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C. L. MOZIER, :The Vidette-Reporter.dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu › DI › 1885 ›...

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C. L. MOZIER, I- No. 126 Washington Street, Iowa OitJ. DRY GOODS AN D NOTIONS, No. 117 Clinton treet. PRATT & STRUB. WMn in want of an UMBRELLA or /.lAIN OIROULAR, call in. SAWYER, THE CLOTHIER, Juat &v1h of lhe P08t 0jJice. GOOD GOODS AND Low PRICES. Militarr Suite a SpeoialtJ. GiYe him a oa1l. ::E='. G EEE:e. Merohant Tailor Clothier ADd GenII' l'1IrDlIhIDa GoOdI. Studeall' UDIformr. 128 Ollnton St. o A. DRAESSEL, Merchant Tailor, Bllpllt Clotiling made to order. A full .toGk of foreign good. alway. on hand. Mill tary Su1te A SPECIALTY. BOOTS AND We haYe a Fine Allortment of Booll IIIIl Bh08l, aU Fresb and of R Good QnaJitJ, for H .. Women, 111.1_ and Ohildren. Pleue ,iYe DI a 0811 and get Barpiu. OIl,t'III Work l1li11 R.pa/rl", Prolllptl, Aft",;" II. J. S. FLANNAGAN, No. 114 Clinton Street. Sueppel's Grocery 1'0. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERla BtudentB' olube will find freeh Butler. r-. u4 Uountrr Produoe ahrap on hanet . Thia i. the 'plaoe to bUJ oheap, fer we do au own work, and 8eU for oaeh. A SPEOIALTY. /7 r 3 : The Vidette-Reporter. VOL. XVIII. The Vidette - Reporter, I88UID Zl'BRY SATURDAY AFTERNOON, hrlllc CoUerla\e Tear B. 17. I. Publiahed at ReplAbllcan Office, Waehinllton St. J. H. L!OGITT, N. C. YOUNG, W. F. MOZIER, Managing Editor,. A. B. NOBL., E. R. NICHOLS, W. H. A8Iociate Editor •• E. R. NIOHOLS, Buaine .. Malltlller. TJ!l;R:M:8, ODe COPF, ODe year, in advance, - t1 00 OIIeCOPF,oD81ear, it not paid in advan ce, 125 BIn,le cop" 05 The paper will be Bont to old subscribors until orderEd stopped and arrearagee paid. ror Bale at the Bookstores and Fink's. ThOle not rsoeiving their papers regularb will pu inform DB, and they will be forward ed. AU communicatioDs should be addreseed, THE .VIDI!JTTE-R EPOR TER. Iowa City, Iowa. TUB first college paper published ap- peared in I 20, called th e Dartmouth 011- fe/It. CUAPEL attendan ce is oplio nal nt '01'- nell, Michigan, Harvanl and Yirf:inia Unil'ersities. De Pauw Monthly. Y C8, also includcs th e Jowa, tate Unin'l'sity in that list. ----- Tu! Student of DePauw U ni vcr ity have organized a l ectu re cotll'8e consi t- ing of e ight entertainments, represent- ing some of th e hest oratorical, elocution- ary, Rnd mu ical tal ent in the cou ntry. We hope they lDay hav e better than have attempts in that Iinl' in thi city. TilE Univcrsity of Cinciunnti suUl, lrcd a heavy 108S by fire Novembcr 7. 'l'h building whi ch was complctp(\ in 1 874, at a cost of $75,000. be ides this th e in the laboratory amounts to 3,000. 'rhe Hebrew Union College building will be uscd until new buildin gs ean b erected. MISS MILA l !'. Tl1l'l'F.R, tor of Mrs. , W . A. Wilk s, 11'110 tnu ght hore la twin- ter in the north 8chool, hll just won nil 8800 schola rsh ip in IlIl1thel Pnti cs at 'or- nell University. Hcr weI' sixty men aod ten girl. This speaks well for a Sioux Falls girl whom many will remember herewith much pl ensl1Te.-Ex. TillS has been Commencement week the Iowa Agricultural College. The ox- ercises beaan with tho ocioty Gradua- tion on Saturday evening lind nd ed with the Rnal exerci sE'S of Commence- ment day on Wedoesday. 'rho grnuuat- ing clll88 J111In bered thirty-II vo, tho llug- est c11188 ever sent forth from tlnit in st!- tion. "FORTUNATELY the editors of tho VI- DE'I'J'E are not proprietors of Iowa 'ity." -Prtu. Howover mucll we may onvy.the IOWA CITY, IO'YA, ATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1885. NO.9 editor of the Pres! his fair candor compells liS to agree with him and to admit that a change in proprietor- ship would ind eed be frought with dire calamities. Under a new administration dru"kenne s might be made suffic ient ground for an occasioned arre t and pos- sibly an effort would be made toward protecting the ears of th e respectable f!'Om tbe obscenity of street vermin . It might eve n look with light lenity on the inn oce nt pranks of student and as a climalC of its l'evoilitionl\ry policy might advocate a commu nity of interests bot ween the U ni versity and Iowa City. Don't be alarmed, e. Coo we nre not di '- po. ed to dispu te YOllr title. MARRIED. -Thllr8day, 12th, 1885, at IIumlJoldt, Iowa, George H. hellenberg I' nou E01111n F. White. MI'. 'hellenbel' ger, a grauuute of the Law Department,' 1, is n thriving you ng law- yer in Humboldt. Mi White i favor- ably known anu kindly remembered in Iowa City circles in which sho wa a leading spirit dllring her uttenllance at the University. The I'eadors of the \'JJ)£T'rE Ill! rememb r hl'l' u!:! 0 111' efficient ru ociate editor for '84 and 'S.i. While we regret thnt upiu' durts IHel'enteu h I' gmdua ti on, Lhe \ r[l)I·;,.n; eX lends its hea rtiest congratulations to the newly wedded couplc nnd hopes the fJture nmy have in stO Ie for them a CllP 01' rnowing wilh uniteu . ()ollege 7i'anscripl of lho Ohio Wesleyan niv ers ity in ils la t i 110 re- ports the gr ievan ces of the stlldent ot tbat school at onsiderable I l' ngt h. Ono of the rules of the co ll ege b that "no tuuont shnll attond any theatl'icnl , ope- ratic or min strel pillY of any kind. Frcd- erick Warde I' centiy rendered Richard In at tb city peril Housc. 'rhe Fac- ulty began an investigation, and at last report sixty-thrco tudents had admitted being pre ent llt the play. Of this num- ber tho Soniol' class furni h d twell'e· Whnt aclion will bel tnkell to I'indi cate th authority of th Faculty regulations i n mere mattcr of onjectu r. They al 0 make out a strong e li se against one of their profossors who annually greets his classes with the tat IIlcnt that not ono out of ten graduates of the institu- tion is fit to graduate, which is equil'a- lent to 8!\ying that the O. W. U. is not what it should be. and to an admi ss ion on the part of Iillid profcsso r that he dcb!l8ed him elf very timo he igned Ilia name to a diploma. 'rh 7rml.cri,Jt h!l8 taken goou gronnd. A ,diploma should be Illor than a certificate of at- tendallc. Further it is all injustice to stud nts to give them a diploma and nt tho sante tim refu so to r commend them. A diploma serv 8 as a lell I' of introduction to the pnblic and its value is measured by the reputnlion of the Institution by which it is given and it is certainly in very poor ta te {or a professor of Faculty, after having igned uch diploma, to say that the bearcr is uuworthy of their re ccom men- dation. 'l'nAT there is a growing need of a wider di semillntion of sound political and social ideal! among the masses of our voting population, is apparent to all observers. Instruction in those qnestions dil'ectly involved in the exer- cise of the dnties of citizenship, is con- firmed to a very limited number, while it cannot be denied that a large class of voters form no proper co nception of their grave responsibilities. The bal- lot in the hands of the ignorant for- eigner exercises as much weight in determining lluestions of govermental policy, as tbat of th e lea rned expositor or tho lall'. '1'0 nvoid corruption in high places th e source of POWtl l' mu st lJe kept pur..,. A 11y }lmctical movement to further th adl'Rllcement of political among the peop!e, and to lJring nbo lIt a clearer understanding of politi- cal qUl'stions hould bo heralded as a mnch ncededreforlll. Undor Ihe head, "A Significant Edu- ('!ltional Moremen '," The Uni1:1'1'8i1y trl'ats of the "A Jtl el'ican Institute of CiviL'S," an as ociMio n incorporated un - uel'the lllws 01 ' Massachusett , aud dt} - signed for the purposo of disseminating rigut political ideas among the people and especilllly for the better preparation of th young for the privileges and respo nsibilitie of citizens. The field of activity is design d to include the whole· cOLIntry. The plan aims to reach th e "i 8 in g ge neration through the educationnl machinery, and the pnblic through the prCBS lind lccture platform. "In thll departlllent of Hchoal instruc- til 'll, efforts will be made to ecure the CO-O}leration of tat nnd local school officers, or other public officials, nnd of the publlc at large in teaching in all common nnd Jdgh sc hools, especially tho se piliu from the public treasury, the cs ential r laUonsllnd obligations of and gO I'emed." ,i/l'he department of college and .pro- fc s ional school instruction will seek to seCuro "c Operation of trustees and heads of such institutioDij in efforts to promote in all our colleg '8 and profes- sional that atl nlion to matters r lating to republican government and citiz Il hip which hnll more full qualify the Ilrntluatcs of the institutions for tlle discbarge of thoir duties as memb rs of the body politic, by making tbem the source of a wise and 1 atriotic influence, wIlile fitting them for the discharge of the dlttles of any publio tation that mny dovolvo upon them." In this ileld of labor tho coOperation of all friends of educl\tion is desired. The Ilesociation will aim to promoto usefnl knowl dgo the general public by securing the special coopera- lion of editors and ])llblishers in the publication of suitable under its auspices. Lyceums reading, circles. and other kindred loca l organizatioDl where possible, will also be used as a means to the same end. Th e advocacy of extreme vi ews wil be avoided but :ho "most essential fact. relating' to questions of vital public con- cern will be carefully presented. The system of organization is some whai elaborate and complelC. "That any disinterested effort to the enJ of encouraging American voters t. express independent judgments upoa political questions will meet with the determined opposition of all the politi- cal bosses, everyone who has had anJ expcricnce in politics knows only toe well to be true; that the "American In- stitute of Civics" has been entirely wise in its plan for accompli hing the desired result in th e face of such oppositioa. very few of the members tbemselves. we apprehe nd , would be rasb enough bt maintain . It is to be presumed, hoW'- e\"(>I', thlll Ihe gentlemen who have id l:' lItifi l'll thl'mselv c. with this move- ment. IInHoI1!! them many ed uclttors and publi c llIen of hi /!It reputation, have duly \Veil-dIed ttJe steps they have taken; that lh('y hal'O considered the difUcnlty lIlvohed in tho successful illall !; ul'I\tion of a scheme contemplating 11th wide and various ncti vities as those }JI'OpO d for the "American Institute of Ivic i" and that they will be fnlly pre-- pared to makQ such 1D0dificalious i. their plans of time and experience may prove to be ncco ary to the full succeu of the cnterprise." TIlE friends of the Literary Societiea could but lJe pleasou with th c words ofe/}o couragement offered by tho Presirlent i. his .Monday morning lecture. The S0- ciety halls offer better facilitics fOI' devel- opment ill certain linea thlln call be found in the class room howev er well ordered. But as in the class room, the basis of succeRS is careful preparation.. Accuracy of statement is an end as desir- nble as flnency of speech, and this can be attained only by careful, constant st udy_ College rushes seem almost epidllmic this fall. At I1nrvnrd o ccnred the first one in several years; At Williams, & cane rush resulted in the expulsion or sevon SobOmOrC8j at Wesleyan Univel'- sity eight Illon, also 80phs ., were 80ver- ely disciplined for the same offense; aL Princton, four of the class of '8 , el:- })el1ed for bnziug, and even nt DePauw , tho Fresh'len and Juniors had a pitcn mio battle In tho college Join Morand's dancing 6chool. YOIl will get all the latest unnce8, Including the Rlghll\nd Scbottischu, Skatera walt1., omu and Knickerbocker. I , I I
Page 1: C. L. MOZIER, :The Vidette-Reporter.dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu › DI › 1885 › di1885-11-14.pdfshould be Illor than a certificate of at ... of the body politic, by making tbem the


I- ~ry Goo~~, Notion~, Car~e~, No. 126 Washington Street, Iowa OitJ.

DRY GOODS AN D NOTIONS, No. 117 Clinton treet.

PRATT & STRUB. WMn in want of an UMBRELLA or

/.lAIN OIROULAR, call in.

SAWYER, THE CLOTHIER, Juat &v1h of lhe P08t 0jJice.


Militarr Suite a SpeoialtJ. GiYe him a oa1l.

::E='. G EEE:e.

Merohant Tailor an~ Clothier ADd GenII' l'1IrDlIhIDa GoOdI.

Studeall' UDIformr.

128 Ollnton St.


Merchant Tailor, Bllpllt Clotiling made to order. A full .toGk

of foreign good. alway. on hand.

Mill tary Su1te A SPECIALTY.

BOOTS AND SHOE~. We haYe a Fine Allortment of Booll IIIIl

Bh08l, aU Fresb and of R Good QnaJitJ, for H .. Women, 111.1_ and Ohildren.

Pleue ,iYe DI a 0811 and get Barpiu. OIl,t'III Work l1li11 R.pa/rl", Prolllptl, Aft",;" II.

J. S. FLANNAGAN, No. 114 Clinton Street.

Sueppel's Grocery No.UDubnqDeB~ 1'0.


BtudentB' olube will find freeh Butler. r-. u4 Uountrr Produoe ahrap on hanet .

Thia i. the 'plaoe to bUJ oheap, fer we do au own work, and 8eU for oaeh.


/7r 3

:The Vidette-Reporter. VOL. XVIII.

The Vidette -Reporter, I88UID


hrlllc CoUerla\e Tear B. 17. I.

Publiahed at ReplAbllcan Office, Waehinllton St.


Managing Editor,.

