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By: Niole Aguilar & Paula Lopez

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By: Niole Aguilar & Paula Lopez . Form of energy :. Natural gas is non-renewable source because when you burn up all of the fuel it turns into smoke and you cannot reused it . Natural gas is a chemical potential energy . Where is it found :. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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By: Niole Aguilar & Paula Lopez
Page 1: By:  Niole  Aguilar & Paula Lopez

By: Niole Aguilar & Paula Lopez

Page 2: By:  Niole  Aguilar & Paula Lopez

Form of energy : Natural gas is non-renewable source

because when you burn up all of the fuel it turns into smoke and you cannot reused it.

Natural gas is a chemical potential energy.

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Where is it found : Natural gas is found underground and is a

non renewable source. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Ecuador has the second largest amount of natural gas in South America.

The only natural gas project in Ecuador is the Amistad field, located in the Gulf of Guayaquil, which produces an estimated of 23.5 million cubic feet per day. All of Amistad's natural gas production flows to the Machala facility, a 130-megawatt, onshore, gas-fired power plant that supplies electricity to the Guayaquil region.


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History: About 2,500 years ago the Chinese discovered that natural

gas could be used. By using bamboo to pipe it from shallow wells they could burned it under pans to boil seawater to separate the salt and make the water drinkable.

Around the first century the King of Persia (Iran) built his kitchen in his palace around a natural gas flame that had been ignited by lightning. This was probably the first real use of natural gas in a home.

As early as 1626 in America natural gas was identified by Native American Indians. French explorers found them igniting gases that were seeping from the ground near Lake Erie.

In the late 1700's Britain was the first country to commercialize the use of natural gas. The natural gas was produced from coal and used to light houses and streetlights. This type of natural gas is called manufactured gas and is not as efficient or environmentally friendly as the natural gas that comes from the ground

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History: Natural gas was first used in America in 1816 in Baltimore to

fuel street lamps. Then, in 1821, William Hart dug the first natural gas well outside the town of Fredonia, New York. Hart then formed the nation's first natural gas company, Fredonia Gas Light Company, in 1858. William Hart is considered the "father of natural gas" in the United States.

In 1859 Colonel Edwin Drake drilled a 69-foot well and struck oil and natural gas in Pennsylvania. From this well the first pipeline was constructed. A 5-1/2 mile-long pipeline only two inches in diameter that would carry the natural gas to the town of Titusville. 

In 1885 a German chemist and physicist named Robert Von Bunsen perfected the Bunsen burner that was invented by Michael Faraday. By mixing air and natural gas in a continuous stream through a tube, the flame can be easily regulated.

Today natural gas is widely used and in fact it is the third largest supplier of energy after petroleum and coal.


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Where and how the energy source is used

today: Natural gas is found anywhere world wide but

to be specific it is found under the earths surface normally under oil banks or beds.

Natural gas is used today every where in our daily lifes when we drive, cook or even heat our showers. It is the fuel we put in our cars to get them going, It is the fire that comes out of our stoves and cooks our food and it is the chemical the heats our showers and the water it comes out of it.

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Where the energy source is found and how it is recovered/harnessed

Natural gas is found in deep underground natural rock formations.

It is recovered in processing plants that clean out any bacteria that is from the natral rockformations that we find the natural gas in.

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How energy is stored in the source and how the energy is

released Natural gas contains chemical potential

energy which is energy that contains various chemicals and is not being used, this eneargy is found between and inside chemicals bonds and they are released when broken. To be more specific when these chemical bonds are being burn or transformed into another energy they split up and release all the potential chemical energy and some turn into heat.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the energy source


The cleanest of all fuels

Can be used to makes plastics, chemicals, fertilizers and hydrogen

It can be used to heat buildings

Burns easily

Produces less CO2 then coal and oil

Employs 1.2 million people world wide

Contributes 21% of the world energy production.

No waste to deal with

Safer than propane.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the energy source

Disadvantages: Nonrenewable source it would take a

millennium to replace it Gives carbon dioxide when its burned Can easily explode Uses tons of water that then it contaminates

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Economic impacts of the energy source (to the consumer and to the

Government); Economically speaking natural gas is

one of the cheapest resources their is, for the consumer the tank of natural gas would cost form one dollar and 50 cents maximum not like other resources such as petroleum that can cost up to 20 dollars. The government impact would be that the goverment would not have the expenses of extracting the gas and save some money by buying our product at about 4 dolars a tank which would 1 dolar every tank.

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Future of the energy source

Proposed liquefied natural gas export facilities won’t raise prices much in the next four to five years and may not have much effect on fuel costs in the long term, according to some economists and energy industry experts.

