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Bus/Traffic Management System

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  • 7/30/2019 Bus/Traffic Management System



    Dr. Syed Jamal Hussain / Mr. Muhammad Faizan

    DBMS Teachers

    PAF-Kiet City Campus,



    Subject: Letter of Transmittal

    Dear Sirs,

    It is pleased to submitting to you, our project report named Bus/Traffic Transport Management

    System in Karachi for your consideration. This report comprehensively addresses its terms of

    references and examines a range of operational issues which have been facing by passengers and

    transporters in our daily routine life

    We commend this report to you and the PAF-Kiet Management for the acceptance.

    Best regards,

    Project By:

    Abdul Jamil Siddiqui

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    Project By:

    Abdul Jamil Siddiqui

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    We consider our self-fortunate of having the privileges to have been guided by the knowledge

    possessed by our course teachers Mr. Muhammad Faizan & Dr. Syed Jamal Hussain and

    their valuable supports, advice & encouragement that were offered all throughout & helps us to

    made it all possible.

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    Table of Contents:

    List of Tables:.......................................................................................................................................... List of Figures: ........................................................................................................................................ Glossary (List of Abbreviations):.............................................................................................................. Executive Summary: ............................................................................................................................... Introduction: .......................................................................................................................................... Objective: ............................................................................................................................................... Scope & Limitations: .............................................................................................................................. Project Overview: ................................................................................................................................... Problems: ............................................................................................................................................... Solutions: ............................................................................................................................................... Requirements: ........................................................................................................................................ Bibliography (Source of Data): ............................................................................................................... Tools Used: ............................................................................................................................................. Data Flow Diagram (DFD): ...................................................................................................................... Entity Relational Diagram (ERD) / Fully Attributed ERD / Data Modeling: ............................................. Functional Details: .................................................................................................................................. Queries & their results (Reports): .......................................................................................................... Conclusion: ............................................................................................................................................. Recommendations (Suggestions): .......................................................................................................... Appendices: ............................................................................................................................................ Contributions of Group Members in making of Project Report:...................... Error! Bookmark not def

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    List of Tables:

    S.No. Table Name Description / Details

    1 tblAT

    All account types authorities which assign to the users of the

    different category to perform only that operation of the database

    which they belong like database all tables read, write, update anddelete authorities stored in this table e.g. Administrator has full

    database access Authority by default but Checkpoint Officers and

    Complain Officers has only some type of authority by default.

    2 tblAuth

    All users with their passwords and account type who

    authenticated by database administrator stored in this table.

    (Note: Only database administrator has authority to add new users

    by default)

    3 tblB

    All Buses information with their common attributes like their plate

    no, type, ASSIGN; driver & conductor and route and begin & endingcheck point and expense debit card, date of working in progress

    and total number of complain stored in this table.

    4 tblBBCPAll those checks points (bus stops) information where bus routes

    starts stored in this table.

    5 tblBC

    All bus conductors information with their common attributes like

    their name, CNIC, residence and permanent address, contact no.,

    education, date of joining, experience, salary, and number of

    complains stored in this table.

    6 tblBCAAll types of those entities who could be Complaint by complainer

    stored in this table.

    7 tblBCB All types of complainant who can be complain stored in this table.

    8 tblBCO

    All bus complain officers information with their commonattributes like their name, CNIC, residence and permanent address,

    contact no., education, date of joining, experience, salary, and

    number of complains stored in this table.

    9 tblBCPO

    All bus check point officers information with their common

    attributes like their name, CNIC, residence and permanent address,

    contact no., education, date of joining, experience, salary, andnumber of complains stored in this table.

    10 tblBD

    All bus drivers information with their common attributes like their

    name, CNIC, residence and permanent address, contact no., license

    no, education, date of joining, experience, salary, and number of

    complains & penalties stored in this table.

    11 tblBDM

    This is the main table where all buses daily departure information

    with their common attributes like buses plate no, date & time, no

    of cycle & trip, no of total issued distance wise and over all faretickets with their top most no. and before journey fuel quantity


    12 tblBEC

    All complains information with their common attributes like

    Complaint's bus plate no., about & by, date, name, CNIC, address,

    cell, job, evidence describe and description stored in this table.

