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businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc

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  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


    Struggling in improving your businessanalysis skills?

     Adaptive Processes Consulting An ISO 9001:00! Certi"ed Company 

     A #ASSCO$ $ember Company  %%%&AdaptiveProcesses&com

    'eloitte (ec)nology *ast +0 01,



  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     II.A Approved /C.APCC.A.usiness Analysis -orks)op

    •  -)at is .usiness Analysis?

    • .usiness analysis is acritical process t)atdrives t)e pro2ect li3e

    cycle& ()e businessanalyst4 acting as anintermediary bet%een t)ebusiness and tec)nicalcommunities4 analy5es

    competing business needsand develops plans toimplement t)e pro2ectst)at support stake)olderob2ectives&

    (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with theBest!


  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     (arget Audience:

    • C.AP aspirants

    • CC.A aspirants4

    • .usiness analysts

    • So3t%are analysts

    • In3ormation Systems Analyst

    • Pro2ect managers

    • So3t%are arc)itects

    • Senior developers

    • Senior (esting Pro3essionals

    • Senior 6A pro3essional

    • .A Aspirants

    (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with theBest!


  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     Course 7ig)lig)ts

    • 1008 success rate 3or C.AP and CC.Acerti"cations

    •  Adaptive Processes Consulting / %%%&AaptivePocesses&com is anndorsed ducation Provider o3 II.A

    )ttp:tinyurl&comII.AAdaptiveP• Covers essential tools and tec)ni;ues

    like e;uirement licitation

    • Complimentary elearning on .usiness Analysis skills and concepts to allparticipants

    • +0 II.A model ;uestions 3or allparticipants

    •Case study based approac)

    (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best! 4


  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     Course 7ig)lig)ts

    • 00@ pages )ard copy course %are aligned to.A.O version &0&

    • Pre class reading material on .A tools to allparticipants

    • II.A ndorsed %orks)op 6uali"es 3or 1

    contact )ours 3or C.APCC.A certi"cations byII.A&

    • Course designed by an C.AP certi"ed 3aculty %it) 0@ years eperience in business analysisin multicountry and multiculturalenvironment D #ort) America4 Asia4 urope inseveral topnotc) organi5ations suc) as I.$4In3osys4 P%C4 iEate etc&

    • Complimentary business analysis toolkit

    covering all essential templates and arti3acts3or all participants 3or t)e session

    (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best! 5

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


    Course 7ig)lig)ts

    • cellent participant 3eedbacks&

    • Complimentary C.AP model ;uestions 3or allparticipants

    • Prepares t)e candidates 3or t)e C.APcerti"cation %it) mock tests&

    • Sample templates4 policies and arti3acts 3romour .A tool kit %)ic) )elps implementation o3t)e concepts in .A activities&

    • Covers .A tools and tec)ni;ues like e;uirements elicitation4Stake)older $anagement4 Solution Assessment and licitation etc&

    • Certi"ed P$PF recipients can claim 1 P'

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op Overvie% 

    • ()e %orks)op covers t)eessential .A tools andtec)ni;ues like e;uirementselicitation etc&

     ()e course is completelyaligned to .A.O version&0 and provides 1 P'

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op Overvie% 

    • ()e %orks)op covers t)e basic skill sets re;uiredby .A pro3essionals based on t)e industryrecogni5ed standards and benc)mark suc) asII.AHs .A.O version &0 and ot)er industrybest practices&

    ()e %orks)op is t)e "rst milestone propellingbudding pro3essionals to get certi"ed againstindustry certi"cations&

    • ()e %orks)op provides eposure to .A conceptsand is supplemented %it) detailed case study

    covering all t)e concepts learned during t)e %orks)op4 %)ic) )elps participants to apply t)ekno%ledge gained during t)e %orks)op&

    •  ()e %orks)op also includes mock tests and

    sample ;uestions 3or t)e participants %)o areaspiring to take up certi"cation eam&(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op .ene"ts

    •  A structured learning environmenten)ances learning by a 3actor o3 10&

    • >educes eort o3 learning by at least +times&

    • Participants learn 3rom 3aculty as %ell as

    3rom eac) ot)er&• Provides an opportunity to veri3y i3 t)e

    organi5ation manages business analysisactivity in a similar manner or not&

    Opportunity to learn and s)are bestpractices t)at may be )idden inside t)eorgani5ation itsel3&

