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OCALA EVENING STAR, MONDAY, MAY 10, 1915 OCALA SOCIAL AFFAIRS points for "JVIotbcrs I- - (If you have any items for this department, call pnone 106) . mam tj izy4d'm'ts3 L v u 1 Thought for the Day I do not ask for any crown But that which all may win; Nor try to conquer any world Except the one within. Alcott. mm ference of Charities and Corrections, convening in Baltimore, May . 12-1- 9, Mrs. J. W. McCollum, Gainesville, Mrs. J.'W. Spratt, Mrs. A G. Cum- mer, Jacksonville, Mrs. Henry Wight, Sanford, and Mrs. D. U. Fletcher, If I were hanged on the highest hill, J I Know whose love would lollow me still - Mother o' mine, O mother o mine! If I were drowned in the deepest sea, I know whose tears woujd come down Regarding Environment. A study of sound educational princi- ples shows that the greatest perils as well as the greatest opiKrtunities pr-fe- ut tnemselves largely during ABC tge and that therefore a careful study must be made of all requirements when proridiug m child' environment. Specialist point out that at -- the start every child Is greatly handicapped. Therefore be should be so nourished that every imrt of him works with a minimum amount of friction. We must rid ourselves of the idea that the youngest cni:d 5Cirea the teacher of the least ability and skllL This is a to me. Mother o' mine, O mother o mine! . If I were damned of body and soul. I know whose prayers would make me CUUINUIVI I inai thins you are looking for in these days whole. Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine! Buy a. wliole Rudyard Kipling. Woman's Club Meeting Saturday On account of the inclemency of Box. of oirr ot .nign living cost Calumet insures a wonder- ful sarin z In j-on- r baking. But it does more. 1 1 insures wholesome food, tasty food -- uniformly raised food. Calaroet Is made riir to sell right to tale rlgfiL Ak one of the millions of women who xisr it or a&k your grocer. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS . World Pore Foot! FirpoutMn. Ckicmm, E2. fri Exposition, Frtaca, Martb, 1912. viciously harmful idea. If children are wisely directed In the beginning there good cl3.is the weather, the meeting of the Wom will be less cause for complaint after ward, less cause for men like Herbert Spencer lo-conde- the method upon an's Club was not called to order until 3:20 , o'clock Saturday, May 8, with the president, Mrs. C. R. Tydings, in the chair. which the advancement of nhe com munity rests. Mr wtilaiMt tun Mat Segruln tells us tnat we must educate Minutes of last meeting were read the study of the senses, train the fac and corrected. ulty of speech, the art of reviving. Corresponding secretary reported storing and expressing impressions. 115 paid up members with promises You "snend an hour in Havana" when you smoke our cigars. We keep them in good condi- tion. This is why. our cigars have the right Taste. Buy cigars by the box. You not only get a lower price but you have them when- - you want them for yourself and friends . ; ' ' When you want a good cigar come to us.- - 4nti-Monopo- !y Drug Store. J. G. Parrish, Prop. . "WE TAKE CARE" which is the natural gift of infants. and then we shall not need books to fill up the emptiness of our teaching until the child is at least seven yearn old. the deal for that real estate Jias been closed and the only thing yet to do is to see if the title is good. Marion coanty has about 163 deed records and 45 mortgage records and 50 of raiscellanoeus rec- ords, or about 160.C0O pages of record matter and among these is the record history of that title. , j j some searching and checking before the abstract man knows that he has got it alL ' MORAL: PLACE TOE ABSTRACT ORDER EARLY ENOUGH SO THAT TOE ABSTRACT MAX II AS REASONABLE TIME IN WHICH TO DO HIS RESEARCH WORK. 4 Washington, D. C. Miss Hall to be a Member of an At- lanta Wedding Party Miss Beulah Hall of this city, now a student at Brenau College and Miss Carol Dean, a former popular visitor to Ocala, are to be members of a wedding party next month in Atlanta. The bride-ele- ct and several of her at- tendants are well known to the Ocala Brenau contingent and of interest to their friends will be the following from the Atlanta American: Miss Annie Lou Pagett has com- pleted the plans for her wedding to Dr. Latimer Rudolph, which will take place Wednesday evening, June 2, at 9 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bridges on Forest ave- nue. "Mrs. Russell Bridges will be her sister's matron of honor and' the two maids of honor will be Miss Mary Blalock and Miss Carol . Dean, of Gainesville. Misses Mary Lucy Tur- ner and Marybel Hixon, of Americus, will be bridesmaids. A group, of young women will be ribbon bearers, Misses Elizabeth Martin, Elizabeth Silvey, Beulah Hall of Ocala, Fla., and Jessie Cox of Monroe. Silver Tea Delightfully informal and . charm- ing was the silver tea given this aft- ernoon from 4 to 6 o'clock at the at- tractive home of Mrs. C. S. Cullen by St. Margaret's Guild. Easter lilies and oleander blooms composed the. principal floral dec- orations, and they were ' arranged with pleasing effect, through the rooms. Toothsome refreshments, consisting of fruit salad, ice tea and wafers were served by Misses Adele Bittihger, . Janet Weathers, Caroline Harriss and Annie .Atkinson. Assist- ing in entertaining were Mrs. J. G. Glass, Mrs. G.