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A Periodical of the Pedorthic Association of Canada WINTER 2016 Business 03 President’s Message 04 Five Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Website 06 The Business of Footwear – be “all in” or “all out” 07 Running a Successful Clinic: What you need to know 10 Marketing Has Everything to Do With Them, Not You 13 Focusing Marketing Techniques in Order to Successfully Grow a Pedorthic Practice 14 Research Update 16 Effective interactions with Physicians 17 Hack Your Future with the Painted Picture Process 18 How volunteering with PAC and the College helped my business 20 Ontario Government Foot Care Model Review Update 22 Member Profiles
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A Periodical of the Pedorthic Association of CanadaWINTER 2016


03 President’s Message

04 Five Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Website

06 The Business of Footwear – be “all in” or “all out”

07 Running a Successful Clinic: What you need to know

10 Marketing Has Everything to Do With Them, Not You

13 Focusing Marketing Techniques in Order to Successfully Grow a Pedorthic Practice

14 Research Update

16 Effective interactions with Physicians

17 Hack Your Future with the Painted Picture Process

18 How volunteering with PAC and the College helped my business

20 Ontario Government Foot Care Model Review Update

22 Member Profiles

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President’s MessageANNE PUTNAM, C. Ped (C)

One of the strangest sounds I heard after our first prairie snowfall was what sounded like a golf cart starting up outside. When I looked closer I saw that our neighbour had started up her leaf blower to ‘shovel’ the driveway. My first thought was, ‘what is wrong with her?’ because that was the most bizarre thing I had ever seen. Until I looked down the street and saw about eight neighbours all outside using their leaf blowers to clear the snow

from their driveways. I guess we were the odd ones out who apparently needed to invest in a good leaf blower if we were going to fit in here!

The advantage of a prairie winter: typically light, fluffy, movie-set snow. The disadvantage: definitely no snowmen building.

And just as there is more than one way to shovel your driveway, there is more than one way to build a custom foot orthotic or modify/build footwear. I know we can all agree on best practices but there are still variances within the norm as no two people are alike. That is what I love so much about our profession; the diversity within our day to day and often times the creativity necessary to help our patients. What I also love about our profession is the willingness to share information within our members. I see this time and time again both formally (like at the annual symposium, clinic owners retreat, professional development events) and informally (just picking up the phone to call a colleague) with questions ranging from clinical to business and beyond. Our network and the knowledge within our membership are truly amazing.

PAC continues to be a leading voice of Pedorthists to the larger community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your membership for the 2016 year. It’s the dedication of members like you that make PAC both possible and successful.

PAC continues to work hard with insurance and government agencies to have our profession recognized and respected. We have begun new marketing campaigns directed both at the general public as well as medical professionals to increase awareness of our profession, reinforcing that we are an integral part of the health care team. Our Heath Regulation Task Force is seeing some significant progress in the pursuit of legislative recognition. We continue to bring awareness to the Diploma in Pedorthics Program in an effort to increase the number of new Canadian Certified Pedorthists entering the profession. We have increased our web presence (through Facebook, Twitter, our website and blogs) which again helps to make the term ‘Pedorthist’ more common place. We continue to produce a high quality quarterly magazine that discusses a variety of topics related to our profession. As a member on the IVO Board, PAC continues to raise Pedorthics in Canada to an international level. As a result, we have the pleasure of hosting the IVO Conference, in conjunction with our annual symposium, in the spring of 2018.

All of this success wouldn’t be possible without the dedication of our many volunteers, who play a vital role in shaping the future of our profession. Thank you to all of you who continue to give back to our profession through volunteering. If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out myself, any board member or contact PAC’s head office. The future looks bright!

On behalf of the PAC Board, I wish you a happy and prosperous new year.

Communications Committee ChairTavish Lahay-Decker, C. Ped (C)

Vice ChairCrystallee Ripak, C. Ped (C)

Committee Members

Brendan Dunn, C. Ped (C)

Kathleen Klement, C. Ped (C)

Darlene Rempel, C. Ped (C)

O’Llenecia Sauve, C. Ped (C)

Lauren Simonds, C. Ped (C)

All articles published in Pedorthics Quarterly

are the property of the Pedorthic Association of

Canada. Copyright ©2016 Pedorthics Canada All

rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is

permitted only with the prior written consent of the

Pedorthic Association of Canada. Address all requests

to the PAC office. Trademarks and Registered.

Trademarks used in this publication are the property

of their respective owners and are used only for the

purpose of information.

Pedorthics QuarterlyA Periodical of the Pedorthic Association of Canada

Subscriptions: $199 per year in Canada

Pedorthic Association of Canada

Suite 503 – 386 BroadwayWinnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3R6Toll Free: 1.888.268.4404 Fax: 1.877.947.9767Email: [email protected]

Pedorthics Quarterly is published by:

Printed by Unigraphics

Publisher Information

HELP US BE GREEN!If you would like to receive Pedorthics Quarterly electronically instead of the paper version, contact the PAC office at [email protected].

To those of you who are already receiving the online version, thank you for helping us be green!

Did you know you can read past issues of the Pedorthic Association of Canada quarterly publication online? Go to www.pedorthic.ca and log in to your member record.


We would appreciate your feedback on the PQ and its articles. Your ideas and thoughts are important to us. Let us know what you think.

E-mail your letter (referencing the article title and PQ edition) to: [email protected]. Please include ‘PQ - Letter to the Editor’ in the subject line.

PAC also invites you to comment about articles in the PQ via our LinkedIn page.

If you are interested in contributing articles for the PQ, contact [email protected].

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Five Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Website


Today, having a presence on the Internet can make or break a business. In 2012, 83 per cent of Canadian households had Internet access at home (1), and 81 per cent of consumers go online before making a major purchase (2). Those numbers are expected to grow in the coming years as the technologically savvy generations come of age. Today, the Internet is very quickly becoming a fixture in our lives. For this reason, having a website that promotes your small business can make the world of difference in your success.

No matter what products or services your business provides, having a strong, effective web presence is important in today’s marketplace.

It is important to distinguish the difference between simply having a web presence and having your own website. While social media and networking is important, it is simply not enough to have a listing on your local Chamber of Commerce website and be active on Facebook and Twitter. You will not be nearly as accessible through basic web searches, and the image you are putting forward is not unique to your business.

Many business owners feel that because their product can’t be sold online, or because they do not offer an online store, that they do not need a website. While this might be true for your business, the importance of having a web presence is still relevant.

Carving your own place on the Internet defines you as an independent small business. Here are five key reasons why your small business should have its own website:


If your competition has a website and you do not, you are losing potential customers to your competitors. One of the great things about the rise of Internet marketing and website use is that it has leveled the playing field between larger corporations and smaller businesses (3).

That being said, you only have one chance to make a good first impression. A professional looking, well designed website is essential for success in online marketing. Your website should be logically laid out, easy to navigate and provide your customers with the essential information about you, your business and the services you provide.


The Internet never closes. Having a website for your small business not only provides your current customers access to essential information and resources 24/7, but also allows new or potential customers to find your business and learn more about your services anytime of the day or night.

