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Business Plan of stone business

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  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    Sylhet InternationalSylhet InternationalUniversityUniversity

    Assignment on:Business Plan

    Course Code: MGT-305


    Submitted ToShirshendu Chakrabarty

    Leturer o!

    Business Administration

    Sylhet International University

    Submitted By 

    Fadrick W. Taylor SL"


    #ame $oll #o Evoluti

    on01 Tamanna Shime 22214

    02 Mashud Ahmed 22226

    03 Md. Shariful Islam 22250

    04 Chandrima Das Tuli 22251

    05 Amit Chakrabart 22254

    06 Shahriar !"ssen 22255

    0# Amina $hatun 22263

    0% Misbah &ddin Tuhin



    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    Submission Date: %&-%'-'%()



  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    *y+e o! om+any: *ri+ate

    *y+e o! business: St"ne Su,,l

    #ame o! the om+any: -an(ladesh nline St"ne

    Su,,l C"m,an /B,SS Com+any

    ision: T" be am"n( the )reati+e and inn"+ati+e leader

    in the st"ne market.

    .ission: e are )"mmitted t" intr"du)in( ne and eas

    a "f su,,lin( st"ne.

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business




    Contat on:

    016#5%6435 "r unlimitedmisbah'(mail.)"m

    Business Members

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    Tamanna Shime

    Mashud Ahmed 

    Md. Shariful Islam 

    Chandrima Das Tuli

     Amit Chakrabarty 

    Shahriar Hossen

     Amina Khatun

    Misbah Uddin Tuhin

    *able o! ContentSerial number Content Page no"

    1.0 e)uti+e Summar 1

    2.0 C"m,an Summar 1

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    2.1 7e(al Stru)tures 2

    2.1.1 A))"untin( and 7e(al 2

    2.2 C"m,an 7")ati"n 2

    2.2.1 Intelle)tual *r",ert 2

    3.0 *r"du)t and Ser+i)es 2

    3.1 Te)hn"l"( 34.0 Market Analsis and Summar 3

    4.1 Market Analsis 3

    4.2 Market Share 4

    5.0 Strate( and Im,lementati"n Summar 4

    5.1 Strate( and Im,lementati"n 4

    5.2 C"m,etiti+e d(e 4

    5.3 Marketin( Strate( 4

    5.4 Marketin( *r"(ram 5

    5.5 Sales Strate( 5

    5.6 Sales 8"re)ast 55.# *r"m"ti"n Strate( 6

    6.0 Mana(ement Summar 6

    6.1 *ers"nal *lan 6

    6.2 r(ani9ati"n Stru)ture 6

    6.3 7ist "f Administrati"n *ers"ns #

    #.0 8inan)ial *lan #

    #.1 Im,"rtant Assum,ti"n #

    #.2 Start:&,:C"st #

    #.3 In+estment and ,enditure %

    #.4 8inan)ial ;eeds %

    #.5 -rake +en Analsis %

    #.6 ST Analsis

    #.6.1 Stren(th and ,,"rtunit

    #.6.2 Threats and eakness

    %.0 A,,endi

    %.1 In)"me statement

    %.2 -alan)e sheet 10

    1.0 e)uti+e summar

    -an(ladesh nline St"ne Su,,l C"m,an

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    limest"ne@ tra+ertine sands st"ne@ slate@ manufa)tured st"ne and "ther

    r"u(h and fabri)ated st"re ill be a+ailable. ur )"m,an ill ,r"+ide 24#

    ser+i)e thr"u(h a))essin( "nline. Cust"mer )an easil a))ess "ur eb site

    and )an (et detailed inf"rmati"n su)h as: =ualit st"ne si9e@ ser+i)e )har(e@

    )"l"r@ ,ri)e in)ludin( +at et). s" that the )an easil sele)t their )h"se able

    st"ne. ur )"m,an ill ha+e 8a)eb""k ,a(e@ Sk,e. S" that "ur )lient )an

    )"nta)t ith us at antime. If "ur )lients ant t" see the ,r"du)t@ e ill

    (i+e them +ide" )allin( ser+i)e@ hene+er the ant. ur )"m,an

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    ur business ill run as a ,artnershi, business. All debt and liabilities "f this

    business ill be "ur res,"nsibilit. e ill ,a ,ers"nal in)"me taes "n the

    ,r"Bt made. This ill make a))"untin( mu)h sim,ler.

