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By lSAKER '1 faces the future con- \_fidently ·as the New- Year .dawns. t '!'he pa.st year has seen a num· \ .. 9er 'ot !mp.rovements to the VII· •·la{!e and Santa Claus couldn't bave made a better gift than the- new generating engine tbat w1Jl assu,re a dependable source electrical energy .. Our town ID 'having a steady growth, which Is nwch better for everyone than ', ·. 1',. '"t· "-1 1 ' ";· - ._ ..... .... - U. S.· Chamber of Comtnerce .Predicts Continued Prbsperity I ' I WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 30 ar.e the and unem· . - The business outlook here Is ployment Qiiurance systems, for the happiest, most prosper· providing- of security ous hoH(Iay season on record against Income due to age Times are booming. People or unemployment. And of course, are earning more than uver be· many busini:' · and lndustf'llal tore In America's history. AI· firms have b gun pension plans most evl•rybody who can work since the th . providing ad· hils a job. dlt.lonal Ins · nee against hard And It looks llke a rea• buS· times. InPss-boom, not a defense-spend·· Finally. Is a brighter ing boom. For de!ell!le spending outlQOk for tt:&de, another 1m· Is twlow expectations. portant ltem tn the prosperity The b)g question, ot cOurse, Is picture. KNOW YOUR COUNTY OFFICERS , ?o- fJl.lJ FRIENIJS anti NEW 1968 Thanlc you for yow l c:- boom conditions that many !ilmllar communities have had. 3udden expansion of population )Uts a strain on businesses and utilities that 1s d1Ulcult U not Impossible to meet at once. to grow under normal Clln· long prosperity will last. Fo.r lta par£ 1 business Is better A.e wp ubout to plunge Into an· prepared tor ;, depression than follca at home Ia Druce ot ht>r depression? A good many It wWI back ld '29. It has learned Phoenix, Ariz., while Peun?mlsts, mcludlng those In mucl} about 6\Jnagement It has n•nm:a.u:rea with polio. Phone com· : the C humber of Commerce ot the takefl a tar ti'"er, more versa· 1 Jltlons. Tbe Highway 54" next spring w.il'fbe of grea,t bent>· t1t to along with all oUle.r ;kiWnB m Uncoln County. the most promls· 1Jif'1lewloprner\f that wm take in the future. It'll a nmall woriii. "Pop" An· deroon reflectl?d this weelt. In the Carrizozo postottlce he met a man from CapltnO-L.ee Loui!l Andernon. Pop's full moniker lD Louis Lee Andernon. lB It any wonder that newopnpers mrurc oo many ml!ltllkC!! 1 lnatalled port3Pie pay 1 llnltl"<l Stat.es. look for prosperity tile lant lor the ere· refunda the dlmea. to last throughout next year, at1on of new roducts when the This morale lrc-olrtcr Ia one of. many · unless there are major develop- pe:eonat aervlcea for by sale of produ . on tbq Marlc:.opo County (Ariz.) Chapter of I ments In fore1gn atfalra, partJcu· market beg! to the Mnrch of Dimes. larly Korea. Even then, no major which meet n resist rl"l'esslon looms. -deprea!on. TtUs ·1B not pecula· LETTER Rl': "'ffll1lMS On the other hand, there are tlon. Rcfri&erli.tor electrt wllBh· rL somP who tho boom oan>t lng maehlne rndl sales, .. T,hat were In tor MOther tor held up well dur· FT. ·STANTON NOT I ' (Thia 1a the flrat of a series , abou.t LJncoln County'a newly· I electod official&. Others wW lol· 1 low 1n coming weeka.) ' -bust. lflit the bleaki!'St days of the de· James Earl Harcrow, Clerk· lJ. S. j::hamber of Commerce pre&llon. elect of Lincoln County, was born · I econom(!lts take a .. ,Herent 1 Ro 1 .uu Today,_m&tJ$1, many new pro· n swe I March 13. l!rlH. He TO BE ClOSED A lottcr to tho Newq thln wcolt view They believe that depres· ducts aro on t_9e druwlniJ boarda came to Capitan In 1935 and has slons arP not Inevitable; that or ready tor lnarket. A refrln. llvl?d there continuously stnet.•. from Senator Clinton P. Ander· .,.. t both buslnes!l and government eratar w'"'ch .,.6t.h 0 up to 300 Icc He attt>ndl?d public school In con rcafflrmo cmowancoo rccon 1 _ _. ... ..., .... ... ly received by tho Capitan 111\1' a lot !Iince the cubes per tra)'o Ia Capitan and alter his grndua Ch h F rt thlrtll'!l about llcklng the boom on Its to e cuototnero. A tlon from h1gh cchool In 1946 en· ambc.r of Commerce t at 0 and bust fianoo:J.. They have -., Stanton wUl not bo clo!Wd.. Tho· IParnt"CI "M.h.. big chocolilte Unn hLlLI just In· llntl?d In the USN Hospital Corps. good wiahea. We rerum,.._ wtth fnterut. · THE NEWS STAFF letter followat 1 " "' ..... _....... ....... ...._ tl'OlJUCCd a v'l!tiaUJe cOoklo mix lte wan statlonl?d ol the Corpus' . Ollr tittle dog POOtfe lllld an art> lt>S!J t!l .. be. .caugh1...nap... Wh1al oo\iie(f ror dozenn · ctu1lltT Nlival lroopiial 1n 't'elUlB t fiamunus;<Iton!J wtrn E'illfor;Llneoln County !'11·WR. t plng l! bunlnetm begins to drop. different cook.lu. A Saint Paul aa lllllllotant '"the peruunnel of. I Clara and Paul Puhllsheu W. H. Sttker- tbe rem ot Uti. Her "grtmdmA" Carrizow. New 1\.lt>xko: I Government, naturally, L!J a finn 1a dovtloplng mngncUc fleer, having l'hargc of nil In San oont her a Chrlllt· A grpat man> pt>opl•· In your. major force "in depres· tape whtch will tclevinlon ordo In thla 500-bl?d hospitaL mao cnrd. Clara liM the custo· part or thl' Stat•• ha\1' from time, stono.. By purchasing lts own the way rocllo pro· Mr. Harcrow Wllll there tor 13 mary red rJbbon on her hames5 1o time t>xpn•11sP<I an tntN•·st In· bond.'l from the publlc lt can grams now ati Taped montho, prior to his discharge and ohe had her fill of dog food, the Fort Stanton ho,.pltnl : pour money l11to circulation. tclevlalon woull} be dearer tban from the S('rvlct'. liP tht>n en· wJth turltry tor del::lert. The Rumorn ha\1' tw•·n put out ; Throurrh loans, or the guarantefl UlmecJ -lln4 cheaper since rolled tn New Mi.>Jdco Htghlundn only fly In tlli.> ointment lor fhut thl'n' might b<· a possibility' nr Joana. gov<'mment can make tope can be ei'JS(ld and re-used. UnlvNnlty at LaB V<'gaa. major· Pootlc was the pre:;.ence of a of thP honpltal h<'lnr. and il ('anler for buolnees to bor.row Tbi!SC new pr.oducts mean now lng In bWlin('{l.!J n<lmlnlntrntlon. c Off• little black and white lliU<'n that vattt>nta bt>lnr. r<'mov<'-1 to an· 1 mon<'Y tor worltlng capital or ln· jobo, and now job.a mean conUn· Following hln voduntlon lw ou n ty leers c:>meone had lett at our doorotep olhPr Joentlon 1 hun opposl"<< ! V!':ltmcn! In ni?W plants and ...- --ttv WilD cmploy!'d on thl' 1 rl nl C "h I t t A · b":fj___ ,. __ 0 -··w of th .. U. "'. Public C'H<'e" clth 1 1 or a .._ r IJ mao "->: 1 1h1A. ond JUst t<ul.l) H'<"f>lvl"d u I f'QUipment. Or by mcall!l of ita •WM'"' uau .... ,_ ,. ., on .. N>ultl I:PI' thAt WI' dldn t •hr f'Mf>T· ·rontrol over banltll, govemlDelll .-ense ot respoDalbUlty. :t 1s less Serviet> Hoopltal at Fort Stanton, 1 N A • h.avl' a one. Ia I Sl"<'urlty Ag<·nn of thr l'ubli<' ran r!'ducc renerve rcqulrcmarta 11ke1y to beJlta major lay-oqB where for two yearn he wan in am e ss t L I Health St>nl<"l' \Oohlch rl•a<IB In !}() thn• banlm <nn loan wtth and wap In the race chargl'or budll't'taccountlng and' IS A.aOUT &ASING TBlfSlOH1 I part llD toii<Mn more Experience dur· ot a Uttle adVrrslty. Leu llkcly oudiUng vouchero. / .1SffNV YORK, Nov. 15. _ The "On thin point I am aln<l to lng the lllDt hu to to He Wllll pollee Judge In Cap! Unroln C<>unry·n nt>Wly elected I Chi f. De .Journal or Ld'(.>fna mngmttne o!·! have. an opportunity to lndkatc dno;.vn how these oonttoh IWt lOOk t:Owfd for new wayt to 'tlln; a1110 ·JU!rtlt-e of the J?l"llN> 9 mctal:i _LD.l.u!. JanuaJ¥--4 (C7!J ll.lli11rwt' _Um·. we hnvr_ no du.rln.a t U!lcd .lD.lltC. cllcc1b.ct¥. - ·- -matJmltn an "llt'tt11."VTni( tnt- iJTotTnction and \\Ill llllSlUmt' tht>lr dult('.!J tho T "Fi(;(J Currant firon reUevero to put cho nlll'VOUD the curnmt Om·al y<>ar An you Nf'W fnctom oro tho SccurltlcB back and c1o natll1aa- of b('lnH the younge!l! Junllce> ol day follnwtng I roodbye to tho reek and bar nnd "woundup" pez'CO%lO clt C<lS'!.! knew. 1t would <hfflcult tor and F.xchange C.omml1lslon and 'I1lla isn't speculation either. th(' pt>al't' M'l!l' to hll\1' !ll'Tvl"d In In addition to the ottll'l'rn who/ Glq Choice of one Io by mr to rommlt thl' S<'n t•·r hf')<md 1 tht> FNlt>rnl Dl"pp!llt Insurance Dm1ng recent yenro IWVI!rOI In· thP Stat<' or MPxlro 11 •• Tl' will bl' rwnlnll thl' rounty for thP the duties ot law ont...... ,_mo:!! o.n .article In the magazine but. 1 that prr1od of tim•· In vlt>w. of Corporation With ltD Ught con· cllv1dual lndU!ItriC!I bave gone n_lgn!'d thin ponltlon lnnt n .... ... I h f th t t til t too t b I> "' 1 rtm<•. or!' EW\"l'ml pew an IIID chief deputy will ... ,...__ t ln "U you art> t l' aM a 11 1 n ImP , troln "''t'r market opeculatlon. througb a kind of rcccss1on and· )'t>ar 0 .l"l''me <'PUty Clerlt of rUntnntn who will aid th('lr chi<'fll Rlchard.t;on from Honda and'"'thne nervous. try nJI ft"e." IIIII,. In kn<·wn ahou• nur nppro· SF..<' ran pn>Vt>nt one ot tho evils aro stnrt1nir to pull aut. Textllcn 1 Lincoln (ounty In thr l><'rformnnet> of thl'ir du JnllPr will be Homl!r McD·-•-•· They art>: lnhD.le dl'1'ply; ex· priatlon.q for nrxl )NT llowr ... rr. ll'o<tlng up to the Iaat dt>presmon. ln one. Paper ln another. The Mr HarcnJW han lx"l'<>ml' ac tiPs of No .. ru. ...... ,.,.. ho.le olowly; then draw .&n your I ha\'1' Ml'ry hop£' that I will be And Mtlun'o bank aa\TI.ni:!J nriW Jewclr.v buainea. waa.