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Business Plan - workOur business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t...

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Page 1: Business Plan - workOur business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t the product that we will be selling, it’s the market floor for selling everything









ETHAN SEGAL | + | [email protected]






Page 2: Business Plan - workOur business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t the product that we will be selling, it’s the market floor for selling everything

a marketplace for working lifeThere’s a brand new consumer walking around with a lifetime of work-related spending in their pocket. They need places to work, a computer, a pension,

healthcare, someone to calculate and pay their taxes, food and drink and everything else employers used to provide on their behalf. It’s not just a few

freelancers; everyone who works is having to do more and more themselves (30% of American workers are not working in employers’ offices on any

given day; 40% don’t work a contract with benefits; 50% of global workers bring their own devices to work). But a marketplace has yet to emerge that

does everything that employers have been doing for them: there’s no IT department, payroll company or HR outside the office; people don’t have access

to the same IFAs, accountants and lawyers; and while there are many new places to work, nobody’s really thought about what working life could look

like beyond offices now that people are choosing and paying for it themselves. work will create an entirely new marketplace of products & services that

fills the hole that employers are leaving behind. Our mission is not to recreate the same quality of working life that employers have been providing for

nearly a century now; our mission is to create A BETTER QUALITY OF WORKING LIFE now that the individual is choosing and paying for everything themselves.

Page 3: Business Plan - workOur business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t the product that we will be selling, it’s the market floor for selling everything

All the needs of modern working life arise when people are busy working (i.e. they’re hungry or thirsty, their computer is running slow, they have a tax question

when sending out an invoice, etc.). That’s why we need to be the place where people choose to work; by capturing people’s working time, we’ll capture the

market. Our business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t the product that we will be selling, it’s the market floor for selling

everything else. You can’t sell everything from IT to banking to a small group of the same regular customers sitting upstairs in offices you have to pay to get

into; you need a mass market. We will capture it by designing a better quality workspace than currently exists and putting it in public where people can walk

in and out of it freely. We will use workspace to buy the new consumer out of all the other places they currently work so that we can sell them everything else

they need in modern working life, starting with food & drink. As the customer base expands, we will layer on new products & services until eventually, the

lifetime value of each customer far exceeds what we could have ever brought in from renting them the desk & chair rather than giving it away for free.

the model

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Page 6: Business Plan - workOur business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t the product that we will be selling, it’s the market floor for selling everything

LAyER ONE: THE MARKET fLOORIn the beginning, our undivided attention will be given

to the workspace itself and turning a profit from the sale

of food and drink alone. We will create a prototype and

perfect it until it’s clear that it will act as a magnet for

working life wherever it’s replicated. While this business

plan explains how we will

develop from a public

workspace selling just

food & drinks into a

wider marketplace,

the business plan

itself is for the launch

of the prototype.

LAyER THREE: pROduCTS & SERVICESAll the products & services that currently line today’s high streets were never designed to serve working life (Best Buy is not an IT department, business banking is for

businesses, not individuals, etc.). A market does exist for working life, but it’s for employers, not individuals. For example, employers lease equipment at wholesale

prices; individuals buy them outright at retail prices. Employers access the best private IFAs; individuals buy retirement plans from high street banks. Employers use

big payroll companies to calculate and pay taxes; individuals have to find local accountants. This marketplace exists because employers buy on behalf of a large

number of employees rather than on an individual basis. We will be able to do the same, but with the potential to scale much larger than any employer ever has.

That’s because the individual will be a customer rather than an employee and our goal is to have as many as possible, not as few - and, they will cut across employers.

This business will develop in layers


Advisors will be introduced into

the workspace who will

diagnose customer’s needs and

prescribe solutions (i.e. they’ll

work out whether a slow

computer has a virus, is

obsolete and needs upgrading,

etc.). They’ll be generalists

within a specialist field (an

Associate in Law, an IT

consultant it tech, etc.)

equipped to handle the

everyday questions themselves

while knowing how to navigate

the more complicated ones.

Solutions that can’t be fulfilled

in-house will initially be

sourced from outside products

and services. We won’t charge

for the diagnosis; we’ll earn our

income from the solutions.

Charging people just to talk to

someone will be a psychological

barrier that too few will cross.

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It won’t be that hard to create a workspace that stands out from

everything else. Workspaces today are where hotels were in the

1980s before hip hotels arrived - they satisfy basic needs, but none

tap into human desire. That’s because most new workspaces have

built their model on office life, which was conceived by employers in

a very different era of work when desire was not a consideration. But

it will be now that the

people working inside

them are choosing and

paying for it themselves

- and because more and

more people no longer

need to be in one to do

their jobs. What follows

are 3 qualities that will

radically challenge

traditional thinking

about where work has

to be.

3 QUALITIES will draw people out of all the places they currently work and into ours

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Locations where people love to spend their time.We will take work out of the office and put it in places people love to be. For example, in a park, by the water, inside inspiring architecture - places traditionally associated with play, where work does not currently exist.

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Environments where people feel good. Literally.The most successful brands have been influencing the way people feel in their spaces by carefully controlling all the variables in their environment. The best hotels, aircraft manufacturers, malls, museums, schools, places of worship and many others have turned environmental psychology into a science. A handful of workspaces have applied a few of the principals, but always as an after-thought - nobody’s made it core to their design.

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Places that take the monotony out of work.

By making work public. It’s the opposite of the home, the office and coworking. Each day in public is different to the one before - it’s not the same boring commute, to sit at the same desk, in front of all the same faces. People

love working in cafes for that reason, but cafes aren’t workspaces.

Nobody’s taken work public yet.

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architectural conceptWe have a high profile French architect working on our team (page 31) whose firm is experienced in developing spaces designed to encourage people’s

best work (schools, libraries, etc.). What follows is a draft concept that expresses the long term vision for the space, not the minimum viable product.

Once we secure a space, we will scale back to meet the parameters that we have to work within.


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environmental controlWe will adopt the latest research from various universities, government institutions, etc. regarding the role that different environmental variables play on human

psychology and physiology. We will seek property that is most accommodating of these variables. And we won’t compromise. The quality of the space is far more

important to our long term success than the quality of the real estate contract. This will distinguish us from most coworking businesses. Most of them have established

themselves as real estate businesses first; the working lives of the customers inside them come second. They sacrifice these qualities that are really important to

the consumer. Coworkings’ real estate contracts will probably look much better than ours, but our space will look much better to the consumers who use them and

that’s what will ultimately matter over the long term.

AIR QUALITY: Poor air quality (high concentrations of co2,

pollutants, etc.) is proven to cause drowsiness and loss of concentration. It is the result of poor ventilation systems that fail to circulate air in from outside. This, along with other air quality variables (i.e. humidity), will be controlled by investing in a modern high quality climate control system.

TEMPERATURE: Cold temperatures cause people to make mistakes and lose concentration (people focus on the cold rather than work). Climate control is notoriously bad in offices and many public spaces and it’s usually the result of inadequate technology and/or human error. we won’t make those same mistakes - our goal will be a consistent 25°c (77°f) throughout, which is believed to be the optimal temperature, and we’ll use a combination of technologies to achieve it.