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    13 tblBECPAll those checks points (bus stops) information where buses routs

    end stored in this table.

    14 tblBEDCAll bus expense debit cards information with their common

    attributes like their balances, and Bank Name stored in this table.

    15 tblBF

    All bus fuel expense bill slips information with their commonattributes like filling date (through tblBRM ID), fuel type, no of

    expense debit card, purchase quantity and amount, and bill nostored in this table.

    16 tblBFTAll bus fuel types information with their common attributes like

    their name and charges rate per liter stored in this table.

    17 tblBM

    All bus maintenance expense bill slips information with their

    common attributes like held date (through tblBRM ID),

    maintenance type, no of expense debit cards and bill no stored in

    this table.

    18 tblBMT

    All bus maintenance type information with their common

    attributes like their description and charges rate stored in this


    19 tblBP

    All bus penalty challans slips information with their common

    attributes like challan date (through tblBRM ID), penalty type, and

    challan number stored in this table.

    20 tblBPF

    All feedback ofbus passengers information with their common

    attributes like feedback's bus route, date, name, address, contact

    no., job and comments stored in this table.

    21 tblBPTAll bus penalty type information with their common attributes liketheir description and charges stored in this table.

    22 tblBR

    All bus routes information with their common attributes like their

    total buses, total no of stops, all stops names, minimum &

    maximum fare, student fare ticket acceptance, total distance, cycleduration, trip duration, daily transportation service starting &

    ending time, interval time between two buses, and no of

    passengers feedbacks stored in this table.

    23 tblBRM

    This is the main table where all buses daily reaching information

    with their common attributes like buses plate no & no of cycle &trip (through tblBRM ID), date & time, no of total remain distance

    wise and over all fare tickets with their top most no., total no of

    passengers travelled distance wise and over all, total income

    distance wise and over all, total fuel remain, fuel filled or not, fuel

    re-filling no of times, fuel consumption, maintenance done or not,

    maintenance no of times, penalties done or not, and penalties no oftimes stored.

    24 tblBSAll bus stops information with their common attributes like their

    name and locations stored in this table.

    25 tblBT

    All bus types information with their common attributes like their

    description, no of seats, minimum & maximum capacity and

    distance wise fare tickets amounts stored in this table.

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    List of Figures:

    S.No. Fig.


    Description / Details Page #

    1 DFD Data Flow Diagram 192 ERD Entity Relational Diagram 20

    Glossary (List of Abbreviations):



    Added fuel amount (fuel charges) recorded as expense.


    Total fare amount of all passengers (whose have travelled in Bus) recorded as Bus



    Total Bus fare tickets which have issued to conductors.


    Total Bus fare remaining tickets which havent sold


    Bus maintenance charges


    Total Distance of bus in kilometers


    Total cycle duration of bus in hours


    Total trip duration of bus in hours


    Interval between two buses departure time in hours


    Fuel remain at the end of the cycle in litres


    Fuel Consume during cycle in liters

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    Bus previous fuel quantity in litres



    Resident (current) address of Bus drivers, conductors, Check Point Officers& ComplainOfficers

    CNICComputerized National Identity Card Number of Bus drivers, conductors, Check Point

    Officers& Complain Officers



    Daily bus transport ending time (arrival to the stop)


    Daily bus transport starting time (move up from the stop).



    Describe complain type wise information i.e. Passengers evidence is ticket number as hehas travelled in the bus i.e. Employees evidence is Employee Id as well as Outsiders

    evidence is CNIC of minimum two witnesses.



    Total number of re-filling of Fuel in the bus


    2 km (kilometer) or less than 2 km Bus fare ticket amount (fare charges) for individual



    2 km (kilometer) or less than 2 km Bus fare ticket amount (fare charges) for Student.


    20 km (kilometer) or less than 20 km Bus fare ticket amount (fare charges) for individual



    20 km (kilometer) or less than 20 km Bus fare ticket amount (fare charges) for Student.

