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Business and Management 2009 (US)

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Business andManagement Catalog

New Titles & Key Backlist 2008/2009

CONTENTSHuman Resource Management and Employment

Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Organizational Behavior and Organizational Theory . .10Organizational and Work Psychology . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Public, Non-Profit and Health Management . . . . . . . .15Marketing, Retail and Sales Management . . . . . . . . .21Corporate Communications and PR . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Strategic Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28International Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30Asian Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35Corporate Governance and Business Ethics . . . . . . . .40Accounting and Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44Mananging Information Systems and Technology/

E-business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51Systems Thinking and Complexity Theory . . . . . . . . .54Operations and Quality Management . . . . . . . . . . . .55Entrepreneurship and Small Business . . . . . . . . . . . . .57Business History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60Research Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61General Business Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72

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Human Resource Managementand Employment Relations



InternationalHuman ResourceManagementPolicy and Practice forMultinational Enterprises

DDeennnniiss RR.. BBrriissccooee, (retired)University of San Diego, USA,RRaannddaallll SS.. SScchhuulleerr, RutgersUniversity, USA/GSBA Zurichand LLiissbbeetthh CCllaauuss,Willamette University, USA

Series: Global HRM

Praise for the previous edition:

“Briscoe and Schuler have created thebenchmark by which other HRM texts will bemeasured.” —Wayne Cascio, University ofColorado, Denver, USA

This essential book provides a thorough foundationfor anyone studying or working in internationalhuman resource management. Featuring data andexamples from international business, consultingpractice, academic research, and interviews withIHRM managers in multinational and globalorganizations, it covers almost everything that iscurrently known in the field. The approach offersboth a theoretical and practical treatment of thisimportant and evolving area, relying heavily on theauthors’ varied and international backgrounds.

Thoroughly updated and revised, this third editionincludes learning objectives, key terms, discussionquestions, and end-of-chapter vignettes forapplication of the ideas in the text. It is designed tolead readers through all of the key topics in a highlyengaging and approachable way. The language isvery ‘reader-friendly’ and it is global in scope andexamples. The book focuses on IHRM withinmultinational enterprises (MNEs) from throughoutthe world, featuring topics including:•globalization of business and HRM

•global strategy and structure

•global HR planning and forecasting

•global talent management

•global training and management development

•global compensation and benefits

•global employee performance management

•new trends in international HRM.

Uncovering precisely why IHRM is important forsuccess, this outstanding textbook provides anessential foundation for an understanding of thetheory and practice of IHRM. It is essential readingfor all students, lecturers and IHRM professionals.July 2008: 368ppHb: 978-0-415-77350-8: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-77351-5: $59.95


People Strategies for Global FirmsVVllaaddiimmiirr PPuucciikk, International Institute forManagement Development, Lausanne, Switzerland,SScchhoonn BBeeeecchhlleerr, Columbia University, New York,USA and AAnnnnee--VVaalléérriiee OOhhllssssoonn

Series: Global HRM

Providing a framework for thinking about the role ofHuman Resource Management in global enterprises,this fascinating book investigates the contribution ofhuman resources in controlling the inevitablemanagement tensions emerging in the globalenterprise. It covers topics such as: •strategic perspectives on global HRM

•enhancing horizontal coordination

•transnational leadership development

•managing performance in a global context

•developing shared culture and global mindset.

Taking an integrated approach to international HRM,it focuses on key strategic challenges, such asbalancing global integration with localresponsiveness. This approach to analyzing the HRrole is radically different from the traditional formatof IHRM textbooks, and as a consequence, this is aninvigorating new addition to global HRM literature,of great interest to students, researchers andpractitioners in the fields of HRM and internationalbusiness. December 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-31628-6: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-31629-3: $43.95


Performance Management SystemsA Global Perspective

Edited by AArruupp VVaarrmmaa, Loyola University, Chicago,USA, PPaawwaann SS.. BBuuddhhwwaarr, Aston Business School,UK and AAnnggeelloo DDeeNNiissii, Tulane University, NewOrleans, USA

Series: Global HRM

Performance management is the process by whichorganizations set goals, determine standards, assignand evaluate work, and distribute rewards. Butwhen you operate across different countries andcontinents, performance management strategiescannot be one dimensional. HR managers needsystems that can be applied to a range of culturalvalues.

This important and timely text offers a truly globalperspective on performance management practices.Split into two parts, it illustrates the key themes ofrater motivation, rater-ratee relationships and meritpay, and outlines a model for a global appraisalprocess. This model is then screened through arange of countries, including Germany, Japan, USA,Turkey, China, India and Mexico.

Using case studies and discussion questions, andwritten by local experts, this text outlines the toolsneeded to understand and “measure” performancein a range of socio-economic and cultural contexts.

It is essential reading for students and practitionersalike working in human resources, internationalbusiness and international management.April 2008: 296ppHb: 978-0-415-77176-4: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-77177-1: $49.95


Global CareersMMiicchhaaeell DDiicckkmmaannnn, Cranfield University, UK andYYeehhuuddaa BBaarruucchh, Norwich Business School, Universityof East Anglia, UK

Series: Global HRM

This exciting book captures broad researchextending to a large set of diverse motivations,experiences, and outcomes of international work inglobal ‘for profit’ and ‘not for profit’ organizationsand delivers nuanced insights into the managementof international employees for firms andgovernmental/non-governmental organizations.

This text covers global career issues in-depth,working at the intersection of career andinternational human resource management andusing a number of perspectives, such asorganizational or individual ones. Chapters include:•theories, frameworks and concepts

•supporting research/data where relevant

•managerial implications, summaries, learningpoints, figures and tables

Illustrated with up to the minute case studies fromcompanies such as Pepsi, Imperial Tobacco, CadburySchweppes, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Philips, HSBC,Misys, Philip Morris International and Masterfoods,Global Careers is essential reading for all thosestudying or concerned with career management,human resource management and internationalbusiness.April 2009: 312ppHb: 978-0-415-44627-3: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-44628-0: $49.95


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GlobalCompensationFoundations andPerspectives

Edited by LLuuiiss GGoommeezz--MMeejjiiaa,Arizona State University, USAand SStteevvee WWeerrnneerr, Universityof Houston, Texas, USA

Series: Global HRM

Compensation is a systematicapproach to providing

monetary value and other benefits to employees inexchange for their work and service. But pay andconditions becomes a more complicated issue formultinational companies which operate acrossdifferent locations and cultures, and who employ anincreasingly diverse range of personnel.

This unique new text gives in-depth analysis of thekey themes and emerging topics faced by globalenterprises when dealing with compensation issues.The first section, ‘Foundation Concepts’, looks at thedesign of compensation packages for a number ofdifferent employee groups; from supply chainmanagement to research and development, as wellas ethical considerations when dealing with a globalcontext, and the concept of performance relatedpay. The second section, ‘Global Applications’, looksat current debates in the field, including theinfluence of national cultures on compensationschemes, discrepancies in CEO pay, and contrasts inwages between industry types.

Part of Routledge’s Global HRM, this is is aninvaluable text for any student of HRM, Businessand Management, or any practitioner working inthis area. September 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-77502-1: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-77503-8: $55.95

Global Industrial RelationsEdited by MMiicchhaaeell JJ.. MMoorrlleeyy, University of Limerick,Ireland, PPaattrriicckk GGuunnnniiggllee, University of Limerick,Ireland and DDaavviidd GG.. CCoolllliinnggss, Sheffield UniversityManagement School, UK

Series: Global HRM

Breaking new ground and drawing on contributionsfrom the leading academics in the field, this notablevolume focuses specifically on industrial relations.Informative and revealing, the text provides anoverview of the industrial relations systems of nineregions (North America, South America, WesternEurope, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Australiaand New Zealand, Asia, Africa, and India) and isdivided into two distinct sections covering:•regional variations in global industrial relationssystems

•contemporary themes in global industrial relations.

Combining both systems and thematic issues, thisimportant new text is invaluable reading forpostgraduates and professionals in the fields ofhuman resources management, industrial relationsand business and management as well as anyonestudying or interested in the issues surroundingglobal industrial relations.2006: 372ppeBook: 978-0-203-97019-5Hb: 978-0-415-32946-0: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-32947-7: $55.95

Global StaffingEdited by HHuugghh SSccuulllliioonn, University of Strathclyde,Glasgow, UK and DDaavviidd GG.. CCoolllliinnggss, SheffieldUniversity Management School, UK

Series: Global HRM

Staffing is one of the biggest issues facingcompanies moving into the global market today.This book provides a multi-disciplinary, integratedand critical discussion-based analysis of current andemerging issues in global staffing.

It critically examines best practice and leadingapproaches, drawing on research from a range ofdisciplines including international strategy,management, HRM and organizational theory. Thekey theme of localization is also examined alongwith the complex associated implementation issuesin a number of different regions.

This text takes a truly international approach, givingstudents of HRM and international business an in-depth understanding of the processes of globalstaffing.2006: 232ppHb: 978-0-415-36936-7: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-36937-4: $43.95

Managing Global Legal SystemsInternational Employment Regulation andCompetitive Advantage

GGaarryy WW.. FFlloorrkkoowwsskkii, University of Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania, USA

Series: Global HRM

Presenting a framework for understanding thecorporate strategy-public policy interface as it relatesto human capital management, this unique texttreats legal systems as factors that must be activelymanaged in the firm’s larger pursuit of internationalcompetitive advantage. It provides readers with themost comprehensive description to date of the rolethat transnational, regional and national institutionsplay in the evolution of domestic employmentregulation and international labour standards, anddiscusses the opportunities that employers have toinfluence their form and application. 2006: 288ppeBook: 978-0-203-50291-4 Hb: 978-0-415-36944-2: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-36945-9: $55.95


Managing Human Resources inCentral and Eastern EuropeEdited by MMiicchhaaeell JJ.. MMoorrlleeyy, University of Limerick,Ireland, NNoorreeeenn HHeerraattyy, University of Limerick,Ireland and SSnneejjiinnaa MMiicchhaaiilloovvaa, University ofAuckland, New Zealand

Series: Global HRM

Against the backdrop of ancient cultures, acommunist legacy and eventual institutional atrophy,many of the societies of Central and Eastern Europehave pursued aggressive development trajectoriessince the early 1990s. This part of Europe is nowcharacterized by a rising economic heterogeneityand a rapidly changing socio-cultural context,underscored by waves of restructuring, privatization,increasing foreign direct investment and anemerging individualism. However, while there hasbeen a growing interest in the transition economiesin the past number of years, until now, thecontemporary nature of human resourcemanagement in these societies has not been welldocumented in book form.

This long-awaited text:•charts the contemporary landscape of HRM in thisregion

•describes key aspects of the transition process asexperienced in each of the economies underconsideration

•describes key legislative and labour marketdevelopments and reforms

•discusses key trends in HRM policy and practice.

Authored by leading names in this field, this much-needed text is an important addition to the literaturein this area.August 2008: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-40560-7: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-40561-4: $49.95

Managing Human Resources inEuropeA Thematic Approach

Edited by HHeennrriikk HHoolltt LLaarrsseenn, Copenhagen BusinessSchool, Denmark and WWoollffggaanngg MMaayyrrhhooffeerr, ViennaUniversity of Economics and BusinessAdministration, Austria

Series: Global HRM

This informative text provides an analysis of the tenmost important themes in European HRM. It takes athematic yet critical approach and includes threedistinct country examples in each chapter, payingspecial attention to dilemmas, controversies,paradoxes and problems in the field. The majorthemes covered here are the role of the institutionalcontext, the importance of various organizationalforms for HRM, the roles and contributions of HRMwithin the organization and the impact of societalmacro-trends on HRM.

Written and edited by leading European authorities,this text is essential reading for all those studying orworking in HRM in Europe, and allows an excitingsynthesis of theory and practice, illustrated withliving case studies.2006: 304ppeBook: 978-0-203-69673-6Hb: 978-0-415-35100-3: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-35101-0: $55.95

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Managing HumanResources in NorthAmericaCurrent Issues and Perspectives

Edited by SStteevvee WWeerrnneerr,University of Houston, Texas,USA

Series: Global HRM

’An outstanding additionto the growing body of literature on globalhuman resource management. It is verycomprehensive with an excellent roster of wellknown authors. It should be on the desk of allscholars, students and practitioners interestedin global human resource management.’ ——Robert Heneman, Ohio State University, USA

’Professor Steve Werner has put together animpressive cast of scholars to address some ofthe most challenging and pressing issues in HRtheory and practice in North America. Each ofthe chapters places HR topics within thebroader societal and economic context andincludes a discussion of important implicationsand guidelines for practice. This book will beinvaluable for anyone interested in the presentand future of HR theory and practice in NorthAmerica.’ —Herman Aguinis, University ofColorado, Denver, USA

This unique text covers the key issues in NorthAmerican human resources today. Providing anoverview of new and emerging issues in NorthAmerican Human Resource Management (HRM), thechapters are divided into three parts. The first partexamines how changes in the business environmenthave affected HRM; the second part looks at topicsthat have escalated in importance over the last fewyears; and the third analyzes topics that haverecently emerged as concerns.

Each chapter is authored by a leading figure in thefield and features case vignettes to provide practicalillustrations of the points in hand. The chapters alsoconclude with guidelines to help HR professionalsdeal with the issues raised.

A Companion Website featuring online lecturer and student resources is available for this text and can be visited atwww.routledge.com/textbooks/0415396867.

Managing Human Resources in North America is acore text for current issues in HRM courses in NorthAmerica and a supplementary text for studentsstudying international HRM in other countries. It willbe invaluable reading for all those studying HRM inNorth America or currently working in the field.2007: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-39685-1: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-39686-8: $55.95

Managing Human Resources in theMiddle-EastEdited by PPaawwaann SS.. BBuuddhhwwaarr, Aston BusinessSchool, UK and KKaammeell MMeellllaahhii, NottinghamUniversity Business School, UK

Series: Global HRM

Managing Human Resources in the Middle Eastprovides the reader with an understanding of thedynamics of HRM in this important region.Systematic analysis highlights the main factors andvariables dictating HRM policies and practices withineach country. Diverse and unique cultural,institutional and business environment factors whichplay a significant role in determining HRM systemsin the region are also elaborated upon.

The text moves from a general overview of HRM inthe Middle-East to an exploration of the currentstatus, role and strategic importance of the HRfunction in a wide-range of country-specificchapters, before highlighting the emerging HRMmodels and future challenges for research, policyand practice.

This text is invaluable reading for academics,students and practitioners alike. 2006: 328ppeBook: 978-0-203-48582-8Hb: 978-0-415-34961-1: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-34962-8: $57.95


Managing PeopleLLyynnnn TThhuurrlloowwaayy, EElliizzaabbeetthh HHoouullddsswwoorrtthh, and AAnnnnPPaarrkkiinnssoonn, all at Henley Management College, UK

By definition, the ability to manage people is anessential skill for all managers in all types oforganization. This comprehensive and innovativenew textbook examines HRM from a line manager’sperspective in order to meet the real-life needs ofHRM students. The book’s unique approach isdesigned to help all students, not just thoseintending to become HR managers, to understandthe theory and practice of managing people in theworkplace. The new set book for the internationally-renowned Henley MBA, it includes case studies,teaching and learning questions, an extensivebibliography in each chapter and additional on-lineresources.

Visit the companion website atwww.routledge.com/textbooks/9780415423366March 2009: 392ppHb: 978-0-415-42335-9: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-42336-6: $57.95


People Management andPerformanceJJoohhnn PPuurrcceellll, NNiicchhoollaass KKiinnnniiee, JJuuaannii SSwwaarrtt, BBrruucceeRRaayyttoonn and SSuussaann HHuuttcchhiinnssoonn, all at University ofBath, UK

Do human resource management practices actuallywork? This timely and engaging volume examinesthe links between people management practicesand organizational performance. Focusing on theimplementation and impact of HR strategies, thebook puts forward a model, which draws attentionto:

•The importance of the culture and values of theorganization•The needs of professional knowledge workers

•The links between human resources andperformance

Sponsored by the Chartered Institute of Personneland Development, People Management andPerformance takes a critical view of how and whyHR practices have had a positive impact on a rangeof organizations and also considers the implicationsfor theory and practice. Incorporating case studiesfrom well known organizations, such as Nationwideand Selfridges, this book will be of interest tograduate students of HRM and business andmanagement, as well as practitioners working in thefield.September 2008: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-42779-1: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-42780-7: $49.95

Readings and Cases in International Human Resource ManagementEdited by MMaarrkk EE.. MMeennddeennhhaallll, University ofTennessee at Chattanooga, USA, GGaarryy RR.. OOddddoouu,Utah State University, USA and GGüünntteerr KK.. SSttaahhll,INSEAD, Singapore

This fully updated and revised edition of thissuccessful text retains all the favourite features fromprevious editions as well as adding a wealth of newones.

Written to enable students to meet the internationalchallenges that face them everyday and to sensitizethem to the complexity of human resource issues inthe era of globalization, this text is a vital resourcefor all those studying international human resourcemanagement.

Visit the companion website atwww.routledge.com/textbooks/97804153968822006: 400ppHb: 978-0-415-39687-5: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-39688-2: $61.95

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The Routledge Companion toStrategic Human ResourceManagementEdited by JJoohhnn SSttoorreeyy, The Open University, UK,PPaattrriicckk MM.. WWrriigghhtt, Cornell University, USA andDDaavviidd UUllrriicchh

Combining up-to-date research, innovative contentand practical perspectives, this book is thebenchmark by which all other strategic HRMreference works should be measured. Offering acomprehensive and authoritative overview of thefield, leading figures from around the globe surveythe current state of the discipline and introduce andexplore new and cutting-edge themes.

Section introductions and integrative critiques fromkey authorities pull together the separate themes toprovide cross-comparison between chapters,creating a cohesive and well-structured volume.Unlike other texts in this area, The RoutledgeCompanion to Strategic Human ResourceManagement also includes contributions fromleading management and business writers in areasadjacent to human resource management, forinstance strategy, innovation and organizationallearning. These add fresh and challenging insightsinto HRM themes from key mainstream business andmanagement thinking.

This book is an essential resource for researchersand students studying human resource managementand strategy.January 2009: 512ppHb: 978-0-415-77204-4: $180.00


Human Resources ManagementThe Key Concepts

CChhrriiss RRoowwlleeyy, Cass Business School, LondonUniversity, UK and KKeeiitthh JJaacckkssoonn

Series: Routledge Key Guides

This book is a concise guide to the most importantfacts, theories and ideas that more and moremanagers are turning to for insight into how to runtheir business. Human Resource Management: TheKey Concepts is closely tailored to students needswhilst its relevance to the wider social contextmakes it useful for practitioners also.

It covers:•employee relations

•emerging issues in HR

•employee rewards

•employee resourcing.

Each concept is defined and dicussed with regardsto it’s origin, it’s fit into the overall subject andcommon managerial failures in respect of it. Cross-referencing, an A-Z Index and essay style entriesmake this concise edition an accessible andrewarding read.February 2009: 320ppHb: 978-0-415-44042-4: $110.00Pb: 978-0-415-44043-1: $26.95



InternationalHuman ResourceManagementA European Perspective

Edited by MMiicchhaaeellDDiicckkmmaannnn, CranfieldUniversity, UK, PPaauullSSppaarrrrooww, LancasterUniversity, UK and CChhrriissBBrreewwsstteerr

Conducting business acrossnational borders is nothing new; the KnightsTemplar were banking internationally as long ago as1135. But modern globalization processes raisedifferent challenges, and as the world becomessmaller and labour movements more common, aninternational understanding of human resourcemanagement is essential.

The second edition of International HRM provides afully updated and revised analysis of this importantarea. Its innovative, multi-disciplinary approachallows a holistic picture to emerge in which keyissues are assessed from organizational, individualand societal perspectives. The collection is dividedinto three parts:•the contemporary internationalization context

•the management of international employees

•strategic issues facing international HR managers.

Supported by new research, and including workfrom eminent writers in the field, this book discussesissues as diverse as the relative absence of women ininternational work, the ethical merits of localization,and the context faced by organizations like theUnited Nations. It is a valuable tool for all students,researchers and practitioners working ininternational business and human resourcemanagement.March 2008: 344ppHb: 978-0-415-42392-2: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-42393-9: $54.95


Human Resource Management inEuropeEdited by CChhrriissttiiaann SScchhoollzz, University of Saarland,Germany and HHaannss BBööhhmm, Managing Director ofthe German Association for Personnel Management,Germany

The European Union is expanding. Wide cultural,political and economic differences within the Unionhave a significant impact on the management ofhuman resources, so crucial to the success of anyenterprise. Businesses within the EU have regularlytried to re-evaluate the context in which they work,and for investors from other continents, notably theUS and Asia, the potential for expensive mistakes isonly too real.

In this comprehensive new book, the varied andparticular challenges for human resourcemanagement in the EU are fully explored. Written inconjunction with the European Association forPersonal Management (EAPM), the book offerscountry-by-country analysis from native authors,assessing the contexts faced by businesses workingin thirteen different states: from founding EUmembers like France and Germany, to relatively newentrants like Latvia and Poland. The book alsoincludes a chapter on Turkey, an emerging economycurrently outside the Union. The key issues areaddressed from both theoretical and practicalperspectives, whilst each chapter is alsocomplimented by best practice case studies. August 2008: 448ppeBook: 978-0-203-93794-5Hb: 978-0-415-44760-7: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-44761-4: $55.95


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NEWHandbook ofResearch inInternationalHuman ResourceManagementEdited by MMiicchhaaeell MM.. HHaarrrriiss

Series: LEA’s Organizationand Management Series

“The chapters in thisimportant volume reflectin-depth, nuancedtreatments of the most

challenging issues that International HumanResource Managment scholars face. Eachchapter is thoroughtly documented, andidentifies the kinds of challenging questionsthat will define IHRM research for years tocome.” —Wayne F. Cascio, University of Colorado atDenver

Handbook of Research in International HumanResource Management, a book in LEA’s Organizationand Management Series, provides a sophisticated,in-depth examination of research in internationalhuman resource management (IHRM). EditorMichael M. Harris compiles research in IHRM that isotherwise fragmented across numerous journals andconducted from several different approaches. In sodoing, Harris recommends new directions andhypotheses to guide future researchers.

This well-organized and much needed volumeexplores topics ranging from how to conductinternational human resource management usingboth qualitative and quantitative methods, todefining “culture”, employee selection, performancemanagement, union-management relations, andcareers.January 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-8058-4948-6: $110.00Pb: 978-0-8058-4949-3: $49.00


Best Human Resource ManagementPractices in Latin AmericaEdited by AAnnaabbeellllaa DDaavviillaa, Monterrey TEC, Mexicoand MMaarrttaa MM.. EEllvviirraa, Lexington College, USA

Latin America today presents a dynamic butchallenging business landscape. Although foreigninvestment in the region has risen, Asia’s increasingrole in the global economy is a challenge to LatinAmerica’s competitiveness. At the same time,Translatina firms – Latin American trans-nationalcompanies – continue to grow in capital andinfluence.

This original collection explores the tensionsbetween the strategic HRM policies demanded byglobal competition and local approaches rooted inLatin American cultural values. The book uses aselection of real-life case studies, plus quantitativedata, to understand the unique challenges of humanresource management in Latin America, exploring:•the relationship between political, economic andsocial forces and HR practices

•lessons from successful HRM practices in the region

•the role of HRM practices for business strategy inLatin America

•national development and HRM practices

•diverse specific social and cultural contexts.

Written by regional-based academics with intimateknowledge of the cultural and business landscapes,this is an important reading for students of humanresource management, and business andmanagement.August 2008: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-40060-2: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-40062-6: $53.95


Human Resource Management“with Chinese Characteristics”Facing the Challanges of Globalization

Edited by MMaallccoomm WWaarrnneerr

This edited book deals with HRM “with Chinesecharacteristics,” covering a range of topics relatingto ongoing reforms in people-management in theChinese workplace. It has an internationallyrenowned list of contributors, both Western as wellas Chinese.October 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45766-8: $150.00


HRM in the Sport and LeisureIndustryCChhrriiss WWoollsseeyy, JJeeffff AAbbrraammss, HHeelleenn WWhhiittrroodd BBrroowwnnand TTeerrrryy OOwweennss, all at Leeds MetropolitanUniversity, UK

Containing wide ranging industry specific casestudies and a full explanation of all key humanresource issues, this text allows students developtheir understanding of strategic human resourcetheory and practice.

By its very service nature, leisure and sport are staffintensive sectors, making effective human resourcemanagement and development central tounderstanding the business, and to business success.HRM in the Leisure and Sport Industry is acomprehensive course textbook and reference forstudents of HRM, business, sports and leisuremanagement. November 2009: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-42178-2: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-42179-9: $47.95

The Impact ofCulture on HumanResourceManagementProcesses andPracticesEdited by DDiiaannnnaa SSttoonnee andEEuuggeennee FF.. SSttoonnee--RRoommeerroo,both at University of Texas-San Antonio, TX, USA

It is clear that organizations are becoming moreculturally diverse, and a better understanding ofmulticulturalism and its impact on organizations isneeded. This book, with contributions from expertacademics, is designed to motivate both the furtherdevelopment of models concerned with theinfluence of cultural diversity on several humanresource management processes and practices andthe design and conduct of empirical research on thesame topic.2007: 688ppHb: 978-0-8058-4598-3: $70.00Pb: 978-0-8058-4599-0: $39.95


Diversity ManagementAAnnnnee--MMaarriiee GGrreeeennee, University of Warwick, UK andGGiillll KKiirrttoonn, Queen Mary, University London, UK

Series: Routledge Research in Employment Relations

A comprehensive and critical review of the globalscholarly literature on diversity, this book presentsfindings from original UK-based research involvingin-depth organizational case studies, interviews,observation and documentary data from over fiftyorganizations.February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-43176-7: $150.00


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Page 10: Business and Management 2009 (US)


Inside the Factory of the FutureWork, Power and Authority in Microelectronics

AAllaann MMccKKiinnllaayy, University of St. Andrews, UK andPPhhiill TTaayylloorr, University of Strathclyde, UK

Series: Routledge Research in Employment Relations

This book takes a cutting-edge look inside the“factory of the future” based upon a detailed real-life survey of workers at Motorola, a leadingmicroelectronics firm.August 2009: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-21294-6: $130.00

Management in the Airline IndustryGGeerraaiinntt HHaarrvveeyy, University of Wales, Swansea, UK

Series: Routledge Research in Employment Relations

Civil aviation pilots present a peculiar challenge formanagement as they wield considerable industrialpower. Based on original research, this bookexamines the impact of human resourcemanagement on airline pilots in recent years.2007: 176ppeBook: 978-0-203-93803-4Hb: 978-0-415-39078-1: $130.00

Power at WorkHow Employees Reproduce the CorporateMachine

DDaarrrreenn MMccCCaabbee, Keele University, UK

Series: Routledge Research in Employment Relations

Providing detailed insights into working life,McCabe, a well-known author in the fields oforganization studies, labour process theory andcritical management studies offers a distinctiveapproach to innovation in the work place. 2007 eBook: 978-0-203-96184-1Hb: 978-0-415-41797-6: $140.00



Reward ManagementA Critical Text

Edited by GGeeooffff WWhhiittee, University of GreenwichBusiness School, UK and JJaanneett DDrruukkeerr, University ofGreenwich Business School, UK

Series: Routledge Research in Employment Relations

September 2008: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-43188-0: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-43189-7: $53.95


Solidaristic Wages PolicyThe European Experience

TThhoorrsstteenn SScchhuulltteenn

Series: Routledge Research in Employment Relations

This book considers the role of both wages andunions in economic theory, asking whether wagesare merely a mechanical outcome of the economicprocess or a political variable subject to influence byorganized labour? July 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-44125-4: $130.00


The Dynamics of Partnership inFinancial ServicesPPeetteerr SSaammuueell, University of Nottingham, UK

Series: Routledge Research in Employment Relations

This book evaluates the debate on partnership,using original research. Samuel redefines the debateproviding a new categorisation with which tosynthesize and clarify a highly diverse literature onlabour-management partnership. February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-42952-8: $130.00


Trade Unions in a Neoliberal WorldThe Contemporary Politics of British TradeUnionism

Edited by GGaarryy DDaanniieellss, University of Keele, UK andJJoohhnn MMccIIllrrooyy, University of Keele, UK

Series: Routledge Research in Employment Relations

Written by very well-respected contributors, thiscomprehensive volume provides readers with anacademic examination and comparison of thepolitics of industrial relations in the UK and Europe.September 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-42663-3: $130.00

Trade Unions and WorkplaceTrainingInternational Perspectives

Edited by RRiicchhaarrdd CCoooonneeyy, Monash University,Australia and MMaarrkk SSttuuaarrtt, University of Leeds, UK

Series: Routledge Research in Employment Relations

This book examines contemporary trade unionapproaches to vocational education, workplacetraining and skill development. It explores the rolethat unions have played in the reform of vocationaleducation and training systems; the nature of unioninvolvement in consultative mechanisms at anational and industry level; the nature of unioninvolvement in skill formation at the workplace, andthe development of mechanisms for the articulationof employee voice in the design, delivery andassessment of vocational training.August 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-44334-0: $130.00


Managerialism, Public SectorReform and Industrial RelationsThe State at Work

Edited by PPeetteerr FFaaiirrbbrrootthheerr, Cardiff University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Employment and WorkRelations in Context

This book addresses the key debates on publicservices reform in the last decade, providing a criticalanalysis of the restructuring of the public services,the emergence of a more managerially-organizedpublic service and the trade union response. February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-44333-3: $130.00

Sexualities, Work andOrganizationsJJaammeess WWaarrdd, Kingston University, UK andManagement Consultant, PA Consulting Group

Series: Routledge Studies in Employment and WorkRelations in Context

Innovative and well-written, Sexualities, Work andOrganizations brings together and relates stories ofminority sexual identity from six organizations drawnfrom three different industry sectors.2007: 192ppeBook: 978-0-203-93924-6Hb: 978-0-415-39699-8: $140.00


Unions and GlobalizationPPeetteerr FFaaiirrbbrrootthheerr, Cardiff University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Employment and WorkRelations in Context

Innovative and offering a sociological analysis oftrade unionism in the globalized era, this bookprovides a robust and coherent comparative analysisof the debate surrounding trade unions and theirrenewal.June 2009: 304ppHb: 978-0-415-41664-1: $130.00


Industrial Relations in EducationBargaining for Change in the Education Industry

BBoobb CCaarrtteerr and HHoowwaarrdd SStteevveennssoonn, both atUniversity of Leicester, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Employment and WorkRelations in Context

Inter-disciplinary in approach and drawing not onlyon education research but also from the fields ofindustrial sociology, management studies and labourprocess theory to locate the reform agenda within awider picture relating to teachers, their professionalidentities and their experience of work, this bookdraws on critical perspectives that challengeorthodox policy discourses relating to remodelling.April 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-41454-8: $160.00


Outsourcing and Human ResourceManagementAn International Survey

Edited by RRuutthh TTaapplliinn, Centre for Japanese and EastAsian Studies, London, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in the Growth Economiesof Asia

Examining the role of outsourcing in Japan, Europeand the United States, this book takes a broadstandpoint on this important practice incontemporary business.January 2008: 264ppeBook: 978-0-203-93395-4Hb: 978-0-415-42891-0: $150.00


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Page 11: Business and Management 2009 (US)

Globalizing International HumanResource ManagementEdited by CChhrriiss RRoowwlleeyy, Cass Business School,London University, UK and MMaallccoomm WWaarrnneerr, JudgeBusiness School, University of Cambridge

This edited book, in twelve chapters on covers awide range of regional and national cultures, as wellas perspectives, exploring how these might shapeboth theory and practice in the field of internationalhuman resource management.2007: 264ppHb: 978-0-415-44001-1: $150.00


The Americanization of IndustrialRelationsAn International Relations Perspective onBusiness

IIaann CCllaarrkk, De Montfort University, UK

Series: Routledge Research in Employment Relations

This book examines how the American model ofindustry and management structure, generally, andindustrial relations, in particular, have influenced theindustrial relations practices of other countries inboth Europe and Asia.July 2008: 304ppHb: 978-0-415-38536-7: $140.00


Women and the Labour MarketMMaarrkk HHaarrtt, Kingston University, UK and VVaannii BBoorrooooaahh, University of Ulster, UK

Series: Routledge Research in Gender and Society

Despite the expansion of female employment overthe past twenty years, women continue to becrowded into a small number of occupations which,in the main, represent low-paid jobs. This bookanalyzes this issue and examines one route ofescape: self-employment. In the USA women haveincreasingly been following this path and thegrowth in women-only businesses is testimony tothe possibilities this allows for increasing economicindependence.January 2009: 248ppHb: 978-0-415-21601-2: $110.00

Working Time Around the WorldTrends in Working Hours, Laws, and Policies in aGlobal Comparative Perspective

SSaanngghheeoonn LLeeee, DDeeiirrddrree MMccCCaannnn and JJoonn CC.. MMeesssseennggeerr, all at the International LabourOffice, Switzerland

Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern WorldEconomy

John Maynard Keynes once made the boldprediction that the three-hour work day wouldprevail for his grandchildren’s generation. Seventyyears later, the question of working time is aspertinent as it was at the inception of the forty-hourweek. Not until now, however, has there been aglobal comparative analysis of working time laws,policies and actual working hours. This bookdemonstrates that differences in actual workinghours between industrialized and developingcountries remain considerable - without any clearsign of hours being reduced2007: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-43937-4: $140.00

AppliedMeasurementIndustrial Psychology inHuman ResourcesManagement

Edited by DDeebboorraahh LL..WWhheettzzeell, Work Skills First,Inc., Glen Allen VA, U.S.Aand GGeeoorrggee RR.. WWhheeaattoonn,formerly of AmericanInstitutes for Research,Greensboro NC, U.S.A

An updated version of Deborah Whetzel andGeorge Wheaton’s earlier volume, this text is a well-organized sourcebook for fundamental practices inindustrial psychology and human resourcesmanagement. Applied Measurement describes theprocess of job analysis and test development withpractical examples and discusses various methodsfor measuring job performance. Its primary purposeis to provide practical, systematic guidance on howto develop the various kinds of measurementinstruments frequently used in the fields of industrialpsychology and human resources management toassess personnel.

With easy to follow guidance written instraightforward language, Applied Measurementcontains three new chapters focusing on trainingand experience measures, assessment centers, andmethods for defending the content validity of tests;includes contributions from many prominentresearchers in the field, all of whom have had agreat deal of applied experience; begins eachchapter with an overview describing the job analysisor measurement method; and uses one job, that ofan electrician, as an example throughout the bookso that readers can easily understand how to applyjob analysis data for the purposes of testdevelopment and job performance measurement.

This practical, concise book is recommended forstudents and entry-level practitioners in the fields ofindustrial psychology and human resources.2007: 605ppHb: 978-0-8058-5867-9: $79.95


Appraisal, Feedback andDevelopmentMaking Performance Review Work

CClliivvee FFlleettcchheerr, Goldsmiths College, University ofLondon, UK

Tried and trusted by thousands of HRM students andprofessionals in three previous editions, this is themost comprehensive introduction to performanceappraisal currently available.

In this fully revised and updated work, Clive Fletcherexplores the key elements of the appraisal process,and through best practice examples explains howsuch processes can motivate and develop staff,fostering commitment and positivity, and ultimatelyimproving an organization’s performance.

Drawing on the wider critical literature onperformance management and organizationalpsychology, and based firmly on evidence-basedanalysis and organizational experience, the bookstresses the vital role of performance appraisal in theidentification, development and retention of talent.Discussion topics include:•aims and outcomes of the appraisal process

•designing appraisal schemes

•appraisal as an ingredient of performancemanagement

•Multi-level, multi-source ‘360 degree’ feedback

•training, implementation and monitoring

•the international and cultural adaptation ofappraisal systems.

Exploring both public and private sector contexts,this is essential reading for all students of humanresource management and for any manager or HRMprofessional looking to develop more effectiveperformance appraisal systems.

February 2008: 232ppHb: 978-0-415-44690-7: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-44691-4: $49.95

Improving Workplace LearningKKaarreenn EEvvaannss, Institute of Education, London, UK,PPhhiill HHooddkkiinnssoonn, HHeelleenn RRaaiinnbbiirrdd and LLoorrnnaa UUnnwwiinn

Series: Improving Learning

Grounded in rich and detailed empirical studies, thisvolume challenges conventional thinking. Animportant new addition to the Improving Learningseries, it focuses on guidelines for improvinglearning by marrying the very best theory andpractice to provide an accessible and authoritativeguide to workplace learning. Practitioners, policymakers, students and academics with an interest inlearning at work will find this an invaluable additionto their bookshelves.2006: 224ppeBook: 978-0-203-94694-7Hb: 978-0-415-37119-3: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-37120-9: $45.95


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Vocational EducationInternational Approaches, Developments andSystems

Edited by LLiinnddaa CCllaarrkkee, University of Westminster,London, UK and CChhrriissttoopphheerr WWiinncchh, King’s CollegeLondon, UK

Examining a wide range of contrasting internationalapproaches and development strategies, this bookdemonstrates the central role of the state inimplementing an effective system of VET andassesses the extent to which different VET policiescan promote equality in the labour market andsocial justice.2007: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-38060-7: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-38061-4: $55.95

Communities of PracticeCritical Perspectives

Edited by JJaassoonn HHuugghheess, Brunel University, Bristol,UK, NNiicckk JJeewwssoonn, Cardiff University, UK and LLoorrnnaaUUnnwwiinn, Institute of Education, University of London,UK

This benchmark text provides an accessible yetcritical introduction to the theory and application ofcommunities of practice and their use in a diverserange of managerial and professional contexts, fromeducation to human resource development.

This book charts the development of the idea ofcommunities of practice and explores the keyrelationship between learning and identity among:•newcomers and ‘old timers’

•male and female workers

•the low skilled and the high skilled

•professionals and managers

•adults and adolescents.

Drawing on international empirical studies andadopting a multi-disciplinary approach, this book isuseful reading for all students, researchers,practitioners and policy makers with an interest inwork, employment, labour markets, learning,training or education.2007: 200ppHb: 978-0-415-36473-7: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-36474-4: $49.95

Learning FromWinnersHow the ARF Ogilvy AwardWinners Use MarketResearch to CreateAdvertising Success

RRaayymmoonndd PPeettttiitt, WirthlinWorldwide, New York, USA

’Nowhere has there everbeen such a thorough andthoughtful review and

explication of the best of the best inadvertising research.’ —Dee Alsop, GroupPresident, Harris Interactive

This book demonstrates how the best companiesuse the creative application of research, done upfront, to produce the big ideas with significantimpact on the market and on the people,employees, partners, retailers and customers.Readers of this book will experience how brandmanagers and their agencies use the right researchto drive new brand insights, re-define problems ormarkets, support risk-taking ideas, and illuminatediverse audiences. This book will be an invaluableresource for business executives looking for marketstrategy, consumer psychologists, teachers, students,and practitioners looking for a trusted guide forstudy in advertising, marketing and promotion.2007: 200ppHb: 978-0-8058-5653-8: $39.95

Work GroupLearningUnderstanding, Improvingand Assessing How GroupsLearn in Organizations

VVaalleerriiee SSeessssaa, MontclairState University, Hoboken, NJand MMaannuueell LLoonnddoonn, SUNYat Stony Brook, NY

’This is a wonderfullycomprehensive and

readable compendium of recent research ongroup learning. The authors - recognizedexperts in the field - have contributed acomplementary set of chapters that cover thekey issues on this increasingly important topic.’

—Amy Edmondson, Harvard Business School

This contributed book shapes the emerging field ofgroup learning by drawing on research from leadingtheoreticians and researchers. Author contributionsaggregate existing theory and research and gobeyond this foundation to examine new insightsabout how groups learn and what they learn,factors that influence group learning, learninginterventions, and group learning assessmentmethods.

This book will be of interest to all working in thearea of group learning, including theoreticians,researchers or professional level practitioners whowant a solid grounding in group learning theory andresearch. Students of organizational behavior willbenefit from having the group learning literaturebrought together in a single volume with chaptersfrom leading researchers.December 2007: 408ppHb: 978-0-8058-6021-4: $90.00Pb: 978-0-8058-6022-1: $42.00

Human Resource Management inthe Public SectorEdited by RRoonnaa SS.. BBeeaattttiiee, Glasgow CaledonianUniversity, UK and SStteepphheenn PP.. OOssbboorrnnee, AstonUniversity, UK

HRM is a core element of public serviceorganizations, whose employees are often theirmost valuable resource. This outstanding booktackles the subject head on, bringing togethercutting-edge research from a range of respectedinternational authors.2007: 160ppHb: 978-0-415-37292-3: $140.00

Management DevelopmentPerspectives from Research and Practice

Edited by RRoosseemmaarryy HHiillll, and JJiimm SStteewwaarrtt, both atNottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Human ResourceDevelopment

Recognizing a significant need to continually updatethe current body of knowledge, this book providesthe most comprehensive and up-to-date work onthe state of research and practice in managementdevelopment.2007: eBook: 978-0-203-93414-2Hb: 978-0-415-39602-8: $160.00


Policy MattersFlexible Learning and Organizational Change

Edited by VViikkttoorr JJaakkuuppeecc and RRoobbiinn UUsshheerr, RoyalMelbourne Institute of Technology University,Australia

Series: Routledge Studies in Human ResourceDevelopment

This important book brings together the threedimensions of organizational change, policyprocesses and flexible learning within one volume.January 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-22880-0: $120.00

Page 13: Business and Management 2009 (US)


The MoralLeaderChallenges, Tools andInsights

SSaannddrraa JJ.. SSuucchheerr, HarvardBusiness School, USA

Successful leaders – at anylevel and in any arena – areinevitably presented withmoral and ethical choices.This unique and innovative

textbook is designed to encourage students andmanagers to confront those fundamental moralchallenges, to develop skills in moral analysis andjudgment, and to come to terms with their owndefinition of moral leadership and how it can betranslated into action. Drawing on the inspiration ofmajor literary and historical figures such asMachiavelli, Conrad, Shackleton and Achebe, andbased upon an impressive array of literary sources,including novels, plays, history and biography, thebook centers on four questions implicitly asked of allleaders: •What is the nature of a moral challenge?

•How do people ’reason morally’?

•How do leaders contend with the moral choicesthey face?

•How is moral leadership different from leadershipin general?

The Moral Leader is based upon the renownedcourse of the same name taught at Harvard BusinessSchool for over two decades. With an emphasis ondecision-making and action, students learn toidentify moral problems, to address themsystematically, and to develop skills that aid themthroughout their studies and their professional lives.At times challenging, insightful, and alwaysilluminating, this book is essential reading for allserious students of leadership, management,business ethics or policy.

Visit the companion website atwww.routledge.com/textbooks/9780415400640

2007: 264pp

Hb: 978-0-415-40063-3: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-40064-0: $55.95

Teaching The MoralLeaderA Literature-basedLeadership Course: A Guidefor Instructors

SSaannddrraa JJ.. SSuucchheerr, HarvardBusiness School, USA

This book is a comprehensive,practical manual to helpinstructors integrate moralleadership in their own

courses, drawing from the experience and resourcesof the Harvard Business School course ’The MoralLeader’, an MBA elective taken by thousands of HBSstudents over nearly twenty years. Through the closestudy of literature—novels, plays, and historicalaccounts— followed by rigorous classroomdiscussion, this innovative course encouragesstudents to confront fundamental moral challenges,to develop skills in moral analysis and judgment, andto come to terms with their own definition of moralleadership. Using this guide’s background materialand detailed teaching plans, instructors will be wellprepared to lead their students in the study of thisvital and important subject. Featuring a website torun alongside that links the manual with thetextbook and provides a wealth of extra resources,including on-line links to Harvard Business Schoolcase studies and teaching notes this manual forms aperfect complement to The Moral Leader core textalso by Sandra Sucher.2007: 336ppPb: 978-0-415-40065-7: $77.95

Global LeadershipResearch, Practice andDevelopment

MMaarrkk MMeennddeennhhaallll, Universityof Tennessee at Chattanooga,USA, JJooyyccee OOssllaanndd, San JoseState University, California,USA, AAllllaann BBiirrdd, University ofMissouri, USA, GGaarryy RR..OOddddoouu, Utah State University,USA and MMaarrtthhaa LL..MMaazznneevvsskkii, McIntire School

of Commerce, University of Virginia, USA

Accessible to both student and practitioner alike,Global Leadership explains how changes in theglobal context have created a demand for adistinctive set of qualities for effective leaders. Thisvolume defines the skill set that global organizationsare now looking for, highlighting the need toestablish communities across diverse groups ofstakeholders and initiate change as key aspects ofglobal leadership. It also presents a critical analysisof the training and development of global leaders ofthe future.

Global Leadership provides an important overview ofa key emerging area within business andmanagement. It is essential reading for students ofleadership, organizational theory, strategicmanagement, human resource management, andfor anyone working and managing in the globalarena. 2007: 216ppHb: 978-0-415-40523-2: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-40524-9: $49.95

Inspiring LeadersEdited by RRoonnaalldd JJ.. BBuurrkkee, York University, Canadaand CCaarryy LL.. CCooooppeerr, Lancaster University, UK

Authored by some of the best names in the subjectarea, this book addresses the deficit of leadershipand provides readers with an innovative approach tolearning leadership skills, merging theory withpractice to enable a better understanding of thiscomplex and significant subject. It emphasizes abalance of skills, the critical role of feedback inlearning and development, and innovative thoughtson developing women leaders.

Taking an international perspective, this outstandingtext will be an invaluable resource for those studyingleadership, organizational behaviour and humanresource management as well as those on specialistmasters and MBA courses, and will be especiallyuseful for those undertaking the difficult task ofleading within organizations. 2006: 368ppeBook: 978-0-203-01319-9Hb: 978-0-415-36302-0: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-36303-7: $55.95

Leadership: The KeyConceptsEdited by AAnnttoonniiooMMaarrttuurraannoo, University ofExeter, UK and JJoonnaatthhaannGGoosslliinngg, University of Exeter,UK

Series: Routledge Key Guides

This is an indispensable andauthoritative guide to themost crucial ideas, concepts

and debates surrounding the study and exercise ofleadership. Bringing together entries written by awide range of international experts, this is anessential desktop resource for managers and leadersin all kinds of institutions and organizations, as wellas students of business, sociology and politics.

Topics covered in this guide include:•authority


•cross-cultural leadership


•emotional intelligence

•group dynamics.

2007: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-38365-3: $120.00Pb: 978-0-415-38364-6: $26.95

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Leadership at a DistanceResearch in Technologically-Supported Work

Edited by SSuuzzaannnnee PP.. WWeeiissbbaanndd,University ofArizona, Tucson, AZ, USA

“This is a book whose time has come! It drivesstill another stake into the heart of the whitehat, white horse heroic leader who saves atown, saying ‘My work here is done’. Weisbandand company have eloquently succeeded inopening our eyes to numerous forms ofleadership at a distance, all designed toprepare leaders to function on Friedman’sglobal competitive playing field. It is a mustread.” —James G. Hunt, Institute for LeadershipResearch, Texas Tech, USA

This volume offers insights from a noted group ofscholars who discuss the complex phenomenon ofleadership in distributed work settings - also knownas leadership at a distance. Editor SuzanneWeisband addresses the ubiquitous roles leadersplay, their scale of work, and the range oftechnologies available to them, while setting newdirections in studying leadership at a distance. Aunique perspective of empirical research unfolds,representing a variety of fields and methods tofoster a better understanding of the role technologyplays in leadership, and how leadership is shaped bythe use of technology.