Further to this point, having a web presence also allows customers - who may not be local to your services – to explore them. While this might not always be relevant for every business, having your products and services accessible to all potential customers, in all

areas and time zones, is never a detriment.

Having a unique web presence allows your current and potential customers to browse your company’s information, products and services at their convenience, lending to a more consumer-friendly interaction.

Every business has encountered the irate customer who has not been able to get in touch with your business for one reason or another and expresses their frustration at either your business practices or hours of operations. Maybe they had a question about your services but they were not able to call during your business hours, or perhaps they wanted more information on the specifics of one of your products. Having a website that your customers can refer to for all of your basic information can help to ease this problem, making for a better customer experience.


Utilizing web marketing is one of the easiest ways to market your business, improve communication with your customers and expand your reach to new customers. Having a website is a low barrier method of communication for both you and your customers.

For those customers who may have any number of challenges that might prevent them from contacting your business through traditional means, can now access your information in a manner that is accessible to them.

It does not take a lot of time or money to have a simple, professional website that effectively and professionally displays your business. While traditional advertising such as print, radio and television are proven to be successful, digital marketing has a lower cost/reach margin and is fluid in content. Depending on what you want or need in a website, setup fees can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars. Hosting and maintenance fees generally cost $20 to $50 per month, depending on various factors such as traffic and features. Compare that to traditional marketing, such as direct mail, which can cost upwards of $1 per person. To reach 2,500 people, direct mail would cost you at least $2,000 where as a website can reach more people for less money.

Utilizing web

marketing is

one of the easiest

ways to market

your business

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With potential and existing customers using the Internet more and more each year, having a website for them to refer to provides instant credibility for your business. It is however, of paramount importance that the website you put forth both looks and behaves professionally. You only have one chance to make a first impression, so ensure your website has a professional look and is easy for your clients to navigate.

It is important that your website and associated e-mail contact avenues be a standalone entity. Avoid using free services that do not provide you with a unique domain or using [email protected].

Having a website is also an asset to your business itself. Potential partners or investors will look for your website prior to engaging in any business transactions with you. A website increases the perceived value of your business simply by its existence.

The development of a website will also help you with business goals as you re-visit areas of your business you may not have had to think about in some time. When it comes to writing the content for your website, you will be forced to re-visit some of the core components of your business which might have you re-assessing your business goals and adapt to changes you may not have noticed.


One of the best parts of having your own website is the ability for it to change and grow with your business. Unlike traditional marketing materials, web content can be changed with the click of a button, easily reflecting the changes in your products, services or other components of your business.

As your business flourishes and grows, digital marketing and your web presence will grow, naturally. For example, if your business grows to include a secondary location, the website can very easily be adapted to market to the new geographic locations. Traditional marketing, such as print and radio, are not as easily adapted.

All in all, the take home message here is that whether you’re a pedorthist or a pedicurist, you need a website. With the vast majority of Canadian consumers turning to the Internet to determine where they shop, it is imperative that your company has a voice on the web.

REFERENCES:1. Statistics Canada.


2. GE Capital Retail Bank, Second Annual Major Purchase Shopper Study July 2013

3. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/65204

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The Business of Footwear – be “all in” or “all out”


Footwear and pedorthics go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and jam, or Toronto and Blue Jays. Footwear knowledge in the treatment of lower limb biomechanical mal alignments and foot-related health issues has always been the realm of Canadian Certified Pedorthists. So when a patient treatment plan involves a footwear change, a C. Ped (C) can help.



By carrying full inventory lines, a pedorthist is able to personally ensure proper footwear fit as part of the treatment plan. If a pedorthic clinic choses to inventory footwear, the complete control of products within the treatment plan can remain within the clinic. The pedorthist can be confident that an appropriate choice and fit of footwear is provided. Stocking footwear requires diligence, product knowledge, and money. However, pedorthic clinics are usually not full shoe stores in which numerous brands, colours, and styles are available. They offer quality, orthopaedic and therapeutic footwear in several styles for fitting of the general population and more obscure sized feet. If just starting out, even five or six styles of footwear is recommended (a dozen being more effective). However within these six styles, the two or three main styles should be carried in a reasonable sizing run (both in length an width options), ensuring that the ‘best fit’ is available. Of course ‘fill-in’ orders can be managed on a weekly or biweekly basis, but unless a reasonable run of sizes is maintained in-store, ordering becomes a guessing game and a compromised fit could result. So if carrying footwear, be ALL IN.


When a clinic decides to not carry footwear inventory, footwear education is paramount. This involves describing the properties, style, fit of a desired shoe or sandal as part of the treatment plan. Of course, a close network with local shoe retailers who will understand your prescription footwear needs is required. Brochures, handouts and in-store footwear samples are all valuable pedorthic tools to help educate the patient to their specific footwear requirements (ie stability vs. neutral, heel differential, sole base width, toe box depth, proper sizing, etc.). And of course, a follow up to assess this new footwear is important.

This choice to educate vs. stock footwear is a personal choice, not to be taken lightly. Without inventory, the pedorthist can be mobile, clinic space needs are reduced, and cash flow for stock maintenance is negated. The negative side, however, is that the pedorthist has less control of the final treatment plan - especially if a change of footwear is required. Time to educate on footwear requirements is imperative. So if not carrying footwear, be ALL OUT.


The pedorthic clinics that fall prey to the ‘quasi’ inventory are least beneficial to the patients. When a single sample shoe or sandal is used for feature descriptions and looks, but not inventoried in a full size run, multiple single orders arise which creates an environment that begs to fail. Exorbitant shipping costs add up with each individual order, limited styles and features are available and compromises in a proper footwear fit occur. Often, several orders occur to procure that good fit. This is the ‘neither in nor out’ situation that is least effective, and most damaging to the pedorthic world of ‘best fit’ footwear. Without a line of sizing footwear on hand, guess work occurs and fitting compromises can result. In this scenario, neither the pedorthist nor the patient wins.

So, in summary, when deciding whether to inventory footwear within your pedorthic practice, be ALL IN or ALL OUT. Offer a good footwear selection and size run, or offer good education and a referral to a local retail shoe store. Be the footwear professional,

and ensure a proper fit.

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Running a Successful Clinic: What you need to know


You are either a new graduate or a pedorthist who is currently working at an existing practice, and have decided to start a practice of your own or are still a little bit unsure of which path you should take. If you are motivated and not afraid of a lot of hard work, then starting a practice might just be the right thing for you to do - and can be very satisfying!

Setting up a successful clinic means starting with the basics of good business: it’s important to do some research and planning beforehand to help you get started. Although your skills and training are essential for the clinic to prosper, no new business can succeed without a business plan. In addition, a strong understanding of record-keeping, account management and marketing is important in keeping the business going. Once you have all of the fundamentals in place, you can begin your search for your ideal location and arrange for proper insurance and liability coverage. In your journey through your business planning, you will come across many different paths that you can take. Here are some tips to ensure success of your new practice:


Deciding which course to take is a big decision. It is important to consider the benefits and the drawbacks of both starting your own practice or franchise, and joining a credited clinic.