SMELL: The olfactory bulb is linked to the brain’s limbic system which means smell is highly connected to emotions and memories. Peppermint, citrus and woody notes create feelings of energy and alertness, which is why many gyms, shopping centers and airlines release these aromatics through the ventilation system. We will do the same.

COLOR: Our primary color will be white to help with light distribution, but it is also shown to inspire clarity. Accents of blue will be incorporated which is associated with calm and tranquility, helping to reduce stress. green will feature through the natural life, which is also a calming color.

SPATIAL: Higher ceilings induce feelings of freedom and illicit both greater decision making capabilities and abstract thinking (that’s on top of people’s aesthetic preference for them). High ceilings (or the ability to combine two floors) will be something we seek from our real estate. Achieving the right amount of distance between people will also be important. There is no research we are aware of that states how much and how proximity affects people, so we’ll have to experiment - but we’ve made allowances for a much larger square foot per person in our financials than is typically found in most public spaces.

NATURAL LIFE: The positive effects of natural life in the working environment are too vast to mention. Along with natural light, natural life will be central to our workspace.

PERSPECTIVE: Glass will serve a purpose beyond light distribution - it will give people perspective, which is something most people don’t have with a cubicle wall.

SOUND: Ambient sounds can either help or harm people’s work. various studies show that 50 decibels is the right amount and we will control it with new noise canceling systems that various retailers like apple have started introducing into their stores.

MATERIALS We will exclude any materials that reference the office (office desks and chairs, ceiling & carpet tiles, etc.). Our goal is to present a new vision for working life that’s completely removed from the 20th century one that nobody ever really fell in love with.

CONNECTIVITY: It goes without saying that uncertainty about internet connectivity and access to power (a problem that everyone has faced when working in public) will not be a feature of our workspace. our space will be wired with the same commercial grade equipment found in the best offices.

DIM LIGHT: High intensity light is conducive to most of the work day, with the exception of creative thinking. It is believed that people are more creative under low level lighting and we will be particularly accommodating of this at night where lighting will be dimmed around the perimeter glass wall (creating dim lit spaces near the windows so people can stare out while they think - imagine airline lounge at night).


Light is an incredibly important regulator of our work day.

It’s presence tells us that it’s time to work and it’s absence that it’s time

to rest. This happens biologically without our awareness - high intensity

light in the blue spectrum is a regulator of melatonin, seratonin and

cortisol; in layman’s terms, it causes us to feel awake and

alert with a general sense of well being. Most places

people work are starved of light: the big

cafes typically choose deep dark saturated

colors that absorb light and dim lighting

at the opposite end of the spectrum (red/

yellow); most people’s homes are lucky if they

get any sun; coworking loves early 20th century

lofts where the primary building material was brick.

Our primary building material will be glass and our primary color white,

and we will seek out locations that face the sun without anything

obstructing it. Every aspect of our space will be designed to capture

and flood it with natural light and when it’s not available, we’ll

synthesize it through the same carefully calibrated lighting systems that

airlines, retailers and museums use.

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WORKSPACE C Workspace C serves two very distinct needs. It’s a place for people to think and a place for people to complete short duration, less concentrated tasks (emails, admin, etc.) - they’re usually the people you see on the sofas in a cafe working on a touch device. People will sit at soft chairs; lighting will be dimmer; and, like workspace A, each wall will look out onto something different. It won’t be too dissimilar to a very good airport or hotel lounge.

WORKSPACE AMost people need periods of concentrated time on their own to get work done. They don’t want to be alone, but they don’t want to be distracted by others. That’s why many people choose public spaces over the home, office or coworking because they’re in the company of strangers (some people describe it as “working in public, alone”). They’re usually the people you see sitting at communal tables in a cafe working on a laptop. but they’re not there just for company; they’re there because they feed off the constant change that’s inherent within public life. It helps them to see the work they’re doing from different perspectives, avoiding the circular thinking that often occurs in static places like the home or the office. This section of our workspace will sit people side by side with strangers at long communal tables with ergonomically designed seating for long duration work. It will be surrounded by glass, each wall looking out onto something different, feeding them a constant stream of stimuli while protecting them from it.

WORKSPACE BWorkspace B is for all the daily interactions people have in modern working life. Interviews, meetings, collaborative work sessions. This space will be distinguished by its round tables and softer touches that aim to make each individual feel equal. Noise canceling systems will make it hard to hear neighboring conversations.

THE BUILDINGThe exterior walls will look out onto the public life that surrounds the building, but they will be soundproof and designed in such a way that people don’t feel exposed. The interior walls of each zone will look into the atrium where they will see natural life and food & drinks. The glass partition will shield them from the noise in the atrium. The ceiling in the atrium will have an opening that floods the space with natural light and the rest of the ceiling will be a giant lighting panel that simulates daylight.

Working life is becoming less of an eight hour day in one place, repeating the same few tasks. It’s much more of a series of varied tasks performed in

different locations, each lasting an hour or two and people need different types of workspaces to do them. Some workspaces need to be designed for

critical thinking, others for collaboration, and some to stimulate productivity. Our spaces will be divided to meet those different needs.


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Light will be more than just an environmental variable we control;IT WILL BE A SYMBOL FOR WORK

Light will not be a functional specification that’s added at the final stage of our build, it will be at the center of our entire design. It’s our identity and logo and the entire

roof will project it as the primary signage for the store. It’s not just because of the way in which the sun’s light effects us, but also because the sun and the deep blue sky is a

symbol that’s universally positive all around the world - it makes everyone feel happy when they see it. It will literally shine a light onto work (something that is not always

seen as a positive), helping people to see work as a good word. This is not the actual picture of the workspace; it is merely a first draft expression of the concept.

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Along the ARTERIES that all working lives traverseBy installing work on the ground floor in public retail space rather than upstairs in commercial office space. Everyone travels through retail (they are like highways), but only a small group of the same regular people ever go upstairs into any one office above (they are like dead-end residential streets). While coworking businesses are all competing to lock down the best commercial office real estate, we’ll be busy finding the best retail.

Zones with the highest volume of jobs within a 30 minute commuting radius - these

are the places in between lots of different working zones. These intersections are typically right in the center of a

city near a major transport hub that links several clusters together (e.g. the financial district, the

creative area, a science and technology corridor, government,

a university, etc.) - places where the creative crosses paths with a banker. For example, in Paris, it’s

the 20 IRIS census zones near Gare Saint-Lazare and the Opera, each of

which have over 2 million jobs within their radius; it’s not places like Canal St. Martin

(a popular coworking location) with less than a million jobs in its radius and a heavy

bias towards creative industries.

We will reach the mass market with our workspace by being in


CITIES WITH THE HIGHEST quANTITy Of jObS: Those with over a million jobs, where the economy is expanding rather than contracting, with a higher diversity of work (i.e. where the local economy isn’t dependent on just one sector) and where the participation rates are high (where people are either working or looking for work).

