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1 Bushfire Management Plan for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Smith Consulting Version 4 SMITH CONSULTING Bushfire Consultants BUSHFIRE MANAGEMENT PLAN Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Shire of Murray Prepared by Ralph Smith SMITH CONSULTING BPAD27611 [email protected] 0458 292 280 Site visited 29 January 2019; Report completed 4 April 2019 154411 & 157552 19 June 2019

1 Bushfire Management Plan for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Smith Consulting Version 4

SMITH CONSULTING Bushfire Consultants


Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Shire of Murray

Prepared by Ralph Smith SMITH CONSULTING

BPAD27611 [email protected]

0458 292 280 Site visited 29 January 2019; Report completed 4 April 2019

154411 & 157552

19 June 2019

Fire Management Plan

2 Bushfire Management Plan for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Smith Consulting Version 4


4 April

4 April 2019

3 Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup SMITH CONSULTING 4 April 2019 Version 4

NOTE This Bushfire Management Plan has been developed by Smith Consulting for the exclusive use of the client, Mr Shane Farrell from Corrib Developments and their agents. The plan has been compiled using the standard methodologies required by Western Australian government departments and agencies. It is based on the following:

State Planning Policy 3.7 Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas (SPP 3.7), December 2015

Guidelines for Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas, December 2017

Australian Standard 3959 – Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas (incorporating amendments 1, 2 and 3), March 2009

Standard fuel load field data collection methods and conversion to a fuel load applicable for the appropriate fire spread models.

The techniques described in the above publications have been applied in the appropriate areas and circumstances for the development of this document. Where there was no public access the interpretation is based on photographic and satellite imagery, and a laser distance meter was used to measure distances and effective slope. It is recommended that this Bushfire Management Plan be revised every five years to ensure that it remains relevant and in-line with current requirements. This will optimise protection. It is proposed that the property owners undertake the review. DISCLAIMER This Bushfire Management Plan has been prepared in good faith. It is derived from sources believed to be reliable and accurate at the time of publication. Nevertheless, this plan is distributed on the terms and understanding that the author is not responsible for results of any actions taken based on information in this publication or for any error or omission from this publication. Smith Consulting has exercised due and customary care in the preparation of this Bushfire Management Plan and has not, unless specifically stated, independently verified information provided by others. Any recommendations, opinions or findings stated in this report are based on circumstances and facts as they existed at the time Smith Consulting performed the work. Any changes in such circumstances and facts upon which this document is based may adversely affect any recommendations, opinions or findings contained in this plan.

Document control

Report Version Purpose Author/reviewer and accreditation details

Date Submitted

1 Original version RDS 7/02/2019

2 Minor revisions following Shire comments

RDS 25/02/2019

3 Additional revisions following Shire comments

RDS 11/03/2019

4 Additional revisions following Shire comments

RDS 4/04/2019

© Smith Consulting April 2019

4 Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup SMITH CONSULTING 4 April 2019 Version 4

Table of Contents


1: Proposal Details 5

2: Environmental Considerations 8

2.1: Native Vegetation – modification and clearing 8

2.2: Re-vegetation / Landscape Plans 8

3: Bushfire Assessment Results 9

3.1: Assessment Inputs 9

3.2: Assessment Outputs 17

4: Identification of bushfire hazard issues 17

5. Assessment against the Bushfire Protection Criteria 18

5.1: Compliance 18

5.2: Additional management strategies 19

6: Responsibilities for Implementation and Management of the Bushfire Measures 20

List of Figures

Figure 1: Copy of site plan 5

Figure 2: Copy of lots 13 and 14 plan 6

Figure 3: Map of Bushfire Prone Areas for the subject site (if a partial designation) 8