As an owner/operator, you have full control over what goes on in your business – but you must also take full accountability for finding your location, maintaining it, arranging for financing, hiring, licensing and marketing. There are numerous demands placed upon you from every direction, business and patients alike. Fortunately, there are many resources out there to help you along the way. The CANADA BUSINESS NETWORK (www.canadabusiness.ca/eng/) is an informative site provided by the Government of Canada that has exceptional resources for those looking to embark on their own business - from the planning to management stage. This is also where joining a franchise might prove to be advantageous, as they will facilitate with the processes and marketing - leaving you more time with your patients, and the day-to-day of running your clinic and strategies on how to make more money.

Conversely, if you choose to work as an employee within an existing business, you do not have the anguish of self-promotion or bookings. You just show up for work. Taking this route, you will earn an hourly, salaried or commission-based rate. In some cases, income will be based on a combination of these.


Your number one priority as a business owner is customer service. You must always ensure that this is at the top of your mind, and all

of your business procedures. Growing your business by attracting new patients to your clinic is already a challenging task, but once you have them, will you be able to keep them?

You need to define what excellence is for you, your business and your patients. Earning the trust and the repeat business of patients rests solely on just how well you listen to their concerns and respond to their needs. According to Dr. Madelyn Law (2015), PhD assistant professor at Brock University and expert in patient safety, organizational culture and change and team effectiveness, “Understanding the story should drive the patient experience and achieve excellence.” For example, you could have provided the perfect solution for your patient leaving them pain-free, but if their experience in your clinic was poor, this will surely end your relationship and will send them straight to your competition. You can also find that if your attention to patient treatment is not as passionate or thorough as it once was, leading to lack of patient satisfaction will eventually result in a loss of business. As you can imagine, it’s not an ideal position to find yourself in.


An essential part of ensuring the success of your clinic is properly positioning yourself within the community. Most patients who come to you will have been referred to you by their physician, and prospective clients will want to know about you as a practitioner and an individual. It’s important you have staff that is responsible, reliable and properly trained in order to allow yourself time to get out there in front of physicians - telling them about your clinic and what you do. At the same time, pursuing and supporting local events provides an excellent opportunity to attract new clients, and promote your new clinic. For example, every community hosts an array of events that are held to raise funds for an important cause. Being a part of that will allow you to network and gain experience. Also consider volunteering your services at fundraising and other sporting events in your area.

One thing to keep in mind is that you must be able to measure the outcomes of your marketing tactics. For example, when going out on physician visits, make sure you track which physicians start referring to your clinic. Simple tracking methods will allow you to measure what is and what is not working, in turn allowing you to make changes to your plan along the way.


At the end of the day if you choose to open you own clinic, what matters most is the bottom line. How much money are you making or not making?

As part of the rigorous training you go through, the least amount of time is spent on business fundamentals, unless of course you

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have taken other courses to supplement this. Do you know your profitability? Do you know how much is spent each month on marketing? Do you know how much is spent on pay roll? Are you paying too much for rent? What are your liabilities? What are your aacurrent assets? What is the net worth of your business?

Tracking your financials is one of those tasks that you don’t always consider when you decide to run your own business, and yet it takes up hours of your day and makes running a successful clinic even harder. Being organized is essential, and the best way to do this is to keep a profit and loss statement (P&L statement). You need to keep a P&L every month so you can maintain financial accountability. If you don’t know how to keep or read financial statements and balance sheets, you need to learn.

The P&L will clearly show you the profitability of your clinic so you can monitor your progress. If you notice that your business is not showing profits, then you know there are some serious adjustments that need to be made. Two key areas to consider are revenue generation activities, and expense control.


• Introducing product sales for patient care, like footwear

• Adding specialized services for particular markets

• Enter into a new market or settings you haven’t offered your clinic services to yet

When it comes to controlling expenses, you need to do this wherever you can and not be foolish with your hard-earned money. One thing is for certain: there are always costs in running a business, but every single hard-earned dollar saved, is one more dollar added to the bank. So always be thinking about how you can control expenses, and save on costs.

Now, if all this talk about finances has you running for the hills, you can always hire an accountant that will help guide you through all of this and assist in managing the P&L based on your goals put in place. Also know that being a part of a franchise can also provide resources to enhance operational sustainability, so that you can continue to grow in your business.

In summary, how do you ensure success in your clinic? You focus on achieving excellence. With this always at the top of your mind, it will naturally improve business outcomes and growth. You need to continuously market within your community, and set plans and budgets in place to do this. Lastly, track your financials so you always know your bottom line and can work on improving revenue streams, while at the same time save on costs.

These three things will help you run your clinic smoothly and efficiently, and if you don’t have a clinic, will give you some things to consider before branching out on your own.

The PQ Needs YOU!The Pedorthics Quarterly welcomes article submissions for potential publication. Before submitting an article, you must first submit a proposal for review and approval. A short summary of the main ideas for your article/review can be sent to: [email protected]. Once your proposal is accepted, you will be given instructions related to the format and deadlines.

Articles submitted for publication pass through a peer review process. You do not need to be a member of the Pedorthic Association of Canada to submit an article.

Spring 2016 – “Other Tools Available to Pedorthists” – Proposal due to PAC by January 26, 2016

Summer 2016 – “Casting Methods” – Proposal due to PAC by February 28, 2016

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Marketing Has Everything to Do With Them, Not You


How do we take a medical field like pedorthics and make it marketable? How do we get others to want to know more from us? How do we spread awareness about what it is we do, and how we can help?

Let’s face it, the business of feet isn’t always interesting. It’s interesting to us, the professionals, because it’s our passion. But how do we share that? How do we spread that?

Well, it’s simple really. We talk about feet in a way that is creative, relevant and fun. Yes, I said fun. Feet and fun can go together. We must think out of the box and appeal to our audience. Regardless if we are marketing with an ad in the newspaper, or using social media, we must consider our audience and who we are reaching through these mediums. Once we know our audience and target market, we can then tailor our approach and strategy to that reader.

If we really think about it, there are so many things we can talk about related to feet without even talking about orthotics. I know, crazy right? Why would we not want to talk about the very thing we are trying to market? Well, because we want to appeal to our reader and make ourselves valuable to them. That’s how we will keep them interested and engaged, and eventually bring them to our office.

Valuable? I know what you are thinking, we are already so valuable. We all provide a very valuable service, changing people’s lives even. But for those who don’t step into your office for a consult or a visit, we must also be of value to them. We must put ourselves in front of them consistently so that when they are in need, they will reach out to us first. People buy from brands they know, like and trust. With an effective marketing strategy, they will get to know us, like us, and trust us as a brand, because we have already been of value to them and they feel they can relate to us. Brand is what customers think of your business emotionally.

In the past, clients would find us through the Yellow Pages or using the phone book. My grandma still uses this method (unless I intervene!) and most of the older generation will resort still to the traditional ways, such as print ads. But they are also heavily influenced by their younger family that is supporting and caring for them, and this generation is using more modern ways of finding services they need. They will reach out on social media and ask for a referral, they will ask their doctor possibly for a referral, and they will do a google search (if they aren’t already following a business that offers this service). Word of mouth and social media will be your

slowest returns on investment in terms of marketing, but they will be your most valuable. There is that valuable word again. Remember, “like, know and trust.” Relevant.

