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Business Etiquette

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Page 1: Business Etiquette

“Business Etiquette”

Page 2: Business Etiquette

“You never get a second chance to make a good

first impression.”

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The Importance of Buffing up Etiquette

– Makes a favorable impression and portrays a positive image.

– Reveals social skills and demonstrates respect to clients and superiors.

– Builds self confidence in personal and professional interaction.

– Avoids embarrassing moments.– Essential to professional success.

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• Greetings, Introductions and handshakes

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Activity- role-play

• Pair the participants• One participant is seated while the other

participant walks in as a prospective client.• The pair introduce themselves and shake hands. (

Activity should be about two minutes).• Ask the other participants to observe each pair

and give observations on positive aspects and also areas that need improvement.

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• Introduce yourself immediately- Don't stand around as if someone else is in charge of introductions.

• Pay attention to names and background of the person- Most critical to remember names - concentrate and listen intently.

• Do not address by first name. Use formal courtesy titles Mr./Mrs...

• ( In Asia, first names are reserved for family members and close friends)

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Getting off on the right foot

• Greetings• Stand up- conveys the message that the other

person is important and allows you to engage the person on an equal level -eye to eye.

• Smile- Facial expression says more than words. Look pleased and sound enthusiastic.

• Look and make eye contact- reflects confidence and trustworthiness. Signals that you are focused and interested.

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• When you are introduced to a new person, the handshake should go on simultaneously.

• Ideally, this would mean there are about 6-7 pumps before you stop. Eye contact during a handshake reflects your confidence and trustworthiness.

• It is important to remember that a handshake should start and stop crisply.

• Do not continue to hold hands through the entire length of the introduction.

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Handshake- a cultural behavior

The three main conventions-

– The way you extend the hand

– The way you apply the pressure

– The time length you shake the hand

– It's not an inborn behavior, but a learned one

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The handshake- 3 ways

• Palm down (you are the one offering it).

• Palm up (I am fully at your service).

• Palm vertical (let's work together).

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Palm Down

• you are the one offering it

• If you feel strong and think you "Hold the Whole World in your Hand" you automatically will offer your hand palm down.

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Palm Up

• I am fully at your service

Salespeople often offer a handshake palm up. This is a subtle way of indicating the "at-your-service", aspect of doing business. It says that you, are in charge

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Activity- Exchange of business cards

• Arrange a table and two chairs placed facing each other.

• Pair the participants and ask them to sit opposite to each other across the table.

• Ask them to exchange their business card.( Preferably with a brief introduction)

• Ask other participants to give their observations.• Facilitator to debrief from the slides that follow.

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Business card protocol

• Never pass out business cards like you are "dealing cards".

• Present them so that the recipient can read them right side up.

• It is polite to comment on the card before putting it away rather than immediately stashing it in a pocket without looking at it.

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The 15 second infomercial-

The infomercial( information+ commercial) should create a dramatic impact that arouses interest and favorable response on your audience

• Who are you? • Who is your company? • What does your company do? • How can you help? • Why your prospect should act now?

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• Ask two/three participants to give their 15 second info-commercial and lead a discussion on the effectiveness of the presentation

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• The art of conversation and paying compliments

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The art of business conversation

• The art of conversation is a learned skill and represents a key professional proficiency.

• A good conversationalist goes beyond business talk and engages in a meaningful social interaction.

• With good conversation skills, the individual projects confidence about himself and the company he or she works with.

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Basics of a good compliment

• Be sincere – false/insincere compliment is easy to spot and instantly destroys the your credibility.

• Be specific -That was a marvelous casserole" is better than "You're a terrific cook."

• Be unqualified -Don't make the mistake of damning with faint praise: "That was a good report, considering …"

• Don't compare -You can diminish the compliment by comparing the accomplishment to some other achievement.

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What do these terms mean?

• In the context of emails what is -


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Quiz- E mail etiquette

• Please complete the email quiz• If you answer 7 or more correctly

then you are a netizen• Less than 7 you are a newbie!

