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C. S. Brownell & Co Sllflff 23/Bath NY... · IsTew^ TSToxls.. %ST4BI4IBXB 1149 ^ouiuin (HI* Bank la...

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$fe $jkjy^5f* s / X > / VOL. I , \ \ V. BATH, STEUBEN COUNTY 5Ji,. I YORK, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1890. NUMBER 4. / M u b w yr>vmcv?y:'^rtvoi-rttc ESTABLISHED IN 181S. I'JI> W I PI i 1, I I iN IN'iltUllil 1, St****'toA. I. ifkDiRHIIXftSOU. Office in (he ADVWHTI Btoc«, *f L1 ^**y 8treet - Bath, Steuben County, New fork. TUH of 8««»iitiOK-|l.oe »*''XVJj«*Pi in Steubert County i W cents added If not paid dulng the year. |l.6p per year if * gent out of the County. Advtrttiing rates furnithtd on application. TO ADVBRTISPta T«i ABTOOAW hue the largest circulation of any paper published In Steuben County. Its adtan. fatTes as an advertising medium are evident JOB PRINTING. We have all the modern appliances for doing Joo Printing of every description. New Maoh1 ne Presses, Wafer Motor Power, New Type, New Cuts and other material of the latest s vies Our Jolli- ties for doing every kind of Printing in large or small quantities are unsur " C. S. Brownell & Co §u$itt*00 CM*. H BUBKN R. WON, Attorney »«d Counselor a* Law, office over Farmers' * Mechanics* Bank, Bath, NX,-apr'688. HHABLKS P. KINQSIiBT, ATTORNEY AND U Counselor at Law. Office over, First National lank, Bath, N.T. , ; ' BAS8ETT, Attorney and Counselor Office over Dr. Dunn's drug store, lanSStf. WML Bath, N. Y. I,.'SMITH, ATTORNEY AND OODN ._ »t%aw. Off office, Bath, N. Y.-Nov. 8,1874. ' selor atldHT * Oflloeover" Hallook's Banking RKUBEK B. ROME, ATTORNEY AND OOUN- *• selor at Law. Offioe. over Robles' Dry Goods fJtotoBath.N. T.-Mayge, 18T1. TN0. F. LITTLE, Attorney and Counselor at * Uw, Bath. N. Y. 0 « o e oyer Tharp's Shoe itore.-Jan.86'8». VfoMAHTER ft PARKHUR8T, ATTORNEYS ** and Counselors at Law, Bath, Steuben county, N. Y. Special attention given to cases in the United States COurt. and proceedings nnder the Baakrupt Act. Office, Perine Bloek, Liberty St. l Tath, N. Y.-Nov. W, 187«. H. MoMUstm. J. F. PABtawt. 1 •; J. B. HELOVBR-S Dental 1 rooms ov«r Brundnge's store 1 the j of mate; i»ls used. Dental pistes ofSBrhif B'oo' mbheir—w«rr««t<wl t|o» * A break. 4£3k ^& V \I 'tUOBr beat 1 *a>iiwt rinn TO LOAN ON IMPROVED JpllK'.UUU Real Estate in wenbeo and adjoining counties, W F-MoLEAN, , Hunker. Prattsnittth, N. Y. P ENSIONS AND CLAIMS.-M»j C W. Camp bell, Attorney at Law, late Paymaster U.S. Vols., and Clerk In the Pension Office, will prose- cute Claims for Pensions, Bounties, Arrears of Pay and all other military and naval claims against the Government. Office, Liberty street, Hath, New York. tf. I AT 2* U K . .La -WITH— Fire, Lifo and Accidont Insurance. 28 Liberty Street, - Bath, N. Y. SATISFACTION GUABANTEED. O. H. SMITH. (Successor to Henry Faucett,) FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE. Office over Dr, Dunn's Drug Store, July 24, •8»~yl El J^JJfWt, 1ST, IT. "giTWsU R_ANCE§ D. M VAN CAMP'S AGENCY ESTABLISH!!) IN 1857 ..,. , COMPANIES No. 1-ALWAY8 RELIABLE. Office with Chas, W. Campbell, July 13,1881, Bath, N. Y. JUp JB XMMLM.MM.JLZftji (Successor to D. C. Aiota.) i f ire t Life, Plate ttlass & Accident Insurance ! Representing the following flreUoloss Companies, possessing Capital of 1104.000.000. Niagara, Agricultural, Liverpoolt London Citizens, and Globe, People's, Sun—Fire of London, American, —and— Liberty, Now York Life Insurance Company. Bath, N. Y., Sept. 26,lS89.~tf CLAUDE D. MORRIS, (REOm'KKKD) Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College and Honorary Fellow of the Ontario Veterinary Medi- cal Hooloty treats all dtieaats of domestls animals. Special attention to »e»tal and Surgical Operations. ffi-Offlooa*. the Ntohols House. Satisfaction Guaranteed. , aug.211889 tf. 3 b a so 0 The great cry of Oven Ven- tilation has induced different manufacturers to try and build a Range with a perfect ventilation, and the celebrated firm of RATHBONE, SARD & CO. has adopted a system in their CELEBRATED ACORN RANGES that is the only sys- tem that is PERFECT. Above is ah illustration of their method, and the Ranges are for sale by 2 0 0 d a H to Q Town (bftrtjes, Town charges/audited iund allowed by the Board of Town Auditors oft the eey* oral towns of tho County of Htcul.on, at tbelr niuuiui meetings, In November, 1889 and presented by the Supervisors tof said Towns to the Board of Supervisors of laid County, November 15,1880, FBBMONT. Names. D Wainright, elk of election. MOIIKO Huganlr, ins of election. Beard & Griffin, counsel fees... . O B Huganlr, elk of election... Win Holmes, ox-conn' ODFoster, assessor,... «... S3 49 I Beard & Griffin, counsel fees, '84 18 00 O O Kelly, Ins of election.. 4 00 Asa Kazy, erroneous tax 19 6H D O Vandellnder, constable fees. 6 00 Lyman Ross, " " 18 60 Leroy Clark, use of hall 16 00 110 white, overseer of poor ..... 3 00 1 1 Weloh, highway oomr 118 01 P 8 Burdett, juatlco of the peace 0 00 Clark Halght. ins of election .... 10 84 H B Hendee, just, of the peaoe.. 11 00 Q8 VanKe"ren, supervisor ...... 16 85 J M Kelly, justice Of the peace.. 30 SO By order of town beard, for highway purposes. 220 00 HRFlint.fown clef* 24 68 For highway purposes Seymour Jones, justice of peace 10 00 OII Orltes, constable fees 8 80 Total.. '* QBEENWOOD, Names. ' Claimed. Allowed. R P Stephens, damage paid Bun> ker for horse .$160 00 R P Stephens, comr of h'way... 87 00 M V Smith, for books 6 00 GM Webster & Co,poor mas- ter's order , 10 00 W L Hartram, assessor so 00 V Relman, poormaster's order.. lO 00 " " " " 10 00 J 8 Young, poormaster 8 85 Minhaol McCaffery, inspector... 4 00 Q M Woodward, " 4 oo Patrick Oocoman, excise com... 6 oo Andrew Miller, " " .. 8 00 NBCoston, exsupervlsor and healthboard 400 400 'Ellas Williamson, bond comr .... 6 60 5 50 John J Guyon, " " .... 4 00 4 00 A MGroff, inspector 14 80 14 80 Chas Austin, clerk of election... , 4 00 4 00 B P Stephens, for spile driver... 