Managers, organizational behavior psychologists,human factors and industrial engineers, andsociologists will consider this book of interest andwill appreciate its interdisciplinary scope.2007: 264ppHb: 978-0-8058-5096-3: $79.95Pb: 978-0-8058-5097-0: $39.95

Leadership,Feedback and theOpenCommunication GapLLeeaannnnee EE.. AAttwwaatteerr andDDaavviidd AA.. WWaallddmmaann, both atArizona State University

’This is an excellent book!I especially like its take-aways and the realismwith which the material is

presented. It held my attention so well that Iread virtually all the chapters in one sitting.While holding my attention, I found the bookto include a number of solid, scholarlyreferences, unobtrusively presented. Therefore,it should serve the needs of practitioners andcollege students as well as scholars. Theauthors have snuck in lots of content in an easyto read format. I highly recommend it.’ —JerryHunt, Texas Tech University, USA

The topic of leadership has grown in importance,and how and when managers communicate iscritical to their effectiveness. This book providesinsight for managers to understand the feedbackand open communication processes. It suggestsguidelines for how and when managers shouldengage in negative feedback and openorganizational-level communication with followers,including when such feedback and informationshould not be shared. It also adds to the existingknowledge base pertaining to open communicationon the part of managers.

This book will be of value to managers andpractitioners involved in the practice of leadership aswell as for courses on leadership, organizationalbehavior, human resource management andorganizational communication.2007: 512ppHb: 978-0-8058-5396-4: $69.95Pb: 978-0-8058-5397-1: $39.95

Culture and Leadership Across theWorldThe GLOBE Book of In-Depth Studies of 25Societies

Edited by JJaaggddeeeepp SS.. CChhhhookkaarr, Indian Institute ofManagement Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad, India, FFeelliixxCC.. BBrrooddbbeecckk, Ludwig-Maximilians-University,Munich, Germany and RRoobbeerrtt JJ.. HHoouussee, Universityof Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A

Series: LEA’s Organization and Management Series

2007: 1200ppHb: 978-0-8058-5997-3: $165.00

Organizational Behavior andOrganizational Theory

Inside IntuitionEEuuggeennee SSaaddlleerr--SSmmiitthh,University of Surrey, UK

This book provides a highlyreadable scientificexplanation of ‘gut feeling’,and the sometimes profoundeffects it can have indecision-making in business,management and otherprofessional contexts. Usingexamples ranging from

Boeing to Buddhism, it explains how managers andother decision makers can make better use of thispervasive, involuntary and ubiquitous phenomenonin their personal and professional lives to supportcreativity, innovation and interpersonal functioning.

Inside Intuition is essential reading for all advancedstudents of business and management, and formanagers and professionals at all levels.2007: 368ppeBook: 978-0-203-93207-0Hb: 978-0-415-41452-4: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-41453-1: $57.95


The Ambidextrous OrganizationThe Strategic Management of Learning,Knowledge, and Innovation

PPaattrriicckk RReeiinnmmooeelllleerr, Erasmus Universiteit,Rotterdam, The Netherlands

There is a growing interest in ‘ambidextrous’organizations that can achieve harmony betweenthe opposing demands they face internally andexternally (such as exploration and exploitation;change and stability; customization andstandardization; the development of newcompetencies and further refinement of existingones). This interest is being fuelled by a widerdebate and interest in learning and knowledge asengines of organizational growth and sustainablecompetitive advantage.

Numerous books on organizational learning andknowledge management have appeared in recentyears. However, none combines strategy, learning,knowledge, and innovation into a single coherentframework of ambidexterity. This book exploresinsights from the extensive body of research that hasbeen conducted over the last few years into theissues of exploratory versus exploitative learning,and how to manage the two within the context ofan ambidextrous organization. It goes beyond theusual focus on intangible concepts and ideasrelating to learning and knowledge, and identifiesactionable responses to contextual challenges, andhow to develop an ambidextrous firm.

Accessible and practical, this significant text explainskey principles, with emphasis on developingstudents’ understanding of organizational learning,knowledge, innovation, and ambidexterity, andcombines them with real-life company examples toillustrate the practical application, utility, andlimitations of concepts and theories. For students ofstrategic management, organizational behaviour andknowledge management this is essential reading.March 2009: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-40310-8: $135.00Pb: 978-0-415-40311-5: $39.95


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Handbook ofOrganizationalCreativityEdited by JJiinngg ZZhhoouu andCChhrriissttiinnaa EE.. SShhaalllleeyy

This volume is acomprehensive and cutting-edge reference bookreflecting current knowledgein the rapidly growing area oforganizational creativity. The

contributors to this volume are all leadingresearchers in the field of organizational creativity.This volume:•provides a historical review of organizationalcreativity theory and research

•presents critical reviews and summaries of researchon micro, meso, and macro topics (e.g., leadership,feedback, goals and role expectations, groups andteams, social networks, climate and culture, deepstructures, sense-making processes, and creativityand organizational change) concerningorganizational creativity

•demonstrates contributions of creativity toindividual work outcomes and organizationalsuccess

•discusses emerging areas and highlights promisingfuture research trends.

Professors and graduate students in managementand psychology will find this volume most beneficial.Professors and graduate students in marketing,sociology, and education also may find this bookuseful and relevant. Thoughtful managers andexecutives, professionals and knowledge workers,and aspiring managers and MBA students alsowould find this book beneficial in sharpening theirthinking, and helping them to identify the righttools for managing creativity. 2007: 400ppHb: 978-0-8058-4072-8: $90.00Pb: 978-0-8058-4073-5: $49.95


CISO LeadershipEssential Principles for Success

Edited by TToodddd FFiittzzggeerraalldd and MMiicckkii KKrraauussee

January 2008: 312ppHb: 978-0-8493-7943-7: $69.95

Organizational Change andStrategyAn Interlevel Dynamics Approach

DDaavviidd CCoogghhllaann, University of Dublin, Ireland andNNiicchhoollaass SS.. RRaasshhffoorrdd, St. Joseph’s University,Philadelphia, USA

Expertly combining theory with practice, this bookexplores both the external and internaldiscontinuous nature of forces for change, andguides the reader through the intricacies of thiscomplex subject.2006: 256ppeBook: 978-0-203-97022-5Hb: 978-0-415-37816-1: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-37817-8: $55.95

OrganizationalIdentity in PracticeEdited by LLiinn LLeerrppoolldd,Stockholm School ofEconomics, Sweden, DDaavviiddeeRRaavvaassii, SDA Bocconi Schoolof Management, Italy, JJoohhaannvvaann RReekkoomm, ErasmusUniversity Rotterdam, theNetherlands and GGuuiillllaauummeeSSooeenneenn, E.M. Lyon, France

Organizational Identity in Practice provides much-needed, in-depth studies on what happens whenaspirations, claims and beliefs interact. Given thepractical needs of managers and students, thisexciting new text provides readers with more insightinto what differences in these identity aspirations,claims and beliefs really mean and what we mayexpect to occur when these differences becomevisible and what the outcomes of these processesare likely to be.

The diverse case studies illustrate how well-knownfirms have dealt with the broad issues of ’who weare as an organization’ and ’what makes us similaror distinct from others’ and cover a broad range ofindustries, firms, and organizational forms. Thecases from companies such as Air France, AT&T,Bang & Olufsen, BP, Statoil, Starbucks, Scania andAlfa Romeo are focused on the broad topics oforganizational identity, strategy and theenvironment, multiple and conflicting identities, theconstruction of identities, and how organizationsexpress and project their identities. The authors givescholars, students and managers valuable ideas onhow to deal with organizational identity challengeswithin firms.2007: 264ppHb: 978-0-415-39839-8: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-39840-4: $55.95


Understanding OrganizationalChangeJJeeaann HHeellmmss--MMiillllss, Sobey Business School, St. Mary’sUniversity, Canada, KKeellllyy DDyyee, FC Manning Schoolof Business, Acadia University, Canada and AAllbbeerrtt JJ..MMiillllss, Sobey School of Business, St. Mary’sUniversity, Canada

This exciting new text fills the gap in themanagement literature on organizational change. Itpresents a balanced view which raises questionsabout the imperative of change, who’s interests arebeing served, how change programmes impact onemployees and why organizations continuallyengage in such programmes. It gives readers acomprehensive history of:•change management literature

•types of change techniques over time (i.e. TQM,BPR, Balanced Scorecard, Six Sigma, etc.)

•the role of management gurus in the rise and fallof management fashions

•the impact of organizational change onorganizational members.

The authors provide case vignettes of companiesfrom both sides of the Atlantic, which haveundergone some of the better-known changetechniques, and explore the reasons for theirsuccesses and failures. This is an innovative andimportant new text for students of organizationalbehaviour, organizational change, strategy andHRM.November 2008: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-35576-6: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-35577-3: $44.95

Humour, Work and OrganizationEdited by RRoobbeerrtt WWeessttwwoooodd, University ofQueensland, Brisbane, Australia and CCaarrll RRhhooddeess,University of Technology, New South Wales,Australia

Accessible and amusing in style, Humour, Work andOrganization explores the critical, subversive andambivalent character of humour, work and comedyas it relates to organizations and organized work.2006: 312ppHb: 978-0-415-38412-4: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-38413-1: $55.95


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p.36 Handbook of Consumer Research in Tourism

Metin Kozak, Mugla University, Turkey and Alain Decrop, University of Namur, Belgium

p.36 Managing and Marketing Tourist Destinations

Metin Kozak, Mugla University, Turkey

p.36 Sustainable Tourism Futures

Stefan Gˆssling, Lund University, Sweden, Michael Hall, University of Canterbury, New Zealand and David B. Weaver, GriffithUniversity, Australia

p.36 The Advanced Econometrics of Tourism Demand

Stephen F. Witt, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Gang Li, University of Surrey and Haiyan Song, Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity

p.41 Tourism in China

Chris Ryan, University of Waikato Management School and Gu Huimin, Beijing International Studies University

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Disorganization TheoryExplorations in Alternative OrganizationalAnalysis

JJoohhnn HHaassssaarrdd, Manchester Business School, UK,MMiihhaaeellaa KKeelleemmeenn, Keele University, UK and JJuulliieeWWoollffrraamm CCooxx, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia

Organizational analysis has moved in a number ofdirections since its origins in mainstream theories ofpositivism and functionalism. This challenging booksets out an alternative agenda for the field,discussing existing critical discourses, whilstexploring a selection of emerging ideas andarguments.

Addressing a series of key epistemological,conceptual and methodological issues,Disorganization Theory is designed to encouragereflexive thinking on the part of the reader.Influenced by critical philosophies of deconstructionand discourse, the book not only offers insight intoestablished debates surrounding, for example,postmodernism and actor-network theory, but alsobrings forth new insights in the field: mimesis,consumption, retrospection, decoration,governmentality, and fluidity theories are alldiscussed.

Written by an international team of leadingorganizational theorists, this book is an importantand contentious addition to the literature. It is anideal companion for students and researchersworking in the fields of advanced organization andmanagement theory, and critical managementstudies. 2007: 240ppeBook: 978-0-203-93208-7Hb: 978-0-415-41728-0: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-41729-7: $49.95

Organizational PsychologyCritical Concepts in Psychology (4 vols)

Edited by JJoo SSiillvveesstteerr

Series: Critical Concepts in Psychology

This new four-volume collection from Routledge is amajor work which brings together both canonicaland the very best cutting-edge thinking inorganizational psychology.

Organizational psychology is a broad field which hasnatural overlaps with other research areas such asorganizational studies, organizational sociology,human resource management, individualdifferences, and management science. For thisreason, the primary focus of the collection is ondefining the unique contribution of psychology towork and organizations, and taking a criticalperspective in reviewing theoretical developments,research evidence, and contributions to practice. It isan essential reference work and will be welcomed asa vital research resource by all scholars and studentsof the subject.2007: 1928ppHb: 978-0-415-40008-4: $1190.00



Creating Sustainable Work SystemsDeveloping Social SustainabilityEdited by PPeetteerr DDoocchheerrttyy, Institute for Managementof Innovation and Technology, Sweden, AA.. BB.. RRaammiiSShhaannii, Orfalea College of Business, CaliforniaPolytechnic University, USA and MMaarrii KKiirraa, HelsinkiUniversity of Technology, Finland

Since the first edition of this book published thesubject of sustainability has risen to the fore-front ofthinking on almost every subject within business andmanagement. Tackling the latest developments andintegrating practical perspectives with rigorousresearch this new edition sheds light on a vitalaspect of working life.

Current trends reveal that increasing intensity atwork has major consequences at individual,organizational and societal levels. Neworganizational approaches to work are needed sothe balance between intensive and sustainable workcan be achieved, yet there are no guiding models,theories or examples on how this can be done.

In exploring the development of sustainable worksystems, this book analyzes these problems, andprovides the basis for designing and implementing’sustainable work systems’ based on the idea ofregeneration and the development of human andsocial resources. Shedding light on the emergingwork systems, this book describes existing problemsand paradoxes. The researchers, from variousacademic disciplines and institutions in the US andEurope, consider the existing possibilities andemerging solutions and explore alternatives tointensive work systems.November 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-77271-6: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-77272-3: $53.95



Sociology, Workand IndustryTToonnyy JJ.. WWaattssoonn, NottinghamUniversity Business School,UK

This popular text effectivelyexplains and justifies the useof the sociologicalimagination to understandthe nature of institutions ofwork, occupations,organizations, management

and employment and how they are changing in thetwenty-first century.

With outstanding breadth of coverage it provides anauthoritative overview of both traditional andemergent themes in the sociological study of work;explains the basic logic of sociological analysis ofwork and work-related institutions; and provides anappreciation of different theoretical traditions.

New features include an easy to read layout, keyissues questions, mini case studies, chaptersummaries, and a fantastic companion websitewhich is packed full of useful resources (for studentsand teachers). All of these elements – and muchmore – provide the reader with a text unrivalled inthe field. April 2008: 408ppeBook: 978-0-203-92847-9Hb: 978-0-415-43554-3: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-43555-0: $47.95


Demystifying Business CelebrityEErriicc GGuutthheeyy, Copenhagen Business School,Denmark, TTiimmootthhyy CCllaarrkk, Durham Business School,UK and BBrraadd JJaacckkssoonn, Auckland University BusinessSchool, New Zealand

Management gurus have been identified as theprogenitors of many recent fashionablemanagement ideas. Central to the existing literatureis management gurus’ portrayal as extraordinaryindividuals with extraordinary ideas and powers ofself-promotion. In other words, management gurusthemselves are credited as being wholly responsiblefor the creation and dissemination of the ideas forwhich they are known.

This book shows that this characterization ofmanagement gurus does not stand up to empiricalscrutiny. The authors’ research on the activities ofmanagement gurus shows that they collaboratewith a range of professional groups during thecourse of developing (including editors andpublishers, ghost writers, agents, consultants,academics, and managers), revising anddisseminating their ideas.

Based on the primary research of managementgurus, book editors and publishers, this book adoptsa novel conceptual/theoretical perspective andbrings together insights from management,sociological and cultural studies literature.August 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-32781-7: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-32782-4: $49.95

Management Gurus, RevisedEditionAAnnddrrzzeejj HHuucczzyynnsskkii, University of Glasgow, UK

In this revised edition, Andrzej Huczynski brings hisanalysis of gurus into the twenty-first century. Heidentifies the essential ingredients of popularmanagement ideas and contends that companymanagers, business school academics andmanagement consultants all have the possibility ofattaining guru status by following the guidelinescontained in this book. It includes an additionalchapter by Brad Jackson (Department ofManagement and Employment Relations, TheAuckland University Business School, New Zealand)and Eric Guthey (Department of InterculturalCommunication and Management, TheCopenhagen Business School, Denmark).

Management Gurus is a must read for all thosestudying organizational behaviour, leadership andorganizational psychology or for those who wish toattain guru status.2006: 376ppHb: 978-0-415-39059-0: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-39060-6: $47.95

Narrating the Management GuruIn Search of Tom Peters

DDaavviidd CCoolllliinnss, University of Essex, UK

Series: Routledge Advances in Management andBusiness Studies

This volume examines Tom Peters’ key works andreviews his detractors, offering an analysis of hiscontributions to the field of management that goesbeyond the simple chronological model that haspreviously been used. 2007: 168pp eBook: 978-0-203-96178-0Hb: 978-0-415-41666-5: $140.00

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Diversity Resistancein OrganizationsEdited by KKeecciiaa MM.. TThhoommaass,University of Georgia (UGA),USA

This is a groundbreakingvolume that providesinformed, balanced yet frankdiscussion of US workplacediversity and diversityresistance issues. Thechapters in this book put a

name on behaviors and practices that have existedin the workplace for a long time, yet until recentlyhave had no name. Further, the majority of thechapters innovatively link existing psychological andorganizational factors such as fear, uncertainty,power, emotions, and organizational change anddevelopment. The book’s editors and authorsemphasize that we need to know more aboutdiversity resistance, both in overt and covert forms.To guide us, we can draw on existing research andpractice literature that have both theoretical andempirical depth. Professionals and practitioners whoincreasingly interact with diverse employees will findthis book essential to their work. 2007: 664ppHb: 978-0-8058-5962-1: $80.00Pb: 978-0-8058-5963-8: $39.95


The People Make the PlaceExploring Dynamic Linkages Between Individualsand Organizations

Edited by BBrreenntt SSmmiitthh

This volume, in honor of Ben Schneider, highlightshis work on the Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA)model of organizational behavior which has becomeone of the most important models in the history ofPersonnel Psychology. The central tenet of the ASAmodel is that people matter. Althoughorganizational structure processes, and climate andculture are important, they are fundamentally areflection of the unique collection of people whopopulate an organization.

This edited volume of original scholarly contributionswill add insight to the many implications ofSchneider’s thinking on the ASA model andorganizational climate. January 2008: 320ppHb: 978-0-8058-5300-1: $79.95


Social NetworksAn Introduction

JJeerrooeenn BBrruuggggeemmaann, University of Amsterdam, theNetherlands

Social Networks: An Introduction is the firsttextbook that combines new with still-valuable oldermethods and theories.

Designed to be a core text for graduate (and someundergraduate) courses in a variety of disciplines it iswell-suited for everybody who makes a firstencounter with the field of social networks, bothacademics and practitioners.

The book includes reviews, study questions and textboxes as well as using innovative pedagogy toexplain mathematical models and concepts.Examples ranging from anthropology toorganizational sociology and business studies ensurewide applicability. An easy to use software tool, freeof charge and open source, is appended on thesupporting website that enables readers to depictand analyze networks of their interest.

It is essential reading for students in sociology,anthropology and business studies and can be usedas secondary material for courses in economics andpolitical science.August 2008: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-45802-3: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-45803-0: $49.95

Critical Representations of Work and Organization in Popular CultureCCaarrll RRhhooddeess, University of Technology, New SouthWales, Australia and RRoobbeerrtt WWeessttwwoooodd, Universityof Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Series: Routledge Advances in Management andBusiness Studies

This fascinating book demonstrates how popularculture is a compelling arena for the critique oforganizational life, one that plays out the complexand contradictory relations that people have withthe organizations in which they work.2007: 256pp eBook: 978-0-203-00787-7Hb: 978-0-415-35989-4: $140.00


Organizational Change forCorporate SustainabilityA Guide for Leaders and Change Agents of theFuture

AAnnddrreeww GGrriiffffiitthhss, University of Queensland,Australia, SSuuzzaannnnee BBeennnn, University of Technology,New South Wales, Australia and DDeexxtteerr DDuunnpphhyy,University of Technology, New South Wales,Australia

Series: Understanding Organizational Change

2007: 368ppHb: 978-0-415-39329-4: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-39330-0: $55.95

The Sustainability and Spread ofOrganizational ChangeModernizing Healthcare

Edited by DDaavviidd AA.. BBuucchhaannaann, Cranfield University,UK, LLoouuiissee FFiittzzggeerraalldd, Leicester Business School, DeMontfort University, UK and DDiiaannee KKeettlleeyy, NHSInstitute for Innovation and Improvement, UK

Series: Understanding Organizational Change

This important book examines issues affecting thesustainability and spread of new working practices.The question of why good ideas do not spread, “thebest practices puzzle,” has been widely recognized.But the ‘improvement evaporation effect’, wheresuccessful changes are discontinued, has attractedless attention. Keeping things the way they are hasbeen seen as an organizational problem to beresolved, not a condition to be achieved. This is oneof the first major studies of the sustainability ofchange focusing on the example of the NHS, by aunique team of health service and academicresearchers. This book will be essential reading forstudents, managers, and researchers concerned withthe effective implementation of organizationalchange.2006: 336ppeBook: 978-0-203-03065-3Hb: 978-0-415-37094-3: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-37095-0: $55.95


Efficiency and ManagementGGuuyy CCaalllleennddeerr, Curtin University of Technology,Australia

Series: Routledge Studies in Management,Organizations and Society

Designing a more reliable basis on which to evaluatemanagement behaviour, this excellent book,engages fully with management rhetoric and thefrequent confusion surrounding it.January 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-43180-4: $130.00

Organizational and WorkPsychology


Gossip and OrganizationsGGrraanntt MMiicchheellssoonn, University of Sydney, Australiaand KKaatthhrryynn WWaaddddiinnggttoonn, City University, London,UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Management,Organizations and Society

Exciting and innovative, this book provides readerswith an important analysis of the latent andinformal aspects of organizational discourse onwhich, until now, no serious researched has beencarried out.January 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-41785-3: $130.00

Page 18: Business and Management 2009 (US)


Identity, Feeling and Sociality atWorkAffective Organizing

DDaavviidd GGrraanntt, University of Sydney, Australia, RRiicckkIIeeddeemmaa, University of New South Wales, Australia,CCaarrll RRhhooddeess, University of Technology, Sydney,Australia. and HHeerrmmiinnee SScchheeeerreess, University ofTechnology, Sydney, Australia

Series: Routledge Studies in Management,Organizations and SocietySeptember 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45194-9: $150.00


Values-based Service forSustainable BusinessLessons from IKEA

BBoo EEddvvaarrddssssoonn, Karlstad University, Sweden and BBooEEnnqquuiisstt, Karlstad University, Sweden

Series: Routledge Studies in Management,Organizations and Society

This is the first book on the role of values indeveloping and managing service companies,emphasizing sustainable business. The authorsexamine the role of values in forming a serviceculture which creates customer value.February 2009: 200ppHb: 978-0-415-45853-5: $130.00


Management and the Dominanceof ManagersTThhoommaass DDiieeffeennbbaacchh, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Management,Organizations and Society

This book looks behind the portrait of managementas a functional and value-free “technicality” andchallenges the image of managers as the selflesspursuer of an organisation’s survival anddevelopment.May 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-44335-7: $140.00


Time in OrganizationsEdited by RRoobbeerrtt AA.. RRooee, University of Maastricht,the Netherlands, MMaarryy JJ.. WWaalllleerr, University ofMaastricht, the Netherlands and SStteewwaarrtt CClleegggg,University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Series: Routledge Studies in Management,Organizations and Society

Issues imbued with aspects of time are replete inorganizations. However, while time and temporalityare inextricably intertwined with organizational life,the effects of time often go unnoticed andunmeasured in research on organizations. This bookinspires and guides researchers in enhancing thetemporal focus of their work, both in conceivingand modeling organizational realities and in ways ofgathering and analyzing data. February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-46045-3: $150.00

Understanding Organization asProcessTheory for a Tangled World

TToorr HHeerrnneess, Norwegian School of Management,Oslo, Norway

Series: Routledge Studies in Management,Organizations and Society

Coming to grips with the actual complexity andfluidity of organization and management is apersistent problem for scholars and practitionersalike, which is why process issues have receivedrenewed interest in recent years. This book, aimedat scholars and higher level students, frames someof these issues in novel and instructive ways.2007: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-93452-4Hb: 978-0-415-43305-1: $130.00

Corporate StrategyA Feminist Perspective

AAnnggéélliiqquuee dduu TTooiitt, University of Sunderland, UK

Series: Routledge Research in OrganizationalBehaviour and Strategy

Challenging male-dominated theory, this book is abreath of fresh air in the corporate strategy arena.With an open-minded strength to her argument, duToit has produced an impressive volume of interestto corporate strategists and social theorists.2006: 144ppeBook: 978-0-203-01817-0Hb: 978-0-415-36561-1: $140.00


The Peak Performing OrganizationEdited by RRoonnaalldd BBuurrkkee, York University, Canadaand CCaarryy LL.. CCooooppeerr, Lancaster University, UK

Series: Routledge Research in OrganizationalBehaviour and Strategy

This international collection of essays from leadingauthorities in the field of organizational studies,combines empirical and theoretical evidence andanalyses how effective human resourcemanagement can lead to successful organizations. April 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45170-3: $140.00


Wisdom and Management in theKnowledge EconomyDDaavviidd RRoooonneeyy, University of Queensland, Australia,BBeerrnnaarrdd MMccKKeennnnaa, University of Queensland,Australia and PPeetteerr LLiieesscchh, University ofQueensland, Australia

Series: Routledge Research in OrganizationalBehaviour and Strategy

This book reinvigorates the use of wisom inmanagement and work practice, promoting it as animportant research topic and demonstrating how itcan be applied across a number of importantmanagement areas such as knowlege innovationand strategy. August 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-44573-3: $130.00

Identity and the ModernOrganizationEdited by CCaarroolliinnee AA.. BBaarrtteell, University of Texas atAustin, SStteevveenn BBllaaddeerr, New York University andAAmmyy WWrrzzeessnniieewwsskkii, Yale University

Series: LEA’s Organization and Management Series

Identity and the Modern Organization presents alively exchange of ideas among psychology andmanagement scholars on the realities of modernorganizational life and their effect on the identitiesthat organizations and their members cultivate.2007: 304ppHb: 978-0-8058-5679-8: $79.95


Whistle-Blowing inOrganizationsEdited by MMaarrcciiaa PP.. MMiicceellii,Georgetown University,Washington, DC, TTeerrrryyDDwwoorrkkiinn, Indiana University,Bloomington, IN, and JJaanneettNNeeaarr, Indiana University,Bloomington, IN

Series: LEA’s Organizationand Management Series

This book is a research based book on whistle-blowing in organizations. The three noted authorsdescribe studies on this important topic and theimplications of the research and theory fororganizational behavior, managerial practice, andpublic policy.May 2008: 496ppHb: 978-0-8058-5988-1: $69.95Pb: 978-0-8058-5989-8: $39.95

Perspectives on Organizational FitEdited by CChheerrii OOssttrrooffff, University of Maryland atCollege Park and TTiimmootthhyy AA.. JJuuddggee, University ofFlorida, Gainesville

Series: SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series

This book concerns how employees consider theirwork lives, how well they fit their jobs, the worksetting, other people, and what is important andvalued in their organizations.2007: 464ppHb: 978-0-8058-5195-3: $89.95


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The Psychology of Conflict andConflict Management inOrganizationsEdited by CCaarrsstteenn KK..WW.. DDee DDrreeuu, University ofAmsterdam and MMiicchheellee JJ.. GGeellffaanndd, University ofMaryland, College Park, MD

Series: SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series

This new volume in SIOP’s Organizational FrontiersSeries is a state-of-the-art overview of contemporaryconflict research which places conflict research andtheory squarely within the realm of industrial andorganizational psychology. This volume bringstogether and integrates classic and contemporaryinsight in conflict origins, conflict processes, andconflict consequences. In addition, it stimulatesmodeling conflict at work at relevant levels ofanalyses: the interpersonal and group, and theorganizational. It is appropriate for scholars andpractitioners in the areas of industrial organizationalpsychology, human resource management,organizational behavior, applied psychology andsocial psychology.December 2007: 1024ppHb: 978-0-8058-5516-6: $79.95


Employee Resourcing in theConstruction IndustryStrategic Considerations and Operational Practice

AAnnii RRaaiiddeenn, Nottingham Trent University, UK,AAnnddrreeww DDaaiinnttyy, Loughborough University, UK andRRiicchhaarrdd HH NNeeaallee, University of Glamorgan, UK

Series: Spon Research

This new book looks at employee resourcing in-depth, both analytically and in order to provide apractical insight into the strategic considerations andoperational approaches which modern largecontractors take in deploying their human resources.It is a valuable resource for both students andmanagers.February 2009: 304ppHb: 978-0-415-37163-6: $160.00


Innovation in Small ConstructionFirmsPPeetteerr BBaarrrreetttt, University of Salford, UK, MMaarrttiinnSSeexxttoonn, University of Salford, UK and AAnnggeellaa LLeeee,University of Salford, UK

Series: Spon Research

Presenting new theoretical and practical insights andmodels grounded in descriptive case studiesInnovation in Small Construction Firms promotes thebenefits of innovation within and between small andmedium sized (SMEs) construction firms.March 2008: 120ppHb: 978-0-415-39390-4: $110.00

People and Culture in ConstructionA Reader

Edited by AAnnddrreeww DDaaiinnttyy, Loughborough University,UK, SSttuuaarrtt GGrreeeenn, University of Reading, UK andBBaarrbbaarraa BBaaggiillhhoollee, Loughborough University, UK

Series: Spon Research

This important work sets out cutting-edge socialscience and business-oriented thinking derived froma major EPSRC research project. Its interdisciplinaryapproach draws together industry and research, andis international in its relevance.2007: 352ppHb: 978-0-415-34870-6: $158.00


Understanding OrganisationalCulture in the Construction IndustryVVaauugghhaann CCooffffeeyy, Queensland University ofTechnology, Australia

Series: Spon Research

Using the construction industry as the subject of hisresearch, Vaughan Coffey investigates the culture–performance link using a new measure of companyperformance and an evaluation of organizationalculture which is largely behaviourally-based.April 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-42594-0: $150.00

Changing Organizational CultureCultural Change Work in Progress

MMaattss AAllvveessssoonn and SStteeffaann SSvveenniinnggssssoonn, both atLund University, Sweden

How do people react to significant organizationalchange? Do we see ourselves as helping change tocome about, or allowing change to happen aroundus? How can we adapt more easily to change?

Based around an illuminating extended case-study,this important text uncovers the reality oforganizational change. From planning and inceptionto project management and engagement, this bookexplores the views and reactions of variousstakeholders undergoing real-life change processes.Drawing on theories of organizational culture, ithelps us to understand how organizations canpromote change without alienating the peopleneeded to implement it.

Changing Organizational Culture represents anoriginal and timely addition to the literature onorganizational change. It is vital reading for allstudents, researchers and practitioners working inorganizational theory and behaviour, changemanagement and HRM.2007: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-93596-5Hb: 978-0-415-43761-5: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-43762-2: $47.95

Public, Non-Profit and HealthManagement



Public Managementand GovernanceEdited by TToonnyy BBoovvaaiirrdd,University of Birmingham, UKand EEllkkee LLööfffflleerr, GovernanceInternational, UK

This major textbook examineswhat it means to haveefficient management andgood quality services in thepublic sector and how publicsector performance can be

improved. Furthermore, it explores how the processof governing needs to be fundamentally altered if agovernment is to remain legitimate and make use ofsociety’s resources.

Key themes covered include: •the challenges and pressures governmentsexperience and how these differ internationally

•the changing functions of the modern government

•competitiveness in the global economy

•the role of the public sector in a “mixed economy”of public, voluntary and private service provision.

Public Management and Governance is an excitingnew textbook for students, featuring contributionsfrom leading names in the field and covering all ofthe key topics. It includes discussion questions,group and individual exercises, case studies andfurther reading, making it essential reading for allstudents on specialist undergraduate andpostgraduate courses in public servicesmanagement, public administration, governmentand public policy.February 2009: 280ppHb: 978-0-415-43042-5: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-43043-2: $55.95

Public Management: Old and NewLLaauurreennccee EE.. LLyynnnn,, JJrr.., Texas A&M University, USA

Putting the American model in perspective foracademics around the world, this book establishesthe historical, theoretical, analytical, practical andfuture foundations for the comparative study ofpublic management.2006: 224ppeBook: 978-0-203-96477-4 Hb: 978-0-415-28729-6: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-28730-2: $47.95


Beyond New Public ManagementEdited by KKooiicchhiirroo AAggaattaa, Waseda University, Japan

Series: Routledge Waseda International Studies

This collection brings together an international arrayof contributors to examine public management inseveral countries across the world. The book offersconstructive suggestions, based on empiricalevidence, of where the future lies.December 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-40391-7: $130.00


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Page 20: Business and Management 2009 (US)

The Management of Non-Governmental DevelopmentOrganizationsDDaavviidd LLeewwiiss, London School of Economics, UK

Revealing the distinctive organizational challengesfaced by NGOs, this second edition provides a fullyupdated and revised text that will prove invaluableto all those studying or working in NGOs, thevoluntary sector or development studies.2006: 285ppeBook: 978-0-203-03070-7Hb: 978-0-415-37092-9: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-37093-6: $55.95

Public ProcurementInternational Cases and Commentary

Edited by LLoouuiissee KKnniigghhtt, University of Bath, UK,CChhrriissttiinnee HHaarrllaanndd, University of Bath, UK, JJaannTTeellggeenn, University of Twente, the Netherlands, KKhhiiVV.. TThhaaii, Florida Atlantic University, USA, GGuuyyCCaalllleennddeerr, Curtin University of Technology, Australiaand KKaattyy MMccKKeenn, University of Bath, UK

Edited by a team of internationally recognisedexperts in the field this innovative text illustrates thestrategies and innovations within publicprocurement on a global scale and highlightscommon problems that all countries encounter.Public Procurement is vital reading for anyone withan interest in this topical area.2007: 400ppHb: 978-0-415-39404-8: $200.00Pb: 978-0-415-39405-5: $61.95

The RoutledgeCompanion toNonprofitMarketingEdited by AAddrriiaann SSaarrggeeaanntt,Indiana University, USA andWWaalltteerr WWyymmeerr JJrr, TheJoseph W. Lutter III School ofBusiness, Virginia, USA

This timely collection ofcutting-edge articles offers a

complete overview of marketing in the nonprofitsector. Written by a leading team of internationalexperts, it examines the issues faced by public andnonprofit organizations in marketing and raisingfunds, and provides a comprehensive review of thelatest research.

An introductory section reviews the history of ideasin nonprofit marketing and examines thosefundamental marketing principles of specialrelevance to nonprofit organizations. The book thenexplores in-depth the latest thinking in each of themost important nonprofit arenas, including: •voluntary sector marketing


•arts marketing

•education marketing

•political marketing

•social marketing

•volunteer recruitment, management and retention

•public sector marketing and e-government.

Containing real-world examples and case studymaterial throughout, The Routledge Companion toNonprofit Marketing makes an importantcontribution to our understanding of marketingtheory and practice in the nonprofit sector. It is anessential reference for all students, researchers andpractitioners working in nonprofit marketing,fundraising or philanthropy.2007: 448ppeBook: 978-0-203-93602-3Hb: 978-0-415-41727-3: $190.00


Fundraising ManagementAnalysis, Planning and Practice

AAddrriiaann SSaarrggeeaanntt, Indiana University, USA and EEllaaiinneeJJaayy, Sargeant Associates Ltd, UK

This comprehensive introduction to fundraisingmanagement offers a unique blend of in-depthanalysis and best professional practice. Much morethan a how-to guide, this book critically examinesthe key issues in fundraising policy, planning andimplementation and introduces the most importantmanagement tools available to the modernfundraiser.

The book also includes important new material onmanaging fundraising teams, group dynamics andleadership, and the use of electronic media infundraising, and is richly illustrated throughout withexamples and case-studies from the UK, the US andelsewhere. A truly groundbreaking textbook, andstill the most well-rounded introduction tofundraising theory and practice available in print,Fundraising Management is essential reading for allstudents of fundraising and for all seriousprofessional fundraisers. August 2009: 372ppHb: 978-0-415-45153-6: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-45154-3: $57.95

ThoughtfulFundraisingConcepts, Issues andPerspectives

Edited by JJiillll MMoorrddaauunntt, TheOpen University, MiltonKeynes, UK and RRoobb PPaattoonn,The Open University, MiltonKeynes, UK

Exploring new developmentstaking place in the area of

fundraising, the specially commissioned articles, byexperts in the field move the thinking in theprofession beyond its familiar formulae andassumptions, opening up critical debate about thenature, contribution and limitations of fundraising.

This volume is essential reading for anyone whoaspires to work at senior levels in fundraising or iscurrently engaged in studying this challenging area.2006: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-39429-1: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-39428-4: $55.95


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OrganizationTheory and thePublic SectorInstrument, Culture andMyth

TToomm CChhrriisstteennsseenn, Universityof Oslo, Norway, PPeerrLLææggrreeiidd, University ofBergen, Norway, PPaauull GG..RRoonneessss, University of Bergen,Norway and KKjjeellll AArrnnee

RRøøvviikk, University of Tromso, Norway

Public sector organizations are fundamentallydifferent to their private sector counterparts. Theyare multi-functional, follow a political leadership,and the majority do not operate in an externalmarket. In an era of rapid reform, reorganizationand modernization of the public sector, this bookoffers a timely and illuminating introduction to thepublic sector organization that recognizes its uniquevalues, interests, knowledge and power-base.

This volume challenges conventional economicanalysis of the public sector, arguing instead for ademocratic-political approach and a new,prescriptive organization theory. A rich resource ofboth theory and practice, Organization Theory forthe Public Sector: Instrument, Culture and Myth isessential reading for anybody studying the publicsector.January 2008: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-92921-6Hb: 978-0-415-43380-8: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-43381-5: $49.95



Managing Public Services -Implementing ChangesA Thoughtful Approach to the Practice ofManagement

TToonnyy LL.. DDoohheerrttyy, St. Martin’s College, London, UKand TTeerrrryy HHoorrnnee, Lancaster Business School, UK

April 2008: 576ppHb: 978-0-415-41450-0: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-41451-7: $57.95

Formula Funding of Public ServicesPPeetteerr CC.. SSmmiitthh, University of York, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Business Organizationsand Networks

Written by a leading international expert, andincluding international empirical evidence, thisimportant book provides a comprehensiveintroduction to the theory and practice underlyingthe use of formulae as a basis for funding publicservices.2006: 176ppeBook: 978-0-203-01302-1Hb: 978-0-415-36289-4: $160.00

ManagingPerformanceInternational Comparisons

GGeeeerrtt BBoouucckkaaeerrtt, KathdiekUniversiteit, Leuven, Belgiumand JJoohhnn HHaalllliiggaann, Universityof Canberra, Australia

In this important text, theviability of performancemanagement in public sectororganizations is systematically

assessed across a number of international casestudies. The book provides a framework throughwhich models of performance management can beunderstood in terms of both their impact within apublic sector organization, and the effects that havebeen seen in countries with contrastingadministrational contexts.

Managing Performance – International Comparisonscritically examines the effects of performancemanagement models in the public sector, andassesses their future evolution. It is an importantbook for all students and researchers with aninterest in management, public administration andpublic policy.2007: 464ppeBook: 978-0-203-93595-8Hb: 978-0-415-42394-6: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-42395-3: $49.95

Managing PerformanceImprovementLLyynnnnee FF.. BBaaxxtteerr, The York Management School,York, UK and AAllaassddaaiirr MM.. MMaaccLLeeoodd, Heriot-WattUniversity, Edinburgh, UK

’Baxter and MacLeod’s book goes well beyondmost of the established texts on performancemanagement by giving special consideration tothe important aspects of strategy andimprovement. It has a refreshing style thatblends the historical, theoretical, and practicalcontexts while also drawing on useful caseexamples.’ —David Bennett, Aston Business School,UK

From TQM to Six Sigma and the Balanced Scorecard,there appears to be no end to the ’revolutionary’approaches proposed to improve businessperformance. However, on closer inspection, mostnew performance improvement approaches offerfew differences from their predecessors.

This thought-provoking book provides a criticalperspective on the management of performanceimprovement initiatives by relating major theories topractical examples from a wide range oforganizations. Baxter and MacLeod analyze ideas onperformance improvement and discuss how theseconcepts might not make any impact onorganizations, using cases as diverse astelecommunications, cement manufacturing, amajor airport, and an economic developmentorganization. In their critique of popularperformance improvement ’innovations’, the authorshighlight the possible damage to organizations theycan cause. In response to prevailing performanceimprovement practices, the authors put forth theconcept of repair as a way to rescue these efforts.Working from the authors’ extensive research, theypresent alternative perspectives on improvementthat shifts forward the stagnant debates on theseprocesses.

Offering a needed alternative perspective and realinsights into the process of implementingperformance improvements, this book will proveinvaluable to advanced students and MBAs studyingquality, performance improvement, operationsmanagement, and HRM.2007: 208ppHb: 978-0-415-36680-9: $135.00Pb: 978-0-415-36681-6: $41.95


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Page 22: Business and Management 2009 (US)

Making Policy HappenEdited by LLeesslliiee BBuudddd, JJuulliiee CChhaarrlleesswwoorrtthh, and RRoobbPPaattoonn, all at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK

“Policy work” is increasingly conducted by publicmanagers at different levels of seniority, and in avariety of settings. This significant collection ofreadings focuses on the discussion of how policywork happens, whether that involves bringing apolicy-making process to fruition or theimplementation of policy.

The ideas included here draw on many differentacademic disciplines including economics, politicalscience, social policy, international relations,organizational behaviour and psychology. The bookis divided into four key sections, each with anintroduction by the editors, covering: •understanding policy processes

•governance contexts

•instruments and discourses

•leadership in policy work.

This key text equips the reader with thefundamental knowledge and the essential abilityrequired to critically analyze the key theoretical,conceptual and operational approaches to thedevelopment and management of public policy.Containing timeless papers that are the buildingblocks of understanding public policy, this importantvolume allows the reader to analyze new issues inappropriate contexts and one’s own setting.2006: 304ppHb: 978-0-415-39767-4: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-39768-1: $61.95

Creative PhilanthropyToward a New Philanthropy for the Twenty-FirstCentury

HHeellmmuutt KK.. AAnnhheeiieerr, UCLA, California, USA andDDiiaannaa LLeeaatt, The London School of Economics, UK

This important new book provides an overview ofcreative philanthropy along with an analysis oftheory and practice. It spells out the implications formanagement and policy, draws on case studyexamples and highlights vital tools and techniques.2006: 288ppeBook: 978-0-203-03075-2Hb: 978-0-415-37090-5: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-37091-2: $55.95


Management in NetworksOn multi-Actor Decision Making

HHaannss ddee BBrruuiijjnn, Delft University of Technology, theNetherlands and EErrnnsstt tteenn HHeeuuvveellhhooff, DelftUniversity of Technology, Netherlands

In this accessible and straightforward account, Hansde Bruijn and Ernst ten Heuvelhof cast light onmulti-stakeholder decision-making. Shunningsimplistic model talk, they reveal the nuts and boltsof decision-making within the numerous dilemmasand tensions at work. Using a diverse range ofillustrative examples throughout, their perceptiveanalysis examines how different interests can eithersupport or block change, and the strategies availablein managing a variety of stakeholders

This insightful text provides both depth ofunderstanding and a wealth of advice. It isinvaluable reading to students working in businessand management, public administration andorganizational studies, plus practitioners – or actors– operating in a range of contexts. May 2008: 176ppHb: 978-0-415-46248-8: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-46249-5: $45.95


International Networking forDevelopmentFFaabbiieennnnee FFoorrttaanniieerr, University of Amsterdam, theNetherlands and RRoobb vvaann TTuullddeerr, Rotterdam Schoolof Management, the Netherlands

This book assesses the effectiveness of the ’politicalnetwork strategies’ of developing countries. Itprovides insights into the effects of globalization ondevelopment and strategic lessons for policy makers.December 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-33915-5: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-33916-2: $49.95

The EconomicAnalysis of PublicPolicyWWiilllliiaamm KK.. BBeelllliinnggeerr,Dickinson College, USA

Concise and accessible, thisbook offers an excellentintroduction to the financialdecision-making required inthe public sphere and isrelevant to a broad range of

disciplines, including politics, economics andbusiness and management.2007: 448ppeBook: 978-0-203-94648-0Hb: 978-0-415-77277-8: $200.00Pb: 978-0-415-77278-5: $53.95

Managing the CityEdited by JJoohhnn DDiiaammoonndd, Edge Hill University, UK,JJooyyccee LLiiddddllee, University of Nottingham, UK, AAllaannSSoouutthheerrnn, University of Liverpool, UK and AAllaannTToowwnnsseenndd, Durham University, UK

Taking a problem based approach to regenerationmanagement, this exciting book examines howvarious issues are addressed within the areas ofsocial and economic development andtransformation.2006: 224ppeBook: 978-0-203-94688-6Hb: 978-0-415-38257-1: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-38258-8: $55.95



Arts ManagementDDeerrrriicckk CChhoonngg, Royal Holloway, University ofLondon, UK

Presenting this critical overview, at a time wheninterest in aesthetics and managements studies israpidly increasing, Derrick Chong explores a vitalsub-discipline: arts management.

Using a diverse range of sources that includecontributions from contemporary artists, prominentmanagement theorists and the experience of artsmanagers, topics discussed include:•arts research

•cultural entrepreneurship

•collaborations in the arts

•artistic leadership

•institutional identity

•arts marketing

•creative approaches to financing

•organizational forms and dynamics.

The book makes a concerted effort to address theartistic, managerial and social obligations of arts andcultural organisations operating in contemporaryurban environs. As such, it is a must-read forstudents and scholars of business, management andart.February 2009: 168ppHb: 978-0-415-42390-8: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-42391-5: $49.95


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Page 23: Business and Management 2009 (US)


The Art BusinessEdited by IIaaiinn RRoobbeerrttssoonn,Sotheby’s Institute, London,UK and DDeerrrriicckk CChhoonngg,Royal Holloway, University ofLondon, UK

Drawing on the vastexperience of Sotheby’sInstitute of Art, The ArtBusiness exposes the realitiesof the commercial trade infine art and antiques.

Attention is devoted to the role of auction houses,commercial galleries and art museums as keyinstitutions, with the text divided into four thematicsections covering:•technical and structural elements of the art market

•cultural policy and management in art business

•regulatory legal and ethical issues in the art world

•the views, through interviews, of leading artmarket experts.

