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Business Perspectives - Module I (1)

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  • 7/30/2019 Business Perspectives - Module I (1)



    It is a typical economic activity with the object of

    earning income :

    Income may be in the form of Profit, accumulation

    of wealth or purchasing power

    Collectively business means the total business

    activities in the country in the industry and


    The activity may be profit or loss in carrying out

    production or distribution or providing service

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    Proprietary concerns :

    Here the business operation is started and

    operated by an individual

    He is also called as a sole trader or proprietor He starts, organizes manages and bears the risk

    and controls the business himself .

    The capital contributed may be his own or borrowed

    He bears the losses and enjoys all the profits

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    Advantages of sole trading :

    1. Single ownership run by individual enjoy all profitshimself and also incurs losses if any

    2. Easy to form legal formalities are minimum

    3. Business decisions can be taken quickly takeadvantage of business s Opportunities for gains

    4. Can provide personalized service - to achievepersonal rapport with customers

    5. He enjoys the benefit of hard work in the form ofprofits motivate for hard work

    6. He can maintain secrecy of business7. Cost of operation is less as he himself is managing it

    8. This system encourages self employment

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    1. Limited capital only is available own orborrowed cannot expand

    2. Single person managerial or organizing ability islimited

    3. Suffer from the deficiency in the form of unlimitedliability

    4. Risk assumption would be huge wrongdecisions can create lot of damage

    5. It is not suitable for big business6. He has to take care of many things cannot pay

    equal attention to all aspects some importantaspects suffer can land him in problems

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    It is a business enterprise formed by two or more

    persons called partners

    Collectively they are called as a partnership firm

    There would be pooling of capital ,skill , organizingtalent and managerial ability.

    The capital is contributed by the partners

    They also share the business risks

    In short : it is a business enterprise which is formedby the association of two or more persons who

    carry on a business jointly with the intention of

    sharing profits and losses is called partnership

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    1. More capital can be mobilized two or more personscontribute for capital

    2. Formation of the firm is relatively easier

    3. They can maintain secrecy

    4. Ideas and opinions can be heard and right decisionscan be taken

    5. Risk is shared as it is shared by two or more persons

    6. Partners come from diverse fields can form expertviews in decision making

    7. It is more stable and more continuity in existencecompared to sole trading

    8. Dynamic management is possible

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    Term registered company means a companyincorporated under the companies act 1956-orother cos acts

    Definition: a voluntary association of personsassociation of individuals formed for some commonpurpose has capital divisible into parts called asshares

    It is an artificial person created by process of lawit has perpetual succession & common seal

    It is regarded as a person by law human beinglike Ram or Shyam

    It is an artificial person has no body or soul notvisible except to the eye of law

    It can sue and be sued

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    Decide whether pvt or public , start new or takeoverold, - by promoters

    7 or more persors if public co 2 or more cos incase of pvt co associated persons subscribe the

    names It may be company ltd by shares 2. co ltd by

    guarantee, 3. unlimited co

    Documents to be filed:

    Ascertain from registrar whether Name is available

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    1. Huge amount of capital can be mobilized2. Expansion of business is easier can capitalize

    reserves3. Can continue for a long period of time4. It can enjoy the economies of scale5. Services of specializes personnel can be availed

    6. It encourages savings, motivation

    createsemployment and capital formation7. limited liability :limited to the nominal value 8. No. of members: Public co :unlimited 9. Transferability of shares without consent of other

    members10. Separate Legal entity for cos: In partnership if partners


    firm dissolves11. Control: can be obtained by buying shares

    partnership shares cant be transferred12. Management of cos can be easily transferred to

    employees etc.. But cant be in partnership13. Members and company can sue each other

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    1. Formation involves lot of legal formalities and alsoexpensive

    2. Trade secrecy cannot be maintained

    3. Decisions are taken on the basis of majority minorityshare holders are affected by it

    4. The directors should act honestly otherwise seriousdamages may result

    5. Transfer of shares facilitates speculation businesspublic are unduly influenced by speculative activities

    6. Democratic management is only in theory many

    share holders do not even attend meetings onlyinfluential share holders exercise powers and manageco

    7. Procedural formalities are more urgent actionscannot be taken

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    1. Mode of creation: come after regn under cos act vsregn not compulsory

