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By: Bryan Rivas. 1.Executive Summary 2.Business Description 3.Business Environmental Analysis...

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By: Bryan Rivas


Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary2. Business Description3. Business Environmental Analysis4. Industry Background5. Competitor Analysis6. Market Analysis7. Marketing Plan8. Operations Plan9. Management Summary10. Financial Plan11. Attachments & Milestones

Executive Summary

The Argineer Entect Swim Group, LLC is a combination of two industries: swimwear and orthotics that creates one-of a kind swimwear that helps with people with disabilities. In this PowerPoint presentation, we are going to describe what type of business we are, what is our products strengths and weaknesses and what opportunities and threats could come if our business is successful or not. In addition, we will mention what our marketing plan and analysis in order to give you an idea in who is our customer and what plans do we have in order to attract this customer. Also, we are going to mention both industry’s background, competitor analysis, plans of operation, financial plan, and what does our management consist of in order to run this business.

Business Description

With headquarters in Miami, Florida, the Argineer Entect Swim Group, LLC is a company that dedicates itself in the retail world by creating special one-of-a-kind swimsuit pieces for clients that have special needs. Started in early 2011, college student Bryan Rivas came up with the idea that people whether perfectly healthy or with physical problems (back pain, limping, etc.) should feel beautiful in swimwear but also to have something more that could help people with their physical disabilities. Rivas who is an engineer and starting entrepreneur came up and designed the idea and test them out by putting them through multitudes of tests. After a couple of experiments later, the idea came down to combine one to two piece swimsuits that men and women of all sizes wear plus the inspiration of body braces in the upper thigh and back in order to combine swimwear that helps with back pain for men and women plus many more to come. Continuing with innovation and quality, the company guarantees to give a life-time warranty if our clients is dissatisfied with our products or services. In concerns of customer service, the company’s number one priority is to serve our clients with a phone line that is open 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week in order to serve their problems. In quality, we guarantee we will use the last technology and fabrics in order to create great quality swimwear.

The Argineer Entect Swim Group is a sole proprietorship business, the business is owned by Bryan Rivas and is therefore responsible for everything that goes on with the business: design, financing, purchase of materials, etc. In addition, if the company goes public and they buys shares of the company, we are also responsible for our client’s shares or stocks if a problem occurs with the stock market(s).

Business Environmental Analysis(S.W.O.T. Analysis)

Strengths• Introducing a new product• Making swimwear for people with


Weaknesses• People fear of products• Not accurate-size for certain

individuals• Has to be made again if error in

terms of size or design

Opportunities• If business is successful, it would

lead to expand our brand to other clothing options

• Expand the number of jobs for our company

Threats• Business could turn up to be a

failure• Money lost if the product is done


Industry Background

Our industry is in combination of two industries: swimwear and orthotics.

Industry Background (Swimwear)

• Swimwear is clothing that are specially designed for water-based sports and activities that was introduced in 1737 when a company from United Kingdom called the Bath Corporation put out rules to stop people from swimming naked in public places and gave options of what people should wear when swimming.

• From the 18th to early 20th century , men to wear drawers and waistcoats (vest), while women are ruled to wear shifts (smocks, undergarments, or gowns) to jackets, petticoats with chip hats.

• In 1907, the first one-piece was introduced by Annette Kellerman, a synchronized swimmer.

• In the 1920s during World War II, bikinis were introduced as small tank tops that showed the woman’s midriff with a pair of shorts. It wasn’t until the 1960’s that the bikini became of what it is today.

• Thongs were first introduced in the 1980’s in the country in Brazil, around the same time the men’s speedo was first introduced.

Industry Background (Orthotics)

• Orthotics is a medical study that focuses on the design, manufacture, and application of a orthopedic device(also known as orthoses) that helps support and/or correct parts of the body was first introduced during World War II when injured soldiers were put wooden boards in parts of the body in order to help them regain movement.

• A orthopedic device is used to 1) To control, guide, limit, and/or immobilize a certain body part 2) To restrict movement to a certain direction 3) To give movement to a certain body part 4) To reduce force to a certain body part 5) To help recover from fractures after the removal of a cast 6) To correct the shape and/or function of the body part in order to reduce pain.

Competitor Analysis

In terms of competition, the Argineer Entect Swim Group has to compete a number of competitors:• Local swimwear designers and big fashion labels that produce swimwear

and sell them in Florida and other parts of the country. Local and big name fashion labels are considered a competitor due to being well-known and having a stable clientele that knows their product in comparison to our company’s relative newness. Solution: Is to promote our product to the right customers and build a relationship to our customers in order to have ourselves a steady clientele.