A. B. NOBL., E. R. NICHOLS, W. H. D.~nT, A8Iociate Editor ••

E. R. NIOHOLS, Buaine .. Malltlller.


ODe COPF, ODe year, in advance, - t1 00 OIIeCOPF,oD81ear, it not paid in advance, 125 BIn,le cop" 05

The paper will be Bont to old subscribors until orderEd stopped and arrearagee paid.

ror Bale at the Bookstores and Fink's. ThOle not rsoeiving their papers regularb will

pu inform DB, and they will be forwarded.

AU communicatioDs should be addreseed, THE .VIDI!JTTE-R EPOR TER.

Iowa City, Iowa.

TUB first college paper published ap­peared in I 20, called the Dartmouth 011-


CUAPEL attendance is oplional nt '01'­

nell, Michigan, Harvanl and Yirf:inia Unil'ersities. DePauw Monthly. Y C8, also includcs the Jowa, tate Unin'l'sity in that list. -----

Tu! Student of DePauw U ni vcr ity have organized a lecture cotll'8e consi t­ing of eight entertainments, represent­ing some of the hest oratorical, elocution­ary, Rnd mu ical talent in the cou ntry. We hope they lDay have better SUCC\l~S

than have attempts in that Iinl' in thi city.

TilE Univcrsity of Cinciunnti suUl,lrcd a heavy 108S by fire Novembcr 7. 'l'h building which was complctp(\ in 1874, at a cost of $75,000. be ides this the lo~s in the laboratory amounts to 3,000. 'rhe Hebrew Union College building will be uscd until new buildings ean b erected.

MISS MILA l!'. Tl1l'l'F.R, ~i tor of Mrs. , W. A. Wilks, 11'110 tnught hore la twin­

ter in the north 8chool, hll just won nil 8800 scholarsh ip in IlIl1thelPntics at 'or­nell University. Hcr cOIlIpctitol'~ weI' sixty men aod ten girl. This speaks well for a Sioux Falls girl whom many will remember herewith much plensl1Te.-Ex.

TillS has been Commencement week the Iowa Agricultural College. The ox­ercises beaan with tho ocioty Gradua­tion on Saturday evening lind nded with the Rnal exercisE'S of Commence­ment day on Wedoesday. 'rho grnuuat­ing clll88 J111In bered thirty-II vo, tho llug­est c11188 ever sent forth from tlnit inst!­tion.

"FORTUNATELY the editors of tho VI­DE'I'J'E are not proprietors of Iowa 'ity." -Prtu. Howover mucll we may onvy.the


editor of the Pres! his fair pos.~es3ion

candor compells liS to agree with him and to admit that a change in proprietor­ship would indeed be frought with dire calamities. Under a new administration dru"kenne s might be made sufficient ground for an occasioned arre t and pos­sibly an effort would be made toward protecting the ears of the respectable f!'Om tbe obscenity of street vermin. It might even look with light lenity on the innocent pranks of student and as a climalC of its l'evoilitionl\ry policy might advocate a community of interests bot ween the U ni versity and Iowa City. Don't be alarmed, e. Coo we nre not di '­po. ed to dispu te YOllr title.

MARRIED.-Thllr8day, ~ol'embp.1' 12th, 1885, at IIumlJoldt, Iowa, George H.

hellenberg I' nou E01111n F. White. MI'. 'hellenbel'ger, a grauuute of the Law Department,' 1, is n thriving you ng law­yer in Humboldt. Mi White i favor­ably known anu kindly remembered in Iowa City circles in which sho wa a leading spirit dllring her uttenllance at the University. The I'eadors of the \'JJ)£T'rE Ill! rememb r hl'l' u!:! 0 111' efficient ru ociate editor for '84 and 'S.i. While we regret thnt upiu' durts IHel'enteu h I' gmduation, Lhe \r[l)I·;,.n; eX lends its heartiest congratulations to the newly wedded couplc nnd hopes the fJture nmy have in stOI e for them a CllP 01' rnowing wilh uniteu bles8cdne~ .

'l'ru~ ()ollege 7i'anscripl of lho Ohio Wesleyan niversity in ils la t i 110 re­ports the grievances of the stlldent ot tbat school at onsiderable Il'ngth. Ono of the rules of the college b that "no tuuont shnll attond any theatl'icnl , ope­

ratic or minstrel pillY of any kind. Frcd­erick Warde I' centiy rendered Richard In at tb city peril Housc. 'rhe Fac­ulty began an investigation, and at last report sixty-thrco tudents had admitted being pre ent llt the play. Of this num­ber tho Soniol' class furni h d twell'e· Whnt aclion will bel tnkell to I'indicate th authority of th Faculty regulations i n mere mattcr of onjectur. They al 0 make out a strong elise against one of their profossors who annually greets his classes with the tat IIlcnt that not ono out of ten graduates of the institu­tion is fit to graduate, which is equil'a­lent to 8!\ying that the O. W. U. is not what it should be. and to an admission on the part of Iillid profcssor that he dcb!l8ed him elf very timo he igned Ilia name to a diploma. 'rh 7rml.cri,Jt h!l8 taken goou gronnd. A ,diploma should be Illor than a certificate of at­tendallc. Further it is all injustice to stud nts to give them a diploma and nt tho sante tim refuso to r commend them. A diploma serv 8 as a lell I' of introduction to the pnblic and its value is measured by the reputnlion of the Institution by which it is given and it

is certainly in very poor ta te {or a professor of Faculty, after having igned uch diploma, to say that the

bearcr is uuworthy of their reccommen­dation.

'l'nAT there is a growing need of a wider di semillntion of sound political and social ideal! among the masses of our voting population, is apparent to all observers. Instruction in those qnestions dil'ectly involved in the exer­cise of the dnties of citizenship, is con­firmed to a very limited number, while it cannot be denied that a large class of voters form no proper conception of their grave responsibilities. The bal­lot in the hands of the ignorant for­eigner exercises as much weight in determining lluestions of govermental policy, as tbat of the learned expositor or tho lall'. '1'0 nvoid corruption in high places the source of POWtll' must lJe kept pur..,. A 11y }lmctical movement to further th adl'Rllcement of political iden..~ among the peop!e, and to lJring nbolIt a clearer understanding of politi­cal qUl'stions hould bo heralded as a mnch ncededreforlll.

Undor Ihe head, "A Significant Edu­('!ltional Moremen '," The Uni1:1'1'8i1y trl'ats of the "AJtlel'ican Insti tute of CiviL'S," an as ociMion incorporated un­uel'the lllws 01' Massachusett , aud dt}­signed for the purposo of disseminating rigut political ideas among the people and especilllly for the better preparation of th young for the privileges and responsibilitie of citizens. The field of activity is design d to include the whole· cOLIntry.

The plan aims to reach the "i8ing generation through the educationnl machinery, and the ~eneral pnblic through the prCBS lind lccture platform.

"In thll departlllent of Hchoal instruc­til 'll, efforts will be made to ecure the CO-O}leration of tat nnd local school officers, or other public officials, nnd of the publlc at large in teaching in all common nnd Jdgh schools, especially those piliu from the public treasury, the cs ential r laUonsllnd obligations of ~overnmellt and gOI'emed."

,i/l'he department of college and .pro­fcs ional school instruction will seek to seCuro "c Operation of trustees and heads of such institutioDij in efforts to promote in all our colleg '8 and profes­sional ~chool8 that atl nlion to matters r lating to republican government and citiz Il hip which hnll more full qualify the Ilrntluatcs of the institutions for tlle discbarge of thoir duties as memb rs of the body politic, by making tbem the source of a wise and 1 atriotic influence, wIlile fitting them for the inteJli~eJlt discharge of the dlttles of any publio tation that mny dovolvo upon them."

In this ileld of labor tho coOperation of all friends of educl\tion is desired.

The Ilesociation will aim to promoto usefnl knowl dgo amon~ the general

public by securing the special coopera­lion of editors and ])llblishers in the publication of suitable Iiterntur~ under its auspices. Lyceums reading, circles. and other kindred local organizatioDl where possible, will also be used as a means to accompli~h the same end.

The advocacy of extreme views wil be avoided but :ho "most essential fact. relating' to questions of vital public con­cern will be carefully presented. The system of organization is some whai elaborate and complelC.

"That any disinterested effort to the enJ of encouraging American voters t. express independent judgments upoa political questions will meet with the determined opposition of all the politi­cal bosses, everyone who has had anJ expcricnce in politics knows only toe well to be true; that the "American In­stitute of Civics" has been entirely wise in its plan for accompli hing the desired result in the face of such oppositioa. very few of the members tbemselves. we apprehend , would be rasb enough bt maintain . It is to be presumed, hoW'­e\"(>I', thlll Ihe gentlemen who have id l:' lItifi l'll thl'mselvc. with this move­ment. IInHoI1!! them many educlttors and public llIen of hi/!It reputation, have duly \Veil-dIed ttJe steps they have taken; that lh('y hal'O considered the difUcnlty IH'ces~(1 rily lIlvohed in tho successful illall!;ul'I\tion of a scheme contemplating

11th wide and various ncti vities as those }JI'OpO d for the "American Institute of

Ivic i" and that they will be fnlly pre-­pared to makQ such 1D0dificalious i. their plans of time and experience may prove to be ncco ary to the full succeu of the cnterprise."

TIlE friends of the Literary Societiea could but lJe pleasou with thc words ofe/}o couragement offered by tho Presirlent i. his .Monday morning lecture. The S0-ciety halls offer better facilitics fOI' devel­opment ill certain linea thlln call be found in the class room however well ordered. But as in the class room, the basis of succeRS is careful preparation.. Accuracy of statement is an end as desir­nble as flnency of speech, and this can be attained only by careful, constant study_

College rushes seem almost epidllmic this fall. At I1nrvnrd occnred the first one in several years; At Williams, &

cane rush resulted in the expulsion or sevon SobOmOrC8j at Wesleyan Univel'­sity eight Illon, also 80phs., were 80ver­ely disciplined for the same offense; aL Princton, four of the class of '8 , el:­})el1ed for bnziug, and even nt DePauw, tho Fresh'len and Juniors had a pitcn mio battle In tho college halls.-.h~);.

Join Morand's dancing 6chool. YOIl will get all the latest unnce8, Including the Rlghll\nd Scbottischu, Skatera walt1., omu and Knickerbocker.


, I I

Page 2: C. L. MOZIER, :The Vidette-Reporter.dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu › DI › 1885 › di1885-11-14.pdfshould be Illor than a certificate of at ... of the body politic, by making tbem the



Onl • t John n ('onnty8a. inp Bank. 110u ..... 11 t t) J2 4. x., and 2 to 6 1'. x. Tele

,bon •• ' . I. I i,1 ce, ell North Clinton St. Telephone

1 0. C .

E. F. CLAPP, M.D. om 0 , J oll: n (,,,. Sarin .. Dank \vuh­

inaWul:it t.



O. T. GILLETT, M. D. Otik o. r Wb ton,', DI1lI Store.

Nortbw corner of Coli and Linn Street..

WASHINGTON HOUSE, 'outhw6st corner S. lJ. I. grounu~. Fitted

Cor the act'OIDodalion of Studt'nls.

Rooms for Rent.

OEO. 11 '. GREEN, Prop.

CITY BAKERY, G, A BOOI, 10 ClInton Street,

Dealer in

Confectionery, Canned Goods.

EYery1lting first-clt\811 in the line of bilking. Homo-made bread 8 specialty.

Vienna Bakery - AND SWISS CONFECTIONERY Dr.}. F. HOUSER Ice Cream and Oyster8

Offic. in Drugstore, In their 8fl118On.

No. 126 W&lhinglon Slreet.

~( id ". , north ~ide Burlin~ton street, hd 'l\ n Gilbert and Linn.

Tel phone No. OS.


HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, O;Cf. No 14 Nort" Clilltoll St., 10/lla Cl tll.

OmOt Houri: 8 to g 4. X .' I to , 1'. x. Resi­, 8ullthw.!. Oorn r Clinton and I!'airchild

1 t . T I pbone No. lB.


Ollie. Honn: From 11 a, m, 1 p. m.

215 Coli ge Street. IOWA CIty, IOWA.

A. O. HUNT, D.D.S. Dental Rooms,

Clinton t., over Thompson's Shoe Store.

PRICE & WOOD, Dentists,

Oftloe over Lewis' store, three ddors lOath of Savingw Bank,


P. H. GRIMM, en.Ph. B. u. L '83,)

ATTORNEY AT LA "W NotarJ-Depoeitione taken steDOBJ'IIphically.

824 FOIIrl. 8t., 810UX CITY, IOWA.

St. James Hotel, lit D. WOOD, Proprietor,

J:mything First-Oloss. P. O. Block

IOWA CITY HOTEL. Hew~ fumiahed. and thorouahl1 refitted. lltudente can be accomodatad with IOod

100l1li and board ai _Dable ratee.

G. H. LIVINGSTON, ProprietA>r.

Comer of Capitol and Collep Btreet.a.

21DJbuqueSt. ~UG~N£ NAMUR.


To represent onr beautifully illustrated family magazine. Special termsaud per­manent engagement given to the right party. Any smarL man or woman who is willing to work and has the ability to pu h Ole magazine can secure a splendid position. Write us at once giVlng age, particulars of pa t wO'k and territory desired. Addre ,

CoTTAOE HEARTU Co., Bo ton, Mass.



Having the most perfoctly arranged Studio, and a thorough knowledge

oC the Art of Lighting an:! Posing, our work is not


Have just added a lot of fine acces­sories for

Fancy Pictnres and Gronps.




Mum is the word. Isn't it cold sitting on the porch.

50 cents if you shut your moulh. Six weeks more, boys, to Xmas. The Crebar class finished Book 1 last


That mustache is a disgrace to the mustache family.

Miss L. Abrams of Tiffin called at the Academy this week.

The virgil class have finished the :first book of the Aenaid.

Herbert Owen spent Sunday at his home in Lone Tree.

There is an increa ing demand for tootbpicks m the Cresar class.

W. Ross, who hili been' seriously ill, we are glad to say, has recovered.

Mrs. H. C. Jones, of Cedar Rapidl!, was alleng the callers at the Academy this week.

