ellsworth. Mrs. UeorRe Deavetl was brought homo from the Fanny Allen hospital Sunday nnd Is ut the lifrmB of her sister, Mrs. A. L. Brush. II. II. Reynolds of Newport, II, 1., visited his mother, Mrs, M, M. Hey-nolrl- s, Sunday, Miss Elsie Gates return-e- d to Montpeller Tuesday morning, Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Hinds and daughters, Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. Marvin of HifUlng-ton- , were In town last week to attend the Chautauqua. E. H. Linden of n has been In town for a few days. W H. Gould and family hsve return, ed from Hlghgate, where they have been THE BURLINGTON FREE PRESS AND TIMES: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1919. In camp for a week. Mr. and Mrs. C H.Banons are awny on a two weeks' va- cation. The station Is In clinrgo of A. O, Ferland of Hlglignte Springs, Mr. nnd Mrs, Rtolpher who have been here for sovcrnl weeks left Monday night for Newark, N, J. Charles Wells left Wed-nesda- y morning for Springfield, Mass,, where he will visit his brother Carlysle nnd expects to pet employment. Dr. George Newton of Waterhury win n visitor nt his home here Tuesday. K". L, Ellsworth was a business visitor In Montpeller Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carroll Brush returned to their home In Boston Tuesday. Miss Laurette Gates Is spending the week In St. Albnns. WATERVILLE Tho graded school opened Tues- day with Mrs. t'nn Austin, Miss Carolyn Robinson nnd Miss Bertha Weston as teachers. Mr. nnd Mrs, Floyd Fairbanks, of Danville, are visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Fairbanks. Mrs. Fla-vil- la Holmes and daughter, Jane, visited Mr. nnd Mrs. Mark Stevens Inst week. Mrs. Lena Kelley, of Mort Isvllle, Is with her mother, Mrs, Wllley.-linr- old F. Beard has purchased of Mnnn & Austin their stock of goods nnd will take pos- session of the store soon, Mls Bessie Tlllntson, of Washington, D. C, Is spend- ing her vacation with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. E. Tlllolson. Arthur Lang-de- ll has moved Into L. E. TIlMson's ten- ement house on Church street. Mr. and Mrs.Wallaee Armstrong have pone to Rut- land, where he has a position. Mrs. John- son Is moving Into A. D. Stockwell's up- per tenement. H. .1. Beard has moved from St. Johnsbury to his residence In town. Mrs. Sarah Gray Is visiting In Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. W P. Smllle were In Montpeller last week. Mrs. Joseph Green and daughter. Alice, of Bakers-fiel- vielted at O. G. Hougton'sand Frank Colby's the first of the week. Miss Smith, of Barre, ts teaching In the Rmlltc dis- trict and Is boarding at L. C. Langdell's. Eldnn Westover, who has at home on a short furlough, left Tuesday eve- ning for Boston, where he xpects to his discharge from the L". S. navy. Mr and Mrs W. H. Westover enter- tained relatives from New York State last week. The Cemetery association will meet with the president, Mrs. Grant Thomas, Friday afternoon. Mrs. Hattle Wescot, of Massachusetts, is visiting her daughter-in-law- , Mrs. Mary Wescot. Miss Rosalie Wescot Is visiting her aunt. Miss Gertrude Wilbur, In York. Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Maurice and F. E. Leach vis- ited in Vergejnncs over Sunday. Mrs. Elsie Rogers, of Vorgennes, Is visiting relative In town. A. L. Laraway ws. in Johnson Tuesday to attend bank meet- ing. JOHNSON O. A. McFarland and family motored to Johnson last week Monday from their camp on the Island. The Johnson band attended the celebration at Eden Tues- day. Ida Barton has returned from two Hays' vacation and Is In her old position In the office, of Fred Mill. Prof. Leon E. Bell is shipping his household goods to Keen. N, H where he engaged at the head of the department ot education in the State normal school. Mrs. D. B. Smalley Is entertaining her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ekepren, of Boston. W. F. Waters nnd family with Edward Miller and family motored to Saxton's River, returning the first of last week. evenlng. The local is to,r"Pip1 the pulpit Methodist Church have morning. Is boarding heen New Is Orange County RANDOLPH A. A. Priest who lives about two miles out on the road to Bethel, lost Mr auto- mobile on Friday night. The car, a Dodge auto, was placed In the garage well filled with gasoline, ready for a start, and it was taken from the parage, and no clue has been found to Its whereabouts. The Nellie Gill company were In town Fri- day night, and as Miss Helen Davis was returning to her home from the play, she saw Mr. Priest's car passing south, and j lecopnlzed It, as she wns quite familiar with the same havinp taken sonic trips with Miss Mary Priest In the car. The Rev. W. S. Smlthcrs left here Saturday afternoon for St. Albans, where he 0- 1- Sunday, W. J. Dukette of Dover. N. II., Joined his family hero for a short stay Saturday. Miss Eleanor Clnrk, the teacher In the teacher training depart- ment In the high school, arrived here Saturday, after having pajwed her vaca- tion out of town. Lawrence and Arene Howard who have been passing several weeks here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Howard, left Saturday1 for their home In Burlington. Robert Thayer, who has-ee- In Decry, N. H.. this week with friends, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Mary Dalton and Mrs. Gladding of Laconla, N. H., camo Satur- day to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gladding, Mrs. V. A. Grant and Mrs. Chadwlck. Mrs. Henry Goodell returned Saturday from a week's stay in Groton. N. It. Mr. and Mrs. George Tuppar were here brief ly Saturday and left for East Bralntree to visit Mrs. Tupper's parents Mr. and Mrs. Abel. Mrs. A. L. Galarneau return ed Saturday from Montreal, whore he had been for a week with Mrs. Galar-neau- 's sisters. Mrs. Mary Saxton and her daughter. Miss Lucina Saxton, who have been In town two weeks, with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Becdle, left for their home In Keene, N. H Saturday. Dr. A. C. Bailey, who has been quite sick for a few days, is reported much more coin- - foi table, and It la hoped Is on the way to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller of Lebanon and Mrs. Tlnkham, who Is the sister of the latter, have been in town for a few days the pucst of Mrs Clara Prince and other relatives and Saturday they returned to Lebanon. Mrs. P. B. Daniels and her daughter, Miss Annie May Daniels were In Bethel Saturday. Mrs, William Tyler went to White River Junction Saturday for a short business trip. Mrs. John Howell of Barre Is In town at the home of Mr, nnd Mm. N. C. Greene of Summer street. Miss Nlnn Thurston of Northfleld was in town for n short stay on Saturday. Mrs, OharleH Martin of Bralntree came Saturday on a business trip. Mrs. Roy Thayer, who has been 111 for several days, is no bet- ter and pneumonia Is feared In her case. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Joslyn of New York are pneslnp several days In town with relatives. John Patch, who ban been In Malone, N. V., for a sevoral'dnys' stay, has teturned for a longer visit with his nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Patch. MrK Dustln Gage of Lebanon, N. H., and Mrs. Leon Martin nf Con- cord, N. H have been visiting friends in town, leaving here Saturday. Miss Irene Sault, who has been with relatives here for several days returned lo St. Albans Monday. Mrs. Wallace Hill and daughter returned Monday from a several days' visit with relatives In Col Chester. Dr. and Mrs. E. O, Blanchard and Cnpt, F, S. Swetl, started by automobile Satuiday for Boston, wncro ur. anil Mrs, Wiinclinid will pass a few days and then po on to Bangor, Me. to visit Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Rass. Cnptnln Bwctt will report at Portland for Hcrvlcc. Mr. M. W. Clinrnberlln nnd mother, Mrs. Whldbrldgo, left Tuesday for Springfield for several days with rela tives, Mr. and Mrs. Loland Hieing nf Boston were over-Sunda- y visitors of the former's fathers, E. N. Rising, Mrs, Eva Granne Kimball after a 10 days' vacation m town with her parents, Mr, and Mrs N. C. Greene, left for Lawrence. Maes,, Monday to reeume her work there. Miss Elizabeth Campbell, a teacher, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones, for a few days, left Monday for Sprlnc-Hel- d to tench the cnmlnp year.-T- ho high and prnded schools opened Tuosdn- - with a full corps of tenchers nnd also a good nttndnnco of puplls.-Lo- wls Bye, nfter seveinl weeks with his parents, Mr. nnd Mis. E. P, HyP( ila) Ronr to Brockton, where he has tnughl for the last live years. Mrs. ny Thayer, who under- went n minor operation nt the snnltarlnm nbnut n week npo nnd went to her home the next day, has been seriously 111 for a few days with pneumonia nnd Is not expected to lecover. RANDOLPH CENTER H. H, Gibson has moed from the Clark house to the A. M. Adams house nnd O. L. Green has possession of the Clark house. Mrs. A. Wells returned from the sanatorium loi Friday. Miss Grace Connnt who has been In the hospital at Springfield, Mass., for a lonp time having had three, operations reached, home Tues- day morning. -- The school house nt North Randolph the location of which has been a controversy for several years nnd coiv detuned Is now being moved nnd fitted so ns to pass Inspection of the board. Miss Alice. Gllman who has returned from tho snnntorium after nn operation is very low nnd cared for by a nurse. A. A. Priest has no clue to the persons who stole his car last Friday night exeent finding the numbers torn from the car by the road side from Randolph to Bethel. The outlook for thcagricultural school l very bright for the coming year. good number have already enrolled and everything Is being put In readiness for the opening, September IS, Orleans County LOWELL. Mr and Mrs. M. J. Pudvah and fam- ily of Wells River were in town the first of the week visiting relatives. Mrs. Homer Burnham, of Morrisvllle, was the pucst of nr. and Mrs. W. A. Younc last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. F. Slsco, of Brad- ford, and Mr. and Mrs. George Chaffee and daughter, Jolce. of Troy, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Slsco. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Duseau, of Fall River. Mae,. are spending a short time with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Batchum. Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Sanborn, of Schenec tady, N Y., were the guests of their aunt. Miss Nellie Harding, last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Crafts, of Brad- ford, were the guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Cooledge. Mrs. George Rush-lea- u and dauphter, Miss Marparet. of Boston, spent the week-en- d with Mrs. Peter Benway. Edgar LaClalr has sold his farm, located on the Burlington road, to L. P. Aubln, of Newport, of the Low-e- ll Bobbin Co. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Cool-het- h entertained Sunday and Monday Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dwlnell, the Misses Flora Staples and Hazel Clark ami Walter Macomber, of Lynn, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. L, R. Sin- clair wore In Newport Monday. WESTFIELD. A dauphter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alton Angler August 23. Albert Eastman came home from Groveton, N. H Satur- day to remain over Labor day. Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins and son. Robert, came to visit his sister, Mrs. W. B. Gilpin. Fri- day, before movlnp from Boston to Lyn- don, where they have bought an $15,000 farm. Albro Hunt visited relatives In Wcstmoro last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bell and daughter apd Mrs. Mildred Shattuck, of Burlington, went to New- port Saturday, where they Joined Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Seaver on a motor trip to Bretton Woods, N. H,, where the two older Boll boys have responsible posi- tions. Homer Burnham, of Morrisvllle, came, Saturday to visit Mrs. H. D. Miller and other friends till the last of the week. The Ladles' Auxiliary society met with Mrs. Fred Martin Wednesday. GREENSBORO Jack Gomez has purchased the William Eastman farm from Elmer Mathews and taken possession. Charles Goodrich has severed his connection with farming for the present and moved to Lyndonville, where he has employment as a carpen- ter. Maurice Goodrich has resigned as rural mall carrier from this office and Carroll Rollins has qualified as substitute until the position is filled by applicants from an examination to be held nt Newport September 27. The State Is building a new dam at the outlet of the lake. Frank Archer has charge of the construction. The selectmen have put new covering on the dock and made other necessary repairs on the same. Mr, ' Lumsdeii has completed the piece of State road, which he lias been building In the villape, and Is now bulldlnp a piece on the road from J .1 Eindsny.'s toward the CraftRbury line. Many of our summer residents arereturnlnp to their homes this week. Wo hope to see all of them with us next year. The Rev. Wendell Keeler of Yonkers, N. Y preached nt the Con- gregational Church Sunday evening. Mr. Howe, the villape barber, went to Boston Thursday by automobile. Mr. Dufur nnd son, Norman, returned to Bos- ton, Thursday. About 2Vr people at- tended the school dance at the town hall Tuesday evening. The drama "In Old New England" wos presented by the Cas- pian . Lako Grange Friday at the town haJl nnd drew the largest audience of the season. The acting was fine. The music the best obtainable and the audience ap preciative. Dancing followed the play. The net proceeds was about $121. The play will he repeated at Craftsbury on Frldny evening. A. C. Chnso and George Porter hae been drawn as jurors at the coining teim of Orleans county court, which convenes at Newport the 3th. Miss Sibyl Amsdcii returned from Milford, N, H Friday. William O'Brien has finished work nt Caspian Lake creamery' and moved his family to Wnltsfield, where he has n position in a creamery. DERBY. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Guy and two chil dren of Newton, Highlands. Mass.. are visiting Mrs. Gay's mothur .Mrs. W. F. Knlpsberg. Emery Klnpsberp Is spending a few- - days with his family in Portland. Miss Helen Jenne nnd Robert Jennn have returned from Waterloo, P. Q where they have been visiting. Dr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Clark, and throe daughters, Genevieve, Dora May and Mrs. O. S. Gray and two children Margaret and Warren are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Luclon Jenne. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Duvnl of Orovoton, N. H are visiting Albeit Griffln. Schools In town bepnn Tuesday September second, with nearly the same teachers as last year. Miss Elizabeth Coffin Is to have household good anil real estate nf the household poods and real estato of the late Charily Rates was well attended. George Ames bought the house. CRAFTSBURY F. J. (Hidden went Wednesday to Rrlghtlook hospital, where he passed a successful operation on his elbow, Friday. Hit. Davidson has mtunied home from Greensboro, where she has been spending tho summer. Mr and Mrs. C. K. Coombs are entertaining Miss KlkiiiH from North Troy, N. Y. J, 13, Davidson was a week- end visitor In Waterhury, Jessie Karr nnd family moved tn Albany. Thursday. -- Mr and .Mrs. ,1. K Davidson were in Walcoaa, Friday, to attend the funeral of Fled WheeW Mrs. W. 13 Han" was taken to Brightlook hospital, ft .lohnr-hur- j. Thursday ind passed .r fucceseful operation, Friday, for gall atones.-Bar-b- ara Divldeon left Tuesday for Morris-vlll- where sho will take up her woik as teacher In the Peoples Academy. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lite Bemls returned to their home In W hitman, Mass., Tuesday, Clemma Seaver of Barlon came Friday. She Is to leach home economics In the ' crnnsnury ncnoemy the coming year. The Rev, C. D, Pierce and daughter, Marlon, called on friends In town Thurs- day mid Friday. The families of N. S. Sawyer and Seth Lathe motored to Sher-broo- fair. Thursday, Mr, and Mrs. I. I. Titus of Hnrdwlck and Mr. and Mrs. Walter London of Boston called on friends In town, Saturday. Harry Buch- anan enme Saturday to spend a short va- cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Buchanan, Avis Kler left Monday for Boston, where she has employment. Rosco Lalhei and friend left Saturday for their home In Bridgeport, Conn. Mrs. Nellie Trie was called to Ports- - mouth. N H., Thursday, by the Illness of her daughter, Mrs. Blanche McKlnley. Rutland County BRANDON Mrs. Harry Wescott Is 111 nt her horrw on Center street Miss Ruth Ware of Springfield, Mass., Is vteltlnp Mrs. F. L. Rogers at the Rogers cottage at Lake Dunmore, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgar Osborn of Derry, N. H are, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 11. Osborn of Franklin street. Miss Mary Tennlen haa returned from Mlddlebury, where she has been vlsltlnp friends for a few days. Mrs. George Qullty of Dorchester, Mas., Is visiting hejr parents, Mr. and Mre. D. F. Goodrich, of Carver street. Miss Maybelle Kelley. who has been spend- ing three weeks with her mother, Mrs. G. H. Kelley, returned Saturday to Brooklyn. N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Everest and son, Roger, and Mrs. Agnes Eastman of Littleton, N. H are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Everest. Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Ahn have returned to their home In Schene-etady- . S. T , after visiting Mr Ann's father. Charles Aim. Fred Whltmore of Keene. N. H., Is visiting at the home of Wil-Ha- Lb d Mm for a few days. Miss Chris- tine Plue has returnnd to her home In West Salisbury after visiting relatives here. William Ladam wa operated upon last Saturday at the Mary Fletcher ho-pit- in Burlington and favorable r ports have heen received as to his con- dition. Mrs. Carter Vassar of Sllddlebury Is the guest at the home of M. L. Force of tTnlon street. G. W. Scott, formerly of this place, has moved to Burlington and Is located at 41 Clarke street, A large touring car bearing a New-Yor- numher went over a bank Just south of Jones' pond one mile south of this villape last Sunday night at about seven o'clock. There were three occu- pants of the car and all of them escaped being Injured in the leat. The car landed on Its side In the ditch. The steering wheel, top windshiejd and fenders were all badly damaged. The driver of the car, whose name was not learned, claimed there was something wrong with the steering pear which t. The road at this point Is wide, straight and in good con- - : dltlon. Two men with a large truck pulled the damaged car back into the road and towed It to Rutland. The Rev. Walter Thorpe, who has been acting as superintendent of a Chautau-riu- a this summer, has closed his engage- ment and returned home last Saturday night. Mrs. Mollle Bnrnard ipent the week-en- d with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Barnard, In Pittsford. W. H. Tarble and family have returned from Lake Dunmore, where they spent several weeks In their cottage. Miss Hazel Hack returned Monday to Greenfield, Mass.. and Miss Helen Hack returned to Springfield. Mass., where they teach school. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Taylor of Brooklyn, N. Y., are at their sum- mer home on Tranklln street for a month. frof. and Mrs. C. S. Jackson and Miss Elizabeth Jackon of Lynn. Mass., spent Sunday here with Mrs. E. J. Rogers on Grove street. Tho King's Daughters of the State have presented the State School for Feeble-Minde- d here with two lawn swings. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Churchill and daughters, Helen and Hilda, and Mr. and Mrs. Euclid Wnt-ter- s have returned from a week's auto- mobile trip to several places in central New York. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Leonard lmve returned from their wed-dln- p trip and will go to housekeeping in the douglass cottage on Grove street The Biandon Concert band went Monday to Orwell to furnish music for n Labor day celebration and home roming wel - come to returned soldiers. Charles E. Miner, an old resident of Brandon, died at his home on Depot street Monday mornlnp. He was S2 years of ago and a veteran nf the Civil war. He was a member of C. J. Orms-be- e Post No. IS, G. A. R. The funeral was heM at the house at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon, C. J. Ormsbee Post attended the funeral In a hody. Burial was In Pine Hill cemetery. Arthur Bowker, who haa been at the hme of his sister, Mrs. Arthur Ferris, for several days, has returned to West Rutland. O. A. Durgey has relumed from Springfield and PIttsfleld, Mass., where ho has been visiting relatives. Harlow Sanders, who has heen serious- ly 111 for several weeks, la able to he about the street ajraJn. Miss Margaret Ketcham went Tuesday morning to Morrisvllle, where she is to teach school this year. Miss leda Johnson went Monday to Barnet, wheie she will teach school. Newton Smith is able to be out aaln after being confined to the house for several days, Miss Mary Carroll has returned to Waterhury after a week here with her sister, MIbs Inez Carroll. Mrs. Margaret Griffin of Rutland is visiting her sister, Mrs. N. E. Breed. Miss Katherlne Blackwell has returned from Llshon, N, H where she visited her sister, Mrs. P H. Wash- burn. Mrs. Hugh A. Seager has re- turned from the Mary Fletcher hos- pital where she has heen for several weeks recovering from a surgical oper- ation. The Zelenkn summer camp and school for boys which opened the lat- ter part of June closed Tuesday, The 130 boys left on the noon train for their homes. Chautauqua closed Tuesday evening with an Interesting lecture by Dr. George. Law- rence Parker, former minister of the British-America- n Congregational Church In Pctrograd. Chautauqun will return to Brandon another year, ino persons hav ing signed as guarantors. The funeral of Charles flnA. .v.n .1 ..i . 1. i on Depot street Mondav n orn n w nein at tne nouse Wednesday afternoon The Rev. Walter Thorpe of the Congrega- tional Church officiated. The bearers were Frank Ferris, Fay Rlrkert, Irving Breed, Chnrles Wnshburne, Frank Titus and B, A. Carr, all members of Davenport Camp, Sons of Veterans, C. J, Ormsbee Post, G, A. R,, attended the funeral. The Grand Army burial service waa lead In Pine hill cemetery. Mrs. W. (.. Gipson and son, Merrill, have returned from Burling- ton, where they spent several days with relatives, Miss Eugenia Thomas haa te- turned after visiting In Schenectady. N. Y., for several weeks. Mrs. Dora McGov-er- who has been spending the summer here, has gone lo Now Haven. Mrs. Floyd Thomas of Schenectady, N, Y., spent several days with his mother, Mrs, Alice Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. II A llnv f Vergenncs. Miss Sarah Harrington, Vern Mason and Mrs. W H. Hsrrlncton of Saranac Lake, N. Y., who have been been visiting Mr and Mrs Judnon. Severy. have returned to their homes.