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Hello! Thank you for gaining instant access to my free report, “Business Alchemy: The Proven 3-Step Formula To Turn Your Passions Into Profits.” This report is something I’ve wanted to share with our “Your Purpose” community for quite a while.

Discovering my Life Purpose was a significant turning point in my business and life. It opened the doors to a whole new way of living that has allowed me the freedom to live life on my own terms. I am blessed to be able to express and profit from my passions and I want to show YOU how to do the same so you can laugh at meaningless work. You can have a life with both money AND meaning; profit AND passion.

In this report, I’m going to share our 3-step formula for turning your passions into profits.

My name is Baeth Davis and I’m known as “The Palm Pilot for the Soul of Your Business™.” I am the founder and CEO of The Hand Analyst, Inc. and YourPurpose.com. Our company is devoted to helping spirit-rich™ entrepreneurs, coaches, mentors, healers, artists, spiritual teachers and other service-oriented professionals unleash their Life Purposes and get paid for their passions so they can be the change they want to see in the world. Our primary tool for doing this is scientific palmistry, known as ‘hand analysis.’

Suicidal Wake Up Call!

I found this calling years ago as a last resort in my near-suicidal depression. If life doesn’t have meaning, what is the point of living life?

A friend encouraged me to pray. I listened and made this prayer: “God, Universe, Great Spirit, if you will show me Life’s Purpose, I will forever be your humble servant. I will go where you ask me to go and I will do what you ask me to do.”

Two weeks later, I got a ‘hand reading.’ This incredible session revealed that my Life Purpose is to be “A Spiritual Teacher and Business Owner with a Special Message for the Masses.” I heard that phrase “Life Purpose” and knew I had come home to myself and my purpose.

Now, all these years later, my purpose is to help YOU find and live YOUR PURPOSE!

This report is a part of my special message to you! Our company, The Hand Analyst, Inc., and YourPurpose.com, are the result of bringing the Your Purpose messages to hundreds of thousands of people around the globe.

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At YourPurpose.com, we enable people to do two things:

#1 First, we support you and direct you into knowing what it is that you were put here to do. I know we hear a lot of people talking about ‘purpose’ these days. We read a lot about it. You may very well have gotten three emails in your inbox today saying, “Let me tell you what your Life Purpose is.” At YourPurpose.com, we guarantee to show you your EXACT Life Purpose – or your money back!

#2 Second, through scientific hand analysis, we offer you a beautiful system for self-discovery that is scientifically grounded, in that it is demonstrable, repeatable and learnable.

If you’re like many people, you might be a little skeptical at this point.

Here’s what one of our clients, business owner, Suzanne Evans, had to say about working with us, after which she tripled her profits:

I’m excited to show you today how you can experience the business alchemy that Suzanne Evans experienced when she had her hands analyzed. I’ll do this by sharing with you our PROVEN 3-Step Formula to turn your passions into profits.

At YourPurpose.com, we work primarily with women entrepreneurs, coaches, healers, spiritual teachers, artists and other highly creative seekers. And many of these people are

“I’m a straightforward kind of gal. I was thinking, ‘We’re going to see what this hand analysis session tells me.’ I didn’t come in with my guard up because I wanted to be open. I thought, ‘What is this really about?’

Honestly, the experience I got to have during the session was transformational. The hand analyst shared some things with me that I was aware of, but maybe not in the language or direction that she was able to allow me to see them.

Then there were some brand-new insights that showed me that I needed to pause and think about the direction my business was going in. I also needed to operate in a different way than the way I was handling some things. When I walked away, I implemented some of it immediately. Eventually, I’ll implement all of it over a period of time. My business profits have literally tripled since we had our session.”

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stuck. Often, they come to us because they know they are capable of more success and satisfaction but an elusive ‘something’ is missing in their lives. They think, “I must not be doing the right things.”

If you’ve ever experienced this frustration, you may be running around in circles, going nowhere fast, or you keep buying one program after another without much traction. This ‘shiny object syndrome’ can prevent you from successfully investing your resources or cause you to get sucked into the latest marketing craze.

Today, I want to show you specific ways you can actually grow your business and do it from a place of purpose so that you FEEL passion and RECEIVE profit.

