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Police and Firemen and Fed. eral Employes to Be Hosts on High School Grounds Fully Paid Circulation MISSING THE POINTE?' ** * READ. THE NEWS• CAll ,CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT , TU.2-6900 Metropolitan Club Staging , AnnualEvent ews , Entered as Second Class. Matter at the Post Office.at Detroit, Mich. .Point~s Administrator Allard Defends .Action Declar~d' Made Ne- cessary By ImpendingWideni'ng of Mack Avenue Despite the objections aired at'the Woods council meeting of August 7 by residents whose property is adjacent to the new city owned parking lot,' stretching one-half way between Anita and Hawthorne in the'rear of the Municipal ,building, the move is strongly defended by city:. officials. With the intention, expressed<!)~------------ by letter to City Administrator SC' hO'olBoard Philip F. Allard, of the Wayne County Road Commission to ex- tend the widenin:g of Mack ave- S' Z- .t· nue. affecting the westerly pave- . OlCl lng ment, the -city felt obligated to provide a parking area for the L -b 'ry B-d convenie1jlce of those transacting ".ra l S business in the municipal of. fices. Adjacent ~ropel''ty Owners Object to Woods Parking Lot " CQverage of All the GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, AUGUSt- 16. 1951 ", 5a Per COpy $3.00Per Ye~f Complete' News ., Bus Service to Woods Park Provided by Kiwanis Club !' , . - -;-~---- •• -~- __--..--_oq__ 4""' , 4$111!1_ --.-.:I ;,. ----------.~ '~ .. '7\~:;= --.- $ ----.4-- ..S.4_ ..__..S~,--.--- - #.6 S.,;.. A.I2I!I I[IIII~.II£S I1!2•• __ !,~I!III': . .. .. . ,. . of the WEEK As Compiled by the Grf1sse Pointe, News Home of 99 Kerchllval 1'v.. 2-8900 VOLUME 12-NO. 33 HEABLINES Thursday, August 9 LETTER from the DSR Com- mission to the State Labor M,e- diation Board states that the D5R will not arbitrate wage dispute issues I until the State Supreme Court renders a decision on tht' constitutionality of the HutCh. inson Act. The court ruling is ex- pected next month. Circuit Judge Ira W. Jayne found Hutchinson Act constitutional but not ap- plicable to the recent 59-day transit strike. WOMAN CLERK ATTACKED and robbed yesterday in a Hud- son Cleaners branch at 10016 W. Seven Mile, Yesterday marked the third straight day cleaning shops have fallen prey to robber. ies. The armed bandit took $45 from a cash drawer. The attempt. ed holdup of another shop yes. terday was thwarted by a keen. minded clerk. .. .. .. Friday. Augqst 10 THE HOUSE has refused to place a si~-division limit on the number of troops whjch can be sent to Europe. Vote is 131-84. Rejects amendment to appropria. tions bill of 56 billions that would, have cut off financing for more men than six divisions. Preparations are being made for the attendance of 5,000- 6,000 Pointe youngsters, seven ~hrough 17, at the Metropoli- tan ,Club sponsored,Field Day to be staged this coming Sat- urday on the grounds of Grosse Pointe High School. The fun is to begin at 11 a.m. To Compete for Pr~es There will be 20 competitive events with. first and second prizes to be. awarded winners in each division, revealed Jack Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten bicycles, one tricycle, five action rods and t'f0 wrist watches, Ground To Be' Broken. For The smaller children :will thrill Will Cut Parking Space N~w Fe~ry-'Sales Structure to the antics of the thtee clowns This widening, which the let. b and all will enjoy the ice cream ter states will extend from the By Septem el' 26 ,and coke provided by the hosts. Wayne County-Macomb County , ~ The Detroit Edison Company has line to Van Antwerp, will pre- Bids for the new Ferry-Sales \iVolunteered its caliope to fur. vent the angle parkingwhich.,has Central" Lrbrar~ are being, ther . entertain the Metropolitan been l"lermitted in front of the 1"'t 'd. d 'II b 'd J Club s guests. municipal building and the sl? ICI e an, WI e opene I Admittance is Free police st~tion, After the widen- on September 10, it was an-I The presentation of a Pojnte ing project has been, completed; nounced this week. Ground for park, pass' is the only ,admitta;nce it is likely parallel parking will ! reqUlrement. The Metropohtan be permitted, but this will cut the new structure ~o be 10- I Club, which conducts a year in half the .number of vehicles, cated at Kercheval and Fisher I around recreation ~rogr~m for, that can be accommodated. will be broken not later than th~ Y.Cluthof. the Pomte, .1S c?m- JAPAN'S "FBI" CHIEF tells a Another reason offered by Mr. \ pnset', ~f Pomte firemen, police- Ccngrestional committee that Allard in support of the new September 2?. . ..' men~nd fe~eral employes such Russia knew of Japan's plan to parking lot, is the fact that City Approval Given as hiall carners. , attack Pearl Harbor two months employes' c~rs can be parked ' I This event has been appn)ved before the attack. in the rear, permitting the use Goverl1Jllent apprli val to go by Dr. T. S. Davies, Grosse .. .. of front space for residents 'pay- ahead with,the library building: Pointe. Health Commissioner. RED PLEDGE that neutrality ing ~'ater. bills, taxes, securing was received on July 26., Under 1\ "-'----- will be respected in truce zone in permIts, etc.:' the. t(i!rms of. the permit, ground', .W',O' ods''Solons Korea brings about resumption of Bought for $1900 .' must be broken. within 60 days .. . . . , " cease-fire talks .. after fiv~ day . The_J~t.;;~i!.If,?1te.ct.o ..nJlle,~nortliIOf the tinie. th 7 apprdvaJis H ...". ";.,8 .. t.... - .... halt;' Gen~ral-Ridgway gi.ves go 'side of, An.ita'west. ,o."fthe ,alley,: grManted ..'1' B' . f' .d h'" ,ear, orm ahead signal after reading the "" ,",''':: '-'i," ',' '",,7;" ., .. .... arce' reuer,. ame arc 1- .. "1' . , .', _, grudging acquiescence to the firm This passer\'ger bus. was presente'drto the City',o{Gfosse Pointe Woods by the. Gr,()sse .'Pointe KiwanisrCLub on was, pl,lrc1l~S~d; about a ,month tect from'New York who de~ Of Pt .. t guarantees he demanded. Friday, August 10. Funds for its' purchase'were raised ~t, t~e club's Fourth, of July fireworks show. Pictured left to ago by the city/fr?m the owner signedtpe' building, has been in '. .. ro es "'1 K' ' Cl b 'd WERNER VON ALLMEN K' . t for $1900. Deemmg the need the Pointe again to discuss the' , , ,. •• right: ARNQLD DIESING, Woods counCI man and lwanis u. preSI ent; . : , lwams rea- to be great, preparation of the project with the school autbori- •, E .' . Saturday, August 11 surer; PHILIP F. ALLARD, Woods city acj.~inistrator; JOHN FRITZE,'Kiwanis first vice-president; arid REX JOHNS- lot' wa5 begun immediately. ties. He. reporjs that the working I ReSIdents D nd ActIon to REDS. WHO REMAIN ADA- TON; Kiwanis secretary" :-Stale PhotograP!lic Weeas and undergrowth were plans are virtually completed, I. Halt Floo 'd Basements MANT on demand for a 38th -------------~, ~ removed and a stone base was _ ,. Parallel truce line. accused of W. d' Wh K. e CI b P B',M k S laid, - over which a fine' stone To Race Weather, DurIng Heavy Rarns , bad faith in truce talks by Vice In JpS 'I IWanlS u resents us a e ,...urv,ey topping was added. This surface With the ground breaking , Admiral. Charles Joy, chief UN I II. l..: '. th II d d '1. d to I A t f pot e.s twas conference delegate, Told top Y 'A 1 T T ' t W d Ked was en ro. e an .. 01 e schedu~ed .for September 26 at S orm 0 r , Red ne.gotiatol', Ge:1. Nam II, oung ng er I 0 ranspo'r 00 S 1S: O.f Ava,,-lab.le. keep the dust to a mmlmum., the latest. it is hoped t.hat most Ileveled~at the Woods counCIl - The city placed a honeysuckle, " . meeting of August 7 by resi- "You dId not come here to stop " hedge on the edo'e of the lot of the masonry work WIll be I d h b. .' t I L k T dF Lk f t P k Cl . " '" , ,, . ents w ose asemen s were the fighting-but to sell tho:! nto ae 0 an rom' a' e ron ar' . assrooms facmg AnIta'm aI'). attempt to completed before cold weather. fl d d d' th .' Korean people temporary respite adhere to the residential char- No estimate has been made of 00 e ~rmg, e severe ram from pain," A Sunday conference ~ P acter of the area. ,This hedge the total time it will take to storm which struck. Satur~ay, session scheduled. Negotia~ions I C' C' -'1- Ch Mothers Accompanying Their ChiidisnWiII Also Be Add,'t',on to New Kerby will be replaced by, a 'more complete the structure. July 21, and contmued mto appear on brink of collapse, Ity ounci man ester , ,permanent one and the city plans Dimensions of the ,building are Sunday morning. " .. I Carpenter Helps Get Young- Welcome; Beach Passes W.i11 School Wiil Not Be Ready to sod, this portion faciI)g Anita, 157, by 70 feet, It will front on City Engineer Edwin H, Pate, FATHER OF LYLE ,GROVES, star Back on Dry Land Serve As Tickets For Opening of Fall Term. Mr. Allard stated. Kercheval avenue. with entrance explained the present sewage JR., 28-year-old ex-convICt sought ------- Contract Has Been Let' . tci,a rear p~rking lot ~Ol' 18 cars I ~~stem and c~mmented ~hat tI:e for dry cleaning shop holdups The passengel\bus presented the City of Grosse Pointe No portion of the New The letter from the Wayne bemg p~'ovlded. off FlSher .road. , t~ty was not. In a. finanCIal POS1~ and assault of women clerks. re- The young fisherman pulled Woods by the. Gr'oss.e .Po'inte KJ',wanis Club .. on' Friday, August The mam readmg room wlll 'be hon to permIt costly flood reme~ ' Kerby School addition will be County Road Commission states .. .... eal.. son's true nature. Groves' from Lake St. Clair on Frid. ay, 110,.Will carry its first young ch,arges to the lakefront park on that the contract has been let 90 by 43 feet. dIes. father said, "He has caused me A 10 d d FdA 17 <!; I ready for the opening of the d Builders Rapped trouble since he was able to ugust. ,was wet an wm. 1'1 ay, ugust'. i' <' fall term, ,it was disclosed this for the grading, pavement an Of Modern Design The obligation of builders to toddle." Father told of son com. ed, but still game, Chester F. Those wi$hing transpo!ti'ltion are as follows: Mack at Bourne- week. The Board of Education. drainage construc~io~. of Mack. The library is of very modern th I T' The da,te of. completlOn for ,the desl'gn' wl'tll a great expanse of acquaint buyers with e pre~ in£! home from Sunday school, Car pen t e r, City of Grn.C'se Ito the park ,on the b.us..,.n'e, ed ..'.,onl y 'mouth, Cook road, 'orrey roa,d l'S no\;' n1akl'ng a SUr\Tey to de 1 l' 'lOng sewage con d l' ti 0 11 was ~. V'O 'v.' work, m~ludIn~ a. fina c eanmg'glass (one side of the two story vall as a small child. with the day's Pointe councilman one of his I 'present theIr Woods. park. pass. apd Oxfor~ r,oad; Hampton at termine just how many rooms has been determIned as on or reading room).' fronting o~ stressed at the meeting. One resi. collection. He served' several 'd' ! Mothers who wish to accompany Goethe, Marter and W. stre~t;will be available in the, new before November 15, 1951. . I h . .t' dent, the purchaser of a new prison term.:; for stealing cars. reMscuerCs. sal t" .1 I their, children will be welcome .. Howard Jo h n son s; Parcells b 'ldi . d t uc Disappointment wa's expressed K~l"Che.va, T. e masonry ?o! loon home for which he paid $28,000, Fiancee and grandmother de- r, arpen er s al( was e~- 'TO "J.. I. '.d V. Ul ngs now un er carts r. - by Mr. Allard, for the manner WIll b,e red bnck to b~end m WIth reported $1,000 damage d'le to a , scribe him as meek and agree- listed by the entreaties' pf a com- ..he bus. WIll accommodate 40 School, (Mack an. ermer).; tion, for the opening, early' in which the' new parking lot the hIgh school arclllt,eeture. flooded basement. able, panion, who. stopped him as he passengers. Municipal Building; Community next month. These findings has been 'received. It was the The ne\y cen~ral ltbrary has \ This irate citizezn stated he .. .. .. was driving west Qn Lake Shore Maintained: by City Club. are expected to be released city's Vitention to provide the b~en made pOSSIble t~roUgh the f would gladly have spent an ad. Sunday, August 12 road, bound for his downtown , . Subject to Revision next week. lot for the convenience of its gIft of ~exter M. Ferry. Jr.? ert'tional sum for a sump-pump AGREEMENT IN 61-DAY-OLD' office. He was hailed between A Woods pubhc wor~s depar,t- The schedule as' listE,d will be It is the expectation that prob- public. Mr. Allard said the lot East Jefferson avenue. He wl~l equipped with a safety valve, had dispute reached by Hudson Mo- Moran road and St. Paul's m~n~ employe, expenenc.ed \ In subject to revision to meet ably half of the new rooms in was previously used for 'parking pay dfor the f ' st.rh~cthU!l'e, the t best!- he oflly been aware of the need .. tor Cal' Co, and UAW-CIO last Church. dnv10g t~ucks .and buses, w~ll changes in requirements, Philip the Parcells Junior High School by citizens. . Idr:atel cdost0 w lC las no een Another, suggestion submitted night, Workers to vote on ac- ' Enlists More Help operat~ tht,s vehIcle. The ):lus WIll F. Allard, city administrator addition. and in the new Mon- Council Studies Matter ISCose . was that building contractors be ceptance at mass meeting sched- Mr. Carp:nter flagged down b~11mablhtahmedd by " the th .CIty banl. d state'd, '. teith and Poupard Schools will The council is currently study- To Sell Sales Home compelled by a city ordinance to 1 f M d Th d.i ' . WI e ouse 1o. epu IC . , I - 1 h u ed or on ay. e saglee- another matonst and the two men k . '1 :t"'d' V. The bus was purchased by the be ,ready for use. , I ing the matter and will SUbl!llt The residence of the late Mur- instal, a, baCK water va ve, w en ment had, been called ,a lockout rushed to the aid of the boy wo~ s ga;age oca - mermer Kiwanis Club from the Lake .WheI').work w~~ sta~ted on the its findings at, the nex~ 'meetmg ray Sales,. at East Jefferson and a hom~ IS under constructIon. bv the UnIon and a stnke by the whose hold on the breakwater roa . Shore Coach Lines with funds ne~ Kerby addltJon, It was ex- of the counCIl, Tuesday,' Aug- Lincoln road, which was given The madequacy, of the cul,:"erts c~:npany. Hudson recently award- wall was slipping. It was not ne. The Schedule raised at' the club's Fourth of pected, this would pl:obably be. the ust 21. to the Board of Education before ber:eath the Vermel;" :t:oa~ brIdge, eel a n~mber of de~ense contracts, cessary, as Mli. Carp~nterhad, en- The free bus :service , to the July firewQrks show. t. , first project completed. Vanous The objectors were represent- Mr Sales' death' will be sold and WhICh covers the MIlk RIver, was accordmg to Washmgton sources. visioned, to take a plunge mto lakeffont park will be availaBle The Kiwanis Club which con- de~ays have been ~xperienc~d, ed at the meeting. on ~ugust 7 the' proceeds wih be used to buy bla??"ed by City Administrator " lo' the lake, to effEct the.rescue, daily, except Sunday. The sched- ducts a year. around. program. of chIef among t~em b~mg the ~lf- by attorney Carl Schwelkart. A furnishings and equipment for Phlllp F. All<3:r~for 50 percent of., TODAY'S KOREAN SESSION The boy. judged. by Mr. Car- ule starting Augt,lst 17, will pro- philanthropy. works with und'er- ficulty in gettmg bnc~ l!,,-yers., (Continued on Page 2) the new building, the storm dllIlC17lty, He stated fea~ed to be last with negotiators penter to be about 13-year-old, vide service at m a.m" 12, noon, privileged c1).ildren, maintains a ,It was stated, the bUIldmg WIll . that the State HIghway Depart. still deadlocked on armistice line (Continued on Page 2) '2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Pick:upstations scholarship fund, has an Ann Ar- probably be finished by Novem- ment will begin work on a new issue. While the UN negotiators bor hospital project and wOJ;'ks ber'l.All kinderg~rteJl,.first and .Two A'dd.z-t;onaZ PO.Z'l-O .rt ases bridge very soon. have' been willing to bargain on . with Pointe scout troops, sponsor- second grade' pupIls WIll go to II \j To Throttle Basins the placement of the buffer zone, Commun;ty Clu.b.,'s Gr. OW ,'t,h, ing Sea Scout .Ship 690. ' ' old I,<erby School in September. d 'H Zth. B d The council is considering a Reds have remained immovable II The!.. will be moved~o ~he ne'.'/' Reporte to. ea . oar plan to choke off catch basins in On insistence that it be placed Ma' kes Add. l-tl'on. 1uecessa.ry' ,. ----- , aGdltton as soon as It IS com. . an effort to cut down the flow of along the 38th Parallel. Only 1" R' R' e ng pleted. ' '. ------- ,. h water from the streets, Mr. A1~ hopeful sign is that neither side- accoon nnnl Last year all fourth: fifth and. Two more polio cases were. reo were report~d, 10 July, and t e lard said. The flood will remain appears desirous of making the -------, . ... weld · ' F sixth -grade pupils were at New ported . by the ;c;ross~ Pomte other t?ree m August, the latest on the streets somewhat longer, actual break in negot4ations. WIth Aware of the ~l'ge~t n~ed for I s~ers, splllmg the actIVIties out- 1 .In, arms Kerby. By utilizing general pur- Health Department ,thIS week, od'e; b",mg reported on August 9. b t thO r" '11 prevent the break would likel~ come ~he recreational serVIces m tne fast side on the playground. . pose rOOlTIS', -it is going to: be bringing .the ;total nun;ber, of Flgures released by th,e ~tate m~in Sl:W~~SI~~O;Ib~coming del- bloodiest phase of ~he Korean I gro\dng city of Grosse Pointe unMabr1'eOtoskpinro~al'~~~ ~~i~l,Sthl'easllfboer 'Anxious to alert Pointers \"ho possible to start the third grade cases so far th~syear to ~lxt.Flvde DthePtartthmendt .. of H~alth mdlcate uged it was stated. \Var t date I' ," . '1 pu .1;.. .. 'th "1 f f 'of them are mthe Pom e an a e lsease IS more prev_ ,.. d '.' 0" '.. ... . Woods and neighboring areas, this large membership in the pnze' theIr gardens. hI g h Y'l pl..., me. ongma, por Ion 0 on~ in Gratiot Township,; alent tliis yea:-' than last. .The The arouse Clt.lze:r:ry rep.re- "Ionda' y, Augu ..t 13 I the Boar,d of Di.rectors, of the w.inter months when cold :wea;. Charles Patton, LakeShore Coach ~ew Kerby 10 September. . Dr Thomas S Davies,' health figures cover up to and includ- se1?'ted d atd the dcounf cli me.etinalg 10" th k 't' 'bl. t .., ------., ,' , '.' th " A t3 VOlce a eman or some re ATTACKER of Joseph A. i Commumty Club IS makmg plans .er ma es 1 ~mpossl e o meet Lmes dnver, reported a raccoon comml.sslOn~r, sald d none. ,o~ .the mgs Ufg~Sth'S' th r have action on this issue. ' 1d dd't' I th out-of-doors. Community. interest in. the" Farms area on Tuesday, BUIelde'r.' R.eport. s. case.s IS. serIOUSan none 01" e. 0 .a! 1 year ee . Grimshaw, 56, of Keego Harbor. i to bui a IlOna rooms on .e l'n thl'S recreational' servl'c.e has ff b t ~a1 f 279 ca es t _ ' August 14. ., victims is expected to su ,er any ~e~ a OL .? s repor- believed to be Lyle Grov~s,Jr.~ present. small structure at 20883 already grown beyond our ~bility Mr. Patton sighted the raccoon $.400La''rceny permanent paralys~s," er. m the entire state, con:par<;q Custom Shirts ~ought by police for dry clean- Mack Avenue, Mervyn Gaskin, to meet it, and we are desperate- at Fisher 'and Kercheval while Three of thePomte cases are to 224 for the same p,enod m mg shop holdups a~d assault of r~sident of the Soard of Direc- ly in need, of adequate "building on his bus route. When he reach- in the' Park .ind the, o~her t~o 1950 Cl:ndonly 86 cases .m 1949. Now Clothe' Thief \~'o~~n clerks, Gnmshaw, ~as fors, and Leon Ratcliffe, build- facilities.' The Commuruty Club ed Grosse Pointe Woods, he in- E. B. Shinn, of 1680 Roslyn" the in the Woods. Th~e stnekenm. Durmg the week endmg Aug- 1 elL \ ed of ~ wallet contammg. , ommittee chairman, an. is a Red Feather agenGY." formed Woods police who said carpenter' contractor of several elude a woman 30 years old, a ust 3 ~here ,were 73 cases re- "' . ~10h~fter ~elm g t SLhoftt band dbo.unda:;:unc~d this week. Families in the area are invitedU1E!y would refer tlfe report to houses . under construction in man ,24, a 15-y.ear-old boy, ,a ported. 10 the. state a~ compared Eight ,custom made shirts valu~ y IS assaI an. e oun m During the progl'am year just to share in the efforts now' being Farms police,'" Jefferson avenue between . St. seven year. old gIrl and two ,five to 41 10 J9,50 and ,27 In 1949. , ed at $120 were reported by lonely Oakland. County field'l past, 351 individuals participated made to increase" building .:facili- The raccoon, which Mr. Pat- Clair and Notre Dame, .r,epqrted year old gIrls. Dr. t1?aVle t s h state~ thl~bt on h.lS Mrs. George. A. McDowell," of Gn,mshaw fre~d ~lmself and was in club activities in the center, to ties, and may indicate their'de- ton saw run along the high the larceny cif material from ill Upto,.the'same time last yearsugge~ lon e mam 1 rary 10 1019 Bedford, on. Wednesday. asslsted by pIcnickers. make a total attendance of over sire, by telephoning., either the sCQool fence, was also seen in the froh! df one of the houses. . I there had been five lases report- th~ Pierce Sc~ool I:as purc~ase,d AuguSt 8.. as stolen from her ~al" $ •• , 17000 for the year. One hundred Community Club, .TUxedo 1-7910 backyard of the Robert Hannah A 1000"'watt' portapl'epower ed. in the. same area. The to~al a ~ook. on,; mfantI~e paralYSIS f:{~~d~;~dk~he Kroger parkmg AUTO I.NDUS~R~ outcl1stances I and eightee'o boys and girls V!.eTe I during the' mornmg. ~ours, or residence at 41 R dn 'Ie, plant, laO-feet of .electric cable number of cases for the enttre WhIch IS,wI.tten. fol'. the ,layman ~1l other mdustrles in pl'?fit per-I enrolled in the summ~l' day Ithe home of Mr. Ratdlffe, TUx. Unless this racc~on %a~~~ him- and a three-gallon can of gasoline season.of 1~50was 32, with one and 'Whl~h he. re~omn:en,~s!Q sh~[;'a~C~t~~~er~~~ ~01~~: :~d "entage from .1940 to 1900. Fed- \ camp program. The. one-room l edo .2-4566. any. afternoon.?r self scarce, his days are number- were taken. The articles are val.. death resultmg. ,, the public .. T~~, tItle IS Pollo (Continued on Page 11) I structure overflowed WIth young- evenmg. . ed. . ued at $ ~:JO. Three of the SIX loea: cases and Its Affects, are monogral11ed~ rt
Page 1: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten

Police and Firemen and Fed.eral Employes to Be Hostson High School Grounds

Fully Paid Circulation




, TU.2-6900

MetropolitanClub Staging

, AnnualEvent

ews, Entered as Second Class. Matterat the Post Office.at Detroit, Mich.


Administrator Allard Defends .Action Declar~d' Made Ne-cessary By ImpendingWideni'ng of Mack Avenue

Despite the objections aired at'the Woods council meetingof August 7 by residents whose property is adjacent to thenew city owned parking lot,' stretching one-half way betweenAnita and Hawthorne in the'rear of the Municipal ,building,the move is strongly defended by city:. officials.

With the intention, expressed<!)~------------

by letter to City Administrator SC' hO'olBoardPhilip F. Allard, of the WayneCounty Road Commission to ex-tend the widenin:g of Mack ave- S' Z- .t ·nue. affecting the westerly pave- . OlCl lngment, the -city felt obligated toprovide a parking area for the L -b 'ry B-dconvenie1jlce of those transacting ".ra l Sbusiness in the municipal of.fices.

Adjacent ~ropel''tyOwners Object toWoods Parking Lot


CQverage of All theGROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, AUGUSt- 16. 1951


5a Per COpy$3.00Per Ye~f

Complete' News


Bus Service to Woods Park Provided by Kiwanis Club!'

, .

- -;-~---- ••-~- __--..--_oq__ 4""' , 4$111!1_ --.-.:I ;,. ----------.~ '~..'7\~:;= --.- $ ----.4-- ..S.4_.. __ ..S~,--.--- - #.6 S.,;..A.I2I!I I[IIII~.II£S I1!2•• __!,~I!III':f

. .. ..

. ,. .

of the

WEEKAs Compiled by theGrf1sse Pointe, News

Home of

99 Kerchllval 1'v.. 2-8900

VOLUME 12-NO. 33


Thursday, August 9LETTER from the DSR Com-

mission to the State Labor M,e-diation Board states that the D5Rwill not arbitrate wage disputeissues I until the State SupremeCourt renders a decision on tht'constitutionality of the HutCh.inson Act. The court ruling is ex-pected next month. Circuit JudgeIra W. Jayne found HutchinsonAct constitutional but not ap-plicable to the recent 59-daytransit strike.

WOMAN CLERK ATTACKEDand robbed yesterday in a Hud-son Cleaners branch at 10016 W.Seven Mile, Yesterday markedthe third straight day cleaningshops have fallen prey to robber.ies. The armed bandit took $45from a cash drawer. The attempt.ed holdup of another shop yes.terday was thwarted by a keen.minded clerk. .. .. ..

Friday. Augqst 10THE HOUSE has refused to

place a si~-division limit on thenumber of troops whjch can besent to Europe. Vote is 131-84.Rejects amendment to appropria.tions bill of 56 billions that would,have cut off financing for moremen than six divisions.

Preparations are being madefor the attendance of 5,000-6,000 Pointe youngsters, seven~hrough 17, at the Metropoli-tan ,Club sponsored,Field Dayto be staged this coming Sat-urday on the grounds ofGrosse Pointe High School.The fun is to begin at 11 a.m.

To Compete for Pr~esThere will be 20 competitive

events with. first and secondprizes to be. awarded winnersin each division, revealed JackBar net t, general chairman,Among the 'many prizes will beten bicycles, one tricycle, fiveaction rods and t'f0 wristwatches,

Ground To Be' Broken. For The smaller children :will thrillWill Cut Parking Space N~w Fe~ry-'Sales Structure to the antics of the thtee clowns

This widening, which the let. b and all will enjoy the ice creamter states will extend from the By Septem el' 26 ,and coke provided by the hosts.Wayne County-Macomb County , ~ The Detroit Edison Company hasline to Van Antwerp, will pre- Bids for the new Ferry-Sales \iVolunteered its caliope to fur.vent the angle parkingwhich.,has Central" Lrbrar~ are being, ther . entertain the Metropolitanbeen l"lermitted in front of the 1"'t 'd. d 'II b ' d J Club s guests.municipal building and the sl? ICI e an, WI e opene I Admittance is Freepolice st~tion, After the widen- on September 10, it was an-I The presentation of a Pojnteing project has been, completed; nounced this week. Ground for park, pass' is the only ,admitta;nceit is likely parallel parking will ! reqUlrement. The Metropohtanbe permitted, but this will cut the new structure ~o be 10- I Club, which conducts a yearin half the .number of vehicles, cated at Kercheval and Fisher I around recreation ~rogr~m for,that can be accommodated. will be broken not later than th~ Y.Cluthof. the Pomte, .1S c?m-

JAPAN'S "FBI" CHIEF tells a Another reason offered by Mr. \ pnset', ~f Pomte firemen, police-Ccngrestional committee that Allard in support of the new September 2?. . ..' men~nd fe~eral employes suchRussia knew of Japan's plan to parking lot, is the fact that City Approval Given as hiall carners. ,attack Pearl Harbor two months employes' c~rs can be parked ' I This event has been appn)vedbefore the attack. in the rear, permitting the use Goverl1Jllent apprlival to go by Dr. T. S. Davies, Grosse

.. • .. of front space for residents 'pay- ahead with,the library building: Pointe. Health Commissioner.RED PLEDGE that neutrality ing ~'ater. bills, taxes, securing was received on July 26., Under 1\ "-'-----

will be respected in truce zone in permIts, etc.:' the. t(i!rms of. the permit, ground', .W',O' ods''SolonsKorea brings about resumption of Bought for $1900 .' must be broken. within 60 days .. . . . , "cease-fire talks .. after fiv~ day . The_J~t.;;~i!.If,?1te.ct.o..nJlle,~nortliIOf the tinie. th7 apprdvaJis H...". ";.,8..t.... -....halt;' Gen~ral-Ridgway gi.ves go 'side of, An.ita'west. ,o."fthe ,alley,: grManted..'1' B' . f' .d h'" ,ear, ormahead signal after reading the "" ,",''':: '-'i," ',' '",,7;" ., . . .... arce' reuer,. ame arc 1- .. "1' . , .', _ ,grudging acquiescence to the firm This passer\'ger bus. was presente'drto the City',o{Gfosse Pointe Woods by the. Gr,()sse .'Pointe KiwanisrCLub on was, pl,lrc1l~S~d; about a ,month tect from'New York who de~ Of Pt ..tguarantees he demanded. Friday, August 10. Funds for its' purchase'were raised ~t, t~e club's Fourth, of July fireworks show. Pictured left to ago by the city/fr?m the owner signedtpe' building, has been in '. .. ro es

"'1 K' ' Cl b 'd WERNER VON ALLMEN K' . t for $1900. Deemmg the need the Pointe again to discuss the' , ,,. •• right: ARNQLD DIESING, Woods counCI man and lwanis u. preSI ent; . : , lwams rea- to be great, preparation of the project with the school autbori- • , E .'. Saturday, August 11 surer; PHILIP F. ALLARD, Woods city acj.~inistrator; JOHN FRITZE,'Kiwanis first vice-president; arid REX JOHNS- lot' wa5 begun immediately. ties. He. reporjs that the working I ReSIdents D nd ActIon to

REDS. WHO REMAIN ADA- TON; Kiwanis secretary" :-Stale PhotograP!lic Weeas and undergrowth were plans are virtually completed, I. Halt Floo 'd BasementsMANT on demand for a 38th -------------~, ~ removed and a stone base was _ ,.Parallel truce line. accused of W. d' Wh · K. e CI b P B ' , M k S laid, - over which a fine' stone To Race Weather, DurIng Heavy Rarns ,bad faith in truce talks by Vice In JpS 'I IWanlS u resents us a e ,...urv,ey topping was added. This surface With the ground breaking ,Admiral. Charles Joy, chief UN I II. l..: '. th II d d '1. d to I A t f pot e.s twasconference delegate, Told top Y 'A 1 T T ' t W d Ked was en ro. e an .. 01 e schedu~ed .for September 26 at S orm 0 r ,Red ne.gotiatol', Ge:1. Nam II, oung ng er I 0 ranspo'r 00 S 1 S : O.f Ava,,-lab.le. keep the dust to a mmlmum., the latest. it is hoped t.hat most Ileveled~at the Woods counCIl

- The city placed a honeysuckle, " . meeting of August 7 by resi-"You dId not come here to stop " hedge on the edo'e of the lot of the masonry work WIll be I d h b. .' t

I L k T d F L k f t P k Cl . " '" , , , . ents w ose asemen s werethe fighting-but to sell tho:! nto a e 0 an rom' a' e ron ar' . assrooms facmg AnIta'm aI'). attempt to completed before cold weather. fl d d d' th .'Korean people temporary respite adhere to the residential char- No estimate has been made of 00 e ~rmg, e severe ramfrom pain," A Sunday conference ~ P acter of the area. ,This hedge the total time it will take to storm which struck. Satur~ay,session scheduled. Negotia~ions IC' C' -'1- Ch Mothers Accompanying Their ChiidisnWiII Also Be Add,'t',on to New Kerby will be replaced by, a 'more complete the structure. July 21, and contmued mtoappear on brink of collapse, Ity ounci man ester , ,permanent one and the city plans Dimensions of the ,building are Sunday morning.