The question is, who were the serena­ding party that painted the town so red Thursday night?

The young ladies have adopted a new style of calling cards, for particulars call on the committee.

Clearing of fractions, adding, Bubtract· ing, multiplying, divilling and correcting mistakes we have y-5.

"The variable variability of two vari­ables, varies according to the variations of their various values."

The recent development of a wonder­ful genius in tho Univ. badly lays the Academy poet in the shado.

Murphy bas taken to ; writing poelry, it is after the sty Ie of Shenser,s Shep­ards Calendar. Who is the Rosalynde?

Tho Astronomy class, .all but Miss Kyle, who had to stay at home and take care of the children, took an observing tou r last night.

Mr. Craven and Miss Williams of the High School, and M:isse~. Foltz and Mc­Crory of No. 8 were welcome visitors at the Academy Wednesday afternoon.

To the Seniors who have not yet ban­ded in their orations for this term, 11'0

would say, "go out one of thele fiae nights and witness the Meteoric Show­ers," you will then be able to write about the. 'calm heaven above you.'

Ye editor, while quietly pursuing his homeward way, was agreeably surprised at being faced about by a fellow "Cad," and hustled into the tumultous uproar of an old time Academy sociable, The various committees had all done their work well; and this is especially true of the committee on internal affairs for all were well supplied. The program was plen~ifully spiccd with "operatic" music and a general good time was had.

Tom Whittaker keeps tho best barber shop in the city. Boys, patronize him.

Buy Soapl, Bru.he.,. Per· fumel, of 8hraden.

Perfume. and Toilet Artl. del of all kind. at 8hrader".

"Under the mllnagem.ent of Mr. \V, J, Gilmore, the New Central Theatre, look· ing handsomer thau ever; opened for the season last evening. The attraction (and it was certainly a sl1perior one) was the celebrated McIntyre & Heath's Grand Spectacular Minstrels, a Philadel· phia organization, nnder the manage· ment of Mr. E. Rosenbaum, with Mr' Edward N. Kay ne as stage manager ant! interlocutor. Messrs. McIntyre & Hrath are 'certainly a hosUn themselves. Last evening they were as isted by that Phil· adelphia favorite, J"ew Benedict and lial'ry Armstrong as 'end men,' together with a half a dozen :other recognized minstrel comodians. The ballad and ditty singing in the' first part' were very neat, and the finale of the New Telephone was capital. Next came the Braham Brothers with lheir' 'badowgraphs,' and then the stars and the Barlow Brothers gave a graphic portraiture of plantation life under the name of 'Comin' Home f~om Meeting,' which was loudly applau· ded. Then Dewitt and Kirwan, the musical marvels, performed on half a dozen instruments, made music outor everything. The Clipper Quartette ap­peared in a sketch; Delhauer and Geyer gave their performances of the 'Frog' and 'Clown,' and the performance ended with 'Way down 'onth,' in which the entire troupe appearu in the jolliest man· ner, creating plenty of lal1ghter and ap­piau e from a crowdeu audience. The same programme will be offered this evening and every evening during the present week."-Philadelphia, "Daily Item."

Baby Stuuent-very smart­Thinks a paper he will start; 'T will be, nnder his direction, Greatest ijheet in all this ~

'T will be kept extremely quiet, No one e'er will have to buy it. 'T will be su re to mu.ke folkslangb, For he'll write each

He'll be caustic, sharp, severe; IIim the students all shall fear; He will make them sqnirm and

stagger With his inky-pointod t Advertisements, too, he'll get, (Money-making scheme, you bet). Advertisers whom he collars Shall shell out their hard·earned~

ThuB his plan is, in his mind; Off he starts, intent to find Printer who will never toll Who runs the sheet Ban.! II. SO ho starts iii-runs awhile, Causing somo weak minds to smile, And he whil ho tries to laugb, ees biB standing rail t.

In despair tho paper struggles­In despair his pen ho juggles. But against It aro the fateB, So no more H m n 8s. FJ,

Finost assortment of igars in the city at Fink's.

Dialoguo-18t ttb.-''You don't knoll moro than tho little end of nothing whilLled down to a point?" 2nd Bub,­"You're as ignorant 88 a red-ekiooed dog with a woouen eye"-Free fighl


G. M. Jones wears a sha( per lip.

F. A. Borroughs 1\ fora turned this week to resnm'

Below we give the name of the ' clw of '85, eo far 6i

W. C. Bills"Durant, low Modale, Iowa; W. GrueU, I Mil3 L. N. lia!no18On, Do Mise 1. D. Hanley, idney Warner, Bryant, Iowa; J. Columbus Junction, Seward, Neb,; W. D. shalltown, Iowa; F. F. Cli

• Center, Minn.; E. A. ~'itch , Oxford, Iowa; It'. IICI, Iowl; Miss A. G. C. A. McCorkle, Cedar S. Parks, Sigourney, Wilson, KaI\8a5; F. E. Iowaj W. Abegg, Blakes'be D. iarr, Palon, Iowaj E. E. ark, TIlinoio; A. Ed Wis,; F. Glaspel, Grafton, Jones, Lucas, Iowa, E. West Burlinjlton, Iowa; Cumberland, Iowa; W. J. croes, Kansasj J. K. Iowa; P. F, Straub, C. Sniter, Lacrosse, Wis.; land, Trenton, )fo.; B. Randall, Kansas; J. W. Neb. J. M. Parker, H. Smiley, Iowa City, Sioux City, Iowa; C. J. Iowa; S. J. Smith, Jotown,

Tbese simple lines are fully dedicated to William of Dogology and Department S. U. 1. o Bill, Green; We come to tbu, And IDa, 'au grant on, 8Im,l.

And JOu may grant our Binet it relatel to dirt

W. srant that man il formed EftD tbel on fair and n

But duet I, good tbe hog But are". hOIJ8? Ob

A. rou're not 118re I'll anlwor Noi bon, tbollBh kept in 8 pen

And Ihea /liBin tbeN ladioe Do IDUII their tneb 8Dd dU8t

And Bill, 7011'11 admit I may, 8uch beaut, mllet not tbnl dooey

Oar backlale broad but To tubatituto tbo dustinl

ThID BUl, dear, when .',r we WI co .. , brotblf Hlnricbl in

Y .. co .. , o'.r that IPOt .. Thlt God forlOt to fill

8weet Bowman too quito near Ie Ihailn, ant hiB /l10e.,

Poor Anon too. tbo little I, dOlt, too and tbat'. too

And bfOlbtr Oole'l wide noble IttutreoedinlJ from 01 DO".

Howlllld/ HoweacJ/ wep8080 Whll. doet o'er 1111 will80ftI,

Ail/ brotber Smith', mouth It Itekini in tb. murk,

Y. eyln Hartman'8 "'''1'' naAn.l It dark IUd murky 81 the

And Ct'Inioms that onoe were Apllt~ u If that hUG had lied,

Enourh of tbll, J 800 lour Hold Bill" I'll not koop JOO

I'lhimple whl.p rio your ear, And JOU'II obey, I,,"t Billy 11011',

Tbe med's are rodo and T'1IU .. en Ibu~ (110

Bat tb,',. u neat 81 quaker ADd teom in dirt to PlY

80, dOlt thllle sealll, mind Or tbe mediol may have a

Page 3: C. L. MOZIER, :The Vidette-Reporter.dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu › DI › 1885 › di1885-11-14.pdfshould be Illor than a certificate of at ... of the body politic, by making tbem the

N. ' ..


l the



"U nder tho mllnagem.ent of Mr. W. J. Gilmore, the New Central Theatre, look· ing handsomer than ever; opened for the season last evening. The attraction (and it was certainly a superior one) was the celebrated McIntyre & Heath's Grand Spectacular Minstrels, a Philadel· phia organization, under the manage· ment of Mr. E. Rosenbaum, with Mr· Edward N. Kayne as stage manager and interlocutor. Messrs. McIntyre & Hfath are 'certainly a host in them elves. Las\ evening they were assisted by that Phil· adelphia favorite, Lew Benedict and Harry Armstrong as 'end men,' together with a half a dozen :other recognized minstrel comedians. The ballad and

his ditty singing in the 'first part' were very neat, and the finale of the Ntw Telephone was capital. Next came the Braham

for Brothers with their' hadowgraphs,' and then the stars and the Barlow Brothers

ill, gave a graphic portraiture of plantation

new call

life under the name of 'Comin' Home f~om Meeting,' which was loudly applau· ded. Then Dewitt and Kirwan, the musical marvels, performed on half a dozen instruments, made music outor everything. The Cli pper Quartette al>' peared in a sketch; Delhauer and Geyer gave their performances of the '}'rog' and 'Clown,' and the performance ended with 'Way down outh,' in which the entire troupe appeard in the jolliest man· ner, creating plenty of laughter and al>' plause from a crowded audience. The same programme will be offered thiB evening and every evening during the present week."-Philadelphia, "Daily fllm."

Baby Student-very smart­Thinks a pllper he will start; 'T will be, under bis directioll, Greatest ~heet in all this ~

'1' will be kept extremely quiet , No one 'er will have to buy it. 'T will be sur to make folkslllDgh, For he'll write each

IIe'lI be caustic, sharp, severe; Him the students all shall fear; lIe will make them squirm and

stagger Wi th his inky-pointed t Advertisem nta, too, he'll get, (Money-making scheme, you bet). Advertisers whom he collars Shall shell out their hard·earned ~

Thus his plan is, in bis mind; Oll' he sta.rts, intent to find Printer who will never tell Who luns the sheet Ban.! II.

SO ho starla it-runs awhile, Causing some w ak minds to smile, And he wllile ho tries to Illugh,

eea b Is slanding (,lit. In despai I' the pa.per struggle&­In deapai r hia pOll he jugalee. But against it 0.1'0 the fates, 80 no mor it ill n 8s. EJ·

Finest 1\880rtment of Cigars in the city at Fink's.

Dialogue-ht ub.-"You don'l knOll mor than tho little elld or nothing whittled down to a point 1" 2nd &b.­"You'ro as Isn rant all a red-tkinned dog with a wooden eye"-Free ftghL

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. E. BBooKB, Edilor; J. W. HULL, ,A"utaru.

G. M. Jones wears a shade on his up­per lip.

F. A. Borroughs a former medic, re­turned this week to Te ume his studi

Below we give the names and location of the ' ell\&'! of '86, to far as heard from:

W. C. Bills"Durant, Iowa; J. W. Drew, Modale, Iowa; W. GrueB, Republic, Kas; Mil'! L. N. Hlllnerson, Detroit, Mich.; Miss L. D. Hanley, Sidney, Iowa; W. A. Warner, BrylUlt, Iowa; J. W. Blythin, ColumbUII Junction, Iowa; F. L. Breed, Seward, Neb.; W. D. Campbell, Mar­shalltown, Iowa; F. F. Clifford, Ll'anexer

• Center, Minn.; E. A. Doty, and E. L. ~'itch, Oxford, Iowa; }'. IJ. Downs, Jam­aca, IOlfa; Miss A. G. Gray, Wilton, ra ; C. A. McCorkle, Cedar Rapids, lows; J. S. Parks, Sigourney, 1mB; J. A. Pinney, Wilson, KIll\!!M; F. E. Vest, Montezuma, Iowa; W. Abegg, Blakesburg, Iowai D. D.llarr, Palon, Iowa; E. E. BurmeB, Lan­ark, TIlinoioi A. Edwards, Kingsbury, Wis.; F. Glaspel, Grafton, Dakotai D. W. Jones, Lucas, Iowa, E. E. Kirkendall, West Burlinjlton, Iowa; M. J. Murphy, Cumberlllnd, Iowa; W. J. Philippa, La­crees, Kan as; J. K. Root, Templeton, Iowa; P. F. Straub, Topeka, Kansas; F. C. Sniter, Lacrosse, Wis.; H. H. Sutter­land, Trenton, Mo.; D. T. Trneblood, Randall , Kansas; J. W. Koehn., Norfolk, Neb. J. M. Parker, Vienna, Austria; F. H. Smiley, Iowa City, Iowai G. Brasch, Sioux Oity, Iowa; C. J. ·aun·1 , ~, 'IRir, Iowa; S. J. Smith, Jotown, Iowa.

These simple lines are most respect­fully dedicateu to William Green, Prof. of Dogology and Catatomy in Uedical Department S. 11. I. o Bill, Green; We cOllie to th", Aud ms, 100 grant all' 81m»l, plea

And JOU may grant our will wo troet, Binee it relatel to dirt lind doet

We fI'8llt that man ie formed trom duet, EYeD the, own fair and noble.duet,

But duet i, good the hoW mKY lillY, But are '1ft hop? Db Billy BUY?

At lou'ra not here I'll an •• er them, Not hon, though kept in II pen

And Ulsn again thelll.dloe lair, Do mOIl their tucka and dust thair hair

ADd Dill, 10u'1l admit I may, Bach beaut, mllet not tbus docay

Our back' are broad but were lIot made, To 'uil8titllte the duetinl maid.

n.n Bill, dear, when .'or we sit W. coyer brotb.r Hinricbs in the pit,

Y .. co'.r o'.r that IPot .. tlli r That Ged 10rlOt1.o fijI with h8ir.

8wett Bowman too Quite lI8IIr tbo girle, It tIlaldn, out hiD 1110111, ourll,

Poor Allen too, tb~ little dude, 11 dlllt, too and that', too rude,

And blOth'r Cole' .... ide noble bro" Ie fut recedinll frolll us no",

How lad I Howeadl we paole to weop, WhU, duat o'er aU willsoftl, oroop.

iIIl brother Smith'. mouth op'nlnjJ wido Ie "ekina In the murQ tide!

Y .. "en Hartmln', \lOmpadonr, 11 dark and 1II0rk, Ie the murky floor,

A.nd craniume that once wer rod, ApPt~, III If tbat hue hid ned.

EnOllllh of tbis, I 800 lOur lawo, Hold /lilll, I'll not Iroop you long,

l'Ulimpl.wbiIP rin your ear, And rou'li ob'T, n.eet Billy d 8r,

The med'. are rude and rOUllh Rnd bt.ld, 1"wu nen thuB (110 we'ro told),

iIlIt tb,',. 18 neat a8 qU8ker "i'l'oe, And teom In dirt to pus th ir lI '1'os,

50, dliit these It'ata, mimI c1on't palaver, Or the medics mOl have II frOib cadavor.