    2.1.1 A))"untin( and le(al

    e ill use sim,le a f"r "ur ta a))"untant and e ill be res,"nsible f"r

    ,eri"di) Bnan)ial statement analsis.

    2.2 C"m,an l")ati"n

    -an(ladesh nline St"ne Su,,l C"m,anerent t,es "f attributes.

    Su)h as:

    1. 7C b"lder bla)k

    • 7" )"st

    • 7" medium =ualit

    2. 7C b"lder hite

    • 8"r hea+ drillin(

    • !i(h )"st

    • !i(h =ualit

    3. 7C li(ht hite

    • 8"r n"rmal drillin( and raila sli,,er

    • Medium =ualit• eas"nable ,ri)e

    4. 7C d"n

    • 7" )"st

    • !i(h =ualit

    • eas"nable ,ri)e

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


     The entire ,r"du)ts ha+e +ari"us si9es. It )an be su,,lied )"nsumer demand.

    e als" ha+e di>erent t,es "f st"ne. Th"se are E ?ranite@ n(ineered@

    =uart9 st"ne@ marble@ limest"ne@ and tra+ertine@ sands st"ne@ slate@

    manufa)tured st"ne and "ther r"u(h and fabri)ated st"ne ill be a+ailable.

    3.1 Te)hn"l"(

    As "ur business is "nline based business@ e ill ,r"+ide str"n( reliable@

    trustable ebsite here e ill menti"n all "f "ur )"m,an inf"rmati"n

    /("+ernment@ taati"n@ l")ati"n "f l")al ")e@ ("+ernment re(istrati"n@ as

    ell as ,r"du)t inf"rmati"n. Su)h as :

     T,es "f ,r"du)t

    *ri)e "f the ,r"du)t



    e)"mmend "f )"nsulted

    nline )"ntra)t

    Client re=uirement hi)h ill alas sh" after the )"ntra)t

    4.0Market Analsis and summar

    Market analsis )an be deBned as "utlines the s,e)iB) a)ti"ns entre,reneur

    intend t" )arr "ut t" interest ,"tential )ust"mers and )lients in "ur ,r"du)t

    and ,ersuade them t" bu the ,r"du)t ">ered.

    4.1 Market Analsis

    *arget .arket: ur tar(et market ill be de+el",er )"nstru)ti"n site "f

    Slhet di+isi"n but e ill mainl tar(et t" )a,ture "f all de+el",er

    )"nstru)ti"n site es,e)iall industrial area: Dhaka@ Chitta("n( et).

    Com+etitor: ur maG"r )"m,etit"r "uld be traditi"nal st"ne su,,lier@

    here the )ust"mers ha+e t" (" t" the s,"t f"r the ,r"du)t. -ut in "ur

    business sstem@ the )ust"mer ill fa)e n" ha9ard f"r )h""sin( and

    (ettin( the ,r"du)t be)ause e ill ,r"+ide "nline ser+i)e here the

    )ust"mer )an easil )heek the ,r"du)t related inf"rmati"n ith l" )"st.As e are ne the )ust"mer ma (" t" the traditi"nal st"ne su,,lier

    be)ause "f brand l"alt. Thaterent.

    .arket trends: The st"ne business ,las a +ital r"le in -an(ladesh

    e)"n"m. The entire infrastru)ture relies "n the st"ne. The -an(ladesh

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    ("+ernment estimates that the su,,l "f st"ne has been in)reased


    4.2 Market Share

    ;ame "f the )"m,an M"nthl sale Market shareMs Allah: dan Maer dua

    st"ne )rusher

    250000 feet 30H

    Ms All a9i st"ne )rusher 150000 feet 20HMs &rmi st"ne )rusher 100000 feet 15HMs iasad st"ne )rusher and

    ,r")essin( ,lant

    100000 feet 15H

    thers 150000 feet 20H

    5.0 Strate( and im,lementati"n summar

    5.1 Strate( and im,lementati"n

    • e intend t" su))eed b (i+in( ,e",le a )"mbinati"n "f eas@

    )"mf"rtable and =ui)ker a "f su,,lin( st"ne.

