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C~· COIH· I' ' 1 Warrnntv THEDAILYNE...

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" ., . " : ' .TO. "" -'. . .. ( , ' , , , , Rusk Sa.ys Base'd On Te st Ball Is Not 1rust Of' Russia GIIEETS HUSK MOSCOW, U.S.S.H.: Soviet Pre· mier :'oIildta Khl'ushchel' (lell) receives U.S. Secretary of stat" D"nn Husk at Kremlin Augnst 5th 1wlol'C signing of nuclrnr 1",1 Iwet by Ihe U.S., the U.S.S.H. .md Great Britnin. Aller Ihe pari was signed, l{hrushchev led dip' lomals of Ihe Ihree nations In r. champagne loast. pholo is ,up' plied by Ihe official Sodet neil's Tass. - lUl'l Rndiolele· Ilholo' from Ta's). WASIIINGTO:'ol (AI') - Secrelary Dean Husk hns ai· sured n U.S. Senate hearing Ihat the limited nuclear Ireaty is not based "on trust 01 . The treaty not lull the Uuitl'd States into rclaxing ito vigilance, Rusk said lIIonday no he opened the U.S, adminislra. tion's effort 10 win support of Iwo.lhirds of the Senate fol' ratification of the pact. Several senators indicatell hr had dispelled some of thell' "Illalms. hut some shied elc:tr of taldnl( a definite sland IInlil nller military nlHI nuclear perts trs!if)'. Alter I:usk made his forma 1 slatement lHt ran illin a bar· rage of IlueallDns about the U.S ..British·Soviet pact 10 oul· laW all nuciear explosions ex cept those under ·ground. Husk testifiell before th" Senate foreign relations CDUl' mitlee with members of th" Senate armed sen'ices and Se· nate·House of Heprcscntatives ntomic energy committee in. lie lold the sena(nr, th" treal\' may prove to he onr of tI,'o most significant since the fonn ding of the I'niled States. lie said RlIssia. like olher nllclen.· po",crs, has lookell "inlo the I,il of the inferno" and liaS a COIH· 1Il0n In(erest in putting at a partial lid on the arms race, taking a small step toward avoiding nuclear war. . Saying the search for mori! destructive weapons go'!! en even though RussIa nnd the U.S. slrenlly have enough nu· clear power to destroY each olher, Rusk said: "Yet greater armament not demonstrably hloUgbt greater security. The treaty; il observed, should slow this Ipi. "al without damage to our ft· lath'e strength," Among other things, Rusk stlred Ihe senalors that sign in.: of the treaty by East Germany will not imply U.S. recognition of th"t CommunIst regime. ';TOMER \ \ . All forml et Insuranco ",:,' ",: :l!<. Warrnntv , .. : \\'1' Sell - 11 will .' ,':', '.:ti,lactioll Aftcr Sale. ' .. ' " . ir.rfJ Nova Motors Ltd. THEDAILYNE s 'Vater St. Elizabeth Ave. 8·70:,\ \ .. I'n ('\ n l.OT Lesage Site l. ", , "\ . ' '-' Fair Till' l'l'I'I'lIltlny tonk place on 1.; .• 11" rIle Homic . .lust of[ ca,l· \',111 ",,"treal. 1n tile next 10 months, worK .. , .1,1 nWIl \\'Ill fill 10 link it with ,..... Brim's Isiand and another .. ',', ;,1;1ll<1 into a part of thl' \\'O('ld's [';oir complex. \' \ .1 11 TII'1l hllgl' barges wcre moorcd ", ", .. " Oil thc i,lallll shorc-onc acling ' .. " 1",,\., as a pndium lor folk dancers, .:, ",:: '" i th,' otill'r proridin!1 hleacner , ',' '! ';,::. I ,P:Il'C (or illl·j(cd gues! •. in French colon;'ll IlImc, marched and (ircd 1'01· e '-l""r intn the riHI' from an 01t1 """1 Sr'ventv one :\Iollntws , ,':1 rai,ed flag, o[ 'il nntirllls. Gmly- ::'1,' ,,",,: ,ll'l'"ed performed CanJ' , ,han n n d international fOlk :0:.1 1 .1 dnncrc; " ,,11:' f' 1 .. '.' i Sign Causes : Uproar THEE. r: n 1 8 n I "",1!:11 " I Hcuters I _ A tavl'l'n SiJ,l' f mll"o' , ,llOwing an angel holding a pinl laukard o[ heel' wit h a I' , h"lo {)\'cr It has slarted an up· rom in this London suburh. Thc local trr. Hl·I·. Y. C. ·1'rundlev. wonts i( removed. "It is disgraceful and ha:; 1J111ny people," ne sOlid. "Snch treatment of hcn;, enly suhjects can only cause roncerll and hurt to I whose minds run to tllI1\lghls. Thc placings of tllt' halo abo\'e the glass of rathcl' than above the' allacl can be trealed with lenee." Hul tUl'ern·keeper William Cnvc. of the "Angcl" pub llll intention of taking It. dowll' '\;:t, ;t.utln,· "I can sce nothing with it. There are favorable refercnces to wine In the B, hIe. Lots of people come m here for n drink alter church on a Sunday." 11::11 :0,\.,.: o:i. hmoeratures :>I"ht l)aJ 46 Rl 711 iR il jl ill fiO ltl$nw 13 h!lT ., . '. ' •• ,8:18 p.m. \. .. .. 5,54 I.m. I'. t ":"11)", ••. 1:01 am AlIgu!t 19' . 1. Pftt Sian' " .. 9:36 p.m. .. .1. ", '. 9 • 9.4171 .. __ .--- ... .. ---------_._-------- -- 12 PACES CENT! ST. JOHN'S,i\EWFOUNDLAND, Tl.'ESDAY, ACGt'ST 13, 1963 , I ! , '. / ' /"'0-' _ ;,; ::.; \ .. ; , " " ", ., . " ri ) _ t 1 .,,;' r:"'71 t ,- I ""'\ L·L. :' '.. " , '1' !-- J-l' ," '! Am bassadol"s Ill' ROY ESSOY Of KO.W; (AI' )-lIelatioI15 bet\\een Ihe SHiel l:nlon ,11111 Comlllunisl China have deteriorated to a point where .orne Wcs(ern diplomats here are predicting Moscow and Peking eI'Cntual\y will withdraw Iheir ambassallors from each othel's capital. They say that appears to he a logical result of relations between Russia and Red China. Hardly anyone here expects' still could hold on to the thc3:s the two Communist giants to Ihey started proclaiming reo hreak off diplomatic relations: ccntIy - that, despite their entirely. Such a step would not i ternal quarrels, they stin sen'e Ihe inlerests of either. 'members of the same familY· On the other !land, political Soviet delegate Georgi Zh:l' experts here - the recent in· ko\', who traded insults with h:s o'ubpoken and abu· Chinese counterpart at the sire hetween cent Hiroshima n n t COli' and maliC some scrt I conference, compared the F-J' of diplomatic :?orernment . viet·Chinese dispute with a fam· gOl'l'rnnwnl slap ill the ily quarrel. ", pracliealy inen In bl". II e said "a bitter quar :pl CO:'olTACT eould take place in a (ami,". "\1l'rall of 3111I1,:;,mIJ.". uul a lamily is still a fumil:i ' leal'ing Iheir cmbassif's UI1""'·. The public l1ature of the qu,,:- rl'affaiI5, would he ;:'-:! rei conlinues to slll'p"ise the tickel." onc We,trrn dlpl,,· eran diplomats. l11.1t "It would expl'l'" ::,[' cXDerls on e0l11mUnL"1 eontempt hoth and Pro had expected Communi,t, ._ ________ __ ,_, _____ 1 king ha\'c shown each 01:11'( to keep their iisagrccmcnts I.OI'mON, England: 'Wollh1-lle Station, here August 9th. as p!l!!e thclr variolls ways toward underground s)'stcm or bus stOtlS roIlolVlilg the annoulItI'melll that a fire at Lumheth !load IIridge had haltet! all trains at Waterloo Slnllon. The fire damagcd eablcH and other equipmenl ('aming SOlllC 60,000 travcllers to hecom[' stranded al Waterloo StaIioll during tbe Ilour. 1'Nephone switchboards IVcre swam[lcd by [lcople sl'eking to inforlll friends; relatives allli buslllcSS associates they wou1!1 be !a(c.-(UPI I'holo). West Germany lVIay S · 1" 'B while still secrel as possible. pl'ima,ily to , to their relations."' lilhic IInity on which the sprpe:'! 19n est all the conlacU; nccr's,a:'Y mainlain the fiction of 1ll0a,I' Somc limited [01'111 of of communism ctepended ,') el'1lll1cnt.to . gl1l'ernnlent cont·lt( much. ------------- Won't Produce Any More VA;.lCOUVER (CP) - The feder.,1 royal commission on taxation has found something it had been searching for since hearings begun lasl spring -. someonc 10 come forward w,tb 10 buck up oft·repeateu allcgations that imporll'rs get a better tax deal thnn C:madian producers. The man who did it was II. S. Brown, president of Kill',,' Way Lamp and :\Ianufacturlng Limited. who told the comm;,· sion Monday he won't produ,;r any more all·Canadian proliuels under the existing tax structufC Now he imports his raw U11' terials from the United Japan and Europe. "I m.J\;e more ll10ney today liring in tnis country as n pm'asile than 1 dit! as a producer." .. ' BONN lHeuters)-'l'he West German gllvernment has m.nlc a pl'o\'isioual Ilecision to the partiul nuclear test . ban trcaty. A spokesman .said after a special session of thc cahin'!! l\Ionday tlwt the cabinet's Ill" cis ion . (or West Germany :0 join the lrealy is conuitional on the Bonn bcing satisfied on two mattcrs. the Bl'ili;h foreign mini, IeI', the \ \"ould n,,1 'I'" lhe agrc<'ll1cllt np"cDrs (I) be about all I'or the last ye:lr and '11<)1'2 Ear: of Home. ohlain western recognition. and .can hope 10 m<1':1,' many of these eXDel't, rcpe:,I· The Bonn cahinet to nied in the past. tain in thelr present cool POll' j. edly have heen sUl'()rised by tl,( discnss the issue again Yriday, TIu;k stopper: off in H'l'lI1 cal c1im .. te, vehemelll:c of each succeeulI:i Earlier, chief governmc'lt Salurday on his wny back fro III , The abll'r ha\'c px· Communist outburst. spOKesman Karl.Guenther I' 011 the in TIlIssia ,lI1d I la,t flo\\' wceks d:IJ Some of them arc Base left no douhl in the min,ls was l'l'portcd 1.0 ha\'e :h"'lmonths has deslroyed the fic;;:,,, job of reporting each of correspondents Ihat \\·(',t Gcrmans reassurancc. i of communism', mflnfllithic :,.,. Communist outburst 10 Ar!enauci' go vcr n ment iDS \'on lIi1sc said the ('alll:lct I il)·. (he C0Il1lnunists' home gO\'Cl11111ent is agreed to .:ign the Irca.ly Wit'l ai.'1) discussed Ihe explorato, v siren to the uncommitt,d increasing difficult. the pro\'il,o th.]t Washinglon al'd lall., TIus!; had with Bussian nations. "Things nlW't be rcally ,,:lei Lonrlon give promised reassur· Icadt'rs in and at p'·c· By 11l.1intainin!( ",'en lim" 'now." one too American rlio'e- anees 'lU communist East Ge· micr 1\ h "n 5 hchc\"s \'ncalion tliplomalic relations. the fb:'· mat herc said. "We've run n;t many. "illa on (he J3iack Sea. si,m and Chincse Comnlllni>ts' of adjecti,·cs." One, he said, is U.S. Stilte Secrelnry Denn Rnsk's Ie,,! mony before the Senate relalions committee in WashilW' 1I0nn has hern worried Ih:'tl 0 C T ton concerning the pact haLl· the treaty might enhance t:l" A gl 0 mcred out hy Ihe United Stat.t's, slatus of East GCl'lmmy. n lean· n'U ress 0 Hllssia and Britain. Commuillst East Gel'man reo . b The other, the spokesman gime is among those that have II said. is West German Yoreign signcd the pact 0 ITt T d :\linistcr Gerhard Schroeder's West sought firm 1 pen 11 oron 0 0 ay [·:ast : Poll .ce N'ah 'Man' Ih' CAllI. ,markets as fascinating as St. 'automation. urban living 'fOHONTO tCP! _ Cleri::al .James' Cathedral. the nell' nations of Asia i collars were as common as C.H·S But the hewildering problems Africa. W · tl t C t II in downtown Toronlo of settling inlo a strange diY Church leaders cxpect ant· I IOU ' 01111 ry I as hundreds of churchmen c<lli· will he insignific3ut beside :ilC thing but unanimity in a CJl" verged on the clly from uroullil issues 10 be tacklerl by the clave tbat assembles reprcscn· Ihe \\'orld for Ihe 1l.dny 1.0[)l1 delegales aftcr the tatil'c5 of 44.0(){),OOO .\nglicJns MONTHE .\L (CP) _ lico,'ge can Congress opening lill1ight. gress opens formally wilh a, in more than 70 counlries .- Christian lianna, the man with. A hishoJl fr 0 m Ireland's ralll' tonight in ;'Inple from Tucson to Yokohama. s,\··· out a country, has been ar· Count v Anlrim "Ilt 1051 on Till" Gat:dens. katoon to Sllulhwarl\ and Ch,l,il re,ted aboard a ship in :\I<mt· onto'; suhway a :3), The agenda for Ililnel sr.,sions. :-IagpUl·. real harhol', it was disclosed I delegate from Scotland stUdy groups and plenary .'C';· SIl.\HE B,\S[C UNIT-Y Mouday. I her hillel rflom numbel' and n siems aims at Bul Anglicans arc used to A spokesman for the clergyman [rom ;\Iric:' C'I:1' to\\'.1I'(\s such. comp.,:: 'mainlainin" unilv on fund:,· grJlion department indicaled an fessed he found the local SUI'el" 5u!Jjecls as mentals while the churcll attempt will be made again to deport the s w D r thy. stocllY i, shanlly dividell on sailor. of practice Ill' doctrine. The spokesman said The Anglican church was picked up Sunday ahoard the seeds of internal the Egyptian freighter Star of in its heritage. El'en ils ,fot'lr.ul Scuz. founding more than four Hanna. 30, deoprted from Con. tul'ies ago was an alia in 10;;8, turned up here Sal. in compromise belween cath'):· urday. irism and protestantism, He dropped into the offices ('/ The Church of England undcl the l\Iontreal Star, spent an hom Henry VllI broke its ties wJh there and indicated he lVo5 Rome and denied the authority headed fol' Vancouver. of the Pope while relaining But immigration authorities basic doctrine and the episco1' made a search of ships in pm.t, pate. church government h" anyway. and found him aboar1 bishops who trace their :iPU· the freighter. ilual anceslry to the original III' was listed as a crew memo apostles. bel' under the name Has3nn Today the Anglic3n churches in China and Jaoan are callell the Holy Catholic church and' some British members of Ihe Church of England call them· Nagar. Saturday Hanna i" ,Ill intcrview Ihat hc had :;towed away on a NOl'wegiart ship in Brazil and ';lipoed past cllsloms and immigration om· sell'es , .; '. :.,7 P.m. SPica. Be. Iht planet. SEOUL, 'Korea: Two high South Korean officers nre garbed In' while robes Ilurlng a South cials here, Korean army court martial In Seolll August at which tllCY and a thlrll officI'{' lVere senlenced He said he wanted 10 go :0 to tbe ,flrlli!l .squad (or ploltlng to assassinate. Gen. l'ark Chllng lIec. In front (1.·11) nrc: Lt.· "wbere everylJndy Whilc the chl1o'(11 heen seen as the esscnce of cnnservatis111 - a factor will 11:3 Ip 'hem is t 'ti' ft 12 I III ., 8:58 I.m. 9:47 p .m. Gen Park and rel\red Brig.·Gen. Lee J{yu Kwang. In rronl at right is retired Capt, ";.1S very gnod to me." . Kim Jas Yllng, one of II olher offkcl's civilians who either reeeived lesser senlences or From the newspnper offll C. were acqulttcd. Gen. Lee 2ilmltled' leading the plot. Defendants were arrested in Harch'-I he telcphoned Vancouver laI" (UPI Radiophoto). ' . yer Don S. White, who many a case for 111m. c:'r\'i"ea and cXl1anded BOSTON: l'cople line streel and solemnly wateh II carse and '-,lerating rival COli, procession leave residence or Cardinal Cushing where nlass of ·wnl).' known as .::,d the Angels was celebrated for Patrick BOllvier Kcnnedy,-(UPI j "low" church. traditiol)di;jfll 1'elcpholo). and evanuelism, '. " , :. I" I "'" ' ',.; , I . I , i , , . , : I.' !I I, I I ' I ' I , , I I . , , I. I' I ,I " I j I , ' . I , '. d j' : d I . , . i : I' I ,," : :,:r I :1 , ! I' , .• 1 " .' ! , . , I .\ , ' II' , ' , , : I , I " , ' 1" :. !, . ; i I: I: ., ' , , , ' , , , , , , , , , , , , ' , . II I 1 'I ' I' 1 , I I ! , I , I , ,1 I , 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I' i . ,. " I I , I , I .: I'



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*,"~.!.";,i:;.. ,~' , ' , , , ,

Rusk Sa.ys Base'd On

Te st Ball Is Not 1rust Of' Russia


MOSCOW, U.S.S.H.: Soviet Pre· mier :'oIildta Khl'ushchel' (lell) receives U.S. Secretary of stat" D"nn Husk at Kremlin Augnst 5th 1wlol'C signing of nuclrnr 1",1 Iwet by Ihe U.S., the U.S.S.H. .md Great Britnin. Aller Ihe pari was signed, l{hrushchev led dip' lomals of Ihe Ihree nations In r. champagne loast. pholo is ,up' plied by Ihe official Sodet neil's a~rncI' Tass. - lUl'l Rndiolele· Ilholo' from Ta's).

WASIIINGTO:'ol (AI') - Sln!~ Secrelary Dean Husk hns ai· sured n U.S. Senate hearing Ihat the limited nuclear test·b~" Ireaty is not based "on trust 01 Russia.'~ .

The treaty wil~ not lull the Uuitl'd States into rclaxing ito vigilance, Rusk said lIIonday no he opened the U.S, adminislra. tion's effort 10 win support of Iwo.lhirds of the Senate fol' ratification of the pact.

Several senators indicatell hr had dispelled some of thell'

"Illalms. hut some shied elc:tr of taldnl( a definite sland IInlil nller military nlHI nuclear C~· perts trs!if)'.

Alter I:usk made his forma 1

slatement lHt ran illin a bar· rage of IlueallDns about the U.S .. British·Soviet pact 10 oul· laW all nuciear explosions ex cept those under ·ground.

Husk testifiell before th" Senate foreign relations CDUl' mitlee with members of th"

Senate armed sen'ices and Se· nate·House of Heprcscntatives ntomic energy committee ~i~· lin~ in. lie lold the sena(nr, th" treal\'

may prove to he onr of tI,'o most significant since the fonn ding of the I'niled States. lie said RlIssia. like olher nllclen.· po",crs, has lookell "inlo the I,il of the inferno" and liaS a COIH·

1Il0n In(erest in putting at lea~I,

a partial lid on the arms race, taking a small step toward avoiding nuclear war. . Saying the search for mori!

destructive weapons go'!! en even though RussIa nnd the U.S. slrenlly have enough nu· clear power to destroY each olher, Rusk said:

"Yet greater armament h~~ not demonstrably hloUgbt greater security. The treaty; il observed, should slow this Ipi. "al without damage to our ft·

lath'e strength," Among other things, Rusk .~.

stlred Ihe senalors that sign in.: of the treaty by East Germany will not imply U.S. recognition of th"t CommunIst regime.

• ';TOMER PROTEC~:T:;IO~N~P::O::;L::;IC:::Y;-----------------------------'--------\ \ . All forml et

Insuranco ",:,' ",: :l!<. l~'lnllwi11 Warrnntv

, .. : l·.d~ \\'1' Sell - 11 will .' ,':', '.:ti,lactioll Aftcr Sale.

' .. ' " .

ir.rfJ Nova Motors Ltd. THEDAILYNE s

'Vater St. Elizabeth Ave.


\ .. I'n ('\ n l.OT

Lesage Site "H~Hrate



, "\

. ' ,~. '-'

Fair Till' l'l'I'I'lIltlny tonk place on

1.; .• 11" rIle Homic . .lust of[ ca,l· \',111 ",,"treal.

:~i' 1n tile next 10 months, worK .. , .1,1 nWIl \\'Ill ~dd fill 10 link it with

,..... ~t. Brim's Isiand and another .. ',', ;,1;1ll<1 into a ~~O·acre part of

thl' \\'O('ld's [';oir complex. \' \ .1 11

TII'1l hllgl' barges wcre moorcd ", ", .. " Oil thc i,lallll shorc-onc acling

' .. " 1",,\., as a pndium lor folk dancers, .:, ",:: '" i th,' otill'r proridin!1 hleacner , ',' '! ';,::. I ,P:Il'C (or ~oo illl·j(cd gues! •.

~Icn in French colon;'ll co~· IlImc, marched and (ircd 1'01·

e '-l""r Il')'~ intn the riHI' from an 01t1 """1 r.~1 l·~nnon. Sr'ventv • one :\Iollntws

, ,':1 ,,\'~ rai,ed flag, o[ 'il nntirllls. Gmly­::'1,' ,,",,: ,ll'l'"ed ~rollp5 performed CanJ'

, ,han n n d international fOlk ~ • :0:.1 1.1 dnncrc;

" ,,11:' f' 1 ..

'.' ":"':i:~ i Sign Causes .:"i~·II",~" : Uproar

Bn.\~ THEE. r: n ~ 1 8 n ~ I "",1!:11 " ~

I Hcuters I _ A tavl'l'n SiJ,l' f mll"o' , ,llOwing an angel holding a

pinl laukard o[ heel' wit h a

I' \n~tl\'

, h"lo {)\'cr It has slarted an up· rom in this London suburh.

Thc local An~lican mini~· trr. Hl·I·. Y. C. ·1'rundlev. wonts i( removed.

"It is disgraceful and ha:; ~h{)l'ked 1J111ny people," ne sOlid.

"Snch treatment of hcn;, enly suhjects can only cause roncerll and hurt to I hos~ whose minds run to higl1~r tllI1\lghls. Thc placings of tllt' halo abo\'e the glass of be~' rathcl' than above the' allacl can h~st be trealed with ~~i. lenee."

Hul tUl'ern·keeper William Cnvc. of the "Angcl" pub ha~ llll intention of taking It. dowll'

'\;:t, ;t.utln,·

"I can sce nothing wron~ with it. There are favorable refercnces to wine In the B, hIe. Lots of people come m here for n drink alter church ~crvice on a Sunday."

11::11 :0,\.,.: o:i.

hmoeratures :>I"ht l)aJ ~I!n M~;

46 Rl 711 iR 7~

il jl ill fiO

~~, S~ies ltl$nw It!.~t '.\URIl~t 13 h!lT ., . '. ' •• ,8:18 p.m.

\. ~::rO\T ·"~'.)t .. .. 5,54 I.m. I'.

t ":"11)", ""~t\1 • ••. 1:01 am ~ AlIgu!t 19' .

~ 1. Pftt Sian' • \oI~, "~f"'" " .. 9:36 p.m. .. .1. ,~

", '. 9 •

9.4171 .. __ ~ A:68-~

.--- ... ------------~ .. ---------_._-------- -- 12 PACES SEYE~ CENT! ST. JOHN'S,i\EWFOUNDLAND, Tl.'ESDAY, ACGt'ST 13, 1963

, r-~ I ! , '. / '

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r:"'71 t ,- I ""'\

L·L. :' '.. "

, '1' !--J-l' '.~ ~. ," '!



Am bassadol"s Ill' ROY ESSOY A~


1I()~(j KO.W; (AI' )-lIelatioI15 bet\\een Ihe SHiel l:nlon ,11111 Comlllunisl China have deteriorated to a point where .orne Wcs(ern diplomats here are predicting Moscow and Peking eI'Cntual\y will withdraw Iheir ambassallors from each othel's capital.

They say that appears to he a logical result of dcl~rloraling relations between Russia and Red China.

Hardly anyone here expects' still could hold on to the thc3:s the two Communist giants to Ihey started proclaiming reo hreak off diplomatic relations: ccntIy - that, despite their m· entirely. Such a step would not i ternal quarrels, they stin ar~ sen'e Ihe inlerests of either. 'members of the same familY·

On the other !land, political Soviet delegate Georgi Zh:l' experts here -~ay the recent in· ko\', who traded insults with h:s ereasin~ly o'ubpoken and abu· Chinese counterpart at the r~· sire exchange~; hetween M~5' cent Hiroshima n n t i·nucl~~r COli' and Pel;jn~ maliC some scrt I conference, compared the F-J' of diplomatic :?orernment . t~· viet·Chinese dispute with a fam· gOl'l'rnnwnl slap ill the fa~c ily quarrel. ", pracliealy inen In bl". II e said "a bitter quar :pl ~lt\I:-lTAI;o.; CO:'olTACT eould take place in a (ami,".