- - T. Maughs and Miss Minnie Gamsby. ' Vv - On account of the unsettled weath- er, the attendance was not as large as it -- would otherwise have been. r The silver offering amounted to a neat sum. A Talented Musician - Speaking of an, entertainment at the Florida College for Women, the Tallahassee correspondent "of the Times-Unio- n says: "Miss Irma Blake, who so recently proved her ability as a .pianist in a graduation recital, gave in conjunc Itie Commercid. OCALA, FLORIDA. CAPITAL STOCK S50.000.00. Stale, County and City Depository. If the education of the senses Is neg- lected all after education partakes of a haziness, an Insufficiency, which It Is Impossible to cure. Here, then, is a chain of reasoning that mothers and teachers of the very young child can- not escape. Examine the Montessori plan or nillyers or any one of the methods based upon the fundamental principles advanced by Froebel, by educators that reach back to the beginning of all things and you will find In every Instance that the greatest reliance Is placed upon the sense training accompanying these methods. These Btudents of education grasped the underlying principles and then worked out their own methods for action. Night Terrors Ars Serious. Night terrors are due to fault in the nervous system which makes it easily excited by any slight irritation, even though that -- irritation be in some re- mote part of the body. The child awakens suddenly with. violent scream- ing and' gives abundant evidence of great fear. This may be repeated night after night or at less frequent Intervals. Night terrors usually attack children between the ages of three and eight years, and in nearly every In- stance the attack comes on within two or three hours after the child has re- tired. The face of the child shows the ex- treme terror which be is In. nia eyes "are widely opened and generally fixed upon oq6 object. Sometimes a clew is given to what frightened the child to pay . up from several delinquents. A resolution that no spiked punch be allowed in the club house was adopted. The committee on the revision of by-la- ws made report, reading sug- gested changes, which will be voted on at the annual meeting. Resolution was presented by Mrs. Duval, requesting our senators and representatives to send to the legis- lature a bill exempting from taxa- tion the property of all clubs through- out th state, organized . purely for benefit of the community and not for purposes of . profit. Adopted. The president announced the next regular meeting for May 15, to be preceded by a board meeting. Report of the May Day festival, receipts and disbursements was read by Mrs. CVW. Hunter in the absence of Mrs. G. J. Blitch", chairman. Mrs. Smith made a motion that Mrs. Blitch and her committee be congrat- ulated and thanked for the magnifi- cent entertainment presented for the pleasure of our entire community. The motion received hearty approval and passed with ah enthusiastic vote. A letter to the civic committee from J. D. McCall, principal of Howard Academy, was read. lie acknowledg- ed the receipt of flower seed, stating that same had been planted, that clean-u- p week had been observed by the school, he and the teachers sup- ervising the work. He thanked th.3 Woman's Club for the interest it had taken in the school and in the ac- complishment of its work. Mrs. Moorhead asked if. the club wished' a demonstration from Miss Mae Wells of Tallahassee, engaged in extension work. It was decided not to have her visit the Ocala club but it was suggested that she be sent to Belleview instead. The corresponding secretary was instructed to write a letter of con- dolence to Mrs. Strunk and Mrs. Robertson. The program for the afternoon was in charge of the educational commit- tee with Mrs. W. D. Cam as chair- man. She then escorted to the plat- form Prof. Cassels, the speaker of the This is our HOFFMAN PRESS florid title and abstract corporation ocala, &. f 'mj.