First, I encourage you to get in the habit of asking yourself:

“Is this opportunity, decision, person or experience bringing me closer to my Life Purpose, or is it taking me further away?”

That’s a question to ask about anything in your life. “Is eating this food bringing me closer to my health goals or taking me further away?” “Does this friendship bring me closer to my spirit or does it drain my soul?”

It’s important you begin by asking yourself good questions. Now, let’s look at how you can turn your passions into profits!

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Proven Step #1: Discover Your Life School Aka Your “Spiritual Prescription”

Our proven 3-step formula for turning your passions into profits can be found in your fingerprints!

Your fingerprints form in uterine between the 14th and 16th week of fetal development and do NOT change. This information stays with you for your lifetime.

There are four (4) basic types of fingerprints and these four types of fingerprints reveal our proven 3-step formula:

• Your Life School

• Your Life Lesson

• Your Life Purpose

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Here are the four (4) types of fingerprints:

Your Life School, your Life Lesson and your Life Purpose, taken collectively, comprise the map of your fingerprints which we call your “Life Purpose Blueprint™.”

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Your Life Purpose Blueprint™


The above graphic, which I call the “Magic Pyramid,” shows how the fingerprint data works together. First, you go to your Life School to have trial and error experiences in order to deal with your challenges and opportunities. Your Life School training helps you work through the tests of your Life Lesson(s). Then you summit the mountain to reach the pinnacle, the top, the apex: Your Life Purpose! Your Life Purpose is your soul’s calling, your area of highest expression, bliss and fulfillment.

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Let’s take a look at your Life School now.

The fingerprints reveal four (4) Life Schools.

The reason there are four life schools is that there are four different types of fingerprints that humans can have.

Here are those fingerprints again:

Obviously, there are variations in the patterns that make each of our fingerprints unique, like snowflakes, but the pattern variation occurs within these four basic types. These four different patterns reveal four different Life Schools.

These Life Schools are Peace, Wisdom, Love and Service.

Here’s another way to think about these schools:

The school of the body is the School of Peace.

The school of the mind is the School of Wisdom.

The school of the heart is the School of Love.

The school of the spirit is the School of Service.

Peace in your body, Wisdom in your mind, Love in your heart, Service in your spirit. A great recipe for living well!

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Depending upon your Life School, you orient to life in a different way. This orientation has a profound effect on how you show up, or would most effectively show up, in your business and will affect how your passions transform into profits.

For example, if you are in the School of Peace, you are dealing with fears, insecurities and concerns about the safety and security of your physical body more than someone not in the School of Peace.

This is going to affect how you show up in your business. It’s also going to affect what I call your “Brand Promise.” Your brand promise is the transformation your clients can expect from you. It’s the gift you deliver to your clients.

For the School of Peace, the Brand Promise is this: “My presence calms my clients and helps them stay ‘grounded.’ I feel called and am willing to contribute to world peace.”

If you are in the School of Peace, you are learning to manage your inner panic in order to express your Brand Promise in your business. Becoming aware of your own inner panic is an example of the introspection I suggested earlier about moving toward your Life Purpose, rather than away from it. If you are in denial about what is really going on inside of you, it is very difficult to shift—so introspection is key!

As you learn to be present to your inner panic and recognize that you are safe in your body, that the earth is a safe place for you, and that you do not have to run around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to do 18 bazillion things at once, a peacefulness begins to build inside you. This allows you to approach your business ventures peacefully rather than in a panicked, manic fashion.

You begin to recognize that, in fact, ‘easy’ does do it. You develop a step-by-step process of being present in the moment. Whether you’re washing the dishes, filing papers, returning phone calls or answering emails, you use each task as an opportunity to become more present.

If you are in the School of Peace, you may find that multi-tasking is not the best approach to take in building your business. We all have things to learn from the different schools. Most of us are not well served by multitasking.

Each of the Life Schools—Peace, Wisdom, Love and Service—provides you with a spiritual prescription for living well. Earth is a learning planet and “success” here really means learning how to experience Peace, Wisdom, Love and Service.

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We experience the lessons of all the schools because regardless of what Life School our hands reveal we are enrolled in, each of us has things to learn from all the schools. However, the Life School we find ourselves enrolled in is the one we have the most to benefit from in terms of trial and error experiences.