-- A larse number of the world wr veterans from Brandon attended the home clebrati'Mi and clambake which was held at the Rut- land fair grounds Wednesday In connec- tion with the Rutland fair, each man was given free admission to the grounds and grandstand and In the afternoon the hake was served with all the fixing. William M. Dean, Sr., has returned from Win-a- t earl, Conn., where he has been visiting his brother. Mrs, Lurretla Ballard has leased the apartment over Collins & Needham's store and will go to house- keeping there. BENSON Merrill Glbbs and l, R, Wilcox went to Hudson Falls Wednesday to attend the fair In that town, George Jackson took the Rev, and Mrs. David H. Strong to Tlconderoga Wednesday and wrtit over the old fort grounds. John A. Brlggs, who hal, h(,Bn al Mt farm on thf, turn. pike the past week, returned to his home In Tlconderoga, Thursday. Many of our people wont to Orwell for the field day exercises Monday. The Rev. Herbert M. Hall, of Saratoga Springs, was here the past week calling on former parlshoners. Miss Lucy Gregg, of Wheaton, III., who has been at D. A. HlgplnVs the past month, returned to Illinois the past week. Marcella Radlgan, who has taught school In the north district for four years, has closed hr school there and will soon go to her home In Castleton. She has heen very much liked by the patrons of the north district. Mr. and Mrs. Heman GIfford, of the turnpike, went to Tlcon- deroga Sunday to call on John A. Brlggs. Earle Lockwood, who has been at work at the Mountain View Stock farm for several weeks, goes to Brandon this week and will enter the high Fchool there. Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Miller, daughter Ruth and son, Paul, and a friend from Albany, who are stopping a few days at Lake St. Catherine, motored to Bemson Sunday afternoon and called on Dr. J. P. Newton. Washington County MONTPELIER The funeral of Lawson C Cummlngs took place at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday after noon from the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Splcer. He had made his hom there for some years, especially during the winter time for he spent the most of his summers at his farm In East Mont peller. Mr. Cummlngs was conscious al- most until death occurred. He directed S. F. Moree, who brought him to the hospital, to remove his automobile which was tlpred over the bank, and which was the cause of his death, and take it to his farm In East Montpeller, saying that he probably would not run it again. When Mr. Morse reached him, Mr. Cummlngs ametiA Vilm tn rMiMz Vilm tn cnm nln as he did not want to be left in the!mattr und" consideration by t woods. Mr. Cummlngs had crawled about 10 rods from tbe seene nf the nrrlHeni towards the Morse school house In order to pet out of the woods, that some one might see him, the accident having hap- pened In a lonely place It was caused by Mr. Cummlngs turning his automobile to one Elde of the road to avoid a lot of 'ntones that had been placed in a hole In the road We rnnH Iwva driven his car so that the wheels would have straddled the pile of stone. The deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Cummlngs. He was born July 31, 1SS. He was married In 1&S3 to Nellie Barnuni of Nebraska. They lived In St. Paul for some years, where the latter died. He leaver three cousins, Willis nf MMlnAll., rrfmi- - nf Cae, fnn,. pellcr and Mrs. Elizabeth Town of Mont- - ! peller. Otto Williams, president of the Young 41m- -l ,.:n,.loHnr. nf Afnnfnillo- - S - in,n. w nnrnintin- - hi. nia -- .lo ti ' to the annual banquet which takes place at the dining room of the Institution the evening of September 19. This will be Friday evening so that many of the graduates, who are teachers, will be able to attend the affair. Mr. Williams ha3 been In conference with the Rev. J W. Hatch, head of the school, relative to tho arrangements. Harry A. Black, secretary of state, has suspended the motorcycle operator's license of Frank J. Nault of Barton he- - cause of an accident which recently no- - etirred in which Nault suffered a broken ankle. He had boasted that he could drive from Barton to the mill six miles in five and one half minutes and was driving very fast when he ran Into an ' miuiu .laiiu, win, !i 11110 rv -- uihivii' breaking: her hip. on the road between a In V, ti oV, tti rtr, I 3 fill All I 'pears to be an effort to place tho blame 'elsewhere than on himself although he, admitted that he was driving 33 miles l"n hollr anri ,VU! tryinC to nleet another automobile and pass the woman at the "ame time. Mrs. H. M. Gove received a message from Cleveland, Ohio Saturday of the death of Walter Gove her son, who for tho last year has been In the Warren-vlll- e, Ohio, sanatorium. He was a native of West Berlin, born in 1890. a son of Mr and Mrs. Edward Gove. He lived In Hardwlck for pome years. He was employed about, five years in Ohio in the steel Industry., Besides hismother ho leaves two sisters Mrs Mildred Bettlo of Waitsfleld and Miss. Helen Gove of Montpeller A brother died this year while In the service of the country. A message was received Saturday by Miss Elmer Pine that Thomas Lackey, her who is a son of Deputy 1. S. Marshal G. F Lackey, had been In- jured In an automobile accident near Holyoke and that he was In a hospital In Springfield, Mass. Later In the day another report was received from him that the young man was not badly in- jured, only bruised and that he would be out In a few days. The details of the accident were not learned. Miss Marlon Buzzell accompanied Mrs. M M. Hill to her home In Denlo, Oregon. Mrs. Hill wat, called home by the death of a brother-in-la- who was shot ac- cording to the report received here. He had the management of the water sys- tem in that section and was in prominence quite little. None of the details of the affair have reaohedOiere. Reports have been received from Mad River Valley that a large yield of corn will be enjeyed in that section of the State In spite of the recent report that the yield 3s to be small this season. The talks have noti grown as tall, as In some years but those who have conversed about the matter state that a good yield Is ripening off. Five miles of new rails are being laid ! u' Rpct1on me" "f Antral Ver- - mont railway near Montpeller Junction the work extending north and south of the station. Harry A. Black, secretary of state, Thursday morning suspended the auto-mohi- operator's licenses of R, A. Blge-lo- w of Lyndonville nnd Ned G. Fos of Morrisvllle, the first for causing an acci- dent when he ran Into a team, while the second was for intoxication while operating a car. He also has leceived notice that Preston Twombley of Orleans has been convicted of running a car without a license nnd fined 150 and costs, and that John Kocsls of Proctor hns been convicted of the same charge nnd fined $1.1 and costs. In addition to the penalties the secretary Mated that they will not be given licenses this jear. The school board has completed Its census of the total number of school children In this city, which Is 1,5H or 66 of school age less than one year ago, Of the total number U5 are the ares of fUf and six years Trank Huntlnglon of Montpeller set- tled hlf account in tho estate of Lewis wuurr 1 nurafL3. ine account n s place relative to the committing of Ho Hathaway of East Montneller to the Ktn Because there are funds to take care the womsn, the petition was dismissed Annie L, Brink of Bane town took pis nt the home of the Rev, Joseph Lund MnnllU.ll., WmAjmA-- t 4 ........ - - are employed on the Morrison farm Barre. ' I" , .11 .,11 , u.B a IV,,,, r n 1 11...., Mr, Heed was a native of Montpeller I Yt - . , , effects to Rutland, where, he enters t Insurance business. John P. Duga and Richard Bruce they gave their names to the police Barre were arrested by John Murley the police force In that city at Montpell Junction about noon Friday on the. char of burglary In the store of Moore it-- Owe In Barre Thursday night. They are afternoon long enough so they were ea lly Identified. It Is claimed they went In 1,1,- - muic rtllu i h lllfll 'JI'JIC ruim ,11 11, - njfC WIIUII llie IUL nil A with a stickpin and other articles TheV Were en luir f nntnatler .Ttlnf-t- l during Friday morning. One was carr ing a dinner-pai- l whtah did not agree wl his nice suit of clothe, and which pre inviii 11 cv wf m w kpti ;t 1: k to n when the clothing was Identified They pleaded guilty Friday afternoon burglary and were each sentenced to t State s prison for five to six years The report of a rea tr.d collision tween here and Barre was received I. n.UUI. T , f . . , . . . ' .v .1, i. DEnilUl H &UIDIIIOP "ii tciair lull lulu !; mr dn (car of the Traction company. Miss E!e ...h- - viia 1110.1111110 ucillf. 111 towards Montpeller and that In order avoid an automobile the driver of t automobile had to allow one wheel cross one of the rails of the car tra after which he was unable to get t went back to flag the approaching troll the trolley car ran into the rear of t automobile. ine auey r air association ot Brau horo has filed a petition asking leave change its number of shares of stock instead of 300 shares at a share T mver iu hsr company of Montgomery has filed anioavit snowing tnat its paid up sto - ,Aru . , . . . , ,ivf .,11.1 i.ir .uuui Ullll amounting to $24,000. Harry A Black, secretary of state, ceived the report Friday morning of t uuni liuillliri .Jl rtUtlUCIlLH DUL DrODa the most Important report was that an ayldent in which the motorcycle T." n r r . , . ....... ... ua. lull, Wrt lO ing Leora Ball of Barton In his side the automobile of J. Alfred Dumers A report of a man who claimed he h no use for Darners stated that Nault that hf run six miles with his motorcycle in mlputes. Probably Nault's license will A,.nV Vn.. t . 1 , OfOK-- n an Tatl. or st Albans reported t ran into team Mnninr t upside down ran and the away partie .vne 11 n A to find it during the night There will not be a teacher tralm course in iwonioener nirn sr.noni t year and Miss Elizabeth Hoffman, w was a teacher there last year will - , . U . . . J J . . . - , . . ., " J v. t'.u.. u ,11 111 JLUIUII M.11U has h'jen engaged by the education partment as teacher In that course the Northfleld schools. The teacher iiui.iu.-i.i- l, iiu ap 1111- - irrtun-j- r mi v years, was unable to return because the result of influema. ' ne matter on tne placing ot a cow - "" '" '"" ui ie attorneys HI. LI 11 L iViW IlltlLII LO IllH Kr.Uld U damage done by the cow to 'he garden - ". nenette was matte .ionaay in lellsh his attitude in the matter and until the damages are settled ..linn n,ifii irpiii" rpreau ni jinnmpi luurv iiil:, n l fik.UL 11 1:1 brother of the groom, officiating. Heney was the best man Mrs T Callahan presided at the pipe organ in il uiiumiir i i .Mr nnn .1 r,. i.iin Pereau of tthis city G. F. Lackey received word from L iiifii in rcannnipn ni pneumonia uuri the morning, at the age of about nnd leaves a husband and one daughter George C Carpenter, bank conini sloner has appointed H E. Pease of Wh in pinic in i iiiirit'F neiim, ivpo ic-e- resigned. Miss Bertha Davis of Coatlc-o- k, P le nmnlni.,1 It, hi nfTlrA nf the Stiifa hi way commissioner . incpa.mc was receiveo ai inir . IIIIHLUl tO IV, ITU 11 UAHIll,, "I" ' lien lonn. inrmniTi lt nn urv milium ! ... ,t,,.-- , ,11, l fiti'muiTl o, l.ctri, iv, r u,,v. and evapoiatetl fruits nue to tne iireaKing flown 01 aavm age. She was born in Henri'tta. N .lull' 11 1CJI rlauht.p nf Mr and M other relatives by one daughter M Saturday. The body will he taken Kendally, N. Y , for burial tton of James, the olght-year-ol- d pictures show that the hip, which In reality hroken and that the ends the hntie hnrl filinnert h The lit ienow. wno ten i t reel iron .1 vera into the river, stood the reduction nn iMrn rfl ni nn n nriiips ni int. w In pood shape. N0RTHFIE1 l .iHiiricH iiviin. I1H6 ri'iuiiieii iu nri iiu of Northfleld, ha been isltlng in to the past week. Law tence L Rurns Notlhfleld. and Mis LurlnrU Iojci Sprlnsfleld, a former resident of this oi
Page 1: Burlington weekly free press. (Burlington, VT) 1919-09-04 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86072143/1919-09... · 10 (Continued frnm tinge fnn) Wells anfl Richard fhusc. The only