Relevant? How do I make myself, the professional, relevant to my audience? They probably won’t find the topic or orthotics relevant or useful in their everyday life, so how do I reach them? It’s easier than you might think. Let’s think feet. Not necessarily that feet may need orthotics, and there is a lot of medical evidence supporting the need for orthotics. That won’t appeal to our reader. Think creatively about feet like shoes, pedicures, high heels, shoe sizes, exercising, reflexology, common foot ailments (Athlete’s Foot), socks, winter

boots, tips for healthy feet and even tips for happy feet. These are just a few ideas for content that will be more attractive to your reader, and keep them coming back to you. And when you get stuck for ideas, just head to Google and simple type in “feet” and look at the images you get as a result. Or even “Healthy Feet.” This images will give you great ideas for fun, appealing content to share.

I get the feeling you might be getting overwhelmed at this point at the amount of creative ideas you may need to find, just to reach your ideal customer. Don’t fret, there are ways to make it all easier!n While I mention what content is great for sharing, it’s important to note that the content doesn’t have to be yours. In fact, it’s encouraged to share other peoples’ posts and content. It isn’t stealing or plagiarising - all content on social media is meant to be shared. Ideally, you want your content shared too. The more eyeballs, the better. Choose your favourite social media networks, and follow the businesses and brands that will give you content that you find interesting and your readers will find valuable. And then share it. For example, if you know your audience on social media is predominantly women, aged between 25 and

40 years-old, they are likely mothers. And they are likely in a support position for their parents. Share family related content for them, even if it’s not related to feet. Moms spend money on brands they trust. Appeal to their emotions and their needs, not yours. Be visual. Using content that is full of images and not just written text will gain more traction. A post with an image with get more noticed and more “likes” if you are using an image. Video is even better!

Does your workload feel lighter already? This social media marketing strategy seems like extra work, I know. You are busy and your time is limited. Did you know that you can schedule your messages/posts/content on social media? Yes you can and in fact, to respect your time, I would encourage you to do this. There are many scheduling tools, or services, that you can use that are extremely reasonable in cost, and worth it to be able to schedule instead of sharing in real time. But depending on your preferred social network, you can schedule right in the application, such as Facebook and Twitter. For these, you wouldn’t need a scheduling application. My best advice for those on a tight time budget is to schedule one hour a week, just

Feet and fun can

go together.

We must think

out of the box

to appeal to our


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like you would a client, and schedule all your posts for the week in that one hour (just one post a day is sufficient to start out). Now, you will have content consistently being shared and you don’t even have to be at the computer. While this content is scheduled, it is important to have some moderation effort in place for when your customers start engaging with you. If they have a question or comment, they want to be acknowledged with a quick turnaround. This seems like extra work, I know. You are busy and your time is limited.

As I mentioned earlier, for most of your audiences, traditional marketing will not work. You will need to reach them through channels that they are using, and that is social media. Again, think of your audience when you are choosing the time of day to post and what to post. Posting a great article about the health effects of pedicures at 3 a.m. won’t really get seen unless you are targeting a mom who is breastfeeding or an insomniac. The fastest growing demographic using social media is 45 to 54 year-olds. The goal is to get people to “like” and comment on the post and even better, share the post. You can also measure all of your social efforts, which allows you to evaluate what you are doing well and how to improve your engagement. Fantastic right? You can’t do that with the newspaper or a print ad.

We must remember that in this day, we are all so busy. Busier than ever before. So in order to gain that traction on social media, and the followers/likes, we must offer content that is going to help our reader in some way. If we aren’t making their life easier somehow, they will be hesitant to give us their time in their already hectic day.

Social media is a free marketing tool, but its true potential and purpose is in being a relationship building tool. Although the mediums are free, your time is not. Use it best to connect with your potential customers and followers. If you don’t tell your story, someone else will.


A simple and effective solution for limiting motion across the forefoot and aiding propulsion.


• post-surgical care option

• management solution for acute forefoot injuries

• protection and toe-off assistance for pathologies affecting the midfoot and forefoot




Sizing: Plates are available left and right in 4 sizes

Your customers

(followers too) are continuously

evaluating if what you have to

offer is valuable and worth the

price you ask in return.

Be sure you’re giving them

undeniable value at all times.

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Defining a diabetic treatment path:

A multidisciplinary approachFebruary 20th, 2016

Winnipeg, Manitoba - Red River College, Exchange District Campus



• Vascular Insufficiency

• Neuropathy and Pathogenesis of the Diabetic Foot

• Morphological Abnormalities

• Modalities for offloading pressure in the diabetic foot

• Therapeutic interventions for the management of the diabetic foot


• John Embil, MD

• Sebastian Launcelott, MD

• Pat MacDonald, Certified Foot Care Nurse

• Brian Scharfstein, C. Ped (C)

• Marianne Viau, C Ped (C)

• Mario Dascal, MD

• Patrick Gross, PT

The Professional Development Committee is pleased to announce the following diabetes-focused event. This hands-on course will provide attendees the opportunity of gaining a better understanding of the following

Register Now!

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Focusing Marketing Techniques in Order to Successfully Grow a Pedorthic PracticeSIMONE BOODRAM, C. Ped (C)

In April 2011, retail sales in Canada were equivalent to retail sales in the U.S. on a per capita basis for the first time (12)(6), reaching USD $13,000 per person (4)(6). Out of the 12 sub-sectors of the Canadian retail marketplace, health and personal care stores made up a whopping 7.2 per cent of the market share (6). Within this sub-sector falls the footwear and foot care industry that each pedorthic business is up against.

Pedorthic practices today are forced to compete with retail footwear stores carrying many of the same, or similar, products offered within their own practices - in some cases, for a discounted price. Pedorthists are also facing rivalry from allied healthcare providers such as chiropractors and physiotherapists, providing off-the-shelf (OTS) corrective orthopaedic devices, custom and non-custom bracing options, foot care, hygiene products, etc. The pressures that pedorthic practices face within today’s crowded retail market continue to increase - stressing the importance of mastering marketing techniques.

While true in most industries, successful private practices and healthcare service providers manage to get ahead and stay ahead for very specific reasons. One of these reasons, undoubtedly, would be that they have figured out how to effectively focus marketing techniques in order to successfully grow their businesses.


One of the most important marketing strategies is that every pedorthist should assert their value and demonstrate their knowledge in order to successfully market to their audience. As pedorthists, we know that effectively treating the diabetic foot and other diagnosed foot conditions like plantar fasciitis, arthritis, and metatarsalgia requires training and education in clinical pathology as it relates to these ailments, as well as advanced knowledge of gait analysis, lower-body anatomy, and biomechanics (2). The barrier we face within the healthcare industry is that those without a pedorthic

background do not know what pedorthists are capable of, or what makes us different from other healthcare providers. This is why educating the marketed audience about why a pedorthist is a valuable referral source is a key factor in building a successful practice.