Question in Materia Medica: Are Ag­nus Castus and SaID-Bacus r lated?

Another lody student has reported and baron 'Ror. in earne:Jt this week.

'fhe Hom OlOpa\b 'c Remedy for Dia­bet Mellitu&-HaJl7lemannian Monthly. Answer next week.

Prof6980r Cowperthwait has been elect­ed a Fellow o( the SOCiety of Science, Let­ters and Art of London.

Dr. Cogswell will commence his course on diseases of children immedi­ately after the holidays.

'fime a.nd items are at 1\ prllminm just now. Has any studpnt Ilny of l'ither in stock to spare?

Norcross, remember that questions in Surgery Bhould be answered with the "falling inflection." This is one of the Peck-uliarities of tbe quiz.

"Hullo P.- what's the ma.tter?" P­"Ohl dotbin; god a bad coldt id be 'ed bakes be dink ob false deeth and dice wib it." "In future be careful how you prowl around at night in the min."

Boys, the zeal you exhibit in the pur­Buit of knowledge is undoutedly com­mendable, but we would sllggest that in m~king future physical examinations, you first obtain the permission of the examinee.

Dr. D. W. Dickin';oD, CII1R~ '!ll hilS locllted at Des Moiues, having enlered lhto partnership with his fl,ther, Dr. W. n. Dickinson, Professor of Theory and Practice, He has b6l'n elected Pl·of. of anatomy in King Medi('al Coll l'~e.

Gentl9ll,en, be sricntific and techni­cal in your utterances always; even in di pute never threaten your opponent with a "black ye" or that you will "build 1\ shanty over hi8 IlptiC," but calmly inform him you willlllllict him with "traumatio 8ubjll llctional hemor­rhage."

A few more of tho e W. '. T. U. piC­tures to be had at Lee, Welch ' Co.'s

Colored edge collars snd cllll'~ at Hornee.

A few more of those tylo~rnphic

P us, best aud chcapest in the worM, at Fink's,

Tom Whittnker has the only bath rooms in operation in the oity, south of Post Office.

At a bargain, 1\ single, sample copy of John B. Gough's latest and bcst w(lfk, "Li~\Ug Truths for IIead and Heart," for we at Loo, Welch & Co's.

The ors-nizaUon of the class in sten­ography for the special accommodation of University tudents ha been dolayed on l\ ount of sickn All students in­t rested sro requcstcll to call at the chool of 'hort-Hand Thllr8day at 4:80

p. M. 'fuition, '10, (Sp cial rat 8) ,

rJ/~rge IlR orlment of note books and record at 1~ ink'1I8loro.

8hrader'8 Drugatore ta op­pOlite tbe Opera Rou e.


Avenue Dye Works, 110. 116 A venue. 4th door ea.t of P. O.

Is the plaee to get your old clothes made new. All kinds of repairing, clean­

ing, and dyeing neatly done. Dyes warranted not to rub off.

F. D. MILL_TT, Prop.


Students and Everyone. WARD pays especial attenhon to serving

OYSTERS, and getung up SUPPERS for Part.e ••



SPECIALTY OF OYSTERS And Servee them .0 ooy Style.


Euro~ean Dining Hall, Dubuqlie Street, opposite Ram'e Hall.

Warm Meale, Lunches, Sandwlchee, OYSTERS, ETO.



Ladies' and Gents' Dining Hall. BOARDING BY THE WEEK.


W atch~s, Jewelry Sliver and Pldted Ware,

And aU kinde of


All Kinds of Repairing Promptly Attended To and Warranted.




Pianos, Organs, Eto. SHEET MUSIC.

Manufaoturer of Tower Olocb of all desorip­tions. Pri008 on 8Ppl1oation.

All kinds of work IIromptly attended to and warrantod.

DubUI]111 Street, IOWA OITY, IOWA.

G. W. MARQUARDT'S Jewelry i Music House

Wholesale nnd Rotail, Ie tho oldet!t lind mo~t reli8blo in the Stata, Now good A recolT~l dRily. AlwaTA a ftill line of fino Watoh08d JlookR, Jew~lr" Silver and Plated Ware, And /Ill kinde of Musical lnetrum nts, Opera 018_. Jlepairinll neatl, done.

IOWA CITY ART SCHOOL. Free hand Druwing from Cast and Life. Point­

ing in Oil and Water Color. Pointing on Cbina. Dosigning. Portraib! a Speoialty. For term8 en­quire at Studio, 217 Washington lilt., up etairs.

MAY F. MUllnAY, Artist.

MISS JESSIE L. SMITH Will give Instruction on

Piano Forte, and in Musical Theory,

At her residence on Lynn stroot, bet. Collelll and Bnrlington. P . O. Box 1032, Iowa City.

~/c(!~-. eJowa. ~tlJ, ~;».UQ.. ~

*-ESTABLISlIED IN 1865.--;

Thorougb inetruction in Book-Keeping, Pon­manship, Arithmetic,Commercial Law, Spelling, Grammar, BURineSfl Corree\lOndence, Busin_ Praotico and Ollice Drill.

}l;XPERIl!:NOl!.D TEMHERs in all departmente. STUDENTS or OTllER SOHOOLS may enter for

one. or moro hours per day, and take any brann. de81l'ed.

We erlAlnd a epecial invi tation to all to oaU and see UR and examino our work.


Academy and Normal School. Special Departments of Sciences, Lan­

guage, Elocution, and Drawing, in cba.rgo of experienced

instructors. The Academy ie well supplied with Ilpparotn.

for the illustration of PhY8icai and Natural 8oionoell. Studonts entering this institutioa have the benefit of the State Uni'l'ereity.

Stutlenl s from this ACademy enter the State Univer~ity witbout additional examination.

Sond for OIltalogue, G. A . GRAVES, PrincipaL

State University OF IOWA,


TlYe iustltution embracee a Collegiate De. I>artment, a Law Department, a Medical De. pllrtment, a IIomooollathio MediclIl Department lind 1\ Doatal Dopartment.

The collc;tate Dcpartmt'nt embraceu School qj Letter. lind a School of ScIence, De­Irl'ee~ contorred are Bachelor qj Arll, BacMlor aI l'h iloBoPfl,lI, J)achelor of Science, lll'I iI Olvl/ Err glnurtng IlOcordinll to the 0011l'1lO of Btudy pur­sncd, lit the student'. option. A ooul'lle of ~ Cure. /11 ])ldClct/u i~ lriven to the &nior 01 ...

TlIltio" Fee. Inoidental expenses! . 8.S8, or to Oouot7 ROllroeentati ves, p .S3 1'er term. The yeari! divided into three terms.

The Law Depl\l'tmcnt oonne oxtende Jvcr two 8ohool years of forty wooke each. Ono year Ipont in 10iOl etudy under tho du_ tion of aa IItt.roay in actnal practioo, or on. Jeaf epent in Il roputablo law 80hool, or on. yeara aotin proctioe 1\8 aliceaaed attorney, mar bo received 88 an oqulvalent for on~ your 1n t.hiI school.

Tuition, '20 per term, or SI50 pcr year, i, advance. nontal of ten-books, $t' \lOr year. Purobll8o price, 110 far the two yoors ooone.

The MediC'll) Uevartlllent. Two col1l'lM entitle tho etudont to examinntion for tU dogroe of Dootor of I\Iodloine.

Leoture foc~, 120 for the courRO. Matrioul .. lion fcc, I~. No charp for material.

The DomGeopatble Medlul Depart. bJt'lIt. Two OOllm!S entitle the student to es. r.mination for tho dclrl'co of Dootor of Medicine.

LeotUl 0 fooaeame 88 Medioal Dopartment.

Tho 0l'nta1 DOll_artlllt'llt. For IInnOllllOl­mont addlee8 A. O. BUIlT, D.D.S., Iowa Cit,.

'fho Ph.nuacy Departmcnt. witla two IfRrI course of study, Ji:1l[L L. DOIlBlIlIII, Doau. lowd City.

Jar oatAlOIrUe contAinillll full infonn8tJOII • to COlll'l!e of atud, &nd expenaet!, addrOM


Page 4: C. L. MOZIER, :The Vidette-Reporter.dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu › DI › 1885 › di1885-11-14.pdfshould be Illor than a certificate of at ... of the body politic, by making tbem the


rra LLOyD ... . ....................... Prttideut 0>t4 .......... .................... Boorol.&rJ

JODI 00 alleroaf.<lSalllrdaJ e,enini"

lIESPlJPJAN SOOU:'l'T, .... DIOO&1rAT ....................... Prttid ot

.lltUTlIlH .................... 8ecrolArJ . ODI 00 alternat. Satw-da7 evenin •

laVING INSm'VTE. I. L. TIITDlI ......................... Proeid nt I_ x. (I.lln ............................. Secretary

Out If ry Frida, 0' oin,.

ZETAGTAmAN SOOIETY. • • C. YOU"II ............................ Pl'Oliden~ ~R. '!tuo .......................... I:!ecrctary

.Ione .,ery ~'rldI\Y 'oolng.

'mENTS' OIUnS'I'IAN ASSOOIATION. .. A. !I.IIllIl........ ........ .. ........ Prttident •• W. WOODW.UID ............ . ......... Socrctery

Pmf r m tin.:uv ~ Tu , noon io I ,,\ nL'a ~itlltl<ln room. All

are conli lI,invited.


ninT om'ion~ 11,\ O"l'cmb"r 21.t.

Junior oration, ,1m' D' '('mh or 14th.


racti! n -xl II ·k.

nOI\, \) utiful ~n',w! '1 ,W Irh .' h<)vk torl'. Drill i over untilncxt. pring.

"Let th heathen furio'I' !I r:I c." l-!ntyr' {' H th' )(in lreb to·nighL

., iii yon hlack the ecr 'tar~'" hoc?"

I I~ ·,tnn wru in OIlVt'nport I. t ritJay.

011 lhe flick Ii~t

"BlJrnin~ in n 0 and n few olhel Ibin ....

"You ale quih IIr~ you are K R. icbol 1" Mi II 1\ h entered the Unit· Ility,

tlkin a oorial course.

E. R. Ie k will read tije r\'ice at the pal church to-morrow.

Alfred bf. Craven i one of tbe lead-.'" bu in men of Glenwood, Iowa.

L . . Blanding A. n. ' ~, is pendin~

ali \V d y vi ·tinR old friend at the l1niv rsity.

::\. Port r was absent from hool t w k attending the wedding of a

'iiend at Decorah.

Li h r, Bollin 'p.r, and Pickett each ... '\de plendid 8~ch in debate in Irving Hall last night.

me of tbe "Medic" favored tbe 'horus wilh guile a mu kal ('1)

alute wt Tue:;day night.

The altendance at bolh uociety halls as very large I!\:jL night, and both dien went away weH pie d.

J. E. E. Markley, LL.B., candidal for Je Il'gislature on the Democratic

Ii ket (rom crro ~ord/) county w de­ted.


Tho list of t;. . L. !::l'Iluuate who were elect d oillc rs of lhe public at the recent el clion, i unt\\'oidably crowded over until next week.

John Kilmllr led hi tickel hy four vot in hi~ candidacy for coullty , lIr­veyor. These foul'votc ho ascribes to Republican cou ius.

Mr. F. D. cho nlebor, a rcc nt gradu­ale of the 1. A. ., visitcd ye lenlay with

. . 1. friend. while on his w.\)' to Wilton wh 1'0 he intend teaching.

A gam of foot·ball with the . P. 1. lealll is among thc evcnts soon to be­C'ornellilJll. • trange we don't hell\' any­thillg Ilhollt it her . How is it boys?

It i~ dlle the Iluthor of the Jioom, whidl allpearetilho first of the week, to say t hllt h had no part II' hatcycr in ~ving it tho ext('n ivo circulation whicb it obtained .

Mornn!1 will leach you the concct style of dallcing. This i all opportun· ity which Rhouid b impro\'ed by all (larties d irin" t, learn th~ Illte .. t sty le of dUllr:ing.

Th(' ninc o'clr)ck dirision in lllodel'D hbtol'y have b n baving quile a spiri tcd eli ('\I~ ion eonccrnillQ the Rale of indul· j:!l'nrr. by Tl' .\ and the Prote, Iant He­formation. Th~ alarUl of fire from th fraUl!' buil·

din).: ju t e'l.~t of the. 't. Jame Thm dllY noon CIIIDC ju t al the right lime to al­tract the attention of the students, but fortnnately ther was mol' smoke and cxcit mcnl than fir('.

Prof. MOTllnd' danr-ing Rchoo', opened I it Thu\'Ii(lay evening with a la rge attendan ·c. Friday mOl'l1ing tho study room r~, unded and the oaken floor suffered with the "one, tll'O, thr e, hop," of (!nthll~i(l.'jtic terpsischorean .

Th !(amc of foot·ball which was ar­rnngetllo be played this morning, be· tween lhe oph and Fresh WtlS po t· poned until this afternoon, when the two c\a.;;s s will try tkeir relatil'e buck­ing cnpacitie .

On of Ollr Jllniol'S took an old foot ball homc when he weut to \'ole and in a moment of gencro ity gave it to a small frieno wlto that el'cning offered the followio prayer: "Please God, bless - - ,hies!! IllS foot· ball and don't let it bll t."

G. U. Koch , B. , ' 3, LL.B. ' 4, has our thank for information in regard to .,. U. 1. alumni, and also for . Mr. Kooh erl'eo as ecretary of the ,'cott Co, Dell/oeratic 'entral Committee during thc recent campaign and was clected Ju lil'6 of th Peace for Davenport with· 'out oppo ition.

~[e I'il. W. O. I1JJd W. M. Walker,' 3, and' , who are now in the employ of a large cOlllmercial hou 0 in l. Louiij, maric n. flying vi. it to the city last alur­day. Tho boy (onnd their younger brother, Frc ltmal\ Walker, completely acclimated, and gelling rigut down to bu inc s.