(Continued frnm tinge fnn)

Wells anfl Richard fhusc. The only con-

testing team wns that of Jeffe rsnnvlllowhich won the cup last year. The cupwill remain wit h the team winning twicenut of three times. It will on placed onexhibition III oho of the store windows.PrlnclB.il L. H. Hums of the People'sAcademy acted as Judge of the contest.W. W. Aers ami son, George 11. Ayers,lolrl their stock at auction Tuesday.Twenty cows were sold at -- prices fromMl" lo $13.1 and seven hulls, alt yearlingshut one nt fioin $;?) to $t0. Mrs. DoverSouthntrl and daughter of Richmond,Me , and her mother, Mrs. .I0I111 Porter,and sou, George, of Walden were visitorsfor tho week-en- d and the home of Mis.Southard's uncle and mint, Mr. and Mis.S M Porter, of Moscow, ft, M. Porterhas bargnined with Mark L, Shaw forthe sale of his farm.Ronsom CJoodell haspurchased the Luther Bedell farm InBrownsville. Miss Kate O. Jones, whohaa passed the summer with Miss CluniBarrows, returned Wednesday to Lowell,Mass. Mls Beslo Brown and aunt, Mrs.Colo', who have paused the summer ,U"Seven Springs," have returned this weekto Boston. Ft. W. Rarrnws, who Is pastP.I and the oldest resident of Stowe, hascompleted cradling a field of wheat raisedby his son, Dr. H. W. Barrows. There

11 be about ten bushels of the wheat.Notwithstanding the dry weather dur-ing so much of the summer, gardensIn thlp locality ate giving an abun-dant yield of vopetnbles. tn some par-dons peas were a failure and sweetcorn has not filled out well, but othervegetables are dolnc well. An unu-sual absence of the common house flyhas hewn noticed In this vicinity thisseason and has been much appreciated.

Mr nnd Mrs. IT. C. McMahon leftTuesday on a vacation trip by auto-mobile polnp to Snrnnno Lake and fromthere to Boston Henry 3. Jenney, Jr.,returned Wednesday from Florida,where he has lived for several yearsand where he served In the coast guardsdurlnp a part of the war. Mr. Jenneywill remain In Stowe for the present.

Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Cary were InSunday to visit their nephew,

vnilard Cary. who has hail the endof his left thumb cut off In an accident.J F. Cnry has heen dlsahled for sometime by the effects of a carbuncle onthe left wrist George S. Harris andhis sister, Miss Margaret Harris, leftM ednesday to resume their teachlnpIn the towns of Montclalr and Morris-tow-

N. J They were accompanied bytheir brother. Harlan H. Harris, re-

cently returned from the Europeanwar, who expects to And employment.In Keene, .V. H., wherp their hrother,Dwlpht W. Harris, Is employed In abank.

Mr. and Mrs. Levi Lawrence and chil-dren, Gladys, Hart and Arthur Lawxence,visited Mr. Lawrence's brother, OtisIyawrence, In Montpoller Sunday. Mrs.Lawrence hrother, Ambrose Larow, ofNorthfleld. who accompanied them homewas accompanied to Middlesex by Mrs.Lawrence's daughter. Mrs. Esther HartSmith. Mrs. Elizabeth C.larkson returnedTuesday from a business trip of severalweeks to Chicago. Mrs. Mary HeedAyers Is employed as clerk at G. W.Buzzoll's dry poods store. .Mrs. C. A. Sim-mons is also asslstinp durlnp the absenceof Mr. Buzzell, who is in camp at MallcttsBay with his family. The followlnp arethe recent arrivals at Pleasant ViewHouse. Moscow: Miss Mabel Gray. NewYork city; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Safford,"WolleMon. Mass.: Mr. and Mrs. Fred..Boyden. Wollaelon, Mass.; Loyal Safford,Montreal; Wendell Boyden, Wollaston,

'Mass.; Mr. and Mrs, William Morse anddaughter, Elizabeth, .Vow Haven, Conn.;Mrs. A. W. Forbes, New Haven, Conn.:

,Wifllza.beth Feeney, New Haven, Conn.;Miss-Mart- Bowe.n, Waterhury, Conn.:

'Miss Fredrika Hodgdon, AVaterbury,'Conn.

MORRISVILLEAn interesting meetlnp of Lamoille

county thrift workers, in charpe of thecounty chairman, Mrs. H. Shaw ofStowe, was held at the academy hallSaturday afternoon. An Inspiring' addresswas delivered by Mrs. Myra B. Lord,district director of the woman's organi-zation for New England, with Ueadquar-ter- s

in Boston. Other very Interestingremarks were made by the State chair-man, Mrs. D. C. Jortes of AVaterbury,Field Secretary Charles S. Parker ofMontgomery, Mrs. Lola Douglass ofotowe and the town chairman, the Rev.W. T. Best. The speakers were intro-duced in a pleaslnp manner h thecounty chairman. Mrs. H E. Shaw ofStowe. The purpose of the thrift and

movement, now being conducted by the savings division of thet'nltert States treasury department, isfor the betterment of the financial condi-tion of every Individual, man, womannnd child. The most valuable asset inwinning the world war was the practiseof thrift and realizing this great valueis .why the government has sent outngents to keep the fact before the mindsnf the people. W. H. Boardman of Fairfax spent the week-en- d with his par-ents, Mr, and Mrs. M. H. Roardman.31 r. and Mrs. George Clark and chil-dren, Mae and Francis, and Miss Flor-ence Chaffee returned Saturday eveningfrom a several weeks' stay In Maine.Miss Bessie Ryder returned Saturdayevening frnm Sugar Hill, N, II., whereshe has been employed throughout thesummer. Mis Ryder will soon go loBarre, where she has been engaged toteach the coming year. The funeral ofFred "Elmor Wheeler, whose death occur-red August &-

-, followlnp an illness ofseveral weeks, was held Friday after-noon at two o'clock from his late homeon Bridge street. The Rev. George F.Fortier, pastor of the t'niversallslChurch, officiated, and burial was madein the cemetery at Wolcott, The bear-ers were his three brothers, Carroll,Eugene, Jr., and Clarence Wheeler, nndR. Rruce McDonald. At the grave aMns-onl- service was conducted. Mr.Wheeler was In Wolcott Septemberfi, 3866. the son of ,1, Eugene and EmmaA. (Towne) Wheeler. He was twicemarried: To Angy ). Brown of Wolcottf years ago nnd years ago toMrs. Gussle Bassett Lllley of this town,who survives him, with a step-so- Wil-liam Lllley. of this town; a father, .1.Eugene Wheeler of North Wolcott, andthree brothers, Eugene, Jr., and Clar-ence of Wolcott and Carroll of Llshon,N, Y. He had made Wolcott hi homeuntil iWS. coming from there lo e,

where he had since' resided andbeen incorporated in the blacksmithbusiness with It. Bruce .McDonald. Mr,Wheeler was an nttendenl at the I 11I.

versallst Church, a Mason and a momberor the wolcott camp of m. v. a. tiewas a much respected citizen, a kindneighbor, and his loss In the communitywill be long felt. The beautiful pro.fusion of flowers marked the high esteemIn which he was held by tils manyfriends.

Miss Apnea Hodges wcut lo WolcottMonday, wheie she has buen encaged toteach the coming year, Miss Hattlo Bur-roughs went Monday to Burlington, whereshe will take up a course In training atthe Mary Fletcher hospital. Miss BessieBickford of East Hlgtlgate was a week-en- d

guest at the home of her brother, G.D. Bickford. Mrs, Henry Fisher wentMonday to White River Junction totpend a few weeks with her deter, Mrs.C. P.. Jameson. Mr. and Mre. Alton Parksof Hardwlck were Monday visitors IneaCWllllam Whipple, who has been

spending a few weeks with his .rootJVef,Mrs. Cora Whipple, returned Mtfhday tohis duties In Boston. Mr. nnd Mrs. D.C, Page Sr., nf Woburn, Mass, wereweek-en- d pltcsts of their son and wife,Mr, and Mrs. D, C. Page Jr., nt the homeof the latter's mother, Mrs. Minnie Smnl-le- y.