·.Jn trouble! quaintM \Vlth tlul many dull..a · . aomnch and try In a pomtton to wrunlUTt' you on· nn• lnnurt>d up to $10,000 by tho ln 1916 and 1!)47 nncf made the' or thl' Clerlt'o oWN' In rt>gnrd to A or th<> rollrthouot> NeJtt door nl tht> A&ICS101'1 of. to :recall tho no.mcn lUld fncen tht> nMtt tlllC'al )"Car." F'T>IC necllS!lruY adjtwtrnentd ench 1 probnl<' court altairn or which h<>. follo\Oon. flee the pri!S(>nt Asscsaor Ramen of all y®r hJgh cclJool clam· I r('('l surt> thnt WI' will bt> nbll' Air.<> nPW olncc the early thtr· time. Ln l'lt>rk; aloo th!! Dlntrlet Court Ell.:tbl" to i<>nv.,. TTl'anur· Luna wJII make room tor Uoyd notro. go out and tllke a mroll to gl't thP nf'N'S.'Wlry apprnprin· ond the Boanl of County Com N n offlrr arr th<> ln('Umbent VIall and hJB chief deputy, Ma· the bloclt; recall a funny tlon to mntlnur Ft Stanton ofl --- ----· miS!llont>rn nlttlng In 'throlr varl· Maud£" und hl'r nrointant rlan Slnrb. . .(JI experience. and try It han bN'n In thr pant. I just IJncofn County lAND df.IEAASES oun l'apacitiC!I aa .Ia board o!; Ill'lt>n Jt>an ll<'nnrkh. Tuuumrer· NPw County CommluJonera to Gee it "mental rno· thought you would Ilk<' to havt> f'QUallzatlon and board of r1 i t>l('{-1 lll'n <;'rt>lnrn or < npttan has a!'l' A. Jones, Gt!Oqlle vie''; plan )'MZ'D vacation thin ltPm of nMvn ntncc a 2reat Increases Bond Buying FOR EL PASO PARADE nanl'l'. /. nnm•o<:J aa hln nnr•lntnnt f'ruto:ro Fucho and Incumbent GranvUit jn grot\t dctau-,..tndudlng WOJd· many pcopl{> ar.P interMtPd. Mr. Harcrow married MIAA N"t· J. OllOrlo of Carrizozo Rkhnrd!:!on. robe, trnmporttttfGJ'i nnd rimlllm· Slfl("('n>ly yourn, .ReYHlentn or Utlooln County The Carrlr.o:w High &hool Ill' Mrlnnln of.f.lncoln Count) <>n I lnll'{' Hunt will tl'maln In thP commlr::sloner Fuclu WW he•A mentn. ''linton r Andrrson. raliw<l thMr purcbaset ot Band leaves WednesdAY a! thJA July 19. 19!">2 The couple own, tounry nl.'rk'n ot!lcc mJ tftt> Bmmt rm CJii.Iriruin. · _lMI l;. · V 8-. Bomhr Gabstxntlld· week for E1 Paso to take part In their home In Capltnn. c1t>puly to Jaml'n F.arl llnrrrow. New Probate JudiO ta lohn only halt nervoun. I decldl'd to try the easy on<' flrt:t : ·-rake n lltroll around the block. Inhaling deeply, exhallng olow· ly." The only trouble was, a atlfl breeze had come ln from Tex:w and I Inooled deeply at the wrong time 11.9 I rounded the oomE!l' of Thomton'a mar'...rot. I , got a mouthful of New Mexico rPal em.nte that came l>W!rllng down the stttet. In tho ensuing r' coulthl.ng apelL my nervoJW ten· rnon entirely disappeared. (ThiD Ill on uru::oUdted testlmoninl.l "It !Doks lJke rain." "Not here !n New Mexico." "Look at tho::e cloudn up there." ''They <fon't mean a thing. They're jil&t empties ccmlng bdck from Florida." Sympathy ls whnt one worn· an oflers anotller ln exchange for details. ..____ ____ ly during 1952. occordlflit to S. the Sun Carnlvlll parade to be He hnfl nlwnys bl'l'n nnlvr In' Patsy Torrt'Z will bt> !ll"l''nd In Mn<'ltey of CnpJtan, Who hu Last Call for 1953 E <lrelsen. chamnan of the held New Yenr'o day, mrttns rlvk affall'!l ond Ln !>NYlne hln · rommnnd and M111 MllnuPI A. turned over tbc CapJtan County Bondn Com· at 10 a.m. !rom Tex.as and Camp- !ll"l''nd tPrm nR of til<> Mirabal will round out th(' st.aff. of the Peace tn!k to W•- mlt1('{> bell atreeta. Cnpltan Chamber of Comml'rce. · Outgoing Sh('rlrt S. M. Ortiz. GaDton. ""' 6 .,... Preferred Plate Nos. By NovPmlwr total lnveotmenu The New Mexicc schools which He Ill thl' prest>nt Noble Grand H ElfrNI J<>lll'S announces that . had renchl?d 595.291.75 Ellnce Jo.n.. w1ll bt! reptesentl!d by Ulelr of Carrizozo Lodlft' of thfl 1.0.0 F. : MOTHER SO anyont> wanting a prefenl'd 11 ' 1. 1952. Durin·a September the brulds are Carrtmzo, Carl&bad. N, DIE IN Ll cense number have the appllca , amount wan 8750. and far Oct· Estancl.o. Vaughn. Anthony, LaB Lincoln County Demos : AUTO ACCIDENT NCOLN COUN1'Y Uon In not later than January 2. ober SSla 75. the chll1nnLln ro- Croc:M. and COURT HOUSE NIW QUite a number of people have ported. Tho parade wlll last about an To las Vegas Meeting :. NEAR RUIDOSO · 5 requested preferl'Pd numben;, bUt In Llncoln CountY re- hour and a hall anti It l.s atl· tflcro may be othprs who wuutd eclvoo 1.1 percent of the State'• rooted thot Ca-'-..,..- -''1 nn. A number of Unroln County A COtnn'T CLEAn 0,_ wu ....,. trntrk auto a("("ld<'nf nt>ar .. ,_ llite to have one. ...avvsable Income of Individuals pear In the nrst 15 minutes of or tht> Ot>m0<'1'ntl<' R l Marrtag J 2 I .. __ 1 1 h during 1951 Grl'l&e pointed out. S'fntl' ('.p tr I c Itt orl' " ' 1 'l!IO Parl,y Sunday C'Vt>nlna ...__ nnunry s a""'' ute Y t e · " n the parade. . 1 1 n a ('(> out the Jlvpg of two of Dec Montant._. pJ. Bonds purchased during the 1 P ann ng to go to ""' 0 Vegll.!l, 11 fnmtly of ('n route from cacho; WUUam N. En"..... , - Tb& WotJtlter !itst ten months of thin year by The bcm4 held a dna nh«D·/ N. M. to attPnd a m:etJna of Oklahoma to their home In Er· lloowelL ..._.. ...,. reddents of the county were L1 aa1 Monday cftemooa. part211lnq the State \el"trnl C ommltf('( 1 . win c lit percent of the Stnte'n total. throup the ltrMtJI ot CGuJ.-moj on 5, 1953. In thl' IICt'ldent were !Complll'd !Jy L. Z. Manir:>l High Low Dec. 24 46 Dec. 25,. 40 19 ]5 18 22 19 20 I Naval ROTC Seeks Tr 1 Basketball Games lD t!wlb .-w uaif_.... n., I Mr and Mrn. Marvfn Garrett and Alamo,aordo. a fiDe a:ppecmmc:e 1D I Las Vegas Couple j t ht>l r rtvP chlldron. It In our· [){.<C. 22- Vlrglnia Little, 17, th.U nd COIIb cmd trouM:r1 of 1 • d H" h 380 1 that Mr. Garrett may have Greentree; Wilburn D. Invam, gray. wfth nd ltrlpa.. wbieh naure on •g way do:u>d at tht> Wh('(>l. 011 Highway Jr., 22, Groontre«!. De<-. 26 47 Dec. 27 ---·- 45 Dec. 28 49 Dec. 29 49 Wednesday. Dec. 31.-Ne!V Year's Eve Dan<"e, Country Clu1;. Dance, 'VFW Hall, Capitan. Qlttlzozo band leaves for the Swri!ttrnivnl. E1 PW>d · Thursday, Jan. 1 - IIAppy New tear! Stores wm be closed. .1an. 5-Firot meeting ot nmv County Board of Com· missloners. School resumes. Tuesday, Jan. 6- City Councll Thl' Naval RO'l'C basketball warn from the {Jnfven:tty ot New Mexleo deslrea to ached· ule away games for the months qf January and February. The team has five wJns against one loss In the Albu· querque City League and baa beP.n strengthened ccnslderably addltlon -of Lobo foot· &allers Dick Brett and Dave Matthews. ..Anyone interested Jn sched· ullng tbe NROTc five can write Major It H. Spuhler, NROTC Un.tt.. Univ.ersity of New fco, Albuquerque, or call 8861, Extension 280. · Six New PoAo . Cases In State The New Mexico State! ..,.,1uarr• ment ot Public Health, C<!mbc!r 20 bulletin, piUChczud by the Mr. tlnd Mm. John G. Brown 70. Alx miles WE>m ot Ruidoso, .,_.........,zo ..,..__ or Ua Nl'V., nrp rl'COver- wtrPTP tlf!i car wrui wrl'<'Tt!>d, iR a I'T, Shade lng rapidly In the Carrizozo hoo· strnlaht-away. 28. Qreentree. The band u under tlie ctlrec· pltal lifter their accident In Sh· Mr11. Garrett and Morvin Earl. Dec. 28-Dlxlo Sparb, 37, Al• tlon of .Jerome B:utJrus. Its per· corro County on Christmas day. 4, wert> ltJIIPd. Thr('{> daughters amogordo; Benjamin R. Pflnc• sonnet follows: The Browns Wl're on their way In crltlt>nl rondltlon In Rul· llten, 52, Nogal. Carl Thornton, Thomnsene home on Hflthwuy 380 when the dooo hoapltnl. ThP father and a llecz1 Eltr:zte Trcmafant Young, Beverly Baty, Jonette cnr llktdded on a patch of Ire. son. Larry WoynE>, 5, Harkey, Fay Barnum, Eileen throwJnno It out ot control. with bruises and ('UtG. Wayne C. Withers to Tennll 8.. Hod .... _D Bo"'b Ste '"'A- ''ti •• • · G Smoot, -aerea•e-ln-'"--'- ... •u Y anm. . to the doctor, they ... 1vpnne al'Tl'tt. 17, nutrerca ..,,""A- .... w""' Thornton. llmmy Lucero, Skip· will be released from the hospl· broken Arva J.Re, 13. McDonald Addition, Cantzo.o. pt!l' Harkey, Richard Vega, Fran· tal tltl& we-ek. nal lnjuriPs and Marilyn, 10, a Bartha Moore to David G. ces Vega. Roy Pete Stra· brokt'T! leg and other tnjurtes. via, aereage 1n Sec. 81, T, le, and t.aVI!rbe MacStnlth. N rn- ..... L Ea The famny had been vtstung deseribed u Tract a out ot Connte HAtn, BUly Hkka, Den· e- ..-n UCGS rn1 relatives and friends ln Wyn· Cruz Herrera estate, . .,. Cl91e.leU. t·tillalr1k:llol0r.dtl'a H--o-,- wood, Okla. w. & Ted lob!HIOlfi·· Glenda Sue Kina', Pf.ula VII ----- acreage In Block L, RuJdtJiO. fS8t. Ben Bel'l'f, Min Nellie Ruth Lucas. Capitan Ffnt Dept. Louis lL Merrill to Rall)H ·o. clo <Mii\)ly, SalcedP,. da"*.Wer of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pearson, achage 1n .secti(Jn 17, · Adele Albert UKtt, San PatrJelo, twa Honon Former Chf•f 10\VIlthlp 9 South, llante 1c· IiUCSO. 'SOhM, Jan Bur· a place on tho Dean's N. M. P. M. ley, Gene Garr.l· Roll tor Ute mid-semester Tuesday •. Dec. 16. the CnpUan ManuC!l C.·, CU\I'el Jllly 'laY Jletma &nd. QJI. et£ .. 1952 ot Colorado Woman's Volunteer Firemen served a ven· acreage 1n . 0rt1z. " (!o1tege In Denver. lson dinner at tho City llall to trlct No. 2 of t;an V Min t.ucn.s. B senior, 15 one tnembero of the department and 20, Township 10, · 23 wna the fonner Wigley, Who now A lovely bffet case Whs pte• Mr. Wigley Jn at hls long seMro ht the clep!Ut· ment. The wentllg' WM .bV .all :pJCRnt. . · . . · ,, ' .. 0 ,j . I
Page 1: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year