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    5 km (kilometer) or less than 5 km Bus fare ticket amount (fare charges) for individual



    5 km (kilometer) or less than 5 km Bus fare ticket amount (fare charges) for Student.









    Total number of maintenance expenses occurs on the bus.



    Total number of passengers has travelled in the bus.




    Permanent address of Bus drivers, conductors, Check Point Officers& Complain Officers


    Maximum capacity of passengers in the bus


    Minimum capacity of passengers in the bus


    Total number of penalties charged by the bus (Bus driver)




    Bus fuel price Pak rupees per Litre.


    Each entity has this attribute for recoding the employee Id of that User who

    recorded(Inserted) data of current tuple.

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    Each entity has this attribute for recoding the recording(Inserting) Date & Time of current

    tuple's data.


    SHFAllowedStudent has allowed or not to pay half fare on the bus ticket (i.e. half fare exempted)



    Total Income fare amount for those Passengers who have travelled 2 km (kilometer) or

    less than


    Total number of tickets issued to the conductor of 2 km (kilometer) for Passengers.


    First top ticket number (unique) issued to the conductor of 2 km (kilometer) for



    Total number of remaining tickets of 2 km (kilometer) for Passengers which havent sold


    Remaining first top ticket number (unique) issued to the conductor of 2 km (kilometer)

    for Passengers which havent sold.


    Total number of Passengers who have travelled for 2 km (kilometer) or less than


    Table Account Type


    Table Authentication (i.e. authority assign to the user to perform operation on



    Table Bus.


    Table Begin check point of Bus (i.e. Starting Point)


    Table Bus conductors.

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    Table Bus complains about i.e. reason why the defaulter going to be register complaint.

    tblBCBTable Bus complains registered by regarding bus services.

    tblBCOTable Bus complains officer.


    Table Bus Check point officers


    Table Bus drivers.


    Table Bus departure Master.


    Table Bus employee complains.


    Table Last check point of Bus (i.e. Ending Point)


    Table Bus expense debit card.

    tblBFTable Bus fuel bills.


    Table Bus fuel type (i.e. Petrol, CNG, LPG or Diesel).


    Table Bus maintenance bills.


    Table Bus maintenance type (i.e. Servicing, Parts changing, Engine repairing).


    Table Bus penalty (Challans)


    Table Bus passenger feedback.


    Table Bus penalty type.

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    Table Bus routes.

    tblBRMTable Bus reaching Master

    tblBSTable Bus Stops.


    Table Bus types (i.e. Mini Buses, Coaches, Govt. Buses)


    Total Income fare amount for those Passengers (Student) who have travelled 2 km

    (kilometer) or less than


    Total number of tickets issued to the conductor of 2 km (kilometer) for Passengers(Student).


    First top ticket number (unique) issued to the conductor of 2 km (kilometer) for

    Passengers (Student).


    Total number of remaining tickets of 2 km (kilometer) for Passengers (Student) which

    havent sold


    Remaining first top ticket number (unique) issued to the conductor of 2 km (kilometer)

    for Passengers (Student) which havent sold.


    Total number of Passengers (Student) travelled for 2 km (kilometer).



    Each entity has this attribute for recoding the employee ID of that User whochanging(Updating) data of current selected tuple.


    Each entity has this attribute for recoding the changing(updating) Date & Time of current

    selected tuple's data.

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    Executive Summary:

    In Pakistan especially in Karachi, the local bus transportation system has being running since

    more than 40-50 years by peoples from North region of Pakistan. They own almost ninety

    percent (90%) of public transport (i.e. buses) in Karachi. Although they are serving transport to

    the people of Karachi since many years by providing public transportation but they could not

    improve their proper record keeping system based because they do not know how to manage it,

    due to lack of proper management system they could improve neither themselves nor their

    transportation system.

    By studying we can fathom how they can manage their record keeping system based in proper


    This report highlights the problems which have been facing by our transportation system in

    Karachi regarding maintaining & managing the data day to day and also highlights their solution.

    We are going to introduce a complete database system based on Microsoft SQL Server 2005

    which can provide them a complete solution of their record keeping problems.