Practice leaders who understand the enormous power and influence of effective marketing, and aren’t afraid to tap into that power, are the ones who generally reap most of the rewards (5). This is an example of the Pareto Principle (more commonly known as the “80-20 Rule”) (5). In this case, 80 per cent of the business is controlled by 20 per cent of the competitors in almost every market and specialty (5). One of the characteristics that almost the entire dominating 20 per cent share is their willingness to get in the game, and let people know how good they are and how they can help people to live healthier, longer, happier lives (5).

“Many healthcare providers have never worked with a pedorthist and have no idea how much can be done with pedorthic

modalities to alleviate pain and correct poor biomechanics (2),” says Rob Sobel, C Ped. and vice president of the Pedorthic Footcare Association (PFA) board of directors (2). As a brand, your expertise in the product you sell - in every way it affects the people who use it - sets you apart. Once the physician or individual being marketed to is aware of your “brand”, or in other words, your clinic’s capabilities and services offered, the likelihood of obtaining a referral will increase.

Research shows that customers who engage with a company’s educational marketing offerings are 29 times more likely to purchase a company’s product than those who are informed through media ads alone, and five times more likely to make a purchase than those reached by direct marketing (7). This can be compared to the idea that educating your audience (referring physician, allied healthcare professional, the public, etc.) about your expertise in the field of pedorthics will translate into increased business - thus leading to a successfully run pedorthic practice.

Research shows

that customers

who engage with

a company’s


marketing offerings

are 29 times more

likely to purchase

a company’s


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It is important to understand content marketing in order to effectively utilize it as an aid for growing a pedorthic practice. Content marketing is defined as “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience - and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action (3).” Content can be many things - articles, videos,

photographs, customer reviews, company profiles, press releases, info graphics, social media updates, and patient/customer case studies (2). All of these content mediums can work together to help tell a pedorthic business’ value story (2), however some methods have proven to be more effective than others.

BRANDED CONTENTIn a nutshell, branded content is a form of advertising medium that blurs conventional distinctions between what constitutes advertising, and what constitutes editorial content (1). It is important to market your pedorthic practice as a “brand” in order for you to stand out amongst your existing competition. Brands realize that creating valuable content that consumers will be interested in for their own use makes sense.

Using advertising agents such as printed or digital, branded, aids that can help the referring physician within his or her own practice, will generate more referrals and thus more business for the clinic. For example, branded charts educating physicians about how to select the appropriate compression gradient level, or bracing option for their patient, will become a tool that is helpful to the physician as well as an advertising agent for your clinic, at the same time. Clinic branded educational pamphlets/handouts to educate patients about certain foot conditions is another way to generate business in the field of pedorthics. Marketing research supports this theory, as“72 per cent of marketers think that branded content is more effective

The doctors in the following specialities topped the list of

print readers:

• Dermatology (96%) • Allergists (94%)

• Family Medicine (95%) • Orthopedics (94%)

Kantar Media Health Survey, 2013 (8)

Currently, our second grant recipient Kyra Kane at the U of Sask is progressing with her study titled Evidence to guide clinical decision-making in the prescription of ankle foot orthoses for children with spastic cerebral palsy and equinus gait. Ms. Kane will be presenting her research protocol and updating PAC membership on this project at our upcoming annual symposium in Quebec City this spring.

We are currently seeking grant proposals for 2016. If you are participating research or know someone conducting a study relevant to pedorthics please have them contact [email protected]

PRFC is a vital component of the field of pedorthics. Only by showing that our profession is an integral part of research can we be included in conversations about best practices and seen as innovators in the field of biomechanics. We encourage you to support the foundation generously to ensure its ongoing viability (and remind you that as a charitable foundation, donations are tax deductible).

Research UpdateThank you to all who have supported this important research foundation over the years. We are starting to see results from our efforts, as the recipient of our first grant Judit Takacs from UBC wraps up her research and endeavours to publish her results on knee osteoarthritis intervention using custom orthotics with lateral wedges. The orthotics for this study were fabricated by C.Ped.(C)s and it is the customized nature of the intervention that sets this study apart from other lateral wedging treatments.

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than advertising in a magazine, and 90 per cent of consumers find branded content useful (11).

PRINT VS. DIGITAL ADVERTISINGA common question about how to effectively market to potential referring physicians is whether to use print or digital formats of advertisements. Kantar Media Sources & Interactions Study measured physicians across 21 specialties, one of which was orthopaedics, and the study revealed that 89 per cent of doctors read the print version of current issues of medical journals, far more than the 51 per cent reading journals digitally (8). However, “the fact that younger physicians and key opinion leaders are more likely to access articles digitally demonstrates a critical shift that publishers and advertisers need to know as they strive to reach the next generation of doctors (8).” This indicates that there is a need for a balance between print and digital modes of advertising used when marketing a pedorthic business, in order to guarantee that the clinic’s marketing initiatives are reaching different demographics of audiences.

WORD OF MOUTHWord of mouth marketing has always been an important tool for businesses. It drives sales because buyers want to be sure they are making the right choice when they make a purchase. Hearing other people say good things about a product, or service, helps to build a buyer’s confidence that their purchase won’t be a mistake (10). This is a key for success in the pedorthic field of care.

According to the 2015 Infusionsoft Small Business Market Research Sales and Marketing Report, some 62 per cent of small businesses surveyed cite word-of-mouth/customer referrals as a top three marketing strategy, by far the highest endorsement level of any tactic (9). Other strategies considered effective include email (34 per cent), networking (25 per cent), social media (23 per cent), search engine marketing (14 per cent), and content marketing (13 per cent) (9).


Nanji, A. (2015). Marketing Profs (9)

Customer service, quality care and consistency are all vital components to a successful small business such as a pedorthic practice. When you speak to a patient, you are representing your company and you want that patient’s memory of your interaction to be a positive one. Get to know your clients/referral sources/customers personally, and let them know that they are important and that you will go the extra mile to meet their needs. This is how you generate word of mouth referrals, and allow your practice to triumph.


Therefore, we can see that focusing your marketing plan can increase its efficiency and success for your pedorthic practice. Aside from the tips mentioned above, visiting referral sources regularly, participating in community events, generating news stories in local media and holding in-services for healthcare professionals, are a few other strategies that can be implemented at the clinic level in order to drive business growth. Knowing how to market can be a difficult task to master, but is a clear component to any successful business.

