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(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, … · So, let’s jump into the main part of this report, the 5...

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(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 1

Hi! Great!

I’m glad you’ve downloaded this report and got on my email list for help in growing your

business using the Web. (If not, just go here: http://www.CoachingSitesThatWork.com). I

hope to be of great help to you as you adventure forward in biz.

I’m ultra excited for you!

I remember back in 2000, when I first took the leap to be in business for myself. It was

both scary and exciting at the same time. But best of all, I was alive with excitement. So,

thanks for sharing your journey with me. I hope to hear more about when the time is right.

In this report you will find four sections:

Section 1 ­ A Little Chat About Getting Clients

Section 2 ­ 5 Website Strategies for Attracting Coaching Clients

Section 3 ­ 2 Things You Need Before You Start Building

Section 4 ­ The Top 10 Common Website Goof­ups I See on New Coaching Sites

Know what a “game secret” is?

If you’re a video game junkie you’ll know that a “game secret” is a hidden gem, treasure

or super power that you find during a game. When you find them, you win the game

faster with more fun! Well, in this report, I will reveal a few powerful “marketing” game

secrets as we go.

To the journey!


(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 2

Section 1: A Little ChatAbout Getting Clients

Have you been struggling to get clients?

If not, then great ­ you’ve got a method that works. But if you aren’t getting enough

clients, or finding that many don’t stick around long, or that you’re not getting the fees

you want, or it’s taking a lot of time to “convince” them to hire you, then good ­ there’s an

opportunity to learn.

Most new coaches who get clients (and many don’t) have similar challenges. They are

on the constant hunt to find new clients, replace existing clients, and earn sufficient fees.

It’s a time­consuming struggle and not much fun.

So, how does one get lots of clients fast and easily?

How do you get clients to stick around a long while? How do you get them to pay fees

you’d like to earn (happily!)? How do you keep more coming without spending a lot of


While a tremendous subject, let me give you a simplified answer. In order for people to

hand over money to enlist you as their coach, a number of things need to happen:

People need to know you exist

People need to be familiar with you

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 3

People need to trust you

People need to like you

People need to believe you can really help them

People need to see lots of value for their investment

And this stuff takes time. It takes time to meet new people. Time to talk to them. Time to

gain trust. Time to follow up. Time to get past those who aren’t going to become clients

and on to those who will.

In order to do this fast, you’ll need to:

Set up systems to help you market without working hard

Build your credibility high so people will be dying to hire you

Reach out to lots of people so you can keep your pipeline full

Grow relationships automatically using web technologies

Use time­saving tools to do marketing faster

Find the more ideal, faster­to­buy kinds of clients

Putting these things in place will help you get lots of clients, faster, easier and they will

be more apt to pay higher fees and stick around longer. Simply because they trust, like

and believe you can help them.

And websites and email are fantastic tools for getting in front of people and

winning their trust. They are tools for attracting clients when done right.

So, let’s jump into the main part of this report, the 5 Website Strategies for Attracting

Clients, and I’ll show you how these strategies can help you do many of the things

above to help you keep full of high paying clients ­ and get them faster and easier.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 4

But first ... a game secret ...

Game Secret #1:Serve with Info

Do you see how this whole informationmarketing things is working?

Do you see how I’m simply deliveringsome educational material, with a fewjokes, and you are trusting me more?

The secret is to serve you, and use thedigital medium to do that. You’ll likeand know me better and you will wantmy help.

Sooo, the game secret is toserve your prospects using informationand as a result, they will be drawn toyou.

Use this marketing superpower to yourbest ability and grow your coachingbusiness.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 5

Section 2:5 Website Strategies forAttracting Clients

Strategy #1 - Create an irresistible reason tovisit your website.

So, as mentioned previously, one vital element to getting clients is to make sure clients

know you exist. If they don’t, well then obviously there’s no chance they’ll become a

client of yours.

And for them to know you exist, you need to get in front of them. You need some initial

point of contact to occur. This can be done in many ways such as going door to door

(yes, a joke), cold calling (some can do it), offering a talk at a business meeting (solid

move), writing articles online, going to networking events ... etc.

Once you get in front of them, you need to drive them to your website. It’s your website

that will do boatloads of marketing for you.

