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By Brice and Meghan Renaissance is a French word meaning rebirth. Took many ideas from the east....

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By Brice and Meghan

Renaissance is a French word meaning rebirth. Took many ideas from the east. They also took ideas about philosophy science geography and technology. The wealthy merchants and banking families soon took over as the government leaders of the city-states. For years the city-states had competed with one another for control of trade in the Mediterranean. Now they compete to become known as Europe’s greatest center of learning. Wealthy merchants and bankers and various city-states became patrons or supporters of the arts. They paid artists to create art. The family of Florence much of their wealth to artists and thinkers to help their careers. They rejected old ways and started to explore new ideas. Europeans entered an age of thought learning art and science.


≈ Italian patrons supported scholars that believed in the importance of the individual.

≈ Focused on God and religion.

≈They felt that a person’s life should be judged by the things he/she did not by religion.

≈ First appeared in literature.

≈ Borrowed from Greek & Roman classics that were written much earlier.

≈ They wrote their own language.


Changes in Art

In the middle ages artists used only religious subjects, and their works looked formal and stiff.

People in Renaissance paintings and sculptures looked like real human beings, and their faces showed feelings. Even the background in these paintings looked real, because Renaissance painters used perspective.

Groups of artists called guilds, controlled where and for who artist could work for who artist could work, and artist couldn’t choose their subject.

As a result, artist could choose for who they would work for and many were well paid.

Leonardo da Vinci was the greatest genius of the Renaissance.

He lived from 1452 to 1519 but his accomplishments could have failed a dozen lifetime


Leonardo was a lot of things, he was a scientist, engineer, inventor, a philosopher, and a writer as well as an artist.

Leonardo filled notebook after notebook with his ideas and drawings.

Renaissance artist Michelangelo also showed skill in many fields.


The way the first movable type and printing press were brought/invented in Europe.


Ideas spread through Europe with a German invention called the block printing press.

About 1450 Johannes Gutenburg became the first European to print with movable type.

His printing press uses small pieces of lettering with numbers and letters. In 1455 Gutenburg printed a 1200 page Bible using his movable type printing press.

After that, printing presses began to appear all over in Europe. Many of their books appeared to be cheaper because they were being mass-produced.

Renaissance ideas spread into Spain, France, and England bringing some of the greatest writing of all time.

English literature flourished under the rule of Queen Elizabeth I who loved poetry and drama.

The greatest writer of the England Golden Age (and possibly all time) was/is William Shakespeare.

Shakespeare’s plays played in theaters where all kinds of people attended. Some of them even were made into movies.

This is a picture of William Shakespeare’s famous play; Romeo and Juliet.

This is a picture of William Shakespeare.


HiBy valerie and gavin

I n the early 1600s

In the early 1600s Galileo Galili, an italian scientist, proved Copernicus’s theory. Galieo had heard about an instrument that could make faraway objects seem close (telescope). He set out to make such an insterument. With the help of his telescope,he showed that the Earth did indeed revolve around the Sun.

The Religious leaders The work Galileo did upset the

leaders. The religious leaders felt that Galileo’s ideas went against the church teachings ,they tried to say that he was wrong, he eventually gave in. The legand says that as he lay dying Galileo said “And yet it does move around the sun.”

The work of Copernicus and Galileo :} The work of Copernicus and Galileo intered an Engilshed mathematicran named Iscac Newton. In1687 Newton wrote a book explaining a force called gravity. The same force Newton said, keeps the planet circling, the sun. Iscac Newton followed a scientific method. It requires tests observing and experimenting. Scientists stills work this way today.


Valerie writer and helped pick the


other stuff

gavin monroe


The English

In 1485 Henry Tudor defeated Richard the third at the battle of Bosworth and was crowned King Henry Seventh. In order to gain a stronger hold on the crown and unit the warring noble he married Richard the thirds niece. Next he started seizing the Nobles private armies. Henry died in 1509.

The French

In 1461 Lois the sixth was crowned king of France (At the time it was in a state of disarray).The nobles at the time were selfish and took care of their needs first before the needs of the French. First Louis instead of giving more power to the French nobles ,he crushed their power and started to favor the merchants of the rapidly growing towns and cities. When Louis died in 1483 France was in a state of peace.

The Spanish

For a long time the Christian kings had tried to drive the Moors or east African Muslims out of Spain. In the 1400 the ruler of Aragon king Ferdinand and Queen Isabella made a great effort to drive these moors from Spain. In 1469 Ferdinand and Isabella married. They made a Reconquista or reconquest. By the end 1492 they drove most Moors out of spain and also 200,000 Jews. By 1492 Ferdinand and Isabella had united spain under one religion and one government.

The country’s flags


Rich and poor differences

The Early 1500’s

Most people would live in small villages and then again people lived in the big cities too.

The poor would live in small huts made of wood and straw for the roof.

Tenant farmers were usually the ones to live in huts.

The nobles (rich) would live in the giant castles and palaces.

They were the ones that got whatever they wanted.

They would pay people to do things for them(servants).

The poor lived in the small villages and the nobles lived in the cities.

A WEAKENED CHURCHBy Perla Rosales and Katrina Brennan

In the year of 1513 Pope Leo X spent money, raised by the church, on himself and art.