"\1l'rall of tl~eir 3111I1,:;,mIJ.". uul a lamily is still a fumil:i ' leal'ing Iheir cmbassif's UI1""'·. The public l1ature of the qu,,:­chan~c rl'affaiI5, would he ;:'-:! rei conlinues to slll'p"ise I',;~­the tickel." onc We,trrn dlpl,,· eran diplomats. l11.1t ~airl. "It would expl'l'" ::,[' ~Ianl' cXDerls on e0l11mUnL"1 eontempt hoth ~Iosco\\' and Pro had expected ~he Communi,t,

._ ,~ ________ '-~ __ ,_, _____ 1 king ha\'c shown each 01:11'( to keep their iisagrccmcnts ~:;

I.OI'mON, England: 'Wollh1-lle p~~sc'ilgers Station, here August 9th. as the~' p!l!!e thclr variolls ways toward underground s)'stcm or bus stOtlS roIlolVlilg the annoulItI'melll that a fire at Lumheth !load IIridge had haltet! all trains at Waterloo Slnllon. The fire damagcd eablcH and other equipmenl ('aming SOlllC 60,000 travcllers to hecom[' stranded al Waterloo StaIioll during tbe ru~h Ilour. 1'Nephone switchboards IVcre swam[lcd by [lcople sl'eking to inforlll friends; relatives

allli buslllcSS associates they wou1!1 be !a(c.-(UPI I'holo). ~--------+.--.---

West Germany lVIay S · 1" 'B Irrtcnll~" while still mnintailli'l~ secrel as possible. pl'ima,ily to

, to their relations."' lilhic IInity on which the sprpe:'! 19n est all the r",cnti~1 conlacU; nccr's,a:'Y mainlain the fiction of 1ll0a,I'

Somc limited [01'111 of ~"'" of communism ctepended ,') el'1lll1cnt.to . gl1l'ernnlent cont·lt( much.


Won't Produce Any More

VA;.lCOUVER (CP) - The feder.,1 royal commission on taxation has found something it had been searching for since hearings begun lasl spring -. someonc 10 come forward w,tb fi~lll'es 10 buck up oft·repeateu allcgations that imporll'rs get a better tax deal thnn C:madian producers.

The man who did it was II. S. Brown, president of Kill',,' Way Lamp and :\Ianufacturlng Limited. who told the comm;,· sion Monday he won't produ,;r any more all·Canadian proliuels under the existing tax structufC

Now he imports his raw U11'

terials from the United Slat~;. Japan and Europe. "I m.J\;e more ll10ney today liring in tnis country as n pm'asile than 1 dit! as a producer."

.. ' BONN lHeuters)-'l'he West

German gllvernment has m.nlc a pl'o\'isioual Ilecision to Ji'~n the partiul nuclear test . ban trcaty.

A spokesman .said after a special session of thc cahin'!! l\Ionday tlwt the cabinet's Ill"

cis ion . (or West Germany :0 join the lrealy is conuitional on the Bonn ~ovcrnmcnt's bcing satisfied on two mattcrs.

the Bl'ili;h foreign mini, IeI', the \ \"ould n,,1 'I'" lhe agrc<'ll1cllt ~o np"cDrs (I) be about all ~(o,'c,r.\· I'or the last ye:lr and '11<)1'2 Ear: of Home. ohlain western recognition. U~· and PCKin,~ .can hope 10 m<1':1,' many of these eXDel't, rcpe:,I·

The Bonn cahinet i~ ~Iated to nied in the past. tain in thelr present cool POll' j. edly have heen sUl'()rised by tl,( discnss the issue again Yriday, TIu;k stopper: off in H'l'lI1 cal c1im .. te, vehemelll:c of each succeeulI:i

Earlier, chief governmc'lt Salurday on his wny back fro III , The abll'r the~' ha\'c px· Communist outburst. spOKesman Karl.Guenther I' 011 the treaty.signin~ in TIlIssia ,lI1d I {'han~crl Ih~ la,t flo\\' wceks d:IJ Some of them arc '<1yin~ t:l~ Base left no douhl in the min,ls was l'l'portcd 1.0 ha\'e ~i\'cn :h"'lmonths has deslroyed the fic;;:,,, job of reporting each of correspondents Ihat ~hc \\·(',t Gcrmans reassurancc. i of communism', mflnfllithic :,.,. Communist outburst

5l1t!cc~!:i'·{' 10 Ih~';t'

Ar!enauci' go vcr n ment iDS \'on lIi1sc said the ('alll:lct I il)·. (he C0Il1lnunists' fOl'm~r' home gO\'Cl11111ent is hc~oll"n:! agreed to .:ign the Irca.ly Wit'l ai.'1) discussed Ihe explorato, v siren son~ to the uncommitt,d increasing difficult. the pro\'il,o th.]t Washinglon al'd lall., TIus!; had with Bussian nations. "Things nlW't be rcally ,,:lei Lonrlon give promised reassur· Icadt'rs in ~Io,cow and at p'·c· By 11l.1intainin!( ",'en lim" ~'I 'now." one too American rlio'e­anees 'lU communist East Ge· micr 1\ h "n 5 hchc\"s \'ncalion tliplomalic relations. the fb:'· mat herc said. "We've run n;t many. "illa on (he J3iack Sea. si,m and Chincse Comnlllni>ts' of adjecti,·cs." One, he said, is U.S. Stilte

Secrelnry Denn Rnsk's Ie,,! i· mony before the Senate forei~n relalions committee in WashilW' 1I0nn has hern worried Ih:'tl 0 C T ton concerning the pact haLl· the treaty might enhance t:l" A gl 0 ~ mcred out hy Ihe United Stat.t's, slatus of East GCl'lmmy. Th~1 n lean· n'U ress 0 Hllssia and Britain. Commuillst East Gel'man reo . b

The other, the spokesman gime is among those that have II

said. is West German Yoreign signcd the pact 0 ITt T d :\linistcr Gerhard Schroeder's West Germa~I' sought firm 1 pen 11 oron 0 0 ay t~lks.~~~ondon W~dnesdny \\~h gUal~antr:'~~~lat' [·:ast 'Ge~ :

Poll.ce N'ah 'Man' Ih' CAllI. ~lm.l.l!\S ,markets as fascinating as St. 'automation. urban living 'fOHONTO tCP! _ Cleri::al .James' Cathedral. the nell' nations of Asia

i collars were as common as C.H·S But the hewildering problems Africa.

W · tl t C t ~ II in downtown Toronlo ~Iomlav of settling inlo a strange diY Church leaders cxpect ant·

I IOU' 01111 ry I as hundreds of churchmen c<lli· will he insignific3ut beside :ilC thing but unanimity in a CJl"

verged on the clly from uroullil issues 10 be tacklerl by the clave tbat assembles reprcscn· Ihe \\'orld for Ihe 1l.dny An~J~· 1.0[)l1 delegales aftcr the c~n· tatil'c5 of 44.0(){),OOO .\nglicJns

MONTHE .\L (CP) _ lico,'ge can Congress opening lill1ight. gress opens formally wilh a, in more than 70 counlries .-Christian lianna, the man with. A hishoJl fr 0 m Ireland's ralll' tonight in ;'Inple L,~.;f from Tucson to Yokohama. s,\··· out a country, has been ar· Count v Anlrim "Ilt 1051 on Till" Gat:dens. katoon to Sllulhwarl\ and Ch,l,il re,ted aboard a ship in :\I<mt· onto'; suhway ~,)'stem. a :3), The agenda for Ililnel sr.,sions. :-IagpUl·. real harhol', it was disclosed I delegate from Scotland for:~"t stUdy groups and plenary .'C';· SIl.\HE B,\S[C UNIT-Y Mouday. I her hillel rflom numbel' and n siems aims at ~hapin~ Allgli~~n Bul Anglicans arc used to

A spokesman for the iml1~i· clergyman [rom ;\Iric:' C'I:1' nttt~udes to\\'.1I'(\s such. comp.,:: 'mainlainin" unilv on fund:,· grJlion department indicaled an fessed he found the local SUI'el" 5u!Jjecls as rat:~_t~l~tlfms '''~'' mentals c~r.n while the churcll attempt will be made again to ~ deport the s w D r thy. stocllY i, shanlly dividell on elemel:!~ sailor. of practice Ill' doctrine.

The spokesman said The Anglican church carr"~s was picked up Sunday ahoard the seeds of internal disscnslO~ the Egyptian freighter Star of in its heritage. El'en ils ,fot'lr.ul Scuz. founding more than four ~en·

Hanna. 30, deoprted from Con. tul'ies ago was an experim~r.t alia in 10;;8, turned up here Sal. in compromise belween cath'):· urday. irism and protestantism,

He dropped into the offices ('/ The Church of England undcl the l\Iontreal Star, spent an hom Henry VllI broke its ties wJh there and indicated he lVo5 Rome and denied the authority headed fol' Vancouver. of the Pope while relaining

But immigration authorities basic doctrine and the episco1' made a search of ships in pm.t, pate. church government h" anyway. and found him aboar1 bishops who trace their :iPU· the freighter. ilual anceslry to the original

III' was listed as a crew memo apostles. bel' under the name Has3nn Today the Anglic3n churches in China and Jaoan are callell

the Holy Catholic church and' some British members of Ihe Church of England call them·

Nagar. Saturday Hanna ~aid i" ,Ill

intcrview Ihat hc had ~14]\ved :;towed away on a NOl'wegiart ship in Brazil and ';lipoed past cllsloms and immigration om·

sell'es Anglll·Catholic~.' ,

.; '~f1h" '. :.,7 P.m. ~: \h~ ~f SPica. Be. ~. ~lll a~ Iht planet.

SEOUL, 'Korea: Two high South Korean officers nre garbed In' while robes Ilurlng a South cials here, Korean army court martial In Seolll August b~lh, at which tllCY and a thlrll officI'{' lVere senlenced He said he wanted 10 go :0 to tbe ,flrlli!l .squad (or ploltlng to assassinate. Gen. l'ark Chllng lIec. In front (1.·11) nrc: Lt.· \'~ncouvel' "wbere everylJndy

Whilc the An~lican chl1o'(11 ha~ heen seen as the esscnce of cnnservatis111 - a factor dc!,~·

,~:Jtcs will b~ di5cU5sin~-i1. 11:3

"~"Ut. Ip 'hem is

t 'ti'ft 12 I III

l.~ ., 8:58 I.m. ~.IIl. 9:47 p .m.

Gen Park ~m ~ang and rel\red Brig.·Gen. Lee J{yu Kwang. In rronl at right is retired Capt, ";.1S very gnod to me." . Kim Jas Yllng, one of II olher offkcl's an~ civilians who either reeeived lesser senlences or From the newspnper offll C.

were acqulttcd. Gen. Lee 2ilmltled' leading the plot. Defendants were arrested in Harch'-I he telcphoned Vancouver laI" (UPI Radiophoto). ' . yer Don S. White, who fnu~bt

many a case for 111m.

c:'r\'i"ea and cXl1anded wh;:~ BOSTON: l'cople line streel and solemnly wateh II carse and '-,lerating rival tl"JrHtio'l~ COli, procession leave residence or Cardinal Cushing where nlass of ·wnl).' known as "h;~h'.' .::,d the Angels was celebrated for Patrick BOllvier Kcnnedy,-(UPI j "low" church. traditiol)di;jfll 1'elcpholo). and evanuelism, ~.

'. "




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:Teen-agers' Corduroy Oxfords BLACK AND GREEN.

:\ \'ailable in ladies' sizes 4-9.





O\'el' one month of summer freedom has passed for most of the St. John's teens, and the majority is really enjoying those carefree days.

But, do you think that they should be carefree, workfree days for high-schoolers. Yes, I agree that the:-' ha\'e studied hard all year and they deserve a holiday, but I do not agree that teens between the :l,ges of thirteen and sixteen be permitted to come and go as the~' please.

Each teenager should ha\'e a set time table, (well ma~'be not an exact one), but something to show "'hat each must do around the house each day. Then thl're ~hould be a set limc for him (or her) to be at 11I1111e. Of course, an extra half hour or more could be tacked on if something special is .going on, but for a tcen-agel' to be out walkiilg the streets at twelve o'clock in the night is just not right.

Summel' may be 11 holiday from school but nol from bcing disciplined. Parents are hurting their ll'::'ns if thc\' do not have set laws in the household ft1r them. it'is true that you are only young once, but it i~ 011 childhood and teen·age days that one's future i~ built.

Tecns, you know thai you can have just as much fun if you know that you have to be at home at a particular time instead of being out till one or after or strolling in when you please. Parents, I know it is a little late to be talking about discipline during the summer but better late than never. Some parents are inclined to say that they haven't the least bit of con­trol O\'er their teens. well, I think that this is usually thE' parents fault. They failed somewhere along the line, maybe thcy gave them too much freedom in the younger years. If you find you can't control your teen, suggest you have a talk, as a friend to a friend. Go out of your way to get to know your daughter or SOll. You \~'ill be surprised at the many good qualities that may be there if you only look. Give your teen­ager a fighting chance, lay down the law and see what happens. Remember, now you are bringing up the parents of tomorrow, and as they are now thc\' will be as parents.

. Do you think your daughter or son will make a good parent?

: : .. ,,, .......... ,


", ' ......

I Teen T r HOLD ox. I)OS'f

! NEW YORK_ for a girl to keep !.

mtcrest 10 her is t h · ~ . er 1I1terc;t in ..


as a dating part' " .. : .ler ~ .. , pcrson. '"

I By undcr,t~ndlc,' tudcs.' his likes ;nl ~;

I sholl'mg her do'I·"" ": . h h' 'I." .. ,. I Wit I:l1, a "I'rll:n'-1 • r', .,' ~

I without hangin' 0] ..... August i~s:ue 0 Cf' , jlaguzinc,'

lOne girL whQ h"' ' 1 ling 011e ho)' for '1;" .

.. ,., concerned aheu!' '.. " "Kccp yuur atti:~d,; : . " .,' as "attcntirc and ~~r:'

on yom [,rst ,1,tE". , .... 'J I~ tl~e teen publilati'J~' '. <,"~ .. :::j Illm for ~rantelj: ,,'

I displays III . ;'j;,il.~ "ist. thc impui-e tl' .: . -'1 I ?f. hiS sp;'re time: Ihr.

. ~~. ~ Il11ng~ :0 ?o to;~:her,. . . .... (

r folk '\In~IIl~. 'e,""'" dance .qep~. sPNdi~~ .

STELLA STEVENS, popular motion picture and television actress, pr0;-td o~ a smooth, ~oppery ian, with otheL' lou:111; . knows how important it is to tend to your tanning if you want to be thnlled Instead of gnlled by your declarc YOUr " " h.ours in the sun. Stella currently co-stars in "The Nutty Professor", a Paramount release. f he'" slIre of his ...

----...:.::::.:.::~...:.:.::...:=.::...:==:...:=:.:::.:.::::...:.:-==~::.::..-==-=-:.-=:.:.:::....:.::..::.::..:--~--------------------- I know how you feel::

Ik I T I (lcss frighlenin'l on

Kathy Teen Tat Bits And Pieces Around own I :)~~e:t;~l1:;.~~y;::;~:.;. I I your enthusia;rn, y:~

lIOW TO TALK TO A BOY sidcratencss ... " NEW YORK - The best way, . . By PAT . '" "How can I win r::'

for a girl to talk to a boy i$ to, Gosh, teens, It has been ages smce BIts and. asks another girl, " By KATHY PETERSON let hIm talk to ~e~. Pieces" were in "Teen Topics" but I couldn't do any- dating one bo,' fo~

Dear Kathy: That's the .orml?n of one thing about it. Anyway here it is this week. yea.r, now sees hi: I'm in the 8th grade and am terribly embarrassed young man, Wnb?g In the Aug· Wonder if Fred was lonely Owen Blandford.. caslOnally, and ";;

because my legs are covered with dark fuzz but my list Issue of Seventeen, ~~hO while he' was in hospital, or did Prizes were give throughout· others only t] mail . , . 'suggcsts these conversa Ion MarilYn visit him. He has been the night for various dances I ~ous. "Stop tr;lnl

mother won t let me shave them. All of my classmates starters: lout of hospital for some time and everyone had a wonderful Jealous and starl solve the problem by using a razor. What can I do? Put a few records. on the now, and to me he doesn't look time. fun O~l your other Don't you think it looks terrible if a girl's legs aren't p~10nograph,. and a~k him what I like a NLQnely Boy." I SURPRISE PARTY I magazme. counsels.

oth?-T P kmd of mlls.Lc he likes. . . 1 Ann and Reg have been go· A surprise party was held on hope ... IS 111 smo. . :. .. Ask him If he had any trou- ing out together for some time I Mondav Auaust 5 at Three Is., than rcsentlng

Most girls get along qUIte well Just as nature iJle getting to your place •• , now gosh It seems strange to ,'Iand P~nd ~Iubho'use to honor I: chang. thc new ' built them-UNTIL they are old enough for nylons. Talk about. co!lege. . I see 'Reg ~ith anyone but San- Georgc (Butch) Whiteway on You'll hal'e a . At that point, dark fuzz on the legs can be terribly In, the beg~nmng, ~he writer dra. But I think that Ann and his 17th birthday. About sixty chance-and belter unattractive when visible through sheer stockings. cautIOns, aVOld talkmg a.h?ut Reg make a nicer couple. lof his friends gathered togeth.! sugar candy :nstead A' b t t th 1 . f the weather, .books" poll!Lcs,! Tony is still on the loose, er to dance to the music of ver'l pIes!".

raZOr IS o~e a~swer u .no e o? y answe~ I i jokes, or anythmg which ml?ht, girls. Gosh, I thought that I satile Edgar Bishop. A presen" A girl who;! beal!1 paren~s have obJectIons. ConSider the Idea of usm,g seem as tholl~h you're. puttmg I someone would be after captur.! tation on behalf of those pre. !ea\'e for ~ol1egc . a depilatory cream. . lip a show to Impress hl~. iog him by this time. It seems I sent was made by Bonnie Mar· I If . the fnendS!:lp ca:.:!

Bleaching can also provide a good solution. It's Above all, be a good listener. that he is unconquerable. Never shall. At the close of the even. tamed by n:,,1. 'T';

often better for the helter-skelter gal who will for- • • :INGS AND I mind Tony, you will meet your ing', one and all expressed that! :,he ha?d ,:h3\. ~ol;.;. i get to use her razor or depilatory on sc e u e. SHAKESPEARE'S KINGS h l' k II Bcsides thc new"

k h f 'ff tt . appy go uc y guy a your


. h d I RIDDLES AND . "Doom" yet You can't be a they "had n ball." I the mlgh,ICr 115 L

Ne',~r, never, ta e t e uzz 0 arms no ma er NEW YORK - From aetmg life. . will meet at ~(hGo:. how unattractive you may think it is. If you check! the high drama of Sha~espe~re, Joan and Sylvia were lone'r' DIE ON RESCUE BID ' thc ncll' intmm. ne·.; : with your mother arid she agrees that nature could i to balan.cing on the hl~h wl.rdc some Ior a week or so while ThGRENFOBLEh' IRe ~ ~ e rs)r::- pmon~lity. ncw '.. bl h' h . of the CIrCUS, from playmg rl . th b t' Th ree 'rene moun am po II.,' valucs he Illll be

stand a little aSSIstance, use the eac mg tee mque. dIe and answer games to mak· d e.doyds wt er~ o~ vaca 10fn. e?t: men on a rescue mission we,'c The nirl.hack.hon:e :::;,: Song Hit RING OF FIRE JOHNNY CASH

Love is a burning thing, And it makcs a firy ring. Bound by wild desire, I fell int~ a ring of fire. I fell into a burning ring of fire, 1 went down, down, down, and the flames went up

higher, Ami it burns, bums, burns, the ring of fire, The ring of fire. 1 fell into a burning ring of fire, I went down, down, down, and the flames went up

higher. . And it t'n:ns. burns, burns, the ring of fire, The ring of fire.

The taste of love is sweet, When hcarts like ours meet. I fell for you like a child, Oh. but thc fire went wild. I fell into a buming ring of fire, I went down, down, down, and the flames went up

higher, And it bums, burns, bums, the ring of fire, The l'ing of fire. I fell into a burning ring of fire,

. I went down, down, down, and the flames went up hi,gher,

And it burns, bums, burns, the ring of fire, The ring of fire.

Top Predictions

h . bl '11 bId b l' 'I tn ss . S eCI e 0 g~( away rom I k'!i d S rl h th' h ,. 0 T e pro em WI e so ve ecause Igl e I iug magic rings, teen·agers II" d th t' h t th d'd I I e un ay w ~n elr 11.1' sure she ,Ioem'[ almost invisibility. everywhere are keeping bllsy. ~ ama~iIIin: t~Sb~ ~OUg~ thlat : copleL' . crashed h m t~~ ~l?y samc." mJl;t conlic~!

. According to the August is- they Ire happy to be 'back mountams nea~ ~re. th e '!.J' mcntal and cmotio~~ sue of Seventcen, on the sum- home after all look who they' cofPter,j.wabs g~l~g dO ethrescl~'~ sO that ,he won't ';€!::

S 1· ht 0 t· " 0 a elm er Injure on e .. · t "n fng !ta~'tto-' t g n mer een scene~ hi It had waiting for them. ,300.[00t Pointe des Chaml1l3. s ao a,; ...,., •. pO 1 50 Croton, llew. Yor.k ;e. Marie and Ed are still going; His fate was not immediat~!y return. _ schooler~ are ?elfor~mg uni. strong after over tlVO years. I known_ . I -',-.. ,.'"


NAMES AND AGES: Jim Pash (14), Jim Fuller (16), Bob Berryhill (16), Pat Connolly (16), Ron Wilson (18).

HOME TOWN: Glendora, Calif.


BACKGROUND: The Sur· faris, who have been on top of the local surf scene in Glen· dora, Calif., for a long while now, are a fun.loving team oC instrumentalists who play local teen dates when they aren't out riding the crunchers or ward· ing ofl gremmies. It is the col· lective opinion of the boys that their manager, Dale Smallin, is practically one of the group. In fact, it is Dale's infectious laugh on "Wipe Out," that started the whole thing. As on their hit single, Dale's vocal prowess is featured on "Tequila" in their first album. The boys current­ly keep themselves pretty busy with their school work, teen hops, and most happily for them of late-recordings.

LATEST SINGLE: "Wipe Out" is a shorehreaker in the Top 10 this week.


fore paymg audlCnce. m a They never seem to quarrel, al. ~[ca.ls cat I n 0.,[ .' ..

Dot LP is also cntitled "Wipe que Shakespeare feshvaI;. ; though I do not see them, . be e.nJu),cd ;'n,d If ;:~ The Wenatchce (Washmg· around very oftcn. The only! PRAYS FOR PEACE plcmc 0:1 a Ill.e, I., .. Out."


(ReprIse) HmlE TOWN: Dallas, EDUCATION: High School. BACKGROUND: At the age

of 15, Trini Lopez was playing guitar and singing Latin songs in night clubs in Dallas. From this begInning. he formed a five·piece combo and toured the Southwest. When he finished high school the group played clubs all over th[! country Ior four years. After this tour Trini moved to CalifornIa and played the circuit of clubs in and around Los Angeles. His first appearance there was at Ye Little Club with Joanie Som· mers. Planned as a two·week engagement, the stint lasted for a year. It was while Trini was headlining at P,J.'s in Holly· wood that producer·arranger Don Costa saw him and brought hIm to Rcprise. Trini has a hit in his third single for the label with "If I Had a Hammer."

LATEST SINGLE: "If I Had a Hammer" is moving up on Billboard's Hot 100 this week.

LATEST ALBUM: "Trini Lopez at P.J.'s."

ton) Youth .Cir.cus, .an amateur thing I can say is that they are! CASTELGANDOLFO me u· he taSI)' a~d not I .

group now m Its mnth season, meant for each olher if not tel's) - The Pope told SOIL\'! dry, San!l\\lches~,. is bringing the Big Top to more how could they stick it all thi~ 3.000, pilgrims Sunday he is brcad and a fa\:~n[2 than 25 towns via a bus and time? I praymg for "new and t.'11~ as cold mea~. Ibh. t k I . '., "peace" among soc'lal clas<p" nut butter With hard . ruc our, t Betty Will soon be hapPier' ... ,. :1"

London, England t:ens, than just about any girl in and amo~g t~c world's ~atiol1~. am) tomate:s. IT" ...

knows as "mods" (modermsts) t wn Yes HE is due home any The pontIff said he also IS pray· course .. !lall . "go crazy for Brubeck ~nd are time ·now.' I think those last few ing that "the mo~ern world a~d frUit ~Jil be .. stricti C.N.D." (CampaLgn for may recover a genume and cr· mbble: A \ a.cu~~l

y. t) Boys days are worse than all the fective reI i g ious sentime"t el' milk [rUit Ju.1'I, Nuclear Dlsarmamten 'd b 11- time put together. Well, Betty, . Nothl'ng seems to us gra~'e;' {e~ will' he:o to q";€:~ sport Chelsea boo s an e . t h t h Id l'ttl' '. , ...