But you can’t just say, “Check out my site,” because people won’t do that unless they are

a close friend.

You must realize that your website isn’t just a brochure that MAYBE someone will visit.

Instead, think of it as a key tool in your sales process. It’s a tool to help your visitors get

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 6

excited about your coaching.

So we need to do more with out site that to just have it and tell people to check it out.

We need a very compelling reason and you can do that with a freebie ­ a giveaway ­

highly valuable resource they’ve just gotta have!

And I recommend a simple report, guide, tip sheet or similar ­ a simple, printable,

valuable document.

This woman went right to your site to get your highly valuable freebie. She is now getting helpful

info from it and starting to see you as an expert. Also, as you can see, she likes white decor. ;)

A very simple and powerful example is to write an article that tells prospects how to

solve one of their deepest challenges. For example, “7 Steps to Creating Financial

Stability” if you coach around money issues.

Two real life examples:

You meet a possible client while networking and tell them about your free article

on your website. After meeting you, they go home and visit your website to get it.

You post to an online discussion group and in your signature line you put a link to

a free audio recording. Members see your link and click to your website.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 7

The strategy for success is this: Create an irresistible reason for people to visit your

website. A freebie. This will draw possible clients to your site, where you can engage

them further and market to them.

>> Once you’ve successfully implemented strategy #1, your next job is to apply strategy

#2 and prove that you can solve your clients’ challenges.

Strategy #2: At your site, prove that you canhelp clients overcome challenges.

How do you prove that you can solve challenges?

There are many things that can help and they all center on building trust and showing

the value you bring. Here are three techniques that are great for websites.

These two need a coach bad (their pristine home and happy smiles are just a cover up). They got your

freebie and now are at your site looking to over. If your content is convincing, maybe they’ll call you!

1 ­ Use case studies, testimonials or success stories.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 8

When prospects read the success stories of others, they will begin to envision you

helping them in similar ways. This will increase a prospect’s trust and belief that you can

help them.

2 ­ Help your prospects saturate their veins with the greatness that could be.

If you help your potential clients paint a bright, clear, vivid picture of their future, they will

feel the AWESOMENESS of what can be. They will get very excited and energized, and

see you as the key to making it happen – and your coaching is the key.

On your site, ask them questions about what they want. Help them clarify their goals with

good articles on goal setting. A free article on how to set motivating goals could help. A

video on the same would be great as well. Invite them to share their vision with you. The

more they consider possibilities, the more they’ll see you as the catalyst for this.

3 ­ Tie everything into valuable results for your clients.

Your coaching services, your experience, your education, your beliefs ­ all the various

tools, features and resources you use in your coaching NEED to be tied to specific,

valuable, tangible, end­results you help clients attain.

Thus, whenever you discuss your coaching, aspects, features, techniques, programs ...

be sure to ask, “What’s in it for them?”, “What will they get in the end?”, “Why is this so

great for my clients?” And then spell that out in words! Don’t leave it up to them to guess

as to why your services, features, tools are so great.

For example, on your website, don’t just say, “I graduated from a top­notch

coach­training institution.” Instead try this, “I graduated from a top­notch coach­training

institution and because of this, you get proven coaching techniques that have helped

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 9

thousands of people overcome their struggles and achieve success.” The second

statement is better because it points out specific value.

Also, as another example, if you’ve outlined a 1on1 coaching package, be sure to tell

them why 45 minutes is perfect for a call, or your quarterly 2­hour pow­wow is just what

they need. Tell them why it’s good for them ­ what it will do.

To make this Strategy #2 work for you, use success stories to share success, get

clients to start thinking about their desires to motivate them, get clients to see their

goals vividly, and be sure to highlight the value you bring by asking “why is this

great for the client?

>> But to create high demand and keep your practice full, you will need to prove yourself

to a lot of people. Use this next strategy to grow multiple relationships over time.

Strategy #3: Grow relationships with lots ofprospects over time.

Building relationships, one by one, is wayyy too slow!

When talking to potential clients, it takes a lot of time to explain what you do, answer

their questions, build trust and familiarity, and evaluate if they are good clients for you.

It’s faster to set up web systems to do many of these things for you automatically.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 10

Yep! We are connected electronically. Think Matrix. And you should use the Web and all its

glory to reach out to and stay in touch with lots of people who can be helped by you.