Mrs. Nettle taw, who has beenspendlnp a few dnys In town with herfather. Stephen Brnrkctt, left Mondayfor Washington, .V. H., to spend a fewdays with friends before returning tn herduties In Mlddlebury. Mrs. Marlon Oroutreturned Monday from East Hardwlck,where she has heen spending n few dayswith her niece, Mrs. W, O. Jeffords. MissElla Taylor nnd trimmer, Miss Jessie,Taylor of Montreal, left Monday for Bos-

ton, to purchase the fall line of millinery.Miss Gladys Burgess, who has been

spendlnp two weeks In town with herhi other A, C, Burgees, returned Mondayto her home In Waltham, Mass. MissNellie M Da. vis of Lyndnnvtlle was aweek-en- d guest at tno home of her cou-

sin, D. N. Sanders. Miss Marion Littlereturned Monday to her home In e,

Mass., after a few days spenttwlth her cousin, Miss Mne Chase. The'Misses Hodsdon of Brookllne, Man., arelcglstercd at Hotel Randall. Miss GladysSt. Louis of Burlington spent Sunday nndMonday In town with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. A. N. St. Louis. Mis MarjorleCollins, who has been the guest a fewdays nt thp L. C. Emmons home, returnedto her home In Waterhury Sunday. Mr.nnd Mrs. L. G. Terrlll spnt Labor Daywith their parents in I'nderhlll. MissPeitha Page of North Hyde Park was aSunday guest nt the home of Ernest Cross.

Through the C. J. Ohen real estatedealers the E. H. EeJIs farm has beensold to Adelald Wemas. A very pleasantevent took place at the home of Mr. andMrs. A. C. Bedell Friday afternoon, theoccasion helnp the 70th birthday an-niversary of their uncle, H. T, Blakelyof Waterhury. Dinner was served on thelawn, the tables being prettily decoratedwith popples and golden plow andladen with good things to est. The after-noon was pleasantly spent nnd supperwas served on the porch after whichmusic was enjoyed, both vocal and in-

strumental. Those present from out oftown were Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Blnkelyof Wntcrbury, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Blnkelyof Hartford, Conn., Mrs. Carrie Moody ofProvidence, R. 1. Mr. Blakely' sisters,Mrs. Carrie Barrows and Mrs. MaryBedell, and several nieces were also pree-en- t.

JEFFERSONVILLEXenl Carpenter of Charlotte was an

over-Sund- visitor at the home of T. N.Vlde.tor Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sever-ance of Boston have been stopping thelast week at I. M Powell's, C. B.Richards is moving into Mrs. L. J.Smith's house. B. E. Reynolds, M. S.Hawley, Mrs. W. M. Reynolds and MissSmalley were In Burlington Saturday. Akitchen shower was given Miss Florence Cornell of Morrisvllle nt the homeof Judge Cornell Friday evening, whichwas attended by 15 young ladles. .Mrs.,. J Brown was in Montpeller Saturdayto attend the funeral of her step-brothe- r.

Judge Melville E. Smilie. Thirty coupleattended the M. W. A. dance at Morse'shall Friday evening. Excellent musicwas furnished for dancing by Isham'sorchestra of Enosburg Falls. Mr. andMrs. Philip Chnse and two children ofChicago have been visiting at the homeof H. C. Chase. A goodly number oftownspeople were nt Cambridge to attend the Chautauqua last week.

Guy Thomas, who has been six monthsIn the U. S. navy, Is spendlnp the week '

with his parents here. Claude Blodpett I

left Wednesday for a position as baggagemaster between St. Albans and Montreal. C. H. Tucker has resumed workon the Burlington fc Lamoille freight.The monthly meeting of the Jefferson-vlll- e

Cemetery association was held withMrs. C. B. Hapgood Tuesday. Mr, andMrs. John Berry, Mrs. John Kcefe andson of Richmond and Miss Eva Berryof the probate office at Burlington werevisitors nt James Berry's Tuesday. Thesailors and soldier boys of the town areInvited to the meeting of the AmericanLegion at the .leffersonvllle school build-ing Friday evening. Election of officerswill occur. The Knights of Pythias meet-ing was held Wednesday evening, TheOrder of Eastern Star is to meet this

Grange Invited of themeet with the Gilson Valley Grange atHyde Park Saturday evening. EdwardLynch, district deputy of the ModernWoodmen of America, i in town perfect-ing plans for a large class to be adoptedon the evening of September 12. .lameBerry, Jr., and Clifton Powell are toenter Goddard Seminary this fall.Charles Smith of Underbill is paintingH. A. HawJey's residence, Mr. and Mrs..L. A. Jacques returned home Tuesdayfrom their vacation in camp. Miss LeonaJncques relumed home Tuesday, havingspent the summer with her aunt, Mrs.Ralph Hebb. There was a large attend- -anoe at the opening of the .leffersonvlllehigh school Tuesdny. Several from townattended Sheldon fair Wednesday. .MissMildred Powell and friend. Miss MattelTooley have come from their work atSilver Bay, N. V.-- Chloe Powell Isto enter Normal school at Mlddleboro,Mass., next week. L. B. Thompson's family of Graniteville been visiting atPeter Polander's this week.

B, C, Hawley, A. W. Edwaids, O. C.Hitchcock nnd H. .1. Tooles attended theElks' clambake at Shelburne Point Mon-day. Mr. and .Mrs. Mntt Cyr and childrenspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. HarryFlood nt St. Albana. The regular meet-ing of the O. E, S, will he held at theirrooms Thursday evening. Edward Lynch,district deputy of the M. W. A., is intown this week completing the list ofapplications for n large class to be adopt-ed Into the order the evening of Septem-ber 12. He Is trying to jierfect plans fora date with the National Lecturer Whe-la- n,

In the near future, Mr. Whelan wasthe speaker at the outing at Eden Pondthe 26th and made a forceful spcoch. Theschool faculty 111 rived In town Mondayand school reopened with a large attend-ance Tuesday H. A. Avery andMrs. Blodgett. of Newbury, arc visitingat H. A Hawley's, Messrs. Collins nndGoodspeod, of St. Albans, directors ofthe Warner Home, transacted business intown Friday. Miss Otelma Green, ofSheldon, at Lynn Tracy's andattending high school here. Mr. and Mrs.C. B. Richards have taken possession oftheir new home in Mrs. 1,. .1, Smith'srosldence. Mrs. Mary Wilson Is takinga vacation from her duties at the redfiont store. Mrs. Harold Montague Istaking her place during her absence.Leslie DIclMneon spent Labor day withhis people here. H. A. Hawley and fam-ily with their guests were In BurlingtonTuesday.

CAMBRIDGEMrs. W. A. Saffoid nnd son Lelgliton

of Burlington visited In town SundayMrs, N. I). Hnll Is at the Fnnny Allenhospital, where she Is receiving treatment. W. A. Allen has gone to Burling-ton, wheie he has employment in theJewelry store of P, G. Ellsworth. Mrs.UeorRe Deavetl was brought homo fromthe Fanny Allen hospital Sunday nndIs ut the lifrmB of her sister, Mrs. A. L.Brush. II. II. Reynolds of Newport, II,1., visited his mother, Mrs, M, M. Hey-nolrl- s,

Sunday, Miss Elsie Gates return-e- d

to Montpeller Tuesday morning, Mr.and Mrs. E, H. Hinds and daughters,Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. Marvin of HifUlng-ton- ,

were In town last week to attendthe Chautauqua. E. H. Linden of n

has been In town for a few days.W H. Gould and family hsve return,

ed from Hlghgate, where they have been


In camp for a week. Mr. and Mrs. CH.Banons are awny on a two weeks' va-

cation. The station Is In clinrgo of A. O,

Ferland of Hlglignte Springs, Mr. nndMrs, Rtolpher who have been here forsovcrnl weeks left Monday night forNewark, N, J. Charles Wells left Wed-nesda- y

morning for Springfield, Mass,,where he will visit his brother Carlyslennd expects to pet employment.Dr. George Newton of Waterhury winn visitor nt his home here Tuesday.K". L, Ellsworth was a business visitorIn Montpeller Wednesday. Mr. nnd Mrs.Carroll Brush returned to their home InBoston Tuesday. Miss Laurette GatesIs spending the week In St. Albnns.

WATERVILLETho graded school opened Tues-

day with Mrs. t'nn Austin, MissCarolyn Robinson nnd Miss BerthaWeston as teachers. Mr. nnd Mrs, FloydFairbanks, of Danville, are visiting hismother, Mrs. Mary Fairbanks. Mrs. Fla-vil- la

Holmes and daughter, Jane, visitedMr. nnd Mrs. Mark Stevens Inst week.

Mrs. Lena Kelley, of Mort Isvllle, Iswith her mother, Mrs, Wllley.-linr- old F.Beard has purchased of Mnnn & Austintheir stock of goods nnd will take pos-session of the store soon, Mls BessieTlllntson, of Washington, D. C, Is spend-ing her vacation with her parents, Mr.nnd Mrs. L. E. Tlllolson. Arthur Lang-de- ll

has moved Into L. E. TIlMson's ten-ement house on Church street. Mr. andMrs.Wallaee Armstrong have pone to Rut-land, where he has a position. Mrs. John-son Is moving Into A. D. Stockwell's up-per tenement. H. .1. Beard has movedfrom St. Johnsbury to his residence Intown. Mrs. Sarah Gray Is visiting InJohnson. Mr. and Mrs. W P. Smllle wereIn Montpeller last week. Mrs. JosephGreen and daughter. Alice, of Bakers-fiel-

vielted at O. G. Hougton'sand FrankColby's the first of the week. Miss Smith,of Barre, ts teaching In the Rmlltc dis-trict and Is boarding at L. C. Langdell's.

Eldnn Westover, who has at homeon a short furlough, left Tuesday eve-ning for Boston, where he xpects to

his discharge from the L". S. navy.Mr and Mrs W. H. Westover enter-

tained relatives from New York Statelast week. The Cemetery association willmeet with the president, Mrs. GrantThomas, Friday afternoon. Mrs. HattleWescot, of Massachusetts, is visiting herdaughter-in-law- , Mrs. Mary Wescot. MissRosalie Wescot Is visiting her aunt. MissGertrude Wilbur, In York. Dr. andMrs. G. B. Maurice and F. E. Leach vis-ited in Vergejnncs over Sunday. Mrs.Elsie Rogers, of Vorgennes, Is visitingrelative In town. A. L. Laraway ws.in Johnson Tuesday to attend bank meet-ing.