Figure 4: Vegetation classification map 9

Figure 5: BAL contour map 10

Figure 6 – 8: Slope 16

Figure 10: Spatial representation of the bushfire management strategies 19

List of Appendices

Appendix 1 21

Appendix 2 26

5 Bushfire Management Plan for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Smith Consulting Version 4

Section 1: Proposal Details

The proposal is to clear conditions relating to subdivision WAPC 154411 and also WAPC 157552 when subdivision approval has been granted. The BMP

supports the clearance of WAPC 154411 into the two lot subdivision of lots 13 and 14, as well as the lots under the WAPC 157552. This is a condition of

subdivision relating to a portion of WAPC1441 and WAPC 157552 and restricted to Lot 57 Avoca Retreat. The Bushfire Management Plan is a supporting

document for the subdivision application for the change of land use proposed for Lot 57 Avoca Retreat, and does not include Lot 56 Readheads Road. The

development site is not adjacent to any Bush Forever sites, nor any Aboriginal Heritage sites. The BMP is prepared as a condition of development at the

request of the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) (Condition 16). This development is a component of the larger development within the

general area.

Figure 1. A copy of the site plan as provided with the development application.

This area is not

covered by this BMP

6 Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup SMITH CONSULTING 4 April 2019 Version 4

Figure 2. A copy of the site plan of lots 13 and 14 (WAPC 154411).

7 Bushfire Management Plan for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Smith Consulting Version 4

The development site has not been designated by the Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner as a

bushfire prone area. Therefore, the additional planning and building requirements that may apply to any

new development resulting in construction within the subject lots are not subject to the requirements of a

development that is within a declared bushfire prone area. It should also be noted that the Department of

Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) advise that it is an unreasonable expectation that a fire appliance will

be available to protect every home during a bushfire emergency. It is therefore critical that all new

residential buildings are constructed to an appropriate standard and the surrounding vegetation

appropriately managed. All dwellings on the lots can be placed so that they can be constructed at a BAL

rating of BAL–29 or less.

Figure 3. Aerial photo of the area showing that the site is not declared as bushfire prone.

8 Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup SMITH CONSULTING 4 April 2019 Version 4

Section 2: Environmental Considerations

There is virtually no native vegetation on the site, with the exception of a number of isolated native species trees. The area is basically a grassland that is grazed by horses and other introduced animals. The Building Code of Australia (BCA) only applies construction standards for Class 1, 2 or 3 buildings or Class 10a building or deck associated with a Class 2 or 3 building (under Part G5), and Class 1 or a Class 10a building or deck associated with a Class 1 building (under Part P2.3.4 and Part 3.7.4). Under building legislation, bushfire related construction requirements do not apply unless the dwellings are in designated bushfire prone areas. This site is not designated as bushfire prone and therefore AS 3959 construction standards are not triggered. The predominant vegetation type on Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup, is effectively land cleared of native vegetation, and covered with a grass surface vegetation. The State has determined that the bushfire threat is not sufficient enough to trigger a formal declaration of bushfire prone. It is required that an Asset Protection Zone as defined by the Shire of Murray and the Guidelines be implemented where possible and practical through the Shire’s legislative requirements prior to the commencement of any new construction on the lots.

Subsection 2.1: Native Vegetation – modification and clearing

There area is virtually devoid of native vegetation, with the exception of some isolated trees.

Subsection 2.2: Re-vegetation/Landscape Plans

The revegetation will be completed in accordance with the individual lot development revegetation plans, and within the locations shown on the modified subdivision plan. The species that are chosen will be submitted to the Shire for approval as required by Condition 15 of the WAPC conditions. The revegetation of the site will not influence the construction standard of any dwelling or other associated building. If the revegetation does impact the construction standard the dwellings will be constructed to the appropriate standard.

9 Bushfire Management Plan for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Smith Consulting Version 4

Section 3: Bushfire assessment results

Subsection 3.1: Assessment Inputs

Plot 1

Plot 2

Plot 3

Plot 4

❾ ❿

⓰ ⓱ ⓲

Figure 4. Vegetation classification map

Photo point

10 Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup SMITH CONSULTING 4 April 2019 Version 4

Location details: Bussell Hwy, Gelorup

Assessment date: 16 July 2018

Prepared by: R Smith

Accreditation level: 2

Accreditation number: 27541

Accreditation expiry date: August 2018

BAL Contour Map

Figure 5. BAL contour map.

The subdivision site is

classified is not declared as

bushfire prone. AS 3959

construction standards do

not apply.