    2. Legal status: legal personality v/s partners not distinctfrom firm

    3. Liability of members: limited v/s unlimited

    4. Management: members cannot manage v/s partnersshould mange5. Transferability: freely transferable v/s consent of all

    partners necessary6. Agency: members are not agents of co v/s partners are

    agents of firm

    7. Objectives : limited to M/A v/s unlimited8. Insolvency: members are not insolvent if co is

    insolventv/s if firm insolvent all partners are insolvent9. No of members not limited v/s limited

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    It is carried on by Hindu undivided family

    It is managed by senior male member called Karta

    Other male members of the family are called Co-

    parceners The firm can be the joint property or an ancestral


    The liability of the Karta is unlimited

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    It is formed to fulfil the objectives of a section of the


    It is managed by applying the rule of democracy

    It is intended to serve both its members andenvironment or community as a whole

    Co-operative societies carry on business for mutual

    benefit and work with service motive

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    1. It provides self help for lower and middle class


    2. It removes the evils of capitalism

    3. Economic problems faced by poorer populationsare solved through co-operatives

    4. Formation of co-operative society is easier

    members with common interest come together

    5. Democratically elected members manage it6. It is not with profit objective but for promoting

    public welfare

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    Management is with controversies educated and richtake advantage of ignorant people

    They are subjected to Govt control and interference - itsfreedom is curbed

    Timely decisions cannot be taken

    There will be domination on of the majority interests It is serving the political purpose of politicians

    Corruption is rampant

    It cannot raise huge capital as the members themselvesare not rich

    Management is not in the hands of experts hencemanagement is always a problem

    Due to limitations of capital and organizational abilitycannot undertake business in large scale

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    TRUSTS :

    Here the person who holds the legal tittle to theproperty manage it for the benefit of some one else

    It is established by transferring the assets to anindividual /s , who will manage these assets for the

    designated beneficiaries Such individuals who manage are called trustees

    Normally trust is formalized through a trust deednot compulsory

    The trust deed should be executed on a stamppaper and registered

    Only responsible trustees should be appointed tomanage the trust property prudently

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    They are registered bodies which provide services likeeducation, health, social reforms

    The members provide free service to the beneficiaries

    Funds are raised through public grants from govt or

    international bodies also They supplement efforts of govt in development

    They have good contact with people to convey theirproblems to govt

    They quickly respond to the needs of the poor

    They strive to build self-reliant communities

    They work to eliminate poverty

    They help to mobilize funds for the development of thecommunity

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    1. departmental undertakings :

    These undertakings are managed by separate

    departments of Govt attached to a Ministry

    Eg. Railways, defense, broadcasting, P & T etc., It will be under the control of the ministry in charge,

    Capital is contributed by the govt - expenditure is

    out of the annual appropriations from budget

    Any income earned is paid into the treasury of thegovt

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    Public Corporation :

    These govt undertakings are established under the

    statute passed by the parliament or legislature

    It is an autonomous body - its powers and rightsand functioning are laid down in the statute

    It enjoys independence in respect of capital

    structure and day to day management

    There will not be much interference from govt butthey are accountable

    Eg. RBI, SBI, LIC etc.,

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    Here more than 51% of the share capital is held by

    the central govt or state govt or jointly by both.

    Such companies enjoy the status of corporate body

    under companies act

    It also enjoys legal status under the law

    It also enjoys a greater operational flexibility

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    It is a voluntary association of business units

    It operates in a certain field for promotion of their

    common economic interests

    It is a non-profit organization - it does not enter intoany business transaction

    The main objective of the association is to protect

    the common interest

    Trade associations may or may not have sharecapital

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    It is a combination of policies, personnel, equipment and

    computer facilities to co-ordinate activities of business

    It establishes rules and procedures of the business


    Business environment :

    It refers to all external forces which have a bearing on

    the functioning of the business

    Some of the Environment includes factors such as

    socio-economic , technological, suppliers, competitorsand government, political system etc.,

    These factors may give opportunities and pose threats

    to the firm

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    Earning adequate profit - reward for taking risk it ismeasuring rod of success needed for stability andprosperity - source of finance

    Creation of Customers : it can succeed only if it hascustomrs for its goods - produce as per want of

    consumer Innovation : adopt to changing conditions viz new

    techniques, new process, new designs etc.,

    Socio economic objectives :

    To supply goods and services of std., quality wanted by

    the societyAvoid anti-social practices like hoarding, black marketing


    Provide employment opportunity to the people

    Pay fair wages and benefits to the employees

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    Payment of timely and regular payment of taxes

    Promote social welfare activities

    Take steps /avoid polluting the environment

    Promote balanced regional development

    Human objectives :