Discover the Life Schools and your Brand Promise in more detail as well as explore which Life School feels most like yours by viewing our three (3) FREE training tutorials HERE:


Let’s look at the School of Wisdom for a moment. If you are in the School of Wisdom, you are being asked by your soul to use what you know. You use what you know by TAKING ACTION. When you take action from a place of wisdom, your actions bring you a sense of mental calm.

When you take action on your wisdom, you also become a great resource to your friends, family and clients. The Brand Promise for the School of Wisdom is: “You are valued for your knowledge and ‘smarts.’ Clients hire you to give them the upside and downside of any venture or project.”

While members of the School of Peace are ultimately here to create healing in the world through peacefulness, members of the School of Wisdom help humanity find clear, strategic solutions to its most pressing problems without creating undue anxiety or mental strain.

The Life Schools actually show you where your vibrational frequency feels most comfortable. What I mean is this: there are unpleasant states of your life experience that you encounter often because they are familiar to you. The learning occurs as you shift your perspective and then your experience.

For example, when you are in the School of Love, your default ‘vibrational frequency’ when under stress is to suppress your true emotions in order to please others. This can cause you to lose touch with your own sense of self. To stay connected to your Life Purpose, it is vital you express what you are feeling regardless of the expectations of others.

Each Life School presents you with specific tests and opportunities.

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Your Life School is where you show up energetically 24/7. It gives you insight into how to manifest your Life Purpose, which we’ll explore further later on in this report. Your Life Purpose is what you came here to do. That’s your highest expression.

To gain INSTANT ACCESS to our three FREE content-rich tutorials that will walk you through the Life Purpose Blueprint, go

here now: http://yourpurpose.com/free-training/. The first tutorial explores the four Life Schools to get you thinking and feeling about what Life School you may be in.

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How Hand Analysis Works

At this point, you may be wondering: “Baeth, how can I find out MY specific Life Purpose?”

Here at YourPurpose.com, we’ve created a unique, signature program called the “Life Purpose Blueprint Program.™” [We call it LPBP for short.] This program walks you through our proven 3-step formula to turn your passions into profits.

I’ll share more about our proven 3-step formula for turning your passions into profits in just a moment. Right now, I want to give you a sense of how the program works.

After you invest in the program, you are sent a beautiful workbook that walks you through your Life Purpose Blueprint, along with DVDs, audio CDs and complete written transcripts to enhance your discovery process.

! You also receive a hand printing kit with this program. It’s a very simple kit with ink sheets and printing instructions.

! You make ink prints of your hands and mail them to our office. (You can also scan and email them to us.)

! After we receive your prints in our office, one of our Customer Care Team Members schedules your 30-minute BONUS hand analysis session.

! Your 30-minute hand analysis session is then conducted by one of our highly skilled, trained-by-Baeth analysts by telephone. An audio recording of the

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reading is made and you receive an MP3 audio link and notes by email after the session.

This hand analysis session gives you the proven 3-step formula to turn your passions into profits – and is necessary to gain the full benefit of using the Life Purpose Blueprint Program™.

Your EXACT Life Purpose is revealed to you during your hand analysis session and then the Life Purpose Blueprint Program™ further enhances this data for you by offering you many perspectives, insights and solutions to your most pressing life concerns.

Worldwide Access

Due to the wonders of technology, we now offer the Life Purpose Blueprint Program™ to people from all over the world. We do indeed get handprints from China and Japan. We’re very popular in Italy. We have many fans in Scandinavia. It’s exciting. There are many clients finding us from the UK. We’re thrilled to be able to decode hands from around the world!

A Brief History of Hand Analysis

People have been fascinated by the meaning of the hands for nearly 10,000 years. It’s believed that palmistry studies originated in Asia and migrated to Europe during the Middle Ages. How blessed we are for the persistence of palmistry!

Your hands reveal the map of your soul’s destiny. The fingerprints, which form in uterine between the 14th and 16th week of your development, do not change. That’s where we look to identify your Life Purpose Blueprint™.