    • $any tec)ni;ues developed %)ic) are 3rompractical eperience&

    • posure to industry best practices on(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op .ene"ts

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     ey takea%ays o3 t)e session

    • Includes )ard copy course material as per.A.O version &0&

    • Perpetual access to .A elearning based on.A.O version &0&

    • Preclass study material on .A tools&

    • Compre)ensive .A toolkit comprising o3 allessential .A arti3acts like re;uirementstemplates4 guidelines4 c)ecklists etc

    • +0 multiple c)oice ;uestions 3or

    C.APF CC.AF certi"cation preparation&• II.A certi"cation mock assessment&

    • II.A Application "ling process support&

    (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best! ""

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


    ey takea%ays o3 t)e session

    • >e;uirements gat)ering

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


    ey takea%ays o3 t)e session

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op Activities %)ic) aredeveloped by us

    • Creative %ay o3 solving business problems %it)several videos&

    • Stake)older c)arter D %ay to manage comples)are)older situations&

    • ssential ecel 3eatures 3or business analysts&

    • 7ands on eercise on business casepreparation&

    • Compre)ensive #*> discussion D 0@ types o3#*>&

    Compre)ensive >e;uirements (emplate Ddeveloped in collaboration %it) 10@ clients&

    • 'etailed coverage on

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     Course 'esigner Pro"le:

    C.AP4 P$P4 CS$4 Si Sigma .lack .elt4Certi"ed ISO 90014 ISO 0000 and J001=ead Auditor4 CS6A /-orld (opper4 PE'$/II$A and . /7onors

    • 0@ years o3 pro3essional eperience in

    business analysis4 pro2ect management4product development and consulting&

    • 7as consulted several large clients in Ps and developingso3t%are products&

    Practicing business and re;uirementsanal st 3or more t)an 1+ ears&

    (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best! "5

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


    Course 'esigner Pro"le:

    • Involved in multiple multicountry large >Pimplementation pro2ects

    • Currently consulting one o3 t)e largest paintcompanies in t)e %orld to develop t)eir netgeneration color management system&

    •Conducted 100@ trainings public %orks)opsand in)ouse trainings& L0@ business analysistrainings in India4 ()ailand and P)ilippines&

    •  All our *aculties come %it) more t)an decadelong eperience in business analysis4 so3t%arepro2ect management and product developmenteperience&

    • ()e 3aculties are C.AP certi"ed pro3essional %it) ric) eperience in .usiness Analysis across

     various domains in $#CGs&(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best! "6

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


    Sample arlier Course *eedbackson .usiness Analysis

    • 1& I %ould de"nitelyrecommend t)is training toot)ers in AccentureMM DSukirti Sen4 Accenture&

    • & ()anks 3or conducted

     %onder3ul session ands)ared your ecellentkno%ledge %it) us& I 3eltt)is session %as kno%ledgeen)ancement 3or me& 7ope

    it %ill increase mycon"dence and per3orm myroles %ell in my pro2ects C)andra Sek)ar C)alla/Nalue =abs&

    • ,& ()anks 3or t)e class it(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best! "7

    $ore 3eedbacksavailable athttp:// tinyurl.com/LinedinBA"eed#ac http:// tinyurl.com/BA"eed#ac  


  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


    Sample arlier Course *eedbackson .usiness Analysis

    • & I am impressed and Appreciate %orkand eorts put by you4 in making allparticipants take )ome t)e best %it)t)em& -ould de"nitely recommend t)is %orks)op to any o3 my colleagues4

    *riends As)%in .aliga4 .A4 at Kora Inc&• +& -ell I really s)ould say t)at t)e

    c)oice I made %as an ecellent one& #ot 2ust about t)e trainer and t)e ;uality o3t)e course& .ut t)e best in all 3ronts& I

    guess t)e dierence t)at it made %asalso t)e ;uality o3 participants t)at %ereinvolved& It %as really verykno%ledgeable and also %ould de"nitelyrecommend t)is& Sai >atnakar4 .A

    C>$ I(&(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best! "