'1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con­\_fidently ·as the New- Year .dawns.

t '!'he pa.st year has seen a num· \ .. 9er 'ot !mp.rovements to the VII· •·la{!e and Santa Claus couldn't

bave made a better gift than the- new generating engine tbat w1Jl assu,re a dependable source o£ electrical energy .. Our town ID 'having a steady growth, which Is nwch better for everyone than

', .··~ ·. 1',. '"t· "-1 1 ' ";· \:·~:' - \~.'."i ._ ..... .... -

U. S.· Chamber of Comtnerce . Predicts Continued Prbsperity I ' I WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 30 tl~ ar.e the ~lll·l:Ule and unem· . - The business outlook here Is ployment Qiiurance systems,

for the happiest, most prosper· providing- a-~rog of security ous hoH(Iay season on record against loss~ Income due to age

Times are booming. People or unemployment. And of course, are earning more than uver be· many busini:' · and lndustf'llal tore In America's history. AI· firms have b gun pension plans most evl•rybody who can work since the th . providing ad· hils a job. dlt.lonal Ins · nee against hard

And It looks llke a rea• buS· times. InPss-boom, not a defense-spend·· Finally. t~ Is a brighter ing boom. For de!ell!le spending outlQOk for tt:&de, another 1m· Is twlow expectations. portant ltem tn the prosperity

The b)g question, ot cOurse, Is picture.



?o- fJl.lJ FRIENIJS anti

NEW 1968

Thanlc you for yow l

• c:- boom conditions that many !ilmllar communities have had. 3udden expansion of population )Uts a strain on businesses and utilities that 1s d1Ulcult U not Impossible to meet at once. ~r bett~r to grow under normal Clln·

h<~w long prosperity will last. Fo.r lta par£1 business Is better A.e wp ubout to plunge Into an· prepared tor ;, depression than

follca at home Ia Druce ot ht>r depression? A good many It wWI back ld '29. It has learned Phoenix, Ariz., while Peun?mlsts, mcludlng those In mucl} about 6\Jnagement It has

n•nm:a.u:rea with polio. Phone com· : the C humber of Commerce ot the takefl a tar ti'"er, more versa·


Jltlons. Tbe romplctioJV~! Highway 54"

next spring w.il'fbe of grea,t bent>· t1t to ·~ptzozo, along with all oUle.r ;kiWnB m Uncoln County. g,J~,'probably the most promls·

1Jif'1lewloprner\f that wm take pl~ in the l~edlate future.

It'll a nmall woriii. "Pop" An· deroon reflectl?d this weelt. In the Carrizozo postottlce he met a man from CapltnO-L.ee Loui!l Andernon. Pop's full moniker lD Louis Lee Andernon. lB It any wonder that newopnpers mrurc oo many ml!ltllkC!! 1

lnatalled port3Pie pay 1 llnltl"<l Stat.es. look for prosperity tile researc~h;. lant lor the ere· grnt~. refunda the dlmea. to last throughout next year, at1on of new roducts when the

This morale lrc-olrtcr Ia one of. many · unless there are major develop­pe:eonat aervlcea nrrano~d for by sale of produ . alre~dy on tbq Marlc:.opo County (Ariz.) Chapter of I ments In fore1gn atfalra, partJcu· market beg! to dro~Products the Mnrch of Dimes. larly Korea. Even then, no major which meet ~aslc n resist

rl"l'esslon looms. -deprea!on. TtUs ·1B not pecula· LETTER Rl': "'ffll1lMS On the other hand, there are tlon. Rcfri&erli.tor electrt wllBh·

~ rL somP who a~e tho boom oan>t lng maehlne ~ rndl sales, ~.as~ .. T,hat were In tor MOther tor ~pie, held up well dur· FT. ·STANTON NOT

I ' (Thia 1a the flrat of a series ,

abou.t LJncoln County'a newly· I electod official&. Others wW lol· 1

low 1n coming weeka.) '

-bust. lflit the bleaki!'St days of the de· James Earl Harcrow, Clerk· lJ. S. j::hamber of Commerce pre&llon. elect of Lincoln County, was born ·

I econom(!lts take a .. ,Herent 1 Ro 1 .uu Today,_m&tJ$1, many new pro· n swe I March 13. l!rlH. He TO BE ClOSED A lottcr to tho Newq thln wcolt view They believe that depres· ducts aro on t_9e druwlniJ boarda came to Capitan In 1935 and has

slons arP not Inevitable; that or ready tor lnarket. A refrln. llvl?d there continuously stnet.•. from Senator Clinton P. Ander· .,..

t both buslnes!l and government eratar w'"'ch .,.6t.h0 up to 300 Icc He attt>ndl?d public school In con rcafflrmo cmowancoo rccon • 1 _ _. ... ...,.... ... ly received by tho Capitan 111\1' h•arn~'U a lot !Iince the cubes per da~\hwlthout tra)'o Ia Capitan and alter his grndua

Ch h F rt thlrtll'!l about llcklng the boom on Its w~v to e cuototnero. A tlon from h1gh cchool In 1946 en· ambc.r of Commerce t at 0 and bust fianoo:J.. They have -.,

Stanton wUl not bo clo!Wd.. Tho· IParnt"CI CO"nl"r-~nnnu•- "M.h.. big chocolilte Unn hLlLI just In· llntl?d In the USN Hospital Corps.

good wiahea.

We rerum,.._

wtth fnterut. ·


letter followat 1 " "' ....._....... ....... ...._ tl'OlJUCCd a v'l!tiaUJe cOoklo mix lte wan statlonl?d ol the Corpus' . Ollr tittle dog POOtfe lllld an art> lt>S!J ll~d\' t!l .. be. .caugh1...nap... Wh1al ~!til oo\iie(f ror dozenn · ctu1lltT Nlival lroopiial 1n 't'elUlB t ~njuyubll' fiamunus;<Iton!J wtrn E'illfor;Llneoln County !'11·WR. t plng l! bunlnetm begins to drop. different cook.lu. A Saint Paul aa lllllllotant '"the peruunnel of. I

Clara and Paul Baker~ Puhllsheu W. H. Sttker- ~Coleman

tbe rem ot Uti. Her "grtmdmA" Carrizow. New 1\.lt>xko: I Government, naturally, L!J a finn 1a dovtloplng mngncUc fleer, having l'hargc of nil r~· In San ~ oont her a Chrlllt· A grpat man> pt>opl•· In your. major force "in IeZ~ltstJna depres· tape whtch will ~ro tclevinlon ordo In thla 500-bl?d hospitaL mao cnrd. Clara liM the custo· part or thl' Stat•• ha\1' from time, stono.. By purchasing lts own p~ms the way rocllo pro· Mr. Harcrow Wllll there tor 13 mary red rJbbon on her hames5 1o time t>xpn•11sP<I an tntN•·st In· bond.'l from the publlc lt can grams now ati ~rded. Taped montho, prior to his discharge and ohe had her fill of dog food, the Fort Stanton ho,.pltnl : pour money l11to circulation. tclevlalon woull} be dearer tban from the S('rvlct'. liP tht>n en· wJth turltry tor del::lert. The Rumorn ha\1' tw•·n put out ; Throurrh loans, or the guarantefl UlmecJ -lln4 bl~ cheaper since rolled tn New Mi.>Jdco Htghlundn only fly In tlli.> ointment lor fhut thl'n' might b<· a possibility' nr Joana. gov<'mment can make tope can be ei'JS(ld and re-used. UnlvNnlty at LaB V<'gaa. major· Pootlc was the pre:;.ence of a of thP honpltal h<'lnr. cl<~d and il ('anler for buolnees to bor.row Tbi!SC new pr.oducts mean now lng In bWlin('{l.!J n<lmlnlntrntlon. c Off• little black and white lliU<'n that vattt>nta bt>lnr. r<'mov<'-1 to an· 1 mon<'Y tor worltlng capital or ln· jobo, and now job.a mean conUn· Following hln voduntlon lw ou n ty leers c:>meone had lett at our doorotep olhPr Joentlon 1 hun opposl"<< ! V!':ltmcn! In ni?W plants and ...- --ttv WilD cmploy!'d on thl' 1 rl nl C "h I t t A · lh~.~·~~.· b":fj___ ,. __ 0 -··w ~taCt of th .. • U. "'. Public C'H<'e" clth 1


or a .._ r IJ mao pre~n. "->: 1

1h1A. ond JUst t<ul.l) H'<"f>lvl"d u I f'QUipment. Or by mcall!l of ita •WM'"' ~ uau ....,_ ,. ~ ., ~ on .. N>ultl I:PI' thAt WI' dldn t communka~ln:"l rrr'"~ •hr f'Mf>T· ·rontrol over banltll, govemlDelll .-ense ot respoDalbUlty. :t 1s less Serviet> Hoopltal at Fort Stanton, 1 N A • h.avl' a en~ a~ed one. Ia I Sl"<'urlty Ag<·nn of thr l'ubli<' ran r!'ducc renerve rcqulrcmarta 11ke1y to beJlta major lay-oqB where for two yearn he wan in am e ss t L

I Health St>nl<"l' \Oohlch rl•a<IB In !}() thn• banlm <nn loan wtth and wap red~ono In the race chargl'or budll't'taccountlng and' IS an~;S A.aOUT &ASING TBlfSlOH1 I part llD toii<Mn more r~om. Experience dur· ot a Uttle adVrrslty. Leu llkcly oudiUng vouchero. /