" • .. I Carpenter Helps Get Young- Welcome; Beach Passes W.i11 School Wiil Not Be Ready to sod, this portion faciI)g Anita, 157, by 70 feet, It will front on City Engineer Edwin H, Pate,FATHER OF LYLE ,GROVES, star Back on Dry Land Serve As Tickets For Opening of Fall Term. Mr. Allard stated. Kercheval avenue. with entrance explained the present sewage

JR., 28-year-old ex-convICt sought ------- Contract Has Been Let' . tci,a rear p~rking lot ~Ol' 18 cars I ~~stem and c~mmented ~hat tI:efor dry cleaning shop holdups The passengel\bus presented the City of Grosse Pointe No portion of the New The letter from the Wayne bemg p~'ovlded. off FlSher .road. , t~ty was not. In a. finanCIal POS1~and assault of women clerks. re- The young fisherman pulled Woods by the. Gr'oss.e .Po'inte KJ',wanis Club ..on' Friday, August The mam readmg room wlll 'be hon to permIt costly flood reme~

' Kerby School addition will be County Road Commission states . .....eal .. son's true nature. Groves' from Lake St. Clair on Frid. ay, 110,.Will carry its first young ch,arges to the lakefront park on that the contract has been let 90 by 43 feet. dIes.father said, "He has caused me A 10 d d FdA 17 <!; I ready for the opening of the d Builders Rappedtrouble since he was able to ugust. ,was wet an wm. 1'1 ay, ugust'. i' <' fall term, ,it was disclosed this for the grading, pavement an Of Modern Design The obligation of builders totoddle." Father told of son com. ed, but still game, Chester F. Those wi$hing transpo!ti'ltion are as follows: Mack at Bourne- week. The Board of Education. drainage construc~io~. of Mack. The library is of very modern th

I T' The da,te of. completlOn for ,the desl'gn' wl'tll a great expanse of acquaint buyers with e pre~in£! home from Sunday school, Car pen t e r, City of Grn.C'se I to the park ,on the b.us..,.n'e,ed.. '.,only 'mouth, Cook road, 'orrey roa,d l'S no\;' n1akl'ng a SUr\Tey to de 1 l' 'lOng sewage con d l'ti 0 11 was~. V'O 'v.' work, m~ludIn~ a. fina c eanmg'glass (one side of the two story vallas a small child. with the day's Pointe councilman one of his I 'present theIr Woods. park. pass. apd Oxfor~ r,oad; Hampton at termine just how many rooms has been determIned as on or reading room).' fronting o~ stressed at the meeting. One resi.

collection. He served' several 'd' ! Mothers who wish to accompany Goethe, Marter and W. stre~t;will be available in the, new before November 15, 1951. . I h . .t' dent, the purchaser of a newprison term.:; for stealing cars. reMscuerCs. sal t" . 1 I their, children will be welcome .. Howard Jo h n son s; Parcells b 'ldi . d t uc Disappointment wa's expressed K~l"Che.va, T. e masonry ?o! loon home for which he paid $28,000,Fiancee and grandmother de- r, arpen er s al( was e~- 'TO "J.. I. '.d V. Ul ngs now un er carts r. - by Mr. Allard, for the manner WIll b,e red bnck to b~end m WIth reported $1,000 damage d'le to a

, scribe him as meek and agree- listed by the entreaties' pf a com- ..he bus. WIll accommodate 40 School, (Mack an. ermer).; tion, for the opening, early' in which the' new parking lot the hIgh school arclllt,eeture. flooded basement.able, panion, who. stopped him as he passengers. Municipal Building; Community next month. These findings has been 'received. It was the The ne\y cen~ral ltbrary has \ This irate citizezn stated he

.. .. .. was driving west Qn Lake Shore Maintained: by City Club. are expected to be released city's Vitention to provide the b~en made pOSSIble t~roUgh thef

would gladly have spent an ad.Sunday, August 12 road, bound for his downtown , . Subject to Revision next week. lot for the convenience of its gIft of ~exter M. Ferry. Jr.? ert'tional sum for a sump-pump

AGREEMENT IN 61-DAY-OLD' office. He was hailed between A Woods pubhc wor~s depar,t- The schedule as' listE,d will be It is the expectation that prob- public. Mr. Allard said the lot East Jefferson avenue. He wl~l equipped with a safety valve, haddispute reached by Hudson Mo- Moran road and St. Paul's m~n~ employe, expenenc.ed \ In subject to revision to meet ably half of the new rooms in was previously used for 'parking pay dfor the

f' st.rh~cthU!l'e,the

tbest!- he oflly been aware of the need ..

tor Cal' Co, and UAW-CIO last Church. dnv10g t~ucks .and buses, w~ll changes in requirements, Philip the Parcells Junior High School by citizens. . Idr:atel cdost0 w lC las no een Another, suggestion submittednight, Workers to vote on ac- ' Enlists More Help operat~ tht,s vehIcle. The ):lus WIll F. Allard, city administrator addition. and in the new Mon- Council Studies Matter ISCose . was that building contractors beceptance at mass meeting sched- Mr. Carp:nter flagged down b~11mablhtahmedd

by" theth.CIty banl.dstate'd, '. teith and Poupard Schools will The council is currently study- To Sell Sales Home compelled by a city ordinance to1 f M d Th d.i ' . WI e ouse 1o. epu IC . , I - 1 h

u ed or on ay. e saglee- another matonst and the two men k . '1 :t"'d' V. The bus was purchased by the be ,ready for use. , I ing the matter and will SUbl!llt The residence of the late Mur- instal, a, baCK water va ve, w enment had, been called ,a lockout rushed to the aid of the boy wo~ s ga;age oca - mermer Kiwanis Club from the Lake .WheI').work w~~ sta~ted on the its findings at, the nex~ 'meetmg ray Sales,. at East Jefferson and a hom~ IS under constructIon.bv the UnIon and a stnke by the whose hold on the breakwater roa . Shore Coach Lines with funds ne~ Kerby addltJon, It was ex- of the counCIl, Tuesday,' Aug- Lincoln road, which was given The madequacy, of the cul,:"ertsc~:npany. Hudson recently award- wall was slipping. It was not ne. The Schedule raised at' the club's Fourth of pected, this would pl:obably be. the ust 21. to the Board of Education before ber:eath the Vermel;" :t:oa~ brIdge,eel a n~mber of de~ense contracts, cessary, as Mli. Carp~nterhad, en- The free bus :service , to the July firewQrks show. t. , first project completed. Vanous The objectors were represent- Mr Sales' death' will be sold and WhICh covers the MIlk RIver, wasaccordmg to Washmgton sources. visioned, to take a plunge mto lakeffont park will be availaBle The Kiwanis Club which con- de~ays have been ~xperienc~d, ed at the meeting. on ~ugust 7 the' proceeds wih be used to buy bla??"ed by City Administrator

• " lo' the lake, to effEct the.rescue, daily, except Sunday. The sched- ducts a year. around. program. of chIef among t~em b~mg the ~lf- by attorney Carl Schwelkart. A furnishings and equipment for Phlllp F. All<3:r~for 50 percent of.,TODAY'S KOREAN SESSION The boy. judged. by Mr. Car- ule starting Augt,lst 17, will pro- philanthropy. works with und'er- ficulty in gettmg bnc~ l!,,-yers., (Continued on Page 2) the new building, the storm dllIlC17lty, He stated

fea~ed to be last with negotiators penter to be about 13-year-old, vide service at m a.m" 12, noon, privileged c1).ildren, maintains a ,It was stated, the bUIldmg WIll . that the State HIghway Depart.still deadlocked on armistice line (Continued on Page 2) '2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Pick:upstations scholarship fund, has an Ann Ar- probably be finished by Novem- ment will begin work on a newissue. While the UN negotiators bor hospital project and wOJ;'ks ber'l.All kinderg~rteJl,.first and .Two A'dd.z-t;onaZ PO.Z'l-O.rtases bridge very soon.have' been willing to bargain on . with Pointe scout troops, sponsor- second grade' pupIls WIll go to II \j To Throttle Basinsthe placement of the buffer zone, Commun;ty Clu.b.,'s Gr.OW,'t,h, ing Sea Scout .Ship 690. ' ' old I,<erby School in September. d 'H Zth.B d The council is considering aReds have remained immovable II The!.. will be moved~o ~he ne'.'/' Reporte to. ea . oar plan to choke off catch basins inOn insistence that it be placed Ma' kes Add. l-tl'on. 1uecessa.ry' ,. ----- , aGdltton as soon as It IS com. . an effort to cut down the flow ofalong the 38th Parallel. Only 1" R' R' eng pleted. ' '. ------- , . h water from the streets, Mr. A1~hopeful sign is that neither side- accoon nnnl Last year all fourth: fifth and. Two more polio cases were. reo were report~d, 10 July, and t e lard said. The flood will remainappears desirous of making the -------, . . . . weld · ' F sixth -grade pupils were at New ported . by the ;c;ross~ Pomte other t?ree m August, the latest on the streets somewhat longer,actual break in negot4ations. WIth Aware of the ~l'ge~t n~ed for I s~ers, splllmg the actIVIties out- 1 .In, arms Kerby. By utilizing general pur- Health Department ,thIS week, od'e; b",mg reported on August 9. b t thO r" '11 prevent thebreak would likel~ come ~he recreational serVIces m tne fast side on the playground. . pose rOOlTIS',-it is going to: be bringing .the ;total nun;ber, of Flgures released by th,e ~tate m~in Sl:W~~SI~~O;Ib~coming del-bloodiest phase of ~he Korean I gro\dng city of Grosse Pointe unMabr1'eOtoskpinro~al'~~~~~i~l,Sthl'easllfboer'Anxious to alert Pointers \"ho possible to start the third grade cases so far th~syear to ~lxt.Flvde DthePtartthmendt.. of H~alth mdlcate uged it was stated.\Var t date I' , " . '1 pu .1;.. .. 'th "1 f f 'of them are mthe Pom e an a e lsease IS more prev_ ,.. d '.'

0" '.. ... . Woods and neighboring areas, this large membership in the pnze' theIr gardens. hI g h Y'l pl..., me. ongma, por Ion 0 on~ in Gratiot Township,; alent tliis yea:-' than last. .The The arouse Clt.lze:r:ry rep.re-"Ionda' y, Augu ..t 13 I the Boar,d of Di.rectors, of the w.inter months when cold :wea;. Charles Patton, LakeShore Coach ~ew Kerby 10 September. . Dr Thomas S Davies,' health figures cover up to and includ- se1?'ted

datd the dcounfcli me.etinalg

10" th k 't' 'bl. t .., ------., , ' , '.' th " A t 3 VOlce a eman or some reATTACKER of Joseph A. i Commumty Club IS makmg plans . er ma es 1 ~mpossl e o meet Lmes dnver, reported a raccoon comml.sslOn~r, saldd

none. ,o~ .the mgs Ufg~Sth'S' th r have action on this issue.' 1d dd't' I th out-of-doors. Community. interest in. the" Farms area on Tuesday, BUIelde'r.' R.eport. s. case.s IS. serIOUSan none 01" • e. 0 .a! 1 year e e .Grimshaw, 56, of Keego Harbor. i to bui a IlOna rooms on .e l'n thl'S recreational' servl'c.e has ff b t ~a1 f 279 ca es t _

' August 14. ., victims is expected to su ,er any ~e~ a OL .? s repor-believed to be Lyle Grov~s,Jr.~ present. small structure at 20883 already grown beyond our ~bility Mr. Patton sighted the raccoon $.400La''rceny permanent paralys~s," er. m the entire state, con:par<;q Custom Shirts~ought by police for dry clean- Mack Avenue, Mervyn Gaskin, to meet it, and we are desperate- at Fisher 'and Kercheval while Three of thePomte cases are to 224 for the same p,enod mmg shop holdups a~d assault of r~sident of the Soard of Direc- ly in need, of adequate "building on his bus route. When he reach- in the' Park .ind the, o~her t~o 1950 Cl:ndonly 86 cases .m 1949. Now Clothe' Thief\~'o~~n clerks, Gnmshaw, ~as fors, and Leon Ratcliffe, build- facilities.' The Commuruty Club ed Grosse Pointe Woods, he in- E. B. Shinn, of 1680 Roslyn" the in the Woods. Th~e stnekenm. Durmg the week endmg Aug- •1elL \ ed of ~ wallet contammg. , ommittee chairman, an. is a Red Feather agenGY." formed Woods police who said carpenter' contractor of several elude a woman 30 years old, a ust 3 ~here ,were 73 cases re- "' .~10h~fter ~elm

gt SLhofttband dbo.unda:;:unc~d this week. Families in the area are invitedU1E!y would refer tlfe report to houses . under construction in man ,24, a 15-y.ear-old boy, ,a ported. 10 the. state a~ compared Eight ,custom made shirts valu~

y IS assaI an. e oun m During the progl'am year just to share in the efforts now' being Farms police,'" Jefferson avenue between . St. seven year. old gIrl and two ,five to 41 10 J9,50 and ,27 In 1949. , ed at $120 were reported bylonely Oakland. County field'l past, 351 individuals participated made to increase" building .:facili- The raccoon, which Mr. Pat- Clair and Notre Dame, .r,epqrted year old gIrls. • Dr. t1?aVle

tshstate~ thl~bt on h.lS Mrs. George. A. McDowell," of

Gn,mshaw fre~d ~lmself and was in club activities in the center, to ties, and may indicate their'de- ton saw run along the high the larceny cif material from ill Upto,.the'same time last yearsugge~ lon e mam 1 rary 10 1019 Bedford, on. Wednesday.asslsted by pIcnickers. make a total attendance of over sire, by telephoning., either the sCQool fence, was also seen in the froh! df one of the houses. . I there had been five lases report- th~ Pierce Sc~ool I:as purc~ase,d AuguSt 8.. as stolen from her ~al"

$ •• , 17000 for the year. One hundred Community Club, .TUxedo 1-7910 backyard of the Robert Hannah A 1000"'watt' portapl'epower ed. in the. same area. The to~al a ~ook. on,; mfantI~e paralYSIS f:{~~d~;~dk~he Kroger parkmgAUTO I.NDUS~R~ outcl1stances I and eightee'o boys and girls V!.eTeI during the' mornmg. ~ours, or residence at 41 R dn 'Ie, plant, laO-feet of .electric cable number of cases for the enttre WhIch IS,wI.tten. fol'. the ,layman

~1l other mdustrles in pl'?fit per-I enrolled in the summ~l' day Ithe home of Mr. Ratdlffe, TUx. Unless this racc~on %a~~~ him- and a three-gallon can of gasoline season.of 1~50was 32, with one and 'Whl~h he. re~omn:en,~s!Q sh~[;'a~C~t~~~er~~~ ~01~~::~d"entage from .1940 to 1900. Fed- \ camp program. The. one-room l edo .2-4566. any. afternoon.?r self scarce, his days are number- were taken. The articles are val.. death resultmg. , , the public .. T~~, tItle IS Pollo

(Continued on Page 11) Istructure overflowed WIth young- evenmg. . ed. . ued at $ ~:JO. Three of the SIX loea: cases and Its Affects, are monogral11ed~


Page 2: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten



Page Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, August 16, 1951



is extended

ChromeBetween 7-8 Mile Rds.

Sunday 2.6

TUxedo 2-6704SINGE. i917

Woods20091 Mac"k Ave.Open Thurs., Fri., Sat. 'til 9


Self-storing leaf convenie~tly folds beneath t~ble, always ~tyour finger tips. Genuine FORMICA. not or~lOary plastiC, In

your choice of colors.~ First c1as~ merchandise. Guaranteeddelivery. '

30x48X60reCJ. $109.00 now $89.50 Set36x48x60 reg. $n9.00 . now $99.50 Set

., ,

Chairs in 25 different colors

Ber Stools, Booths, Youth Chairs, Step Sfpols" ~ .' .



compared it with the cars they were driving, they011 b~gan to swing ove,rtoDodge, Today our ,familyowns 13'Dod9~:cf:lrs anrJ 11 Dodg. trucks,., and that'ssaying pl,~nty'fo ...,~Dodge va~u.ond dependability."


. ,



Ph011.Q, Call 01" If/,'ite


next .to~nt.b'. &..JudJ. T:b~tttreWilburJ. B. Thomas .':~~",>,,:-: "1,:;«" ': ,




•uramlYod e cars!"


Brownell Enr()llsPupils as Usual

, '.

MICHEL MOTORSMACK AVE., Grosse Pointe' WooJ~ . . ,TUxedo 5..3044

ill was first in our lc~rge family to own Cl Dodge," saysFrank Perrotti, Woodbridge, CO,nn. "But it didn't takelong for the rest of the Perrotti family to followsuit. Yes, one8 they law my Dodge, rode in it,



Specificotlon. and equIpment ,ub\ect. 10 ,chong. without notic.

-w------------------------------------ -_

You co~ld pay up to $1,000 more .,and not get all t~e extra room, riding comfOrt

and famous dependabifity of DodgeO.,NeE YOUget a taste of Dodge a~ay. ~heeIs staX on ~~eground'

roominess and comfort •.•• ..• n~ wheel 'hop ..:. no6nceyou seeDodgebigger dol. back 'seat bounce.You ~terallylar-for-dollar VALUE; . ,your ."Boat" down roads that stopgood judgment tells you that other cars!here is the car for you and your Don', Talc. Our WfWrlfamily! Get behind the wheel. Feel the

N.w Riding Comfort'- rehiXhlgcomfortofPodgeknee-Today you want a car that's level seats. Note the extra heaelbuilt to last .•. one that saves room, elbow room and shoulderyou money mile after mile~And room. Sample Dodge easy han~you want comfort, too. You dling, in traffic.and on the OpeDwant a ,car t4at protects you road.from bumps and jolts - even Then judge' for yourself. See ifover back country roads or' de- . you don't.agree that you could' hell"9 11 Believllig! You II~ and.ride Spend Fiy. Minutes, Save $1,0001tours. With the. new, Dodge pay up to $1,000 more fora in comfort in a Dodge. None of that Come in for a five-minute "Magic.Mile"OriBowRide, bumpy roads, ruts car and still not get everythlng crowding in, tramped up feeling. demon~tration ride. Let us prove YOIl

d ' b D d' Tbere'i loads of elbow room, plentr of could pay up to $1,000 more and still, and chuck holes milgically melt to ay S ig 0 ge gives you. stretch.out leg room and head room. 1101 get e\'erything Dodg~ givea youl

Your Dodge Dealer i~Tr~nsporta+ion Headquarters ••• COME IN TODAY!




A Me"ssageto



?~o, SO'lt• r .o

.r _.... IMatIMI ,. ..

Looking For The.

Welcome WagonMany local merchants oremembers af this great wel-coming organization, andthey have special greetingsand gifts for you,

No Cost, .No Obllr:atton _ Phone

EDgewood 1~7590

Many Member stores In the Pointe

, The Michigan State Fair, ac~cording to General ManagerJames D. Friel, is featuring morefree entertainment and educa-tional 'features this year than atany time since the fair wasstarted 102 years ago. It will beheld August 31 through Septem-ber 9 in Detroit.

Once the family has paid theadmission fare this year they canvisit scores of special events treeof charge. Along with the carnivalspirit goes the husband and hogcalling contest, tug of war, greas~ed pig contest, ax and sawing con';test, clowns and parades of gayfloats each day. A watermeloneating contest is new this year~The Old Timers Grove will bethe scene of the Sheep Shearingcontest, where skill and experttiming will vie for honors andprizes. ,

Beauty Queens from all partsof the State will be assembledin the Music Shell to pass in re-view for the judges and the love-liest girl from someplace in Mich-igan will be crowned queen.There will be free outdoor pro-fessional shows daily.

Teen-agel's c;an be entertainedby the fireworks that will, be anightly feature, high schoolbands, baton twirling contests,television shows and movies,, Michigan artists will have their '

oil and watet' color paintings ondisplay at the clubhouse. The au-tomotive industry will have anexhibition showing all the gloryand luxury of new models, thecomforts that the public can ex-pect in modern design.

A cooking school, featuring.leading , dieticians and demon-strators will hold 'forth in WhiteHall on the Fairgrounds each

~ afternoon and evening, withprizes for those that attend theschool.

The 1951 Michigan State Fair-is offering the public more foradmission price this year thansince it opened in 1849,102yearsago.

Dr. Paul L. Essert, formersuperintendent of the Pointepublic school system, will ad-dress the annual fall teachers'meeting in the High School onSeptember 4, it has been an-nounced by SuperintendentJames Bushong. ~

Since leaving the Pointe Pl'.Essert has been Hving in NewYork City and teaching andstudying at Teachers' College ofColumbia University. He wassucceeded as superintendent hereby John R. Barnes, who resignedlast fall on account of his health.

Mr. Barnes. was succeeded byMr. Bushong. SuperintendentBushong, an old friend of Pl'.Essert, extended the invitationfor the former superintendent tocome here to address the meet-ing.

Dr. Essert will come to' thePointe on September 3 and leavethe day after the teachers'meeting,

Teachers to HearDr. Paul Essert

(Continued from Page 1)was tangled ill his fishing line.He told his rescuers and thespectators who had assembled,that he had been walking on thewall when he was overpoweredby the wind and waves. Mr. Car-penter said the lake was' parti-cularly rough Friday morning.

Signals PerilousUnless All Obey

Massed Air Might of NationWill beSeen at Great Show

The Traffic and Safety Coun- -- -- The Grosse Pointe Board ofcil representing the Pplice de- The massed air might Of the fighter formation fiying by the Education will continue the en-partments of th~ Grosse Pointes nation will be on display at the Air Force, Navy and Marines,reminds, all local motorists. that 1951 National Air Races at De- combine with Army aviation rol1ment of students in Brownellthe departments lU'e cooperating trait-Wayne Major Airport, Sat- events to round out the show. Junior High School on a year- Ii

with the State Highway Depart-urday and .. Sunday. August 18 .The services will have on dis- to-year basis. Continued use ofmerit and the Michigan Safety and 19. pJaysuch famous planes as I Brown.ell will be governed by ICommission in a program. de- More than 100,000_are expectl~d "Lucky Lady", through wl;1ichthesigned to' make our highways in attendance each -_day. visitors may actually walk. It~s enrollrrtent. . .safer. The campaign continues On the ground in finger~tip <lis-, a world-tour of aviation on a Students from the Richard and I

through the month of August. play and. in the air in thrilyrig single airport -as a part of, De- 'Kerby schools, eligible ~r the,This week stress is being put ,formations and, speeddasn€$, t7oit's 250th Birthday Celebra- seventh grade, 'will be admitted

upon the reasons for' obeying more than 300 cifthe latest types tiontraffic sigl1aIS."This is an all-out of planes used today by the All' ~. con top of this, will beth~s September and again in thedrive to save lives, prevent in~ Force, Army, Navy arid Marine comedy acts and aerobatics by mIddle of the sehool year. Eight4jurieS and stop the property Corps, and the buzzing light the top professionals and the and ninth grade students willdamage on our streets and high- planes of the top civilian pilots competition for the national para- co'ntinue .ways," it was stated. I will keep the audience busy ch"lte ~hampionship; bands and T B ..

"Traffic signals are very dan- from 9:30 in the morning until music; announcers to explain . .he oard of ~ducatlOn plangerous, unless all drivers obey 5:00 each day. , every minute; luncheon snacks IS lOrmulated to Insure. the COIl-them, because drivers approach- Never before' in ~he history, of 'and drinks and the biggest day of tinuation, through to high schooling from opposite directions de- the National Air Rac~, has so fun eve: for ~housan~s from all pf~ll pupils who begin in the

' pend upon each other and when much 'concentrated power'~been pver thlS' entll'e sectlOn of the Brownell J "H' .one fails to heed a stop light, a combined in one show. \ The nation. General admission ti6ket~:. . . . UnlOt Igh Schoo~.crash is certain. Thompson, Allison and Bendix are $1.50; children talf price; re- ~hlS WIll eliminate the possibil-

"Stop and go lights, yellow speed '. events, with jet planes served seats $2.50 and $2.00.• In- Ity of students haVing 'to shift'flashing ligl)ts, and red flashing competing for new records in the dividual box seats are $7.50.Free sCl)ools in the 'middle ef theirlights, are there for driver and air; the dramatic Boeing-General parking. is inclUded with all tk- junior high school careers;'pedestrian protection, but do not Electric demonstratjon of, the kets. . There is a larger group ap-provide automatic safety. If all gigantic new B-~7 in Jato take- 'X'he National Air Races are proQ-ehing'high scnool age thandrivers and pedestrians obeyed offs and parachute landings; the being co-sponsored by the Aero those atpr~sent enrolled in thethe traffic lights at all times, midget planes in the $25,000 Club of Michigan and the A)r high school, said Lynn M. Bart-there would be no accidents at Continental Motors civilian closp.d Foundati?n.',. : lett, director of ,pupil personnelintersections. ' course race right in front of the Co-chaltrnan are C. J. Reese, for the Grosse Pointe Public-,

Stop and go signal lights ar~ audience; and the hours of tight, president of Continental Motors Schools. This is due in part to. theplaced only after careful study ------------- Corporation and president of the .influx of residen~ wlw havedetermines that safety conditions P k · L t Aero Club of Michigan and F; built n~w homes. Another factor.'at an intersection will be deft- ar lng 0 C. C raw for d, :.presid~nt of is the number of youngsters hornnitely improved. Drivers ,trying Thompson products, Inc.; and during World War II. 'to 'beat the lights' are the great- (Continued from Page 1) president of the Air Foundation.est contributors to intersection __ ~ _accidents," petitior~ was submitted at this Mrs.'Minnie Wasner Dies

------ meeting. 'I DWilld Whips The objections were many and n etroit~at Age of 93

vociferouslye x pre s sed. The Mrs. Minnie Berger Wasner,basic point of contention was the formerly of the Pointe, died Sa.;-lack of publicity given the pro- urday afternoon at the age of 93,ject. Anita road residents wereof the impression that the coun- after a short illness, in her hornecil foisted the parking lot on ~nHarding avenue, Detroit.them. Mrs.' WaStIer was born in' De-

Woods Mayor Leon D. Rat- trait on December 13, 1857 andcliffe told those assembled at was married to Ernest Wasner inthe council meeting that it is not 1877.Mr. Wasner••who was. kill-necessary for the council to con- ed in 1908 was a prominent De-duct a public hearing, as wassuggested by an obJ'ector, to fake troit contractor who built Holy

.Redeemer Church and severalaction on such a project. other large churches.-

------ Surviving Mrs',Wasner are herFair to Offer children, M~s, George Berger,Mrs. Fred Savallisch, Edward J.B'argain in Fun Wasner, gnd Mrs. Norman Hill.There are also 8 grandchildren.

Funeral services were heldTuesday afternoon, with burialat Gethsemane Cemetery.


••• of cours.,It';- ELECTRIC' e

Come In and se,THE nRANGEof THE STARS"

.SIIlrs....~~lor .'.0'--vmv"y faund"n"It~, 11td1'YleI-::;: .. nel~p,.., In Cello"" ..:"




, '


_ .....--.lohtmy Groth, popular center-fi,lti,r of the D'lrflit Tigers

• • •




Ladies'DRESSES anelCOATS (plain)•Men'sSUITS andTOPCOATS




1 cup cohup ... Ibs. ,paf.rlbs In , 3 .bsps. Wcrc.,tenhlr. ,auc.:2 .bsps. butt.r or drlpp fig lL .b,p ground mustard

dl I e onion cut n. n. .1 me um' lI: , 1 ClIp wat.r2 tbop•. vlnega~ y, ClIp celery or 1 ,b,p." .bsp', lemon lulc. celery solt2 tbsps. brown .ygarYr. hp. cayenne pepp.r

. both sid •• under th. hroller unit. M.ltBrown sporerlb• on d brown the onions In It. Add ,h.butter In saucepan on dl h. When v.ry hot, Jlour ov.rremainder ot the Ing" (;'0°1 for two hours.spareribs. Ballo \n ov.n

•'It's easy to be a good cook wbeo youhave an electric range," says gay BettyGroth. "Easy in many ways, J might add.Easy on the b~dget and easy on the cook."

.'Easy eating, too!" adds Johnny. "Onetaste of Betty's barbecued spareribs willconvince you:'

.• 'We're big eatets," laughs Betty. "Welove ste:ws, so I use the big thrift cookeroften. I've found th~t lnw-heat cookie,really briogs out the flavor:'

Why don't you enjoy all the advantagesof electric cooking? ~ YOUl appliancedealer today. "


We have developed entirely new methods of Irowinl, handling 'andseUi.og blooming garden flower plants which allows yd'u to 'plant busbyblooming plants now, even in 9O-dell'ree sun,' wIthout- wilt, setback orloss. These plants wIll take hold at once and wlIl continue to live,(row, and bloom hea.vUy for over two months J:'et.

-25,000 PLANTS IN BANDS-1c Each.-ZO,OOO PLANTS IN 5..INCH POTS--Z5f Each.-All Grown Fresh fer Augr.ls+ Planting.

You can ~et most any plant you want trom' our huge stock-Single andDouble Petunias, ,Snap~rlJ,gons, Zinnias, Marigolds, Asters. Nlcotiana,Alyssum. Ageratum. Spider Plant, Cockscor.b, Salvia, MO,ss Rose, andmany others. One plant or a trOlckload anytime. We also olter a newstrain of Tuberous Segonlas blooming in pots, and man)' thousandchoice perennials.

We would be glad to teil you bow to plant a rarden ill' June which willlive lI;row, and bloom Uke the pictures in the seed catalogues untulate' October frost, without 1015 or re~lacement. Don't try to figure ~tout but-- '


---------_ __ _---_., .._----------------------------- 5

,I10 ,0



Page 3: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten

~~------- ....,r-'---------------- ..-----'------_-------------------------------------------------------------p./

Page Three



Map ShowsNotre Dame Regional





Just leave the ItItX" on I tabre, snap tn*switch and you're seeing your color slidesenlargel;! over 4times. Screen and projectorIre combined in one smartly styled unit.Hondv knob for pin-point focusinS,

Furnished and Decoratedby

Pioneer Furniture Company1745 EA~,TGRAND BLVD.