C • iris wear yo~ JUS ave 0 0 on 11. Ie. and more dangerous than to Watcr from an,. l.r~:~ bottom . trou.ers, g . h while longer. forget God and Christ." should not be Ulld , .. "long sklrts-at},:ast two mc es S~w Frank and ConnIe at the CROSS BURNED 'since it ma,. be p)l!;~el below the.knee". S." MOVIes a lIttle while ago. won.! __ .. _~ __

"OperatIOn Coml~ tr!p der if they are planning on. volunteers at EastsLde. HIgh making it a regular twosome?' School, pat~rson, New Jersey, Got any answer anyone? I record comics on. tapes for Ed wasn't very happy at the. blind children, contmu? record· Regatta last week. It seems that 'I

ing sessions even durmg sum· his girl friend was mad with mer months; ! him and he was afraid to go

Add·a·Photo sca~ves, invented I and speak to her. He told me by teens, are bemg made by that he was going home about pasting photographs ~n card- half past two, but at sIx o'clock board key l~gs, attaclll~g ~ags I he was still there, of course so to scarves With safet,Y pms, was his girl friend .. F~r t~e 1963. versIOn of the, Carol celebrated her birthday

magLc rmg, a girl. make~ seven i this week. Happy birthday wishes as a seven.mc~ piece. of . Carol, and I hope you have yarn is tied on her fLnger With i many more to come seven knots by a friend. If the: BIRTHDAY PARTY girl then "tics up" ~even ot~ers On July 31, 1963, a birthday and h.as a boy ~nhe her rlOg, party was held by l\IIss Glenys her Wishes all Will come trul!. Blandford of 48 Springdale

. ,\CROSS r...mo:ist 1-Liltlo ~3 British cow 5 Mr. Ge"hwb ~.; Weary

. 8 Mmuli~e 38 Sticky

. appellatIon sub:t~nce

)12 Charles L.mb's 39Iva~ and Pet:: Rii~I~~ pseudonym 41 Hops' kiln , 13 Boy's nI.ckname 42 Vaporized jet r I~A!sam silkworm 46 Observe i 1.Dlspate~ed. 47 Willow genu:

16 Huck Fmn I~, 49 _ Roy I - of TlValR a Snlr. Mu~ial ; 17~~~~rse~;13ng) ~1 Perco~atc ~Iol~,lY 6 Tm a51'n1.l 18 Son of Lincoln "~Unclo,. (puet.} 7 TowaIJ I,,,. 19Ch reh 5. Dress edges shelHcd s:CE

U . 5~ Boy's n.mll, . dlgll1tal1 55 Marry 8 Larr:prcy

21Decay 56 Gaelic D Bi~lic.t. m:'iUnl::ln

DOWN ]0 CilinrlY 1 Jokes 11 Endurl'S

, ,.1 l' f " .. \ ; ;. By PAT

. :' i: ~ ;" >. t 1) Frankie and Johnny ............................ Sam Cooke

Bcast·ly riddles a~e. bIg. and Street for Miss Carol Ann Hac. "The Answer Game IS shU a kett who celebrated her birth. special favorite of joke·telling day July 31

2 Oleic acid ejt~r 19 Perfumes J Impede 2C ~pccd 4 Burmese 1VODd 2:; Obriol1S Foreign. News . ~ ~ ',: I '.' ~ 2) Desert Pete .......... , ........ , ................ Kingston Trio

. ~: :~. ,: (3) My Boy Friend's Back ............................ Angels , ~I'·~~ ~I • \

,j J 'j' :.~ .• :; ~4) Everybody Monkey .................... Freddy Ca~non 11> 'i' :.;-- (5) Heat Wave .... ~ . .' ......... Martha and The Vandellas j/' :~, .;. (6) These Foolish Things 11 : ; >' ( J ames Brown and The Famous Flames :, .. 1": ::.;: (7) Surfer Girl ............................................ Beach Boys 1 " t ... ; ~ .. :: (8) My Daddy Knows Best , ................... Marvelettes : ,. :i': '. ~;: (9) Du.m Dum Dee Dum ................ ~ ohnny Cymbal '. :! ; .! 1 ""~ B 1 I . , :. ;' :'d;! !.~:(10) ThIs Is AI! I Ask ..................................... ur ves

<LiT, r,·:.:::Ton Ten Hits f:; r , ,.


i' . ;~: (1) So Much ·In Love ........................................ Tymes ~: (2) Fingertips (Part II) ........ Little Stevie Wonder ':; (3) Surf City ............................................ Jan and Dean



American housewives don't dig the pop music aired by most of the nation's leadfng stations? A survey recently completed by station WWDC here indIcates that the gIrls' not only Ilke Peter, Paul and Mary and Tony Bennett, but they go for Elvis Presley as well.

Peter, Paul and Mary, the hard rocker, "Surf City" by Jan and Dean, the ballad "This Is AliI Ask" hy Tony Bennett, and the rock and ron "Devil In Dis­guise" by Elvis Preslcy.

'fhe Group reacts quicker to new tunes than record buyers. For example,' "This Is All I Ask" by Bennett, is No. 4 on the current "Housewives" Top 10" against No. 21 on the over· all WWDC sales chart.

The housewives' dislikes were usually based on lyrics content rather than melody, according to the WWDC survey. "Tie Me

teens. Sample riddle: How do At the party were the fol. you make a statue of ~n ele· lowing: phant· Answer: Get a pIece. of Glenys Blandford, Jim Vivian, f stone and ~ut away. everythmg Daphne Barefoot, Jim Chaytor, that doesn t look hke an ele. Carol Ann Hackett Jim For.,' phan~. Sample "Answer Game" ward, Patrick Lockyer, Jean' ques!lOn: How do .you ca!ch a Sycamore, Sylvia' Melendy, rabbit? Answer: Hide. beh!nd a Jlrian Oliver, Pauline Benson,' bush and make a nOise hke a Kevin Breen, Jean Sheppard'l carrot. Gus Fagan, Don Stoyles, Robin

DETROIT (AP)-A crudely made wooden cross was burnr.1 Saturday night at the back door of the home of Negro m· tegrationist Jnmes Del Rio. Po· lice searched the neighborhootl for clues. The burning causcd only minor damage.

Blandford, Bill Fogwell and.

Kangaroo Down Sport" was ---------­given a thumbs·down treatment Blue", Bobby Vinton; SukiyakI because the women had dlffi· Kyu", Sakamotoi "18 Yellow


* Thirt

dlanders wcre !l'e:vf°'::on.c3pital mur·

\Vlth hile in\,cstiga· MondaY ~uspected third . to a IniS progrcssing.

J seph Galway. a ~e'idcnt of Bcll

·remanded for \l'aS



36 vears of scrvice • Hunt- has retired from

dining and parlor Canadian Na· Newfoundland

announced here

who was born at Argentia,

service of the Nell" RaHway, marine

In 1927 as assistant and workcd in vari·

positions. He was to chier steward of in 1936, where he

until 1942. 1949 he was promoted to

car porter in chargc he worked until ~Ia) He was promoted to

steward in June of that year which position h~

until his retirement. Hunt·s retirement was

by a gathering of his of the sleeping, din·

and parlor car depart· road service and ter· staff emp:oyees, also guests A. J_ Arley and

FogwiIl. was presented with aT

wallet containing : of mone)' and ~Irs. Hun presented with a houque

was also given a gift fron of the Brotherhoo ..

and Steam,hi:


Drur St. John's resident appea

Magistrate's Court ~lo on a charge of havil

goods in his possessio was remanded for eig

on bail of $500 and t, . of 5250 each.

charges of commol 1Dkenness were also henrI

them were fined 51

defendants up on thl charge were giren lecture by :\[agistn


was reserved in t as the magistr:

to study the el'idcnc

U. S. service man w: with damagin a a ca . '" gll'en sbowed th;

~ommodore To Retire


Com ..... of madore' Donal!

relif . Fredericton; : . e In: Septembe~

~e,rvlee with the J "1f,Force "

graduat ... ,'

?:~ (4) (You're The) Devil in Disguise .... Elvis Presley i;~ (5) Wipe Out .................................................... Surfaris

The survey was conducted by WWDC's research director Jo Wilson. She mailed postcards til 400 wives ·In the Washington area. They were asked to list their five favorite records, and three records they disliked the most each week. Also Included WIS an· LP favorite. The house. wives hod to register with WW· DC for a five week perIod and send In their picks once a week. A total of 332 wives, and ex· tremely hIgh percentage did so.

cully understar.dlng the Aus· Roses", Bobby Darrini "It's My 1 trallan accent of Rolf Harris. Party", Lesley Gorei "Ealiier "Rat Race" by the Drilters, was Said Than Done", Essexi. : I

COUege e of t~e RDyal' DOth: .~!ld.Queen's:

at Kingston; :n:t;;~~~i~~~. Blaine' I ..

E~!(6) Blo~in' I~ The Wind ........ Peter Paul and Mary r,l!(7) EaSIer SaId Than Done ................................ Essex E::.(8) Judy's Tum To Cry ........................ Lesley Gore ..• "(9) Tie/Me Kangaroo Down Sport ........ Rolf Harris

{IO) Just One Look .................................... Doris Druy

The current "Housewlve's Top 10" included the folk bal­lad, "Blowln' In . The Wind" by


given similar treatment be· "Danke Schoen", Wayne New- . .: i cause the lyricli dealt with so· ton; "Devil I.n Disguise", Elvis I ; . 'I called depressIng pace of con· PresleYi "My Whole Worle Is A daily 2.minutc short , temporary Ufe. Falling Down", Brenda Lee; story will appear for the I

Among the tunes listed in the "Surf City" .Tan and Dean, ane n,. ext_six weeks i~:- j I "HousewIves' Hit Parade on Top "BlowIng in the Wind", Peter ~ ~~_

10" favorites were: "Blue on Paul and Mary. this pap cr. , < .

at I


" ~ " \

. '\ '.

I I I !

'" . .,.

,~\ .;Inli 11IIt 1\· ... ' ~;~!hi\\"~l'hc~ (If "

:;:'J n £:\\I'1'i1C '.\ mcat, I"h, :::t':', w:th h:l~'~ :.':~1.\tt'r~. "ill

'l' H!lW

;.:;:: WIll re ',' \ "~C')1nn l,\~t~:t ~'1~;:~'" ft:\;il' 5\:ice, tel ... ,,:' hrll' to r.urr.,h ." !n~m nr::; ~tr~am : .~ rwt ht' U~l"'d {,'i

, :: nlay ~r rollutt>.i.

'-:-- !':t:'rd\f . ,,; tile

·.:·cd ,:~B , .,' :YY

.: :..i ., ~: 1':1 , ,,\.

:.,: (\(

. ,: :~~rs ,\

1 ., , ~ i

* Third

* * Suspected

* Murder

* * * * Under In vestigation

ei~ht days without bail on n£'11 Island aller bcing charg['d with the murder of his fathrr,

The hod\' of 44.)'cal'-llld ,John ,Josejlh Galway was fouml in his West Mines home around 10 a,m, SundilY,

his face badly heaten with some sort 01 blunt in·


Ilis hody was hl'Onght to st. ,John's for it post·mortem and the findings of this examina· tion me expected to be reo leased today,

The youth is scheduled 10 appear he flirt court on Bell Island 10:30 n,m. August 21. a nnlP spokc,man said ~Ionday el'ening,

The SN'OIHI ['hHl'ge 01 non· rai1ilal mllrd['I' W<lS laid against n 51. John's natil'e

in l\1onlreal. flllan Robbins, a 4:J·year·

olel seaman of this city, was charged with murder in ~Ion· treal following the death of ~Jary Constam'e ,Jacquelin in ~lol1treal ,lull' 29.

Miss .Jacquclin was found hcaten 10 dealh in an apart·

ment in the west end of ~Ion· treal. . The investigation into the

dea!h of Francis "Hop" Myrick is progressing, ac· cording to Sergeant Vince Noonan of thc criminal in· vestigation department of the Newfoundland Constabulary.

Myrick was found stabbcd outside his residence, 107 Military Road, early Saturday llIorning,

Sergcant Noonan, who b heading the illvesligation, would "ay only that the in· vestigation is progressing.

major crimes in Newfound·' land the weekend brought one charge of murder anrl another suspicion of murder. While one arrcst has been made, it is expected that another charge wiII be forth· coming in the next day or two. Aftcr t,,:o years of no ---------------' ...

The Daily News CI-OUOY

Cit)T ClerI( To Recei-'ve

A ,v:ard For City Ser,rice JOHN'S, NEWFO~NDLAND, TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1963

. --------------~----------------------------~------~--•

Edward B, Foran, city clerk· \ Bowring Park committee, sccre· treasurer for St. John's, has tary of the St. John's ~Iemorial been named by the committee Stadium commission, secr~tary on awards of the American Pub· of the Zoning Appeal Board, lie Works Association to receive and a member of the American the Samuel A. Greeley Service Public Works Association since Award for his service to St. 1952.

ed at the annual dinner of tht American Public Works Assoc iation held on. the closing da: of the 1963 Public Works Cop. gress and Equipment Show il Detroit. ~Iichigan, Septembc'


':': :o-l'nh'r. . ,; .• : ;" : ""1 "t! Irom :1 .. ", ,\" " g' \~.11.:~~ .i!ld p:u'llll" ':l.:~"t:-::. \·,l~:,1I;1.1n :'\a­':. "\,:", \,'\\ >\lllldlal~{1 · .... ' ..... ",',I Ill'l'l'

. ,1,1' ,., ... ,

uur.1. ,,1111 \\ .1" hnrn ~ tl,1:t,llt'it .11 \1'~I'n1ia,

.. !'fdt \' .1( du' ~ tl\' • ", 1:.\ h\ .l~. marint' · I, in Pl:~ a" ;h' i~tanl

.n,1 lIiI:h .. " ill larl· ,:~n 1", .. ;li"I1', Ik \nl~

II' Ihit'l !'ott'\\:lrd nf · R:Tt in 1~1'\!;, ,\ Iwl'l" hr

unli: I ~ll·:. :.:i.;l ~t' '.\.1' ;)r,llllllh'd to

,n I hal'~e

.;[ \\,\:'~t'\i 1l1~I:l ~lay ~{ ',t,:" i':"d;llllll'(l to

· !':' .• ,:.~\: :1: ,:\l!1t' (11 that '.0: \\:::\';1 p,hitillil he :" :l;~ it':Il"l':lJt1ll1.

Hunt'< rrlirl'llll'llt was . hI l :~IIH'lil\~ (If his

nllhr ,It-I'I'ing. din· I!! r.rl,'r {,;II [1£'(I:lr(.

,ud ,rn ill' a 1111 t~r· mff t'l1Ip:n~·t'l'st illso

· ,~'P'I'.\ J .• \(11')' and

RETmE~IENT CERE~!oNIES-G. C, Locke, superintendcnt of the slrcpin[! and dining car department, CNR. Newfollll[ll~l\d arca, is seen (Il'csenting a retirement gilt to Daniel IInnt·, who recently retired from the CNn after 3ti ye3rs scrl'ice,-(Tootcn Photo). --------------------------_._----_._-----

13 Tuna Boated Monday Ups Total Catch To 108

John's. The award, established by Mr. Foran's employment Samuel A, Greeley of the con·

with the city began ill Sep· suiting firm of Greeley and temher 192:1 as a clerk. In Hansen, Chicago, is presented 1937 he was named assessor; allnually only to those servo in 1940 chief assessor; in 19~9 ing onc municipalit\' or gov· assistant city clerk, and ill emment unit for 'thirty or 1953 city clerk. more years in· the public

lie is a member of the 51. works field, .John's commission on town The ward formalized bv a phnning, a secretary of the special scroll. is to be pres·ent.


29 to October 2. . Over 4.0tlO public works

officials from "irtually all of the 50 ~tates, and Canada are expected to attend this 69th annual Congress which will' feature fnur days of techni· cal sessions covering the pUblic works field with such tOJlics as streets and highways in urban areas, collection and disposal of soH[1 wastes, scw, erage anll dra,ning systems, mass tnnsit sen'ices, pur· chase and care of publi~ works equipment, design an~ lll,lintellance of Jlublic bulld· ings, water Iloliut!on control develo(lments, inspection 01 pu blic works construction, an:! a great mallY others.

Continue Search Today Tlle Equipment ~how held; \.

conjunction with thc COn~LL.' to get an early start in the will feature the latcst in jnib search this morning. lie works equipment cxhiilited

Two ROIP constablcs and fh'c re,idents of Witless Bay spent the night in the woods hehind thaI settlement in the search for 17·year·old Gary Hunt.

The searchcrs stayed in the woods ol'crnight to cndble them



by more than 1:0 le3ding manu. Gary, son o( ~Ir. and ~lr5., facturers and supplier';.' "hc

John Hunt of the city. has becn I sessions and equipment sho· .. : missing sinee 2 p.m. Sunday will bo '"Jeld in Cobo Hall ;:; when he was reported ol'crdue will the annuJI dinn'er on O. l. on a fishing trip. 2.

_AppointlnelLlt Of Advocate, D.V-ofll. · 1!~ r~t'~t'nh'd with nn I

w3::r: rl1ntainin),! a! \ ~':''- :,,,,j ,II'; Hunt' ;:;;;:"'11 With a i1tluquct . The tuna were biting a~,.in tourist department's boat S!wm· pounds,

.. ,.:;:", :.\"11 ;J ~ift from I ~f·,lolndlay. with 13 01 bth,e Inrlv:e! ,rOck JIll with four tuna heil1li Aboard IIw Karan ,\nll. Arl

tolal (or the record year n( 19G1 when 133 were caught. Commander H. Garrett, O.B.E.,I pres~ntation of I"cterans' ap· tinue his !lra~tice cancurn):::. An interesting note concern- . district administrator. depart· peal claims for pension for l1"i,h his D.V .. -\. duties.

': ::1<' 1\:."tlH'l'hood I IS 1 IClllg taken to \'lng t m: 10atTe<, . I Cahill boalcd a 4i~ (lounder. '1::'",- and ~\('nm,hip I year's total to lOB, I he (IS 1 were ~o~tc(1 by The Lady Helena also reo

iug the life of the tuna came ment of Veterans Affairs. an.: service.incurred disability. He is married and the I'lt:~.: I intn the news :lIonduy. nounced :\londay the appoint. I ' f b d FI .. S af three children.

Headliner for Ihe day was the I Ern Winter wltll a aGa j1onnd. portc(1 one fish, this beill!( __ . _____________________ I er, BlU Joyce a 560 pOlllul c:mght by })oul: Tuckcr an(1

i fish, and Ches Fry wlth two, weighing 490 11001llds.

It sccms the giant tuna fl'ol. mcnt of H, B. :lIorgan. ~I.A.· Son 0 Juco an . Ola .' licing in Newfoundland waters (Oxon) well.known St. John's ~Iorgan, the ncll' pensions ad· I start out in life at a milch less lawyer,' as pensions ad\'ocate for vocate :\'as born at Ha~bor Leaves On

Two-Week imprcssivc size. the Ncwfoundland - district, D.eep, "'hlte Bay .. He recen'ed i

\ r t U' S D V 0\ IllS early edllcatton from hiS I , CCOf( lllg 0 a '". Illlbli· ... . father, a well·known figure in

one was 396 Il0un(ls the other Carl ;:';cwllllr" ahoard lhe lVas 300 potlluls, Tina :llarie was ulso sllccessful, The Shamrock 11 lost four hc landcd a 5~5 pound tuna.

rifteen Are Fined ••

On Drunk Charge ; strikcs, ' Alec Duffet fishing from the I Coming in second was the lIIiss Stlsan brought Iter tolal : Wss Towne and Counh'Y with I catch to four to datc when he

calion these giant fish arc Commander Gal'felt said thc educational life of )l cw, : hatched from ,lIl egg one ~Ir. ;\lorgan will bc associat· fOllndland. I millimetre in diameter. ed with the preparation and From this minute beginninq He latcr attcn([cd BishQll

Feild College and )Iemorial Cruise J)~,~'. r,',:ornl appeal"

: ):;';·\I.1t(, COllrt ~lon· :: ~ l'ht.r:::t1 (If having

, ~. \:~ ltl !\i~ pd~sl'ssion. ':, rrmJr.ri,'d fnr einht

. :~ \,'1 of ~~\)J and t~vo : :·1 S2~'J ['aell. r~!ln rhJr~r, "f enmmon

IInr als" hrard, Inpm 11['rr IinCll SIO

:I!er.dan:, \11' on their ::~mp Wrl'l' cil'en a

· .Ware hy ~Iagi.'trate o ~E:lL

was r"'l'lvcd in the 3; the magistrate

:1 5\udy the [,I'idence, l\', . ": s['merman was · lith damaging a car.

Kilen ,holled that

t~mmo~ore fo Retire

I thrce fish, landed a 52(; pound luna. the serl'lcel,Jan stoll)lc(1 a car, I The. sllccessful ~iShermenl' The rcst of the hoats were on

Ihe tuna grow 10 a weight in' --­University Co\le~e, and Dal. The navy frigale Swanscl housic University, where he : sailed fl'om SI. John's ~Iol1d;,)' graduated B.A. with dis· . on 3 two·week tr;liuing crub~ tinction in 1939. : which will take her to four

then walked over and dented . werc ,lim Stamp With a 44(; the \VatcI's of the hay t()dr.~· the door with his foot. pound hlue fin. Cyril Stamp I but reporlcd no success, They lie was conl'ictcd on the witit a 403 pounder and Waller I all rcportcd strikcs but nonc of

char!:e and put on two years UaMgs wito landed a 4:12 pound the fish were landed. probation. The magistrate also: fish. )Ieanwhile a report from ordered the man to sign a $200. Wss Towne and Country aho Wcdgeporl, Nova Scotia, s!,I~rd bond to keep the peace nnd to I lost four stril;es. Monday a UB7,pollnll tuna. the pay (or the damages 'to the The oil rcfinery boat The largest eaughl this seaSOn was car. Golden Engle los! two bu! boated in the Tusket Ril'er near

A city motorist was convict· succeeded in boating one fish. that community. cd of impaired driving. He was The (ish weighed In at 476 It took the fisherman, Alrx fined $100 and lost his liccnce pounds but the name o( the Boyar of Jersey City. only 40 for six months. fortunate fisherman mls 1I0t minutes to haul the fish

given, nbonrd, Mike Dunphy's boat the Vel. The biggest tuna caught in

vet Horn bontcd one fish blll Newfoundland so far thi, lost three strikes. J, J. j!nckcn· year was a 66J pounMr. Expect Results

excess of 1000 pounds, The record weight for a rod and rcel fishcrman is 977 pounds,

DislJute Is Settled A seltlemcnt has becn reach·

ed in a dispute betwccn Petcr Burridge, painting contractor, and local union 1679 of the Brotherhood of Painters, Dec· orators and Paperhangers of Amcrica.

In A World War Two veteran,' pOI·ts in Greenland. .

I t I, d I ItO f d f 1" Hector AII~rd, Cana(han Ie S III IC a vax or 0, t d k '11 tl d I 'tt d' am lass:! 01' to Dcnmar', Wl

tree ycars an was al nll e .. to the Bar of Xewfoundland in' Jom th(! vessel. 1910 and has practised law here' .The Swansc~, attadleu, to the

Rc u T' I 6~ .'1 ' ',: since that datc He will con· I :-\lllth Escort Squadron, IS sehe· a lcm.p c,. I, a 1~1 \Ia~ . . . duled to arri\'e in Sondrc;· conductor, dIed m hospital at _ i trom Thursdal'. She will ab" Labrador ~Ity, Labra~or, ~!on., r i visit the po;ts of Godthaah, day of ll1JUflCS. recell'~d in a ARRH ES HO~IE .1 Gronnedal and Juliane Haal). fall from a movlllg tralll Sun· .. I da\', Newfoundland's Captain Tom ShC.15 schedu ed to return to

• Tremple, a rcslllcnt o( SI. ,Dow~r who recently. completed Hahfax August 27.

1"'''(1;11 Mishap

Joliet Quebec was employe[1 I an eight month tnp to the JIlr. Allard will embark at on th'e Quebe~ North Shore Caribhean, has returned to his Sondrestrom and will dis·

A. Bannister of the dppart. and Labrallor Railway on the ! home in Grand Falls. ' I embark at Julian Baab or 51. mcnt of Labor, acted as con· Sept.Ilcs·Scheffen'ilIe line. \ A report reaching here says John's. Greenland 15 Danish

zie was the fisherman with his 'fhe tolal so far this ycal' tuna tipping the scale at 460 108 is just 25 less than the

On Wednesday Results of the gradc nine and

10 public examinations are ex· pected to be released Wectnes· da)" . a spokesmnn for the department of Education said Monday.

Wants Market For ciliation officer in the case, An RC~IP report receh'ed, the solo captain was towed in· territory and ;'tlr. Allard is following a request from thc· here said Tremple's injuries' to Botwood by the freighter, visiting the coulltry in his union that the ministcr of Included a fracturcd skUll.! Dundee August 10, after leav·! capacity as Canadian Am·

Zealand Lamb labor appoint a conciliation. There werc no other details. ing SI. John's over a week ago. uassador.

New lie said almost B,OOO students

wrote the grade nine exams and R. B, Gray, New Zealand morc than 5,000 wrotc the grade Trade Commissioner to Canada, 10 exams, is in N ewfollndland for two

!t is probable the results of days on an attempt to stimu· the grade 11 exams, which were Jatc trade between this pro\,· corrected in Nova Scalia, will ince and his country, he known hy mid ncxt week, His main objective in this he said. province, Mr, Gray said, is to

Some 5,000 studcnts wrote the, find a market (01' NclV Zea· exams. land lamh.

.. ." / ."

bonnl. Mr, Bannister has reported to

the ministcr that all matters in "This product can be put on disputc have been settled.

the market here at a price low· A new eollceti Ve agreement er than mainland produced was signed between the parties lamh," stated )11'. Gray, at the department on August

Although thcre is not much 5. It provides for wage in· of a marhl for 1amh in this creases and a reduction in the province the commiSSIOner rcgular work week. hopes that th e demand will in· The agreement is for a per· crease gradually ovcr the next iod from Augnst 5, 1063, to few years, . April 30, lnfi5.

BtLL ISLAND PROGRESS -In the midst of theori~5 about the closing dOlVn of the Bell Island mlmng operations, progre~s ·seems to be stili prevalent. Here, Dosco is installing a new crushing nnd screening plant at the Island, near the loading area of

the mlnell.-(Max Mercer Photo). J

MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Colors White, Cream and Green.

Were $1.94 NOW .......................... 77c


Broken Sizes. Values to $3,95 CLEARING AT ONLy .................. · ........................................ 77r.·


Sizes, Small, Medium and Large. HALF PRICE .......... : ...... , .... , .......... · .... · ................ · .. · ........ · .... 77c ..


Sizes, Small, Medium and Large.

A REAL BARGAIN FOR ONLY ." ... "" ............................ , ... $1.94 aug13


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THE VAIL Y NEWS Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper

fEARLt 8\]nSCIl1l'1'IU~ • Canada .' S,12.00 p~r annum

United "'n,dom and all (orel!;D countries $IU'IO tler Ilnnnm

Authorized a!l s('rond tia!ll mail by the rl15t Oflkf' nrl'.ntmcnt. ottm,a aud (or PA,..mcn~ of pOJta;::e ie cash.