This book provides a thorough examination ofcontemporary issues in the art business, and themechanisms and influences which underpin itsevolution. It is essential reading for students of arthistory or international business, or anyone with aninterest in pursuing a career in this area.June 2008: 246ppHb: 978-0-415-39157-3: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-39158-0: $49.95

Co-productionThe Third Sector and the Delivery of PublicServices

Edited by VViiccttoorr PPeessttooffff, Mid-Sweden University,Sweden and TTaaccoo BBrraannddsseenn, University of Tilburg,the Netherlands

Public management research has, in recent years,paid increasing attention to the third sector,especially to its role in the provision of publicservices. In this thematic presentation understandingof the subject is enhanced by presenting severalnew studies on the subject and introducing theconcepts of co-production, co-management and co-governance as a conceptual framework that enablesdevelopments in the area to be better understood.2007: 136ppHb: 978-0-415-43963-3: $130.00

Contracting forPublic ServicesCCaarrsstteenn GGrreevvee, CopenhagenBusiness School, Denmark

Series: Routledge Masters inPublic Management

Insightful and comprehensiveand covering new subjectslike globalization and IT, thistext, international in itsapproach, provides a

thorough introduction to the key phases of thecontracting process and the skills required bymanagers in its implementation.

These include:•policy for contracting

•strategic purchasing

•understanding markets

•communicating the contracting decision

•designing and drafting the contract

•the role of the consumer

•the regulation of service provision

Illustrated throughout with practitioner case-studiesfrom a range of OECD countries, this book presentsan important new theoretical ‘contract managementmodel’ and a ‘mature contract model,’ and exploresthe mechanisms, formal rules and informal normsthat influence the way governments contract forpublic services. This book is essential reading for allstudents of public management and all publicservice managers. 2007: 224ppeBook: 978-0-203-00273-5Hb: 978-0-415-35654-1: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-35655-8: $55.95


Human Resource Management inPublic Service OrganizationsEdited by RRoonnaa SS.. BBeeaattttiiee, Glasgow CaledonianUniversity, UK and JJeennnniiffeerr WWaatteerrhhoouussee, Universityof Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Series: Routledge Masters in Public Management

Human resource management (HRM) is a coreelement of any service, but especially so in publicservice organizations, whose employees are oftentheir most valuable resource. However, until nowthere has been little information readily available inthe form of key texts which explore this importanttopic. Now, this outstanding book tackles thesubject head on, bringing together cutting-edgeresearch on HRM in the public sector from a rangeof respected international authors. It covers such keyissues as:•the relationship between HRM and organizationalperformance

•managing cultural change and the work-lifebalance.

February 2009: 270ppHb: 978-0-415-41154-7: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-41155-4: $49.95


Managing Finances andAccountability in the Public SectorSShheeiillaa EEllllwwoooodd, University of Warwick, UK and SSuueeNNeewwbbeerrrryy, University of Sydney, Australia

Series: Routledge Masters in Public Management

Financial management is now an integral part of thework of a public service manager. The successfulmanager must be able to:•understand the financial environment and howpublic services are funded

•contribute to strategic and short term budgets

•recognize appropriate costing techniques, theirrelevance and application

•compare and investigate service costs.

The integration of academic discussion of issues andthe practical application in this book is demandingbut necessary, and enables readers to develop bothcritical awareness and skills in financialmanagement. The former provides the necessaryacademic rigour for study at graduate level whilstthe latter is part of an essential toolkit for thetwenty-first century manager.January 2009: 280ppHb: 978-0-415-40529-4: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-40530-0: $49.95

Risk and Crisis Management in thePublic SectorLLyynnnn TT.. DDrreennnnaann, ALARM, the UK’s national forumfor risk management in the public sector and AAllllaannMMccCCoonnnneellll, University of Sydney, Australia

Series: Routledge Masters in Public Management

The public sector, at both national and sub-nationallevels, plays a crucial role not only in themanagement of such extraordinary events as these,but also in anticipating and preparing for the“unthinkable.” This book links theory and practice,to equip public managers and those studying publicmanagement with the necessary knowledge andskills to manage risk, and deal effectively with crises.2007: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-37814-7: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-37815-4: $55.95


Managing Complex GovernanceNetworksEdited by GGeeeerrtt TTeeiissmmaann, Erasmus University, theNetherlands, AArrwwiinn vvaann BBuuuurreenn, Erasmus University,the Netherlands and LLaassssee MM.. GGeerrrriittss, ErasmusUniversity, the Netherlands

Series: Routledge Critical Studies in PublicManagementApril 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45973-0: $130.00


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Page 24: Business and Management 2009 (US)


Public Management andComplexity TheoryRicher Decision-Making in Public Services

MMaarryy LLeeee RRhhooddeess, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland,JJooaannnnee MMuurrpphhyy, Queen’s University Belfast, UK,JJeennnnyy MMuuiirr, Queen’s University Belfast, UK andJJoohhnn AA.. MMuurrrraayy, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Series: Routledge Critical Studies in PublicManagement

In this book, the authors apply a CAS framework toa series of case studies in public sector managementto generate new insights into the issues, processesand participants in public service domains. February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45753-8: $150.00


Public Private Partnerships in theEuropean UnionCChhrriissttoopphheerr BBoovviiss, University of Central Lancashire, UK

Series: Routledge Critical Studies in PublicManagement

This book provides a one-stop shop, multi-disciplinary approach to public procurement.Providing its readers with practical description andanalysis it explores possible future tends in publicprocurement regulation. March 2009: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-34993-2: $130.00


Public Services ManagementA Critical Approach

Edited by GGrraaeemmee CCuurrrriiee, University of Nottingham,UK, JJaacckkiiee FFoorrdd, University of Bradford, UK, NNaannccyyHHaarrddiinngg, University of Leeds, UK and MMaarrkkLLeeaarrmmoonntthh, University of Nottingham, UK

Series: Routledge Critical Studies in PublicManagement

This book brings together public services policy andpublic services management in a new way,challenging many old ideas in this field andpresenting the debate of what “critical” constituteswhen applied to public services policy andmanagement.March 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-44998-4: $140.00

The Study of Public Management inEurope and the USA Competitive Analysis of NationalDistinctiveness

Edited by WWaalltteerr KKiicckkeerrtt, Erasmus University, theNetherlands

Series: Routledge Critical Studies in PublicManagement

This book provides an overview of the study ofpublic management from some of the mostauthoritative experts in this area of study in Europeand the United States, establishing a dialoguebetween different approaches to this discipline. 2007: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-44386-9: $150.00


Employment Relations in theVoluntary SectorStruggling to Care

IIaann CCuunnnniinngghhaamm, University of Strathclyde, UK.

Series: Routledge Studies in the Management ofVoluntary and Non-Profit Organizations

This books provides an in-depth exploration of therelationship between the voluntary sector and stateagencies, and the impact of this on employment inthe sector, giving an insight into what it is like towork in a voluntary organization in the UK.June 2008: 208ppHb: 978-0-415-42713-5: $130.00


Governance and Regulation in theThird SectorInternational Perspectives

Edited by SSuussaann PPhhiilllliippss, Carleton University,Canada and SStteevveenn RRaatthhggeebb SSmmiitthh, University ofWashington, USA

Series: Routledge Studies in the Management ofVoluntary and Non-Profit Organizations

This book brings together scholars and experiencedpractitioners from different countries to investigatethe relationship between regulation and relationalgovernance for the third sector in a comparativecontext.April 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-77477-2: $130.00


Managerial Economics of Non-ProfitOrganizationsMMaarrcc JJeeggeerrss, Vrije University, Belgium

Series: Routledge Studies in the Management ofVoluntary and Non-Profit Organizations

The first book to bring together microeconomicinsights on the functioning of non-profitorganizations, this volume complements the widerange of books on the management of non-profitorganizations by focusing on both theoretical andempirical work. April 2008: 176ppHb: 978-0-415-43382-2: $130.00

Social EnterpriseAt the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies andCivil Society

Edited by MMaarrtthhee NNyysssseennss, Universite Catholique deLouvain, Belgium

Series: Routledge Studies in the Management ofVoluntary and Non-Profit Organizations

In one of its previous books, the EMES EuropeanResearch Network traced the most significantdevelopments in ‘social entrepreneurship’ emerginginside the third sector in Europe. Building upon thatseminal work, this volume presents the results of anextensive research project carried out over a four-year period of a comparative analysis of 160 socialenterprises across eleven EU countries.

With contributions from an impressive list ofacademics, all members of the EMES EuropeanResearch Network, this rich follow-up volume to TheEmergence of Social Enterprise is essential readingfor academics, researchers and students in the fieldsof the third sector and social policies.2006: 352ppeBook: 978-0-203-94690-9Hb: 978-0-415-37878-9: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-37879-6: $57.95


Strategic Positioning in Voluntaryand Non-Profit OrganizationsCCeelliinnee CChheeww

Series: Routledge Studies in the Management ofVoluntary and Non-Profit Organizations

This book examines the extent to whichcontemporary theoretical perspectives of strategicpositioning can be used to explain the positioningactivities of charitable organizations within the widervoluntary and non-profit sector.April 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45304-2: $150.00


The Third Sector in EuropeProspects and challenges

Edited by SStteepphheenn PP.. OOssbboorrnnee

Series: Routledge Studies in the Management ofVoluntary and Non-Profit Organizations

Edited by a leading light in the field, this bookpresents contemporary research into the voluntarysector in Europe, exploring its contribution toEuropean society as well as the key challenges itfaces, drawing from both economics and sociology. March 2008: 400ppHb: 978-0-415-42339-7: $150.00


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Managing for HealthEdited by DDaavviidd JJ.. HHuunntteerr, Durham University, UK

Series: Routledge Health Management Series

“In this timely and highly readable book, DavidHunter and his colleagues demonstrate theimportance of leadership in achieving betterhealth in an increasingly complex world. It willbe essential reading for those delivering betterhealth but it also deserves to be read, andhopefully understood, by their politicalmasters.” —Martin McKee CBE, London School ofHygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

Through examples and case studies drawn fromacross Europe, Managing for Health explores themanagement challenge in public health policy andoffers pointers to equip students of healthmanagement and public health managers with thenecessary perspectives and skills to functioneffectively in the twenty-first century. This booktakes a comparative perspective on the issues ofhealth improvement and the struggle between theneeds of acute care providers, such as hospitals andthose that provide preventative measures topromote health.

This comprehensive and balanced textbook is anessential read for students and those engaged withhealth management, public health and publicmanagement.2007: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-01434-9Hb: 978-0-415-36344-0: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-36345-7: $55.95


Public Policy for RegionalDevelopmentEdited by JJoorrggee MMaarrttiinneezz--VVaazzqquueezz, Georgia StateUniversity, USA and FFrraannççooiiss VVaaiillllaannccoouurrtt,Université de Montréal, Canada

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

This book addresses the question of the bestpossible uses of public funds and the most effectivestrategies for regional development, focusing on thedevelop of human capital and the methodology offormulating regional policy.April 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-77576-2: $160.00

Marketing, Retail and SalesManagement



InternationalMarketingStrategy and Theory

SSaakk OOnnkkvviissiitt, San Jose StateUniversity, USA and JJoohhnnSShhaaww, Providence College,USA

Marketing is a universalactivity that is widelyapplicable, regardless of thepolitical, social or economic

systems of a particular country. However, thisdoesn’t mean that consumers in different parts ofthe world should be satisfied in the same way.

The fifth edition of International Marketing has beenwritten to enable managers and scholars to meetthe international challenges they face everyday. Itprovides the solid foundation required to understandthe complexities of marketing on a global scale.

Fully updated, this book includes topical casestudies, examples of contemporary marketingcampaigns, the most relevant discussion topics andup-to-date theories, references and researchfindings. It is this combination of theory and practicethat makes this textbook truly unique, presenting afully rounded view of the topic rather than soley ananecodotal or descriptive. A companion websiteprovides additional material for lecturers andstudents alike.October 2008: 560ppHb: 978-0-415-77261-7: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-77262-4: $63.95


Strategic MarketingAn Introduction

TToonnyy PPrrooccttoorr, UnviersityCollege Chester, UK

Fully updated and revised toinclude the latest case studiesand examples from a broadrange of industry sectors, thissecond edition of StrategicMarketing: An Introduction isa concise, thorough andenlightening textbook that

demonstrates how organizations can cope with amyriad of demands by better understandingthemselves, their products or services, and the worldaround them.

This textbook is the complete guide to assessing andimposing a realistic and successful marketingstrategy to fit an organization, its resources andobjectives, and the environment in which itoperates. Accessibly written and supported by auser-friendly companion website, this new edition ofStrategic Marketing: An Introduction is an essentialresource for all students of marketing and businessand management.July 2008: 360ppHb: 978-0-415-45816-0: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-45817-7: $63.95

Marketing: The BasicsKKaarrll MMoooorree, McGill University, Quebec, Canada andNNiikkeetthh PPaarreeeekk, McGill University, Quebec, Canada

Series: The Basics

Marketing: The Basics is a clear, concise resource forstudents or practitioners looking to improve theirunderstanding of marketing fundamentals in aglobal context.

Covering the basic functions of marketing, its role incorporate decision-making and the importance ofcompetitive strategies, this accessible text providesinternational perspectives on the areas discussedthrough examples of practice from North America,Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

A user-friendly, easy-to-follow guide, Marketing: TheBasics is perfect for sixth-form, first-yearundergraduate and MBA students, plus thoseprofessionals who require an understanding of thisimportant subject in their day-to-day working lives.2006: 232ppeBook: 978-0-203-96751-5Hb: 978-0-415-38080-5: $100.00Pb: 978-0-415-38079-9: $17.95


Worldwide Cases in MarketingManagementLLuuiizz MMoouuttiinnhhoo, University of Glasgow, UK, LLaazzllooJJoozzssaa, Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary, EEnnrriiqquueeBBiiggnnee, University of Valencia, Spain and KKuunn--HHuuaannggHHuuaanngg, Feng Chai University, Taiwan

Examining a range of specific local businessenvironments, cultural make-ups, population fabrics,and management styles, this text explores key issuesthat call for effective marketing decision-making in aparticular setting. The challenges faced by differentcountries in the EU are thoroughly examined, andchapters focus on a selection of importantcommercial organizations.

This book illuminates the commercial context thathas evolved from a number of important politicaldevelopments in recent years. It will prove engagingreading to all students of marketing andinternational business. April 2009: 352ppHb: 978-0-415-45888-7: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-45889-4: $55.95


Marketing the Sports OrganisationBuilding Networks and Relationships

AAllaaiinn FFeerrrraanndd, University of Lyon, France and SSccoottttMMccCCaarrtthhyy, The British Judo Association, UK

Drawing on both academic expertise and real lifecase studies, this book describes how to userelationship marketing in sports organisations. Itscomprehensive and instructive approach makes it anessential manual for professionals and an invaluableresource for academics. November 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45329-5: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-45330-1: $47.95


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Marketing and Consumption inJapanKKaazzuuoo UUssuuii, Saitama University, Japan

This book explores the development of marketing,consumption and marketing thought in Japanthroughout the twentieth century.August 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-32313-0: $150.00

Visual MarketingFrom Attention to Action

Edited by MMiicchheell WWeeddeell, University of Maryland,College Park and RRiikk PPiieetteerrss, Tilburg University,Tilburg, Netherlands

This comprehensive volume aims to further researchand theory development in visual marketing. Bybringing together leading researchers in the field, itstrives to contribute to the establishment of visualmarketing as a coherent discipline. The chaptersrepresent an array of issues in visual marketing. Theyaddress three areas in theory: attention andperception, visual cognition and action and choice.The chapters go beyond what is known, and offer inmany cases a more speculative and visionaryaccount of the directions that visual marketingresearch could and should take.

Rather than being confined to advertising only, thisnew volume shows how visual marketing permeatesalmost all consumer and marketing activities. It willbe of interest to undergraduate and graduatestudents in marketing, management, industrialdesign, and consumer and social psychology.Professional practitioners, especially those involvedwith marketing communications, retail, and in storemarketing and market research, will also benefitfrom the empirically based and innovative ideas putforth in this book.2007: 328ppHb: 978-0-8058-6292-8: $79.95

Marketing DiscourseA Critical Perspective

PPeerr SSkkåålléénn, Stanford University, USA., MMaarrttiinnFFoouuggèèrree, Swedish School of Economics and BusinessAdministration, Finland and MMaarrkkuuss FFeelllleessssoonn,Swedish School of Economics and BusinessAdministration, Helsinki

The book offers a critical survey of the mostimportant contributions to managerial marketingdiscourse from the earliest twentieth centuryonwards, articulating a social critique and evaluationof marketing. 2007: 208ppHb: 978-0-415-41669-6: $130.00


Marketing ResearchEdited by DDaavviidd FF.. BBiirrkkss and TTiimm MMaacceerr

Series: Critical Perspectives on Business andManagement

A new title in the Routledge Major Works series,Critical Perspectives on Business and Management,this is a four-volume collection of cutting-edge andcanonical research on marketing research.December 2008: 1600ppHb: 978-0-415-44912-0: $1043.00


The Retailing ReaderEdited by JJoohhnn DDaawwssoonn, AAnnnnee FFiinnddllaayy, and LLeeiigghhSSppaarrkkss, all at University of Stirling, UK

Featuring work from seminal theorists in the areaand charting the development of retailing as animportant discipline in its own right, this superbvolume examines the key themes in contemporaryretailing. Organized into five sections, each of whichincludes an illuminating editorial overview, TheRetailing Reader examines:•consumers and shoppers

•retail branding and marketing

•merchandising and buying;

•strategy, power and policy

•international retailing.

Extensive case studies include an analysis of theBritish grocery market, the strategies embodied byNike Town stores, and the development of retaileconomies in China and Latin America.

The Retailing Reader presents a comprehensiveoverview of this important area of study, and is anideal companion for any student of retailing,marketing or business and management.April 2008: 488ppHb: 978-0-415-35638-1: $210.00Pb: 978-0-415-35639-8: $70.00

Strategic Issues in InternationalRetailingEdited by JJoohhnn DDaawwssoonn, University of Edinburgh,UK, RRooyy LLaarrkkee, UMDS University, Kobe, Japan andMMaassaaoo MMuukkooyyaammaa, UMDS University, Kobe, Japan

This important text takes a strategic approach,examining in-depth studies of a variety of retailersand marrying theory with practice to providecomprehensive coverage for students at every level.

Illustrating and evaluating the strategies ofinternational retailers, developing concepts andtheories that enable an understanding ofinternational retailing and showing the contrasts inthe approaches adopted by major firms in theirinternational operations, this important text is amust-read for all those studying or working ininternational retail.2006: 232ppeBook: 978-0-203-63962-7Hb: 978-0-415-34370-1: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-34371-8: $47.95


Retail Supply Chain ManagementJJaammeess BB.. AAyyeerrss, CGR Management Consultants,Playa del Rey, CAa and MMaarryy AAnnnn OOddeeggaaaarrdd, UWBusiness School, Seattle, WA

Most retail industry managers focus on productsinstead of operations. Retail Supply ChainManagement demonstrates the connection betweenproducts, market and strategies. This book providesan understanding of each facet of the supply chainto show how each component is related and can bemanipulated for maximum return.January 2008: 448ppHb: 978-0-8493-9052-4: $89.95

The Undermining of Beliefs in theAutonomy and Rationality ofConsumersJJoohhnn OO’’SShhaauugghhnneessssyy, Columbia University, USA andNNiicchhoollaass OO’’SShhaauugghhnneessssyy, Queen Mary, University ofLondon, UK

This book examines modern consumption, focusingon concepts of autonomy and rationality. Theauthors adopt a moderating perspective, reviewingand critiquing attacks on these concepts in order towork towards a more nuanced view of theconsumer. 2007: 160ppeBook: 978-0-203-93583-5Hb: 978-0-415-77323-2: $130.00


The Law and Consumer CreditInformation in the EuropeanCommunityThe Regulation of Credit Information Systems

FFeeddeerriiccoo FFeerrrreettttii, Brunel University, Bristol, UK

This book examines the legal framework andcompliance in the EC of consumer credit reportingand credit information sharing arrangements. It alsolookes at the issue of human rights, and the extentto which the right to privacy of consumers ahouldbe balanced against the aims of consumer creditreporting. May 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-46073-6: $140.00

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The Advertising HandbookHHeelleenn PPoowweellll, JJoonnaatthhaann HHaarrddyy, IIaaiinn MMaaccRRuurryy andSSaarraahh HHaawwkkiinn

Series: Media Practice

The Advertising Handbook is a critical introductionto the practices and perspectives of advertising. Itexplores the advertising industry and those whowork in it and examines the reasons why companiesand organizations advertise; how they research theirmarkets; where they advertise and in which media;the principles and techniques of persuasion andtheir effectiveness, and how companies measuretheir success. It challenges conventional wisdomabout advertising power and authority to offer arealistic assessment of its role in business and alsolooks at the industry’s future.

The Advertising Handbook, Third Edition offers newmaterial and a new organising framework, whilstcontinuing to provide both an introduction and anauthoritative guide to advertising theory andpractice. It is shaped to meet the requirements,interests and terms of reference of the most recentgeneration of media and advertising students - aswell as taking account of some of the most recentacademic work in the field, and, of course,contemporary advertising innovations.

This new edition includes:•fresh industry case studies

•detailed profiles of and from advertising agenciesand new media players

•new and detailed workshop exercises toaccompany each chapter

•supplementary input from a range ofcommissioned contributors.

February 2009: 320ppHb: 978-0-415-42312-0: $120.00Pb: 978-0-415-42311-3: $31.95

Fundamentals ofMarketingMMaarriillyynn AA.. SSttoonnee, Heriot-WattUniversity, Edinburgh, UK and JJoohhnn DDeessmmoonndd, StAndrews University, UK

Fundamentals of Marketing provides a soundappreciation of the fundamentals of the theory andpractice of marketing. Using case studies drawnfrom a cross section of sectors, in particular thebanking, hospitality, retail and public service sectorsthis textbook critically evaluates the effectiveness ofdifferent marketing strategies and approaches.Exploring the principles of marketing this volumeengages the reader, not only in theory but also inpractice, using a broad range of real-life case studiessuch as Coca Cola, Apple, FCUK, Virgin,Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, Dyno Rod andNew Zealand wool.

The text analyzes the marketing mix: productdevelopment, pricing, promotion (andcommunications marketing) and place (channels ofdistribution). It also emphasizes the role ofMarketing Information Systems (MIS) using internalreporting, marketing intelligence and marketingresearch including the contribution from marketingresearch agencies and reviews the role oftechnology, e-commerce and the Internet insupporting successful marketing.

Featuring a support website that provides studentand lecturer resources, Fundamentals of Marketingconveys the main principles of marketing in achallenging yet accessible manner and provides thereader with insights into the workings of marketingtoday.

Visit the Companion website atwww.routledge.com/textbooks/97804153709742006: 328ppeBook: 978-0-203-03078-3Hb: 978-0-415-37096-7: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-37097-4: $59.95


Higher Education MarketingA Professional’s Guide to Strategic Theory andPractice

Edited by DDaavviidd RRoobbeerrttss, The KnowledgePartnership, UK

Effective marketing, recruitment and retention ofstudents is imperative for university funding. This isthe first book to provide practical strategic guidancefor those implementing and managing highereducation marketing.

Built upon original research this informative bookprovides practical guidance to marketers and seniormanagers who have responsibility for developingand then executing marketing strategies. HigherEducation Marketing challenges the uncriticaladoption of mainstream marketing theories andtools, questioning their ready application in theeducation and introduces a range of new tools,models and concepts that have been specificallydeveloped for education; some are adaptations ofmainstream approaches (based on lessons fromconsulting and contributors in senior managementroles), others based on original research of both anacademic and professional nature.

Illustrated by useful case studies this book covers allaspects of design, implementation and managementof HE marketing. Key topics include:•creating the marketing strategy

•internal analysis & competitor (and collaborator)analysis

•internal marketing and communications

•reputation, branding and positioning

•how to position a university, department or course

•retention and relationship marketing

•new course development

•costing and pricing

•marketing academic research.

April 2009: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-42051-8: $135.00Pb: 978-0-415-42052-5: $48.95

Page 28: Business and Management 2009 (US)


Cross-Cultural MarketingTheory, Practice and Relevance

DDaawwnn BBuurrttoonn

Cross-Cultural Marketing provides a concise andinsightful approach to a complex and importantsubject. In an era of increasing ethnic diversitywithin individual countries, national boundaries areno longer the only cultural barriers that marketersneed to consider. A cross cultural perspective isrequired if companies are to maximize the potentialrevenue from ethnic groups with rising levels ofexpenditure. In the UK, for example, the ’ethnic’market is estimated to be worth around twelvebillion each year.

Written in an accessible manner, each chapterbegins with learning objectives and ends withquestions for discussion at the end. Case studies areintegrated throughout to illustrate theory drawnfrom the latest academic research with practicalexamples.

Written from a critical theoretical perspectivedrawing on multidisciplinary insights from across thesocial sciences and humanities, this is an interestingand thought provoking read for all studentsinterested in the realities in contemporarymarketing.December 2008: 264ppHb: 978-0-415-44892-5: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-44893-2: $49.95

Flagship MarketingEdited by RReevvaa BBrroowwnn, Oxford Brookes University,UK and TToonnyy KKeenntt, University of the Arts, London,UK

Series: Routledge Advances in Management andBusiness Studies

This book is focused on the increasing diversity offlagships and the ways in which they can createshowcases in people’s lives. This unique volume willbe of interest across many disciplines includingmarketing, visual culture, design and urban studies.July 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-43602-1: $130.00

Brick & MortarShopping in the21st CenturyEdited by TTiinnaa LLoowwrreeyy,University of Texas-SanAntonio, USA

This book explores howtraditional retailing operatesin the new competitiveenvironment of a combinede-tailing and brick and

mortar marketplace. In drawing together thecutting-edge research of a global group of experts inthe field of consumer behavior, this volumeaddresses questions such as: which psychologicaltheories can provide insights into why so manyconsumers still flock to traditional shoppingenvironments? What situational factors promote orinhibit ’physical’ shopping? Which methodologiesbest capture moderators and mediators of variousshopping behaviors?

Brick & Mortar Shopping in the 21st Century will beof interest to both marketing professionals andgraduate students in the areas of advertising,retailing, consumer behavior, marketingcommunications and psychology.2007: 312ppHb: 978-0-8058-6394-9: $59.95Pb: 978-0-8058-6364-2: $39.95

Consumer LawKKeeiitthh OOwweennss, University of Northampton, UK

Covering the main principles of law which directlyaffect the consumer, this new textbook provides aclear exposition of the law alongside a criticalanalysis of existing law and proposals for reform.

Explaining the practical influences under which thelaw has been formed, it encourages students tounderstand why the law has developed in the waythat it has and gives a large number of examples ofhow the law works in practice. Though ideal forlaw students taking an option in consumer law, thistext is also useful for non-law students studying lawwithin business studies or a related discipline.January 2009: 500ppPb: 978-1-84568-036-7: $53.95


Consumer Sales LawThe Law Relating to ConsumerSales and Financing of Goods

JJoohhnn MMaacclleeoodd, Liverpool Law School, UK

Fully updated and revised, this comprehensive andinformative textbook provides readers with anoverview of current consumer sales law and equipsthem with a view of how this fast-changing subjecthas, and will continue to develop through theinclusion of new reform proposals.

This book analyzes the interaction of consumer saleslaw with politics, the appeal of consumer protectionto politicians and the influence of the EuropeanUnion and the EU Directives. It also discusses theremoval of consumer sales law from its traditionalrealm of legal professionals to consumer and debtadvisors and public officials with the power to seekinjunctions to protect consumers.

Written by an author with forty years experience ofteaching sales and finance law to undergraduates,this textbook is an essential tool for allundergraduates studying commercial and consumersales law.

http://www.routledgecavendish.com/textbooks/97804154156682006: 1152ppPb: 978-0-415-41566-8: $65.95

Consuming BooksThe Marketing and Consumption of Literature

Edited by SStteepphheenn BBrroowwnn, University of Ulster, UK

A key text containing something for everyone,Consuming Books not only complements the ‘how-to’ genre but provides the depth that previousstudies of book consumption conspicuously lack.2006: 240ppeBook: 978-0-203-02012-8Hb: 978-0-415-36767-7: $140.00

Consuming ExperienceEdited by AAnnttoonneellllaa CCaarruu, University of Bocconi,Italy and BBeerrnnaarrdd CCoovvaa, European School ofManagement, Paris, France

This book covers the “hot topic” of the experientialconsumption in an accessible manner and from aunique industry perspective which is not used in anyother book. It highlights the idea that an experienceis not something that can be readily managed byfirms and is not limited to the market: an individual’sdaily life is made up of consuming experiences thatcan occur with or without a market relation.

Broad and comprehensive, this book provides achallenging vision of the consumption experience,which is an invaluable tool for all those studyingmarketing and consumer behaviour.2006: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-38243-4: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-38244-1: $55.95

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Consuming Symbolic GoodsIdentity and Commitment, Values and Economics

Edited by WWiillffrreedd DDoollffssmmaa, RijksuniversiteitGroningen, the Netherlands

The phenomenon of consumption has increasinglydrawn attention from economists. While the “solepurpose of production is consumption,” as AdamSmith has claimed, economists have, up to recently,generally ignored the topic. This book bringstogether a range of different perspectives on thetopic of consumption that will finally shed thenecessary light on a largely neglected theme.2007: 168ppHb: 978-0-415-45636-4: $140.00


Handbook of Consumer PsychologyEdited by CCuurrttiiss PP.. HHaauuggttvveeddtt, Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, PPaauull MM.. HHeerrrr, University ofColorado at Boulder, and FFrraannkk RR.. KKaarrddeess,University of Cincinnati

This Handbook contains a unique collection ofchapters written by the world’s leading researchersin the dynamic field of consumer psychology.Although these researchers are housed in differentacademic departments (ie. marketing, psychology,advertising, communications) all have the commongoal of attaining a better scientific understanding ofcognitive, affective, and behavioral responses toproducts and services, the marketing of theseproducts and services, and societal and ethicalconcerns associated with marketing processes.Consumer psychology is a discipline at the interfaceof marketing, advertising and psychology. Theresearch in this area focuses on fundamentalpsychological processes as well as on issuesassociated with the use of theoretical principles inapplied contexts. February 2008: 2560ppHb: 978-0-8058-5603-3: $90.00

Credit andConsumer SocietyDDaawwnn BBuurrttoonn, Queen Mary,University of London, UK

The language of credit anddebt is almost ubiquitous indaily life. Thisgroundbreaking book arguesthat we have entered an erain which credit and debt aresanctioned, delivered andcollected through new

cultural and economic mechanisms.2007: 176ppeBook: 978-0-203-93598-9Hb: 978-0-415-40521-8: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-40522-5: $47.95

Design ManagementExploring Fieldwork and Applications

Edited by RRoobbeerrtt JJeerrrraarrdd, University of CentralEngland, UK and DDaavviidd HHaannddss, StaffordshireUniversity, UK

Featuring a series of international case studies,Design Management: Exploring Fieldwork andApplications argues that assessment of the designfunction within any organization must incorporateboth qualitative and quantitative research methods.The book explores a number of key themes, such asnew product development, risk in design andcorporate identity. Moreover, by drawing on a rangeof techniques from the social sciences, the authorsrigorously develop means by which design may beunderstood accurately.

This book represents an important and timelycontribution to our knowledge of the managementof product and service innovation. It will be aninvaluable text for students and researchers workingin design and management. 2007: 224ppeBook: 978-0-203-08954-5Hb: 978-0-415-39333-1: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-39334-8: $55.95


Brand ManagementTheory and Practice

CChhaarrlloottttee KKnnuuddttzzeenn, Sigma, Copenhagen,Denmark, TTiillddee HHeeddiinngg, Copenhagen BusinessSchool, Denmark and MMooggeennss BBjjeerrrree, CopenhagenBusiness School, Denmark

This comprehensive textbook presents the readerwith an exhaustive analysis of the scientific andparadigmatic approaches to the nature of brand asit has developed over the last twenty years. Itdelivers a thorough understanding of the managerialimplications of these different approaches to themanagement of the brand. The authors also providean understanding of how the nature of brand andthe idea of the consumer differ in these approachesand offer in-depth insight into the opening questionof almost every brand management course: “Whatis a brand?”January 2009: 252ppHb: 978-0-415-44326-5: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-44327-2: $49.95


Brand MeaningMMaarrkk BBaatteeyy, Mark Batey, Sr. Vice President, DraftfcbLatin America

Brand Meaning takes a comprehensive and holisticlook at how consumers find and create meaning inbrands. It explores the fundamental conscious andunconscious elements that connect people withproducts and brands. Traditional marketing conceptsare questioned, and a new brand meaningframework is put forward. The book lays out newand fertile territory for the understanding of howbrands can both assimilate and provide meaning. Itwill leave readers with a better appreciation of whatbrand means and what brands mean. February 2008: 280ppHb: 978-0-8058-6454-0: $59.95Pb: 978-0-8058-6455-7: $29.95


Brands and Brand ManagementEdited by RRiicchhaarrdd EElllliiootttt, School of Management,University of Bath

Series: Critical Perspectives on Business andManagement

A new title in the Routledge Major Works series,Critical Perspectives on Business and Management,this is a four-volume collection of cutting-edge andcanonical research on brands and brandmanagement.October 2008: 1600ppHb: 978-0-415-43324-2: $1190.00

Imaging inAdvertisingVerbal and Visual Codes ofCommerce

FFeerrnn LL.. JJoohhnnssoonn, ClarkUniversity, Worcester, MA

While scholarship on thevisual elements of advertisinghas advanced ourunderstanding ofcommunication and media,

the language elements - or ’verbal images’ of theadvertisement tend to be downplayed, providing atruncated analysis.

Imaging in Advertising explores how the verbal andvisual work together to create a language ofadvertising that speaks to audiences and movesthem to particular thoughts and actions. Through aseries of case studies, Fern L. Johnson examines howthe verbal and visual produce meaning - exploringadvertisements for cigarettes, alcohol, and cosmetics- and argues that the verbal images in advertisingare as important as the visual images, treatingadvertisements as a structured whole, rather than aseries of fragments. December 2007: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-97881-1: $95.00Pb: 978-0-415-97882-8: $29.95

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Corporate Communicationand PR

Essentials of CorporateCommunicationImplementing Practices for Effective ReputationManagement

CCeeeess BB..MM.. vvaann RRiieell, Erasmus University, Rotterdam,the Netherlands and CChhaarrlleess JJ.. FFoommbbrruunn, TheReputation Institute, New York, USA

This lively and engaging new book addresses atopical and important area of study. Helping readersnot only to understand, but also to apply, the mostimportant theoretical notions on identity,identification, reputation and corporate branding, itillustrates how communicating with a company’s keyaudience depends upon all of the company’sinternal and external communication.

The authors, leading experts in this field, providestudents of corporate communication with aresearch-based tool box to be used for effectivecorporate communications and creating a positivereputation.

Essentials of Corporate Communication featuresoriginal examples and vignettes, drawn from avariety of US, European and Asian companies with aproven record of successful corporatecommunication, thus offering readers best practiceexamples. Illustrations are drawn from such globalcompanies as Virgin, IKEA, INVE and Lego.Presenting the most up-to-date content available itis a must-read for all those studying and working inthis field.2007: 328ppeBook: 978-0-203-39093-1Hb: 978-0-415-32826-5: $53.95

Psycholinguistic Phenomena inMarketing CommunicationsEdited by TTiinnaa MM.. LLoowwrreeyy, University of Texas atSan Antonio, USA

Psycholinguistic Phenomena in MarketingCommunications is the first book to address thegrowing research in the field of consumer behaviorconcerning psycholinguistics and the applications ofpsycholinguistic theory to advertising and marketingcommunications.2006: 312ppHb: 978-0-8058-5690-3: $75.00


Facets of Corporate Identity,Communication and ReputationEdited by TT..CC.. MMeelleewwaarr, Brunel University, Bristol,UK

Including contributions from academics andpractitioners, this important collection unravels thecomplexities of this growing field of study. The textis split into three coherent sections, focusing in turnon identity, communication and reputation. Casestudies are used throughout the book to illustrateimportant issues, such as the basic principles ofvisual communication, the importance of reachingboth internal and external stakeholders, and thechallenges faced by companies working in multi-cultural environments.

This book brings clarity and new theoretical insightsto an important aspect of modern business. It is aninvaluable companion for all students, researchersand practitioners with an interest in marketing,communications and international business. April 2008: 256ppeBook: 978-0-203-93194-3Hb: 978-0-415-40527-0: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-40528-7: $49.95


Strategic Reputation ManagementTowards A Company of Good

PPeekkkkaa AAuullaa and SSaakkuu MMaanntteerree

Strategic Reputation Management examines theways in which organizations achieve “goodness”through reputation, reputation management andreputation strategies. It presents a contemporarymodel of strategic reputation management, helpingorganizations and stakeholders to analyze thebusiness environment as a communicative field ofsymbols and meanings in which the organization isbuilt or destroyed. Authors Pekka Aula and SakuMantere introduce the eight generic reputationstrategies, through which organizations canorganize their stakeholder relationships in variousways. They illustrate their arguments using real-world examples and studies, from the Finnish SkiAssociation to Philip Morris International.

This book serves as required reading in advancedcourses covering public relations practice, advancedtopics in PR, corporate communication,management, and marketing. Professionals workingin PR, business, management and marketing willalso find much of interest in this volume. April 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-8058-6425-0: $110.00Pb: 978-0-8058-6426-7: $34.95


Global Public RelationsSpanning Borders, Spanning Cultures

AAllaann FFrreeiittaagg, University of North Carolina, USA andAAsshhllii SSttookkeess, University of North Carolina, USA

This groundbreaking text provides a structured andpractical framework for understanding thecomplexities of contemporary public relations. It isan instructional book that guides the reader throughthe pitfalls of communicating and problem solvingacross a range of organizations and locations, and inboth international and cross cultural settings.

Featuring case studies, testimonials fromprofessionals working in the field, and discussionquestions for further debate, Global Public Relationshighlights the differing dynamics which need to beconsidered in a variety of contexts; fromcommunicating to a company’s own employees, toliaising with external bodies like governmentagencies, community opinion leaders, and themedia. The book shows how skilled public relationsprofessionals negotiate an array of different issues inboth reflecting and maintaining the goals and valuesof the organization they work for.

Offering a truly global perspective on the subject,this innovative text is essential reading for anystudent interested in public relations and the massmedia in general, and will also be of interest toprofessionals working in the field. July 2009: 432ppHb: 978-0-415-44814-7: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-44815-4: $55.95


Rethinking Public RelationsPR Propaganda and Democracy

KKeevviinn MMoolloonneeyy, Bournemouth University, UK

In this updated second edition Kevin Moloneychallenges conventional public relations thinking,thoroughly investigates topical issues, and expandsand updates the arguments put forward in thesuccessful first edition.2006: 248ppeBook: 978-0-203-03059-2Hb: 978-0-415-37061-5: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-37062-2: $55.95


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Becoming a PublicRelations WriterA Writing ProcessWorkbook for theProfession

RRoonnaalldd DD.. SSmmiitthh, BuffaloState College, USA

Becoming a Public RelationsWriter 3rd edition guides youthrough the writing processfor public relations practice. It

leads you through the various steps and stages ofwriting, and helps you explore many formats andstyles necessary to public relations writers. Usingstraightforward, no-nonsense language, realisticexamples, easy-to-follow steps and practicalexercises, this text introduces the various types ofpublic relations writing you will encounter as apublic relations practitioner. A focus on ethical andlegal issues is woven throughout, with examples andexercises addressing public relations as practiced bycorporations, non-profit agencies, and other types oforganizations both large and small. In addition, thebook offers the most comprehensive list of publicrelations writing formats to be found anywhere—from the standard news release to electronic mailand other opportunities using a variety oftechnologies and media.2007: 456ppPb: 978-0-8058-6301-7: $55.00

Reconfiguring Public RelationsEcology, Equity and Enterprise

DDaavviidd MMccKKiiee, University of Waikato, New Zealandand DDeebbaasshhiisshh MMuunnsshhii, University of Waikato, NewZealand

Series: Routledge Advances in Management andBusiness Studies

An excellent counterpoint to the existing US-oriented literature on this topic, this innovative andtimely PR book is the first to address environmentalquestions within the context of global business.2007: 200ppHb: 978-0-415-39408-6: $150.00


The Public RelationsHandbookAAlliissoonn TThheeaakkeerr, College ofSt Mark & St. John, UK

Series: Media Practice

The Public RelationsHandbook is acomprehensive and detailedintroduction to the theoriesand practices of the publicrelations industry. It traces

the history and development of public relations,explores ethical issues which affect the industry,examines its relationship with politics, lobbyingorganizations and journalism, assesses itsprofessionalism and regulation and advises ontraining and entry into the profession.

The Public Relations Handbook includes: •case studies, examples and illustrations from arange of campaigns from small and multinationalcorporations, local government and charities

•specialist chapters on fnancial public relations,internal communications and marketing publicrelations

•strategic overviews of corporate identity,globalization and evaluation

•a thorough examination of ethics andprofessionalism

•over twenty illustrations from recent PR campaigns

•a new chapter dealing with public relations forcharities

•a completely revised chapter on dealing with theinternet effectively.

2007: 432ppHb: 978-0-415-42803-3: $140.00Pb: 978-0-415-42802-6: $41.95


Applied OrganizationalCommunicationTheory and Practice in a Global Environment

TThhoommaass EE.. HHaarrrriiss, University of Alabama,Tuscaloosa and MMaarrkk DD.. NNeellssoonn, University ofAlabama, Northport

Series: Routledge’s Communication Series

2007: 424ppHb: 978-0-8058-5940-9: $145.00Pb: 978-0-8058-5941-6: $65.00


CrisisCommunicationsA Casebook Approach

KKaatthhlleeeenn FFeeaarrnn--BBaannkkss,University of Washington,Seattle, USA

Series: Routledge’s Communication Series

Crisis Communicationspresents case studies oforganizational and individual

problems that have the potential to become crises,and the communication responses to thesesituations. Helping professionals prepare for crisesand develop communication2007: 408ppHb: 978-0-8058-5772-6: $99.95Pb: 978-0-8058-5773-3: $42.50

Interacting and OrganizingAnalyses of a Management Meeting

Edited by FFrraannccooiiss CCoooorreenn, Université de Montréal,Canada,

Series: Routledge’s Communication Series

Employs the dual perspectives of organizationalcommunication & language and social interaction(LSI) to analyze a series of board meetings in thefilm, Corporation: After Mr. Sam. For scholars,researchers, or students in organizationmanagement.2007: 384ppHb: 978-0-8058-4855-7: $99.95Pb: 978-0-8058-4856-4: $37.50


Public Relations MetricsResearch and Evaluation

Edited by BBeetttteekkee vvaann RRuulleerr, University ofAmsterdam, Netherlands, AAnnaa TTkkaallaacc VVeerrcciicc,University of Zagreb, Croatia and DDeejjaann VVeerrcciicc

Series: Routledge’s Communication Series

Responding to the increasing need in academia andthe public relations profession, this volume presentsthe current state of knowledge in public relationsmeasurement and evaluation. The book bringstogether ideas and methods that can be usedthroughout the world, and scholars and practitionersfrom the United States, Europe, Asia, and Africa arerepresented.May 2008: 344ppHb: 978-0-8058-6272-0: $110.00Pb: 978-0-8058-6273-7: $39.95


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Strategic Management


Making Strategy WorkAAnnddrreeww MMaaccLLeennnnaann

Lively and direct, this work combines the rigour ofacademic research with the accessibility ofpractitioner-oriented texts. Focusing specifically onimplementation rather than strategy developmentand planning, a wealth of pedagogic features,including textboxes, practical models and plans aswell as extensive examples guide both MBA/DBAstudents and practising managers through thischallenging yet essential subject.

Departing from the more traditional themes ofmainstream strategy books,l MacLennan brings theoften neglected area of strategy implementationsharply into focus. Ranging from strategic focus tothe detailed management of activities toimplementation for competitive advantage, thisbook centres on a small number of process-basedmodels that help managers to:•systematically break down high level conceptualplanning to the concrete activities necessary forphysical implementation

•test their plans and generate the detail required tomanage more effectively in complex organizations.

Insightful and practical, with models supplementedthroughout by summaries of key content issues andclear signposting to wider reading, thiscomprehensive and functional text provides a newapproach to strategy implementation in a clear andeasy to use format.December 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-38055-3: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-38056-0: $44.95



Business Continuity Management,Second EditionA Crisis Management Approach

DDoommiinniicc EElllliiootttt, University of Liverpool, UK, EEtthhnnééSSwwaarrttzz, Farleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey,USA and BBrraahhiimm HHeerrbbaannee, De Montfort University,UK

Since the publication of the first edition in 2002,interest in crisis management has been fuelled by anumber of events, including 9/11.

The first edition of this text was praised for itsrigorous yet logical approach, and this is continuedin the second edition, which provides a well-researched, theoretically robust approach to thetopic combined with empirical research in continuitymanagement. New chapters are included on digitalresilience and principles of risk management forbusiness continuity. All chapters are revised andupdated with particular attention being paid to theimpact on smaller companies. New cases include:South Africa Bank, Lego, Morgan Stanley DeanWitter; small companies impacted by 9/11; and theNew York City power outage of August 2003. August 2008: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-37108-7: $145.00Pb: 978-0-415-37109-4: $44.95


Business ImprovementIntegrating Quality, Innovation, and KnowledgeManagement

RRooddnneeyy MMccAAddaamm, University of Ulster, UK andSShhiirreellyy--AAnnnn HHaazzlleetttt, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK

Distinct from many traditional business improvementtexts, this book is the first to fully integrateinnovation, quality, and knowledge management.

Taking a broad scope, using international casestudies from a range of settings, both private/publicenterprises and closely relating the key componentsof business improvement rather than viewing themas an eclectic mix, the authors outline both the prosand cons of the subject as well as providing awealth of pedagogical features. These includeappendices of practical measurement tools and anextensive website offering support to lecturersthrough lecture plans and additional coursematerials and cases.

Discussing the subject at a suitable level, it exploresthe key current and emergent strands of businessimprovement, including:•quality management (quality and businessexcellence management)

•innovation management (creativity and innovationmanagement)

•knowledge management (knowledge and processmanagement).

Enabling readers to make more informed choices inshaping business improvement efforts to meet theirneeds, this text is an invaluable resource for allstudents of innovation management, businessimprovement, and quality.February 2009: 448ppHb: 978-0-415-42846-0: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-42847-7: $59.95


Creative Strategic OrganizingThe Transformative Power of Purpose

WWiilllliiaamm EE.. SSmmiitthh, ODII and The George WashingtonUniversity, USA

Over the last two decades a major focus oforganization theory has been on understanding thedynamic relationships between individuals,organizations and their environments. This interestin dynamics, illustrated by systems, chaos, andcomplexity theory, is recorded in the works ofAckoff, Senge, and Stacey. This focus offers a newviewpoint on holism for practising leaders andtheorists today.

Building on this interest, Smith’s original textpresents a new philosophical lens for helping leaderssee the advantages of a more holistic approach toimproving organizations. Specifically he:•introduces the AIC (appreciation, influence,control) philosophy, model, and process ofpurpose-power relationships as a next step in theevolution of organization and systems theory

•traces its roots and evolution in organization theoryand indicates its actual and potential contributionto that field

•translates the model into a transformative,strategic organizing process that can be used toorganize at any level, in a way that will ensure theachievement of higher levels of purpose, at lesscost and in less time than traditional organizationalapproaches.