    This project is based on Bus Transportation System. We had worked on the bus transportation

    system exist in Karachi and tried to make a computerizedmanagement databasesystem named as

    Bus Traffic/Transport Management System in Karachi.

    History of Bus Transport System in Karachi is very old& it has been ongoing since more than last

    30 years but its current position is worst. Their record keeping system is very bad; they use

    copies & torn pages to record their day to day workings.

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    So, now days; ticket is not providing to the passenger against bus fare because they dont know

    how to keep record of each ticket. There are no facilities for general public, no proper financing

    on the bus, Polluting buses, bad attitude of driver & conductor, over loaded buses (limits of

    Passengers exceeds from capacity in the bus), no respect of traffic laws, rules & regulations, etc.

    While making this project; we have focused only right now few things from aforementioned

    lakes in our bus transport system in Karachi are as follows:

    1. Record keeping System2. Ticket System3. Facilitating to the General Public (i.e. Passengers)


    To obtain or maintain the database named buses / traffic public transport management system

    by using multiple fields, entities, attributes with different tables in a SQL Server.

    The core objective is to introduce a proper database system of buses/traffic transportationsystem in Karachi because our buses transport management do not have any proper/formal

    system to manage day to day business/activity of busessystem in Karachi. Also they have

    incomplete information/records (for all the drivers, conductors, buses, passengers, fuel stations,

    buses routes & bus fares & its history) in a proper format which could they manage/update


    Also, we are going to introduce a ticket system in buses by which a transporter can maintain

    their income by unique ticket number that will be used as a primary key in respective tables of

    the said database system to find, call or retrieve a specific record easily when it requires. It

    (computerized database system) also save their time from seeking the desired records from

    hand written noting (hard form). This will be a centralized system from which all the

    transporters can easily connect to it &view all the records (with its history) as per his


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    Scope & Limitations:

    Bus/Traffic Public Transport Management System basically designed for general public so the

    requirement, queries, problems & their valuable suggestions are most important & not to be

    negligible. In this regard, we are designing the database where all aforementioned information

    that will be given from the public or provided to public (after completion of its process) & the

    same have been recorded(added), updated & then executed(process) when & where it need to

    implement on the specified criteria or real time bases. It is all because of public only to facilitate

    to the general public.

    So, we are maintaining, or creating a database from which user (database administrator) will

    able to retrieve/extract different queries easily as per his requirement.

    Further, we have to decide to gather publics requirements, problems & issues that was/ar e

    facing general public in their routine daily journey in the bus & transport system.

    Also, we are covering the communication level (such as dialog delivery, ask for their destination

    where their want to reach at their desire time &receive prepaid fare card {fare incase when

    prepaid fare card is not available} from them as well) of driver & conductor to the public & a

    good response & communication is expecting from the public also.

    Project Overview:

    This project will emphasize on record keeping system of public transportation system in

    Karachi-Pakistani. The complete database, we have designed on Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

    This database will be a centralized computerized system in all over the Karachi to maintain andmanage the day to day records of passengers, fuel consumption, bus maintenance and routes as

    well as Drivers, Conductors, Checkpoint officers personal records & their duties/tasks.

    Also, we have introduced a complaint center which will handle all expenses like maintenance of

    bus, fuel, etc & the same will connect to all the relevant/associated entities like bus owner, fuel

    companies, repair& maintenance companies.

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    Microsoft SQL Server is one of the popular and user friendly but secure database manager that

    why we choose this software to design this database.


    Our bus transport system does not have any proper management system. Due to absence of daily

    bus timing records not only transporter is not able to manage bus timings but passengers also

    suffer from inconsistency of bus timings. A primary aspect in bus system is Ticket system

    unfortunately our bus system do not has it, because of that sometimes conductor charge freight

    form a single passenger two times similarly passenger has no proof that he has paid the freight

    and transporter also has no precise record of daily earnings due to no tickets .