JOHNSONO. A. McFarland and family motored

to Johnson last week Monday from theircamp on the Island. The Johnson bandattended the celebration at Eden Tues-day. Ida Barton has returned from twoHays' vacation and Is In her old positionIn the office, of Fred Mill. Prof. Leon E.Bell is shipping his household goods toKeen. N, H where he engaged atthe head of the department ot educationin the State normal school. Mrs. D. B.Smalley Is entertaining her sister andhusband, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ekepren,of Boston. W. F. Waters nnd familywith Edward Miller and family motoredto Saxton's River, returning the first oflast week.

evenlng. The local is to,r"Pip1 the pulpit Methodist Church



Is boarding




Orange County

RANDOLPHA. A. Priest who lives about two miles

out on the road to Bethel, lost Mr auto-mobile on Friday night. The car, a Dodgeauto, was placed In the garage well filledwith gasoline, ready for a start, and itwas taken from the parage, and no cluehas been found to Its whereabouts. TheNellie Gill company were In town Fri-

day night, and as Miss Helen Davis wasreturning to her home from the play, shesaw Mr. Priest's car passing south, and j

lecopnlzed It, as she wns quite familiarwith the same havinp taken sonic tripswith Miss Mary Priest In the car. TheRev. W. S. Smlthcrs left here Saturdayafternoon for St. Albans, where he 0-1-

Sunday, W. J. Dukette of Dover. N. II.,Joined his family hero for a short staySaturday. Miss Eleanor Clnrk, theteacher In the teacher training depart-ment In the high school, arrived hereSaturday, after having pajwed her vaca-tion out of town. Lawrence and AreneHoward who have been passing severalweeks here with their grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. S. W. Howard, left Saturday1for their home In Burlington. RobertThayer, who has-ee- In Decry, N. H..this week with friends, returned homeSaturday. Mrs. Mary Dalton and Mrs.Gladding of Laconla, N. H., camo Satur-day to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gladding,Mrs. V. A. Grant and Mrs. Chadwlck.Mrs. Henry Goodell returned Saturdayfrom a week's stay in Groton. N. It. Mr.and Mrs. George Tuppar were here briefly Saturday and left for East Bralntreeto visit Mrs. Tupper's parents Mr. andMrs. Abel. Mrs. A. L. Galarneau returned Saturday from Montreal, whore hehad been for a week with Mrs. Galar-neau- 's

sisters. Mrs. Mary Saxton andher daughter. Miss Lucina Saxton, whohave been In town two weeks, with Mr.and Mrs. A. H. Becdle, left for theirhome In Keene, N. H Saturday. Dr. A.C. Bailey, who has been quite sick for afew days, is reported much more coin- -foi table, and It la hoped Is on the wayto recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. Millerof Lebanon and Mrs. Tlnkham, who Isthe sister of the latter, have been in townfor a few days the pucst of Mrs ClaraPrince and other relatives and Saturdaythey returned to Lebanon. Mrs. P. B.Daniels and her daughter, Miss AnnieMay Daniels were In Bethel Saturday.Mrs, William Tyler went to White RiverJunction Saturday for a short businesstrip. Mrs. John Howell of Barre Is Intown at the home of Mr, nnd Mm. N. C.Greene of Summer street. Miss NlnnThurston of Northfleld was in town forn short stay on Saturday. Mrs, OharleHMartin of Bralntree came Saturday ona business trip. Mrs. Roy Thayer, whohas been 111 for several days, is no bet-ter and pneumonia Is feared In her case.

Mr. nnd Mrs. George Joslyn of NewYork are pneslnp several days In townwith relatives. John Patch, who banbeen In Malone, N. V., for a sevoral'dnys'stay, has teturned for a longer visit withhis nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs. II. L.Patch. MrK Dustln Gage of Lebanon,N. H., and Mrs. Leon Martin nf Con-cord, N. H have been visiting friends intown, leaving here Saturday.

Miss Irene Sault, who has been withrelatives here for several days returnedlo St. Albans Monday. Mrs. Wallace Hilland daughter returned Monday from aseveral days' visit with relatives In ColChester. Dr. and Mrs. E. O, Blanchardand Cnpt, F, S. Swetl, startedby automobile Satuiday for Boston,wncro ur. anil Mrs, Wiinclinid will passa few days and then po on to Bangor,Me. to visit Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Rass.Cnptnln Bwctt will report at Portlandfor Hcrvlcc. Mr. M. W. Clinrnberlln nndmother, Mrs. Whldbrldgo, left Tuesday forSpringfield for several days with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Loland Hieing nfBoston were over-Sunda- y visitors of theformer's fathers, E. N. Rising, Mrs, EvaGranne Kimball after a 10 days' vacationm town with her parents, Mr, and MrsN. C. Greene, left for Lawrence. Maes,,Monday to reeume her work there. MissElizabeth Campbell, a teacher, who has

been with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jones,for a few days, left Monday for Sprlnc-Hel- d

to tench the cnmlnp year.-T- ho highand prnded schools opened Tuosdn- - witha full corps of tenchers nnd also a goodnttndnnco of puplls.-Lo- wls Bye, nfterseveinl weeks with his parents, Mr. nndMis. E. P, HyP( ila) Ronr to Brockton,where he has tnughl for the last liveyears. Mrs. ny Thayer, who under-went n minor operation nt the snnltarlnmnbnut n week npo nnd went to her homethe next day, has been seriously 111 fora few days with pneumonia nnd Is notexpected to lecover.

RANDOLPH CENTERH. H, Gibson has moed from the Clark

house to the A. M. Adams house nnd O.L. Green has possession of the Clarkhouse. Mrs. A. Wells returned fromthe sanatorium loi Friday. Miss GraceConnnt who has been In the hospital atSpringfield, Mass., for a lonp time havinghad three, operations reached, home Tues-day morning. --The school house nt NorthRandolph the location of which has beena controversy for several years nnd coivdetuned Is now being moved nnd fittedso ns to pass Inspection of the board.Miss Alice. Gllman who has returned fromtho snnntorium after nn operation is verylow nnd cared for by a nurse. A. A.Priest has no clue to the persons whostole his car last Friday night exeentfinding the numbers torn from the carby the road side from Randolph toBethel. The outlook for thcagriculturalschool l very bright for the coming year.

good number have already enrolledand everything Is being put In readinessfor the opening, September IS,

Orleans County

LOWELL.Mr and Mrs. M. J. Pudvah and fam-

ily of Wells River were in town thefirst of the week visiting relatives. Mrs.Homer Burnham, of Morrisvllle, was thepucst of nr. and Mrs. W. A. Younc lastweek. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. F. Slsco, of Brad-ford, and Mr. and Mrs. George Chaffeeand daughter, Jolce. of Troy, were theguests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. V. C.Slsco. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Duseau, ofFall River. Mae,. are spending a shorttime with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Batchum.

Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Sanborn, of Schenectady, N Y., were the guests of theiraunt. Miss Nellie Harding, last week.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Crafts, of Brad-ford, were the guests Friday of Mr. andMrs. E. S. Cooledge. Mrs. George Rush-lea- u

and dauphter, Miss Marparet. ofBoston, spent the week-en- d with Mrs.Peter Benway. Edgar LaClalr has soldhis farm, located on the Burlington road,to L. P. Aubln, of Newport, of the Low-e- ll

Bobbin Co. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Cool-het- h

entertained Sunday and Monday Mr.and Mrs. M. W. Chase. Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Dwlnell, the Misses Flora Staplesand Hazel Clark ami Walter Macomber,of Lynn, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. L, R. Sin-clair wore In Newport Monday.

WESTFIELD.A dauphter was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Alton Angler August 23. Albert Eastmancame home from Groveton, N. H Satur-day to remain over Labor day. Mr. andMrs. John Watkins and son. Robert, cameto visit his sister, Mrs. W. B. Gilpin. Fri-day, before movlnp from Boston to Lyn-don, where they have bought an $15,000farm. Albro Hunt visited relatives InWcstmoro last week. Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Bell and daughter apd Mrs. MildredShattuck, of Burlington, went to New-port Saturday, where they Joined Mr.nnd Mrs. C. W. Seaver on a motor tripto Bretton Woods, N. H,, where the twoolder Boll boys have responsible posi-tions. Homer Burnham, of Morrisvllle,came, Saturday to visit Mrs. H. D. Millerand other friends till the last of the week.

The Ladles' Auxiliary society met withMrs. Fred Martin Wednesday.

GREENSBOROJack Gomez has purchased the William

Eastman farm from Elmer Mathews andtaken possession. Charles Goodrich hassevered his connection with farming forthe present and moved to Lyndonville,where he has employment as a carpen-ter. Maurice Goodrich has resigned asrural mall carrier from this office andCarroll Rollins has qualified as substituteuntil the position is filled by applicants

from an examination to be heldnt Newport September 27. The State Isbuilding a new dam at the outlet of thelake. Frank Archer has charge of theconstruction. The selectmen have putnew covering on the dock and made othernecessary repairs on the same. Mr, '

Lumsdeii has completed the piece of Stateroad, which he lias been building In thevillape, and Is now bulldlnp a piece onthe road from J .1 Eindsny.'s toward theCraftRbury line. Many of our summerresidents arereturnlnp to their homes thisweek. Wo hope to see all of them withus next year. The Rev. Wendell Keelerof Yonkers, N. Y preached nt the Con-gregational Church Sunday evening.

Mr. Howe, the villape barber, went toBoston Thursday by automobile. Mr.Dufur nnd son, Norman, returned to Bos-ton, Thursday. About 2Vr people at-tended the school dance at the town hallTuesday evening. The drama "In OldNew England" wos presented by the Cas-pian . Lako Grange Friday at the townhaJl nnd drew the largest audience of theseason. The acting was fine. The musicthe best obtainable and the audience appreciative. Dancing followed the play.The net proceeds was about $121. Theplay will he repeated at Craftsbury onFrldny evening. A. C. Chnso and GeorgePorter hae been drawn as jurors at thecoining teim of Orleans county court,which convenes at Newport the 3th. MissSibyl Amsdcii returned from Milford, N,H Friday. William O'Brien has finishedwork nt Caspian Lake creamery' andmoved his family to Wnltsfield, where hehas n position in a creamery.

DERBY.Mr, and Mrs. Harry Guy and two chil

dren of Newton, Highlands. Mass.. arevisiting Mrs. Gay's mothur .Mrs. W. F.Knlpsberg. Emery Klnpsberp Is spendinga few-- days with his family in Portland.Miss Helen Jenne nnd Robert Jennn havereturned from Waterloo, P. Q wherethey have been visiting. Dr. nnd Mrs. E.W. Clark, and throe daughters, Genevieve,Dora May and Mrs. O. S. Gray and twochildren Margaret and Warren are visit-ing Mr. and Mrs. Luclon Jenne. Mr. andMrs. Harold Duvnl of Orovoton, N. Hare visiting Albeit Griffln. Schools Intown bepnn Tuesday September second,with nearly the same teachers as lastyear. Miss Elizabeth Coffin Is to havehousehold good anil real estate nf thehousehold poods and real estato of thelate Charily Rates was well attended.George Ames bought the house.

