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Business Plan HK

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Business Plan
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1.0 Executive Summary A healthy lifestyle, including products and services for customers, has become increasingly over the last decade. More and more governmental and non-governmental organizations are promoting a healthy lifestyle as people's individual decision for health, yet doctors continue to warn us that we have to protect ourselves from diseases. Modern science confirms that eating a balanced diet can do a lot to promote long-term health. Because of end-users growing demand for fast food and the fact that an increasing percentage feel the need to eat healthy, we believe that our products will be well received among consumers and that they will buy them. We confirm this belief with research demonstrating that most respondents (74%) are aware that healthy food impacts their quality of life. The idea for starting the company Healthy King was formed March,2015. The company has not started selling products yet. Initially the company will sell products over the internet (www.healthking.com) to be delivered to the customer nearby Yayasan Selangor building. The Healthy King will offer a wide menu of juices, sandwiches/wraps, salads jar, a number of other specialty organic items. All products will be organic food and beverage goods. The booth focuses primarily on, juice beverages and salad jar. The business also offers a wide variety of salad jar, salad wraps, and breakfast products. The Healthy King will pride itself on being a small, but full service health quick service booth that seeks to provide only the highest quality products in an inviting atmosphere. The third section of the business plan will further describe the services offered by the Juice Beverages and Salad Jar. Our target market is the breakfast time food market,currently comprised of fast foodoutlets,bakeries and meals deals from retailers with no one provider gaining a large market share. This market is characterised by customer basing decison on quality over price, little customer loyalty and a market not domintaed by large suppliers in which differentiated small business can breakthrough. Our target customer will include professionals,shoppers and student from UniKL itself and UKM universities. We hope to appeal to customer who are frustrated with either paying a premium price to eat a basic breakfast and lunch on the move or with spending time waiting for food in nearby Yayasan Selangor building. 1
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1.0 Executive Summary

A healthy lifestyle, including products and services for customers, has become

increasingly over the last decade. More and more governmental and non-governmental

organizations are promoting a healthy lifestyle as people's individual decision for health, yet

doctors continue to warn us that we have to protect ourselves from diseases. Modern

science confirms that eating a balanced diet can do a lot to promote long-term health.

Because of end-users growing demand for fast food and the fact that an increasing

percentage feel the need to eat healthy, we believe that our products will be well received

among consumers and that they will buy them. We confirm this belief with research

demonstrating that most respondents (74%) are aware that healthy food impacts their

quality of life.

The idea for starting the company Healthy King was formed March,2015. The company

has not started selling products yet. Initially the company will sell products over the internet

(www.healthking.com) to be delivered to the customer nearby Yayasan Selangor building.

The Healthy King will offer a wide menu of juices, sandwiches/wraps, salads jar, a

number of other specialty organic items. All products will be organic food and beverage

goods. The booth focuses primarily on, juice beverages and salad jar. The business also

offers a wide variety of salad jar, salad wraps, and breakfast products. The Healthy King will

pride itself on being a small, but full service health quick service booth that seeks to provide

only the highest quality products in an inviting atmosphere. The third section of the business

plan will further describe the services offered by the Juice Beverages and Salad Jar.

Our target market is the breakfast time food market,currently comprised of fast

foodoutlets,bakeries and meals deals from retailers with no one provider gaining a large

market share. This market is characterised by customer basing decison on quality over price,

little customer loyalty and a market not domintaed by large suppliers in which differentiated

small business can breakthrough. Our target customer will include professionals,shoppers

and student from UniKL itself and UKM universities. We hope to appeal to customer who are

frustrated with either paying a premium price to eat a basic breakfast and lunch on the

move or with spending time waiting for food in nearby Yayasan Selangor building.


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Over the long term, Healthy King will expand its sales volume through the use of food

machines in major educational centers and other institutions with a high frequency of

visitors. We will also develop a web portal associated with a healthy lifestyle and healthy

food. The web page will also market advertising space. The Healthy King will produce and sell

the following products:

Cold salad Jar-based meals that provide balanced nutrition ; fresh vegetables with

dressing of thousand island and mayonnise;

Juice –based beverages that provide balanced diet; fresh fruit, ice cube that will

remove toxin from our body with feeling good health, more radiant skin and having

more energy.

It is important that meals in both groups be tasty. Over the long term, we will expand our

range of products to offer new salads and sandwiches as well as products such as a vitamin

drink made from fresh fruit and vegetables. Products will be also conveniently packaged

("take away ready").


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2.0 Current Situation

Nowadays, many people who have been practicing healthy eating style. A healthy

diet can produce a healthy body and mind. We would like to introduce healthy eating to

students in UNIKL Business School by offering some healthy foods such as salad and juice

beverage. We also offer healthy meals to Bangunan Yayasan Selangor staff. The health food

may be sold at rather high prices outside, this makes a lot of people, especially students

quite difficult to buy. Therefore, we have prepared this health food with affordable prices by

all segments of society. We also want students in UNIKL Business School practice a healthy

lifestyle because it will make students able to give more attention to the lesson and did not

suffer any health problems that could affect their study performance. We also provide

delivery service, this makes it easier for students who have classes and at the same time

want our products.