    Drivers & Conductors personal data are present but not properly recorded i.e. Driving License,

    CNIC, etc. Due to that transporter is not able to check out their daily performance & duties. Bus

    numbers like w11, 4m etc. are available but not properly recorded. Bus license number plates

    are available but not properly recorded if a bus gets fined by traffic police so its difficult for

    transporter to find out which bus get fined because more than one buses can have same bus

    numbers but not same license number plate. No record of daily fuel consumption of each bus,

    fuel is the blood for buses, if transporter do not has its record how would he/she be able to

    manage the fuel cost?

    No record of each bus defined routes due to that; passengers cannot find their destination buses

    easily. Passenger always wants to know what is the fare from his/her bus stop to his/her

    destination so there is no complete record present of bus fare according to the routes. No proper

    record of daily number of passengers in each bus if this system is adopted by transporters that

    would be very helpful for them to manage the quantity of buses on their routes. Day to day there

    are several ware and tear happened is buses that requires weekly or monthly bus maintenance

    there is no proper and precise records of this that would be helpful for transporter to manage

    their maintenance cost.

    Absence of proper records of drivers, conductors and other staffs salaries. No records of

    customer feedback that might be helpful for transporter that what customers want. Our buses

    are mostly over loaded with passenger a transporter can not aware of this until he/she do not

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    has proper records of maximum number of capacity in a bus. The dr ivers performance affects

    the bus system very much if driver is doing careless driving getting traffic penalties there should

    be a daily record of his performance that can be helpful for transporter to decide drivers future.


    There should be a computerized database system exist to manage & update all the records. It

    (database system) should be as centralized to link all the terminals. There should be a database

    administrator who should be responsible to insert (add), update or delete day to day record in

    the database.

    Also, there should be some checkpoints on the bus stops for the bus route equipped with the

    computer(s) which are connecting through the main server to update day to day record of each

    bus regarding tickets sold, number of passenger travelled in the bus, route information & fuel

    slips which are provided from the fuel gas stations after re-filling of fuel in the bus as per its


    Ticket system should be mandatory because each ticket has its own unique number with date

    recorded in the database. At the end of day; sold ticket counts will provide all the information

    about daily number of passenger & daily earnings against from the same.

    There should be a Contact Centre where customers could call and put their comments &

    complaints which is helpful for Owner to get up-to-date aware with the performance of driver,

    conductor and check point officer even with whole service (which concern to the owner &

    passenger as well).

    There should be badge of each &every driver & conductor with its unique Id written on it so it

    can be ease for DBA to update their daily performance & evaluation in the database.

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    This Project is required to bus transportation companies which do not have any properdatabase system.

    A Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or higher certified or equivalent person required asAdminister Database.

    CPO (Check Point Officer) required as at least one on each check point for recording the data.They must be computer liberated & familiar to database management system.

    Required at least one computer on each check point which must be connected through maindatabase.

    There must be a backup server of main database; incase of lost of data by any catastrophe(tragedy), we can retrieve our saved data (backup) from main database.

    Need to be establishing a contact center (call center) to get comments & complains from thepassengers and others on phone calls.

    Required at least 10 telephone lines in contact center whose have been connecting through asingle UAN or Toll free number.

    Debit Card required for each Bus which is given to conductor for Expenses like fuel,maintenance and others.

    Bibliography (Source of Data):

    Following are the sources from where we have collected the data & information which help us to

    prepare the project report & its database.

    Bus Drivers, Bus Owners, Check Point Officers and Conductors i.e. Name: Mr. Mansib (Check Point Officer)

    Location: JoharMorr (Gulistan-e-Johar)Contact #: 0334-3824597

    Info Collected: Fare Charges as per Kilometer & Bus Penalties.

    Name: Mr. Khair Muhammad (Bus Owner)Location: Sohrab Goth (Al-Asif Square)

    Contact #: 0300-2927230

    Info Collected: Interval timings between buses, Salaries of Drivers, Conductors &

    Check Point Officers.

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    Name: Mr. Jamil (Bus Driver)Location: New Karachi Main Bus Stop

    Contact #: 0301-2898085

    Info Collected: Bus Routes, Bus Stops & Fare Charges.

