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by Muhammad Yaseen Abbasi - Yolacsspoint.yolasite.com/resources/Muslims in Spain - Class...

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Muslim Spain by Muhammad Yaseen Abbasi Introduction CSS questions from past papers Discussion on topics Questions 1 www.css.theazkp.com

Muslim Spain by Muhammad Yaseen Abbasi


CSS questions from past papers

Discussion on topics


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Discussion focus on Muslim Spain

• Conquest of Spain and Governors under Umayyads

• Amirate Period in Muslim Spain

• Khilafat in Muslim Spain

• Petty dynasties

• Granada Empire

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CSS Past Questions on Muslim Rulers in Spain

2010 - Abdur Rehman al nasir was unquestionably the ablest and most gifted of all the Umayyad sovereigns who have ruled in Spain. Discuss

2010 - The battle which gave Abdur Rehman Ad dakhil the throne was fought at Masarah proved a second MARJ-RAHAT (Ameer Ali)

2009 - Give an account of the conquest of Spain; who made it a stable and prosperous Muslim state?

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2009 - What fate did Tariq bin Ziyad and Musa bin Nusayr meet after their invasion of Spain?

2008 - The entrance of the new rulers like

Muslims was a demand of Muslim Society at the advent of 8th century. Comment

2005 - How did Abdu-al-Rehman-al-Dakhil

conquer Spain? Highlight his contributions to social welfare of the people of his country.

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2004 - Explain the causes and events of the expansion of Muslim rule in Spain during the Umayyad period.

2002 - Analyze the character of Abdur-al-Rehman III as a man, administrator and as patron of art and literature.

2001 - Explain the reasons of the conquest of Spain at the hands of Arabs, especially mentioning the arrival of Tariq bin Zjyad in that country.

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2001 - Examin the political and dynastical factors leading to the final collapse of the Muslim rule in Al-Andulas.

2000 - What kind of Muslim administration and society developed in Spain during the Umayyad governors of Spain (714-756)? Discuss

2000 - What were the reasons for the downfall of

the Muslim rule in Spain? Discuss.

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1998 - Describe the grandeur and progress of Spain during the reign of Abdur Rehman-III

1998 - Describe the main features of the central administration under the UMMAYADS of SPAIN.

1998 - Discuss the political, social and economic conditions of Spain at the time of Muslim conquests.

1991 - Discuss the character and achievements of


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a- Political, social, economic and religious conditions of Spain before Muslim conquest.

b- Reasons and the events of the conquest of Spain by Muslims with special reference to Tariq Bin Ziyad and Musa Bin Nusayr.

c- Character and achievements of: -Abdur Rehman I -Hisham I -Abdur Rehman II -Abdur Rehman III

d- Administration and Social development in Spain by Muslim rulers

e- Causes of the downfall of Muslim rule in Spain

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CSS questions on Muslim Art, Architecture, Knowledge, Sciences, Philosophy, History in Spain

2010 - Write comprehensive note on Muslim

architecture in Spain with special reference of QASR AZ ZAHRA and AL HAMBRA

2010 - Discuss the main features of Muslim contributions to philosophy in Spain with brief notes on any three important philosophers of that period

2009-write a note on Muslim’s contributions in

Spain in natural or social sciences.

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2009-How did Imam MAlik’s Muwatta leave a strong impact in Spain? Discuss.

2008- Give an analytical study of the evolution of the Muslim Architecture from the mosque of cordova upto the Alhamra of Granada

2007- Highlight the achievements of Ibn Khaldun and Ibn Rushd.

2006- Write a comprehensive note on Muslim architecture in Spain with special reference to some of the important buildings of Corodva and Granada.

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2005-Write a note on the life and academic contributions of Ibn Sina(Avicenna) and Ibn Rushd(Averroes).

2005-Harun al Rashid and Mamun al Rashid contributed a great deal towards different disciplines of knowledge. Substatiate with historical facts.

2004-Discuss the chief features of Muslim contribution to philosophy in Spain with brief notes on any three important philosophers of that period.

2003-Andulas was the greatest seat of learning and research during the Muslim rule. Describe some of the major political and philosophical contributions of the period and its glory.

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2003-Ibn Khaldun is known as one of the most authentic Muslim historian of his time. Describe his contribution in historical field.