Developed and tested via his work for organizationsincluding the World Bank, this revolutionary bookwill change the way organizations and individualswork.November 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-39361-4: $135.00Pb: 978-0-415-39360-7: $39.95

Financialization and StrategyNarrative and Numbers

JJuulliiee FFrroouudd, University of Manchester, UK, SSuukkhhddeevvJJoohhaall, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK,AAddaamm LLeeaavveerr, University of Manchester, UK andKKaarreell WWiilllliiaammss, University of Manchester, UK

Presenting financial and market information ontrajectory in an accessible way, this book provides adistinctive, critical social science account ofmanagement in large UK and US corporations, andit is a valuable resource for students, scholars andresearchers of business, management, politicaleconomy and non-mainstream economics.2006: 416ppeBook: 978-0-203-41494-1Hb: 978-0-415-33417-4: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-33418-1: $56.95


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ForesightThe Art and Science of Anticipating the Future

DDeenniiss LLoovveerriiddggee, University of Manchester, UK

Denis Loveridge provides entrepreneurs, businessleaders, investors, inventors, scientists, politicians,and many others with a succinct, integrated guideto understanding foresight studies and using themas means for strategy development. The text dispelsthe belief that anticipations are “mere guesswork,”and conveys the depth of thought needed, implicitlyor explicitly, to understand human foresight.

The book examines:•the role of foresight and its institutionalcounterpart in the modern world

•the epistemology underlying foresight

•the need to extend foresight activity into widerspheres, including sustainable development

•the role that foresight plays in planning processes(including scenario planning)

Much of the material in the book is based upon theinternationally known foresight course at theManchester Business School’s Institute of InnovationResearch (MIoIR) formerly PREST, which the authordeveloped and directed from1999 to 2003.October 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-39814-5: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-39815-2: $44.95


Global Supply Chain Managementand International LogisticsAAllaann BBrraanncchh

The development of international trade is driven byinternational logistics and management and theprovision of the global supply chain. The ultimateobjective of global supply chain management is tolink the market place, the distribution network, themanufacturing/processing/assembly process, and theprocurement activity in such a way that customersare serviced at a higher level yet lower cost. Overallthis has introduced a new breed of management ina computer literate environment operating in aglobal infrastructure.

Addressing this complex topic, Alan Branch’s newbook fulfils two clear objectives:•to provide a standard work on the subject writtenin lucid language and embracing all the ingredientsof a notoriously complex subject with a strategicfocus

•to extol best practice and focus on all areas of theindustrial and consumer sectors and their interfacewith changing international market needs,focusing on price sensitivity, product choice, speedof delivery, international standards, after salesflexibility, and reduced lead time.

Until now, no book dedicated to internationallogistics and supply chain management had existed.Featuring numerous case studies and diagramsobtained from logistic operators, Branch’s bookremedies this oversight and skilfully illustrates hisideas in practice.January 2009: 333ppHb: 978-0-415-39844-2: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-39845-9: $51.95

Key Readings in Crisis ManagementSystems and Structures for Prevention andRecovery

Edited by DDeenniiss SSmmiitthh, University of Liverpool, UKand DDoommiinniicc EElllliiootttt, University of Liverpool, UK

One of the first books of its kind in the subject area,this groundbreaking text brings together seminalpapers in the area of crisis management andorganizational theory. Covering this important fieldfrom both a theoretical and practical perspective, itfeatures key readings from Karl Weick, CharlesPerrow and many other luminaries of the field.2006: 448ppHb: 978-0-415-31520-3: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-31521-0: $52.95

Mergers & AcquisitionsA Critical Reader

Edited by AAnnnneettttee RRiissbbeerrgg, Copenhagen BusinessSchool, Denmark

By drawing on classic research perspectives andplacing them alongside more recent alternatives, thisbook provides readers with a focused yet far-reaching introduction to the study of M&As. Eachpaper is set in context by editorial commentariesand reflects the important organizational andbehavioural aspects which have often been ignoredin the past. By providing this in-depth understandingof the mergers and acquisitions process, the readerunderstands, not only how and why mergers andacquisitions occur, but also the broader implicationsfor organizations.

The book is structured clearly into sectionsconcerned with the issues that arise before, duringand after the mergers and acquisitions processincluding motives and planning, partner selection,integration, employee experiences andcommunication.

A unique collection of selected readings andcontextualising commentary, this volume will greatlyappeal to MBA and graduate students as well asexperienced practitioners.2006: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-36460-7: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-36461-4: $54.95


Procurement SystemsA Cross-Industry Project Management Perspective

DDeerreekk WWaallkkeerr, Royal Melbourne Institute ofTechnology, Australia and SStteevvee RRoowwlliinnssoonn, HongKong University

Innovative and novel, this new book extends itscoverage of the topic well beyond the conventionalthemes of project solicitation and proposalevaluation. Using extensive experience gathered overfive years of teaching postgraduate courses Walkerand Rowlinson build on Procurement Systems: AGuide to Best Practice in Construction to present acomprehensive and coherent volume that isinvaluable to the wider project managementcommunityJanuary 2008: 480ppHb: 978-0-415-41605-4: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-41606-1: $90.00

The Strategic Project LeaderMastering Service-Based Project Leadership

JJaacckk FFeerrrraarroo, Project Management LeadershipTraining, Manassas, VA

In addition to overseeing projects, today’s managersare expected to provide creative input and use theirleadership to foster an environment that canrespond rather than react to changing parametersand fluctuating objectives. This volume enablesmanagers to develop the competencies and skillsessential to creative leadership. It offers a practicalframework that enables them to take charge oftheir own career development, while embracing andmastering the role of strategy leader. This bookexplores the attitudes and behaviors that definesuccessful leaders so as to provide project managerswith actionable advice on how to grow their ownleadership skills.2007: 368ppHb: 978-0-8493-8794-4: $79.95


Applied Game Theory and StrategicBehaviorIIllhhaann KK.. GGeecckkiill and PPaattrriicckk LL.. AAnnddeerrssoonn, both atAnderson Economic Group, East Lansing, Michigan

Presenting topics from a practical point of view,Applied Game Theory and Strategic Behaviorillustrates how game theory can be used to solvereal problems in public policy and the businessworld. The book demonstrates the benefits of usingstrategic thinking that incorporates aspects ofuncertainty about the behavior of other parties. Itoffers a rigorous definition of game theory withdetailed descriptions of different forms of games,the context of game theory, and the basicassumptions of the theory. The book includes theapplication areas of business, management,government, and regulation, and providesMATLAB®, Simulink, and Excel codes to assist withmore difficult calculations.November 2008 Hb: 978-1-58488-843-7: $79.95


Intellectual Capital and KnowledgeManagementStrategic Management of Knowledge Resources

FFeeddeerriiccaa RRiicccceerrii, University of Padova, Italy

Series: Routledge Advances in Management andBusiness Studies

This book revolutionizes the measurement andmanagement of knowledge resources inorganizations by establishing the important linkbetween organizational strategy and the intellectualcapital of an organization.March 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-40392-4: $140.00


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Co-opetition StrategyTheory, Experiments and Cases

Edited by GGiioovvaannnnii BB.. DDaaggnniinnoo, University ofCatania, Italy and EElleennaa RRooccccoo, University of Venice,Italy

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

The book examines the theories of co-opetition andfollows this up with empirically based case studies aswell as experimental evidence from the laboratoryand will be of interest to those involved withstrategic management. October 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-43898-8: $130.00


Tourism and InnovationMMiicchhaaeell CC.. HHaallll, University of Canterbury, NewZealand and WWiilllliiaammss AAllllaann, London MetropolitanUniversity, UK

Series: Contemporary Geographies of Leisure,Tourism and Mobility

This is a groundbreaking volume which provides anaccessible introduction to a key but neglected topic.It provides a readable account of themultidisciplinary research on innovation and relatesthe emerging theoretical framework to tourism. Aclear conceptual framework is complemented byfifty boxes which provide a range of illustrativeinternational case studies.

This book will be useful guide for researchers andstudents of tourism studies, management andbusiness and geography.April 2008: 280ppHb: 978-0-415-41404-3: $180.00

Complexity and OrganizationReadings and Conversations

Edited by RRoobbeerrtt MMaacciinnttoosshh, University ofStrathclyde, Glasgow, UK, DDoonnaalldd MMaacclleeaann,University of Glasgow, UK, RRaallpphh SSttaacceeyy, Universityof Hertfordshire, UK and DDoouuggllaass GGrriiffffiinn, Universityof Hertfordshire, UK

In the past decade, complexity-based thinking hasexerted an increasing, yet somewhat controversialauthority over management theory and practice.This has in some part been due to the influence of anumber of high-profile articles and the notinconsiderable hype which has accompanied them.Another feature of the subject’s development hasbeen the diversity of the origins of the thinking andthe claims which have been made for it in terms ofmanagerial and organizational implications.Complexity and Organization is the first text to bringthis thinking together, presenting some of the mostinfluential writing in the field, showing how thesubject has developed and how it continues toinfluence managerial thinking. 2006: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-35240-6: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-35241-3: $55.95

Complexity, Learning andOrganizationsA Quantum Interpretation of Business

WWaalltteerr RR..JJ.. BBaaeettss, Euromed-Marseille Ecole deManagement, France

This fascinating book argues for a new way oflooking at the world and at human systems,companies or (Western) society as a whole. WalterR.J. Baets argues that we should let go of our driveto control, manage and organize, in order to be ableto create an ideal environment for continuouslearning, both for ourselves and for ourcollaborators.2006: 228ppeBook: 978-0-203-94635-0Hb: 978-0-415-38178-9: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-38179-6: $55.95


Complexity,Management andthe Dynamics ofChangeChallenges for Practice

EElliizzaabbeetthh MMccMMiillllaann, TheOpen University, UK

In this profoundly importanttext, Elizabeth McMillanshows how the insights of

complexity science can allow today’s managers toembrace the challenges and uncertainty of thetwenty-first century, and successfully overseeorganizational change and development.

Complexity science refers to the study of complexadaptive systems. These can absorb information,learn and then intelligently adapt in response toenvironmental changes. This book brings these ideas into an important new arena by:•outlining the historical relationship betweenscience and organizations

•reviewing current perspectives on organizationalchange and best practice

•citing real-life examples of the use of complexityscience ideas

•discussing issues which may arise when using ideas from complexity.

Written in an accessible style to bridge the gap fromscientific theory to commercial applicability, thisground breaking text shows how organizations canbecome more effective, democratic and sustainablethrough complexity science. It is a key text for allstudents of business and management, and allpractitioners working in the field.March 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-41721-1: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-41722-8: $49.95

Complexity, Organizations andChangeAn Essential Introduction

EElliizzaabbeetthh MMccMMiillllaann, Open University, UK

Complexity, Organizations and Change, available inpaperback for the first time, describes and considersideas and insights from complexity science andexamines their use in organizations, especially inbringing about major organizational change. Thiskey book explores how organizations, their design,the way they operate and, importantly, the peoplewho co-create them, are thought of.2006: 208ppPb: 978-0-415-39502-1: $55.95


Complexity and the Experience ofValues, Conflict and Compromise inOrganizationsEdited by RRaallpphh SSttaacceeyy, University of Hertfordshire,UK and DDoouuggllaass GGrriiffffiinn, University of Hertfordshire,UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Complexity andManagement

What role do values play in organizational life? Howdo they shape the efficiency and effectiveness oforganizational change? This volume examines whatwe mean when we use the term values and what itmeans to act according to values in everyday life.March 2008: 160ppHb: 978-0-415-45726-2: $120.00

International Business



International BusinessThemes and Issues in the Modern GlobalEconomy

DDeebbrraa JJoohhnnssoonn and CCoolliinn TTuurrnneerr, University of Hull, UK

February 2009: 400ppHb: 978-0-415-43763-9: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-43764-6: $59.95

Page 35: Business and Management 2009 (US)


European BusinessDDeebbrraa JJoohhnnssoonn, University of Hull,UK and CCoolliinn TTuurrnneerr, University of Hull, UK

Fully revised and updated, this new edition of analready well-established text is easy to use,engagingly written and contains a wealth ofpedagogical features.

Exploring the European business environment;paying particular attention to the role of memberstates and how Europe interacts with the rest of theworld, the authors examine what is unique aboutthe European business environment – integration -how it has affected the strategy and behaviour ofbusinesses with a European presence.

European Business 2nd edition is an essential readfor all students of international business.

Visit the Companion website atwww.routledge.com/textbooks/97804153513552006: 480ppeBook: 978-0-203-69692-7Hb: 978-0-415-35134-8: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-35135-5: $61.95


InternationalBusiness andTourismGlobal Issues,Contemporary Interactions

Edited by TTiimm CCoolleess,University of Exeter, UK andCC.. MMiicchhaaeell HHaallll, Universityof Canterbury, New Zealand

Series: Routledge International Series in Tourism,Business and Management

Whether it’s bungee jumping in Queenstown orvisiting the Guinness factory in Dublin, where wetravel – and what we do when we get there - haschanged significantly in the past twenty years. Thisinnovative textbook explores what is possibly themost unrecognized of international serviceindustries, placing tourism in the context ofcontemporary globalization and trade in services. Itprovides new perspectives on tourism as a form ofinternational business, and the implications forfirms, the state and individuals.

Split into four separate sections, with introductionsoutlining the key themes in each, this bookexamines important topics such as:•the role of governance and regulation in tourismservices

•the effects of increased global mobility on tourismentrepreneurship

•how tourism businesses are becominginternationalized

•why other business sectors are increasinglyinterested in tourism.

Case studies are used throughout to highlightimportant issues, from developments in the aviationindustry to the rise of working holidays. This bookgets to the core of a crucial service industry, and isessential reading for any researcher or student oftourism or international business. February 2008: 304ppeBook: 978-0-203-93103-5Hb: 978-0-415-42430-1: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-42431-8: $49.95


Routledge Companion toInternational Business CoachingEdited by MMiicchheell MMoorraall, University of Paris VIII,France and GGeeooffffrreeyy AAbbbbootttt, Institute of ExecutiveCoaching, Australia

An effective coach can help the business leadermake sense of the challenges and complexities ofmodern international business, unlocking thepotential of both leader and organization. Thisimportant new handbook offers the firstcomprehensive and detailed introduction to thetheory and practice of international businesscoaching, drawing on the very latest academicresearch as well as real-world examples ofinternational best practice.

The book enables practitioners and students tounderstand:•the power and scope of coaching in theinternational environment

•how effective coaching can assist managers tohave a greater impact

•how to select and implement coaching serviceswithin an organization

The Routledge Companion to International BusinessCoaching is essential reading for all trainee businesscoaches, all students of coaching theory andmethod, and for all business leaders looking tobetter understand the role of the modern businesscoach. February 2009: 375ppHb: 978-0-415-45875-7: $200.00


InternationalBusiness and GlobalClimate ChangeAAnnss KKoollkk, AmsterdamGraduate Business School,the Netherlands and JJoonnaattaannPPiinnkkssee, Amsterdam GraduateBusiness School, theNetherlands

This text is a primer oninternational business and

global climate change, introducing the topic andexamining in-depth all business aspects in relation torecent policy-making

Embedded in relevant management literature, itgives a comprehensive treatment of the differentbusiness responses to climate change and climatechange policy, covering developments in policy andbusiness activity on global, regional and nationallevels. Using examples and systematic data from alarge number of international companies, the textexplores market responses to climate change anddevelopments in strategy, organization, marketing,policy, accounting and finance.

International Business and Global Climate Change isa concise illustration of how an environmental topicbecomes strategically important in a mainstreamsense, affecting corporate decision-making, businessprocesses, products, reputation, advertising,communication, accounting and finance.October 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-41552-1: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-41553-8: $49.95

UnderstandingEmerging MarketsChina and India

PPeetteerr EEnnddeerrwwiicckk, Universityof Waikato, New Zealand

Emerging markets (Ems) arethe focus of increasinginterest in the field ofinternational business, asthey provide significantchallenges and great

opportunities. Focusing on the dynamics ofemerging markets, this informative book provides anacademically rigorous yet business-oriented analysisof the key issues in this area and incorporateschapters on:•the nature of emerging markets

•market development

•integrating Ems in the global economy

•implications for business strategy.

Providing an in-depth analysis of two of the mostimportant Ems, China and India, this user-friendlytext incorporates extensive case studies, boxedsummaries, discussion questions and an extensivebibliography.2007: 264ppeBook: 978-0-203-94068-6 Hb: 978-0-415-37084-4: $135.00Pb: 978-0-415-37085-1: $41.95

Competingin EmergingMarketsCases and Readings

Edited by HHeemmaanntt MMeerrcchhaanntt,Kaye College of Business,Florida Atlantic University,USA

This groundbreaking bookprovides an essential set ofreadings and case studies

that will facilitate a much-needed fundamentalrethinking about drivers of successful as well asunsuccessful firm conduct in these markets, andabout the role of sophisticated but (usually) poorly-serving Western theories and ideas regardingcompetition and competitive traps and successes.

Competing in Emerging Markets emphasizes boththe unique challenges facing corporate managerswho operate (or intend to operate) in Emergingmarkets, and the ways in which managers canefficiently and effectively respond to thesecompetitive challenges. As one of the firstcomprehensive texts on this subject, Competing inEmerging Markets is certain to become a standard inthe field.

The case studies included in this book all havedetailed teaching notes which are available toinstructors who adopt the book for their courses.

For these and other resources, log on to the book’s companion website atwww.routledge.com/textbooks/97804153995002007: 280ppHb: 978-0-415-39949-4: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-39950-0: $59.95

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International Business FinanceMMiicchhaaeell CCoonnnnoollllyy, University of Miami, Florida

This textbook introduces students to thefundamental workings of business and finance inthe global economy. It brings clarity and focus to thecomplexities of the field and demonstrates the keylinkages between the foreign exchange markets andworld money markets.

Core topics examined include:•corporate aspects of international finance, withspecial attention given to contractual andoperational hedging techniques

•the mechanics of the foreign exchange markets

•the building blocks of international finance

•the optimal portfolio in an international setting.

Michael Connolly also provides up-to-date statisticsfrom across the globe, relevant international casestudies, problem sets and solutions and links to anonline PowerPoint presentation.

International Business Finance is an engaging andstimulating text for students in undergraduate andMBA courses in international finance and a keyresource for lecturers.2006: 232ppeBook: 978-0-203-79932-1Hb: 978-0-415-70152-5: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-70153-2: $56.95



International EconomicsTThheeoo EEiicchheerr, University of Washington, JJoohhnn HH..MMuuttttii, Grinnell College, USA and MMiicchheelllleeTTuurrnnoovvsskkyy, University of Washington

Now in its seventh edition, International Economicsis a firm favourite amongst textbooks in the field.This fully revised and extensively updated volumehas a two-colour internal design, is supported by anextensive online resource and offers three brandnew chapters on exchange rate dynamics, financialcrises and european monetary integration.

This comprehensive textbook is supplemented bykey features which aid student learning, including:chapter summaries, learning objectives, an extensiveglossary, end of chapter questions, suggestions forfurther reading and a variety of real world examplesfrom around the globe - allowing the reader tounderstand both current event, policy proposals andapply theory to practice.

The book provides coverage of recent developmentsincluding:•the impact of the latest World Trade talks in HongKong and the Doha Development Agenda

•the impact of terrorism, natural disasters and war

•financial derivatives

•debt crises

•debates within the European Monetary Union oncapital flows

Supplemented by a fully interactive companionwebsite which offers resources for students andlecturers, this book will continue to be a vitalresource for all students of international economics.May 2009: 608ppHb: 978-0-415-77285-3: $140.00Pb: 978-0-415-77286-0: $75.00


Understanding the World EconomyTToonnyy CClleeaavveerr, University of Durham, UK

With globalization continuing apace, the worldeconomy continues to experience dramatic changeand development. This third edition builds on thepopular format of its predecessors to provide thebest concise guide to its subject for students ofinternational economics.2006: 280ppHb: 978-0-415-77106-1: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-77105-4: $56.95

Sport & Tourism: A ReaderEdited by MMiikkee WWeeeedd, Canterbury Christ ChurchUniversity, UK

This Reader provides comprehensive coverage of thescholarly literature in sports tourism. Divided intofour parts, each prefaced by a substantialintroduction from the editor, the Reader presentsthe key themes, state of the art research and newconceptual thinking, in sports tourism studies.2007: 592ppHb: 978-0-415-42687-9: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-42688-6: $69.95


Tourist Shopping VillagesForms and Functions

LLaauurriiee MMuurrpphhyy, James Cook University, Australia,PPiieerrrree BBeenncckkeennddoorrffff, James Cook University,Australia, GGiiaannnnaa MMoossccaarrddoo, James Cook University,Australia and PPhhiilliipp PPeeaarrccee, James Cook University,Australia

Series: Routledge Advances in Tourism

This landmark volume - based on a two yearresearch program from a team of authors - examinesthe forms and functions of approximately fiftytourist shopping villages in Australia, New Zealand,the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada and theUnited States.February 2009: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-96527-9: $95.00


Airline eCommerceMMiicchhaaeell HHaannkkee, SkyHapi, Airline E-commerceConsulting and Services, USA

Online travel is big business and has become one ofthe most popular items purchased by consumers onthe internet. In 2005, US$106 billion was spent ononline travel products and services with air travelalone accounting for over US$65 billion or 60%.This represents almost a quarter of the totalworldwide business-to-consumer (B2C) onlinespending.

Airline companies all over the world have integrated(or are in the process of doing so) electroniccommerce or e-commerce into their businessoperations in various shapes and forms. Today, it isno longer a question for airline companies if theydeal with e-commerce, but how to deal with e-commerce and leverage it to enhance theircompetitiveness. This book explores these issues.January 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-77579-3: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-77580-9: $59.95


Elements of ShippingAAllaann EEddwwaarrdd BBrraanncchh

Since it was first published in 1964, Elements ofShipping has become established as a market leader.Now this new edition has been entirely updated andrevised to take in the many changes that haveoccurred in the shipping industry in recent years andthe increased emphasis placed on professionalism,qualified personnel and the need for the latestavailable technology.

With new chapters on seaports and electronic datainterchange, it explains in a lucid, professionalmanner the basic elements of shipping embracingoperating, e-commerce/computerization(shipboard/trade), commercial, legal, economic,technical, managerial, logistics and financialconsiderations. It also reflects recent major trendsincluding the impact of globalization, current goodpractice and future trends. All twenty-two chaptershave been updated and over half of the content isnew.

Filling a gap for the discerning reader who wishes tohave a complete understanding of all the elementsof the global shipping scene together with theinterface with seaports, international trade andlogistics, it remains essential reading for shippingexecutives along with students and academics withan interest in the shipping industry.2007: 528ppeBook: 978-0-203-01308-3Hb: 978-0-415-36285-6: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-36286-3: $70.00



Maritime EconomicsSecond Edition

MMaarrttiinn SSttooppffoorrdd

Now in its third edition, Maritime Economicsprovides a valuable introduction to the organizationand workings of the global shipping industry. It is anexcellent and up-to-date treatment of shipping as aneconomic activity.November 2008: 592ppHb: 978-0-415-27557-6: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-27558-3: $75.00

National Currencies andGlobalizationEndangered Specie?

PPaauull BBoowwlleess, University of Northern BritishColumbia, Canada

Series: Routledge/RIPE Studies in Global PoliticalEconomy

This book provides an innovative and systematicanalysis of the implications of theories ofglobalization for national currencies; and criticallyexamines whether, as a result, the world is headingfor fewer currencies.2007: 224ppeBook: 978-0-203-93337-4Hb: 978-0-415-77427-7: $140.00

Page 37: Business and Management 2009 (US)

International Business GeographyCase Studies of Corporate Firms

PPiieett PPeelllleennbbaarrgg, University of Groningen, theNetherlands and EEggbbeerrtt WWeevveerr, Utrecht University,the Netherlands

Series: Routledge Studies in International Businessand the World Economy

Of interest to a range of disciplines within businessand management, economics and geography, thisbook, written by eminent scholars, explores changesin the international economic environment, theirimpacts on the strategy of firms and the spatialconsequences of these changes in strategy.2007: 304ppeBook: 978-0-203-93920-8Hb: 978-0-415-42919-1: $150.00


International Management andLanguageSSuussaannnnee TTiieettzzee, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in International Businessand the World Economy

The first book to thoroughly address the issue ofmanagement and language from a rigorousacademic perspective, International Managementand Language takes an international approach tothe subject, covering several countries in detail aswell as examining the entire topic from aninternational perspective.July 2008: 240ppeBook: 978-0-203-92935-3Hb: 978-0-415-40393-1: $130.00


International Trade Theory: ACritical ReviewMMuurrrraayy KKeemmpp, University of New South Wales,Sydney, Australia

Series: Routledge Studies in International Businessand the World Economy

A collection of essays on contemporary internationaltrade, this book critiques the major theoreticalcomponents; including the Ricardian principle ofcomparative advantage and the recently developednormative analysis of international transfers. July 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-43765-3: $150.00


Petroleum TaxationSharing the Oil Wealth: a Study of PetroleumTaxation Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

CCaarroollee NNaakkhhllee, University of Surrey, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in International Businessand the World Economy

This book provides a framework of economicanalysis which both governments and the petroleumindustry can draw upon in their negotiation of fiscalterms that offer a fair and just basis of wealthallocation and encourage balanced oil fielddevelopment.June 2008: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-43379-2: $130.00

The World Bank and GlobalManagerialismJJoonnaatthhaann MMuurrpphhyy, Cardiff University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in International Businessand the World Economy

An original and insightful contribution to theliterature on globalization, this book develops andclearly illustrates, using the World Bank (a majoragent of the new global managing élite) as a casestudy, the concept of a new ‘global managerialism’and its impact on business across the world.2007: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-93619-1Hb: 978-0-415-41269-8: $160.00

Deregulation and the AirlineBusiness in EuropeSSeeaann BBaarrrreetttt, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Series: Routledge Studies in the European Economy

Written by a longstanding expert in the field, thisbook examines the deregulation of the airlineindustry and the rise of low cost airline, specificallythe success of Ryanair as a key case study. March 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-44722-5: $140.00


Economic Policy Proposals forGermany and EuropeEdited by RRoonnaalldd SScchheettttkkaatt, Bergische University,Wuppertal, Germany and JJoocchheemm LLaannggkkaauu,Frederich-Ebert Stiftung, Bonn, Germany

Series: Routledge Studies in the European Economy

This book offers a fresh, innovative analysis ofcontemporary German economic policy, containingessays from non-Germanic, internationallydistinguished economists from around the world,arguing for a more expansionary macroeconomicpolicy.March 2008: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-46084-2: $150.00


The Impact of European Integrationon Regional Structural Change andCohesionEdited by CChhrriissttiiaannee KKrriieeggeerr--BBooddeenn, Kiel Institutefor the World Economy, Germany, EEddggaarrMMoorrggeennrrootthh, Economic and Social ResearchInstitute, Dublin, Ireland and GGeeoorrggee PPeettrraakkooss,University of Thessaly, Greece

Series: Routledge Studies in the European Economy

Edited by three European editors and spanningacross Europe, this excellent study focuses on theeffects of the European integration process on theinter-regional division of labour in both western andEastern European countries.June 2008: 336ppHb: 978-0-415-40024-4: $130.00

A Russian Factory Enters theMarket EconomyCCllaauuddiioo MMoorrrriissoonn, University of Warwick, UK

Series: Routledge Contemporary Russia and EasternEurope Series

Based on extensive factory-level fieldwork research,this book charts the experiences of a textileenterprise in Russia during the 1990s, analyzingpost-Soviet management and managerial practicesin order to illuminate the content, nature anddirection of industrial restructuring in the Russianprivatized sector during the years of economictransition.2007: 256ppeBook: 978-0-203-94143-0Hb: 978-0-415-41878-2: $150.00


Economic Power and EconomicStrategy in RussiaEdited by PPeeeetteerr VVaahhttrraa, Turku School ofEconomics, Finland

Series: Routledge Contemporary Russia and EasternEurope Series

In recent years the power relationship betweenbusiness and the state in Russia has moved stronglyin favour of the state, with the state increasinglyinvolved in Russia’s leading business sectors and withincreasing state ownership in key industries. Thisbook surveys these important changes and assessestheir significance. March 2009: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-45312-7: $160.00


Management of InternationalBusiness NetworksEEmmaannuueellaa TTooddeevvaa, University of Surrey, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Business Organizationsand Networks

Fully updated and revised, this second edition buildsupon the foundations of business network theoryintroduced in Business Networks: Strategy andStructure.May 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-36839-1: $150.00


The Internationalisation ofCompetition RulesBBrreennddaann JJ.. SSwweeeenneeyy, Monash University, Australia

Series: Routledge-Cavendish Research inInternational Commercial Law

The widespread move towards more market-drivenmodels of political economy combined with theexpanding internationalisation of commerce has ledto a series of proposals for global competition rules.This book investigates whether there is a rationalfoundation for pursuing international competitionrules, and what form these laws should take.March 2009: 400ppHb: 978-0-415-46079-8: $135.00


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Page 38: Business and Management 2009 (US)


Cross-Cultural ManagementEdited by TTiimm GG.. AAnnddrreewwss and RRiicchhaarrdd MMeeaadd

Series: Critical Perspectives on Business andManagement

A new title in the Routledge Major Works series,Critical Perspectives on Business and Management,this is a four-volume collection of cutting-edge andcanonical research on cross-cultural management.October 2008: 1600ppHb: 978-0-415-44340-1: $1043.00


Business Networks in Clusters andIndustrial Districtsthe Governance of the Global Value Chain

Edited by FFiioorreennzzaa BBeelluussssii, University of Padova,Italy and AAlleessssiiaa SSaammmmaarrrraa, University of L’Aquila,Italy

Series: Regions and Cities

How do we define and identify districts andclusters? How do they evolve? How do clusters anddistricts relate to the global economy? What policyoptions are available to promote them in east andwest economies?

This collection of papers from international expertsincludes theoretical and empirical contributionsexamining these questions and offering deepinsights into the internal-external mechanism ofknowledge circulation and learning. November 2008: 352ppHb: 978-0-415-45784-2: $100.00

Development on the GroundClusters, Networks and Regions in EmergingEconomies

Edited by AAlllleenn JJ.. SSccootttt, University of California,USA and GGiiooaacccchhiinnoo GGaarrooffoollii, University ofInsubria, Italy

Series: Routledge Advances in Management andBusiness Studies

Edited by two leading scholars, this volume bringstogether a range of contributions that analyze andexplain distinct patterns of regional development,and the successes and failures in this regard, acrossthe world.2007: 368ppHb: 978-0-415-77118-4: $170.00


Urban Regeneration ManagementInternational Perspectives

Edited by JJoohhnn DDiiaammoonndd, Edge Hill University, UK,JJooyyccee LLiiddddllee, AAllaann SSoouutthheerrnn, University ofLiverpool, UK and PPhhiilliipp OOsseeii, Development Partnersand Management International, Ltd.

Series: Routledge Advances in Management andBusiness Studies

This book analyzes the regeneration managementprocess, locating the issues within both local andinternational perspectives. It provides a review of thetheoretical literature on globalization with specificexamples from across the globe. February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45193-2: $140.00



Competition Law and Policy in theEC and UKBBaarrrryy RRooddggeerr, Strathclyde University, UK and AAnngguussMMaaccCCuulllloocchh, University of Lancaster, UK

Competition law, at both the EC and UK levels,plays an important and ever-increasing role inregulating the conduct of businesses. Based on thepremise that open and fair competition is good forboth consumers and businesses, competition lawprevents businesses from entering into anti-competitive agreements and from abusing theirdominant market position.

Competition Law and Policy in the EC and UK looksat how competition law affects business, including:co-ordinated actions; pricing behaviour; take-oversand mergers; and state subsidies. It provides a clearguide to and outline of the general policies behind,and the main provisions of EC and UK competitionlaw. Information is presented within a structuredframework, complete with a glossary of usefulterminology.

This fourth edition has been revised and updated totake into account developments since publication ofthe previous edition, including expanded coverageof IP issues and extended discussion of UKCompetition Law.August 2008: 468ppHb: 978-0-415-45848-1: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-45847-4: $40.00

International Tradeand the Protectionof the EnvironmentSSiimmoonn BBaauugghheenn, Universityof Bristol, UK

Analyzing globalization andthe increasing tension it hascaused between the goals offree trade and environmentalprotection, InternationalTrade and the Protection of

the Environment provides a comprehensive anddetailed legal analysis, both at the national andinternational level of what looks set to become thenew legal order of the twenty-first century. 2007: 576ppHb: 978-1-84568-009-1: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-44810-9: $65.95


International Trade and BusinessLaw Review: Volume XIEdited by GGaabbrriieell MMooeennss, Murdoch University,Perth, Australia and RRooggeerr JJoonneess, Latham andWatkins LLP, Chicago, USA

The International Trade and Business Law Reviewpublishes leading articles, comments and case notes,as well as book reviews dealing with internationaltrade and business law, arbitration law, foreign lawand comparative law. It provides the legal andbusiness communities with information, knowledgeand understanding of recent developments ininternational trade, business and internationalcommercial arbitration. March 2008: 464ppPb: 978-0-415-44245-9: $99.00


Law of International BusinessCChhaarrlleess CChhaatttteerrjjeeee

Written in an accessible and non-technical style, thistext is an important guide to international businesslaw. It will benefit lawyers and businesses, studentsand researchers alike.

Familiarizing students with negotiating techniquesfor international contracts, this concise volume is theperfect introduction and handy reference tointernational business law.September 2008: 320ppHb: 978-1-85743-383-8: $170.00


Building Big Business in RussiaThe Impact of Informal Corporate GovernancePractices

YYuukkoo AAddaacchhii, Sophia University, Japan

Series: BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and EastEuropean Studies

This book examines the development of big businessin Russia since the early 1990s, explaining how post-Soviet enterprises, many of which made little senseas business units, were restructured into functionalfirms. It includes detailed case studies of threeleading companies: Yukos Oil Company, RussianAluminium and Norilsk Nickel. September 2008: 208ppHb: 978-0-415-46339-3: $150.00

Economic Development, Educationand Transnational CorporationsMMaarrkk HHaannssoonn, University of California, Riverside,USA

Series: Routledge Studies in Development Economics

2007: 192ppeBook: 978-0-203-94554-4Hb: 978-0-415-77116-0: $140.00

Remaking Regional EconomiesPower, Labor, and Firm Strategies in TheKnowledge Economy

SSuussaann CChhrriissttoopphheerrssoonn, Cornell University, NewYork, USA and JJeennnniiffeerr CCllaarrkk, Georgia Institute ofTechnology

Series: Routledge Studies in Economic Geography

Regional autonomy in the global economy is a myth:regional economies and regional fortunes areshaped by a transational firm agenda to drive downcosts while accessing skilled, flexible labor in andacross regions.2007: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-35743-2: $150.00


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Page 39: Business and Management 2009 (US)


International Migration andKnowledgeAAllllaann WWiilllliiaammss, London Metropolitan University, UKand VVllaaddiimmiirr BBaalláážž, Slovak Academy of Science,Slovakian Republic

Series: Routledge Studies in Human Geography

Challenges pre-conceived views and argues theneed to understand that all international migrantsare potentially knowledge carriers and learners, andthat they play an essential role in the globalizationof knowledge transactions.July 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-43492-8: $150.00

Contemporary Corporate StrategyGlobal Perspectives

Edited by JJoohhnn SSaaeeee, Swinburne University ofTechnology, Australia

Series: Routledge Studies in International Businessand the World Economy

This book represents an eclectic collection ofinternational research articles and empirical studieson corporate strategy, intended to equip readerswith the latest knowledge to understand itstheoretical and operational complexity.2007: 384ppHb: 978-0-415-38595-4: $135.00


Handbook of Consumer Research inTourismTheory & Research

MMeettiinn KKoozzaakk, Mugla University, Turkey and AAllaaiinnDDeeccrroopp, University of Namur, Belgium

Routledge Advances in Tourism

In today’s highly competitive and global economy,understanding tourist behavior is imperative tosuccess. Tourist behavior has become a cornerstoneof any marketing strategy and action. This bookprovides an overview of such processes andinfluences and explains the concepts and theoriesthat underlie tourist decision making and behavior.October 2008: 208pp Hb: 978-0-415-99360-9: $140.00


Managing and Marketing TouristDestinationsStrategies to Gain a Competitive Edge

MMeettiinn KKoozzaakk, Mugla University, TurkeySeries: Routledge Advances in Tourism

Without adequate research and management, thepotential impacts and benefits of tourism and travelservices will not be maximised. This volumeevaluates the theoretical approaches andapplications to competitive advantage within touristdestinations and demonstrates the ways to furtherdevelop the concept of destination competitiveness. December 2008: 224pp Hb: 978-0-415-99171-1: $95.00


Sustainable Tourism FuturesPerspectives on Systems, Restructuring andInnovations

SStteeffaann GGöösssslliinngg, Lund University, Sweden, MMiicchhaaeellHHaallll, University of Canterbury, New Zealand andDDaavviidd BB.. WWeeaavveerr, Griffith University, AustraliaSeries: Routledge Advances in Tourism

There are increasing concerns over the relationshipbetween tourism and sustainable development.Sustainable Tourism Futures re-assesses thesustainability paradigm and outlines the ways inwhich sustainable tourism is possible, offering keyinsights into the fundamental shifts in operations,systems and philosophies that need to take place.October 2008: 240pp Hb: 978-0-415-99619-8: $95.00


The Advanced Econometrics ofTourism DemandSStteepphheenn FF.. WWiitttt, The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, GGaanngg LLii, University of Surrey and HHaaiiyyaannSSoonngg, Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversitySeries: Routledge Advances in Tourism

Tourism demand is the foundation on which alltourism-related business decisions ultimately rest.This book introduces students, researchers andpractitioners to the modern developments inadvanced econometric methodology within thecontext of tourism demand analysis and illustratesthese developments with actual tourismapplications. September 2008: 144pp Hb: 978-0-415-99120-9: $95.00

Asian Business


The Changing Face of Managementin ChinaEdited by CChhrriiss RRoowwlleeyy University of London, UKand FFaanngg LLeeee CCooookkee, University of Manchester, UK

Series: Working in Asia

The main aim of this book is to examine a range ofareas of Chinese management in the context of thelocal political, economic and social traditions and theglobal economy. According to some commentators,some elements of management are universal whileother aspects are unique to a given context.Moreover, much of what we know about Chinesemanagement today is drawn from studies conductedwith quantitative methods and at macro level. Less isknown of managers in China in managing specificissues at work. This book adds to the existing bodyof knowledge by analysing current key strategic aswell as functional areas and issues facing Chinesemanagers trying to compete more effectively in theglobal market. In addition, the “voice” of localmanagers will be heard.January 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-46333-1: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-46332-4: $54.95

The Changing Face of Managementin South East AsiaEdited by CChhrriiss RRoowwlleeyy, Cass Business School,London University, UK and SSaaaaiiddaahh AAbbdduull--RRaahhmmaann,Independant Researcher

Series: Working in Asia

This important new volume overviews thedevelopment of South East Asian managementpractices, focusing on human resource management(HRM) as an indicator and measure of change.Written by prominent scholars of the region, thebook focuses on reform in the human resource (HR)managerial domain, documenting recent changesand assessing current practices from both macro andmicro perspectives. A consistent structure andcontent is used throughout, with each chapterincorporating “real life“ local organisational andmanager case studies, plus vignettes to give ‘voice’to practitioners and developments.

This is essential reading for anybody with an interestin management, HR or the political, social, culturaland economic profiles of the countries of South EastAsia.2007: 264ppHb: 978-0-415-40544-7: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-40543-0: $51.95


The Changing Face of Managementin ThailandEdited by TTiimm AAnnddrreewwss, Strathclyde University, UKand SSuunnuunnttaa SSiieennggtthhaa, Asian Institute ofTechnology, Thailand

Series: Working in Asia

Uniquely drawing on first hand experience of frontline managers from a range of industries, thisexciting new text provides students, practitionersand educators with an in-depth examination of thepractice of management in Thailand amid thewidespread political, economic and social changesof the past decade.

An up-to-the-minute review of both the macro andmicro context, it takes into account Thailand’scontinued rise from the epicentre of the Asianeconomic crisis and its position as the country ofchoice for an operational base for globalcorporations.

Filling the current vacuum of titles on this importanttopic with excellent articles by a host of prominentacademics in the field, this is a timely and muchneeded textbook on the everyday challenges ofmanagement practice in Thailand.December 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-44331-9: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-44332-6: $49.95


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Page 40: Business and Management 2009 (US)


The Changing Face of PeopleManagement in IndiaEdited by PPaawwaann SS.. BBuuddhhwwaarr, Aston BusinessSchool, UK and JJyyoottssnnaa BBhhaattnnaaggaarr, ManagementDevelopment Institute, India

Series: Working in Asia

Addressing the dearth of reliable literature on thissubject, the contributions examine a wide selectionof issues in the changing face of Indian HRMsystems.

These include:•strategic HRM

•the changing nature of employee relations andlabour laws

•talent management

•human resource information systems

•interventions like six sigma and HR processes

•changing psychological contract in different typesof organizations.

A detailed and thorough examination of the currentstate of HRM in India, the expected future landscapeand coming challenges, this book is a key resourcefor all those working and studying in the areas ofHRM and International Business. February 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-43186-6: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-43187-3: $49.95


The Changing Face of KoreanManagementEdited by CChhrriiss RRoowwlleeyy, Cass Business School,London University, UK and YYoonnggssuunn PPaaiikk, LoyolaMarymount University, Los Angeles, USA

Series: Working in Asia

Rowley and Paik focus on a country that is predictedby some experts to be the world’s third richest by2025. South Korea, with its thrivingtelecommunications and automotive industries, andincreasing trade links with China, survived the 1997Asian Economic Crisis better than most. Thisimportant textbook explores the key areas ofmanagement within this pivotal country in theregion, including:•Human Resource Management





•Overseas affiliates

•Small firms and entrepreneurship


Including case studies and interviews with front lineKorean managers to enable a real ‘voice’ to emerge,and written by native academics, this is a completeanalysis of the current state of managementstructures in South Korea. It is important reading forall students of business and management and Asia.August 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-77400-0: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-77401-7: $49.95


The Changing Face of WomenManagers in AsiaEdited by CChhrriiss RRoowwlleeyy, Cass Business School,London University, UK and VViimmoollwwaann YYuukkoonnggddii,Central Queensland University, Australia

Series: Working in Asia

The Asian economies covered by this up-to-datecollection have undergone rapid economictransformation. Until now, most research oncontemporary women managers has been drawnfrom studies conducted in developed countries.Covering case studies in China, Hong Kong, Japan,Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailandand Vietnam, this book uses different perspectivesto examine the constraints, opportunities andchallenges for women managers in the Asiancontext and presents an update on their progress inmanagement.August 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-43766-0: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-43767-7: $49.95


Chinese BusinessLandscapes and Strategies

HHoonngg LLiiuu, University ofManchester, UK

This key book provides acomprehensive, practicalguide to business in China,featuring both theoretical/academic and practicalperspectives. With a strongfocus on the ways in whichlanguage, traditional thought

and stratagem culture influence how Chinese dobusiness, this book offers a complete view ofindustry structures and the competitive landscape,thus providing a framework for Western companiesto develop successful business and marketingstrategies.

Broad-ranging and informative, Chinese Business:Landscapes and Strategies can be used as atextbook for undergraduates and postgraduates atbusiness schools, as well as a reference book forthose on senior executive programmes and forconsultation on particular aspects of business inChina.September 2008: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-40308-5: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-40309-2: $51.95


Chinese Business EnterpriseAn Introduction

HHaannss HHeennddrriisscchhkkee, University of New South Wales,Australia

Chinese Business Enterprise examines practicalbusiness and management issues in the context ofChina’s changing institutional framework and theinternationalization of China’s economy. The authorexplains the general operating environment forbusiness enterprises in China and examines issuessuch as the reforms to the Chinese economy,increased marketization, foreign trade and businessservices, as well as different forms of businessenterprise (state-owned, private, etc.)

With a series of case studies examining corebusiness functions such as research anddevelopment, operations management, production,distribution, marketing and human resources withinthe Chinese context, this book provides a valuableguide to the main operational areas of businessenterprise in China including both domestic andforeign funded enterprises. December 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-24949-2: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-24950-8: $43.95

Comparative Corporate Governancein ChinaPolitical Economy and Legal Infrastructure

GGuuaanngghhuuaa YYuu, The University of Hong Kong.

An insightful overview of the political, legal andsocial perspectives which inform corporategovernance in China, this book examines thechallenges of corporate governance faced byChinese corporations and international corporationsoperating in China.

It explores a range of issues and their role incorporate governance models, including:•executive compensation

•takeover markets

•the securities market

•insolvency issues

•venture capital market

Examining the current climate and making the casethat comparative corporate governance studies havesignificant policy implications for China’s transitionaleconomy, Yu has put together a book that is avaluable resource for students and those working inAsian business, corporate governance andcommercial law.2007: 208ppHb: 978-0-415-40306-1: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-40307-8: $53.95


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Doing Business in ChinaCChhaaoo XXii, School of Oriental and African Studies,University of London, UK, MMoorrggeenn WWiittzzeell, ExeterUniversity School of Business and Economics, UKand TTiimm AAmmbblleerr, London Business School, UK

Aimed specifically at Western and non-Chinesebusiness and managers, this book offers aframework for understanding Chinese businessculture along with a guide for acquiring furtherknowledge on China.

This new edition builds on the strengths of the firsttwo editions. With new case studies, updateddiscussion of the evolving marketplace and itsinteractions with government and a new chapter onbusiness law, Doing Business in China will continueto be the number one resource for students ofinternational business and management studies andpractitioners with an eye on China.October 2008: 304ppeBook: 978-0-203-94649-7Hb: 978-0-415-43631-1: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-43632-8: $39.95


Managers and Mandarins inContemporary ChinaThe Building of an International Business

TTaanngg JJiiee, University of London, UK

Immersing herself in the day-to-day operation of amajor construction project in China, Jia Tangexplores the question as to whether the way inwhich Chinese management handles conflict isfundamentally different to elsewhere or much thesame.January 2009: 208ppPb: 978-0-415-36364-8: $39.95


The Future of Asian Trade andGrowthEdited by LLiinnddaa YYuueehh, Oxford University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in the Growth Economiesof AsiaMarch 2009Hb: 978-0-415-36811-7: $150.00


Private Equity in AsiaJJuulliiaann RRoocchhee, Corporate Finance Trainer/Consultantand UN Expert on Commodities UNCTAD RiskManagement Division, Singapore

This revealing book is a comprehensive review of themotivation behind, the course of, and the successesand failures of private equity/venture capital in Asia.It evaluates investments by country and sector,examining the firms, the investments they havemade, how they have performed, how they areviewed by government, what regulation is like andwhat the sector has contributed to the regionaleconomy. A comparison with the USA and Europeas well as other developing economies puts Asianventure capital into a global perspective.