    Name: Mr. Zubair Khalil (Bus Driver)Location: Keamari Main Bus Stop

    Contact #: 0303-2792073

    Info Collected: Bus Routes, Fuel System & Traffic Penalties.

    Bus Passengers Website (i.e. Apnakarachi.com)Tools Used:

    Following are the tools which we have used to prepared the project report & its database.

    All Entities (Tables) prepared on Microsoft SQL Server 2005. ERDs (Entity Relational Diagrams) prepared on Microsoft SQL Server 2005. All Quires (Cases) prepared on Microsoft SQL Server 2005. DFD (Data Flow Diagram) prepared on Software Data Modeler version 3. Project Report prepared on Microsoft Word 2007.

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    Data Flow Diagram (DFD):

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    Entity Relational Diagram (ERD) / Fully Attributed ERD /Data Modeling:

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    Functional Details:

    The bus/traffic transport management system can perform following functions:

    It can provide a total number of busses moving on roads as on specified time.

    It can present a number of busses on the specified & desired bus stop. Its specialty to show the shortest & nearest path (address, route) to reaching your

    destination and the suitable bus to arrive you from Point-A (Starting point) to Point-B (End


    It helps to generate expenses which might be done on bus maintenance. With this system we can easily find out daily movement activity consumption of fuel and total

    ticket sale out (Income).

    The Ticket system helps to fetch number of passengers travel in a specified bus. There would be a DBA (Database Administrator) who will administer the whole database. All the Check Points of Buses must be connect with main database in order to record the time

    to time data in database.

    Conductor will collect tickets from check point & return the counter foil of tickets to checkpoint. Conductor will use debit card for fuel & maintenance the bus & return the slip to check


    Call center will work 18/7 & directly connect to database, all the comments regarding busservice will record from here & info also provide from here to caller.

    If Driver get traffic penalty due to his negligence he will pay in cash & submit the slip(challan) to check point.

    Queries & their results (Reports):

    Q1. selectbd_name,bd_caddress,bd_cellno from tblbd where bd_education='matric'This Query displayed names, cell phone numbers & current addresses of those Bus

    Drivers whose education is Matric.

    Q2. selectbr_id,br_allstops from tblbr where br_shfallowed='true'Select bus_Id from Buses where bus_loc between Tower to Shahrah-e-Faisal.

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    This Query displayed bus names (br_id) and all bus stops of each bus in which

    student fare discount is allowed.

    Q3. selectbc_name,bc_cellno,br_id,b.bedc_id from tblbc c innerjoin tblb b on c.bc_id=b.bc_idThis Query displayed names, cell phone numbers, bus route ids (bus names) &

    debit card numbers related to each Bus Conductor.

    Q4. selectbcpo_name,bcpo_cellno,bcpo_joiningdate from tblbcpo c join tblbbcp p onc.bcpo_id=p.bcpo_id where bcpo_education='bcs'

    This Query displayed names, cell phone numbers, and joining date in company of

    those check point officers whose education is BCS and posted on begin check point

    of the bus.

    Q5. selectbrm_bfincomeamount_total,br_id from tblbrm r join tblbdm d onr.bdm_id=d.bdm_id join tblb b on d.b_plateno=b.b_plateno orderby br_id

    This Query displayed income of each bus per trip according to bus names (bus

    route ids).

    Q6. selectsum(brm_bfincomeamount_total)as "total income" from tblbrmThis Query displayed sum total of income of all buses in single trip.

    Q7. selectbrm_id,brm_bfincomeamount_total,17 as"sales_tax%",brm_bfincomeamount_total*(1-0.17)as "Income_after_tax" from tblbrm

    This Query displayed total Income of each bus single trip after 17% Income tax


    Q8. selectavg(brm_bfincomeamount_total)from tblbrmThis Query displayed average income of all buses in single trip.

    Q9. selectmin(bcpo_salary)as "min cpo salary",max(bcpo_salary)as "max cpo Salary" fromtblbcpo

    This Query displayed minimum & maximum salary of check point officers.