2002-Describe some philosophical and political writings in Andalus.

2002-Discuss the contribution of the Muslims in the field of pottery and calligraphy.

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2001-Critically analyze the contribution of the Muslims of Spain to History with special reference to the works of Ibn Khaldun.

2001-Critically evaluate the Muslim contribution in the field of architecture, Music, painting, pottery and calligraphy under the Muslim rulers of Spain.

2000-Thoroughly analyze the works of Ibn Sina which brought revolution in European medical sciences.

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Conditions of Spain before Muslim

conquest • Middle class under torture of the Gothic Kings

• Serfs/Slaves in worst condition

• Jews persecuted by Bishops

• Roderic usurped throne of King Witiza

• Grudge of Count Julian – Ceuta capture

– Insult of Florinda

• Count Julian invited Musa bin Nusayr the Governor of the Mediterranean Coast

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Events of conquest of Spain

• Tariq captured Gibraltar defeated Roderick on

the banks of the river Guadalete near Medinia Sidonia in September,711

• Tariq captured Cordova and Toledo the then capital city

• Musa landed in Spain in June 712 and was called back

• The Christians of Asturias remained unsubdued

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Results of conquest of Spain

• Removal of social inequality • Slaves / serfs set free ‘no hope of freedom’,

Ameer Ali • Toleration of religion • Agriculture and trade improved • The Moors organized that wonderful kingdom of

Cordova which was marvel of the Middle Ages and which when all Europe was plunged in Barbaric ignorance and strife alone held the torch of learning and civilization bright and shining before the western world

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• Development of Spain

• Each of 4 provinces Andalusia, Toledo Galicia and Barcelona under efficient governor

• Diwan for betterment of subjects

• Interaction in society encouraged

• Impetus to arts and sciences

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Abdur Rahman (139-172 AH/756-788AD) • In Spain the tribal rivalry was a four cornered

struggle between the Arab tribes and Berbers between Arabs and Spanish Muslims called Biladium and finally Muslims and Christians

• Abdur Rehman ibn muawiyah, a grandson of Hisham eluded the vengeance of as saffah

• Abdir Rehman at Ceuta. Himyarites in Spain supported him against the then governor Yusuf in the battle of Masarah

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• The rebellious Arab nobles supported by Frankish king Pepin and his son Charlemagne were supported

• Invasion of Spain by Charlemagne

• With Abdur Rehman in Spain power of the driven and homeless Umayyad began to rise in the western horizon

• Abdur Rehman was a great general conqueror great empire builder administrator poet patron of learning and arts. He united Spain

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Hisham I (172-180AH/788-796AD)

• Mild and liberal administrator suppressed rebellion of his brothers and others in Saragossa and Barcelona

• Tackled the Frankish in the north

• Maliki doctrine became the state religion of Andalusia

• He was a just and generous ruler

• He rebuilt bridge of Cordova and completed the cathedral mosque

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Hakam (180-207AH/796-822AD)

• Surrounded by enemies

• Capture of Barcelona by the franks

• Peace restored in Toledo by Amrus

• Leaders of cordovan rebellion executed

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• His 26 years reign was one of struggle and trouble

• Wise courageous and accomplished one and the first among Andalusian sovereigns who surrounded himself with pomp and pageantry

• He was not on good terms with faqihs

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Abdur Rehman II (207-238AH/822-

852AD) • His reign was one of peace and splendour

• The raids of Christian tribesmen

• The inroad of the Normans

• The agitation of the Christians in Cordova

• Love of arts and letters

• Cordova turned into second Baghdad

• Ziryab the musician in his court

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Weak Amirs on eve of Khilafat in Spain

• Muhammad (238-273AH/853-886AD)

• Munzir (273-275AH/886-888AD)

• Abdullah (275-300AH/888-912AD)

• “Andalusia became filled with disturbance and rebels arose on every side and thus it remained throughout his reign” Ibn Athir

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Abdur Rehman III (300-350AH/912-961AD)

• He was accepted as saviour of the empire

• Submission of the rebels after his stern policy that he would not permit disobedience

• Retreat of the Christians in the North

• Assumed the title of khalifah-al nasir-li-Din Allah (the defender of the faith of God)