At the beginning of our business, we might be difficult to make a profit because

healthy food is something new among student. Students may already be familiar with the

style of their daily diet like taking rice. Therefore we are also offering tips about healthy

eating style that can enlighten and inform them about the benefits of this healthy eating.

Health products may also have long been on the market and sold at a relatively high price.

This makes it difficult for students to enjoy it due to financial factors. They may prefer to

choose the normal daily food because they were cheaper. In those who practice healthy

eating style, they may know that this health food sold in various types of external markets.

At the beginning of this business, we are providing two kinds of health food witch is salad

and juice beverage, we will further diversify the types of food in the future.

In the future we will be adding more food types and flavors of our healthy food, in

order to meet customer demand. We also want healthy eating style has become a lifestyle

for every student in UNIKL Business School. If this trend of healthy eating into a lifestyle for

students in UNIKL Business School, we would like to become a major supplier for dietary

health and thus can increase the profitability of our company.


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3.0 Market Analysis

3.1 Market overview

Healthy King has a clear business objective to develop, produce, promote and

distribute through delivery healthy food and beverages chain products and services. These

products and services have been developed over None with a core focus on addressing the

key customer problem and associated opportunities at UniKL,Yayasan Selangor building.

3.2 Customer analysis





Pie Chart 3.2.1

This pie chart 3.2.1 above shown the 48 percent is Male and 52 percent is Female.

The data from questionnaire assumed that the Female is more than 2 percent from Male.

The total is 100. The questionnaire distribute to student and staff University Kuala Lumpur,

University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Maybank and public area Yayasan Selangor Building.


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20-25 26-30

31-35 36-40

41-45 46-50


Pie Chart 3.2.2

From pie chart 3.2.2 above shown the average age 20 to 25 are 50 percent, age 26 to

30 are 13 percent, age 31 to 35 are 10 percent, 36 to 40 are 9 percent, age 41 to 45 are 7

percent, 56 to 50 are 5 percent and age 51 above are 6 percent.






Pie Chart 3.2.3


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This pie chart 3.2.3 above shown the 70 percent is student, which is University Kuala

Lumpur student and University Kebangsaan Malaysia students. While, 30 percent is working

people which is University Kuala Lumpur staff, University Kebangsaan Malaysia staff,

Maybank staff and public.




Where do you study or work?




Pie Chart 3.2.4

From pie chart 3.2.4 above 50 percent is University Kuala Lumpur students, 20

percent is University Kebangsaan Malaysia and 30 percent is Others, including Maybank staff

and public fromYayasan Selangor Building. The total is 100.


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How much money do you spend on food daily?






Pie Chart 3.2.5

This pie chart 3.2.5 shown the expenses that spend daily, 45 percent spend money

for food RM 5 to RM 10, 20 percent spend RM 11 to RM 20, 15 percent spend RM 21 to RM

30, 10 percent spend RM 31 to RM 40 and 10 percent also spend RM 41 and above daily.





What makes you interested to buy some product?







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Pie Chart 3.2.6

From pie chart 3.2.6 above, shown the interested people to buy some product is 48

percent because of price, 20 percent because of quantity, 12 percent tasty, 10 percent

because of product is trending and interesting.



Do you care about your health and body figure?



Pie Chart 3.2.7

The pie chart 3.2.7 above shown the 94 percent from 100 percent agreed that they

care about healthy and body figure, while 6 percent is not agreed.


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What is your average weight?







Pie Chart 3.2.8

The pie chart 3.2.8 shown the average weight, 24 percent is weight 40 kilogram to 50

kilogram, 30 percent is weight 51 kilogram to 60 kilogram, 16 percent is weight 61 kilogram

to 70 kilogram, 14 percent weight is 71 kilogram to 80 kilogram, 10 percent is weight 81

kilogram to 90 kilogram, and 6 percent is weight 91 kilogram and above.



Did you know about detox water?



Pie Chart 3.2.9


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The pie chart 3.2.9 above shown the knowledge of people knows about detox water

is 70 percent, while 30 percent is notknown about detox water.



Do you eat salad?



Pie Chart 3.2.10

From pie chart3.2.10 above shown that 60 percent is ate salad, while 40 don’t ate

salad. The total is 100 percent.



Are you willing to pay more for healthy food?



Pie Chart 3.2.11


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The pie chart 3.2.11 shown the 55 percent are willing to pay more for the healthy

food, while 45 percent are not willing to pay more for the healthy food.



Do you take fruits and vegetables daily?



Pie Chart 3.2.12

From the pie chart 3.2.12 above shown the 70 percent are taking fruits and

vegetables daily, while 30 percent are not taking fruits and vegetables daily.



If you are given the chance, do you want to improve your health?



Pie Chart 3.2.13


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The pie chart 3.2.13 shown 95 percent is want to improve healthy if they give the

chance, while 5 percent is don’t want to improve the health.