Tht' DAILr NEWS l!i • mnrninll: ,-aptt •• I,bIl8 .. ,<1 'n 1891 and publl,hcd ., Ih. t\'UWJoi DuUdln!: 3SS·JlY Duckworth St •• SI. John'., Newroundland, by noblnsol and Company, Ll1'IlIed.



The Canadian Pre.. I. • .. IlISII·,I, c,lIt1od '0 Ih. liSa ror republication or 1111 new. despatChes m thls paper credit· ~d to It or In the As~ocl3ted Pres~ or ncu'.:. and al'D Ibo IDeal newl Dubll,b· cd ther.1n

All rren Ser\'lrci rind future artlel" In thl. raper arc enp)'rl~hte<1 and tIIelr r{'productlon I. :,,"nhlbltcd.

:'t1t'!mbu Audit Ruru.

• r elreulalln.


Relatiol1s With Labrador t'ussecl before in these columns, Some of the necessary remedies are ob\'ious, The first may well be to establish the partnership in nominal terms by changing the name of the province to that of "Newfoundland and Labra­dol''', But that would be only a beginning,

Our preoecupntion wilh Ihe reonomic de\'c!opment of the re­~ources of Labrador may ,'ery \\'ell be di\'el'ting attention from Ihc fact that \\'~ have great need ~~ well to be ('oncerned with a ne\\' set of political. social and cultllral obligations in the re­mote western fastnesses of the proYincc.

A l' e g ion a 1 administration



Do We havc an inncr voice'! ~ut

.the voice of consciencc tclling us \Vhal Is right and what is wrong but an innpr I'oice guiding us on mattcrs which PCI"

haps have no particular moral sig nificance?

It would certainly scem that the inner \'oicc is real. In some people it is so markcd that thcse people appc~1

almost clairvoyant. They anti('ipatc the . coming of "ood fortune or bad. They can tdl pretty accurately when they confront a situation just how they should act with reference to it. Some· times the), dc~lare that they have a "hun~h", Womcn appcar to he much more scnsitil'c along these linc's Ih,n do lIwn. The aI'crag(! woman ('an spol character and foretell the futurp hellel than the avcragc man.

WE KXOW WilY Teronto Financial P

S · . l' h . .o;t avmg aay I g t IS not orite method of cconomilin' I - , t ates farmers and bore, ra'l

. I ~" It also stnkes fame people a, ' interference with tllP dhin' ' ordcr of things. (! -

Note this letter in The P I ,111,1" ing Post in Eng!an,t: -"

"Women hardt)· fI'f'r <mo-", 1920. Since then ,he)' hale' , ,

steadily incl'ea'ing ll"milCr rt -

ettes. On~ find, it h3rd to a",I/-' I \I" t'l

clll&ion that Iho r!'inz Con'u, .. -tobacco and ~pcI3th'r, arP (1 :;:: .... :

ed with thc lInnatl!1'21 ;,n1 '

ditions crealer! h)' the O~Er",. the Slimmer Tim" .\iJ·'

William Willrtt. the Inlont,.", 1i~ht Savin!!. \\,~" fI (~(''l-ff'ari!''~' '.

took lon~ walk, "I :; 2 m ,':", everyone ~hOlild ~et lip :;:1'-

<.:·"fr 11enlthy (I x Pl'ei.;: 0 In I!'r ''I'':''''~: would tl\rn in hi, ~"". if he he had done

. , . m:1l IIn:n

ChariottPtf)',' a r;'I1:'r! ,"

Dr. i\lo~s, \\'ho directs the

11'0n Ore Compan~"s operations in l.abrador City, made a pro\'o­ralh'C' address on this subject when hC' ~pok~ 10 Rot,ll'~' one dClY 1.1,t wintC'r, And the indepenrl­(,11t member for Labrador West. ('. S. De\'ine, h:1n something fOl'ceful I 0 sa~: on the slIbject at

should be set up in a provincial office building in which senior representatives of all the im­portant departments of the gm'­el'11ment would be established.

Probahly the inner I'oil'p is milch more fully developed in all of us than We arc accu:<tomed to believe. It is there, if we will only listen to it By lis­tening we develop the capacity ilself Woe be 10 that pCl'son \\'ho refl"cs to listen to the inner ,·aire. We can be sure that the roice within us has more significance for the solution of our everyday prohlems than han Ihe big tomes on the libl'ary sheh'ps or the uttcrances of scientists or the solcmn declarations of teachers. Edson In Washington

Communism has f~"I'~ I": man in Britain: ri~i" In t~';', Lords, too. The Cnlllnt'.lni_: PEf::, :Ilitforn. who rpcrnlil' 'IIrCEf~" '.

barony. Beforc th8t he ,,'a, pI;; , PhilliDs. II'ho hrc8111(' ,n alt.,!! bel' of the Communi't par:, had his schooling ,a ':'e . atmosphere of Eilln 1111! \1,:1;'., k~e, Oxford. ...,

Ilt bst session of the House of :\,~embl~'. But thl't'e is no visible c\'idence of posith'e nction 10 c,\<1blish and cement the right kinel of rl'lal ions between the ril i;:ens of the rapidl~' growing ('otml1l1nities of Weslern Labra­til'\' ann Ihose \\'ho li"e on this bl:'nd (1[ ;--':cwfoundlanrl.

The C(l111n1tll1 i lies on the banks f'f 1:11;\' \\';1b\l:,II. soon likelv to ]I .,,·f' :1 pOl'l1l:llion of 10,000 or 111f'l't'. :"'p 11('\\' not merel~' in age \It>: .,1,0 in composition. They , ,'I i'1l'lutle ;1 \,('1'\' hi"h 111'0-, b

\' '\ 1 :I'n (,I' jo"'(,lll'h Cmmclians, ]'" ')'-', C.wndi:1l1s. Americ:ms : ",I ]0'1'['11\", ;1Il'. as well as trans-1.1" 11' "~,I '\ ('I'; fnll ndl<mders. The ,. '1""'('11' "I', 11 :1\'1'. Ii tt Ie cause to 111>,,1; PI' n 11:1\II1'al affinit~1 with 11'" I: [" ;'nc! h;'·t(lr~' of Oll\' island, .1 '! d t "I' :\ e\\' fonndlandel's in \\' (', I 1'1"1 La hr;1dot' ma~' very c:,,,ih' fi'1ri themseh'es lookin~ . ~

Innrt' tn the south and west than In\\'ards th~ cast. To their chil­dren Olll' island which gives its 11:1111e to the prO\'inrc will be lit tle more than a name,

Here we ha\'e all the histol'ic­nl causes of division and separ­ation unless leaders in all walks of life in Newfoundland recog­nize this possibility and take Appropriate measures to provide :1Il adequate and permanent rC'medy,

Every possible effort must be made to allow Labrador citizens 10 get good reception of New­f0l1l1clland radio programmes ann films abo u t Newfoundland should be supplied fodoeal tele­vision at Labrador City and "Va­bush, These should include talks and discussions about e\'ery aspect of Newfoundland life and history as well as short docu­mentaries of an instructive nature, And there should be a special treatment of all New­founclland subjects in the schools,

It can all too easily happen that a self-sustaining communit.y can acquire a sense of isolation :md independence that could set it apart from the province of which it is a part, That has hap­pened wi thin this island, It can too easily occur in the Western Labrador towns, and worse than isolation is the possible orien­tation towards Quebec for ob-vious geographical and tram;por­tat ion reasons,

Yes, we all have an innel' I Ilier. if wc will onl)' listen 10 it. It ha, a n\pssa~('

for u~. It is in some way connccted \\'ilh lIniver,al wbdom and with Cod 11:111' self.

Lct's listcn and follow its l'OlJnsrl

CoHege: Sure-Fire J'ob Insurance

By DO:\' O.\I\:LE1'

l;o wcst. )'oun~ man or ea, I or IIO;·t h or soulh-just so you go to colle~c

Figures ju,1 l'l'leased hy :\orlhl',e-l· ern National Lifc In,l1rance Co., In ib 28th annual employment suney' of l'.S. college graduating closses rcveals that grads of the class of 'u3 did cren \.Jetter than tlw,e ot the prcl'lous year.

Automation, whdt hangs lit:(. a spcctcr orer the livrlihood of thOlt~. ands has ('reatcd olher Ihousands of nel\' opportunities for college graduatc'. :\ot ali are scicntific or technical opportunities, for cven electronic rom· puter work requircs administratil'e and managerial pel'"onnci. and managcrial pcrsonnel.

:llore jobs-at highel' salaries--ab­sorbed 90 pel' cent of ellgineerin~ joh candidates, 80 pPl' ccnt of bus!ne~s school and 70 per c<'nt of liberal arts majors el'en before COml11CIlCenll'nt time. Nearly '1i1 joh seekers an' expected to hc placed by Octobcr.

An e,timalecl 4B,OOO npl\' cn~inecrs

will bc nccded cI'cr)' ) c~r dllrin~ the decade-Il.OOO less Ihan arc currcntiv graduated evcry year. Starlin~ sillill'ics for hachclor engineers wcre 5'460 to $610 a month.

For busin!',s ~raduatcs. salarics ran~ed from $475 to S:;OO, with "ccounlants arcr· aging $525. Liheral arts hachelors not majoring in physi('al sciences settled for $460 to 84U5, with physical ~cienlists

(chemistr)', math., etc.) averaging $550.


h)' PETER EDSON \\'ASIIINGl'ON (NEA)-The ~econd

step toward disarmament may be in thc dircction of reciucing the danger from surprise attack.

reliable and rapid communications sy~' tem is also proposed hetween capitals and thc U.N. A first step in this direc· tion has alreaoy been approved in the "hot line" hetween Washington and )[oscow "ia London.

Russia's Chairman Nikitl Khrush· chel' is reported to have cxpressc(l most intcrest in this subject to U.S. Under· seeretary of State ArNell Harriman and Britain's Lorel Hailsham during ~losco\\' negotiations on the test ban trcat~·.

The idea of rcducing the dan~ers of surprbc altacl: tirst appcarl'fl in th~ ~ol'ict blor. disarmament plan of Scp' temller W59.

As a kind of postscript, it was slat· ecl that if the western powcrs were not rcady tn discuss "general and eomillcte disal'lllanwnt," the SOI'iet Enion would be pn'pareli to considcr certain partial measures.

These partial measure:, inelude "an agrepmcnt on Ille prel'cntion of surprise attack bl' on sl2te upon another." Th~ United Nations lO-powcr Di~,

arlllanwnt COl11mittee's fire western ('ouull'lcs-Amcl'l:lo.1, Britain, Canada, France and Italy-seized on this idca and del'elopl'd it in their :llarch 19GO lll'opo'als.

In thc first sta~c of their three­stilgc disarmament plan, it was propos· cd that a joint study he made on meas' urcs to prolcd against surprise attack.

For the second stage, a proposal was offcred to cover aerial inspection­President Eisenhower's "open skics" plan. This proposal called for ground observers, ol'erlappinq radar, prior notification of aircraft flights and ap' propriate communications for reporting 10 the United )lations.

This was further rcl'iied hy the Unitcrl Statcs in Junc 19tiO as a three, part plan to he put in complete ~ffcct (luring the fin,t stage of disarmament. But. the IO·nation disarmament Com· mittce failcd 10 agree on anything. So that effort was los I.

[n the summer of 1961 the United

These are the proposals in which Chairman Khrushchev has expressed interest as a second slep toward dis· armamcnt.

, Bible Quotation

Call unto me antI I will answer thee. allli show thc great 3n(1 mighty thing~ which thou knowest not.-Jeremiah 33:3,

• • • We have at our dispo,8l all the forces

of the universe, How foolish to forget that God has promised to guide us in their usc if we will ask Him.

Gems of Thought If a free society cannot help the

lllany who are poor, it cannot saVe the few who are rich.-,lohn F. Kennedy.

• G encrosit)' has nel'er impoverished

the gil'er it has enriched the \ins of those who have practiced it.

-Dwight D. Eisenhower • ,-

Prosperity is only an instrument to be used, not a deity to be worshipped,

-Calvin Coolidge • • • •

Prosperity and cil'ililation are far from being synonymous terms.

-Havelock Ellis • .)

True prosperity is the result of well placed confidence in ourselves and Ollf

fellow man. -~Iax\\'ell Struthers Burt

• •

As former Prime 1.tm:'ifr l.';i pointed out. it 1, onl\' thank; " time·honored ;lri,tnl'r:,t·~ 1m:::,1 lem that the Cnmmlln·'t PI~\ _

say at ali in the f1t'!!i,h Park,: today.

, ,

)'R.\IIlJl: IlETORT (\\'innipl'C Trihune t

It is not uncommon tn hfa: leI'S. returning from a '."I'lt t1 Columbia, comment Itn the isms of that proline" Recenti, Bcnnett added support In ~u[h

tions. Learning th8t Prpmirr L!o,d e:-

katchewan had rxpm'cn cowrt the effects on the praine r.f ('f

poscd Columbia Rim whereby power will hc sold :1

United States )Ir. Rrnn2tt Saskatchewan "better be told to : cotton· picking hanrls off 0 II' resources."

Tsk. tsk, )11'. Bcnnett. :hat ;t .. !: ing out of stora~e ele\3'OI< Jr'~ holds of ships in \'ancc\l1'P[ , totton.

Jll'LLY nLLS Toronto Td~lram

A 28·year·old, 20U.l)(Ij.pou~dlj­thrce months in jail for a under the Liqnor COlli1l,1 AI': ciemenc)' on ground., Ih3t hc hI;!

and three children. "t (:03't thev can lil'e withOl(t me:- he -

That's the way (If thr hul:;' . his wcight aronno. 8nct then . pinned dow II hil11"'!! h,'~5 fo: sion ol'er his lI'eaknr". BEiore·e


tears for Harr)" P;,lli Barn,!.! Johnnv Sombrerrt. 1>';l(ll'r of ttl Diam,;nd motorcycle (Ilih. t€!', that the Davisl'illr a' cnue under his leader5hl\l i- a b!o: on of Tot·onto. a n",~nr: fnr cOllraged to belie, e that . innocent expre5,ion of ~otlthtJl

This subject hCl5 been dis-

These are all things so obvious that they clamour for the right kind of action to create within the new towns in the remote west of the pro\'ince a sense of belonging and a real affinity of interest with thh, island, And no less obvious is the danger of a ~eparatist movement some clay developing in Labrador for which we shall have none but ourse!\'es to thank if we fail to realize the importance of taking all the necessary stitches in gooe! time,

Higller Bank Rate

Stiff competition for ~raduale~-and

correspondingly inflaled pay-in the missilc and ~pace fields attl'actcd more studcnls than there lI'el'C jobs in that Arpa.

One major area of opportunity was found hy the SUl'l'C), to be neglected or by,passed by students-sales.

States and Russia held a serics of hi· latenl tallls on disarmament. They finally recommmendcrl to the United Nalions a joint statement with two sep· arate sets of principlcs as a guide for

He who is plenteously provided for from within, needs but little from without.-Goethe.

Barnes' follower,. male and their ages rangin~ fl'llil Ii and reported to be shol'kcd hy the tence metcd out to thpir leader were they? This 15 the extent r. delusion over wh81 CIII1'titute! activities, The Il1Jgl'trate was atelv lenient in dl'inc the ten~e. Barnes should han i,ad

It will not do for the ordinary mortal to seck to probe the un­fathomable mysteries of central banking, The bank rate goes up nt a time when it srems desirable that money should be cheaper Bnd both the Government and ~he Governor of the Bank of Canada have a reason for it.

A higher hank rate is usually restrictive of credit, But its aim may he to make Canada a more nttracti\'e place for foreign in­vestment and thereby relieve

pressure on the nation's gold and dollar reserves which arc t.he props of the currency,

This increase, it has been promised, does not foreshadow tighter money, It would run counter to public policy if it did for with the desire to increase Canadian ownership of Canadian industry, borrowing by Can­adians should be made easier, So also should borrowing for expan· sion, Neither, it is to be hoped, will be prejudiced by the higher bank' rate,


Evcryone knows the story of the nut who banged his head against the wall because it felt so good when he stopped.

Well. modern psychillogy has looked into this situation and found that it just doesn't work, That is, it's not the ahsence of bad things that makes you happy in Iif~, it's the presence of positive, good thmgs,

This is the conclusion of Dr. Norlllan ~!. Bradburn, University of Chicago psy· ehologist, after a survey of people in four 11Iinois towns-one prosperous two with depressed economics and o~~ in between,

The Battle Of The Earwigs It. was found that a person tlsually

described himself as happy when there were enough positive satisfactions to outweigh dissatisfactions like an un· happy job or nO job or a bad marriage. Anyone who has suffered the

devastating experience of find­ing a .kitchen invaded by an army of disgusting brown crawl­ing insects 'will want no urging to seek the protection that has been offered against the en­croachments of the European earwig,

But those who are threatened and want to take advantage of the Municipal Council's offer to pay half the cost of spraying their homes will have to act quickly, It expires Thursday,

The earwig is a universal pest although its prevalence in St,

On the community level, it was dis· covered that "it is the lack of joy in ~Iudvil1e. rather than the presence of sorrow, that makes the difference,"

John's has been a recent occur­rence, Contrary to its name and to superstitious belief, it is not attracted by the human ear, But it is' a' garden pest with an in­satiable palate which sends it into kitchens in search of more Churchill Park where its in­exotic and . better-tasting foods' vasions were a cause of great than it can find in gardens, concern, But it has extended its

It can climb to and cover the domicile to many other parts of working .. surface of a kitchen the city, cabirtet, ,led. by its instinct for Spraying is the most effective food, and. more ,curious earwigs means of destroying it and the will intrude :everywhere, even' Council's offer to pay half the between the ·bellsheets. It is cost of this protection is one that thought to have come first either threatened householders should attached to plants or lumber to be very glad to accept,

future multilateral negotiations before a larger group of non,Communist. Com· munist allll neutral nations, This lVa~ what Russia wanted. It became the lB· m,tion conferenee which has just recon· vencd in Genel'a.

Again the United States refined it~ proposals under the title of "Protection Against Accidcnt, Miscalculalion and surprise Attack."

Four recommendations were made for the first stage of a three,stage agree­ment on general disarmnment:

States to give advance notice of mao jar military m~,T1CU\'ers which might caUse alarm and induce countermeas· ures.

Ohservation posts to be established at major ports, railway centers, high· way intcrsections an dair bases to re­port on concentrations and movements of military forces,

An international commission to rec· omment further measures to reduce the risk of nuclear war by accident, miscal· culation or failure of communications

Additional inspection arrnngp.ment~ to be established to reduce the danger of surprise aUnck.

Thecs four proposals were then Pllt in a more comprehensive "Outline of Basic Provisions For a Treaty on Gen· eral and Complete DisarmBment in a Peaceful World."

This was presented to the 18·nalkm Disarmament Conference in April 1962 and is still before it ns pending busi­ness.

One of several additional proposals on inspection post locations Bnd expan· sion calls for an excimnge of military missions to improve understanding, A

.. • • Covering iniquity will prevent pros·

perity and the ultimate triumph of any cause.-:\lary Bakel' Eddy.


thrown at him.

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Clintol1 Returns With A Weak Glove But Big Bat ni· TilE CANADI,\N PRESS Lu Clinton, jjust returned to

right field in ;1 lineup shuflle hy Bl'ston Hed Sox, started iuan· ;picio\lsl~' ~I()nday hy messing up ~ fi)' ball that g:lI'C aW:IY lwo rllns to ~1innesota Twills.

But all was fO\'~iven when :hc chnstcnNI outficldcl' ~toned fer his [i!th·inning blunder with a pair of two· run homers that

gUl'e thc Hed Sox a 5·4 victory IInci ended a nine·game losing strenk.

In the only American League ganIC ~chedul~d, t h c Twlns scarcely Jllayed lUte a team Oil a six • gamc winuing streak, committing (our ClTors in the field and submitting tameiy to the relie( pitching of Boston's Dick Radatz.

Gial1ts Emerge From Slumber

ny UES OLAS 3', gilll1CS or L()~ .. \n~c\cs Dod· :-i1:1I' YOI\I, 1.\1' I _ Wiihe gm. the Nationai League len1·

'lay:; aIHI 01'1:111(:0 Ccpcda, a ~llllp!C or ~Il'epin~ giants in a JlllI'Cl' • pacl;cd San Frands"o inc • uP. h;lI'e emerged !I·,'m 'heir decp ,iumber il'ith CO'I' 'istl'nt b"Uing performances in ,hcir la~t 13 pmes.

~lay is on a t3'I!Ilme hittin/! ;tl'l'ak during which he's c01· .erted 23 hits in 5R times :It nat. a .3fl' pace. and lifted hi,; ll'rl'age 1, points to .~!l1. C,'· ~cda has hit ~nfe'" in 11 of h's 13 games with ~~' "afctics in ,3 :r:r~. 3 ,41:; p,lcr.

The surgr has enabled Cl" rrrb to hike his ;\\wn~e 17 points to .:100, Th~ cOllwhacl; Ilf Ihe two ~llIacers hns also hplp,~ct San Franci,cn dimh to within

Softball Team Named For Tourney

,\ fll e IL'am exlliilition softh:lll tPllrll<llllcnt will be held this rOll1ing I\·cel,·cnd nt ilrgcnt:a ;\';1 al Base.

Team; fnlill Placentia. F'lX I \;:l·),m·. Conception Bay Xurth, ~1. ,loh"\ and the host team will I'agagl' ill a two·llay tuurnament. • \lIYOIll' namcd and unable to make Ihl' trip (rom the st. John's team orr asked to contact eithr'r \'1Ill'e \\'ithcrs or Rc~ Caugnlc bdl1rc I; p.m. \\·ec!nesday.

TIll' ~t. ,John's team wil! I.e: ,ltl~ (Winian. .101' ;\ntle. ,Joiln !~,:lInhrick. Willie ~Iahrr. Huriuy h"ift'. L~'oia ~Iackcy. Petcr l'l'ulch. He~ l·attral .. Iack Tl'icco. (l:'\ iIIe ,\latlhcI'. E. Hen DiIIl"l nil! ~I'lionc. Dou~ i1il~s. B·"i Ii) IIC>. l;ellrgc lITWC. Buy Wit'll. 1':"', ))"n l'i~TL·c .. lim El1lh~rh·;. \' :1,' Ill' (;riftin. lIlOIl'h \,in:"r \\:llht'I',-; Clnd m:lllagct' Beg. Gall;':. I",' ,

Motor Rally Scheduled

The mid·summer test Irial~ or the SI. John's :llotor Club wilt Ile l'e:c1 Sunday. August 18 at 2:15 p,m,

,\1\ those enterin,~ are asked ttl Rnil'e promptl~· at the west cal' pJrk of the Confederation Build· in)!. Entrants are asked to nf ,.

tify the secretJry at !lO24!1. Entrants must givc their nam~,

make of Cal'. YC;lI' of lattpr. and ['apacity I also of lattcr I. To ~t:t the cubic capacity sweep your I'olume and multiply the answer b~' the nnmber o( cylinders.


el'S, Ccpcun is in ninth piace in

the circuit's hatting compeli· tiun. However. he is onc of oniy H piayers with a .300 or heUer average amUII!! those who have compiled a minimum of 275 official times at hut.

Dick Groat IIf 5t. LOllis con· tinues to iead the National !.cMue with 343 followed by Pitlsbm'gh's Roberto Clemente, .333. Each dropped one point in Inst wcrl,'s games. Groat with eir.ht hits in 24 attempts and Clemente with a 9·for·2~ show· in~. DA \'IS TIIIHll

Tommv Davis remained in third plnce despite nn eight· point loss to .~H9. He is !e·l· iowed by Vada Pinson of Cin· cinnati. .310. Tony Gonzalez of Philadelphia .317. Hank Aaron, ~!ilwallkee .316, Billy \\'iliinlll:;, Chicago .306 and BiiI Whitc. SL Louis .305. Pinson enjoyed n productive week. mOI'ing up two places Oil a (iI·p·point gain wilh 12 hils in 31 tries.

Ont~· nl'c American Lcagu .. rs arc in the .300 baltill~ elnc;s. Tlle~' are Carl Ynstrzemski, Boston .:132. Al Kaline of D~· trail ami Rich Hollins. Min· nesnla. .31:;. Aibic Peal·son. l.ns Angeles .~02. and Frank Mill· zone. Boston. 300. Yastrlemsl;j climbeci one point in lnst week's gnmes with sel'cn safcties in 20 at hats .

Dick Stuart of Boslon 51 am· med fivc home runs to ta~e O\'er the American Lea~ue lea'! with 2H and moved into fir,l place in runs balled in with 70. lIe hac! eight HBI last week.

Willie ~!cCol'ey, another San Francisco sluggcr, continues to sct the National League home run pace with 33 while Jllil. waukee's Aaron i~ the RnI trader with on. The figures in· clucie Sunday s·games.

Suspended PIllLAD~LPIlIA (API - Wii·

lie ~!eCuvey, s lug gin g S~n VI'ancisen G i ~ n t s outfielder. was suspcnded two days stm·t· ing ~londl1Y night, for hrushill~ umpire Ed Vargo during a dis· pute ovel' a third strike in Sun· days' game with Philadeiphia Phillies.

Warren Giles, Nat ion n I League president, notified Me· Co I'e)' of his suspension and 8 $50 fine in a tclegram received here.

The argument started nft~r Vargo called McCovey out ,ill strii;es with San Francisco run· ners at second and third. Wil· Iic lIInys tried to jump between McCo\'Cy and the umpire. bht he was too late 10 prevent tbe humping inc ide n t and ,'Ie· Covey's ejection from the game.

Taking IIvcr from Bub l1cff· ner in the sel'cnth inning with one ont and two men on, Hild· atz fanned Harmon Killebl'cw nnd got Jim lIail on n POll ily. He struck out three more Twins as he blanked them the rest of lhe WHY.