CITIES WITH THE HIGHEST quALITy Of jObS: Those that have work with a higher median income and more highly skilled jobs (e.g. knowledge work).

In CITIES with the worlds’ best labor markets*

At the INTERSECTIONS of diverse working lives

*See appendix C for a list of cities. The pilot will be situated in the city offering the best prospects for getting started (finance, people, connections, real estate, etc.).

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The working customer eats differently from the restaurant customer. OUR FOOD & DRINK WILL BE DESIGNED FOR WORK

People will work in our space much more frequently than they would ever eat at the same place (eating the same thing over and over is off-put-ting; working in the same place is not). People will eat with us day after day if every time they walk up to the food display they feel they are walking into a different restaurant. That’s

why we won’t make our own brand of food - we’ll bring in everyone else’s instead. We will curate food from the city’s most popular restau-rants, choosing signature dishes with a low glycemic index (keeping peoples’ energy levels constant while working). We will repackage it in our own uniform containers with a label on the side

displaying who it’s from so that people see that we are going beyond simply delivering food - it makes the curation explicit and allows us to project our identity onto the food. And we will do the same with drinks (e.g. buying local craft coffee beans). This is not as complicated as it may sound - Uber Eats, Forkable, etc. have already laid the groundwork.

SMALLER PORTIONSOur peak traffic will be in between meals - the oppo-site of restaurants. This is when most people are work-ing. People will eat with us outside of mealtimes because we will offer them smaller portions than a full meal - ⅓ the size - which will satisfy any appetite throughout the day. People who want a full meal can buy more containers.

SPEEDCustomers who work stay longer. Someone who works stays 100 minutes on aver-age versus 30 for someone who doesn’t. (We know this from 500 hours observing people at work in cafes.) People usually only order more than once if they don’t have to wait in line again (i.e. someone takes

their order). We won’t have lines; customers will pick up their food and pay for it them-selves through one of our terminals or on one of their devices. They’ll also order and pay for their drinks this way, which they can either pick up themselves or have delivered to the table where they’re working.


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Sometimes people need the guarantee of a table & chair, which is currently one of the major drawbacks of working in public places. We’ll

satisfy that need by having a select number of tables that can be reserved by the hour for a fee. In this way, we’ll attract the people sitting

upstairs in coworking who are only there for the guarantee of a table & chair. Reservations will be limited to a few tables, so that we don’t

sacrifice the mass market only to end up with the same niche audience that coworking’s got upstairs. The pricing model will also help -

charging by the half hour psychologically encourages people to be efficient with their reservations ( just like car sharing), so that there will

always be free tables in the reservation app.



Page 18: Business Plan - workOur business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t the product that we will be selling, it’s the market floor for selling everything

Our marketing will concentrate on the image of

A BETTER QUALITY OF WORKING LIFEA better quality of working life is the

idea that our marketing will portray

and workspace will be the medium for

conveying it.

People don’t dream about pensions. They

dream about a better quality of working

life. Quality of working life is the sum of

many parts, but people feel it most in the

physical spaces they work. You can’t see,

hear, smell, touch or taste a pension, but

space touches all these senses. That’s why

space is so important - it’s selling an idea

that’s far more valuable to people than

everything sold inside it. Without physical

space, people will simply see products &

services; but with it, everything becomes

a purchase towards a better quality of

working life.

The space itself will be a local mass

market medium. It will be in prime city

center real estate that people will pass

by on their way to work - they’ll literally

see into a better quality of working life

on their way to an office. All other media

channels we use will help people to see

it who aren’t standing right in front of it.


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Layer One concentrates all the needs and problems people have in modern working life into our space.

Everyone needs a pension, equipment or healthcare but getting them is another story when you can’t rely on someone in a Finance, IT or HR department

to sort it out for you (where all you have to do is tick a few boxes). A lot of people we listened to don’t have these things (or struggle with them) not because

they can’t afford them or because you can’t buy them on your own, but because they can’t understand them. The need isn’t to be educated on all these

complicated subjects (people don’t want to become IT specialists, lawyers or accountants) - the need is for someone they trust to take away these things

away and deal with them like employers have been doing. That’s where our advisors come in.



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“…I do save, but it’s just sitting in a savings account. I don’t know how to invest and I have no idea where you go for that kind of thing...”

“Everyone I know gets some money each month from the government for childcare except me - my employer doesn’t do it for contractors.”

“My biggest problem is getting paid. I work for big companies but they take forever to pay - I have to call them up and harass them, which I find uncomfortable and awkward, but these people just can’t understand what it’s like not to be paid - they’ve never had their paycheck come late...”

“Excuse me, but you look like someone who knows about computers, can you help me? My computer keeps turning off and on and I’m not doing anything…”

“I’ve got terrible teeth, which my last employer’s insurance used to cover, but my own doesn’t - I thought it did when I signed up for the dental option, but it doesn’t.”

“I never really know how much money is mine and what I’m going to have to pay in taxes until I actually work it out at the end of the quarter and by that time, I’ve usually spent it…”

THE NEED IS REAL - WE HEARD IT OURSELVESAnd that’s why people will come to our advisorsWe have talked to a lot of people in the hours that we have spent in public spaces where people work. What we hear is a single recurring theme that

runs through all the different particular stresses that people are facing without the support of an employer. All of them are losing something without

gaining something in return. Our advisors will take over this role.


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the business of ADVISORS

Prior to launch, we will introduce people dressed in blue into the space to serve two purposes. They will be a pre-launch advertisement for the service

(unlike food & drink, it’s a new concept that will need to be explained to people) and they’ll be surveying which needs and problems are most prevalent.

This will help us to focus on which types of knowledge and skills to recruit first for our launch advisors. Our advisor proposition will be not too dissimilar

to a professional services firm covering multiple disciplines (accounting, technology, law, etc.), but it will target a totally new market of consumers with

a very different proposition. We will focus on high volume, low value transactions from the mass market (the big professional services firms target the

exact opposite). For example, drafting contracts rather than major litigation; fixing a laptop rather than setting up an enterprise system; etc. Our typical

interface with a customer will therefore be with a far lower cost generalist (It’s not an IT Principal or a Partner in a law firm, it’s a law associate or an IT

consultant that comes round and fixes your computer). People will make appointments with an advisor and receive a diagnosis without a fee (much like

with a genius at Apple); they will be given a quote for the solution. People can take their diagnosis elsewhere, just like you can at Apple, but most won’t.

That’s because what they’ll be paying for is someone they trust unconditionally to take their problem away and solve it just like employers have been

doing. Someone who guarantees everything like Amazon and with the same level of customer service as Zappos - these will be the reasons that work will

be the starting and ending point to any need or problem - and why people will pay a premium for it.