How much money are you willing to invest monthly to maintain a healthy body?






Pie Chart 3.2.14

From the pie chart 3.2.14 above, 50 percent the money that they willing to invest

monthly to maintain a healthy body is RM 50 to RM 100, 30 percent is willing invest the

money RM 101 to RM 150, 10 percent RM willing invest RM 151 to RM 200, 6 percent are

willing to invest RM 201 to RM 250, and 4 percent willing invest the monthly for healthy

body is RM 251 to RM 300.


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Do you like healthy food?



Pie Chart 3.2.15

From pie chart 3.2.15 above, can summarize 43 percent from 50 percent that

questionnaire contribute to students and staff University Kuala Lumpur are like healthy

food, while 7 percent are don’t like healthy food. 12 percent from 20 percent student and

staff University Kebangsaan Malaysia are like healthy food while 8 percent aredon’t like

healthy. 19 percent from 30 percent Maybank staff and public are like healthy food, while 11

percent are don’t like healthy food. The total people is like healthy food is 74 percent and 26

percent is don’t like healthy food.


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4.0 Strategy and Plan

4.1 Market Positioning

“Go for Healthy Lifestyle” is our tagline to mention that our product focus on health

care. Healthy King also encourages it toward healthy lifestyle where our product will bring

something new in existing culture about healthy food. Healthy King also describes the

product as a healthy lifestyle which is to encourage customer in concern about nutritious


The benefits that we produce this product to our target group is where with this

product they can be more energize to do something, such as for student they will become

more active in the morning when having our juice and ready for process learning while for

other they will feel fresh to do some works. It is also to prevent people from having diabetes,

cancers; it can build your bones, cool down body temperature and many more.

Our competitive advantage or our product value is first Healthy King produce product

with an affordable price which is for salad jar is RM 3.99 and same goes to juice beverage

only with RM 3.99. Besides that, we provide a promotion where Healthy King does a combo

meal which is during pack hour the customer can buy our product in a cheap price which is

with both product salad and juice they can get only with RM7.00 save another RM1.00.

Healthy King also follows the changes of environment (trending) because the

trending is always keep changing based on how many people use it, if there is no one use it

the trending will be forgettable. But we Healthy King will always follow up and to be updated

to make people keep loyal and interested with our product. To follow the trends Healthy

king always add up and innovate the product according to customer need and wants.

Our product also provides a healthy food which rich with nutrition, vitamin, fiber,

fresh and most important is it has favorable taste. To compete with other competitor we

make our packaging to look it nice where this is how to attract customer view in term of

color, layer, and variety vegetable and fruits inside it.


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4.2 7p’s Marketing Plan

4.2.1 Product

Nowadays, people know that we should drink more water to keep healthy and our

skin looking good, therefore our product “Juice Beverage” and “Salad Jar” can fluids helping

to flush out toxins and keep your digestive system healthy.

In our product, we ensure higher quality and make our product daily in a good

condition which is keeping in good condition and fresh. Besides that, our company also have

person in charge in quality control which is our staff have to make sure our product in a good

process to avoid our product become damaged.

Besides that, our product can reduce the amount of empty calories you may be

consuming from carbonated drinks or other sweetened drinks. This super fine for our body

health because nutrition from fruits that we have mixed there is in the water. Apart from it is

helping for those who are dieting to less weight. Besides that it helping to increase

metabolism body and aiding prettier skin young not oily easily. Therefore, we choose “Juice

Beverage” and “Salad Jar” as our product to help people out there.


When we are developing our pricing strategy we have considered about our customers

sensitivity because we have to make sure our target customer can afford to buy our product.

Thus, we have calculate what revenue we have need to break even and the price for our one

jar of ““Juice Beverage” just only MYR 3.99 and for the “Salad Jar” which a per fresh salad

only MYR 3.99. The price is affordable and reasonable for people in Yayasan Selangor

Building compare with other competitor price for example Vitamin or Supplement it can be

MYR 30,00 per box to get a good healthy life. Therefore our product is very cheap suitable

with its value, quality and prestige.

Besides that, we ensure the prices are affordable to buy the raw material. It is because

raw materials have bought in the bulk make us easy to negotiate with our supplier.Therefore


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we also have a pass quotation while buy the raw materials indirectly we can get affordable

and cheap prices.

4.2.3 Place

The Place strategy we have choose Yayasan Selangor Building because there have a lot of

people need a healthy drinks. We sell our product in many different places. We choose

direct selling, sending our salespeople out to personally meet and talk with the prospect.

Besides that, we have chosen floor eleven because in that area always crowded with people

and many students that go through this area to enter the class. Moreover, this site selection

make our delivery process will run easily on customers because this level is a strategic place.

Someday if we have our own retail outlet we have decided it will be located nearby office

worker, student. Besides that, the geographic area for our product in urban area and

building that rapid develop and our service can be more efficient and fast and able satisfy

customers. Therefore, in choosing that place it can help our product to be better known and

easy to market. In each case, the entrepreneur must make the right choice about very best

location for the customer to receive essential buying information on the product or service

needed to make buying decision.