The first volume to give a comprehensive overviewof private equity in the region, Julian Roche’s booktakes an evaluative approach to the sector’ssuccesses and failures, and as such makes for avaluable resource for postgraduates andprofessionals in the areas of Asian business, venturecapital and international business.November 2008: 208ppHb: 978-0-415-36237-5: $135.00Pb: 978-0-415-36238-2: $44.95


Banking Reform in Southeast AsiaThe Region’s Decisive Decade

MMaallccoollmm CCooookk, Lowy Institute for InternationalPolicy, Sydney, Australia

Series: Routledge Studies in the Growth Economiesof Asia

Providing a detailed account of the history ofbanking reform in Southeast Asia, this bookanalyzes the major developments in the globaleconomic system over the past three decades,including the globalization of finance, the debt crisisof the 1980s and the 1997-1998 Asian financialcrisis. May 2008: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-41319-0: $150.00


Financial System and Institutions inChinaGGuu YYaanngg, Roehampton University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in the Growth Economiesof Asia

During the ongoing economic reform process inChina there have been huge developments withinthe financial sector. Yang gives a comprehensiveoverview of the current state of China’s financialsystem and its institutions.December 2008: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-27231-5: $150.00

Globalization and the IndianEconomyRoadmap to a Convertible Rupee

SSaattyyeennddrraa SS.. NNaayyaakk, IndependentAdvisor/Consultant

Series: Routledge Studies in the Growth Economiesof Asia

This book examines the impact of globalization onthe Indian economy, exploring the trade, investmentand financial aspects of globalization, and alsoconsidering its implications for the balance ofpayments and currency exchange rate. 2007: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-44739-3: $160.00

India’s Emerging Financial MarketA Flow of Funds Model

TToommooee MMoooorree, Coventry University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in the Growth Economiesof Asia

In the early 1990s, financial liberalization started inIndia, and it was thought that such reforms wouldincrease economic growth. This book is the firststudy to comprehensively apply the flow of fundsmodel for India. 2007: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-93441-8Hb: 978-0-415-43409-6: $170.00

Innovation and Business Partneringin Japan, Europe and the UnitedStatesEdited by RRuutthh TTaapplliinn, Centre for Japanese and EastAsian Studies, London, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in the Growth Economiesof Asia

Innovation studies and partnering/collaborativealliances are rapidly growing areas of interest.Originally combining these two areas, this bookexamines the role of business partnering as apathway to innovation for small and mediumenterprises (SMEs).2006: 176ppeBook: 978-0-203-96820-8Hb: 978-0-415-40287-3: $150.00


Trade Unions in AsiaEdited by JJoohhnn BBeennssoonn, University of SouthAustralia and YYiinngg ZZhhuu, University of Melbourne,Australia

Series: Routledge Studies in the Growth Economiesof Asia

Offering a comprehensive account of the role playedby trade unions in Asia, this book focuses on thestrategies they have adopted to represent workers,and discusses the issues surrounding wages andworking conditions, health and safety, women’semployment opportunities and human resourcedevelopment.May 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-41007-6: $170.00


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India’s Emerging MultinationalsNNaaggeesshh KKuummaarr, Research and Information Systemfor Developing Countries, New Delhi, India

Series: Routledge International Business in Asia

Examining the rise of Indian multinationals in thecontext of India’s growing prominence as a sourceof outward investment, this book, based onquantitative data from over 4000 enterprizes anddetailed case studies from key industries, highlightsthe emerging multinational corporations and tracestheir rise to global prominence.June 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-40286-6: $150.00


Multinationals and Cross-CulturalManagementThe Transfer of Knowledge Within MultinationalCorporations

PPaarriissssaa HHaagghhiirriiaann, Sophia University, Japan

Series: Routledge International Business in Asia

This book examines cross-cultural managementwithin multinational enterprises (MNEs), focusingespecially on how cultural differences influence thetransfer of knowledge between different unitswithin individual corporations. It argues thatimproving cross-cultural management should focusless on upgrading technology, and more on thecapabilities and beliefs of individual employees. March 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-44931-1: $150.00

Ageing in AsiaAsia’s Position in the New Global Demography

Edited by RRooggeerr GGooooddmmaann, University of Oxford,UK and SSaarraahh HHaarrppeerr, Oxford Institute of Ageing,UK

The volume takes four key themes related to ageingand examines how these issues are emerging indifferent regions of Asia, specifically, the formerSoviet Union, South Asia, China, Japan and South-East Asia. 2007: 128ppHb: 978-0-415-44583-2: $160.00

Labor, Globalization and the StateWorkers, Women and Migrants ConfrontNeoliberalism

Edited by DDeebbddaass BBaanneerrjjeeee, Institute ofDevelopment Studies Kolkata (IDSK), University ofCalcutta, India and MMiicchhaaeell GGoollddffiieelldd, Wayne StateUniversity, US

Series: Routledge Contemporary South Asia

This book explores the impact of neoliberalglobalization on labour markets and the state in thedeveloped and developing world. It focusesespecially on the United States and the economiesof Asia – in particular, India.2007: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-44923-6: $180.00


Chinese Big Business in IndonesiaThe State of Capital

CChhrriissttiiaann CChhuuaa, Deutsche Bank, Germany

Series: Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia

This book examines the political economy ofChinese big business in Indonesia. It assesses thestate of capital before, during and since the financialand political crisis of 1997 and provides uniqueinsights into how the state-business relationshipshave evolved since the fall of Suharto.February 2008: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-45074-4: $150.00

Women and Labour Organizing inAsiaDiversity, Autonomy and Activism

Edited by KKaayyee BBrrooaaddbbeenntt, Griffith University,Australia and MMiicchheellee FFoorrdd, University of Sydney,Australia

Series: ASAA Women in Asia

Providing a full account of the role of women inunion activism in Asia, covering all the majoreconomies of the region, this book successfullychallenges the prevailing conception of womenworkers in Asia as passive and uninterested inindustrial issues.2007: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-41315-2: $150.00

Multinational Corporations and theEmerging Network Economy in Asiaand the PacificEdited by JJuuaann JJ.. PPaallaacciiooss, University ofGuadalajara, Mexico

Series: PAFTAD (Pacific Trade and DevelopmentConference Series)

Multinational Corporations and the EmergingNetwork Economy in Asia and the Pacific delves intothe ongoing rise of a global economy anchored in aweb of inter-firm production networks and the roleplayed by multinational corporations in the process.2007: 336ppHb: 978-0-415-43332-7: $160.00


China’s Multinationals - TheResource SectorHHuuaaiicchhuuaann RRuuii, Brunel University, Bristol, UK

Series: Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy

This book examines the foreign direct investmentactivities of China’s multinationals, focusing inparticular on the resource sector - that is by firmsinvolved in oil, gas, mining, metal and otherresource-based industries - which accounts for alarge proportion of China’s overall foreign directinvestment activities. March 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-45508-4: $150.00

China’s Post-Reform Economy -Achieving Harmony, SustainingGrowthEdited by RRiicchhaarrdd SSaannddeerrss, University ofNorthampton, UK and CChheenn YYaanngg, University ofNorthampton, UK

Series: Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy

This book discusses the very latest issues relating toChina’s remarkable economic growth. It providescomprehensive coverage of them, includingeconomic, political-economic, environmental andphilosophical questions.2007: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-43432-4: $170.00


Multinationals, Globalisation andIndigenous Firms in ChinaCChhuunnhhaanngg LLiiuu, China Banking RegulatoryCommission, Beijing, People’s Republic of China

Series: Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy

This book considers the impact of multinationalcompanies in China on the Chinese economy andon indigenous Chinese firms. It includes detailedcase studies of Boeing, Wal-Mart and Coca-Cola,considering their activities at the global level andwithin China, and case studies of the sectors inwhich these firms operate. January 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-45190-1: $150.00


Telecommunications in ChinaOrganising Broadband Access and Competition

ZZhhoonngg LLiiuu, George Mason University, USA

Series: Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy

This book examines the structure of thetelecommunications market in China and theregulatory regime which underpins it, and argues forchanges in the regulatory regime in order tostimulate better market-led development goingforward, in particular the transition to broadbandnetworks. October 2008: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-44938-0: $150.00

The Chinese Banking IndustryLessons from History for Today’s Challenges

YYuuaannyyuuaann PPeenngg, University of Cambridge, UK

Series: Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy

Bringing a vast amount of material to a Westernaudience for the first time, this book provides adetailed systematic micro-level analysis of thehistorical development of the Chinese bankingindustry, analyzing the key issues in thedevelopment of the Bank of China in the period1905 to 1949. 2007: 216ppeBook: 978-0-203-96223-7Hb: 978-0-415-42347-2: $150.00


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The Chinese Steel IndustryGovernment Policy and Competitiveness Build-Up

PPeeii SSuunn, Nottingham University Business School, UK

Series: Routledge Studies on the Chinese Economy

With China being the world’s largest producer andconsumer of the steel industry, this book provides asystematic examination of its development in theindustry since the late 1980s. August 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-41877-5: $150.00


Industrial Innovation in ChinaEmerging Challenges and New Issues

Edited by DDeenniiss FFrreedd SSiimmoonn, Neil D. Levin GraduateInstitute, New York, USA

Series: Routledge Contemporary China

This book examines industrial innovation in China.Each chapter tackles a different aspect of industrialinnovation, including research and development,intellectual property, technological adaptation andgovernment policy. It addresses the crucial questionof whether China has embarked on a path that willlead it to becoming a true technologicalsuperpower.March 2009: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-77610-3: $135.00


Law for Foreign Business andInvestment in ChinaVVaaii IIoo LLoo, Bond University, Australia and XXiiaaoowweennTTiiaann, Bond University, Australia

Series: Routledge Contemporary China

This book provides an up-to-date overview of thelegal framework for doing business in China. Itcovers topics such as state structure, legislation, thecourt system, the legal profession, business entities,foreign investment enterprises, contracts, intellectualproperty, labour and employment law, consumerprotection, taxation, securities, and disputeresolution.March 2009: 432ppHb: 978-0-415-45320-2: $170.00


Management Training andDevelopment in ChinaEdited by MMaallccoollmm WWaarrnneerr, University ofCambridge, UK and KKeeiitthh GGooooddaallll, University ofCambridge, UK

Series: Routledge Contemporary China

One of the critical issues facing both the Chinesegovernment and businesses operating in China isthe lack of trained managers. The pace of Chineseeconomic growth has outstripped the ability of thelabour market to supply much needed managerialtalent. This book examines the Chinese response tothese challenges. March 2009: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-41331-2: $150.00

Paying for Progress in ChinaPublic Finance, Human Welfare and ChangingPatterns of Inequality

Edited by VViivviieennnnee SShhuuee, St Anthony’s College,University of Oxford, UK and CChhrriissttiinnee WWoonngg,University of Washington, USA

Series: Routledge Contemporary China

China’s stunning record of economic developmentsince the 1970s has been marred by an increasinglyobvious gap between the country’s “haves” and its“have-nots.” This collection traces the causes of thisgrowing inequality, using new data includingsurveys, interviews, newly available official statisticsand in-depth fieldwork.2007: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-96197-1Hb: 978-0-415-42254-3: $150.00


Hainan - State, Society andBusiness in a Chinese ProvinceKKjjeelldd EErriikk BBrrooddssggaaaarrdd, Copenhagen BusinessSchool Asia Research Centre, Denmark

Series: China Policy

This book examines the complex relationshipbetween the state, society and business in China,focusing on the experience of the island province ofHainan. It provides detailed evidence of howrelations between party cadres, state bureaucrats,businesses, foreign investors and civil society playout in practice in China today.October 2008: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-46033-0: $160.00


Public Procurement in ChinaA Long March Towards Integration into theGlobal Trading System

PPiinngg WWaanngg, University of Nottingham, UK

Series: China Policy

Owing to its massive state sector, publicprocurement in China is a critical element of publicpolicy and is increasingly important in internationaltrade negotiations. This book examines China’spublic procurement regime, exploring the currentlegal framework, its development since 1978, andassessing the impact of WTO membership.October 2009: 208ppHb: 978-0-415-46276-1: $135.00


Chinese Entrepreneurship in aGlobal EraEdited by RRaayymmoonndd SSiinn--KKwwookk WWoonngg, University ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara

Series: Chinese Worlds

Through a collection and juxtaposition of variouscase studies, this volume offers a wide-rangingexploration and evaluation of Chineseentrepreneurship in contemporary Asian contexts.June 2008: 208ppHb: 978-0-415-46218-1: $150.00

Global R&D in ChinaEdited by YYiiffeeii SSuunn, California State UniversityNorthridge, USA, MMaaxx vvoonn ZZeeddttwwiittzz, TsinghuaUniversity, China and DDeenniiss FFrreedd SSiimmoonn, Neil D.Levin Graduate Institute, New York, USA

The volume focuses on the issue of globalization ofresearch and development (R&D) in China.2007: 184ppHb: 978-0-415-41851-5: $140.00


Fiscal Decentralization and LocalPublic Finance in JapanNNoobbuukkii MMoocchhiiddaa, University of Tokyo, Japan

Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

This book is suitable for all those who want tounderstand the role and performance of Japan’scentral and local fiscal relations as an integral part ofresource allocation, stabilization and redistributionfunction of the public sector since the post bubbleeconomy.August 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-43746-2: $140.00

Business-Government Relations inPrewar JapanPPeetteerr vvoonn SSttaaddeenn, University of the West ofEngland, Bristol, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern History ofAsia

This is a much needed exploration on therelationship between government and business inpre-war Japan, making an important contribution tothe literature by considering periods which haveoften been neglected by scholars.2007: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-94567-4Hb: 978-0-415-39903-6: $150.00


A Japanese Joint Venture in thePacificForeign Bodies in Tinned Tuna

KKaattee BBaarrccllaayy, University of Technology, Sydney,Australia

Series: Routledge Contemporary Japan

The Japanese, and other Asians, are increasinglytaking over some of the roles previously played byEuropeans in the Pacific Islands. This book considersthe role of the Japanese in the Solomon Islands,focusing especially on a joint venture between theJapanese multinational Maruha Corporation and theSolomon Islands’ government.February 2008: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-43435-5: $160.00


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Page 44: Business and Management 2009 (US)


A New Japan for the Twenty-FirstCenturyAn Inside Overview of Current FundamentalChanges and Problems

Edited by RRiieenn TT.. SSeeggeerrss, International ResearchCentre for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan

Series: Routledge Contemporary Japan

This book provides an overview of contemporaryJapan and the many considerable changes currentlytaking place in a wide range of fields, including theeconomy, business and technology, politics,governance and international relations, providing amuch needed corrective to misplaced Western viewsthat Japan is unable to change. March 2008: 304ppHb: 978-0-415-45311-0: $150.00

Globalisation and JapaneseOrganisational CultureAn Ethnography of a Japanese Corporation inFrance

MMiittcchheellll SSeeddggwwiicckk, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Series: Japan Anthropology Workshop

Globalization is increasingly taking place within thecontext of cross-cultural organizations. This bookexamines the nature of such global cross-culturalorganizational interaction, providing a detailed studyof everyday workplace practices, and change, in thesubsidiary of a large Japanese consumer electronicscompany in France.2007: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-44678-5: $160.00


Innovation in JapanEmerging Patterns

Edited by KKeeiitthh JJaacckkssoonn, SOAS, University ofLondon, UK and PPhhiilllliippee DDeebbrroouuxx, Soka University,Japan

The Japanese economy has made a remarkablerecovery from the so-called ‘Lost Decade’ of the1990s. This collection reflects on how things havemoved on. It brings together fresh perspectives onJapanese-style innovation, from insiders andoutsiders, from scholars and from practitioners, allof whose combined contributions to this bookupdate our understanding of how patterns ofinnovation in Japan are evolving, providinginspiration and guidance for managers andinnovators worldwide.March 2009: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-44579-5: $150.00


Capitalist Development in KoreaLabour, Capital and the Myth of theDevelopmental State

DDaaee--oouupp CChhaanngg, University of Hong Kong, HongKong

Series: Routledge Advances in Korean Studies

Contrary to the widely-held view that the East Asiandevelopmental state is neutral in terms of therelationship between capital and labour, this bookargues that the developmental state exists topromote the interests of capital over labour, andthere has been a deliberate mystification concerningthe reality of this process. January 2009: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-45940-2: $150.00

Foreign Direct Investment in Post-Crisis KoreaEuropean Investors and “MismatchedGlobalization”

JJuuddiitthh CChheerrrryy, University of Sheffield, UK

Series: Routledge Advances in Korean Studies

In this book Judith Cherry analyzes the impact ofeconomic and cultural globalization on efforts topromote inward foreign direct investment (IFDI) inSouth Korea over the past four decades. 2007: 224ppeBook: 978-0-203-93906-2Hb: 978-0-415-27006-9: $150.00


Tourism in ChinaDestination, Cultures and Communities

CChhrriiss RRyyaann, University of Waikato ManagementSchool and GGuu HHuuiimmiinn, Beijing International StudiesUniversity

Routledge Advances in Tourism

This book provides a voice to Chinese mainlandacademic researchers and examines the nature oftourism research and tourism development in China.This authoritative text on tourism in China will be ofinterest to scholars and students of tourismthroughout the world.November 2008: 256pp Hb: 978-0-415-99189-6: $95.00


Industrial Innovation in JapanEdited by TTaakkuujjii HHaarraa, Kobe University, Japan, NNoorriiooKKaammbbaayyaasshhii, Kobe University, Japan and NNoobboorruuMMaattssuusshhiimmaa, Kobe University, Japan

This new book gathers together a collection of casestudies of innovation in various industries in modernJapan, challenging accepted notions of Japaneseinnovation and emphasizing new and diverse trendsand practices. March 2008: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-42338-0: $150.00


Multinationals, Technology andLocalization in Automotive Firms inAsiaEdited by RRaajjaahh RRaassiiaahh, University of Malaya, YYuurriiSSaaddooii, Meijo University, Japan and RRooggiieerr BBuusssseerr,Leiden University, the Netherlands

East Asia has led rapid economic growth in the lastfew decades with India joining them over the lastfive years. Experts with several years of multi-disciplinary research experience on the field examinethe actual and potential technological andlocalization implications of MNC operations in EastAsia and India.July 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-44067-7: $150.00

Corporate Governance andBusiness Ethics

InternationalCorporateGovernanceA Comparative Approach

TThhoommaass CCllaarrkkee, University ofTechnology, Sydney, Australia

Comprehensive and up-to-date, this important textbookanalyzes the escalating crisisin corporate governance andthe growing interest in itsreform across the globe.

Written by a leading name in the field of corporategovernance from a genuinely internationalperspective, this excellent textbook provides abalanced analysis of the relative strengths andweaknesses of the Anglo-Saxon, European andAsian traditions of corporate governance; offering aprognosis of the future development, complexityand diversity of corporate governance forms andsystems.

It:•investigates the reasons for the failure of Enron,WorldCom, Tyco, Parmalat and other majorinternational corporations

•examines the role of international standards ofcorporate governance, with the intervention of theOECD, World Bank and IMF

•explores the continuing cultural diversity incorporate and institutional forms in the UnitedStates and UK, Europe and Asia Pacific.

Illustrated with a wealth of up-to-the minute casestudies and packed full of excellent illustrativematerial that guides student readers through thiscomplex subject, International CorporateGovernance is a must read for anyone studyingcorporate governance today.2007: 544ppeBook: 978-0-203-30072-5Hb: 978-0-415-32309-3: $200.00Pb: 978-0-415-32310-9: $67.95


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Page 45: Business and Management 2009 (US)


European Corporate GovernanceReadings & Perspectives

Edited by TThhoommaass CCllaarrkkee, University of Technology,Sydney, Australia and JJeeaann--FFrraannccooiiss CChhaannllaatt,Dauphine Institute, University of Paris, France

The first book to focus on European rather than UScorporate governance, this volume provides acomprehensive overview of the European CorporateGovernance agenda.

Offering readers the most penetrating analysisavailable of key problem areas European CorporateGovernance examines a range of topics, including:•current issues of diversity


•shareholder value

•CEO power


•different industry experience

•transitional economies.

Contemporary, critical and more problem focusedthan other volumes on this topic, it is an invaluabletextbook for students of all levels studying corporategovernance.September 2008: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-40533-1: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-40534-8: $57.95

Corporate Governance andCorporate FinanceA European Perspective

Edited by RRuuuudd AA..II.. vvaann FFrreeddeerriikksslluusstt, ErasmusUniversity, Rotterdam School of Management, theNetherlands, JJaammeess SS.. AAnngg, Florida State UniversityCollege of Business, USA and PP..SS.. SSuuddaarrssaannaamm,Cranfield School of Management, Bedford, UK

This text fills the growing gap for a text focusing onEuropean rather than US corporate governance.Comprising a collection of key readings,contextualized by expert editorial commentary andan original introduction, it is an excellent companionvolume to Theories of Corporate Governance andInternational Corporate Governance.2007: 784ppHb: 978-0-415-40531-7: $220.00Pb: 978-0-415-40532-4: $70.00

Corporate Governance, Finance andthe Technological Advantage ofNationsAAnnddrreeww TTyylleeccoottee, University of Sheffield, UK andFFrraanncceessccaa VViissiinnttiinn, University of Udine, Friuli, Italy

Exploring the technological advantage of nations,their performance and pattern of specialization andthe affect of their financial and governance systems,this book discusses changes that need to be madeso that they can cope with new challenges.2007: 336ppeBook: 978-0-203-93388-6Hb: 978-0-415-11221-5: $160.00


Transforming CorporateGovernance in East AsiaEdited by CCuurrttiiss MMiillhhaauupptt, Columbia University,USA, KKoonn--SSiikk KKiimm, Seoul National University, SouthKorea and HHiiddeekkii KKaannddaa, University of Tokyo, Japan

This book examines the most important recentcorporate governance changes in East Asia and thechallenges still to be overcome with focused, in-depth legal analysis on specific issues facing theseparate systems in the wake of the voluminousreforms and market changes of the past decade. June 2008: 320ppeBook: 978-0-203-93120-2Hb: 978-0-415-45099-7: $170.00

Corporate Governance andSustainabilityChallenges for Theory and Practice

Edited by SSuuzzaannnnee BBeennnn, University of Technology,New South Wales, Australia and DDeexxtteerr DDuunnpphhyy,University of Technology, New South Wales,Australia

Series: Routledge Contemporary CorporateGovernance

In recent years, as corporations and governmentshave increasingly been confronted with managingthe expectations of a society newly alerted to thesocial and environmental risks of economicdevelopment, recognition is dawning that achievinga sustainable world is dependent upon thedemocratic management and equitable distributionof these risks for now, and for the future. This book,the first to explore the themes of corporategovernance and sustainability, argues that a bettersystem of governance on a number of levels holdsthe key.

Contributed to and edited by a distinguishedinternational team, this book recognizes thecomplex and contested nature of both sustainabilityand governance, and that these key concepts havebeen redefined considerably over time.

As sustainability poses new and major challenges forthe theory and practice of corporate governance,this book, ideal for postgraduate students ofbusiness and management, identifies and addressesthese challenges.2006: 280ppHb: 978-0-415-38062-1: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-38063-8: $45.95

Governance and the Market forCorporate ControlJJoohhnn LL.. TTeeaallll, Pace University, New York, USA

Series: Routledge Contemporary CorporateGovernance

Governance and the Market for Corporate Control isa textbook for use on business courses dealing withmergers, acquisitions, governance restructuring andcorporate control.

Three key features distinguish this book fromcompeting texts. First, following up on recentdevelopments in the corporate arena, it places aheavy emphasis on managerial compensation,incentives and corporate performance. Second, itsconciseness allows for flexibility of use. Third, itscoverage is broad and examines many topicsincluding:•significant discussions of corporate governance

•power and voting

•managerial compensation


•going private transactions

•corporate restructuring

•event study methodology.

As well as combining theoretical, empirical,quantitative and practitioner-oriented matter, thematerial in this key book provides the academicfoundation necessary to ensure students’understanding of important concepts.2006: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-39786-5: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-39787-2: $55.95


Project GovernanceIntegrating Corporate, Program and ProjectGovernance

Edited by LLyynnnn CCrraawwffoorrdd, University of Technology,Sydney, Australia, CChhrriissttoopphhee BBrreeddiilllleett, ESC, Lille,France and RRooddnneeyy JJ.. TTuurrnneerr, ESC, Lille, France

Series: Routledge Contemporary CorporateGovernance

In the last year or so, project and programgovernance have become widely used terms inorganizations and have been used in titles forseveral conferences, but there has till now, been nopublication that has clearly presented project andprogram governance concepts and their applicationin practice. This book meets the needs ofresearchers, teachers of project management andpractitioners whilst also responding to the needs ofsenior managers, project and program managers inorganizations tasked with establishing projectgovernance frameworks. It presents a clear view ofwhat constitutes project governance, how it relatesto corporate governance and how it can bedeployed in organizations to enhance corporateperformance. February 2009: 304ppHb: 978-0-415-39784-1: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-39785-8: $49.95


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Page 46: Business and Management 2009 (US)


The Governance of StrategicAlliancesAAnnttooiinnee HHeerrmmeennss, University of Technology, Sydney,Australia

Series: Routledge Contemporary CorporateGovernance

This key book analyzes the experience of allianceformation and governance in a number ofinternational corporations in a range of industrysectors. Important governance factors exploredinclude:•the alliance environment

•alliance conditions




Alliances can be defined as business relationshipsbetween independent firms to pursue importantgoals where partners pool, exchange or integratekey strategic resources for mutual gain. Critical tothe success or failure of strategic alliances is howwell they are governed, a topic this book explores indetail.January 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-40537-9: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-40538-6: $49.95


Behaviour and Rationality inCorporate GovernanceOOlliivveerr MMaarrnneett, University of Wales, Aberystwyth,UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance

Corporate scandals due to bad accounting happentoo frequently for a system of corporate governanceto be deemed effective. Exploring the reasonsbehind corporate misbehaviour, this book alsoanswers the question of whether recent reforms aresufficient to prevent further scandals from occurringin the future. March 2008: 320ppeBook: 978-0-203-92956-8Hb: 978-0-415-43752-3: $140.00


Corporate Governance andResource Security in ChinaThe Transformation of China’s Global ResourcesCompanies

XXiinnttiinngg JJiiaa, Victoria University, Australia and RRoommaannTToommaassiicc, Victoria University, Australia

Series: Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance

Looking at the governance of resources companiesin China, this book tackles contemporary issues ofresource security and environmental change whichare closely related to the depletion of the world’snatural resources. It contains case studies of otherinternational resources giants such as BHP Billiton,Rio Tinto, Shell and Chevron to enhance readersunderstanding of the differences that exist betweenthem and Chinese resources companies. February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45325-7: $160.00


Corporate Governance Around theWorldEdited by AAhhmmeedd NNaacciirrii, University of Montreal,Quebec, Canada

Series: Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance

This book, including contributions from worldrecognized experts in the sphere of corporategovernance presents a number of internationalcorporate governance systems; comparing andcontrasting the experiences of several countriesacross the world.February 2008: 432ppeBook: 978-0-203-93067-0Hb: 978-0-415-42874-3: $160.00


The Value Creating BoardCorporate Governance and OrganizationalBehaviour

Edited by MMoorrtteenn HHuussee, Norwegian School ofManagement, Oslo.

Series: Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance

This book breaks new ground, offering a majorsurvey on boards of directors throughout variousEuropean countries, opening up the hithertounexamined area of study of board behaviour andthe workings of the value creating board. December 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-43742-4: $240.00


The Governance GapEdited by GGeeoorrggeettttee GGaaggnnoonn, University of Toronto,Canada, AAuuddrreeyy MMaacckklliinn, University of Toronto,Canada and PPeenneellooppee SSiimmoonnss, University ofToronto, Canada

Series: Routledge Studies in Governance andChange in the Global Era

This impressive book examines human rights in warzones - especially where the interests ofinternational corporations seem to be placed aheadof individuals’ rights. Respected academics examinethe track records of household name corporationswith revealing results.February 2009: 256ppeBook: 978-0-203-41725-6Hb: 978-0-415-33470-9: $130.00

The Transnational Politics ofCorporate Governance RegulationEdited by HHeennkk OOvveerrbbeeeekk, Vrije Universiteit,Amsterdam, the Netherlands, BBaassttiiaaaann vvaannAAppeellddoooorrnn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, theNetherlands and AAnnddrreeaass NNööllkkee, Johann WolfgangGoethe-Universität, Germany

Series: Routledge/RIPE Studies in Global PoliticalEconomy

This ambitious volume explores the politics of recentchanges in corporate governance regulation and thetransnational forces driving the process. 2007: 288ppeBook: 978-0-203-94668-8Hb: 978-0-415-43172-9: $140.00


Understanding the SocialDimension of SustainabilityEdited by JJeessssee DDiillllaarrdd, VVeerroonniiccaa DDuujjoonn and MMaarryyCC.. KKiinngg, all at Portland State University, USA

Series: Routledge Studies in Development andSociety

The imperative of the 21st century is sustainability:to raise the living standards of the world’s poor andto achieve and maintain high levels of social healthamong the affluent nations while simultaneouslyreducing and reversing the environmental damagewrought by human activity. Scholars andpractitioners are making progress towardenvironmental and economic sustainability, but wehave very little understanding of the socialdimension of sustainability. This volume is anambitious, multi-disciplinary effort to identify the keyelements of social sustainability through anexamination of what motivates its pursuit and theconditions that promote or detract from itsachievement. Included are theoretical and empiricalpieces; examination of international and localefforts; discussions highlighting experiences in boththe developing and industrialized nations; and asubstantial focus on business practices. Contributorsare grounded in Sociology, Economics, BusinessAdministration, Public Administration, Public Health,Geography, Education and Natural ResourceManagement.September 2008: 176ppHb: 978-0-415-96465-4: $95.00


Defence Procurement and IndustryPolicySStteeffaann MMaarrkkoowwsskkii, Australian Defence ForceAcademy, Canberra, Australia and PPeetteerr HHaallll,Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra,Australia

Series: Routledge Studies in Defence and PeaceEconomics

Defence procurement remains a relatively under-researched area, mostly focusing on the USA. Thisrevealing book looks at defence procurement fromthe point of view of smaller countries such as Israel,Australia, Poland and Spain.December 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-36288-7: $130.00


Governance and InnovationA historical view

MMaarriiaa BBrroouuwweerr, University of Amsterdam, theNetherlands

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

This book focuses on the relationships between rulesof decision-making and economic development,concentrating on the similarities and differencesbetween old and modern modes of governance inboth business and politics.May 2008: 264ppHb: 978-0-415-43705-9: $130.00


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Page 47: Business and Management 2009 (US)


The CorporateSocial ResponsibilityReaderEdited by JJoonn BBuurrcchheellll,University of Sheffield, UK

Including key articles andoriginal perspectives fromacademics, NGOs andcompanies themselves, TheCorporate SocialResponsibility Reader is a

welcome and insightful introduction to theimportant issues and themes of this growing field ofstudy. This book addresses:•the changing relationships between business, stateand civil society

•the challenges to business practice

•what businesses should be responsible for, andwhy

•issues of engagement, transparency and honesty

•the boundaries of CSR – can businesses ever beresponsible?

Case studies examine major internationalcorporations like Coca Cola and Starbucks, whilstbroader articles discuss thematic trends and issueswithin the field. This comprehensive but eclecticcollection provides a wonderful overview of CSR andits place within the contemporary social andeconomic landscape. It is essential reading foranyone studying business and management, and itsethical dimensions.May 2008: 312ppHb: 978-0-415-42433-2: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-42434-9: $57.95

Corporate SocialResponsibilityReadings and Cases in aGlobal Context

Edited by AAnnddrreeww CCrraannee,University of Nottingham,UK, DDiirrkk MMaatttteenn, Universityof London, UK and LLaauurraaSSppeennccee, Brunel University, UK

Modern business is obligedto meet increasingly

demanding ethical, environmental, legal, commercialand public standards as defined by wider society.Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has thereforebecome an important consideration for managers atall levels, as well as one of the most vibrant areas ofstudy and research in the field of business andmanagement. This important new book provides acomprehensive and student-centred introduction tothe key themes and issues currently being addressedin CSR around the world.

This book brings together material by the mostinfluential teachers and scholars working in CSRtoday, as well as many of the most cited andimportant articles, and is clearly structured in threeparts: •understanding CSR

•applying CSR

•managing CSR

Each section includes an extensive and accessibleeditorial commentary that introduces the keydebates and themes contained in the articles, aswell as clearly defined learning objectives to guidethe reader and challenging and thought-provokingstudy questions to consolidate learning. It alsoincludes three major case studies to enable thereader to relate theory to the real world, focusing onNike in Asia, Vodafone in South Africa and ABNAMRO in Brazil. Drawing on examples and issuesfrom across the globe, this book is essential readingfor all students and managers with an interest incorporate governance and business ethics. 2007: 544ppHb: 978-0-415-42428-8: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-42429-5: $64.95


Corporate Social Responsibility inthe Construction IndustryEdited by MMiicchhaaeell MMuurrrraayy, University of Strathclyde,Glasgow, UK and AAnnddrreeww DDaaiinnttyy, LoughboroughUniversity, UK

A unique presentation on a topic of emergingimportance, Corporate Social Responsibility in theConstruction Industry is essential reading for all builtenvironment undergraduate and post-graduatecourses, as well as CEOs and senior managers withinconstruction businesses who may be about toembark on developing a CSR strategy.September 2008: 432ppHb: 978-0-415-36207-8: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-36208-5: $59.99

Management EthicsContemporary Contexts

Edited by SStteewwaarrtt RR.. CClleegggg, University ofTechnology, Sydney, Australia and CCaarrll RRhhooddeess,University of Technology, New South Wales,Australia

This book, an essential read for postgraduatestudents of business and ethics, is organized aroundthe core question: What are the ethics of organizingin today’s institutional environment and what doesthis mean for the practice of management and theorganization of business? In response to this, thecontributors examine ethics as it is deeply embeddedin the everyday practice of management. 2006: 216ppHb: 978-0-415-39335-5: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-39336-2: $47.95


Ethical Dilemmas in ManagementCChhrriissttiinnaa GGaarrsstteenn, Stockholm University, Swedenand TToorr HHeerrnneess

This is a fascinating text, which raises importantquestions and provides a deeper understanding ofthe dynamics of ethical processes. A company’sethical behaviour is a major criterion by which thecompany, its products and services are judged and istherefore crucial to sound management in today’sorganizations. Ethical Dilemmas in Management isessential reading for all students of business andmanagement and ethics.September 2008: 176ppHb: 978-0-415-43759-2: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-43760-8: $49.99


Ethics for the Built EnvironmentPPeetteerr FFeewwiinnggss, University of the West of England,Bristol, UK

This book looks at how people develop theirpersonal values and tries to set up a model formaking effective ethical decisions. It exposes areasof weakness that may inhibit better relationships inprojects and partnerships and suggests decisionmaking frameworks.

Part one integrates a number of topical areas to givea holistic view of the ethical framework and Parttwo illustrates good practice by using case studiesand questions for resolving dilemmas. They include:•human rights, moral integrity and equalopportunities

•professional conduct and integrity•employment law and psychological contracts anddiscrimination •corruption, procurement and competition •health and safety ethics•contracts and good faith •the impact of corporate social responsibility policiesand their implementation•the role of education and development •responsibility for sustainability and theenvironment.

It will be invaluable for professional institutions,students, young practitioners in all stages of thedevelopment cycle from planning, propertymanagement, design, project management andfacilities management, contractors and clients.October 2008: 384ppHb: 978-0-415-42982-5: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-42983-2: $59.99


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Page 48: Business and Management 2009 (US)

Accounting and Finance


Accounting and Business EthicsKKeenn MMccPPhhaaiill, University of Glasgow, UK and DDiiaanneeWWaalltteerrss, Heriot-Watt University, UK

This groundbreaking text takes a uniquely interactiveapproach, drawing on a wealth of international real-world case studies and examples to engage studentsin debate and discussion. An accompanying websiteprovides not only lecturer support, but also a uniqueforum for discussion, bridging the gap betweenuniversities and professional education and placingthe debates and dilemmas which the professionfaces in a broader ethical and political context.September 2008: 320ppHb: 978-0-415-36235-1: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-36236-8: $49.95

Management Accounting ChangeApproaches and Perspectives

DDaannttuurree WWiicckkrraammaassiinngghhee, Manchester BusinessSchool, UK and CChhaannddaannaa AAllaawwaattttaaggee, Universityof Aberdeen Business School, UK

Written by two experienced lecturers, this is the firststudent-centered textbook to bridge the technicaland theoretical aspects of management accountingchange. Packed full of pedagogical features,including mini-cases, learning outcomes, key terms,article summaries, key concept boxes, real-worldcases, chapter summaries and further readingsuggestions and resources, it is clear and accessiblywritten, covering all the major emerging topics inmanagement accounting theory.2007: 568ppHb: 978-0-415-39331-7: $210.00Pb: 978-0-415-39332-4: $73.95

Auditing, Trust andGovernanceDeveloping Regulation inEurope

Edited by RReeiinneerr QQuuiicckk,University of Darmstradt,Germany, SSttuuaarrtt TTuurrlleeyy,Manchester Business School,UK and MMaarrlleeeenn WWiilllleekkeennss,University of Tilburg, theNetherlands

In this important book, the European AuditingResearch Network analyzes how that response hasdeveloped in Europe, with particular emphasis onthe field of auditing. Leading internationalacademics review how regulation has been revisedin specific European countries to help restoreconfidence in the contribution of auditing tocorporate governance. Various themes are explored,including the growing trend of internationalizationin regulation, ethics and auditing, professionalliability and professional education.

Auditing, Trust and Governance is an invaluablevolume for students, researchers and professionalsworking in the fields of auditing, accountancy andcorporate governance, and provides a useful basisfor further research on the effects of the increasedregulation.2007: 304ppeBook: 978-0-203-93601-6Hb: 978-0-415-44889-5: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-44890-1: $49.95

SustainabilityAccounting andAccountabilityEdited by JJeeffffrreeyy UUnneerrmmaann,Royal Holloway, University ofLondon, UK, JJaannBBeebbbbiinnggttoonn, University of StAndrews, UK and BBrreennddaannOO’’DDwwyyeerr, University ofAmsterdam, the Netherlands

This exciting book is one ofthe first textbooks in the fast growing area ofsustainability accounting. Contributed to, and editedby an impressive array of internationally renownedauthorities, it focuses on the use of sustainabilityaccounting both as an external accountabilitymechanism (external reporting) and as a tool forhelping managers assess and manage the social andenvironmental impacts of their operations(management accounting).

Using real-life examples and case studies toemphasize the links between the conceptual basisand issues in practice, this outstanding bookaddresses the growing interest among bothpractitioners and academics in social, environmentaland ethical accountability, as interpreted through thelens of sustainable development.2007: 384ppHb: 978-0-415-38488-9: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-38489-6: $57.95


The Routledge Companion toAccounting HistoryEdited by RRiicchhaarrdd EEddwwaarrddss, Cardiff University, UKand SStteepphheenn WWaallkkeerr, Cardiff University, UK

For many, a book on the history of accounting doesnot exactly set the pulse racing. Indeed, this bookwill not excite readers with historical tales of lust,debauchery and murder. Instead, what TheRoutledge Companion to Accounting History doesdo is reveal how this seemingly innocuous practicehas pervaded human existence in a range offascinating ways; from ancient civilisations to themodern day, and from the personal to the political.

Placing the history of accounting in context withother fields of study, this collection gives invaluableinsights to subjects such as the rise of capitalism, thecontrol of labour, gender and family relationships,racial exploitation, the functioning of the state, andthe pursuit of military conflict. An engaging as wellas comprehensive overview which also examinesgeographical differences, this Companion is splitinto key sections.•changing technologies used to represent financialand other data

•historical development of theory and practice

•institutions and those who perform accounting

•accountancy and economies

•society and culture

•the role of accounting in the government,protection and financing of states.

Including chapters on the important role played byaccountancy in religious organizations, a review ofhow the discipline is portrayed in fine art andpopular culture, and analysis of sharp practice andcorporate scandals, The Routledge Companion toAccounting has a breadth of coverage that isunmatched in this growing area of study. Bringingtogether the leading writers in the field, this is anessential reference work for any student ofaccounting, accounting history, or business andmanagement.September 2008: 640ppHb: 978-0-415-41094-6: $180.00

The Routledge Companion to FairValue and Financial ReportingEdited by PPeetteerr WWaallttoonn, ESSEC Business School,France

Comprising contributions from a unique mixture ofacademics, standard setters and practitioners, andedited by an internationally recognized expert, thisbook, on a controversial and intensely debatedtopic, is the only definitive reference source availableon the topics of fair value and financial reporting.2007: 424ppHb: 978-0-415-42356-4: $200.00


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Page 49: Business and Management 2009 (US)


Accounting in PoliticsDevolution and Democratic Accountability

Edited by MMaahhmmoouudd EEzzzzaammeell, Cardiff University,UK, NNooeell HHyynnddmmaann, Queen’s University, Belfast, ÅÅggeeJJoohhnnsseenn, Oslo University College, Norway and IIrrvviinneeLLaappsslleeyy, University of Edinburgh, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Accounting

Written by an internationally respected author, thisbook documents and discusses the impact ofdevolution, new public management and modernpublic sector accounting reforms on decision-makingand democratic accountability.May 2008: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-42590-2: $120.00

Intellectual Capital AccountingPractices in a Developing Country

IInnddrraa AAbbeeyysseekkeerraa, University of Sydney, Australia

Series: Routledge Studies in Accounting

This book examines and explains the intellectualcapital reporting practices, with a human capitalfocus, of firms located in the developing nation ofSri Lanka, meticulously outlining an extensiveliterature review in this emerging field of debate. 2007: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-43754-7: $150.00

Accounting and EmpireEdited by CChhrriiss PPoouullllaaooss, University of Sydney,Australia and SSuukkii SSiiaann, Cardiff University, UK

Series: Routledge New Works in Accounting History

This book brings together, for the first time, studiesof the professionalization of accountancy in keyconstituent territories of the British Empire.February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45771-2: $150.00

Cost-BenefitAnalysisEE..JJ.. MMiisshhaann, London Schoolof Economics, UK andEEuussttoonn QQuuaahh, NanyangTechnological University,Singapore

Should Malaysia build a newsteel mill, or New York Cityan urban motorway? Shouldhigher education expand, orwater supplies be improved?

These are typical questions to which cost-benefitanalysis, the key economic tool for analyzingproblems of social choice can contribute to, as wellas providing a useful vehicle for understanding thepractical value of welfare economics. This invaluabletext covers the main problems that arise in a typicalcost-benefit exercise.

Cost-benefit analysis is used everywhere, but itstechniques are particularly prominent in fields wherethere is some kind of ethical dimension. For thisedition, E.J. Mishan has been joined by EustonQuah, to explore new themes, including the impactof uncertainty on cost-benefit analysis and tointroduce a host of new and up-to-date casestudies.2007: 336ppeBook: 978-0-203-69567-8Hb: 978-0-415-35037-2: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-34991-8: $65.00

Accounting for GoodwillAAnnddrreeaa BBeerreettttaa ZZaannoonnii, University of Verona, Italy

Series: Routledge Studies in Accounting

February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45149-9: $170.00

Double Accounting for GoodwillA Problem Redefined

MMaarrttiinn BBlloooomm, Deloitte Growth Solutions, Sydney,Australia

Series: Routledge New Works in Accounting History

Goodwill may be either purchased or internallygenerated. This excellent book provides an historicalreview of accounting literature, includingprofessional standards, relating to methods ofaccounting for purchased goodwill.April 2008: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-01459-2Hb: 978-0-415-43748-6: $125.00

Two Hundred Years of AccountingResearchRRiicchhaarrdd MMaatttteessssiicchh, University of British Columbia,Canada

Series: Routledge New Works in Accounting History

Written by an internationally respected expery, this isthe first and only book to offer a comprehensivesurvey of accounting, authorative research on abroad international scale for the last two centuries.2007: 640ppeBook: 978-0-203-93985-7Hb: 978-0-415-77256-3: $190.00

Financial Reporting in the UKA History of the Accounting StandardsCommittee, 1969-1990

BB..AA.. RRuutthheerrffoorrdd, University of Kent Business School,UK

Series: Routledge Historical Perspectives inAccounting

This fine account of the period following the 1960scharts the history of the Accounting StandardsCommittee. Written by a respected scholar, it makesa major contribution to the history of financialreporting.2007: 456ppeBook: 978-0-203-93413-5Hb: 978-0-415-39421-5: $180.00

Profitability, Accounting Theory andMethodologyThe Selected Essays of Geoffrey Whittington

GGeeooffffrreeyy WWhhiittttiinnggttoonn, International AccountingStandards Board, London, UK

Foreword by Stephen A. Zeff, Rice University, Texas,USA

Series: Routledge Historical Perspectives inAccounting

This remarkable collection of Geoffrey Whittington’swork pulls together his essays and articles onempirical studies based on company accounts,specification of empirical models, price changeaccounting, and regulation of accounting andauditing.2007: 480ppeBook: 978-0-203-96814-7Hb: 978-0-415-37644-0: $180.00

Advanced Capital BudgetingRefinements in the Economic Analysis ofInvestment Projects

HHaarroolldd BBiieerrmmaann,, JJrr.., Cornell University, New York,USA and SSeeyymmoouurr SSmmiiddtt, Cornell University, NewYork, USA

Written by authors of established texts in this area,this book is a companion volume to the classic TheCapital Budgeting Decision. Exploring this key topicin corporate finance the authors examine thecomplexities of capital budgeting as well as theopportunities to improve the decision process whererisk and time are important elements.

Designed to assist those making business decisionsat all levels, this volume is essential reading for allthose working in or studying capital budgeting.2006: 392ppHb: 978-0-415-77205-1: $155.00Pb: 978-0-415-77206-8: $55.95


The Capital Budgeting DecisionEconomic Analysis of Investment Projects

HHaarroolldd BBiieerrmmaann,, JJrr.., Cornell University, New York,USA and SSeeyymmoouurr SSmmiiddtt, Cornell University, NewYork, USA

Fully updated and revised by internationalauthorities on the topic, this new version of a classicand established text returns to its roots as a clearand concise introduction to this complex butessential topic in corporate finance.

Retaining the authority and reputation of previouseditions, it now covers several topics in-depth whichare frequently under explored, including distributionpolicy and capital budgeting.

Features new to this edition include:•a new chapter on real options

•new material on uncertainty in decision-making.

Easily understandable, and covering the essentials ofcapital budgeting, this book helps readers to makeintelligent capital budgeting decisions forcorporations of every type. 2006: 424ppHb: 978-0-415-40003-9: $155.00Pb: 978-0-415-40004-6: $55.95


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Page 50: Business and Management 2009 (US)


Socially Responsible InvestingDDoonnaalldd SScchheeppeerrss, Baruch College, City University ofNew York, USA

Of increasing importance in the last decade, sociallyresponsible investing (SRI) can be described as theimportant financial aspect of the broader corporatesocial responsibility (CSR) area. In both Europe andthe US pressure is being exerted not only fromindividual investors, but increasingly by governmentand policy-making bodies for corporations to reporton not just their financial performance but also theirperformance from a social, ethical, andenvironmental perspective (the triple bottom line).