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The hands themselves tell us things such as your business niche, hobbies you may be drawn to, personality quirks, challenges and opportunities, and particular gift markings, whether it’s for leadership, speaking, writing or some other talent. An amazing breadth and scope of empowering information is quite literally “in your hands!”

As this is a scientific, learnable skill, we train many people to become hand analysts. The hand analysts on our staff are the most highly trained, experienced and skilled in the world.

Beyond the scientific aspect, there is a mystery component to your hands. Why do we have fingerprints that reveal our Life Purpose? Why are our hands a map of our major brainwave activity? How did nature figure this out?

How blessed we are to have this system at our fingertips.

A Little Bit About Baeth’s Philosophy

It is important to be self-aware. I see so many people looking outside of themselves for answers when the answers to your life are literally in the palms of your hands!

Before I discovered my own Life Purpose, I spent several years in deep introspection. I went within and kept asking my own soul to show me why I was here. I started paying attention to the things in my life that weren’t working―the repetitive patterns, the negative relationships―and why I was spending my time doing things I didn’t want to do.

That kind of introspection opens the door to having anything you want. You realize that this world we live in is a hologram that’s reflecting back to you whatever you believe.

If you believe you are capable, that good flows to you and that people are inherently trustworthy, that will profoundly shape your life experience.

I recommend that you make the decision to become more self-aware and begin a practice of going within every day. Then I encourage you to commit to and invest in discovering your EXACT Life Purpose Blueprint™.

In my personal experience and in the experiences of thousands of people just like you whose hands I’ve read, knowing your Life Purpose is the single most important thing you could ever do for your life and your success.

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Proven Step #2: Discover Your Life Lesson

Aka “Your Shadow” Proven Step #2 to turn your passions into profits is your Life Lesson. Your Life Lesson is your blind spot. It’s your repeating pattern. It’s the thing you do over and over again that sometimes sabotages your efforts until you become conscious of how it operates in your life.

There are 14 primary Life Lessons in the fingerprints with some variations. My Life Lesson is emotional authenticity. This is a very common and popular Life Lesson. What I’m here on the planet to learn is to express my emotional truth regardless of the expectations of others.

When it gets uncomfortable is if I express my truth and it doesn’t meet the expectations of others. I am very challenged to stay in my emotional truth and not back down from what I feel, to honor my feelings, regardless of whether or not other people approve.

The core fear with my Life Lesson (and for anyone else who has this very popular Life Lesson) is that if I’m not emotionally available and pleasing to others in the ways that they prefer or demand, they will withdraw their love and support. The irony is that people sometimes do withdraw their love and support. We have no control over that. That’s just part of life. People go away, disappoint us, move on.

What’s been fascinating to me is that the more I stand in my emotional truth, the more I find out who really does love me and who is in my life because it’s convenient for them. That’s been really enlightening.

When I’m truthful to myself, my self-confidence soars. That’s the paradox of working with your Life Lesson: while it’s difficult to face, grappling with it empowers you.

For example, you may have a Life Lesson that asks you to learn how to stand fully in your power. Individuals with power issues have challenges confronting thorny situations, either hiding out from them in powerless overwhelm or reacting combatively. You may have trouble going to someone and calmly saying, “This is the issue. Let’s deal with it.” It could be a great opportunity or a frustrating disagreement, but you have a challenge saying, “This is the issue, and this is where I stand.”

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If this is not your Life Lesson, you might even enjoy confrontation, saying, “Bring it on. I’ll deal with you. I’ll spar with you. I’ll go wit to wit with you!”

When you meet someone with power issues as a Life Lesson, it is helpful to be sensitive to the fact that it might be difficult for them to simply ask for what they want.

Another very common Life Lesson that is revealed in the hands is issues around self-worth. If you have this Life Lesson, you may be in the habit of asking yourself if you deserve what you want in your life.

It’s easy for me to say, “Of course you deserve it. You exist, don’t you? Everybody has the capacity to achieve whatever they want.” The question then becomes this: “Do you have sufficient self-worth to commit to what you desire, make a plan for it and achieve it?”

This Life Lesson can also show up as issues around money, time management and integrity because these measures of value indicate how well you are valuing yourself. It is vital with this Life Lesson to honor your commitments as a way to value who you are and the decisions in your life.