    Promote humane treatment to employees

    Should provide fair deal to employees

    Provide job satisfaction to employees

    Encourage employees in decision making

    National Objectives :

    Produce as per national priorities

    Promote exports and import substitutes

    Help small scale industries

    Give necessary training to make them skilled

    Achive and create socialistic pattern of society

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    1. Production : produce goods for selling

    2. Purchase : purchase goods for production or for sale

    3. Storing : to bridge the time lag between productionand sale

    4. Transportation : move the goods from suppliers toproduction site - and move the finished goods toconsumers

    5. Advertising : provide information about goods topromote sales

    6. Banking : provide funds to finance business7. Insurance : to reduce the risks associated with


    8. Appoint agents : to promote business activity

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    Size of the business unit : depends upon the level ofproduction eg. Small level proprietary is enough forlarge scale joint stock co is needed

    Capital employment : if capital needed is smallproprietary concern is enough if huge capital is

    needed there is need to set up Joint stock co Integration : if owner wants to manage and control all

    activities he can manage himself - in large undertakingsneed to create distinction between ownership andmanagement

    Stability : need to create stability to be successful

    Flexible : the business organization should be flexible tochanging scenario

    Tax liability : the tax liability is different andconcessional for certain line of activity select suchactivity as far as possible

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    Environmental scanning involves internal and externalenvironments

    Scanning is important in the following ways :

    Enables management to forecast the trends that affectfortunes of business

    Gives information regarding products needed,positioning in market (competition), marketsegmentation, types of services to be provided,businesses to be acquired or sold

    Once the opportunities and threats are identified firm

    can formulate the strategies to achieve target It can help the device the value chain

    Firm can assess the need for physical and personnelcompetencies needed

    Make a through SWOT analysis of the company

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    According to Kieth Davis : Business environment is theaggregate of all conditions, events that influences and surroundsand affect it.

    A business firm gets resources from the environment andsupplies its goods and services to the environment

    There are internal and external forces

    The environmental forces provide opportunities and threats to thebusiness community

    Business and environment are interrelated

    Business can expand if the environment is favorable

    Eg. Produce more if govt gives subsidy

    Business faces challenges and problems if the environment isnot favorable

    eg. Recession cut down the rate of production , if competition ismore they can go for massive advertisement

    It is dynamic ever changing economic political, culturaltechnological factors

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    Internal Environment : they exist within business firm -generally controllable

    eg. Marketing mix, physical facilities, personnel , R & Dcapabilities , financial policies , capital structure etc., etc

    External environment : These factors exist outside the business firm

    They are beyond the control of a companysuccess ofthe firm depends upon the adaptability of the firm to thefirm to the environment

    The factors are : government policies, demographicfactors, legal factors etc.,

    Elements of external environment are :

    1. Micro environment 2. Macro environment

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    1 suppliers: uncertainty of supply is a constraint - maintain highinventories increase cost

    2. Customers: choice of the customers may change - it has itsrelevance to profitability

    3. Competitors : - in case of severe competition take upvigorous advertisement

    Marketing intermediaries : effectiveness of marketing agents whobring sales of a product

    Macro environment : Uncontrollable factors

    1. Economic environment : policy of the government - eg.Restrictive import policy or policy to protect home industries

    2. Political environment : the kind of political system has animpact on the business : eg. There is a different kind of policies incommunist countries

    3/ Legal environment : govt bring in laws regarding wages,employment opportunities, health at work, emission of air, etc

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    Social environment : some of the examples are buying andconsumption habits of people , customs and traditions ,education etc.,

    Demographic environment : size, growth rate, agecomposition , gender of the population etc., - demand for

    goods get affected by these factors Natural environment : certain climatic conditions are useful for

    certain industries eg. More demand for jeeps in hilly areasthan cars

    Technological environment : a firm which cannot cope with the

    technological changes may not be able to survive eg.Advent of TV , VCP, VCR have affected cinema theatres

    International environment : this affects exports and imports :

    eg. In case of recession in foreign markets adoption ofprotection policies by foreign nations may create problems

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    Ethos - Greek word - means character

    It is a set of standards and code or value system

    Business ethics refers to the application of ethics tobusiness

    It is the study of good and evil , right and wrong actionsof businessman

    It is the moral standards which are expected to befollowed by the people who manage the business

    business is a part of the society - it has to contribute to

    the welfare of the society To excel and develop business needs the patronage of

    the society - eg. Customers, suppliers etc.,

    Even a wealthy strong co cannot exist in the long run if itis run on unethical means