REFERENCES1. Bathelot, B. (2015). Definitions Marketing. Retrieved 14 November,

2015, from http://www.definitions-marketing.com/definition/brand-content/

2. Chartier, D. & Henry, H. (2013, November). Target Practice: Marketing Your Pedorthic Business. [Weblog]. Retrieved 14 November 2015, from http://www.oandp.com/articles/2013-11_04.asp

3. Content Marketing Institute. (c2007-c2015). What Is Content Marketing?. Retrieved 14 November, 2015, from http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/what-is-content-marketing/

4. CTV News Canada. (2013). Target’s Canadian launch expected to spark price wars . Retrieved 14 November, 2015, from http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/target-s-canadian-launch-expected-to-spark-price-wars-1.1181765

5. Gandolf, S. (2011, 2nd November). Your achievement checklist to getting ahead and staying ahead. [Weblog]. Retrieved 14 November 2015, from http://www.healthcaresuccess.com/blog/healthcare-marketing/highly-successful-practitioner.html

6. Industry Canada. (2013). Consumer Trends Update. Retrieved Nov 14, 2015, from https://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/oca-bc.nsf/vwapj/CTU-2013_Q2_Canadas_Changing_Retail_Market-eng.pdf/$file/CTU-2013_Q2_Canadas_Changing_Retail_Market-eng.pdf

7. Intrepid Learning Solutions. (2010). Educational Marketing. Retrieved 14 November, 2015, from https://cdns3.trainingindustry.com/media/3188458/intrepid%20educationalmarketing.pdf

8. Kantar Media Health Survey. (2013). Publishers and Advertisers Can’t Go 100% Digital If They Want to Reach Majority of Doctors. Retrieved 14 November, 2015, from http://kantarmediahealthsurvey.com/KMHR/dl13/Kantar-Media-Report-Physicians-and-Print-Medical-Journals-2013.pdf

9. Nanji, A. (2015). Marketing Profs. Retrieved 14 November, 2015, from http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2015/26859/the-most-effective-marketing-strategies-for-small-businesses#ixzz3rUrB3bZf

10. Naylor, T. (2014). Business 2 Community. Retrieved 14 November, 2015, from http://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/4-reasons-good-customer-service-vital-0934198#qbExhuCvY3rUPJzv.97

11. The content council. (c2015). Content Marketing Education, Insights and Thought Leadership - See more at: http://thecontentcouncilorg/Research#sthashY0WXAIb0dpuf. Retrieved 14 November, 2015, from http://thecontentcouncil.org/Research

12. The Globe and Mail. (2011). Canada’s retail market now matches US per capita. Retrieved 14 November, 2015, from http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/canadas-retail-market-now-matches-us-per-capita/article2017872/

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Effective interactions with PhysiciansADAM WELSH, C. Ped (C)

Owners and managers of pedorthic clinics often face a unique paradox. The education and training you receive puts you in an excellent position to alleviate people’s pain and discomfort. However there is little education, and training, for getting the patients in the door so that you can do what you’ve trained for! There is no denying the importance of quality and direct physician referrals. I hope that this article will provide a few insights into effectively communicating with physicians.


Canadian family physicians are incredibly busy people. They give their time and energy to their patients all day. They are expected to know so much about so many things. As a result, physicians routinely rely on specialists to offer their patients care and expertise. In my opinion, there is no bigger compliment that a physician can pay than to refer their patients to you. They are essentially putting their stamp of approval on you. One way that we can show respect for the physicians is to be prepared to make the most of the time you spend together.


When you walk into a physician’s office, it is normal to be a little bit nervous or even intimidated. One way to calm the nerves is to feel prepared, and have confidence in your knowledge. You are the expert in your field.

Before you visit a physician’s office, ask yourself a few questions:

• What am I hoping to accomplish?

• What do I offer that is unique?

• What is in it for the physician and their patients?

When you have answered these questions, create and rehearse a 30-second pitch (sometimes referred to as an elevator pitch). Your pitch should clearly state the objective for your call, your competitive advantage, and the benefit that the physicians and their patients will receive by visiting your clinic. Have any supporting documents that you would like to show or leave readily available.

After you have “pitched” to the physician, ask open-ended questions. Listen and respond to their answer. You will find that a conversation is much more comfortable than lecturing.

Another way to prepare is to write down any objections that you think a physician may have and practice your answers.


If you believe that you have a product or service that will benefit the physicians’ patients and you have established yourself as an expert in your field, then you have earned the right to ask for a commitment. A commitment can mean many things. You can ask the office to commit to a longer appointment in order to discuss things further, or you can ask them to send patients to your clinic. By asking for a commitment, the physician recognizes that they need to participate in this relationship.


Although we may compete with other pedorthic clinics for business, we all have a vested interest in raising the profile of the pedorthic profession in the eyes of physicians. Spend some time discussing why a pedorthist is the most qualified professional to treat their patients. There is no need to put down or slander other allied professionals that make similar products. It is better to focus on the benefits of being treated by a pedorthist.

Spend the time to teach the physician how to write a proper prescription. Nobody wins with an incomplete prescription. It is an inconvenience for the patient, the physician and you.


Effective communication with physicians can have a tremendous impact for our clinics. If done appropriately, it can also raise the profile of pedorthists and make for a better patient experience.

In summary, if you are going to ask a physician to send their patients to your clinic, be prepared, have confidence in your ability to help their patients, and speak to the professionalism and integrity of the pedorthic profession.

Although we may

compete with other

Pedorthic clinics

for business, we

all have a vested

interest in raising

the profile of the

Pedorthic profession

in the eyes of


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Hack Your Future with the Painted Picture ProcessDAN LIONELLO, C. Ped (C)

It was September 15th, 2004 and I had just returned from an amazing 5 week vacation with my family in Italy. I was completely present during the time away and I was gone so long that I had enough time to let down the walls I had built up to protect myself. I was sitting in my office…in stunned silence…after realizing that I no longer wanted to be in the business that I had created.

I thought to myself, “I have to make a change…but how?”

While searching for the answer, I was reminded by my good friend Brian Scudamore that he had created something he called a “Painted Picture” for his business. To make the changes I wanted in life, I realized I needed to go through a similar Painted Picture process and write down what my future was going to look like.

Painting this picture created a number of tools to help guide me going forward. It gave me a decision filter for making choices in my life and business, it gave me a roadmap to guide me, AND it helped create alignment between my desired outcomes and the actions that I and others took going forward.

I later learned that there was a study done to support writing down goals at Harvard Business School. The students who graduated in 1963 were surveyed and results were compared. It was found that the 3% who had written down their goals had more net worth than all the other graduates combined. The 3% had used these written

goals as a filter when making decisions in life, which kept them focused them on the outcomes they desired.

To emphasize the importance of writing down your goals to create a roadmap, Steven Covey described that “all things are created twice”. He went on to state that “the physical creation follows the mental, just as a building follows a blueprint.”

Another great example is Brian Scudamore. He has created 6 Painted Pictures for his company 1-800-Got-Junk, since 1998. The alignment that resulted from these Painted Pictures has allowed the company to grow to over $280 Million.

It is said that if you don’t know where you are going, any path will take you there. I had been taking “any path” up to this point. After sitting in stunned silence that day, my journey of change began with a pen and paper.

By writing down what your future looks like you have the opportunity to create your own roadmap for both you and your business. To begin creating the Painted Pictures start with these two steps:

1. Identify the top 5 things in your life and business that you want to change.

2. Write down what each of these things looks like when this change is complete and give each of them a time frame for completion.

To learn more about the other steps in the Painted Picture process or connect with Dan Lionello to dive deeper, visit www.PaintedPicture.com or email [email protected].