;' I'eraistudont of tho nivel'Hi tyand

other schools are taking one 01' more studies at the Iowa City Commercial College, and are highly pleased with the cOllrse. No student should consider his education complete without a knowledge of book-keepiug, commercial law, busi­ness forms, etc.

President Hunt of Iowa Agricultural college, expelled five 0001'0 students reo cently. This time it was for robbing a neighboring farmcr bee-hive. Yonng Pre ident Hunt don't put up with any foolishness on the part of his student.s and by so doillg be will win thc respect of all well disposed and law­abidiI.lg students as wcll as their friends. -1011'11 Oil.'! RepUblican,

l'hol'lI)' after his graduation, L. I'. Kennington, ' 4, entered the edItorial den of the Stale Democrat, in which pa­per he bought half interest. I.'ince lhat time "Rome has been howling." L. J. does not intend re t until the principles of Jefferson and Jackson sholl becollle supreme in the one time banner Repub· (jean . tate. The D(nlocrat is just what wc would expect, frOIl1 the eldtor-lL lil'ely sheet.

We hear that 1111'S. Dietz is about to organize a class in GerlDan conver ation. This line of work is \'ery belpful to the tudcnt of Gerlllan, and all lhat l'an

should take ad vantage of it. It enable. .ono to put the knowledg he has already obtained to a praclicaluse without which the langllage is to him only It dead Ian· gURge, yielding discipline and in truclion but not the power to u 0 it as a medium for the communication of his own thoughts.,

Isn't it time that we were having a new bullelin bORrd in place of the old one that has di graced the school ever since 0111' eniors were }'re hmRn and how much earlier than that we forbear judging. urely such an institution tIS

tile '. U. 1. ought to afford a creditable bulletin board for each department. Each of the Meilical d(lpartments have a much botter bulletin boird, and probably iess occasion to use thom lhan the col· legiate department.

The Athletic association mot at noon I. t Weduesday. Officers weI' clected af follows: L.ischer, pre idenl; Faro· worth. ecreta)'y, and Dart Treasurer. An executive committee wHh Lovell as chairman, was appointed by the Pre i­dent, to confer with Lieut. Knower about procuring additional apparatus fOI' the gymntlSiulU. The meclinlt then ad­journed. The boys aro going to hoom tlte "gym" this wintel' anl1 tbel'o is 801110

tnlk of instituting a "fleJcl day" next pring.

Many of the students sU\'ely do not appreciate the excellent adl'antnges of· fered them by the Chorus l'ia undcr the excellcnt management of Dr. Gil· christ. The Dr. chRrges nothing for his son ' ices, and students are asked to pay nothing but incidenlal expenses. It is a malleI' of I' gret thal so few of the htll­donts can read music. Bllt the fad Ihut sucli is tho CRSO, is all tlio gl'oater 1'('I\8UII

why the opportunity now presented should be embra.ced by many more stu· dents. Singin~ is not as difficult an ac complishment as many suppose it to be. The time devoted to a single terms work in one study in the University course "ould enable ninc ont of every ten to read music with compara.tive ease, and do much toward improving their voices, and would yield three fold a much actual benefit and real enjoyment in af· ter life than the same amount of work put upon any study iu tr.e whole Uoi· ,'ersity course.

U. L. M. t.'. for 1885.'86.

Barnes' History of Rome. By J . Dor· man Steele ...................... , 1.00

Ohautauque Text·Rook on Roman BiB­tory. Paper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 10

Preparatory Latin Oourse In Englilh. By W. O. WllkinsoD, D, D., Dotreqnir' ed to be read by olasse of '86 aDd '87) .. .. ........ .. ............... 1.00

OoHege Latin Oourse ill En~lisb. By W. O. WiJkIDson, D. D .. , ....... 1.00

A Day in Anoient Romll. By E. 8 Shumway ................... ..... 50

Political Economy. By George M. Steele, LL. D.. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .... 60

Human Nature. By Lyman Abbott, D. D. Paper ................ , ..... ~

Pome.f(ranates from an English Garden. Robert BrOWnlUlr. . . . . . .. .. .. .... 50

The Bible in tlte XIX. Oentnry. By L. 'r. Townsend, D, D. Paper...... 30

In his nnme. By Edwald Everett Half. Pdper .................... ,...... 30

85.50 ... ' lte Vltatttauquan, $1.50. Allin, Wilson & 00., furni.h a\l of the

above books at speoiil prices nRmed.

Fink'H fOI' good cigal's. We havc the be t tylographic Pen

made at Lee, Wclch (' Co. lt pays to buy youI' kid gloves at

IJornesj O\'el'y pair fit to lhe baud and warranted.

Morand,o: Dcs Joines, gives lessons in Ham's Hall evel'Y 'l'hul'sday. Juve· niles 4 r. ~r. adults, I'. M.

lIfl'. Lee of tho finn Lee, Welch & Co., goes east to buy goods. I,ook out for for someLhilli nico.

l"act. Erlna, 'r1'l\vel('\', Littlo Chick, and 20 ethcl' f1 rHt c1aAg Brands of 5ct. ci­gars lit Fink '~.

Best quality ,'tytogmphic Pens fOT $1. also , tytographic Ink nt Fink's. tore.

llave' you een the new moss trim· ming at Ho\'l1 '? The latest novelty; handsomel' than fcatlier trimmings and just one-hal flh c t.

Calkin~. th rity il man, will deliver oi l to IIny pnl't of t lic city aL lowest priccs. fltud('ut will 81\\'e lime Rnd money by l(laving Ol'llcrll for him,

'rom Whittaker hilS the only bath 1'001118 in tho cily ill o pt'rati on. uIlI

of tu poslof1lr '. BOYII, patronizo Ward. Ho prepares

oystCl'lIto suit lho la to of tho mo t fas· Urliol19-is alway l' atly to wlllt 011 CUB'

tC'lIlorH ill hill 11 'II' C)lInrtcrs opposite , hral1('J" s Drug I'HOl'l'.

TH E NOBBIEST_STOCK OF CLOTHING AT THE GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE, Custom made tndent's uniforms always in stock at the lowest pl'ices.

EditorB l'-R. - We in the past, frequently butions for your paper from and our observations have tliey have frequently productions of mOl'e or less contributions, oy courtesy are considered confidential UBed in th!' columll of should be returned to the late we bave noticed that tributions have not been due re pect, and the g us, what guarantee has may furnish articltls for the YIDETTE thnt they will with the same disrespect?

J .

TilE following ord('r3 were Batallion by the Adjnlant 0

rade yesterday: OnoERS :-Tbis parade

ent military term, and the cer desires to express ( 0

mality of an official order hiB appreciation of the by the Battalion th is

The high a vemge a~~'~uu,alll manifested by al\ has en a.b panics and batlery to execute not attempted during the fall l)rtvioU8 year.

Aside from some tal'tiilles ing ill," and lack of formation of company, no plaint exists.

Those without Ulliform~ to procure them bofol'c the commences.

In conclusion: the 0

of the Battalion a conti Spring, of tbe co·operation flOW returns his si ncer!' than

By order of llat talion N. M.

The following ordel'd were Captains to their rCRpecti ve yesterday afternoon.

Iowa City, N 0 \'.

Orders:-As the preRc nl mi has nearly expired, the officer desires to impr'~i fact that no Buwlulltial b,'ne po ibly obtaind from th e up" drills tlte Battalion Fall. As evidence thal sltelt it iB only nece ary to notice sludenla who may be se Il on walking with bowed hrads shoulders. The limited lime for drill, admits only of ·ficicnt to impart a know movement. in each oxorcise, in I student by practicing th 111

their room, CRll utilize such k The very great [lel vnntnl(es to b from the "'etting ttl)" exel'l only be secured by 8UCit pri \'all 8tudenla Ilro ul'f(od to obs I'

times the in truclion, gi ven 0

to tho "Po ilion of llt(1 ,Iolllier cultivnte lho Ill\bit of wl\lking head erect, and shOll \(lel'8 I thus counteracting halJit~ wlt i

Largest Assortme

Page 5: C. L. MOZIER, :The Vidette-Reporter.dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu › DI › 1885 › di1885-11-14.pdfshould be Illor than a certificate of at ... of the body politic, by making tbem the

more why the opportunity now presented irei~1 shoula be embraced by many more stu· 1 the dents. Singing is not as difficult an ac rhis complishment as many suppose it to be. edl'll The time devoted to a single terms work

iu one study in tho University course \fould eunble nino out of every ten to read music with comparative ease, and do much toward improving their voices, and would yield three fold as much actual benefit and real enjoyment in af· ter liTe than tho snme amount of work

in tr.e whole Uni·

4.:. J,. M. tl. tor 188iVS6.

Barnes' History ot ~ome. By J. Dor· man Steele ...... .. .............. *1.00

Ohautauque Text·Rook on Romau His-tory. Paper ......... ........ . .. , 10

Preparatory Lati n Oourse 1n Engli\b. By W. O. Wilkinson, D, D., notreqnir· ed to be read by olasse at '&) and '87) . ........ . . ... .. . . . ....•..... 1.00

Oollt>ge Latin Oourse in En~liBb. By W. O. WilkInsou, D. D .. . ....... 1.00

A Day in Anoient RomA. By E. S Shnmway .. . ............ .. . ...... 60

Political Economy. By George M. Steele, LL. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60

Human Nature. By Lyman Abbott, D. D. Pllper ................. ..... 20

Pomegranates trom sn English GardeD. Robert BrownlDl(. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

The BibJe in the XIX. Ceutury. By L. T.1'ownsend, D. D. Paper .. .... 30

In his onme. By Edwald Everett Halt. Paper...... .. .. . . . ... .... .... . .. 30

85.60 ... 'Ila Uhllutauquall, $1.50. Allin, Wilson & 00., turni&h all ot the

above books at speoiil prioes Damed.

Fink' fOl' good cigar.

We hure the best tylographic Pen mad at Lec, '" elch & o.

It pays to buy your kit! gloves at 1101'l1e8j OI'e l'Y pair fit to tile hand and

e warranted.

Morund,o: Ves Moines, gives lossonB n in lIum'ij Hall evo ry 'l'bursday. Juve'

nilos 4 r. M. udull , 1'. ~r.

1\11'. I,ee of tho fil'm Lee, Welch & Co., goes oust to buy goods. Look out for for 80meth illi lIice.

Facts, Ednu, 'fnwolel', Littlo Chick, and 20 ethel' firHt cia. Brauds of 5ct. ci· gars at Fink't<.

Best quality ,'tytogmphi' Pen for $1. also tytogmphic Ink at Fink's tore.

llal'o'you seon the uow mo trilll' ming at lIol'll H? Tho latest novoltYi hand omor than fcath or trimmings and ju. t Oile-half th co t.

'1IIkiIlH, til I'ity oil man, will deliver oil to IIny part of t he city at lowtst price. Slud nIH will 88ve timo and monoy by Il'aviug order for him.

'Tom Whillllkcr has tile only bath rOOI11S In t h cit y in Oil mlion. uth of lhe po lonic '.

BOYK, patronizo Wurd. no pI'epares oYAters to Ruit lit tusto of tho most fas·

- tidloll -is alwaYlI l'eady to wait on cus' t01l\OI'II lu h if! 11'11' quarters opposite RhrlUll'r'fj I rug Htorl'.


Editor8 r·B. - We believe you have in the pust, frequently solicited contri­butions for youq)aper from the students, and our observations Ilave shown us that taey have frequently favored you with productions of more or less meri!. These contributions, by courtesy and Cllstom, are considered confidential, and if not used in the coluOJn of your paper, should be returned to the wri tel'. Of late we have noticed that certain con­tributions have not heen treated with due respect, and the question occurs to us, what guarantee 111\8 anyone who may furnish article for publication in the YIDETI'E that they will not bo tl'eated with the SlIme disrespeot?

J. L. TE}:mRR.

TilE following ordera were read to the Bat.1llion by the Adjutant on dre spa­rade yesterday:

ORDERS :-This parade cia es the pre.'­ent military term, and the Uom'd'~. Offi­cer desires to express ( 0 flU as tho for· mality of an oOicial order will permit) his appreciation of the good work dono by the Battalion this FilII.

The high uverage attendance and zeul manifa ted by all has enabled the com­])anics and batlery to execute movements not attempted dllring Lilo fal I torln of any previoru year.

A ide from some tarJines II'h n "fall­ing ill," nlld lack of stendines'l during formation of company , no cau e of com­plaint exists.

Those without ttlliforll~ ure requested to procure them befo r~ the spring terlll commence .

In conclusion: the m'd'g. OOirer (t ks olthe Batlalion a continuancc, in tho Spring, of tbe co·oporation for whit'h ho flOW returns his sincer(' thanks.

By order of BaUulion Com'd'l', N. M. ·A)II 'lmLI,.

1st Lieut. and Adjl., Univer~ilY Bal.

The following orders 11'01'0 read by the Captnil1sto their respective ompaini s yesterday afternoon.

Iowa City, N 01'. 10th, I 3. Orders:-Aa the pl'C~O llt military torm

haa ne.1rly expired, the eO ll1ll1nndi ng officer desires to impr '. i upon (Ill lhe fact that no 8ubstantial b"l1 ·fit could h possibly obtuind frOID tho fllw ,. 'ctting up" drill the Battalion ha~ hnd til i ~ Fall. As evidence that uch is Lhe cu. 0

it Is only nece l\l'y to notice tho lllnny stUdents who may be seoll on the atl' l, walking with bowed hl'ad and stooping shoulders. The limited timo avai1ubl for drill, admits only of instruction Buf· ficient to impart a knowledg of tb moremenla ill encb cxel'ci 0, in ord I' that student by pl'llcticing them duily in their room, can utilize aneh knowlodgo. The very great ad vantaj.(cs to be ded vod from the ". 'etting ull" elCcrcisUR, can only be seeur d by such pl'ivnto practice. Students ure urged to ob~cJ'l'o at all times the in truction. gi ven ou (hill U8 to the "Position of Lho Holdi 1''' and to cultivato the habit of walking with til head crect, and should I' held bl\rk, thuB cOllnt raeting habiLH which rl'Hult


from neglecting to maintain an upright tndents, call at the Dubuque Street position when studying. Frequent pl'ac· Laundry. Sam l-ing and '1'u Long ship tice in the "Setting up" exercises morn- on Tuesday and Friday. Satisfaction ing and night will greatly aid in correc- guaranteed. ting the defects of cUl'dage referred to Tho finest line of neck ware in the city above. just in nt the Golden Eagle. •

By order of Battalion Comd'l'. I ,. N. M. AMI'IH:I.L, Go to Ii ~nk8, get a quarters wort~. of

1st Lieu!. and Adjutant niv. Battulion. I the best cigars, and get a check entitlIng ____ .___ yeu to a chance in the grand prizes to be

.luniol' target cOl'e:- distributed on January 1st., 18 6. Fine 50 yd<. 100 yds. Totals. cigara and fine leerschaum pipes and

E. R. Nichols, Spielman, Hukill, Sinnett, Yanrlyke,

24 22 46 cigar holders as prizes. When you wint 24 42 to smoke be sure to go to Fink's store.