• Product Imitators are another competitor since they could re-create our products by the cheap. Due to tough economic times, customers could look to other labels that could sell the same product (for example: a Gucci handbag) but made of cheaper products in order to sell it in a low price. Solution: Always create our product that is high quality in terms in sustainability and give the product a reasonable price in order for everybody to afford it.

Market AnalysisSince the company is a combination of two industries: swimwear and orthotics due to give people with disabilities swimwear that could help in their back pain, limping, etc., we must determine by looking at the statistics of both industries in order to create a solution that will make our company successful. In the retail industry, a number of 40,000 companies have up to 80,000 stores running that has net revenue of $130 billion while the orthotic industry has an estimate of $1.5 billion. In order to sell our products effectively we have to choose the areas in Miami where they are near any body of water and have a high percentage of people with physical disabilities. According to disabled-world.com, there is a estimated total of 2.675 million people in the state of the Florida that have a disability whereas the growth rate. Once we know and where our customer are, we have to look to ongoing trends and evolve from them in order to make a appealing product(s). Since our company is a combination of two industries: swimwear and orthotics, we have to look at ongoing trends for the fashion part and the advancement of technology and design that relates the orthotics part of the business. For the fashion part of the business, we have to see at runway shows (in person or online) to different swimwear designers and see what are the similarities between them (color, shape, etc.) then bring our own twist to the trend. In the orthotic part of the business, its somewhat similar to fashion just we have to look at the orthotic seminars, articles, studies, etc. in order to see what could make the product better. In addition, the company has to see what age group (21+) likes a certain trend(s) due to not everyone would like the same trend(s).

Marketing Plan (Part 1)

In order to market our product(s), we must know our customer and so far our customers are individuals with physical disabilities in the age range from 21 to older but due to a long age range we have to split our target markets into groups depending on the difference in styles in terms of age (For example, one age group will be from 21 to 30, while another group will be a age range from 50 to 70). In addition to age group, we also have to look in which parts of Miami do most of our customers live. With their disabilities, most of our customers live in places where are more accessible and more capable of their needs which could range from one-story house with ramps, building complexes that have built-in elevators, etc. Once we know where our customers, our next search is location. Although most beaches in the Florida area are handicapped-friendly. We also need to know where most of our customers go in terms of beaches the most. According to nmeda.wordpress.com, the state of Florida have a number of beaches such as Crandon Park and Haulover Beach is a couple in Miami where the beach which is a perfect location for beautiful sands and water and also accessible for the disabled and handicapped.Now we have a pretty good idea how is our customer and what beaches that would best benefit for our customers, now we going to look as possible marketing claims that we could use in order to give our company attention towards our customers.

Marketing Plan (Part 2)

Possibilities• Use current popular media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter in

order to gain attention to their users and give them knowledge about our products.

• Other media outlets such as channels, blogs, and magazines that focus heavily on our customers and place an ad in their outlet.

• Use beaches such as Crandon Park and Haulover Beach to do a special promotion to our products to all the beachgoers that passes by. In that way we could build close relationships to future customers.

• Provide free products for charitable causes that focuses specifically towards disability.

Operations Plan (Part 1)

Our daily operations in our company will depend what type of season we are in, but with our company residing in Miami, FL our seasons doesn’t change dramatically in comparison to other parts of the United States due to Florida’s warm climate and location.• Lead designer comes up with the inspiration for their swimwear collection.• After the lead designer, comes up with the idea, he will pick or create

fabrics that relates to his/her inspiration, in addition looking for colors that matches his/her inspiration.

• After selection and explaining to the seamstresses, pattern-makers, physical therapist, and orthotist; both the seamstresses and pattern-makers will create a prototype of the lead designer’s vision while the physical therapist and orthotist will give their opinions in where to place the brace. If prototype is good the lead designer will keep it and move on to the next piece, if not the lead designer will play around with prototype until its perfect or create a another idea altogether.

• After a number of ideas have been selected to be made, the lead designer will talk to the financial director in order to determine how much pieces could be made for this season’s collection, with a certain amount both will decide a number of pieces that will be shown in the collection.

• After a number of pieces has been made and the lead designer gives the okay that its perfect, then the lead director will talk to the lead designer in how to present their collection of pieces and where they will venue the collection that will help put the swimwear collection in their best light.

Operation Plan (Part 2)

• After they decide with the direction and the venue, the lead director will hire a production crew in order to create in what he/she and the lead designer discussed.

• Then, the lead director will call model agencies in order to get models to put on pieces and see which model will be the one wearing it in the presentation. Seamstresses will then adjust their measurements of the model in order to not to have mishaps.