Detroit's Finest Furniture Stof'e

SEE YOUR ~ SLIDESThe Minute You Get Them With The


rf 71 t 4 Kercheval .. , • in tlie YiHageTUxedo }.4096



CameraThis smart new dmera giv" you brilliant blade.Ind-white pictur~u or full-color slides for pro.jection .nd prints. fast, easy operation, f/lt.Slumeniud lens, and a Kodak Flash 200 Shuttermalee it today's best buy at this moderate price.Price includfl F.ckr/JI Tax,



KodakPONY 828

Woods Reports Tax CollectionsThe 1951 tax collection for the Allard, City Administrator.

City of Grosse Pointe: Woods up The 1951 tax roll is $469,000.to and including August 7, totals The report revealed that better$~47, 378.98, according to a report than 50 percent of the outstand4issued to the council by Philip F. ,ing '51 taxes have been collected



You"rel nvited!

Designed and Builtby


Custo/h Builders

Come and See theIDEAL HOME


completely Furnished 3-Bedroom Ranch Sty~e Home with Garage

More than 30,000 home-loving Detroiters already have viewed and ad-niired this perfectly-planned, beautifully appointed NOTRE DAME ideal34bedroom ranch home which is ,located at 16845 .East Eight Mile road,near Kelly.' Come any day or any evening, including Sundays, and inspectleisurely the many outstanding features of this charming home (principalaward in fund campaign for the Notre Dame Regional High School, to bethe largest in America} .

Interior trim and decorations of Notre Dame Ideal Home are the finest, asare the electricedappliances b}I FRIGIDAIRE!




The cocker spaniel ;wned bythe resident of 16900 Village lanebit a seven-year-old neighbor onTuesday, August 7.

Martha Lynn Gorey, of 16910Village lane, was bitten on theright shoulder. An examination 1revealed that the skin had not 1

been punctured.The cocker's owner was told

to keep the dog confined for 12days.

TUXEDO' 5.5900..

A car reported stolen on Fri-day, August 10 from in front of21 Kercheval was recovered byCity Patrolmen Van Tiem andMacEachern later that eveningat Charlevoix and McKinley.

The owner, Arnold Daleiden,of 11921 Lakepointe, notified byFarms police of the recovery,picked up his car the followingday.

A College 01 Higher Education


New Big Bear Market Opens Monqay


Detroit Comme'rcial College

R. J, Maclean, President

The College has a national reputation for leadership in Secre-tarial Sci~nce and Shorthand Reporting-professional train.ing for junior and senior secretarial practice, conference amIcourt reporting.

For admission to the 49th year, beginning September 10, applyat once at the College offices, 602 Book Building, WashingtonBoulevard. Conference hours, 10. to 3 daily; for an appoint-ment call WOodward 2-3880.

A skillfully blended course of study in academic andtechnical subjects, designed specific\l1y for the purpose of

training graduates of high schools and literary colleges for

the successful practice of business.


Due to commitments with certain mantt/acturersJ'

all items are not included in the sale.

2. Weeksof our annuaL summer

171 J 0 Kercheval Ave.•

Lt. Col. BaylessBuried ilt East

PEACH CROP SHORTMichigan homemakers who ex. I

pect to can or freeze peaches this II

year must watch their marketsvery carefully through, August Iand September to secure good Iquality peaches. This is becauseof a very short supply of Michi-gan peaches, says Mary Bodwell,food economist for the agricul-tural economics department,Mich-igan State College .

A sale at Havdon House is a rare occasion •••and of sp~cial interest to everyo~e .

who apprecifltes fine furnishings. Two weeksremain to share in this annual opportunity!



Mrs. CallebertFatally Stricken

Military services fOr Lt. ColJohn Bayless, 45, of 434 Manorroad. Grosse Pointe, and Com.manding Officer of the 51st Sup.ply Squadron of the 51st Main-tenanC€ and Supply Group of theUnited States Air Force, whodied on July 9 in Japan, held at11:00 a.m. in Christ Church inBinghamton, New York on Sat-urday, August 11.

Burial was in the Spring For-est Cemetery in Binghamton. :'

Honorary pall bearers includ-ed David B. Hinchman, JamesW. Lee II, and Thomas B. Mannall of Grosse Pointe; Col. Lloyd Big Bear's new $300,000 food center at 17410 :Mack avenue, at St. Clair, is the twenty-E. Arnold, Col. .George R. Wein- second unit in the chain 'of ~odernly- designe-d super markets, and will serve the Grossebrenner and Lt. Col. Walter W. Pointe communiti~s and neIghboring territory.Ott all formerly of the Selfridge 1_ ~. ~~------------Air Force Base and now stationed • • Self-service will be made easyin Washington; ~nd, Lt. Col. Nor- Boxer ExhIbIts in an aO-foot ~eat section; 106. Loses Control-man J. Beaudnas and Lt. Col. • foot ca~es of frUlts and vegetables; •• 'R?bert E. Simps~n of Wright Mother InstInct a 40-foot departme~t of frozen HItS LIght PoleFIeld, Dayton, OhlO.' foods; 70-feet of dalry products;

Col. Bayless was born in New' and a 40-foot delicatessen sec-' .--York ,City on August 25, 1905 The protection of her new tion. A motonst who lost control ofand was brought up in Bingham- brood uppermost in her mind, The latest innovations in super- ,his car on Tuesday, August 7,ton, New York where his father a boxer owned by RobertWil- marketing have been installed, struck the light pole on thewas founder of the Binghamton bert; of 17140 Kercheval, rnis- such as electric eye doors, auto- northeast corner of EdgemereBoys Club and t.l:\eBayless Paper interpreted the action of a little mati~ elec.tric checkout,s, ball- and Lake Shore.and Pulp Company. Col. Bayless girl, who only wished to pet the bearmg glIders, and "alr-fresh" .was graduated from Pawling puppies, and bit her ~n Augus~ 7. air conditioning. Beautiful wall John Henry Fmk, of 65 Me-School for Boys in Pawling, New The little visitor, Carol Leh- murals suggest appetizing menus. Lean, Highland Park, was trav-York and Princefon University in man, 4, of :i48 Fisher was bitten Two large, paved parking lots eling east on Lake Shore whenPrinceton, New Jersey. on the ri~ht cheek by the nerv- adjoin the r.,ew center, which has he lost control of the car which

In civilian life he had been ous mother. a frontage of 100 feet on Mack d th ..ct fd d th f 120 f et swerve to e Opposlte 51 e 0

associated with the Kooler-Keg City police advised Mr. Wil- avenue an a ep 0 ..e. the street.Division of the Novadel-Agene bert of the customary confine- Another huge new umt at F 1" M F'nkCorporation of Newark, ~ New ment period for his pets. Police 23245 . Mack avenue. will be a ti~~~t~ po Ice Issued r. 1

Jersey as divisional and district also notified the Board of ready In 60 days, according to themanager in Pennsylvania and Health. company's announcement. •after World War II, injYIichigan. -------------------- Canine Neighbor'

During World War I1'"'heserved N H · hS h l Sf d taJ an USAF technical supply of.l ew zg C 00 U en S ,Nips Youngsterfleer and was awarded the Legionof Merit for outstanding service Asked to Regl.ster Earlyto his country. He returned toactive duty in 1949 and was sta": -- _tioned at Selfridge Air Force "New students entering Grosse transcript of their completeBase until being ordered to Pointe High School this fall are record to Gr~sse Pointe HighJapan in April of this year. He requested to enroll the week be- School.was an army member of the "It is very difficult to placeCountry Club of Detroit. fore Labor Day." announced W. a student in the proper grade

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. R. Cleminson, Principal of Gross~ and with the correct selectionCaroline G. Bayless, his daughter Pointe High School. of subjects when his record fromCaroline F. Bayless, both of whom ' At Grosse Pointe High School the previous school cannot bewill return to their home, 434 the Assistnat Principal and Dean studied: This is a disadvantageManor road, Grosse Pointe Farms, of Girls will be in their offices to the new student and adds toafter the funeral, and his mother, to enroll new students begining his orientation problem," Mr.Mrs. Franklin J. Bayless of .96 with the afternoon of August 27 Cleminson stated.Oak Street, Binghamton, New to and including Friday, August I -York, who will also come to live 31. Hours for this advance en- Stolen Car Recoveredwith her daughter-in-law in rollment are 1 to 4 p.m.Grosse Pointe Farms. The Deans and Counselors

will not be available' to enrollnew students Tuesday, Septem-ber 4, or Wednesday, September5 because of teacher and orienta-tion meetings.

New students transferring toGrosse Pointe High School from

Despite the use of, a resuscita. a school other than a Grossetor by Farms firemen, Mrs .. Pointe public school are request.Augusta Callebert, 69, of 461 ed to have their last school at.Calvin, died of a heart attack tended forward immediately a,on Saturday, August 11.

Services were held Tuesdayfrom the Van Lerberghe FuneralHome to Our Lady of SorrowsChurch. Burial was in Mt.Olivet Cemetery.

Mrs. Callebert was a memberof the Queen Astrid Club.

Survivors include her husband,Robert; two daughters, Mrs.Angele Canadler and Mrs. Ber-nice Kampfer; a son, Edward;~. brother and two sisters livingin Belgium; and six grand-children.



1()~ 'MEN'S WEAR 9L

6329 w. 7 Mile RoadUNiv.nity 4•.2600

Op.n Thursdoy ond friday Ev.ning,

617 WoodwardWOodward 2-1456

'East Grand River .t Library-Stor. hour. ~;U to 5;15

Thursday, Augusf .,0,195 rPRECARIOU.S PERCH Isuaded to find a less precarious

Three bo~s playmg on the slate playing area by City police of.roof of MaI:,e School were per. fleer John Onstwedder.

for appointment, phone TUxedo 1.0761

Between 7 and 8 Mile Roeds

It's a wonderfully cOlnfortable fabriC .-;'. an~dressy besides. In becoming natural shade. Madein collar sizes and sleeve lengths ••• with thesmart, new shorter-point collar. Slip one intoyour vacation bag this week ' ..'. you'll bedelighted with its cool ease. 6.95

r~====~=======~. . . therets nO weight

sp,ort shirt.""{"'" '~

.#... "< .----~,.,. , , ./' ;.:._..... .- 1~ '. .::::'::.:::--,\! 1\, t" ~ !J~

/ .• t-;!f l ~ :(1 . ..! f; ~..'

1 f~: • i J. t! .'

, -_. I I 't ,'1I :: :' If "\! ~ ~ I. 'L '~:\

~~ '",- .._ ...-/ \, • l} I~' ~:-: ~:'_. .k'",'- ~~. \ ~ \;:: ,.., ......:j/'~ ... -;:~:~N.~~\>~\~~;Jf}'~

Every fur. ••

from Mouton.t to Mink •••1


at AUGUSTSALE savings

, NOW!-

Page 4: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten

-_._------.-,-.-----_._----- - - ~ *,


ii)..' ~~.""~.'3>g9S

,r.....ow 1'hrU saturday- Van Johnson

Lane NakanO_""GO FOIt BR~"'"

TIlj.¥,;;i..'lu'il.Stl..lt.~ •.,' 20..."1'\.tl'g~t "". ,"'J.';1ontY Woo1\'e~tt

Constance B:~n yOU"'S YOUNG,~ FEEL"

~t 22-23\\'ed.-'I'h~i:S'h' cotton

Jose)) Itt.,oretta 5.?~L'"

"R'A"L'f' ,,,> , ., 0101"Color by TechniC

By Fred M, Kopp, R. Ph.

J.UXUlrlOUS LOGE SEATS' ,,Y'sit ell!' Television lounne

. '~.,..-.I~~"..

This is th~ 357th of II ~eries ofEditorial Ad,'el'tlsemenh appear.ing In this paper I';;ch week,


. Do ,yo~ ~~~e <! ,pre~criptionto' a pha'rmac;\r fully confident~M~ y~.~ v;till get t~e very bestm drugs an? ;;ervlce? Do youh?:v:~.13- .fe~}lJ;lg,..th<it the phar-maCIst IS professlOn~lly inter-ested in your needs? ' (

In time of illness it will re-lieve your mind a great dealwhen you have a pharmacistwhom you can rely on to givethat interest and service _satisfaction assured.

It is easy to recognize theconscienti~us pharmacist bythe qualIty, pharmaceutical~roduc~ he c3!,ries. and b~' theprofesslOnal, ap'pearance of hispharmacy department. '


. Tl1'e'C'h'erokee'. In'di-an.' reserva-tion in the Great Smokies adj6in:~ing {fie Natr6"ila'1 PaiK conta'iris63,000 acres occupied by mor~than 3,000 members of the tribe .

New evetything: All backedby motordorn's greatest du,.~bqily record. Faet~ Of an thePackards built, in ths last 52years, Olle1' 50% are still inserllia!



vabtagt to start you lalk,.in~ about theadvancements that make Packard then~west new cat of the year.P..$; loday's most thoflghtfff.l buyers1'1111 glaqly accept this challenge.

Grosse Poiltte Wrlods DeCiler

"770 Mack at Cook Roae!


MIiA 14~.TRAclt 'Oolr ;3 minutes ftom!)o~iO ...n Deitoit

ISchoolcnft at Middlebelt ROtId

SPDCIAL Busses' PHON! KE 2-~ I

-for Peace of Mind and Pleasure



New steering magic: Newideas in steering design andweight distribution let youmaneuver a Pacbrd with aslitt:e effort as it takes to turna door knob!

~~->................_ ...-.,._v,. .....'~....- 4~ ., -, ,I~tte.,s tg :1

The Editor r..

FAST AND LOUDGrosse Pointe Woods police

~aid they ticketed a hot rod artistfor causing a', aiStuiMn'~e on,4ni-ta near MaCk last week. Reeipr-e'nt of a ticket: i6r "no muffler"'\ras William G, Krumple, 18, of1139 Lakepointe. He 'Nas orderedJ10t to drive until he had a newriIuffler installed in the car.

1 Uhtil yo~ drive ,a. neW' 1951 pick-ard, you JUSt dOh t know what's beet!

happening in the autOlbofi~e' wotld2 The bes~'"adverdsit1g i~ "wbtd~of~mouth" advertising, It's to (jut ad-

~When YlJll TitetJ,'CtitiUtwn Cigatetusand Theil" In,tellectual Insults

~~tve Suggest.-~ H N •,;:':;-'":-',.\ ' ) , ' O-EY RUM r,iURElJ ''','. .'". \ . -l ~'t. "a .I", .' I~ - -.- < ~_- _ _ -' '\J"j ~.\ ....\'(OO,KI "JAR ~ ..•81.I "Haver Perso-nality for IP.er50np.litJes" .

Grosse Pointe Park Dealer', .

15205 East Jefferson Avenue

Drive at least two new cats, this time,before YOLl buy-and be slIre ohe ofthem is a new 1951 Pi{ckard!

And why do we issue thIS challenge?Tbe two best reasons in the world:,

S e " "th & • 'om ... eye-openers alj awaIt you on yOU! Packarrl uChallenge Drive":

Top.~"o,mpr.s~joi'l,'power: New Ultramafic Drive- a PackardPackara ,Thunderbolt Engines exclusive combining the smooth-,gi.ve 'yoU: ,the efficiency of ness of no gear. changing dttr-Ame,ri<;i's, ~ighe!t.c~mpre.fjion ing acceleration with the effi-eights. Plus: service-free sim- ciency of no slippage whenp~icity - ~p. to 25 % fewer cruising.working parts than in: enginesof comparable power; ,New kind of vision: Packard'snew, low.level bonnet givesreal "close-up" visibilitY_





Lanig Company-PRescott 7-0300WAlnut 1-0949


15839 East WarrenTUxe.do 1-6022



Made the Same Day Taken90-Day Guarantee on OllrTubes, Parts and the Labor

Call Us for House ServiceCall Us About Our Warranty

NOW, Just $9.00 a YearBU;S TVREAL

Page Four

Ofosfe P6irifi N'~w." ~~,.!!!!' ~"'~A.:~'~~".').!!!!"_!!!!~'M'~:,IIIi:~'""'''''~'''!![@~~I r:.&:'.r~:~rJs'" W'ee;~r'y-~~e"~-.:..o~~r'tK'. ~'~1:~L~~:gp=M:!>1~lk#it~itWki&Jl~1 VA"~w- ~..,v'= rr~ K ~ t' I

~~K~~~V~~~E~:tS~~~6~~~CE;A~~~ 3o:m~I~~i!fJ &1t.IUfi'ati6AI, :~-'-jj.";~'ir~~~:~;#:nl~~~'-"'"'-;~-:r~"~s~~t~~J~m spiice -t~1A\,,',. p"''-J:I:y'"f.:\.','W, ~:,' • , (!QVifii~i,~t:Nlj~t'rPR," S6~iheS:sietn Mi'chfg;lii. ' 'Phone TU. 2.6900 34 ~ 52 d l( 0f'\; , MA'CIt'rNRC rSL:A:ND: .:.... The Both ,ihl State $"""1:""'" 'to THE EDITOR -~ I '. .. ,_, •• "_,_'" I ' ' e ana onum August 6,'1951

. . . ' T~rfJe_Trun~. Lines '" . :", . _ ..... _~-,---- : rJ'~gishfture ~as' been' ca'l~edb'a.'cR I Comin'issji6Ii an'd' th'e' D'ep'artm'en't Dear Sir:Member Mlchllan Press Ass'n and N~tional Ec1~o!la.l Ass'n IITJi'ehodls 'iVe 16Wlt tl'i 6?iihi to ;lIi I to t#iislYl~t l6ra: s'pecfa~l.s'E!ssl'6!i 0'£, E!=a1tn have testltT$Ctin tfle"il' . It is good to see your publica-

a"ri p'Ot,I, Jiltl ti'1ld ,Ii)" _ 0!i, A~#st"20~.\#s' ,,~}XRl¥~~~'~~~' r~p63~ .•t,~, tile ,~,eg!slat~re ,tn'lilt tion among the 70-odd MichiganROBERT B'. tDGAR:~ ......EriiT6R and' aiNEltAL MANAGER The trioJ,."s'tI/J/~"el~6l1il!tlie l6' ;U4 ~Y,I~st.,~.9}qrI?-,<~1jf."PU!~,~ tf I S:~ut.heas"t~~n'Michl~aYi.'s-n'eed..va's weekly papers which are publish ..MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ..: ADVERTISING MANAGER " ., ," ," 'y.JI"c1' " 0'" tI:,i,~'?~~s,~~"I~J~ :r:.~~.I1Y,~.. s~.;?E ?y fat the grea"test of a~y, a're'ii. mg my weekI .. COlUmn.

~W~ ,. '.' .":.~ , ...... '. ., (N' tire. tiS amlta, to' ,ritl)': constructiorr,of ~.Il'ew,state ornce m the state. (A cl8se seCOl'ltt15 oJ

JANE SCHE.t\,LVl..l!lRHOR.N FEATURE PAI,;rE, SOCIETY TIJi no-olls'tbai' p'e6'ftJ tftlf Jb'iJ"iil, I5hildi~'g~li.Jja¥~l~'(,".. ..,: I, th'e:' S~ruihweste'rrl arM:;- btrt We Please accept my personalFRED RUNNEtLS.~ " : , sP6,R,T.S';$DITOR we Yllt;;1 cdl/ Nelltt;. It Il\2Y be ne.ces);a'ty to add: a ,have. a'l'ready de'6'ide'd.to'm'eet th'e thanks for thus helping to makeTOBY CUMMIN<iS M ADVtRTISING And J6'i 6'6llJ.s' 1/i'a1.'le8pd i#e us;;, I f~:~item~ ..,t9;,Jhr a\~efra~;,~t\)~ ~~ed" there by J)'ui'lding a: n'ew t~t~S~~~:e/~~o~~?~~:e~~l.o~e;~~TED DAMEROVL , t AnVERTISING O'li. fbe);'I:e IIN 1~6'fdor tfll!" '0 ~~~,ek.l,..,d:G~~.~.~~ti.~.~~to ,,;;,e!~~if state san'atori'Um.) ,ers.BETTY JANE VISGltR : CIRCUr./TION . . (Ot "{, lV II ) _ th~ ,Le?ls1atu~e ,the ,,~~s~lOn or ,T\\,o-tl1\Ms 6'£ th'e tuberc]Jlosis ,The community weeklies of!BETTY ANDERSON ; NEWS . 1'..0 'J,n_. e s 'I w'hat to do "\)out the :n'Umerous d1' hs' 'n" .\:;."1!.1.'~<.l, ,""" W,. '1'

I, Th' . k - . d t thJ;. D t 't P 't Off" 'd' «-. • e<l. I lVJ.IC[llb~llare rn a'yne M' h 'MARY DENNlc ACCOUNTS 1Swee, we ale ma a, t:. e r01. O,S Ice .- .. an requests for Mrchlgan State "lags. C'~'-'"I • 'd """h.jio.,'," .,..," . 0_ ic igan are making a very im.,

u ~ l:.~ '\" , ;: ,"'"" ' d 't . d 1" h I W '1' d tv; , ,. , '" ". ,-L , ounTY,an elg '.i-nine per cent 'PHYLLIS HANNAH. CLASSIFrED ADVERTISING we on mm exp ammg w y. e mal e '0 very Import..' I will recommend to the Legis- o'f' tI1'6se:on the wa./ing li~t for Rortant contribution toward good'- .. _. ... ._ ... ''' •.• " I .mt letters last Thursday ... putti~g both in a streef box at 'Ilaiure that f1! se't a:s"i'a'e' a mO'nel:'- s'~n:a'torrdm' care a1'e in: Wa'yile government by devoting space

Entered a~' s~c~nd-chis~' m,att~r,a\ ~h~',po~t ~ffi~e,D"ltroit, 5 o'clock in the evening after ha\l'fng' astertafn\~a tI1\¥Vwoulfd ate sum of mon~y for the pur- County. not only to my column but to a'liM1chlgan. under the Act of ~arch .3~ 1897. be picked up' at s'even fifteen', th'e!' saiNe' eyenlnl b¥;:~''letter: chase. of. sfC!-~,e"~~~'~.~~ h'e f.q~P~:d' .. ' ,; * i:.~~~;t:ff~~;';;~erning state go\'-

FULLY PAID CIRCULATIoN ',. was addr~,s~ed ~~ a pe:-so,Ti.~9r~wj\ a'ilq' irl'~il~'a:s~~c~a1 ~~l~1V'~l'~/!or. glv~r;' to :M~C~~gan1Yjl'~tta\:~ ..W.ai,~and See,': WHflout mitir- . With kindest personal regards.Subscription Rates: $3,00 Per Year by Mail, Al~ ~e.ws a'nd : '... the other .on.e an an'rr'l~fil hftter, to' Flonda. ,Satur:~~): .mo'r~: I u~~tset~P~~a~~~lt~request thl'o~gh m)'zm'g in' any w'fy, t~~ ~ee'd'~ 6t

Advertisip.g ,Copy ~ust B.e.,if! T!l~, News_P~~.e,.by Ill~g" t;h~. :r:.I?rIda'.W?~,~~ ~el~ph?D'ed US,' (hav~'n'g r~cer'v~e~ o~r : P The Stat.e Prop' 1'ty Manager o~~~r .,pal:t~ o~ '.'the, ,~t~t,~' ~~'~s'e G. s~ni;~~~ wiLLIAmsTuesday Afterrit,on to Qbtitn InsertLon Tbat'eell\. I l,et~e,r as¥mg,~,er, tod:o s6)', and b~,~atu~day ~ftern?,on, the De- hia'S'be'eti loanint ftags'tO' a' hm-j f~?,~~~ake ,~~c~~a.rt1'l~tt~~,.So,u~~~

Eastern' Representative •. ,vICTOR S. GRAN:qiN.. ,~51 fifth traIt chaT~c.ter h~:d S,'~nJ;t ,rl:6~,re~~iveq' OU,T., sp~cra:l deliver)'. ited number 6f units,' \vith l:arge ea~,~e,\nare~: n.ee~s."a:,s~?s~an'tl~fAvenue, ,New York 17, N. Y.-=Tel. VA..,6:-2065......._ Not lH!ltl"ga' wom'in' to' nilliH ,\Mrdlg;or SmIle rn:effua'tio'n~;'we nu'inbers of Michi'gan personnel. r!~},n.~~r9'£ new tuberculoSls' sa'ti.

A. C-o' m- ..'m.,..' ...u'n" 'I:f'y" t{:., lie' '~4:, te'l'epho"'~d the sp~cra1 d:eliVerv c1leplfrtnren't 01 m'e Po'Si O'1Ti'~e. I'll. B'ut he has be'en forced t6 turn ato~iU'1'nMd~.I~ ee' pleasant sounding yount man' '1'isfe'il\etf to' o'(}\i 6"ritd'e itWCi fi/tet"tnft- do\';'n r.equesfs fo'r state fla'gs hom; .:r.h'~te \~i'11 o',?.. (i~'poft?:r1'itYfort()nly cht'cked' llis sym#thJ:. offering s'ti'cJl: su'gge1d6rrs' ~r1 p'erh'a'P'S ind~v)c1'ua'lmefnb'ed' o'f {rie' arm'ea ~out?~.~st~.r.rl,1'1,lch,I~a'n's,,~ase" t6'

-,. ""Co-" th d I" . , • b k P' '.' .,u",'h., ,I" '''.l''r .~\"w.,,' 'to forces, I be ,pr~sented_ to the.legls'tatlveSummer speeds by on scented '-A,'ings,.The opening of e e Ivery man s M,l ro e donn or maybe the l'ar7 wasn t a 'l" ... :' 1'" ,.", " ..,,, h'6"';'d ,.. f comm'l~tle'e o'n' A 'g'" t IS' It "h ' . j. '.' '.. '0:.,' .... ,'\. '1,' • ''1.'.'.0 I " '';';1\''~ The wno e questIon S ul' be I ~ u us . 15

another school year approaches at a faster pac~ thin those' ,.0t;ne0,r ,~~.y~e }~,J~st ~,otl0s.t!.nt~~,e g,~~~~~~,,~hu;n:lea'., f~~~~ ',," l"Iivi'~wecrby th~' LegIslature a'tld o'n1'yfaIr to' awa'j't trre ouic'orii'e~o-istill in the student years' lil{e to conh~mplate. T~o soon will ~~~e r.0~..,\~,hlCheIther helped our case or soothed our (by .now) sav- fu'n'd'sa/lef rules, to covet tl1'is8ft- ~n'is furtn'e~; h~~.rin? oefi;re iak-

. .,.. 'L".C a~e b~e~,,~:",'.," "0), ". " .• ' '" '. , ~. .' ,', ,_" .. ' uati'on prov'ided. \ I m(,a,ny other ,action.they be back in the classrooms ahd the carelree' days of , \\}e worked ourselves I~fo a 'ather tel1rNg bin'!' what ,\'e thl)ught * .. .. I There will be' time befo're Hieanother vacation will have come to an end. at tl\e, Gover.nm'ent i:n ge'~'eilalIJ Detroit m' pa'it ami'tft'e rod'!' post, TB Sana'to'i;.lum Issue: -fhere I Legi'slatlire m'e'ets t6 decide ';\'J1a't

It would be ct line thing if d'uril1g the next school year office in par.ti'c'ular. ,\reo then' iaun'c:n'e~,f~lf~t~'e.}~ett~a't We ,\ie'r'~' has .a1's'o~:e'eh ~: re~ue'~t t~'at ,~~~I sfJ'6't:rltfA5'e ao~'Einext. 'something concrete could be accomplished along the line of about to mall ANOTHER importa'n.'t sllecfa'l ~etiverj iN' TOWN on' sesslo~ be ~~~ed, f,~.,.,~'roV~~~1 ' . '. '" *,," _

Saturc1:,ty. so it would arrive at i~ desti'n'a'ti'6'O'on ~.mday Yiifi)'te' l,noney ~or adrdlt.I~~a1tt~berc}.!.!o~~s,)o:nra, F~rr,;.,.r~ was, ii,. gi'.~a~:improving the athletic facilities at the High School. noon'. We' ~s"kM (s'aYcas6'cally) it tile're' \vi.~ an:yth'ii-"gh'e' co'U'tc1s'iig;: sanatorIUm iaclhtles m Wayne' pleasure to' atHin'd the Ionia: Free I

The Board of Education has lon''t been aware of the: "". "':. , ' '.< •• ' '. ,... • • '[k' County. , . I Nit ltist we'ek alo'ng with a ho'5t ~" " gest ~h~l.fdl~~.~,~~~:~e../ts ,~~~~~~l. on time,} . ~~~~j~J.t~;~ I~~t.t~, :J.;~ A J'6ilnt legisf,ati,ve committe~ I 0'£ O'tfte'ritiiie officials.

inadequacy of the physica:1 s'P'6'rts ,plant at the Fisher road' a taxI anu envermg It ourS~lveS, by hanu. He tuOKduwn t,ne name was e'in'po'wered by.. the Le.i.lii- ~ T'h" '0,' ri "h' ' . t' . "11'• i" ' h 1" r th dd" ,. ." ' , , ' '.. ": ' ere s 0~ mg so ypICa: yin.stitution. One of th'e m6st becfllti ul' schools in' t e entIre, 0 ,e a ress.ee and her address and assured liS that smce he WO\11<1 lature to alloca:te to val'lOUSstate lht/erIcan as the c6iu1'ty fiI"' "'d

countr.y, it is generally ac~6wledged: to have th'e poorest b~ on duty HIS OWNSELF on' Sunday morning,' hIe wo'i:lld p'~rgo'n:a:lTyand couii'ty t\.!berculosis, s~J;Iatoiia I am 'ah';'ays gliia to getlrt(/~s"thletic equipmen.'t of an" Class A st)!i'ool fn' tI1~e''sta'te. see that it a'rri'ved' s:lJely and on' time.. a poi-HoWo'f th'e-$6'S,00'd,o'(jO bond m'any 6'f HlE~mas I can It's at-... , "~IepasS' this bit o'r inform1idon on in case any of our reade'rs issue f,unds voted by the people Ways gO'cd to' see. the p'Hd&f~'rm-

Parents who want to s"ee a ha.'s1?ethall game, practically have to mail a s. a'. letter to a peril'llil' in tHe 6i~'. W'e advise they last FalL ".' " ' : ers take in: displaying the'i*ha\'e to be on hand before dinn'er to find a se~t in the diminu- tele~hone the p'ost ofhcc and ~llk~ an appointment with some' cierI{ ,The C?~,mlttee. mad~ ~ ten'~a'. i Fi~?du~ts" ~!1d tp ri:ot~ fIl~ ,g'~~.atti\'e g,vmnasium. The swimmIng" pool has room for but a 011 dilty to'see that tfle fetter is' de'If"ered. P. S. Hlir local woman ft- tllVPjdewe,tSlOhWChlCh,tf~llTe.1,.to,;~~111r;tpet.:lS.";'l1lcht~ese exhibits glV~ I". ' 1 d ,\,," 'J"" 11' .• " '\, "J;'J~' , .. "" , ,- ,." .' J I',.' .. cure, ayne oun )', nJS lias to M/chlga'h agriculture. .handful of spectators. The teruli's' te<\.ms which have compi e nally got ner lem~r In the Rr,GuLAR m~i11ate on th'e th'lfd dlty after resulted in wide'sp'rEiad criticiSm Y "'t" " d' ~ d' b' tt" I, . . h dd f '\ 'n'., ,-" ' , i '0, • i ou can spen a ay e er

'such magTIlfic~nt ~ec~)l'~s,.have ?~ne,so~e~p.~t~ ..t eo so mal mg .. ' , .*, *. ,'" ,., land thee'6'm'mitiee, hils set an'.. tha'ri by attending your local fair. t

too few courts on whIch to practIce. The ,.tracK nas never had We were presept at a fe'cent gathering Of fEmiiilM who other meeting fCir ~ugust 15. l\.nd don't fbrl{et the State Fair Ia curbing to keep runneFs ~ro.fl( cut~,i.ng off ont? the grass: and! got on:~e s,ub.ie~t.o1 dq'me;>tic assistants ... comparing those * .. .. ~h~ch~will climax the fair season Ihence has been declared Illegal for the stagmg of regronal i of. today w1th .th9s,e of yesteryear. One woman told' ab'out Cnmparati'v'e Needs: Thete is m bepie;nber.t k t h . tt:' h - f b' 1 II no, question about, the great n."e~d -----rac mee s. , ,'," ,,'" _ ','" ,_", I aV1n~ gone, llroug a ,SllCCesS1o'n0' 'ut ers,. ~ of whom _. __ . _

The School 0' ffici'als have been faced \vith the presslng '~,.'ere_ lmposslble,' S,he sa~d she fin all ,v. gave them up' for all "problem of providinsr additional classrooms for the children I trme because of an inter'natioH.al incident caused b'y the last Woods P'o'Iice InvestIgateof the thousands of new families which have moved into the lone she had. It seems Modom was enterUtinirig some imp'ort- Broken WindoW' Repartdistrict. The cost of building new schools has been so high ant Brass at a luncheon ... along with a passel of Lords and .that the Board of Edl!Cation has hesitated to ask the public to Lad~es from abroad. She impresse'Ci upo'n the ,hbusehold staff, . ~ .breaking. an? ,entering, pos~,endorse bon'd issues that would be large enough to also pro-I the lmportance of the occasion; and p'tobably drove the outler I Slbl!lly was. dlSrn:sse~ b~ ~o~dsvide Vie needed additional atnletic equip'nleni. I crazy with her DO do this and DON'T do that. I P?lrce who I.nvestrg~fea a brok,e?