11 Bushfire Management Plan for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Smith Consulting Version 4

Plot 1 Exclusion Clause (e) and (f)

Photo ID: Photo 1 Avoca Retreat road reserve and Photo ID: Photo 2 The house and cleared lot adjacent to the

vegetation. subdivision site.

Photo ID: Photo 3 The managed low threat vegetation on Photo ID: Photo 4 The low threat vegetation and house on the

the neighbouring property. neighbouring property.

Photo ID: Photo 5 The managed low threat vegetation on Photo ID: Photo 6 The house and infrastructure on the

the neighbouring property. neighbouring property.

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Plot 2 Class G – Grassland (AS 3959 vegetation classification G – 21)

Photo ID: Photo 7 The grassland vegetation under a tree Photo ID: Photo 8 The grassland associated with the horse

overstorey on a neighbouring property. paddocks.

Photo ID: Photo 9 The grassland with a sparse, isolated Photo ID: Photo 10 The grassland vegetation on a neigbouring

overstorey vegetation. property.

Photo ID: Photo 11 The grassland and single row of windrow Photo ID: Photo 12 The grassland on a neighbouring property

trees. to the west.

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Plot 3 Class B – Woodland (AS 3959 vegetation classification B – 06)

Photo ID: Photo 13 The woodland with a predominant grass Photo ID: Photo 14 The woodland with a mixed scrub

surface vegetation and some scrub. vegetation.

Photo ID: Photo 15 The woodland north of the subdivision Photo ID: Photo 15 The woodland west of the subdivision site.

site. Plot 4 Class D – Scrub (AS 3959 vegetation classification D – 14)

Photo ID: Photo 16 The scrub north of the subdivision site. Photo ID: Photo 17 The scrub under a sparse tree overstorey

pavement on the medium strip. north-west of the subdivision site.

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Photo ID: Photo 18 The scrub vegetation to the east of

subdivision site. Notes to Accompany Vegetation Classification 1. Plot 1 Exclusion – Low threat vegetation and non-vegetated areas Clause (e) (f) This plot comprises the houses, cultivated and reticulated gardens and infrastructure adjacent to the subdivision site. It includes the road infrastructure and developed land surrounding the lot. The Shire’s firbreak and fuel load notice requires easch dwelling to maintain a 20 metre asset proteatcion zone. 2. Plot 2 Class G – Grassland (AS 3959 vegetation classification G–21).

This plot has been assessed as a grassland vegetation, and in a number of areas there is a sparse tree overstorey or single rows of windbreak overstorey. In applying the precautionary principle it is important to determine the likelihood of the surface vegetation changing, and becoming a scrub vegetation in the short, mid or long term. It is highly improbable that the surface vegetation will be anything other than grassland as there is an absence of seed in the soil and there is a limited seed source available within the nearby areas. The native recolonisation of the grassland sites are known to be slow to non-existent. The recovery to a scrub understorey is limited by the seed availability and recruitment failure. Seed dispersal is limited by the seed bank and the distance from the potetential seed source. There is no native scrub seed available in the area to facilitate recolonisation. The grass species are very competitive and restrict the opportunity for recolonisation by scrub seed, if there were scrub parent species present on or near the site, which there is not. In most cases to effectively regenerate the site to a scrub surface vegetation would require direct seeding and control on non-native species as a minimum. These activities have not been undertaken and the grass surface vegetation remains.1 Research by Alcoa has found that for effective rehabilitation of post mining areas to achieve a mixed species scrub understorey in the jarrah forest has significant similarities to the situation associated with the Lot 7 treed area. Alcoa have found that “for effective rehabilitation of post mined areas involves respreading overburden and top soil, contour ripping to approximately two metres depth and broadcasting fertiliser and pretreated understorey within the same year.

1 R. J. Standish, V. A. Cramer, S. L. Wild & R. J. Hobbs (2007), Seed dispersal and recruitment limitations are barriers to native recolonization of old-fields in Western Australia, Journal of Applied Ecology 44, 435-445.