103 00 103 00 H 8 Gillette, health officer t <•<) -too B S Brundage, constable 0 30 5 80 82 00 Claimed. Allowed, $400 $400 400 400 10 00 10 00 400 400 11 00 4 00 52 40 16 00 '4 CO 10 68 (3 80 8 16 10 00 200 118 00 0 00 10 84 11 00 16 85 20 60 386 00 81 63 360 00 10 00 8 20 $840 40 $150 00 37 00 0 00 10 00 30 00 10 00 10 CO 8 85 400 4 00 0 00 3 00 HORNBY. 1 Claimant. Nature of claim. Claimed All'd. B. J. Basterbrook, town ole'rk 8 13 60 $ 13 60 O. M. Stenton, olerk of eleotloD... H. D. Adams, •• » « R. O, Bixby, inspector olootion... Albert Duval!, ex>supvrTl8or M. W. Harrison, overseer poor Thomas Oldfleld, ex-supervlsor... Willis Lilly, assessor , 16 00 J, N. Wneaton, bridge plank...;...,. 3 14 M. J. Harrison, assessor 16 00 J. D. Blxby, for timber and plank. 12 70 Willis Lilly, road work 20 60 Patrick MoOiUHboy, oversow poor 88 00 Wm. F.MoNamara, legal counoil .... M. J. Harrison; ptank O it. Adams, plank., , B. L. Townloy, road work Horbert Benediot, road work .... Parmer O. Hewitt, road work W. J. Underwood, clerk town meet- ing and inspector.., , Amos Howell, stone for town hall.. Daniel Wlxon, road work Patrick McOiuskoy, bridge S. O. Brwln, bridge , Herbert Bonediot, road work 80 00 John Wlilson, road work 21 CO 0 . 0 , Wheat, bridge work 8 03 Thomas Oldfield, viork on road... 12 13 D. F. Lane, bridge 62 82 D. F. Lane, work on road scrapor. 1 76 F. P. a K. K. Htanton, bridge plank 32 40 Wm. Butler, road work 6 75 M. K Bddy.ex-com'r 14 20 Fall Brook Coal Co.,lr<m for bridge 15 00 Amos Howell, on bridge 1 60 P. H. Weilman, getting and re- turning pile drivev 10 00 Chas. Pontt, work on bridge ...... 14 75 " " " '• " ;... 2 60 M. A. Green, timber for bridge..;.,. 28 06 George A. Wheaton,bridge wotfk, assigned to F. B. Olark ,„. o 38 4 00 4 00 4 00 6 00 7 00 0 70 6 00 8 84 18 95 80 76 36 00 28 20 8 00 2 00 77 50 16 00 16 00 23 26 2 00 4 87 16 00 3 80 12 00 46 00 35 00 12 10 ilt?e, itiiire Si 00 C. S. Brownell & Co James Dunolgan, assessor B 8 Brundage, advertising non resident tax,.., 2 00 Newel Austin, exolse comr 6 00 Porry E 8te|>hens. assessor "41 00 8 D Coston, town hall 20 00 w O Slocum, elk of eleotlon 4 00 Lee Drake, constable , 89 40 Chas Austin, town clerk 40 70 L G Burton, justice of the peace. 83 00 Thos I) Rogors, " " '• to 00 John K Miller, " » » «00 KJRelmann, " ,l " 35 80 MFSmlth, supervisor 17 00 M F Smith, sup, disbursed Newel Austin, dep sheriff Highway purposes ..2858 03 Bonding Commissioners 8400 00 3 00 6 00 41 00 80 00 4 00 79 81 40 70 83 00 10 00 6 00 !5 80 17 00 13 71 6 10 8868 08 8400 00 Total.. $5516 40 HORNBLLSVILLB. Names. E J Cleflln, city const .... claimed. Allowed. Wm II Greenhow, printing ible ..... To the People of Steuben and Adjoin- ing Counties: I'I.'K'K'K'U'II'W'.I'IIMI./I.II.MIM.M.M.II.M.M.HIII.H.M.MI'I.I GEORGE I. HALLQCK BANK, / :r: : 3a,tla. I s T e w ^ TSToxls.. %ST4BI4IBXB 1149 ^ouiuin (HI* Bank la comt«ct«tl slMt- l*r to National Bunk*. DSVOSITS ABlT BEOBIVEi). ,•*»!}• book* Issnsd, aocounta opened, and Deposits are anbjeot to Check on Demand. iMTMCftt P«i> o" DifOOtS Iiir» on • n m . DBAFT8 FOR SALE ON NBW TOBK CITT, 4 id all Foreign Countries at Seasonable Ratea. Loam onUnlnoumbered Real Estate Negotiated. funicular Attention Given to Collections Mortgage! and Proaliwnr Hotel Bought. «F,PBRBN0K8-AU the Business Men of Bath. GEO. W.HALLOOK.Bankar. W. H. H*MOOI Cashier. , ; . marW'80 mmw & MBCHANICS' —BANK,— Ho 8 Liberty St, t Bath, N. 7. AisAM BSBKMAN, Prrfsldont. FRANK OAMPBKLL, Cashier. • SKaM BKEKMAN, THOfl. B. Btl'VHKBFOBD, I. F. PARK HURST, rRANK CAMPBELL, Honey Received on Deposit. INTBBBBT PAID WHBN LEFT ON TIME. "iralti for Dale on Sew fork ami »i Foreign Countries. WhM OS »BAI. BBTAfB NBOOTIATED. Son&n, Mortgages and Promissory Notes Bright, SptOtaTAttentlon given to Collections. . Bathrff. Y.. Jan. 1.1M0. ] A U \JtX I Oiln E E R i years exponence to selling Heal Estate, k, Mf.chintry, Household goods and all Directors. twelve Live Stoc lines o f 1 111" i Htore sjnable. Four years In a City Auc- . Batlsfaction Ruaranteed. Terms rea- Addreas, W. H. EDWAIML 10 Campbell St.. Bath, N. Y. I'm' III.ACK' fi't'OCIil it iln ia to Cut HI .( time Sunt', WlMlt IliK N m ' I tlntil ii/ lit ii!<^l-)i''(. [ '•••••,!. .,1 , .,,,:!„!,,. B. t'.'r'.!i ll.|'<t',,..,il.-f( / X iv.,!, ; i ;;i,„,,vi(„„ ' .%,!'.,!. 11 ...|Dvea—8co *lt« 1IIK it;-:'; r H.lllll.U- •'.lit.'. Alio »,,•. „ni>(. My t'all Stock is now in. I have everything in the'line, of and also have a large stook ot Lir^Ta\0*Wft*E»UV^Gi%, T&VTBL^ \ An early selection always gives the choice ai imported Goods. Never, in the history of man has tho Texture and Design of W o o W &©©&% b,eenmoro beautiful than they are this 'Pall; and I have made a special effort to make a oolleotion adopted to the wants of the people of this and the surrounding country, and it is of ton said that if I had not so many beautiful goods that it would be easier to make a seleotion; but it is no trouble >to show goods 136 21 4 00 102 80 0 00 7 20 7 00 18 60 0 00 0 06 60 00 10 00 130 81 4 00 102 30 0 00 7 20 7 00 12 60 4 00 6 76 60 00 10 00 1 like to show them and name prices that I know is iiripossiblo for my coropetitorfl to name on the same class of goods. I do my own cut- ting and selling, and will make the price as cheap as the cheapest. Call and eee flT-T-Tccmir T h e TalioiN HEADQUARTERS JPOI.-\ STOVES & RANGES ! We have the best and largest assortment of Cooking 1 St0V09 and ' BangfOS to be found in this seotion.—Our variety of Ooal and Wood Hoating Stoves oannot be excelled. GUARANTEE THE PRICES ON ALL OUR STOVES We are the head of the market, also, for Lumboi and Platform Waff one, Road Oar to, Buggios and Phaetons, oto. EVERY1HING im, HARDWARE CHEAP ESI at Store of I FULLER & SALTSMAN, Kanona IT. Y. MAUK h SON, I' FOR SALE 1 ' j The Avis Farm, 160 acres, in Thurston, one-half mile east of Merohantvllle. Tho Carroll Farm, 95 tores, In Thurston, three miles south of Savona. Lot in Cameron, 274 acres, oalled "the Big Lot," two miles from Cameron village. May be sold in paroels. Vineyard, 15 aores, in Wayne, known as the Monroe Wheeler Vineyard. The Cary House and Lot in Cohooton. ropncioi'H Vr'.N III I I | ,'\ n.i!.intly , > I. t; I ' i\,| •ilN|' I ',','.vi ! U'OKOfcii.M,' OU IvfiuyUiln^ ki)t>t In •» i 11Ht <)l i< i M^rk.it, M. If I, Inly H, IDfty, ilint tf Uilll.iUiMii LOTS IN BATH. On llnvorllng Street, u Allmt , " " Willhim " W. W. AM ! CI, Doc 18,'89-tf Bath, N. Y. FOLSOM^S PENN YAN '20 40 11 10 DA Vandelindor, constafcle 28 08 Julius Webber, town clerk.. 