    Q10. selectbdm_id,b_plateno,bdm_btissued_total from tblbdm where bdm_bdeparturedatetimebetween'1/5/2010 06:00:00'and'1/5/2010 10:00:00'This Query displayed total number of ticket issued to each bus in 1st May 2010

    between 6 am to 10 am.

    Q11. createview Driver_Info asselectbd_name,bd_cellno,bd_joiningdate,bd_salary from tblbdThis Query made a view of cell phone numbers, names, salary & date of joining of

    the bus drivers with the name of Driver_info.

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    Q12. createview Check_point_officer asselectbcpo_name as "name",bcpo_cellno as"moble",bcpo_joiningdate as "DOJ",bcpo_salary as "Salary" from tblbcpo

    This Query made a view of name of check point officer as name, cell phone number

    as mobile, date of joining as DOJ & salary as salary of Check point officers.




    )values('bc-117','Ali Akber',423058372799,'North Nazimabad','North

    Nazimabad',03222339132,'none','10 level',1995-12-18,'4 yrs',10000,0)

    This Query Inserted a Tuple of complete record of a bus conductor in bus conductor


    Q14. createview Bus_Info asselectr.br_id as "Bus_Names",br_allstops as "Routes",br_shfallowedas "student_fare" from tblbr r join tblb b on r.br_id=b.br_idThis Query created a view of bus routes, bus names & student discount of each bus

    by joining two tables with the name of Bus_info.

    Q15. createindex bus_Type on tblbt(bt_id,bt_discription,bt_noofseats,bt_pcapacitymin,bt_pcapacitymax)

    This Query made an index of bus type showing bus details.

    Q16. selectBR_ID asBussname,BR_AllstopsasBussStopfromtblBRThis Query displayed Bus name and their routes

    Q17. selectBR_ID asBussName,Br_AllstopsasBussStopfromtblbrwhereBr_ID='2d'This Query displayed a particular bus name (2D) and it's routes

    Q18. selectBT_ID asBussId,BT_discriptionasBussTypefromtblBTThis Query displayed BusID and BussType

    Q19. selectcount(Bt_Discription)asBussTypefromtblbtThis Query displayed Total types of Buses

    Q20. selectcount(*)as "Number of Conductors" fromtblBCwherebc_salary>8000;This Query displayed Total Number of Conductors whose salary is greater than8000

    Q21. selectBr_IDasBusName,Br_NoofBusesasTotalBussfromtblbrThis Query Displayed Bus Name and total number of each Bus

    Q22. selectBD_NAME asDriver_Name,Bd_salaryas Salary fromtblBDThis Query Displayed Driver Names and their salaries

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    Q23. selectDISTINCTbt_discriptionasBus_Type,Bt_NoofSeatsasSeats,BT_pcapacityMinasMinimum_capacity,BT_pcapacityMaxasMaximum_Capacityfromtblbt

    This Query Displayed Bus Type, Seats, Minimum Capacity of Passenger and

    Maximum Capacity of Passenger

    Q24. selectBr_IdasBusName,B_noofComplainsas Complain fromtblBwhereB_noofcomplainsThis Query Displayed Bus Name and Complain

    Q25. Insertinto tblBS (BS_ID,BS_NAME,BS_LOCATION)Values('bs-13','johar mor','Gulistan-e-Johar')

    This Query added record in tableBS of new bus stop


    IB')This Query added record in tableBEDC about new debit card


    This Query added record in tableBPT about penalty type.

    Q28. INSERTINTO TBLBP (BP_ID,BRM_ID,BPT_ID,BP_CHALLANNO)VALUES('bp-003','brm-001','bpt-005','00014659')

    This Query added record in tableBP about a traffic penalty by bus driver

    Q29. UPDATEtblBCSETBc_NAME='Asher', BC_CADDRESS='KARACHI'WHERE BC_ID='BC-117'This Query updated record in coloumnBc_NAME AND BC_CADDRESS OF TABLEBC

    Q30. UPDATEtblBSsetBS_NAME='KHARADAR', BS_LOCATION='D.H.A'where BS_ID='bs-13'This Query Updated record in coloumn BS_NAME AND BS_LOCATION of TABLEBS