2015 NEW CERTIFICATIONSThe College of Pedorthics of Canada would like to congratulate the following individuals who recently passed their certification examination.

Keith Cameron, Halifax

Aaron Chan, Vancouver

Krystele Charles, Toronto

Elizabeth DeLeavey, Halifax

Andrea Durham, Toronto

Patrick Fitzgerald, Toronto

Jean Marc Gallant, Halifax

Ishvarjot Jhaj, Vancouver

Alex Lewis, Toronto

Kayla Lynch, Toronto

Tanya MacLean, Halifax

Kevin McRae, Toronto

Daan Peters, Calgary

Erika Schultz, Calgary

Kalsey Smith, Toronto

Ashley Steele, Toronto

Daniel Steffens, Toronto

Michael Wilson, Toronto

Akane Yamaguchi, Toronto

Thank you to those who gave their time as proctors at the fall sitting. Your efforts are aiding us in continuing growth within the profession. The CPC always needs more volunteers in this area, so please get involved.


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How volunteering with PAC and the College helped my businessMATTHEW QUATTROCIOCCHI, C. Ped (C)

When I was asked to write something “business related” for an upcoming PQ publication, I initially had a hard time coming up with a topic. I took some time and reflected on my career to-date, to figure out something I had done with my business that all pedorthists could do – and, that has been a positive influence in my business growth.

Growing up, I was never the kid who would look to be a part of student council or the person to jump up in a crowded room to offer my opinion. So when a colleague approached me 12 years ago about becoming involved with PAC or The CPC, it pushed me outside of my comfort zone a little. As a newcomer to the profession, I was not sure how much I would have to offer any of the committees. I ended up buckling to the peer pressure, and began helping with the Insurance & Government Relations (IGR) committee.

The learning curve was steep, but it was amazing how quickly I became comfortable discussing the insurance related issues that revolved around the pedorthic profession - even with my limited professional experience. A year into my stint with the IGR it became clear to me that, although I was volunteering my time to help the association, I was gaining valuable knowledge and understanding on the intricacies of the very insurance landscape that my personal practice dealt with day-to-day. I began to think of it as “free” continuing education.

Working with the IGR committee also gave me an opportunity to work with other pedorthists in solving insurance issues across Canada for our profession. At times, as pedorthists, we can become very isolated from the profession as a whole, as we whittle, cut, and grind our way to success. Having the continual interaction with other pedorthists and connection to the larger picture helped to instill a comfort level, and broad viewpoint, that is not always achievable on your own. These relationships continue to enhance my practice, and the many friendships that have developed continue to grow as we share business tips and advice. Being part of a “group” is a major advantage when building a business and for a pedorthist, the nature of our business keeps us quite isolated from our pedorthic colleagues. The connections that are made as a part of a pedorthic committee are invaluable as your business grows.

Having a national association and college with many different committees requires that there is representation from all of the different geographical locations across the country. This diversity of board members helps to bring an understanding of the different challenges that are faced across the country, and in some instances, has helped me to prepare my own clinical and lab business for changes or trends that are on the horizon. Being privy to upcoming changes in policies with specific insurance companies, or government programs, helps keep your personal practice organized and ahead of the wave of people who have to react to changes they were not expecting. Patients really appreciate a practitioner who can help ensure their experience is problem-free from start to finish.

Many of you are familiar with the ongoing network building that is interwoven into the fabric of clinic ownership. I have spent years developing relationships with my clinic’s community, and have used my volunteer role with PAC as a testimonial to my clinical standards and expectations. Obviously, you cannot rely on volunteering with PAC or The CPC to do all of your marketing work, but when a member of the public, or an allied health care profession hears that you sit on a board with your national association or college, there is a level of professionalism and trustworthiness that goes along with that position. The “orthotic” industry is fraught with questionable practitioners, so there is real value in padding your credentials with volunteer work with our national board or college.

As clinicians I think we sometimes forget that PAC is “OUR” association, working on our behalf to improve, promote, and continually monitor the state of pedorthics in Canada. When you volunteer for a committee, you are really working to help make pedorthics the most successful and respected foot care profession possible. We need more people stepping forward to share ideas and help keep our profession at the forefront of orthotic and footwear therapy. We need fresh viewpoints and energy to help solidify our position as the “go-to” profession for foot orthoses and footwear related therapies. PAC is a very dynamic association, and this is a testament to the members who have served on the boards in the past. From the outside looking in, it may seem like our boards are made up of “successful” pedorthists, but I would argue that their involvement in the boards has actually helped make them the successes they are today.

It was very fulfilling for me to sit on the IGR committee, and the relationships I developed helped fuel the next stage of my “volunteerism” with PAC. In 2007, I took on a project to explore formal “regulation” for our profession. This process is still underway and has been formalized with PAC as the Regulation Task Force (you all have received communications from this group with updates and requests for financial contributions). It was never my intention to “volunteer” for eight years (and counting) on one initiative, but there have been numerous rewards - including a new found appreciation for bureaucratic process, and the intricacies of our health system.

The expression “it’s not what you know, but who you know” has become very clear through my volunteering. Building relationships with government, as well as varied allied health groups through the “regulation process,” has resulted in numerous opportunities for my business growth and knowledge.

For those of you who have thought about getting involved with PAC - as well as those who are skeptical about joining a committee - don’t be afraid to take the next step. I can guarantee that it will open your eyes to a full scope of our wonderful profession, and will likely offer new insight into changes and opportunities that will benefit your own business in ways you didn’t think possible.

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INTUITIVEadjective; readily learned or understood.

TRUSTEDverb; a belief that something is reliable, good, honest, effective.

ROBUSTadjective; strongly or stoutly built.

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Ontario Government Foot Care Model Review UpdateMATTHEW QUATTROCIOCCHI, C. Ped (C)

Greetings everyone! As you know, the Government of Ontario is currently in the process of reviewing the foot care model in Ontario. This summary is an effort to keep all of our members up-to-date on the important activities currently being undertaken by PAC and the exciting progress that has been made.

With the help of our government relations firm, Grosso McCarthy, we have been able to secure some very important meetings with both the Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council (HPRAC) and the Ministry of Health.

The genesis of these talks began with our “stakeholder’s submission” to HPRAC and their “Chiropody and Podiatry Review”. On August 31, 2015 HPRAC submitted its report to the Minister on the regulation of chiropody and podiatry and the model of foot care in Ontario.

PAC has been well represented throughout this process, but the work is far from done. PAC has, in fact, brought forth a ‘modernized approach’ for the Ministry of Health to consider when dealing with smaller health professions, not currently under Ontario regulation, seeking some form of legislative backing, acknowledgement and public protection.

The concept has been well received and we are now moving into legislative areas well beyond the original HPRAC review. A very exciting development, indeed. PAC, and our current model of ‘self-regulation’ under The College of Pedorthics of Canada, along with this new and unique concept, would go a long way to help solve some real issues that the government has struggled with in the past.

This ‘Title Protection’ concept would provide a real template for use in all provinces and territories in the country as it offers a ‘real solution’ to a common problem. Once we achieve success in Ontario we plan to pursue similar legislation across Canada.