With the increase in the number of courses on CSR,SRI is becoming increasingly important in itsattempts to measure and influence corporate policyand behavior. As a result there is an increased needfor a book which examines the developments insocially responsible investing not simply from aninvestor’s point of view but from a broader academicperspective. This unique book singles out andcritically examines the mutual funds whichconstitute the financial aspect of CSR. It goes on to:•evaluate the screening methods they employ

•investigate their role in the CSR debate

•examine their efforts to improve communitiesthrough community-based investing practices.

The first to comprehensively analyze SRI, Schepers’text is a must-read for Masters and MBA studentsstudying corporate governance, business ethics, andfinance/investment.February 2009: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-39033-0: $135.00Pb: 978-0-415-39034-7: $39.95

Finance: The BasicsEErriikk BBaannkkss

Series: The Basics

A clear, jargon-free introduction to a complex anddemanding subject, Finance: The Basics is theultimate guide for those encountering this broadtopic for the first time.

With particular focus on the practical dimension offinancial tools, instruments and markets, this user-friendly text provides the reader with a solid workingknowledge of the key drivers of the financialmarketplace, ensuring that the concepts learnt canbe easily applied and related to daily activities, thefinancial press and the financial markets.

Authoritative yet accessible, Finance: The Basics isideal for first year undergraduates with no previousexposure to financial concepts, as well as thoselooking for simple yet comprehensive explanationsof the primary elements of the topic. 2006: 264ppeBook: 978-0-203-08592-9Hb: 978-0-415-38457-5: $100.00Pb: 978-0-415-38463-6: $17.95


Financialization AtWorkKey Texts and Commentary

Edited by IIssmmaaiill EErrttuurrkk,Manchester Business School,UK, JJuulliiee FFrroouudd, ManchesterBusiness School, UK,SSuukkhhddeevv JJoohhaall, RoyalHolloway, University ofLondon, UK, AAddaamm LLeeaavveerr,Manchester Business School,

UK and KKaarreell WWiilllliiaammss, University of Manchester,UK

Crisis with US sub-prime mortgages, paralysis inglobal credit markets and the run on Northern Rock- all wake-up calls to the growing influence offinance and financial markets on the lives ofordinary people. Social scientists began debatingfinancialization in the late 2000s much as theydebated globalizsation in the 1990s, and thisimportant book prepares the way by allowingreaders to (re)define financialization for themselves.

This book will challenge readers to bring a newunderstanding to the financialization of present daycapitalism. It is an invaluable resource for studentsand researchers from business and management,plus all the social sciences with interests in politicaland cultural economy.May 2008: 384ppHb: 978-0-415-41730-3: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-41731-0: $57.95

Finance for Sport and LeisureManagersAn Introduction

RRoobbeerrtt WWiillssoonn, Sheffield Hallam University, UK andJJoohhnn JJooyyccee, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Written by experts in accounting and sportmanagement, this book enables readers to workthrough the subject at their own pace, with casestudies, worked examples and self-tests to ensurestudents can apply their knowledge to industry-specific situations. Ideal for students on sport andleisure management courses, this book will also bevaluable to practising managers who need a quick-reference guide to everyday financial questions.2007: 176ppeBook: 978-0-203-93442-5Hb: 978-0-415-40446-4: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-40447-1: $51.95

The Economics of SportsBroadcastingCChhrriiss GGrraattttoonn, Sheffield Hallam University, UK andHHaarrrryy AArrnnee SSoollbbeerrgg, Sør-Trøndelag UniversityCollege, Norway

The meteoric growth of sports broadcasting has hadhuge financial implications for a number of relatedindustries, and in many cases has affected the sportsthemselves. This book examines the economic issuessurrounding this very modern phenomenon.2007: 248ppHb: 978-0-415-35779-1: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-35780-7: $47.95



Monetary EconomicsJJaaggddiisshh HHaannddaa, McGill University, Canada

This successful text, now in its second edition, offersthe most comprehensive overview of monetaryeconomics and monetary policy currently available. Itcovers the microeconomic, macroeconomic andmonetary policy components of the field.

Major features of the new edition include:•Stylised facts on money demand and supply, andthe relationships between monetary policy,inflation, output and unemployment in theeconomy.

•Theories on money demand and supply, includingprecautionary and buffer stock models, andmonetary aggregation.

•Cross-country comparison of central banking andmonetary policy in the US, UK and Canada, as wellas consideration of the special features ofdeveloping countries.

•Monetary growth theory and the distinct roles ofmoney and financial institutions in economicgrowth in promoting endogenous growth.

This book will be of interest to teachers andstudents of monetary economics, money andbanking, macroeconomics and monetary policy. November 2008: 816ppHb: 978-0-415-77209-9: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-77210-5: $85.00


Personal Financeand InvestmentsA Behavioural FinancePerspective

KKeeiitthh RReeddhheeaadd, CoventryUniversity, UK

Packed with over onehundred exercises, examplesand exhibits and a helpfulglossary of key terms, thisbook helps readers grasp the

relevant principles of money management. It avoidsnon-essential mathematics and provides a novel newapproach to the study of personal finance andinvestments.

This book will be essential for students andresearchers engaged with personal finance,investments, behavioural finance, financialderivatives and financial economics. July 2008: 736ppHb: 978-0-415-42859-0: $220.00Pb: 978-0-415-42862-0: $75.00


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Page 51: Business and Management 2009 (US)


Financial EconomicsCChhrriiss JJoonneess, AustralianNational University

Whilst many undergraduatefinance textbooks are largelydescriptive in nature, theeconomic analysis in mostgraduate texts is tooadvanced for latter yearundergraduates. This bookbridges the gap betweenthese two extremes, offering

a textbook that studies economic activity in financialmarkets, focusing on how consumers determinefuture consumption and on the role of financialsecurities.

Areas covered in include: •an examination of the role of finance in theeconomy using basic economic principles,eventually progressing to introductory graduateanalysis

•a microeconomic study of capital asset pricingwhen there is risk, inflation, taxes and asymmetricinformation

•an emphasis on economic intuition using geometryto explain formal analysis

•an extended treatment of corporate finance andthe evaluation of public policy.

January 2008: 336ppHb: 978-0-415-37584-9: $200.00Pb: 978-0-415-37585-6: $54.95


Finance in AsiaInstitutions, Regulation and Policy

QQiiaaoo LLiiuu, University of Hong Kong, PPaauull LLeejjoott,University of Kong Kong and DDoouuggllaass AArrnneerr,University of Kong Kong

Series: Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics andFinance

Asia’s demand for second-generation financialinstitutions and markets needs to be met in orderfor the region’s further development to besustained. This book provides a compelling, fact-based assessment of current practices andregulations in Asia’s financial institutions andmarkets and carefully documents the excitingopportunities and challenges that lie ahead in theregion’s financial systems.October 2008: 352ppHb: 978-0-415-42320-5: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-42319-9: $65.95



Financial Econometrics PPeeiijjiiee WWaanngg, University of Hull, UK

Series: Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics andFinance

This book provides an essential toolkit for allstudents wishing to know more about the modellingof financial time series. Econometric techniques arebecoming increasingly common in the world offinance and this second edition of an establishedtext covers the following key themes:•unit roots, cointegration and other developmentsin the study of time series models

•time varying volatility models of the GARCH typeand the stochastic volatility approach

•analysis of stock persistence and impulse responses

•Markov switching

•present value relations and data characteristics.

This updated edition includes new chapters whichcover limited dependent variables and panel data. Itcontinues to be an essential guide for all graduateand advanced undergraduate students ofeconometrics and finance.September 2008: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-42670-1: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-42669-5: $70.00

MathematicalFinanceCore Theory, Problems andStatistical Algorithms

NNiikkoollaaii DDookkuucchhaaeevv, TrentUniversity, Canada

Series: Routledge Advanced Textsin Economics and Finance

Rigorous in style, yet easy touse, this comprehensivetextbook offers a systematic,

self-sufficient yet concise presentation of the maintopics and related parts of Stochastic Analysis andstatistical finance covered in most degree courses.2007: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-96472-9Hb: 978-0-415-41447-0: $180.00Pb: 978-0-415-41448-7: $56.95


Women and Their MoneyEdited by AAnnnnee LLaauurreennccee, The Open University,Milton Keynes, UK, JJoosseepphhiinnee MMaallttbbyy, University ofSheffield, UK and JJaanneettttee RRuutttteerrffoorrdd, The OpenUniversity, Milton Keynes, UK

Series: Routledge International Studies in BusinessHistory

This book charts the sheer extent of women’sfinancial management and provides for economic,social, cultural and gender historians materialgrounded in empirical research essential forunderstanding women’s place in capitalist societies. September 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-41976-5: $160.00


International Business and NationalWar InterestsUnilever Between Reich and Empire, 1939-45

BBeenn WWuubbss, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands

Series: Routledge International Studies in BusinessHistory

This book ties together business history, the historyof the Nazi economic administration and Europeanhistory. It is relevant to several disciplines, includinginternational relations, economic and businesshistory, European history and political science.August 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-41667-2: $130.00


Narrating the Rise of Big Businessin the USAHow Economists Explain Standard Oil and Wal-Mart

AAnnnnee MMaayyhheeww, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,USA

Series: Routledge International Studies in BusinessHistory

In this book, Anne Mayhew focuses on the storiessurrounding the creation of Standard Oil and Wal-Mart, combining the accounts of economists withthe somewhat darker pictures painted by writers offiction.April 2009: 176ppHb: 978-0-415-77534-2: $130.00

Banking in Central and EasternEurope 1980-2006From Communism to Capitalism

SStteepphhaann BBaarriissiittzz, Oesterreichische Nationalbank(OeNB), Austria

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

Comparative in structure and covering an extensivenumber of transition countries in its survey, thiscomprehensive book overviews the development ofthe banking systems in Central and EasternEuropean since the communist era until the presenttime.2007: 224ppeBook: 978-0-203-94524-7Hb: 978-0-415-42881-1: $160.00


Bank PerformanceA Theoretical and Empirical Framework for theAnalysis of Profitability, Competition andEfficiency

JJaaccoobb BBiikkkkeerr, Utrecht School of Economics, theNetherlands. and JJaaaapp WW..BB.. BBooss, Utrecht School ofEconomics, the Netherlands

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

Analyzing the profitability, competition andefficiency of banks, this book provides an all-embracing framework for the various existingtheories in this area and illustrates them withsuccessful practical applications. July 2008: 128ppHb: 978-0-415-39766-7: $130.00


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Page 52: Business and Management 2009 (US)

Credit and CollateralVVaanniiaa SSeennaa, Aston University, Birmingham, UK

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

Unique and revealing, this is the first book to deal soextensively with the topic of collateral, and as such,it is a valuable reference source for postgraduatesand professionals in the fields of macroeconomics,monetary and business economics.2007: 160ppeBook: 978-0-203-02347-1Hb: 978-0-415-34117-2: $120.00

Debt, Risk and Liquidity in FuturesMarketsBBaarrrryy GGoossss, Monash University, Australia

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

Including contributions from Jerome Stein and GuayLim, this book explores debt and liquidity in finance.In three parts it covers developing country debt andcurrency crises, risk, and risk management in futuresmarkets and liquidity. 2007: 240ppeBook: 978-0-203-94015-0Hb: 978-0-415-40001-5: $180.00


Financial Markets and theMacroeconomyA Keynesian Perspective

WWiillllii SSeemmmmlleerr, New School University, USA, PPeetteerrFFllaasscchheell, Bielefeld University, Germany, CCaarrllCChhiiaarreellllaa, University of Technology, Sydney, Australiaand RReeiinneerr FFrraannkkee, Technische Universität Wien,Austria

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

This important new book from a group ofKeynesian, but nonetheless technically-orientedeconomists explores one of the dominant paradigmsin financial economics: the “intertemporal generalequilibrium approach.”August 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-77100-9: $130.00


International Financial Co-OperationPolitical Economics of Compliance with the 1988Basel Accord

BBrryyccee QQuuiilllliinn, World Bank, USA

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

This book provides a comprehensive examination ofthe impact of the 1988 Basel Accord on the capitaladequacy regulations of developed economies. Thisstudy seeks to understand if the Accord affectedbroad or isolated convergence of eighteendeveloped countries’ bank credit risk regulationsfrom 1988 to 2000.February 2008: 240ppeBook: 978-0-203-93028-1Hb: 978-0-415-77288-4: $130.00


Monetary and Banking HistoryEdited by GGeeooffffrreeyy EE.. WWoooodd, City University,London, UK, TTeerreennccee MMiillllss, LoughboroughUniversity, UK and NNiicchhoollaass CCrraaffttss, University ofWarwick, Coventry, UK

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

Under the editorship of Geoffrey Wood, this bookbrings together a stellar line of contributors -including Charles Goodhart, Harold James, MichaelBordo, Barry Eichengreen, Charles Calomiris, andAnna Schwartz. It analyzes many of the mainstreamthemes in economic and financial history - monetarypolicy, international financial regulation, economicperformance, exchange rate systems, internationaltrade, banking and financial markets - wherehistorical perspectives are considered important. August 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45146-8: $160.00


Monetary Growth TheoryMoney, Interest, Prices, Capital, Knowledge andEconomic Structure over Time and Space

WWeeii--BBiinn ZZhhaanngg, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University,Japan

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

Many economic dynamic models omit monetaryissues by assuming that transactions on theeconomy’s real side can be carried out withoutmoney. This book answers some challengingquestions in monetary growth theory within acompact theoretical framework.April 2009: 576ppHb: 978-0-415-46162-7: $140.00

Monetary Policy in Central EuropeMMiirroossllaavv BBeebbllaavvýý, State Secretary, Ministry ofLabour, Slovak Republic

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

Miroslav Beblavý, an experienced policy maker,examines monetary policy and monetary institutionsin Eastern European and looks at monetary policy,more generally, in less developed, but highly openand financially integrated market economies.2007: 224ppeBook: 978-0-203-96423-1Hb: 978-0-415-40412-9: $160.00

Money and Payments in Theoryand PracticeSSeerrggiioo RRoossssii, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

International in scope and written by a leadingyoung Post-Keynesian economist, this book focuseson the working of money and payments in a multi-bank settlement system. 2007: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-96407-1Hb: 978-0-415-37337-1: $160.00

Open Market Operations andFinancial MarketsEdited by DDaavviidd MMaayyeess, Bank of Finland and JJaannTTooppoorroowwsskkii, School of Oriental and African Studies,University of London, UK

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

Using both academic and practitioner research, thisis the most detailed book available that provides anaccount of open market operations, includingdiscussions of central bank operations in Europe,North America, Australia and Japan. 2007: 368ppeBook: 978-0-203-93402-9Hb: 978-0-415-41775-4: $180.00

Tax Systems and Tax Reforms inLatin AmericaEdited by LLuuiiggii BBeerrnnaarrddii, Università degli Studi diPavia, Italy, AAllbbeerrttoo BBaarrrreeiixx, Inter-AmericanDevelopment Bank, Washington DC, USA, AAnnnnaaMMaarreennzzii, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese,Italy and PPaaoollaa PPrrooffeettaa, Bocconi University, Italy

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

This book studies developments from the early1990s in the tax systems and regimes of LatinAmerica. It provides a user friendly overiew ofvarious tax regimes and also casts a critical eyeoverthe selected countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile,Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay andUruguay).2007: 336ppeBook: 978-0-203-48139-4Hb: 978-0-415-44336-4: $160.00


The Dynamics of OrganizationalCollapseThe Case of Barings Bank

HHeellggaa DDrruummmmoonndd, University of Liverpool, UK

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

International in its appeal, this book uses high-leveland multi-theoretical analyses involvingpsychological and sociological theories to explorethe events of Nick Leeson’s employment withBarings’ in Singapore in 1992 to Barings’ collapse in1995.January 2008: 160ppeBook: 978-0-203-93277-3Hb: 978-0-415-39961-6: $130.00


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Page 53: Business and Management 2009 (US)

The Future of Payment SystemsEdited by SStteepphheenn MMiillllaarrdd, Bank of England, UK,AAnnddrreeww HHaallddaannee, Bank of England, UK andVViiccttoorriiaa SSaappoorrttaa, Bank of England, UK

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

Drawing on wide-ranging contributions fromprominent international experts and discussing someof the most pressing issues facing policy makers andpractitioners in the field of payment systems today,this volume provides cutting-edge perspectives onthe current issues surrounding payment systems andtheir future.2007: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-43860-5: $170.00

The Structure of FinancialRegulationEdited by DDaavviidd MMaayyeess, Bank of Finland andGGeeooffffrreeyy EE.. WWoooodd, City University, London, UK

Series: Routledge International Studies in Money andBanking

This book examines the area of financial regulationin the banking sector. Editors Mayes and Woodbring together such academics as Charles Goodhart,Charles Calomiris and Kern Alexander whoseexpertise shines through this volume to provide areference tool for researchers, students and bankersthemselves which will prove invaluable.2007: 288ppeBook: 978-0-203-96231-2Hb: 978-0-415-41380-0: $170.00


Risk in International FinanceVViikkaasshh YYaaddaavv, Hobart and William Smith College,New York, USA

Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

This book analyzes the evolution and impact of theconcept of risk on processes of transnationalbanking and financial market regulation, as well asthe externalities generated by speculative financialactivity in emerging market economies.May 2008: 192ppeBook: 978-0-203-92923-0Hb: 978-0-415-77519-9: $130.00


International Financial ReportingStandardsCritical Perspectives on Business andManagement

Edited by DDaavviidd AAlleexxaannddeerr, University ofBirmingham, UK and CChhrriissttoopphheerr NNoobbeess, RoyalHolloway, University of London, UK

Series: Critical Perspectives on Business andManagement

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),and the possibility of global accountingharmonization, have recently gained enormously inimportance, both practically and from an academicand research perspective. Since 2005, European andAustralian listed enterprises are required to use IFRSfor Consolidated Financial Statements. Othercountries - from New Zealand to China - are activelymoving towards these standards. And now, the IFRSBoard and the American Regulatory System arepublicly committed to a convergence programme.

This major work, edited by two leading experts inthe field, is a timely appraisal of academic andregulatory work in relation to this whole process.These important volumes bring together – otherwiseinaccessible – early material which is vital to theunderstanding of the historical perspective, both interms of the current situation and of futuredevelopments.

International Financial Reporting Standards providesa broad overview, in addition to detailed coverage,of this important and fascinating topic, including adiscussion of the processes of change anddevelopments which have led from a widelydisparate starting position to the current situation.The four volumes are fully indexed and eachincludes an informative, contextual introduction bythe editors. July 2008: 1968ppHb: 978-0-415-38097-3: $1250.00

Pensions and Pension Funding (4 vols)Edited by MMaarrttiinn SSuulllliivvaann, University of Reading, UK

Series: Critical Perspectives on the World Economy

The papers and articles included in each volume ofthis new Routledge Major Work have been selectedto reflect the multi-dimensional nature of thesubject and the interest it has arousedinternationally. With a full index and an introductionnewly written by the editor, this four-volumecollection is a unique and valuable research resourcefor both student and scholar alike.2007: 1641ppHb: 978-0-415-38432-2: $1190.00



Introduction to Credit RiskModeling, Second EditionCChhrriissttoopphh WWaaggnneerr, Munchen, Germany, CChhrriissttiiaannBBlluuhhmm, Credit Suisse, Zurich, Switzerland, CH-8070Zurich, Switzerland, and LLuuddggeerr OOvveerrbbeecckk,HypoVereinsbank & University of Giessen, Germany,Hofheim, Germany

Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics

Illustrating mathematical models for structuredcredit with practical examples, Introduction to CreditRisk Modeling provides an accessible introduction tothe foundations of structured credit portfoliomodeling. Updated and expanded, this secondedition features additional material on estimation ofasset correlations, benchmark correlations based onsecuritizations of benchmark portfolios in themarket, risk contributions and spectral riskmeasures, nonhomogeneous Markov chainapproaches, multi-year models, current agencymodels, single-tranche CDOs, index tranches, as wellas new developments in synthetics. The text alsoincludes new exercises and a supporting website.January 2009 Hb: 978-1-58488-992-2: $79.95


Introduction to Stochastic CalculusApplied to Finance, Second EditionSeries: Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics

2007: 256ppHb: 978-1-58488-626-6: $69.95


Understanding RiskThe Theory and Practice of Financial RiskManagement

DDaavviidd MMuurrpphhyy, Rivast Consulting, London, UK

Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics

This book explains how to understand financial riskand how the severity and frequency of losses can becontrolled. Divided into four parts, it begins byintroducing the basics of risk management and thebehavior of financial instruments. The next sectionfocuses on regulatory capital standards and models,addressing value-at-risk (VaR) models, portfoliocredit risk, tranching, operational risk, and the Baselaccords. The author then deals with asset/liabilitymanagement (ALM) and liquidity management. Thelast part explores structured finance and a variety ofnew trading instruments, including inflation-linkedproducts, sophisticated equity basket options, andconvertible bonds.April 2008: 496ppPb: 978-1-58488-893-2: $79.95


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Page 54: Business and Management 2009 (US)

Mathematics of Economics andBusinessFFrraannkk WWeerrnneerr, Otto-Von-Guericke University,Magdeburg, Germany and YYuurrii NN.. SSoottsskkoovv, TheNational Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Republicof Belarus

For all students who wish to understand currenteconomic and business literature, knowledge ofmathematical methods has become a prerequisite.Clear and concise, with precise definitions andtheorems, Werner and Sotskov cover all the majortopics required to gain a firm grounding in thissubject including sequences, series, applications infinance, functions, differentiations, differentials anddifference equations, optimizations with andwithout constraints, integrations and much more.

Containing exercises and worked examples, precisedefinitions and theorems as well as economicapplications, this book provides the reader with acomprehensive understanding of the mathematicalmodels and tools used in both economics andbusiness.2006: 536ppeBook: 978-0-203-40138-5Hb: 978-0-415-33280-4: $190.00Pb: 978-0-415-33281-1: $70.00



The Economics of CommercialProperty MarketsMMiicchhaaeell BBaallll, University of Reading, UK, CCoolliinnLLiizziieerrii, University of Reading, UK and BBrryyaann DD..MMaaccggrreeggoorr, University of Aberdeen Business School,UK

This new text provides a rigorous analysis of realestate markets. It goes beyond the often descriptivenature of much property market analysis to focus onimportant theoretical principles. The book is dividedinto three main sections, covering:•microeconomics of property markets

•the macroeconomics of commercial property

•the financial economics of property.

Empirical examples drawn from around the worldclearly illustrate the theories and issues discussed.Throughout, the emphasis is on making an oftencomplex area as accessible and readable as possible,with each chapter containing a boxed summary andquestions for self-testing or discussion.August 2008: 416ppHb: 978-0-415-45296-0: $190.00


Construction Cost ManagementLearning from Case Studies

KKeeiitthh PPoottttss, University of Wolverhampton, UK

In the last decade, following the Latham and EganReports, there have been some significant changesin the role of the construction cost manager. HereKeith Potts examines the key issues and bestpractice in the cost management of constructionprojects under traditional contracts and newmethodologies. All stages within the life cycle of aproject are considered from pre-contract totendering and post contract.

Aimed at students on surveying and constructionmanagement programmes, this book will also beuseful to practitioners and includes extensivebibliographies identifying key sources of informationincluding the UK government’s ConstructingExcellence programme and National Audit Officereports.July 2008: 320ppHb: 978-0-415-44286-2: $140.00Pb: 978-0-415-44287-9: $59.99

Monetary Theory in RetrospectThe Selected Essays of Filippo Cesarano

FFiilliippppoo CCeessaarraannoo, The Bank of Italy, Rome, Italy

Series: Routledge Studies in the History ofEconomics

An objective and perceptive account of the literatureof monetary theory, this volume, by a central bankerwho has studied monetary theory over the lastquarter of a century, clearly shows how its inherentcomplexity is much enriched by the study of itshistory.2007: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-42343-4: $140.00

Principles of Project andInfrastructure FinanceWWiilllliiee TTaann, National University of Singapore

Current books on project finance tend to be non-technical and are either procedural or rely heavily oncase studies. In contrast, this textbook provides amore analytical perspective, without a loss ofpragmatism.

Principles of Project and Infrastructure Finance iswritten for senior undergraduates, graduatestudents and practitioners who wish to know howmajor projects, such as residential and infrastructuraldevelopments, are financed. The approach isintuitive, yet rigorous, making the book highlyreadable. Case studies are used to illustrateintegration as well as to underscore the pragmaticslant.2007: 296ppHb: 978-0-415-41576-7: $168.00Pb: 978-0-415-41577-4: $59.99


Community FinanceTackling Poverty and Social Exclusion

PPaammeellaa LLeennttoonn, University of Sheffield, UK and PPaauullMMoosslleeyy, University of Sheffield, UK

Series: Routledge Advances in Social Economics

This book presents a detailed picture of the impactof financial measures against poverty in various citiesand draws conclusions for policy. It will be requiredreading for all those interested in anti-poverty policy,financial markets and community development inBritain and internationally, whether as sponsors,CDFI managers, members of NGOs or researchers.February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-46039-2: $150.00


Climate Change and the PrivateSectorManaging Climate Risks and Financing CarbonNeutral Energy Infrastructure

CCrraaiigg HHaarrtt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,USA

Series: Routledge Explorations in EnvironmentalEconomics

This book contributes to new areas of research byexamining the role of the private sector inaddressing the challenges of climate change. September 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-77475-8: $150.00


The ‘Uncertain’ Foundations of PostKeynesian EconomicsEssays in Exploration

SStteepphheenn DDuunnnn, NHS East of England, Cambridge

Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

Making a vital contribution to the theory of the firm,Stephen Dunn, a well-respected up and comingscholar, introduces, analyzes and takes forward aPost-Keynesian theory of the firm which makes apositive contribution to the development of Post-Keynesian economics. July 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-27864-5: $150.00

Privatisation and Financial Collapsein the Nuclear IndustryThe Origins and Causes of the British EnergyCrisis of 2002

SSiimmoonn TTaayylloorr, Cambridge University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Business Organizationsand Networks

In this volume Simon Taylor has combined interviewswith former executives, regulators and analysts withhis own unique insight into the nuclear industry toprovide an analysis of the origins of the crisis andthe financial and corporate strategies used by BritishEnergy plc. 2007: 272ppeBook: 978-0-203-94627-5Hb: 978-0-415-43175-0: $170.00


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Page 55: Business and Management 2009 (US)

The Firm as an EntityImplications for Economics, Accounting and theLaw

YYuurrii BBiioonnddii, Université de St. Étienne, France,AArrnnaallddoo CCaannzziiaannii, University of Brescia, Italy andTThhiieerrrryy KKiirraatt, Université Paris Dauphiné, Paris,France

Series: The Economics of Legal Relationships

Enhancing current economic understanding of thefirm as an institution and an organization, this booklooks beyond the narrow boundaries of neoclassicaleconomics to an interdisciplinary approach based onaccounting and law as well as economics itself.2007: 400ppHb: 978-0-415-41443-2: $160.00

Managing InformationSystems and Technology/E-business


InformationSystems StrategicManagementAn Integrated Approach

SStteevvee CCllaarrkkee, University ofHull, UK

Series: Routledge Series inInformation Systems

Fully revised and updated,this second edition of the

very successful Information Systems StrategicManagement continues to provide an accessible yetcritical analysis of the strategic aspects ofinformation systems.

This text’s focus on strategic issues and theintegration of IT and IS issues ensures that it is idealfor MBA students studying MIS as well as beingsuitable for MSC students studying IS/IT.2006: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-38186-4: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-38187-1: $46.95


Managing Information andKnowledge in OrganizationsA Literacy Approach

AAlliissttaaiirr MMuuttcchh, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Series: Routledge Series in Information Systems

Knowledge is increasingly regarded as central, bothto the successful functioning of organizations and totheir strategic direction. Managing Information andKnowledge in Organizations explores the nature andplace of knowledge in contemporary organizations,paying particular attention to the management ofinformation and data and to the crucial enablingrole played by information and communicationtechnology. Mutch draws on a wide range ofliterature spanning the disciplines of business,management, information management, andinformation systems. This material is located in aframework based on critical realism but covering thefull range of contemporary debates.

Featuring such useful features as chapter objectives,mini-cases, chapter summaries and suggestions forfurther reading, this text is ideal for advancedundergraduate and graduate students in knowledgemanagement, information management, andmanagement of information systems courses andmodules.January 2008: 288ppeBook: 978-0-20-393317-6 Hb: 978-0-415-41725-9: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-41726-6: $48.95

Exploring Information SystemsResearch ApproachesReadings and Reflections

Edited by RRoobbeerrtt DD.. GGaalllliieerrss, Bentley College,Massachusetts, USA, MM.. LLyynnnnee MMaarrkkuuss, BentleyCollege, Massachusetts, USA and SSuuee NNeewweellll,Bentley Collge, Massachusetts, USA

Exploring Information Systems Research Approachesis intended for supervisors and research students inthe information systems and related fields. Thiscollection of thought-provoking articles, arranged insections that reflect the broadening nature of thefield, provides examples of a range of researchapproaches. This book focuses on different researchapproaches – their strengths, limitations, and theconclusions which can be drawn from them – andexplores the impact of information andcommunication technologies on groups, onorganizations, between organizations, on markets,and on society worldwide.2006: 472ppHb: 978-0-415-77196-2: $155.00Pb: 978-0-415-77197-9: $57.95

Managing IT OutsourcingGovernance in Global Partnerships

EErriikk BBeeuulleenn, PPiieetteerr RRiibbbbeerrss and JJaann RRooooss, all atTilburg University, the Netherlands

Combining essential theory with an indispensablepractical perspective, this book provides a cutting-edge exploration of how IT-outsourcing partnershipscan be managed successfully.2006: 288ppeBook: 978-0-203-01846-0Hb: 978-0-415-36598-7: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-36599-4: $52.95

New Technology @WorkPPaauull BBoorreehhaamm, University ofQueensland Social ResearchCentre, Australia, RRaacchheellPPaarrkkeerr, University ofQueensland, Australia, PPaauullTThhoommppssoonn, University ofStrathclyde, UK and RRiicchhaarrddHHaallll, University of Sydney,Australia

Conventional debates about new technology ofteninvoke optimistic visions of enhanced democracy,rising skills and economic abundance; others predictdarker scenarios such as the destruction of jobsthrough labour-eliminating devices. This bookproposes an alternative perspective, arguing thattechnology can be powerful, but in and of itself hasno independent causal powers. It considers theimpact of new technologies on manufacturing,clerical, administrative and call centre employment,in both managerial and professional arenas, andintroduces the growing phenomena of telework.The book also assesses the important political andeconomic forces that restrict or facilitate the flow ofnew technologies on national and global levels.

New Technology @ Work is an illuminating andthought-provoking text that will prove invaluable toall serious students of business, management andtechnology.2007: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-26896-7: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-26897-4: $55.95

Rethinking Information Systems inOrganizationsIntegrating Organizational Problem Solving

JJoohhnn PPaauull KKaawwaalleekk, University of Sheffield, UK

Bold and ambitious, this book defines how thetraditional practices of Information Systems arerequired to integrate into a process of organizationalproblem-solving.

An essential read for students of businessinformation systems, organizational theory andresearch methods, Kawalek’s work also providescore methodological principles on organizationalchange and problem solving, and presents aneffective rationale for their use in InformationSystems contexts.2007: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-40304-7: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-40305-4: $48.95


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Page 56: Business and Management 2009 (US)

Social and Community InformaticsHumans on the Net

GGuunniillllaa BBrraaddlleeyy, Royal Institute of Technology ITUniversity, Sweden

As a discipline, Informatics has developed over theyears from its initial focus on data processing andsoftware development, towards a more recentemphasis on people’s use of technology and itsimpact on their working and private lives. GunillaBradley, an internationally recognized expert in thisfield, has researched this area for many years andhere, authors this indispensable volume on thetopic.

This thought-provoking book will be of interest tostudents and academics studying social informatics,computing and MIS as well as organizationalbehaviour, sociology, psychology andcommunications. Research-based and cross-disciplinary, Bradley’s book is a valuable, and topical,resource.2006: 280ppeBook: 978-0-203-94636-7Hb: 978-0-415-38184-0: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-38185-7: $45.95


The Triple HelixUniversity-Industry-Government Innovation inAction

HHeennrryy EEttzzkkoowwiittzz, University of Newcastle BusinessSchool, UK

A Triple Helix of university-industry-governmentinteractions is the key to innovation in increasinglyknowledge-based societies. As the creation,dissemination, and utilization of knowledge movesfrom the periphery to the center of industrialproduction and governance, the concept ofinnovation, in product and process, is itself beingtransformed. In its place is a new sense of“innovation in innovation” - the restructuring andenhancement of the organizational arrangementsand incentives that foster innovation.

The Triple Helix describes this new innovation modeland assists students, researchers, and policymakersin addressing such questions as: How do weenhance the role of universities in regional economicand social development? How can governments, atall levels, encourage citizens to take an active role inpromoting innovation in innovation and, conversely,how can citizens so encourage their governments?How can firms collaborate with each other and withuniversities and government to become moreinnovative? What are the key elements andchallenges to reaching these goals?February 2008: 176ppeBook: 978-0-203-92960-5Hb: 978-0-415-96450-0: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-96451-7: $34.95

The DigitalEconomyBusiness Organization,Production Processes andRegional Developments

EEddwwaarrdd JJ.. MMaalleecckkii, OhioState University, USA andBBrruunnoo MMoorriisseett, University ofJean Moulin, France

This book provides an up-to-date account of the

technologies, organizations and dynamics whichconstitute the digital economy, and assesses theimpacts they have on regions and communities. 2007: 296ppeBook: 978-0-203-93363-3Hb: 978-0-415-39695-0: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-39696-7: $43.95


Digital PrivacyTheory, Technologies, andPractices

Edited by AAlleessssaannddrrooAAccqquuiissttii, Carnegie MellonUniversity, Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania, USA, SStteeffaannoossGGrriittzzaalliiss, University of theAegean, Karlovassi, Samos,Greece, CCoossttoossLLaammbbrriinnoouuddaakkiiss, Universityof the Aegean, Karlovassi,

Samos, Greece, SSaabbrriinnaa ddii VViimmeerrccaattii, Universitadegli Studi di Milano, Crema, Italy

During recent years, a continuously increasingamount of personal data has been made availablethrough different websites around the world.Although the availability of personal information hascreated several advantages, it can be easily misusedand may lead to violations of privacy. With growinginterest in this area, Digital Privacy: Theory,Technologies, and Practices addresses this timelyissue, providing information on state-of-the-arttechnologies, best practices, and research results, aswell as legal, regulatory, and ethical issues. Thisbook features contributions from experts inacademia, industry, and government.January 2008: 496ppHb: 978-1-4200-5217-6: $69.95

Software Deployment, Updating,and PatchingBBiillll SSttaacckkppoollee, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond,Washington, USA and PPaattrriicckk HHaannrriioonn, MicrosoftCorporation, Redmond, Washington, USA

Presenting valuable information for professionalsinvolved in maintaining and securing Microsoftsystems and applications, Software Deployment,Updating, and Patching provides the skills necessaryto develop a comprehensive strategy for updatingand securing Microsoft systems with the latest packsand patches. It demonstrates how to performinventories of IT assets, identify old versions as wellas new updates and patches, test compatibility,target deployment, and evaluate managementtechnologies. It also shows readers how to createand implement their own deployment plans withrecovery and remediation options and illustrateshow to recognize potential vulnerabilities.December 2007: 424ppHb: 978-0-8493-5800-5: $79.95

Rethinking IT in Construction andEngineeringOrganisational Readiness

MMuussttaaffaa AAllsshhaawwii, University of Salford, UK

Based on the author’s twenty years researchexperience, this book provides a holistic picture ofthe factors that enable architecture, constructionand engineering organizations to explore thepotential of IT to improve their businesses andachieve a sustainable competitive advantage.2007: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-43053-1: $110.00

In an Outpost of the GlobalInformation EconomyWork and Workers in India’s Outsourcing Industry

Edited by CCaarrooll UUppaaddhhyyaa, National Institute ofAdvanced Studies, India and AA..RR.. VVaassaavvii, NationalInstitute of Advanced Studies, India

This book examines the growth of India’sinformation technology (IT) industry, the people whowork in these industries, the nature of the workitself, and its wider social and cultural ramifications.It combines empirical research with theoreticalinsight to explore important questions about thetrajectory of globalization in India. 2007: 264ppHb: 978-0-415-45680-7: $100.00


Knowledge EconomiesInnovation, Organization and Location

WWiillffrreedd DDoollffssmmaa, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, theNetherlands

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

This book makes a strong and coherent contributionto the discussion of the knowledge economy andinnovation, offering a range of theoretical insightsfrom different disciplinary perspectivesMarch 2008: 176ppeBook: 978-0-203-92969-8Hb: 978-0-415-41665-8: $130.00


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Page 57: Business and Management 2009 (US)

Insourcing InnovationHow to Achieve Competitive Excellence UsingTRIZ

DDaavviidd SSiillvveerrsstteeiinn, Breakthrough ManagementGroup, Longmont, Colorado, USA, NNeeiill DDeeCCaarrlloo,Breakthrough Management Group, Longmont,Colorado, USA, MMiicchhaaeell SSllooccuumm, Air AcademyAssociates, Colorado Springs, USA

Insourcing Innovation demonstrates how totransform business using the theory of inventiveproblem solving (TRIZ) along with applicable toolsand techniques. Providing a practical framework,this book presents the tactical and strategic aspectsof TRIZ, its methodology, and its components. Real-world case studies illustrate how TRIZ can be appliedin an organization. It also discusses how structuredinnovation is part of total performance excellence,examining key aspects of business excellence andhow they are related.December 2007: 304ppHb: 978-1-4200-6227-4: $49.95


High-Tech Industries, Employmentand Global CompetitivenessEdited by SS..RR.. HHaasshhiimm, Institute for Studies inIndustrial Development, India and NN..SS.. SSiiddddhhaarrtthhaann,Forum for Global Knowledge Sharing/Madras Schoolof Economics, India

This book examines the behaviour of firms in high-tech knowledge-based industries in India and China,analyzing the strategies they adopt in a globallycompetitive environment, the role they have playedin ushering in the growth revolution in China andIndia, and the contribution they have made to thenature and growth of employment.November 2008: 220ppHb: 978-0-415-46090-3: $100.00


Best Practices in BusinessTechnology ManagementSStteepphheenn JJ.. AAnnddrriioollee, Villanova University,Pennsylvania, USA

Discussing specific best practices for making specificdecisions, this book offers qualitative andquantitative methods, tools, and techniques fordeploying and supporting all kinds of informationtechnology. It identifies the range of technologydecisions that managers make and the best practicesthat define good acquisition, deployment, andsupport decisions, all in an easy to absorb,conversational tone.September 2008: 440ppHb: 978-1-4200-6333-2: $69.95


Understanding E-GovernmentInformation Systems in Public Administration

VViinncceenntt HHoommbbuurrgg, Erasmus University, theNetherlands

In this original and insightful volume, VincentHomburg demonstrates how the use, form andimpact of ICTs are, in fact, entwined within thesocio-political, economic and institutional aspectsalready established by government and publicadministration. Evangelical or fatalistic perspectivesare discredited to show the different realities inwhich ICTs play a role in our daily lives. Using casestudies and vignettes from throughout Europe andthe US, the book analyzes what these newtechnologies actually do, and how they are screenedthrough varying layers of bureaucracy andconvention.

This is a timely addition to our understanding ofwhat is meant by e-government. It gets behind thepolitical rhetoric. Understanding E-Government:Information Systems in Public Administration will bekey reading for all students of public administration,political science, organization theory andinformation systems.March 2008: 144ppHb: 978-0-415-43093-7: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-43094-4: $39.95


Information SystemsCritical perspectives

BBeerrnndd CCaarrsstteenn SSttaahhll, De Montfort University, UK.

Series: Routledge Studies in Organization andSystems

The book gives an overview of critical research ininformation systems (CRIS), which will give a usefulintroduction to those students and researchers notfamiliar with the topic and assist in carrying thedebate further on a variety of issues. March 2008: 272ppHb: 978-0-415-43378-5: $130.00

Innovation Diffusion in the NewEconomyThe Tacit Component

BBaarrbbaarraa JJoonneess, Manchester Business School, UK andBBoobb MMiilllleerr, Manchester Business School, UK

Series: Routledge Advances in Management andBusiness Studies

Exploring the theories of Tacit Knowledge, this bookunites discussions of the philosophical and scientificbasis of Tacit Knowledge and reviews its differentapplications in economics and business.2007: 176ppHb: 978-0-415-31047-5: $130.00

Innovation, Technology andHypercompetitionReview and Synthesis

HHaannss--WWeerrnneerr GGoottttiinnggeerr, Kwansei GakuinUniversity, Japan

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

In this revealing volume, Hans-Werner Gottingerbrings his expert eye to the issue ofhypercompetition in high technology industries, andemploys various tools from economic theory toattain this end.2006: 304ppHb: 978-0-415-40002-2: $150.00


Internationalization, TechnologicalChange and the Theory of the FirmEdited by NNiiccoollaa DDee LLiissoo, University of Lecce, Italyand RRiiccccaarrddoo LLeeoonncciinnii, University of Bologna, Italy

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

This volume examines the fundamental dimensionsof the recent evolution in developed economies:technological change, the so-called process offragmentation and the changing role andorganization of local systems of production.February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-46071-2: $150.00


Localised Technological ChangeTowards the Economics of Complexity

CCrriissttiiaannoo AAnnttoonneellllii, University of Torino, Italy

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

This book explores the characteristics of the pathdependent dynamics of localized technologicalchange, demonstrating how the economics ofcomplexity can inform our understanding of theeconomics of innovation and vice versa.January 2008: 432ppHb: 978-0-415-42683-1: $140.00

Risk Appraisal and Venture Capitalin High Technology New VenturesGGaavviinn CC.. RReeiidd, University of St Andrews, UK andJJuulliiaa AA.. SSmmiitthh, Strathclyde Business School,Glasgow, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

Appealing to both mainstream and evolutionaryeconomists, this book, written by an author with anexcellent track record, is a ‘crossover’ treatment ofquantitative and qualitative risk analysis within thesetting of new high technology ventures.2007: 240ppeBook: 978-0-203-94038-9Hb: 978-0-415-37351-7: $170.00


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Page 58: Business and Management 2009 (US)

Systems Thinking/Complexity Theory

Thinking Through Systems ThinkingIIoonn GGeeoorrggiioouu, Sao Paolo School of BusinessAdministration (FGV-EAESP), Brazil

Guided by an original analysis of the fundamentalidea of emergent property, Thinking ThroughSystems Thinking uncovers the distinct significance,but also incompleteness, of the systems approach asa theory of human epistemological engagement.2006: 264ppHb: 978-0-415-40519-5: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-40520-1: $55.95


An Integrative Theory ofInnovation DynamicsEdited by SSeerrgghheeii FFlloorriicceell, Université du Québec àMontréal, Canada and DDeebboorraahh DDoouugghheerrttyy,Rutgers University, USA

This book builds on empirical research andobservation of renewal processes in several sectorsof the economy, comparing these processes andhighlighting the core systems, mechanisms andstrategies that converge to produce continuousinnovation. February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-77589-2: $140.00


Energizing Management ThroughInnovation and EntrepreneurshipEuropean Research and Practice

Edited by MMiilléé TTeerrzziioovvsskkii, University of Melbourne,Australia

This book provides an in-depth understanding of keyvariables that play a significant role at the variousstages of the innovation process, leading tosuccessful commercialisation of products andservices. August 2008: 176ppHb: 978-0-415-43929-9: $130.00

Innovations and InstitutionsAn Institutional Perspective on the InnovativeEfforts of Banks and Insurance Companies

PPaattrriicckk VVeerrmmeeuulleenn, Tilburg University, theNetherlands and JJoorrgg RRaaaabb, Tilburg University, theNetherlands

Using institutional theory to explain innovation andmerging academic and critical analysis with practicalrecommendations, this book provides a full and richaccount of how new products are brought tomarket; both the successes and failures.2007: 192ppeBook: 978-0-203-96405-7Hb: 978-0-415-39073-6: $160.00


Innovation and Organization inOpen Source CommunitiesRRuubbeenn vvaann WWeennddeell ddee JJooooddee, Delft University ofTechnology, the Netherlands

How are the open source commons organized andsustained? Addressing a range of question on thistopic, this is the first book to investigate opensource communities from an organizationalperspective.September 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-42543-8: $130.00


Innovation and SustainabilityLLuuccaa BBeerrcchhiiccccii

This book produces a better understanding of theimplications of environmental issues in new productdevelopment, examining how and to what extentenvironmental concerns or ambition of productdevelopers influence the way new products aredeveloped. February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45464-3: $150.00


Innovation, Knowledge and Powerin OrganizationsTThheeooddoorraa AAssiimmaakkoouu, University of Leicester, UK

This book examines knowledge and innovation inpost-industrial societies and knowledge-basedorganizations. The author investigates the value ofknowledge and the question of innovationmanagement in a fully commercial environment fora technology company.May 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-42666-4: $130.00

Knowledge and InnovationA Comparative Study of the USA, the UK andJapan

HHeelleenn BBrroowwnn, University of Wolverhampton, UK

This book presents case studies from the US, the UKand Japan. Packed full of vignettes from casesstudies and subscribing to a socio-cultural approachrather than the often tacit assumption thatknowledge and “technology transfer” is a logisticalproblem, this excellent volume illuminates the oftenmisunderstood process of knowledge transfer.2007: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-41663-4: $130.00

Knowledge and Innovation inBusiness and IndustryThe Importance of Using Others

Edited by HHååkkaann HHååkkaannssssoonn, Norwegian School ofManagement, Oslo and AAlleexxaannddrraa WWaalluusszzeewwsskkii,Uppsala University, Sweden

Provocative and reflective, this volume on the notionof knowledge and innovation in the businessindustry provides readers with a holistic approach tothe subject of “knowledge”.2007: 192ppHb: 978-0-415-42529-2: $140.00


Managing and Marketing RadicalInnovationsMarketing New Technology

BBiirrggiittttaa SSaannddbbeerrgg, Turku School of Economics,Finland

This book focuses on customer-related proactivebehaviour in the study of radical innovationdevelopment, combining a thorough theoreticaldiscussion with detailed international case studies,considering the role of proactivity in five firms.March 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-43307-5: $150.00


Mobility and Technology in theWorkplaceEdited by DDoonnaalldd HHiisslloopp, Loughborough University,UK

This international and multidisciplinary book drawstogether a diverse range of scholars to discuss thechanges facilitated by the ongoing evolution of arange of technologies, such as wi-fi networks andmobile technologies.July 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-44346-3: $150.00


Organizational CapitalModelling, Measuring and Contextualising

Edited by AAhhmmeedd BBoouunnffoouurr, University of Paris XII,France

The most common types of intangible assets aretrade secrets (e.g., customer lists and know-how),copyrights, patents, trademarks, and goodwill. Thisnew volume introduces, and critically examinesorganizational capital as an intangible asset.September 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-43771-4: $130.00


The Global Airline Network in theInformation AgeTToonnyy HH.. GGrruubbeessiicc, Indiana University, USA andMMaatttthheeww AA.. ZZooookk, University of Kentucky, USA

This books provides a fresh and innovative analysisof the evolving space-time structures of global airtravel and city accessibility in the information age,focusing on the massive consumer/business marketfor air travel. August 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-77535-9: $150.00


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Page 59: Business and Management 2009 (US)

The Innovative BureaucracyBureaucracy in an Age of Fluidity

AAlleexxaannddeerr SSttyyhhrree, Stockholm School of Economics,Sweden

Original and based on unique empirical research inthe areas of organization theory and organizationalbehaviour, focusing on two major companies, thiswork makes an invaluable contribution to theliterature on bureaucracy and innovation.2007: 240ppeBook: 978-0-203-96433-0Hb: 978-0-415-39597-7: $140.00

Information and CommunicationTechnologies in Rural SocietyEdited by GGrreettee RRuusstteenn, Norwegian School ofEconomics, Bergen, Norway and SSaarraahh SSkkeerrrraatttt,Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Technology, Work andOrganizations

Drawing on the experiences of individuals,households and businesses, this book offers aninternational view on being rural as information andcommunication technologies are applied morewidely and allow people to be connected acrossgeographies.2007: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-93429-6Hb: 978-0-415-41116-5: $120.00


Managing Complex ProjectsNetworks, Knowledge and Innovation

NNeeiill AAllddeerrmmaann, Newcastle University, UK, CChhrriissIIvvoorryy, Newcastle University, UK, IIaann MMcclloouugghhlliinn,Newcastle University, UK and RRooggeerr VVaauugghhaann,Newcastle University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Technology, Work andOrganizations

Concerned with the management of complex long-term engineering projects, this important volume, ofgreat interest to postgraduate students of business,technology management and engineering, reportson a set of rich, novel and unique findingsconcerning the conduct and management of threehigh profile and complex projects.