    • e ill f")us "n establishin( a str"n( identit in "ur )"mmunit ith a

    (rand ",enin(.

    • e ill )reate an a,,ealin( en+ir"nment ith unbeatable =ualit at an

    e)e,ti"nal ,ri)e.

    • ur ,r"du)t ,ri)es ill same f"r all area but "ur ser+i)e )har(e ill

    di>er a))"rdin( t" area.

    5.2 C"m,etiti+e ed(e

    C"m,etiti+e ed(es ill be E

    An etra "rdinar )"ntem,"rar ebsite desi(n

    ide" )"nferen)in( fa)ilit

    Inner and "uter se)t"r marketin( )am,in(

    m,l"ee internet trainin( in)enti+e and retenti"n ,r"(ram

    5.3 Marketin( strate(

    Marketin( strate( ill be t" ,r"m"te "ur =ualit full st"ne@ su,eri"r ser+i)e

    and e)itin( )"n)e,ts t" dra in the nati"nal )ust"mer.

    -uildin( a u,:t":date eb ,a(e

    Cust"mer ser+i)e

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    Ad+ertisin( and ,r"m"ti"n

    5.4 Marketin( ,r"(ram

    -ill b"ard ad+ertisement

    Distributi"n "f ,am,hlets

    Ad+ertisement in re(i"nal nes,a,er

    Ad+ert"rial "n l")al )able )hannel

    -anners and small ,"sters in the se)t"rs.

    5.5 Sales strate(

    ur sales strate( re=uires )"nsistentl hi(h =ualit st"ne@ ser+i)e@ s,eed

    and atm"s,here. e )an a))"m,lish this b E

    !irin( em,l"ees h" (enuinel kn" "nline "rk

    Intera)tin( ith "ur )ust"mer ,ers"nall thr"u(h "nline. S" that the)"uld be satisBed.

    +aluatin( st"ne )h"i)es f"r ,r"Btabilit.

    5.6 Sales f"re)ast

     The Brst m"nth "f business ill be used t" set u, the ")e and eb ,a(e.

     There ill be n" sales a)ti+it durin( this ,eri"d "f time. e+enue ill be(in

    t" "))ur durin( the 2nd m"nth h"e+er it ill "nl tri)kle in until the f"ur

    m"nth hen it ill be)"me m"re stead.

    Sales f"re)ast ear 1 ear 2 ear 3

    Sales 200000 feet


    market ,ri)e 60


    2500000 feet 300000 feet

    state ,lannin( 1 )"rer De,ends "n


    De,ends "n


    In+estin( De,end "ndemand

    De,end "ndemand

    *otal sales 2.2 )"rer

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    5.# *r"m"ti"n strate(

    -r")hures and s")ial net"rkin(


    -usiness )ard

    Sales ,r"m"ti"n

    6.0 Mana(ement summar


    ,erati"n mana(er

    8inan)e mana(er

    Marketin( mana(er

    Su,,l mana(er

    7e(al ad+is"r mana(er

    In+ent"r mana(er

    6.1 *ers"nnel ,lan

    e belie+e the ,ers"nal ,lan is in (""d ,r","rti"n t" the fa)ilities "f

    the business and ,r"Ge)ted re+enue  There ill be the di>erentiati"n in the salaries "f em,l"ees

    *r",er all"an)es ill be ,r"+ided t" in)rease the G"b satisfa)ti"n


    6.2 r(ani9ati"n stru)ture


    6.3 7ist "f Administrati"n *ers"ns









    ?eneral Mana(er

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    Position #umber o!