From studies an organization has done, they say that natural gas energy will increase it demand between 2009 and 2035 a 6%.

 How is a non- renewable energy we can said that maybe in the future can disappear because we used a lot of it and we also waste it and when is gone is gone.

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Future of the energy source:

The authors estimates in 2050, and consider natural gas as an energy source to a low carbon world. This world will consist of renewable, nuclear and fossil gas and coal, but the latter equipped with technologies "carbon capture and storage" (CCS)

This is striking, because many believe that energy would have to be nuclear, gas advance ruling being fossil energy. The MIT report makes clear that this view is not realistic, given the maturity of technologies based power generation and availability of gas reserves, which classifies as sufficient for the present century.

The importance of natural gas, according to the MIT report, is that should lower CO2 emissions significantly, but if you replace massively inefficient coal plants by Combined Cycle. More in detail, the report says that natural gas will replace coal heavily in power generation in 2050, provided that emissions of CO2 ices complementing enough to achieve the following:

industrialized countries to reduce it by 50% by 2050

developing countries to reduce it by 50% by 2070

Assume also price reductions alternatives: renewable, nuclear and CCS.

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Enviromental impacts of the energy source: Natural gas burns more cleanly than other fossil

fuels.  It has fewer emissions of sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen than coal or oil, and it has almost no ash particles left after burning.

 As with other fossil fuels, burning natural gas produces carbon dioxide, which is the most important greenhouse gas. Many scientists believe that increasing levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere are changeing the global climate.

It reduces pollution and keeps a clean and healthy enviroment for us.

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Interesting facts Natural gas was created deep under the earth about 100 million

years ago.

There are more than 2.1 million miles of buried gas pipelines to give out natural gas across the United States.

Half and a little more of all the homes in the United States use natural gas - which estimates to almost 62 million families.

In 200 B.C., people in China used natural gas to make salt to specie their food and create new flavors.

In 1816, gas was first put in use to light street lamps in Baltimore, Maryland. 

Natural gas is lighter than air it self!!

Natural gas is colorless and has no smell or in other words its odorless.

Natural gas is measured in British Thermal Units called Btus, which was created to measure the heat content.

Page 16: By:  Niole  Aguilar & Paula Lopez

Why is it even necessary for a business to be offering your energy

resource at this time? The reason our company is offering natural

gas to Ecuador in this time is because Ecuador is in current need of money because it is a third world country that suffers with a lot of poverty and with buying our product they would be saving first of all their natural gas they exploded from guayaquil and machala and also they would be saving money and getting richer to try to put a solution to poverty.  

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How will your energy source fulfill Ecuador’s future energy needs

Our company has enough sites to extract natural gas from, so our gas cannot run out in the next consecutive years. Having stated that fact, since our gas is cheap it is available for the large population of Ecuador which is mostly consisted of poor people. The poor people of Ecuador can have the access to living an easier life through our company since the product is cheap and of good quality, and those factors contribute to helping their daily lives because the gas allows them to do things such as cooking, having hot water, moving cars etc.

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Why should your company be chosen over other businesses that utilize different energy sources?

Our energy source should be chosen over other resources because first off our energy source has a much more lower price than any other resources by costing bone dollar a tank. Also it should be chosen because it is more friendly to the community and to green places because it does not release as much carbon dioxide and it is one of the resources that uses less water.   

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Video .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=


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Page 22: By:  Niole  Aguilar & Paula Lopez

MLA "Want to Know It? Answers to Life's Questions." Where Does Natural Gas

Come From. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Nov. 2012. <http://wanttoknowit.com/where-does-natural-gas-come-from/>.

Fredericks, Carrie. Natural Gas. Detroit [Mich.: Greenhaven, 2007. Print. "Natural Gas: Pros and Cons." Triple Pundit RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Nov.

2012. <http://www.triplepundit.com/2012/04/natural-gas-pros-cons/>. "Natural Gas and the Economy." Natural Gas and the Economy. N.p., n.d.

Web. 22 Nov. 2012. <http://www.encana.com/natural-gas/economy.html>.

"Comparing Natural Gas vs. Other Fuels." SoCalGas -. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <http://www.socalgas.com/innovation/natural-gas-vehicles/policy/fuel-comparison.shtml>.

"Energy Profile of Ecuador." Energy Profile of Ecuador. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <http://www.eoearth.org/article/Energy_profile_of_Ecuador>.

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MLA "Apogee Interactive, Inc. - ERROR." Apogee

Interactive, Inc. - ERROR. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

"Environmental Impact." Natural Gas: The. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

 "Natural Gas Storage and Delivery, Effect on the Environment." Consumer Energy Report. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

"ENERGY KIDS." Energy Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2012.