Gary Vaynerchuk from “Wine Library TV” once said, “Legacy is always greater than currency.” The legacy you leave behind is measured by how you treat your commitments.

How you handle your Life Lesson affects your ability to create profit in your business. Being successful in your business and life as a whole requires honoring your commitments, even if it’s difficult or inconvenient. The essence of business is honoring contracts and exchanges. If you shake hands with someone, it doesn’t matter if it’s in writing or not, you know what you shook on. Your integrity requires you to honor your agreement, or stepping into your power and renegotiating the agreement.

Your word is all you ever have. It’s a measure of your integrity.

Business can be messy. There is no way to avoid some of the things that happen, especially if you’re playing at the level you should be playing at. The way you believe, behave and react to the challenges and opportunities that come your way is how you transform your business from an idea or hobby into a successful and profitable business.

Your Life Lesson, while your greatest test and source of messiness, is also the ‘secret spice’ to your business. What you are here to learn is what you are here to teach. For example, if you

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struggle with low self-worth, it’s highly likely that the greatest gift you give others is helping them believe in their value and worth. Knowing your Life Lesson is nearly as important as knowing your Life Purpose!

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Proven Step #3: Discover Your Life Purpose

Aka “Your True Calling” Our trained hand analysts can reveal to you what your EXACT Life Purpose is from a soul perspective. I’ve personally read over 7400 pairs of hands and train people globally in this unique science of self-discovery.

You might be saying to yourself, “I’ve been looking for my life purpose for 35 years. You’re really going to be able to hone in on it?”


And when you do find your purpose, it feels like a miracle.

When you hear your purpose spoken to you, you may say, “Wow! Are you sure?” You say this because you are hopeful, excited, thrilled about the miracle that what you most desire is what

you are actually best suited to achieve.

And one of our highly trained analysts will say, “Absolutely.”

In that moment, you may feel as if you are in a hokey fantasy movie where the angels fly out, the sky parts and the harps start playing. (We’ve been told this by too many clients to count!)

Maybe you were aware of your purpose in a small or generic way, but when you receive the specificity, everything shifts. It is absolutely accurate. The gratitude and self-acceptance you are likely to feel in the afterglow of this experience stays with you forever.

Our daily mission at YourPurpose.com is this: If we can affect one person’s life for the better every day, then we’ve done our work. It is an incredibly gratifying experience to be doing my purpose work, and I enjoy sleeping peacefully each night! I wish for you that same satisfaction with your work, with your purpose!

To go deeper with this material, go here now and watch our three free training tutorials:


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Purpose Mentor Tip:

Your Life Purpose brings you profit when you allow your work to EXPRESS your Life Purpose. Many people trade hours for dollars, but don’t consider what is possible if they simply aligned their passions with their work. Your Life Purpose is likely your greatest passion and when you allow your work to be your greatest passion, profit becomes a far, far easier proposition.

As I mentioned earlier, we look at your fingerprints to discover the third proven step to turn your passions into profits: Your Life Purpose.

There are 14 primary Life Purposes in the fingerprints with some variations. Do you know what your Life Purpose is?

Client Case Study

Suzanne Evans, the business owner who shared her success with you earlier in this report, has the Life Purpose of “Successful Healer and Spiritual Teacher in the Spotlight – Making a Public Impact in the Healing Arts.”

Suzanne’s Life Purpose is about experiencing the satisfaction of helping her clients see their true selves, align their lives with their value systems, and succeed in the world. The best method for Suzanne to achieve her purpose is to be visible in front of an audience. The audience could be the result of a tele-seminar, live event, television or radio.

Suzanne’s purpose requires that she be in front of a lot of people on a regular basis so that she can activate her full creative energy.

If you are reading this report and your Life Purpose includes “Spotlight,” it’s essential you are regularly in front of audiences in order to succeed. If you are called to the spotlight and you’re not regularly in front of people, it’s likely your business and life aren’t flowing for you in the way you would like. That’s a big awareness.

Suzanne is here to teach people practical spiritual laws and bring that spiritual consciousness into their businesses. Suzanne’s business is a resource to help people heal and become more conscious.

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Suzanne said, “During my hand analysis session, I heard the big sirens going off. I really got that for me, marketing and business are tools to help people overcome their shame about money.”