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WE WILL TAKE ADVISORS TO ALL THE OTHER PLACES PEOPLE WORKGoing to where people already are will allow us to expand much fasterOnce the advisors gain momentum, we need to expand faster than we can build branches. We need to take our advisors to locations where people are

already working. The world’s largest office is the cafe; we will make them a major distribution channel. We don’t see the cafe as competition and we don’t

think that they will see it this way either - we won’t be selling food & drink in their space and we’ll be selling their’s in ours (see food & drink concept) in a

model that Starbucks, Costa and others have already implemented in hotels, service stations, grocery stores, etc. We don’t need Starbucks on day one;

we just need one local cafe with a small network of stores in our launch city to say yes. Once we’ve proven the concept with one small chain, the larger

ones will be easier to convince to come on board.

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ONLINE ISN’T OUR FIRST DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL - IT’S OUR LASTMost people will eventually reach our advisors online - it will become our most important distribution channel. But we can’t start there, we have to start in

stores. Advisors are a new concept that the public will be unfamiliar with and we’re going to have to establish a level of trust given the subject matter of the

conversations we hope to have with customers (finance, legal, etc). This is a lot easier to do face-to-face than online - there’s a lot more for the customer

to evaluate. We will carefully craft and control that experience ( just like with the space) with everything from the type of person we recruit to the clothes

they wear. And we won’t call them advisors, we just haven’t found a name that we feel will resonate with the public yet. Our goal is to plant a picture of the

advisors in people’s heads so that when they’re speaking to one online or over the phone that they can’t see, they’re imagining the same person.

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As our customer base scales, we will start to build a new marketplace of products & services that specialize in serving working life. It won’t exclusively sell

our own products and services; it will be an open marketplace that encourages and incentivizes others to become solutions that our advisors recommend

and sell. This will both help establish the integrity of the answers our advisors provide (as their recommendations will incorporate a review of all the

products & services in the marketplace and not just our own), and it will ensure that our marketplace becomes complete - the needs of working life are

just too vast and complicated for any one brand to solve. But we will design our own products & services where we see a very strong business case and

believe that we can do it better than others. For everything else, we’ll take a cut for being the marketplace where they sell their products & services.


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We see a particularly strong business case for


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Customers will start to see advisors as the new IT department. They’ll see someone who’s independent of technology brands and retailers, who can help

them to research, price compare, negotiate, insure, purchase, secure, backup, problem solve, upgrade and all the other things that IT departments do

inside companies, that most people take for granted. They’ll stop trying to fill these holes through places like Best Buy, who never set themselves up to

be a replacement for IT - they’re mostly just tech retailers. But even with advisors, customers still have the burden of buying and owning the equipment

which means they have to pay a large sum upfront - which they have to pay each time they want to upgrade (encouraging people to hang on to equipment

longer than an employee ever would). We will take away this burden by bringing a new model to tech which has been used by the car industry for years

- the lease. And we’ll package it together with the advisors and insurance, to completely eliminate the burden so that people start to see technology as

a rental rather than a purchase.

IT DEPARTMENTThe first public

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Customers will start to see advisors as the starting point to all the subjects that are really difficult to understand. They’ll come to advisors for help with

employment contracts (especially people who no longer work a full-time contract and might be working more than one at the same time - many of which

aren’t even employment contracts at all anymore); they’ll ask for help calculating and paying their taxes (especially those who are no longer paid by

employers through payroll companies); or they might want help working out how best to invest for retirement (especially those who no longer have access

to employer programs staffed with some of the best IFAs). In Layer Two, Advisors will call upon the existing professional services market for solutions

they can’t handle themselves. In Layer Three, we’ll build a professional services organization that specializes in work and employment. We’ll recruit the

specialists we need to be able to answer questions in-house while also exploring products & services in the startup community that are disrupting the

way that professional services is delivered. A major arm of this new firm will be a new type of payroll company - one for all the people who no longer get

paid through one. It will take people’s gross incomes (from all its sources) and turn them into something that resembles a regular paycheck each month

(this is big business - the American payroll company ADP has an annual turnover of $12 billion). However, unlike payroll companies today (where the

employer is the customer and not the employee), it won’t just unconditionally pay the government the maximum; it will seek to ensure that our customers

are being as tax efficient as the law allows.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICESThe first consumer market for


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A BANKThe most difficult challenge that more and more people are facing in modern working life is figuring out how to live without a single consistent paycheck

from one employer each month where everything has already been accounted for (tax, healthcare, pensions, business expenses paid for by the employer,

etc.). Everyday, more and more people are getting paid gross and they’re earning their income from multiple sources. We will create a new separate

financial space that specializes exclusively in people’s working lives (because personal banking is designed for domestic life and business banking is for

legal business entities, not people). It will include products & services like a checking/current account for working life money (keeping pre-tax money

separate from domestic finances); accounting tools that help people manage their working finances as if it were a business; annuity-like products that

smooth out erratic and sporadic income while also helping people to save for retirement.

The deposits that the bank accumulates will be loaned / invested back out to the same customers who put them there. We will provide credit for all the

bigger ticket purchases that employers used to pay for, but which traditional banks are not in the business of funding (equipment, education, etc.). We will

provide a working capital line of credit to all the individuals who work as if they were a company, but aren’t (i.e. a freelancer who needs to make upfront

purchases to complete a gig before they get paid). And we’ll help the individual to fund their projects and ideas (from micro loans to seed funding). We’ll

be in a unique position to do all this because our advisors will have a richer set of data about this customer than anyone else - they’ll be able to risk profile

them in a way that traditional banks can’t.

for working life


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Putting work in retail space will give business access to a new consumer that they

never had access to before. People need products & services right next to them

when they’re working, but most people work at a distance from commerce either

literally (because they’re in office parks or at home) or psychologically

(because they’re in offices above retail space). Carving out a

space for work in retail with advisors who activate all the

latent needs people have will help business to see the

opportunity and set up shop around us.

We have an ulterior motive for encouraging a new

marketplace to form around us. We need the

best prime real estate in city centers on

favorable terms. Bringing a new sector of

business to retail property owners along with a

new stream of foot traffic will achieve this,

especially at a time when they’re concerned about

a long term decline that’s occurring in retail due to

e-commerce. Retail owners are trying to address the

problem with more restaurants and entertainment, but

people only have so much time for it. But work is the thing

that people spend more time doing than anything else in life -

putting it there will flood city centers with new traffic (in particular, between the

hours of 9-5, from Monday to Friday, when retail traffic is traditionally light). It will

make us a totally new type of anchor, and anchors get the best places at better

prices because retail property owners can’t live without them.

TAKING WORK OUT OF THE OFFICE AND PUTTING IT IN RETAIL SPACEFor everything else, we will encourage a new marketplace to develop around us by


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Many people still receive everything they need in working life from their employers (and a few employers are making headlines for doing it really well). But

the overall trend is that more and more employers are doing less. Managing people’s entire working lives is a burden and an expense that was necessary

last century, but is much less relevant to the work people are increasingly doing today. Creating a new infrastructure that takes the place of employers will

help advance the trend - creating one that provides a better quality of working life than the one that employers provided will prompt people to start to

demand it (and those employers who deny it will lose the best talent). What’s more, as they start to own and control their working lives themselves (with

portable products & services that they take with them from employer to employer), their decisions about where to work will no longer be influenced by

anything other than the work itself and the pay. Layers One, Two and Three together focus on building the infrastructure that will make independent working

life outside the office much better than inside it. But, a better quality of working life is just the first step on a path towards a much bigger vision...

a better quality of working lifeOUR MISSION IS TO CREATE


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Better pensions, IT, etc. will improve quality of working life, but it won’t fundamentally change the way people feel about work itself. So many

people see work as a bad word because they don’t love what they do. As people start to see us as the place to turn to for answers, they’ll start

to ask more and more questions. Instead of asking us which computer to buy, they’ll start asking how to do things with it that lead to the work

they really want to do. We will answer these questions and expand our marketplace of products & service to cover them (e.g. education,

marketing services to help people better market themselves for the jobs they really want, larger sources of funding for new ideas, etc.).