.1SffNV YORK, Nov. 15. _ The "On thin point I am aln<l to lng the lllDt dcp~o hu to .PJlll~:~ t~..Atht morciUk~ly to He Wllll pollee Judge In Cap! Unroln C<>unry·n nt>Wly elected I Chi f. De .Journal or Ld'(.>fna mngmttne o!·! have. an opportunity to lndkatc dno;.vn how these oonttoh ~n IWt lOOk t:Owfd for new wayt to 'tlln; a1110 ·JU!rtlt-e of the J?l"llN> ~ 9mctal:i _LD.l.u!. ~ JanuaJ¥--4 ~~~ Alb~ (C7!J ~':Q.. ·~{rje_d ll.lli11rwt' _Um·. we hnvr_ no _RI1<'h.~li\niJ du.rln.a t U!lcd .lD.lltC. cllcc1b.ct¥. - ·- -matJmltn ~To an "llt'tt11."VTni( tnt- iJTotTnction and \\Ill llllSlUmt' tht>lr dult('.!J tho T "Fi(;(J Currant firon reUevero to put cho nlll'VOUD the curnmt Om·al y<>ar An you Nf'W fnctom oro tho SccurltlcB back and c1o natll1aa- of b('lnH the younge!l! Junllce> ol day follnwtng I ~y roodbye to tho reek and bar nnd "woundup" pez'CO%lO clt C<lS'!.! knew. 1t would h~ <hfflcult tor and F.xchange C.omml1lslon and 'I1lla isn't speculation either. th(' pt>al't' M'l!l' to hll\1' !ll'Tvl"d In In addition to the ottll'l'rn who/ B;~~h.•ya~~ H~::~~j~~~~e Glq

Choice of one Io o~csted by mr to rommlt thl' S<'n t•·r hf')<md 1 tht> FNlt>rnl Dl"pp!llt Insurance Dm1ng recent yenro IWVI!rOI In· thP Stat<' or ~l'w MPxlro 11 •• Tl' will bl' rwnlnll thl' rounty for thP the duties ot law ont......,_mo:!! o.n .article In the magazine but.


that prr1od of tim•· In vlt>w. of Corporation With ltD Ught con· cllv1dual lndU!ItriC!I bave gone n_lgn!'d thin ponltlon Pari~· lnnt n ~ .... ~ ... I

h f th t t til t too • t b I> "'1 rtm<•. or!' EW\"l'ml pew an IIID chief deputy will ~ ... ,...__ t ln empha..r.~Izro, "U you art> t l' aM a 11 1 n ImP , troln "''t'r market opeculatlon. througb a kind of rcccss1on and· )'t>ar 0 .l"l''me <'PUty Clerlt of rUntnntn who will aid th('lr chi<'fll Rlchard.t;on from Honda and'"'thne rt!~lly nervous. try nJI ft"e." IIIII,. In kn<·wn ahou• nur nppro· SF..<' ran pn>Vt>nt one ot tho evils aro stnrt1nir to pull aut. Textllcn 1 Lincoln (ounty In thr l><'rformnnet> of thl'ir du JnllPr will be Homl!r McD·-•-•·

They art>: lnhD.le dl'1'ply; ex· priatlon.q for nrxl )NT llowr ... rr. ll'o<tlng up to the Iaat dt>presmon. ln one. Paper ln another. The Mr HarcnJW han lx"l'<>ml' ac tiPs of No .. ru. ......,.,.. ho.le olowly; then draw .&n your I ha\'1' Ml'ry hop£' that I will be And Mtlun'o bank aa\TI.ni:!J nriW Jewclr.v buainea. waa.·.Jn trouble! quaintM \Vlth tlul many dull..a · . • aomnch muscle:~ and rope::~t: try In a pomtton to wrunlUTt' you on· nn• lnnurt>d up to $10,000 by tho ln 1916 and 1!)47 nncf made the' or thl' Clerlt'o oWN' In rt>gnrd to A nu~mnT) or th<> rollrthouot> NeJtt door nl tht> A&ICS101'1 of. to :recall tho no.mcn lUld fncen tht> nMtt tlllC'al )"Car." F'T>IC necllS!lruY adjtwtrnentd ench


probnl<' court altairn or which h<>. pt>r~><mml follo\Oon. flee the pri!S(>nt Asscsaor Ramen of all y®r hJgh cclJool clam· I r('('l surt> thnt WI' will bt> nbll' Air.<> nPW olncc the early thtr· time. Ln l'lt>rk; aloo th!! Dlntrlet Court Ell.:tbl" to i<>nv.,. ~ht> TTl'anur· Luna wJII make room tor Uoyd notro. go out and tllke a mroll to gl't thP nf'N'S.'Wlry apprnprin· ond the Boanl of County Com N n offlrr arr th<> ln('Umbent VIall and hJB chief deputy, Ma·

~L!Jnu.nrl the bloclt; recall a funny tlon to mntlnur Ft Stanton ofl --- ----· miS!llont>rn nlttlng In 'throlr varl· Maud£" ~:nhom und hl'r nrointant rlan Slnrb. ep~ . .(JI experience. and try It han bN'n In thr pant. I just IJncofn County lAND df.IEAASES oun l'apacitiC!I aa .Ia board o!; Ill'lt>n Jt>an ll<'nnrkh. Tuuumrer· NPw County CommluJonera to Gee it G.!l~\l.Ort "mental rno· thought you would Ilk<' to havt> f'QUallzatlon and board of r1 i t>l('{-1 lll'n <;'rt>lnrn or < npttan has a!'l' Charlru~ A. Jones, Gt!Oqlle vie''; plan n~ )'MZ'D vacation thin ltPm of nMvn ntncc a 2reat Increases Bond Buying FOR EL PASO PARADE nanl'l'. /. nnm•o<:J aa hln nnr•lntnnt f'ruto:ro Fucho and Incumbent GranvUit jn grot\t dctau-,..tndudlng WOJd· many pcopl{> ar.P interMtPd. Mr. Harcrow married MIAA N"t· J. OllOrlo of Carrizozo Rkhnrd!:!on. robe, trnmporttttfGJ'i nnd rimlllm· Slfl("('n>ly yourn, .ReYHlentn or Utlooln County The Carrlr.o:w High &hool Ill' Mrlnnln of.f.lncoln Count) <>n I • lnll'{' Hunt will tl'maln In thP commlr::sloner Fuclu WW he•A mentn. ''linton r Andrrson. hn~·t> raliw<l thMr purcbaset ot Band leaves WednesdAY a! thJA July 19. 19!">2 The couple own, tounry nl.'rk'n ot!lcc mJ ~hH>-1 tftt> Bmmt rm CJii.Iriruin. · _lMI

l;. ~ ~. · V 8-. I~ Bomhr Gabstxntlld· week for E1 Paso to take part In their home In Capltnn. c1t>puly to Jaml'n F.arl llnrrrow. New Probate JudiO ta lohn

Feell~ only halt nervoun. I decldl'd to try the easy on<' flrt:t : ·-rake n lltroll around the block. Inhaling deeply, exhallng olow· ly." The only trouble was, a atlfl breeze had come ln from Tex:w and I Inooled deeply at the wrong time 11.9 I rounded the oomE!l' of Thomton'a mar'...rot. I

, got a mouthful of New Mexico rPal em.nte that came l>W!rllng down the stttet. In tho ensuing

r' coulthl.ng apelL my nervoJW ten· rnon entirely disappeared. (ThiD Ill on uru::oUdted testlmoninl.l

"It !Doks lJke rain." "Not here !n New Mexico." "Look at tho::e cloudn up

there." ''They <fon't mean a thing.

They're jil&t empties ccmlng bdck from Florida."

Sympathy ls whnt one worn· an oflers anotller ln exchange for details.

..____ ____ ly during 1952. occordlflit to S. the Sun Carnlvlll parade to be He hnfl nlwnys bl'l'n nnlvr In' Patsy Torrt'Z will bt> !ll"l''nd In Mn<'ltey of CnpJtan, Who hu Last Call for 1953 E <lrelsen. chamnan of the held New Yenr'o day, mrttns rlvk affall'!l ond Ln !>NYlne hln · rommnnd and M111 MllnuPI A. turned over tbc CapJtan ~~

County Orll'~ Bondn Com· at 10 a.m. !rom Tex.as and Camp- !ll"l''nd tPrm nR ~tary of til<> Mirabal will round out th(' st.aff. of the Peace tn!k to W•-mlt1('{> bell atreeta. Cnpltan Chamber of Comml'rce. · Outgoing Sh('rlrt S. M. Ortiz. GaDton. ""'6

.,... Preferred Plate Nos. By NovPmlwr total lnveotmenu The New Mexicc schools which He Ill thl' prest>nt Noble Grand H ElfrNI J<>lll'S announces that . had renchl?d 595.291.75 Ellnce Jo.n.. w1ll bt! reptesentl!d by Ulelr of Carrizozo Lodlft' of thfl 1.0.0 F. : MOTHER SO -:--:-~----------

anyont> wanting a prefenl'd 11 ' 1. 1952. Durin·a September the brulds are Carrtmzo, Carl&bad. • N, DIE IN Ll cense number have the appllca , amount wan 8750. and far Oct· Estancl.o. Vaughn. Anthony, LaB Lincoln County Demos : AUTO ACCIDENT NCOLN COUN1'Y Uon In not later than January 2. ober SSla 75. the chll1nnLln ro- Croc:M. ~ and Tulnro~ COURT HOUSE NIW

QUite a number of people have ported. Tho parade wlll last about an To las Vegas Meeting :. NEAR RUIDOSO · 5 requested preferl'Pd numben;, bUt 'Peop~e In Llncoln CountY re- hour and a hall anti It l.s atl· tflcro may be othprs who wuutd eclvoo 1.1 percent of the State'• rooted thot Ca-'-..,..- -''1 nn. A number of Unroln County A COtnn'T CLEAn 0,_ _. 1~ "~ wu ....,. trntrk auto a("("ld<'nf nt>ar .. ,_ llite to have one. ...avvsable Income of Individuals pear In the nrst 15 minutes of m~>mbern or tht> Ot>m0<'1'ntl<' R l Marrtag ~ ~--·

J 2 I .. __ 1 1 h during 1951 Grl'l&e pointed out. S'fntl' ('.p tr I c Itt orl' " '1'l!IO Parl,y Sunday C'Vt>nlna • ...__

nnunry s a""'' ute Y t e · " n the parade. . 1 1

n a om~- ('(> ~nurrPd out the Jlvpg of two of Dec ~Allca Montant._. pJ. de~dlme. Bonds purchased during the 1 P ann ng to go to ""'0 Vegll.!l, 11 fnmtly of ~>eVPn. ('n route from cacho; WUUam N. En"....., -

Tb& WotJtlter !itst ten months of thin year by The bcm4 held a dna nh«D·/ N. M. to attPnd a m:etJna of Oklahoma to their home In Er· lloowelL ..._.. ...,. reddents of the county were L1 aa1 Monday cftemooa. part211lnq the State \el"trnl C ommltf('(


. win c lit percent of the Stnte'n total. throup the ltrMtJI ot CGuJ.-moj on J:~n. 5, 1953. l~vo~v£'d In thl' IICt'ldent were 4o~'Ma~:; J~~nA~-

!Complll'd !Jy L. Z. Manir:>l

High Low Dec. 24 46 Dec. 25,. 40

19 ]5 18 22 19 20

I Naval ROTC Seeks Tr 1 Basketball Games

lD t!wlb .-w uaif_.... n., I Mr and Mrn. Marvfn Garrett and Alamo,aordo. prHH~tad a fiDe a:ppecmmc:e 1D I Las Vegas Couple j t ht>l r rtvP chlldron. It In our· [){.<C. 22- Vlrglnia Little, 17, th.U nd COIIb cmd trouM:r1 of 1 • d H" h 380 1 min«~ that Mr. Garrett may have Greentree; Wilburn D. Invam, gray. wfth nd ltrlpa.. wbieh naure on •g way do:u>d at tht> Wh('(>l. 011 Highway Jr., 22, Groontre«!.

De<-. 26 47 Dec. 27 ---·- 45 Dec. 28 49 Dec. 29 49

Wednesday. Dec. 31.-Ne!V Year's Eve Dan<"e, Country Clu1;.

Dance, 'VFW Hall, Capitan. Qlttlzozo band leaves for the

Swri!ttrnivnl. E1 PW>d · Thursday, Jan. 1 - IIAppy New

tear! Stores wm be closed. ~tando:y, .1an. 5-Firot meeting ot

nmv County Board of Com· missloners.