-,- 1 1 . J ', ' Manufactured for the pressing of y Palm Beach and Duck Suits. Being j heated by steam, it can not scorch, jf I 111 it can not wear cr tear. Call and see jj' v v t y EMORY J. CLOSE , . SURVEYOR AND DRAUGHTSMAN. T Ocala Steam Laundry ? Phone 101 402-40- 4 South Main St. by his crying out the name of the Land Surveying, Leveling, Drainage, Maps, Plats, Profiles . v . All kinds, of Tracings or Draughting ROOM AND BATH FOR A DOLLAR CMA EOHJSE FLORIDA TITLE ABSTRACT CORPORATION. OCALA, TLA, tion with Miss McCaskill her recital for a certificate in voice. Miss Blake is a talented musician possessing an excellent ear and remarkable mem- ory. While, piano is her stronger subject she evidenced in her recital a knowledge of voice placing and voice tontrol which was quite satisfactory." The annual state picnic of the Unit- ed Daughters of the Confederacy will be held this year in Tampa on May 25, with the Tampa chapter, of which enns Can't Stay With This Treafaiimt LEVITT PACKAliD CODE x Music Teacher and Composer Mrs. A. H. Nprris is president. The W o o o H m o 93 o o tr S3 -- 5? o S5 O fa H a . o o occasion. The president asked Mrs.hostess chapter extends a very cordial SPECIALTIES OCALA, FLORIDA ENTIRELY REMODELED R &TESS- - 75c to $1.50 NO HIGHER Dining Room with Moderate prices NOW OPEN. Room Without Bath 75c. Running Water in Every Room in the House KLECTI1IC ELEVATOR SERVICE PHONES IN ALL ROOMS LOUIS M. LONG, Prop. The only Hotel on the Square No Impurities Can Retain Burford to take the', chair as she thing or person. During the attack the child, will cling to others for protec- tion. This period of extreme terror lasts usually only a few minutes, but it may be prolonged to nealy half au hour. Following this is a period dur- ing which the child recognizes persons and his surroundings, but for a con- siderable time he remains In a state of mild fear and dreads to be left alone. Night terrors should never be allow- ed to continue untreated. They are indications that there Is a serious fault in the nervous system, and this should receive the most careful and thorough consideration. American Toys. To take the place of The lead soldier made in Germany One firm has made a steel soldier very durable. and quite neutral, his breeches Magyar, his coat English, his helmet German. He is cheap, too. the little set of. fifteen In- fantrymen and tree cavalrymen cost- ing 25 cents as against the price for the Imported pewter set of soldiers of si. The sale of the paper and wooden sol- dier has gone up from the rate of 3.000.000 a year before the war to 5.000.000 since. The sales of toy shotguns have also increased. In one Arm the employees have been increased from GO to ISO. and they work In day and night shifts. This firm made not only guns, but war games. . Their history Is interesting be- cause It is so recent. They are an A Foothold They're Driven Out, wished to be excused. " The first number was a piano solo, beautifully rendered by Miss Sidney invitation to all Daughters and mem- bers of the Children of Confderacy chapters to attend. The picnic will be held in the Tampa Bay hotel grounds. Harold. vioiiu n2Q ana voizz Expert Piaco Toner ; Talk to me about it over " ''-l-- i Phone 333 Upon being asked to state the edu cational value of each committee, Miss Eilen Leigh has returned .to her home in Jacksonville after a de- lightful visit to her brother, ' Mr. there was an interesting response from the chairman or a proxy of every committee, with one or two ex-- i ceptiohs. ROOM AND BATH FOR A DOLLAR Samuel Leigh and ' wife. " ' Mrs. Burford introduced Prof. Cas n ... s J 1 FJcIver a niccl cv Mrs. tngene jox oi Atlanta is convalescing from an operation for appendicitis, which she underwent Funeral Dlrcclors sels, who made a very fine address, taking for his subject, "The Ideals for our School." On account of the limited time allowed him,, he dwelt only on the need of extensive play The action of SL S. SL. the famous blood last week at a hospital in. that city. UNDRT4KEnSanf! EODAIIIEES purifier. Is .direct from the moment It esters the stomach. Unlike food that must be scted upon by the dlireatlve Juices, a R S. goes at once into the Dr. Sylvan McElroy of Orlando, son-in-la- w of Mr. and Mrs. John Do-zi-er of this city, has been appointed grounds and gymnasium apparatus, with able instructors and . director, blood, and in leas than five minutes Has traversed the entire circulation- - Fine DisHcls zzi Corlil CcSes. O. E. McIVFR and C V. "ROBERTS adaptation of the peaceful map game It now rapidly spreads Us medicinal but also touched briefly upon other city physician by the Orlando city commissioners. The examination of action In the fine network of blood ves- sels and Is like ' giving; the blood a needs of the well equipped school, among them mentioning . laboratories, madeby the firm before the war. a game of the shortest routes for parcel post or a game to be won by locating the capitals of the states or by namlnx rivers and har!r. thorough bath, to overcome ecxema, blood risings, boils and other eruptive conditions. It can not harm any part of children, in the schools is among the questions that will be enacted into the system. It does not lodge in the . . Faneral Director ll V.'ork Done by Licensed Err. ill-rn- er 1 and Folly Guaranteed pnOITES ".. 