The more that we help people into work that they love doing, the more that people will see work as a good word.


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Ethan Segal has been a founder of several advertising agencies. These agencies became multi-million dollar businesses with 50+ staff

handling clients like British Airways, The BBC and Orange. One was bought by M&C Saatchi; another is now part of TBWA. All of them

became among the top ten most heavily awarded in their field. Ethan was Strategy Director, but having started these agencies with no

clients, revenue or staff, he was used to doing just about everything from leading pitches and client accounts to writing ads.

Jody Pou has built her own independent creative brand in diverse artistic fields. She created the start-up netlabel, shskh.com, for which

she commissioned pieces & directed recording sessions in NYC studios (Avatar and Clinton). Her books have been published by the

French National Book Center. She has won two first prizes from the Paris Conservatory and has sung as a soloist at the Paris Opera. She’s

also a visual artist selling her work on the Saatchi Gallery online. Jody brings retail and real estate experience to the team too - she’s Vice

President of her family’s retail property corporation. She brings knowledge in everything from tenant negotiations to city council ordinances.

Alex Ledsom has over fifteen years’ experience in Project Management & Operations both in consultancy firms and large multinational

blue chip organizations (J.P.Morgan Private Bank, International Herald Tribune, the UK Government). She has run multiple projects

and teams of different sizes, mentoring staff & managing client expectations. She has sat on Management Boards, helping to reduce

overheads & increase productivity, as well as being responsible for business forecasting, revenue projections and company strategy.

CORE TEAMTwo of us have known each other for fifteen years; the three of us for five. What defines us as a team is our differences, not our similarities. We were each born

and/or have lived in different countries, we’ve worked very different unrelated careers and we are a mixed gender team. We each see the world through very

different eyes, which means we don’t always agree. But as we’re in our 40s rather than our 20s, these differences don’t serve to split us apart - they make us

stronger. This is the core team that will make work their life’s work.




l K @ +33 6 95 33 75 67

l K @ +33 6 72 13 40 95

l K @ +33 6 52 36 77 07


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We are going to need someone very experienced in running, managing and scaling a retail business. Our ideal

candidate would come from either luxury or a company whose brand is worth more than all the other assets

combined on the balance sheet. Someone who understands that space isn’t about selling, it’s about branding.

Someone who obsesses about every little detail inside the space and all around it and how it ultimately affects

the way the customer perceives the brand.

We are not looking for a chef - we aren’t making anything other than drinks. We are looking for someone who

understands the general tastes of the wider public and the trends in the food & drink industry combined with

strong connections within the food & drink business community. Someone who can ultimately forge relationships

with the best local food & drink businesses. This might be a critic for a major publication, a director at one of the

companies that supply these same restaurants or a director of a trendy food hall.

This is not a core hire at the beginning of Layer One; it’s a hire that will come closer to the end of it. We’re going

to need someone who has a broad understanding of all the disciplines in the Professional Services industry as

well as the current trends that are beginning to disrupt these centuries-old industries. Not an academic, but

someone with practical on-the-ground experience. We think this person will come from one of the major Management

Consultancies who have practices that cover the different disciplines (Law, Accounting, Technology, etc.).

We are going to need a few specialists to join our team once the pilot is proven.


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Stéphane Fernandez’s work focuses heavily on the environmental experience. He has built numerous spaces where

the core concept is to inspire intellectual pursuit: schools mediatheques, etc. His firm, Fernandez & Serres has won

them several prizes* in the subject. Stéphane studied at the prestigious Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

(EPFL) in Switzerland, and the Luminy French architectural school in Marseille. In addition to managing his company,

Stéphane is also a PFE Master teacher at French architectural Luminy school in Marseille.

*Prize-winner « Nouveaux Albums des Jeunes Architectures » French Culture and Communication Ministry; Finalist AR+D Awards Emerging Architecture 2014; nom-

inated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Awards London 2013; Prize winner for AR_EA Emerging Architecture Awards

2015 Barbican Center London; Prize winner for French Cultural Youth and Sport Monitor Price « Equerre d’argent 2015 »


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Projections for the food & drink business were built from the traffic that passes through Starbucks every day who use it as a workspace. It’s the closest

business to model revenue upon - more people work there than any other place and they sell food & drink. We collected the data for working traffic

ourselves (stripping out leisure customers) from the 500 hours spent in their stores and verified it against Starbucks annual reports - we feel confident

about these projections. What we don’t feel confident about is projecting the scale of the business beyond food & drink. Every new product & service will

have a different business model and costs and will require a lot of planning before a projection of any meaning can be made. What we do know is the

scale of the business that’s been supporting employers. Employers are spending roughly $25,000 on each employee after salary*. This money goes to

a lot of places like payroll companies (who charge a few dollars for every paycheck), technology leasing firms ($1,500 per employee each year), real estate

and associated costs ($11,000 per employee each year), training ($1,200 per employee each year) and many others. The scale of what individuals spend

outside employers is very hard to measure (this is a new trend and many products & services to serve the new consumer have not yet been invented),

but WeWork’s valuation of $20 billion offers an early indication of what investors are predicting this new consumer is worth - $550,000 per customer.

*This number varies widely from employer to employer (companies like Google spend much more; McDonald’s much less).



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The following distinguishes work foot traffic from normal cafe foot traffic and our forecasts reflect this:

• Peak work traffic is from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday (particularly the front part of the week) and lower in summer; basically the

opposite of a non-working traffic. People worked on weekends and after-hours, but not as much as during the week within normal working hours - some people’s

working hours are changing, but not as much as is often claimed - for the most part, we saw that the bulk of people still work traditional hours.

• People who work stay longer and order more food and drink (given the right conditions) than people who don’t. As detailed earlier, our food & drink product

will be tailored to these differences to lift sales per customer. As a consequence, we’ve raised revenue per order and increased order frequency proportionately

to reflect the longer stay. It was based on an assumption of 1 drink every 45 minutes (or part thereof) and 50% of customers eating (rather than roughly 20%

at Starbucks).

We added the following assumptions to reflect how we are designing our business differently from Starbucks:

• We will have far fewer stores, but they’ll be much bigger. This is because working life is concentrated in city centers with a much larger catchment than cafes;

people travel much further for work than for a cup of coffee. Our stores will be a minimum of 300 square meters (versus 150 square meters on average for

Starbucks) and as a result, we’ve forecasted 1.25× foot traffic. (It won’t be twice as much foot traffic because customers stay longer - ordering more - and

because the square meters per person will be greater).