Suzanne’s Life Purpose provides her clients with a unique perspective on using business and marketing as a path to enlightenment, and she delivers that perspective most powerfully when she’s “in the spotlight”.

Your business has the potential to be a path to your self-realization. Your Life Purpose is the point of your business.

Let’s review for a moment.

We’ve explored the proven 3-step formula to turn your passions into profits: knowing and expressing your Life School, Life Lesson and Life Purpose. These spiritual concepts provide a framework to understand how you interact with the world—they represent your inner landscape.

When you understand your internal landscape, you are able to affect the experience of your business. Your business isn’t just made up of your products or profits. The purpose of your business is to be a source of transformation for your clients and customers. This is especially true if you are in the coaching, healing or teaching professions.

For example, as you read this report, you might say to yourself, “I relate to that,” “I need to begin doing that,” or “I could tweak that in my business.” If you have an ‘aha’ from reading this report, then this report is achieving my goal to provide you with a new perspective, no matter how small. When you change your mind, you transform your life.

Ideally, you want to be able to constantly adapt and change to the unfolding of the truth of who you are. When you reveal more and more of your own essence or truth—what you believe, what you feel, what you desire—for yourself and to others—you naturally become the living expression of your Life Purpose.

And you may also discover places in your life where you need support to reach your goals!

In order to reach your goals, it is vital that you have support. No one does it alone! For example, I have several coaches guiding me both personally and professionally. I’m also a member of a couple of brainstorming or ‘master mind’ groups to develop my ideas into useful

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products and experiences for my clients. I aim to receive therapeutic bodywork every 10 days or so.

This support helps me strengthen my Life Purpose direction and navigate my Life Lesson when it reaches out to test me. This outer support encourages my inner transformation which in turn supports the expression of my passions into profits.

“When you are transforming yourself, your business becomes transformational! The ultimate support you can allow yourself to receive is discovering and living your Life

Purpose Blueprint full out!”

In addition, when you deliver big breakthrough experiences and transformations for your clients, you create profitability in your business. And I know of no better motivation than seeing your efforts paying off to keep you growing your business.

Turning Your Passions Into Profits

You may be wondering, “Baeth, what are a few of the most important things that I can do to really turn around and transform my business ― and do it really quickly?”

1. Decide From The Inside

Ideally, you make decisions and plans from the internal compass provided by your own Life Purpose Blueprint™. Are your choices totally authentic to you? It doesn’t matter what everybody else is doing. What feels totally authentic and true for you? It’s essential to craft a business that is truly an expression of who you are.

Suzanne Evans said, “The discovery of my Life Purpose Blueprint allowed me to see some of my own blind spots through my Life School, Life Lesson and Life Purpose. After my hand analysis session and receiving the spirit-rich™ information of the blueprint, I was able to implement it in my business. It has made such a difference in my life.”

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2. Get Paid For Doing What You LOVE

Secondly, you have to get paid for what you love to do. If you’re not getting paid, you must figure out what’s getting in the way. For example, you may need to use more marketing to grow your business—and yet, marketing may not be the real issue standing in your way. Yes, it is important to market, but if your marketing is tinged with “I don’t deserve this money,” “Work has to be really hard,” or “I don’t honor my contracts,” these beliefs affect your marketing.

3. The KEY Is Who You Are BE-ing

Who you are being in the world has a vibrational resonance. If you’re not in total integrity with yourself and your Life Purpose, it becomes challenging to inspire others to invest with you. It might work for a while, and you might have a quick hit and make a bunch of money, but it’s not going to last.

When you apply your passion to fulfilling your Life Purpose, you avoid becoming a one-hit wonder. Expressing your Life Purpose will sustain you for a lifetime, in your soul and in your pocketbook, bringing money AND meaning to your life.

Let’s talk about your pocketbook and profit for a moment. Having a profitable business allows you more money. Money is an incredible tool. For example, having more money allows you to hire more people who can be in their gifts and bring those gifts to your business.

Money is also a way for you to manifest your creative ideas. It’s not something you have to chase after out of greed or scarcity. When the money rolls into your business, you can say to yourself, “Wow, now I can do this! Now I can do that!”