76 8!) B I' Hartlett, lumber 20 00 JW Bacbman. supplies .... ,..,, 12 GO Kmmet Cook, Ins election 6 00 Daniel Brownell, ina election and prepare 6 00 Frank Marley, oPk of election (100 D A Vandclender, " " e 00 Charles T Tenant, olerk of town meeting 100 M W Hawley, ex sunt 138 «1 i P Rathbone, leRal services ... 4 00 Jphn Miller, assigned to John Gavin mason work,.. '245 06 A H Bunnell, printing. .) 18 70 J It Morris, ex highway com .... 76 00 Avery MoDsugal, sewer pipe .... 14 40 John Mil'er aslgned to Wesley Brown, work.,... ,«2B6 46 John Miller assigned to Simmons LHowell,Material .... Reuben Hart, lumber H O Sawyer, ex town olerk J G Kelley, health officer J R Rose, sewer pipe II O Stephens, room for olection Avery McDougal, sewer pipe .... HobartSmith, ins election ...... » ,«»'r, ", c««ying returns A W Emery, lumber rW Near, legal services 1888 .... W W Oxx, Justice of peace as- signed to Esex Page 137 75 F P Hedges, constable 167 28 O H Orltes, " 67 35 Pittsburg Bridge Co assigned to 1st NatT Bank, H'Vllle bridge.. 890 10 David Willever, lumber 8 62 John Miller assigned to James M Welsh, labor oo 80 M Powers aslgned to James M Welsh, stone ,...,,... 63 07 John Mi ler assigned to James M Wesh,labor iQ3 24 Judson Withey, ins of election.. 4 00 ... L. . excise com 8 00 v\ ni Woolever, brush 46 00 John A Mayor, clerk of election 4 00 John Miller ass'd to K F Wllletts 140 60 " " left with " i?o 00 )y.S X°. n D W n J constable 03 40 a WQrlswold, auditor i s 00 «. iV . highway com 628 00 Frank. Dermis, lumber 60 81 J H 01 jnoy Justice of the peace 2J8 02 Dan'l KPowell, highway labor.. 100 00 John Miller assigned to F p Sherwood, labor 246 89 Lyman Rosa, constable i e 1ft AWEmery, lumber. 70 00 Lot manor, justice.-. 20 00 Frank Kelley, V 27 35 Wm 11 Murray, constable, 39 58 fcieth M Huntloy, labor 4 oo FM Sheldon, material 2 40 L1) Hathaway, Ins of election*. 4 00 H L Daven port, assessor 79 00 L O Haskell, " ..... 08 09 Hit Ranger, " 60 00 AW Hunt, printing 8 00 11 J&fe'k »"P. int. acoount withwilletts ..... 212 60 J K l'atten, lumber .............. 56 03 P " Hurlburt, el'k of town mt'ng 4 00 I W Near, legal services 6 00 ADHurlbut,clerk of election.. 4 0) Homy Uologrove, supervisor .... 96 88 Myron Hurlbut, ins of election.. 4 0o John Hurlout, auditor 26 00 Edward Shepard, " 3 00 New ton Colgro ve. constable 68 05 A O Hill, overseer of poor 45 00 T A Carter, constabb 4 so AlexPatten, " ago Henry Oolegroye, h'way dm'ges 10 00 James Gray, stone 1888 ".. uo 00 building fence 1885 22 04 10 70 11 10 °2* 65 76 89 20 00 1'2 00 * i 00 0 00 4 00 4 00 4 CO 132 61 4 00 245 66 18 70 70 00 14 40 265 46 Frank Hilton, bridge work,. Dr. M.O. Butler, Board of.Health.".; Onas. Boow, work on town had....... F. t\ Vannortwlok, piles for bridg A. D. Ooye, plank. George Goodsell, plank L,., F. Kasling, butmonts for b«idge... P. MoOluskey, Dr. for poor Dr. Butter, service for poor ,„, .. Patrick Carney, bridge wo k 15 CO George Van Alstine, constable...... 4 20 It. J). Adumii, jui.lliio 1; 56 Weekly Time, Horuellsvllte 4 00 F. E. Olark, Justice 10 30 H. W. Wheat, luinUr 23 87 P. B. Humphrey, road work 130 40 G.J. Murphy, jus Hoe 2 60 John D. Boott, work on town hall. 4 60 Oven Koloson, aiii.OiiiKii' ,.,. 10 00 Daniel Bampl*-, brldgoworir 0 00 H.T.Jtmeison.road work...; 165 47 David Rogers, insp. ard delivering returns M lo vi J. 11. F01 onlmni'.ii. plank\jM H. D. Adams, JanticowtfKfv, J. H. Forenbaugh, supervisor John D. Soolt, 'constable Thomas Oldfleld, Justice Ooorge W. Fuller, road work Thomas Oldfleld. bridge work II. T. Jimerson. oom'r highways., James L. McLaughlin, bridge F. F.Stantor, olerk Board Heal !i F. F. Btantor, town clerk O. i. Murphy, Justice and road w'lt S. O. Irwin, road work L. W. Wellington, Justice... Highway oom'r, tor road maohiue 240 10 EirasW. Palmer,.. Total 71 77 14 OO 23 18 8 09 4 00 20 00 163 82 86 00 33 Ofr 7 50 28 52 38 CO Voo co 6 15 4 40 4 00 400 4 00 6 00 7 00 6 70 10 00 3 14 16 00 12 70 29 60 83 00 6 00 3 84 13 96 89 26 86 00 28 2) 8 00 2 00 74 20 ' 16 00 18 00 80 00 isl 60 8 03 11 75 62 32 1 76 82 40 0 76 14 20 46 00 1 60 10 CO 14 75 2 60 27 00 6 58 23 25 2 CO 4 87 16 00 8 80 12 00 46 00 86 00 12 00 1< 00 . 4 20 0 65 '4 00 10 30 23 87 130 46 2 60 4 60 10 00 6 00 165 47 10 92 71 71 , 14 00 23 18 8 09 4 00 20 00 168 32 85 00 33 00 7 60 V8 62 38 60 • t O 00 5 16 '240 00 4 40 HE MASTER OF Sllflff HOWARD. $2081 13 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdor never varies t A marvel or purity, strength and wholosomnesB. Moro economloal Unui the ordlnar; kind, and cannot bo sold In tho ootnpo- tlon with tho multitude of low test, short wolghtalutn or phosphate powders. Sold only cant. KOYAI BAKIMO POWD«R Co.. 08 tVftll n NY—14-W48 BY ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, The Celebrated Noveliat, 1 Author of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.", 4 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 86 00 89 00 39 00 11 26 102 75 164 65 66 76 890 40 8 52 00 99 63 07 163 21 4,00 3 00 45 00 4 0(1 132 70 120 00 88 60 16 00 628 00 66 81 181 02 100 DO 245 89 10 15 70 60 20 00 26 86 39 36 4 00 3 40 f 4 00 *02 00 50 00 !;60 00 I 80 ° 212 60 60 03 4 00 5 00 4 f0 06 88 4 00 • 25 00 3 00 68 06 45 00 4 80 2 CO , 10 00 1 60 00 22 94 81 2(» 4 00 400 6 00 6 00 6 00 36 00 80 00 89 0Q 11 25 260 00 8*70 250 00 For training YOUNG M K N and WOMEN for the Businoss Profession. Best modern facilities, su study ypewriting and Totegrap of seven professors and lecturers, fiostand latest porior course of business ography, Typewriting and lncludin ilo'graphy. o, on™ g cten- Faoulty text books used. Fall term begins Sept. 2d, 1880 Students admitted at any IH/K, Aid to situations. Diplomas awardod graduates. Vail not to send or Olroular, to Penn Yan. B. G, FOLSOM. 1ulv31m0 Wm T Hurlbut, lumber 81 20 John A Mayor, town labor ...... 