So what does ‘title protection’ mean? Title protection means that the term “Pedorthist” would be protected under Ontario legislation (law) and could only be used by any individual who is a member of our designated College. It also means that the Government of Ontario would recognize The College of Pedorthics of Canada as the overseeing body for the profession. Currently, health professions that are regulated under Ontario laws have Title Protection and their Colleges are recognized by the province as official regulators for their respective profession.

Why is it so important to have title protection? It is essential that only those who present themselves to the public as “Pedorthists” follow the professional standards and guidelines as set out by The College of Pedorthics of Canada. The current system does not go far enough in protecting the public and our profession.

Finally, title protection legislation would provide pedorthists with the much needed formal recognition of our well established standards, guidelines and ovesight that has been provided by The College of Pedorthics of Canada.

PAC has been asked to ‘strengthen’ the message by enlisting other similar health professions that would benefit from this form of legislative framework. Work has already begun to engage these other professions in our quest.

The reality is that advancing our profession in such a meaningful way is an expensive proposition. Without the help of our volunteers, staff and government relations consultants, none of the important work done to date would have been possible. Through contributions to their cause, our chiropodist and podiatrist colleagues have raised significant funds towards their $300,000 goal of advancing their regulatory status within the foot care model. We sincerely thank those individuals and companies that have contributed to the PAC cause to date and we need the same level of commitment from the rest of our members. The initial response for donations from our membeship was encouraging but we are still short of our $80,000 goal for 2015.

Although our Pedorthic voice is small in terms of numbers, our message on the importance of being part of the health care system is very strong. Our message won’t be heard unless we support this fundraising effort and support our Task Force and lobbyist group. This is a rare opportunity for Pedorthists to unify our voice and take the opportunity to shape our own future. If we fail to represent ourselves we run the risk of other professions writing our future!

Please Donate Today ~ www.pedorthic.ca/contribute

This has truly become a ‘national campaign’ as these governmental

and legislative changes will have a profound effect on our members

from across the country. Simply put, this is not just an Ontario

initiative, it is a national project.

Thank you and we will keep you apprised of all future

developments….stay tuned!

Matthew Quattrociocchi, C. Ped (C) Chair, Health Regulation Task Force

$0 $80,000Goal$68,567

Pursuit of Greater Recognition

Total Contributions: $68,567 Ontario Contributions: $28,067 Non-Ontario Contributions: $6,000 Corporate Contributions: $34,500

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Member Profiles


Robert Sunderland was once a world traveler - spending quite some time touring around Europe and the Middle East.

When he returned to his hometown of Calgary, Alberta, he was ready to begin a new chapter in his life. That’s when a man named Dr. Dave Cosman took Robert under his wing at Professional Foot Orthotics, where he was introduced to the world of pedorthics.

“He was looking for some help in his orthotics lab,” Robert says, adding that he started his career filling cast and recovering orthotics for the lab. “I am fortunate to have good hands, so he taught me how to modify the positive molds. After a little over a year, I went from cleaning and mopping the floor to running the entire lab. I truly enjoy working with my hands.”

Robert studied pedorthics at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and says he learned a lot about the field simply by being on the job with Dr. Cosman.

“As I progressed, he started teaching me how to deal with patients - firstly just handing recovered/repaired orthotics to patients, to finally learning how to assess and cast for orthotics,” Robert says. “Dr. Cosman is a good friend of the author of our orthotic bibles by Thomas Michaud. I learned my way around assessments with Dr. Cosman.”

Robert purchased Professional Foot Orthotics from his mentor in 1994, and now more than 20 years later, he remains passionate about the field.

“What I like most about my job is the fact that foot orthotics can help alleviate so many different medical conditions in the lower extremities, that you always have to put a puzzle together and problem solve,” Robert explains. “Very rarely do you feel like you have been to this dance before. There are always new things to try, for so many different conditions. The foot, being such a complex structure and how it interacts with the rest of the body, is both very interesting and exciting.”

Robert adds that the job is extremely rewarding - especially when patients tell him how his work has drastically changes their lives.

“When a patient stops you walking in the mall or at a restaurant, and tells you have changed their life and they want to hug you like you’re Superman, you just can’t beat that feeling,” Robert says. “That’s what I am in business for.”

He says his advice to budding pedorthists would be to listen to their patients. That is the key to success, he explains.

“Be outgoing, friendly and attentive, and you will do great,” he says. “Enjoy what it is you are doing, and reep the rewards and the satisfaction.”

When he’s not busy helping his patients, Robert enjoys spending time with his two children. He also stays active by going to the gym, and can often be found playing a few rounds on the golf course.


Sal Sabbagh describes living in war time as going day by day.

Life goes on in times of war, he explains – adults go to work, and children go to school. But when there’s fighting, and the smell of war shells are in the air, people hide in shelters.

The results from war time also linger, he says, and have long-lasting effects.

That’s why Sal - who was living and working as a pedorthist in Beirut, Lebanon – made the tough decision to start fresh in a new country with his wife Carole and children Emma and Emilio in 2008.

“The war I survived in Lebanon was from 1975 to1990, but the results of this war never ended and that made me decide to immigrate in 2008,” Sal explains. “When we have family, we think ‘children first’ and unfortunately, Lebanon is located in a hot spot of this world.”

Since 2011, Sal has proudly owned his clinic Podocanada Shoes Orthotics Happiness Inc. based out of Ottawa, Ontario.

In his home country, he studied business at the American University of Beirut and decided to open a small shoe repair shop called Bigfoot Shoe Repair in 1989.

Inspired by a customer’s advice, Sal joined a Prosthetic Orthotic Program, where he graduated in 1994 and re-founded Bigfoot Orthopedics.

When he made the major decision to move to North America in 2008, he began his research.

“I wanted to move to ‘America’, and from that distance I did not see any difference between Canada and the USA,” Sal says. “I googled immigration websites, and found that the quickest way would be to find a job. So I visited the PAC website, and some American websites. I also contacted the CPC to understand the requirement to equalize my diplomas.”

After looking into what was required, Sal decided to send his resume to pedorthic facilities in the United States and Canada. He felt encouraged when he received many replies from Canadian companies, and decided to book a trip.

His excursion took him on a long journey across Canada – including stops in Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Fredericton – within only nine days.

After visiting each unique Canadian city, Sal decided to bring his family to Fredericton, New Brunswick.

“I thought moving to a small city is an easier start up for the family,” he says. “And my salary can go further ahead there!”

In addition to taking his C. Ped. (C) exam in 2009, Sal also dedicated years to studying CNC technology and 3D software – finally developing his own Orthotic CAD/CAM. His career brought him to Ottawa, where he eventually opened Podocanada.

The journey to owning his own business in Canada wasn’t an easy one, he says, but the pedorthist was motivated by his family and passion for the pedorthic field.

“It was a hard decision because I was well settled there. (I had) my own company with two technicians, (and) my house mortgage fully paid,” Sal explains. “It is easier to move when you have nothing to leave behind.”

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