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(c) Cervical spine

Date post: 19-Feb-2022
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1. Dislocation without fracture is seen in (a) Sacral spine (b) Lumbar spine (c) Cervical spine (d) Thoracic spine (e) Thoracolumbar junction
Page 1: (c) Cervical spine

1. Dislocation without fracture is seen in

(a) Sacral spine

(b) Lumbar spine

(c) Cervical spine

(d) Thoracic spine

(e) Thoracolumbar junction

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2. Fatigue fracture does not occur in

(a) Tibia

(b) Calcaneum

(c) Metatarsal

(d) Metacarpal

(e) Talus

The most common locations for stress

fractures include the tibia, metatarsals, fibula, and

navicular bones; less common locations include the

femur, pelvis, and sacrum.

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3. Stress fracture is treated by

(a) Rest

(b) Cast immobilisation

(c) Closed reduction

(d) Internal fixation

(e) External fixation

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4. Regarding whiplash injury, a true statement includes

(a) Contusion of the spinal cord and fracture of vertebra

(b) Fracture of vertebral body

(c) Spinal cord injury without vertebral fracture

(d) Vertebral fracture without spinal cord injury

(e) Compression fracture

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5. Late complication of Acetabular fracture

(a) Avascular necrosis of head of femur.

(b) Avascular necrosis of lilac crest

(c) Fixed deformity of the hip joint.

(d) Secondary osteoarthritis of hip joint

(e) Trendelenberg sign

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6. If a patient with a suspected fracture of the pelvis has some bleeding from the urethra and is unable

to pass urine

(a) He should be encouraged to pass urine after being given antibiotics and analgesics

(b) He should be immediately eatheterized in the ward

(c) A hot water bottle should be given followed by injection of carbachol

(d ) Should be prepared for surgery and catheterization attempted in the O.T.

(e) Wait for spontaneous urine

In a stable patient urethrography (retrograde and/or antegrade)

is the gold standard to diagnose urethral trauma

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7. Patients comes with fracture femur in an acute accident, the first things to do is

(a) Secure airway and treat the shock.

(b) Splinting.

(c) Physical examination.

(d) X-rays.

(e) Skin Traction

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8. In an injury with multiple fractures, most important is

(a) Airway maintenance

(b) Blood transfusion

(c) Intravenous fluids

(d) Open reduction of fractures.

(e) Antibiotics administration

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9. Tetanus is noticed usually in

(a) Burn cases

(b) Wounds contaminated with soil matter

(c) Open fractures

(d) Gunshot wounds

(e) All of the above.

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10. Investigation for injury of knee cartilage

(a) Aspiration

(b) Arthrography

(c) X-ray

(d) Arthroscopy

(e) CT scan

An arthroscopy can be used to assess the level of joint damage resulting

from an injury, such as a sports injury, or from underlying conditions that

can cause joint damage, such as osteoarthritis. The procedure can also

be used to treat a range of joint problems and conditions, including:

repairing damaged cartilage.

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11. Bucket handle tear at knee joint is due to

(a) Injury to medial collateral ligament

(b) Injury to lateral collateral ligament

(c) Injury to ligamentum patellae

(d) Injury to meniscus

(e) ACL injury

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12. Cock up splint is used in management of

(a) Ulnar nerve palsy.

(b) Brachial plexus palsy.

(c) Radial nerve palsy

(d) Combined ulnar & Median nerve palsy

(e) Musculocutaneus

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13. Commonest cause of wrist drop is

(a) Intramuscular injection

(b) Fracture humerus

(c) Dislocation of elbow

(d) Dislocation of shoulder

(e) Plexus brachialis Injury

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14. The lesion in Klumpke's paralysis is at

(a) Cervical plexus

(b) Lower brachial

(c) Upper brachial

(d) Sacral Plexus

(e) Thoracal plexus

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15. Saturday night palsy involves nerve

(a) Radial

(b) Ulnar

(c) Median

(d) Axillary

(e) Any of the above.

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16. Mc. Murray's sign is seen in injury to

(a) Medial meniscus

(b) Medial collateral ligament

(c) Anterior cruciate ligament

(d) Posterior cruciate ligament

(e) Lateral collateral ligament

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17. An 11 year old boy presented with the complaints of pain in the right arm near the

shoulder. X-ray examination revealed an expansile lytic lesion in the upper third of humerus.

The most likely diagnosis is:

(a) Giant cell tumour

(b) Unicameral bone cyst

(c) Osteochondroma

(d) Parosteal osteosarcoma

(e) Fibrous Displasia

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18. In Seddon's classification, complete division of nerve is

(a) Neuropraxia

(b) Axonotmesis

(c) Neurotmesis

(d) Wallerian degeneration

(e) None of the above

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19. Froment's sign is present in paralysis of injury.

(a) Ulnar

(b) Radial

(c) Median

(d) Axillary

(e) Musculocutaneus

Froment's sign is a special test of the wrist for palsy of the

ulnar nerve, specifically, the action of adductor pollicis.

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20. Meralgia Paraesthetica involves

(a) Axillary nerve

(b) Sural nerve

(c) Median Nerve

(d) Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh

(e) Medial cutaneus nerve

Meralgia paresthetica is a condition characterized by tingling, numbness and

burning pain in the outer part of your thigh. The condition is caused by compression

of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which supplies sensation to your upper leg

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21. Erb's palsy is due to involvement of

(a) Upper trunk of brachial plexus

(b) Middle trunk of brachial plexus

(c) Lower trunk of brachial plexus

(d) Long thoracic nerve

(e) Thoracal Plexus

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22. Tourniquet paralysis is an unfortunate complication leads to

(a) Neuropraxia

(b) Axonotmesis

(c) Neurotmesis

(d) Wallerian degeneration

(e) None of the above

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23. Rate of regeneration of severed nerve is

(a) 0.1 mm/day

(b) 1 mm/day

(c) 1 cm/day

(d) 0.01 mm/day

(e) 1cm/week

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24. . In flap method of amputation which structure is kept shorter than the level of amputation:

(a) Bone

(b) Muscles

(c) Nerves

(d) Skin

(e) Vessels

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25. Ape thumb deformity' is observed in lesions of

(a) Radial nerve injury

(b) Ulnar nerve injury

(c) Median nerve injury

(d) Circumflex humeral nerve injury

(e) Posterior interosseous nerve injury