School resumes. Tuesday, Jan. 6- City Councll

Thl' Naval RO'l'C basketball warn from the {Jnfven:tty ot New Mexleo deslrea to ached· ule away games for the months qf January and February.

The team has five wJns against one loss In the Albu· querque City League and baa beP.n strengthened ccnslderably b)l~ addltlon -of Lobo foot· &allers Dick Brett and Dave Matthews.

..Anyone interested Jn sched· ullng tbe NROTc five can write Major It H. Spuhler, NROTC Un.tt.. Univ.ersity of New fco, Albuquerque, or call 7· 8861, Extension 280. ·

Six New PoAo . Cases In State

The New Mexico State! ..,.,1uarr•

ment ot Public Health, C<!mbc!r 20 bulletin,

~~!! piUChczud by the Mr. tlnd Mm. John G. Brown 70. Alx miles WE>m ot Ruidoso, D~ ~_Metl:!a_lCAn .m;~•W&o-~-.,_.........,zo ..,..__ or Ua ve~ran. Nl'V., nrp rl'COver- wtrPTP tlf!i car wrui wrl'<'Tt!>d, iR a I'T, urcen~; Shade

lng rapidly In the Carrizozo hoo· strnlaht-away. +•""'~"- 28. Qreentree. The band u under tlie ctlrec· pltal lifter their accident In Sh· Mr11. Garrett and Morvin Earl. Dec. 28-Dlxlo Sparb, 37, Al•

tlon of .Jerome B:utJrus. Its per· corro County on Christmas day. 4, wert> ltJIIPd. Thr('{> daughters amogordo; Benjamin R. Pflnc• sonnet follows: The Browns Wl're on their way In crltlt>nl rondltlon In Rul· llten, 52, Nogal.

Carl Thornton, Thomnsene home on Hflthwuy 380 when the dooo hoapltnl. ThP father and a llecz1 Eltr:zte Trcmafant Young, Beverly Baty, Jonette cnr llktdded on a patch of Ire. son. Larry WoynE>, 5, ~aped Harkey, Fay Barnum, Eileen throwJnno It out ot control. with bruises and ('UtG. Wayne C. Withers to Tennll 8.. Hod .... _D Bo"'b Ste '"'A- ''ti •• • · G Smoot, -aerea•e-ln-'"--'-~--... ,·~-~~ • ~ •u Y anm. . ~ A~Jng to the doctor, they ... 1vpnne al'Tl'tt. 17, nutrerca • ..,,""A- .... w""' Thornton. llmmy Lucero, Skip· will be released from the hospl· broken 1~>1!0; Arva J.Re, 13. lnt~>r· McDonald Addition, Cantzo.o. pt!l' Harkey, Richard Vega, Fran· tal tltl& we-ek. nal lnjuriPs and Marilyn, 10, a Bartha Moore to David G. te.~' ces Vega. Roy H~ Pete Stra· brokt'T! leg and other tnjurtes. via, aereage 1n Sec. 81, T, l(t~ le, and t.aVI!rbe MacStnlth. N rn- R·..... L Ea The famny had been vtstung deseribed u Tract a out ot th•~

Connte HAtn, BUly Hkka, Den· e- ..-n UCGS rn1 relatives and friends ln Wyn· Cruz Herrera estate, . .,. ~ Cl91e.leU. Mo~Blta. ~ t·tillalr1k:llol0r.dtl'a H--o-,- wood, Okla. w. & ~bell ~ Ted lob!HIOlfi·· Glenda Sue Kina', Pf.ula Fl~ VII ----- acreage In Block L, RuJdtJiO. fS8t. Ben Bel'l'f, 'tUx~ .Gu.e~ ~~; Min Nellie Ruth Lucas. Capitan Ffnt Dept. Louis lL Merrill to Rall)H ·o. clo Lo~ <Mii\)ly, SalcedP,. ~ da"*.Wer of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pearson, achage 1n .secti(Jn 17, · Adele Blkt!t~.Sttatey, Albert UKtt, (IT~ San PatrJelo, twa Honon Former Chf•f 10\VIlthlp 9 South, llante 1c· IiUCSO. ~a 'SOhM, Jan Bur· e~ a place on tho Dean's ~ N. M. P. M. '· ley, ~ $&1~ Gene Garr.l· ~1' Roll tor Ute mid-semester Tuesday •. Dec. 16. the CnpUan ManuC!l C.·, CU\I'el

Jllly 'laY Jletma &nd. QJI. et£ .. 1952 ot Colorado Woman's Volunteer Firemen served a ven· Sanche~ acreage 1n . 0rt1z. " (!o1tege In Denver. lson dinner at tho City llall to trlct No. 2 of t;an PalM~

V Min t.ucn.s. B senior, 15 one tnembero of the department and 20, Township 10, ·

23 ~tl& ~ ha~vo~~~lli~el~r~wi~ve~&:iU~~~~wru~~~·~P~abffill~m~~~~~~~~~~~ wna the fonner Wigley, Who now

A lovely bffet case Whs pte• ~;ent~cl Mr. Wigley Jn ~~eoognlUon at hls long seMro ht the clep!Ut· ment. The wentllg' WM ~njoyed .bV .all :pJCRnt. . · . . ·


' .. 0

,j . I

Page 2: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year

• .., - -;r-.. .

' •

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

' ' ' '

CANDY. MAGAZINES4 COSMETICS FOUNTAIN SERVICE .•• A complete line of DrujJs• Sttttionery 8nd mttny other items for / every use. ·;.ll



Eatabl .. hed 1806 Carrizozo

1 J 953

'7:1 Bountilul wl•fte• •• ~ for peace and

~,. pro1pcrlty In

' PREHM•s Eatablbhed 1925

tl.e dav•

before us.


.... ·~ 41, k .,. u ...

20 _._._ (From U1e fllea of· tbit J;;·bu;c,~j County Hew1. itmu~, Qt_ ·

Mrs. WUllam Brady pallled away here Tuooday night after a long lllness. ·

M~s. Daniel Ortiz passed away at her home here, January 2nd a!ter a brief lllne£B.

Ctlpltan .-·. · , . ·and · ttb1oU8h

_ 8\UilmeJ:r ... , 'Yitbout Pt~ttern or plan.

The w.nd at CttrrJzo:~;o · · Pau$eil ll while !or breath, .

The nC'\v board of county coin.- When tile sun goef~ down at eve•

missioners, composed 01 MessJ'lJ. An~1f:t~n sWeeps '()Ver the h~ath. T. E. Kelley, chairman, of Car· It howls like Jlii!A .. I mg;tl! rlzozo. Mc1ven Franks of Co~romn.o.ay_:T~h~roughout · · · · · · · ·

Calvin CoolJdge died yester­day noon from a heart attack. He was alone tn a dressing room. He was 60 yea111 old on July 4, 1932.

Memorial servi-~:es will be held In carr'tzozo at the Methodist church Sunday morning.

Thursday mornlns at 10 o'clock In the Chapel at San Patricio, with J!,ev. Fr. Brady otflolatlng, tour young coqpl~ pronounced their marrinae vows at the llllmo time: They were Vloreno~o Gon• zalez and Alveza · Sanchnl VI· ccnte Herrera and Cyprlana· Gonzalez, Juan ~anchez and Breslla Gonzalez, Antonio Her· rera and Franke Miranda.

Lulls to sleep with its singing A lullaby awtul and strange.

' The wind In CaiTlzozo Is spiteful or It's gay, Bringing the· cloudl! with moist·

ure ) Or chasing the clo\uls aw_ay. 'But ·wpetber ,in_ fu!l ()r e,a~-~ When rught comes down. with·

out fail, The wind wlll howl Hire a ban·

shCC!, " . . • As It piQys with Us forked taU.

Predict New 'Peak for Beef Catfl-. Calves

Beef cattle and, calf numbers on farms wlll reach a new peal( ot 93,000,000 by .Tap. 1, according to C. n. Keaton, associate exten·

All the young men tm4 worn· sJon CCOIJOIP!.st <\\ New Mexico en who have been tJpendlng their A&M College:· · vacatJon at hom«~ rotumod to It favorable weather nrp·vn

.-~E::lll::l-.t~:JiflJHMJiii.SJIII:OIMJiiiJCSlllliiJIJl~~m~ll ~~:;:n;~:~"· ;8p~!e:nc~er:~t!a~~ndd~:~1-!a~r;e:0:;d ~ll1f~c~o:ns::um:e~;r~=:a~rt~a;r!'~~~.~ ~~-;f.·~t:~o1thha~v~~e:~~~::~;t Brlrki!'Y and Mack Shaver have· for beef and veal continues been here tb see the· dCI)()Slts gone to tile University at.Albu. strona-. cattlti-numtmts wlll ln- f!n~- ~Pll~¢ tnt~· tonllO't qut>rque; Truman Spencer lr., crease for another two or three clnlms have been soldGOutnght


• ..

~53: BEST O'F. 0 • •

___ . E~EE..Y~irnra

lby tit lllailc -

lanllfll Of IIICCIIS

ll&bt rour war ,

~ upplans. 1959

Harry and Gladys Morris

Jimmy Tnylor nnd Carol Hlnea yeaJ'lJ, Keat.on says. The nuJ)Jber Cor cash, and an option haa to N. M. M. I. at Roswell. could reach 100.000,000 head • by been granted, It was said. Most

• _ ., , the end of lOSS. ot the claims are owned by Ht>rman Kelt, claughtoar Kath- Slaughter prObably wtu Jn. Chatfield. . ,

I c>rlml nnd J. D. Adanut apent creaso rrtoderately In 19'".>J. Site o' the· ctennat•= •= • d h k 1 The cattle oyclo pu~ .f'be ~ rw= .. .-

, I ~~~~~a, Fe.nya I e patt wee n 1953 at 6 maximum 25 miles sduth of Truth or COn·

1 - -~--t:~~~~~~~-~w~o~u~ld~b~el~Oto~~ It wna In ·. JEST-IN-FUN~-.-;- - ~OCM:t ~--------------. I A tourist who lost hto Wtly In

the Oznrks anked a native: "Am . I on the right roBd to Kansas

City? " . j ''Well," the nntlve •ald. "not

· J l'XIi('t!y. bud. Thnt road J~t . monl'yll nlof\g ror n pleee, then J f\Jrnn ln•o a hog trnll. thon • ~·,ulrrl'l trnC'It, and finally ruru up a scrub plne and enda ln a knot hole."


I Lotter Wtn 1Qtenattn9

"I truot you found that novel



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intl'rcntina." Ulc llbrmian ro· pU~ _ •'lJJi. .. t~\j'tuer aomcaric marltt>d hopefully· left In It fot 11 bilOl: tnarlt Wno

"No, not very," tho patron ro· really a lutut" -- ...-- .. ------ ------ , ... --~-·-··•· .---.-"" -v- ···*---.-- --lf•----•,;._ ___ .. ___ ·-,c --·~ ---fo


. .

"H•'• CoMlntlll f•r Frl•atlly Serrict. ...

Thcrt-a . rig !at··;~. ~~. ~-ua lor fO'IU' HoU4crr rt'MC!I


lW'aiCUATtOX •

TillES - BA'l"l'E8IEI nom IEIVZCZ •

·PHOHE 55--~ X. K.

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U.ornton's Grotery ·: . . .

Ph9J.ltt 11 Carrizozo

• • Cttrrizozo New Mexleo McBRIDE CONSTRUCnotl ------ -- ---~ --------'------·~~~-----------.-., :--~-~+


l.st WIY to

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Page 3: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year

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1ha'M; you for. y~ · · . .