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    Giving fair and equitable treatment to employees

    Charge fair prices from the customers

    Provideing correct information in advertisement

    Use fair weights and measures of commodities

    Pay taxes to the govt and other bodies

    Earn reasonable profit

    Be a good corporate citizen

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    Ethical attitude towards employees Manager shouldknow that his decision affects lives of thousands ofemployees

    Good and skilled labor can be attracted to theorganization - as it is employee friendly

    Customers get a good feeling that they are getting valuefor their money

    Firm with Ethical standards make better decisionswhich are in the interest of the public

    Ethics and profit ethics go together a company withethics is sure to be successful in the long run

    Law cannot protect society but ethics can protect eg.Measures taken for workers health and pollution controleven before law is passed

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    Value derived from institutions like family, religion, school,government - prescribe what is good or bad - Right behavior isrewarded and vice versa

    Some times organizations goals do not match with individualethical goals such cases individual has to show leadership andintegrity

    Superiors : leaders should serve as models and mentors andnot otherwise

    some times employees succumbs to pressure from superiors andbecome un ethical

    eg. Secretary may say Boss is out even though he is in asinstructed by boss

    Peers and colleagues create significant influence - a personjustify his wrong action telling that others are doing so

    Professional codes : these days the organizations andgoverning institutions prescribe code of conduct eg. Institute ofChartered accountants of India, ICWA, or AIMA

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    Corporate culture :

    it should have ethical culture in the areas of

    leadership, reward systems, fairness , care for

    employees and community

    Environment :

    The actions of the organization has to be

    environmental friendly understand nature - take

    note of droughts, heat waves, forest fire polluted air,


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    After 1990 harshad mehta scam created moreof awreness in india

    There are issues regarding corruption, insidertrading, misappropriation of accounts, misleading

    advertisements, exploitation of child labour ,exploitation of women in work place, safty in workplace etc.,

    These are some of the areas where govtregulations and watch dog bodies are needed to

    monitor business activitis Ethical business can be classified under these

    basic groups : equity, rights, honesty, corporategovernance, corporate power

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    1. Equity : it means fairness apart from legal andhuman rights - like equal wages to women

    employees, exploitation of child labour etc.,

    2. Rights : it refers to the Just claim of a person

    The claim may be legal or behaviroral

    Employee rights: in work place not to exlploit

    women and children in work place, long hours of

    work, unhealthy working conditions etc.,

    Employer rights : like action against inefficient

    employyees, take action after due process,

    evaluate performance, demand efficiency, no work

    no pay etc.,

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    3. Honesty : business man should not cheat, seal, lie,bribe,

    Some of the examples : insider trading, helping acompetitor, inappropriate gifts, wrong claims inadvertisement, etc.,

    4. Corporate governance : it is to encourage the use ofresources and at the same time be accountable of theseresources

    The aim is to protect the interests of individuals, corpns,and society

    It is the relationship between the directors,shareholders, society etc

    5. corporate power : take care of the issues like, saftyof work place, product safty, merger or downsizeingetc.,

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    Values are global beliefs that guide actions and


    Values represent basic convictions of what is good

    and what is bad desirable and undesirable in

    ones conduct

    Values form the bed rock of culture

    It defines the societys norms which are justifiable

    It includes freedom, democracy, truth, justice,

    honesty loyalty, collective responsibility

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    1. family background : parents imbibe moral valuesin children by reward and punishment system

    2. society factors; schooling and teachers has amajor role to play in molding the value system

    3. personal factors : persons intelligence, ability,educational determine his values

    4. cultural values : it is passed on from generationto generation - eg. A person is friendly, hostiledepends upon the culture he belongs

    5. religious factors : religion gives a of values toimbibe

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    6. life experiences : learn from own and others

    experiences individuals form logical decisions on


    Role demands : it is associated with the particular

    position in organization :

    Eg. If the informal code demands that the manager

    has to be social with employees he has to

    cultivate that habit to come up in ladder , even if he

    does not wish so

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    According to Milton Friedman:

    corporate governance is to conduct the business in

    accordance with the owner or shareholders desires,

    - to make as much money as possible while

    conforming to the basic rules of the society , lawand customs

    Corporate governance is the set of mechanisms

    used to manage the relationship among

    stakeholders , to control directions andperformance of organisation

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    1. Discipline : it is a commitment by a companys

    senior management to adhere to behavior that is

    universally recognized and accepted as proper

    Have commitment to adhere to procedures,

    processes of the organization

    2. Transparency: actions should be such that the

    outsider is able to make meaningful analysis of

    companys actions

    3. Accountability : management should beaccountable of their actions and decisions

    4. Responsibility : the management should act

    responsibly to the organisation and stake holders

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    5. Fairness : rights of various groups have to be

    respected - eg. Minority share holders interest

    should be protected

    6. social responsibility : should place high priority to

    ethical standards - should be a good corporatecitizen it should be non-discriminatory and non-