• There’s no place to work for everyone who’s working outside normal hours. It’s a tiny group of people relative to normal working hours, but when you combine

them together (in modern city centers where they are most concentrated), we suspect it’s not insignificant (especially when you think about all the people

working in their homes when everyone’s closed). We’ll be open 24 hours but with a skeleton crew after-hours. We’ve added a modest estimate of sales over the

nighttime period (based on a few observations inside 24-hour city center food establishments).


• There are very few places where you can reserve a place to work in public so there is nothing to use as a model for reservation revenue. We’ve therefore made

a very modest estimate that will not materially affect the financials of the business if it does not prove true (6% of revenue).


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REVENUEFOOT-TRAFFIC*Appendix A for full foot-traffic methodology and figures

We observed four profiles of work customers with different consumption habits. We’ve classified them by the length of time they stay. We built separate

foot-traffic models for each of these segments (applying our assumptions from the previous page to each segment) to get to a total revenue figure.

The first two segments (who stay 235 minutes

- 5% of traffic - and 100 minutes - 26% of

traffic) are all the people you see in a cafe on

their laptops sitting at the communal tables, all

fighting for a single outlet. They’re working

solitary. A fifth profile we saw was take-away. We too expect

take-away traffic and will design our food & drink

packaging accordingly, but we project it to be less

than at Starbucks (25% versus 35% of orders at

Starbucks) because at it’s heart, Starbucks is about

coffee (which is a takeaway product) and we are

about work (which is a sit-in product).

The 43 minute segment (14% of traffic) are

working interactively (meetings, interviews,

collaborative work sessions, etc.), usually at a

round bistro table.

The 31 minute segment (29% of traffic) are all the

people you see in a cafe working (not playing) on

their touch devices (e.g. emails, calls, etc.) usually

sitting on the sofas. It’s much less intensive work

than the 235 minute and 100 minute segments.

A business owner’s worst fear is a work customer who stays all day sipping an espresso. We didn’t see this. The longest anyone stayed was 354 min-

utes (and it was an extreme outlier), and nearly everyone ordered much more than just the cheapest drink. Average duration for all working segments

combined formed a bell curve with a long tail, with most data points clustered around 100 minutes with a standard deviation of 71 minutes.

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Our principle for pricing is to position ourselves at the high end of the middle of fast casual establishments. Not cheap and not expensive or luxury.

• Our meals (⅓ portions) will all be the same price. This is mostly to make automated payment more simple & efficient than we’ve seen elsewhere (because the

quicker and easier it is to order, the more frequent our busy working customers will order) - people will simply enter the number of units purchased rather than

scroll through menus. This won’t affect our profit margin as we will be paying partner restaurants a fixed price (see expenses). The price of our ⅓ portions to the

customer will be €3.50. Having observed prices at many high quality fast casual restaurants, €10.50 (for 3 portions, or a full meal without drinks) was at the

high end of the middle.

• The price of our drinks will be variable. We will be buying raw ingredients and making them ourselves (which means our profitability will be affected by price

fluctuations in commodity markets). Unlike food, people will have to scroll through menus to find the drink they want (whether pricing is fixed or not, because

you can’t just pick up a Skim Latte out of a food cabinet), but our ordering app will be built in with favorites, previous orders, etc. For the purposes of this business

plan, we used €3.50 as an average order per each 45 minute increment. €3.50 sits in between espresso and fruit-based drinks (in various places we visited)

and it represents the average price of the wide menu of coffees with milk (lattes, cappuccinos, etc) which were the most common drinks for the working customer.

• We priced reservations at €2.50 per half hour. This is cheap enough for people to reserve for even the longest work sessions (€10 for the 235 minute session)

but expensive enough to discourage them from blocking out the table all day (€60 for 24 hours).

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Panera €2,212,169

McDonald’s €2,208,197

work €2,081,293

Chipolte €1,946,529

Starbucks €1,051,137


1 .75 €1,560,161

2 .82 €1,716,177

3 .91 €1,887,794

4 .95 €1,982,184

5 1.0 €2,081,293


REVENUEFIVE YEAR PROJECTIONSAppendix B for full revenue methodology and figures

Our revenue projection is modeled on year 5, when the business

has established itself. We applied a discount to years 1-4 to

account for the fact that our business needs time to grow. This

discount was based on what other food & drink businesses do.

The revenue projection per branch places us in the middle of

some well known fast food and fast casual restaurant brands. As

a point of reference, the pilot will be the equivalent of starting a

business that’s the size of a single branch of McDonald’s.

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Food € 29,359

Drinks 18,570

Subtotal € 47,929

OPERATING COSTSLaborManagers 8,667

Baristas 14,950

Hosts 11,648

Security & after-hours 3,276

Cleaning 971

Benefits 3,906

Training, development, uniforms, etc. 606

Subtotal € 44,023

Occupancy costsRent 25,083

Repairs & maintenance 3,900

Utilities 850

Waste & recycling 250

Other (Security, local authority, etc.) 133

Subtotal € 30,217

Operating ExpensesPayment processing 2,600

Covers 1,301

Environment (air quality, landscaping,



Other 239

Subtotal € 5,540



• FOOD: Each ⅓ serving will cost us €2. A ⅓ portion is 250ml. After packaging and presentation, 250ml

is actually more like 200ml. We’ve estimated the price of quality raw ingredients, bought in bulk for

this portion size, as €1. That gives partner restaurants a 100% markup. As we will be buying from

multiple locations, we’ll be in a position to negotiate. There are no kitchen costs, but we’ve included

costs for delivery, stocking, storage, health & safety, etc.

• DRINK: The cost of each drink is variable depending on the drink itself, but we’ve priced them with

the highest quality raw ingredients.

• LABOR: as detailed earlier, automation will play a major role in this business. A one time capital

investment in technology will strip out a lot of low wage labor (and all associated costs with recruitment,

benefits, etc) while maximizing sales per customer by getting rid of lines. Our financials reflect this

(although they represent a very base-line technology that will be sufficient for the pilot; it will need

further investment when the business scales). Costs for the low wage labor that can’t yet be automated

have been factored in (security, cleaning, hosts, etc.). For the higher skilled jobs, like managers and

genuine baristas (who will interface with customers), we hire the best and pay them well.

• RENT: 300m2 in prime city center retail real estate. This is not for property on the most expensive

streets (Champs-Élysées, Fifth Avenue, etc.), but rather for desirable streets within those same prime

zones. It is the average for some of the world’s larger cities (Paris, New York, San Francisco). This

figure will be significantly lower in smaller markets listed in Appendix C. We gathered this data from

a combination of sources (various reports from major real estate firms, local listings, etc.).

• For everything else, quality was researched and priced in where it needs to be (e.g. a high quality

commercial Internet package with redundancies). All of these costs include wastage, theft, staff

discounts, customer compensations, etc.