21 21 42 The enterpri ing firm of Stern &: Will-2:; ltl 41. ner huve just put in an automatic cash 20 20 40 railway in their store. rt will pay you

patronize Dubuque 8t. Laundry.

Fine t line of silk and cashmere muff­lers ever howll in the tate at the Gold en Eagle.

Be. t line of note books, sLationery anu notions, cigar, tobacro, papers &c. at Fiuk's , tb~e, undor the t. James hote\.

Shrader, the Prescription Druggist.

Bl'l1shos, Ctlmbs, Mil'l'Ol's, Razor Stl'Ops. Toilet S(lap and numerous other 'foilet "rticles al Fin k' ...

If you do not know how to dancl', don't wait for offern to join the class in Hum's I1all, but joiu youl'self, as this opportunity may be the only one you may huve to leal'll all the 1110 t fa hion­able dancej lessons el'el'y 1'hursdal'. !!!lam •• Iu&, &Tu Long, Dubuque 8t.

Tho June bug ba9 the winga of gauZIJ, '1'he lightning·bug ha flamo.

The bed·bug hn no wings at all, llilt he gets th re .in t the 88mo.-&. Chil'ago, Davenport and DesMoines

dl\ilie kept on hand at Fink's noli'S stand first (1001' sout h of po tom o.

A ~l1od 1I'0rsted pluRh sneq uo,44 inches l on~, for $Lii.OO at lI umes Big Cloak IlOllH(,.

Vou can save mOlley by tra­dill&, at Shrader's Drugstore.

to go and see it.

iilflillglQll, t edir B,ipida

~ $QI,qQfll laUWiY, 'rho direct 1ino across I ho State of Iowa, cou­

necting with the leeding lines in the north for

Minnesota and Dakota Points,

Connoctions mnde with the important lines loading


For Ch1ca1l0 and _llOints East. St . Louis and points in Illinois. Missouri and Texas; west for points in l{an88s. Nebraska. Colorado and New Aloxioo; east for Chicago lind all caRtero points. Land seekers' tiokets for sale at ull importunt stations, both single and round trip, for Texas, MissourI. Iowa, Dakota, Minnesota and Moui­toba laud points. Solid trolDs with

Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars ARE RUN BETWEEN




BOOTS and SHOES Another fin lot of twenty-five cent

ties jllRt received nt tho Goldon Et\ Ie. J,caving Ohiongo vilt tho Cbicago, Rook Island &I Pacifio Railway, and Minnonpolisand I:It. Paul CAN SAVE TEN PER CENT BY vin the Minneapoli8 &I 1:It. Louis HailwlIY. Solid

n is Raid that el'en "imperi ou 1\'30.1'''

wa a In\'e Lo stl'ong drink, becl\u e he di d of too Illany pUnChl'R.-B.I·.

Those pl'izes to bo drnwlI by cigar cllstomors at Flnk'H nro immonsoj go and buy a <}l1Ul'tOI' worth j be t cigars in tOW II, fl'Om a tWQ Cor to n quartor l~ picj!o. Remembor, Fink's stflro.

Buy your Cigars of Shrader. The 'chool of ,' hort-Hand 00'0 1'8 a

COUlllI l COIl I'HO in ox change fOI' office and janitor work. Good challn'. Apply at once.

111 a chUlloltnlk at Ilil lHdale, l" cl'nlly Will 'arltoll, flaid: "Thou, loo wo nro told HO much abouL our '/juporiol' advan­tUies.' 1 used to Hit and Iiijlen to lhi novGl'ond ing tulk IIbout my 'advantage' LIll r Ielt lik a guilty Iiltio lVJ'(Itch ail­Ling (1111011 11: th (!~o ad"antllgl'ij, and I wished thaLl could iJrellk tho hrads of 801Il of thclll.-Rr.

trniM between BUYING FRI)M


via tlue line and the C'hioBogo, Burlington & Qninoy lind l\1iunollpolie & St. Louis Railways.

l!:xlenda from Ilnrlington, lown, to Albert JAlII, Uillno80ta;,,~tusOl\tino Division from Muscatine, lown, to what Choer and Montezuma Iowa; 1I1ilwaukeo Divieion, odnr llapids to PostviUe. Iowa; Puoillo DivI8ion from Uednr Uapids, l ow(ll to Worthington lind Pip stone, ~1inn. It will oe soon from tbo abovo that rumoat (lny portion of 1011'11 can be reRohed ,ill tius line. Also any point in th BAST, SOUTH or OUTUWE8T.

MAl'S, 7'1ME T,18LES, ETC.,

,\l'urnishNI upon application to Allent8. 'l'ioketa for I!IIlo to 1111 pomb in Ihe Unitoo StatOlllllld Conadu.

C. J.IYHt;, J . UJ. llANNIWAN,

Prost. &. <lun. BUIlt., Cbt.Ctk. PMS. Dcpt., C1mAlI HAl'lDl:l, lOWA.

Furbish at the Corner Shoe Store


Ltngest Assortment of HATS AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS at STERN & WILLNER'S~ jo;l'ol'ylhing markod in plain (JP;Ul·CR. One-pl'ir only.

Page 6: C. L. MOZIER, :The Vidette-Reporter.dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu › DI › 1885 › di1885-11-14.pdfshould be Illor than a certificate of at ... of the body politic, by making tbem the

6 •



Plaold am I, oontent. "NIl" ltelr, 1111 llab of IJPIIlJa bNlld,

ADd cbllDb of ollOmafIWiD .. 0,," III 1eI,,1. aid .. ( ~

The 1 ".. IlIT.., laid B, fIIl1 eaolrUIII talllt",d bill,

Bu' frolll ,b. Lord kDOft wbet 't!a made, 10 Ntnrk b,ut thlNd m.lI.

I neh ~1 'lmpl' bnoakfaat down Wlth~' olllck«r to ob_PI

",~oruabo blaclt .. loCown Dried willow 1_", I talml, 1Iatp.

Ca& If froID m .', .Ut arla 1 fl. Aed drink mr wattl' from tilt pump. plp dlws Wuori ..

' . .cI q..m ot rl9 bMt.u.. lid IOtatodaI,

ADO Wlillllq .. JrPltri_ • bard4h,Utd IPhrrooerOio .. ADtl doabl .. barnHd bltodct.

'.11.1 rioatad Ulctbe, .~.d nrtoua anl.a1cul8 Of mlcIdJ hiab, and low cltpeo.

'or oalur. hNII Jut all cl'Nl.ion In mDltiplied adulteration.

-8l1J'd.u.e ill TM Jlkrottopf.

It Is tated that Mr. William Black mak about "'-0,000 a year from his no,elt.

W. J. Cou rtb ope, tbo laet editor of Pope, i be one of th candidates for 'be:n nt cbair of Proli r of Poetry at Oxford.

Dr. bliemann's "Tiryns" will be pub· lished by the ribners. Tbe book, which Is w be an laborate and a hand· ~me one will soon appear.

Canon Farrar is r ported t~ have said io Philadelphia that he regarded "Tbe €carlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne,

I the ableat American novel.

The Goethe SocietY which has now 500 m ID ben, wlllehortly bring out the cor·

IId.nce of th. Duche811 AnDa Ama­lio with Goetbe's mother.

Mr. • G. W. Rcnjamin, ex-United 8tatee Minister Resident at Teheran, ... bw naed hi.:l diplomatic exper­

ience w 8uch good purpose that he ie \ (, •. tia a book on tb. "Pam. of TCHiay."

Tbe London .AJUWitr'. Circular Qaye: '~Il. poblilkina prospects in America

to be ot a most. promising nature. Com. 01 the holiday boob in preparation : l1rpM1ln elepnce and price any hereto­foN olrered, and in the department of geDeralliteratnre there seems w be no ialliDg off from lut year. This indicates A marked improvement in business."

Hr. W. E. Norris who has won his way to th$ Irollt rank of English novelists, will contribote a new serial .ovel, "Hope," to Lippincct'. Nagazine for ]886, This is aid w be one of his very beet elrona. It will be accompanied by an American serial, ''Taken by iege," deal­ing with the journali tic and dramatic life of New York City. Thou h the antbor of the latter has elected to pre-8e1\'e hi anonymity, his every touch re­veal an intimate acquaintance with the Icene9 which he describes, and the secret of the authorship will give rue to mucb lively go -ing.



Oor readers all know that W8 have been very earnestly desirous of outside cootrlbuUODl! W this department o( the paper. During the paat QOelOUr most IItInguine expectations hue been more tban reali.ed. We had, at lin unpree. dented expenee and outlay to the man-

ment, advertised in several metro­politan newepapers, that thi' pape' WI.'I

a moet excellent and desirable periodical for budding genius to addreee and in whici to~eeea1 it.s first feeble lIerial gyra­tions promising In payment IIbundance of fame and a copy of the paper, end of­tering, 13 a premium to tho best com­peting production preeented before a certain day, designatoo, a larg. aroup photoaraph of the Univenity Faculty (price SI.00) lIurrounded by a valuable and handaome gilt frame (price '1.50), hun ... lth a red cord (price lOcte.), and agreeillg to label it in fancy blue letten, at option of euccessCUI competiwr, either "Scene from Dantes Inferno" or "Officers and Members otChicago B8!O-ball Nine of '85," (price of lettering 5Octa). On the day named, we eat in our sancmm, ready to receive any contributions that millht preaen' themselvee, afte, tbe manner of a building committee sitting down to open sealed bid .. We had wondored why, with the liberal induce· ments quoted above, there had been no response as yet and 11'0 were tipped back in our chair, bumming, a la "Policem.n's Chorus," "An ediwrs' lot is not a happy one, bappy one," when we heard a feeble knock at the door. We assumed a verti­cal position, adjusted our necktie ana &ltertd, "Co-come in," trembling at th e thought of confronting G:enius. The door optned, and a little bAld·beaded man, wearing a smirking, though fright­ened 3Dd apoloai:.illll: expreatio., and a very ill fitting suit of clothes, lip-toed ClUItioaaly in. "A-,,,., i-u, thi. tbe edi­tor," he murmued in a surprised tone. We were frightened at our novel posi­tion, and faintly pJac::latod, "I-It are." Wo wert') both scared, but at tbis he seemed to pick up courage, and witb mort .milk snd lell!! lriabt, 'lild much more apolgy in his expression, he bowed and .id, "1·1 rnd YOUl advertitement in the papers. I como from Chicaao, and would be,'} to present a littl. potm which I dashed off in an idle moment and which I desire to present (or YOUl mOlt valuable prize," and he drew a brown paper package out of his pocket. I offered him a chair and told him w rm hie poem W me. He Wok thachaiT, .t down, placed hie hat on tbe floor be­side it, and began w read with an une­tuoue and beg-your-pal'don inflection.


"11m. to th ... m1llt, B, far milch moro worth, of faml tbaa turke,

IOhblft 01 nIpr 8OOM1 Bird, from "bote' quilla, we "ho be" the poet

IIOIll Dub olf fllII7l11lDtaI_ foU Of trolbt gro;M, To thee I ded.ill:lte VIII 1.,1t&1., 10 mlgbtv period.e, that like the windy tornado Iball throtlgh tbe world wbistle-"

I fell back with a loud cry. The little man, who had been elaborately aud in tently interpreting his mllnu8llript, sprang half out of his chair, a look of

extreme3t terror on his face, gasped, Pled 'liUely around, mado a terrified grab tor his hat and slid silently out, witbout looking back. I had not yet tully recovered, when the knob again turned and I Ball' an object enter which inspired m. with three-fold terror. It wu a man of about thirty years. His featuroo were large, peaked, and aquiline, bi! bair flowed OTer hi3 shoulders his 10Dg mustache drooped on either side bi~ chin, he wore the broadeet kind of a Byron collar, his long black necktie floated wildly in tba breeze, he \Voro a fad04 alpaca coat, 17hose caudal append­adge reached only to the line of bis oos­pendGr buttons, his pantaloons flapped frantically about bis slender limbs. He strode fomard with his neck tbrust out, his shoulders dawn up, and his body and leas forming an S in shape, sr.arcely lifting his feet from tbe floor, bnt slink­ing aloDi lite a cat. He stopped in front of me, ran his hand wildly through his hair, made a horizontal iesture with his arm to it:J full extant, and pointed his bony finger toward one corner of tbe room. I looked helplessly in that di­rection and then at him, but saw tbat he meant nothini but was simply pro­paring to speal. "What, ho, Antonio, lnOl\'est tbou my word, I come from fair St. Louis' bf'auteous site, to plunge me fortunes in the fiery lilt of intellectual tourneys sanguine field, I havo my weapon here concealed. Woulds't hear it." "G-go on," I managed to gulp out.