    7. This can bring lot of reputation to the company

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    Preparation of companys financial statements Internal control independence of auditors

    Compensation arrangements of top management

    Way of nominating the individuals to board

    Resources made available to the directors

    Code of conduct for corporate governance : aspects to be keptin mind :

    Universally acceptable ethical values

    Board function in an impartial manner

    Transparency in functioning

    Encourage discipline

    Ensuring confidentiality

    Incentive for efficient and effective functioning

    Loyalty to the organization

    Providing motivation

    Etc., etc.,

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    End of Module 1

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    Gross Domestic Product _ GDP:

    It is the basic measure of a countrys economic


    It is the market value of all final goods andservices made within the borders of the countryin a year

    Within the borders include : political front airs ,

    territorial waters and ships and aircrafts operated

    by residents of the country , fishing vessels and oil& natural gas rigs , embassies and military

    establishments of the country situated abroad

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    Gross indicates domestic product inclusive of


    It includes only value of final goods and services

    Value of second hand goods is excluded only new

    goods are taken into account

    GDP is confined to only domestic territory of a


    It does not include :

    A. transfer payments

    B. capital gains and income earned through illegal


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    Nominal GDP :

    it is the value of total flow of goods and services produced inan economy over a specified period of time at current marketprices

    The GDP is Distorted by inflation if there is no adjustment

    This unadjusted GDP is known as nominal GDP

    Real GDP :

    it is physical quantity of goods and services produced

    In an inflationary environment , the nominal DGP is greaterthan the real GDP

    GDP Deflators :

    Cost of purchasing the items included in GDP during theperiod , relative to the cost of purchasing the same itemsduring the base year is termed as DGP Deflator

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    1. Expenditure approach :

    Consumption goods and services + gross investments+Govt Purchases + (exports imports )

    2. Income approach : it is arrived by adding up thefactor incomes to the factors of production in the society- this include:

    Employee compensation + corporate profits+proprietor's income +rental income + net interest

    3. value added approach:

    Ie . The value of sale of goods minus purchase ofintermediate goods to produce the goods sold

    Note: GDP s of different countries may be compared byconverting their value in notional currency

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    1. it is an indicator of standard of living of the

    people in a country comparable between


    2. comparison of productivity and economic health

    can be done between countries

    3. it is a easier parameter to measure - other

    parameters like output per worker etc is not so


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    1. wealth distribution : it does not take into account

    the disparity of income between the rich and poor

    2. Non-market transactions are excluded house

    hold production or unpaid services are not

    considered for calculation

    3. illegal activities or tax avoiding activities are

    unreported so GDP is underestimated

    4. quality of goods cheap goods are bought more

    and more by people high durability goods arepurchased less here higher GDP is resulting from

    inefficiency and waste

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    Sectoral shares refer to the contribution of each sector to theGDP of the nation

    The three sectors in any economy are :

    Agricultural sector, : it is process of producing food, feed, fiberand other goods by the systematic raising of plants and animals

    It contributes 18.5% to the GDP

    industrial sector : it is concerned with the production of goods

    It contributes 26.4% to the GDP

    service sector : it is the non-material equivalent of goods

    It contributes 55.1% to the GDP- more than half of ur GDP

    It is due to liberalization after 90s more exports in services

    sector took place Service is the economic activity that does not result in ownership

    - main difference /distinction from that of physical goods

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    Agricultural out put has been defined as consisting of thoseproducts which are not consumed in further processing withinagriculture but are available for consumption

    Its share to GDP is an indication of economic development

    But all is not well with agricultural sector

    Agriculture is impt for eco development

    It provides food for population and raw material for industries lapses in food production cause serious question about food

    security dependence on imports for food - drain on foreignexchange resources

    Shortage of food may result in mal-nutrition , hunger poverty and a poor image of the economy

    internationally Agriculture has contributed 16.6%on GDP in 2007

    despite of deploying 70% of the population in agriculture Emphasis is given in our 5 year plans to improve agriculture

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    Greater pressure of population on land : 70% of our populationDepend on agriculture - industry cannot absorb raisingpopulation