4 00 John H Dowdell ass'd to O h Hawley, Ins election 1888 Wm H Prangen, com of excise.. OeoLTubbs, " <• ' LO Haskell, highway work .... James Gray, town auditor.. John B Woodruff, " '• Wm 8 Hurlbut '• '< Sheldon Bros, refunded tax Geo W Grlswold, for highways.. 260 00 OH Lain, constable 8 70 Z L Parker, deficient highway... 260 00 .. ieiisla OIIY OF HORNBLLSVILLB. AbslraotcontainiDg a list of all olalms presonted J&JSa Mo A bf the Auditing Committee of the Common Counoil ol the City of Hornelisvllle. Claimant. Nature of olalm. Claimed. All'd, A, aron Res'), overseer of poor $ 2 0 00 210 00 Wm. H. Prangen, exolse com. 89 00 Horaoe Hunt, " » 39 ho Geo. L. Tubbs, " " 39 00 L ving Paine, Att'y for exolse Com. 25 00 Rev. 0. M. Gardner, eroneous tax, 6 69 J. H.MoNett, aotlng Overseer or the Poor 79 25 J. W.Baohman, registry books.Ao. 28 16 Wm. L.Collins, overseer of poor.. 412 00 N. L. Harrison, insp. eleotlon and tallysheete ;,., 27 00 39 00 89 00 80 00 25 00 6 60 70 26 28 18 412 00 Names. John W Willis, ins of election. Aaron McDonnell, room rent. A W Fenton, oik of election H W McChesney, ins of election. B E McDowell, " O D Crandall, " "1888 R A McDowell, agt comr h'ways A U Brown, ox superv'ors olalm ^inE.sult... R R Lyon, attorney's fees for t'n 11 O O Sharp, assessor Ira Benuit, ox-town olerk., " " olerk of election .... AV Sharp, assessor Jas 8 McKibbin, overseer poor.. A V Sharp, viewing sheep Wm H Grave?, painting elk desk Wm S Goff. ex-comr. highways.. Sidney Meslck, ex-overseer poor OhDs McConneil, bill lumber oik desk Calvin Hullook. ins of election... GeoWRohell. " " .... A M Cole, excise commissioner & counsel fees Joslah House, assessor Bert MoConnell, oik of eleotlon.. Almerion Cobb, comr h'way Floyd Sharp, ins of election 8 00 Mary A Glover, erroneous assess 1 62 Lewis W Bonnlt, town elerk Joseph Miller, just of the peace. A W Stewart, erroneous nssesm't Judson Wells, room rent.. I. B L Stewart, clerk of election.. A Almerion Cobb, 2 days viewing 4 00 24 77 10 00 1 00 10 CO 1 80 7 00 17 00 1W Near, counsel comrs n'ways a 00 H J VanWio, excise comr 6 00 AII Baldwin, Just of tho peace.. 3 60 Calob Bullock, " •' • " 12 00 R P Parkhlll, supervisor. 29 01 Frank Hedges, const Hornellsv'e 4 70 Audited for highway purposes.. 831 44 Highway money 250 00 Ward Oatley, agent h'way comr J F Parkhurst, atty for town in Everett c»so 1,, Claimed. Allowed. ? 3 00 10 00 3 00 0 00 3 20 3 00 66 00 19 00 22 68 44(H) 11 73 3 00 42 CO 22 00 20 00 5 60 5 2* 12 00 5 80 9 16 8 00 6 00 39 00 3 00 67 25 44 35 2 00 78 10 00 8 00 aheep..... ....... ,...,, ....... Lewis w Bennit town elk de»k.. B LStowart, Just of the peaoe... H S Hull, printing eleo'n notices Joseph Miller, lust of the peace. B N Uonnot, constable Trustee Lodge, room rent A II Baldwin, Just of tho peace., n'ways 9 8 (0 10 00 8 00 0 00 3 20 3 00 60 00 19 00 22 58 44 00 11 78 3 00 42 0J 22 00 26 00 5 60 5 25 12 00 6 80 9 16 8 00 6 00 8!) 00 8 00 67 25 8 00 1 62 41 35 2 00 78 10 00 3 00 4 00 24 77 10 00 1 00 10 00 1 80 7 00 17 00 3 00 6 00 8 60 13 00 1.0,91 4 70 881 44 260 00 4 00 1* CURED MV COUGH' AN0TA9TEB 30 POOD; | KNOW SHE; W»LL LIKE; \fp Cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Croup,Whooping UOUglJ, Bronobitis and Asthma. A ocrtnln ouro for Uoiistimption In flr«t «t«go», and a sure relief in advanoed "SI 8 *!' » l i M M ? n< ">' You will see the axoellont effeot l<argi bottles, 60 cents and 11,09. Caveats, and Trade-Harks obtained, and all Pat- ent baslnesi conducted for MODKHATK r»«. • a i vre can secure patent In less time than tnoee remote from Washington. Bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip- tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Oar fee not due till patent Is secured. A PAMPHLET, "HOW to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, eent free. Address, C. A.SNOW & CO. «!»!> r»Y««|T t»*»lVK. W*«I»I*«,V««. » . A- 5 00 Total. HARTHVILLE. $1742 33 Names, W C Acker, supervisor...,, J W Beyea, town clerk 0 F Hartman, Just of tho peace. Ryrson Clark, '{ " " RO Morgan, " " " J W Call, " " " S W "Fuller, comr h'way MiloHays.ex " " JohnOline, overseer of poor... Wm K Thatcher, assessor George Hempholl, " ..... J C Hendee, " Joseph Vickers, ex " . ,t,, N V Flint, olerk of election ...... W A Vlckors, elk town meeting AWhitford, L Hopper, Jr, O 0 Henery, use of hall .1 A Almy, oomr excise Axalnder Todd, comr exclso... W R whiting, comr exolse O E Cook, elk of town meeting Wm Olark, ex supervisor..,,... David Travis, burying horse .... Simon Woodworth, collector... " " ins of election. Hornell Times Association 4 00 Geo R Crobett, elk town meeting 4 00 Highway money .'. 1363 03 CII Lain, constable Claimed. Allowed. $10 69 $ 10 60 82 70 8 00 14 00 8 00 8 60 130 00 10 00 11 00 28 C 22 On 21 00 1 00 1 00 I v.i* %\im» <>i, ,., IIIJ^ . 4 00 ns of eleotlon A 00 11 00 20 00 8 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 6 00 2 00 8 25 4 00 82 70 8 CO 14 00 8 00 8 60 180 00 16 00 1100 28 00 22 00 24 00 1 00 4 00 •4 00 4 00 11 00 «0„00 8 00 3 00 8 00 4 00 6 00 2 00 8 26 4 00 4 00 4 00 1866 02 81 46 Total $1792 61 $1702 01 JASPER. Abstraot of the names of all persons who pro sented acoounts to the Auditing Board of Town Auditors of the town of Jasper, on, the 7th day of November, 1689, together with' the amounts olaimed by eaoh and the amounts Anally audited. Claimant, Nature of olalm. Olaimed, All'd. E. Timmerman.hall rent $ 6 oo $ D. Colgrove, hall rent 30 oo B. Tlmmerman, oom'r of h'ways... 74 00 O. J. Cole, assessor 43 oo M. W. Huntington, assessor 47 00 O. Tolbert 48 00 . T.T. Chetchum, overseer poor 19 80 R. W. Hllborn, Insp. olection.. 4 oo Wm. Purdy, insp. eleotlon.., K- M W l ' i lns P- eleo. and registry 24 00 F. 0. Hall, " " « «• 24 oo GRIST MILL AT CAMERON Twin m TI TVB A ntRJTKf Tnntnt . HE ITLOTTHIITQ- TUfTT.T. AT CAMERON, has been refltted with new machinery and Is in first-class condition and prepared to do 'as good work as any mill on the river, Everybodyuhav- Ing anvlgrlnding tojdo will And It to their inter- est to give us a call. W. It. M081IKK, Miller. A Rare KJ.UMUW, S. M. HKWi.KTT &CO. (: inert :•• i;il !0;1I'I',K i II ,N DMKI'A.K, HlKii A or i to) K M K j i r r , NII MM it A l,,M KK Nii'ht. l:ttf. calls to ho nirtiln on VV'iMt Moni.i I. M, Miiv/li.tl, ll-ttli, N, V, The undersigned, of George Nortlnui>, the estate, offers foi settlement, southwt !