Pope Leo X wanted to rebuild St. Peter’s Church in Rome. To get money for his church, he sold indulgences to the people, because he told people that they would be forgiven for their sins if they paid.

Pope Leo X

Pope Leo X

Created new indulgences that promised forgiveness for sins that were to be committed in the future.

Replaced money by selling positions in the church to who paid the most.

Martin Luther

He disagreed with Pope Leo X on the act toward indulgences.

Martin was surprised forgiveness was bought by money.

Martin decided to challenge the selling of indulgences.

The Inquisition

This is a religious court whose job was to find and punish nonbelievers.

The consequences would be being sent to prison, tortured, or burned alive.

Gregory IX set up the first inquisition in the 1230s.

BY. BRANDYNE AND CHASEThe reformation!!!!!!!!!!!!

At noon on October 31 , 1517 , Luther nailed his 95 theses to the castle church door in Wittenberg………….. a church court quickly put Luther on trial and convicted him of heresy. Charles the 5th also put Luther on trial and he explained he wasn’t trying to hurt the church just solve problems.........

At the same time Luther refused to deny or change any of his ideas. Luther was told ,therefore, that he was no longer a member of the church. Charles the 5th declared Luther an outlaw. No one in the empire was to help Luther. However Fredrick the wise a German prince, ignored the emperor’s order and gave Luther a place to live.

This is a picture of Martin Luther….. He formed his own church called the Lutheran Church Germans later followed Luther..


By: Anna SeregLukas MeyerLogan Earley

The Fall of Constantinople

In the early 1400’s,Venice was the leader in European trade with the East.

A chain of Venetian trading posts reached from the eastern Mediterranean to the Black Sea.

The routes beyond the Black sea were controlled by Muslim traders, who took share of the profits.

A threat to this trade arrangement arose when the Ottoman trucks began pushing west.

The capture of Constantinople by the Muslim Ottomans shocked Europeans, but they did not really feel sorry for Venice.


•Perhaps some world of the Viking explorations across the Atlantic had reached Spain and Portugal.•That might explain why many people began to think that a huge piece of land was in the ocean to the West.•Many Europeans also now believed that a sea route to Asia could be found by crossing the Atlantic.•Ships of the early 1400s were not strong enough to make a long ocean voyage.•At the time, European sailors became better navigators.

Portugal & Spain lead the way

They wanted to share trade with Asia because they thought it would bring them wealth.

Prince Henry the navigator, 1419 Henry began a school for navigators.

He brought together the best mapmakers, scientists, and ship designers from many lands.

Put their ideas into use by paying for their voyages.

Henry died in 1460, but the continued the explorations along Africa's Atlantic Coast.

∞ In 1488 Bartholomeu Dias

sailed around the southern

tip of Africa.

∞ Ten years later Vasco Da Gama sailed as far as India.∞ He returned to Portugal in 1499 with a cargo of Indian spices and jewels.

∞ Bartholomew Dias ∞

∞ Vasco Da Gama ∞

∞ Met the king of Portugal.

∞ Columbus got rejected by the king.

∞ He thought that his ship couldn’t sail West across the Atlantic.

∞ He went to Queen Isabella & Prince Ferdinand of Spain.

∞ He promised them great wealth, new lands, and would bring them Catholic religion to Asia.

∞ On August 3, 1492 Columbus set sail with three ships, also on October 12, 1492 he landed on a small island in the Caribbean Sea.

∞ He name the island San Salvador( Holy savior)

∞ Christopher Columbus ∞

Portugal and Spain Lead the Way ;)

•In 1501 Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian sailing for Portugal, explored the coast of what is now

Brazil. • He drew careful maps & wrote about what he

saw.• A mapmaker read Vespucci’s observations & in 1507 he named the “new” continent America

in his honor.• About this time Spain & Portugal signed a treaty that divided the undiscovered world

between them.• They drew an imaginary line north and south

through the world as they knew it.• Spain = west of the line• Portugal = east of the line

*Ferdinand Magellan*

$ In 1519 five ships led by Magellan left Spain.•Magellan sailed across the Atlantic, around the tip of South America & into the Pacific Ocean.$ Then onto Asia * Magellan was killed in a battle in the Philippines, but his sailors completed the trip around the world. * His journey around the world showed three important points.#1 proved that a ship could reach Asia by sailing West#2 proved that there was a water route around the world.#3 It gave geographers a new way to calculate the size of the world!!

English Exploration By Nathan /Alyssa

King Henry the Seventh

King henry in 1497paid for the voyage of john Cabot a young sailor .This voyage lasted till 1498.In that time John had claimed

north America for England .His son henry the Eighth concentrated on reliogon instead of exploration .Under his rule england became

a protestant country.

Queen Elizabeth the First When Elizabeth came to the throne in 1558 . She started to

pay for the voyages of a group of sailors but some were pirates. Elizabeth ignored there there pirate attacks of

Portuguese and Spanish ships , because it was filling the English treasury with gold and silver. The Spanish king Phillip

the second got very angry at the queen for letting these (explorers ) steal. The Spanish king put together a armada (a

huge fleet of ships) to send to England . When he sent the ships his fleet was caught in a fierce storm. Most of these

ships were destroyed the rest were driven away by the English . this proved Spain was weakening and England was

getting stronger.

The End!