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County Officers Name . Assistonts


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Page 4: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year


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.. ·.PAUL B. - - - '

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.-CANDY, MAGAZINES, COSMETICS . ,.. . FOUNT A1N S,ERVJCE ••• A complete _line Qf Drug.s, Stationery 'and many 9ther items 'for .


I ~very use.


Phontf 30


. ~ :~ . ..

1953 Bountiful wbltct

for pc,au tnd · J)fOipeflty Ia

tiM daya

· -before us. 'lt ... ..; . ·~

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A tourist wlllo--Jpa1~-·h:l•'~iVaJr1Jn· ·· ~·.!Althouab-- 4emlint1- wlll· .co11~f :Oz(uks asked .a native: tlnue atronr," Ke:~ton cxplalrw,

· -•-~:•'~"'~*'-~l!'o'>t'''J'M .. pt{/'4l .. tH11j¥4i.i\( $.] J§iii.t-,1 .'*.1St- ;,z,.;_;,,;;. ".··-_"'.,..,., ·~··· ·,, ' . ~ . - . ~ 0 "

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th~ right road to .Kanan ~·tt 1J .not ~ted to inae::u;e l>CitYT "- cnoueb «> nbSorb expected In·

•'Wt'lll." the naUve l&ld, "no~ C1'tlllet ln suppllro at 1952 rc. • Zy ZUITEB C134 TOM .

llbJ tkt •aJIC

lallttfl tf nccan

flabt raw way

t1 tanlau. 19.48.

~arry and Gladys Morris.

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btst_~--~ wtllt.ul



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ex!l~!ll'. lJI!d!. TI!a~ __ m:ut j~ . cattlo Prlc:cal moroyo along for a pi~. tMn turns Into a hog ttAU, then a r.qulrreJ track, and tlrla11Y 1nlnl up a scrub pine tmd cntU in & ltnot hole." .

Letter WctlntfrtltlAg

J'Th& o~tlQO~ for l>kUlCul pro· du~fl. 'dctJnltel~ more favor· ablO' ll'l•n tllat of a ye:ll' ooo. ~~ ·Ate (cJp Jtoblc prices tor q\lallty catUe and wl!lcr m.r,W bttwf!en Gfodro." •

"l trunt fOU tounct tb&t novel fntbt£lltlnrr ... lllc'' llbtlttm · · '~'i)ut"' tlic tetter wfiironc mnrkcd · hopl?fUIJ.y. · n tor a. .J>ook mark wnn

"No, not very," tho patron .fe.tty a lulu!"

t~· m• tnJ.!US tr..._. l II ·--• . .

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. . . . ~-fotlala - - -------- - . -- "-- . • .... .... _.:Jd.%

.,H•'• Ctlftln•l" fer F'ltl\illy s • .m..".

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'J'DIIES .;;.. U'X"lZZtlEE ao&> tuvzc:c

IXOJm·SS-~%01 Jf.

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Wt'ilttf Q~tt Ill lit

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Page 5: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year

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l'hont 96 p, o: BQ~ .68. Carrb:o~o


• ' . We Give'S. & H. Green· stamps

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ear's •


From 9 p.m. 'Til?



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frc!ght vplume wUl hit an ...... time· hish of a~o.ut 41 bUUou ton·m!l!!s l.n 1952, :f'resident p, L, .· R1lsse)l revealed thls · w~ ··

. ' ' ·--·· ~--d- . ", . ' " -- -.' ', .

•'-- • -~-. .. ' ' ' ,j. ' .. J . . . ' •

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""u ob.taln de·

. :Mt\lpment, our expend· ~4Uroad's_ operations. T b 1' . wtn be -somewhat great· year's tln_al figures shoufd · ea• · er in 19$3;'' Mr. Russell snit:\, tabllsh a record freight loa,d ot So~tll.efll .Pacltl~ . and . itS nearly a bUl!on · ton·mUea over ·wholly . owned attlllates have the' pealt war year of 1944, he spent- !lbout ~65.000,000 sJnr;e sal!}. . ~. . • .. the end .of 1~5 tor transporta•

Passenger trartlc volume con· tlon pt•nt Jmprov~ments. tn tlnued EJ.t a hl~h level In ~· a4dltJon to :hea\'y expenditures _desptt~ strong competition -. ill for malnWr\an~e. - · • · highwliy transportation. . Since · Jmpor~nt among the rall-1040 Southern Paclfle'a passen~ .road's additions and improve. ger revenues have · more than · ment$ ttl! 298 diesel freight lo· doubled, ~lded by the spectaeu· comoUvea and 32,194 neW;. Jar . growth the freight .. .cailt._. ~cqulred . sl~e

. .served b}" -the · 1hit ~rlod, Southern Ru$sell · sald. PacUJc has Increased the total

. ...... For AI Occasions


Call Carl's TULAROSA 3-41

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SHOPPJNG SPECIALS .. -·----- ----- ..

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The Food Mart' · . •

tJrid its ·emplo_yu£ . .

e~tends to one and aU Hecnty #


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fOWti-PtYOf fttAI.'Sarun,..nd•ul ~ abO¥t '" eUII!Inare dvtty, dt'afty &ot llote1 af\lf to apt«ilt toilet.



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Page 6: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year

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• ....... ,..,..... .

* Our bearts . and voices are flllld -with best

·· wishes for all Ollf frtends.

•· • ' '

' \, . '

• Wrap yinirself: In success and . . ---~-- . --- - ----

achievement 11.1 ' tho days ahead.

New Mexic;o ~ .. SANITARY

., t ~

BARBER SHOP · · c-opper· " -- ,. . · ·


. ---- ---- --- -------~ :-- -- - -;r-·- -- --

• •

• ..

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Mal Pais .. Cou;,ls· ·· ---- Jhe __ SNO.WS ... Proprietors .

CGrrixozo NeYi Mexico •

• • .



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It'• a real •

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·wi•h you


L YR'IC TI-IEA TRii • ft

·. . ALVA and JOSIE .. ".

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Ftoa •I ol ue, to al:l of yow

· nBcst wishes For a happy and

- -~- -$.--·· -- -- • ---- - --·-"" --.

successful ·

new yw 111

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Page 7: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year

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day& ahead, •

- . .... .cl. -~-u~-d•••"•• a pat ·

. COJ:nn'lutllftv a fine plac. In which to

w•lc:oxn• th& -- - -

New Year.· • ••


HOtel . a hso,.,r.~ .

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Motlern . · · · Air Cenditiottt~d

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- - ---W• Sell -and-Install- --~---- ---+--=-----~ •

T a nics and Appliances CALL 1903 COLLECT FOR SERVICE



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oood fortune; . .

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Page 8: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year

. - .... -...... - - ~

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• I . •

' --For Serle

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S!,i~Hmc~. Qf Sanchet: la the father of Miller •.

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$• ' '. :.-

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· , .z .. mv mll!•nc"· Priced below \ celllns~: ·Tcrmq. W. H. Saker,

I.lncoln f'our~ty NI.'WB, Carrl· ..... ---

--·-- -



t' I

"' .... "---

.. ----zozo. .. - .. -..

·wanted to Buv -------- ---:-

WA NTf:I> ror .gpot Cash!!! .. ' '

MOdc•l 70 11 n•l !H Wl nrlwSfNB Modi' I !l!l Sa vatws. Model 72J RPmlngtrmfi ln rood khflotl ng con dillon. Ah;o O!'!'d ·nil calibre rc volvl'r nr1•l our,mall<' piHio)s Hlr.fwut pr!c·l's pn \ti Jlu•J('!l Trad


~.I lng !'out, f'arri7.0ZO.

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(Totnnlcolor) -PlurJ


Tues.-Wod.-Thurs. January 6-7·0






January o, 10

LEO aoncEY ancS

TilE 50WEHY 150YS


"HOLD . THAt- ~·. LINE ..

• Plua



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• ' -·1!11 '

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New Year'sdEve Donee Family Reu~Jion at At 'country Club · · Buster Boone Home

the> music for n ffala N~ ¥.c.1 u-. .JJ 'f{lu·tntlrnao-f~~-.rm~fn:f~ were ChratmllS day at Stanton attd Hondo, but~

Evl' dunce ut the ('ountry <. ub. for many o lucar re a • the 'home of Mr. and Mro. F. H. the paper w~ D~J ,Fh\tt4 .. f~ar The Chc1Hfmnn night doncL' at l'r"r.l.'nt were M~. M~ Gouhl Hatl1f.- -- .. ~ . -- inalllag Tut~ay m~agrit•aa

the Club wan a IJrl.'at llltl'l'('rJtJ, A u! No~nl, w. 0.. l{ellflY from Quetta at the home of :Mr. Mtl aot vo•alble tCI ha®l• th• sttm.~ lnrgl.' congenial crowd w4. ln the MriCnlGr,lht rlnnchd ~;!r.,c_]ICPly· Mn.. Provine were Mrs. Pro· . tbll w"Jc. 1'1.0:.. acc.pt om •.•.lll'ndanro and the muulc watJ Inn. Mrn. lOU an .uu, ......,. lvJnre'sfnt ""T·an•ltlllll are tht• motl1cr an-d uncle of Mi', '" r!Hitlll'r

dinner ' .

¢~-g}laa.;i!~~~~!.d~ri 1~ta1!~ · --the. DawnJng rane,Jt. · · vfaltlntr each other.

Mr. nnl!Mrs.&un.Wllson ~nd Mr-. 'Chath.'$·:on£>.s-cn• three lfttlo daughters WC'l'e out tennlned a group or the neigh· from Roswell to spend the boll· boring ranchers on Tu~day for days with Mra. WJJt;on's. . thefl' ·annual tet·togethcr. trtley- · ·

nood. Boom•. respectively. ~wo 111rters and a smt~ll nephew, ents, tll,9 Bob Lathanw. have been doing thls tor tho last Mr. and Mrs. Cflnrley Francis seven year& - ..

4 Llneoln County Men Employed ot Oscura

f<'rom Mrn. noonc'o side of tho all ot Lubbock, TexOil. family were her parents, Mr. and ''the followlng boys nnd glrlo Mru. Sam D1llard ot TUinrosa were homo over the Christman and hl.'r dnughtor and tamll)', hoUdays from thelr reupcct.lve Mr .• and Mro. Wm. Grnhom •rtd oollfletl Blll,Y F~rguson, Odell nznafl daunhtcr, Goyl!), of BAY• Hickman, Alonxo V!gU, Teddy

Four Llnroln l"ounty r~nldcntn lllil .among the 21 conotrucll~n ml'h t-mployl'd prcnl'n\ly at (.Jn· cur a Jtnn&c <. ·nmf'• nlrw milt'!> wt•nt of OllCuru. Thl')' art> <': ('. l-'t'rUNill'n of l'apilan. . rw.IV)'

"' Cummfps, Doyle CozzcntJ, Grndy anl, N. M. ~ Harlan and .1oy Mlller.