    Small and fragmented land holding : Average holding in India isvery low - i.e. 2.6Hectaes it is also fragmented land holding isuneconomical

    Defective land tenure zamindari system agl. Laborer has the fear of loosing job always

    Conservatism in farmers : they are illiterate, ignorant andsuperstitious - they dont change to improved method of farming

    Inadequate irrigation facilities: farmers are gambling withmonsoon uncertain rainfall

    Lack of finance and marketing facilities : dependence on moneylenders , exploitation by middlemen and Brokers

    Lack of agriculture Inputs : like seeds and fertilizers

    Poor techniques of production : old plough and spade andanimals are used not modern equipments

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    Improve volume of cultivable land : presently outof 84 crore acres , only 32 acres are used

    Develop irrigation facilities : by govt

    Improvement in land tenure system : - ownership

    rights should be given to farmers to improve Increase credit facilities cheap credit through

    banks and co-operatives

    Fixation of economic holding - consolidation ofland holding should take place

    Encourage co-operative farming

    Provide proper price to the agricultural produce

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    It refers to a situation when there is a general rise inprices and a corresponding fall in the value of money

    It causes a decline in the purchasing power or value of


    Prices keep on rising due to excess supply or due toexcess supply of money and lower production of

    exchangeable goods

    Crowther : defines it as state in which the value of

    money is falling and prices are rising

    Every increase in price cannot be treated as inflation

    There should be a persistent upward rise in the general

    price level at a substantial rate for a prolonged period of


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    1. Increase in public expenditure : eg. Eg. During a time of war or in developmental planning there

    will be increase in demand for goods and services in aneconomy - this results in increase in prices of goods andservices

    2. Increase in private expenditure - eg. When business

    conditions are good entrepreneurs invest more funds in newbusinesses causing increase in demand

    3. Increase in exports : higher demand for product fromabroad increase exports less available for domesticconsumption increase price

    Reduction in Taxes : leads to increase in purchasing power

    due to availability of money in the hands of people Repayment of public debt by govt : this increases money in

    the hands of public leading to increase in demand for goods

    Rapid growth of population : increase the demand for goods

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    People with fixed income suffer as the prices arehigher but their income is same as before

    Trade union demand higher wages - this can again fuelinflation more of strikes and unrest

    If inflation is higher the exports become more expensiveto other countries creates deficit

    Encourage speculation : create uncertainty amongproducers create speculative tendency

    Reduction in savings : reduced savings adversely

    affects capital formation hinders production Hoarding and black marketing rises expecting prices

    to go up

    Continuous raise in prices creates sellers marketmakes producers

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    Debtors and creditors : it is gain to debtors and lossto creditors value of money at the time of lending

    is more and at the time of repayment is it is lower

    Investors in fixed income Securities lose due to fall

    in value of money

    Farmers are benefited as the value for their

    produce goes up

    When the prices rise in home country than in

    foreign country the value of the home currencyfalls

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    During inflationary cycle business men startinvesting with optimism

    During deflation industries experience slackness in

    demand for industrial goods, banks face crisis in

    recovery , prices fall, incomes and wages go down

    During inflation productive resources are in full


    In deflation unemployment gradually spreads to all


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    Inflation rate =

    = P1- PO x100


    P1 is price index for current year

    Po is the price index for the previous year

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    Whole sale price Index (WPI) :

    It is the most frequently estimated measurement of price

    in India

    It is computed at aggregate level of major and sub

    groups of individual commodities on weekly basis This index is used for measuring inflation in India

    Consumer Price Index : it is available for only 4categories of consumers ie. Industrial workers, urban

    employees, agricultural laborers and rural laborers The coverage is not as wide as WPI

    Used only for wages and dearness allowance


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    It is a situation where the aggregate demand for goods andservices exceeds the available supply of output


    it occurs due to supply side factors like

    increase in wage rates Increase on price of raw materials

    STAGFLATION : it is a situation where the inflation and

    stagnation of economic activity exists side by side

    There will be recessionary tendency in certain industries

    Arises due to continuous inflation leading to fall in demand

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    Money supply referes to the total supply of moneyin circulation in a given gountrys economy at agiven time

    RBI has classified supply of money in four

    components as follows: M1 = Currency with public + Demand deposit with

    Banks + othr deposits with RBI

    M2 = M1 + Post office savings Bank deposits

    M3 = M1 + time deposits with Banks

    M4 = M3 + total post office deposits

    Money supply includes: currency with Public ,deposits with banks, Deposits with RBI, Depositswith post office