The major investments which constitute complexlong-term projects represent an increasinglyimportant source of economic activity, often withparticularly significant consequences for economicgrowth and public policy. This informative volumeexpertly contributes to broader debates concerningnew organizational forms, knowledge managementand organizational learning and the management ofinnovation in project-based settings.February 2009: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-29958-9: $130.00


Software and OrganizationsThe Biography of the Enterprise-Wide System orHow SAP Conquered the World

NNeeiill PPoolllloocckk, University of Edinburgh, UK and RRoobbiinnWWiilllliiaammss, University of Edinburgh, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Technology, Work andOrganizations

Taking an empirical approach, this book presents asociological study of the development, use andevolution of standardized computer systems andcommercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software packages.August 2008: 320ppHb: 978-0-415-40397-9: $130.00

Technological Communities andNetworksTriggers and Drivers for Innovation

DDiimmiittrriiss AAssssiimmaakkooppoouullooss, University of Grenoble,France

Series: Routledge Studies in Technology, Work andOrganizations

Timely and topical, this book explores howtechnological communities and networks shape abroad range of new computer based technologies inregional, national and international contexts.2007: 256ppeBook: 978-0-203-41746-1Hb: 978-0-415-33480-8: $140.00

Determining Project RequirementsHHaannss JJoonnaassssoonn, JTC Unlimited, Michigan, USA,

Series: ESI International Project Mgmt Series

Determining Project Requirements provides ageneralized set of repeatable processes designed toensure communication between customers anddevelopers. It covers the role of the business analyst,the evolution of business analysis, and standardsetting forces in the industry. It uses a fictionalexample to demonstrate the range of general, ratherthan specific, techniques and gives a broad overviewof a multitude of business analysis issues to facilitateselection of the best approach for various projects.There are built-in exercises, best practices, tools, andtemplates, and general and customisable solutions,as well as two examples of the BusinessRequirements Document.October 2007: 320ppHb: 978-1-4200-4502-4: $59.95

Insider Computer FraudAn In-depth Framework for Detecting andDefending Against Insider IT Attacks

KKeennnneetthh BBrraanncciikk, Executive Security Consultant,Verizon Business, New York, USA

Employees know a company’s computer systembetter than anyone and have access to veryimportant information about the company and itscustomers. This access makes greedy or disgruntledemployees potential candidates to sabotage asystem or to sell privileged information. Illustratedwith case studies, Insider Computer Fraud presentssafeguards and techniques that IT professionals canemploy to protect against insider computer fraud.

Drawing from two decades experience assessing theadequacy of IT security for the banking andsecurities industries, Kenneth Brancik coversapplication risks and controls, web-service security,identification and mitigation of fraud.2007: 504ppHb: 978-1-4200-4659-5: $79.95


Practical Guide to Project PlanningRRiiccaarrddoo VViiaannaa VVaarrggaass, Macrosolutions SA, BeloHorizonte, Brazil

Series: ESI International Project Mgmt Series

This practical, hands-on guide jumpstarts projectplanning in any organization. Easy-to-followexamples demonstrate how to create thedocumentation and reports needed to develop andto execute project plans. This book is filled withinsightful tips on using the most popular projectmanagement tools and software, includingMindmanager for initial planning sessions, MilestoneProject Companion for report generation, andMicrosoft Project, the most widely used tool forproject planning. With templates that can becustomized to any type of project, Practical Guide toProject Planning also presents standard projectplanning processes and principles that comply withPMI’s PMBOK® 3.0.2007: 232ppPb: 978-1-4200-4504-8: $49.95


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Page 60: Business and Management 2009 (US)


The CompleteProjectManagement OfficeHandbookGGeerraarrdd MM.. HHiillll, Principal, HillConsulting Group,Woodbridge, Virginia, USA

Series: ESI InternationalProject Mgmt Series

The second edition of TheComplete Project Management Office Handbookextends the concepts and considerations of modernproject management into the realm of projectmanagement oversight, control, and support.Recognizing the need for a centralizedorganizational entity—the project managementoffice (PMO)—to perform in this capacity, this bookconsiders five stages of PMO along a competencycontinuum, establishing the depth of its functionalresponsibility.

This revised edition also presents twenty functionalmodels that can be used to guide deliberation anddevelopment of PMO operational capability. The textprovides a starting point for readers to resolve theirspecific project management needs.2007: 752ppHb: 978-1-4200-4680-9: $89.95

RightsizingInventoryJJoosseepphh LL.. AAiieelllloo, Consultant,Mahwah, New Jersey, USA

Series: ResourceManagement

Based on forty-five years ofsupply chain management,Joseph Aiello delivers themost thorough examinationof inventory control available.

This recognized authority discusses how the entireinternal and external supply chain of todaycontributes to, or challenges, efforts to optimizeproduct inventory and delivery. Articulated by actualexamples, Aiello discusses both obvious and hiddenfactors, including those related to sales, marketing,purchasing, manufacturing, warehousing, IT, anddistribution. The appendix includes 150 tips on howto ’rightsize’ inventory. Through this examination ofinventory, this book provides a pragmatic overviewregarding the workings of an efficient supply chain.August 2007: 512ppHb: 978-0-8493-8515-5: $79.95

Hands-On Inventory ManagementEEdd CC.. MMeerrccaaddoo, Star Building Systems, Lockeford,California, USA

Using a clear, organized, and accessible buildingblock approach to managing inventory, Hands-OnInventory Management offers complete coverage ofthe basic concepts, calculations, and techniques ofinventory. These fundamental techniques, which canbe easily applied to handle problems in theworkplace, are used to demonstrate currentconcepts such as lean principles and continuousimprovement. Numerous case studies from a varietyof industries are provided to illustrate concepts.Additional topics presented include types ofinventory, inventory transactions, bills of materials,planning and replenishment, storage and physicalcontrol, as well as supply chain management andtechnology.2007: 128ppHb: 978-0-8493-8326-7: $59.95

Facility LogisticsApproaches and Solutions to Next GenerationChallenges

Edited by MMaahheerr LLaahhmmaarr, University of Houston,Texas

This volume explores recent developments in thetechnology, industrial practices, and businessenvironments of facility logistics. It discusses themain trends impacting facility logistics operations,examines the basic functionalities and capabilities ofwarehouse management systems, and outlines acomprehensive yet simple method for the quickassessment of warehouse performance. The bookalso presents a set of solutions to emergingchallenges in facility logistics, along with proceduresto better plan and manage logistics activities. Thefinal chapter reviews educational resources andoffers examples of how multimedia tools can beused to develop new teaching material.2007: 336ppHb: 978-0-8493-8518-6: $79.95



Lean Performance ERP ProjectManagementImplementing the Virtual Lean Enterprise, SecondEdition

BBrriiaann JJ.. CCaarrrroollll, Performance ImprovementConsulting Inc., Donners Grove, USA

Lean Performance ERP Project Management:Implementing the Virtual Lean Enterprise presents alean business process design and implementationproject management methodology that integratesstrategy, people, process, information technology,and lean to manage the project implementation ofthe virtual lean enterprise. This book uses aconversational tone to facilitate understanding ofconcepts. It demonstrates the need to connect leanperformance with IT to achieve maximumperformance. It discusses the best business processmethodologies and how to integrate them. The textalso features a lean tool kit that requiresparticipation from all departments of anorganization.January 2008: 456ppHb: 978-0-8493-0532-0: $69.95

Operational ExcellenceUsing Lean Six Sigma to Translate CustomerValue Through Global Supply Chains

JJaammeess WWiilllliiaamm MMaarrttiinn, Six Sigma Integration, Inc.,Rehoboth, Massachusetts, USA

Presenting 110 key concepts designed to translatethe voice of the customer throughout global supplychains, this volume is a practical source ofinformation for organizations seeking to increaseproductivity and improve shareholder satisfaction.Recognizing that failure is often self-inducedthrough poor leadership and an inability to form andexecute a strategic vision, the author shows how toincrease global competitiveness through theapplication of Six Sigma. He details crucialimplementations needed for enhanced productivity,while also explaining how to establish seamlessinformation-sharing throughout global supplychains, paying particular attention to the role of IT.2007: 664ppHb: 978-1-4200-6250-2: $89.95

Patterns for Performance andOperabilityBuilding and Testing Enterprise Software

CChhrriiss FFoorrdd, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,IIddoo GGiilleeaaddii, Capco Consulting, Toronto, Ontario,Canada, SSaannjjiivv PPuurrbbaa, Infomaxium Inc., North York,Ontario, Canada, and MMiikkee MMooeerrmmaann, CapcoConsulting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

December 2007: 344ppHb: 978-1-4200-5334-0: $69.95



BusinessResumptionPlanningEdited by LLeeoo AA.. WWrroobbeell

Offering practical advicealong with templates,checklists, and directions topublic domain information,BBuussiinneessss RReessuummppttiioonnPPllaannnniinngg,, SSeeccoonndd EEddiittiioonnassists in creating a solid

disaster response and recovery plan for any sizeorganization – including for ground zero events –whether involving computers, communications,and/or infrastructure. Proven consultant, LeoWrobelpresents methods for the implementationand maintenance of infrastructure continuityplanning. He offers updated techniques forconducting a business impact analysis andcomputing the probability of a disaster. He alsodiscusses the Sarbanes-Oxley act. An included CDprovides a host of worksheets and audit forms.May 2008: 544ppHb: 978-0-8493-1459-9: $89.95


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Page 61: Business and Management 2009 (US)

Entrepreneurship and SmallBusiness

Changes in Regional Firm FoundingActivitiesA Theoretical Explanation and Empirical Evidence

DDiirrkk FFoorrnnaahhll, Max-Planck Institute for Research intoEconomic Systems, Jena, Germany

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

Part of the highly successful Studies in GlobalCompetition series and written by an author basedat the Max Planck Institute in Jena, this book looksat the medium to long term development of firmfounding activity.2007: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-40409-9: $160.00

Competitiveness of New IndustriesInstitutional Framework and Learning inInformation Technology in Japan, the U.S andGermany

Edited by CCoorrnneelliiaa SSttoorrzz, University of Marburg,Germany and AAnnddrreeaass MMooeerrkkee

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

This book, the result of an international researchproject, comprises a comprehensive comparison ofthree key countries. Adopting an institutionalapproach, with top level contributors, it analyzespolitical factors in conjunction with entrepreneurialones.2007: 328ppeBook: 978-0-203-96360-9Hb: 978-0-415-41624-5: $180.00


e-GovernanceManaging or Governing?

Edited by LLeesslliiee BBuudddd, The Open University, UK andLLiissaa HHaarrrriiss, University of Southampton School ofManagement, UK

Series: Routledge eBusiness

Taking a multidisciplinary approach, this bookexplores eGovernance in theory and practice with ananalytical narrative from heterodox perspectives.Covering such essential issues as global governanceof the internet, the rise of eUniversities, internetaccessibility for the disabled, and eGovernance intransition economies, the book draws oncontributions from experienced academics andpractitioners with an expertise in an emerging field.In addition, each chapter includes such features askey learning points, mini-case studies, anddiscussion questions to help facilitate use in theclassroom.September 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-96517-0: $135.00Pb: 978-0-415-96518-7: $41.95


Marketing the e-Business,LLiissaa HHaarrrriiss, University of Southampton School ofManagement, UK and CChhaarrlleess DDeennnniiss, BrunelUniversity, London, UK

Series: Routledge eBusiness

Fully updated to reflect the latest developments in e-marketing, Marketing the eBusiness, Second Editionunpicks the challenges of e-marketing for manytypes of business. It uses topical case studies andaccompanying web material to provide an up-to-date study of effective marketing strategies. Thisupdated edition features coverage of such emergingtopics as:•mobile marketing

•social networking and blogging


•customer relationship marketing online

Providing a new approach to the subject matter, thisbook analyses the benefits of e-marketing as a toolfor improving efficiency and effectiveness ratherthan promising business revolution. Written in astudent-friendly style and fully enhanced with suchpedagogical features as topic maps, boxed examplesand discussion questions, the book is ideal for useby students. 2007: 368ppHb: 978-0-415-96500-2: $155.00Pb: 978-0-415-96501-9: $44.99

Growing your BusinessA Handbook for Ambitious Owner-Managers

GGeerraarrdd BBuurrkkee, LLiizz CCllaarrkkee, PPaauull BBaarrrrooww and DDaavviiddMMoolliiaann, all at Cranfield University School ofManagement, UK

Growing Your Business helps owner/managersdevelop growth strategies for their businesses byproviding frameworks, ideas, inspiration and hands-on assignments. Its contents are a distillation of theauthors’ knowledge and experience, which hassuccessfully helped hundreds of owner/managers togrow and develop their businesses and themselvesover the last twenty years.

Filled with case studies and examples of businessesinvolved with the world-renowned Business Growthand Development Programme (BGP) at the CranfieldSchool of Management, this book covers all industrysectors and includes high profile names such asKaran Bilimoria of Cobra Beer, Angus Thirlwell ofHotel Chocolat and Lara Morgan of Pacific Direct. 2007: 344ppHb: 978-0-415-40517-1: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-40518-8: $44.95


EntrepreneurshipTheory & Context

CCaarroollee HHoowwoorrtthh, Lancaster University, UK and PPaauullWWeesstthheeaadd, University of Nottingham, UK

Entrepreneurship is one of the fastest growingsubject areas in the business and management areawith an increasing number of specialist MBAs andMasters courses being developed.

Providing a theoretical underpinning toentrepreneurship, this textbook, authored by twoleading academics in the field, gives an overview ofthe context and theory of entrepreneurship, andillustrates the progress and development of the field.

Student-friendly, with a wealth of paedogogicalfeatures, plenty of boxed examples, five recurring in-depth case studies, and an accompanying lecturersupport website, this book illustrates thedevelopment of ideas through the life of real-lifeentrepreneurial ventures drawn from a variety ofcountries.December 2008: 304ppHb: 978-0-415-40535-5: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-40536-2: $48.95


Entrepreneurship, Innovation andRegional DevelopmentJJaayy MMiittrraa, University of Essex, UK

The first definitive text on entrepreneurship andinnovation management, this book examines bothlarge and small businesses, and other organizationsconcerned with the creation and development ofnew products, services and new managementstrategies. Its distinctiveness stems from its wide,inclusive focus, its use of international case studiesand its ability to emphasize the symbioticrelationship between innovation, organizationallearning, and entrepreneurship in different types oforganizations.

This book introduces and explains the value ofentrepreneurship and innovation for business andregional economic development and firmlyestablishes the link between entrepreneurship,innovation and learning in business and economicregeneration, and the contributory factors for theirsuccess. In addition it supports postgraduateteaching and research thorough explanation and theprovision of empirical evidence and practicalexamples, and introduces original ideas, empiricalconcepts and practical examples on the subject. January 2009: 320ppHb: 978-0-415-40515-7: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-40516-4: $48.95


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High-Tech EntrepreneurshipManaging Innovation, Variety and Uncertainty

Edited by MMiicchheell BBeerrnnaassccoonnii, CERAM SophiaAntonopolis, France, SSiimmoonn HHaarrrriiss, StirlingUniversity, UK and MMeettttee MMooeennsstteedd, CopenhagenBusiness School, Denmark

Specifically focusing on the mix of theory andpractice needed to accurately inform students, thekey topics covered include:•uncertainty and innovation

•entrepreneurial finance

•marketing technological innovations

•high-tech incubation management.

Including case studies to give practical insights intogenuine business examples, this comprehensivebook has a distinctly “real-world” focus throughout.Edited by a multi-national team, it draws togetherleading writers and researchers from across Europe,making it a must-read for all those involved inadvanced entrepreneurship with specific interests inhigh-tech start-ups.2006: 312ppHb: 978-0-415-38058-4: $145.00Pb: 978-0-415-38059-1: $46.95


The Culture of EntrepreneurshipThe Social Origins of Failure and Success

EErriikk RRiinnggmmaarr, London School of Economics, UK

This contemporary text provides an introduction tosome of the main theories and practices ofentrepreneurship. It discuses what entrepreneurshipis and who entrepreneurs are, and which factors -social, institutional and cultural - influence andfacilitate their development. These ideas areextrapolated into a discussion of how organizationsdevelop an entrepreneurial spirit, and what roleentrepreneurship plays in achieving economicgrowth.

Engagingly written, and full of original insights andexamples, this book is of great interest to anyoneinterested in all aspects of the phenomenon ofentrepreneurship.September 2008: 224ppHb: 978-0-415-39031-6: $135.00Pb: 978-0-415-39032-3: $39.95

The Economics of Small FirmsAn Introduction

PPeetteerr JJoohhnnssoonn, Durham University, UK

Student-friendly and international in scope andrelevance, this book provides an accessibleintroduction to the economics of small business forthose with little knowledge of economics.

This informative text is an essential purchase foranybody studying business and management who iseager for an easy-to-use and engaging overview ofeconomics, entrepreneurship and small business.2007: 176ppHb: 978-0-415-39337-9: $160.00Pb: 978-0-415-39338-6: $47.95


A Guide to The Companies Act 2006SSaalleeeemm SShheeiikkhh

An easy to use guide to the Companies Act 2006and packed full of helpful features, this bookprovides detailed commentary on the newCompanies Act.

Offering a chapter by chapter analysis of the legaland practical implications of the Act, the authortraces the background to the act, considering thevarious Consultation Documents and White Papersissued by the Government, the proposals forcompany law reform and their culmination in theCompany Law Reform Act.

It contains:•helpful checklists for the busy practitioner

•section by section commentary

•useful appendices of materials and extracts on anaccompanying Companion Website.

This is an invaluable and handy resource forundergraduate students and practitioners studyingor working in business and company law. April 2008: 1432ppPb: 978-0-415-42107-2: $99.95


Bourne on Company LawNNiicchhoollaass BBoouurrnnee, Conservative Leader, WelshAssembly, UK

Fully revised and including the new Company Lawreform Act, this accessible textbook with its owncompanion website, featuring a range ofpedagogical material, is written specifically forundergraduate students new to the study ofcompany law. 2007: 368ppPb: 978-1-84568-031-2: $51.95


The Companies Act 2006A Commentary on the New Legal Regime

WWiilllliiaamm RReeeess, Barrister at Law, UK

This book provides a comprehensive exposition ofthe new Companies Act. It explains the CA 2006regime as a whole, including a number of theRegulations made under it and with reference tosome Regulations still in draft form at the time ofwriting.August 2008: 750ppHb: 978-0-415-44246-6: $130.00

Critical Company LawLLoorrrraaiinnee TTaallbboott, London Metropolitan University, UK

Multi-disciplinary in approach, this comprehensivevolume examines English company law from both asocio-legal and black letter perspective.

Using a contextual and critical framework; drawingon the influence of American law and legalscholarship and a case study of mutual buildingsocieties’ march to the market and corporateidentity, this book argues that modern company lawis shaped by economics, ideology and existing lawand that the state of the law at any one time isdetermined by the constantly shifting dynamicbetween them.

Scrutinizing the Companies Act 2006 in-detail andtracing the history of the fundamental principles ofcompany law, Talbot explores:•the doctrine of separate corporate personality

•directors’ duties

•minority protection and the doctrine of ultra vires.

Invigorating this much studied area; uncovering thesocial factors that continue to inform it and thepolitical nature of the law itself, this textbook is aninvaluable resource for all those studying companylaw.2007: 400ppPb: 978-0-415-42542-1: $54.95


Information Technology andCompetitive Advantage in SmallFirmsBBrriiaann WWeebbbb, Queen’s University Belfast, UK andFFrraannkk SScchhlleemmmmeerr

Series: Routledge Studies in Small Business

Does IT matter? This book argues that even as IThardware, software, data and associated processesare becoming more of a commodity, it has neverbeen more important to manage IT as a strategicasset. However, managing IT as a strategic asset isnotoriously difficult, as is studying the impact of ITon firm performance. This book sets out to identify,explain and critically evaluate current research in thisarea.

Beginning with a thorough introduction toSchumpeterian economic theory the authors re-castthe pre-eminent theory in strategic managementresearch (the Resource Based View) in the light of aSchumpeterian analysis and identify DynamicCapabilities as an extension of, but also a radicaldeparture from, RBV. The role of IT as anendogenous technology is discussed and it is arguedthat how we define IT determines not only how westudy it but also how we use it and benefit from it.September 2008: 160ppHb: 978-0-415-41799-0: $130.00


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Managing Knowledge and theSmall FirmCCoolliinn GGrraayy, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Small Business

Offering a new understanding of familiar material,this new volume looks at small businesses from aknowledge perspective, exploring how knowledgemanagement can affect both the behaviour andperformance of small businesses.August 2008: 304ppHb: 978-0-415-34947-5: $140.00


Small Business in BritainNew Labour and Entrepreneurship

TTiimmootthhyy MMaayy, Manchester Metropolitan University,UK and JJoohhnn MMcchhuugghh, Manchester MetropolitanUniversity, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Small Business

Focusing on the nature of policy and the policy-making process, this book explores the smallbusiness policies the Labour Government haspursued since 1997 and on how they have beenconstructed and implemented.August 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-36489-8: $150.00


The Formation and Development ofSmall BusinessIssues and Evidence

PPeetteerr JJoohhnnssoonn, Durham University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Small Business

Here Peter Johnson has put together a collection ofhis groundbreaking research. Now in one volume forthe first time, it will be of great interest to those inevery area of business and economics.April 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-39409-3: $130.00

The Internationalization of SmallFirmsA Strategic Entrepreneurship Perspective

SShhaammeeeenn PPrraasshhaanntthhaamm, University of Glasgow, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Small Business

Drawing on empirical case study research carried outin the Bangalore software industry, this bookexplores the role of network relationships in theinternationalization of small knowledge-intensivefirms.2007: 192ppeBook: 978-0-203-94052-5Hb: 978-0-415-43177-4: $140.00

The Evolving Firm in the EvolvingContextCoordinating Competences

PPääiivvii OOiinnaass, Helsinki School of Economics, Finland

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

This volume offers a broad social scientific view of’the firm’ and will prove to be an outstandingcontribution to evolutionary political economy,economic geography and business economics as awhole.October 2008: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-33966-7: $130.00


Embedded EntrepreneurshipThe Institutional Dynamics of Innovation

AAlleexxaannddeerr EEbbnneerr, University of Erfurt, Germany

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

This book reconstructs the theory ofentrepreneurship from an institutionalist perspective,providing a fresh account of current theorising onentrepreneurship, specifically addressingSchumpeterian and Neo-Schumpeterian thought.December 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45976-1: $150.00

Entry and Post-Entry Performanceof Newborn FirmsMMaarrccoo VViivvaarreellllii, Universita Cattolicà del SacroCuore, Italy

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

Entry and Post-Entry Performance of Newborn Firmsfocuses on newborn firms, analyzing thedeterminants of entry, survival and post-entryperformance. 2007: 160ppeBook: 978-0-203-93401-2Hb: 978-0-415-37981-6: $140.00.

Street EntrepreneursPeople, Place, & Politics in Local and GlobalPerspective

Edited by JJoohhnn CCrroossss, Kent State University, USAand AAllffoonnssoo MMoorraalleess, University of Wisconsin,Madison, USA

Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern WorldEconomy

Filling the gap in the available literature, in this bookthe editors use international case studies to explorestreet vending and informal economies whichcontinue to be, especially in developing countries, avital economic driver. 2007 eBook: 978-0-203-08674-2Hb: 978-0-415-77028-6: $160.00


Enterprise and DeprivationSmall Business, Social Exclusion and SustainableCommunities

AAllaann SSoouutthheerrnn, University of Liverpool, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship

There is little doubt that in recent years enterprisehas been considered an essential approach in thealleviation of deprivation existing in the developedworld. The assumption is that area-based initiativesprovide a means by which enterprise can include allmembers of society in mainstream social andeconomic activities. The rationale behind this book isto critically challenge the notion that enterprise canaddress the complexity behind deprivation and socialexclusion by demonstrating UK and North Americanexamples.

The contributions in this edited collection offer adistinct opportunity in respect of both theoreticaland empirical advancement. The authors hale fromboth sides of the Atlantic and form an inter-disciplinary group to provide complementaryperspectives in this field. April 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45815-3: $150.00


Entrepreneurial LearningConceptual Frameworks and Applications

Edited by RRiicchhaarrdd TT.. HHaarrrriissoonn, Queen’s UniversityBelfast, UK and CCllaaiirree MM.. LLeeiittcchh, Queen’s University,Belfast, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship

This book addresses the burgeoning interest inorganizational learning and entrepreneurship,bringing together for the first time a collection ofnew papers dealing explicitly with entrepreneuriallearning.January 2008: 368ppHb: 978-0-415-39416-1: $145.00


Entrepreneurship and OrganisationPolitics, Passion, and Creation

DDaanniieell HHjjoorrtthh, Entrepreneurship and Small BusinessResearch Institute (ESBRI), Sweden

Series: Routledge Studies in Business Organizationsand Networks

Following an explosion of interest inentrepreneurship this book provides a discussion ofthe historical, philosophical, conceptual and practicalproblems and challenges of relating organisationand entrepreneurship. July 2008: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-42334-2: $130.00


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The Political Economy of the SmallFirmCChhaarrlliiee DDaannnnrreeuutthheerr, University of Leeds, UK

Series: Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy

Since the early 1970s the small firm has receivedconsiderable attention from economists andpoliticians in the UK and Europe. This bookapproaches the subject from a political scienceperspective.February 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-19856-1: $110.00


The Entrepreneurial UniversityCCllaaiirree MM.. LLeeiittcchh, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK,RRiicchhaarrdd TT.. HHaarrrriissoonn, Queen’s University Belfast, UKand GGeeooffff GGrreeggssoonn, University of Edinburgh, UK

Series: Routledge Advances in Management andBusiness Studies

This book provides a comprehensive review of theentrepreneurial university based on both asystematic examination of existing debates and theresults of detailed new international research on keyelements of the construct. July 2008: 304ppHb: 978-0-415-41115-8: $130.00

Business History


Business HistoryComplexities and Comparisons

FFrraannccoo AAmmaattoorrii, University of Bocconi, Milan, Italyand AAnnddrreeaa CCoollllii, University of Bocconi, Milan, Italy

A major new textbook on business history, thisinnovative and unusual work has brought togetherthe expertise of two internationally renownedauthors to provide an exceptional resource for allstudents of business history.

Global in scope, this volume adopts a comparativeapproach, examining both the major players(Europe, US and Japan) and emerging economies(China, the Far East and South America) as well ascovering developments that have taken place inbusiness over the last two centuries.

Focusing mainly on “big business” Amatori and Collicritically analyze “the firm” and its interaction withthe evolution of economic, technological andpolitical systems at micro and macro levels to tracethe evolution of a national or a macro-regionalsystem.

An outstanding textbook, itshistorical/historiographical analysis of thedevelopment large corporations is a must have forall students studying courses in business history.March 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-42396-0: $150.00Pb: 978-0-415-42397-7: $44.95


Keynes on Monetary Policy, Financeand UncertaintyReassessing Liquidity Preference Theory

JJöörrgg BBiibbooww, Hamburg University, Germany

Series: Routledge Studies in the History ofEconomics

In this book, Jörg Bibow illustrates how Keynes’methodology inspired his economic theorizing andhow this led to fundamental insights concerning therole of money that contrasted with orthodox closed-system modelling.January 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-35262-8: $130.00

Keynes’s Theoretical DevelopmentFrom the Tract to the General Theory

TToosshhiiaakkii HHiirraaii, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan

Series: Routledge Studies in the History ofEconomics

Comprehensive and authoritative, this book, writtenby a recognized authority on the subject exploresthe contributions to modern economics by JohnMaynard Keynes and addresses neglected, yetcrucial aspects of the genesis of Keynesianeconomics.2007: 188ppeBook: 978-0-203-01295-6Hb: 978-0-415-36279-5: $140.00


A Cultural History of FinanceIIrreennee FFiinneell--HHoonniiggmmaann, Columbia University, NewYork, USA

Series: Routledge Explorations in Economic History

The world of finance is ever influenced by thetransformational impact of technology, financialdecision makers and institutions as well as political,societal and cultural forces.

This important new book will demonstrate howfinance is affected by key political and social forcesand cultural norms, and shows how they havedetermined the progression, development,destruction and renewal of financial life in Europe,Russia and the United States.

The initial focus of the book is the European scenebefore moving on to identify the United States as“the breeding ground” of modern world financialhistory, with references to cultural and commercialexchanges between former Ottoman, Asian andWestern nations and empires.July 2009: 256ppHb: 978-0-415-77102-3: $130.00

Alfred D. Chandler: CriticalEvaluationEdited by JJoohhnn CC.. WWoooodd, Edith Cowan University,Australia and MMiicchhaaeell CC.. WWoooodd

Series: Critical Evaluations in Business andManagement

Alfred D. Chandler (1918–2007) was the founder ofmodern business history. He was a critical earlyinfluence on strategic management and is famousfor the dictum that ‘structure follows strategy’. Thistwo-volume collection, a new title in the RoutledgeMajor Works series, Critical Evaluations in Businessand Management, gathers together the key journalarticles and other vital research on Chandler toenable students and scholars to explore fully theimpact of his ideas.

Together with an extensive annotated bibliographyand a full index, the collection has a comprehensiveintroduction, newly written by the editors, whichplaces the collected material in its historical andintellectual context. It is an essential work ofreference and will be valued by scholars andstudents of business and management as a vitalone-stop research and pedagogic resource.2007: 800ppHb: 978-0-415-45476-6: $650.00

Herbert Simon (3 Volume set)Edited by JJoohhnn CC.. WWoooodd and MMiicchhaaeell CC.. WWoooodd

Series: Critical Evaluations in Business andManagement

Herbert Simon (1916–2001) was a polymathicintellectual. A founding figure of the field of artificialintelligence, he gained renown in the 1950s (withAllen Newell) as the creator of the first ‘thinkingmachine’. Simon was also a central figure during thecognitive revolution in psychology in the 1960s asscientists began to use computer models to studythe thought processes of humans. His desire tounderstand decision-making led him to develop hiseconomic theory of ‘bounded rationality’ (he alsocoined the term ‘satisficing’) and in 1978 he wonthe Nobel Prize in economics for his pioneeringresearch.

With a new introduction and an extensivebibliography, this three-volume Routledge MajorWork is an invaluable research resource.2007: 1237ppHb: 978-0-415-32587-5: $900.00

H. Igor Ansoff Critical Evaluationsin Business and Management 2 volEdited by JJoohhnn CC.. WWoooodd and MMiicchhaaeell CC.. WWoooodd

Series: Critical Evaluations in Business andManagement

This two-volume collection of text and articles about’the father of strategic management’ is aninvaluable research resource for both student andscholar.2007: 850ppHb: 978-0-415-32557-8: $600.00

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Research Skills

Producing Management KnowledgeResearch as practice

Edited by JJaann LLööwwsstteeddtt, Malardalen University,Sweden and TToorrbbjjöörrnn SSttjjeerrnnbbeerrgg, GothenburgUniversity, Sweden

Providing readers with a unique insight intoconducting research, this exciting book describes thethought and work processes of researchers as theycomplete their projects. Engaging and accessible itinvestigates all the key aspects of this topic andadvice on how to conduct interviews, study theeveryday life of an organization, and many otherstandard methods of conducting research. This isnot a prescriptive methodology textbook, rather itexplores how to approach, think and act ininteraction with the empirical field.

Comprehensive and accessible, this thought-provoking text shows readers how to developmanagement investigations skills, and will beinvaluable for final year undergraduates, mastersand PhD students. 2006: 304ppHb: 978-0-415-38438-4: $170.00Pb: 978-0-415-38439-1: $55.95

Research Concepts for ManagementStudiesAAllaann BBeerrkkeelleeyy TThhoommaass, formerly of ManchesterBusiness School, UK

By its very nature, management is a multidisciplinaryenterprise. Despite this, management research hastended to be organized around a number of discretemanagement disciplines with their ownmethodological outlooks. As a result, researchers indifferent fields often find it difficult to appreciatework outside their own area of specialization, soinhibiting much-needed collaboration acrossdisciplinary boundaries.

Management has emerged as a major area ofresearch that has attracted students in growingnumbers. However, there are still relatively few textsthat are tailored specifically to the needs andinterests of management researchers. Together withits companion volume, Research Skills forManagement Studies (Routledge, 2003), this bookoffers management students a challenging butaccessible introduction to research methods andconcepts, irrespective of their field of specialization.2006: 224ppeBook: 978-0-203-48128-8Hb: 978-0-415-34191-2: $140.00Pb: 978-0-415-34192-9: $33.95


The Routledge Companion ToCreativityEdited by TTuuddoorr RRiicckkaarrddss, University of Manchester,UK, SSuussaann MMooggeerr, University of Manchester, UK andMMaarrkk RRuunnccoo, Saybook Graduate School, SanFrancisco, USA

True creativity can be as hard to define as it is toachieve. A complex and compelling area of study,this volume draws from a variety of subject areas toexplore how creativity can be better understood,and used, in a range of contexts. The book not onlycentres creativity in wider organizational theory, butalso defines the conditions in which creativity canflourish, and assesses how the contemporarybusiness environment impacts on creative solutions.

This volume is an essential purchase for anyone withan interest in creativity from a business,psychological or design perspective. The editors andcontributors, each specialists in their field, providereaders with an insightful and cutting-edgeresource. The text grounds the concept of creativityin a sound theoretical framework, as well asdrawing on practical examples to illustrate howimportant these ideas are to anyone affected bycreative designs and decisions.October 2008: 456ppHb: 978-0-415-77317-1: $150.00


Project Management Demystified3rd EditionGGeeooffff RReeiissss, The Program Management Group, UK

Concise, practical and entertaining to read, thisexcellent introduction to project management is anindispensable book for professionals and studentsworking in or studying project management inbusiness, engineering or the public sector.

Approachable and easy-to-use, it shows readershow, where and when to use the various projectmanagement techniques, demonstrating how toachieve efficient management of human, materialand financial resources to make major contributionsto projects and be an appreciated and successfulproject manager.

This new edition contains expanded sections onprogramme management, portfolio management,and the public sector. An entirely new chaptercovers the evaluation, analysis and management ofrisks and issues. A much expanded section exploresthe rise and utilization of methodologies likePrince2.2007: 224ppPb: 978-0-415-42163-8: $39.99

General Business Management


Understanding Business: MarketsA Multidimensional Approach to the MarketEconomy

Edited by VViivveekk SSuunneejjaa, The Open UniversityBusiness School, UK

Series: Understanding Business

2006: 304ppPb: 978-0-415-40501-0: $49.95

Handbook of Business InterestAssociations, Firm Size andGovernanceA Comparative Analytical Approach

Edited by FFrraannzz TTrraaxxlleerr, University of Vienna,Austria and GGeerrhhaarrdd HHuueemmeerr, European Associationof Craft Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(UEAPME), Belgium

This Handbook presents a theory of Business InterestAssociations and fifteen empirical country bycountry case studies in the EU.

The book is organized into three main parts. Part Idevelops a theory of business associations whichcentres on firm size as the key explanatory variable.Part II consists of country studies covering the EU-15, which are written along strictly comparable linesof analysis. Part III contains the cross-nationallycomparative analysis.

The book will make essential reading for researchersworking in organization studies, industrial relations,industrial sociology and political science, as well aspractioners in related fields.2007: 464ppeBook: 978-0-203-96107-0Hb: 978-0-415-42466-0: $270.00

The Academy of ManagementAnnalsVolume 1

Edited by JJaammeess PP.. WWaallsshh University of Michigan,Ann Arbor and AArrtthhuurr PP.. BBrriieeff, University of Utah,Salt Lake City

This book is the inaugural volume of the newAcademy of Management Annals which is acompendium of comprehensive and critical researchwritten by top scholars of management andorganizational studies.December 2007: 637ppHb: 978-0-8058-6220-1: $80.00

Page 66: Business and Management 2009 (US)

The Pricing and RevenueManagement of ServicesA Strategic Approach

IIrreennee CC..LL.. NNgg, University of Exeter, UK

Series: Routledge Advances in Management andBusiness Studies

In a world of changing lifestyles brought about bynew services, technology and e-commerce, thisbook enters the arena of contemporary researchwith particular topicality. Integrating both theoryand real world practices, Ng advances the latestconcepts in pricing and revenue management forservices in a language that is useful, prescriptive andyet thought-provoking. 2007: 208ppeBook: 978-0-203-69659-0Hb: 978-0-415-35077-8: $140.00


AIDS and BusinessSSaasskkiiaa FFaauullkk, University of Lausanne, Switzerlandand JJeeaann--CCllaauuddee UUssuunniieerr, University of Lausanne,Switzerland

Series: Routledge Advances in Management andBusiness Studies

This collection of international case studies detailingwhy and how businesses take action on HIV/AIDS,provides a wealth of background information on theepidemic.February 2009: 288ppHb: 978-0-415-45463-6: $150.00

The Political Power of BusinessStructure and Information in Public Policymaking

PPaattrriicckk BBeerrnnhhaaggeenn, University of Aberdeen, UK

Series: Routledge Research in Comparative Politics

Investigates to what extent business can get what itwants politically as firms and trade associations havea better understanding of the likely effects of policythan politicians and because their decisions partlydetermine these effects.2007: 192ppeBook: 978-0-203-93261-2Hb: 978-0-415-45105-5: $130.00


Supply Chain ManagementEdited by SStteevvee NNeeww, Said Business School,University of Oxford, UK

Series: Critical Perspectives on Business andManagement

A new title in the Routledge Critical Perspectives onBusiness and Management series, this Major Work isa four-volume collection of cutting-edge andcanonical research about supply chain management.May 2008: 1952ppHb: 978-0-415-41678-8: $1250.00

Supply Chain Risk ManagementMinimizing Disruptions in Global Sourcing

Edited by RRoobbeerrtt HHaannddffiieelldd, North Carolina StateUniversity, Raleigh and KKeevviinn PP.. MMccCCoorrmmaacckk, DRKResearch & Consulting, Raleigh, North Carolina

Series: Resource Management

The lifeblood of any business is the timely delivery ofproducts and services. In the best possible world, ifone plans accordingly, disruptions never occur.However, in the real world, disruptions do and willoccur and the best business plans are those thatanticipate and prepare for this inevitability, especiallywhen dealing with international suppliers.