Felix Mantilla also produc,'d a homer, his first of the yem', for the Red Sox and Hali drove in two runs with a homer and a singie for the losers.

PI'ITSBUHGH tAP) - Jerry Lynch drove in a pair of runs with a bases·londed single in the first inning and Pittsbm'gh Pi· rates went on to gil'c Bob Friend his Hlh pitching victory with a 4·2 conquest of 1I0us\on Colts Monday night.

PIIILADELP)[]A tAPI- ,Joim Callison. after lailing 011 a sac· ri(ice Imnt attempt, hit R two strike pitch (01' a tWO'1'lI11 homer in the hottom of the eighth Mon· day night, giving Phiiadelp~lia Philiies a J.1 victory over San Francisco Giants. s I


Los Angeles San Francisco SI. LOllis Cincinnatl Chicago Piilsbllrgh Philadelphia ~Iilwaukce Hlluston New York

Leaglle W), Pel. GBL fin 4fi .600 -fiG 51 .5114 4 64 53 .547 ~ 64 56 .533 7',. 6\ 54 .:;30 B 60 .;7 .513 10 61 5R .;;13 10 59 59 .500 11', 4.; 74 .385 11'," 38 79 .325 32

Holy Cross Will Enter

NAFA Junior lIoly Cross, paecsetlers of thc

St. John's junior soccer league, will be the team from the Citv thnt wiil travel to thc home ~f thc Burin Peninsula champions next week to mcet them in the best or three game ~eries for the All·Newfoundland junior soccer champions and the Daily News trophy.

City leaguc president Bill Jackson said last night that Holy Cross were chosen to travei because they won the first round, playing five games . . ' wmmng four and iosin~ one.

The series will start Monday night at Grand Bank.

The final gamc will he played tonight at Burin with the .Junior GeeBees nr.eding n win or a tic for the champion· ship. A Burin l'ietol'Y will necessitiale a sudden·death con· test.

Hoiy Cross will rCl:i,ter with Eastern vice·presidcnt Dee ~!ur· phy today. To·date the Crusa· ders have suffered jusl one loss and that to United by a 2·0 score. They are at prcsent four points over second place St. Pat·s.

ClB Meeting There will be a very important

meeting for the C.L.B. junior and senior track teams at the O:d Comrades Club Rooms, Wednes· day night at 9 o'eloclt sharn. All those who can possibly make it are asked to do so.


. . ,"


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And TIle Came Down"

Games Washed Out And it rained yesterday .. , after

most of their weekend action rained local sporting league were the vitti aUI more rain yesterday and last night. ms 01

There was very little sports aclian' John's and here's the way the In

games shapes up for tonight:

ALL-NEWFOUNDLAND FOOTBAll Hained nut on Saturday

night Ihe ~ecolld ~a11le of the All ..... ewfllundland Eastern nh'ision senior foothan finals will hc played at Ruch· master's Fietd tonight.

St. Pat's and the Conl'Ctl' lion lIay CeeBees arc sct to kiek·nfi at se\'en o'clock with a herlh in the j'ro\'incial Finats on the line.

Winning 4·2 in Harbor Grace, Ihe Irish hold a 111'0'

)(oal sllread ovcr the reellees

in the hlo "anlc' t I '" ~bl lOml~ al1l1 hOllle 'I . 0 , -tits

rrn n:~ t('temon' . witl hal'(' .I'lUrl ~\ , Hon. I'rr;iilent 01' II John's I'oolhalt I. ! CI ._l'~t

allllr Sheppard . 1'1'Il\';ndal melUbe' r ho)' (ir;I(,I', takin' r ~I

I,· I I' .. ' pm. .. I~ ern h\I~lOn

chief, (ierry SlUith ' th~p!a.\'~ in Ih! I', j '" ~rr.. .c, Ilcnnett and'

Crane as linesmen.

JUNIOR BASEBALL The Iirst ~ame of the second I and Ihe A<llo(\ ir""

rounrl of Junior Ba,ehail was 1 threr 'trai~h~ I'iclor::;" raincd out fllr thc seconrt time I Fcilrlian- '.lfJn t'.\'~ at> In,t ni.~ht. Originally ~et for I in Ihe fir" rOund ',;' , Satlll clay lhe game was reo place, ,.1

sl'hcriulrd for last ni~hl a 11(1 is now set for the City Ball Park Harr" \('"1.", ·.Ih~ ;", tonight, pitcher in :ile L'a":; "I

F('illiian, and St. Bon's arc a·o record. \\'11\ ;u'I';;:', ' ,('I 11) compele III the contest for St. B1)n'~ Will'e B" whi"h will ,tart al 7 o·clock. ~ den is the .i'el:: SI,m;'

St Bon's won the first round Veildians. .

PARI-MU1'UEl TROTTING er Trotlh)·.

Captain Ilan'\' \1. Cm·l)\\itch. C()llllllall(lilig OrfiC'cr of lhc ,\r-C;PlIlia ';a\,<ll!

S!ati(JIl, and Stanb· KllItilllolo. :\re;clllia Judo IllSlrllcl(ll', di,p!a\' thc 1%:1 f\orth Atlantic InYitatiollal JlIdo Team Cliailipioliship PCIIII<l1l1. Th('\r~('lltia i

'fhe Sl. .Iohn's Trotting I'arll \', ill tal(c al10tiwr ~tah al il1lrodllcil1~ !wri.ml1tuel ))(·t· lin,', to :\'I'wfoullIUand tonight. Originally scheduled to make its local dehut on Saturday n:;:ht the sewn·race program that would ha\'c started the ))rtlinl! lIa, rained out twicr.

This a\\a,.,1 nil

tast yrar hy .)at> '

K. R. Fox and Frank and is 111' for gnb! Ihis seasnn.

.\ ~tal1;lard pro;llm. :. lilt' histnr)' and he.t I

the ~1 110rlc, in a(lill ni~ht, will he mihblt .

sfJltad WOIl thc ]Jctlll<llll in c()lllpl'lilioll I\'jlh Judo ChillS rl'lllll Ilanlll)11 ;\ir

Force Basl', Stephelll'ille, :\C II'fo 11 I)(llalld , a 11(1 C'IIISC Ba\ .\ir 1'01'('('

Labrador, in a rcccnt tomney held at I [ar11lol1.-( r.s. :\;\1: Pholo).

--_._--- -------

:-;ow the first race is siated for the 1'lolling I'ark on the GOllid~ noad at 7:30 tonight anll all ~l drivers set to com· pelp will he oul to make a tOil imprcssion as they compete for the ~Iost I'roficlent Driv·

Park toni~hl.

on pari·lIllllucl bellinI also br ili'lribultd g

ni~ht's ratrs. Tacrs.

Fillals Opeller JUNIOR SOCCER 11) . : ~ ,no E.?hr~ nr n IOIl i ~U' kJ tL I-~ J I 'U· Jb_l!.. \G ~'-' ti. : ..J. I Two lumor soccer games I l.'nited - Wind;·::.

".::,) t, ", ..

U {~I .i

GRA~D FALLS (StarO-The Opl'nill<1 "aillc or 111C foulldland Scnior Baseball finals hel\\'ct;~llhl' SL loh:I'~ Grand Falls Beothucks was raincd olll here bt l;i"ht. opener will he played at the Ball Park here (oni.~ht. ....

HHi:3 ,~.I1· '\('''\'' Caps and lhe \"ow the,crics

. Opening g;ame ('eremonies are schedliled for ;'::10 "'ill! tIl(' naille ge!tmg ulldcr way at i>:"I.i ,rill' ,ralonc:. 01l1~~oing .\.\B.\ Prl'sidcnt and Ank Murphy, the new :,\:\13:\ Presidcnt Irill talit' part ill the cerelllonics.

Southpaw. Daye Hall will slart on (he III Illl IHI for ntH'I' ·Fit/"(Tald\ Caps while lei tic Joe Brownc will he (he sl'lrtill<' hurler for' no"(';~ Oher· lin's Heotlmcks, .... ....

. The finals .nre II hesl of five gal11e.~ scri('S ",illl \fa('COl'ln;IC Trophl' gomg to the wl11ners. The Caps arc :11[('1' lli,:ir 12th win on the Troph~' after being eliminated in the semi-firlals hy thc Bc()liJllcl,s last) ear. •


Elected NABi\ IIeads GRAND FALLS (StnH)-Ank

Murphy was cIected 111'esident of the Newfoundland Amateur Base­baB Association here yesterday ns the NAB A opcned its annual mect· ing. Murphy, long time St. John's baseball head and former NAB A Vice-President, replaces Wilf ~la­loncy of Grand Falls who did not stand fm' re·election.

Terry Trainor, also of Sl. John s. was clected Secretary-Treasl11"el' with Joe Wadden clecled as the Eastern Division Vice·Prcsident. Trainor is the st. John's Junior League President while Wadden is the st. John's League Vicc-Prcsi· dent.

Maloney p1'esenled his report for the past year at the meeting and this showed the NABA to have had an active and successful year. The treasurer's report was also tabled hy Maloney in the ahsence of out­going seeretary·treasurcr Thomas,

The Treasmc\" s rcport ShO\V~d an overall deficit for the NAHA up

. , . '. ~-.

to July hUl this dic1not include the gate receipts from the Senior scmi· finals and finals and these arc e~­pceled to hri.e;hten the picturc.

;\ Ieanwhile the first day of the lllcctinl~ drew up lhe H)(i-1 ~chedulc of games for junior ami senior NABA play. II also changed the playoff setuJl iu Scninr having the winner of the "Lillie Fom" Leaguc at home tn the senior squad with a hye in the scmi·finals. This will have Sl. John's tr:lYcllin.e; to thc home of the "LillIe [<'om" champs next summer.

The new Presidcnt, Secretary' Treasurer and Eastern Vice-llresi­dent of the NAHA were also ap' pointed as a commillce to look into the situation rcgardirlg the holding of the Cll\'rent Junior finals on BeB Island.

Being held at the l'aragon Holel here, the mecling will re' convcne al lcn o'clock this morn­ing

: '~:lrri\l\c(i (or last night were' \\"orthman. Churc:.i:"

I· r~:"orl out and have heen re· ;\lcrccr. EM,'. Ho'rcii, , . ,~:".'dLllcd for tonight. Both Blllt and Jrrhansson, ; Il'ill start at 7 o·clock. FrildLm. - A. REX.

I At Feildi~n~ Ground.'. Holy ('ro» wili lake on Fcildians,

, willie GlIard~ and Unitr.l! tangle : nt SI. Pat', Field. United.

r;lI:lI'Il., and Feildiam reI cased their lincup~ iast night:

Parsons. ,\Inv-:" \11:<1'. ~t3rtin. D, )le:,. C"alm ' and S~lmp\Cl c,

Gltard~ -- Smith. E'::I: lock. \\'rrol~;;r. PUIC'

.Jcnki n" . \ndn'\\s, Bes! and :'IOIII,r.d.

SENIOR SOFTBALL The ,('niM' soflhall cn·

~(Jnntrr bctwe.'n Hawks and FI~'rrs wa~ rainerl 01lt for the sceond time last night aml I1<1S nnw hern set for the Ban· nl~rlllan Park diamonr\ to·

ni~ht. It \lill .url II sharp.

.Iohn \'oi'r~' ,.:II ul ha1ls and ,Id~es 3;

in·chief with ('rmlts ing the base limps.

I<ILDBRIDE SOFTBALL All aclion in the Kilhride I At 5'(r'1 p,m, Ind:l:!

Sotl:)"ll Lca~ue \~'as}ained Ot~t to fare Giani,. wh.!II: )eslcrd,l) and 1110 names hale I p.m. the TWin, ,nd l!eJ heen rc·scheduled for today.

CIVIL SERVICE SOFTBALL A pair or j(ames in Civil

SCI'\'lre Softball were faincrl out Jast night and arc set fer the Pcp perrell diamond" to· night. They'll start at 6:45.

Arm\' and Weiflf! a gant~ that ",iii bill ury providing the ' the ReLll1' and have the limps [or coming from nco

MINOR BASEBALL LEAGUES With ali action in the ~,linor

Baschaii League rained out last ni~ll1 the following schedule wil! he fonolVed todal':

(Churchill Par'kl 2,(lIl-Sea!!lIl1s 1'5 Bral'ps 1,00-Tigers V.I Pcp.'ies

10.OO-ChpI )'.~ I" ! 1.30-An~el' 1"

I Pep \\'e,)

! 2,OO_L'~rdin,I' 1'\

i -i,OO-Kill ,nl,nl \'J

LADIES' SOFTBALL Hninrd out last night the

second game of the Ladies' Softball ~eaglle will he play. ed tonight.

Games Win

Set til start ,t 6.11 Ii Churchill park Hockeh 1Ii11 take 01

Be Repla~~~ The executivc of the St. John's over Guards. i£j

i Football Leaguc decided last With th~ games ha;lt I1Ight that the two games which replayed It mea~s were called before the end of Cross art' tIro pom i5 :;cd regulation time last il'eek \Viii Pat's for the urst rOh • . Th l' I" I he replayed. Stead trophy. c , . c.

I lVil~l 12 minutes remaining ;n (nited to force a Pi:~!;" I a sCllIor contest IInlv Cross we-e In bolh ca;e~ ne I~'I 'Ieadin)( United l·ri and WIth Gerry Sl11ilh or Hex ,""1 I ~el'en minutes to ~o in a junior decide whdher It '.'tilt i!ame Feildians had a 2·1 leild as the rc[cree haln '

to decide.

Horseshoes The following is a schedule of

horseshoe games to be played Ilt B;mnerman Park Wednesda)';

----Minor Soccer

I 3.3G-Jo'c Picco and Ed O'Brien i VS. Tom Mahcl' and Jack Nullall. -

I 4.00-Brian Morrissey and Pat In the lone Minor

Murphy vs. Gerry Morrissey and gue game ye;terd8~ , Pat Fieming: P ark Rovers edge ,

6.30-Harry Hamion and Bill Bill Ryan pacedthe Fulier V5. Junior Gossc and P~t~r a brace with Bill Whittle. the sinllie. .

7.00-.Jne Qllan and Gel'ry Don HoJdcr 1',ltb Flemming 1'5. "drinn Smith and the season scored

I Mi"c Go.'e TodaY'! I' ~ 0. • • ' ,

j 7.:!O-Gene Coady and ,Jim :\1111"1 IO.DO_AthictlCS

.:' ph)' "s. Cy Ennis and rl'.1;Jk 1 Loa-Ranger; ";tlc!' Churchill. 2.30_AII·star pra

tI ,


_____ Col IBTIIDA Y

Jl MurphY of !f setty . cclebratll1 Street, ~~day. Ma~

{rom her famll

friends. • • • GBEETINGS

greetings to G iCI C liier's Lane, wt

2 b? 12th birthday t 1~3 Greetings con

mY 'and daddy, bl plom d Curt, al

. wayne an n Barbara An . • • •

ILLNESS friends of :II

166 Elizabeth Av orry to learn thai s

5 confined to ~ having suffereci

on Monday night All her friends WI

PeedY recovery. ! iii· ...

)It:RE Mrs. W. Bailey Mass., USA. are

vacationing in where they are gu~ Baile\,'S sister, :llrs.

8 \\,ood Street. T and Mrs. Bailey·s. f Newfoundland 10

• • • ONTARIO R. A. Wilson and I

CathY, are spend in 5:. John's fr

ontariO, and arc vi . n's mother. ~

8 11'0011 Street.

nom: and :>lr5. Honold Fe'

daughters. moto Grand Falls last WI

a holiday visit to While here they 1\

at Karwood Cabins.

and ~Irs. R. Rendell. Len Rendell and .'

are vacationin~ Peninsuia and a Karwood Cahins Conception Bay

returning home to Gr

and ~!rs. Neil F. W family returned

in Corner BI weekend after a at Karwood Cahi • • •

A. Kusick and dau~1 Ann, left Sunday

Ontario by TCA ; a brief holiday






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••. :,,'~: ,"i:":t";' .; hllli· , ;' h.:~·,\ '.'.: \ ',1hln"

.: l.1 .. hlcl',

hrl' moth~r, Mrs, ,I. Boltndridgc, and sister, Ml'~, ,I, Sullil'an, 20 Power Street.

• • • TO CORN 1m BROOK

Mr, and Mrs, K. Moore and thrir children, returned to Cor· nrr Brook over the week aftcr a "<lcation spent at Karwood L';lbins,

• • • ~lalll' happy return5 of the

lIay t~ Lea Goudie, Tommy roll'man, Billy Clarke, and Terry Gillespie, who celcbrate Iheir birthdays toda)', Augusl 1:1,

• • • TO Ci.\l'\IIER

~Ii'. ami )lrs, W, Griffin and thcir childrclI, motored back to l;undcr on ~1(Jnday alter a two 1I'l'l'k hoi ida)' in st. John's visit· ill~ frirnds and relatives, While here they were guests at I(ar, wood Cahins,

• • • ox ,",\CATION

~Ir, Jnd ~lrs. R. D, Unger of LOllg Island, New York, are prrsl'nll), vacati()nin~ in St. ,Iohn's, ~Irs, Unger is the for· mrr Gcnrl'ieve Gallagher. Bob \\'(111111 he remcmbered by his 1\1:1 II), former friends as Sgt. Boh Unger of the Edmund B, :\Icxilnder, ~h', and Mrs, Unger arr guests of Mrs, Ungers sis· :rr, ~Irs, ,John ~lcDonald, as Empire Avenue,

• • • \'J :; 11'1 :-4 Ci (' I TY

)11'5, I\ay )Iilauskas and d:lIIghICI', of Long Island, New York, are presently I'aeationing in St. John's, ~Irs, Milauskas i> thr former Kay G<lllagher of thl> rit)', )1I's, Milauskas and her daughter are guests DC Ka),,> sister, Mrs, .Tohn Mc· Donald, 38 Empire Al'enue.

• • • 11 ETllR;\' 11" G J1()~1E

~Ir, :Inri ~Irs, David Spurrell ami thrir three children of 'tontreal, who spent two week~ lI'ilh ~lr, Spul'rell's parents, ~Ir, and ~lrs. Willis Spurrell of :O;cwtown Rond, left by T,C,A, o\'rr thc weekend to visit Mrs, Spnrrrll's parenL~ in Halifax be· fore returning to Montreal.

• • • YISITI:-4G

~Ir, Eric Scymour, formerlY of St. John's and of the Daily ;\'rws staf!, spent the past week· rnd in St. ,Iohn's "islting friends, lie has now returned to Halifax where he Is employ­('II with APEC,

• • • ~: ".1,1," for IX TO,,"X ;.' \ "flrr David Butler, of Central

:, ,':.1'," \\'llh Honsing and ~Iortgage, Ottawa,


TO-MORROW "~~~~fifm.1iUW ,~ ~lDiJ~lf •• 1


./;'\, ,'N'r KNICI(

"1iiiir m[ Ylt tOOII TM TIlt


Added Attraction

ELAINE -'S!~~RY.='WifsUR~~



·~\O 6:30 - 9:25 ST DA~GEROUS MAN ALIVE"

8 O'CLOCK ~[A TlNEE: 1:30



Manners By MILLETT


Meeting conversa­tional "g a m b i.t.'s with, ,glum' si lencp. 'marks i ,you as a dull person. A I : few words con make a I ,difference.

is visiting SI. John's on busi­ness. lIfr, Butler is a former photographer with The Dally News,


MI', and Mrs, Gerald Neil, who were manied Augnst 6, in st. Michael's Chnrch by Rev, Morgan, arc at present spending their honeymoon in Ramea, visiting Mr, Neil's parents, Mr. and Mrs, ,Jesse Neil, The bride is the former Ann·~larie Bar· nes, daughter of district chief Cecil J, and Mrs, Barnes or the city,

The neWlyweds will reside In St, John'"

• • • VISITS lJImE

1111', and JIll'S, A, Crowell of Digby, N,S .. and Mr, and ~Irs. B, Bowers o[ Westport, N,S" arB vacationing in Newfoundland, They motored across the pro·, vince last week and were week· end guests at Karwood Cabins. 'rhey are now touring the Ava· Ion Peninsula before returning to the mainland un Thursday,

Stratghter·line hnirstylcs arc on the coiffure horizon. These nre by ,John Christie fll New York who prefl'l's to lace or back brush the balr ruther than tcase it to ~ive it lulne"" The hair tlefO Is hrought hacl, of! the forehead at the center section. II narrow harrdte is slil'prd in plac(' nllli the ends of th(, hall' flipped lip 101' salley rnll fllrl •. Thc sides arc laced ul1<iCl'lIrath for flillness, Simple and s'llOoth Is thc stylp (ri,d1l) whrn' the hail' is hrushcrl from nrer the right temple slanting to the left. The back 11"11' i5 brulhc,( to the crown.

Alicia Hart's Fall Forecast

SimIllicity I-Ias a Head Start • • • HAPPY BIIl'l'IIDAY

Manl' happy returns of the day to Barbara Ann Doyle, \l'ho celebrates hel' 5th birthday to· day, August la,


Rev, and Mr~, J, E. Clarke of Toronto arrived in the eity ol'er the weekend, They are tourin)! the pl'ovince hy trailer on their annual vacation,


W, Quirk of North East Fish Industries, Harbor Grace, was a visitor to the city ol'er the weekend.


1\Irs, D, 1\1, Butson and ~Irs, W, H, Hogg o[ Toronto, arriv· ed In the city over the week­end to begin a tour o[ the pro· vince. They will tour the Avalon Peninsula and take in points of interest to Gander, where they will board the CNR for Port RUX Basques to return to the mainland,

SAR:'<IA (CPl - A fire de· stroyed Sarnia's oldest church here Sunday with an estimated loss of between $250,000 ~nd $300,000, The 60 - year . old st. PaUl's United Church had heen closed for almost 1\ month since its minister went on vacation,


Like Ihe twist. teased Iwir is on ils way out in :\ e '" Yorl;, Some hail' ,I),lists say that sometimes it takes other areas of the counlry al least tll'O years to accept slyles first introduced ill ~1 anhattilll, RlIt, i! you loo!; around YOll will see that smoother, IInt~ilsed hail" dus are appe<lring everywhere,

It is a ~ood glless lIwl some of these are concessions 10 hot - weather comfort rather than true new hail' designs, But, they are close to the sleek styles fOl' faB that Pi'll, mise to be a happy choice fo: most of tiS,

,Iohn Christie, New 'Yor!, hair stylist, hclic,'cs sil11ple yet elcgant coiffures arc be· ing swept in hy thr wm'e of lIltr~fcmininc fashions, Eren in their simplicity the sleek ne\l' styles I'l'quirf! ~ 0 me \l'ork. Yon can't nehie,'e them by merely ,:omhin,: your hair aftcl' a quick home shampoo,

Back ol'lIShing 01' lacing i~ fal'ored hy MI', Christie' to give body to the new smooth styles, He says lacin~ gil'es your hair hody without 8Mr!·







Special Added, Attraction

Hurltz Hall ' Gabri~ Den, rraniie DarTO , .. Anabel Shaw


EVENING-"DONDI" - 6:30 - 9:25


MATINEE - 1:30


in~ it and will 110t Itreak t h ( 11:lil'. To lace, use ~ Inng, IlUl" row ~tirr brllsh and brllsh the underneath hail' to\\'al'd your scalp, Then hrnsh th~ top hall' ;;moothly into place,

One style he sll~~ests )' 0 II

tl'Y for cool slimmer II'Cilr

slarls II ilh a tin), [','nlt'1' parI. J.:Il't! \'0111' h"ir din'I'U\' in bar-, (If Ih~ J1ilrt til add hci~~hl. AI· Stl laee the sides fill' slight fu!t· nes>, Brush Ihe top h a i I'

h'll k Silloothly anel tor Y II U ,. miffUl'e with a handeau fOr a perky look,

!:I IIII '11111'11'11 ""'tl'II'II' 1'11111 f "1"1"" ~ ,1'-~ -- The Doctors .. " --" Mailbag



By WAYl'iE G, BItAl'iDSTAD'f, 1II.D.

Q-What cnuses mvxedema and is there a cure?

A-M I' x c d e m a rna\' he cilused ilY failure of th~ th\'o rnid to put ollt enough of ils hormone thyroxin or 01 the pituitary to put out enough th)', rotropin, The first cause mn'! occur following thyroiditis, e~ posure of the thyroid to largcs rioscs of X·ray, or sur,!!ical rp· mOI'a I of more than seven· eighths of an overactivc tlll·· roid, The second cmlse m~ ~ occur following tUI1101'S or ofhe'r diseases of Ihe pituitary,

The \'irtim will have n riull, ,'pathetic expression; r 0 tI ;: I" dl'Y hrittle h<lir which may he pl'cmaturcly g I' a,l': ,Inrred speech with ~ hu~ky voicr; slowing of mental <ll1d physic11 acl.ivity; and in women pro· longation or the menstrual per· iods, The diagnosh is con· firmed by finding a low basal metaholic rate.

This is one condition for which treatment brings about nn almost magical relurn 10 nol'm<ll, Thyroid extract, thy· roxin, or a relaled product i5 given, The dnsage must h~ controlled hI' periodic checi,s of the metaholic ratr.,

q-I am a 2n·yenr·old ,,'nm· an, In the I",t two years my breasts ha,'e dimish~n in silO I tire easily ann my hair :s thinnipg, Is t his 1I0rm~l?


What could be wI'ong7 :\-This combination of finll·

ings in a 2U·ycar·old woman :5 not norm.11. It may be dlle to a thyroid deficiency 01' some o t It r I' hormonal illlbalanec, "'hy nol get a thorough check· up and be sure'.'

Q-:'ly hushand l1;1s agno· genic IIlveloid mctaplasi:1. What is It 'and enn it be cured?

A-In this conditioll there is R change in the type of cells fOllnd in the spleen, The spleen is usually enlllrged ;md contains mveloid cclls OJf thr type fOllnd i~ hoOl; marrow, Since liJese findin~s do not tie in with any known e1iseasl', ,lIJ(1 bec.Hlse those who ha\'e i: may hm'c either normal or ah· normal hone marrow, this con· dition is not considel cd to he a disease in itself hut merel\' indicatil'e of some disease IIf the hlood·forming ergans.