He took a long roll of manuscript out of his breast pocket, held it at arm's length before him, threw out his other hand sidl!wise struck an attitudo and began,

"The ~Ioodr moon W88 riling in the Ult, When o'er tbe murk)' battle field alllorO, Th •• pirit. 01 the .Wo. to ft!ldenoo:u, Came pallid taoed, with saping wonnds, All"-

I had been gaining courage. "Hold on," I interrupted, "I never could print that in my paper, it would scaro the Freshiee W death ." He stopped dumb­founded, not 8eeming to comprehend at first. But when he did, with a passion­ate gelture forward he shouted, "What eay'et, 'twould fright the verdant Fresh­man, air; why 8ir't"ould atir his poeL BOul eo deeJr-," "No, it wouldn't," I in­terrupted, "a Freshman hasn't any BOul but a large leather one and your 'mUrky battle' field murty·1I him outr-" I was frQaen with terror. He had collapsed, shut up like a jaok-knife, !tis chin strik­ing his limp knees, and he lay uncon· cious upon the floor. Whilo I was en· deavoring ~o restoro him to his senses, I heard a pecnliar, gnrglini laugh close w my ear, and riaing hastely from the prostrate form and lookin~ up with some surpriee, I saw before me a smooth faced, flesby, barrel-sbaped individual who was contemplating me witb an unbound· edly complacent 8mile and was flourish· ing in his hand a roll of paper tied with a yellow ribbon. Be repeated his pecu­liar laugh, wbich seemed to be entirely a surface affllir and insincere, 80me 8uch hasty and matter of poli ten ellS Illugh III!

one give8 when he hears another's joke and hastens to give one of his own be­fore anyone interruj)ts. "Huh·uh-ub. Bowd'y, I have here-." "All right, I

know all a.bout it. Go ahead," I inter· rnpted. With a graceful wave of the hand showing bis unannoyed acquies­cence, ho unrolled his ms. and began, "Huh-uh-uh" (ho seemed to think me very humorous) "I havo here a produlJ. tion entitled, 'Tho New Philosophy' to-wit: Rrom ont tbe world's protnberential eeqU6DCIII,

The m)'ltel'1 of tbe nnmitigable efterwardneea I would e1llcidate.

The Barokoan llpodosis and tho sJ1lchronolll acoidents of entity,

Together in~rmin8linll' witb Da18Pti, now ell-min.tin,,"

(This was terrible, I must try the efficacy of my former plan.)

"Now coagulate anu coadjntate in un· amorphous harmony."- ,. ay, governor," I shoutod, "would it harmony one if you'd quit?" Be looked up in mild astonishment, trilled out a "Hub-uh-uh," tben as the comprehension of wbat I had said seemed to mount into his br in, he opened his mouth, tears sprang inw hi!! eyes, he emitted a heart-rending cry and bolted out the door. The form on the floor slowly opened his eyes, groaned, turned over on all fours, and glided out as cat-like all he had entered. I congratulated my­self, I had found tbe universal weapoo. But I bad had about enough. I waa picking up my hat, preparato,ry to By­ing from the spot, when with a great crash some one kicked in the door, and a typical cow-boy stood beforo me. "Hello, pard," he familiarly enunciated, "are YOll the coyote that bid fur intel­lecWoal boodle." I looked at his pi~to1s and feebly "guellSed I was." "Wcll, I got a sweet scented perduc. here lthat I faintly smile I'll argy you inter pub­Hshiu. Sh'lI read it, old boy?" And he held it out on the tip of his bowie knife. I said he should. "'fhat's straightgoodB. llere she are-

My me\ogins b.zoo would toot up, To whoop up BaISmith of tbe foot.hi1\t.

Sbo's II dnisy from waf baok, )'ou bet, Nontli!rt ber tbt,.. be. who 80 beanobut II.

"I-isn't tho intellectual elevation a little depressed for a college paper," I 80ftly suggested. lIe fel t in his belt and.said,"What did you say, pard?" I 8aid that I thought the rhyme was very fine. "You bet," be resumed,

"The)' 0811 her eleolrio-liaht 881, U .. b<'lld Ia the hue of a beet"-

Relief was at hand. The last poel bad left his "New Philosophy" on the floor. I picked It up. "Hold on," I shouted, "sbut off that miserable wish, wosh." Ho slung down his paper, jumped up, cr~('lted his heels in the air, . yelled, "What" 80 loud tbat he almost choked, flourish d his bowie in theair and-Quick action lfM neceMllry. 1 tore open the "New Philosophy" aDd acreamed, "From out the world's pro­tuberenlial 8equences, the mystery o( the unmlligable afterward ness I would elucidate." lIe dropped 1.'1 one sbo~ and lay outstretched upon the Boor, J hit him with tho 1'011 of paper, the weight of tho po m settled him, he 1\'11 quite dcad. I 11 d in terror, and when it grew dark, returned, dragged away his body, and UlI'ew it into the tUODei which conc1ucts tb at am pipes to the Science building, aud tbere it now repo­ses.


Volumne I, No.1 of the Co made its appearanco tbis we' neat nnd interesting sen published at Adriau, Michigal

The presen~ Freshman clM mOTe than one hundred men contains several members 0

When they become senior~, DE

one 01 tbe class expects to ClI

.Inlerstnte.-DePauw Monthly. All studellta ill Russian U

are now compelled to wear, Oil oos occaaioll!, a uniform con blue cap, gray coat and greer all plentifully embellished 1

lace. 'l'he suit will be so c, poor boys can hardly afford and the belief is tbat tho is intended to hinder the i masses in educating their "'tatem.

The note·book is a LJ<'U'Oil\" .. ~ ion if 'properly used. reading, if you come across you like jot it down. You store that wil\surprise you. ways with y)u. If you thin k tbat strikes you jot it down, find use for it when you come piece. Then you will not certain space, but will write bare sometbing to say. And only reason wby one Monmouth Collegian.

Students of tbe U ni bear in mind the following tive rules in reference to IlQnors: (l) com peti ~ion for mitled only to regular prize nor honor shall be awa student who f.i1s to make a in all departments, and an 85 during tbe two terDlll in which the award i8 made. been the long felt need of tbe i aod wi!! make the class com the prize record.-D,Paun

Students, if you want a buggy, or anything In the I come and see us. We will tate in showing you what we have. the finest line of horses, riages of any establishment iu and cannot fail to please you, see us. FOSTER

I met the girl of the . And gently took her Ifiir

I thought I'd pop the? But! didn't have the

Don GO 8001811 Lee'. PIIIIIr Il0l01 .. ,, vUI

.0. cltt.b Mu4, E1Uott'. BOliOl., ftaoan,.. 'ully Fair, AIIopI. F.blll, IIaIf lOIn will Oreal 'aUlora, !It •• ...,..·C1111na1

... eacl YW' alao I1I1'IIIIl

..... '-ou 1IaIo. nta:l

Page 7: C. L. MOZIER, :The Vidette-Reporter.dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu › DI › 1885 › di1885-11-14.pdfshould be Illor than a certificate of at ... of the body politic, by making tbem the


'rifted yout, t yet

know all n.bout it. Go ahead," I inter· rnpted. With 1\ graceful wave or the hand showing his un annoyed acquies­cence, he unrolled his ms. and began, "Huh-uh-uh" (he seemed to think me very humorous) "I have kere a produc­tion entitled, 'The New Philosophy' to-wit: F.rom ont the world'e protnberential seqoenotf, The mYltery of the numitigable sfterwsnlnea

I wonld elucidate. The Barokoan llpodosis and the sf1lohronoQl

acoidents 01 entity, Together intormiuglini l1ith Dar8pti, now ell'

aminating," (This was terrible, I must try the

efficacy of my former plan.) "Now coagulate and coadjut.ate in un·

amorphous harmony."- .. ay, governor," I shouted, "would it harmony one ir you'd quit?" He looked up in mild astonishment, trilled out a "Huh-uil·uh," then 8!1 the comprehension of what I had said seemed to mount into his br in, he opened his mouth, rean sprane into hi! eyes, he emitted a heart-rending cry and bolted out the door. The form on the :floor slowly opened his eyes, groaned, turned over on all fours, and glided out as cat·like 11.8 he had entered. I congratulated my­self, I had found the universal weapon. But I had had about enough. I W88

picking up my hat, preparatOJy to fly· ing from the spot, when with a great crash some one kicked in the door, Rnd a typical cow-boy stood before me. "Hello, pard," he familiarly enunciated, "are you the coyote that bid fur inlel· lllctooal boodle." I looked at his pi.~toI8 and feebly "guessed I was." "Well, I

, got a sweet scented perdue. bere (thai I faintly smile I'll argy you inter pub­lishin. Sh'lI read it, old boy?" And he held it out on the tip of his bowie knife. I said he should. "That's straigh t goods. Uere she are-

Id My meloliu8 bazoo wonld toot np, nt To whoop np Sal Smith or the foot.hillJ.

Sho's a daisy from WRY baok, you bet, Nontli!rt ht' there be. who 80 boonchoelf.

"I-isn't t110 intollectual elevation, little depressed for a college paper," I toftly suggested. lie felt in his bell and. said, ·"What did you say, pard?" I said that I thought the rhyme was very fine. "You het," he re umed,

"They 01111 her eleotrio.lillht fla! , HOI baed II the hue or a boet"-

Relief WIIS at hand. The last poel had left his "New Philosopby" on the floor. I picked it tip. "Hold on," I shouted, "shut off that miserable wish, wash." He slung down his paper, jumped up, c.:cked hlG heels in the air, . yelled, "What" 80 loud that be almosl cboked, flourish d his bowie In the air and-Quick action WII! neceasary. I tore open tho "New Pbl108Opby" and loreamed, "From out the world's pro­tuberential sequence8, the mystery or the unmitigable arterwardncss I would elucidate." He dropped as one sho~ and lay outstretched upon the floor,1 hit him with tho roll of paper, tbs weight of the poem 8ettled him, he '"' quito dead. I Oed in terror, and wbeD

e it gr w dark, returned, dragged any hi800dy, and tbr IV it into the tunnel which conducts th steam pipes to the Science uuildlng, aod there it now rejlO'

I sas.


Vo]umne I, No.1 of the College World made its appearance this week. It is a neat and interesting semi·monthly published at Adrian, Michigan.

The present Freshman class numbers more than one hundred memuers, and contains several members of promise. When they become senior ,nearly eyery one of tbe class expects to carry off the

.lnterstate.-DePauw Monthly. All student<! in Russian Universities

are now compelled to wear, on cermoni­ous occasions, a uniform consisting of a blue cap, gray coat and green trousers, all plentifully embellished with gold lace. The suit will be so costly that poor boys can hardly afford to buy it, and the belief is that the requirement is intended to hinder the impoverilhed masses in educating their aone.-North­ll't8Iern.

The note·book is a beneficial compan­ion if 'properly used. When you are reading, if you come across anything you like jot it down. You will get a store tbat will surprise you. Keep it al­ways with y lll. If you think a though t that strikes you jot it down, you will find use for it when J OU come 10 write a piece. Then you will not need 10 .611 " certain space, but will write becaule you bave something to say. And this il 'be only reason why one should writ~.­MonlllOlJth Collegian.


~C1IIOJID S~ C~ C~RErrES. p ERSONS who are wiUin, to pa1 II little more

n the price chargod for the ordinar, trode Cii8rett~s will find theae Cill'arettu far superior to all others. a- BlilWARJl 01' JIlITATIOll8 JoID OD8El1VE



TOM , WHITIAKERS Tonsorial and

Bathing Parlon. Onl, Bllth Rooma ill 1I:,"-'I1'h1...d

Iowa Citr.

Eight Doon south of Poat Office.


!lieD & Gmter,lannfactnrers, iitlEOlt, Ylr~a. PUBLISHING COMPANY Weems' Laundry l ,



Sollcltl the work of Students. Agents wanted everywhere.

WEBSTER With or without Patent Index.



and Binders.

Publishers of the Daily and Weekly


Whetstone's Little Drug Store :On tho Corner, One Block South of P.O.,

Keeps a Full Stock of

Drugs, Medicines, T Qilet Soaps, Clo'th, Hair, Tooth, and Shoe •

Brushes, Fine Perfumes, Bay Rum, Colognes,

Wood TQoth Picks, Fine Cigars, Razors, Razor Straps, Pocket

Knives, Pocket Books, Gold Pens,



Nsw Drug Stors1 South Side Coll8ie Street, between Dubuque and

Clinton, where 1 have a fill lin' of goods usnallr kept in a

First·Class Drug store.

Studentll of tbe University;[IIhould bear in mind the following adminietrn­tive rules in reference to prilell end honors: (I) competition for prilell i. pt'1-

mitted only to regular studentsj (S) no prize nor honor shall be awarded 10 tny student who rlils to make I grt.do or 80 in all departments, and au average of 85 during tbe two terlllll prooedlnn lhd in which the award is made. Thie be! been the long felt need of the inltitution and will make the clll.8B comp.ro ~Ith

the prize record.-D,Paun Jf~nlhlV.

t)1;1 oQ IT II TO !STANDARD .;;~ of .utho~Hy In ~~~.,; The GoVll'mut PrintfDg Offlot, ~ ~~ B . od with the

$010" ~ ~~f1«¥u Wall Paper and Artists'Snppli81

Students, if you want a horse and buggy, or anything in the livelY line, come and see us. We will lale pleuu e in showing you what we bave. We bave the fineSt line of horses, buggietl, car­riagea of any establishment in the city and cannot fail to please you, come and see us. Fos'rER & HESIl.

I met the girl of the. And genUy took her I/iiI"

I thougbt I'd pop the? But I didn't have the S&-&.

Don 00 BOOl811

.!l:l rs ~ Unit.d Sates hpreme Court.

.., ~~ ... " Rel'omm~nded by tho !l 8 - State Sllpt'lltkoolJl in 36 Stat.., ~:il~:g and "y "CQ 0 0 Over rutr Cbll e 1're81deJata. a~: For u~plyln~SchooI8. 5 n : Etory ltate PUrchue ~ = Il- hili bc~n of Webllter. ]1 ~ 1 'lb. 8&1. II 80 to 1 of InY other

~ '" 8 ~ Th. !.olioD~: of England ~ ! g Says: It II tbo beat DlotloD.llry or tt. S 0 Lllngunge. ~ BOD. Gee. BancrOft. the IltatorilD,

g~ 8 ~ Says: It Is 8uperlor to 1111 othors. .. !l'~ 'li 'l'oronto Ilobe, Cauda BaYS: s II 6C~ It.s place is In the vory hlgtost rank. .all_'l~ SlmUar t etlmonlale bllyoooen given ;:: 8~ ~ hy hundreds or Iho beet American and

"'I 0 i European Boholars. GET THE BEST. n ie all Invaluable' companion In overy Bohool,

and at evory Flroslde. G ... C. MERRIAM .. CO., Pub'rs, Sprlnl6eld, MMI.