1 D. E. MtlVER 101 municipal law. Joints as do mercury, arsenic and other Miss Ru).h. Nelson and Miss Ger a library, musical department, draw- ing lessons from the primary grades through the high school, a sufficient teaching force with a teacher in each department to whom backward and delinquent pupils might be sent, a commercial course and a night school. minerals frequently to e iouna in blood remedies. It Is a natural medU-cin- e for the blood. Just as essential to health If germs have gotten the tipper LOOK, READ and REMEMBER trude cornisn, two popular young c y. Roberts ;c:r hand as Is nutritious food If after a !'ndrtskinar OCict ..5 spell of sickness the body calls for nour Tampa girls, well known in Ocala, were members of a jolly houseparty enjoying the week-en- d at Fort Dade, ishment. ,ivnererer ytm go you are sure to meet some jone who used 8. S. 3. The program was concluded with a it charming piano solo by Miss Mary Gates. for the blood and Is a willing witness to Its wonderful - power to overcome blood troubles. Tou can obtain 8. 8. 8. In almost any dreg store In the U. S-- . Go TJcrtli by Ssa Upon adjournment of the meeting. m. .lirntflcant fact as to Its worm ana the guests of the officers in charge and their wives. - Mrs. T. C. Luckie and Miss Rena Smith left this afternoon for a visit to Tampa, where they will be guests For Its sterling reputation. Get a bottle r.lERCHMITS4KIIIERSTRRHS.C0 the social half -- hour was enjoyed with Mrs. W. D. Cam and Mrs. Whitley as hostesses. to,ir it will do you frooa. write to The 8wlft Specific, Co- - 104 Swift Bldsc, Atlanta. Ga. if the directions wnn mt Steamship Line .1 The tomato club report was to have bottle do not fully cover. your caa. Vour Toilel Table JacticonvIIIc TO " Boston m. New YorZi . for a few days of Miss Smith's fis- - terMiss Rebecca Smith. m m m Friend3 of W. V. Knott, guberna- torial candidate, will be interested in learning that Mrs. Knott, who has been -- an inmate of Cattle Creek San- itarium for six months, has returned to their home in Tallahassee much im- proved. - At the Junior Epworth League ser- vice yesterday, the following child- ren were received in the Methodist church: Sarah Rentz, John and Ed been given but Mrs. Moorhead's re- quest to give it at a later meeting was granted. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. E. T. Helvenston acted as sec- retary pro tem. Miss Hallie Ley, who has had charge of the kindergarten depart- ment of the English Classical School in Tampa, has just closed her second successful year in this school and is at home for the vacation period with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Ley. Will Be MOM AY MAY .17tffiu "MILADY BEAUTIFUL" CAN FIND THOSE TOILET TOOLS SHE DESIRES IN OUR STORE-MANIC- URE SETS, BRUSHES, MIRRORS. 'COMBS, HAIR COMBS. PINS-EVERYT- HING. WHENEVER YOU DESIRE JEWELRY FOR YOURSELF OR FOR YOUR FRIENDS. COME. SEE0URS-Y- 0U WILL LIKE IT: YOU WILL BUY IT: IT WILL PLEASE YOU AND THEM AS LONG AS YOU LIVE. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT: THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. JL E. BURNETT , OCALA'S RELIABLE JEWELER : PHONF 503; X For Good -- Wood' BIG Load for $1. Your Order will have mmedlate Attention I J. L. SMOAK At Smofck'i Wjroo Shop, . Balllmorc Philadclplila New Steamers. Low Fares. Best service. , Wireless telegraph on all steamers. .Through fares and tlticta to all Northern and Western jxints. Automobiles carried. " For reservations, tickets, etc. IL C. AVERY,- - L.D. JOKIS, Agent, Com.!.,. L't. J. F. WARD, T. P. A. City Ticket OflLce, 23 l!o-- an Street, ; Jacksonville, Fla ; Upon urgent solicitation, Miss Ley is ward Cook, J. W. Crosby, Jr., Claude Barnett and James Brinson. Get your ADVERTISING COPY inearly. 409 ' Those who will have annauncements Misses Mary and Ethel Seymour retu"ned today from a week-en- d trip considering the opening of a model kindergarten school in Orlando this winter. Orlando- - Reporter-Sta- r. . Mrs. W. S. Jennings, president of the Florida Federation, has appoint- ed as delegates to the National Con- - to Tampa. We are sole agrents for VJNOL, and for tnis day are: Rheinauer & Co. Affleck's Millinery Parlor. this is the time of the year to talce it. Try a Star W ant Ad. They bring results (Concluded on Fourth Page) The Court Pharmacy. it