Here’s an example of how to make seven positive touches with people, using the

Web, and spending zero time:

1. A prospect visits your impressive website for a helpful article.

2. The article is delivered in a friendly, personalized email.

3. They read the inspiring article.

4. The article invites them to sign up for your info­rich email list.

5. When they sign up for the list, they get a warm, friendly welcome letter.

6. A few days later, they get an info­rich issue of your newsletter.

7. A week later, you send an automated email invitation to explore working together.

Besides the setup time, this took no additional time and can be automated to touch an

unlimited number of people an unlimited number of times. That’s VERY POWERFUL!

And over weeks, months and years, you continue to nurture the relationship with helpful

emails (call it an ezine, a newsletter ... it’s your keep in touch strategy). It just requires

you to reach out to them regularly ­ which can and should be done with minimal time


Here’s another example of leveraging your website to reach thousands.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 11

If you coach dentists on marketing their business, then write an article and put it in a

dentist publication. That publication gets sent to thousands of dentists. When those

dentists read your article, they go to your website for more help.

Do you see how your site facilitates handling the masses? Use it to both get out there in

a big way and stay in touch with people for continued positive interactions ­ helping

them, marketing to them, growing your business.

The key to this strategy is to use your website and email to reach and interact with lots of

prospects at a time. This helps you efficiently build strong ties with thousands of people

– of which many will seek you out as their coach.

>> And with thousands of people knowing what you do, if you apply the next strategy,

you will reach even more people...

Strategy #4: Make it easy for people to spreadthe word about your services.

Word of mouth is one of the best ways to get clients.

Potential clients that come to you by referral come with a high degree of trust. Of all the

potential clients that come your way, word­of­mouth referrals are the most likely to hire


(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 12

Weddings, dinner parties, barbecues and other social gatherings are where people love to rattle

off website they’ve found helpful. Is it easy for someone to recall your website address? Did

your site communicate your message clearly? Do you have an irresistible freebie people can’t

forget? These things contribute to how much your website gets out to people.

The catch is you can’t actually “do” word of mouth. Word of mouth is something that


BUT, you can facilitate it with your website. You can help make it easier for people to

spread your name on to others. Here are four ways to do it:

1 – Be crystal clear about the type of people you are looking to take on as clients.

On your website and in your emails, clearly state who you help and what you help them

with. Go into great detail about your client’s situations, challenges, demographics, and

desires. With a clear picture of who you help, your clients and colleagues will be able to

recognize good candidates to refer to you.

2 – Provide valuable resources and give them to people.

People LOVE to pass on valuable resources like articles, assessments and audio

recordings. Has a friend ever forwarded you a link to something good?

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 13

3 ­ Have an easy to remember, spell, say domain name.

When deciding on your domain name, aim for one that’s simple, easy to spell, and easy

to say like SucceedWithEase.com, CoachJane.com, or HappyHealthyKids.com

(parenting coaching).

Avoid using words and phrases that are long, hard to spell, aren’t easy to grasp, and

difficult to recall, like SpiritualEnlightenmentCoaching.com.

4 ­ Have valuable articles at your site (your freebie is one such asset!)

A blog loaded with articles is a great way to show expertise. People love hiring experts.

Just think about the last time you sought or took advice. Wasn’t it from a source you felt

was from an expert you trusted?

Let people like, share, and forward our articles on to others. With sharing buttons and

social networks, this kind of stuff is very easy to get going.

Thus far, we have discussed four of the five strategies.

1. Getting people to your site

2. Proving you can solve challenges

3. Building relationships with many

4. Passing on your name

>> Now the final strategy: To get a prospective client to contact you for coaching (buy a

product or sign up for something) your website must lead the prospect to take clear,

specific, immediate action. Let’s talk about this ...

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 14

Strategy #5: Lead hot prospects with actionsteps towards signing up.

Don’t leave people wondering what to do next.

While surfing the Net your visitor’s attention can easily be whisked away by the ding of

an email or the chime of an instant message. Therefore, your website needs to keep

visitors busy moving along with clear, specific action steps.

This guy was hoping to take a nap on the grass this morning, but after some time at your site,

he’s convinced you can help him! So he calls. Nice.