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    Deficit financing in budget : if expn is more thanincome - Govet takes loan from banks

    CRR : if CRR is more Banks can only create lesscredit

    Rate of Interest : if rate of int is more banks getmore deposits the banks can lend it

    Sale and purchase of securities by RBI if RBIsells securities money supply contracts - vice vrsa

    If RBI purchases more FX or public converts moreof FX to rupee - supply of money increases

    Banking habits if people keep more depositsbanks can grant more loans

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    No country is self sufficient - need for internationaltrade

    Export and import of goods and services is calledForeign trade


    large scale production ;: there is scope t cater to foreignmarkets

    Degree of self sufficiency : every country cannotproduce every thing there is need for FX Trade

    Geographic factors : different countries are endowedwith different natural resources eg. Petrol , diesel etc.,

    Occupational distribution : People in different countriesspecialize in different areas

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    Fx reserves prtain to the stock of foreign currency,gold holdings of the central Bank it includes SDR

    ( Special drawing rights from IMF)

    A country holds a basket of foreign currencies and

    the total of these in one denomination usually dollargives the forex reserves level

    Forex reserves indicate its ability to :

    Pay for imports

    Discharge its external debt liabilities

    Raise fresh borrowings in international market

    Intervention to stabilize rate of exchange

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    Exchange rates between two currencies is the ratesat which they are exchanged or sold against each


    Eg. If The exchange rate for Indian rupee is Rs. 52,

    this means that 1 American dollar can beexchanged for Rs. 52.

    The foreign exchange market is one of the largest

    markets in the world

    Foreign exchange rate is the price of one currencyquoted in terms of another currency

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    Fixed exchange rate system : Countries following the fixed exchange rate system agree to keep

    their currencies at a fixed , pegged rate and the change in theirvalue only at fairly infrequent intervals -

    Changes only when the economic situation forces them to do so

    Advantages /merits :

    1. easy to attract foreign capital - as foreigners are not interestedto invest in an unstable currency

    2. it eliminates speculation in FX market

    3. unstable exchange rates may encourage flight of capital

    4. helps developing countries which have persistent balance ofpayment deficits prevent continuous depn in value

    5. if exchange stability is not assured , exporters and importerswill not be knowing how much they will receive/pay

    6 it results in economic stabilization

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    Demerits of fixed exchange rate : The countries which are liberalized and globalised prefers flexible

    exchange system

    It increases the BOP of most of the countries

    It will not work where fx policies and economic policies are not properlyco-ordinated

    FLEXIBLE EXCHANGE RATE SYSTEM : Under this system exchange rates are freely determined in an open


    The rates are determined by market forces like demand and supply offoreign exchange

    Merits :

    1. It is simple to operate - adjustments in rate are a continuous process

    2. It reinforces the effectiveness of monetary policy

    3. It permits free trade and convertible currencies on continuous basis

    4. It gives more independence to govt on domestic policies


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    1. It is impossible for the exporters and importers onthe price they will receive or pay for foreign


    2. It gives inflationary bias to an economy eg.

    When the currecy depreciates , we have to paymore for imports (costlier )- this increases inflation

    3. Speculation adversely influence fluctuations in

    supply and demand for foreign exchange

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    Development of infrastructure is important to theeconomic development of a nation

    Until recently providing infrastructure was the prime

    responsibility of public monopolies

    Now government is encouraging private participation This is giving rise t better risk sharing, accountability,

    monitoring and manage infrastructure

    Economic infrastructure includes :

    1. Energy, 2. Water,

    3. Transport

    4. communication

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    It plays a crucial role in eco development of a nation It is created through conventional and non-conventional


    Conventional sources are : firewood, agricultural waste,animal dung, coal, oil natural gas, electricity, uranium


    Non conventional sources include : solar, wind, tidalwaves,

    It important to increase generation and conserve it

    It is important to design buildings to have naturalventilation, natural cooling

    It is also important to educate the masses to conserveenergy

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    2. WATER

    Water is a very valuable infrastructure There is a need to apply eco-friendly concept to water

    infrastructure development

    Measures in this regard can include:

    1. reducing water demand by increasing public

    awareness2. Integrate water resource management

    3. Bring in water recycling

    4. Minimize water loss

    Need to make rain water harvesting measures - which

    is cheapest source of water GOI has formed many authorities like central water

    commission, central ground water board, etc.forefficient water resources management