< uiiivu ii>i tlin as administrator of the estate deceased. In order to close up i ,l,i tho In. ..I In thn Nnrthrttp at part of town of Rathbone, '<<0Ol'K'O l\l'0Cli»H'U[> ^JU'ut, 'I'lil.-i ruin !• 11 nii Int.i oi'vffii) noroii, nil iilinu'jil, exiiopt YO iiiifn i iiMuuil wood nuil hmolooli tluilior, Tho lioiit'.o In In tub'condition, ami thoi'o urn nl;< IIIUMII unit n Wilson hiMiHO, 'I'litii'o In II lino ni'chiirit of ol){ht HOI'.VI. 'I'ho Imiii In v/oll «iitc(Cit. 'I'ho liuul I i rolling, I'loplii^ tov/nnl'i tho Month. I'mmlmm will ho tiolil nt ii loicunmhlo price end on oiciy |, lymcntii. Cull on or mlilrt'tiH, OHf.MMt nfOltTHK'Ul*, AiliuinlHtt'ittoi', "'in''! HeilKCSvlHo, N. Y. B.A.VanScoter, insp. eleotlon and registry, &o H.J.aiynes.in»p. eleo.and registry H. O. Pay, " " " « Henry Dore, " " " " Nathan Nast" " " •' Chas.Tennant, Insp. election , D. O. Amey, clerk registry and election 14 oo H. L. Nash, ass'd to J. it. Day olerk registry and eleotlon J. B. Collier, oleik eleotlon and registry. 20 50 24 00 14 00 22 00 22 00 0 00 24 00 O, 8. Bowman, Insp. election. rk " , 24 00 22 00 22 00 22 00 600 600 600 6 00 000 F. L. Howard, oler 0 . 0 . Hobart, " " ..„ 0. B..8everns, " " Harvey Crane, " " Geo.A.ProntiBS," " .,„ N; A. Boynton, " " ,.„ W.H.VanDusen," • " C, C, Hubbard; rent of offloe, reg, and eleotlon 20 00 D, Kenton, rent ol offloe, reg: and election i s 00 J. H. Clancy, Insp. registry and election 24 00 Monroe Knme, Insp. registry and ol«ctlon, 22 00 16 00 16 00 K. iiiKMilmni, rent for reg. and election.... ,.;. , K. u. Howard, ast-ignee of B. 8. Bentloy, olerk of reg and eleo. James Kingkade, Insp. reg, and •!?° l J? 1 n "! «»« 22 CO B. J. c|,mi,1, |,mo. rog.and elootlon 22 00 Rob'tBtoyle, •• » «' " 22 00 Ohas. Walt hers ol'k " " " 2000 B. J. Donnelly, •' ' " " 4 00 A. W. Logle, rent for r*g. and election 11 co D. Wollever, olerk eleotlon , 22 (0 M. Heatherman, insp, eleotlon 22 00 M. McGuire,Jr., " .,„„ 14 00 O. Preston, Ur., rent ,., 16 00 E. F. Wlllets Bupervlsor 46 85 W. W. Howell, « 46 88 B. F. Wlllets, Supervisor, G. A. R. ' iollo[!H>|iro|>i'lntlim twin (in JohnlMoGreevy, Bupervlsor 12 00 II, f.l, IVI'JIHU, " .,,,... 2 00 11. 0, iiiivvyoi', iiliihtiiuting ballot IIIKOII « no T'IIOI'M Ai'HiKilntloii, linoltii (or city Iti (ill tllu'lloii Iti'im , I>.<(KI:IMIVO tux ,,, (I 7f> Chun. C.;llutchliiHoi), county llunt. iiKntni I the Ol y of llomollu- vlllo, I'oi'nioiH'.vii 1'itlil In cuso of l''innk Hoiiiplo 26 00 22 00 22 00 24 60 22 00 14 00 22 00 22 00 6 00 .14 00 22 00 24 00 22 00 20 00 n 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 600 6 00 20 00 18 00 24 00 22 00 15 00 .10 00 22 00 22 00 22 00 20 00 4 00 14 00 22 00 32 00 14 00 10 0O 40 36 . 46 85 1600 00 12 00 2 00 3 60 12 00 6 78 iy, insp. J, K. Towsfey, olerk election. 8. F. Dennis, exolse oom'r J, B. Sargesnt, exolse oom'r .1, F. Batohelder, exolse oom'r..., B. Clark son, pocr fund.... D. O. Huntor, poor fund B. B. Wallaoe, births and deaths.. E. D. Wallaoe, medical services..., N. P. Hunter, M. D.. births, 4o 10 00 A. A. Van Orsdale, lustloe 12 00 Byron Crosby, Justice. 18 00 B, ohatflold. insp. eleotlon... 4 00 John ltoblnson, overseer poor. 4 00 B.B.Hardy, supervisor 40 52 10 60 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 32 42 2 22 0 25 18 60 J, 8 Outman, town olerk. 60 10 <j,» uutman, IUWU mom i«w Peter Drakejustice, .... , 14 00 J. M. Simpson, Justice..., Highway appropriation., Extra appropriation 10 76 600 0f> 900 00 6 00 20 00 74 00 48 00 47 00 43 00 10 60 4 00 10 60 4 00 3 00 8 CO 3 00 82 42 ' 2 22 0 26 18 60 10 00 12 00 10 CO 4 00 4 00 40 62 10 10 4 60 0 76 600 00 000 00 MICROBE KILLER Cures All Diseases. Thoolaira to cure all dlseasos, may at first glance seem very absurd; but ftflev reading our pamphlet, glvluga t'lslory of tho Microbe K*ller explaining the germ theory of dlfioaso, and read- ing our testimonials, which prove conclusively there is no dlseaso it, will not nine, tho truth ol our assertion beoomos clour. No person sullerlng from blood, chronic or contagious dlsoase should let a day pass without getting and rending this in- teresting book, which will bo given nwny or mailed nee. Tho gentlemen connected with this company nre ; well known business men of this oity. Agents wanted everywhere. Addrcsi 1 The Wm. Radam Microbe Killee Co., 84 Sixth Avenue, JSKYV Y O R K folTf, BATE K. Y. IMNUfACIUIIEK AMI WtlomAll ni'M.m IS Sash, Blinds, Doors, ff0fli<tinK8, Sitllnfr, Ceiling 1 , . FLOORING, LUMBER &e» *«., &c. !Planing & OrtpovitifX , Bono on Snort ITotioe. 81913 70 't'otnl.. 117 75 102 26 Total MNDIiBY. Abstraot of the names of all persons who 1 sented accounts io he audited by the Board Town Auditors of the Town of Llndley, on the 7th day of November, 1889, with the amount claimed byeaoband the amounte audited and allowed >re- of eaoh, via Claimant. ' Nature of Claim. Olaimed. 0. P. Hill * Co., ass'd to I<.W.Teed 12 00 0.P.Hill4Co., " " A.L.How- ard,olerk •• o 00 0, P. Hill * Co, ais'd |. B. Knapp 0 00 Joel Newton, countable 8 00 8.LWebster, « io 16 B, Wade. Justice of the Peace 9 15 Henry Uphsni.Justloe of the Peaoe 8 00 Wm. B. Kuhl,olerk,,... , o oo A. I* Howard, insp. election 4 DO JohnJ.Oary, constable 6 60 J,W. Youngs ..,. 460 Ooorge Pepper, Assessor 40 00 Oliver Camp, « | 88 00 O. P, E»m«», Assessor.!.. 88 00 Matt Riffle, excise oom v JjO Wm. F. MoNamara, 1...... I 187 68 Thos. B. Dunning, oonatable 85 Ohas. P. Burr, constable! 8 60 II. M. Morgan, 25 60 B, »i Leggett, olerk.,..*.v» * 00 Krwln J. llill, insp. election , 11 40 John J. Cary, oonstable.... , 0 07 R. R Buggins, oom. of h'way 212 co Onas. P. Burr, oonst 3 45 Thos, W. Burke, deputy sheriff,... 5 35 D. Gee, com. of exolse 8 00 W.O. Riirle,ol¥rk... 4 00 Marou»8towell78bperv«or,,.. 96 08 Henry Stowell, Juetloe of the peaoe ao 05 0, H. 1 min, count ,_...,.. 11 40 Blam Watson, Juetlof of trio Peaoe 37 65 l.B.KjiaDp/ •• «»«fc-7» •• 9 fO 85 00 Wm. t. MoNamiv O, U, Riffle, town clerk.i A, C. Hill. com. of highway .1. A, ItOfjiini .... , Interest on town bonds., W. 8. Ounsell.insp. election Highway purposes., ,. To pay Interest on notes , lOxtinot'diiiiiiy mpalrs on h'way.. Minim W.Ooidm', ovmnoin' poor. Mntltov/ Hllilo, for vontof hull . 