Our principle for pricing everything in this business - from the building materials to the coffee bean - is

quality - quality is how we intend to win over this new consumer.

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Revenue € 1,560,161 1,716,177 1,887,794 1,982,184 2,081,293

Cost of sales 575,149 630,306 691,729 725,853 761,117

GROSS PROFIT 985,012 1,085,871 1,196,065 1,256,331 1,320,176

Operating Expenses

Labor € 528,281 528,281 528,281 528,281 528,281

Occupancy 397,886 411,567 416,715 419,547 422,520

Administrative 31,203 31,203 31,203 31,203 31,203

PBIT € 27,642 114,820 219,866 277,300 338,172


Profit & Loss for a single unit of work selling food, drinks and reservations over five years, in total isolation of any other growth that occurs within

those five years from new products & services.


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PARTIALLY RECOVERABLE COSTSSecurity deposit € 75,000

Environmental equipment (air quality, sound, etc) 79,220

Food & drink equipment 56,270

Other equipment (fire, security, etc.) 17,205

Technology 48,000

Furniture 153,600

Contingency 85,000

Subtotal € 514,295

SUNK COSTSRenovation 850,000

First month’s rent 25,000

Estate agent fees 3,750

Utilities 700

Inventory (2 months) 41,729

Recruitment, training, uniforms 7,420

Expenses 50,000

Other 2,160

Subtotal € 980,759


CORE TEAM SALARIES (3) € 210,000

TOTAL € 1,730,596

INVESTMENTThis is the expenditure for a minimum viable product, renovating an existing space

rather than a new build. When the concept is proven, we expect this figure to rise

significantly per branch given the importance of space in building the brand. Conversely,

we expect the cost of space to become proportionately smaller in the overall financial

picture as more and more products & services are introduced and sold through the

same spaces (at which point we see space becoming a marketing line item).

As a point of reference, a single branch of McDonald’s can cost $550k to renovate an

existing space and between $1-2 million to construct depending upon geography, size

etc. A branch of Starbucks (at least half the size with far less equipment) is between

$350k - $500k to renovate (they rarely build). An Apple Store can cost $1-2 million

to renovate an existing space and $8.5 - $10 million for a new build (and their flagships

are much higher - the new San Francisco store was $23.6 million).

Real estate Key Money is not included as it could vary anywhere from €0 (in real estate

markets where key money is not paid) to €1 million (which is what Starbucks budgeted

for their Ipanema store). We also excluded this cost because in most cases, the key

money is fully recoverable.

Tenant improvement is not calculated in these costs and we expect renovation to come

down slightly as a result. In the US. it would be roughly $100,000 for this type of


Salaries for the core team have been kept off the P&L. That’s because it’s the P&L for

a single unit of work and as the business scales, no single unit of work will ever carry

their full cost nor will they be necessary to the day to day operations of any single unit.

The core team will take a salary that’s below what they’ve previously earned. They’ve

already invested over two years of labor without pay. The same goes for the architect,

who has produced concepts for the workspace without pay.

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PBIT € 27,642 114,820 219,866 277,300 338,172 338,172 338,172 338,172 338,172

PAT (@33%*) € 18,428 76,547 146,577 184,865 225,448 225,448 225,448 225,448 225,448

Accumulated profit € 18,428 94,975 241,552 426,417 651,865 877,313 1,102,761 1,328,209 1,553,657

Balance € (1,502,168) (1,425,621) (1,279,044) (1,094,179) (868,731) (643,283) (417,835) (192,387) 33,061

If the core team filled the roles of the people we intend to hire to run a single unit of work and we only ever sold food, drink and reservations in a single unit of work, the

payback period would be in year 9. This is long for a restaurant (although not for a hotel), but this is not a business plan for a restaurant. The high cost of the workspace is

targeting much more than just the eating and drinking wallets of our customers, but satisfying all those needs on day one is unrealistic. This seed funding is ultimately an

investment into the longer term vision - It will fund the prototype that will earn us the new consumer. Further rounds of funding will transform us from a workspace selling

food, drink and reservations into an entire marketplace for working life.

*Tax will be dependent upon local market rates, but we’ve chosen to be conservative. We’ve applied the relatively

high rate of tax in France (33%) rather than a market with a low rate of tax like Ireland (12.5%), for example.


PAYBACK PERIODIf this was a business plan for a single unit of work that never expanded...

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The model was constructed by observing orders and their values in Starbucks. We recorded 550 orders. From this group,

we followed a sample of people to record what they did (work or play) and how long they stayed - this allowed us to build a

model from the people working in Starbucks, stripping out everyone who was playing. We created a model for each of the

different segments of work, applying all our assumptions to them (larger food sales, a multiplier for time spent in store, etc.).

To this, we added a conservative estimate for overnight traffic.

To be sure that the data we collected was representative of Starbucks globally, we verified it through their annual financial

statements. Starbucks do not report sales per unit, but we divided total sales by number of branches and our sample came

within a 4% margin of error.

FOOD & DRINKS 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00





235 MINUTE 30 5% 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

100 MINUTE 163 26% 2.2 2.2 2.2 3.8 3.8 4.4 4.4 5.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 5.0 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 5.0 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 5.0 4.4 4.4 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

43 MINUTE 90 14% 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.2 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.9 3.9 3.9 2.9 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.9 3.9 3.9 2.9 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

31 MINUTE 185 29% 2.6 2.6 2.6 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.2 5.2 5.8 7.7 7.7 5.8 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.8 7.7 7.7 7.7 5.8 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 2.6 2.6 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

TAKE AWAY 160 25% 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.5 9.0 10.3 6.4 6.2 4.6 5.2 4.0 7.0 4.0 4.2 4.3 5.0 4.0 3.3 3.0 4.8 4.0 9.0 3.7 4.0 8.3 6.3 3.3 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

TOTAL 629 100% 9 9 9 15 21 23 20 20 22 24 22 22 17 17 17 18 18 20 22 24 22 24 17 17 20 18 15 15 13 13 12 12 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

60% STARBUCKS 377 0 0 0 6 18 22 15 19 14 16 14 14 15 14 17 15 17 17 14 20 23 21 10 13 20 14 8 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


PEAK HOURS (9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00) 259 41% 100%

REGULAR WORK HOURS (8:00-20:00) 475 76% 193%

EXTENDED WORK HOURS (6:00-22:00) 567 90% 218%

AFTER HOURS (22:00-6:00) 62 10%

Page 48: Business Plan - workOur business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t the product that we will be selling, it’s the market floor for selling everything


Page 49: Business Plan - workOur business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t the product that we will be selling, it’s the market floor for selling everything

FOOD & DRINKS 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00





235 MINUTE €470 9% €6 €6 €10 €11 €13 €17 €17 €17 €14 €14 €14 €14 €14 €14 €16 €21 €19 €19 €17 €13 €13 €13 €13 €11 €13 €13 €14 €14 €12 €12 €11 €10 €6 €6 €2 €2 €2 €2 €2 €2 €2 €2 €2 €2 €2 €2 €2 €2