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op Outline'ay 1

    • Introduction

    • Participant and 3aculty introduction andpectation gat)ering + minutes

    • Introduction to II.A certi"cation programs ,0

    $inutes• Introduction to business analysis ,0 $inutes

    • .A responsibilities and skill 1+ $inutes

    • (ea .reak 1+ $inutes 

     Analytical t)inking and problem solving 1+$inutes 

    •  Nideo on creative t)inking 1+ $inutes

    • ercise on problem solving 1+ $inutes 

    •  Nideo on po%er o3 communication 1+ $inutes

    • .usiness analysis kno%ledge areas ,0 $inutes(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best! "

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op Outline'ay 1

    • nterprise analysis

    • nterprise analysis + $inutes

    • >evie% o3 enterprise analysis vocabulary,0 $inutes

    • >evie% o3 concept ;uestions 1+ $inutes

    • ercise on business case L0 $inutes

    • (ea .reak 1+ $inutes

    • .usiness analysis planning andmonitoring + $inutes

    • >evie% o3 .A planning vocabulary ,0$inutes

    • 'ay end revie% and 3eedback ,0 $inutes

    •  (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best! 2#

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op Outline'ay

    • .usiness analysis planning and monitoring

    •  ercise and presentation on businessanalysis planning and monitoring L0 $inutes

    •  >evie% o3 concept ;uestions 1+ $inutes

    •  Introduction to re;uirements modeling 1+


  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op Outline'ay

    • .usiness analysis planning and monitoring

    • licitation kno%ledge area + $inutes

    •  >evie% o3 concept ;uestions 1+ $inutes

    •  =unc) .reak L0 $inutes

    • >e;uirements analysis

    • >e;uirements analysis ,0 $inutes

    • >evie% o3 vocabulary 3or re;uirements analysis1+ $inutes

    • >evie% o3 concept ;uestions 1+ $inutes

    • (ea .reak 1+ $inutes

    (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!22

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op Outline'ay

    • >e;uirements management

    • >e;uirements management ,0 $inutes

    • >evie% o3 vocabulary 3or re;uirementsmanagement 1+ $inutes

    • >evie% o3 concept ;uestions 1+ $inutes

    • Solution assessment• Solution assessment ,0 $inutes

    • 'emo o3 test automation tool ,0 $inutes

    • >evie% o3 vocabulary 3or solution assessment 1+

    $inutes•  'ay end revie% and 3eedback ,0 $inutes

    (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!23

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op Outline'ay ,

    • licitation

    •  licitation + $inutes

    •  >evie% o3 vocabulary 3orelicitation 1+ $inutes

    •  >evie% o3 concept ;uestions

    1+ $inutes•  licitation roleplays L0


    •  (ea .reak 1+ $inutes

    Preparation o3 re;uirementsdocument

    •  Preparation o3 .>' and S>SJ+ $inutes

    •  =unc) .reak L0 $inutes(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!


  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     -orks)op Outline'ay ,

    • Presentingre;uirements

    •  Presentation o3re;uirements 3orrevie% L0 $inutes

    Clari"cation o3 course;uestions + $inutes

    •  Assessment test

    •  Assessment test L0$inutes

    • >evie% o3 assessmenttest ans%ers ,0$inutes

    • *eedback and closure

    (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!25

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


    Our esteemed (raining Clients

    (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!26

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     >egistration details:

    • Includes )ard copy o3 t)e coursematerial4 +0 II.A $odel 6uestionsand mock assessment4 access toelearning and pre class study material4complimentary .A toolkit4 =unc)4 (ea

    Coee Cookies&• >egistration is sub2ect to availability o3


    • >egister Online:

    • )ttp:%%%&adaptiveprocesses&comtrai


    (c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!27


  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc


     Payment Options:

    • Pay Online by 'omesticInternational credit or'ebit Card&

    • Pay by C)e;ue'' Payment s)ould be made in3avor o3 Adaptive Processes Consulting Pvt&=td&

    Pay by lectronic *und (rans3er /.anktrans3er:

    • Payee name /As per account: AdaptiveProcesses Consulting Pvt& =td&

    • .ank #ame: 7'*C .ank 

    • .ranc) #ame: Sar2apur >oad

    •  Account #umber: 0,+000001J9L

    • (ype o3 account /SavingCurrent: Current

    • >(ES I*SC code 7'*C0000,+

    • S%i3t Code: 7'*CI#.. 3or international %ire(c) Adaptive Processes Consulting Be with the Best!2

  • 8/16/2019 businessanalysiscourse - Fwd Doc