60 65 . 24 00 . 600 J 400 00 400 ] 250 00 , ? 20 01 2611 45 , 16 00 . 6 00 Total, All'd. 12 00 6 00 9 00 . 800 10 16 0 16 8 00 0 00 4 00 . 6 60 4 60 40 00 88 00 88 00 3 00 186 66 85 8 60 85 60 4 00 it 40 8 73 ai2 00 8 45 ... 2 00 300 4 00 05 08 ,20 05 11 40 87 05 9 80 85 0O 60 65 84 00 600 400 00 4 00 200 00 80 01 2611 48 J5 00 500 14180 Oil (imtlimodon 4th page,) Prices as Low as any In the Couutry, A. BKKKMAV. BUCKET1 ^~ Mowers, Reapers and Binders. tIGER Horse - - Rakes. BULLARD « Hay - - - Tedders. M. B. SHANNON, JhiatiJia .IN. Y . f 'I suppoHo it will bo," said I. "I am liko a blind man." "No," said «ho, "nothing! IIuvo you not dreamed?" "Ah, would to God wo lmdl" cried I. She spied tho sword, picked it up, and, see- ing the blood, lot it fall again with her hands thrown wido. "Ah I" sho cried. And then, with an instantcoimigo, handled it tho second time and thrust it to tho hilt into tho frozen ground. "I will tako it back and clean it properly," says slio, and again looked about her on all sides. "It cannot bo that he was doad?' f sho added, "Thoro was no flutter of his heart," said I, and thon remembering: "Why aro you not with your husband?" •, "It is no uso," said sho, "ho will notspoak to mo." "Notapeak to you?" I repeated. "Oh, ybu have not tried I" 1 "You Uavo a right to doubt me," sho re- plied, with a gontlo dignity. At this, for tho first, time, I was seized with SOITOW for her, "(Jod knows, madamo," I oriel, "God knows I am not so hard I ap- pear; on this dreadful night who can vonoor his words? But I am a friend to all who aro not Henry Durio's onomiosl" "It is hard, thon, you should hesitate about his wifo," said sho. I saw all at onco, liko tho rending of a veil, how nobly she had borno this unnatural ca- luniity, and how generously my reproaches. "We must go back and toll this t o m y lord," said I. "Him I cannot face," sho cried. "You will Ibid him tho least moved of all of us," said I. "And yot I cunuo! faco him," said she, "Well," said I, "you can return to Mr. tlonry; I will seo my lord." As wo walked back, I bearing tho candle- tticks, sho tho sword—a strange burden.for that woman—sho had anothor thought. 'SShould wo toll Henry?" sho asked. "Let my lord doeido," said I. My lord was noarly dressed whon 1 camo to bis chamber. Ho heard mo with a frown. "Tho frco traders," said he. "But whether dead or aliyo?" "I thought him"— said 1, and paused, (islianiod of tho .word. "I know; but you may very well have boon in error. Wiry should they removo him if not living?" ho usked. "Oh, hero is a great door of hope. It must bo given out that ho departed—as ho came—without any note of preparation. Wo must save all scandal." I saw ho had fallon, liko tho rest of us, to think mainly of the houso. Now that all tho living members of tho family woro plunged in irromedial sorrow, it wasstrango how we turned to that conjoint abstraction of the family itself, and sought to bolster up the airy,nothing of its reputation; not tho Duries only, but tho hired steward himsolf. "Aro wo to toll Mr. Henry?" I asked him. - "I will seo," said ho. "I am going to first visit him, thon I g o forth with you to view tho shrubbery and consider." Wo wont down stairs into tho hall. Mr. Honry sat by tho tablo with his head urxm .his hand, liko a man of stone. His wifo stood a littlo back from him, her hand at her nouth; it \vas plain sho could not niovo him. My old lord walked very steadily to whoro his?on was sitting; ho had a steady counte- nance, too, but methought a littlo cold; when ho was coino quite up, ho hold out both his hands and said: "My son I" With a broken, strangled cry, Mr. Henry leaped up and foil on his father's nock, cry- ing and weeping, tho most pitiful sight that over a nirtn witnessed. "Oh, father," ho cried, "you know Ilovodhiin; you know I loved him In tho beginning; I could have died for him—you know that I I would have givoli my lifo for him and you. Oh, say you know , that i' Oh, say you can forgive mo I Oh, father, father, what havo I done, what have I done? and wo used to bo bairns to- gether!" mrJ wept and sobbed, and fondled tho old muiij and clutched him a!>out tho nock, with tho passion of a chil*iu terror. And then ho caught sight of his wifo, you would havo thought for tho first time, whoro sho stood weeping to hem 1 him; and in a mo- ment had fallon at her knees. "And, oh, my lass," ho cried, "you must forgivo mo, tool Not your husband—1 havo only boon tho ruin of your lifo. j.Jlnt you know mo when I was a lad; thoro Was no harm in Honry Durio then; ho meant ayb to bo a friend to you. It's him—it's tho old bairn that played with you—oh, can yo never, nover forgivo him?" Throughout all this tny lord was liko a cold, kind spectator with his wits about him. At tho first cry, which was indeed enough to call tho houso about us, ho had said to mo over his shoulder: "Closo tho door." And now ho nodded to himself. "Wo may loavo him to his wifo now," says ho. ''Bring a light, Mr. Mackollar." Upon my going forth again with my lord, Iwnsawaropf a stratum pho: no longor.checfteJ by policy; And for an- other, thing, tho nature of that insult, and tljo conduct of Mrs/Henry, pointed toono con- clusion: which I havo nover verified, and can now nover verify until tfyj groat assize; the conclusion that ho had at last forgotten himsolf, had gone too far in his advances, and had been rebuffed, It cau nevcrt bo vor- lllcd, as I say; but, as I thought of it that morning among his baggage, tho thought was 8wcot to mo liko honey. Into tho open portmanteau 1 dipped a littlo ero I closed it. Tho most beautiful laco and linen, many suits of thoso lino plain clothes In which ho loved to appear; a book or two, and those of tho best, Caesar's "Commen- taries," a volume of Mr. Hobbos, tho "Hert* riado" of M. do Voltaire, a book upon tho Indies, one,on tho mathematics, far beyond whoro I havo studied; these were what I ob-1 served with very mingled feelings. But in' tho open portmanteau, no papers of any do.