4.2.4 Promotion

In our promotion strategic we ensure customer to attract with our product. For

instance, we provide a discount and package during peek hours and always keep in touch

with customers through social media and directly.

Besides that, In future we plan to do a promotion by distribution pamphlet around

Kuala Lumpur doing website advertising that was Instagram, Facebook, Blog, media ads such

as video advertising in 15 second about our Healthy Product. Includes all the way we tell our

customers about our product and how we are going market and sell to them. Even we have

done a small change in our advertising sometimes it probably can lead immediately to higher



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4.2.5 People

The persons are responsible for every element of our sales, marketing strategies and

activities which is our internal staff itself. It is because we work extremely hard to think

through every element of the marketing strategy and the marketing mix. Besides that, our

ability to select, recruit, hire and retain proper people with the skills and abilities to do the

job we need to have done, is more important than everything.

Moreover, our company also has a connection with our suppliers, easy to negotiate

our goods and have a good communication between us. Therefore, people can lead us to be

successful in business because we have to develop the good strategy.

4.2.6 Process

The process strategy now is ensure the process being systematically which is buy the

fresh raw materials. Besides that, we concerned with the planning such as in the future how

our company can produce more input and less output. The implementation from our

product in future can be more details with new technology and research and development.

Besides that, the process will have the right quantity to the right place at the right time to

have a perfect process. Besides that, we plan to study more detailed importance of

food and health drinks for users so that in the future will have more privilege from our


4.2.7 Priorities, Responsibilities and Timeframes (What/Who/ When)

No. Strategy What Who When

1 Product Ensure higher quality

Product Daily

Quality Control



9 - 11 pm

7 – 9 am

2 Price Ensure the price are affordable

Raw Materials buy in the bulk Akmal 6 pm - 7 pm


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Pass Quotation Farhan 3 pm - 4 pm

3 Process Ensure the process being


Buy the fresh raw materials

Keep clean while pack the


Stamp the labeling at jar

Keep in the Refrigerator





6 pm - 7 pm

9 pm - 11 pm

4 pm - 5 pm

11 pm – 7 am

4 Promotion Ensure customs to attracted

with our product

Provide a discount % and

package on peak hours

Keep in touch with customer

through social media directly.



12pm - 1 pm

7am – 11 pm

5 Place Ensure the place are strategic

Floor 11 – the place always

crowded with people

Delivery process will run




9 am – 5 pm

3 pm – 4 pm

6 People Ensure the supplier distribute

the raw material on time

Afiq 5 pm-7 pm

Table 4.3


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4.3 Marketing

Base on the name ‘HEALTHY’ and our motto ‘#GO FOR A HEALTHY LIFE’ that prove our main

concept in our business is providing healthy food. Healthy foods are beneficial to health in

ways that go beyond a normal healthy diet required for human nutrition.

Figure 4.4

The figure 4.4 above show that how Healthy King to keep the relationship with thier

customer. The relationship with customer as one of our strategy to market and to promote

our product to them. Such as for the physical booth this is how we do the directselling

through the target group, where they can buy directly in our booth, it is easy just grab, pay

and can eat it freshly. At our physical booth we provide an instaFrame or photobooth where

the customer can snap the picture with our product and upload it in the internet. This is one

on how we marketing our product through our own customer because the trending are easy

to spread up by internet user.

We also provide a tester and soft launch of our product for the customer who wants

to taste our product. While for media social tools, it is where the place that we promote our

product to all people by using instagram, facebook, twitter because this is modern



Physical Booth

Media Social/Flyers


Direct Selling

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technology so we must follow the trending which using the internet. From this social media

tool we also provide the product description for the customer information. The way the

customer to know the promotion is made also through the social media.

Others marketing promotion Healthy King distribute the flyers to the public to let

them know about the existing of our company. Where we are, what time the combo meal is

made, what kind of product that we sell, what time did we open and closed, all this type of

information will provided into the flyers.

Besides that, we also provide a delivery as our services. Why we choose to

make delivery it is because we want to serve our customer as fast as we can, we can send

the product to them but the charge of RM0.50 will charge into each delivery. This is for

customer get what they want.

4.4 Promotion

As you know we will provide flyers and distribute it to all people. And using mass

media as a tools to promote our product because with this technology it will easy spread to

all people and fast and low cost. The feedback questionnaires are given to our customer in

order to get their feedback about our product and to know what lack and problems or

dissatisfied of the customer about our product to innovate it to more better.

Product promotion:

Combo Meal during lunch hour – RM 7.00 for both salad and juice. It package.

10 days challenges – the winner will get a gift. This is fun and will give benefits to the

customer because they can eat, challenge and can get a gift if she or he able to

challenge their self within 10days to lose weight. The benefits of course this game are

encourage them to life in a healthy way.