Go beyond theory — learn how to:•Define and anticipate risk

•Build a resilient supply chain

•Mobilize in the face of impending disaster

•Make a full and quick recovery

Supply Chain Risk Management: MinimizingDisruptions in Global Sourcing provides a detailedroad map for the efficient delivery of products andservices, while taking into account the highprobability of costly delays and stoppages. Withcandid input from suppliers, automotive and retailcompanies, and professional consultants, this workdelivers a pragmatic approach to managing supplychain risk in an era of globalization. With ProperPrior Planning Potential Disasters Become MereInconveniences All executives and managers share acommon goal of reducing costs, streamliningprocesses and increasing profits. Within these pages,you will discover a winning game plan for efficientlynavigating the complexities of supply chain risk intoday’s global marketplace.December 2007: 136ppHb: 978-0-8493-6642-0: $79.95

Competing for KnowledgeCreating, Connecting, and Growing

RRoobbeerrtt HHuuggggiinnss, University of Sheffield, UK andHHiirroo IIzzuusshhii, Aston University, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

Focusing on the dynamics of the knowledgeeconomy, this volume provides an overview of theknowledge creation capabilities of economies, anexamination of their growth performance and adetailed analysis of how the creation and connectionof knowledge is becoming the key means ofgrowing productivity. 2007: 240ppHb: 978-0-415-37512-2: $160.00


Creativity and Innovation in theCultural EconomyEdited by PPaauull JJeeffffccuutttt, Queen’s University Belfast,UK and AAnnddyy PPrraatttt, London School of Economicsand Political Science, University of London, UK

Series: Routledge Studies in Global Competition

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Abbott, Geoffrey......................................................31

Abdul-Rahman, Saaidah...........................................35

Abeysekera, Indra ....................................................45

Abrams, Jeff ..............................................................5

Academy of Management Annals, The ....................61

Accounting and Business Ethics ...............................44

Accounting and Empire ...........................................45

Accounting for Goodwill..........................................45

Accounting in Politics...............................................45

Acquisti, Alessandro.................................................52

Adachi, Yuko ...........................................................34

Advanced Capital Budgeting....................................45

Advances Econometrics of Tourism Demand (series)................................................................35

Advertising Handbook, The......................................23

Agata, Koichiro........................................................15

Ageing in Asia .........................................................38

AIDS and Business ...................................................62

Aiello, Joseph L. .......................................................56

Airline eCommerce ..................................................32

Alawattage, Chandana ............................................44

Alderman, Neil.........................................................55

Alexander, David ......................................................49

Alfred D. Chandler: Critical Evaluation .....................60

Allan, Williams.........................................................30

Alshawi, Mustafa .....................................................52

Alvesson, Mats.........................................................15

Amatori, Franco .......................................................60

Ambidextrous Organization, The..............................10

Ambler, Tim .............................................................37

Americanization of Industrial Relations, The...............7

Anderson, Patrick L. .................................................29

Andrews, Tim ..........................................................35

Andrews, Tim G.......................................................34

Andriole, Stephen J..................................................53

Ang, James S. ..........................................................41

Anheier, Helmut K. ..................................................18

Antonelli, Cristiano ..................................................53

Applied Game Theory and Strategic Behavior ..........29

Applied Measurement................................................7

Applied Organizational Communication...................27

Appraisal, Feedback and Development.......................7

Arner, Douglas.........................................................47

Art Business, The .....................................................19

Arts Management....................................................18

ASAA Women in Asia Series (series).........................38

Asimakou, Theodora................................................54

Assimakopoulos, Dimitris .........................................55

Atwater, Leanne E....................................................10

Auditing, Trust and Governance...............................44

Aula, Pekka..............................................................26

Ayers, James B. ........................................................22


Baets, Walter R.J. .....................................................30

Bagilhole, Barbara....................................................15

Baláž, Vladimir .........................................................35

Ball, Michael ............................................................50

Banerjee, Debdas .....................................................38

Bank Performance....................................................47

Banking in Central and Eastern Europe 1980-2006.........................................................47

Banking Reform in Southeast Asia ...........................37

Banks, Erik ...............................................................46

Barclay, Kate ............................................................39

Barisitz, Stephan ......................................................47

Barreix, Alberto........................................................48

Barrett, Peter ...........................................................15

Barrett, Sean............................................................33

Barrow, Paul ............................................................57

Bartel, Caroline A.....................................................14

Baruch, Yehuda..........................................................1

BASEES/Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies (series).............................34

Basics (series) .....................................................21, 46

Batey, Mark..............................................................25

Baughen, Simon ......................................................34

Baxter, Lynne B. ......................................................17

Beattie, Rona S. ...................................................8, 19

Bebbington, Jan.......................................................44

Beblavý, Miroslav .....................................................48

Becoming a Public Relations Writer ..........................27

Beechler, Schon..........................................................1

Behaviour and Rationality in Corporate Governance........................................................42

Bellinger, William K. .................................................18

Belussi, Fiorenza.......................................................34

Benckendorff, Pierre.................................................32

Benn, Suzanne...................................................13, 41

Benson, John ...........................................................37

Berchicci, Luca .........................................................54

Beretta Zanoni, Andrea ............................................45

Bernardi, Luigi..........................................................48

Bernasconi, Michel...................................................58

Bernhagen, Patrick...................................................62

Best Human Resource Management Practices in Latin America.....................................5

Best Practices in Business Technology Management......................................................53

Beulen, Erik..............................................................51

Beyond New Public Management ............................15

Bhatnagar, Jyotsna ...................................................36

Bibow, Joerg ............................................................60

Bierman, Jr., Harold..................................................45

Bikker, Jacob ............................................................47

Biondi, Yuri ..............................................................51

Bird, Allan..................................................................9

Birks, David F............................................................22

Bjerre, Mogens ........................................................25

Blader, Steven ..........................................................14

Bloom, Martin..........................................................45

Bluhm, Christian ......................................................49

Böhm, Hans ...............................................................4

Boreham, Paul .........................................................51

Borooah, Vani ............................................................7

Bos, Jaap W.B. .........................................................47

Bouckaert, Geert......................................................17

Bounfour, Ahmed ....................................................54

Bourne on Company Law.........................................58

Bourne, Nicholas......................................................58

Bovaird, Tony ...........................................................15

Bovis, Christopher....................................................20

Bowles, Paul ............................................................32

Bradley, Gunilla ........................................................52

Branch, Alan E. ..................................................29, 32

Brancik, Kenneth ....................................................55

Brand Management .................................................25

Brand Meaning ........................................................25

Brands and Brand Management...............................25

Brandsen, Taco.........................................................19

Bredillet, Christophe ................................................41

Brewster, Chris...........................................................4

Brick & Mortar Shopping in the 21st Century ..........24

Brief, Arthur P. .........................................................61

Briscoe, Dennis R. ......................................................1

Broadbent, Kaye ......................................................38

Brodbeck, Felix C. ....................................................10

Brodsgaard, Kjeld Erik ..............................................39

Brouwer, Maria ........................................................42

Brown, Helen...........................................................54

Brown, Reva ............................................................24

Brown, Stephen .......................................................24

Bruggeman, Jeroen..................................................13

Buchanan, David A. .................................................13

Budd, Leslie .......................................................18, 57

Budhwar, Pawan S...........................................1, 3, 36

Building Big Business in Russia .................................34

Burchell, Jon ............................................................43

Burke, Gerard ..........................................................57

Burke, Ronald J....................................................9, 14

Burton, Dawn ....................................................24, 25

Business Continuity Management, Second Edition ...................................................28

Business History .......................................................60

Business Improvement .............................................28

Business Networks in Clusters and Industrial Districts ..............................................................34

Business Resumption Planning, Second Edition ........56

Business-Government Relations in Prewar Japan ......39

Busser, Rogier .........................................................40


Callender, Guy ...................................................13, 16

Canziani, Arnaldo ....................................................51

Capital Budgeting Decision, Ninth Edition, The ........45

Capitalist Development in Korea ..............................40

Carroll, Brian J. ........................................................56

Carter, Bob ................................................................6

Caru, Antonella .......................................................24

Cesarano, Filippo .....................................................50

Chang, Dae-oup ......................................................40

Changes in Regional Firm Founding Activities ..........57

Changing Face of Korean Management, The ...........36

Changing Face of Management in China, The .........35

Changing Face of Management in South East Asia, The ............................................................35


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Changing Face of Management in Thailand, The .....35

Changing Face of People Management in India, The.....................................................................36

Changing Face of Women Managers in Asia, The ....36

Changing Organizational Culture .............................15

Chanlat, Jean-Francois .............................................41

Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series (series) ......................................................49

Charlesworth, Julie ..................................................18

Chatterjee, Charles ..................................................34

Cherry, Judith...........................................................40

Chew, Celine ...........................................................20

Chhokar, Jagdeep S. ................................................10

Chiarella, Carl ..........................................................48

China Policy Series (series)........................................39

China’s Multinationals - The Resource Sector ...........38

China’s Post-Reform Economy - Achieving Harmony, Sustaining Growth..............................38

Chinese Banking Industry, The .................................38

Chinese Big Business in Indonesia ............................38

Chinese Business......................................................36

Chinese Business Enterprise .....................................36

Chinese Entrepreneurship in a Global Era.................39

Chinese Steel Industry, The ......................................39

Chinese Worlds (series) ............................................39

Chong, Derrick ........................................................19

Chris, Rowley...........................................................36

Christensen, Tom .....................................................17

Christopherson, Susan .............................................34

Chua, Christian........................................................38

CISO Leadership.......................................................11

Clark, Ian ...................................................................7

Clark, Jennifer..........................................................34

Clark, Timothy .........................................................12

Clarke, Linda..............................................................8

Clarke, Liz................................................................57

Clarke, Steve............................................................51

Clarke, Thomas..................................................40, 41

Claus, Lisbeth ............................................................1

Cleaver, Tony............................................................32

Clegg, Stewart R................................................14, 44

Climate Change and the Private Sector ....................50

Coffey, Vaughan ......................................................15

Coghlan, David ........................................................11

Coles, Tim................................................................31

Colli, Andrea............................................................60

Collings, David G. ......................................................2

Collins, David...........................................................12

Communities of Practice ............................................8

Community Finance .................................................50

Companies Act 2006, The........................................58

Comparative Corporate Governance in China ..........36

Competing for Knowledge.......................................62

Competing in Emerging Markets..............................31

Competition Law and Policy in the EC and UK .........34

Competitiveness of New Industries...........................57

Complete Project Management Office Handbook The, 2nd Ed........................................................56

Complexity and Organization...................................30

Complexity and the Experience of Values, Conflict and Compromise in Organizations.........31

Complexity, Learning and Organizations ..................30

Complexity, Management and the Dynamics of Change ..............................................................30

Complexity, Organizations and Change....................30

Connolly, Michael ....................................................32

Construction Cost Management ..............................50

Consumer Law.........................................................24

Consumer Sales Law ................................................24

Consuming Books ....................................................24

Consuming Experience.............................................24

Consuming Symbolic Goods ....................................25

Contemporary Corporate Strategy ...........................35

Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility (series) ...........................................30

Contracting for Public Services .................................19

Cook, Malcolm ........................................................37

Cooney, Richard.........................................................6

Cooper, Cary L.....................................................9, 14

Co-opetition Strategy...............................................30

Cooren, Francois ......................................................27


Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance.........41

Corporate Governance and Resource Security in China .............................................................42

Corporate Governance and Sustainability.................41

Corporate Governance Around the World................42

Corporate Governance, Finance and the Technological Advantage of Nations...................41

Corporate Social Responsibility.................................43

Corporate Social Responsibility in the ConstructionIndustry ..............................................................43

Corporate Social Responsibility Reader, The..............43

Corporate Strategy...................................................14

Cova, Bernard..........................................................24

Crafts, Nicholas........................................................48

Crane, Andrew ........................................................43

Crawford, Lynn ........................................................41

Creating Sustainable Work Systems (2nd edn) .........12

Creative Philanthropy ...............................................18

Creative Strategic Organizing...................................28

Creativity and Innovation in the Cultural Economy ...62

Credit and Collateral ................................................48

Credit and Consumer Society ...................................25

Crisis Communications .............................................27

Critical Company Law ..............................................58

Critical Concepts in Psychology (series) ....................12

Critical Evaluations in Business and Management (series)................................................................60

Critical Perspectives on Business and Management(series) .......................................22, 25, 34, 49, 62

Critical Perspectives on the World Economy (series)................................................................49

Cross, John ..............................................................59

Cross-Cultural Management.....................................34

Cross-Cultural Marketing .........................................24

Cultural History of Finance, A ..................................60

Culture and Leadership Across the World ................10

Culture of Entrepreneurship, The .............................58

Cunningham, Ian .....................................................20

Currie, Graeme ........................................................20


Dagnino, Giovanni B. ...............................................30

Dainty, Andrew..................................................15, 43

Daniels, Gary .............................................................6

Dannreuther, Charlie................................................60

Davila, Anabella .........................................................5

Dawson, John ..........................................................22

de Bruijn, Hans ........................................................18

De Dreu, Carsten K.W..............................................15

De Liso, Nicola .........................................................53

Debroux, Phillipe......................................................40

Debt, Risk and Liquidity in Futures Markets..............48

DeCarlo, Neil ...........................................................53

Decrop, Alain ..........................................................35

Defence Procurement and Industry Policy ................42

Deller, Steven ...........................................................62

Demystifying Business Celebrity ...............................12

DeNisi, Angelo ...........................................................1

Dennis, Charles........................................................57

Deregulation and the Airline Business in Europe ......33

Design Management................................................25

Desmond, John........................................................23

Determining Project Requirements ...........................55

Development on the Ground ...................................34

di Vimercati, Sabrina ................................................52

Diamond, John ..................................................18, 34

Dickmann, Michael ................................................1, 4

Diefenbach, Thomas ................................................14

Digital Economy, The ...............................................52

Digital Privacy ..........................................................52

Dillard, Jesse ............................................................42

Disorganization Theory ............................................12

Diversity Management ...............................................5

Diversity Resistance in Organizations........................13

Docherty, Peter ........................................................12

Doherty, Tony L. .......................................................17

Doing Business in China...........................................37

Dokuchaev, Nikolai ..................................................47

Dolfsma, Wilfred................................................25, 52

Double Accounting for Goodwill..............................45

Dougherty, Deborah.................................................54

Drennan, Lynn T. ......................................................19

Druker, Janet..............................................................6

Drummond, Helga ...................................................48

du Toit, Angélique ...................................................14

Dujon, Veronica .......................................................42

Dunn, Stephen.........................................................50

Dunphy, Dexter..................................................13, 41

Dworkin, Terry M. ....................................................14

Dye, Kelly.................................................................11

Dynamic Capabilities Between Firm Organisation and Local Systems of Production ........................62

Dynamics of Organizational Collapse, The................48

Dynamics of Partnership in Financial Services, The .....6


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Ebner, Alexander......................................................59

Economic Analysis of Public Policy, The ....................18

Economic Development, Education and Transnational Corporations .................................34

Economic Policy Proposals for Germany and Europe ...............................................................33

Economic Power and Economic Strategy in Russia ...33

Economics of Commercial Property Markets 2nd edition, The.................................................50

Economics of Legal Relationships (series) .................51

Economics of Small Firms, The .................................58

Economics of Sports Broadcasting, The....................46

Edvardsson, Bo ........................................................14

Edwards, John Richard .............................................44

Efficiency and Management.....................................13

e-Governance ..........................................................57

Eicher, Theo .............................................................32

Elements of Shipping ...............................................32

Elliott, Dominic ..................................................28, 29

Elliott, Richard..........................................................25

Ellwood, Sheila ........................................................19

Elvira, Marta M. .........................................................5

Embedded Entrepreneurship ....................................59

Employee Resourcing in the Construction Industry...15

Employment Relations in the Voluntary Sector .........20

Enderwick, Peter ......................................................31

Energizing Management Through Innovation andEntrepreneurship ................................................55

Enquist, Bo ..............................................................14

Enterprise and Deprivation.......................................59

Entrepreneurial Learning ..........................................59

Entrepreneurial University, The .................................60


Entrepreneurship and Organisation..........................59

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development......................................................57

Entry and Post-Entry Performance of Newborn Firms ..................................................................59

Erturk, Ismail ............................................................46

ESI International Project Mgmt Series (series) .....55, 56

Essentials of Corporate Communication ...................26

Ethical Dilemmas in Management ............................43

Ethics for the Built Environment...............................43

Etzkowitz, Henry......................................................52

European Business ...................................................31

European Corporate Governance .............................41

Evans, Karen ..............................................................7

Evolving Firm in the Evolving Context, The...............59

Exploring Information Systems Research Approaches ........................................................51

Ezzamel, Mahmoud .................................................45


Facets of Corporate Identity, Communication andReputation .........................................................26

Facility Logistics........................................................56

Fairbrother, Peter .......................................................6

Faulk, Saskia ............................................................62

Fearn-Banks, Kathleen .............................................28

Fellesson, Markus.....................................................22

Ferrand, Alain ..........................................................21

Ferraro, Jack ............................................................29

Ferretti, Federico ......................................................22

Fewings, Peter .........................................................43

Finance for Sport and Leisure Managers ..................46

Finance in Asia.........................................................47

Finance: The Basics ..................................................46

Financial Econometrics 2nd edition ..........................47

Financial Economics .................................................47

Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy ...............48

Financial Reporting in the UK...................................45

Financial System and Institutions in China ................37

Financialization and Strategy....................................28

Financialization At Work ..........................................46

Findlay, Anne ...........................................................22

Finel-Honigman, Irene..............................................60

Firm as an Entity, The...............................................51

Fiscal Decentralization and Local Public Finance in Japan .................................................................39

Fitzgerald, Louise .....................................................13

Fitzgerald, Todd .......................................................11

Flagship Marketing ..................................................24

Flaschel, Peter ..........................................................48

Fletcher, Clive.............................................................7

Floricel, Serghei........................................................54

Florkowski, Gary W. ...................................................2

Fombrun, Charles J. .................................................26

Ford, Chris ...............................................................56

Ford, Jackie ..............................................................20

Ford, Michele...........................................................38

Foreign Direct Investment in Post-Crisis Korea..........40


Formation and Development of Small Business, The.....................................................................59

Formula Funding of Public Services ..........................17

Fornahl, Dirk ............................................................57

Fortanier, Fabienne...................................................18

Fougère, Martin .......................................................22

Franke, Reiner..........................................................48

Freitag, Alan ............................................................26

Froud, Julie ........................................................28, 46

Fundamentals of Marketing .....................................23

Fundraising Management ........................................16

Future of Asian Trade and Growth (The) ..................37

Future of Payment Systems, The ..............................49


Gagnon, Georgette..................................................42

Galliers, Robert D.....................................................51

Garofoli, Gioacchino ................................................34

Garsten, Christina ....................................................43

Geckil, Ilhan K..........................................................29

Gelfand, Michele J. ..................................................15

Georgiou, Ion ..........................................................54

Gerrits, Lasse M. ......................................................19

Gileadi, Ido ..............................................................56

Global Airline Network in the Information Age, The.....................................................................54

Global Careers ...........................................................1

Global Compensation ................................................2

Global HRM (series) ...........................................1, 2, 3

Global Industrial Relations..........................................2

Global Leadership ......................................................9

Global Public Relations.............................................26

Global R&D in China ................................................39

Global Staffing...........................................................2

Global Supply Chain Management and International Logistics.........................................29

Globalisation and Japanese Organisational Culture ...............................................................40

Globalization and the Indian Economy.....................37

Globalizing International Human Resource Management........................................................7

Goetz, Stephan J......................................................62

Goldfield, Michael....................................................38

Gomez-Mejia, Luis .....................................................2

Goodall, Keith..........................................................39

Goodman, Roger .....................................................38

Gosling, Jonathan ......................................................9

Goss, Barry ..............................................................48

Gossip and Organizations ........................................13

Gottinger, Hans-Werner ...........................................53

Governance and Innovation .....................................42

Governance and Regulation in the Third Sector .......20

Governance and the Market for Corporate Control...............................................................41

Governance Gap, The ..............................................42

Governance of Strategic Alliances, The ....................42

Grant, David ............................................................14

Gratton, Chris..........................................................48

Gray, Colin...............................................................59

Green, Stuart ...........................................................15

Greene, Anne-Marie ..................................................5

Gregson, Geoff ........................................................60

Greve, Carsten.........................................................19

Griffin, Douglas .......................................................30

Griffiths, Andrew .....................................................13

Gritzalis, Stefanos ....................................................52

Growing your Business ............................................59

Grubesic, Tony H......................................................54

Gössling, Stefan ......................................................35

Guide to The Companies Act 2006, A .....................58

Gunnigle, Patrick .......................................................2

Guthey, Eric .............................................................12


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H. Igor Ansoff Critical Evaluations in Business andManagement 2 vol .............................................60

Haghirian, Parissa.....................................................38

Hainan - State, Society, and Business in a ChineseProvince .............................................................39

Håkansson, Håkan ...................................................54

Haldane, Andrew.....................................................49

Hall, C. Michael .......................................................31

Hall, Michael C. .................................................30, 35

Hall, Peter ................................................................42

Hall, Richard ............................................................51

Halligan, John ..........................................................17

Handa, Jagdish ........................................................46

Handbook of Business Interest Associations, Firm Size and Governance ..................................61

Handbook of Consumer Psychology.........................25

Handbook of Consumer Research in Tourism ...........35

Handbook of Organizational Creativity.....................11

Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management.........................................5

Handfield, Robert.....................................................62

Hands, David ...........................................................25

Hands-On Inventory Management ...........................56

Hanke, Michael........................................................32

Hanrion, Patrick .......................................................52

Hanson, Mark ..........................................................34

Hara, Takuji..............................................................40

Harding, Nancy ........................................................20

Hardy, Jonathan .......................................................23

Harland, Christine ....................................................16

Harper, Sarah ...........................................................38

Harris, Lisa ...............................................................57

Harris, Michael M. .....................................................5

Harris, Simon ...........................................................58

Harris, Thomas E. .....................................................27

Harris, Tom ..............................................................62

Harrison, Richard T. ..................................................60

Hart, Craig...............................................................50

Hart, Mark .................................................................7

Harvey, Geraint ..........................................................6

Hashim, S.R. ............................................................53

Hassard, John ..........................................................12

Haugtvedt, Curtis P. .................................................25

Hawkin, Sarah .........................................................23

Hazlett, Shirely-Ann .................................................28

Heding, Tilde ...........................................................25

Helms-Mills, Jean .....................................................11

Hendrischke, Hans ...................................................36

Heraty, Noreen...........................................................2

Herbane, Brahim......................................................28

Herbert Simon (3 Volume set) ..................................60

Hermens, Antoine....................................................42

Hernes, Tor ........................................................14, 43

Herr, Paul M.............................................................25

Heuvelhof, Ernst ten ................................................18

Higher Education Marketing ....................................23

High-Tech Entrepreneurship .....................................58

High-Tech Industries, Employment and GlobalCompetitiveness .................................................53

Hill, Gerard M. .........................................................56

Hill, Rosemary ............................................................8

Hirai, Toshiaki...........................................................60

Hislop, Donald .........................................................54

Hjorth, Daniel ..........................................................59

Hodkinson, Phil..........................................................7

Homburg, Vincent ...................................................53

Horne, Terry .............................................................17

Houldsworth, Elizabeth ..............................................3

House, Robert J........................................................10

Howorth, Carole ......................................................57

HRM in the Sport and Leisure Industry.......................5

Huang, Kun-Huang..................................................21

Huczynski, Andrzej...................................................12

Huemer, Gerhard .....................................................61

Huggins, Robert.......................................................62

Hughes, Jason............................................................8

Huimin, Gu ..............................................................40

Human Resource Management “with ChineseCharacteristics” ....................................................5

Human Resource Management in Europe ..................4

Human Resource Management in Public ServiceOrganizations .....................................................19

Human Resource Management in the Public Sector ...8

Human Resources Management ................................4

Humour, Work and Organization .............................11

Hunter, David J. .......................................................21

Huse, Morten...........................................................42

Hutchinson, Susan .....................................................3

Hyndman, Noel........................................................45


Identity and the Modern Organization .....................14

Identity, Feeling and Sociality at Work......................14

Iedema, Rick ............................................................14

Imaging in Advertising .............................................25

Impact of European Integration on Regional Structural Change and Cohesion, The ................33

Improving Learning (series) ........................................7

Improving Workplace Learning...................................7

In an Outpost of the Global Economy......................52

India’s Emerging Financial Market ............................37

India’s Emerging Multinationals ...............................38

Industrial Innovation in China...................................39

Industrial Innovation in Japan...................................40

Industrial Relations in Education.................................6

Influence of Culture on Human Resource Management Processes and Practices, The ...........5

Information and Communication Technologies in Rural Society...................................................55

Information Systems ................................................53

Information Systems Strategic Management ............51

Information Technology and Competitive Advantage in Small Firms ...................................58

Innovating for Sustainability .....................................54

Innovation and Business Partnering in Japan, Europe and the United States.............................37

Innovation and Organization in Open SourceCommunities ......................................................54

Innovation Diffusion in the New Economy ...............53

Innovation in Japan..................................................40

Innovation in Small Construction Firms ....................15

Innovation, Knowledge and Power in Organizations .....................................................54

Innovation, Technology and Hypercompetition.........53

Innovations and Institutions .....................................54

Innovative Bureaucracy, The .....................................55

Inside Intuition .........................................................10

Inside the Factory of the Future .................................6

Insider Computer Fraud ..........................................55

Insourcing Innovation...............................................53

Inspiring Leaders ........................................................9

Integrative Theory of Innovation Dynamics, An ........54

Intellectual Capital Accounting.................................45

Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management ....29

Interacting and Organizing ......................................27

International Business ..............................................30

International Business and Global Climate Change...31

International Business and National War Interests ....47

International Business and Tourism ..........................31

International Business Finance..................................32

International Business Geography ............................33

International Corporate Governance ........................40

International Economics ...........................................32

International Financial Co-Operation ........................48

International Financial Reporting Standards..............49

International Human Resource Management .........1, 4

International Management and Language................33

International Marketing ...........................................21

International Migration and Knowledge...................35

International Networking for Development ..............18

International Trade and Business Law Review: Volume XI ..........................................................34

International Trade and the Protection of theEnvironment.......................................................34

International Trade Theory .......................................33

Internationalisation of Competition Rules, The .........33

Internationalization of Small Firms, The....................59

Internationalization, Technological Change and theTheory of the Firm..............................................53

Introduction to Credit Risk Modeling, Second Edition................................................................49

Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance, Second Edition......................................49

Ivory, Chris ...............................................................55

Izushi, Hiro...............................................................62


J. Sweeney, Brendan ................................................33

Jackson, Brad...........................................................12

Jackson, Keith......................................................4, 40

Jakupec, Viktor ..........................................................8

Japan Anthropology Workshop Series (series) ..........40

Japanese Joint Venture in the Pacific, A ...................39

Jay, Elaine ................................................................16

Jeffcutt, Paul ............................................................62

Jegers, Marc ............................................................20

Jerrard, Robert .........................................................25

Jewson, Nick..............................................................8

Jia, Xinting...............................................................42

Jie, Tang...................................................................37

Johal, Sukhdev...................................................28, 46

Johnsen, Åge ...........................................................45

Johnson, Debra..................................................30, 31

Johnson, Fern L........................................................25


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Johnson, Peter ...................................................58, 59

Jonasson, Hans ........................................................55

Jones, Barbara .........................................................53

Jones, Chris .............................................................47

Jones, Roger ............................................................34

Joyce, John ..............................................................46

Judge, Timothy A.....................................................14


Kambayashi, Norio ..................................................40

Kanda, Hideki ..........................................................41

Kardes, Frank R........................................................25

Kawalek, John Paul ..................................................51

Kelemen, Mihaela ....................................................12

Kemp, Murray..........................................................33

Kent, Tony ...............................................................24

Ketley, Diane............................................................13

Key Readings in Crisis Management.........................29

Keynes on Monetary Policy, Finance and Uncertainty.........................................................60

Keynes’s Theoretical Development ...........................60

Kickert, Walter .........................................................20

Kim, Kon-Sik............................................................41

King, Mary C. ..........................................................42

Kinnie, Nicholas .........................................................3

Kira, Mari.................................................................12

Kirat, Thierry ............................................................51

Kirton, Gill .................................................................5

Knight, Louise..........................................................16

Knowledge and Innovation ......................................54

Knowledge and Innovation in Business and Industry ..............................................................54

Knowledge Economies.............................................52

Knudtzen, Charlotte F. .............................................25

Kolk, Ans .................................................................31

Kozak, Metin ..........................................................35

Krause, Micki ...........................................................11

Krieger-Boden, Christiane ........................................33

Kumar, Nagesh ........................................................38


Labor, Globalization and the State ...........................38

Lægreid, Per ............................................................17

Lahmar, Maher.........................................................56

Lambrinoudakis, Costos ...........................................52

Langkau, Jochem.....................................................33

Lapsley, Irvine...........................................................45

Larke, Roy................................................................22

Larsen, Henrik Holt ....................................................2

Laurence, Anne........................................................47

Law and Consumer Credit Information in the European Community, The .................................22

Law for Foreign Business and Investment in China ...39

Law of International Business...................................34

Leadership at a Distance ..........................................10

Leadership, Feedback and the Open Communication Gap ..........................................10

Leadership: The Key Concepts....................................9

Lean Performance ERP Project Management ............56

Learmonth, Mark .....................................................20

Learning From Winners..............................................8

Leat, Diana ..............................................................18

Leaver, Adam.....................................................28, 46

Lee Cooke, Fang......................................................35

Lee, Angela..............................................................15

Leitch, Claire M. ................................................59, 60

Lejot, Paul................................................................47

Lenton, Pamela .......................................................50

Leoncini, Riccardo ..............................................53, 62

Lerpold, Lin..............................................................11

Lewis, David.............................................................16

Li, Gang ..................................................................35

Liddle, Joyce ......................................................18, 34

Liesch, Peter.............................................................14

Liu, Chunhang .........................................................38

Liu, Hong.................................................................37

Liu, Qiao ..................................................................47

Liu, Zhong ...............................................................38

Lizieri, Colin .............................................................50

Lo, Vai Io..................................................................39

Localised Technological Change ...............................53

Löffler, Elke ..............................................................15

London, Manuel ........................................................8

Loveridge, Denis ......................................................29

Lowrey, Tina.............................................................24

Lowrey, Tina M. .......................................................26

Löwstedt, Jan...........................................................61

Lynn, Jr., Laurence E.................................................15


MacCulloch, Angus..................................................34

Macer, Tim...............................................................22

Macgregor, Bryan D. ................................................50

Macintosh, Robert ...................................................30

Macklin, Audrey.......................................................42

Maclean, Donald......................................................30

MacLennan, Andrew................................................28

MacLeod, Alasdair M. .............................................17

Macleod, John .........................................................24

MacRury, Iain ...........................................................23

Making Policy Happen .............................................18

Making Strategy Work .............................................28

Malecki, Edward J. ...................................................52

Maltby, Josephine ....................................................47

Management Accounting Change ...........................44

Management and the Dominance of Managers .......14

Management Development........................................8

Management Ethics .................................................43

Management Gurus, Revised Edition........................12

Management in Networks .......................................18

Management in the Airline Industry...........................6

Management of International Business Networks.....33

Management of Non-Governmental DevelopmentOrganizations, The .............................................16

Management Training and Development in China....39

Managerial Economics of Non-Profit Organizations .....................................................20

Managerialism, Public Sector Reform and IndustrialRelations ..............................................................6

Managers and Mandarins in Contemporary China ...37

Managing and Marketing Radical Innovations..........54

Managing and Marketing Tourist Destinations .........35

Managing Complex Governance Networks ..............19

Managing Complex Projects.....................................55

Managing Finances and Accountability in the Public Sector ......................................................19

Managing for Health ...............................................21

Managing Global Legal Systems.................................2

Managing Human Resources in Central and EasternEurope .................................................................2

Managing Human Resources in Europe......................2

Managing Human Resources in North America ..........3

Managing Human Resources in the Middle-East ........3

Managing Information and Knowledge in Organizations .....................................................51

Managing IT Outsourcing ........................................51

Managing Knowledge and the Small Firm................59

Managing People.......................................................3

Managing Performance............................................17

Managing Performance Improvement ......................17

Managing Public Services - Implementing Changes .............................................................17

Managing the City ...................................................18

Mantere, Saku .........................................................26

Marenzi, Anna .........................................................48

Maritime Economics.................................................32

Marketing and Consumption in Japan .....................22

Marketing Discourse ................................................22

Marketing Research .................................................22

Marketing the e-Business, Second Edition................57

Marketing the Sports Organisation ..........................21

Marketing: The Basics ..............................................21

Markowski, Stefan ...................................................42

Markus, M. Lynne ....................................................51

Marnet, Oliver..........................................................42

Martin, James William..............................................56

Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge..........................................21

Marturano, Antonio...................................................9

Mathematical Finance ..............................................47

Mathematics of Economics and Business .................50

Matsushima, Noboru ..............................................40

Matten, Dirk ............................................................43

Mattessich, Richard..................................................45

May, Timothy...........................................................59

Mayes, David .....................................................48, 49

Mayhew, Anne ........................................................47

Mayrhofer, Wolfgang.................................................2

Maznevski, Martha L..................................................9

McAdam, Rodney ....................................................28

McCabe, Darren ........................................................6

McCann, Deirdre........................................................7

McCarthy, Scott .......................................................21

McConnell, Allan .....................................................19

McCormack, Kevin P. ...............................................62

Mchugh, John..........................................................59

McIlroy, John..............................................................6

McKen, Katy ............................................................16

McKenna, Bernard ...................................................14

McKie, David ...........................................................27

McKinlay, Alan ...........................................................6

Mcloughlin, Ian........................................................55

McMillan, Elizabeth..................................................30

McPhail, Ken............................................................44


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Mead, Richard .........................................................34

Media Practice (series)........................................23, 27

Melewar, T.C............................................................26

Mellahi, Kamel...........................................................3

Mendenhall, Mark .....................................................9

Mendenhall, Mark E. .................................................3

Mercado, Ed C.........................................................56

Merchant, Hemant...................................................31

Mergers & Acquisitions ............................................29

Messenger, Jon C.......................................................7

Miceli, Marcia P. .......................................................14

Michailova, Snejina ....................................................2

Michelson, Grant .....................................................13

Milhaupt, Curtis.......................................................41

Millard, Stephen ......................................................49

Miller, Bob ...............................................................53

Mills, Albert J ...........................................................11

Mills, Terence ...........................................................48

Mishan, E.J. .............................................................45

Mitra, Jay.................................................................57

Mobility and Technology in the Workplace...............54

Mochida, Nobuki .....................................................39

Moens, Gabriel ........................................................34

Moensted, Mette .....................................................58

Moerke, Andreas .....................................................57

Moerman, Mike .......................................................56

Moger, Susan...........................................................61

Molian, David ..........................................................57

Moloney, Kevin ........................................................26

Monetary and Banking History.................................48

Monetary Economics, 2nd edition............................46

Monetary Growth Theory ........................................48

Monetary Policy in Central Europe ...........................48

Monetary Theory in Retrospect ................................50

Money and Payments in Theory and Practice ...........48

Montresor, Sandro ...................................................62

Moore, Karl .............................................................21

Moore, Tomoe .........................................................37

Moral Leader, The ......................................................9

Moral, Michel ..........................................................31

Morales, Alfonso......................................................59

Mordaunt, Jill...........................................................16

Morgenroth, Edgar ..................................................33

Moriset, Bruno.........................................................52

Morley, Michael J. ......................................................2

Morrison, Claudio ....................................................33

Moscardo, Gianna ...................................................32

Mosley, Paul ............................................................50

Moutinho, Luiz ........................................................21

Muir, Jenny ..............................................................20

Mukoyama, Masao ..................................................22

Multinational Corporations and the Emerging Network Economy in Asia and the Pacific...........38

Multinationals and Cross-Cultural Management.......38

Multinationals, Globalisation and Indigenous Firms in China ....................................................38

Multinationals, Technology and Localization inAutomotive Firms in Asia....................................40

Munshi, Debashish...................................................27

Murphy, David .........................................................49

Murphy, Joanne .......................................................20

Murphy, Jonathan....................................................33

Murphy, Laurie.........................................................32

Murray, John A. .......................................................20

Murray, Michael .......................................................43

Mutch, Alistair .........................................................51

Mutti, John H...........................................................32


Naciri, Ahmed..........................................................42

Nakhle, Carole .........................................................33

Narrating the Management Guru.............................12

Narrating the Rise of Big Business in the USA ..........47

National Currencies and Globalization......................32

Nayak, Satyendra S. .................................................37

Neale, Richard H ......................................................15

Near, Janet Pollex.....................................................14

Nelson, Mark D........................................................27

New Japan for the Twenty-First Century, A ..............40

New Technology @ Work .........................................51

New, Steve...............................................................62

Newberry, Sue..........................................................19

Newell, Sue..............................................................51

Ng, Irene C.L............................................................62

Nobes, Christopher ..................................................49

Nölke, Andreas ........................................................42

Nyssens, Marthe ......................................................20


Oddou, Gary R.......................................................3, 9

Odegaard, Mary Ann ...............................................22

O’Dwyer, Brendan....................................................44

Ohlsson, Anne-Valérie................................................1

Oinas, Päivi ..............................................................59

Onkvisit, Sak ............................................................21

Open Market Operations and Financial Markets.......48

Operational Excellence .............................................56

Organisational Capital..............................................54

Organization Theory and the Public Sector ..............17

Organizational Change and Strategy........................11

Organizational Change for Corporate Sustainability ......................................................13

Organizational Identity in Practice ............................11

Organizational Psychology .......................................12

Osborne, Stephen P. ............................................8, 20

Osei, Philip...............................................................34

O’Shaughnessy, John ...............................................22

O’Shaughnessy, Nicholas..........................................22

Osland, Joyce.............................................................9

Ostroff, Cheri...........................................................14

Outsourcing and Human Resource Management .......6

Overbeck, Ludger.....................................................49

Overbeek, Henk .......................................................42

Owens, Keith ...........................................................24

Owens, Terry..............................................................5


PAFTAD (Pacific Trade and Development Conference Series) (series) ..................................38

Paik, Yongsun ..........................................................36

Palacios, Juan J. .......................................................38

Pareek, Niketh .........................................................21

Parker, Rachel ..........................................................51

Parkinson, Ann ..........................................................3

Paton, Rob.........................................................16, 18

Patterns for Performance and Operability.................56

Paying for Progress in China ....................................39

Peak Performing Organization, The..........................14

Pearce, Philip ...........................................................32

Pellenbarg, Piet ........................................................33

Peng, Yuanyuan.......................................................38

Pensions and Pension Funding (4 vols) .....................49

People and Culture in Construction..........................15

People Make the Place, The .....................................13

People Management and Performance ......................3

People Strategies for Global Firms..............................1

Performance Management Systems ...........................1

Personal Finance and Investments ............................46

Perspectives on Organizational Fit ............................14

Pestoff, Victor ..........................................................19

Petrakos, George .....................................................33

Petroleum Taxation ..................................................33

Pettit, Raymond .........................................................8

Phillips, Susan ..........................................................20

Pieters, Rik ...............................................................22

Pinkse, Jonatan ........................................................31

Policy Matters ............................................................8

Political Economy of the Small Firm, The..................60

Political Power of Business, The ...............................62

Pollock, Neil .............................................................55

Potts, Keith ..............................................................50

Poullaos, Chris .........................................................45

Powell, Helen...........................................................23

Power at Work...........................................................6

Practical Guide to Project Planning...........................55

Prashantham, Shameen ...........................................59

Pratt, Andy ..............................................................62

Pricing and Revenue Management of Services, The.....................................................................62

Principles of Project and Infrastructure Finance ........50

Private Equity in Asia................................................37

Privatisation and Financial Collapse in the NuclearIndustry ..............................................................50

Proctor, Tony ............................................................21

Procurement Systems...............................................29

Producing Management Knowledge ........................61

Profeta, Paola ..........................................................48

Profitability, Accounting Theory and Methodology...45

Project Governance..................................................41

Project Management Demystified 3rd Edition ..........61

Psycholinguistic Phenomena in MarketingCommunications ................................................26

Psychology of Conflict and Conflict Management in Organizations, The .........................................15

Public Management and Complexity Theory ............20

Public Management and Governance.......................15

Public Management: Old and New ..........................15

Public Policy for Regional Development....................21


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Public Private Partnerships in the European Union....20

Public Procurement ..................................................16

Public Procurement in China ....................................39

Public Relations Handbook, The ...............................27

Public Relations Metrics ...........................................27

Public Services Management....................................20

Pucik, Vladimir ...........................................................1

Purba, Sanjiv ............................................................56

Purcell, John ..............................................................3


Quah, Euston...........................................................45

Quick, Reiner ...........................................................44

Quillin, Bryce............................................................48


Raab, Jorg................................................................54

Raiden, Ani ..............................................................15

Rainbird, Helen ..........................................................7

Rashford, Nicholas S. ...............................................11

Rasiah, Rajah ..........................................................40

Ravasi, Davide..........................................................11

Rayton, Bruce ............................................................3

Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management.........................................3

Reconfiguring Public Relations .................................27

Redhead, Keith ........................................................46

Rees, William ...........................................................58

Regions and Cities (series)........................................34

Reid, Gavin C...........................................................53

Reinmoeller, Patrick..................................................10

Reiss, Geoff .............................................................61

Remaking Regional Economies.................................34

Research Concepts for Management Studies ...........61

Resource Management (series)...........................56, 62

Retail Supply Chain Management ............................22

Retailing Reader, The ...............................................22

Rethinking Information Systems in Organizations.....51

Rethinking IT in Construction and Engineering.........52

Rethinking Public Relations ......................................26

Reward Management ................................................6

Rhodes, Carl ................................................11, 13, 14

Rhodes, Mary Lee ....................................................20

Ribbers, Pieter..........................................................51

Ricceri, Federica .......................................................29

Rickards, Tudor ........................................................61

Rightsizing Inventory................................................56

Ringmar, Erik............................................................58

Risberg, Annette ......................................................29

Risk and Crisis Management in the Public Sector .....19

Risk Appraisal and Venture Capital in High Technology New Ventures ..................................53

Risk in International Finance.....................................49

Roberts, David .........................................................23

Robertson, Iain.........................................................19

Rocco, Elena ............................................................30

Roche, Julian............................................................37

Rodger, Barry ...........................................................34

Roe, Robert A. .........................................................14

Roness, Paul G. ........................................................17

Rooney, David ..........................................................14

Roos, Jan .................................................................51

Rossi, Sergio ............................................................48

Routledge Advanced Texts in Economics and Finance (series) ...................................................47

Routledge Advances in Korean Studies (series).........40

Routledge Advances in Management and BusinessStudies (series)...12, 13, 24, 27, 29, 34, 53, 60, 62

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Routledge Companion to Accounting History, The ...44

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Sadler-Smith, Eugene ...............................................10

Sadoi, Yuri ...............................................................40

Saee, John ..............................................................35

Sammarra, Alessia....................................................34

Samuel, Peter.............................................................6

Sandberg, Birgitta ....................................................54

Sanders, Richard ......................................................38

Saporta, Victoria ......................................................49

Sargeant, Adrian......................................................16

Scheeres, Hermine ...................................................14

Schepers, Donald .....................................................46

Schettkat, Ronald.....................................................33

Schlemmer, Frank.....................................................58

Scholz, Christian ........................................................4

Schuler, Randall S.......................................................1

Schulten, Thorsten .....................................................6

Scott, Allen J............................................................34

Scullion, Hugh ...........................................................2

Sedgwick, Mitchell...................................................40

Segers, Rien T...........................................................40

Semmler, Willi ..........................................................48

Sena, Vania..............................................................48

Series in Organization and Management (series)......................................................5, 10, 15

Sessa, Valerie .............................................................8

Sexton, Martin .........................................................15

Sexualities, Work and Organizations ..........................6

Shalley, Christina E...................................................11

Shani, A.B. (Rami) ....................................................12

Shaw, John ..............................................................21

Sheikh, Saleem ........................................................58

Shue, Vivienne .........................................................39

Sian, Suki.................................................................45

Siddharthan, N.S......................................................53

Siengtha, Sununta ...................................................35

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Simons, Penelope.....................................................42

SIOP Organizational Frontiers Series (series) .......14, 15

Skålén, Per...............................................................22

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Small Business in Britain...........................................59

Smidt, Seymour .......................................................45

Smith, Brent.............................................................13

Smith, Denis ............................................................29

Smith, Julia A...........................................................53

Smith, Peter C..........................................................17

Smith, Ronald D.......................................................27

Smith, Steven Rathgeb.............................................20

Smith, William E. .....................................................28

Social and Community Informatics ...........................52

Social Enterprise.......................................................20

Social Networks .......................................................13

Socially Responsible Investing...................................46

Sociology, Work and Industry...................................12

Soenen, Guillaume...................................................11

Software and Organisations.....................................55

Software Deployment, Updating, and Patching........52

Solberg, Harry Arne .................................................46

Solidaristic Wages Policy ............................................6

Song, Haiyan ..........................................................35

Sotskov, Yuri N.........................................................50

Southern, Alan ............................................18, 34, 59

Sparks, Leigh ...........................................................22

Sparrow, Paul.............................................................4

Spence, Laura ..........................................................43

Spon Research (series)..............................................15

Sport & Tourism: A Reader.......................................32

Stacey, Ralph............................................................30

Stackpole, Bill ..........................................................52

Stahl, Bernd Carsten ................................................53

Stahl, Günter K. .........................................................3

Stevenson, Howard....................................................6

Stewart, Jim...............................................................8

Stjernberg, Torbjörn .................................................61

Stokes, Ashli Q.........................................................26

Stone, Dianna ............................................................5

Stone, Marilyn A. .....................................................23

Stone-Romero, Eugene ..............................................5

Stopford, Martin ......................................................32

Storey, John ...............................................................4

Storz, Cornelia .........................................................57

Strategic Issues in International Retailing..................22

Strategic Marketing .................................................21

Strategic Positioning in Voluntary and CharitableOrganizations .....................................................20

Strategic Project Leader, The ....................................29

Strategic Reputation Management...........................26

Street Entrepreneurs ................................................59

Structure of Financial Regulation, The......................49

Stuart, Mark ..............................................................6

Study of Public Management in Europe and the US, The ..............................................................20

Styhre, Alexander.....................................................55

Sucher, Sandra J.........................................................9

Sudarsanam, P.S.......................................................41

Sullivan, Martin........................................................49

Sun, Pei ...................................................................39

Sun, Yifei .................................................................39

Suneja, Vivek ...........................................................61

Supply Chain Management......................................62

Supply Chain Risk Management...............................62

Sustainability Accounting and Accountability ...........44

Sustainability and Spread of Organizational Change, The.......................................................13

Sustainable Tourism Futures .....................................35

Sveningsson, Stefan ................................................15

Swart, Juani ...............................................................3

Swartz, Ethné ..........................................................28


Talbot, Lorraine ........................................................58

Tan, Willie ................................................................50

Taplin, Ruth..........................................................6, 37

Targeting Regional Economic Development..............62

Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in Latin America.........48

Taylor, Phil..................................................................6

Taylor, Simon............................................................50

Teaching The Moral Leader ........................................9

Teall, John L. ............................................................41

Technological Communities and Networks ...............55

Teisman, Geert.........................................................19

Telecommunications in China...................................38

Telgen, Jan...............................................................16

Terziovski, Milé.........................................................54

Thai, Khi V. ..............................................................16

Theaker, Alison ........................................................27

Thinking Through Systems Thinking.........................54

Third Sector in Europe, The......................................20

Thomas, Alan Berkeley.............................................61

Thomas, Kecia M. ....................................................13

Thompson, Paul .......................................................51

Thoughtful Fundraising ............................................16

Thurloway, Lynn.........................................................3

Tian, Xiaowen..........................................................39

Tietze, Susanne........................................................33

Time in Organizational Research ..............................14

Tkalac Vercic, Ana....................................................27

Todeva, Emanuela ....................................................33

Tomasic, Roman.......................................................42

Toporowski, Jan .......................................................48

Tourism and Innovation............................................30

Tourism in China ......................................................40

Tourist Shopping Villages .........................................32

Townsend, Alan .......................................................18

Trade Unions and Workplace Training ........................6

Trade Unions in a Neoliberal World ............................6

Trade Unions in Asia ................................................37

Transforming Corporate Governance in East Asia.....41

Transnational Politics of Corporate GovernanceRegulation, The ..................................................42

Traxler, Franz............................................................61

Triple Helix, The .......................................................52

Turley, Stuart ............................................................44

Turner, Colin ......................................................30, 31

Turner, Rodney J.......................................................41

Turnovsky, Michelle ..................................................32

Two Hundred Years of Accounting Research ............45

Tylecote, Andrew .....................................................41


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Ulrich, David ..............................................................4

‘Uncertain’ Foundations of Post Keynesian Economics, The ..................................................50

Undermining of Beliefs in the Autonomy and Rationality of Consumers, The ............................22

Understanding Business (series)................................61

Understanding Business: Markets.............................61

Understanding E-Government..................................53

Understanding Emerging Markets............................31

Understanding Organisational Culture in theConstruction Industry .........................................15

Understanding Organization as Process....................14

Understanding Organizational Change.....................11

Understanding Organizational Change (series) .........13

Understanding Risk ..................................................49

Understanding the Social Dimension of Sustainability ......................................................42

Understanding the World Economy .........................32

Unerman, Jeffrey......................................................44

Unions and Globalization...........................................6

Unwin, Lorna.........................................................7, 8

Upadhya, Carol ........................................................52

Urban Regeneration Management ...........................34

Usher, Robin ..............................................................8

Usui, Kazuo .............................................................22

Usunier, Jean-Claude................................................62


Vahtra, Peeter ..........................................................33

Vaillancourt, Francois ..............................................21

Value Creating Board, The .......................................42

Values-based Service for Sustainable Business ..........14

van Apeldoorn, Bastiaan ..........................................42

van Buuren, Arwin ...................................................19

van Frederikslust, Ruud A.I. ......................................41

van Rekom, Johan....................................................11

van Riel, Cees B.M. ..................................................26

van Ruler, Betteke ....................................................27

van Tulder, Rob ........................................................18

van Wendel de Joode, Ruben...................................54

Vargas, Ricardo Viana ..............................................55

Varma, Arup ..............................................................1

Vasavi, A.R...............................................................52

Vaughan, Roger .......................................................55

Vercic, Dejan............................................................27

Vermeulen, Patrick ...................................................54

Visintin, Francesca....................................................41

Visual Marketing......................................................22

Vivarelli, Marco ........................................................59

Vocational Education .................................................8

von Staden, Peter.....................................................39


Waddington, Kathryn...............................................13

Wagner, Christoph...................................................49

Waldman, David A...................................................10

Walker, Derek ..........................................................29

Walker, Stephen P. ...................................................44

Waller, Mary J. .........................................................14

Walsh, James P.........................................................61

Walters, Diane .........................................................44

Walton, Peter...........................................................44

Waluszewski, Alexandra...........................................54

Wang, Peijie.............................................................47

Wang, Ping ..............................................................39

Ward, James ..............................................................6

Warner, Malcolm .............................................5, 7, 39

Waterhouse, Jennifer ...............................................19

Watson, Tony J.........................................................12

Weaver, David..........................................................35

Webb, Brian.............................................................58

Wedel, Michel..........................................................22

Weed, Mike .............................................................32

Weisband, Suzanne P. ..............................................10

Werner, Frank ..........................................................50

Werner, Steve ........................................................2, 3

Westhead, Paul ........................................................57

Westwood, Robert.......................................11, 12, 13

Wever, Egbert ..........................................................33

Wheaton, George R. ..................................................7

Whetzel, Deborah L. ..................................................7

Whistle-Blowing in Organizations ............................14

White, Geoff..............................................................6

Whitrod Brown, Helen ...............................................5

Whittington, Geoffrey..............................................45

Wickramasinghe, Danture........................................44

Willekens, Marleen ..................................................44

Williams, Allan .........................................................35

Williams, Karel ...................................................28, 46

Williams, Robin ........................................................55

Wilson, Robert .........................................................46

Winch, Christopher....................................................8

Wisdom and Management in the Knowledge Economy ............................................................14

Witt, Stephen .........................................................35

Witzel, Morgen........................................................37

Wolfram Cox, Julie...................................................12

Wolsey, Chris .............................................................5

Women and Labour Organizing in Asia....................38

Women and the Labour Market.................................7

Women and Their Money 1700-1950 ......................47

Wong, Christine.......................................................39

Wong, Raymond Sin-Kwok ......................................39

Wood, Geoffrey E. .............................................48, 49

Wood, John C..........................................................60

Wood, Michael C.....................................................60

Work Group Learning ................................................8

Working in Asia (series)......................................35, 36

Working Time Around the World ...............................7

World Bank and Global Managerialism, The ............33

Worldwide Cases in Marketing Management...........21

Wright, Patrick M.......................................................4

Wrzesniewski, Amy..................................................14

Wubs, Ben ...............................................................47

Wymer Jr, Walter .....................................................16


Xi, Chao ..................................................................37


Yadav, Vikash...........................................................49

Yang, Chen..............................................................38

Yang, Gu .................................................................37

Yu, Guanghua .........................................................36

Yueh, Linda..............................................................37

Yukongdi, Vimolwan................................................36


Zedtwitz, Max von ...................................................39

Zhang, Wei-Bin ........................................................48

Zhou, Jing................................................................11

Zhu, Ying.................................................................37

Zook, Matthew A. ...................................................54


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