-' toription. This sot mo musing. It was po liblo tho man \vns dead*, but, sinco tho trad-, H-s had carried him away, not likely. It was j possible ho might still dio of his wound; but .t was also possible ho might not. And in this latter case I was determined to have the means of some defense. -, ' Ono after another I carried his portman- teaus to a loft in tho top of tho house which wo kopt locked; wont to my own room for my koys, and, returning to tho' loft, had tho gratification to find two that fitted pretty well. In one of tho portmanteaus thoro was a shagreen letter case, Which I cut open with tny knifo, and thenceforth (so far r.s any credit wont) the man was at my mercy. Hero was a v a s t dee.1 of gallant correspondence, chiefly of his Paris days; and, wnat was moro to tho pur- pose, hero were tho copies of his own reports to tho English secretary, and tho originals of tho secretary's answers—a most damning scries—such as to publish would bo to wreck tho master's honor and to set a price upon his lifo. I chuckled to myself as I ran through tho documents; I rubbed my hands, I sung aloud in my-glee. Day found mo at tho pleasing task; nor did I then remit my diligence, ex- cept in so far as I wont to tho window—looked out for a moment, to seo tho frost quite gone, the world turned black again, and tho rain and tho wind driving in tho,bay—and to ossuro myself that the lugger was gono from its anchorage, and tho master (whether doad or alivo) now tumbling on tho Irish Son. It is proper I should add in this place the vory littlo I havo subsequently angled-out upon tho doings of that night. It took m e a thinsT r might have been carrying about toy ' packet till this day hud not a fortunate acci- dent delivered mo from all my hesitations. ; This was at night, when I was once more leaving tho room, thoUhing not yet done, and myself in despair at rny own cowardice. "What do you carry about with you, Mr. Mackollar?" sho asked. "These last days I seo you always coming in and out with the same armful." , I returned upon my steps without a word. laid tho papers before her on the tablo, and left her to her reading. Of what that was I am now to givo you somo idea; and the hart *ill be to reproduce a letter of my own which camo first in tho budge,t,!and of which (according to an excellent nabitude) I have preserved the scroll. It will show, too, the moderation of my part in those affairs, a thing which some have called recklessly in question. "DUBR18DBBB, 1767. "HONOKKP MADAMK: I trust I would not stop out of my place without occasion; but I see how mucl; evil has flowed in the past to all of your noble houso from that unhappy and secretive fault of retlcency, and thepa^ pors on which I venture to call your atten- tion aro family papers and all highly worthy your acquaintance. "1 append a schedulo with some necessary , observations, and am, honored madame, your ladyship's obliged, oliedient servant, "EPHIIAIH MACKBLLAB." I . HI IM II OP PAPERS. i i A,, Scroll of ten letters from Kphralm Mackellar to tho Honorable James Doric, Esq., by courtesy Master of Itallantrao during the latter's residence In Tails: under dates—CfOllow tho dates)—Note: to ho read in connection with B and C. B. Seven original letters from the said Master of Ballantrae to tho said B, Mackellar, under dates-* (follow the dates). O. Three original letters from tho said Master, < of Ballantrae to tho Honorable Henry Durte, Esq., Under dates—(follow tho dates)—Note: given mc by Mr. Henry to answer: copies of my answers A 4, A 6 and A 9 of these productions. The purport of Mr. Henry's communications, of which I can And no scroll, may l>e gathered from thoso of his unnatural brother. D. A corresiKmdence, original and scroll, ex- tending over a period of three years till January of the current year, liotwecn the said Master of Ballantrae and , under secretary of state; twenty-seven in all, Notn: found among r long whilo to gather i t j for we dared not openly ask, and the free traders regarded me with enmity, if not with scorn. It was near six months before wo even know for certainty that tho u>an survived; and it was years be- fore I learned from one ODiCrall's men, turned publican on his ill gotten gain, some particu- lars which smack to mo of truth. It seems tho traders found the master struggled on ono elbow, and now staring.round him, and now gazing at the candle or at his hand which was all bloodied, liko a man stupid. Ujiou their coining, ho would scorn to havo found his mind, bade them carry hjm aboard and hold their tongues; and on the captain asking how ho 1UMJ con| e in such a picklo, replied with a burst of pussionatp swearing, and inconti- nently fainted. They held somo debate, but they woro mo- mently looking for a wind, they woro highly paid to smuggle him to Franco, and did not wire to dolay. Besides which, ho was well enough liked by thoso abominublo wretches: they supposed him undor capital sentenco, know not in what mischief he might havo got his wound, and judged ita.piocc of good na- ture to remove him out of the way of danger. So ho was taken aboard, recovered on the passago over, and was set ashore a convales- cent at tho Havre do Grace. What is truly notable: ho said not a word to any ono of the duel, and not a trader knows to this day in what quarrel, or by the hand of what adver- sary, ho loll. With any other mun I should havo sot this down to natural decency; with him, to pride. Ho could not bear to avow, perhaps even to himself, that ho had boon vanquished by ono whom ho had so much in- sulted and whom ho so cruelly despised. THE MOST Complete Grocery 1 IN BATH, IS ON HOWELL STREET; A FULL LINK OF— FAMILY GROCERIES, Ohoioo Teas and Coffees. U 60o Tea for 85o.) FttUIT IN ITS SEASON. Orders taken, and delivery prompt. J. A. BBKWSTKU, MM Howoll Streot. Bath, N. Y. To Horsemen and Farmers. I. have tho largest stook of shoeBorany bhtok smith In the Oounty. the haul shoes made. I em Ploy only the best of workmen to put tbem on, and I warrant all work satisfactory done and tho prieeB will be as low as by auy good blaoktmith. I am glad to see all my old customers ooming back again. All kinds oi blaoksmlth-work attended to promptly. All persons