W'l'th the monev it has the School Board is doing to try Came the big d~y and with it the outler's dis~faceftiI dbasement wtJnadobwaF+}a985M2.H;?~r-0' '" - O\b kd H "f th ,," 'f'£ ,',' ay, repore y Ie anson,

and take son:e steps, t~ supp~~ son:e o~ t~~, n:inor !::cess~ties. rea own. .e ~o , .ro,ugh the apE'~11... hour ,.:~nt", .wn.at supervisor of WOOd,S :HighwayAt the meetrng on September 12 It Wlll receIve estlmat~s on f.ass~? for polrte ,."enla.ht~ ... put ~~,h~ "(as, s~r,:,mg the dIS- Department, on August 7,the cost of instaIIin~ ~rack, c,urbing. 1.t ,~lsCiplans to' res?rfa~~ If ,~ngJ;uspe~ guests thelr equaI~:y dl~trng~~sJ:rea fqp~ .. ,... h~ ',~olic:e conclu8ed ,that the ~ih-two tennis courts wnich are in such ba'd shape tRey ca:nnot walRec;l a"b'und the ta?le w hIS t 11 n g Three Blmd MIce dow was broken from the outSide.be used. AU?IBLY! The, upstarrs maid finished serving the lllncheon Large secti()~s ~f, 5i.~ken g1~~

Th d f ' .. ci ",~ '. , 1 ','. '.n.. t', ".' c" r WhI}~ the, chauffeur doused the unhappv butler in cold watet ' were r~una on the ground ottfsldee nee or a: new ",ymnaslUm. arge enou)5Il 0 ",c om- and f d h' hbt bi k d " off" .. i the window CobweBs' surr6ufid.;;

~odate an the spectators ",Vh~wish tq attend., has be~t;I.rec;o.%- e 1m , ac, a~ str~ng c * ee. Ah, the trials of,11fe, iilg the windOw suggested tonJzed fot,many years. D.unng the war, when P1c1?S,v/.'ere afoo~ There ~eems to be a new gimmick on the rallio ... 1. e. A well police th;lt the window haq,prob-to .cr~ate a "Yar memo~lal, thE'~e ~as ~trbng support for,th~ known tune ig played; an ageless thing thiii cduld Se sj1iJHed if, ably nen~r he,en opened.. l~bUlldrng of a field house on the hIgh school campuS to' honor an~'one fro~ 5 year oid t 80 th' Hi d' th t t' Y As the famlly are awat', po-the war heroes. It was noteworthy that much of this support • . . s ? . :.'. en e m.C. ~ Vises .. ~ ,he lice m~rle a thorotlgh check of the

f h d' t' £ th" H' 'h S'h""l h 'So'th first twenty postcards receIved, g"IVlng the name of the {tine. will premi~E's'came romt e~a uaeso e 19 c oo,w ower~ en #lligJi'tl"~-d~o'k' '.'lfi'l f h d' f ., ---.-.---------~~-~~~~~~ __ ~2~~~ ~ _. . b 0 h • ld' t 1.:.' "hl l' t' - "'1.th""'1 ~ nc.re u 'c s wor 0 merc an Ise rom some teleVISionIn ser\"lce. ut w 0 WOlt no u~ a e 0 aval ~ emse ves O( ',' "":".Jtri AI'I '.. " . . j'. , , • '.. 't - -. " h" ' T'1o," h" l:I emp"r/u. we can say 1s that unless you are standUlg In front • ' ,these facllrtre~ themselves when hey came orne. ney au IOf t.l,.:t ""o.....ntown p'''st o''-I'ce Wl'tLi a ca'd I' Ii'" d d ," I'u t .b fth'l kd '.' .. th.' 'ak" 'd"t-a' n."U,"" v n 11 r n an 1\11 your On~lIneen aware 0 e ac urmg elr un crgra ua e, ays. pen op"erl and p(jls~d c1on't hothpr' A tt r f t .01 b t, . 1 A - ," . ~ t • ~ - d." a art... . . •.. s a ma er 0 ac, you.. es

The War MenibtIa . ~ sot 1 a. 1 ~ n eCl, ~u lfl~~e .w~s I ctiit,ht,ewod1ti te to park lit the lobhy of the radio station in questiongreater need for a new lIbrary than for the field house, so ittiB drtiji the card hi the chiite.the idea was shelved. ... • .. I

N ow the Pointe is to l}ave a ,sple~ciia,rie~ centrallibtiti'y, ,We are fascinated by a new high in furs. , . if we are to believe!thanks to the gen~rosity of Mr. D~jdet1v,1. r~rry. Jr. And the what we see oil Tv. The other night, a "house of furs" displayed IWar Memorial problem has Been solyed tHrdtigh tHe gift 61 sevel'al new mode1s for Mi' Lady to choose from. One coat of ques-the Alger family of the magnificent tenter iit Lake Shore tional?le origiil spoded what the announcer termed "cocktail' cuffs."road, \vhich is being maintained thtdugh the annual dofi8:tions W~ tbok a sharp gander at this, .. and found the cuffs lboking likeof thousands of resid~iltS. cuffs ... except that they were about five inches DEEP. The only

It would appear that the time is now her~ to corysider I ~lace t~e "cockt~il" part might come in, (as fai' as we can figure),once again the bui!ding df it field house, The Schobl, Bo~rd IS that Ii you w01:e it whIle .drinking .one.,_you would no doubt getalready has plans for a combination gymnasium-auditorillml som: of the fut. In YOllr dnnk. Other than that ... it might bewhich would be a fine addition to the campus and fill the posMble to conceal a large shaker of cocktails in one cuff, alongdemands for additional facilities. ~with three or four cocktail glasses. That's in ONE cuff. In the other,

The proposed building would provide ample space for I you could .alway~ stowaway a variety of canapes and an oil paintingsta~ing large indoor events of both an athletic and non. of th~ baltenc~=~.. _. , ,athletic nature. 1t would have stage space, locker rooms for ri: '1' ~,~~~~--'=--'-=--''=-'='---==-~

\'arsit~- and ....isi.ting team~, a small it1do.::t' thick, offices for I"

the athletic director and other features.Whether the Board of Education will feel that it can go to

the public in the immediate future and ask it to endorse a ,bond issue for such' a project remains to be s~en. Certainly Isome action should be taken to remedy the situation, It is iunbelievable that a community such as Grosse Pointe has'not provided its high school students with an athletic plant:at least the equal of the less-favored districts in the state. :

The need also points out the opportunity which might be iseized ~y some wealthy local resident to do something which:would cast him as a perpetual benefactor of the Pointe. !Wouldn't it be \I/onderflll if another Mr. Ferry came forward:and presented the community with a building such as this'? I

With the tax situation in its present state, and threaten- Iing to become ever more drastic, more and m~re individualsand corporations are diverting their wealth to civic, state aJIdnational benefactions. Uncle Sam will take it, if they don'tgive it to some deductible philanthropy.

Doubtless hundreds of tnousands, even millions of dol.lars are bein,g given by Pointers each year to institutionsand organizations far removed from the Pointe. There canbe no questioning of the worthiness of any of thest recipients,nor should anyone be too tolerant in the matter of acceptingattempted dictation as to how to dispose of his personal\vealth.

We can beg indul~ence if we suggest to those who arein a position to do great good through their charitable dona-tions. that the Pointe of today is not the Pointe they probablyknew a generation or so ago. At that time a large proportionof the residents were members of rich families, enjoyingever~' privilege money could buy.

Today the great majority are those who have come herein recent years, attracted by the many advantages this com-munity has to offer. Most of them have modest incomes, intoda:v's scale, and present living costs cancel out their abilityto do much more than raise their families and m(.!intain theirhomes in keeping with Pointe standards of civic pride ~ndshared beauty of surroundings. ,

In many cases taxes. are a real burden and the majority,'of Pointe kids of today go all the way through the localschool system, not away to private schools which are lar.gelysustained through private endowments. "

These newe.r citiL.ens, young and old" are tremrmdouslyproud to call Grosse Pointe their home. To encourage thatpride a~ounts to writing insurance on an ever-improving Icommumty I


• _ ... om

Page 5: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten



• Rust• Beige• Navy• Red

• Black

• Green

Kerdheval at St. Clair

Grosse Poinfe

L~ ;;

J.' ;i:~


returns to the classicwith ,go-everywhere,wardrobe versatility



Regularly 13.95

1095 '

Zest for your present and fail 'war-drone, ideal

for' back-to-school plans • .. • buoyantly com.

fortable sandals of genuine cobra • • • with

Risque's exclusive Airsol construction. Take-

advantage of this special selling! ~hoose from

four eleg~nt styles,

' ..



Above: 100% Shoed wool fteece

tie belt wrap casual in beige,

spice. Sizes 9 to 15.

kercheval at St. Cleir-Grosse Pointe

Right: 100% Strood woo, -fleece

tailored single-breasted little.

boy coat. In beige, red or

mango. Sizes 9 to 15.

Page Five

Methodist Board to Hoald picnic Meeting

CASUALS by Risque

The Official Board of the ports from- all committees and Sanctuary of the Congregational'Grosse Pointe Methodist Church organiZations' concerning their Church, Chalfonte at Lothrop.will hold 'a. Picnic Board meet- plans for the year to come. This experiment in cooperativeing at the Farms Pi~r on Wed.. During the Sundays in August worship is proving most success-nesday evening; August 22, at and the first Sund?-y in Septem~ fw. During the past month the6 p.m, bel', the, Grosse. POI.nte Methodist Congregationalists met with the

The. schedule for the coming Church IS meet.mg m cooperative 0 Methodists in the'. Methodistyear will be presented and acted worship with the Grosse Pointe Sanctuary in Moross road be-upon finally. There will bere- ;Congregational Church in the tween Kercheval and Ridge .•



PACKARDEstate sale. Gray.( doorsedan. Model 200 with thebig 300 motor. Cost $3300two months ago. TUxedo5-7704. •

COOKING HINTIf you substitute powdered su-

gar for granulated sugar whenwhipping cream, the whippedcream won't get waterey in thebottom of the dish after it setsa while, MSC specialists pointout.

A petition objecting to thepicnicking facilities provided bythe City of Grosse Pointe Woodsat the Torrey Woods park, lo~cated in the midst of the Torreysubdivision, east of Mack, wassubmitted to the Woods councilat the August 7 meeting.

A picnic table and a charcoalstove now have been transferredto the city park located on thewest side of Mack between Hunt-ington and Kenmore, Philip F.Allard, city administrator said.

The petition was signed bythose residing in the area adja-cent to the Torrey park.


Mary Crc!tt'ford!~_~ngaged ..",;:)": . '

Bridal, Pair TellWed-din.9 Aides

Pet ExhibitsNew Talent

SITUATION UNDER CONTROLResponding .to a report of a

roof fire caused by an incinerator,Woods firemen found that theowner of 19986 Clairview had thesituation under control. A checkrevealed no flames or apparentdamage.

Arriving home after an eve-ning out on August 7, the WalterM. Meeks, of 508 University place,were startled to find the dog inthe living room instead of thekitchen.

Fearing that a prowler mighthave been in the house, theMeeks summoned City police.They told police that the dog hadnever pushed open the swingingdoor located between the kitchenand 'living room.

After a check, police reportednothing out of order .

Rover h~s, apparently, learneda new trick.

Cock~ail PartyReveals News

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bath-gate of Beaufait road announcethe engagement of their daugh-ter, MAXINE SMITH BATH-G.'\TE. to Edward Mazzara ofAshlaRd avenue, Detroit. He isthe son of Mr. and Mrs. JosephMazzara.

Maxine is a graduate ofGrosse Pointe High School;

The wedding' will be held inSt. Joan of Arc Church on Sep-tember 29 at 11 a.m.


Sisters Capture HonorsIn Athletics at Camp

Miss Nanette McMahon. daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. RichardMcMahon, 679 Westchester road;was awarded .a Red Ribbon atthe Horse Show at Moss LakeCamp, in the Adirondack Moun~tains at Darts, New York.-

Her sister Colleen was alsoawarded a Red Ribbon at theHorse Show for the Senior Di-vision of camp.

Nanette won first place inBackstroke swimming, placedsecond in Freestyle swimming,and was a member of the win-ning Relay team. She was alsocrew on the Snipe, winning sec-'and place in the sailing races;

August continues to \;>ea pop-ular bridal month with the mostrecent bride-elect setting Satur-day, Aug. 25, for her nuptials. '

T~e . bride-elect is ~,arbaraEllen Klenk, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. William ChristianKlenk of Devonshire road andher bridegroom-elect,' JamesFrederick Donovan, is the sonof Mr. and Mrs. Percy J. Dono~ .van of Yorkshire road.The ceremony is scheduled for

11 o'clock in SS Peter and PaulJesuit Church to be followed bya wedding breakfast and recep~tion at the Klenk home .

Jean Hillliday"wiU be Barb~ra'smaid of honor and the brIdes-maids a-re to be Mrs. W. DeanRobinson Jr., Joan Gehlert and

Guests in:l~~~re f-: P~~c~:~t EI~~~,~~~~t~~r, Jf}bn .C. D?n~ The engagement of MaryI S d af t th ovan of New York, IS gomg Crawford to Dr. 0 Rag""" V. Walk~

last un ay ternoon a e to be best man ".nd ti'le ushers "'~home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard include two other brothers, er, Jr., was announced last Sat-Robert Walton on LOthrop road, . Robert and Percy J. Donovan u,rday at a small cocktail partymet Dorothy Walton's fiance gIven by the bride-elect's par~

. ,0 , Jr;, , and ,Barbara's bro-ther.Gerard Cornelius Mooney of William' C. Klenk, HI. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.PIa' fi ld N J Crawford of .Moran road.

In e , . . This Thursday evening, brides-Dorothy at ten d e,d . Grosse maid Mrs. W. De~ Robinson .•Tr. Dr. Walker is the son of Dr.

Pointe Country Day, Grosse f and Mrs. Rog.er ,y. WaIker ofPOI'nte Hl'gh School and Sml'th ~' giving <,l linen shower .or- I " H -,

d roquolS avenue. e S.a graduateColle.ge. Barbara. This Sun. ay evemng f th U' 'ty f Mk 'M'k D'll 0 e nlVersl 0 ichiganShe's a member of the Junl'or Richard Rohrbac, 1 e 1 on d W U .

'. and Fred Murphy will fete the an ayne mversity Medical,League and Sigma Gamma A~-Aug. 25 wedding pair as well as School.sociation. . Carol MacPherson and Sid M~y, who's a member of Sig-

Mr. Mooney, who )s th~ ,son O'Brien (who are also engaged) m~ Gamma, received her educa~of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph WIlham, h th '0 barbecue sup- tion at Liggett &hoo1 and West-Mooney of Plainfield, N. J., at~ w en tey gIVe a . C 11t d d P. t H' b per par y. 0 ,ern 0 ege, Oxfor_d, Q.en e rmce on. e s a mem er On Aug. 20 Jean Halliday will -:- ,

of the Campus Club. be hostess at a dinner party and VOI-Ce Ob]-ectl"Onkitchen shower for Barbara and

E - d the following day, Elaine Kramer T P. - kngage is givirig a table top shower for 0 lCnlC ersthe bride-elect.

Still another pre-nuptial partyis the spinster dinner which JoanGehlert will give on Aug. 22.

-That same evening Jim's fatherwill be host at the bachelor din-ner.

Mr. and Mrs. Donovan willalso entertain the wedding guestsat the rehearsal dinner whichwill take place Aug. 23 at theDetroit Boat Club.


~------------"---"--"---_.--------~--' .-::,. --~------~-------~--~-,-c~.----------~------,~'!' '10. '.- '-'~'-',,'. ""'-.",,..;r""'"A-'-""" ... ,;, .• I, , ......... " '-"'_~:"'" ... .._ .. v~~::":,,,!_l1'- ...... ::; ......-~-':', "-~--'."- ...... ~--~-:. :.... " •. t '_,._. ..,.

TU. 1.8692

_4 4

Servic,e to All the Pointesend Across the World

It is the firm, sound policy of A. J.Meyer, Pharmacists, NOT to carry

.preparations that will extend tbedangerous evil of self-medication. In- .stead, we emphasize that decisions.relating to your health should bemade by the only persOn qualifiedfor this vital service .' .. your repu-table, licensed physician.

Ph 0 neE D. 1- 9 2 89

~ ~ .• •: This Coupon Is Valuable :• •• 4 ,Games lor •• •: the Vsual :: Price cl 3 : "• •• -with thisco~pon -• •••••••••••••••••••••••

Thursday, August 16,' 1951

for reservation


Grosse Pointe Woods Recreation

Make your reservationsat once while these openings

are availabl.

ladies' Team or Individual L~dieslBowling at 7:00 0'dock Wednesday


* Joe Ale;:ander at Piano and Accordion NIghtly

-and for-

Lddies~ Thursday Afternoon League

* Newly Decorated *Newly Carpeted* Ai, Conditioned


Reopent Aug. 25th

Iloller New JJ#a"ageDlflntc. A. Brunton, Owner

.IS now

Noonday Luncheons - II to 3Roadhouse Type Dinners - 5 to 10

a 119 carte - 10 to I

SAVARINE RECREAllONin the Savarine Hotel I

13111 East Jefferson VA. 2.59,00

Under New Management4 Alleys - A,B,C. Sanctioned

Choice Nights Available for LeagueBowling • , • Billiards ••. Ping Pong , •• Checkers, etc.

Grosse Pointe WoodsRECREATION

20422 Maek Ave.

Try warming Brazil nuts in ,. .the ~ven of your range _before It. posslble to. crack th~crackIng them. The heat makes wIthout breaking the meat.














Page 6: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten


,'- wa\J Te




















TUxedo l-b833For Appointment

PJrking f:lC'ilities ii,. rear

Pointer to ll'edIndiana Girl

VanLoon-SpeatBetrothal Told

Thursday, August r 0, 195 I


Hair Styling and BeautyService at its Best'•

117 Kercheval Ave.On the Hill

Between McMillon and Muir





. ;e~~..;.:~~:

, '1~W!~:.ttltf!Wt.\@Wi1mi%1l%%fi

Nancy Mathe.wson Becomes Bride of Robert Cooper atCeremony in Grosse Pointe Congregational Church~

Couple Leaves for Lake Michigan Wedding TripNine year old Jimmy Mathewson played an important

role when his sister, Nancy, became the'bride of Robert Coop--er last Saturday evening in Grosse Pointe CongregationalChurch. I'.

The voung man lighted the mother who pmned brown or.U chids to her purse.

cat h e d r a I tapers for the M C th f th. '{'s. ooper. mo er 0 ecandlehght ceremony. bridegroom, wore gr.ay chiffon

The bride is the daughter of lover pink and a pink toque. HerMr. and Mrs. Paul Mathewson flowers were. pink sweetheartof Lakeland avenue and the roses.bridegroom is the son of Mr After . th~ir wedding trip on

• Lake MIchIgan, the new Mr. andand Mrs. James H. Cooper of Mrs. Cooper will make theirGrand Marias boulevard. I home on Dickerson avenue.Rev. Hugh White performed

the marriage ceremony whichwas followed by a reception inthe parlours of the lovely church.

Nancy was a bride in whiteorgandie, minute. a p p 1i que dflowers trimming the high, round Mr. and Mrs. John M. Vancollar of the frock which had Loon of Audubon road announc-fitted bodice and full skirt ed the engagement of their.sweeping into graceful train. daughter, Margaret Mary, to Wi! ..

liam Errett Speer, son of Mrs.On her head was the bridal Ray Burton Bowen of East Jef~

cap of heidoom lace sent from ferson Avenue, at a dinner partyLa Jolla, Calif., by her grand- given at Beach Grove Golf Clubmother, Mrs. Ja~es A. Mathew- Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada. •son, and she carned a bouquet of I .white roses and ste hanotis. Mr. Speer IS. a gra?uate of

. . p . Georgetown Un 1v e r SIt Y LawHer sIster. Marllyn Mathew- I School, Washington, D.C. and a

~on, was ~ald of honor, wear- member of Alpha Chi and Deltamg ~ classiC frock of embossed Theta Phi fraternities.orchid organdy. She wore a -Th dd' g ill t k ~

t.. f I ' e we In WI a -e p~acewrea d 0 roses ~d eaves ~n October 6 at S1. Claire de Monte.her head and carrled a colonial f I Ch hf . k e co urc.nosegay 0 pIn roses.' _Another si~ter, Paula Mathew-

son, and Anne Ortegren werebridesmaids. Their frocks weredesigned like Marilyn's onlytoned in French blue and blushpink and they carried pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. An-

James Douglas Cooper was his derson of Ridgemont road, an.brother's best man and grooms- nounce the engagement of theirmen were Dan Fleming, Robert daughter, Marion Ruth, to Lt.Carpenter, John Packer and Don R. Hill, son of Dr. and Mrs.Glenn Kenney. I Ivan A.Hill of Knightstown, In.. A frock of champagne net with I diana.

CoC? maline chapeau and acces- The' wedding is planned forsones were chosen by the bride's September 22.

Mathewson-CooperRites Are Solemnized

'" '" '"

... .. ...

.. .. '"

.. .. .

.. .. ..

.-7~~.== ==--164:8 .~~ ..•

Spending the month of Augustat Camp Silver Lake, is MARYSHENEFIELD, of Grand MaraIS.

(Contin~ed on Page" 9)


Pointe visitors fl'om Hays,Kansas, are MR. and MRS. S.W. LAMER with daughters, JAYand BETSY. They will spendthe next two weeks with Mrs.Lamer',s parents, DR. and MRS.CHARLES EWING, of Univers.ity place.


CHIEF EDWARD L. RECTORof the Grosse Pointe Park FireDepartment, Grosse Pointe Park,Michigan, is spending- his vaca-tion at Wilbur Clark's Desertrim, Las Vegas, Nevada, withhis friend, ELMER F. ULRICH,former Park 'co'J.ncilman and firecommissioner. .. .. ..

MR. and MRS. CLARK L.BASSETT of Lochmoor boule.vard are due to arrive in NewYork on August 20 on the QueenMary/after spending two monthsin Europe.

MR. and MRS. C. J. KERNand their son, DON, of Loch-moor boulevard, are spending thevacation period at their summerhome, "Daybreak," on the oldAu Sable, near East 'l'awas.

I\l ~ *

MA.fOR GEN. (ret.) JOHNM. "JENKINS and MRS. JEN.KINS are spending the monthof August with their son-in-law 'and daughter, MR. andl\ffiS. H. HOWARD BENNETTof Washington road.

.. .. ..

It will be a Sept. 22 weddingfor MARION RUTH ANDERSON,daughter of MR. and MRS.THOMAS C. ANDERSON ofRidgemont road, who will bemarried tQ LT. DON R. HILLof KnightStown, Ind. Lt. Hilll isthe son o~ DR. and MRS. IVA....."'lA-. HILL.

When the RAYMOND K.DYKEMAS returned to townfrom Huron Mountain -Club theywere "replaced" at the Michiganresort by MRS. WENDELL C.GODDARD of Provencal roadand her daughter, SARA, andson, WENDELL JR... .. '"

MR. and MRS. FRANK E.STANDISH and son, 'JIMMY, ofMoross road, whipped back tothe Pointe refreshed and lavishwith praise for. the vacation de-lights of Loon Lake, Apsley, Ont.,where they spent a fortnight... .. .

This week~end will mark thereturn of cruisers NEIL McMIL.LAN JR., R. LOCKHART WIL-BUR, FREDERICK C. FORD andFRANK D. NICOL who've beenguests of, HAROLD DuCHARMEaboard his yacht, Natoya. They'vespent two weeks cruising onLake Superior.

... .. .

MRS. J. CRAWFORD FROST,JR., and her deb daughter, JUDY,are back in their Merriweatherroad home after. three weeks atCastle Park.

Other August visitors in tl1ePointe include MRS. DAVID D.HENRITZE of Atlanta, Ga., an~her three months old son, DAVIDJR., who are guests of her par-ents, MR. and MRS. FRED A.HUGHES of University place.Mrs. Henritze and David havemet a brand new relative sincetheir arrival 'for WILLIAMHENDERSON LONGLEY wasborn Aug. 2 to MR. and MRS.WILLIAM HENDERSON LONG-LEY of Meadow lane. Mrs. Long-ley was Winifred Hughes.

* .. ..'MR. and MRS. CLEVELAND

THURBER JR. have returned tothe Pointe after spending 10 daysat Pointe au Baril, Ont. Theywere accompanied on the junketby their son, CLEVIE... .. ..

The REUBEN. M.. WATER.MANS of Meadow lane, .withdaugliters 'LOIS' and PAULA,leave this week .£01' a vacationat Lake AchegOll, Canada. Whenthey re~!:lrn to the Pointe, theywill stop off at Camp Charlevoixto collect son,. ROBBIE, who'sbeen a camper there this Sum-mer.

* ... ..

.. .. ..

MRS. .1;. LESLIE BERRY andMRS. JWW ARD MacKENZIErepresented the Pointe Mondayafternoon when MRS. SEMONKNUDSEN entertained in herBirmingham home at a reportmeeting for International Insti-tute's Sept. 17 and 18 fashionshow and tea to be held at theBook Cadillac. The J. L. HudsonCo.. will stage its first Fall show-ing at the tea, proceeds fromwhich will be used to furnishthe members' lounge of the newInternational Institute Building.II'Irs. Berry and Mrs. MacKenzieare among the divisional chair.men for the project.

... '" ..

MRS. LUKE GILBERT re-turned to her home in Washing-ton, D. C., last week after aviEit with her brother-in-law andsister, MR. and MRS. ALVANMACAULEY of Lake Shore road.

on Iroquois avenue to a newhome on Handy road.

E:rnedtHAIR DRESSER•• , Colonial Village Sectton,TUxedo 1.5920

B1'anch at. Fo,.t Lauderdale) Flo1'id"

YOUR19517 Mack

... '" ..

.. * ..

.. '" ..

Individuality in CoiffuresPermanent Waves Hair Coloring

Spacious Accomodations


Mrs. Paul Dennis .Deeley


-Carl Joyner PhotoThe former FLORENCE ERRINGER, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. William Ingels Erri.nger of Young lane, who wasmarried on August 11 to the son of Mr. and Mrs. PaulDavid Deeley of Country Club drive.

MR. and MRS. HENRY MUN-ROE CAMPBELL of Lakelandavenue have left for the HuronMountaJn Club, where they'llremain until early in Septem-ber.

Among out of town guests ar.riving this week-end fOr thewedding of BETTY BLISS andLOWREY KAMMER will beMR. and MRS. WILLIAM AN-STED and GEORGE SCHNEI.

The L. E. FACKNERS, of DER of Indianapolis who'll beMerriweather road, have been in houseguests of MR. and: MRS.Northport Point where they were WILLIAM O. EARL of Kenwood.the guests of MR. and MRS. road.FRED HAMMOND at their sum-, .. '" ..mer home. MR. and MRS. WILLIAM L.

'" >I< .. \ McGIVERIN have returned toMRS. ROY D. M c C L U REI thei r Pointe home following a

moved ~his week from her home 10 day stay in Bedford, N. Y..


.You can't afford to gamble with fire!~ ~


1214 Griswold St. • WOodward 2-4411

I I1IIIIIIIIIlUIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil1II11111111illl1ll1ll1l111111111111l1l1lfllillUlll1IIUHil1II1I1I1I1I~

Doing the Berkshire MusicFestival together have been MRS.ALLAN SHELDEN of LakeShore road, MRS.. HOWARDFREEMAN SMITH of Provencalroad and MRS. JOHN B. FORDJR. of East Jefferson' avenue.

The CARL BROSS. family ofLewiston road is spending theSummer at Northport Point.

... ... ..

CLARK THOMPSON WELLS ofHandy road and their' son-rn-law and daughter, MR. and MRS.GEORGE V. CANDLER JR. ofMerriweather road. On Sundaythe Candlers were hosts at afamily dinner party at the De.troit Boat Club when also pres.ent were still another son anddaughter-in-law of the Wells,MR. and MRS. CYRUS C. WELLSof Denver, Colo., who arrivedSaturday' from. their Westernhome with their three childre:tl.

Short and to the PointeGather~d, From All of the

MR. and MRS. PEARSONWELLS of Richmond, Va., arethe guests of their son anddaughter-in-law, MR. and MRS.

MRS. LeCLAIR PETERSON :>fHolland, Mich., is the guest ofher sister, MRS. EDGAR E.MARTMER of Washington road.. .. ..

MRS. GEORGE N. MONROIII of Touraine road. is spendinga fort1light with MR. and MRS.RICHARD M. JOY at their Sum-mer home in Harbor Pointe, withMR. MONRO making it a four~some on weekends.

* .. ..






From Another Pointeof View

l'age Six


, The pOstman brought two call-i ing cards this week . . . one

by i very tiny . . . tied with a .bitJane Schermerhorn IOf pink ribbon ... announcmg

that a dark-eyed beauty, MARYr- ...: WILHELMINA VOLKENS, who

The minute the sorrowful news that the Robert Kellers I was born July 10, has arrivedwere leaving the Pomte got about I' at the Meadow lane home of I

~ . : . MR'. and MRS. MILTON WIL-Plans were underway to at least se:1d the popular young LIAM VOLKENS.

couple off to their new horne in Wilmington, Del. ... roundly I .. .. ..fe~ed ... and fully aware of how much we're all going to I' MR. and MRS. H. HUNTERmISS them • • . WILLIAMS of Hillcrest road, are

The Kellers are being taken to Wilmington on business I at their ~ummer ,place at Harbor••• Bob concentrating on those all-important tanks for the, Beach thIS month.next few years. I .. .... .