• Abdur Rehman was driven out of Africa

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• Restoration of peace and order saviour of Spain

• Prosperity of Spain under him

• Architecture flourished

• 300 mosques,100 splendid palaces ,1300 houses and 300 public baths in cordova

• Kings of Constantinople, German,France and Italy sent embassies to his court

• He is compared with Akbar the Great, Umar I(RA) and Harun ar-Rashid

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Hakam II (350-366AH/961-976AD)

• Scholar , soldier with peaceful temperament • He loved literature and the sciences and showered his

munificence on men of learning”, says Ibn Khaldun • Imperial library of Cordova had the catalogue of forty-

four volumes • Everybody knew how to read and write in Spain, whilst

in Christian Europe, save and except the clergy , even person belonging to the highest ranks were wholly ignorant”.

• University of Cordova was one of the most renowned in the world.

• The Augustan Age of Arabian learning in Spain

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Decline of Muslim Spain

• Hisham II ruled through Muhammad bin Abi Amir, trusted agent of his mother Subh

• Hajib al-mansur known as the Bismarck of the tenth century.

• “He had given to Spain a power which it had not enjoyed even in the times of Abdur Rehman III” says Dozy.

• Muzaffar and Abdur Rehman latter called as Sanchol ruled after him

• Alfanso V of castile captured leon, Navare and Toledo

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Splendour of Cordova

• “It is the Bride of Andalusia. To her belong all the beauty and the ornaments that delight the eye. Her long line of sultans forms her crown of glory, her necklace is strung with the pearls which her poets have gathered from the ocean of language; her dress is of the banners of learning, well knit together by her men of science and the masters of every art and industry are the hem of her garments”, says an Arab writer

• No city of Europe could compare with Cordova in the beauty of her buildings the luxury and refinement of her life and the learning and accomplishments of her inhabitants

• Palace of Zahra was the wonder of the then world

• In arts science and civilization the Moorish city of Cordova was indeed the brightest splendour of the world

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Petty Muslim dynasties of Spain

• The Almoravides (al-murabitun) in western Africa under Yusuf bin Tashfin

• The Almohads(al-muwahhidun) under Muhammad ibn Tumrat

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Kingdom of Granada

• Muhammad ibn Yusuf ibn Nasr commonly known as ibn al-ahmar,the founder of Granada could not withstand the power of Christians under Ferdinand III of castile and Isabella of Aragon

• Abul Hassan refused to pay customary tribute

• On 3 January 1492 AD fall of Granada happened “no less than 3 millions of Moors were banished”

• “With the disappearance of Muslims ,the Christian Spain shone for a while like a moon with a borrowed light , then came the eclipse and on that darkness Spain has groveled ever since”

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Causes of Fall of the Umayyad Khilafat

in Spain • Weak successors of Hakam II and Hajib al-


• Bitterness of the rule of Mansur thru 52 campaigns

• Disunity of Arab nobility

• Enmity of the slave and Berbers and overthrow of the last Umayyad khalifah Hisham III by Berbers

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• Economic deadlock

• Christians of north Spain

• Disintegration of the empire

• Moral degradation of the rulers

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Cultural progress in Muslim Spain

• Granada, Cordova, Seville and Toledo produced eminent scholars, distinguished poets, accomplished soldiers; men fit in every respect to serve as models

• Ibn Abdur Rabbi the distinguished author in literature • Ali Ibn Hazn thinker and scholar who wrote 400

volumes on logic, history, theology,etc • Abul wahid Ahmed ibn zaydun ,poet • “Ibn khaldun was the greatest historical philosopher

Islam produced and one of the greatest of all time”,writes Hitti

• Al –Bakri and al –idrisi, the geographers

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• Ibn Batuta , Ibn jubayr and al-Idrisi, travelers

• Al-majrite of cordova,al-zarqali of Toledo and Ibn Aflah of Seville , the astronomers

• Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn al-Baytar the botanist

• Al –zahrawi and Ibn zuhr, the physicians

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• Solomon bin Gabirol ,Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn yahya ibn Bajjah, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Abdul malik ibn Tufayl were the philosophers of Muslim Spain

• Ibn Rushd wrote: – Al-kulliat fi-at-tibb on medicine

– Tahafat al-Tahafat (the incoherence of the incoherence) on philosophy

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