• After production crew are done, the marketing coordinator comes in and helps promote the swimwear collection and is responsible to communicate to media from television, magazines, blogs/websites to come to the show. In addition, a number of people who could be potential customers from different parts of Florida and a number of people who made this possible.

• Then, a stylist is called in (if necessary) in order to style the swimsuits in the way the lead designer will approve of for each piece.

• After invitations are sent out and the models are ready to go, the doors and everyone will seated or walking and will be seeing the swimwear collection.

• After the presentation ended, the lead designer will chat with the group of the media and some people about his/her collection and what inspired them and all types of questions.

• After all presentation ended, production crew will clean up and put everything in how it was before and call it a day.

Operation Plan (Part 3)

• The day after the collection presentation, the sales representative and the lead designer will talk to buyers from different department stores in order to sell our product inside their department stores. (optional) or the lead designer could open up his/her own store in order sell their product(s).

The same process is done depending on what amount of collections they can be able to show in a year, the only difference will be how the lead designer will get inspired for the next collection. Some designers show their collection once a year while other designers show a collection by every season, it will all depend on the company’s earnings and the budget given in order to balance the company’s finance.

Management Summary

In order to keep the business running, we need a group of employees with certain experiences in order to create the tasks in hand, since our business is new we need individuals who have prior experience in these jobs:• Seamstresses: a individual who sews seams into the swimwear. They will

work closely with the lead designer in order to create their vision.• Pattern-makers: a individual who drafts the shapes and sizes of the

swimwear by using a number of options such as: paper and measuring tools, a AutoCAD program, or using muslin fabric into a dressform. As seamstresses, they will work closely with the lead designer in order to create their vision.

• Lead Designer: the person who is responsible for the vision for the swimwear and the direction in where its going to go.

• Orthotist: the individual who creates braces for different parts of the body.• Physical Therapist: the individual who haves knowledge about enhancing and

restore the functions of body parts. He/she will work closely with the orthotist in order to create the brace.

• Marketing Coordinator: this individual is responsible for the marketing and advertising of our products.

• Lead Director: individual responsible for presenting our products at their best light in any occasion.

• Financial Director: individual responsible for the finances of the company.• Sales Representative: individual responsible for giving prices to the

swimwear pieces, in order to sell to buyers from department stores or to customers

Financial Plan- Part 1 (Loss)

In order to start and maintain our business, our company needs to have knowledge on what will be our costs and what will be our revenue each month. First were going to focus on loss:• The materials and machinery needed in order to create our product.• Rented or bought real estate needed in order to create and sell the product.• Salary and worker benefits for employers that make the product.• Interior costs in order to create a environment for employees to work in












Average Cost of Business Expenses

Materials/MachineryRented SpaceSalary/BenefitsInterior Design

Financial Plan- Part 2 (Gain)

In order to start and maintain our business, our company needs to have knowledge on what will be our costs and what will be our revenue each month. Lastly we will focus on the gains:• Revenue of the swimwear and other products purchased by our customers

(varies depending on season)








0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000

Possible Swimwear Revenue


Financial Plan- Part 3 (Beginning Finance)

In order to begin with our business financially, our start-up company must get a loan in order to get real estate and design it to be a workroom and showroom, sewing materials and machinery, bank accounts for the company and our employees, and other situations that could come up. After looking and choosing our options, one choice is to apply for a loan in: • U.S. Small Business Administration (www.sba.gov) is a government-controlled

website that not only gives away loans but gives you pointers on how to efficiently run a business big or small.

• GE Money (www.gemoney.com) is one part of the company General Electronics company that helps businesses big or small and is the stable forefront in loans, grants, etc. for a period of 50 or more years.

• Bank Loans is another option but will used as a last resort, due to high interest rates.

• Get angel investors to help your start-up business: if there are individuals who loves your idea(s) and will help provide capital for your business in exchange they could ask for partial ownership in terms of shares and stocks or return their capital with interest.

Financial Plan- Part 4 (Financial Maintenance)

After we have begun our business and purchased everything in order for our company to succeed, our company must create a financial plan in order to balance our revenue of sales with the burden of costs.• Hire a financial director in order to help balance the company’s finances.• If the first option is out of the question, then the company must balance the

sales revenue from our product(s) and try to separate them into divisions in order to pay for company maintenance, owner and employee salaries, materials, real estate, and savings in case of emergencies.

• Create a stable budget for when its time to create a collection and its presentation.

• Hire a sales representative in order to price correctly your product(s) in order to get revenue.

• The company could develop relationships with other companies like fabric stores in order to negotiate prices.

• Learn about tax options in order to possibly get money back for the company.

Attachments & Milestones