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4.5 Management

Figure 4.5

4.5.1 Job Discription

General Manager

General Manager is a leader in a organizational, general

manager responsibilities on obtains profit contribution by

managing staff, establishing and accomplishing business


They have some job duties such as Increases management's

effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training,

coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers,

communicating values, strategies, and objectives, monitoring,

and appraising job results and providing educational


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They also develop strategic plan by studying technological and

financial opportunities, presenting assumptions,

recommending objectives.

Assistant Manager

Assistant manager have a lot of responsibility, and this

department requires great leadership skills. Whether they

managing a group of sales people in retail or dishing out

orders to servers in a restaurant, they need to keep a level

head, be able to multitask and have excellent people skills.

Assistant manager duties are updates job knowledge by

participating in educational opportunities, reading professional

publications, maintaining personal networks, participating in

professional organizations.

They also accomplish organization goals by accepting

ownership for accomplishing new and different requests,

exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.

Human Resources

Assistant manager have a lot of responsibility, and this

department requires great leadership skills. Whether they

managing a group of sales people in retail or dishing out

orders to servers in a restaurant, they need to keep a level

head, be able to multitask and have excellent people skills.

Assistant manager duties are updates job knowledge by

participating in educational opportunities, reading professional

publications, maintaining personal networks, participating in

professional organizations.

They also accomplish organization goals by accepting

ownership for accomplishing new and different requests,


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exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.


A financial is responsible for providing financial advice and

support to clients and colleagues to enable them to make

sound business decisions.

Financial considerations are at the root of all major business

decisions. Clear budgetary planning is essential for both the

short and long term, and companies need to know the

financial implications of any decision before proceeding.

In addition, care must be taken to ensure that financial

practices are in line with all statutory legislation and

regulations. Financial managers may also be known as financial

analysts or business analysts.

They duties are approve or reject, or coordinate the approval

and rejection of, lines of credit and commercial, real estate,

and personal loans.

Develop and analyze information to assess the current and

future financial status of firms. Establish procedures for

custody and control of assets, records, loan collateral, and

securities, in order to ensure safekeeping.

They also evaluate financial reporting systems, accounting and

collection procedures, and investment activities, and make

recommendations for changes to procedures, operating

systems, budgets, and other financial control functions.

Operational The Operations Manager will be responsible for data entry,

accounts payable, payroll, grant report entry, managing the

organizations human resource, helping and creating

organizational and program budgets in collaboration with the

Program Direct, and other tasks.

Reporting to the serving as a member of the management


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team along with the Program Director and Development

Director, this position's primary responsibility is ensuring

organizational effectiveness by providing leadership for the

organization's financial functions.

Working with the management team, the position also

contributes to the development and implementation of

organizational strategies, policies and practices. This position

will also interact with the Board of Directors


Marketing manager accomplishes business development

activities by researching and developing marketing

opportunities and plans, implementing sales plans and

managing staff.

Their duties are to achieves marketing and sales operational

objectives by contributing marketing and sales information

and recommendations to strategic plans and reviews,

preparing and completing action plans, implementing

production, productivity, quality, and customer-service

standards, resolving problems, completing audits, identifying

trends, determining system improvements and implementing


They must meets marketing and sales financial objectives by

forecasting requirements, preparing an annual budget,

scheduling expenditures, analyzing variances and initiating

corrective actions.

4.6 Market research findings


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First, in order Healthy King want to produce healthy food we make some research

market to know whether this kind product can be sell or not, and absolutely with the

research be made we are able to produce our healthy product.

• IN THE PAST, Food retail in or around Yayasan Selangor building are developing, most

shop selling food and beverage but none of them sell healthy food and beverages

• CURRENT, there are many food stall have been opened around Yayasan Selangor not

to mention cafeteria stall in Yayasan Selangor that provide food and drink for

customer around them, but due to changing in lifestyle, the food trend has been

change also, consumer prefer healthier food because they are aware of the

important of healthy food, thus they need more healthier food and convenient for

them to consume too.

• FUTURE, due to the awareness and information that has been spread worldwide

regarding the important of eating healthy, more demand will come in, and healthy

food market will grow

There are a reason why we choose to produce this product because:

1. Much info’s regarding on how to eat healthy it means people want to have a healthy

food for their body.

2. Customer are aware of eating healthy, the effect of eating healthy to our body.

3. It’s a current lifestyle when everyone starting to go gym and stay fit.

4. It’s a food trending worldwide.

5. Convenient, safe the trouble on cooking.

The characteristic of the customer of Healthy King is people who are taking care of their

body fit, because they want always to look good, this people will be our potential customer.

Other than that, who are on diet, because our product are full but not heavy and rich with

nutrition, fiber, protein and etc. besides that, people who are always feel tired lack with

energy will be one of our customer. People who are busy doesn’t have enough time to go

outside to buy heavy meal they can buy and grab and eat our product with easily and tasty.

It also has nice packaging where people can just put it in the bag and eat it in the house.