(If you have any items for this department, call pnone 106) .

mam tjizy4d'm'ts3 L v u 1

Thought for the Day

I do not ask for any crownBut that which all may win;

Nor try to conquer any worldExcept the one within. Alcott.


ference of Charities and Corrections,convening in Baltimore, May .

12-1- 9,

Mrs. J. W. McCollum, Gainesville,Mrs. J.'W. Spratt, Mrs. A G. Cum-mer, Jacksonville, Mrs. Henry Wight,Sanford, and Mrs. D. U. Fletcher,

If I were hanged on the highest hill, JI Know whose love would lollow me

still -

Mother o' mine, O mother o mine!If I were drowned in the deepest sea,I know whose tears woujd come down

Regarding Environment.A study of sound educational princi-

ples shows that the greatest perils aswell as the greatest opiKrtunities pr-fe- ut

tnemselves largely during ABCtge and that therefore a careful studymust be made of all requirements whenproridiug m child' environment.

Specialist point out that at --the startevery child Is greatly handicapped.Therefore be should be so nourishedthat every imrt of him works with aminimum amount of friction. We mustrid ourselves of the idea that theyoungest cni:d 5Cirea the teacher ofthe least ability and skllL This is a

to me.Mother o' mine, O mother o mine! .If I were damned of body and soul.I know whose prayers would make me CUUINUIVI I inai thins you are

looking for in these dayswhole.Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!

Buy a. wliole Rudyard Kipling.

Woman's Club Meeting SaturdayOn account of the inclemency of

Box. of oirr

ot .nign living cost Calumet insures a wonder-ful sarin z In j-on-

r baking. But it does more.1 1 insures wholesome food,tasty food --uniformly raised food.

Calaroet Is made riir to sell right to tale rlgfiL Akone of the millions of women who xisr it or a&k your grocer.RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS .

World Pore Foot! FirpoutMn. Ckicmm, E2.fri Exposition, Frtaca, Martb, 1912.

viciously harmful idea. If children arewisely directed In the beginning theregood cl3.is the weather, the meeting of the Wom will be less cause for complaint afterward, less cause for men like HerbertSpencer lo-conde- the method upon

an's Club was not called to order until3:20 , o'clock Saturday, May 8, withthe president, Mrs. C. R. Tydings, inthe chair.

which the advancement of nhe community rests.

Mr wtilaiMt tun MatSegruln tells us tnat we must educateMinutes of last meeting were readthe study of the senses, train the facand corrected.ulty of speech, the art of reviving.Corresponding secretary reportedstoring and expressing impressions.115 paid up members with promises

You "snend an hour in Havana" when yousmoke our cigars. We keep them in good condi-tion. This is why. our cigars have the right Taste.

Buy cigars by the box. You not only get alower price but you have them when- - you wantthem for yourself and friends . ;


' When you want a good cigar come to us.- -

4nti-Monopo- !y Drug Store.J. G. Parrish, Prop. .


which is the natural gift of infants.and then we shall not need books tofill up the emptiness of our teachinguntil the child is at least seven yearnold.

the deal for that real estate Jias been closed and the only thingyet to do is to see if the title is good. Marion coanty has about 163deed records and 45 mortgage records and 50 of raiscellanoeus rec-

ords, or about 160.C0O pages of record matter and among these isthe record history of that title. , j j

some searching and checking before the abstract man knowsthat he has got it alL '


Washington, D. C.

Miss Hall to be a Member of an At-

lanta Wedding PartyMiss Beulah Hall of this city, now

a student at Brenau College and MissCarol Dean, a former popular visitorto Ocala, are to be members of awedding party next month in Atlanta.The bride-ele- ct and several of her at-

tendants are well known to the OcalaBrenau contingent and of interest totheir friends will be the followingfrom the Atlanta American:

Miss Annie Lou Pagett has com-pleted the plans for her wedding toDr. Latimer Rudolph, which will takeplace Wednesday evening, June 2, at9 o'clock, at the home of Mr. andMrs. Russell Bridges on Forest ave-nue. "Mrs. Russell Bridges will be hersister's matron of honor and' the twomaids of honor will be Miss MaryBlalock and Miss Carol . Dean, ofGainesville. Misses Mary Lucy Tur-ner and Marybel Hixon, of Americus,will be bridesmaids. A group, ofyoung women will be ribbon bearers,Misses Elizabeth Martin, ElizabethSilvey, Beulah Hall of Ocala, Fla.,and Jessie Cox of Monroe.