EUGENE PAINE, Dealer in aU kinde of


1M' ....... f.oekltL""O ...... .., .. 4,

Patont KiDdling At 10 oenu 8 bnndle. INft Cool 80reeneci for house uee.

~UI ..u 11 Office oor. Burlington and VAnBnren Streete.

EWott'. BOilola, ftaoAny'. 'utt} Pair, Uaop" Palllll, BIlf lOIn wi" Oreat A.tlloH, 1M a ..... :CJlllnat ftlacu at &5

III" 119. WW alIo hInJaIlu1.1Iot1-..... boob W ... nil:! ". ....

JAD8 LEB, 118 WalllJllgttn 8t.

Leave orders at Fink'.lltore • .. BANJO STUDIO.


Thorough Teacher of the Banjo O.l)ertlllouee, oyer Tnnner'. Hardware


Houn from 10 to 1~ A. x., and 1 to 8 P. x.

Only Dailv in the City, and the' Largest Weekly in the State.


Weare prepared 10 do 0.1\ kinds of Printing, from a Calling Card 10

a bound Volume.

All the finest and latest designs and

styles of binding done on Bhort notice,

by skilled workmen.

..... Bend for 68tlmatee.




Paints, Oils, Glass § Varnishes 116 Dubuque St., Iowa City.

S. J. KmKWOOD Pree. J . N. COLDBEN1 Cuh. T. J. Cox, Vioo.Pree. J. O. SWITZER, Asst. Cub.

Iowa Ciij National Bank, IOWA CITV,IOWA.

CAPITAL, $200,Im. DIR1:OTOBS-E. OIlIrk, T. J. Cox\.Th08. Hill.

T. Sauay, T. B. Wnlee, Jr~ F. S. IIlcGee, S. J. Kirkwood, G80. W. LeW18, ~ohn N. Coldren.

L11lAK PAlI801I8, LoVSLL SWlSlWI Prwdent. GalMer-..



DIBwrons - Ll'man PS1'8one Poter A. ner. J. T. Tumor, G. W. 1d.8Tq1lllntt, E. Bradwar. C. S. Weloh, !mOIl N. Ol1lrier,


Taos. ('. OAII80K, Preet. O. D. ()LOSJl, V.-PtoIt.. R. R. SPJlIIOEB, Oaehier.


SAVINGS BANK. Do B Goneral Banking BUBineee. Pa1 interee\

,on Depoeiu. Boll Romo and Foroll!ll Exohanae.

TOWNSEND'S PHOTOGRAPHIO PARLORS, THE FINEST IN THE OITY. tudcuts will find it to their advantage to go to this old and popular gallery. All are welcome.

Page 8: C. L. MOZIER, :The Vidette-Reporter.dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu › DI › 1885 › di1885-11-14.pdfshould be Illor than a certificate of at ... of the body politic, by making tbem the

LAW DEPARTMENT. '1'. :I. nI1'lMOTOM. Ellllor.

J. W. D6venport who h been tnking a .hort vi it at hi homo in 0 k6100!la return d to hool 00 TIm day of this w k.

1n Ii i ippln mnn who w ught ltealln tho milk (rom a ow, was in­dl 1 d by a grand jury for milkilll( a cow in th first d gr .

It i r port J that Franklin ~Innning, lIOn of r Lary of the tr ury, was ar-

t d nt ohv , W do Jay, ovem­bor 4th, (or keepiog hi saloon open acter 1 o'clock on the night following the elec­lion day.

Pro/! or.-Wbnt is bignroy? udfllt.­Havin more than OUll wife. Proftuor.­In the U. <. can a man under noy cir­cum Lane , live wilh more lhao ooe woman? , udtnt.-No. Theri!fore biga-my d not obtain in lhit! country.

hica.go, Novemb r 101b.-Anoie Thompson, the young girl who Labbed b r t p-father, V6nce Wilson, aLurday night, Novemb r th, as tbe latter was thr at ning th lif! of hi ick wife, Will

di harged by coron rs jury to-dl\Y.-'&:. loot urt 6t l\ Inle ion, a

motion 11' b iog 6rgued, when 60 61Lor­n y alii r d in upport of hi 6rgumeot a common Inw proVillioo, that "every canin 111\8 hi8 dny." The cou rt refused to Lak nid law into accol1ot, becau e thi terrier had alrcndy hntl severnl day.

Ann Arbor, Mich., ~ovember 10th.­A regular tu(lent row occurred hero last night between tbe college boys and the local authoritie. The m6yor endeav­ored to di parse the crowd but was hooted 6t. He e ped by 6 ida door. The demonstration became so erioll8 that the prisonera were released when lpe h were m6de on the campus de· nouncing the proceeding.-.&:.

At the Law Literary last alurd6Y night, the debate 11'68 on the question: "Ruolc d, That Judges hould be elected and not appoioted." The debaters were well prepsred and their 6rgument were iDteresting and 10000cai. There was not oo1y a large, but an intelligent lookiog aadieoce (composed mostly- of law). The boys only need a good hall and a lew fI male (a to light it up, to make 'he 80Ciety a complete Sl1ccess.

At a meeting of th Junior law class la t Tuesday for the purpose of organiz­inga C1ubCourt,tbe following officers were elected: John Burke, F. L. Mncomber and T. F. Beviogton, Ju tice j W. . Wallace. Clerk; E. . rgent, beritr; E. H. WI 1-IOn, Deputy herilf; C. W. Newberry,


oned for intoxication, 68 for larceoy, 18 (or nuisance, 134 (or vagrancy, 25 for

ult, 1 for murder, 20 for misdemean­or, 2 (or forgery, 1 for gambliog, 3 for blgamy,5 for insanity, 4 for robbery. 1 for embezzlement aud 4 for burglary. Tho Di trict court in aud fOJ the same couoty, convoned at Des Moines Novem­ber Oth with Judge McHenry presiding. Fifty- even cases were called 10 give the d fendants an opportuoity for chnlleng­ing the jury, I of whom were prisoners in the couoty j6i1 and the remainder out on bood. Thi makes the largest uum­ber of cases to be referred to the grand jury at aoy one time in tho hi tory of the county.-RtQisler.

One of the juniors asked this question: "Would it be burglary to sit on 6 chim­ney with youI' feet hangiog down the vent?" The boys were so confused that the professor did not 6DSwer.

Miss Oline Madison, while on her return from Milton to her home in Gutbrie Center. on Monday last, visited her brother, H. B. Madison, of the law c11l8S.

Any man or woman makioilless than I $40 weekly should try our easy money m6king business. We want agents for our celebrated MADHI DEAN SPINAL STPI'ORTING CORSETSj also our PINAL

UPPORTER, SnoULDIlR BRACE, and An­DOMINAL PROTECTOR combined (fol" men aod boys). No experience required Four orders per day gi ves the agent $150 monthly. Our agents report ~O sales daily, $3 outfit free. Seud at once for full particul6rs, state sex. Lewis Schiele &: Co., 300 Broadway. New York. tf.

Sportsman's Caporal. The Latest and becoming vary popular. Manu­

factured by special request. A delicious blend of c80ice 'rUrklSh and VirQ'inia. .





DRESS CIGARETTES. Our Cigarettes are made from ti,e finest se­

lected Tobacco •• thoroughly cured. and pure nice Paper. are rolled by the highest class of s~i!led 1&!J?r. IlIld warranted freo from flavoring or lmpl1l'ltles.

Every genuine Cigarette bOllr8 n FAO-SUUI,E of KINNEY Baas.' SLGNATUllm.

KINNEY TOBACCO CO., Sncc6&0rs to Kinnoy Bros.,


ehas. E. Lyon, law class of '8.3, arrived ill town on Thursday P. )1. lIe is now connected with the promineot firm of Dubuque atLorneys. Fouke & Lyon, of which his (ather is the seuior member Of course it "goes without saying" that "Chic" i pro poriug. lIo will remain in the city until Monday next. Tlh~# d

Out for new goods at Lee, Welch I' "'(Ail ae . 1,000 AIEIlS, MEN 'ID WOMEI,

Be Sure rorJOIl1fB.GOUOB·S enttrely newbook-jultpubJlJhell


Dry Goou~, Notion~, Car~~~, No. 126 "tI8hington Street. Iowa Oit,.

DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, No. 117 Clinton treet.

PRATT & STRUB, Wlttn i1~ I~a/It of an lJMlJRELLA Of

llAIN OIROlJLJ.R, call in.

SAWYER, THE CLOTHIER, Just 'oulh oj the Post O.Di~.


Military Snita a Specialty. Gin him a call.

at . the Golden Eagle for your ir.~·" LIVING TRUTHS af~J:~:aa~.,. glove nud mittens; we havll the finest ~f'ru~~!~ltWnIl'lI a lerl .. o! un a30rtmentintown. JOHN B. GOUGH l? GEE:::E:::e.

OPERA HOUSE ~~~~~~i~i~~~~;l MercnantTailoran~Clot~i~r ONI NIOH1l' ONLY ..

Saturday, Nov. 14. 'l'RE BIGGEST AND BRB'r IN




publlahed. Tno tendeme .. ot hll p'thoaand the aplce of hla humo. are quite Irr •• I, tible. A on"gnUI. <ent Royal Octavo Volume. con· ,atnlng nea,ly 700 PAKft and a7 Superb Engra.lngL

WE WANT I. DOO mo .. enterprl.· Ina, Intelligent can·

t..~se;n~~~~KI ';!'~~ ~~~M:: lor I~ 110 compelltion ... and It II now out.lellln, all oth· , ... 10 to I. IllnJRte ... , r:dlto .... Orltln •• etc . • IIhtll Utelr

::.q~ed..:!o=~an~n~~~~eO~~. A1:~ "_." 'r._ i00i . E1Clq.lve torritory .and ,..., lpecIaI Term. rrt .. n. Bend tor 1aJ'fj'e Uluatrated nlrtlllian IOnlalnlnir 1.1f.Jl&,Ucul".... Add .... A. G. ~ COJU,OO .. hila.. 87 •• OI6rk It-. 0h10ac0. Ill.

! JOSEPH GILLOTT'S \ Jtrtllttl~.

GOLD MEDAL, PARIS. 1878. JlII Ctleoraled NUIII/Jel·'.

303-404- 170-604-33S1, alia hil olll~r ,'vltl fnavlif had of (I/j dealm

throughout Ih, \VQr/d.

And Dents' Furnishing Oood •. Students' Uniforms.

123 Clinton St.


Merchant Tailor, Elegant Cluthing made to orrlor. A full It oct

ot foreign goods always on band.

Military Suits A SPECIAl TY.

BOOTS AND SHOES. We 1\ avo a .I!' ino A 8811rtmont 01 BoolA l1li1

!lhOC8, 011 l1're8h lIud of n flood Quality. tor I .. Women, Mi880~ lllld Ohildren.

P loo8e lIi,.e U8 1\ enlland get B&rgaiD~

CUltom Work and R.palrlng Prompt/v Att .. ~l4t1o

J. '. FLANNAGAN, O. teiniger, A. Clau n, B. O. Hostetler IN A BRILLIANT. NOVEL AND ORIG-

Joseph Gillott &: BODS. New Yor~ No. 1t4 (']juten Street .•

and E. E. Edmunds committee to prepare INAL PROGRAMME FROM

alatementsoffacts. The court is to be OVERTURE TO CURTAIN F Sueppel'sGrocery held on WedDesday 6t2 P. lI . -A.O- RANKLIN MARKET 8h~~~~;;;01~::~:;;~~e~;te:r!~c~ 1 ~~lnft n 1 ~M'U ft~~~ft'I"1 PRAlII8!BBBII8, Prop. FANCY AN~.;8::~~::t::OCERII8 alanl of those imprisoned ince April! t. Q '" ~ A~ a I\Y, A~ IlllWU' Y Students' oluba wlll find frpsh Butter. Em. ... The whole number o( prisoners since On.oIOJ~T Cu'ra A SpgCIALTI'. lJountry Produeo alwayeon Mol·

USUAL PB~O:llS. !rIOXB1!S ON ULlf Co e D b q d I A Th ' . I I d that time is 576. or these 300 were impri&- THURSDAY.OBNIN9 AT '~NK8. ru r U U lIO an own venue. 0"0 wl~r~, ~~!8~rlf~~ ~~~Jh~heap. ter we oCIIJr

M. BLOOM && OO'S ONE-PRIOE OLOTHING. STUDENT'S UNIFORMS A SPEOIALTY. Headquarters for custom made Clothing and all latest styles of Furnishing (loods. Alljioods marked in pl6!n n$lllrr~.


The Vidette -R ISSUED

IVBRY SATURDAY .AF »uriI, CoUealaie Tea: S,

Published at Republican Office.

1. H. LJOOITT. N. C. You:so. Managin(J Ellitorl



ODe oopy. ODe year. in advance, Ou COPY. ODe yeal. if DOt paid BiDels copy.

The Pllper will be Sent to old ordered Btopped aDd arrearagee

lor we at the BooltstQree and

V~ar has received fund to promote tll e speare.

THE dissatisfnction with the Canadinn government Riel is widespread. Four dents from Victoria Uni the streets of ~lontreal the 17th, bearing the effigies government offici:ws, That was bUJDed before the Victoria. Their continual "glory to RieL"

SEVERAL of our con cossing the feasibility of "Exchange Department." VlDmE has never tensively io that departmcn . but consider the proposition one. True the "exchange qoent1y is filled with meani "You Oatter me 6nd I will you" 8eems 10 be the la IV

exchange editors of some rate exchanges. But the apparen~, thst there are tween college journals and well, which can be consi in no ether way. To Lalk it i8 nODlleDBe. Suggestions best plan for improving it

attention. ------1 Swinton's '!Outlinee of H

work of general reference ror many times a day in the only copy belonging Lo the been miseing for aeveral it nowhere credited record, the natural