L . d d T MR. "and MRS. HARRY R.ast evemng (We nes ay) lVIr. and lVII's. Ray ~,hyte I FRUEHAUF of Lakepointe ave-

?f Ox.!ord road gave a buffet sup,?er and dancing party nue, 'were ~ecent guests of MR.In theIr Oxford road home for MaxIne and Bob... and MRS .. SAM T. KELLER

First planned as a surprise party ... news that the ~board the la,tter's yac~t c~uisingclosest friends of the. couple would gather for a farewell In the Georg;an ...Ba.y dIstnct.party spread fast. . . MRS. RICHARD W. JACK.

But the Whytes smilingly called it a "surprise party" SON of Merriweather ',road,right up to the arrival of the guests of honor. . . with her daughter, LINDA.

. * * * and Son DICK, has been atthe Del Monte Lodge in PebbleBeach, Calif.

* ... ..Honoring the Kellers

Cocktails were served in the garden after whichguests repaired to the dining room, beautiful with AmericanBeauty roses ... and the buffet ...

A special orchestra \:\l3S in the games room to playthe favorite songs of the crowd .•. which included:

Mr. and Mrs. Ozzie Olson ... Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fors-ter, Jr .... Mr. and Mrs. William Slaughter, .. Mr. and Mrs.Bernard Powell ... Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Robert~ ... Mr.and Mrs. Sterling Dockson ... Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gargaro••• Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peabody ... Mr. and Mrs. KellerNissley and Mr and Mrs. Ar~hur J. Rhode ...

The Roberts. Powells and Docksons arrived yesterdayaboard the Glori-Bee after cruising about Georgian Bay forseveral weeks ..• carne home specially for the do .••

<Continued on Page 9)



----------------_ ......_---------------_ ...._---------------------------

Page 7: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten

+ a$ , . . ,14°.;,0 . 3 .. JA V..~,...LL " . .... - ... ---.J _, .. ..-) .#" ••.•• ' - •

.as i & .S b.Y

•Page Seven


by, of, a.nd for Pointe Women•••PageTnursaay, August T6, 195 r






lady is the daughter of Mr. andMrs. Reginald Murphy of Bal-four road.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Conlisk,Commodore and Mrs. J. EdgarDcncan, M3'. and Mrs. WilliamBoales, Mr. and Mrs. CharleaB. Eisenhauer, Mr. and Mrs.Kendrick Brown. Mr. and Mrs.Alphonse DePaepe, Mr~ andMrs. Walter S. Clark, Mr. andMrs. Mont Wickham.Mr. and Mrs. Christopher

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson C.Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. John F.DeHayes. Mr. and Mrs. WilliamA. Ternes, Mr. and Mrs. John F.MotschaH. .

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ogden,'Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Nixon, Mr.and Mrs. Russel G. Nutter. Mr.and Mrs. Alan T. McHenry, Mr.and Mrs. William C. Hunter •

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Payne,Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hooper, Mr.and Mrs. Walter Graham, Mr•,and Mrs. Joseph W. Paskey.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hofmann,.Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kay, Mr. andMrs. Melvin Huffaker. Mr, anClMrs. Robert F. Weber

Precious Mink

exclusive representation

of this firm's 1951 line~~f

Gregory, Mayer and Thom

announces that"

Mrs. Frank E. St~c1ish.:~will have the

,~..-\ ~.-""~<'-"~' -~q.

CHRISTM.AS ''.CAllDS~;;theGr;;;~P;int;'area~

'This year's showing of Christmas cards is the most.distinctive in Gregory, Mayer and Thom'll 52 yean

of service. Included are, many excIU!iv8 creationsin limited quantities. You are urged to make yourselection earl)'. Call Mr!. St~ffish and arrm;ge tosee this impressive llhowing•••• TUxedo 1.9314.

Yout' Selectionwill be held

until .this fall

in natural wild • • • nafural ranch ana thefabulous mutl!ltions ••• you may see them all

in Detroit's outstanding mink collection of

coats ••• capes ••• jackets, , • stoles ••• scarfs.


S8 Years of Dependeibility

2341 Grand Riyer at VernorWOo 1-9100

Customer Parking / Lot


Commodore J. Edgar Duncan to Review Club" Fleef afAnnual Show Boat Party Being Staged Saturday;

• Over 500 Members Make Reservations

GPYCMembers ReadyFor Show Boat Party-


Edmund Anderson TofsPay Visit To The Pointe

Fair WorkersHonored at Tea.

A canasta tea which will havethe added~lamor of one of thegame's foremost authorities (Mrs.otillie Reilly. of the RegencyClub, New .York) ~ill ~e placeSept. 4. ....., .

The affair will be in natureof a benefit tea and canastatournament for the League forPlanned Parenthood and Mrs. Commodore J. Edgar Duncan will set his commodore'sHarley Earl and Mrs. William cap at just the jauntiest angle come Saturday afternoon alidMoore Joy are co-chairmen of immediately thereafter board the Grosse Pointe Yacht.Clubth~~~:illy was on'e of canasta's flagship touching off the beginning of the annual Show Boat

festivities at the club. ~---- _early enthUsiasts in ~country The craft of the club wI'IIand is. largely responsible forthe basket game's vogue. follow the flagship dpwn to

While she's in town, Mrs. Reilly the Little Club and then, withwill be the guest of Mrs. Joseph ,nautical mirrors the Commo-B. &hlotman at the latter's home dore will mak~ it back' toon La~e Shore road. . Grosse Pointe Yacht Club to

The, benefit tea 'party IS set b' .ti t . thfor 2 o'clock on Sept. 14. em paSIon 0 reVIew e

fleet.Cannons will salute Commo.

dore DUIlCtln as each craftpasses Grosse Pointe YachtClub. Following this ceremonythere'll be cocktails on thelawns and terraces of th~ lake~side c.ub with more than. 500guests expected to be on hand.J. Earl Frase' is chairman of

the Show Boat party and hiscommittee includes the club'sentire entertainment committeeheaded by Rex Regan, It'll be aDixieland theme witn SpanishMoss, grill work arranged onthe outer balconies of the hand.some club, etc., all lending aNew Orleans' touch.

.Jacqueline Murphy. young TVstar recently seen in Detroit'sBirthday extravaganza "City ofFreedo~' is to sing songs fromShow Boat. The talented young

Canasta WhizArrives Sept. 14

The women who worked thisSummer at the Summer con-certs given by the Detroit Sym-phony Orchestra at State FairGrounds were feted at a, teaTuesday afternoon by Mrs. PhilipD. 'Dexter in her Lincoln roadhome.

A group assisting Mrs. Dexterat the tea included Mrs. J. MiltonSetzer, Mrs. K. H. Charlson, Mrs.Frank W. Coolidge, Mrs. RichardAllen, 'Noel Baker, Mm. C. Wil-liam Palmer, Miss Alma Glock,Mrs. Charles Terris; Mrs. H. G.Larue and Mrs. Richard Wagner.

Seven Girls to ReturnFrom YW's C~mp Caven

When the YWCA's Camp Ca~veIl closes August 25, seven girlsfrom this area will bid a sadfarewell to. many new friendsand to a host of happy experi-ences they ha'\Teshared thissummer.

Girls from this area who will.return home from Cavell ne'xtweek are: MarY' Davidson, Stan-ton lane; Beverly C. De Mers,Hawthorne; Janet Healy, Wash-ington; Donna Lee Kramer,Colonial court; Alice Ann Ortved,Fisher road; Ruth Anne Schmult,Lochmoor; Nancy L. Smith, Hol.lywood.

Two very young and attractivegu-ests are making a Pointe visit.They are. Linda and Wesson An-derson, children .of Mr. and Mrs.Edmund. Ander:son of Wilton,Conn. The. Andersons have leftfor their Eastern home and Lindais staying with her grandmother,the Countess Cyril ToIstoi, andWesson is paying a visit to hisaunt, Mrs. Ralph Stoepel. .


TUxedo 2-6880

on invitation to

Grosse Pointe Farms

88 Ker~heval

-to oroer' your Christmas' Car(kThere is a fine seleetionnow

ona a :IO/,o 'discount

through September.



Mrs...Edward Elder

Deeleys Leave For Texas

-Picture by Moffett Studio

The former CAROL H. CASTRICUM, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Martin Castricum of University place; whose mar-

.. riage to Dr. Edward Elder o~ Dearborn took place on August11. The bridegroom is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Edward R.Elder.

Florence Erringer; ~aughter of I Mrs. Paul David De'eley of Coun-Mr. and Mrs, Wilham Ingels try Club drive.Errin,ger, of Young lane, was For her wedding. Florencemarned last Saturday afternoon .at 4 o'clock to Private Paul Den- wore an opera length gown ofnis Deeley, USAF, in the garden white satin shadowed in whiteof her parents' home. lace. A frothy veil cf French

P~ul is the son of Mr; and silk illusion fell fingertip length- from brief juliet cap and iheDouglas Krieger bride carried a white prayer hook

covered with white weddingToWedAug.28 orchid.A green dotted SwiGs frock

with white picture hat was wornby maid of ,honor, . BarbaraBarnes, for the garden wedding .She carried daisies in her bou~quet.

The bridesmaids, Louise Dee-ley, and Lois Zilligan of Chicagt),.were gowned in yellow dottedSwiss and their flowers also weredaisies.

Serving as junior bridesmaidwas Janie Trumbo of Ottawa,Ill., in green dotted Swiss, anda still tinier member of thewedding party was flower girl,Ann Browning, also of Ottawa,who wore yellow dotted Swiss,

Fred Deeley, George West andThomas Willson were ushers and LEARNS HARD WAYduties of the best man were per- Cheri Galdoni, 15, of 1814 Hu:ntformed by RichaM V. Doherty Club, who reported $1.85 stolenof Chicago. from her clothes left in the bath-

.The young couple will live at house at the Woods lakef~ontRandolph Field, Tex., where the park on July. 25, was adVIsedbridegroom is stationed, follow-I to take advantage of the check-ing their Chicago wedding trip. ing system in the future.Milicent Hesse

Is Engaged

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Caseof Mountain Lakes, N. J., haveannounced the engagement oftheir daughter, Marion, to Doug-las Roberts Krieger, son of Mr,and Mrs. William A. Krieger, Jr.,of Moran road, Grosse Pointe.

Miss Case was graduated thisJune from Denison University,where she was a member of Al-pha Omicron Pi sorority. Doug~las was a member of the 1947class at Grosse Pointe High andwas also graduated from Denisonthis June. He is a member ofPhi Delta Theta.

He is now enrolled in the Grad-uate School .of Music at IndianaUniversity and has been award-ed an assistantship in piano forthe coming year.

The wedding wil.1 be held at8 p.rn, on August 28 in the Com-'munity Church in MountainLakes, N. J.

Pointe Family ReturnFrom Bermuda Sojourn

----LMr. and Mrs. Allan W. Shelden

II with Allen IV, Susan andLisa, have returned from a fort-night at Paget, Bermuda.

~1I1111111t1111111111111111111111111111l1l111IllIllI\ll1l1ll1ll11ll1llIl\ll\llllIlIlIllIll1lIl\llllltl\lllllIlIl1l11l1ll1l1l11\11\l1l1l111lii1\l11ll1l11lm1l1l\1I1l1l1ll1l1l~~ . == s$ ES ~

I You're In'''ited II Be me to .ee the Mod.1 Home .t ii 1772 Prestwick, Grosse Poinfs, I! Ilnd see how perfectly you I~ can run your home from ~I any room II with Ii BiciiliJQI ~! I~ Electronic Home Intercommunicating' S;)'stem ~e =I The modern WilY of operating II 0 hom.e. . • • complete super~ ~E VISIon at every point. ~i =E_ Complete Information Without Obligatio~ -

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Sarvis. WoodExchange -Vows

The wedding of Carolyn Wood,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LouisSidneY,Wood of San Juan drive,Detroit, and Private John Sarvis,son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sarvisof Lakepointe avenue, was heldon .August 11 at 8 p.m. in theMayflower Con g reg a t ion a IChurch.

The bride wore an ivory satingown with a net yoke encrust~dwith seed pearls, a fitted bodiceand full skirt falling into a train.She had a fingertip veil andcrown of orange blossom clusters.Her bouquet was a white orchidsurrounded by s t e p h a not i sstreamers entwined with ivy.

June Sarvis was maid of honorand Alberta Demeyer, Gail Nick-erson and Carolyn Keys werethe bridesmaids.

Jack Coriden was best manand the ushers were James .Con-ners, Ray Lenn, Donald Sarvis,Don Rightenburg and Capt. EarlHoyt, USA. Michael Hoyt wasthe ring bearer.

The bridegroom's mother worea dusty rose crepe gown withmatching hat and green orchids.

The mother of the bride woregrey chiffon with periwinkle .blueaccessories and an orchid.

The bride's going away cos~tume was of grey gabardine withred accessories. The couple are,on a short honeymoon in North-ern Michigan before heading forAntigo, Wis., where the bride-groom is stationed.

Roy-HendrieNuptials Aug. 31

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Resse,of Merriweather roaq, have an-nounced the' engagement of theirdaughter, Milicent Ann, to John

Home on lake Shore Road w. Allmand, son of Mr. and Mrs.. John T. Allmand of Touraine

Readied for Robert Scherers, road. 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Scher. The announcement was made

er, who made their home in Pal- at a luncheon in Detroit Yachtmer Woods, will move this Club given by the bride-elect'sautumn, into their new home on mother.Lake Shore road.

L. A. Kings VacationIn Canadian Rockies

Jasper Park Lodge in the Ca-nadian Rockies is currently thevacation choice of Mr. and Mrs.L. A. King of Balfour road.

Nancy Regester Clapp, daugh~tel' of Mr. and Mrs. RaymondFurbush Clapp of Washington,D. C., was married in CollegePark, Md" on August 11 to DavidRalph Mellen, Jr.

Miss Clapp lived with Dr. andMrs. Earl G. Krieg of GrossePointe wh~le she was attendinghigh school here.

The bridegroom is the son ofMrs. Inez B. Hochstein and Dr.David R. Mellen, both of Roch-ester, N. Y.

The bride is a graduate of theUniversity of Maryland, whereshe was affiliated with KappaKappa Gamma and Mortar Board .The bridegroom is a graduate ofSyracuse University and GeorgeWashington Law School. He is amember of Phi Delta Theta.

The young couple will maketheir home in Washington.


Phone LO. 7-2466










Sales Conducted by


iHany summer fashions to carry"IOU thrQugh the rest of the theseason at greatl,}' red/Iced p.rices.

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SundaYI August 19. 1951from 10:00 A. M.

424 Book Building


8100 East Jefferson•

Sunday; Aug. 26,. from 10 a. m.

Daughter of Martin Casticums of University Place MarriesDr. Elder at Ceremony in Christ Ghurch, Grosse

Pointe~ To Live in San Antonio

Carole Castricum WedTo Dr. Edward Elder

After their wedding trip in Bermuda, Dr. and Mrs. Ed-\vard Ellis Elder Jr., will make their home in San Antonio,Texas. where Dr. Elder will be ,stationed, temporarily, atFort Sam Houston. @>--------------

The marriage of the former Caudle,_John Wunch and Dr. E.Carole Houghton Castricum T. Perry.and Dr. Elder took place last . Mrs. Castricum wore for herSat u r day afternoon at 4:30 "daughter's wedding a floor lengtho'clock in Christ C h u r c h, I gown of blue crepe and lace withG P . t I matching hat.

fosse am e. I h 0'1 h'ffTh R H W Sh"Il Mrs. E cler c ose a II ac c I one ev. cnry • errl I ' h h'

officiated at the ceremony uni- I costume Wit matc m~ toque.ting the daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, C~tncum w~rcMrs. Martin Castricum, of Uni. hosts at the weddmg receptlOnversity place, and Dr. Elder, in Lochmoor Club following the80n of Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. church ceremony.Elder of Dearborn. : When the young couple left forFor her wedding, Carole wore: Bermuda, the new Mrs. Elder

<I gown of Chantilly lace over I don n e d a frock of navy bluewhite satin. Its long sleeved, shantung with .small hat of whitefitted bodice was attached to full pique trimmed in navy and white.skirt which swept into a train. A Her accessories were also navyDtlche~1Scap of heirlo?ffi l~ce hel.d I and white.the lon'g imported IllUSion veil _~ _and the bride carried a white 01'- J W · htchid surrounded by stephanotis. lean rzg

The trio of bridal attendants 1st d B.dwere gowned in filmy frocks of a",ur ay TZ epale pink. nylon tulle and they I __caried bouquets of purple asters; Jean Taylor Wright, daughterwith ivy streamers, of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Pulteney

Mrs. William R. Ludwig was Wright of LaSalle place, will bematron of h()nor and the bric1es- married this Saturday to Gilbertmaids were Barbara Sickels Edison Miller at ceremony in St.and Joanne Hill. Clare de Montefalco Church.Dr. Elder asked Dr. Robert The bridegroom. elect is t~e

Dustin to assist him as best man son of Mr. an.d Mrs. Earl D. MIl- An Aug. 31 wedding date hasand the bridesrnen were James ler of Berkshire road. '. been set by Arlene Roy, daugh.-----------~---- Following their marnage the tel' of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Roy

young couple ,.,ill live in Dudley, of Cloverly road, and John Alex.Mueller Family Returnin9 IMass., where Gilbert is complet- ander Hendrie, son of Mr. and

From Castl~ Park Vacation ing his studies in business ad- Mrs. George Strathearn Hendrie_ ministration at Nichols College. of Hillcrest road.

I Theid wedding will take placeMrs, John H. Mueller of Dem. I at St. Paul's on The Lake.ing lane and her four children, IHawaii and West Coast The bride-elect is a graduateJanet, Judy. Suzy and Johnny, L J H M lis of Grosse Pointe Sacred Hearthave returned h 0 r:: e aft e r lure • arvey axwe Academy and she attended thespending five \\'eeks at Castle . .' -- . _ DuChesne Residence in NewPark. Mich. where they stayer!! .MIS, J. HClrve~ Ma,xwe:l.of M~ York. She recently graduatedat The Castle. IK1I1:ley~venue, 1S bemg Jom~d 10 from 'the Detroit Conservatory

While visiting there with their Ca~lforma. ~y M:. Ma.X\oVell.for a of Music with bachelor of musicgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin senes of V1SItsWith fnend~ In Los dH. Mueller of Grayton road, I Angeles and San FranCISco. ef~~' graduated from Univer-•Janet took part in the play, i Mrs. Maxwell flew from De. sity of Detroit and before that,"John Loves Mary." given by the! troit to Hawaii the first part of Portsmouth Priory.Castle Park Players, and Judy j this month. They will be backwon a ribbon in the Junior Horse in the Pointe b~fore the first of Nancy.R. ClappShow. September.

'Weds in East











, , '.1

Page 8: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten










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TUxedo 1.6600




7 :30 A.M. tb 6:00 P .~t.MON. thru THURS.

7 :30 A.M. to 8:30 PM.ON FRIDAYS

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Thursday, August 16, 1951




Chester Boot Shop



i59' I E. Warren, at Buckingham .Open Frl. and Sat. Until 8:30 P.rn.

'5554 E. WARREN

Star Boat Skippers HavingHottest Competitive SeasonHave Already Come Up With Two First Plac; Ties, the

Latest One Beirig Shared by Three SaIlorsin 'B' Series E~ent13vFred Runnells ,

First place ties iz{sailing are unusu:al, but the DetroitRiver Star Fleet sailors have come up WIth two of them al-ready this season.

Last Sunday August 12, Dick Miller, Meryl Amo andAlex Allardyce fdund themselves in a three-way tie for t~e"B" series trophy after the final race sailed off Crescent SaIlY. C. ~

Usually ties in sailing can be The first tie this year was" be-broken in several ways but the tween Amo and Allardyce in thehorse race method is most com- Worlds' Championship Elimiml-monly used and most efficient.But this time not even the horse tion series which determines therace method could be applied be- local representative to the Worldscause each of the three skippers Championship regatta to be heldhad beaten ~ach other the exact ,at Gibson Island, Md., Septem-number of tImes. bel' 9 to 15.

Sailoff Becalmed I This tie was broken wi~ the. A sailoff was ordered by the horse race method when It was

race officials, but the light north- discovered AIlardyce had finishedeast winds that prevailed drop:;>ed third in one race while Amo fln-to a flat calm, keeping the boats ished fourth.at their moorings for the balance Allardyce will represent theof the afternoon. . Detroit River F1eet in the World

The sailoff will be sailed on event. It marks the ,second timeSunday, August 26, to break the he has gained this honor.tie.

The sailoff is highly important YOUNG VISITOR HURTfor ~ll three skippers. They. are I It required one stitch to patchbattlmg for t!:le Fleet ChamplOn- up the bruise on the forehead ofship. little Teddy Brackett, 1, of 3098

Third in Fleet History Garland, who was injured at theLast Sundays' deadlock was the City waterfront park. The tot is

second of the season and the visiting/the Harrisons at 617 Lin.third in the history of the fleet. coIn with his parents.

.. , I'

..t\. I~~1).t\-I'_!lt\N- ',..' ,. ..-

.HIIRPUlfl~E ,

.W E 'D_E'L I'''ER'I -'. - - • I

9,941 HAYES, near OuterLA. 7~9600


$17.95WOOD COMBINATION STORM SASHAND 'SCREENS 33xl5 . . ••..... • • • . . . • • •.


Autborized agency. for MO,ney Orders

and payment of <

Utility Bills.

At the sports events marking.the end of the first month of the .camping season at Moss LakeCamp, Darts, N. Y., in the cen-tral Adirondacks, Joan Ellis Hill,daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. Gor-clan Hill, 215 Cloverly road,Grosse Pointe, placed first in thefree style finals in swimming.

In canoeing she placed thirdin Class A Doubles and first inthe "In and Out" race.

J:oan EiUs Wins SportsEvents at Summer Camp


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Television Engineering Associate~ ·Arthur H. Membery, Frederick W. Canning - ProprIetors

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Complete boilers-warm air, forced air installations. Oil, Gas,Coal conversions. Call us regarding your oil conhact. 24,hourservice, day or night. •

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Crescent's Teen' Agers,


POINTECamera Shop.16357 E. Warren

At Courville TU. 5-7418- Credit Terms Available -Open every evening till .9 p.m.Film and Projector Rentals

Camera Repairs


The New"Family Camera"


Compco Reels and Cans. Printers,Sa!elights, Print Tongs, Reflectors,Light Stands, . Slide Glass andl\lasks.

With Ballt-In Flash Syncronlzatlon

. . , ":"'Picture by Fred RunnellsPretty CAROL :MARTIN and ALLAN ROBERTSON lend a helping hand during Crescent Sail Yacht Club's pre-

parations for its 19th annual regatta which gets underway this Saturday, August 18. The teen-agers are doing the im-portant task of making the course markers ready by tying on the flags. Alhm is the son of E. P. Robertson, past secre-tary of the Detroit River Yachting Association, 'which will be in charge of the Crescent regatta as it is for' all local clubregattas.

COOKING HINTYou can keep breacicrumbs

from falling off steaks and chopsin the frying pan by breadingthem a few hours before you in-tend to fry the meat. Keep themeat in the refrigerator in themeantime.

Miller Wins Davenport Winner of Lu~~ers'Club PrexyWin.dsor Race Fleet Championsl1ip Again Scores Ace


VA. 2..1103




Includes: Correctcaster, camber and

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~~---~---~----:---------------~~,-.---;----""""----,,-,-,-,--:~-,,~,.-,.--,-,;,-.-',-.-.---- ..----_-.,...'-.-..---------~-I!I'I..~..-II- ... IIII!I--IIl!I, ..."l", -.III!.---~-....':""""""...,.,.---_... --

Trophy AwardDinner Slated

Detroit River Yachting Asso~ciation Commodore Cal Suttonhas everything all set to awardthe Race Week series and per-petual trophies and the DetroitBirthday Festival regatta prizes.

The trophies will be awardedat a dinner at Bayview YachtClub on Thursday, August 23, at7 p.m.

DRY A officials hope that allsailors will turn in their reserva-tions to secretary Hal F. Smithat 2747 Calvert, Detroit 6, Mich.

WOODS PRESBYTERIAN19950 Mack Avenue at Torrey

IRev. Andrew F. Rauth, Minister

Sunday, August 19:-11, a.m.Church School for children 3 to

I 8 years of age.11 a.m. Worship Service. Mr.

Rauth returns to the pulpit afierhis vacation. Sermon theme, "TheFaith That Counts.",

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TUxedo 20745 MACK1-&120 . ncar Vernier

~ Four Courses to Be Different from Those Skippers HaveBeen Sailing All Season: Event Will Be

Staged This Saturd'ayBy Fred Runnells

, With the local regatta season record entry standing at• 119boats, Crescent Sail Yacht Club officials have their sightsset on a new season record next Saturday, August 18, when

. that club plays host to the local windwagons in its 19th an~

.Dual regatta. ~._-----------• Past history has shown Cres- their races when they had to T

~cent to be one of the more popu~ give way to the freighters.']ar of the DRYA clubs. The little Trophies for Winnt>rs•club on Lake Shore road has al- All. classes will be awar~edways drawn the largest or second ItrophIes for flrst, second and thIrd

:largest. entry list. pla1cest'h St 1 . dd't'.., near c ass, In a 1 IonHOspItalIty First to the regular prizes, the May-

: Hospitality always has been nard Heath Memorial Trophy will~.uppermost in Crescent's regat- be awarded to the first. Detroit'tas and this year Commodore Ken River Star Fleet boat to finish.~Wright says ~he members expect This trophy is something new'to outdo past performances along this year and was donated in;this line. memory of Maynard Heath, who':0 This year's event is somewhat was a member of the fleet and~of .an afternoon affair with the Crescent.,lfirst gun scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Hill is Race Chairman~hat will be the warning gun for Dick Hill is chairman of the.the schooner-ketch class with 22 I race committee and his assist,mts'other classes following at five-, are such able men as Commo~~inute intervals. dores Dave Davenport, Buel~• Consider the Skippers DoeIle, Ray Dayley, Bill Phillips,: Rear Commodore Hank Caw- K. P. Leipprandt, Cal Sutton,:1hra, who is in charge of' the "Tack Sutt?n, J. A. .S:lmmerl~e,. t l.k the late starting time Hal F. SmIth and PhIllIP J. PhIl-even, 1 es < r:because he believes more boats Ip. . ~ .'from the river area will have As ~sual the Crescent ladles):nore time to get up from their h~ve bIg plans .on the fire to pr~-river moorings. That is just an- vIde a whoppmg go?d compl~-other wav Crescent is proving its mentary lunch followm~ t~e cll-hospitalit'v-giving more thought max of the races. Th)s IS oneto the s;ilors and their limited part of th~ Cresceltt re~attas noneSaturday time from work. of the saIlors ever mIsses.~. The courses (four in a11), will Has Been Lucky .he different than the regular Crescent drew 125 boats to ItsDRY A course the boys have been regatta last year. If memory. ailin all 'car and '\fou can take serves your reporter correctly~ g. ~ J.. '11 Crescent has never had a bad.the wnter s word for It, It WI d f't tt P . . t'pe a welcome relief to sail over ~y or 1s rega a. eSSImlSIC. d'ff . t rt of Lake St. Clair. VIce commodore Ge?rge ..Cossa-

,8 I el en pa boom has been crossmg hIS fing-Getting Monotonous ers so much lately that he has

. Most of the sailors have be- I cramps, but says it will be worthcome so familiar with the pat- j'it if the usual Crescent luck holdstern of the DRYA courses week this year.after week that some claim theycan sail them with their' eyesclosed.; All starts will be off the hosttlub and the boats \vill sail upinto the lake. The farthest coursemarker is set as far up as the st.Clair Light, almost eight milesfrom the club.. Another angle the sailors likeabout the Crescent courses is thebct none of them take the boatsacross the ship channel where inthe past so many of the boyshave lost valuable positions in

.~RecordEntry List Expected:For Crescent Club Regatta

" 'f


LPn .e. -_e- m • me ~ .. ._IIIIII....••••••••••• ""r__ ••MD ...... __- ..~ ._- __...

Page 9: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten



For Members of the Board ofEducation

(Vote for Two)o RALPH M. CLARK _

• , o.l n•.~ ~ ~ " ..I Uhl ..o JOSEPH L. Hl1:NRY . 'o ~Jim:.:E~T: JOHNSO~..~.._ -- -• __ :'io JAMES W. LEE. II '•••••u •••••••••n~ ~ I hau _ .-Mro HARRY N.PHILLIPS. ;.................. ul , I 'HI~.t __ ...o FRED RUNNELLS1 1•••• 11 ,,_ ....o CHET SAMPSON....................... 06 _ ........o ALICm M. SHEAFFER.................... u u~ II II H_ ....

0 EDITHA STERSA.............................. u H ---.....o ROBERT F. WEBER•• 11 111 _-.....

VOTING INSTRUCTIONS . .iPlace 2. cross In the sq\!are 181 be-' .,

fOre the names of the candidates you. ~;.:wish to vote for. If the names of .'the candidates favored by you ar~' :.•not printed. on the ballot, write the:.... j,'

names in the blank. spaces .provide~ ,and place an (Xl before t.he.same.. - C

Before leaving the booth. fold tile -:~:ballot :';0 that the initialS of the in..spector may be seen on the outside.' .. '-- ;.....;... ~.:::J-

:ROLLCALL Adopted unanimou!l'.]'.MOVEr> by Trulltee .Jolmaon, SUP-

PORTED b)". TrU$tee WendinTHAT Election inspector. IUldcothee:

members at the. election J).oard. tact!'"be pajel. tl..tteen dollars <'16.90} to~their services on election clay, JU21.~.11. 1001.

ROW CALL Adopted unantrneual~~• 'iRANSFER OF MONIES .~

'"MOr.TEDby..1'rustee .Tohn:l"n, SUP.PORTED bY.l.rustee Wie1dllg .

THAT All fUnds remaining in theGeneral Fund at. the close .of thecurrent fiscal ;l/ear.exclusive of n~ce:l-.sary balanee on hand. be transferredto the BuildIng and Site Fund.

ROLL CALL Adopted unanimously.President DouglJ,erty tben intro-

duced the' two successful candidates.Mrll. .5hea£fer and Mr ,Sampson. iU1dstated that he was very sorry to loseMr. Johnson from th~ Board as hehas been a hard worker a.nd hasdone a very efficient job. on theSchool Board during hls three yearterm of O;j':fice. .~ ..

ADJOllaNMENT ~~..~

p~~~~YJ~t~~~~' ~up.THAT The meeting acijourn At 10:":

P.M.ROLL CALL Adopted unaftlmM1lly; .........

o .......................... , ," ...0

------------_ .....-.. /.

It was found that the Whole num-ber of votes cat;t for. the, ele~lon of ,.two members of the Board of Eduea.~:tlon to hold office for the ensuing .three IS) years were 2132; that. RalphM. Clark received 135 number ofvotes: that joseph L. Henry received98 number of votes: that 'Shirley T.Johnson received 629 number of votes:that James W. Lee, n received 503number of votes: that Harry N.Phillips received 150 number of votes;that Fred Runnells received 101 num-ber of votes; that Chet Sampson re.celved 771 number of votes;. thatAllee M. Sheaffer received 849 nurn~ber of votes: that Editha Sterba re.ceived 78 num)Jer of votes: thatRobert F, W"ber received 66~ num-ber of votes: and that there were 14'spoilEidballo~: :

, . !it<After the above canvass, the resul1P.

of said election wat; declared as statedabove. .'We further certify that au the pro;1Oceedlngs of :laid mee1;1ng were reg~lular. and In accordance with" th~Statutes of the State of Michiltan :Insuch case made and provided.