You are not their coach until they sign up. For now, you’re the leader ­ the person

with the solution and you need to lead them with action steps.

From the prospect’s point of view, you are the person who is going to lead them on to

great things. They see you as a solution and they are looking to be lead. Once they’ve

signed on as a client, you can be more of coach to help them be resourceful and

discover solutions of their own. So, for now, lead them with clear action steps.

Some tips ...

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 15

Make sure your website is logically organized.

Ensure the links are clearly labeled and located where prospects expect them to be. Do

not overwhelm prospects with too much stuff on one page. This lets them get around

your site to get info.

Invite them to get on the phone with you to discuss coaching.

Free sessions are a great way to help prospects see if what you do is right for them. Tell

prospects what to expect in the session, the purpose of the session, and what they have

to do to schedule one.

Other actions

Other things you can do include inviting visitors to take a paid assessment, offering

prospects a free teleclass, and offering prospects a low­fee group coaching session. But

whatever you do, make sure the action steps are clear.

To succeed with strategy #5, make sure you take the lead and give prospects specific

action steps to take on your website. Be clear about the step and tell them what to

expect. They want to be lead and you are the leader.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 16

Game Secret #2:

Be an Expert

You already are an expert.

An “expert” is just someone who

knows more than someone else.

You can pick up the top few books in a

field, read them, and instantly know

more than most.

But when someone learns something

new from you, you gain this status ­

“the expert”.

So, the game secret is to

build your expert image (whether you

feel like an expert or not, doesn’t

matter), and they will be drawn to you.

People love work with experts.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 17

In conclusion to section 2 ...

So, there you have the five strategies:

Strategy #1: Create an irresistible reason to visit your website.

Strategy #2: At your site, prove that you can help clients overcome challenges.

Strategy #3: Grow relationships with lots of prospects over time.

Strategy #4: Make it easy for people to spread the word about your services.

Strategy #5: Lead hot prospects with action steps towards signing up.

Can you see how these things help you get clients? Can you see the steps people will

take to get to the point where they want to discuss working with you as their coach?

>> Next, on to the two things you need before building a website ...

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 18

Section 3:2 Things You NeedBEFORE You Start BuildingYour Website

Very similar to running a coaching business is running a web design business. Both

web designers and coaches offer a “professional service” where they primarily “work

one­on­one” with clients.

They both also need to attract clients and in trying to get clients, they both need to get in

front of prospects, gain the trust of the buyer, and show potential clients how our help is

worth the investment.

When I first started web designing, getting clients was a slow going process. I had no

idea of WHO my ideal client was ­ I just wanted to build websites. I’d be happy to do

them for anyone willing to hire me.

But since I didn’t have any idea of WHO I’d work for, I had no idea what kind of content to

put on my website.

I didn’t know

What technologies I should put as my skill set. What if a visitor wanted

ecommerce? What if a visitor wanted a basic site? What if a visitor was interested

in SEO? All I could do was make a laundry list of stuff on my site. I looked like a

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 19

jack of all trades and, well, master of none was probably implied.

I didn’t know what kinds of articles to write about. Was I going to talk about SEO

or Graphics? Was I talking to a large corporation or a mom and pop? I struggled to

write anything meaningful that wasn’t already out there.

I didn’t know how to show people I was good at what I they wanted. Because my

projects were so varied, I didn’t show a strength in any area. And I was hit or miss

with the random visitors who came to my site. (I had no idea how they got there


So, without some sense of WHO you want to work with as clients in your coaching

business, you’ll be struggling to talk about what you. It will sound too general,

hoo­haa­ish or weak.

So, the first thing you need to know is WHO you want to work

with. You need to know WHO you are speaking to so you can ...

well ... speak to them!

The second thing you need BEFORE you build your site is a sense of WHERE

you’ll go to seek clients.

I also had no idea WHERE my clients were because everyone could be my client ­

everyone with a business that is.. Technically that meant my clients are everywhere. But

where is everywhere? Walking down the street? On the Web? In some random

networking event?

And yes, that’s where I got clients. Walking down the street, on the Web and at random

networking events. I got clients from all over the place but it took me a lot of time to go

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 20

through so many dead leads to find just a small few.