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Poor seedling emergence was observed, however, when pretreated seed and fertiliser was simply broadcast onto old rehabilitated sites. With time, soil surfaces become compacted by settlng and raindrop impact.”2. This means that with without active intervention by the property owner it is highly improbable that the site will ever have a significant scrub understorey and will therefore remain as a grass and leaf litter surface vegetation. 3. Plot 3 Class B – Woodland (AS 3959 vegetation classification B–06). This plot comprises the woodland to the north, east and west and adjacent to the subdivision site. The woodland is a number of discrete areas that are relatively narrow, but quite long except for the woodland to the east of the subdivision site which is a larger plot. The woodland surface vegetation is significantly affected by the grassland incursion. This woodland excepts the 10% overstorey cover which would have made a grassland the surface vegetation according tot AS 3959 criteria. 4. Plot 4 Class D – Scrub (AS 3959 vegetation classification D–14). This plot comprises the scrub which is located adjacent to the west, north and an isolated area to the east of the proposed subdivision. The scrub is associated with the lower lying areas that are subject to water from seasonal inundation during winter. Other considerations in regard to vegetation 1. The fire spread algorithms applied in AS 3959 consider fine fuels as less than 6 mm diameter for dead

material, and less than 3 mm diameter for live material. Specific considerations regarding the development site The shire requires a 20 metre asset protection zone surrounding each dwelling. This has been considered in the development of the BMP. The vegetation classification map has been developed on the basis that the State has determined that the site is not a bushfire threat and consequently has not been declared as bushfire prone. As the area is not declared as bushfire prone the Building Code of Australia has not been triggered, and dwellings do not require constructing to the AS 3959 criteria.

2 B L Glossop (1982), Cultivation Techniques for Understorey Establishment on Old Rehabilitated Bauxite Mine Sites, Alcoa of Australia Environmental Research Note No 7.

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Slope The orange lines on the slope aerials show the surface slope and the blue line the vegetation and buildings above the surface.

Figure 6. Aerial photo to the west of the development site (0.17°).

Figure 7. Aerial photo to the north of the development site (0.0°).

Figure 8. Aerial photo to the east of the development site (0.0°).

Figure 9. Aerial photo to the south of the development site (0.0°).

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Subsection 3.2: Assessment outputs

The development site has not been designated by the Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner as a

bushfire prone area. Therefore, the additional planning and building requirements that may apply to any

new development resulting in construction within the subject lots are not subject to the requirements of a

development that is within a declared bushfire prone area.

The Building Code of Australia (BCA) only applies construction standards for Class 1, 2 or 3 buildings or Class 10a building or deck associated with a Class 2 or 3 building (under Part G5), and Class 1 or a Class 10a building or deck associated with a Class 1 building (under Part P2.3.4 and Part 3.7.4). Under building legislation, bushfire related construction requirements do not apply unless the dwellings are in designated bushfire prone areas. This site is not designated as bushfire prone and therefore AS 3959 construction standards are not triggered.

Method 1 BAL Determination






Effective Slope Under

the Classified



Separation Distance to

the Classified






1 Exclusion 0 N/A Low

2 Grassland 0 20 12.5

3 Woodland 0 20 19

4 Scrub 0 20 19

Determined Bushfire Attack Level 19

The BAL rating in the above table is to the subdivision lot site boundary and then with a 20 metre APZ applied to the location of the dwelling. These BAL ratings in the above table are not to the future dwelling location as the building envelopes are not known. The individual BAL ratings for each future dwelling can only be established once the location of the dwelling is known. Lots 18 and 19 will not be offered for sale until after the temporary EAW is removed, which can only occur after additional sections of the regional road network is established and provided appropriate access options in compliance with the Guidelines.

Section 4: Identification of bushfire hazard issues

The principle bushfire hazard is the vegetation surrounding the development site and within the development site. Grassland will be the significant continuous bushfire fuel until the lots are developed and the APZ are established. The woodland and scrub on the neighbouring lands continue to pose an ongoing bushfire fuel threat.