Thr.lr oon, Charles W. Doone, Don M'(ln.ls, ·att!'q!J.inq N. M. wuo alr:o pre::tcnt. lie 1D home on W. oat Silver CJty, wasn't able to !t•an• from the Navy untJl Jan· spend Chrlstmns ~lth hl~ !am· ,,uf)' ·o. lly. He Ja .on the New M~lco.

t equipment opl.'rtltor: Alex • M l Serna and Arturo Zamoru of < ar. ! rl:wzo, truck. drlvNn; and John s. 'Znmorn of ('[WIWlJI, l•llltnlli'J. \\#hite Mountain GPA

, 1111.' rPmulnlnU 17 worlt!•ro arl' I . rrom otero county. I Elects New Officers

lll.'hubllltntlon work hno bt'f'h, . In pwgm!I!J on thl' barrm:Jw,l Mv1vln llracllC>Y of Uondo waa mt'!.\!1 hun a.uxUlary bunmr.gs, tnw tmmy wtnncr ur ttm tl!'~llnf! ayt~lt>m and wntct OUJJ· I \\ htrh Wutl glvetlt away. at th9 pi~ of thl' camp sln~·e Octobl'r.! ln!Jt GPA meeting, held in De· Al"CCrtllnu to Conntructlon Jo'orP· ' t l'mbrr at. Capitan. man Albllrt l)ltt'gn, or Alamo· I Nl.'w oUicera 1or the coming gordo, worlt 10 l.'.Xpccted- to bl! fl ~·('af W€'re elected ~at that ~Q'C~• l'Ornpl!!ll'U "nrlY tn January. · lllt!· 11wsc ~tfi~rs Wlll bo ln•

. . 1 loyen will be rc· nlnlled fn January. . tni~;Jralwr~;~cntl..Y for_ mniJ!: . g._~v._ Y!,)UtlfLOf ,9apltn~ , tl'nnnre of \he Rntlfle (.'amp and l.'lC'<'tCiJ Tho new prifuliJenf, ro:.do In the area. l'. Snow woo elected to tho vice·

--- - ·-· ~----

Pvt. David Pacheco Wins Service Promotion

Wtste~'s bnskctbnll nqund, whlch fa now tourlng the West OOalt. .,

Jr. ltoppy a;d Prosperoun New Year to all tho renders <lf thlD CDlumn. ,,

• •· • • • • • • • •

• • • • • ... • •

' • •

ENCINOSO NEWS of Plno I..od,gQ had all of thelr The w. B. Paynes nrc baCk on chltdren hontc to.r ChrJstma.s, CX• thelr ronCh to SlX!n\l the wlntC'l'.

..,sorry not to have had the news cept one eon who Uvcs In Texas. They have been Uvlng In A}Jl• from out this :way in last Mr. ~d Mrs. Chnrlca Jones, lene, Teus. tor the p:lSt few paper, but' your reporter 'Walal Patq and Walter, .and Mr • .1ones' years. • nwny. Jtopo everyone had as parents, ,the Walter D • .1oncs, nl1 Tho J. 0. P!lyncs have sold nice a ChrfstnitlS l1G our tamtJ.y went to Midland, Texas, to th(Jr ranch .to Buster casey, but did. · spend tho holldays· Wlth the will continue to Uvc on 1t tor

Mr. nnll Mro. Grady Eldridge. W. E. Doollns. Mrs. Doolln 1s 'the the n~ year. · no. n' 1 M nnd ,..,..., Dlll Ed«ar elster of Charle& . Mr •. .and .. ?dt!r. .1o.hl1. Purt1ella · n e, r. "' ....... · • Llttla antte>fi ntnton • arn in catt12mo fot a whUc \Vttll:

and Willa all spent Chmbrias or tho hospital un tho ifill.iicli:V1 the Bumr Smoots. . .. day with .Ute Lon liercbanfs. . betont Chrlstmtl8. Ml of tho Tb~ught for the :Wtt'k: Wate!f~

Mr. and Mro. Nlck UrlU apcnt tons ·were mighty glad he those New Y~t's tcsoluUonJ -tho ltolldnyn with thelr dnuahtcr be homo for nll of the don't mnkn tbm;n just to be mak• and tamtly, the Nuto Epp.!l, at tles at the Block r>tnch. lng Utem. • Plan on doing somo.-ConchatJ Dam. · Odell Hlcktnnn, BeUy Dalo and thing abnut them Ulls yetu'. A

'PII~ :UJl.lJoo Don WomaCk were gt1cet5 !I~ lje!'fYetlr 12 Ell n11. .~ "

. .

--- .. ---- - ---·---

-• •

• • • • • • • •

• • • • • • •

• 1 • •

• •


....... _ --- -"'- --------"'·-__:;: ___ -_:;_. ___ - --·---'"-- ----- -·

- -"- = --.

- IN CORONA •. NEW MEXICO. fForm•rly $ussie'' Balc$ry o(Corrizoxo}

. . . . . . ' '

· Amoq th many dtkiou foac&· --~ ..,_ lUtd: COoklfl cftotl( fll

• • •

, ' •


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•• • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • . . ~ :

• . '



.. ,. - -· -- -- ---·- !L "... .. --- - • •

•. . . . ... · . •

"" "'9 - -·-

We are thankful to be .starting .. 1

· another year in' our comrounity~ •

among Our · friends. •

to every one of y9U,

• s. .. • • • • • • : j

• . ._ .

~ . ) • • • . ' ·-•. ""!

• • '

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~Member·.Fedtral .Dttpo.lif Jnsurarict Cor~toratron. · r • • - <iJ

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Page 9: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year



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" '

< • · •. PROPANE. ·.-::BUTANE GAS .. · .... . ' .. . .

. . '

_ .. } : . ·:(lYe -caWfnt·your IQO.r lSO-;-s~o or

- . ·' .. "r,ooo ·gc:Hion tank

.. -"• -•

"i • ... • • • •

. . . .. ... .. . ' .. . . ·~ .. ' .. . ' .,. ., ' ._, \ ..



ear's .. ' _. ~=.::""'- --- -'1'


From 9 p.m. 'Til?

FREE HATS ••• NOISEMAKERS - -, -- --- I - -

- --.- _____ _.,---- ..

CO.ME AND JOfN THE rUN! .. . - ,.-,. • - r. ,; lit. .,-.. • 9 - -- -e._.-,. .,.P#'

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.. C•rtixoxo

1n .n .voa.r unduta~lnsJ.-

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- ----- - ---- -~- . -..>·-·· --- ------- ----.

.. _ ,\..

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Improved ton•mJles per

.Jn · · mensu.rrng op~ratlng clency, the rnll president qld. lie attributed much or tbls·Jm· proved eUiclency to use of new or imptb'ved plunt taciUUes and rolling trtoclt. lnvestmcnta In nuch betterments for the

• •• • • •• ·-·-··· __ .......... "'

• •



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• •

,. ...... ' '• ... 1" ' .


' ' , - . ' :P' - -•

. .. ' .. ' .. .- ·, ' ·.!' .. ' ~ .. ' ' '

.. ". ' • < • ' • • .......

' . •

. '


The Food Mart ·

extends to one and aU

and new cars. Purcha.se ()f 2,000 additional freJ&:ht c.ra has. been author· lzed, ralaln1: ~e po1twar freight car aoqulaltlon program to o. &'rand total of approximately 40,000.

s For AI Occasions



Call Carl's TULAROSA 341

_.,.. .

Hearty '

and patf·ona

paat. And o




• ~ whe.11 gouhuu.~

Womu HOREun~.~~ uou.se,ll hi •

·--- ~-- -- r.

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POWll.fi'IOl' tDi.lS ornnJitlld•d front obcwe fa •lllllolnaf• lf..nty, cltafty &of hot•• oftd ~ ~.rot• eo\l•r•

SiHft TO tO:ItOMATI(-olld yt~¥'1( !!Wet tNit odlllfll. .... lite. /iMtf, ftiOit wn.cilh allfoiiiOik ilt!Yf tYif ~. · · ..

• UT..Ul.\SI ·Mal·· W·h- -ltd • C®oirer&e!aldlf hlrlgtt .. ~-~~~ asl• lll;';f:Wiy .,_ )W Mil ... ..,..


---• •

• •


.. .... _ ---~~~· -~Ut..)"Ottea.dt-IJ~~~=--·-~ --- ---------.. ·--~;---


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otors. ' . ' ' -· ,

• • • '•r1J~1"' .· ...

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MARVIN H. lOIUU. • . t4t ~-... ;.!1-

• ' ..

- ~-- -:


Page 10: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year

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*Our hearts an~ voices are ' fllftd wltb best wlsbes · for all • our frlands.


.,-:' '

. . . .

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.. '-- ..

a. ' . .

' ' • ' . . . ---~--- --~---

r ... • Wrap yourself In · success, and

~ - - - -

acblevameot In the ·days ahead.·


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Mal Pais C:ourls The SNOWS. •


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If'• • zeal

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.·. tQ . .a oS yo. • ~

11Best whhe• tor • • •.happy . .d - ~ --~-~~ ........ ~


successful ,

new yurl" •

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Page 11: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year

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wr:.h you tutl • •

succeu In

days ~hoa4. ·



• • ~ .. . . . . . - '""'. ~- . . . . . . . . ___ ,.._ ... ..... ---

Carrizozo and -Capitan '


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0, ~Jill,_,._~··----··.-- L. ••·-··· -- ~ -•• '·--- -~ ----- ""'-·-< ----- .......


• • •

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~rnaor For Fc!Jod .. '

.. J~••~tltz'I•W

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any, the to-. b~ • ·· ··· ~- Stafe InstltuUonnl

You and each of you are htte· SIIJled, SALE No. 2929 . by noUtli1d'tbat tbll' above named MARVIN IL ROBERTS, SW~:NW~4. NW~SW~ ot Sec· Plalntlt!s have tued thetr Cord· Mayor. Uon - Township 9 Sbuth, R!in"~ plaint against you In ~the aboVe 19·26·~ - " numbered and ~mtlUed CMQ .mel 8 East, N. M. P.M., contaln!m~ court.· · · · GncrtN:t l'Gld hoducUoa 1,_ ~-00 iuircs, more or less, accord·

The general object of ntll ault T2rll yea~ -larmtra of thla ~~re~~. the govcrnmcn_t' survey ls to qutct PlalnUUS' title to cow.ttry produced more than cv.cr No bids wm be accepted on the Ute real cntate described ln the bet<,~re. tJ.SDk economlatJ Complaint, oltuatc In Lincoln """'"' .... •pu .. _ ... ., ... ;"' onlu a above described Jnnds Cor lCSll .c u t New Mexico and belni -v .. -• "...._ ..... " than Flve and No/100 t~-00) 0 n y, • above lut )'N.r, but producUon I>ollars per acre, and no ono wJll

Erult lfnlt: of the Southeut ot Uvtlltoek a-Ad l1Vtttock pro: be pcrnHtted tofbld who hn.s not Qunrt.er (E~~SE*-) or Sec· ducta Rtmt UkeJ~ to run two deposltct1, prior to tho hour set tlon Nineteen (lfJ>l or time ptttent mote than li)"et.r for sale, the sum of $155.00 to

West llnJf ot tho Southwett qo. · e<iver tho cost of o.pprnln"mcnt, (W~~SW~ l of ~--~~·· _,. ________ -+advlerUtiln "

tlve pe~t, ~ M pounds Incidental expenses conn~ed l,IXJI.J pound ttter·Ja tdrlofn. Wlth tho sale. Tho purchaser WJll

• ,


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. 1!\

GREATEST POLIO EPIDEMIC The polio epidemic of"l952 was

little di!Ccrent In pattern than ---~----.....-...:. other epidemics ot recent past. The tragedy was that there was so much o~ lt. It approximately doubled previous in the

r. 0. 0. F •. ·' .


KEETH GAS CO. ......... H IN B. T. U.~ . -- ------------~---~-



- - ---- ~- -~ . - - -

We Sell and Install Tanlcs and Appliances CALL 1903 COLLECT FOR SERVICE

" - ' '




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PHONE 1903 BOX 505 .