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Key to e mail quiz

1- d2- c3- d 4- d5- d

6- a7- c8- d9- a10- c

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Telephone Etiquette Do not chew gum, eat, drink, smoke, read, type

or hold side conversations. Always ask before putting someone on hold. When leaving your phone number, speak slowly

so that the person is able to write it down. In voicemail, mention why you are calling or the

answer to the question they’ve left on your voicemail.

Take permission before using speaker phone. Return calls at the earliest possible time. When leaving a message, always include your

phone number.

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Cell phone etiquette

• It involves following some simple guidelines of common courtesy when using a cell phone in public, designed is to make public places more enjoyable for all.

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Cell Phone etiquette

• In public places put the ringer on vibrate or silent mode. • Switch off mobiles in in movie theaters, playhouses etc.• Modulate Voice -Yelling into a cell phone is not

necessary • Maintain a distance of at least 10-feet (3 meters) from

the nearest person.• Keep It Short Keep public conversations brief.• Drive Now, Talk Later- Multitasking isn't always a good

thing. • Use Common Sense- do not carry cell phone to any

place a quiet atmosphere is mandated ( Library, museum or a funeral ceremony.

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E mail etiquette – The Basics

• Get to the point• Plain text still

rules• Abbreviations• Smilies

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Email Threads

• Include previous message when replying or answering

• Number your points if the email is complex – makes replying easier.

• Remove part of the thread as the email grows.

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E mails- The Don'ts

• Typing in UPPER CASE• Flaming• Sending Spam via email or in chat room• Forwarding jokes with 200 email

addresses at the top of the page…• Large File Attachments• Forgetting to re-read the email before


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Table manners- Dining Don’ts

• Chew with your mouth closed. • Do not talk at an excessively loud volume. • Refrain from coughing, sneezing or blowing nose

at the table. • Never tilt back your chair while at the table, or at

any other time. • Do not make unbecoming noises while eating. • Do not play with food or table utensils. • Do not single out or chastise someone who has

shown poor table manners.

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• Do not put your elbows on the table or slouch. • Always ask the host or hostess to be excused

before leaving the table. • Do not stare at anyone while he or she is eating. • Never talk on your phone at table. If urgent, ask

host or hostess to be excused, and go outside. Apologize when returned.

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What is Grooming ?

• It is the process of making your appearance look attractive and pleasant by being neat and tidy

• The fact is that your appearance influences the opinions of everyone around you

“Clothes and manners do not make the man; but, when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance “

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Appearances are not always deceptive

• Your appearance influences

oProfessional smartness oLevel of sophistication oIntelligence oCredibility & trust

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Personal Grooming habits

• Grooming involves all the aspects of your body:

• Overall Cleanliness• Hair• Nails• Teeth• Uniform• Make-up

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Personal Grooming Habits- HAIR

• It is your crowning glory.• Keep it at a length and style at which

you can maintain it. • Wash your hair at least once a week

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Hair styles- Men

• Not fall over the ears, eyebrows or even touch the back of the collar

• Should present a neat appearance• Facial hair should be neatly trimmed

(moustache, sideburns) • beards are not recommended

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Hairstyles- Women

• Tie your hair in a neat hairstyle with hair pulled back from face

• Hair if longer than jaw line should be tied into a bun

• Hair holding devices should be plain and of natural colours

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• Clip nails short, along their shape• A healthy body ensures healthy nails • Brittle or discolored nails show up

body deficiencies

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• Brush teeth regularly

• Rinse well after every meal

• Smokers need to rinse mouth after every smoke

• Use a mouth freshener

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• Your uniform says a lot about your organization

• First impressions are made within the first 5 minutes of meeting

• A neat clean and well ironed uniform is acceptable and appreciated by all at all times

• Your Id-Tags are also an important part of your uniform. Maintain them properly

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Would you like to work with him?

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Make up

• Hair color should not be more than one or two shades darker or lighter than your natural hair color. Unnatural colors (burgundy, green, etc.) must be avoided.

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Let’s remember

• A neat and clean uniform at all times• Hair neatly tied up• No Bad breadth• Clean and washed socks with

polished shoes• Well manicured hands • Usage of a mild deodorant

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Personal Action Plan

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Training Delivery


PVL Raju