    Q31. UPDATE TBLBPT SET BPT_CHARGES='500'Where BPT_ID='bpt-005'This query updatedBpt charges in tableBPT

    Q32. update TBLBP setBP_challanno='0001499'where BP_ID='bp-003'This Query updated record Challan no in table BP

    Q33. UPDATE TBLBEDC SET BEDC_BALANCE='100000'where BEDC_ID='9991000000651351'This Query updatedBALANCE in tableBEDC

    Q34. UPDATE TBLBCO setBCO_CellNo='03132417081'where BCO_ID='BCO-006'This Query updated Cell Number of BCO in TableBC

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    We have studied all the technical areas, Issues, benefits, solutions while making this project &

    also collect information that are most essential for the implementation of bus/traffic transport

    management system in Karachi. The Database strategies have been made in order to accomplish

    desired objectives & goals.

    The record keeping system has been changed and become reliable. It was indeed a great learning

    experience which would be fruitful in preparing the bus management database system.

    By this we took a step towards fragmented bus record keeping system & turned it into a proper

    database system.

    Recommendations (Suggestions):

    This project is recommended for big or small bus transportation companies. It is recommended for those bus transportation companies which do not have ticket system. Only Microsoft SQL Server 2005or higher is recommended for this DBMS Project. It is recommended for those bus transporters who are seeking a proper database

    management system in their business.

    Those bus transporters who are willing to invest money in their business to make theirbusiness centralize & less complex then this project is a good choice for them.



    Database management System (DBMS)

    DBMS is a record keeping system in a business by this a company can manage their day to day

    work by recording their data which is related to their business. This simplifies and centralizes a

    business rather then makes it complex. By this any employee who is granted to use this system

    either from user end or from DBA can manage their records according to their nature of job or


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    DBMS also secure a companys data from outsiders as well as from those employees who are not

    granted to view some confidential information by applying some special authentications from

    DBA. By this a company can store their millions of data in GBs & TBs and can check, update,

    delete and add (insert) any time when company wants.

    DBMS is based on computer Software commonly known as DBM (Database Manager). There are

    many Software companies which are ruling in the database market with their DBMs like

    Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and IBMs DB2.


    DBA (Database Administrator)

    DBA is the person who is responsible to maintain data in database; he is the person who

    authenticates the users of DBM according to their departments and their job responsibilities.

    DBA is not only authenticates and maintain the data but also monitor it as well. He is responsible

    to troubleshootany kind of issue in DBMS. DBA can make a database according to the companys


    A company which manages their data by DBM has at least one DBA either Certified on specific

    DBM or at least good command & awareness about its functions & features.


    MicrosoftSQL Server 2005

    MS SQL Server 2005 is well known and popular DBM of Microsoft. It has almost all the features

    DBMS which, a database required. SQL Server 2005 is a user-friendly DBM which can be

    operated in Command Line as well as in GUI Environment. All the queries, Tables and ERDs in

    this project are based on this software.


    ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

    ERD shows the relationship between two or more than two Entities (Tables). This diagram could

    be fully attributed or simple. This shows that how many relationships are taken place in between

    two tables i.e. 1 to 1, 1 to many, many to 1 and many to many.

    Also, it shows number of attributes in a single table and their data types.

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    DFD (Data Flow Diagram)

    DFD represent the flow of data in database system. It shows how data flow from one entity to

    another entity and finally to main database and again from main database to entities as per

    project requirement.

    Also, it shows cycle of data.


    CPO (Check Point Officer)

    In this Project, CPO is a person who is responsible to record day to day bus information in

    database and also responsible to issue and collect the tickets to/from conductor. CPO has onlyauthority to add (insert) and read the data. Each & every checkpoint must have at least one CPO.


    Contact Center

    Call Centre is very vastly used business strategy in this era. Its an easy way for a company to

    communicate with their customers & other people in the market. In the same concern, we have

    introduced a contact center in this Project; which has a centralized system to receive and makecalls to all over the city, country or world depend on business type. Each & every Contact Centre

    connects to a database where all the data & information of callers are recorded.