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    This Infrastructure creates most valuable place utility for theproducts

    There is a need to promote eco-efficient transport sector -protect environment also

    Transport system in India includes railways, roads, shipping, civil

    aviation . Indian railways is the second largest in the world

    Rail ways are run on ideological grounds and not on commercialterms

    National highways development programme is taken up in a bigway in India

    India has an extensive coastline to provide cheaptransportation But India is loosing an estimated 10 billionbecause of lack of efficient shipping services

    Competition in the airline industry is also heating up - howeverhigh cost of operation has become a serious problem withairlines industry

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    Telecom sector has witnessed a revolutionary change Many private operators have entered this sector

    Telephone is no more a luxury item - it is used even bylower income groups

    There are many Internet providers in the country

    Many innovations have taken place in business due tothis infrastructure - ie internet

    Business has also grown leaps and bounds due tointernet - E commerce, E governance , YouTube , facebook and many social networks have become order ofthe day

    Government is planning to improve the net-work to ruralareas in a big way so that the IT industry can spread torural areas and improve the working conditions there

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    Social indicators define the social problems , social trends toguide social planning

    Examples are :

    1. No. of health problems related to environmental pollutants

    2. No. of students enrolled to study environment

    3. No of people using community space like parks, greenwaysetc.,

    4. No. of people working on environmental issues

    Indias high economic growth will be unacceptable if 35% of itspeople continue to merely subsist on less than a dollar a dayand children are denied basic education

    It should take steps to educate masses

    Provide health for all

    The number of Indians with higher education is a mere7%compared to 50% in Britain and 47% in G8 countries

    Without education and healthcare there is no chance ofproductivity going up


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    Set up extensive social welfare system

    eg. Supplementary nutrition for expectant mothers

    and children below 7 years , immunization and

    health programmes, vacation camps for low income

    groups There are also support for blind, deaf, mentally

    retarded etc.,

    Women education and working women hostels

    setup Rehabilitate prostitutes, and convicts ,- begging at

    public plaaces is forbidden by law , -drought and

    earthquake rehabilitation steps are taken up


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    - CONTD

    Old age and disability benefits are covered byprovident fund and pension schemes, employes

    insurance schemes in vogue - many labour laws

    are brought in to improve the living conditions

    Prohibit discrimination in workplace - equal pay forsame job no discrimination for women etc. are

    brought in

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    Cross rate : It is the exchange rate between thecurrencies of 2 countries that are not quoted againsteach other - but are quoted against a common currency

    The cross rates of currencies that are not quotedagainst each other can be quoted in terms of dollar

    2. spot exchange rate : it is the rate at which a currencycan be bought or sold for immediate delivery which iswithin 2 business days after the date of trade

    3. bid and ask spread: it is the difference between thebid and ask rate of currency

    4 Forward exchange rate : it is the rate that is currently

    paid for delivery of currency in future date In Forward market currencies are traded for future


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    EXAMPLE - COVERINGEXCHANGERISKA domestic co has taken a loan which is repayable in

    foreign currency 6 months later

    The rates of fx may undergo a change

    Hence there is an exchange rate risk

    If the local currency suffers against the foreign currency -

    the business has to write off a loss To cover against this risk the business enters into a

    forward contract - i.e., it agrees today to buy the foreigncurrency 6 months later at the price prevailing today at aprefixed premium

    Perceptions of buyer and seller differ they get into win-win situation

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    It facilitates quick and easy conversion of currencies

    Eg. If an indian exporter sells to and American importer

    - the exporter bills in Indian rupees . Then the American

    importer must convert his currency into indian currency

    or rupees - FX market facilitates easy conversion 2 Provision of credit or international credit

    Eg. In case of trade it provides Bankers acceptance and

    LC for international trade

    3. forex market provides facility for minimising foreign

    exchange risk

    Eg. It provides hedging facilities to absorb FX risk

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    1. Traders/ brokers : are mostly commercial banks who buyand sell FX. - transactions include spot or forwardtransactions .

    Traders normally deal in Fx based on the customers orders

    2. speculators : Speculator is one who takes a open position

    The speculator may have foreign currency on hand called aLong position - bull

    Or he may have promised to deliver FX in a future date -called a short position - bear

    Hedgers : are those who limit their potential losses by lockingin a guaranteed foreign exchange positions

    Arbitrageurs: engage in simultaneously buying and sellingcurrency in two or more markets and thus make profit

    Governments : to maintain the price of their currencies theforex markets govt buy or sell Foreign currencies in forexmarket