If you don’t have a lot of money right now, I would encourage you to not make commitments you can’t keep. Don’t get yourself in over your head. Don’t think that by spending a bunch of money, you’re going to make money.

Just because you sign a contract for a million dollars, that million dollars isn’t going to fall out of the sky if you sit in your backyard and drink iced tea. You’ve got to muster up your passion, express your Life Purpose and BE the expression of the change you want to see in the world.

When Suzanne Evans was asked how she built her business, she said, “One client at a time.”

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The unfolding of your business and your Life Purpose is a journey. There is no destination. You don’t arrive one day. The minute you complete something or have a success, you then have to start again to create something new.

It’s important to enjoy and appreciate the magic of your life right now. You can stress yourself out and claw your way to a million-dollar business, but you’re not going to be any happier when you ‘arrive’ at that goal if you haven’t discovered happiness right now.

One of my passions is dancing. I was at my dance class on Sunday, and there was a quadriplegic sitting in his wheelchair, nodding his head to the music. I looked over at him and started weeping, not because I felt sorry for him but for his courage and his pure desire to be a dancer among dancers.

I thought to myself, “Oh I am so very very grateful for all the abundance in my life. I can move my body to the music. I can walk. It is easy to take the things that make our life so beautiful for granted. I can write with my hands. I can make my own cup of coffee. I can reach out to hug someone I love. I can pet my cat.” The things that are right in front of us are where the magic is.

If you’re always thinking ahead, wishing you were somewhere else, or thinking, “Eight clients isn’t enough, I need 80,” whoa! You’ve been successful since the day you were born. As long as you are above ground, you are succeeding. Any day alive is a good day.

I invite you to be grateful and appreciative of the magic that is. I say to people, “Don’t stress. Just be honest with yourself.” Your life is showing you everything you need to know.

Look at your life right now. It will give you all the feedback you need. Your current life will tell you very clearly what your next action step is to move towards the life of your vision. If your house is filled with clutter, make friends with the dumpster or have a yard sale. If you have relationships that don’t support you, either find a way to communicate what you want and/or move on if necessary. Look at what you want to take care of right now. Honestly, if you just take positive action on what’s right in front of you, one thing at a time, you’ll get everything you want.

And remember, as you engage in the process of going within and exploring your life with sincerity and decisiveness, there will be people who will not be okay with it. All that matters at the end of the day is if you’re in integrity with yourself.

The willingness to look at the issue often resolves it. Just the willingness to shine the light on it dissolves it.

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The fastest path to an awareness of personal truth that I know of is to first discover and then live your Life Purpose.



I hope you found value in this report. It is a summation of what I’ve discovered in my journey so far that works—really works—to bring you success with less stress and more ease. The more you know yourself, the more meaning you bring to your life. When you express meaning in your business, you are on the fast track to more money. Money and meaning, profit and purpose… all fueled by YOUR passion for living your truth, your purpose, every day. Ready to go for it?

We’re here to help in any way we can. You can reach us at (888) 518-4263 toll free or email us at [email protected]. You can also fax us at (520) 844-3400.

Here’s that link again to watch the FREE tutorials on your Life Purpose Blueprint™:


If you would like to begin exploring YOUR Life Purpose Blueprint, GO HERE NOW:


and watch our 3 FREE training tutorials to jump start your transformation!

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About Baeth

Baeth Davis is Founder and CEO of YourPurpose.com, a company devoted to helping spirit-rich™ entrepreneurs, coaches, mentors, healers, artists, spiritual teachers and other service-oriented professionals unleash their Life Purposes and get paid for their passions so that they can BE the change they want to see in the world! If you liked this report, you'll love Baeth's breakthrough business products and services to help you identify your SPECIFIC Spirit-Rich™ Life Purpose, business niche, target market and path of service. Baeth offers private one-on-one hand analysis sessions, VIP private and group coaching, workshops, master mind support, and business-building study tools to help you understand your own hand map and grow your business.

Thank you for your support and referrals! Here's to YOUR business being an expression of your Life Purpose!

If you would like to begin exploring YOUR Life Purpose Blueprint, GO HERE NOW:


and watch our 3 FREE training tutorials to jump start your transformation!