CRAFTSBURYF. J. (Hidden went Wednesday to

Rrlghtlook hospital, where he passed asuccessful operation on his elbow, Friday.

Hit. Davidson has mtunied home fromGreensboro, where she has been spendingtho summer. Mr and Mrs. C. K. Coombsare entertaining Miss KlkiiiH from NorthTroy, N. Y. J, 13, Davidson was a week-end visitor In Waterhury, Jessie Karrnnd family moved tn Albany. Thursday.-- Mr and .Mrs. ,1. K Davidson were inWalcoaa, Friday, to attend the funeral ofFled WheeW Mrs. W. 13 Han" wastaken to Brightlook hospital, ft .lohnr-hur- j.

Thursday ind passed .r fuccesefuloperation, Friday, for gall atones.-Bar-b- ara

Divldeon left Tuesday for Morris-vlll-

where sho will take up her woik

as teacher In the Peoples Academy.Mr. nnd Mrs. Lite Bemls returned to theirhome In W hitman, Mass., Tuesday,Clemma Seaver of Barlon came Friday.She Is to leach home economics In the '

crnnsnury ncnoemy the coming year.The Rev, C. D, Pierce and daughter,Marlon, called on friends In town Thurs-day mid Friday. The families of N. S.Sawyer and Seth Lathe motored to Sher-broo-

fair. Thursday, Mr, and Mrs. I.I. Titus of Hnrdwlck and Mr. and Mrs.Walter London of Boston called onfriends In town, Saturday. Harry Buch-anan enme Saturday to spend a short va-

cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.A. O. Buchanan, Avis Kler left Mondayfor Boston, where she has employment.

Rosco Lalhei and friend left Saturdayfor their home In Bridgeport, Conn.Mrs. Nellie Trie was called to Ports- -mouth. N H., Thursday, by the Illnessof her daughter, Mrs. Blanche McKlnley.

Rutland County

BRANDONMrs. Harry Wescott Is 111 nt her horrw

on Center street Miss Ruth Ware ofSpringfield, Mass., Is vteltlnp Mrs. F. L.Rogers at the Rogers cottage at LakeDunmore, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgar Osbornof Derry, N. H are, visiting at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Frank 11. Osborn ofFranklin street. Miss Mary Tennlen haareturned from Mlddlebury, where she hasbeen vlsltlnp friends for a few days.Mrs. George Qullty of Dorchester, Mas.,Is visiting hejr parents, Mr. and Mre.D. F. Goodrich, of Carver street. MissMaybelle Kelley. who has been spend-ing three weeks with her mother, Mrs.G. H. Kelley, returned Saturday toBrooklyn. N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. F. M.Everest and son, Roger, and Mrs. AgnesEastman of Littleton, N. H are visitingat the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H.Everest. Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Ahn havereturned to their home In Schene-etady- .

S. T , after visiting Mr Ann's father.Charles Aim. Fred Whltmore of Keene.N. H., Is visiting at the home of Wil-Ha-

Lb d Mm for a few days. Miss Chris-tine Plue has returnnd to her home InWest Salisbury after visiting relativeshere. William Ladam wa operated uponlast Saturday at the Mary Fletcher ho-pit-

in Burlington and favorable rports have heen received as to his con-dition. Mrs. Carter Vassar of SllddleburyIs the guest at the home of M. L. Forceof tTnlon street.

G. W. Scott, formerly of this place, hasmoved to Burlington and Is located at41 Clarke street,

A large touring car bearing a New-Yor-

numher went over a bank Justsouth of Jones' pond one mile south ofthis villape last Sunday night at aboutseven o'clock. There were three occu-pants of the car and all of them escapedbeing Injured in the leat. The carlanded on Its side In the ditch. Thesteering wheel, top windshiejd andfenders were all badly damaged. Thedriver of the car, whose name was notlearned, claimed there was somethingwrong with the steering pear which

t. The road at thispoint Is wide, straight and in good con- - :

dltlon. Two men with a large truckpulled the damaged car back into theroad and towed It to Rutland.

The Rev. Walter Thorpe, who has beenacting as superintendent of a Chautau-riu- a

this summer, has closed his engage-ment and returned home last Saturdaynight. Mrs. Mollle Bnrnard ipent theweek-en- d with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.R. W. Barnard, In Pittsford. W. H.Tarble and family have returned fromLake Dunmore, where they spent severalweeks In their cottage. Miss Hazel Hackreturned Monday to Greenfield, Mass..and Miss Helen Hack returned toSpringfield. Mass., where they teachschool. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant Taylorof Brooklyn, N. Y., are at their sum-mer home on Tranklln street for amonth. frof. and Mrs. C. S. Jacksonand Miss Elizabeth Jackon of Lynn.Mass., spent Sunday here with Mrs.E. J. Rogers on Grove street. Tho King'sDaughters of the State have presentedthe State School for Feeble-Minde- d herewith two lawn swings. Mr. nnd Mrs.John Churchill and daughters, Helenand Hilda, and Mr. and Mrs. Euclid Wnt-ter- s

have returned from a week's auto-mobile trip to several places in centralNew York. Mr. and Mrs. James R.Leonard lmve returned from their wed-dln- p

trip and will go to housekeeping inthe douglass cottage on Grove streetThe Biandon Concert band went Mondayto Orwell to furnish music for n Laborday celebration and home roming wel -come to returned soldiers.

Charles E. Miner, an old resident ofBrandon, died at his home on Depotstreet Monday mornlnp. He was S2years of ago and a veteran nf the Civilwar. He was a member of C. J. Orms-be- e

Post No. IS, G. A. R. The funeralwas heM at the house at two o'clockWednesday afternoon, C. J. OrmsbeePost attended the funeral In a hody.Burial was In Pine Hill cemetery.Arthur Bowker, who haa been at thehme of his sister, Mrs. Arthur Ferris,for several days, has returned to WestRutland. O. A. Durgey has relumedfrom Springfield and PIttsfleld, Mass.,where ho has been visiting relatives.Harlow Sanders, who has heen serious-ly 111 for several weeks, la able to heabout the street ajraJn. Miss MargaretKetcham went Tuesday morning toMorrisvllle, where she is to teach schoolthis year. Miss leda Johnson wentMonday to Barnet, wheie she will teachschool. Newton Smith is able to beout aaln after being confined to thehouse for several days, Miss MaryCarroll has returned to Waterhuryafter a week here with her sister, MIbsInez Carroll. Mrs. Margaret Griffin ofRutland is visiting her sister, Mrs. N.E. Breed. Miss Katherlne Blackwellhas returned from Llshon, N, H whereshe visited her sister, Mrs. P H. Wash-burn. Mrs. Hugh A. Seager has re-turned from the Mary Fletcher hos-pital where she has heen for severalweeks recovering from a surgical oper-ation. The Zelenkn summer camp andschool for boys which opened the lat-ter part of June closed Tuesday, The130 boys left on the noon train fortheir homes.

Chautauqua closed Tuesday evening withan Interesting lecture by Dr. George. Law-rence Parker, former minister of theBritish-America- n Congregational ChurchIn Pctrograd. Chautauqun will return toBrandon another year, ino persons having signed as guarantors. The funeralof Charles flnA. .v.n .1 ..i . 1. i

on Depot street Mondav n orn n wnein at tne nouse Wednesday afternoonThe Rev. Walter Thorpe of the Congrega-tional Church officiated. The bearerswere Frank Ferris, Fay Rlrkert, IrvingBreed, Chnrles Wnshburne, Frank Titusand B, A. Carr, all members of DavenportCamp, Sons of Veterans, C. J, OrmsbeePost, G, A. R,, attended the funeral. TheGrand Army burial service waa lead InPine hill cemetery. Mrs. W. (.. Gipson andson, Merrill, have returned from Burling-ton, where they spent several days withrelatives, Miss Eugenia Thomas haa te-turned after visiting In Schenectady. N.Y., for several weeks. Mrs. Dora McGov-er-

who has been spending the summerhere, has gone lo Now Haven. Mrs.Floyd Thomas of Schenectady, N, Y.,spent several days with his mother, Mrs,Alice Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. II A llnv

f Vergenncs. Miss Sarah Harrington,Vern Mason and Mrs. W H. Hsrrlnctonof Saranac Lake, N. Y., who have beenbeen visiting Mr and Mrs Judnon. Severy.have returned to their homes.-- A larsenumber of the world wr veterans fromBrandon attended the home clebrati'Mi

and clambake which was held at the Rut-land fair grounds Wednesday In connec-tion with the Rutland fair, each man wasgiven free admission to the grounds andgrandstand and In the afternoon the hakewas served with all the fixing. WilliamM. Dean, Sr., has returned from Win-a- t

earl, Conn., where he has been visitinghis brother. Mrs, Lurretla Ballard hasleased the apartment over Collins &

Needham's store and will go to house-keeping there.

BENSONMerrill Glbbs and l, R, Wilcox went to

Hudson Falls Wednesday to attend thefair In that town, George Jackson tookthe Rev, and Mrs. David H. Strong toTlconderoga Wednesday and wrtit overthe old fort grounds. John A. Brlggs,who hal, h(,Bn al Mt farm on thf, turn.pike the past week, returned to his homeIn Tlconderoga, Thursday. Many of ourpeople wont to Orwell for the field dayexercises Monday. The Rev. Herbert M.Hall, of Saratoga Springs, was here thepast week calling on former parlshoners.

Miss Lucy Gregg, of Wheaton, III., whohas been at D. A. HlgplnVs the pastmonth, returned to Illinois the past week.

Marcella Radlgan, who has taughtschool In the north district for four years,has closed hr school there and will soongo to her home In Castleton. She hasheen very much liked by the patrons ofthe north district. Mr. and Mrs. HemanGIfford, of the turnpike, went to Tlcon-deroga Sunday to call on John A. Brlggs.

Earle Lockwood, who has been at workat the Mountain View Stock farm forseveral weeks, goes to Brandon this weekand will enter the high Fchool there. Mr.and Mrs, Jacob Miller, daughter Ruth andson, Paul, and a friend from Albany, whoare stopping a few days at Lake St.Catherine, motored to Bemson Sundayafternoon and called on Dr. J. P. Newton.