100 MINUTE €1,398 26% €18 €18 €18 €31 €31 €35 €35 €40 €56 €56 €56 €44 €43 €43 €43 €43 €44 €58 €53 €53 €53 €40 €35 €35 €34 €34 €37 €37 €37 €37 €34 €31 €31 €31 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5

43 MINUTE €982 18% €14 €14 €14 €24 €28 €28 €31 €31 €42 €42 €32 €32 €29 €29 €29 €29 €32 €32 €41 €41 €31 €31 €28 €28 €25 €25 €26 €26 €26 €26 €14 €14 €14 €14 €4 €4 €4 €4 €4 €4 €4 €4 €4 €4 €4 €4 €4 €4

31 MINUTE €1,448 27% €19 €19 €19 €33 €33 €33 €38 €38 €45 €60 €60 €48 €47 €47 €47 €47 €42 €48 €56 €56 €56 €43 €38 €38 €42 €42 €47 €47 €41 €41 €37 €33 €19 €19 €6 €6 €6 €6 €6 €6 €6 €6 €6 €6 €6 €6 €6 €6

TAKE AWAY €1,051 20% €12 €12 €12 €21 €55 €63 €39 €38 €30 €34 €26 €49 €32 €33 €33 €39 €28 €23 €18 €29 €25 €55 €22 €25 €58 €44 €26 €24 €16 €16 €14 €12 €6 €6 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5 €5

TOTAL €5,349 €69 €69 €73 €120 €159 €176 €160 €164 €186 €205 €187 €188 €165 €166 €169 €180 €166 €180 €185 €192 €177 €181 €136 €136 €172 €158 €150 €148 €132 €132 €110 €99 €76 €76 €22 €22 €22 €22 €22 €22 €22 €22 €22 €22 €22 €22 €22 €22

STARBUCKS €2,818 €38 €90 €145 €86 €135 €96 €123 €99 €96 €125 €96 €114 €98 €135 €129 €116 €170 €181 €184 €77 €99 €170 €121 €73 €24


PEAK HOURS (9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00) €2,500 47% 44%

REGULAR WORK HOURS (8:00-20:00) €4,437 83% 82%

EXTENDED WORK HOURS (6:00-22:00) €5,240 98% 92%

AFTER HOURS (22:00-6:00) €461 9%


To get to revenue, we multiplied tickets with our unit pricing (€3.50). In our model, 100% of customers order drinks (the

number of drinks dependent upon their length of stay) and 50% of customers order one unit of food (75% for the 235 minute


Page 50: Business Plan - workOur business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t the product that we will be selling, it’s the market floor for selling everything

RESERVATIONS 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00





235 MINUTE €78 22% €0 €0 €0 €0 €3 €8 €8 €8 €3 €3 €3 €3 €0 €0 €3 €8 €8 €8 €8 €3 €3 €3 €3 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

100 MINUTE €135 38% €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €8 €15 €15 €15 €8 €0 €0 €0 €0 €8 €15 €15 €15 €15 €8 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

43 MINUTE €140 40% €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €8 €8 €20 €20 €8 €8 €0 €0 €0 €0 €8 €8 €20 €20 €8 €8 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

31 MINUTE €0 0% €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0

TOTAL €353 €0 €0 €0 €0 €3 €8 €15 €23 €38 €38 €25 €18 €0 €0 €3 €8 €23 €30 €43 €38 €25 €18 €3 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0 €0


PEAK HOURS (9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00) €330 94%

REGULAR WORK HOURS (8:00-20:00) €353 100%

EXTENDED WORK HOURS (6:00-22:00) €353 100%

AFTER HOURS (22:00-6:00) €0 0%


We assumed that 3 of the 4 segments will see a need at some point for reservations (the 31-minute being excluded as they

are more spontaneous visits) and that reservations traffic would concentrate around peak times when it will be hard to get

a table. Outside peak, it tails off abruptly with zero revenue throughout the night when it’s almost certain that people won’t

need a reservation.

Page 51: Business Plan - workOur business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t the product that we will be selling, it’s the market floor for selling everything

ANNUALIZED REVENUETo transform total daily revenue to annual revenue, we first applied a multiplier to each

day of the week and then another to each month of year to reflect the weekly and

seasonal variances we either saw or expect to see from work traffic.



MONDAY 0.94 1.00 €2,646 €5,349 €353 €5,702

TUESDAY 0.87 1.25 €2,452 €6,686 €441 €7,127

WEDENSDAY 1.16 1.25 €3,276 €6,686 €441 €7,127

THURSDAY 1.03 1.15 €2,892 €6,151 €405 €6,557

FRIDAY 0.92 0.95 €2,596 €5,082 €335 €5,416

SATURDAY 1.28 0.85 €3,607 €4,547 €300 €4,846

SUNDAY 0.97 0.75 €2,744 €4,012 €264 €4,276

WEEKLY REVENUE €20,214 €38,513 €2,538 €41,051

€166,890 €87,595 €10,998 €177,888



JANUARY 1.00 1.00 €87,595 €166,890 €10,998 €177,888

FEBRUARY 1.00 1.10 €87,595 €183,579 €12,098 €195,677

MARCH 1.00 1.25 €87,595 €208,613 €13,748 €222,360

APRIL 1.00 1.15 €87,595 €191,924 €12,648 €204,572

MAY 1.00 1.00 €87,595 €166,890 €10,998 €177,888

JUNE 1.00 0.90 €87,595 €150,201 €9,898 €160,099

JULY 1.00 0.80 €87,595 €133,512 €8,798 €142,311

AUGUST 1.00 0.75 €87,595 €125,168 €8,249 €133,416

SEPTEMBER 1.00 0.85 €87,595 €141,857 €9,348 €151,205

OCTOBER 1.00 1.00 €87,595 €166,890 €10,998 €177,888

NOVEMBER 1.00 1.15 €87,595 €191,924 €12,648 €204,572

DECEMBER 1.00 0.75 €87,595 €125,168 €8,249 €133,416

ANNUAL REVENUE €1,051,137 €1,952,617 €128,677 €2,081,293

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Page 53: Business Plan - workOur business model differs from coworking as a consequence: workspace isn’t the product that we will be selling, it’s the market floor for selling everything







All of these cities have thriving modern labor markets. Some are just bigger markets than others, with more jobs. More jobs means more cus-

tomers before having to expand to other cities. Conversely, the presence of a first unit in a smaller market will be much more widely felt - in some,

one unit could make work a local household name. What’s more, retail rates in prime zones are significantly lower in smaller markets.

All cities with an economically active population (the percentage of a city’s population of working age who are actively engaged in labor market) and with a high

percentage of country’s workforce. All cities with employment growth - where demand for jobs is increasing rather than decreasing across sectors based in an office,

i.e. not construction worker growth in Miami. All cities with a diversity of industries - where jobs are not tied to one sector on which we would be too dependent. All

cities with high quality jobs (e.g. knowledge work). All cities with high median household income rates - where they can afford our products and services.

Sources: The Brookings Institute, Global Metro Monitor; Deloitte, 2016

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ETHAN SEGAL | + | [email protected]