Fay .W. ConleyAnn LuceEthel M. LeverenzHarriet, '~'. JohnstonAnna R. AppleJean S. SehallerJ. Dunston BarlowGrace R. SlocumDorothy D.. SchUJnJlnhShirle,' K. Patler!lonRtlth H. GoebelAl1l1aE, IrelandEsther C. ThompsonElizabeth M. BowenCarol H. EastonMilton WortleyHelen McBrideElizabeth DooleyGertrude M. LeckliderAlice Wll1sonDorothy J. NettingMOVED by Trustee Wicklng. suP;.,

PORTED by Trustee ,.WendinTHAT The report of the ~led:ion.

inspectors beacce.oted and report:ecl..to the Board of Education :for proper..,certiftcation as to the results of tbeelection.


Page Nin~'"

, ' ---;-~-:-:-::--,--::'=---,---::::-'--.-,~ ~--~--~--,-""7~








_ ........-


. 1,000,00'0.00



. $4,658,001.65


The unde;:srgn~(f,. C?>hstittlt'ing ,the Boord of ElectIon Inspeao~O<at the Ah,n~1 ~leCtion of the Quolifiea Electors 'of Rural,._Agricultu'rgl Scnool .'District No.1, Grosse Pointe ToWnship, ~~1~Qyne Count'(, .MicJ;igon, held in said Distric:t on the 1 I tn: "aay of June, A.D. 1951, ond

Fay W. ConleyAnn LuceEthel M. LeverenzHan:let W. JohnstonAnna R. AppleJean S. SchallerJ. Dunton.BarlowGrace n. SlocumDorothy D. Scb.umanliShirley K. PattersonRuth H. GoebelAnna E. IrelandEsth'er.C. Thompson " tElizabeth M. BowenCarol H. EastonMilton P. Wortrc~yHeiSt McBrideElizabeth DooleyGertrude M. LeekliderAllee WillsonDorothy J. Netting , .

. :Being appointed by tli~quallf1e&' o~.electors present on said Board.,.l:j,ere-by certify that the PQUsof said i!lec- ~'tion were declared opei\ at, 8, o'clodt ..,_A,M. on said 11th day .l,lfJ~e, A.D. '. .1951, and were kept open .contmuous.: '.Lv until 8 a.'clock P.M., of said <lay, .Eastern standllrct Time .havmg b~!m : :-kept open for more than two epn.. , '"secutive hours; that a proper polllist was kept. aIi'd a suitable ballot '.box was used: and that upon,.a ClW.v.ass of .th~ ballots cast .of which thefollowing JS a true copy:' •.RuRAL AGRtCULTURArJ SCHOOL.... ,. <

DISTRlCT NO.1,..'Grosse Pointe Township, Wayne . -,,-

County. Michigan. . . ~:~OFFICIAL BA,LI..O'I'

For E1ectl'on of Two Members of the . ,Board of Education to Be ,Elected

for A Term of Tlri'ee Years

13,e.24.0S94,769.96 $ 563,605.51




Reveilue Receipts

Revenue Disbursements






Total Receipts. andBalances ..

Total Disbursements al'l.d Balaftct!t ....$2,557,354.47

Total Disbursementsand Balances ..

:S'alance july 1. 1950. Cash " _ ".$ 29'4,396.14

Balat1ce Jub' 1, 1950 ..Boil.d~ •.......... , ,: 3,80G,OtlO.OO

Aoministration $ a.6,632.7~Instruction 1,30~,2~0.~2Operation 252,106.95Maintenance 95,779.22Fixed Charges 9,982.73Auxiliary Services 42,010.31Capital Outlay................ 19,245.53 . ... .Supplemental.................. 87,885.39 $1,895,863.26


Balance June 30, 1951(Revenue) .., 1 ..

BalC!i1ce ,J,~e 39•. 1951(Non-Revenue) .

Current LocalTaxes " $1,238;$33.34

Delinquent Taxes............ 45,9t~.~8Inte~est. on Del. Taxes;. . 2.09~.lt~State A1d 601,902.21Tuition 10,559.8~ ,other Revenue 6,179.34 $1,905,180.94

, ~ . _.r_ ... '_ _

Non-Revenue Receipts 436,750.91

Tcital Receipts and Billimces $2,557,354.47

Principai $ 25,000.00Interest •...:....................... 192,306.80Investments . 101,656.42Other 83,.138.31.

---- $ 402,401.53Balance June ao, 1951. Cash 198,703.40

Balance June 30, 1951Investment Bonds...... 2,166,310.00

Total Disbursementsand BalanceS .

Balance July 1, 1950 (Rev~nue) ........ $Balance July'l, 1950 (Non-Revenue)

Grosse Pointe Bank , u .. u _. $Datroit Bank •..I ••••• IIA .

Nationai Bank of Detroib .ManufactUrers National Bank of

Detroit ".: ~.:_.. 21~534JS9Industrial NationaL Bank of DetrOIt.. 1.69,\>66,41City Bank ; ,..: ~........... 210.~3~.41.Detroit Trust Co. Safekeepmg.......... 3.165,31U.OO

Total : $4,615~058.35

ReuiptsCurrent Loc~l Taxes $ 43S,5Z7.7SDelinqu~nt Taxes 15,923.02Interest On Del. Taxes.. 760.61Transf~r from General

Fund ..Other Receipts ..

Total Receipts andBalances .


Grounds $ 25,323.18Buildings .., 2,470,811.28Futniture & Equipment 103,520.51Other Capital Outlay ..., 14.974.17 $2,614,629.14

Balance June 30, 1951Cash , ..

Balance June aO, 1951B.onds' , , .

Balance July 1, 1950 Cash $ 124,734.84Balance July I, 1950.

Investment Bonds ; $2,068.810.00

Current Local Taxes $ 350,070.47.Delinquent TaMS _. 9.550.00Interest on Del. Taxes.. 435.86 .Interest on Investments 30.313.76Investments Sales and

Transfers . 182,500.00.---- $ S72,S70.69



.... ,.-. ,_ •• 4-' _, ••,_ •• '~ _,.~_._,,_ ~__ ." .. ~ .~'''-'''' •• ' ••••• _'':. ~._ ".~ •• -,~'-._.--v."" _ ,~ '~.,. ••.. , " •• '


~~- .._ ...._.~_.~_.....::-.-,.~--..~~_._~--_.~.~.-._~.._- ~_.- -'n, _ ..... ~~_._



Notice of the call. of the meetingand a'fffdavfto£ postIng w~ readand approved as was the notIce ofregistration.

Secretary Johnson was called uponto read the minutes o.f tbe annualmeeting o,f June 12. 1950.

Present-'l'rui;tees Do'u<gbe.rty'.John- .son. Sheaffer, Wenaill, WiCltlng.

Election officials. were appOintedand sworn In ,with instructions toopen the polls of the various pre-cincts at 8:00 A.M. ana close sameat 8:00 P,M,

THAT the mlnuteso! the annualmeeting of',June 12. 1950be adopted.

ROLL CALL Adopted unanifilously.

President Dougherty gave his an-nual report. 'I

After the minutes of th~ June 12meeting hatl been briefed, it was

MOVED by Trustee Wendin. SUP-PORTED by Trustee Wicldng

The Superintendent of Schools Willcalled upon to give his annual re-port.

The President then called uponTreasurer Sheaf.fer to givener annualreport.

The I'l'leetin.g was reconvened at10:00 P,M, In the Libnry of theGroSSePolMe H~gh School, 11 GrossePointe Boulevard. Grosse PointeFarms. Michigan. with the followingtrustees being p.esent: TrltSt'eesDo.ughertJ...Johnson. Sheaffer, Wen-din. Wicking. Superintendent BusJr'-ong, Attorney Coulter. Director of.Busin'ess and Finance West. and Miss'McElroy, Secretary to the Superin-tendent and Board of Education, werealso present,

MOVEDby Trustee Johnson. SUP-PORTED by Trustee Wendin

THAT The Treasurer's report bereeeived. approved. and orderedspread on the record of the meetingin full.

ROLL CALL Adopted unanimously,


PORTED by Trustee. Wicklng

Mrs. Sheaffer explained that sincethe fiscal year does not end untilJune 30. 1951,it 'is impossible to givea complete and final report at thistime, Mimeographed copies of twofinancial statements were placed inthe hands of all present, Th~ firstof these. which is reproduced here-after .. is a consolidated balance sheetof assets and liabilities of the schooldistrict as of June 30, 1950 as setfo~h in the annual :!Iudlt of theschool districts accounts. The secondfinancial sttaement presented In writ-ten form to the electors present isa copy of the .rep'ort of the Directorof Business and Finance as submit-ted to the Board of Education at Itsregu1<lr June meeting. This reportshows receipts and expenditures Inthe General Fund In relation tobudget estimates. It also includes asummary of the cash position of allfunds and the place of deposit of aUfunds, .It WGlS pointed out by TrusteeSheaffer that this is NOT a completereport for the fiscal year 1950-51sinceJune transactions are not includedin these ligures.

THAT 'The following named banksand such others as shall be designat-ed by the Board of Edtieation ofRural Agricultural School DistrictNo.1, Grosse Pointe Township.Wayne County, Michigan. shall be ap-proved as depositorIes of the moneysand funds of the above named schooldistrict: .

City Bank, Detrolt. Michigan

Grosse Pointe Bank. GroSse Pointe.Michigan

NCltional Bank of Detroit; Detroit,Michigan

Detroit Bank. Detroit. Michlgan.Manufacturers National Barik, Oe.

trolt. Michigan

Industrial National Bank of De-troit. Detroit. Michigan. I '..


1951-52MOVEDbvMr. Coulter, SUFPORT-

ED by Mr. 'Barlow

THAT The salartes for TrURt.eesforthe ensuing fiscal year be $400.00each.

ROLL CALL Adopted un~nimously.


MOVEDby Trustee Wi~king. SUp.PORTED by Trustee Sheaffer .

THAT The. budget for the publiclibrary be set at $81,665.00for the1951-52fiscal year and that the sam~be approved arid spread upon therecords.

The breakdown of the public librarYbudget is as follows: .' ..Salaries , $64,215.00Books and Periodicals............ 8.000.00....0raeratlon ExpenSe 3.000.()0IV alntenance' Expense ;..~ ;,.. 1,850.00New Equipment :, .:. ~oo.ppSupplies ; ~ 1,500.00Reblnciing ,............. 2.0O!J.00Rent , ,.,' ".............. 250.00Transportation 550.00

TOTAL $81.665.00ROLL CALL Adopted unanlmoU$ly.

JUNI ", 1951An annual ~l-eeti~n.meeti~g of: the Boata of Edu;i:ati~n, RuralAgriCultutiil ,Sch:b'ol Disttict No. tGrosse POlnt~ TownshlPiWaYne County, Michiga'n; was held in Room 10'7 of tho!GroSse. POInte' High Scl1001; 11 Grosse Pointe Boulevard~Grosse Pointe Farms, Michi~~n, Monday, 'June 11, 1951. Th~meeting was ciil~d to o'rder aT7:00 A.M:. and'\vaS. convenedfor the p'urpdse Of st.bm.lttih,~' by otg:aniz~ti'on aha ballot 'thequestion, of:(a) elE\c'ting:two members of the "Boara:i:lf !lain DIstrict lOr the term ol

three years. commE!nclngJuly 1. 1951. .(bl approval' sbu~t 'Of ~'ropdSe.dlibrary expenditure's for the year

1951-52In the amount of $81.665.00ah'd(c) consideiiill~niii;\lch other Cluesti6l1san'a ~ropcisitfoii.s.if any.. as

are. r.equiredby .law to be submitted to the vote of the ele'ctors ofthe District voting In p.r~Inas.

Also .presen~superint~d~nt Bush-ong, Attorney' Coulter, DiI'ec'for. of

. ,Business and Fihance .West. and MissMcElroy. Secretary to the Superin-tendent and Board. of Educ'it'fon:





79c Ib,

Home ModeZokad Beons

16373 £. WARR'ENnr. Audubon

-_.au;; .







Open Thurs., Fyi, and Sat.Evenings Till 9:00

Our ownHickory Smoked


69' lb.


-.¥.. _'..

COLBY'SOpen FrldllyS Until 9 p.m.




We carry a full Une Of home made sausage and lunch meats.allced fresh to your order. Also. calf liver. baby beef. cornedbeef Ikosher style or plain) and a full.l!ne of fresh meats.We bave II complete hne 01 fro;l:entoods. dllll'y products andmany other deHcacies for house parties.



65' lb ..

Home ModePotato Salod

PHONETU. 1-7169

Jane Armstrong of Williamsroad is a member of the Univer.sity of Michigan All-State Inter-mediate Band and ~ian:o Institutenow in sE:ssion at the NationalMusic Camp at Interlochen, Mich.

The Intermediate Band has amembership of 105 boys and girl!;from many towns and cities inMichigan. These students are herein camp from August 6-19.

The All-State IntermediateBand. conducted by Arthur N.Moe of Grand Ledge, Michigan,is believed to be the first of itskind in the country. It may be 21020 MACK at R.o"lyn Rd.heard in concert at the Inter- ... "loch en Bowl at 1 p,m. on Sunday. TIJ. 5-9542August 19. ' ,IIQllllllllOllO!!l!!!OOl!QOOQll~o..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.. _-- __ •. iiiiiiiiiiii, iR__ iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;.;i.• '._, _--





J' _..-• •

From An'other Poinfe .of Vtew

r?~dSbeA-EXCU/SIVElY R~' ~

AT ../.11-


_._---"'--"""'""--~~~ .._.~"'---"""--

(Continued ft&m Page 6)

:Y(tung Mdtt of MCfffhattuft ,The Whytes are off 'today for Camp Culver where they'll

be proud parents while 10 year old Peter takes part_in the Icamp's final festivities .•.

They'll come back to the Pointe this week-end. . • IAnd the first of next wee;k set off again for New York:

where cute Peter wIll get his first wide-eyed look at the;;;.",. Big City. . . ' ,

HOUSEHOLD HINTRemember to take good care of

vour milk and not let it stann on: the porch where sunlight will: affect its nutrients. The valuable. vitamin riboflavin is destroyed, by light. Provide a covered box: to protect it, advise Michigan,State College home ecanomists.


VA. 1-5400

Life Insurance Analysis8u~inec5 L,re ins,

Pen;!(-ns Grl)uP InsuranceE,~~t~ & G, f; T:JY Planning

WOodword 1-6231

GellOral InSlltonce Deportment

Thursday, August 16, 1951-----~._-

Betrothal. 'ToJd

Turner BuickfNC.

Fire - Auto - Casualty - All LinesWO, 1-6230

Yr:!':. our Buick-trainedmotor experts really

know how to tunc up YOti!Fireball power plant-witha touch that's part scienceand part magic!

They work with loving care-doing a complete analysisof what's needed-thenworking to factory specmca.tions to bring out your en-gine's best performance.

If you want new-car snapand sizzle in your Fireballbaby-just wheel it into ourshop some morning and tellus to tllhe it /lP for springdriving. Better yet, phonefirc~ and Ie " us set. some timethat's convenient for you.

W. R. Cavanaugh & AssociatesINSURANCE

2900 Dovid Stott Bldg.

....._.~-,~;;:-.~tU'BuiCk:on the (Fire)baJl!

Olsons f'ete' KeffersThe Ozzie O!s'Orts (and they'll sCiOn he local to the Pointe: .....

.\'ou'll be giacl to know) will be hosts at a dinner dance Aug. I,::4 in tochmoor C1ub for Maxine and Bob. . . I .

The hc't1Iroom IS being done up'special for the gala I ,.occasion when the guests of honor will, greet: - : .

, Mr. and Mrs. WilHam Breech ••• Robert BurckhaJter L, I

. -Picture bv' 8t'Tlson. Nc'"" York .•• Mr.' and Mts. James Campbell •.. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph,Mrs. Barth(,lomaci Ramm of Cauley ... Mr. and Mrs'. James Chapman. • • .. i -Picture by Gallup

BeaC''':1"field avenuc. announces Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cody ... Mr. and Mrs. Charles I Mr. and Mrs. Haro!d L: Hud-th" l'nga'gl'mcnt of hOt' daulth- Creedon ... Mr. and Mrs. John Culbertson ... Mr. and Mrs. I son' of Rivard boulevard a~.tpl' .. JOANNE SYBIL, 10 Robert' Sterling Dockson ... Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher... nounce the engagement of thelrClayton Davis of Ro:-'al Oak. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Flint ... ' Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Fors~ daughter, MARY. FRAt-teES, to

--.---------- . ter, Jr .•.. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Francis •.• Mr. and Mrs. ~seph dF~yd ic~d~e:had~~ o~ i

Sh d Norman Fredericks ... Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fruehauf. . . B:~o~~, Mi~~. . . 0Ort an to Mrs. Kay Meacham Fruehauf .. , Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Both' were graduated fromGargaro Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hopkes ••• Mrs. Barbara Michigan State College in June

the POI'nte Hubb~.rd Mr. and ~rs. Roger Hubbard. . • : . . where Mary was affiliated with. Mr. and Mrs. RIchard Keller ..• Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pi Beta Phi sorority and Joseph

- ~1<ell~r ... Mr. ~nd Mrs. X. L. Koessler".. Mr. and Mrs. Se- was a member of Pi Kappa phi(Continued from PagE' 6) : mon Knudsen Carl Lar~on • • fraternity.

Other Pointe ~irl>: attenclinl:! th,,' G l. *... >;< A late fall wedding is beingcamp. ne~tled in' the Adirondacks. i 'uest 1St planned.are. JIlJ.. :';;CFINEIDER. M~G I And to continue: -----MORANG awl RONl'HE KELLY. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Londes . Mr. and Mrs. George Park Cab Stand

. .. .. • , Lvon . , . Mr. and Mrs . .Julian G. McIntosh, .. Mr. and Mrs. B. R I t d, MRS, V/ALDO BEHR and he)'. Steven Menzels ... Mr. and Mrs. William Morris. . • elng e oca eG;lllghtf~r, BAr:B~HA. are enjo~'-. Mr. and Mrs. GranviI1e Morse ... Jack Naviri ..•mg a Summer hJ10clay at th"ll', M d M iT 11 ' • 1 d . . N' f hcottage near Grayling. 1 r. an i, rs. noel erNISS ey: .. Mr. an Mrs. James un- That portion 0 t e south side

" neley , .. Mr. and ,Mrs. EdWIn Peabody. . . of Jefferson avenue west of Bar-MR. and MRS .. JOHN \V. BU.! Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Powell, .• Mr. and Mrs. Arthur rington road. to appoximately in

DA of Mt. Vernon road announce .J. Rhode ... Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Richardson, Jr .•.. Mr. and front or bu::;inesses at 14944-14948the birtr of a d'lll~hter. CARO. Mrs. Glendon Roberts. . . Jefferson, formerly a cab stand,LYN JEANNE. on Jul .... 27, Mrs. Mr and Mrs Arth tt Sempl1'ne MI" ~nd Mrs WI'1~ . . l r • • . . cI •• will be restored to public park-Buda i:; the former BETSY BAU - r 81 ht 'vI d M R 11 St . kl d M:.lAN. . lam .aug er •.. 1 r. an rs. usse rlC _ an ••• r. ing, as direCted by the Park

_ • • ' and MI s. Earl Thompson. . . '1 t th et'ng v,i M d M R Wh M d M Al d counCl a e me 1 on "'lon-DIANE HAKEN.JOS ,:>f Ken.' . f. an rs. ay y~e . .. r. an rs. exan er day.' I

,,,nl"e dri\'£' rptllrnerl to her home Wrigley ... Mr. and Mrs. PhIl Wood. , • Fred Koch ••• Mr. ,f;nm ;,\ew'York on -TuE'srlav. Sh~l . and Mrs. Donald Herron. • . The Veteran Cab Company of<)::'!\'ed by plane after' sp~nding: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Crp.mers ..• Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gr?sse Pointe and the GrosseIn" 1'13' IW<1 mnnth;; at Club LidlJ.: Batchelor ... Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Hoffman •.• Mr. and Mrs., Pomte Cab Company, have opel"a; the ~'.l,,;:;t of 2\'fr. and Mrs, M,' Theodore McGraw •• ,and Mr. and Mrs. John Charles ated from that locatlOn, ,for the~1 B"l1. ro' New Yn)'k. I D 11 last t,hree years. A petltlon was I

.. • • : onne y , • • submItted to the council. signedTh" D.\ \'m TAYLORS of Be<1-: - • ~. by bus~ness ~eop]e in the are~,

comf;elrl roar! and the WILLIArvI ' Fallure to Stop Bon'ds Forfel-ted requ~stlng thIS space for pubhcWHITES e-f )inttingham road: parkIng.left la;t '\fOf'" fn:' a Iwn-\\,('ek 5ta:; Causes Crash By Three Drivers ~fter a study made by theat Little Killarney Bertc!;' Pollee Department and the city-------.-----~- engineer, it was recommended

Failure of Mrs. Hermina Mo- Bonds were forefieted by three the cab stand be relocated at theceri, of 12428 Payton, to halt at motorists who fail:d to app.ear south side of Jefferson, east ofCharlevoix while driving north in Grosse Pointe Park Traffic Pemqerton, where space for

,0:1 Berkshire, August 7, resulted .1' Court on Wednesday, August 8. three vehicles will be provided.: in a collision with Rev. George •A $10 bond was forfeited by The city announced its inten-

tion to install parking meters in; Kllrz. of 3965 Balfour, who was I' Cleveland Easterling, of 96 Ken- the area to be restored to public•driving west on Charlevoix. dall, Highland Park. who was parking, T~e citylJas. advised the\ The right rear fender o'f Mrs. charged with speeding on June cab companies by letter that they

Moceri's car was damaged, Rev. 17. , . are to vacate the old stand on or; Kurz's car had a damaged Jront Wll1l~m J. Abel, of 2~410 Grove before August 15. It will also be'end. It had to be towed to a, S1. Clair Shores, forfe1~ed a $20 necessary for the cab companies; garage. ~ond. He was charged wlth speed- to transfer their jointly usedi Mrs Moceri was issued a ticket lOgon July 5. telephone installation to a pole Ifor f~i111re to stop for a. stop Charged :vith viol~ting a stop near their new location. I

---~ '--~,~--_._------. !'tl'eet causing an accident. Police street ordmance on July, 6, In making the recommenda-I

lssued Rev. Kurz a witness ticket. Angelo Bouzos. of 3476 Bedford, tion, the Police Department keptAugust 29 is the court date. forfeited a $10 bond, in'mind the hazard of cabs puH-

. Rev. KuTZ is the pastor of St. ------~ ing into traffic. which has caused'James Lutheran church, located Unidentified Car accidents in the past.,in McMillan road, Grosse Pointe. ------

: --- Causes Accident. Bloomfield Girl;,Club to Present Forced to the right of the road To Wed Pointer;,Living Rosary by an unidentified car. Joseph

Rumovity. of 5035 MitChell.' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Hood

A't t 'b t' t D t 't' co!lided with two parked cars at of Bloomfield Hills have fin-s 1 s 'Con n u lon 0 e rOl s . nounced the engagement of theIr

250th birthday celebration, the, La~e Shore and McKmley on daughter, Jane Taylor Hood. to'Old Cork Town Club of Detroit [ Fnday, August 10. Philip Newell Skillman son of; will present a living rosary at! Th.e offending car was pro- Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Skillma:l: . Sh 11 B 11 I 1 I ceedmg west on Lake ~hore. The of Fisher road. They are plan-,the Remick e on e e s e p,arked cars were on the south ning an autl,lmn wedding,,at ~ p.m." ~aturday. A~gust 18. slde!,f Lake Shore. '. Both th'2 young people art'

Kathleen M. Sullivan, of Arthur W. Moesia, of 60 Sun- students at Michigan State Col-i Trombley !'oa.d, president of ~he ningdaJe,' and W, E. Hutton, of, lege.

. club. has mVlted 75 women, lTI- 1806 Gl'lswold. Port Huron, are I The engagement'\ announce-: eluding the Daughters of Isabella. the owners of the parked cars. ment was -made recently at ato participate in the program. Damage to Mr. Rumovity's car family dinner party.

The women, wearing full- is estimated at $300. About $20length blue and white gowns and damage was done to the front IJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 1111111111 II 0 110 0 II r.carrying lighted candles and bumper of Mr. Hutton's car.

: vigil lights. v.,ill approach the Damage to the rear end of Mr.: shell. as the Duns Scot us choir I Moesta's car is estimated at: sings the Ave Maria. The choir, $250. I; of twenty voices. will also sing I Mr. Rumovity is to appear in: Glorias, Litany and Salve Re-. court on August 22;..~gina. ------I Solos, Our Lady of Fatinma Jane Armstrong Attends: and On This i)ay Oh Beautifuli Mother. will be sung by James Interlochen Music Camp! McG;.;ire. Organ accompaniment•will be played by Reynolc..is Meier.: The Department of Parks and! Recreation. which has approved: the event, will arrange for ap-I propriate selections to open and'close the program. These selec-tIOns will be offered by the Belle

,Isle Concert Band. under the; direction of Leonard B. Smith.. The club. which is offering the. program asa spiritual tribute toDetroit's birthday celebration,

, extends an invitation to all.

Page 10: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten


Near Harpel'Prescott 5-5515

15214 CharlevoixVAlley 2-4188

EXCLUSIVE ALTERATIONS bY'Marie' Stephens. Also restyl-'ing, rl"lining, clean, glaze furs.13327 Kercheval, V Alley 3-0053.



Complete bridal service. Custor:\made clothes. Designing and al.terations.

FINE carpentry. Screens and en~closed porches. Recreation andattic rooms, offices, store par-titions, kitchen cabinets. Ref-erences. Will i a m Brockel.PRescott 6-7083. Between 6 and8 P.M.

FINE custom woodwork, aUtypes cabinets, Repairs, altera-tions, additions, TWinbrock 3-5438.

H. F. JENZEN. BUILDINGHOME AND INDUSTRIAL REPAIRSAdditions, Attics Completed. Porches,Recreation Rooms, Garages Built.1/52 Elford.ct. TUxedo 1-97+4

21 S-Carpent«u" Work

GARAGE doors, garages repaired;new doors installed; H. Wil-kins. TWinbrook 3-9360.



sa we c

MARCHESELAkeview 6-9300


MacK Ave. in J:!!e

MANDY'S CLEANERShove just opened at VA 2 415214 Charlevoix - 188

(Bet. Beaconsfield and Lakepomte •

In GrosSe Poirrte Woods It's





Men's and LadieS' Suits Tailored To Order VA 2 3040Alterations, Relininr. Cleaning and Pressing ••

14931 EAST JEFFERSON,al City LimilsFred M. SChUDWl Established 1925 Open Eves. 'till '% :00

Porches, steps, piers. wal~s etc.Also Sewer Cleaning. Reasonable. 21w-Bldg. MaterialWork myselr _



CEMENT WORK, industrial andresidential; licensed and bond-ed. VEnice 9-6492. 21v-Piano Service'

BRICK and cement work . .Repair I PIANOS TUNED, cleaned, moth-and new. Driveways, Garage, proofed and repaired. Satisfac~rat wall, basement floors, tion guaranteed. Reasonableporches, steps, excavating. S. rates. Seibert, Edgewater 1-Degryse. Call VAlley 4-1163. 4451.

ATTENTION! Chairs, sofas re-,paired, springs retien in yourhome! Reasonable! Call City-wide Service. TRinity 1-4~03.

21r-Cement Work

REPAIR, porches, steps, doors.210-Expressing windows, kitchen cabinets.

, I bookcases. Install new garageLIGHT EXPRESS and cartage. doors. Good work, prompt- ser-

PrOJ~pt and reasonable, 24 h?ur viCe. S. E. Barber, 20380 Nes-serVIce. Du-All Co., LAkeVIew bit TUxedo 4-00511~8249. ,.

21 t-Dressmaking

"V ALET SERVICE FOR GALS."Expert alterations, herns, furrepairing, remodeling, relining.TUxedo 2-4651.

21p-Furniture RepairsFURNITURE REPAIR. Refinish-

ing, reupholstering, springs re-tied. Antiques a specialty.Pi('k~up and delivery. Duall,LAkeview 1-8249.

GENERAL WINDOW and HouseCleaners. Wall washing; paint-ing, window cleaning. AlfredBerube. TUxedo 1-4330 .

Service on Screens and StormsBrick washing expertly done •

H. E. GAGE & SONTUxedo 4-0136 or TUxedo 5.8700

21i-Wall Washing


VA. 4.3227

Pick Upand Delivery

We Repair



Gloss and ChinaVases Drilled

Full line ot tloorlamp and kerosene

lamp ports.

Also handmadeFiligree Vases


all Typesof Lamps

Old andNew Lamps


21 i-Paint and DecorateRELIABLE Painter, needs work.

Neat decorator. Paper Hanging.Good references. A-1 wallwasher. VAlley 4.7808.

EXPERT painting, paper hangingby mechanics, free estimates.Van Assche. TUxedo 5-3901.TUxedo 5-0647.


Paiding and Decorating

lEONARD FLEURY23962 Dor.aldson F:oad

PRo 5. J 879 PRo 6-6250


Basements antI lawn furniture spra~'- ' ••••••••••••••••••••••••ed, Paper honging, wall ",,,shing. ------------- • _nODI' s,lndinR. Complete deC01'ating'l • SEWERS DRAINS SINKSservice holding 115';;, at repeat eus- ROAD SERVICE. - - :tomeI's. Skilled colored worl,,~rs. City . . I .' .: C LEA NED -..wide ,references, ,

JAMES L.~ CRAWFORD 24 Hr a Day • -=. . :ED. 1-0182 4B33 °PARKERWA. 1.0644 TU. ~-9813 I..T" ,~" :All types. Night and day service:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~: All Work Guaranteed -

Earle, Richards Service : MOTOR CITY :: Electrical Sewer Cleaning Co. •• VA. 2.6527 :••••••••••••••••••••••••


DECORATORPainting - Paperhanging . ColorBlending - Wall Washing - Etc.

Will you favor us with a callFor Free Estimate and Advice


EXPERT home decorating, inte-rioL, exter.ior painting, l110~ernstyling, color schemes. design-ing. Outside work a specialty;references. LOrain 7.3035.

For anything inPainting and Decorating

, • Call

MARTYThorough Dependable \ . \ PLASTERING MATERIAL

VALUiy 1-1149 CEl\!ENT 'YORK of al~ km.ds. Sand, Grovel, Fill Dirt, Yellow S?nd.CommerCIal and reSIdentIal. Crush Stone, Cement, Mortar, LIme,

FOR THE FINEST interior dec. Bonded. TUxedo 5.8292. Cement Crock and Sewer Crock.orating and outside painting at -------------"'- ST. CLAIR SHORESrea~onable cost see Charles A. RAT WALLS, side drives, walks, BUILDERS' SUPPLIESS h d VAll 4 388 waterproofing, S p r i k , 1367

__ c_r_a_e_r_,.~_e __y.__ -O__ .__ Lakewood, VAlley 2-2744. 23715 Little Mack


ING and decoration, call TU.1-4521.