Washington County

MONTPELIERThe funeral of Lawson C Cummlngs

took place at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the home of Mr. and Mrs.David Splcer. He had made his homthere for some years, especially duringthe winter time for he spent the mostof his summers at his farm In East Montpeller. Mr. Cummlngs was conscious al-

most until death occurred. He directedS. F. Moree, who brought him to thehospital, to remove his automobile whichwas tlpred over the bank, and which wasthe cause of his death, and take it tohis farm In East Montpeller, saying thathe probably would not run it again. WhenMr. Morse reached him, Mr. CummlngsametiA Vilm tn rMiMz Vilm tn cnm nlnas he did not want to be left in the!mattr und" consideration by t

woods. Mr. Cummlngs had crawled about10 rods from tbe seene nf the nrrlHenitowards the Morse school house In orderto pet out of the woods, that some onemight see him, the accident having hap-pened In a lonely place It was causedby Mr. Cummlngs turning his automobileto one Elde of the road to avoid a lot of

'ntones that had been placed in ahole In the road We rnnH Iwvadriven his car so that the wheels wouldhave straddled the pile of stone. Thedeceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs.Amasa Cummlngs. He was born July 31,1SS. He was married In 1&S3 to NellieBarnuni of Nebraska. They lived In St.Paul for some years, where the latterdied. He leaver three cousins, Willisnf MMlnAll., rrfmi- - nf Cae, fnn,.pellcr and Mrs. Elizabeth Town of Mont- - !

peller.Otto Williams, president of the Young

41m- -l ,.:n,.loHnr. nf Afnnfnillo- - S -

in,n. w nnrnintin- - hi. nia -- .lo ti '

to the annual banquet which takes placeat the dining room of the Institution theevening of September 19. This will beFriday evening so that many of thegraduates, who are teachers, will be ableto attend the affair. Mr. Williams ha3been In conference with the Rev. J W.Hatch, head of the school, relative totho arrangements.

Harry A. Black, secretary of state,has suspended the motorcycle operator'slicense of Frank J. Nault of Barton he- -cause of an accident which recently no- -

etirred in which Nault suffered a brokenankle. He had boasted that he coulddrive from Barton to the mill six milesin five and one half minutes and wasdriving very fast when he ran Into an '

miuiu .laiiu, win, !i 11110 rv -- uihivii'breaking: her hip. on the road betweena In V, ti oV, tti rtr, I 3 fill All I

'pears to be an effort to place tho blame'elsewhere than on himself although he,admitted that he was driving 33 miles

l"n hollr anri ,VU! tryinC to nleet anotherautomobile and pass the woman at the

"ame time.Mrs. H. M. Gove received a message

from Cleveland, Ohio Saturday of thedeath of Walter Gove her son, who fortho last year has been In the Warren-vlll- e,

Ohio, sanatorium. He was anative of West Berlin, born in 1890. ason of Mr and Mrs. Edward Gove. Helived In Hardwlck for pome years. Hewas employed about, five years in Ohioin the steel Industry., Besides hismotherho leaves two sisters Mrs MildredBettlo of Waitsfleld and Miss. HelenGove of Montpeller A brother died thisyear while In the service of the country.

A message was received Saturday byMiss Elmer Pine that Thomas Lackey,her who is a son of Deputy1. S. Marshal G. F Lackey, had been In-

jured In an automobile accident nearHolyoke and that he was In a hospitalIn Springfield, Mass. Later In the dayanother report was received from himthat the young man was not badly in-

jured, only bruised and that he wouldbe out In a few days. The details of theaccident were not learned.

Miss Marlon Buzzell accompanied Mrs.M M. Hill to her home In Denlo, Oregon.Mrs. Hill wat, called home by the deathof a brother-in-la- who was shot ac-cording to the report received here. Hehad the management of the water sys-

tem in that section and was in prominencequite little. None of the details of theaffair have reaohedOiere.

Reports have been received from MadRiver Valley that a large yield of cornwill be enjeyed in that section of theState In spite of the recent report thatthe yield 3s to be small this season. Thetalks have noti grown as tall, as In some

years but those who have conversed aboutthe matter state that a good yield Isripening off.

Five miles of new rails are being laid! u' Rpct1on me" "f Antral Ver- -

mont railway near Montpeller Junctionthe work extending north and south ofthe station.

Harry A. Black, secretary of state,Thursday morning suspended the auto-mohi-

operator's licenses of R, A. Blge-lo- w

of Lyndonville nnd Ned G. Fos ofMorrisvllle, the first for causing an acci-dent when he ran Into a team, whilethe second was for intoxication whileoperating a car. He also has leceivednotice that Preston Twombley ofOrleans has been convicted of runninga car without a license nnd fined 150 andcosts, and that John Kocsls of Proctorhns been convicted of the same chargennd fined $1.1 and costs. In additionto the penalties the secretary Mated thatthey will not be given licenses this jear.

The school board has completed Itscensus of the total number of schoolchildren In this city, which Is 1,5H or66 of school age less than one year ago,Of the total number U5 are theares of fUf and six years

Trank Huntlnglon of Montpeller set-tled hlf account in tho estate of Lewis

wuurr 1 nurafL3. ine account n


place relative to the committing of HoHathaway of East Montneller to the Ktn

Because there are funds to take carethe womsn, the petition was dismissed

Annie L, Brink of Bane town took pisnt the home of the Rev, Joseph LundMnnllU.ll., WmAjmA-- t 4 ........ - -

are employed on the Morrison farmBarre.

' I" , .11 .,11 ,

u.B a IV,,,, r n 1 11....,Mr, Heed was a native of Montpeller

I Yt - . , ,

effects to Rutland, where, he enters tInsurance business.

John P. Duga and Richard Brucethey gave their names to the policeBarre were arrested by John Murleythe police force In that city at MontpellJunction about noon Friday on the. charof burglary In the store of Moore it-- OweIn Barre Thursday night. They are

afternoon long enough so they were eally Identified. It Is claimed they went In1,1,- - muic rtllu i h lllfll 'JI'JIC

ruim ,11 11, - njfC WIIUII llie IUL nil A

with a stickpin and other articles

TheV Were en luir f nntnatler .Ttlnf-t- lduring Friday morning. One was carring a dinner-pai- l whtah did not agree wlhis nice suit of clothe, and which pre

inviii 11 cv wf m w kpti ;t 1: k to nwhen the clothing was Identified

They pleaded guilty Friday afternoonburglary and were each sentenced to tState s prison for five to six years

The report of a rea tr.d collisiontween here and Barre was received

I. n.UUI. T , f . . , . ..' .v .1, i. DEnilUl H &UIDIIIOP

"ii tciair lull lulu !; mr dn(car of the Traction company. Miss E!e

...h- - viia 1110.1111110 ucillf. 111

towards Montpeller and that In orderavoid an automobile the driver of tautomobile had to allow one wheelcross one of the rails of the car traafter which he was unable to get t

went back to flag the approaching troll

the trolley car ran into the rear of tautomobile.

ine auey r air association ot Brauhoro has filed a petition asking leavechange its number of shares of stock

instead of 300 shares at a share T

mver iuhsr company of Montgomery has filedanioavit snowing tnat its paid up sto- ,Aru . , . . .

,,ivf .,11.1 i.ir .uuui Ullll

amounting to $24,000.Harry A Black, secretary of state,

ceived the report Friday morning of t

uuni liuillliri .Jl rtUtlUCIlLH DUL DrODathe most Important report was thatan ayldent in which the motorcycleT." n r r . ,. ....... ... ua. lull, Wrt lOing Leora Ball of Barton In his side

the automobile of J. Alfred Dumers

A report of a man who claimed he hno use for Darners stated that Nault

that hf runsix miles with his motorcycle inmlputes. Probably Nault's license will

A,.nV Vn.. t . 1 ,OfOK-- n an

Tatl. or st Albans reported tran into team Mnninr tupside down

ran and theaway partie .vne 11 n A

to find it during the nightThere will not be a teacher tralm

course in iwonioener nirn sr.noni tyear and Miss Elizabeth Hoffman, w

was a teacher there last year will- , . U . . . J J . . . - ,

. . .," J v. t'.u.. u ,11 111 JLUIUII M.11U

has h'jen engaged by the educationpartment as teacher In that coursethe Northfleld schools. The teacher

iiui.iu.-i.i- l, iiu ap 1111- - irrtun-j- r mi v

years, was unable to return becausethe result of influema.

' ne matter on tne placing ot a cow


"" '" '"" ui ie attorneysHI. LI 11 L iViW IlltlLII LO IllH Kr.Uld U

damage done by the cow to 'he garden- ". nenette was matte .ionaay in

lellsh his attitude in the matter and

until the damages are settled

..linn n,ifii irpiii" rpreau ni jinnmpiluurv iiil:, n l fik.UL 11 1:1

brother of the groom, officiating.

Heney was the best man Mrs TCallahan presided at the pipe organ

in il uiiumiir i i .Mr nnn .1 r,. i.iinPereau of tthis city

G. F. Lackey received word from L

iiifii in rcannnipn ni pneumonia uurithe morning, at the age of about

nnd leaves a husband and one daughterGeorge C Carpenter, bank conini

sloner has appointed H E. Pease of Wh

in pinic in i iiiirit'F neiim, ivpo ic-e-

resigned.Miss Bertha Davis of Coatlc-o- k, P

le nmnlni.,1 It, hi nfTlrA nf the Stiifa hiway commissioner

. incpa.mc was receiveo ai inir

. IIIIHLUl tO IV, ITU 11 UAHIll,, "I" 'lien lonn. inrmniTi lt nn urv milium !

...,t,,.--, ,11, l fiti'muiTl o, l.ctri, iv, r u,,v.and evapoiatetl fruits

nue to tne iireaKing flown 01 aavmage. She was born in Henri'tta. N.lull' 11 1CJI rlauht.p nf Mr and M

other relatives by one daughter M

Saturday. The body will he takenKendally, N. Y , for burial

tton of James, the olght-year-ol- d

pictures show that the hip, which

In reality hroken and that the endsthe hntie hnrl filinnert h The litienow. wno ten i t reel iron .1 verainto the river, stood the reductionnn iMrn rfl ni nn n nriiips ni int. w

In pood shape.


.iHiiricH iiviin. I1H6 ri'iuiiieii iu nri iiu

of Northfleld, ha been isltlng in tothe past week. Law tence L RurnsNotlhfleld. and Mis LurlnrU IojciSprlnsfleld, a former resident of this oi