Silver TeaDelightfully informal and . charm-

ing was the silver tea given this aft-ernoon from 4 to 6 o'clock at the at-tractive home of Mrs. C. S. Cullen bySt. Margaret's Guild.

Easter lilies and oleander bloomscomposed the. principal floral dec-

orations, and they were ' arrangedwith pleasing effect, through therooms. Toothsome refreshments,consisting of fruit salad, ice tea andwafers were served by Misses AdeleBittihger, . Janet Weathers, CarolineHarriss and Annie .Atkinson. Assist-ing in entertaining were Mrs. J. G.Glass, Mrs. G.-- T. Maughs and MissMinnie Gamsby. 'Vv -

On account of the unsettled weath-er, the attendance was not as large asit --would otherwise have been. r Thesilver offering amounted to a neatsum.

A Talented Musician- Speaking of an, entertainment atthe Florida College for Women, theTallahassee correspondent "of theTimes-Unio- n says:

"Miss Irma Blake, who so recentlyproved her ability as a .pianist in agraduation recital, gave in conjunc

Itie Commercid.OCALA, FLORIDA.

CAPITAL STOCK S50.000.00.Stale, County and City Depository.

If the education of the senses Is neg-lected all after education partakes ofa haziness, an Insufficiency, which It IsImpossible to cure. Here, then, is achain of reasoning that mothers andteachers of the very young child can-not escape. Examine the Montessoriplan or nillyers or any one of themethods based upon the fundamentalprinciples advanced by Froebel,

by educators that reachback to the beginning of all thingsand you will find In every Instance thatthe greatest reliance Is placed uponthe sense training accompanying thesemethods. These Btudents of educationgrasped the underlying principles andthen worked out their own methodsfor action.

Night Terrors Ars Serious.Night terrors are due to fault in the

nervous system which makes it easilyexcited by any slight irritation, eventhough that -- irritation be in some re-

mote part of the body. The childawakens suddenly with. violent scream-ing and' gives abundant evidence ofgreat fear. This may be repeatednight after night or at less frequentIntervals. Night terrors usually attackchildren between the ages of three andeight years, and in nearly every In-

stance the attack comes on within twoor three hours after the child has re-

tired.The face of the child shows the ex-

treme terror which be is In. nia eyes"are widely opened and generally fixedupon oq6 object. Sometimes a clewis given to what frightened the child

to pay . up from several delinquents.A resolution that no spiked punch

be allowed in the club house wasadopted.

The committee on the revision ofby-la- ws made report, reading sug-gested changes, which will be votedon at the annual meeting.

Resolution was presented by Mrs.Duval, requesting our senators andrepresentatives to send to the legis-lature a bill exempting from taxa-tion the property of all clubs through-out th state, organized . purely forbenefit of the community and not forpurposes of . profit. Adopted.

The president announced the nextregular meeting for May 15, to bepreceded by a board meeting.

Report of the May Day festival,receipts and disbursements was readby Mrs. CVW. Hunter in the absenceof Mrs. G. J. Blitch", chairman. Mrs.Smith made a motion that Mrs.Blitch and her committee be congrat-ulated and thanked for the magnifi-cent entertainment presented for thepleasure of our entire community.The motion received hearty approvaland passed with ah enthusiastic vote.

A letter to the civic committee fromJ. D. McCall, principal of HowardAcademy, was read. lie acknowledg-ed the receipt of flower seed, statingthat same had been planted, thatclean-u- p week had been observed bythe school, he and the teachers sup-ervising the work. He thanked th.3Woman's Club for the interest it hadtaken in the school and in the ac-

complishment of its work.Mrs. Moorhead asked if. the club

wished' a demonstration from MissMae Wells of Tallahassee, engaged inextension work. It was decided notto have her visit the Ocala club but itwas suggested that she be sent toBelleview instead.

The corresponding secretary wasinstructed to write a letter of con-

dolence to Mrs. Strunk and Mrs.Robertson.