A. C. HOUK, decorating andpainting, interior and extprior.Wall paper removed. Washingand cleaning. VAlley 2-5587.1239 Lakepointe.




WAlnut 2.3986Satisfaction Our Guarantee

21 i-Paint and Decorate

CompleteROOFING SERVICELicensed and Insured


Chas. LaDuke (Harding) RaafingVEnice 9.7505

ROOFS CREOSOTED. Brushedon by hand; also exterior paint.ing. Private. LA. 6-6233,

GUTTERS cleaned, painted, in.sid'e and out. Repaired and re-placed. LAkeview 6-6233.

3 Trunk Lines

To Serve You' Quickly


Complete Repair ServiceCleaning, Repairing,





Power Mowers 0 Specialty


IS YOUR HOUSE FOR SALE?Over $2% Millions in


Purchased Last YearThrough

MAXON BROTHERS11 Representatives



16901 E. Jefferson . TU. 5-3680

CUSTOM-MADE draperies, slipcovers, and upholstering. F~au-tiful selection of fabrics. Rea-sonably priced. Workmanshipguarantee. TU};edo 2-5000.

A NICE housebroken kitten forgood home. Good with children.WOodward 1.2002.

COCKER SPANIEL, three yearsold. Spayed female. Register-ed. Black with white, $15.TUxedo 2-3221.

FREE to good home, our yearold male grey cat. Wonaerfulpet. Leaving city. TUxedo1-9792.


RE- WEA VING, moth holes, cuts,tears, burn~-woven in cloth-ing. All work guaranteed.VAlley 1-1453.



Or phane: WOodward 1.7000 forfurther information.

BEACH PROPERTYAt "BEACH O'PINES" on Lake Huronshore. 50 miles north of Sornia and3 miles south of Grand Bend, On.tario, Only 2 Y2 hours from Detroit.Little Estates with private sandbeaches, 340 ft. deep, and width of60 ft. and up. Price: $100 perfront ft. Also lot 70 ft. by 190 ft.with magnificent lake view and 125ft. from beach. Price: $2450.00.EXCLUSIVE: DEVELOPMENT requir-ing acceptance of application by theassociation members. Far appoint.ment to see the property, write: .



ROY DETWILERJefferson Lincoln-Mercury Co.

3700 E. Jefferson Ave.LO. 8.0500

After 5 :30 p,m. LO, 8-0505


.. -<



---, --------~~2~--WANT A NEW CHEVROLET for

only $1453.07? Call SonnyBrown at LOrain '(.2600. Mack-Gratiot Co.

1936 FORD coupe. Good condi-tion, both interior and exterior.TU. '5-290l.

CHEVROLET, 1950 convertible.Excellent condition. P l' i vat eowner. Best offer takes. 10'967Craft, DeL, LAkeview 6-7326.

1951 CHAMPION Deluxe Stude.baker-two door, like new. Byowner. Call UN, 2.7356.

WANTED good used English-style bicycle, 3 speeds, handbrake preferred: Call WO. 3- 14-REAL ESTATE WANTED4544 days. .

Carries 2 passengers. LikeElectric and easy to install.$2800. Must Sell. $500,


~ARTICLES FOR SALE l_l_3-_R_E_A_L_E_ST_A_T_E 121f-Refrigeration

SIX ROOMS FURNITURE in- anne parker offers: 233 McKin. COMMERCIAL AND Domestic. WALL, WASHING and painting,cll:ding 3 solid maple bedroom ley,.a good \ combination of Complete lnstallations and neat work, right price, well ree.sUItes, solid oak dinette. set, things YO'u want, 4 bedrooms, service. Home freezers, sealed ommended. Call the AAA,living room furniture. New Richard and St. Paul schools, units, motors, belts, controls. TUxedo 1-3870.Servel refrigerator, Brambach quick open 4 to 6 daily. $8,000 All makes. WQrk guaranteed. 1-------------- ADDITIONS, alterations, cabi-baby grand piano, console ra- down: $26,500 total price. also Geyman Refrigeration Service, WALL WASHING, right price, I nets and stairways. Generaldio, garden tools, etc. Selling a fine older 4 bedroorrl', library, 447 Moross Road, TUxedo 5. neat work. Well recommended. modernization and repairs. Of-everything. 1363 Brys Drive, gas, with beautiful garden, 7228, Grosse Pointe. B. Gentry. PRes~ fice partitions, Formica tableGrosse Pointe Woods, TU. 5- $22,500. also a dignified 6 bed- I cott 6-9015. I tops. ~Uxedo 5-2840.0224. room, 3 bath, in choice location 21 g-Roofing

-------~----- $36500. and a 3 bedroom, study, . WALL and vloodwork washing; PORCHES attICS, _ recreationELEVATOR _ RESIDENCE with 'water front and indivi-, ROOF. REPAIRING. Expe~t. on Satisfaction guaranteed. TUx- rooms dr minor repairs done

duality. and new income pos- le~klng roof~ a~d repalrmg. edo 5-1232. - by licensed contractor. Quota-sibility at $14,500. also 2 spe- Pnvate. LA. 6-6w33. -------------- tions on request. TU. 2-8324.cial bargains, summer, at Grand LOCKH R ROOF'l G CO WALL WASHING: Homes res-Bend Ontario. TUxedo 2-4660 A TN. taurants, apartments, stores,

, 31 6 Est. 1923 "" offices. PRescott 5-1734.or TUxedo 1- 8. .Resid~ntial and Commercial ------------ROOFING, SIDING, TINNING. 211-Wirtdow Washing

LAKEVIEW 7.7200Johns.Monville Approved Roofer

Night TU. 5-6366 or TU, 1-1259



CALL TUxedo 2-6900

FRENCH Provincial dining set;extension table; 2.,hosts; 6 sidechairs, buffet and china cabinet.$285. TUxedo 5-1925.

RADIO and phonograph con-sole. Very good condition. Ex- On our paved lot you will find thebest used cars in Detroit. These arepensive tuning just completed. all one-owner cars traded In on new1341 Whittier, TUxedo 1-973-7. L' I d' M_I InCO ns an ercurys

TIRES, five U.S. Royal "Air-I Here you will flnd the make andRide" white side walls, 820x15. model of your choice,Low mileage. $125, TUxedo; Trades Accepted-Bank Rates2.8552. : For a square deal see-

VACUUM Cleaner, $5; maplehighchair, $5. TUxedo 2-3221.

ANTIQUE SETTEE, leather topmahogany drum table, maho-gany bookcase, Serto spring,Simmons blue hideaway bed.TUxedo 1-5691.

BEAVER DYED Mouton lambcoat. Size 12~14. TUxedo 1-6616.

BICYCLE, Schwinn, New World,with hand brakes and gears.Good condition $35. TUxedo 2-2166.

DUNCAN PHYFE dining roomsuite, walnut. Lazyboy loungechair; Deluxe Hoover attach-ments. White portable sewingmachine. TUxedo 5.0829.


ANTIQUES: Chests for dining orliving room, cherry drop-leaftable, maple wash stand, chairsfor caning, maple poster bed,chairs for needlepoint, 2 smallfoot stools, figurines, brassPewter and china. Victoriana.16111 Mack near Devonshire.

THREE BICYCLES, 26" all ingood condition with extras,price range from $20-$45. TU,5-2901.

SHERATON dining room group:sideboard, server, china cab-inet, 2 pedestal extensiontable, 6 chairs, Chippendalecoffee table. All good condi-tion. Rea s onable. TUxedo 9-ARTICLES WANTED2.5543.

:r'URNITURE WANTED-If youMAHOGANY spool bed (48 . have anything in the line of

inches wide), dresser, and mir- , household furniture and rugs,ror. TUxedo 5-3244. call The Isaac Neatway Furni-

LEAVING CITY.' Complete 5 I ture, 13930 Kerche'9l, VAlleyrooms furnishings. Practical- 2-2115.ly new. TUxedo 5-3111. WANTED _ Baby dresser and

DAVENPORT, .6112 ft., down I highchair. Call LAkeview 7-cushions, high back hall chair, 5741.excellent condition. Cogswell CHILD'S fire chief pedal auto.chair, down cushions. Small Goo d condition, reasonable.Diebold safe. VAlley 1.6355. TUxedo 1-4279.


BEAUTIFUL down filled broca-telle covered 7 ft. davenport,with slip covers, $125. Twohlgh back living room chairs;$10 each. End tables and sev-eral other items. TUxedp1-6065, 1690 Broadstone, GrossePointe Woods.


6A-FOR RENT( Furnished)

ROOM""7"for married couple or. two single gentlemen. GrossePointe Woods. TUxedo 2.4866.


COLORED COUPLES, coo It ~,maids, chauffeurs, caretakers,janitors and porters. Day orweek. Field's Employment. 'fR3-7770.

6-FOR RENT'e Houses, Apts., Flats, etc.)

LA,RGE BEDROOM with adjoin-ing smaller room and lavatory;unfurnished. Kit c hen privi-leges. Grosse Pointe Woods.TUxedo 1-7968.

COMPLETELY furnished house;three bedrooms, in Gros:;ePointe. Available in September,two hundred a month;yeaI'1yleas'e. Box W-490; Grosse PointeNews.



M<5nuf~eturer's ogent, oHorney,insurohce, ete.

Contact Mr. Spalding130 KERCHEVAL TU. 1-50QO


furnished apartment, flat orhouse for one year. Excellentreferences. VAlley 2-1322. Mr.Rogers.

QUIET responsible automotiveexecutive, permanent, no chil-dren or pets. Seeks 5 roomhouse, duplex or flat with ga-rage on East Side. Best refer.ences. TUxedo 1-2749.

AMIABLE couple, in educationalwork, transferred from Min-neapolis; home-loving, respon-sible, and non drinking; desiresgarage apartment or 1-2 bed-room accommodations. Unfur-nished. Immediately. Mr. Shep-ard, WOodward 2.0977, between5 and 7.

3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, 2-car ga-rage, apartment or house. BoxJ-489, Grosse Pointe News.

TWO or three rom apartment,furnished. TUxedo 2-3937.

STUDENT (male) from Hollandwants to live in Americanhome, as paying guest or ex-change for services (tea"h lan-guages). Excellent references.Call days TOwnsend 8-5520 ex-tension 2889.

- _. sid .; t.. ~"";..;,,


CLASSIFIED RATESCosh Ads-IS words for sacthlHge Ads-IS words for 90cSc: for odditionol words.,Ads con be ploced &t TheNews Office or convenientlub-stotions for cosh ods or coliThe News Office for chorgeeds.~" ods must be in The News~ffice by 5 o'clock Tuesdoy.


TUXEDO 2-69003 Trunk Lines


Age 18 to 30! Excellent working conditions


(Cor. Nottingham).. KERCHEVAL AVENUE

lopP's PHARMACY,,; 16926 Kercheval at Notr. Dam.~UNNINGHAM'S DRUGS• Kercheval at Notre Dame~OTRE DAME PHARMACYto 1700 Kercheval. at Notre DameGROSSE POINn DRUG CO.~ 17051 Kercheval. at St. CI.1r

tiTUS DRUG STORE1 Kercheval. at FiSher Road

.. (Farms)

~ILLER PHARMACY;. Way burn and Kercheval

,. MACK AVENUEQt.UE CROSS DRUGS• 11511 Mack Ave.. at Neff Road

~ARKNE.SS PHARMACY20313 Mack Ave., at LochmoorBlvc!.

Beautiful upholstered booths.Ideal for breakfast nooks, rec.,'c:atlon rooms and dens. These

A GOOD clean car wanted by booths are upholstered in Duranprivate party, Will pay cash. Plastic material available in 32

5-PIECE wicker sunroom set; WAlnut 1-8740. color., and patternsvanity, dresser, bench, chaise --~. __ .-_.--. -------- We can build any lype. size orlounge, Apex mangler, dining I 13-n~AL EST ATE style of booth to fit any emptyroom suite, 11 pieces, buffet 3.nd I ' f100k or corner also matchin~server. One living room table. GROSSE PTE,.PARK-894 Edge-I Formica tables to harmonize with1216 Bedford Rd, TUxedo mont Pk. Mediterranean type home booth.2.3937 ' finest neighborhood, excellent con- Visit our factory display and

. dition, beautiful first floor orronge. see these gorgeow: booths andMOVIN-G SOUTH. Values in tra- ment wil'h reception hall ond wind. table. Price ranJ'(e $79 and up.

ditional living and dining room I in,g starrC:lse, liVing room, 32 x 18 METAL IvlASTERS MFG. CO., . With stone fireplace, opening on tofll~'nlshmgs, maple be? l' 0 0 m I screened ;errace, paneled library 124802 Gratiot Ave., East De',roitSUIte, new AdmIral refngeratol'. with fireplace, powder room, dining Near 10 Mile Roadplus cut glass ware and printed room 15x24, breakfast room, mod. Open Daily 'til 9 p. m.plates. TUxedo 5.8232, 5083 crn kitchen With nook, many cup-Devonshire. boards and clos()ts, faur family bed- East Detroit. Michi!;an

rooms, each holding twin bed", two Prescott 5.5200By SALES EXECUTIVE of na- TOP COATS, dresses (size 1:;), bathrooms. stall shower. dressing

d' b k ' Open Sundays. 12 to F p, m.tionally known 'firm, 3 or 4 chairs, tables, fence posts, lum- room on sewing room, ac stair-

:~WHYTE OLDSMOBILE CO. bedroom unfurnished house or ber. mahogany dining set. TUx- way to servant's sitting room, bed-11t800 E. Jeffersor. VA. 1-5000 room and bath, Carpeted throughout.. terrace. Grosse Pointe or edo 1-6884. with finest wool carpeting and cus-

S:-SITUATIONS WANTED vicinity. Full references avail- I - tom made draperies included. Auto".. . able. TRinity 2-4117 week- G. E. HOTPOINT refrigerator; matic vaporized oil heat, finished

RAY'S HOME CURTAIN Laun- days. rosewood French desk (hand basement newly pointed, 2-car at-:: dry. pinless method. Free pick- ------------- decorated); rose-velvet chan- tached garage with automatic daor,"Iup and delivery. LAkeview 1-. 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE nel back French chair. 3134 sprinkling system, furnishings avail"~"'41O I . Lakewood. able. Priced at $48,500 with at.~ j • FIR E PLACE EQl.lIPMENT, - . tractive terms offered by owner.

dOLLEGE graduate, still going to ~creens, all types. g~ates and- LARGE white wrought iron chair, lAKE FRONTAGE faot of Lakeland,.school desires part.time work Irons, tools. See d~splay, at with cushions, $7.00; Comforter large colonial, 4-bdrms., 2 baths,: after 3 p_ m., week days. TUx- SMITH -. MATTHEWS, 6640 gas heater, like new, $10.00. moid's quarters, Has mony possibil-;etlo 2-1103. CharleVOIX Ave .• WA, 2-7155. TUxedo }.5850. Hies far 0 summer and winter home...L-..--__, --- -------------- - There are no major repairs; 120 ft,7lr ' I' h 't TYPEWRITERS, add i n g ma. SCHWINN deluxe bicycle, good on the lake with 388 fL deep, Lot...., URSE--PI':Il'tica WIt perm I . widens to 177 it. at front of house.

A R [. EDge chines and sup p lie s. Buy condition, $30; grey collapsible I... ny (,<1':('. e erence:;. - May we invite you to see it on Slln-~ water 1-53~5. where you get ::ervice. Na- baby carriage, like new, $35. day from 2 to 5:30.i-- ---...--------\ tional Office Equipment, 16749 VAlley 2-fJ450. MIDDLESEX 515-N ear Windmill

~EN. TAL .Assistant desires posi- Harper. TUxedo 1-7130. ----------------------- Pointe Drive. 80x256 feet deep tap-, ! d t t G e MAN'S and ladies' lightweight.. tlOn Wit 1 en IS In r05s, ------------- ering to 156 feet across, at rear of

Pointe or East Side area. TUx-! BEAUTIFUl. CHrtOME F'ORMICA bike, 3 gears, both in excellent lot. GE oil burner, ~airconditioning, 4d n 06-- BREAKFAST SETS condition. VAlley 4.6588 or b d 2 h,f~o~. ;);). e rooms, bot s, sewing room, liv-._u __ .. ~_ MADI':TO ORDER-These sets can bt. VAlley 1-2354. ing room 28x 16, librory 12x 12, bright

iIOVpERIENCED . f t' made lip In all colors. Including ycl- ....:--------------~ '~ •. In an s nurse, low. blup• l'~d. green. tan Chairs are ' dining room, kitchen 12x J 6 ,com.o. by day. week-ends or when upbol:;tercc! In Duran plilstlc milterlal. IF YOU need an apartment-size pletely done in "Monel-metal:' most-"na:ents vacation. Also will keep while tilbles "an be made to any size. refrigerator, here's what you attractive. Terrace 26x 12, and at-

t" shape and materiel You can select h bel ki g f 6 cub' t ched!:lnfant at my home. Best ref- from 26 differ'!!nt styles. Visit our fac. . ave, e n 00 nor. lC a garoge.;;:erences, Box D-642, Grosse tory display and see these beautiful foot G.E. just 3 years old in ex- NOTTINGHAM, 1129 - Large,S!:'?ol'nte Ne\"~. sets Bu,v dIrect frnm manufacturer, cellent condition at a bargain spacious ho.me on lot 50x 120. living,,.- ., ~ save 33 per cent. Odd ehrome chairs. 13 20 b' f Im' only S5.9~. price. TUxedp 5-8694. room x ,mar ,e' irep ace, ExtraBABY SITTER (14 years) reU- large 'kitchen with loods of cup. CO ..ih.-able. Jefferson-river ~ection. METAL MASTERS MFG. CO. CHERRY bedroom furniture mad~ boards, Ist floor lavotory, 4 bed ESQU IRE SHAD E

24802 Gratiot Ave., East Detroit by Willett, p.ractically new, 2 rooms, 2 car garage, oiI.vopor heat:.Edgewater 1-4616. Neal' 10 Mlle Road Below $30,000. 14000 E. 7 MILE RD:... Open Dally .tll 9 p, M. bell post single beds, dresser,~PERIENCED Chauffeur-g<l:rd, East Detroit. Michigan bench. highboy. mirror, night BEDFORD, 912-South of Jeffersonr>.ener or houseman. Ma:ned, PRescott 5-5200 stand a.5 advertised in House & Well constructed brick home, living LA. 1.1515 LA 7-3700~"middleage, French, rehable, Open Sun1l1Ys. 12 to 6 p.m. Garden. TUxedo 1-0626. room 1,7x28 with winding staircase •_ _ --------- to 2nd floor library, breakfast FORMICA SINK TOPS. Free es.~.'~obel" excellent driving record, TV room, screened terr-ace, 4 bedroom tl'mates:, FHA Terms. Woods......d. .. d lovrnent BLOND maple crib, very good s... eSlres s.ea y emp _ , (l with dres5ing raom), 2 baths extra Chrolne Co., 20091 Mack, TUx~r "f 'bl E t S'd h d t for the best condition. Tuxedo 5-5637. b h 3 d I a I

:;'Bl\e'~weOennP~~3~ls:~d 1 7:~gsspl.~: inasTV I s~lese~n~u~~~i~e. ' R~~so~:bl~ pfr~~;d. il heat. Carpeted edo 1-5640.v SUNBEAM Coffee-Master, "Fold~

~::Call VAlley 1.3429. Preston ~~~~~sion And away" single bed. TUxedo 2- MARTHA BACHERS 21c_Eledrical ServiceREGISTERED NURSE will care 15306 E. Warren (at Beaconsfield)' I 4866. . VA. 1.7710 BROWN ELECTRICAL repairs,:"for a semi-invalid or as com- TUxedo 1-4078 MAPLETONE vanity and bench, replacements Rnd, maintenance..~,panion. VAlley 1.G843. Open Thursday and Friday evenings $20; antique cherry table, $35; BARGAIN Lamp repa~l. Since 1920. TUx-:;;OMAN '''ants washl'ng and - . 9xl2 oriental "Sa.ro.uk" and CHOICE BUilDING LOT edo 2-7550. '~'YO FOR A BETTER grade of used 1• it'oning at home 4352 Mary-. F . pad, perfect condItion, $450. 90 feet on BerKshire rood $2700 21 C~ tom Cors ts~'land TUxedo 5-5'>26, furmtme se~ Ne~tw~y W urn~- TUxedo 1.6438. .. 100 feet Colonial road $4000 e- us e.....' ~ . ture, 13930 erc eva. e a - -~---------- . TAPPAN ROSENE COMPANY SPENCER CORSETS:U:OF n:-COED i~ available for ways have the things you are IPORTABLE met~1 laundry tubs, ,::: ~ t t ~ n g evenings. TUxedo I ..-!oO~i~g.-!~O~:__V_~_l_leY_~~~_I:~:__ . \ ~~~a~~~8~~.ot0 lIght meter. TUx- \ TU, 1-1123 VA. 2-94.40' IN~r:I~u~~i~~ y g~~::~'. ~~:~ies;) 4391. . 1 GIRL'S KENWOOD coat and hat I ._>_. ~. __ , ! HAMPTON ROAD, GrOSse Pointe 18 years experience. Maude~ANDY MAN. Painting and i set: size 4, green. $20. High ILOUNGE FLAY Pen, 4 ft. square. Shores near Lake Shore Drive, Bannert, 368 McKinley, Grosset:-;:'tiecorating: general gardening. I chair, $4. Maternity suit size Just the thing for the yard. lot 80x150. Reasonable. TUxedo pointe. Call TUxedo 5-4027 ort.;"V,A.. 2.0144. I 16, $7. Call TU. 2-6318. TUxedo 2~7180. 2.4516 TOwnsend 7-4312-...........~


:: «Mal~ and Female)

GIRL or boy for office work~TUxedo 5-147Q.

PIN BOYS wanted, 15 yrs. orelder. Experience not neces-~alY. Grosse Pointe Woods Re-:Creation, 20422 Mack.

"WHITE WOMAN for cleaning,'ironing. References required.VAlley 2-0554.

LAUNDRESS to do washing and'ironing for 2 adults in her own:home. TUxedo 1-005l.t •

:E1XPERIENCED refined whIte ONE or 2.room apartment, or~woman (25 to 45) for cooking garage apartment. Furnished~anci general housework. Two or unfurnished. Single roan.'adults only. Highest wages for LAkeview 6-1257 after 6 p.m.'right peX;50n. Stay or home'nights. TUxedo 1.4422 (Call THREE ROOM furniShed apart-: 9 _ 5). ment by 2 employed young

...,..... ------.- ladies. Grosse Pointe or IndianGIRL for general office work in I Village area. 'Good references.

iGrosse Pointe. Some experi- TUxedo 5-3210.',ence necessary. TUxedo 2-0659. PROFtssIONA~-iinc8rd;"

'(SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR. sir.cs 3 bedroor.~ house. TwochIldren. $125 per month.

CASHIER - TYPIST" Windsor 4.9218 or TOwnsend6-0579.

Page Ten G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W 5 Thursday, August 16, 1951--~ --------~--------_:...----------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------

TUxedo 1.6440

VOICE LESSONS, singing andspeaking voice, speech, accenton personality. TUxedo 2-5380~22 St. Clair, G. P.



406 Fisher Rd., Grs. Pte. FormsAfl academic subjects from 1st gradettVough college. Foreign languages;Cldult education included. Degreeteachers.

. ,---- -- ............ ............... --- .-.........-..


Page 11: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten

~••'. "'l

t.' ~

.. -....;.


Sunaay SlIryt~ I0;30 e:' m..-.::-' ".md 5:00 ~ m. '

Sunday Sc?oOl,10:30 .. ni.Weanel$Cl&;' eventnl 'fest1monlll1

Meetin, &.t 8 p.m. =:ReaCUne ,R"om v!'t'n \I'eelt Dan,

16348 E.' Warrell ._10 ;00 am' (0 lI:lIO p m. '. ,_

Wednesday 10:00 a. m. to 6:00 p~'m;.'

Sunda~' 2:00 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. '.'~

.Eye~y style 01 Fence.'~.t

erected lor you. '::{_Including

Chain Link All-Steel Cln~- .Rustic: Styl~s.



East -SideFENCE CO.




F. & J. Landscape Co.TUxedo

For Deliveries, Gall'PR. 7.1296

Time For FencingPicket Fences - Chain. LinkRail' Fences All M~tal

Rustic Fences


General Trucking arid Dirt Contractors\

Top S'oil, Fill Sand and. Road Gra,,'elLoading Top Soli on Ff)urteen Mile Between

Van Dyke and Mound Road.




..• Trimming Clnd tree surgery.• Power sClwing.• Dangerous tree removal.• Completely iiuui"ed.• Free advice and recommen.'-- '.

dations for your tree and:~'ICindsc~pe problems by 9rCld~ ..uate foresters.

Can be kept healthy and beautiful, a real asset to your homeby having our experts trim, spray. brace as n.~eded,

Free estimates.

, -, -.....WA. 1-2850 '..~


Good Fences for 42 YearsJ'.,&',



••en LUMBER SU:~rIES.1974:'. IHarp~r:1 between 7 and'8 Mile ~d •• \.lU. 204800 ;ne Bl:1,~est Little Lumber ~Ud lD the Worldl J;Joun: a.to $






211 MOROSS ROAD Phone TU. 4..9859 ,

for Delivery .-TUxedo 1-7878 ..

Church and • Peat Moss • Peat Humus. .

Church S~Qc;I - Manure - Fi~1Sand • CrushedStone • Baled Peet • Seeds

10:45 ". f....tilizcrs • Sod


ID. ~.leYQe~ .~

17751 Mack, lit Marseilles


'Knotty PinePa'heiU'ng ,Reversible f(lt moulded or tlV" joint, No, 2 and, better, ..heavy to No. 1. The most beautiful •p~nelling available:.

$250.00 per M

Pe.cky Cypress PanellingSomething dis,tinctiveand different for your recreation roonl~attic room or bar. Will take many kinds of finish.,

$225.00 per: M

. Oak Flooring'Big mill stock of beautifutmille<! Appalachian ..oak . ,.. K. D. red or white. Special price to all,.

SUBURBAN TREE SOIENCE & SERVIOEII 22075 Hayes. East D.troit Phone: I'~e.sc:ott.6.6069l----~----~--~


Alice M. SheafferSecretary, Board of EducationRural Agricultural SchoolDistrict No. 1Grosse Pointe TownshipWayne County, Michigan

"lENT A TOOL'•. -', "I

2. DOCUMENTS(!i) Proposal forms~ specifications and drawings may be

obtamed from the offIce of the Director of AdministrativeServices, 389 St. Clair, Grosse Pointe, Michigan upon a de •.posi~ of ~wenty-Five Doll.ars ($25.00) for each set of plans andspecIficatlons. The depOSIt will be refunded upon return ofplans and specifications in good condition within one monthafter receipt of proposals or if used in submitting a bona fideproposal.

.(b) A rental fee of Five DQl1ars per day' will be chargedBIdders who retain plans and specifications longer than thisperi,?d. The deposit will not be ,refunded for drawings or speci~ficatlons returned in marked up or mutilated condition.

Note: The CMP "Authorized Constructionand Allotment of Control Materials'!approval has been qbtained.

Advertisement for BidsBoard. of Education

Rural Agricultural School District No, 1Grosse Pointe Township

'Wayne County, Michigan1. PROPOSALS

(a) Separate ~eal~d proposals will be received and public-ly ~pened at the OfflC~ o~ the Board of Education of Rur~lAgrIcultural Sch0t?l ~lstrlCt No.1, Grc;>sse Pointe Township,Wayne, County, 'MIchIgan for the erectlOn and completion ofthe Ferty-Sales Central I;ribrary located at Fisher and Ker-cheval m a~cordance wlth drawings prepared by MarcelBreuer, ArchItect. .

(~) Proposals shall.be submitted in duplicate only on forrmprOVIded by the Architect. '

. (c) Proposals shall be enclosed in seale'd envelopes markedWIth the name of the bidder and shall bedelivererl to the officeo.f the Director of Administrative Services, Board of Educa-hon, 389 St. Clair, Grosse Pointe, Michigan at or before 10:00A.M.) Monday, September 10,1951 at which time they will bepublIcly opened and read. .

(d) Proposals must be accompanied .by .a certified checko~ the bidder in the amount of Five per centum (5%) of thebId payable to the Board.

(e) Bids are to be firm and cannot be withdrawn for atleast thirty (30) days after time of opening.

(f) The successful Bidqer will be required to furnish satis.factory Bonds to the full amount of the contract and insur-'~nce coverage as provided in the contract docum~nts.

. (g) T~e B?ard of ~ducation reserves the right to waive anymformallty In any bld or to accept any bid or to reject anvor all bids. •

Do you wut to: Cut up olef tree 11mbs for linwood, build a garajte orterrace, sand off U1e lIoe11IlK paint on' your hOUS8, smooth your picnictable. drm some holes 1:1 concrete. orftnlsh oft your buement 01' attic?It YOU do, call us or come to. our new rental store. ,We have a t.oolfor that occa~l(lnal job-at reasonable rates.

Ohi y~s,' we sell toOlS,' too. We have WOod-working power equipmental well as all types of hand tools.'

Electric Tool & Equipment 00.16703 Mack Ave. 2BIOCk~tE~~l'kO:hl~euter Dr'TU. 1.6368


. . ..



GET THEM WHll.E THEY LAST - ,,' \All Sizes Up To 120" 28. to 48" : $2

3.;: ell.

48 to 86" , _.............. ea."hi Stock 86. to 120" $4.59 ea.

Come Into Our Bii' Store and See for Yourself-Free Estimates

CITY SASH & SCREEN' COMPANY14000 E, SEVEN MILE - LA. 7.3700, LA. 1..1515'

Just West of Gra~ot FHA Terms PhllDe for Free Estlmatee Open Frlday\Tli 9 P.M.~-~.~~

-o\}-( \. STORM WINDOWS A,~v,.~o~ Get Heady For Winter lv,


••• (~O.O~~i.f~.~~~~~~), •••• $4.39 36"x~0". $1.7'. 5.,.,.~i ,..•.'. $5.19 (Flrst9uahty) , •••••.•••..•••••. , .•.•• , ••• , • , • ,. $6.19 Aluminum '$4ft 95(Rabitted) ... , •• , ••• ,. $6.19 Comb:Doors.~ •• , •.... ,.,.,. .,..





Rev. Hug~ C: _White, FastOl'Tel. TU. 1-7878 or TU. 1-1129Sunday, August 19:-11 a.m.

The third in the lseries of fivecooperative worship services be-tween . the Methodist and theCongregational Churches. TheRev. Mr. White will preach onthe theme "Cheerful Sorrow" atthe Grosse Pointe CongregationalChurch, Cha1fonte :ilt Lothrop.

A nursery is being provided forthese services, at the Congrega-tional Church.

• • •Wednesday, August 22:-6 p.m.

Picnic Board meeting of theGrosse Pointe Methodist Churchat the Farms pier. All familiesof the church invited. Bdng yourown picnic supper. The schedulefor next year will be presentedin final form.

Thursday, August 23, 1:00 p.m.Discussion Group.


Rev. George E. Kurz, PastorSunday, August 19: 9:30 a.m.'

Sunday School. The lesson willbe Jacob's Flight.

9:30 a.m., Divine services con-ducted by tl~e Pastor.


Sunday, August 19, 10:30 a.m.Children's Class. Subject: "Th~New Name." (Rev. 3:12 ... "andI wjll wrhe upon him my newname").