    +ersons1. ?eneral mana(er 1

    2. Assistant (eneral mana(er 1

    3. Administrati"n mana(er 14. Marketin( mana(er 1

    5. ,erati"n mana(er 1

    ?eneral "rker 20

    6. 8inan)ial mana(er 1

    #. 7")al area mana(er 2

    #.0 8inan)ial ,lan

    #.1 Im,"rtant assum,ti"n

    Plan month 1ear ( 1ear '

    Current interest rate 10H 10H

    7"n(:term interest rate 10H 10H

     Ta rate 30H 30H

    ther 0 0

    #.2 Start:u,:)"st

    7i)enses and ,ermits 10 th"usand tk ,er ear

    Insuran)e 3.5 lakh tk ,er ear

    7e(al en+ir"nment # th"usand tk ,er ear

     Tra)ks 2 )"rer

    Crasher ma)hine #5 lakh tk

    thers ma)hine 40 lakh tk

    )ial e=ui,ment 2 lakh tk

    Internet )able 50 th"usand tk

    #.3 In+estment and e,enditure

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    Ca+ital e2+enditure :

    7and and buildin( 5 lakh ,er ear8urniture and Bttin( 50 th"usandSi(nb"ard 50 th"usand

    3orking a+ital :

    Sales and marketin( )"st 5 lakh?eneral and administrati"n )"st 45 lakh Trans,"rtati"n )"st 1 lakh tk ,er ear,erati"ns and te)hni)al )"st 50 th"usandther e,enditure 1 lakh

    #.4 8inan)ial needs

    e alread ha+e a,,lied f"r Bnan)in( in se+eral banks. Trust bank and I8IC

    bank sh"s ,"siti+e result. The a,,re)iate us a l"t. e ei(ht friends

    de)ided t" in+est 4 )"rers. If s"methin( ("es r"n(@ e ha+e ba)ku, m"ne.

    #.5 -rake e+en Analsis

    Brake even +oint in unit f"r 1st  earJ

    20000000 K 10 L F : 4500000

    r@ 10 F K 20000000 E 4500000

    r@ 10 F K 15500000

    r@ F K /15500000 10 

    S"@ F K 15500000 unit

    #.6 ST Analsis

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    #.6.1 Stren(th and ,,"rtunit

    e ill ,r"+ide +erit "f st"ne hi)h als" be =ualit full.e ill ,r"+ide reas"nable )ust"mer satisfa)ti"n.ith a reas"nable ,ri)e

    All the member "f M?T team is ,r",erl =ualiBed f"r this

    se)t"r.e ha+e ade=uate kn"led(e ab"ut ren"ned st"ne su,,l

    ser+i)e.e ill ,r"+ide +ehi)les ith ?*S sstemC"nsumers )an easil )"mmuni)ati"ns ith as at an time

    thr"u(h "nline.

    #.6.2 Threats and eakness

    • !u(e )"m,etiti"ns

    • ;e )"m,an

    • &n established )"m,an

    • ;" re,utati"n

    %.0 A,,endi

    %.1 In)"me StatementJ

    Inner Column *otal amount

    Sales re+enue 2000000 L 60 120000000

    7ess J C"st "f (""ds s"ld 2000000 L 50 100000000

    4ross +ro5t 6 6 '%%%%%%%

    Less: E2+enses

     Trans,"rtati"n )"st 100000

    Sales and marketin( )"st 500000

    ?eneral N administrati"n



    ther e,enditure 100000 K /5200000

    #et +ro5t6 6 (7&%%%%%

  • 8/19/2019 Business Plan of stone business


    %.2 -alan)e sheet

    Assets: Amount7i)enses and ,ermits 10000

    7e(al en+ir"nment #000Cash 1500000Crasher ma)hine #500000)ial e=ui,ment 200000

     Tra)ks 200000007and and -uildin( 500000ther ma)hine 4000000

    *otal assets 6 6 )(8(8%%%

    Liabilities and ,9ners euity

    ners e=uit 40000000AddJ -"rr"in( 11#1#000

    *otal liabilities and o9ners

    euity 6

    6 )(8(8%%%

    AssetsO 50H

    ners e=uitO 3H

    -"rr"in(O 11H


    8i(J -alan)e sheet