I often didn’t go anywhere, and in some crazy way was hoping people would just find

me. I did have a website and attempted to position myself with keywords, but even

though I was SEO wise, I still didn’t get much action.

Finding clients was tough!

So, you’ll need to have an idea of WHERE you’re gonna go to

find clients. You need to know where to go to get in front of

them so they know you exist!

For example, if you’re giving nutrition talks at a local, new age, health food cafe, then

your website will need to have your classes on it and your flyer will need your web

address on it.

But, let me tell you more that I’ve learned after 10 years of floundering around.

Having “everyone” as my client wasn’t exactly the problem. The problem was I didn’t

accept this reality of being a general web designer and didn’t plan my marketing


Upon reflecting, if I were to do it again and if I let my WHO be any kind of client, I’d setup

my client­finding plans and processes to accommodate.

Specifically, I would:

1. Keep my message around the basic business challenges that are solved by a good

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 21

website such as building trust with customers, being very easy to use, getting traffic from

search engines, increasing brand awareness, etc.

2. Spend more time with prospects during initial discussions and make stricter

qualifications before giving them my time.

3. Focus on marketing strategies that I enjoyed more instead of trying to do everything

possible. Instead of doing SEO, ads, networking, discussion groups, cold calling and

asking friends for referrals, I’d hone in on a few methods that were appealing and easy to

get started doing.

4. Keep my website content (articles) general in nature, with my own fun twist on web

marketing. I’d let my fun personality come through.

5. Give spend ample time with new prospects to learn about their situation deeply as

well as their most desired goals.

In short, I’d plan my find­client strategies around the fact that my prospects could be any

kind of business or organization.

So, my point is that you should know WHO and WHERE your

market is, whether that be finely niched like social technology

executives, moderately niched like single men in New York, or

very general like overweight people. Know it and plan for it.

I can tell you right now, that if you have no idea WHO or WHERE your market is, then

your market is most likely everyone and they can be found anywhere, and that you have

no idea about what you’re gonna do to get them as clients.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 22

No sweat. Good to know.

Given such, you’ll need to talk to quite a few people to get clients, you’ll need to be good

at weeding out the subideal clients, and you’ll need to try out a few marketing plans to

find what works for you..

My two biggest suggestions:

1. Consider learning about niche marketing and/or accept the notion that you’ll be

prospecting just about anyone, anywhere. Strategize accordingly.

2. Learn about how to sell a service. That’s what you’re doing and there are ideal

strategies for doing that.

To sum it up, the two things again: (1) WHO and (2) WHERE.

If you can hone in on WHO or plan for being more general, and if you can plan for ways

to meet new clients (WHERE), then your website will be able to have content to both

build you up and be a place to invite prospects to be impressed.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 23

Section 4:The Top 10 CommonWebsite Goof-ups I see onNew Coaching Sites

I’ve personally written reviews for over 100 coaching websites around the globe in the

areas of relationships, careers, life, health, executive, etc. Here are the top 10 things I’ve

found they are doing that isn’t working.

1. No big benefit.

It’s a big stretch for people to figure out for themselves how “coaching” is going to

help their lives, health, or careers.

Coaching is something that people just don’t get until they’ve experienced it first hand.

Which is a catch 22. They need to feel the value before they will buy it ­> BUT you need

them to buy it in order to coach them to feel it!

So how do you do that? You show them some of the big benefits to be gained!

On your website, you need to show some big benefits of coaching. You need to get them

to see lots of value to be gained from coaching. You need big benefits.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 24

BUT, most coaches are guilty of “hiding the bennies”. They hide the big promise that

clients want somewhere down at the bottom of the about page. But it should be loud and

proud at the top of the home page!

Tip ­> If you can’t think of just one big benefit, try a combination of three benefits.

Here are two examples:

1. For a health coach, this could work, “Overcome chronic pain, shed unwanted

pounds, and feel amazing!”

2. For an executive coach, this is pretty good, “Overcome inner blocks, build your

leadership confidence, and get others to follow your vision.”

If you want your site to be magnetic, you’ll need to bring out the bennies ­ front and


2. No keep in touch.

Not everyone who comes to your site is ready to hire you today.

They may not know you enough to contact you. They may not trust you enough. They

simply may not have a burning need at the time.