Agnogenic means of tm, known calise, Some person~ with this condition have ane· mia, Some have jaundice, and some have poisoning due 10 ex· posure to such sol\'ents as ben· 7.cne and embon tetrachlol'ide, '\'our husband should have a thorough study to rldermin!­any possible enURe and R n y ch;mges in other organs, Treatment woul(1 depend on the rrsuits or such a stUdy,

By Ceean .... ' " For T u8sday, August 13

Prll$ent-For You and )1 Youn, •• P1Cl;cnt lUDars tend N

I to stir up gossip, 10 bold your E' tonglle, YOIl may bave to aJ- ::j

, low othen extra. time to mnke UD their 'mind!, but dtlay will do no oonn, Merits of advice ~hould be eare[ully weighed be­

, fore being acted IIpon, Attend I to your own affair. ,before, be­

coming involved in thOle of Iriends or cO.workerJ.

Pa5t ••• William Crueton, born Future ••• A machine that on Aug, 13, 1422, was the first can type out conversations it English printer. Chaucer', "Can- nears 'h:1& hcctl developed, 1n terhury Tales" and Malol1"& five ye31'S, ft may' be pOlsible "Morte d'ArtlrurW were . among 10,huild similar machinl!s that the first of 102 books from his cnn tlo' all the work of nn o!Ciee press, secretary.

The Day Under Your Sign , I

MIE~ t~orn Mor'. HI. April 19) tlBRA (S'pt. 21 to Oel. 221 1

will.dd to the comfort o{ llOtnf'. ~ Inm~d out jf red effort il made. 1 I TI<i!l is ~ ~ day to Ihop for it~ that Theni are ,.try f~w difruem:es that can't

TAURUS (April 20, t. Mly 201 SCORPio (oc!. 2310 N.y. 21 I ~ Select the, bait ,irmuoul .ch,ily if 10U Close: 'frirmIsbh!lI Jipc:n under current hue: a woke in the maUu., Jay5 and love It fint liaht il probable.

GEMIHI (MIY 21 10 Juno 21) SAGITTARtUS (Nov. 22 I. 00.,\211 If you hann't yet done ta. Jet other. Your {I1'ivac:y II nry im'POrt~t to 1'0\1 !.mop{ .. bat 7O'J think .. bout an'hsue. now, but it may be hlrd to toml; by.

CAr-ICEP. (Juno 7,2 t. july '211 CAPRICORN tOoc, 22 10 Jon. 201 You un't u"er,t otbe .... to' co'opcfalt: un- You Ire hounll to Ittt '!lull. ""bm :rour len JOU .1Ife willinr to dn yeur)!.rt. dinrts ann amhilionl mett head-on.

LEO puly 2210 Aug, 2'1) AQUARIUS (J.n, 21 to F.b, 191 PrOflle "ill find it Iwd. to ruht your You're at your be~t in I (l'OUp of iD.td· teQuuts led.1!', ~ I!k for .... hlt )'OU wlnt. Jis:rnt, inlHeslin~ people todl)'.

VI.GO (Auq. 22 10 S.pl, 221 PISCES IF,b, 2010 Morch 201 (;.f ~oin$t "arfy J' thtr,,', a Int to be done f'lnCfcd I1S \lSlIll, utn thouRh an inh1"

i ~.\l'llimil~t 1im~ in .... hith In do it, ~tinK' irtu distuch you from the Job.

\~ ____________________ ~ __ 19_6_l._P_"b_Ii_'h_er_'_N_,w_,_"._"._r_s_Jn_di_~_t'J

,,~,_;:,.~~., .. ~:'!CIf;;.: .. _'le!f=~"'~:-::ao.;.:::~:~~~

. .~1rln Lan(iers ~ ~ , i 1

I Your Problems~ 1,"",,-_, ,,_~ . """,,,' _. _..-;:,. Y:_£:'~ ___ '_~..-," __ ,*,.V ~ ~,~_ ....... ~ __ -t+_~ , •• ~-~ ~

Dear Ann Landers: Here it is lale in July and my wire is still walking around with a long face because I didn'~ remember her on Mother's Day.

Before you call me a heel I want to tell you she Is not a mother, I don't hold that against her because I know she wanted a family, just as I did, Unfortunately, the Lord didn't see fit to bless us,

In other years (11 to be exact) I always sent her a little Mother's Day gift and signed the card "With Love to Mommy from Nippcr"-\te was our Gold(!1l Retriever, But Nipper died last January so I didn't send her a gift this 1I!0ther's Day,

She say5 I should have sent a gift [ront me. But I say it would have made no sense at ali since she is not MY mother. Will you please settle this, She's crying again, Thank you,-NAGGED AT,

Dear At: She wasn't NIpper's mot.her either, was she. If you were goofy enough to send your wife a Mother's Day gift in the dog's name YOIl

should have scnt gift In your name after the dog rliell. You both sound like children but next year <10 it.

• • • • Dear Ann Landers: 1 am engaged to marry A

wonderful guy, Dan and I plan to be married a year [rom now, The problem is we come from such difCercnt bacl(~rollnd that I wonder if it's passibl!! to overceme the high hurdles,

Dan graduated from an ordinary public school and thell had two years at medicime at a midwestern college. I went to a fine finishing school and graduated from one of the hest eastern girls' schools in Amcric~. I also have trm'elled abroad and Dan has never been (lut oC the sticks,

I'm sure Dan feels inferior to me but he refuses to admil it. Whenever we get into an argument I say things that perhaps I shouldn't say hilt all oC them are t rile.

A eiose friend of mine who recentl:1 married told me that all engaged people argue and that we "Iill settle 0\11' dift'ercnce~ AFTER marriage, What do you think -~IlSS QUESTION :'IARK.

ncar ~Jlss ~lark: YOII sa~' y01i'l'I~ ell;(a~c<1 to n'arry "a wonderful guy" but your letter spells out clearly milch more wonrlerful you think YOU arc,

Aside from the fatt that you're a girl :lnd he's a hoy I sec nothing to recommend this relationship. It's incredible to me that you two could even be considering marriage,

• • • • Dear Ann Landers: You always secm to have the

right answer, Can you supply one [or us,

We have two adopted children. They are both ll!"ter two years of age. How orten have we heard peorl .. <~)' to us, "Adoptcd children are lovely, but it's not like \laving your oll'n,"

The~ are entitled to tllcir opinion', hut ~IUST I~c, ~av such things in front o[ the children, The little olles to~ young to understand now but what llappcns witen they 3rc older.

Perhaps we are too emotionally invohed to sec a reply which is obvious to an outsider, Can you help,­WITHOUT WORDS,

Ileal' Without: need nell' friends, euUln;: remark to )'our time,

You don't need an answer, )'011

Anyone who wOllld make such a 31lopUve parents Is hardly worth

• • • • Confidential 10 IS IT WORTH J1'?; Of cnul',C il i',

Your emotional inl'cstment in this situation i, trrll'~n· dous, "'here did you l:ct the id~~ that lIIarria~e wni< goin~ to be aU sU;bar and spice and evcrythtng nier'!

• • •

'1'0 leal' how to keep your boy fl'icnd in line without losing him, send for ANN LANDERS' booklet "Necking and Pettin::-And How Far To Go," enclosing with YOUI'

request 25 ccnts in coin and a long, self·addressed en·


Ann Landers will be giad to help you with your problem, Send them to her in care of Canada Wide Features, 231 5t. James St. West, Montreal, Que" enclosing a stamped, self·addressed envelope,

------,------------:----:--:-----pan, Add the juice from o~la


Enriched hakers bread, l!

wholesome and convenient food can be used in many interest­ing ways, We think you'll agree with this easy·does it orange pecan coffee cake proves our point,


(8 to 10 servings) 1 loaf unslieed raisin bread One·third cup butter or mar·

garine, melted 2 navel oranges 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon granulated SU::lUI'

'. teaspoon vanilla extract l,i CliP (firmly packed) jgllt

brown sugar ~. cup coarsely chopped pe·


of the oranges, a little at l time, until it has a\l been add~d to the cornstarch and sugar, and the mixture forms a paste.

Heat until thickened, the n lower heat and cook an addi­tional five to seven minutes, Remove from heat and add vanilla extract, brown sugar, and pecans. Stir until well­blened. Fold in orange sec­tions and spread' mixture over each o[ the two ioaf halves, Sprinkle with coconut, Re· turn to hot oven (400 degre~;; F) and bake an additional five minutes, or until coconut is " golden brown, Remove a:1'1 serve immediately.

Announce New Healing Substance:

Sin' inks Piles Ol~e.third cup flaked coconut E.dwi"healinl,ub,tancepr ... nlo,hri'" Slice off crust on each end ot h L.·d d' .

loaf, Slice the loal in h a I t, emen"", ,an repo., dllll1led hllu ..

horizontally, Separate the two A renowned research institute hat halves and place them on a [o,und a unlC\!Je healinl; substance grensed baking pan. Brush W1t~ the. ability to shrnk ~em.or-cut slices with butter Brown rholds p:unlessly. !t reh~ves Itchmg , . and Idlscom[ort In minutes and III a hot oyen (400 degrees F.l speeds up healing of th'l injured, for ten mmutes. Squeeze 01lP. Inftamed tissue. o[ the oranges and sections thr. In caI~ after case, while gently otber, Place tbe cornstarch relieving pain, actual reduction and sugar in a small sauce· (shrinkage) took place,

I)o,FALSE TEETH Rock, Slido or SIIp7

FASTEETH, an Improved powder ) be sprinkled. on upper or lower I.t •• , holda ral .. tootb more ftnnly l place. Do not BIld.o, .Up or rock. • ~ummy, ll'.oey, puty lut. or lellnr·P'ASTEZ'nllutkallne tnon­;ld.). Does not sour. Checks ilpJate lor br.ath", Oet FASTEETH at ,'ug counters everywhere.

Most important of all-results were so I:borough that thill Improve­ment WILl! maintained over a period of many months,

This was accomplished with a new,heliling substanr:e (Bio-Dyne) which 'luiekly helps heal Injured cells anI stimulates il'owth of ncw tissue, , Now :lno-Dyne iJ offeNd in oint­ment alld suppository fonn called Preparation H, Ask lorlt8tall drug .tores-mODaY back guarantee.


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The thrift\· homemaker In today's bus)' world expects a lot from her modern home 1 ......... ____________ _ appliances , •. serl"ice, de· I" pendabiJit~', simplicity of operation, efficiency ••• and sood looks, too ! ! all Yes, it's a big order, especi· ally when price comes into the picture.

One good example of a qual, ity home appliance that meets .11 of these requirements Is the Thor washer Take a moment to look them over It the Great Eastern Show· rooms and you'll see wbat we mean. You gct it all . and more ••• with Thor.

wringer washers are backed

Be sure Canada's

to see foremost


Washer - brought to you by THOR to

give new eye appeal

combined with

proven THOR

efficiency and dependability



by 5 year guarantee on the operating mechanism~~~

rIUSCILLA'S pm Bv A L VEH~IEE1~ SWEETIE PIE . ,.-.- - ,_. .,.-----.1




I:oK106~ '16 :; • ,1 R 7 '" K [I 05


A .T7 \" A.T4 ~ K 64 3 .~ AQ,r 10


oil QR4

EAST 4!lA9~3 '17 • Q 1052 '" 8,7 4 2

"K Q 10 9 B 3 2 • A9 0103

Buth vulnerable Norlh' l':a,l South 'Vest 1 N.T. I'M" 3" Pa,s 4 V Pass 4 N ,T. Pa,s 5 ., l'a"5 a V Pass, Pass Pa~s

Opening lead-V 6

I I If you don't approve of the , i bidding of today's hand you: CAPTAIN EASY

'1'1 I d t I A1'TEI<! I'iEADI~:~ 'won't havc an argument from '~~~::~~2j~f~~~;~ I mc, IC HIll was COIlS ructN iITU'$ N~r.1:AmE i by Josc Le DClltU, a Frcllch ~ ~= !~ TCt.D Of i writer as a problem ill play. I iHEi~ F!2V1'~E5S ' ! Of course, if \V est opens a ' T;!IP "0 Tn" 'spade there is no problem in rr<s,\$Uf:: SITe

I play, but Wcst opens the six of

I, trumps. ' I , At this point Sonth can make I : Ihe hand against any dcfensc I

and I will devote tomorrow's ,article to this double dummy I play, but the first problem is I to find out the bc~t linc of play • if you are actuallY at the table I playing the hand normally, : If Jo:ast holds the king o[ ~~~=~~~!!!;;~~~~~;:..:.~~ i clubs I'OU can make 12 tricks, • " casily. '50 the normal play is to i : lead dummy's ace of clubs and' 1 DIDN'T WA~ 10MMY 10

1 i: r; ill \ " \. "

PI \../ ~I


I continue with the queen, Un· i LOOK, JINoMY ... 5URE, you ,

,OLD lC:,IIAY I U,ED 10 Sf: A I HODD. sur I DON'T BLA!-AE You,


i I<NOI\' 1 US!:Dl0 BE'AMOBSTFr: , fortunately for YOllr purposcs , i Ease plays loll'. I

You discard and West wins the trick with the king, Noll' if he leads a spade yOll go down two, but )'OU have worked out a

1 neat bit of camouflage, Your 1 i discard on the queen of clubs

I was the nine of diamonds. \\' est is pretty sure that his panner

1 holds an ace, It now appears , that it is the acc of diamonds, I so hc leads a diamond where· I : upon you take Ihe rest of the I ,t!'icks because yoU can discard I 'two spadcs on clubs and ooe . spadc on the king of diamonds,

To gcl your copy of "Fun at ' Brillgr," just send your nmnr, ,

,adllrc,s, and 50 cents to Os· ' walll ,Iacoby Readcr Servit,c, care Daily ;'<\CII'S, P.O, Box 489,

. Dept. ,\., Rallio City Station, , New York l!1, N.Y.

i CARD SENSE I Q-The bidding has been: : East Sonth West 1II0rth II • I " Pass 1 011 I PasS 3 of. Pass 3011 : Pass ? I You, South, hold: I ",2 ... A Q J 7 6 5 t4 .reA K 9 a 7


I Uf.lTIL. HE ';.1,0.<; OLD 5!\CUGH 10 UIJ!;EP.GTAND ...

! What do YOli <10 now'! : A-Bid foul' clubs, You IHlvc

I tWIl ven' good ~\lits. \




TOBAY'S QUESTIO;,<\ Your partner continues to

, foul' spadcs. What do )'CJtI du now?

AllSlI'cr TOlllorroll' -----

Big Grant 11e/ps llK

': Ship Work I

LONDON IncutcrS I - 1l1'1t.· ; . ain's shipiJuilding industry \ia!' :

rcceived a slimulalin,~ ~hllt in , the Hi'll\, i

It camc Irnm the gtt1'CI·llIlWr.! :

in tbe release of .1::10,1100.000 I '($!lO,OOQ,OOOI or morc i\l'ailauie

ol'cr Ihe next 12 months 101' loans at fivc pel' cent, rcpny· able ol'cr 10 ycars, 10 Briti,n

'shipowners placing orders w.rh British yards.



FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ~~~~-.~, -~==~~~~~~~ '(SfEfE,1'IE 6EEN LCO/<ING OUT,' Tr:S WI~~fX!W,

YOU GET MORE WITH THOR This official move was 'I'd·

corned by an industr\' which dnes not hide its present di[· ficult position.

~" .. .. .

.. "','


FOR TEXACO FUEL DIAL 8·300t -' 8-3007




" ,

Thcre noll' are 35.000 men employed on building nell' mer· chant ships in British yards. compared with 60,0110 in 19"0.

Onlel's for nell' ships in tlie last two years hnl'c heen r~, I ccil'cn at Icss than half the rJt.~ ! nf complctinlls, I'

ORDERS Jo'M.T. Thp BI'itish shiphuildillJ( in·

dllstr~"s order book at the elld of March this yenr was down

'I to 1.850.000 tons. comparerI wi!h more than 7,000,000 tons six years ago. .

It is against this glnomy hack· grollllc\ that thc ncw loans plan went 1.1110 immedialc opcration.

In effect, it will allow Bri!ish shipowners. who nom ally ae· count for fo~r·fifths of orders :n British yards. the r,ame fav(,r· ahle terms forei~n owners can already obtain in Britain.

The scheme offcrs to many British shipowners. if thcy wnn!. new ships, an opportunity to modcrnize their fleets in B.·it· ish yards on good tcrms instc3d of having te, go abroad to ,Japa'

l ncse or Europcan yards. The new plan, it is estimated, '

could gil'e British yards any· , thing up 10 £50,000,000 ($]:;'1 .. j

I, 0001 WOl'lh of new business duro Ing the next year.




.)HORT RIBS "" -'_._ ... ,;.;.. ---..1.----........ ..,

--.. ---- .----.

~I Fo~--1

DAWE LTD·I'· all your Building Requirements. I


9·1171 I

BEAUTY SHOI'PE and Prescott Sts.

84951.».7898, Specl' In cold wal'lng, hair eutiing and tinting,

facials etC., 14 no 9lalting.


fieliablc Etertrtclly Around St. John's

TENDERS addre the llnderslg~ed A

"Tendcr for repairs road, etc" St. John's ,\

bc reccived in Roc Building, l(

~[oncton, N.B .. p:m, (Atlantic Dayli'

Time) ,

, September 5, IS

t main access road a reat portion of !

at SI. John's (Torh. 51. John's, NcwfoUi

specifications and oU documents may be on t o I

, at: 1081 tit p, O. Box 42, 1110

, upon rcceipt of th~heque .£or $25.00 fl

Receiver General

J. A. LENAHAN Director, Air Servl

, . ,

Short stories I Y~llr Way' RI!

~ery·day· " ." It.lll-

~e'lia., ~---. · ..... l~

'~' ~\l '

J ' ,

, I

I ,





~, )--1

I •

:1111\ Contractors Supplies II' 'Idin" (~ ,., f UNITED NAIL

. - Ilill ~~O,:

.. ('\\EFHl\G ,& FOUI'.'DRY 1 \ ' . I CO., LTD,


HEAP & PARTNERS (NFLD.) Ltd. Wiring Materials, Wire and

Cables, Motors, Slarten, Lamps, Switches. I,jghttne


DIAL 8·5068 : ( ~I 1 "'Vaco"

, .' ... \\'- St~~1 Scaffolding, Ornamental ----------',::'\~ \\,\llll. _ Iron Railings, Chain Link Fenc'

. . in~, Re·lnforclng Steel, etc. 11\\\l LID. _______ _

· ~ \\'HI 1'lIil~,n~ ; .. ::r,m'·~I'. ALL SALES

, ,11 \ II' q. EQUIPMENT AND ,: ~o - . 'CONTUACTING LTD.

~L II ~ 1 ,.' __ ,G~n~ral Contractor5, Engineers,

Equipment Rentab. TOPSAIL ROAD.

PIlOillES: 9.2000, 9-2009.

Dry Cleaners


James R. Tucker ltd. 27 Springdale St.

Electrical Fixtures and Supplies

Well Drilling Phone 85171


Glass ..

-------Pianos and Organs


Topsail Rd. IIial 9·5099 IV e specialize in WnShing'1

Simonizing, Greasing. , Open (laity 7.30 n.m.-12 p.m'

Wm. Sinnott, Service station Mnnager.

Complctc scrvicing - Large slu~ks of accessories always

available. Open daily from 8 a,m.

to midnight.


(.Tim lIarvey, Prop.)

Le~larehant Road DIAL 8·6056

Rentals -,---- : ---------



---_ .. _---_ .. _-__ ....:T.V .. _S_cf_,,_ic_e ___ 1

T.V. Service SERVICE

TV Pilone 8·6865 Uay or night.


Attention Contradors

I , For your Building Reol quirements, Paint and i

I 'ld' H d ! • BUl Ing ar ware see! us. i HUSSEY'S PAINT ! AND HARDWARE i

T k· ~---I 177 NEW GOWER~~~~ET_I ____ r_ll_c _!~., ! ___ .. _~ .. __ . ,

FH.ED SHElll'ARD'S THUCIaNG nonaventure Ave.. st. .lohn·~,.

Local arl) lon~ ,Iistllnce. Vantl, Stake, Dump, Pick'lIp and

Crane Trllck& for hire.

Copper Pipe and

Copper Tubing 3/16" to 4" \





Dial 8·2109. Rrs. 8·1;021" I

-I Tircs

DL\L S !i141-42 3·4033,34 !

I ~---,-.. -----"-,, .. -, -'-=-------~--TAXI Silo:.. 1\.,.11'"", ~ "'" ~. ';'H a • I

CLEANERS For the Fastest most efficient Dry-Clean­ing and Shirt Service.

Representinr; the world's nne~t A. G. BARNES LTD. Pianos and Organs.

lIaTl)warc-Sllorting Good •.



1_ W I .-------- : I p:jI t~fi!: I Ir.'.A 1(" , J

SCOTS TAXI~-naily frf.m I' ,nnw Yotlr Roof 1 st. John's to Bonal·lsta,. 1 Bonal'ista to SI. ,Tohn'~, ~1. ; Hepml'\!d and Conlc(

Plnte Safety, Sheet Glass, ST •• JOIIN'S Ur.. GRACE. ~Il;ror and Plexlglass. 1 Dial 9·U61 Dial 5075 John's call 8·2~52; Catalina \ ,\ow amI SAYE !

- ------ I

Ph: 98017 • 98020 i-------

169 Water St. Phone 8·7352 4~ B1nckmarsh Rd. Dlnl 9·3690 II· ,- --.--PROPANE GAS

Insurance Car Radios

call 5555, 5336. Ilcmemhrr-A rno! done in jnel9.1mlh I summer takes half the tillic

------'-"----1 than ill col(1 weatilCr.

EXPERT SHOE REPAIR i We abo. dn:, ' ,

I Drug Stores

i ~I. (;ONNORS Ltd.

I PrescriptioDi Pickup and delivery service.

PHONE 8·2206

------ '--1

-.- -.----

~;:.·~-s,;~~~S Sperl' · ~.''::' \\.t\ .;.,~. n:l'r · ::'::~i ,.(\ tllJtlng. :.:, :":::1. !'Ie" 14

:::' ;1:1\',~n~,

:~ .. r '7 .. I"i,nrt ;': ~.'~. \:'



:~\~:-~r~;" ;,.1.hi'~:;.1 ':: ',.':,:1:"_'-\ ~ ,md I .~~:"; :,,~ ", \' ,~' .... to

:",' C,.:,,' J':l .\ir. ~,' ~.' :f: r ',l : '1. !tOiliTl

":",: p.".,. 11181 :'" \!.:::',,',~ , :.. 1\, up

: ... ,\:>":':,' !l:\\ lIdll ,.-. i

Elect. Services

City Electrical Co., Ltd.

(Electrical Contractors)

Electric Repairs, to Ranges, etc.

PHONE 8·3767 86 Casey Street

a new MERe 60, li HI' MERe JlO , 9.8 HP MERe 200 , 20 Hi' MERe 350 I 3S Hi' I

~~ MERe 500, 50 Hi' i MERe liSO I 65 Hi' I MERe 850 , BS Hi' i lt1ERClOOO, 100 HI' I

Trad. In your rill on" 1963

M ERClI RY nnd I flOW boat.

Only MERCURY Riv •• you whispor.quiet Jet·Prop cKtHJ ust.


Chester Dawe Bldg., P.O. Box 414, St. John's, Shaw Street, Phone 8-4152,

Houses, Apartments, Etc.

Nfld. Rental Agencies

:3fJ NEW GOWER ST. AT HOLDSWORTH, 3rd Floor, Office 36.

Dial 8-7484

i I


~rl'trl1lhl'1' ,". 1!163 List with liS now if you want to rent 01' let. "-"""; ;;'C(P'''" l'1,;:d and

:·.',I:}':l:i1n "f car jlly31,tf ." J,'h"" Tllrh~)'l

· ~~ .'~'~n\ \\'wfnund


Waler Stred DIAL 8·2658 - 8-4128


Dependable Fire Insuranc!, Prompt Claim Settlements.

DIAL 8·j035

CROSBIE & CO., Ltd. Agents for





and nil the trimmings for Carnivals, Parties. Gardcn Partics, Fairs, etc. Plush and Stuffed Toys n Spec· ialty. , 11 PATRICK STREET

PHONE 8-4815 jlyl0lmlh

For comforL and relaxation dine at the n,\;\lBOO GAUUENS.


We cater to weddings, Parties. Banquets.


llIal 85815. Open IIntil '1 n.m.

7. (lays a week.


S ...... Service Station Manager

!:'::!"'inn. ~11I1 o\ller tatutory .~ohce PALMER'S LTD. .~'·:'.::-::.I' m~y he oh In the nmtlrr of the estatc of: TopsaU Road . ~,;.:,alion 10 the Sophie Carbage late of The 1 • GREASING _: ,: IORI 'lain II I ~ I Iii' • WASHING

• 0 " Green, Be Is an.. n e i • TIRE REPAIRS 1 • nox 4~. 'Ionr· Pro\'ince of Newfoundland, • WHITE GAS '.,::'~' frr('ri P\ of an widow, deceased. • OUTBOARD MOTOR OIL ',:/ or moo P~\·· .• ACCESSORIES

trrrirrr (;enrral ~f All persons claiming to be OPEN. DAILY I I creditors of or who have any 7:30 a.m. to MIDNIGHT t I.F\\\I,\:'\. claims or demands upon or af· PIIONE 9,5099 !lit!tlnr. ,\ir Sen ices fecling the estate of Sophie my17,1mth

Carbage, latc of The Green, ' __________ ' Bell Island, in the Province of _________ _

SH ' -'- Newfoundland, widow, deceas· ORTY ed, are requestcd to send par·

!hort stories are !t~our ""ay. Read . try d." . ~,In_ ~ttt. '.. --

-.. -'-.:...---

tieulars of their claims in writ· ing, duly attested to Mr, Jos· eph Basha, Town Square, Bell Island, the Executor of the last Will and Tcstamcnt of the said deceased, on or peforc the 27th day of August, A.D. 1963, after which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the said state having regard oilly to the claims of which hc shall then havc Iiad notice.