ST. PAUL EV. LUTHERANChalfonte and Lothrop

Rev. Charles W. Sandrock, pastorMr. Glenn DeVantler, Vicar

M!ss Rogene Hartje, Parish Wkr.Sunday, August 19, 9:30, Sun.

day School. 9:30, Worship Serv-ice.

Tuesday, through Sunday, Au-gust 21-26, International LutherLeague Convention at East Lan-sing.

• • •

• • •

LA. 7.4120VA. 4.8300

Because it's summer, womenmay now invade the HotelPlaza's inner 'sanctum Jor menin the Oak Room. Always forMen Only, but comes the sum.mel' and men may escort theirLadies Fair to lun,cheon. Alas,poor males-no place is sacred.. ,. .

Attic • RecreationRooms • Kitchens



11500 East 8 MUeRoarl

.25 Years of "Kno'<KHow" •

Everyone knows by now thatMrs. Douglas MacArthur is apetite, delightful little ladywith a bewitchIng smile and anobvIous sense of chic, Feminineeyes everywhere have studiedher new pictures and approvedher pretty soft suits, her car~nation red knitted dress, usual.ly worn with a beautifullyworked "little" mInk stole anda lovely triple pearl choker.

• * •

Pat Rooney, the one and onlyhimself, at the. young age of 71does a mighty sweet song inBroadway's terrific show ... Guysand Dolls. Pat can still hold theaudience - and brings tears totheir eyes.

Margaret Truman can thankEleanore Lambert, New York'sfabulous girl for that red man.tilla she wears. Seems EleanoreLambert saw her in Madrid,Spain ... and becaul?eMiss Tl'U.man's dress had a small' seam rip,offered it to her. And, says Elean-ore. it looked so pretty on her, Itold her to keep it.

* • •

The RopeDinner at the Stork Club was

made more impressive the otherevening after I discove.red that"rope" which is only dropped for

, people who count, is a chain ofi solid gold worth, I should guess,about $5,000. Not only that

i Sherman Billingsley has fivei more.

Mrs. MacArthurNow there is news from the

I New York Dress Institute aboutMrs. MacArthur'!')- first shop~ing

! tour, enjoyed after 14 years ofbuying "blind" with only the helpof fashion. n'1agazines. Mrs. Mac-Arthur admits to adoring clothesand obviously reveled in seeing

\-'----- .....------ ....,......---.$--...- ..--.a---------~¥...------.s_ .. ... 2•• 2•••••••••••• 1&••• & •••••••••• 2 IS.:

LOUIS C. KNOP, Manoger

Mausoleum EntombmentNo Longer Restricted

to theGreat and the Wealthy

10757 Gratiot Ava., Detroit 13, Mich.

Tune in on WJBK, 1400 o~ your dialMonday, Wednesday and Friday 6:30 p.m.


NEW PROVEN METHOD"A New, Dry World for Your Child"

No Drugs - Approved by Doctors


WO, 2-1400 - TR. 1-4811


Th~ ~outiful GETHSEMANEMAUSOLEUM(now under Construction)will bring to you one to your fomily this hitherto royel end exclusiveprivilege vf buriol obove ground ot prices you con offord ••• noh;Q"tcrin foct thor. ccmporoble burial in the earth.NOW you moy orro"ge spoce in GETHSEMANEMAUSOLEUM atprices ond terms thot will omoze you ... NO interest ... NO corry.ing c!1orge~. • . NO toxes. Loter on, prices will be much higher.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ICI~II ••••••••• 1• 4• Please send descriptive book ShOWIng LARGJ;; COLOR P1CTURE of.• GETHSEMANI:: MAUSOLEUM, together with InterIor views and dlf.:: ferent crypt arrangem~ts. I• I

• •:NAME " ..... I.' "'" •••• ~•••••••• " ••••••• I".t ••••••• ,. ••• :• •• I

: ADDRESS ZONE .. , .. ,.:• G. P. N.'a a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,••••••• ~ ••

Thursday, August 16, /95" , G R 0 SSE pOI N TEN E W 5"'; .. Page Eleven---=

C Iass fie d 5 Exhibit Features Famous Designers'. Fall Openings H. eadlinesBacc'h, us' Vic.(im'.lcifT~ee.fi~~.l~~~i~~~~io:~~~:~~ ~~~:P~~~:~1~R:I~:RV1CE-Period Furniture Are Covered by Mary Mhrgan' , (Gontinued, from Page 1) Snarls Traffle ,organlZed ~ 1792. ,

Tunmg repalrmg refinishing Wh . eral T~'ade Commission revealed MENT. tJetween Hudson Motbr .. S-,xth Chllrch of Chr.lst.. , 'en life moved at a slower '------- tod A . '. . A car causm'g' a traffl'c obs'f"U'"and mothproofina. W.Alnut 't't' f t t' g dresses and ay. n lncrease :in return,.on Car Co., and UAW-CIO<at .meet- . •......-1-2025. Place your~order earl,! pace a century and a half ago (Editor's Note: Mary Mor- quan lIes 0 emp lhn h investment of 14.4 per 'cent over iRg last night. Workers are to be ti6n: o,nMack' ayent,l.e AJ,Igust7, Scientist. Detroit

d f I. gnn, fashio'" editor of CKL1V suits on racks in t e sops. the 10 . h was found 'to contain a victim--------------..:. an orma lty was the keynote of,,, But she plots her needS care- -year period was s own called back gradually with the ' '.. 14730 Kercheval AvenuePIANO TUNING by appointment, social relations, Sheraton arid whose daily brpadcasts are fol- fully and strategically, never PY 17 auto companies in Jheir entire crew of 10000 workers to of Bacchus, who was ~leeplOg It,

mreoptahiprirnogo'fl'nge.lecct.riLc.EcldewanarindgS.'Hepplewhite were having board lowed by Pointe 'women, this fluttering over things she can- annual financial reports. Manu- be on the job b; next Monday. off. .. . 1k I d h . f to facturers of matches were next The.' agreemen, t. provides' fo.r a Wo~ds pollee. transf.erred the ITUxedo 1-3173. and lasting influence in furnitur0 wee cone u es er sertes o. not use. She always seems . t t t b h h t j

-~- --- - desl'gn'. articles, exclusiVe to Grosse bear in mind the necessity for WIth an 11.7 per cent increase. joint time stwAyon 40 operations .mo orlS . 0 a c~ ' W IC rans.------ . her I * • * in dispute. "As long as busines. sported .•hlm to ~lS hom.e. , ..21z-Landscaping The "E .....hl.bl.t of the Month" at Poi.nte News, gathered 'at the choosing clothes to gIve Th C t I d t

-------------.,.. New )"'ork Dress InstitttteJs height without exagreration. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS exact- conditions warrant," .the company e I ~!1~r tlD~. res~henf


carC I t Edl'son Museum G e fi ld V'l tIt black ed a total of/..~l ll'ves I'n Ml'~l.l'gan has agreed to operill.te the plant ,.was re ease 0 1m e 0 ow~omp e e , r en e I - Fall Openings of top Ameri- She leans's rong yo. "-1.1 dI D b f ' I l' ht accent over the weekend. Fo'ur of. the eight hours a day, jive days a 109 ay.LAWN, GARDEN, TREE age, ear orn, eatures this can d 'gn s) with an occaSlOna s 19. . k _

.est 8r. on red, but says that the General victims were over 70 years old. wee .Service and Maintenonce. beautiful Sheraton and' Hepplc- . By MARY MORGAN' and her son, Arthur, "badger" Arnold R. Kline, 18, of Norfolk * * • Killer' dogs slaughtered 6,000

CAL FLEMING, white furnitLlre, arranged in de. In addition to gazing starry- her to wear more color. Since she Va.,. a midshipman at Anfiapoli~ Wednesday, Augu,st 15 sheep on British farms' during iLandscoping Service tail as a dining room between eyed at fashions for fall as dE.'- feels any' chill, and loves the heat, makmg a bicycle tour of Michi- WI L r:. I A M RAND 0L P H 1950. . j

TUxedo 1-6950 1790 and 1810. The display, repre- signed. 'by America's foremost she prefers dresseS with jackets gan,' was crl.lShed under. the HEARST.. veteran publiSher,sentative of the type in which' authorities, the visiting press en- neat highish necklin-;s and el. ",:,heelsof a .semi-trailer carrying died ~t his Beverly Hills Cali.

GRE Thomas Jefferson ,mi'!ht hav".' joyed many social interludes dur- bow:length or long slfteves. llvestock. . f .. h t d Th 88ENWA Y LANDSCAPING .> ing the busy wee~. Her Choice'. ,. .• • orma ome yes er ay. <;;. e •

SE C dined, is Ioc~ted in the southeast " . ~. year':old .publisher. generally acp

RVI E Morgan's Manhattan Mutterings Ii She is- a great admIrer of . TRUMAN PREPARING spe~ kn.owledged as having ushered inCleon TOP SOIL, seeding, sod laid or alcove of the Museum. inclupe: . . I' A~rian's tale~t and chose .t~re~ cIa1 message to Congress on his the era of modern journalism, haddelivered, evp.rgreens, shrubs, plow- Dominating the room is a Hep. Anita Loos, chal'ming author thmgs from hlS current conectiton

f. e?,,~hange of messages with Rus- been in iU health for some time,

ing. groding discing. plewhitedining table of solid has sailed for England. Met her a slender, collarless dress coa 0 , Sla s chief. of . state, the White His five sons. were at his bed-LAkev'ew 7 1586 mahogany and six Sheraton I at Gracey Mansion when His she~r black, .lace s~t o:e~ll~~~ck House reveals today. A free flow side.. I - , chairs, set with an ornate pair of 'Honor and his lovely blonde taffeta, and a short ac SI . In- of'informatior1 and ideas between • • •

wife, !\Irs, Impelliteri, were VAt ne~ dress with 'a narrow tiered East and. West reported to be NEW SCALE OF DSR FARE-=:'LAWN ond GARDEN Sheffield plate candelabra of Home" to the visiting Fashion skIrt, black l~ce top and sleeves, Truma. n's g,!&.l. To this end Tru- ~

MAINTENANCE Georgian design. Behind the table Editors Press Week. Editors and a stunmng steel grey lace man IS expe'cted ..to ask that an would result if a proposal sug-OUR SPEC1ALTY is an inlaid Sheraton sideboard proved they're human after all evening dress. intensive. congressional effort be gested by Commissioner Rodney

with a Sheffield plate tea service . F h .. and near ., Baxter should be adopted. Theand two wine coolers. as they beseiged the tiny au- or er su~mer m. made to persuad~ the Soviet proposal, a zone system, would

.thoress for her autograph! New York WIth a mIdsummer Union to lift 'the Iron Curtain. provide thatriders'< going no fur.Gracing the sidewall are a visit to her hOPle town of Mur- .Hepplewhite card table and sel'v, I • • • freesboro, Tennessee, Mrs.•Mac. ther than Grand Blvd. pay aing table. In the two back corners Yul Brenner starring with Arthur chose a silk print dress Tuesday, August 14 dime., Other riders would pay 20are a Hepplewhite tilt-to~ table Gertrude, Lawrence on Broadway and jacket by Hannah Troy, the AIR FORCk B.50 BOMBER cents to a_.quarter. Reestablish-or candlestand, and a Sheraton in "The King and I", is another .pattern of small red flowers On crashes into Seattle apartment ment of parking lots. ne'ar thenest of four tables. The fioor of success story of the man who a navy ground, set off by touch- h~>use, ~illing at least 11 pe;rson~. loop a~o sugges!ed. by ~axter.the 18t.h century dining room is found fame at fifty. Last year it es of navy velvet. She also 01'- (mc1udmg six persons aboard the .The prIce of parkmg IS to ,lOcludecovered with a beautiful, rich was Pinza, this year it's Brenner dered a fitted black paper taf. plane), and injuring' 12. The a fr~e bus ride downtown, ac-Oriental Aubusson rug. who is making the, matrons' feta suit and softly draped frame buildit:1g reported to house cor'~m.$ to Baxter's plan. This I~

Edison Museum and Greenfielrl hearts flutter. Dpes a masterful purple shantung dress, both by 64 persons,. burst iilto flames to encourage shoppers to use theVillage are open seven days a ~ob as the King of Siam. Mollie Parnis. which took two hours ttS control. DSR service. . 'week the year around. The Sher- • • • Three hats by Lilly Dache and A. brewery 150 feet from the ------aton:-Hepplewhite exhibit is free New York Radio and Press three pairs of pumps by Delman apar~ment was narrowly missed KIWANIANS TO GOLFto Musel pat ons 1 d M' MAth' by the plane which was. on a '0 A t 16th. 19.5.1 Th.1m r . are. still. complimenting the comp ete rs. ac r llr s pur- n ugus , , e

Shriners who held their con. chases. She conferred a long time flight to check out m,mtary equip- Riverside Kiwanis Club will haveh b f h ment.' • g If t t G ' . Cventi on in Manhattan, Called with Mme. Dac e e ore s e , • • • a 0 par y a . owame ountry

the most orderly convention ventured to order a medium large Club. A round table meetirig willh t 'th l' ht . WOR.KERS RATIFY AGREE. be h ld t th Wh'tt' H t INew York has, ever had, it has shiny black straw a Wl S Ig - e ,a e I leI' 0 e .

been pointed out that the Iy turned up sides. "I have wornNobles' of the Mystic Shrine tiny hats so long in Tokyo that itspent twelve million while in is a real adventure to buy a largeNew York and only four per- one," Mrs. MacArthur said,cent of that went towards night To go with her navy print, sheclubbing. selected a diminutive navy velvet

• • • tricorn with a small braided orna-ment at each side. For her purpleshantung dress she chose a doub1ecircle hat of fine purple strawhugging the sides of her headand leaving the back and fore.head free.

Tree trimming and generol land-scaping done reasonoble. For fre9estimote coIl .


GUARD TO MOBILIZESaturday, August 11, is Field

Training M-Day for the MichiganNational Guard as nearly 7,500citizen-soldiers from 50 com.munities mobilize at,Camp Gray-ling and Camp Perry, Ohio, fortwo weeks of inten,sive trainingin the field.--------_._-----~

.+q,~-q.-q.-q..q,~ ..Q'><Q'>~ ..Q'>'.Q'>'.Q'><:Q'l<Q"+

~ ~~ .. .. ~

~ lllter ~t lllJternls !~ for EAST SIDE CHAPEL ~~. ,HARPER at LAKEPOINTE ~Y DETROIT'S LAkeview 1-3131 . ~l\. \ CENTRAL x~ CASS at CANFIELD ~

~ EAST SIDE T~~~~44 ~~ McNICHOLS at LAUDER ~~ VE. 8-7711 ~

~ COMPLETE, FINER FUNERAL ~~~. Hauis' Price. only5290 t.

A beautlCUlly styled. strongly constructed casket withexquisite hand-formeli interior. and luxurious ex-terior. A tnlly nne tncute. Fifty it~nlS of SlltVtceincluded.

; Other Fu•• rel. to 51,450 ~

t ~arris ~.t 0 .... 1 AMERICA'S LARGEsT RJNERAL DIRECTORS I+~'.Q'>~<Q".~~~'.Q'>~+


Page 12: by the Woods Parking - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1950-54/51/1951-0… · Bar net t, general chairman, Among the 'many prizes will be ten

.- - ''7::'"':':'7:':-~--:-''":"":'':'''':''':--"''""':''-:-",:,,:-" __ ~''i -_ ...P- .......~~.-,,"~~--:-""'";'"'-":""'!" .... -IIIIIPI,...-_ ... _ ...., 4_-. ......---------------- -- -- -



the, easy


way •••the B& B


B&B Quality

Interior Paints


Lorge Wall 1'0 per SelectionPLASTIC TILERUBBER TILE


We Sell & Install

We'll Glodly Recommend 0

Com pet e n t Poperhonger orPointer for You

Correct ,_Men's Formal Wearfor All Occasions

WoodsTuxedo Rentals

20'133 Mack. at 8 MileTU, 1-35S0


Thursday I August 16, 1951


Kercheval, between Alter andl AshlandVA. 1-1004


Now is the time to dress up your home for fallwith fine B. & B. paints. Yo'u!1tbe. amazed atthe wide selection of beautiful exterior colorsthat- are 'available .a"dyou'li find that B. & B.'scombination o~ beauty, durability and econ-omy can't be mat,ched anywhere. Drop in 500nand look over our color charts. ~

TV Fun: WCltch PClulWhiteman TV Teen Club;;: A6C Networic.

'Yon Can Make Your HomeMore Beautiful Than EverWith B&B Quality Paints

Trim and T~ellis

Yes, it's the red hot new Rambler Country Club Sedanthat has the town talking! America's smartest hardtopconvertible with breath-taking beauty, performance-andnearly $300 worth of custom extras included in its lowprice. .

And o~r deals are red hot, too! We're celebrating the'best sales in our history with the best deals ever! Come inand-take a Rambler ride.


• RENTALS •Floor Sanders

Wallpaper Remover ..Floor Polishers

Clarke Rug ShampooEquipment

Nash Mo,lo's, Dlvi.floll Nash.Kelv1nD/or, Corpora/fOil. DetroIt, Ulcfl:

See. it:lOday at-DENNIS, HICKEYt Inc.


.New Nc!~hRambler Country Olub

RecoveringCUSTOM MADEI!aii~J:~'/,~t':."

I,. ' WA. 4.9662 .

CEASE FIRE ORDERED I _. LOST IN TR-ANSIT .'Residents of 500 Vernier, ,,,ho Somewhere betw~en KensIng.

shot a skunk whkh had been ton and Matk and hIS home, Don-ravaging their vegetable garden, aId Strachan, of 7~4 N~, lost awere cautioned by Woods police hand {ruck from hIs'trailer, val-that any more shooting would reo ued at $25. It has two wheelg{an:isuIt in court action. a steel loop handle.


Reductions -

Open I,til 2a.m: Daily

Friday & Sat.'til 3 a.m.



TUxedo 1~6600

East EndTV, AN". R4DI0.--Sales & Service'



Favorite Recipes. of

People in the Know". ,

On All Tennis Racquets


'Airs+ep • American GirlFOR WOMEN




SHERMAN SHOES13300 E. Jeff. 30725 Mack Ave.VAlley 2.0868' TUxedo 1.1191

If You Play-See Gray

13940 Kercheval near Eastlawn,

VA. 4.9823

Gllaranteed Repair Work

• Television - Radio

- SOllnd Eqllipment

Gray's Sp'ort Shop106 Kercheval 'TU •. 1.5262

Good Tasie

TV and Radio Service

A homing pigeon who lost his •way home was given help byRobert Gillet, of 16708 E. Jeffer-son.

The slightly injured bird wasfound b,,' Robert near his home. /He took it to~ City Police. whoreturned it to the Grosse 'PointeHoming Club, 430.0 Cadieu".

JUST IN TIMEA car parked in the fire route

on Hawthorne near W. Streetwas moved by the owner just aspolice were about to ,take actiqn.

Homing PigeonEscorted Home


. Mrs. David Taylor4 pounds spareribs2 minced onions.2 Tbsp. vinegar2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce1 Tbsp. salt

lh. tsp. red pepper1 tsp. paprika .

lh tsp. black pepper1 tsp. chili pow,der

3/4 c. catsup~4c. water .

Put spareribs in casserole orroaster. Mix the ingredientsand. pour' over meat. Cover.Bake three hours In a moder~ate oven.


from $2.00, Luncheons "

11 :30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.Dinners

5 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Special Every Sat. ond SundayFull 8.Course Dinner

-p age

Carry-Out. Service

PhoneTU~ 4.9869

i -Vetriria'3 DINING. ROOM ",=~='

~ ./-'.l 19463 M~ck, 3.Blocks E. of Woods Jheater _~I1I1III1I1I11I1I1I11Ullllllllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllll1l1nlllllnllu1Il1l1l11l1l1nllllllllllllllUlIIlJlIlIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIUlIunllll,~






Complete sets of life-timacastingsto build and design ••. or port-able units to toke with you onyour outings.

Kotcher Oldsm.ob.ile CO., !Warren

Pointer of Interest

Feature, .


.Smith-Matthews. Foundry Co.

,6640 CHARLEVOIX Phone WA,: 2~if$5 :

JOANNE GAY OF PEMBERTON ROAD ~>-----_P-i-et-u-re-bY-'-F-r-ed-R-u-nn-e-Il-~

Now if Winchell were writing for Grosse Pointe News I occupy an island in Loch Loch- I

he'd have it: Joanne Gay is that Way About Sweden (full mond.name-Stockholm, Sweden) for of all the countries. visited in The gentleman of the islandthe pretty young POInter's recent European travels Sweden takes a la~nch,' each mornil;lg,made the definite hit. ~ . to reach hiS car o~ the mam.

. land. He motors to Glasgow toWIth her parents, Mr. and and three days before the fete de- 'the Stock Exchange and the~ at

Mrs. Erroll J. Gay of Pember- voted the days, from morning' night repeats the routine. The

ton road' (her f'ather;s tech- till night, to it. When the family family has its own electric Sy.s-gathered fdr the picnic, 97 differ. th

. I d . f 1 d 1 bent kinds of food, wer~ "erved tem and water system on e IS-mca a vI~or on ue s an u - '" U land.. t' f 'Eth 1 C including Duck Orange. lobster .

Tlcan s or y orp. - a and caviar hal'S d'ouevres. Going out to the island the eve-dreamy job from his family's ning they arrived. there w,s apoint of view), Joanne spent Chocolate Tree low hanging mist over Loch Loch-11 weeks in the out-of-the- It was at th?t same home spark. mond.way places of England, Scot- les filled'the eyes of Joanne and. Another Scottish delight wasland, France, Sweden, Hal. Mr. Gay, both confirmed devotees the trip the Gays took with theland and Be1'g1um. of chocolate in any form. The des~ presiderrt of Albion Motors ~f

Mr. Gay attended the Third sert was pi~ed high on a gr~at Scotland. In the gentleman sWorld Petroleum Congress held tray. In Chrl~tm.~ trt::e formatlon, specially built seven passengerat the Hague (and opened by were placed mdivIdual puff 'paste Diesel station wagon they mO,tor-~ueen WllheJmma of' the sno,,: balls, each filled WIth a . ed for three ,and a" half aaysNetherlands) when fuel offi- speCial creamy custard, center. through the highlands. There. ourcials' from 47 diffenent coun- Over all w.as poured a thlck,;udge Pointer of Interest, was amazedtries were present. And as they sauce" "'(hlCh coated the snow to find the cows. have page boystraveled through Europe Mr. balls. Then extra chocolate -they're long-haIred cows, at anyGay :bad business appointt'nents sauce was passed! rate. and they are about half asand 'his attractive womenfolk The family visited the Chat- large as the average Americanwere royally entertained by eau country and then went back cow.Ethyl Corp:s executIves and t~ England. .In IJondon they Royal Moviestheir families. were the guests at one of the Back in London Joanne tookStill if Joanne had been mak- great town houseshl" the heart color movies of the arrival of the

ing- the trip alone, she would of the C!ty. ~ the dining hall, King' and Queen of Denmark. Ithave felt tIle same way about 0n.e. entIre SIde of the room, was an open carriage processionSweden. The clean. modern lines ceI1mg to floor, was ,cov~red by with the Kings of Denmark andof buildings became more "Won~ a c3f'V~d cupboard ~oldlng the England occupying the first car~drous when' she considered they famI1~ s ancestral SlIver, some riage, the Dukes of Edinburghhad been built two centuries ago. of whIch had been presented by and Gloucester, next, then theMaybe she had learned it in Napoleon. Queens of England and Denmarkschool but she haa forgotten The Gays were unintentional with the Princesses Elizabeth andStockholm was a series of small but definite good will ambassadors Margaret Rose; and last the Duch- 'islands surrounding a main is- at this home where one of the esses of Kent and Gloucester. Theland, (occupied by the palace, English dinner guests asked if Royal Guard was in attendancethe royal church, etc.) and con- they had'seen the British Festi- and all of London stopped to ad-nected by causeways as up-to- val They had spent a day there mire and watch the procession.date as the Florida Keys Higp. and liked best the Dome of Dis- In Holland Joanne loved theway." 'covery. They were particularly flower boxes along the canals

Jensen Tableware interested in its structural de- (particularly in Delft) and the'There trips produced the new sign. _ picturesque lights. that show

Jensen stainless steel. tab~e\vare The Englishman bowed low. He from arched bridges by night.for the collecting young lady. It's had been one of the architects of She added to her Delft collectiongraceful and beautiful and natur~ the Dome of Discovery.' He and with wall plates and candlesticks'ally doe:m't require the pain~his young wife live in what was now placed prettily on the wallstaking care of sterling. Joanne .once a stable in the Buckingham whatnot of her own room.also bought a,.complete service of Mews. About room wide, the Cashmeres from England, Tar-Orresfors crystal. quaint building rises four stori'es, tans from Scotland joined the

Paris involved costumes by with two rooms on each floor. It Pointer's luggage 'and will be re-Dior for both the good looking reminded Mrs. Gay of the Point~ mindel'S of the, wonderful timeMrs. Gay and Joanne. They at- vogue of young, people living in she and her parents had.tended a Jacques Fath showing garage apartments and gardener's And now Joanne is tapping herand were impressed by the cottages.' toe. waiting to learn j'ust wherespeed with which models show At Brighton Joanne's collection I Ethyl Corp. will send her dadfashions. They are in an9 out was enriched with .gifts of an- next year. She hopes it's Europeof the showroom in a .fla{;h so tique silver berry' spoons (circa again.that it.would be impossible t~1720), hunting prints. -She gather.sketch or clearly remeni,ber d W d d . t. hr BIRn ROUTEDline and detail should anyo,ne e e gewoo In a ,rIp tough pthe famous factories. A bird reported in the Haydonbe tempted ~o copy. House, 17110 Kercheval, on Aug.There were magnificent dinner Loch Lochmond . b t8, was 'routed by offlCer R<? er

parties in Paris private 1}.omes. Joanne's introduction to Scot- Van Tiem.At one. their hostess recalled a land was perfect. To all Ameri-picnic she had recently given ,for cans. Loch LochmcJDd is syuony- ~lIl11ll1ll11l11l1l1l1l1l1!11ll11l11l1l11l11l11l11l1l1l1l1llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllljlllllllllll1ll1l11l1l1l11l11l1l1l11ll11l11iillllnlll1l1l11l1l1l11iillllllllllll~her mother's birthday. She bad, mous with the country and the ~ I T A' L I AND ISH ESEs_p_e_n_t_t_w_o_w_ee_k_s_in_p_r-e-p-ar_a-tl-'o_n_G_a_y_s_w_e_r_e_g_u_e_s..,..ts_'o_f_a_fa_m_il_y_w_h_oi ,,' , == .



• •

eral counts. It is believed theywill cost less. than half as muchas painted lines.

"In an average city blo'qk of300 feet it ccsts $15.00 per laneto lay down plastic buttons COJ;l-

trasted with $4.50 for paint, butthe paint must be replaced everysix months and the buttons willbe good for four. years," he said.

The advantages, in addition todurability, arc that the buttonscan be seen in almost all kindsof weather, reflect light betterand r,tand up under varyingweather conditions.

"With these modern lane mark.ers," _Malo said, "the traffic en-gineers will be helping the motor.ists follow the advic.e on the Traf-fic Safety Association posters -KEEP. IN LINE. Don't Cut In.'' .



$34,156.90OFFSET-music from canary ,3{)


rlradner Bird Refuge498 Helen AvenueDetroit, Michigan

George Stark, DR.Reading aloud to ~ird $ 3.45Services of White Wings to clean cage 8.94Repairing ladder from lower to upper perch 1,97Cleaning and fil!ing bird's plunge ' 2.65Hay for bedding 9.90Cranking phonograph and wear and tear on records

for accompaniment to bird's songs 4.10Sitting up with sick bird 5.80Grave!, broken glass and other calories 2.70Fixing bird's trapeze .75Rent of borrowed canary for play hours with yours 6.60Getting your bird out of trouble 43.90


Page Twelve


plastic Button~To Guide TrafficTo assist motorists in keeping

in line in traffic, 30,000 plasticbuttons will be set in the streets35 lane markers' by the TrafficEngineering Bureau this month.

The buttons wlll take the placeof painted lane lines on severalmajor stree~ in the city in ap'ogram utilizing a total of 50,000buttons. It is expected these but-tons will last foul' years andeventually will completely re-place painted lines, according toAlger F. Malo, City Traffic En.gineer.

The buttons will also be putdown this fall at major cross-walk'locations near 8ch.ools.

"Approximately 4,000 of thesebuttons have been down for ayear,'- Malo said, ~'and haveproven v:ery, sa~~a~ory' ~~ s~.

~~~' .

.. --'.

, Beeeeautiful Rooms: The iibrary with its scenic wall-paper at 'the John B, Hartzells. , • Mrs. John S. Newberry'sshell pink and 'blue boudoir ••• the white and blue drawmgroom of the C. Henry Buhls ••• the masculine library at theEdwin A. Skaes, where the m,aster really becomes chef atthe grill in the fireplace •.. the circular library looking outonto the gardens at the Otis U. Walkers ••• the solat:iumwith its contour furniture at the WUliam A. Ternes: .•the screened terrace porch at the Robert M. Olps comple.tewith Dutch door ••• Mrs. George M. Slocum's honey velvetand satin draped guest room ••. the formal French drawingroom at Mrs, Horace E, Dodge's Lake Shore estate~ LakeTerrace with' its priceless French tapestries and collectioJ,Jof Sevres •••

who, where and whatnotby whoo%il

Book Gone With the WindAuthor Lloyd C. DouglasCharacter in a Book David 'CopperfieldPlay Sh ow "BoatActress Lynn Fan tann eActor Alfred LuntMovie Fa ther's Little DividendMovie Actress i Greer GarsonMovie Actor ' Ronald ColmanTV Show it Toast of the TownTV Actress : i Faye EmersonTV Actor Danny ThomasR adic. ,Program ,..~ ,..Lux TheaterG01umnist Ed S uHi vanC6:t.nmentator , Lowell ThomasCartoon Terry & the PiratesCc:rtoonist Mil ton CaniffPam ter' ' Gains boroughMagazine , , Reader' s DigestSong ,., ~..StardustMusic PopularGame " " " BridgeSport , ; GolfAnimal , , 0 DogPerson (excluding family) .~ Gen. MacArthurCi ty , Washingtor;,' I? C.Vaca tion Spot N orthern MlchIg~nJ e\vel Em eral dC olar ChartreusePerfume ~ ~ , Shalimar,Costume Sport ClothesDance , -..RhumbaFood ~., , ,.Sea Food.Aversion Popcorn Eating at the MoviesDi versi on ~ Reading

And from the DAV News ••• The Mr. E. E. Paramore Jr.in his Hollywood Broadcast says:

Jack Rose to a Skid Row bum who has just panhandledhim for the price of a jug of Musky: "You don't have to tellme any hard-luck stories, pal. I can see you're just a guy whotried a little too hard to become a man of distinction." •• •

. PILFERINGSA newspaper classic in Detroit is the bill which the late

C. C. Bradner presented Mr. and Mrs. George Stark manyyears ago wp,en George and the lovely Anne left theircanary bird in his charge while they vacationed:

The bill (recently reprinted by the DAC News) was asfollows:

Having an orchestra' always adds that extra fillip to aparty. , . and Pointe hosts you'll find who follow this charm.ing custom more as the rule than the exception include: The;Wendell W. Anderson family ••• from seniors down to nextgeneration ••• the Ray Whytes ••• Aarry Rust •••

• • •

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