18 Bushfire Management Plan for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Smith Consulting Version 4

Section 5: Assessment against the Bushfire Protection Criteria

Subsection 5.1: Compliance

Bushfire protection criteria

Method of Compliance Proposed bushfire management strategies

Acceptable solutions

Element 1:


A1.1 Development location

This development will developed in such a manner that on completion will be at BAL–29 or lower depending on the location of the dwelling on the lot.

There will be a 20 metre APZ required on these lots.

Element 2:

Siting and


A2.1 Asset Protection Zone (APZ)

Element 3:



A3.1 Two access routes There are multiple access options that facilitate movement to a range of alternative locations and directions of travel. An additional temporary access option will be developed as a component of the development linking Bolliong Grove and Hamelin Drive.

A3.2 Public road All public roads will be constructed to the appropriate standards as required in the Guidelines.

A3.3 Cul-de-sac (including a dead-end-road)

There will be no dead-end roads in the subdivision that exceed the requirements in the Guidelines. It is acknowledged that Avoca Retreat is a dead-end road that commences on Lakes Road, but through new road constructions it now links to both Readheads Road and Hopelands Road. There will be a temporary EAW established that links to Avoca Retreat via Bolliong Grove to Hamelin Dr.

A3.4 Battle-axe

Not applicable.

A3.5 Private driveway longer than 50m. Not applicable.

A3.6 Emergency access way

There will be a temporary EAW established that links to Avoca Retreat via Bolliong Grove to Hamelin Dr.

A3.7 Fire service access routes (perimeter roads)

Not applicable.

A3.8 Firebreak width

Firebreaks will be established and maintained in accordance with the Shire’s firebreak and fuel load notice.

Element 4:


A4.1 Reticulated areas

The site will be serviced with reticulated mains water in accordance with the State Government requirements.

A4.2 Non-reticulated areas

Not applicable.

A4.3 Individual lots within non-reticulated areas (Only for use if creating 1 additional lot and cannot be applied cumulatively)

Not applicable.

19 Bushfire Management Plan for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Smith Consulting Version 4

Subsection 5.2: Additional management strategies


1. Subject land

2. Roads

3. Hydrant location


1. The site is not declared as bushfire prone. AS 3959 construction standards do not apply to the subdivision.

2. The site will have reticulated mains water supply. 3. Scrubland to the west and woodland to the north and east are the

primary vegetation plots that provide an ongoing bushfire threat. 4. The sites trees may be cleared during the development and the

grass may be removed. 5. The neigbouring properties are also being developed. 6. Access options currently in place and a new proposed bitumen

road. 7. Temporary access option that will be connected to the road

network and developed as a component of the subdivision.

Figure 10. Spatial representation of the bushfire management strategies.

Location details: Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Road, North Dandalup Local government area: Shire of Murray Assessment date: 29 January 2019 Prepared by: Ralph Smith Accreditation level: 2 Accreditation number: 27541 Accreditation Expiry Date: August 2019 Date of Aerial photo: December 2018 Version No: 4







3 3 4 2










5 6

20 Bushfire Management Plan for Lot 57 (No 122) Avoca Retreat, North Dandalup Smith Consulting Version 4

Section 6: Responsibilities for Implementation and Management of the Bushfire Measures


No. Implementation Action

1 Install the roads and temporary EAW, and associated signs to the standards stated in the


2 Install the required water supply that meets State Government’s specifications.


No. Management Action

1 Comply with the relevant local government annual firebreak notice issued under s33 of the

Bush Fires Act 1954.

2 Develop revegetation that does not increase the potential bushfire threat.

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Appendix 1 Regional access options (shown by the red arrows).

Temporary emergency

access way (EAW)

Proposed new

road as a

component of

the subdivision

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Figure 10. Location of the temporary access way.

EAW estimated

distance of 287


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Figure 12. Location of the temporary access way.

The new through road linking

Avoca Retreat to Readheads

Road and also Hopelands Road.

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Figure 13. Access roads off Avoca Retreat being constructed.

The following have been extracted from the Guideline.

Figure 14. Emergency access way.

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Figure 15. Emergency access way criteria.

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Appendix 2 Shire of Murray firebreak and fuel load notice.

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