Given such, you should usher visitors into a way to stay in touch over time where you

can build trust and help them get to know you. In the future they can become a client,

maybe buy a product you create, or even refer someone else to you who could become

a client.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 25

I suggest ­> Quickly implement a keep­in­touch strategy. I suggest getting an email list

up and running and invite people to get on it for continued tips, advice, and other helpful


Tip ­> There are a lot of newsletters out there. So, make yours unique. If you’re a

weight­loss coach, try focusing on weight­loss for kids, or weight­loss for vegans if you

are vegan, or weight­loss tips you can do in under 10 minutes a day.

3. A weak invitation (or missing) to talk to thecoach.You absolutely MUST make it clear that you are seeking clients.

Don’t let people wonder or guess.

If you’ve got a blog with lots of great content, your visitors might not know you’re actively

seeking to work with clients one on one. They might assume you’re just a blogger trying

to make money from ads or maybe just blogging for fun.

Also, people who can refer clients to you may not realize you want clients because it’s

not clear on your site. And thus you miss out on referrals.

Suggest ­> Make a big prominent invitation to contact you for coaching. Offer a strategy

session. Make a whole page especially for this invitation with a form and details on what

you will do with people when they contact you.

4. No testimonials or weakly written ones.If you’ve never had a client ever, then OK, you’ll have no testimonials.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 26

BUT, if you’ve worked in a similar capacity (say you’re a biz coach and you used to

coach people in your past job but are now on your own) then get testimonials from those

past relationships. Positive words about you from other people are AWESOME!!!

If you have had past clients, then definitely get testimonials, even if they are on the

weaker side. Try to highlight the best value you’ve brought to those clients. Weak ones

are better than none and they will get stronger over time.

Tip ­> To give your testimonials some real power, be sure to highlight (1) tangible,

specific pains your clients have had and (2) tangible, specific results you’ve attained.

Tip ­> Call clients by phone to get testimonials and pry them for specifics. Do not just

send an email and say, “Can you write me a testimonial?” Get specifics. Specifics sell.

A quick example of an OK vs. GREAT testimonial:

OK Testimonial:

“Shelly is a great coach who cares about her clients health. I highly recommend


GREAT Testimonial:

“Shelly helped me kick sugar addiction and lose 15 pounds without exercise. My

ankle pain surprisingly disappeared”.

Notice the specificity!

5. Using amorphous words in menu.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 27

The menu (also called “navigation” or loosely, “links”) is the the primary set of

links for navigating around a website. It’s usually across the top or just below the

header. Sometimes it’s on the left as a column.

The labels you use for your links in the menu are vital. They should tell people what to

expect when they click them.

If the labels are confusing, then people get confused. When people get confused they


Bad words for menu items would include mostly amorphous stuff like “success”,

“radiance”, or “make a change” which could mean anything. Also, made up words tend to

be bad like “HEALthy Self” or “NRG” (energy). They just confuse people.

Be clear with your menu labels. Here are some good ones to use.

Home (always have one of of these and make it first)

Services (or Coaching)





Free Stuff

Is this you?

How We Work




(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 28



6. Too many items in the menu.When there are too many items in the menu, the menu loses it’s use.

It becomes a distraction or stress instead of a tool for navigating. Five to seven items in

the menu is about all you need. The fewer the better.

Put the most important things there and let the rest be sub­content.

If you’ve got a busy site, determine what’s most important and bring that content out first.

Often, this means getting some freebie, getting on an email list, connecting to a network,

reading an article, or downloading something.

Simplify your menu.

7. Nice images.

Nice images are nice. But, do they lead the visitor on to steps to take that help

them? Do they engage readers’ minds? Do they communicate a big benefit?

Don’t put too many “nice images” on your site and sacrifice the written word, video or

other means of educating, connecting, teaching your visitor.

Don’t put too many big images that hog up space on the home page. They force your

written word and other calls to action down the page needlessly.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 29

Stuff (anything on your site) should support helping clients move to their goals whether

that means learning something, reading something, filling out a form or calling you.

Tip ­> Usually one focal point of an image (a smile on a face, feet atop a mountain,

ripped abs) captures the message in an image. Simply crop the image to get the same

effect but with less space. Use the rest of the space to engage readers with content they

want ­ content that helps them overcome challenges and realize big things.