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5.0 Sales Forecast

Based on the research had been made, which is the 100 paper questionnaires had

been distributed to our target market which is student and staff of Unikl Business School,

UKM and others from Maybank staff or publics user, this is where we want to identify and

target our sale market of our product. by using this research method we know the

percentage of who will tend to be of our potential customer and how many of them that

like and didn’t like our product. So from here we can calculate the sales forecast for a day

and also for a 10days.

Form the research be made the population of Yayasan Selangor Building have 4020

people which is include of Unikl student (3400), for the staff (250), UKM student (150), UKM

staff (45), and for Maybank staff they have about 25 staff and the publics that come in and

out from the Yayasan Selangor Building around 150 per day.

Based on the questionnaires result of 100 people from the distributed 50 of them are

from Unikl include student and staff, 20 people from UKM and 30 people from others.

Unit sold per 10 days:

Target Customer PercentageTotal People in

Yayasan SelangorSUM


3650 1825


195 39


175 53

TOTAL 100% 4020 1917 unit/10 day

Table 5.0


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Unit sold per 10 days = 1917 units

Total population = 4,020 people

= 48%

The calculation above describe on how Healthy King identify the percentage that how much

that our product can compete with the current and upcoming competitor is divide it with the

total population and times up with 100%.

Our target is focused on the student and staff from Unikl and UKM also form others which is

from Myabank staff and public that come out and in to Yayasan Selangor Building.

Student Unikl:

1 Day = RM 3.99 X 180 people = RM 718.20

10 Days = RM 3.99 X 1800 people = RM 7182.00

Student UKM:

1 Day = RM 3.99 X 4 people = RM 15.96

10 Days = RM 3.99 X 50 people = RM 199.50


1 Day = RM 3.99 X 6 people = RM 23.94

10 Days = RM 3.99 X 67 people = RM 267.30


1 per day = RM 757.90 (RM718.20+RM15.96+RM23.94)

10 per Days = RM 7648.80 (RM7182+RM199.50+RM267.30)

Fiscal Weeks

13/4 14/4 15/4 16/4 17/4 20/4 21/4 22/4 23/4 24/4 10 days total


X 100

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# units sold 190 196 196 199 190 210 198 204 210 124 1917Sale price @ unit (RM) 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.99 -Total (RM) 758 782 782 794 758 838 790 814 838 495 7,649

Table 5.1

The effect of changes of the amount unit sold per day first in the first day there are

not much buyers even though we had running the promotion before it to announce about

our launch product but there it still not enough for the customer to known about it, because

our product still new in this market so people still not well known with our product but for

the second day and third day the amount are increase because our promotion are success to

attract people to buy it.

Other student who influences their other friend also will be one of the effects that

changing the unit sold per day. But on Friday usually the sale are not higher compare to

other day because the product fast selling only in the morning and during lunch that

supposed to be our pack hour are be less because most of the men student and staff are

having their “solatjumaat” while for a women the class are stop and continue in the evening

until the night.

Then we overcome it and still running the business in the week 2, where we can

estimate that they will be a lot of buyers because we believe with the promotion that we

made through social media tools, distributed flyers and open physical booth it will attract a

lot of customer to buy it because it easy to grab and to eat. Besides that, the effect of

demand increase because of people acknowledge about how important health food actually

because the way we attract customer is we inform the benefits that the will get when they

have our product.

Other than that, during a pack hour we do promotion through combo meal where

they can get both products with a cheaper price, this will attract buyer to buy. Also during

student have full class it will influence them to buy our product because they have not much

time to having heavy meal at outside. And for the last day, we only produce a certain


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quantity because we doesn’t want to take risk of losses where the last day is on Friday,

because usually on Friday there is not much student will stay in the Yayasan Selangor

Building. Because some of them don’t have a class on Friday, and also men had

“solatjumaat” so we only sell it with a certain amount to make it finish as a last day.

6.0 Marketing Plan


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6.1.1 Executive Summary


Positioning statement

The Healthy King will position itself as a high quality, innovative saladjar and juice

beverage business. The members of the society will recognize the high quality and unique

service/product offerings of The Healthy King. The Healthy King competitive edge will be

founded in UniKL, Yayasan Selangor building, its customer inventive and customer approach

to members of the society.

The Healthy King customer attention will make it different from other house salad and

juice beverages that have a lot of demand. The disadvantage of having a high demand is that

the business experiences a decreased pressure to accommodate extra clients. When The

Healthy will start having plenty of customers, we will modify our business plan in order to

handle them effectively.

The Healthy King will approach the market as if there is considerable competition

between the different product providers around Yayasan Selangor building. We aim at


Near Term

Scare of Solid Jar Packaging

Consequence: If we change the Solid Jar Packaging into conventional ways, the durability of the product will decrease

Long Term

Scare in Human Workforce

Consequence: We are relying on human expertise in making this product and enhance product quality. If we change the production method for example using machine as a whole, the product quality wont remain the same.