Dated nt St. John's this 19th day of July, A.D. 1963.

SQUIRES, SAUNDERS & CAREW, Solicitors for the said Executor.


Prompt Dclivery On • STOVE OIL



Scrvice Station ---------

CAR RADIO SALES We can in"tail a new radio

I in nny car from $55.00 up

Jack's Radio Shop

71 I.on,,·s JIiIl PHONE 8·7448



Cor. nIackmarsh Rd. and 'COMPANY, Ltc'. Albany Street. Phone H,4R80. 1 REPAlHS TO RADIOS, TV

Tire" Tubes, Accessories, ! AND 'ALL ELECTRICAL I,ubrication, Washing, See Pete I APPLlA"'CES for a Job comlli~.t;. DIAl. 8·3001 to a-300S

Crystal Palace Night Club


The Crystal Palace gives the hcst Catering Serdce 10

Weddings, Private Parties, Dinners and Dallces.

" For Information contact

:t\IUS·. A. RYAN at 90024


----_._--_._--- -.-------- ._-----

Hamilton Hotel 123 - 125 Hamilton Ave. Catering to Permanent and Transients. For re·:


servations please dial I

8·5636 I

aLlg15,lmth ____ ,. __ 1

---------{" ,


Chris Andrews For all YO\ll'

FUl'IliLme & Applianccs

R. J. Grouchy LTD.

~.t orc No. 8-5()06· 7 HOllie No. B:~231


Pick.up and Delivery Service Kenmount Road, Dial 93331

Well Drillin;!;

New Potatoes

$3.95 Per Sack

New Turrnips

$2.10 Per SC3ck Dial 8-2030

I aug.1:! ,

I We Repair Shoes all :lIakes and' HEl\(H ATE"(. I SI1CS. REPATRTNG , Reasonable Rales. P AJ:\,TI:'\G


: jne20,lyr · ----- .. ---~----~ - --



Wm. GI'ouchy 5B Field st. - S£Ji872 uug12,lmth


w :\N1'ED-Comics. l1I~gazine, CO)'o;)'o;ECTIO:O; RA \" RUN, pock~t no\,cl., I'iolins, guit· I'LACE~;T1A 11.\ Y ars, l(omt shates an" boots. Train "The Cariboll" lcavin~ John D, Snow, 9 Xew Gow· SI. John's 12:01 p.m. tomolTol'l cr Street. jne19.1mth. August 14th. will makc con·

, SLENnER TAnI.E1'S, Aid \,~1I . to retain a >tender figure:

0$2.00 a boll Ie of 100 tahleLi. Orders mailed r,o.(L Jor;~ D, S;o;O\\'. 9 Kew Gowcr St., SI. John's.

(11ll) . _. -_._---.--

nection I'ia Placcntia .Junction and Argentia with ~!.V. Petite ForIe for BaJ' Run, Placer.l;a Bay.


! ;;-';;;;;;;---==-=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=, The Old Mill I:MERSON

Train "The Carihou" Ica\'i;]~ St. John's 12:01 p.m. tomorro\\'. AlIglI,'t Hth. willl1lake COllne(';· ion at J.clI'isporlc with :II.\', Hopedale for the Green flay :;crricc.

Jlu~loul Sales anll Service Authorizcd

Du~IONT SSRVICE D[<;POT For all 1'\, Servicc, Call


Cor. lo'rcshll'atcr Road aud mizabeth ,\ I'cnue

I' DAY or I 93279 ~IGIIT

I~'~----,,- ",-"-i J.AnRAIlOIt 1IIINING A~Il



Ilril'r in :lIHvir 'l'lJni~ht at Dusk C()X"ECTJOX Sl'1'I'LE~m:-;T

~:: )'.\C.~' B.U;at STIlEET I. AllY !SOUTH CO.\ST I SE'lIr]CE TO R .. \.'II'~.\ Starring Van Johl1;ol1, Vera I " .

~[iIcs Train "The Caribou" leal'in~ Cincmascope. Color, Crime I S~, .John's 12:01 p.llI. ,\II;:;U,t

Story, 1 J~th, WIll lll?kc connection at l;o!f Dril'ing Range and Old Port nnx Ba,ques with )[ \-.

· :llill ClUb open d,dIy t2 ",oon I Tal'ernol' fo;' SUPllielllentary Fri(la)' The Silhonettcs South Coast Service to Hamp;"

FREIGHT NOTICE~· Salurday The Hi~ Dance

TIll' Silhouette,; I'honc 90021i or g.75Rl I Freight is accepted daily at

0lllg12 1 Railway Freight Shed for port> · _____ -- - .. --... -.---.-- on SmIth Coast Sel'vice t(l Port



aux Basques, but in order 10 guarantee mOI'cm~nt oY thi, trip of S.S. Bdl' Ha\'en or sub· stitute. freight must be at tile





"The Courtesy Cabs," ELIZABETH AVE.,

fOil may now drive to YOIII AI;I'OIN'r~mNT wrrH II. n. TllmlSOll:, O.D"


for your eye examination and glasses. JUST DIAl,

91091 -91098 jly9,mthly.tf ,


CO., LTD. Radio, Television, Washers. Refrigcratdrs. Deep lCrcezers

Electric Ranges. Floor Polishers.

Gramophones Public Adrlress Systems

Tape Recorders


DIU ~·300) to g·3005

WATER ,STREET J ar.20.ly M·3

augl2,lmth ~ THAT an intcrim dividend of: :.-_________ ' i Sel'cnly-Five Cents ($0.75) per:

Apartment I Railway Fl'ci;llt Shed by I p,m. ; loday, A11g11st 13th. ___ -;-______ , share has been declarcil on lI:e

.-_________ .1 Capital Stock of the Compar.),.

~'. ,pyable on Septembl'r loth.

1963, to Members of record n', : the close of business on Aug· , ust 22nd, 1963.

011 Duckworth Street... .' .' f j' . ,: Freight Lewlsponc· SI. conslstmg 0 our lOoms, . .John's Sen'ice for forl\'ardil\'~

ineludillg hathroOlll. ! via. Lewisport!! and ~I.V: CI~r· For l<K"ltion and relit. i en nile or substttute \\'Ill he

, i accepted at Railway Freight NATIONAL HOMES Pl.one 8 .. 3330 ,,: Shed ,tad_a)' August 13th frolll ~ BY OnDER OF THE BOARD ". i1 ~ a.m. to ;) p.m.

,F. R. IIUl'iT, I all!!.13 ___ .1 Freigllt :\'orth Lahrador St'r. Manufactured in LaFayette Indian1'; Tyler, Texas; and Horseheads, N.Y. i Hugl3, H

'I'r~"s11n'r. 1 ~ I'ice 10 :\'ain for forwarding do FOR RENT I Lewisportc and ~I.V. :\ouia III

On displa)' everyday 11:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.

night 7,00 p.m.-10:30 p.m. ~Iol'ies on constTllction, de­signs, etc. shown 9:00 p.m. Location: Pleasantville Sub­division. west oC Pcppcrrell .

For inIOl'mJtion call Ted Gillies Enterl,rises Ltd. 1

96026-92325. i1l'31,lmth _______ ...J

WANTED Mature Woman

. To act as housekeeper , and to care for two I school-age children .. Pri­vate apartment proVIded. Heferences esscntial. Ap­ply in writing giving full

I· particulars ~o r.O.Bbx: :3fi, St. John s. I




Novelties for


Ryan Supply Co, 1~7 Ollrf"Il'S ((oatt. Sf Johnl~. Nfld

P.O. nox 1I!)1, nUl. 8·~~;'\:J.


substitute "'ill be accepted at , Railwav Freight Shell tod:.y , . 2 Storey HO~Jse I August J~th [rom 9 a.m. (0 I noon. I . 1 ' Jo'I'l'ight is !l('{'epled daily at

Oil Allamlall:' RO,\l i Hailway Frciglll Shed fur Grcen ; He1lt 8100.00 per mOllth Hal' Pori, hut in order l~ ;~u;,r­

, antce nlOI'CIIl~llt by trip of ,',l.V. i Hopedale or slIb,I:'u!e ,:·!1c· I duIed iol' August 21st !';'c!;!ht

jlllust be at Railway Fn"ght Phone 8·7461

, _I Shed I~Y ,5 p.m. Anctu,: '''Ih.

Freight Lell'isporte Corner Ilrook Serl'ice for iorwarcling ,ia LelVisportl' and S.S, Spring· lale Or substitute b~ trill sehe­!tIled for August 19th will bc reeilled at Railway Freight

Shed Wednesday, August 14th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Thurs-

; Jay August 15th from 9 a.m. to , .-----" j 5 p,m.


Fem~le Clerk· Typist \\lith Grade XI.

, Enjoy the famed fooci,' service and comforts of the Newfounoland Hotel •

Apply in own handwriting II


1-UP E~stern Ltd.: Kenmollnt l\oad.


:, I I,"" : I ' " :' 'I '. , ':

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7:30 p.m. Pari'~Iutuel Betting for First Time in

Newfoundland. uug13 ..

, ' ' .. " . ~








P. O. BOX 632 DIAL 8·5006·7




Government House Grounds

. 2 storey. 4 bedroom with large store, full basement. Hot water radiation. Double garage, Like new condition BETTER HOMES FOR SALE !WATERFORD

I R~3A~<Iraam i Ideal ,","n"_,,,-


2 apartment bungalow, 3, bedrooms in each apart.j ment. Furnace heated with I domestic hot water. I

It is possible to trade your present home on a brand new one. Any home we have for sale can be purchased with a low down payment. We make all financial arrangements. If you are buying or selling, or need a loan on your present home, call one of our courteous sales· men for information.

I us far fU:lher,

FITZGIBBON a ,hedroom h;'lng and kitchen and concrete

WANTED A large lot of land approximately 200' x 30P' within 2 or 3 miles of St. John's. On Kenmount, Topsail, Tor· bay, Portugal Cove or Kilbride Road.

10 DARLING ST. Beautiful bungalow. 3 b€d· rooms and den. Heated gar· age. Alnminum storm doors and windows throughout.

UNIVERSITY AVE. 3 bedroom bungalow. Fur nace heated and landscaped $17,500.


CASHIN AVE. 2 storey, 4 bedroom. In ex· cellent condition. New fnr­

LOI'ely 4 bedroom home, llaee. Fun hasement.

fUrnace heated. Freehold CEDAR DRIVE 0 land. REDUCED. . , FF

PORTUGAL COV.E RD. NeW COVE ROAD New 3 bedroom bungalow

with garage. Furnace heat· U1tra·modern split level ed, freehold land. Landscap

GOWER ST. An ideal family home, close to the downtown section of St. John's. In perfect con· dition. This home can be purchased furnished for only $12.500, or nnfurnish· ed for only $10,500.

TOPSAIL ROAD Beautiful split level home with 3 bedrooms, den, large I living and dining room, built·in kitchen and a self· contained 1. hedroom apart· ment. Aluminum storm and screen windows through· out.

GOOSEBERRY LANE Beautiful 3 bedroom bunga· low with panelled reerea· tion room in basement. Landscapl~d. Furnace heat· cd.

MUNDY POND ROAD A large 4 bedroom bun· galow. Freehold land. Only $9,000.

home. Baseboard radiation cd. Just $13,500. heat. Freehold land. , FITZGIBBON ST

I WINSOR HEIGHTS • A heautilul split level home

PLEASANT ST. 2 hedroom home with a I with radiation heat. Land. , large landscaped lot. Just d

Ncar churches and schools $7100. ' scnpe . 2 storey, 3 bedrooms, living , OFF FRESHWATER RD room, bathroom, dining room ELIZABETH AVE. WEST • and kitchen. Partly gyproe 3 bedroom bungalow with concrete foundation. RE· furnace heat. DUCED.


A beautiful 2 home. Furnace Landscaped.

bedroom henled.

PARK AVE, MT. PEARL! Beautiful new 3 bedroom bungalow, suitable for apart· ment. Freeholl land. Furnace heat. Just $2000 down.

ELIZABETH AVE. I Beautiful 3 bedroom home I in this ideal residential area'i close to University schools, shopping centers, etc. Also contains living and dining room, hathroom, built·in kitchen. Hot water radiation heat. Full concrete base· ment cont'aining 2 rooms.: Price only $21,500 with low down payment.


age, Be,utiful,


TONIGHT 7 TO 8:30 P.M,

Beautiful new bungalow 3 bedrooms, living and dinin kitchen and bathroom. Hot9

radiation. Fmehold land. Ful' crete basement suitable for Apt $18,500. '

FRESHWATER ROAD 3 bedroom bungalow wit~ near Thorburn Road full concrete bascment Radl' ation heat and freehol(i land.

.1 her\roDm hUn"',

Just 1 year old.


h " .. 1 Large piece of land with' ace eat. small bungalow. Possibl\' suitable for small suh.d~. COOKSTOWN velopment, with app.ox. 15 to 16 building lots.

COCHIIANE Here is a nexceptionally finc ELIZABETH AVENUE new 3 bedroom home con· taining living and dining Beautiful 3 belIroom hunga· Lar~e h~me room, bathroom, and large low. Plnstered throughout.


boardmg house, built.in kitchen with ample Attached garage. Fullr land· dition. storage and cupboard space. scaped. Hot water radiation Also '/7 bathroom off master and full concrete basement. GOWER STREEl hedroom. This. home also lFU.!1Y winterized. Irleaily

(}(!ated ;'\ bedroom 311m, contains a spacIOus 3 bed· " !Qr hoarding room apartment. Call us for, appointment to view. COMMERCIAL SlO./JOO.

BAIRD SUB.DIVIS!ON Large 5. b~droom family. COMMERCIAL . home. Radiation heat. Free'l PROPERTY

We have a large s.electlOn hold land. Large rear gar. of bu~galows an~ spltt levels, den. DrivewIlY.· Topsail Road


Just off Topsail Road neal' Road ,Deluxe. This property contallls a 4 bedroom home with a small bun "alow nOlv'

in. thIS area, WIth, Without,/ War!lIlry Street or suitable for apartments. PENATANGUISHENE Cookstown Road Priced from $17.500 up. Bungalows, 2 and 3 apart. Off Topsail Road

ment homes. Cashin Avenue

NEW COVE ROAD BOULEVARD SUB·DIViSION 1 \6 storey, 5 bedrooms. I

Landscaped. Worth n lot I Beautiful 2 storey, 3 bed· There is still a fell' homes room home with living room left in this popular, fast sell. more than asking prices. and dining room. bathroom ing .sub.division. Call us for MT p,EAia and a kitchen and dinette in particulars. • basement. Driveway. Radia·

AND GLENDALE tion heat. Freehold land

CLARKE SUB.DIVISION A .fine seledion of bunga'l Just $13,500. lows and 2 apartment bun· galows in this fast growing OSBOURNE PLACE We have a large selection of

bungalows and split levels in this area, with, without, or suitable for apartments. Some with Wall to wall car· peting. Priced from' $17,500 up.


suburban residelltial area, Call us for particulars.

HORWOOD ST. Beautiful 3 bedroom hun· galow in an ideal residen· tial area. Fully landscaped. Storm windows and doors. Full eoncr,)te basement. Excellent condition. I

3 bedroom bungalow with garage. Fun size concrete basement. Freehold land. Furnace heated. Landscap'ed.

EXMOUTH ST. New 3 bedroom bungalow with a 2 bedroom basement apartment. Just $2500 down.

Beautiful 4 bedroom hunga. low. Situated on a large corner lot. surrounded by ornamental trees. Beautiful lawns and concrete walks. Cast iron basehonrd radiation. Full concrete hasement with

b . b carpet clng lIsed as storage .llso a .

~arge .I~~rehouse with drive· PORTUGAL III faClhlles. Ideal for whole. sale or trucking bu~iness'l 3 bedroom Free.hold land with ample ace heat. In parkmg space. non. ~lIitab!e

rooms .suitahle for. apt., or NORTH RIVER recreatIOn room, hVlllg room, , ' etc. This is one of the better Clarke s Beach Bi'Autifllt 2 !to:l,

Furnace heat. built homes in like new con· dition, Call us for further particulnrs.


Beautiful hungalow on a large landscaped lot. Fully fenced. Concrete foundation and garage. Containing large living and !lining room, kitch· en, hathroom and 3 bed· rooms. Cal! Us for appoint· ment 10 view.

Beautiful summer home, fully furnished suitable for all year round \iring, 7 room, large porch, complete bath. room, dt'apcd, floor cover. ings. Ideallr located for fishing and hoaling. House newly painted and (~nced. In perfect condition. Just $3,000.

FlEMING STREET 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, (urn ace heat. Freehold land.

ROSSES ROAD Beautiful ne~' I ' bUMalow. freeilOld hnd. J~


Near University and shop· ping center. In perfect con· dition. Furnace heated. Full size basement partly [ram· ed up for recreation room, den, or family room. REDUCED.

----------------------------------------------'-CHISLETT EALTY IF YOU ARE


Guests arriving by motor cars are request. ed to enter Government House Grounds by west gate, Military Road,




Dial 95670 94748


Between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.


All vehicles will park in the tennis grounds, north side of east driveway, under the direction of the Police.

'~ehicles leaving the grounds may do so by e~ther. the east or west gates, under the direction of the Police.

E. A. PITTMAN; 'Chief of Police.


Just Arrived DUMONT


• All Sizes • All Models • Trade·ins Accepted • No Fictitious Prices • Straight Honest Transactions • Lowest Prices Ever




P.O. BOX 632 ~IAL 8.5006.7

3 bedroom bungalow. Fur nace heated and landscaped. In a popular residentia



Drawn by



Haggerty St. Witnessed by Burgess Murphy and Patrick Wadden.



R,C. Anthony Insurance Ltd.' Imperial Oil Bldg. Elizabeth Avenue

TEL. 9-5079 . 11 Llnc~·

I ..... ' ~-·,."~:~"':'· ... "'!f:'\ ;,..',~.'.-,IoJ .... , • ..,~ . ' ".'

FOR RENT Two storey dwelling house situated in a good residential locality, bus line. Con· sisting of kitchen, dining room, sitting room, three bedrooms, bathroom, oil heat­ed. Parking space for car, nice garden, in rear.

Apply to:

P. O. BOX 5141, ST. JOHN'S EAST lug.13


Dial 95935.

Mt. PEARL BIBLE SCH Church of the Nazarene - 87 I'ark Annll

VACATION mBLE ~CJlOOL Starting Wednesday, Aug. 14 - ~)O i,m, - i!

Children aged 4-14 in\'itrtl to atten Bug13,14


2 oz., 4 oz., 8 OI., 16 ox,



FRA Y BENTOS BEEF 7 OI., 12 oz., 4 lb., 6 lb.

OXO CUBES 6s. -12 s,


4 oz., - n~ ox.

AGENTS P. O. BOX 938 aug13;14

Adverti!;e In The


eWspape SERiES

I ~

28 4

'0 23 3


claim Bingo Pho on the da

p Kin-




OffiCE Av~

n the new CA constructed on , Churchill Park)

This building, l

and finish, will in modern offi,


, aug13,14,15



Chip Fn'er G Pr J' . oPaue. Also'

Range (Electric

Items taken i getting


'\\ Contai , " . ,~'r'm9

Hot \\' , ' •. j F 1 .,. 'U 1 (0

!,'r.\Pt. J

\ .~.

.' I

. r ',- t ;: ~

'l'ING LOTS ~; i\lE

i\ HoME,



16 01.


, \")LlSH

~EEF '~ .. 6 lb.

. C1.


BINGO spaper SERiES No. 78

I N G o 1 28 45 49 69

23 39


bir.1 Bingo Phone 8·7269 by 10 p.m. on the day published.

Kin - Help I(iddies ~·.I . ~ J •

Watch Repairs

~I ;mrl: WITH ,\ S~IlLE AT

AmON CREDIT JEWELLERS "mn \I ,\ll1·:Ul1lE, PIIONE 8·1829

Space Available

h the new CARTER BUILDING being tl~structed 011 ARGYLE STREET in the Clurchill Pork Area.

his buildin9, ultra.modern in design :1J finish, will provide the ultimate !, modern office accommodation.