The program for the afternoon wasin charge of the educational commit-tee with Mrs. W. D. Cam as chair-man. She then escorted to the plat-form Prof. Cassels, the speaker of the

This is our

HOFFMAN PRESSflorid title and abstract corporation ocala, &.

f 'mj.-,- 1 1 . J ', ' Manufactured for the pressing of yPalm Beach and Duck Suits. Being j

heated by steam, it can not scorch, jf

I 111 it can not wear cr tear. Call and see jj'vvt y EMORY J. CLOSE


Phone 101 402-40- 4 South Main St. by his crying out the name of the

Land Surveying, Leveling, Drainage, Maps, Plats, Profiles .

v . All kinds, of Tracings or DraughtingROOM AND BATH FOR A DOLLAR


tion with Miss McCaskill her recitalfor a certificate in voice. Miss Blakeis a talented musician possessing anexcellent ear and remarkable mem-ory. While, piano is her strongersubject she evidenced in her recital aknowledge of voice placing and voicetontrol which was quite satisfactory."

The annual state picnic of the Unit-ed Daughters of the Confederacy willbe held this year in Tampa on May25, with the Tampa chapter, of which

enns Can't StayWith This Treafaiimt LEVITT PACKAliD CODE

x Music Teacher and ComposerMrs. A. H. Nprris is president. The













occasion. The president asked Mrs.hostess chapter extends a very cordial SPECIALTIES



Dining Room with Moderate pricesNOW OPEN.

Room Without Bath 75c.Running Water in Every Room in the HouseKLECTI1IC ELEVATOR SERVICE PHONES IN ALL ROOMS

LOUIS M. LONG, Prop.The only Hotel on the Square

No Impurities Can RetainBurford to take the', chair as she

thing or person. During the attack thechild, will cling to others for protec-tion. This period of extreme terrorlasts usually only a few minutes, butit may be prolonged to nealy half auhour. Following this is a period dur-ing which the child recognizes personsand his surroundings, but for a con-

siderable time he remains In a stateof mild fear and dreads to be leftalone.

Night terrors should never be allow-ed to continue untreated. They areindications that there Is a serious faultin the nervous system, and this shouldreceive the most careful and thoroughconsideration.

American Toys.To take the place of The lead soldier

made in Germany One firm has madea steel soldier very durable. and quiteneutral, his breeches Magyar, his coatEnglish, his helmet German. He ischeap, too. the little set of. fifteen In-

fantrymen and tree cavalrymen cost-ing 25 cents as against the price for theImported pewter set of soldiers of si.The sale of the paper and wooden sol-

dier has gone up from the rate of3.000.000 a year before the war to5.000.000 since.

The sales of toy shotguns have alsoincreased. In one Arm the employeeshave been increased from GO to ISO.

and they work In day and night shifts.This firm made not only guns, but wargames. . Their history Is interesting be-

cause It is so recent. They are an

A Foothold They'reDriven Out,

wished to be excused. "

The first number was a piano solo,beautifully rendered by Miss Sidney

invitation to all Daughters and mem-bers of the Children of Confderacychapters to attend. The picnic willbe held in the Tampa Bay hotelgrounds.Harold.

vioiiu n2Q ana voizzExpert Piaco Toner ;

Talk to me about it over" ''-l--

iPhone 333

Upon being asked to state the educational value of each committee, Miss Eilen Leigh has returned .to

her home in Jacksonville after a de-lightful visit to her brother, ' Mr.

there was an interesting responsefrom the chairman or a proxy ofevery committee, with one or two ex--i


Samuel Leigh and 'wife. "


Mrs. Burford introduced Prof. Cas n ... s J 1 FJcIver a niccl cvMrs. tngene jox oi Atlanta isconvalescing from an operation forappendicitis, which she underwent Funeral Dlrcclors

sels, who made a very fine address,taking for his subject, "The Idealsfor our School." On account of thelimited time allowed him,, he dweltonly on the need of extensive play

The action of SL S. SL. the famous bloodlast week at a hospital in. that city.UNDRT4KEnSanf! EODAIIIEES

purifier. Is .direct from the moment Itesters the stomach. Unlike food thatmust be scted upon by the dlireatlveJuices, a R S. goes at once into theDr. Sylvan McElroy of Orlando,

son-in-la- w of Mr. and Mrs. John Do-zi-er

of this city, has been appointed

grounds and gymnasium apparatus,with able instructors and . director, blood, and in leas than five minutes Has

traversed the entire circulation- -Fine DisHcls zzi Corlil CcSes.