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making customer satisfaction our priority, and through this, local clients will come to be

pleased about the attention given to their need and establish long-term relationships with

The Healthy King The main objective is to position

The Healthy King as the premier Salad jar and Juice beverages business within the area,

authorizing a market share majority within 10 days of exhibition held. The marketing

strategy will aim first at creating customer awareness concerning its products, build up a

customer base, and focus on building customer referrals and loyalty.


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6.1.2 Organisation mission and objectives

Mission Statement

The Salad Jar and Juice Beverages’s mission is to provide customers with an expansive

number of quality house salads and refreshing handmade juice that are affordable and

healthy. Generally our idea is to make healthy food easy to found,”just grab and go and

our motto is “healthy food made easy”.


Is to open up market opportunities for healthy food and beverages products.

Innovative step away from saturated domestic market.

To overcome the abundance of unhealthy lifestyle which the students implement in

their daily life.

To influence our target consumer to make healthy food and beverages as their

choices for life.

To provide nutritious food and beverages healthy tips to help hem create healthier

culture in Yayasan Selangor or outside.

Convert objective to goals by assigning magnitudes and dates

Joint every event in UniKL to promote our product and healthy tips within two (2) weeks



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6.1.3 Situation Analysis.

Market Overview

The Healthy King is still new in this industry but Healthy King still have an

opportunities to become niche market because our product company’s believe that these

product (Salad Jar and Juice Beverages) will encourage them to adopt healthy lifestyle in

changing environment. Thus, the demand will be increase due to high demand of healthy

food and beverages;however better placement are expected for strategic.

Current Target Markets

Sectors Professionals-Education Institution (Universities)



-Professional Bodies;

-person who are take care of their health

and body (balance diet).

-person who are dislike to take a heavy

food as their meals.

-individual that lack of energy in doing their

daily routine.

-People who are tend to try something new

and interest towards trending lifestyle.

-Financial institution (Maybank) -person who usually busy where they did

not have enough time to go out for having

their meals on the right time. So, they will

buy our product that easily to carry.


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Customer Touch Points

Touch Point Department Does it meet their




1.Physical shop


Operation - prepare and set up the


-provide the product,

customer will buy directly

-give service to the customer

- photo booth

- announcement



2. Social network




Marketing -updates daily activity.

-promote product by doing

“combo pack” on peak


-active in social

platform to do

promotion with




3. Pre-order Marketing -taking early order for

customer who wants to

purchase our product for the

next day.

-easy to

customer in

managing their



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Competitors Analysis

Competitor Product Advantages of our product



-Variety of side dishes to be eaten

with plain rice, Slices of fruits,

Waffle, Malay traditional food

(kuih-muih), Fast food like nuggets

and fries

-Affordable Price

-save time

-Good in packaging

-100% Healthy product

Sea Club


-Malay traditional

foods (kuih)


-Heavy meals

Unikl Booth


-Junk food




Up and

Coming Risoles Food

-Risoles with meat, chicken,

vegetables and tuna inside)

Big Box




-Fruit Juice

Fruity Fruit


-Iced blanded


-Fruit Bread

Food beverages -Teh botol

-Healthy drink

-Hello soda


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-Soda cool mint

Table 6.0

Based on our observation we got a few competitors that can affect our business

performance. Firstly, our competitor is the rivals that run the same type of business with my

company. It will affect our business because all rival got a same target market with us and

they got the advantage on the target market where our business only focus on a certain

floor but for our rival they are more focusing on the people who come to the building. For

example, the entrance of the building where by anyone that comes to the building will be

their target market. Then the new rivals that do a business for charity or community service

will affect us a lot because people nowadays more toward for charity.

Our rivals also have the variety of product that they sell rather than us which we just

only two type of product. In the other word, as a customer they will go to the places that

have the variety of product so they can make a comparison which is better for their appetite.

For example, for our booth we only sell salad and water detox but for our competitor which

they sell variety food and drinks such as cake, cereal and other.

Furthermore our competitor, they have advantages on the price where their food

and drinks are cheaper but our food and drinks have the advantages on the benefits so as it

is good for health. So people may choose either they want for health or base on their

budget. As we state in our SWOT analysis the strength of our business is people now days

are more toward healthy life style and this make us want to sell our product more


Also for our competitor, they had sell variety of product that can make their

customer to be confuse but for us, we only sell two types of products that can fulfil all

customer need base on the lifestyle now day that people really need to get this product. So

it may give benefits to us when people now days are need to rush in time so for our product

maygive benefits to them when our product is easy to carry and they can eat where never

they want any time any place but for our competitor, their product also easy to carry but

may give them trouble when they want to keep the food longer so that they can eat later.

In conclusion, to compete with the competitor we need to use all the opportunities

effectively by fulfil what the customers need and want. We also need to cover our weakness


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by making a good strength and good trademark for our business. To make our business more

special and much better from others we need to make something different that can make

our business more attractive.