For further details contact:

~~~itR REALTIES LIMITED PHONE 9·4058 - 9·4059

L::? :-i :5


~t~IAURANT EQUIPMENT i~':;) 1'11('1'. Crills, ctc. Electric and ,'. i'311e. ;\Is() ()Il!' lar<tc sizc Commercial I .' " 1'1' .... '·'.t i ~ l'ctric\.

' .. I.':ll, t,lh'lI ill tl'lldc from Cnstomers

~l't t in~ largc cq nipmcnt.

~~H~tRS PROPANE lTD. t\~lpnELL :\ "E. 'PHONE 9·4706 l;;i~


THE DAILY NEWS, sr. JO!-IN'S, ;n.:WFOUNDLAND, ,WGU5T 13, 1963-11



S VE UP 0 50% BEST BUY I TO 9 x 12 Cotton Broadloom with foam. underlay

Blue, Pink, Light Green ............................. . 6 x 9 Cotton Broadloom with foam underlay 9 x 12 Viscose Tweed, Browns and Green .... .. 6 x 9 Viscose Tweed Brown and Green ..... .

2711 Viscose Tweed .Runner Per Run yd ..... .. JUTE RUGS 6' x 9'

Patterned in Antique Design ................ 8' X' 10' 9' x 12'

Oval Braided Rugs For Living Room


For Living Room, Den or Bedroom ....... . FESTIVAL All Wool .................................. .. BON NARD All Wool ............................... . 1 ONLY French Morocco 100% Wool

9' X 12' 8' x 10' 6' X 9' 4' X 6' 3' X 5' 2' x 4' 2' X' 3'

9' x 12' 6' x 9' 9' X 12' 9' x 12'

Regular Price

64.95 39.95 43.95 34.98 2.39

56.95 68.95 88.95

109.98 . 99.98 69.98 22.98 17.95 8.98 6.88

43.95 34.98

209.98 189.98

Sale Price

39.95 22.95 29.95 19.98 1.79

34.95 49.95 64.95


54.98 36.98 14.49 8,79. 4.98 3.68

22.95 19.98

159.98 139.98


25.00 17.00 14.00 15.00

.60 22.00 19.00 24.00


45.00 33.00

8.46 9.16 4.00 3.20

14.00' 15.00 50.00 50.00

Chenille .................................................. 9' x 12' 329.93 229.98 100.00 NYLTWIST 100% Nylon with Nylon

Corded Back .......................................... 9' x 12' 139.98 98.98 41.00

41.00 ESQUIRE 100% Wool................................ 9' x 12' 139.98 98.98 MOROCCO 100% All Wool 3 ONLy........ 9' x 12' 239.98 159.98 80.00

50.00 DEAUVILLE All Wool................................ 9' X' 12' 159.98 109.98 RHAPSODY Twist Wool............................ 9' x 12" 199.98 139,98 60.00 TAMPA WOOL 100% ................................ 9' x 12' 179.98 124.98 55.00


ASSORTED MATS-SAVE AS HIGH AS $2.00 PER RUG. JUTE .. : ............... Was 3.59 NOW 2.29 FLORAL CHINTZ Was 4,49 NOW 2.49 VISCOSE ......... ; .. Was 1.59 NOW .69 ORIENTAL ........ Was 4.49 NOW 2.49




II DIAL 8·5006·7


. St. John"s, Newfoundland, Canada

The University is seeking accommodation for new Faculty members who will join its staff in September.

Apartments or houses of one, two or three bedroom capacity will be required from mid.August on,

Room and board for unmarried Faculty members will also be required,

please write or telephone the Assistant to the President giving particulars.

Leases will be with the occupants and not the University. nug6,B,9,lO,12,13





MUL TlliTli OPERATOR For. employmcnt with tbe Iron On! Company of Canada at Labrador City, Ncwfoundlnnd.

Required to operate n Muitilitb offset printing press ~nd miseciJanp.ous duplicating machincs.

Excellent salary, liberal vacation policy, group Efe and hospitalization in.;unmce, pension plan.

Interested persons please apply to:



,-----.......... _:..-,.,-,-",: __ -.4._ .. « _____ ,


MllrpllY~S ~rexaco

Service Statioll (FELIX ~H!HlJHY, Prop.)

llA\JILTOi\; ~THEET DHL i:i·5:7fi2

Gas ]?llIll]r~§ Arc now O])U' fui' \,Oll;' com ('[:!euce

Our Statio!l ,:,'ill be imen for fnil ser\'i(:I':; "''''1'; I,,' .. I'J , \'

New West End Sub·Division bel'Neen Leslie Street Clnd Sudbury Street known as Thompson/s Meadow sEllling for $4250.00 with lust 10% d()wn pay· ment.

'8·491:3 8·710:3


REAL ESTATE AGEXT. ;\Iajcstic Building, . Opp. City Hall.

8·7848 8·5101)



''''edal Play Championship First and Second Division, 36 Holes

will be held on SATURDAY, August 17th.

Draw will take place at the Club House at 9:30 a.m.


AUCTION at residence o·f

MRS. JOSEPH McNAMARA, 56 Poplar Avenue,

Vv'EDNESDAY, AU!9ust 14tl1 at 10:30 o''dock



Lh'ill;; Hoom: Chr,!crficld suilc, iYe5li~gbot:.;! 21" TV, TV stool, e0111bin:!liol' ndio an,1 phooo~ra!lh, !Iaver.port. lazy bo!.' ('hair, arm dlair pl!tforor. rocker, oCC:lSiOEd chairs: !":1ahognny ;:oif(!c tahle, end t~i.)l('s,

2 ,mal! bookcncs. hookcr..\c. wdllut mag.7.inc table, ,':rut1ciht iron !lla~;1z:n~ stanci, magazine rlck, smoker sbnds, nOOt' lamp. pait· tabie lamps. brJss curb, andirons Rntl ~rr0CI1. carpet, orieatal pattern 9' by 12'.

Dilling Roam: Dinin,'; room suite comprising table, 4 c118irs ~n(1 b~[fctt, tca wagon, coffee tabl~, 2 wrought iron end tables, 2 small .folding t301l's.

. small desk and chair, de;!, lamll, :;1!!~ln radi".

II.itehen: Kitchen set comprising -,able, 4 chair! nnt! buffet!' W cstingi:clIsc electric rutlgc, }':igidaire refrigerator. Wcstil1~hc!.!sr wash,,:, Sunheam auto­matic deep fl'yer, G, E. Steam h:on. Electrolm, V1Cllum cleaner, pop up toa~ter, electric fry 9an, electric kettle, waffle iron. sandwich tnaster, floor '. polisher, cannister set. ironing board, step'lIp table.

Bedrooms: Double bed with bookcase heacl , inne\' ~pring and :nattress, single bed with inner ~pl'ing and mattress, ooo];cn,e IJec1 with :lprin~ and mattress. double dresser, full length mirror, hi·boy, dresser with mirror, dresser, clothes hamprr. carpet g' x 12'.

Miscellaneous: !\Iodel sail boat, barbeclle set with , .

all equipment including mot'or, Lady's bic;'cle si •. e·. 20, gent's bicycle ~ize 22, ~lceping lHlg, camp stools, .' water jug, croquet set, electric beater, Fawcett oil cabinet, telephone table and ~hair, 1lall chair, wall .: mirror, small overmantie, bird cage. Christmas decor· ;' alions (indoors and out) and many other it~lII:; too; numerous to list. ".,

Inspection: 9:30 a.m. day of sale.

All purchases must be paid for and removed im­mediately hllowing sale.

JOHN M. WALSH 1{ , , :.-;-"

AUCTIONEER f~ . ~ ... .,'" 52 CARPASIAN ROAD pIAL9·0BH .:~~ aug13

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which have proven to be effective when used at the proper time.

Available In three forms:


We also have TRAPS

BE' EARLY We also have SPR,o~YER5




of all types for the use of above


DIAL 8·4328 nuglO

with Checllcr nre Geue Chand­ler whose recording, "The Duke

"PI: ...... ~ ,ot-f. ... -". "! ...

I S. MILLEY LTD. ~. .. . /

": " • .> 2.':. .

i of Earl," has becn rated the No. 1 ~ong hit in the nation; Vic Dana, Linda Scott, The Carrol! Bros. and The Dovclls. Checker sings "Twislin'." "La


Steamship Movements 'C.S.L.-CL;\RIH> 'rERRA iIIontreal Sept. 17. Dne SI.

1II0d SERVICES 1 John's Sept. 22. S.S. (iulfport sailing from --

Montreal Au;:. 13. Due St. 1 IIARVEY & CO. LTD. John's Aug. 18. "Fergus leaving Charlotte·

5 S. ~ovaport sailing from town, P.E.I. Friday, August 16. Montreal Aug. 17. Dne St. Leaving Pictou, N.S. Thursday, Juhn's AUG. 22. August 15. Arriving SI. John's.

S.S. Highliner sailing from l'<ewfoundland ~[onday, Au~ust Montreal Aug. 22. Due St. HI. Leaving 51. John's, Nell'-John's Aug. 2i. foundland :\londay, August 19.

S.S. Gulfport sailing from • Fel'gus leal'ing Charlotte· Montreal Aug. 27. Due St. town, P,E.!. Friday, August 23. John's Sept. 1. ' Leaving Pictou, N.S. Thursda)'

S.S. NOl'aport sailing from Au;:ust 22. Arril'ing St. John's, Montreal Aug. 31. Due St. Nfld. Monday, August 26. Leav­John's Sept. 6. ing SI. John's, NOd. ~Ionday,

S.S. I1ighliner ~ailing from August 26. Hontreal Sept. 7. Due SI. • Fergus leaving Charlotte· John's Sept. 12. town, P.E.I. Saturday, Augusl

8.S. GulI!lort sailing from 31. Leaving Piclou, N.S. Thurs· ~I(lntrcal Sept. 11. Due SI. day, AIl~ust 29. Arriving SI. Jolln's Sept. 15. ,John's Tucsday, September :l.

S.S. ;>;o\'aport sailing (rom Leaving st. John's, Nfld. Tues·

BRONZE TABLETS (For Perpetual Care




C:apitol To-Morrow


• • •

P;iloma Twist." "Slow Twistin'/' "The Fly" and "I Love to Twist." Chandll'r sings "The Duke of Earl" and Dana sin gs "Little Altar Boy," "Yes Sir· ree" is contributed to the soundtrack by Linda Scott and The Carrol! Bros. offer "Bo Diddle),." ")Iashed Potato Time" is a Dee Dee Sharp tune and there also is "Salome Twist."

On the acting side of the film -and there is n pleasing story to tie the musical numbers to· gether and to bring them in

Chubby Checker, generally lel!itimately _ are Checiter, recognized 35 the young enter- Lang Jeffries, :llad Blanchard tainer most responsible for the and Georgine Darcy, who has a int~rnalionnl popularity of The Twist dance routine here which TWls~, the n~1V dance. cra~e, provides her with a variety of happJly stars III Columbia PIC' costumes from swim ~uits to ture~' "Don't Knock the Twist.:' I shorties. opelllng tomorrow at the Capl' tol Theatre. Checker sings five • • • of his most popular "twist" SPECIAL ADDED tunes, along with the title song, In a thoroughly delightful roo ATTRACTION mnntic comedy built around the dance. "i\IOST DANGEROllS

Sharing entertainment h'onor5 JIlAN ALIVE"

day, September :l. • Refrigeration.


Sycamore leaving Liverpool August 15, due SI. John's August 22. Leaving for Halifax and Boston August 23, due Hali· fax August 25 and Boston August 28. Leaving Boston AugUst 30 for Halifax and SI. John's, Nfld. Leaving Halifax September 6, due st. John's September 9 and salling for Liverpool same day.

• • • Science - fiction excitemcnt

and crime-fighting tilrills reo portedly arc combined in happy fashion in the new Columbia pictur~, H~lost Dangerous Man Alive," starring Ron Randell, Debra Paget and Elaine Ste­wart opens tomorrow at the Capitol l'heatre.

Ron Randell. plays the title role, as a racketeer who, flee· ing from the police, wanders into a blasl area where liden· lists arc conducting experi· ments in cohalt mutation. He survives an explosion, to be­come literally, a man of steel. He is impervious to bullets and to the full output of an elec­

STHANGE WIVES Shirley Barker




Daphne Athas

3 ~ ... "",- ./i)

'"" ()~ "" 1.-· ... THE HOUSE AT SUNSET

Norah Lofts T11E SIN MARK


~Iar.garct Page I

Hood '''"',,.,,'' 4.95 WHEHE'S ANNIE

Eileen Bassin,g." .. 6.50 IIEHl\[AN GOIUNG AND THE THIRD HEICH

Charles Bewlev ,," 7,,')0 GAHDEN OPEN TODAY Beverle" :\ ichols '" DOLPHINS

Anthonv Alpers ," 5.50 THE DEGLINE A:\,D FALL OF LLOYD GEORGE Lord Beaverhrook. ... THE FAH DlSTA0JT SUTPS



s~pply you wiHl ;~II ~i~~­of Film for any kind I P!10tography. 01

Capture the beal"tiful s f S ten,

ery 0 ummer - y 0

Garden while the flowers; 2re in I~IO Ur Th ' f J( 0111

e peace ul calm of lake or str ' t d b b . earn

e C./ an remem er to rmg your I)re,,'1 fl : \,QUI

I ms to us for Expert deve~op;n£ ~n~ pranting.

TOOTON'S Distributor for KODAK in Newfoundland

(Continued from Page 5) Bt"U Iwk 23.01) 131:. I'P~ 1;;'" ,.~" BUl')' Erie Ut"l n~ ~ J35: I l.i~.j. -- I Ii

Uw.1rl Cn (~{}r) Itl, :lP~ 1·1.1" I :,

Burl Inc 8 211111 3;::11 3j'i ]i' ~ .. - t ~ Durrgh.'i 8,,]('1) ~!J 26':1 ~:I ~ .~:c. c.l]ullIet ;.!20{) 1:,1" 12',11 !::I~ ~'"

Mayor Mews To Open



I Mr. I

Joseph Schull '" .. 6,3C NELSON'S E:-;CYCLOPEDTA

I Camp Snap 2:1011 l()O!,:! !,~P'L ~:l'~ _.1 4

C~t\l Ory :lOll ~:ll~:.!J ~.1 -'"'~ .\Iayor H (; n 'lew' wll'

OF CA~IPli\'G Fdn nnw l'j(}l) ~P.l. 9~>l ']:" - J,. • " •••• ., .


John P. Parker

~1'1l ~i~lr~) ~~> 2~~~ 2~'~' -- ;.1 offICially open ~ to·nay confer·

S ~O ~a;e J!, ).1.,011 II], ., 'v c, ence of the hl"h <c'IH)ol n "1 .•• l. •• J latl:t lr 53()1'I -lhi 1~1, 4Pl • I, - ~" J\['

UH'S OhiJ :ILIJ h~ ,i]l.'7 til i~ Cross here today. ChrVl-:ler ]::!1..i()() tiP Ii ;)1,\ I rnJ ~ ~ II ~ Tc f • . , Citic~ SV :,3U,1 ill h~nl 6:1"'8 _ J:. Ie con crcn~e, whlt'h Will CI"ite I~O,' 30', 38 3a ,', he held in ~Ien;orial L'nil'('r" I I'

~ C<l(~i\ Colr!, I:Jf)fi 1001,;.1 99"'1 IIJUj~ i- ',. 'n 1 d '-' ,. ,.50 CBS 9"nO t,3 hil,;' tii:~~ .. - 1" I WI >e atten ed hy more thi'li Coml Snlv 511/111 :!.:)I J 2i~ 2i~~ _11, 100 delc,;ates from differel1'· Con f':dis ~600 371 ~ AtjJ", iii' ~ f ' l

O· k & C Ltd c <tiner :H;OIl '.!~)~~ 2.'i!:o 2;I.i1.l- 1.: parts 0 Canada and the Cnited IC S 0 Con Call :;!:II)() 4ti\\"J ~~h, 4~i, ,'.. States

., • C'1n Oil ,19(;0 {;t', iI}!, 62'.,1'" . Copw Sli 1311(1 35:i1,1; J~l;.! J51~ . :'4 A spokesman for the Ut"! Corn Prnd t]ll'] ;R J7', j;', - '. Cro<s centre a'ld tIle I I' Jranc Co j~ln 3j51.~ :I~~" 3~~" + '.'" '" s. l e (., Cr acel '~O<l ~!F~ Ell.l ~!l~;I_:l~ g:ltes include 32 front !'ew· CUrti"s Wr 7;·()1) :20 1'11 l!P I 20 1 :!Il f II ~ ~ Deere 16~) lil m', 61 ~ I'" OUI\( an", ~8 from Queber. Ds Sea, HOO ;;', 4f>wl 46', .;.', 21 from I'i ova Scotia '0 from Eomc ~l ~71111 31:l'l :HI.'~ 3]1/\ - ill> ~. n ," :... ~ DllU~:I;j~ 3200 22?/I 22~1S 22~.i +'~ ,,,ew runs'Hck, nme i-rom IJtw Ch,h 3;00 lOw; c,G',' !O!. - Ih Prince Edwarll I~land and

,- du Pont lCfJ(l 2~~~ I 2~21 ~ :!u t

REPAIRS Ea>t Kd ""0 lll'!; !lIP, no" - I, \\'0 each from Delaware, "ir· Eaton ~H& l30Q 35',,', 3", :"l, - I, I gina and Ar"entia Xal'"1 St EI ra~t f)j(}{) 191;' tiP'1!; 19 '. ~ .,,:I-Fres!n ;Oll() 3!11' ~l, ~l" + 1'1 tlOn, Newfoundland.

REASONABLE RATES ~~dn Dyn I~~~~ ~\;.: ~~~: ~\:~::~ I The majority of the :llainl"~i' Gl'n Eire ~:lOU ll[;~~ i~(l~ 80 14 + I'~ delegates will be arrivin l1 Jr."

GUARANTEED WORK Gr-ll Fds 3~;) E:!:l~ f·:Z 82'\1 ";';'1 'l"a C d A·' ~. • Ge )!ilI. >;00 33 37'. 3;', ",,; I ns ana a Irhnes late thi., G~lC xd lj[j(i'l 71's il1.:;: ;l'~ + l.~ aflernoon

PIIO 'l.'E' 94123 Gl.'n Tire HUHI ::!3~4. ~2·\, 23 + 1,,,, TI' OJ' , ~'. Go Pac Cp 0300 .iO'., ,;Il 5.)\, +1, 1l0U~ lOUt today the del:' Glidden ;0;) 4~", i"; 4~", - t. gates will be OCCllp'ICd I)

E I Goodrich fi5·to~ 49 ':'~ 48 7 " ~9~;; --'-1 ' , WI 1 ectronic: ,Goody, xd 101011 3f~. 35~' 35', - t, registratIOn and health rhre1' , Grnne U 1LOII Jj~)\ IiI" 17:l iI. - 1,~ swim check and ," ';,

C Gt A P 2'0~ ·ar. 44~-'I 44~iI ..;..1" ' ' a pIOVlnCI3,. entre Ltd. <: Nor Ry l~?O ;2', 55"" 51', +', mrctlllg at 7:00 p.m. i Gull Ull lH.OO 4H-t. .;9JA ';9~-'I Till The g I ' Homslk 31M 53 521, J:.!:: ~ • enera assembly ill Hud IJ ~t 2011 52'" st', 52', -', which the visitors will b. Interlake '200 :!~l,J 2~1~ :2P" "'I we] lb' I. Int DUI ]nnoo H'j'l,l ~4:i Ujl;.1 l:! • come, y :Uayor ~rew~. lilt ll~rv ~211J 56', 55 5:.0. -', 1\'Il! be held in tl U-· lnt ;'Iilck uooo 6J!j ~u iiI,. 11" • • , • Ie IH-lnt Pap n:I~1I ~II', 29', 29,'. .': \ erslty s little theatre at 8;011 Int Tel 3·100 4~)~: 49' iI 4!j1., - I ~ p.nt.

The Booksellers PHONE 8-5001


90 CAi\fPBELL AVE. After hours 'Phone 9·6995

Johns ~f 2:'.Ou ~712 ~1l~:4. 47 1 .", -,' ~ Uenol.!! till:\ 7.11/, 7[,1" 7B ·-1 The rcntrc will :!et clown to Kenn!!cot 4~OO iJh! n 7"li-:::~ rcrtlliar d' Kres~(' l:!il:J 22;-'1 n::~ 2~;!I _; I" h' proece II1~S on "'cd-Kl'oehler JUf} 1t;I~I~~ 1Ijl4 Jfi1~ _ i-"2 nesdny, under djrecto' (' ,'I Lbi ~1cS L flM 1r'j, J4~ ~ H~'8 + I,~ Smith 1 .eu Litton 16600 73~, i2~1 72~8 "l" 1,-4 ••

~l"d S Gar 2100 2 2 2 Lleu.·Governor lib' :\iar:lth OH :JlIf}O ::iSS!'.!; 5j~~ 557?; _ ]~ 0'1) ," a Jan ,\, Mar FIe xc 30011 ""., 3J', 3a .,.', • ea 1\111 address the grouII ~liI'ttn 12311'] Jnl, 18', W, 1I edncsl/ay at 10 a McKee HHl If:H>l Lti~.'\ lri111 A .01.

erck 2POO lon", 99!, !".l!' - '. ,mong the topics to be heald ~lIl1n)B1 dOO ~J', 21 21'8' '.' lJj the Centre 11'1'11 I "p. l\1oha~co non 91" 9 91~ -l- 1" h )c hllo~, ~ll1sant ,xu 2~tiO(} 5P", 5(P~ 91 _ ~8 OF Y of Red Cross," Ulnt ' !\fQnt "nl 129f}f1 38:\'1 3S~" 3:;1:1 tlOnal Rea ero II lip ., Crnll Nat A\'int !l0{) :m.,. 27~~ 271'2 + IIJ SS, arhanH~n· Nat Ca,h 6600 6E';'. 6, 68', _ l tary Prncedure " and til' I Xnt Dist ~2(jO 25~)\ "5 "5 _ l; discli' .. " 0 I>an(~ ~a: G,VP' IlOO 46'. 46', i6" _ '; I' sSlons. \\ hat We want to ::\ Ct'nt 6F.OO 2t l 8 20~iI 2ll'~ -i- ~'2 earn here" and HHo J . !';or Pac :!jnn 4j~~ ~7~'.'I ~il.:l . ..;.I.~ R)d C W timOr Outb ~ritr 361]0 1I11~ 1l~8 1l:l~ _ ;.~ ~ ross works in

Hamilton Avenue Extension Parke weo 26R7011 34r, 32'" 3m '2',< schools" 0111' Fe n RR Jl100 Hll'1I In~s 19 .;.. J'", '

PepsI Cola' 4500 j,j:J H 55 55~',·..: ~,~ ------_ Piner 18200 49;~ H31~ 49 -":' 1IU).lCE I'hrlpf E 2000 61!\ nO', 61 _',',. j • Y, Ont. rCPI ~,

PHONE 9·5300


Beechmore leaving LII'erpool August 29, due SI. John's Sep· tember 5. Leaving for Halifax and Baston September 6, due Halifax September 8 and Bas· ton, September 11. Leaving Bos· ton September 13 for Saint John, N.B., Halifax and St. John's, Nfld. At Saint John, N.B. September 14. Leaving Halifax September 20 for SI. John's, Nfld. Due 51. John's September 23 and sailing, for Garston and Liverpool ,same day. Due Garston September 30 and Liverpool October 3.

tric power plant; he is truly the ----nIRTH 1'1 'I' , h(Jmc d . - >/"" IiIP ,tlor 1600 i53 i1 74?' 71';' +~~ ~ rna e boml I Pi Platt" 6800 5n~ 37 57~f:..;.:lit bv r lS, (CSCI'i:}I',: Pt Gllm 3500 i718 76;1 77~"iI + ·:li .. , ~ ~.o Ice as "AIoJoto\' co\_t

We've got tIle suites· Banquets, sates me::: dances, club monthli" weddinos, fashionshol; niversarv parties. Gili goodfo~d.good i, surroundinqs. Watch give you a good reservations and

I . \

'.~ i( , ': . :,.'

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: :1


I I I ,

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i) , " I . 1 ,., . !. , I ..

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i;~;'i'!~'J\'.1 . II '.If ~. ' 1: L l'"

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I,. I; ,~j, i .~~: DrugStores: . i I':::: 1:", r >HOTEL DRUGS ELIZABETH DRUGS


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,I :i i' I: , ' .Plan Now for Summer Pleasure Afloat


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Charles 'R. Bell Limited j ATER ST. WEST. PHONE 8·2131 "., '. ", .. " .. '

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\" "

"Most Dangerous Man Alive." ,----- Pullm:m nOr) 273 ', 2j~~ 2i~1 ... ~., taIl!;, wrecked the inside of 1;lc

Heering Rose leaving Liver· pool September, 12, due 51. ,Tohn's September 18. Leaving for Halifax and Boston Sep· tember 19, due Halifax Septem­ber 21 and Boston September 25. Leaving Boston September 27 for Saint John, N.B., Halifax and St. John's, Nfld. At Saint ,Tohn, N.B. Septemher 28. Leal" Ing Halifax October 4 for st. John's. Nfld. Due St. John's

, October 7. and sailing lor Liver· pool same day.


Southern Star sailing from Halifax for SI. John's, Nfld., August 13th •

Southern Star sailing from Halifax for St. John's, Nfld., August 20th.

Southern Star sailing from Halifax for St. John's, Nfld., August 27th,

At the same time, however, Randell's body is gradually crystallizing into the rigid metal itself.

Coupled with this chilling concept are both Randell's ruth· less fight for revenge and his continuing flight from the police. The police, in turn, are spurred on not only by the need to recapture the rampaging ex· racketeer but also by the scien· tists, who want to learn what happencd and what is happen­ing to their inadvertent "guinea pig."

Miss Paget, raven·haired and curvaccous, plays Randell's former girl friend, who walks out on him for featured player Anthony Caruso, the mobster responsible for the "frame." Lovely Elaine Stewart is seen as a girl Randell once had be· friended, with whom he· now seeks momentary comfort.

":\!ost Dangerous IIlan Alive" was directed by Allen DIVan from a screen play by James Leicester and Phillip Rock, bas­ed on a story by Rock and IIlic· hael Pate. Benedict Bogeaus produced the film.


Ladies' Summer Dre'sses (plain) * 1 00 Cl~aned, Refreshed and Pressed •

Hughes-Maynard ,Cle~nsers, Ltd. BLACKMARSH RD. PHONE 9-2186-7


BARRON-At St. Clare's Mercy Hospital on August 10th, to Petcr and Mary Barron (nee Mary Power, Bell Island), a son.

PITT:lIAN - Born to Mr. and II1rs. Harold Pittman, Tor­bay Road, at SI. Clare's }\Iercy Hospital on August 12, at 12.45 a.m., a baby boy. IIIother and baby doing fine. .



DIAL 8·5181 - 2 • 3

RCA 19800 7l~, 70~, 71~~ +'~ RC:\[p ft"-liaison /liOO 32~'" 32 32',\ +'" . (e achment headqu" Rcpub SlI 23200 33 n 38 ... I;; tel'S h. ere Sunday. There \\'as ')'."',,, Rey T xd u:!oo 38~~ 377,,, 38~~ +:'i:s, on tl R Mer xc 7,100 56'" 56:; l6!'.'" ( e III Ie building, 25 mIll" Royal IJut 14100 47h 461. me - 1,\ St.outheast o[ London, at ll'. ',.' Sears R 7400 901'i 89~~ 90 - Iii Shf'll 011 6000 -t51/~ 44:10; 431, +:.1, tme. Sinclair 5JOO 451'8 45% 4~~~~~ . South Pile 7800 J!;I'iI 3.11~ 36 + Ii Texarn Spf'rry R ~2400 1';% J.l;~' 1 P,21,~ , TI'X ag "til Sid nd xd 2100 72-'\8 7Hi. 72~'~ _ T~xtron Sid Cal 4000 6m 66;, 661. _ 1. Thokol Shl Ine 11300 6E~6 4 6~1,~ _ J~ Tddewt Un Fru 9iOO 2j~H 23 25~M ' Tmken Std:NJ '6100 70~" .. O~~ 701'4 _.~ we C StUll Pack 136{)O 6~'i 6;11 6~8 - 114 Un Cab Sun Ol HOO 51~J 50-',,:U _ 1~ Utd Arc

jijr.o 7~J~ 731 h i:1 _; 22400 161 1l. 15~~ 16 _ •

5700 :l'n~ 36~h :17 1 " .. :. 4200 20~~ 20::~ 20~;":i~ _.

12()() ~6:;~ 263i3 26'. 1400 66:1.iI 6j~'1 f.63A • ! !iOOO :JlH1: ::lOl,~ :10'" _ . :t:lOO 108 107 107 -1 I .i21)O ~.p~ 4P iI 41~~ - 1 ~

Swit lOt) 40 j99\~ 39:3 -f-!. it Utd Corp 60no 8.'1~~~ 8t,:' s.~~.;. 1~ I

in planning your phone Albert,

N e wfo u ndlal O\J HOi

Furness, Withy & Company, Llrerpool

Tn st. .Tnhn', Boston To at Ualil:t, ,.. To Ualltu l'41lnt John, N.B Saint John.

st, John', and Doliton lfa1lfax and X .B. $'- J.:III'·' st. Jo:m'l

"Sycamore" Aug. 15 Au!!. 23 Aug. 30 "Beechmore" Aug. 29 Sept. 6 Sept. 1:l

(1') "Heering Rose" Sept. 12 S~pt. 19 Sept 27 "Sycamore" Sept. 26 Oct. 4 Oct. 11

(1') Refrigerated Space.

Sept. fi Sept 14 Sept. 20 Sept.:m Oct. 4

Oct. 18

Persons contemplating passage to Europe should make bookings ,1<'lI iii J!llanc1.







(Not lnser!ed by Board of Liquor Contrilil

I ,'.


Ask about the ~ On Used Car~ Gh'e You SatIs

terra Nova USED C

;';0. 18:

ash At lin 1/

f ,\1"- II'est III their pent .

thr Berlin wa II 1 and clashed with

a demonstratiun IT

second annil'ersar:

"thc 11·<tIl mus wall must go."

of 500 youths surge the communists' \V"

phalanx of police Charlie. the (

[or foreigners bel West Herlin. dh'erted the dl

but regrouped im and marched police barriers. oolicemen finnlly and stopoed the I li() I'aros [1'0111 r Charlie. Sel'eral ~ used clubs to prod

hOI stead~- I

other Bcrlinpr~ ranks to

built cn,' lI'ith a n diplomatic I dro\'~ 110 to the I

from west Berlin. several from tbe

the car. :\ . the reat

,h.llnrh'd it. cal'. its tll'O did not stop ani through the chec military police.

were placed b, city officials :It th~ memorials alond thl wall. marking" the

refugees died trv from the Eas!. -

of persons CI the flower.bedeckl to Pcter FechtI' East Berlin yout

Checkpoint C h a r I 17 last year ..

was left moan for nearly an h'

bled to death II during wh{ch

Berli~ers attacked COmlDg to West

and stones.

Temneratures Night


4·; 57

. 51 ' 52 57 54 ~

..... 5:~