_.,_~- -~ .. ' ·- ~-..------ ··--------~ ---

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• t •• co. . ·• GIVEN under tnY hand ant'J tHe : se:tl of the Tlilid Judlclal Dlf·

uict Court ol tlie' State of lft!W Mexico, this 17th day of Dt!Ctim·

I U."•:t. ~z. _ ~ ---- -- -1. G.1rt00~

District Court Cl&k.



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Page 12: archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/LINC… · By P~J1L lSAKER '1 1~.1 ~arrtzozo faces the future con \_fidently ·as the New-Year

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. . ·Fr~acry, Jimu~ 2. 1953 · MisceJianeo"$ Sorviees ·

Lincoln County News - · · · -- · . ..:_:. ~ . _ --------·--·--·-· .~u·W~y .Cleaners

1!!-r Sale I'J«;k·VP an11 J'eUvcrv "' . Ph9no 91 - C<itrlzozo --- .... _ ~----FOR SAI.T~ - I.nte model Nash

. ' t•

. L'r. nu na and loolts like , new. Low mll«'ngl'. Prl~ed below et>llln~. T(•rm11. W. tl. Baker, LJnruJn (illunty News, Carrl· tow. 11·21·2t



Sunday - Monday January 4·5


-ln- •

Precision Mcrchlno. Qu:lck Sar, 'flee, E. C. Dow, N.M. Phone 144W. ·

Chemists lls~ers ...... 1lb1J!l)!rl. ~Jtl~tatl!!J!___ _ __

p. o. Box 81 J El .,aso, Texas

Painting & Decorating All Work (iparantecd

PhoDI Ill or 1&0~1\. Hczrrt Morlll!ll

• '

211~ C:Oppu !f.W.

om~ :Phon. 2·~


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• ·. •VIIt 1!-•arnrl'!! . · i · · .,. ··· · ... 'J .. "".,.. ""'~·:u&··~-·u~·-· .7ri!.;~~~j;.\~-\t··~t·::I"\··t·

!lnd Mrs •. fo~d(lu~~;L::J~~~~~~WJ u1-,.. tb~ P.: .W. "d :P~ri~Xlts


,Mr. aml :Mrs. Walter J. Krohne ' and\•ciilldren of Ma.ttland,

.. •

lluc ~ em 'bln·a. ;. IDd ~·0 u ico cold.

• •• IOUIIO U'IDit J.UniOinY Of' a ~ ~JHt rr

t.4AOHOLlA COC4 CQI.A BOTTi..INCil C.OM .. A'NV 1100A COI.A •oiLD/lUI-Y.ANJHII Jl'iJ'~.· A1' BtiHl!f-·L l'tliC'

"Cll...,lt•na'trlwMn~~ • .,,, · C ln1. '1111 ~

ter, Joy, ~ere· with NOT£ TP COJUlEUOHDEHTS1 ter. tho.BUBter .Smoots and !!~::;.s. !o.r a cUnner.





PIRATE .. (Ter.bnlcolor)


vernon Mortlll and ntn White Tim nuotcr noont hom• 1n Hat11el" for CJtrlltmna; 'l'l.lt lftwM Cilt1a1o'wlti!i .. ·· rt• glrls of Carr.ttozo All .the '"h'-~- • tb'ft Mountain nnmblera wm ~~:~1~ {'-nfFI~ 'Wl:lG tlltHacen& ~ .of Mr.·•nd lCl'Ji 11'. H. Hall 'tlro · Mo~CIT' -cdtemou -ot cor• - Mr:-!fu'dMrs.: Ffojd, lmle ·· htwo tol..e~~d';;;t!~; of~~~ • the muulc ror a gala New C'hrl'ltmno Da9 rc·unlon dlnner now reJ.IdJn& In Albuquerque. respoDden~ from Ua.eota. POrt the day wltll. tho I>ownln&a · holldaya ,ttnd have dono loU. ot Eve dance nt the. country Club. tor many ot thcl~ relatives. W~re Chrlltmu 'd:ly vlsltorn nt StanCo~& 4~ Horl4o, ~\J;l·t<.<:~-.1 •be VOWntng :ranch.· vwttlng wJth eat:h ~llicr~ ·

Tllo ClultStmaa nlnht dance a l'rencnt were Mrs. May (lou I'll UU! tiomc of Mr. and Mrs. F. lL the pczpe, "~ ztii<Ul'f prlAte4 for Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson aUII l!1z. and Mrs. Charles J(.)nca en. the Club wae a great nucce!l!J. A ~r Nona I, w. G. Kelsey trom lfall Jr. malUng Tuti®J Zlll0tu11:)9, lt Watl three Utile dquahtm wczc out tertolr.cd a &roup or tbe nelgh~ larBO conncnlnl crowd was ln the 1\tcl(nlcht ranch ncar Capl• G1~1 at th~ :homo of Mr. and .not voaibltt>to bmac!lt Ult It~• from Roswell to •pencL tbo borlng·Tandltrs 'On -'l'Uesday-tot. CAHTOOJJ & HEWSJ\EEL . -


------- attendance ahd rho mUillc waTI lnn. l\lr11. Ghoul' nruf 1Jfr, Kel~ 1ifftJ. 'by'Provlnd W('r(f'l'ofril •. l'ro; tbll wHlc. 'PJtc~e amp.t oi.u daya with Mrs. .Wilson's par- thclr nrmuat &et•torcther. '11tcy d nrr thl" mother nnd unclc.of Mr. vine'• t.lther •M mather nmi her apologr, cnts, the Bob Lnfhams. have b~n dolng thts tor the lqt • •

Tues.· Wod.-Thurs . January 6·7·8


llLEX11.l 6MITH


r.oo · Doone, rcnpcctlvcly, two tt.tm an4 c. smnJJ nephew, Mr. arnt Mf& Charley Fran$ scvP.n ycara. 4 Lincoln County Men From Mrs. Doone'• aJde ot tho •

1!r:! ~~b~~~ ";!>:,~and'clrJo ENCINOSO NEWS or P!nc ~ had au of thclr Tho w. B. Paynes 11re ~ qn ramlly were her parent•l Mr. ana Wtfft' "'b .... ,""' ..... ··"!... th"o "'\rl .... mo" cliUdren home for Chrlstmns, CX· their rt~nch t() ~nd the winter. Employed at Oscura l\lro. Sam P111urd ot Tullll'OIA .,. 011d1~1"' .. ...:!' ... thclr ~sp~~'v: Sorry not to hnvc hnd the news cept one 110n who nves tn ~ They havo been llvtnt in bbi• nnd her daughter and fanUif• :!.ll~H'', ~lt"u "'"t"'~so'"n, "o"'~ .. t"t from out thls way Jn last week's Mr. a.nd Mrs. ChLlrles lonet. Jcnc, T~s. for the p,.&t few

Four Lincoln C.ounty rcohlcnta Mr. and Mrtl. Wm. Graham •rut ..., "' • ,.. , ~-- ,.M "'" paper, but rour reporter wu Patsy and Walter, and w. 1onM• years. • arc amonn the 21 ron . .rnruellon omnU tlaunuter, Gn)lc, or BIY•. me n. A1oi\J'.O V4&11, Teddy away. llopo everyone had as parents, the Walter B. JonM, all 'l'bo 1. o. Payn8 1\a\'e .t10ld ~ men l!mploycd prc:JcntiY at 0!1· ard, t1. M. fr~J.~n~n . .P<'Jo·~ .. f1ln11.;.cnr." G!ady nfce a ChrlstmaJ ns our fam went to Midland, T~ to their t~ncl\ to llllltft ett;ey, but cum Ranue l'amp, nlm• muc,~ '11u~lr con, Chades w. BooM, Do.. .r,o~n::. .... ~, ...... d"tnr. "'• ••. dld. . apend tho hoUdays wlth the wUl continue to llWJ on It t~


-U..wcat .ot.Ou:ura. T.hey nrr r, ~ · ww nlco preccnt. Utt b1 home ~tl ""• .. :•xMltv',_ ""'ct•.,,· 'w"''~ .... •f'o."b·•1,., 't'o' Mr. Md Mrs. Grady Eldrldg~, W. E.. Doo.llh& Uri. DooJln IS' th~ next }'eat'. · " < ~ - • ··1; v n o' c·~pltnn llCilV" N til .. ...,, .. n "· y, ....... .. " n 1"' ...... "n ...... _ Dill .,. .. ..,.... sl!ltcr ot Cbtrlet. "U'., ·--- .. ,_ ·~"'n .......... ~~~ .. .. THE TURNING .-crueruc • .. , • " !rave from tho ovy un .. an• spend Chrf-"mas wltb Ida tom· .:onn ""• ........ u um" .c.u.,... ~"'"" ....... =·- """ s-Ul~"'C' ...

. - \.'qulpmcnt opNator; Alex M. uary u. · tly. tie Ss 1!11 tJJ.n. t1'ew M"xl- and Willa all spent ClltlstlllU LltUc Carlton ntltton got out at'(t In~ for a whtlo Vr1tb i Smta and Arturo 7.nmorn ot l'nr• . " -... dny with the Lon 'Zltcrchants. or the hospital on the M:o~ay thb Bu!t~ Srnoo(J. , · 1

POINr' rltoro, trud~ drlvcrn; and John . -- · - : Wctt«!rrl'AI basketball cquod, r.'it. nnd r.tro. tUck Dilll spent before Chr.lstma.s. All of the Brit. tt'hought for the ~~ Watch . ' I s. Zamora of l"arrl~, lllumber. Whta. M .. ._1 GP .& whtcn b no-.v to\lflng tbc Wczt the boUdnyo with thclr dau"'•ltcz tons. \\"Ue mtahty alad he wuld those New Yt.af's tftblutlons -Plu1 CABTQOH


Friday - Saturday January 0·10




----·HoLD LINE"




. .


'fhc rt'mnlnlnu 11 worltt>ra nrc •• O·U,ww ft "" Coatt. . nilti fnmtl)', tho t-iutc Epp;: •t be ho.mo for all of tho tmlvl. make 11tem jUJt to be tnak• , 1 rrom otero county. El-ts NfW Officers A Uappy and PzosperoUJJ New Uca at thtl B!ock ranclt. them. Platl on d<llnl aomc: '

, , 1 "'~ Yt;ar to .an tb~ !'CtH!crtf .9t COnchns D~m· DdclUlkkrnalli 'l!bnut14-eJn 1h1Jc-.r;, 71:: · ~ 1 J«-hab!Jlliltlon "WOTt' dli~·· ~#l ~···· ·. -·;. · .;., ' C(hUnut, • J Do wt -•· 4• , ..... ln pronrcM on the barrnclto. Melvin Drodlcy of Jrondo wu oo n noma~ we:o guest!! Happy New Year to )'011 alJ. meC!J Jmll, nuxlllnry bulldln!!!l, U1c ludtY wlnMr o£ thtt beat hen11nrr syctem o.nd water oup· which wns ulvcn away at ply of the camp olncc Octollet. Jnnt OPA mectlng, held ln . /IN'flrtllng to <'.onniJ\It'Uon fo'of(" f <'('mher nt Capitan. · man Albert Ortega, of Alnmo· N(".v otflccra tor the comlng gordo, vrorlt ts mtpt'Ctt'tl to bn . ~t':lf wcro elect ttl at tbnt meet• ~mplctctl carl)' 1n January. Ina. Thc:;c ofUoora wUJ be ln· · ·Sm;l!I~J anployru wilt be stalled ln.Jonuney ........ ~ . tnlncd perillnnenUy tor main· G. W. Young ot CtlpltAn wu tcnancc of tho noniJc Cainp and tho now S.

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\ w~~ are thanktul to<~ st~rti,g ·.· . -.. anpther year in <KJr ~ommunity~

... -~~--·---~- ~-ahk1ng our .good friendl.

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