O. E. McIVFR and C V. "ROBERTSadaptation of the peaceful map game It now rapidly spreads Us medicinalbut also touched briefly upon other city physician by the Orlando city

commissioners. The examination ofaction In the fine network of blood ves-sels and Is like ' giving; the blood aneeds of the well equipped school,

among them mentioning . laboratories,madeby the firm before the war. agame of the shortest routes for parcelpost or a game to be won by locatingthe capitals of the states or by namlnxrivers and har!r.

thorough bath, to overcome ecxema,blood risings, boils and other eruptiveconditions. It can not harm any part of

children, in the schools is among thequestions that will be enacted into

the system. It does not lodge in the

. . Faneral Directorll V.'ork Done by Licensed Err. ill-rn- er

1 and Folly GuaranteedpnOITES ".. 1

D. E. MtlVER 101

municipal law. Joints as do mercury, arsenic and other

Miss Ru).h. Nelson and Miss Ger

a library, musical department, draw-ing lessons from the primary gradesthrough the high school, a sufficientteaching force with a teacher in eachdepartment to whom backward anddelinquent pupils might be sent, acommercial course and a night school.

minerals frequently to e iouna inblood remedies. It Is a natural medU-cin- e

for the blood. Just as essential tohealth If germs have gotten the tipperLOOK, READ and REMEMBERtrude cornisn, two popular young c y. Roberts ;c:rhand as Is nutritious food If after a

!'ndrtskinar OCict ..5spell of sickness the body calls for nourTampa girls, well known in Ocala,were members of a jolly housepartyenjoying the week-en- d at Fort Dade,

ishment. ,ivnererer ytm go you aresure to meet some jone who used 8. S. 3.The program was concluded with a

itcharming piano solo by Miss MaryGates.

for the blood and Is a willing witnessto Its wonderful - power to overcomeblood troubles. Tou can obtain 8. 8. 8.In almost any dreg store In the U. S--.

Go TJcrtli by SsaUpon adjournment of the meeting.

m. .lirntflcant fact as to Its worm ana

the guests of the officers in chargeand their wives.

-Mrs. T. C. Luckie and Miss Rena

Smith left this afternoon for a visitto Tampa, where they will be guests

For Its sterling reputation. Get a bottle r.lERCHMITS4KIIIERSTRRHS.C0the social half--hour was enjoyed withMrs. W. D. Cam and Mrs. Whitley ashostesses.

to,ir it will do you frooa. write toThe 8wlft Specific, Co-- 104 Swift Bldsc,Atlanta. Ga. if the directions wnn mt Steamship Line.1The tomato club report was to have bottle do not fully cover. your caa.

VourToilelTable JacticonvIIIc

TO" Boston m.

New YorZi .

for a few days of Miss Smith's fis--terMiss Rebecca Smith.

m m m

Friend3 of W. V. Knott, guberna-torial candidate, will be interested inlearning that Mrs. Knott, who hasbeen --an inmate of Cattle Creek San-itarium for six months, has returnedto their home in Tallahassee much im-proved. -

At the Junior Epworth League ser-vice yesterday, the following child-ren were received in the Methodistchurch: Sarah Rentz, John and Ed

been given but Mrs. Moorhead's re-quest to give it at a later meetingwas granted.

In the absence of the secretary,Mrs. E. T. Helvenston acted as sec-retary pro tem.

Miss Hallie Ley, who has hadcharge of the kindergarten depart-ment of the English Classical Schoolin Tampa, has just closed her secondsuccessful year in this school and isat home for the vacation period withher parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Ley.

Will Be

MOM AYMAY .17tffiu






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BIG Load for $1.Your Order will have

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For reservations, tickets, etc.IL C. AVERY,- - L.D. JOKIS,

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J. F. WARD, T. P. A.City Ticket OflLce, 23 l!o-- an Street,

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Upon urgent solicitation, Miss Ley is ward Cook, J. W. Crosby, Jr., ClaudeBarnett and James Brinson. Get your ADVERTISING COPY


' Those who will have annauncementsMisses Mary and Ethel Seymourretu"ned today from a week-en- d trip

considering the opening of a modelkindergarten school in Orlando thiswinter. Orlando- - Reporter-Sta- r. .

Mrs. W. S. Jennings, president ofthe Florida Federation, has appoint-ed as delegates to the National Con- -

to Tampa. We are sole agrents for VJNOL, andfor tnis day are:

Rheinauer & Co.Affleck's Millinery Parlor.

this is the time of the year to talce it.Try a Star Want Ad. They bring results (Concluded on Fourth Page) The Court Pharmacy. it