7.0 Financial Analysis

7.1.1 Pro-Forma Income Statement


          10 days

  Sales 7,649

  Less: Cost of Sales  

  Opening Stock of Finished Goods -

  Production Cost 5,176

  less: Ending Stock of Finished Goods -   


  Gross Profit 2,473


  Less: Enpenditure  

  Administrative Expenditure 600

  Marketing Expenditure 540

  Other Expenditure -

  Business Registration & Licences -

  Insurance & Road Tax for Motor Vehicle -

  Other Pre-Operations Expenditure -

  Interest on Hire-Purchase -

  Interest on Loan -

  Depreciation of Fixed Assets  


  Total Expenditure 1,140

  Net Profit Before Tax 1,333

  Tax   -

  Net Profit After Tax 1,333

  Accumulated Net Profit 1,333



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    10 days



  Fixed Assets (Book Value)  

  Land & Building 0

  Furniture and Fitting 0

  Equipment 189


  Current Assets  

  Stock of Raw Materials 0

  Stock of Finished Goods 0

  Accounts Receivable 1,717

  Cash Balance 0


  Other Assets  

  Deposit 20




  Owners' Equity  

  Capital 782

  Accumulated Profit 1,333


  Long Term Liabilities  

  Loan Balance 0

  Hire-Purchase Balance 0


  Current Liabilities  

  Accounts Payable 0



7.1.3 Cash Flow


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DAYS Pre-Operations

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL 10 DAYS


Capital (Cash) 782 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 782

Loan 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125

Cash Sales 758 782 782 794 758 838 790 814 838 495 7,649


907 758 782 782 794 758 838 790 814 838 495 8,556


Administrative Expenditure

Salaries 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 500

Marketing Expenditure

Printing Expenses Brochures & Flyers

20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 200

Advertising 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 150

Business Card 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 100

Cash Purchase 513 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 513

Salaries, EPF & SOCSO

75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 750

Other Cost 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 150

Deposit (rent, utilities, etc.)

20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20

Purchase of Fixed Assets - Others

189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 189


209 698 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 2,572


698 60 597 597 609 573 653 605 629 653 310 5,984


0 698 758 1,355 1,952 2,561 3,134 3,787 4,392 5,021 5,674 0


698 758 1,355 1,952 2,561 3,134 3,787 4,392 5,021 5,674 5,984 5,984

8.0 Risk Analysis


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Running a business can be a dangerous occupation with many different types of risk.

Some of these potential hazards can destroy a business, while others can cause serious

damage that can be costly and time consuming to repair. Below , the risk analysis that

Healthy King analyze due to potential consequences that will faced it and how to address

when the things will happens.


Raw material price

changes due to unstable


Did not have enough raw material to

running our business because the

increasing of product and services

price such as an impact after good

and services tax ( GST) being

implemented in Malaysia

Choose the cheapest shop to

buy a product from the

supplier that provides a fresh

fruit, vegetable and others like

a bottle.

For example, buying raw in

Chow Kit

Copyright We lose our uniqueness position in

the market.

A competitor will use this chance

copy our product and our market.

We will ensure that our

product and uniqueness

cannot be copied by others

such as make our own business

identity, copy right and food


Hide our special menu from

the customers.

Place Give permission to run our business

in a floor that did not enter by


A management did not approve to

give a best place for our sale.

Open a booth in public area

and go every event in other

campus like MIIT or BMI and

promote our product.

Promote our product in social

media like Unikl Business

School Facebook group and fan

page of Unikl.


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Financial management -Lack of experience to make a good

financial system in running a


-Many demand from the customers

and did not have a good financial

system to rolling a business capital to

generate an income.

-Make a proposal and ask a

financial support from finance

department or SDCL in Unikl

Business School.

-Ask and collect it from a team


-Trying to fulfill all demand

from the customer like make a

delivery from floor to floor to

generate more income to our


Human Resource


-Fail to manage a schedule well in

selling our product.

-Misunderstanding between business


-Not provide a good environment

between seller and buyers.

-Manage a good schedule and

set every shift will be do two

members. For example, one

person to stay in booth and

another person will make a


-Trying to make a

communication and discussion

between team members if

anything happen whether it

good or not.

-Always smile to the customers

and serve them well.


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9.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, we hope that Healthy King will get a positive response from our target

group which is the population from Yayasan Selangor building consisting of UNIKL, UKM and

Maybank staff and publics users. In addition, Healthy King also expect that our business will

be accepted by whom come in Yayasan Selangor to make their own business. Hence, we

expect our health food products become lifestyle to students and staff at Yayasan Selangor

building. In addition, we also want to market our products in every UNIKL residing in

Malaysia to become a major supplier of healthy food. Other than that, we hope that healthy

lifestyle can encourage the student and staff towards healthy food. Because healthy food

that we provide rich with nutrition and full with protein that will give them a thousand of

benefits such as they will energize during do their daily activates and also it in low cost that

can save up their money. Besides that, the benefits that they will get are it will prevent from

get a disease such cancer, gastric, diabetes and so on. In additional, Healthy king believe that

product itself can be sell if the packaging are attractive and the price that we provide are

affordable for any level of consumer. Last but not least, Healthy King hope that our business

will be known by entire UNIKL in Malaysia and will expand in global market.