8. Floating around quotations or “fun” phrases.

Quotations can be good. They teach. They inspire. Nice.

But, if you’ve got quotations littered on your site that bear no immediate relevance to the

content on the page at hand, then you’re not leading visitors along, and are instead

contributing to Internet ADD.

Similarly, sprinkling words like “dreams”, “lifestyle”, “freedom” are nice, but often just

contribute to random distractions that lead the visitor nowhere. They don’t serve a useful


Your website should be leading people to improving their situation and closer to

becoming your client (or product sale, program enrollment, etc). That could be reading

about your services and then inviting them to call you, or reading a helpful blog article

and inviting the to buy your ebook, or watch a video and then invite them into your group


Suggest ­> For most, I recommend getting rid of quotations and “floating around” fun

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 30

words. Instead, keep in mind what you want people to do and serve up content that

educates, enlightens, challenges people.

9. HidingYes being new in business, putting yourself out there on the Web, and making

bold statements can be scary. You could look sill. You could annoy someone. You

can make a mistake. You can say something wrong. You can be judged poorly by


But guess what? If you’re not out there, you don’t get found. If you don’t stand for

something, people won’t be attracted to you. If you don’t wave your hand out there on the

internet, you’ll struggle to grow your business.

Many coaches hide on their site. Some don’t have photos of the coach. Some don’t have

their business location listed. Some don’t have phone numbers. Some don’t even have

the coach’s name! Eegads!

Insight ­> Think about your client. What do they want to see on your site? (Take a

second to think) Yes, you got it! Your face. Your name. Your profile. Where you’re from.

What makes you tick.

In fact, the About page is one of the top pages people check out when at a coach’s site.

People want to connect with you, trust you, and see if you’re the coach for them. Don’t


Tip ­> Put your name clearly under your photo. Get a good photo as well. I highly

recommend your face prominent on the homepage with a nice smile and eye contact.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 31

10. Links, Resources, Books, etc - irrelevant stuff

I’ll probably get a lot of resistance for this, but I DO NOT recommend loading your

site up with amazon affiliate book recommendations, links to your favorite

websites, or having a resources page that sends people to other sites.

It’s like this ...

There are boatloads of people who are struggling with something, who have no one to

support them, who want change badly, who need accountability, who need goal

clarifying, and who need awareness building ­ people need your help.

They need YOU!

On your site and all your marketing materials, lead them to YOU and YOU help them

with coaching, products, programs, articles etc.

They don’t need more aimless wandering or information gathering. They need you.

Suggest ­> For the most part, don’t send them off somewhere else. Unless you’ve got

an affiliate or ad­based biz model OR some other more advanced strategy, keep the

links to other sites minimal.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 32

Game Secret #3:

Make Suggestions

In the last section of this report, you’ll

see that I made many actionable

suggestions for improvement.

That’s what experts do.

Recommendations help people get

unstuck and lead to action and that

creates momentum.

And people like to hire experts.

Yes, yes, yes, I know. You’re a coach

and, intrinsically, your job is to help

them discover their own answers.

That’s all good ­ ONCE they are

paying clients.

But until then, give people suggested

courses of action as an expert would.

The game secret is to

suggest solutions as experts do.

(C) Copyright 2014, Kenn Schroder, CoachingSitesThatWork.com page 33

Your next action!From the main part of this book, here the five strategies again:

1. Create an irresistible reason to visit your website.

2. Prove that you can solve prospects’ challenges.

3. Grow multiple relationships over time.

4. Make it easy for people to spread the word.

5. Lead hot prospects with clear, specific action steps

Now, I’m going to use the above strategies on you!

Do you mind? I don’t think so, because these strategies help you learn about me, what I

do, and how I work in a very natural and welcoming way.

If you’d like to create a compelling website and apply the strategies illustrated in this

report, begin by learning more about what I do at: http://www.coachingsitesthatwork.com/

If you’re not quite ready to take action? No sweat. Stick around.

If you are not on my email list, then I suggest you sign up for helpful website marketing

articles especially for professional coaches. It’s here:


To the journey!

Kenn Schroder

Coaching Website Specialist



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