Indebted to me trust pay up at onoe or oost will be made them, This means business. ROBERT STEWART. Math, August 81St,l88B~tf. (ingo phonomonon; for, though it wnb quite dark and tho night not yot old, methought I sinoHod tho morning. At tho same timo thero wont a" tossing through tho brnnohos of tho evergreens, so that thoy sounded liko a quiet soa, and the air putted at|times against our faces and the flame of Ow enjullo shook. Wo made tho moro speed, Tt beliovo\boing surrounded by this bustle | I visited tho scono of the duol, whoro my lord looked upon tho blood with stoicism, and,(passiiig further" on toward the landing place, cnlne, at last upon some evi- dences of the truth. For, first of all, where thero was a pool across the path, tho ice.had boon trodden in, plainly by moro than ono man's weight; next, and but n littlo furthor, a young tree was broken, and down by tho landing place, whoro tho tradors' boats were usually beached, anothor stain "of blood marked whoro tho body must havo boon in- fallibly sot down to rest the bearers. Thjls slain wo sot oursolvos to wash away with tho soa water, carrying It in my lord's hat; and as wo woro thus engaged, thoro camo up a sudden, moaning gust and loft us in- stantly benighted. . "It will como to snow," says my lord; "and tho best thing that wo could hope. Lot us go back now; wo oan do nothing in tho dark." As wo wont houseware!, tho wind boing again subsided, wo wore awaro of a strong puttering noiso about us in tho night; and whon wo issued from tho sholtor of tho trcos wo found it raining smartly. Throughout tho wliolo of this, my lord's oleum JSS of mind, no ljws than his activity of body, had not ceased to minister to my amaze- ment, ifo sot the crown upon it in tho coun- cil wo hold on our return. Tlio freo tradors had cortainly secured tlio master, though, whether dead or ollvo, wo woro still left to our 1 conjectures. Tho rain would, long bo- foro day, wlpo out all marks of tho transac- tion, By this wo must profit. Tho master had unexpectedly qomo after tho fall of night. It must now bo givon opt ho had as suddenly departed bofore the break of day, and to nml(o all this plausible it now only reniaiuod for mo to mount into tho man's chamber and pack and concoal his, baggage True, wo st. I lay at tho discrotion of tho tradors; but that was tho incurablo weakness of our guilt. I heard him, as I said, with wondor.'and hastened to oboy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry wero gono from tho hall; my lord, for warmth's sake, hurrlod to his bod; thoro was still no sign of stir among tho servants, and as I wont up, tho towor stair and onterod tho doad man's room a horror of solitude weighed upon my mind. To my extromo surprise, it was all in tho disbrdor of doparturo. Of his throe port- manteaus two woro ready looked, tho third lay operi and noar full. At onco thero flashed upon mo somo suspicion of tho tmt'i. The man had been going after all; he had but waited upon Grail, a9 Grail waited upon the wind; early in tho night tho seamon had per- ceived the weather changing; the boat had como to give notice of tho chaugo and call tho passongor aboard, aud the boat's orew had stumbled on him lying in his blood. Nay, and there was more behind. This prearranged departure shed some light upon his inconceivable insult of the night before} it was a parting sjjot; hatred bslhK cries of his mind? watching by tlio Mrs bed. CHAPTER XIV. IHIMMMIV OF KVKNTS DURING TIIK MA8TBRJ0 •}••' BKCON1) AltSKNCK. F THE heavy sick- ness which declared itself next morning I can think with equanimity ns of the last unminglcd trouble that befell my mas tor ; and even that was per- haps a mercy iu disguise, for what pains of the body could equal the mis- jllcnry and 1 had tho 'My old lord called from timo to time to take tho news, but would not usually pass tho door.| Onco, I remember, when hopo was nigh gone, ho stopped to. the bedside, looked awhile iu his sou's face, and tuniod a way with a singular gesture of the head and hand throwi up, that remains upon my mind as something tragic, such grief and such a scorn of sublunary things were there expressed. But most of tho timo Mrs. Henry and I had tho room to ourselves, taking turns by night and boarurfg each other company by day, for it was dreary watching. Mr. Henry, his shaven head bound *in a napkin, tossed to and fro without remission, boating tho bod with his hands. His tongue uevorlay; his voico ran continuously liko a river, so that my heart was weary with the sound of it. It was notable, and to mo inex- pressibly mortifying, that ho spoke all tho whilo oh matters of no import; comings and goings, horses—which ho was over calling to havO' saddled, thinking perhaps (tho poor soul ft that ho might ride away from his dis- comfort—matters of tho garden, tho salmon nots, and (what I particularly raged to hear! continually of his affaire, ciphering figures and holding disputation with tho tenantry. Nover a word of his father or his wifo, nor of tho master, savo only for a day or two, whon his mind dwelt entirely in the past and he supposed himsolf a boy again and upon some inuocont child's play with his brother. What made this tho moro affecting: it appeared the master ha.l then run somo peril of hisltfo, for thero was a cry—"Oh, Jamio will bodrowned —oh, savo Jamie 1" which ho camo over aud over with a great deal of passion. This, I say, was affecting, both to Mrs. Honry And myself; but tho balance of m y master's wanderings did him littlo jus- tice. It seemed ho had sot out to justify his brother's calumnies; as though ho was bent to prove himsolf a 'man of dry nature, im- mersed in money gotting. Had I been there Rlono, I would not havo troubled my thumb; but all the whilo, as I listened, I was estimat- ing tho effoet on the man's wifo, and tolling myself that ho fell lower every day. I was the ono person on tho surfaoo of tho globe that comprehended him, and I was bound there should be yet anothor. Whether he was to die there and his virtues perish, or whether ho should savo his days and come baok to that inhoritanco of sorrows, his right memory, I was bound ho should bo heartily lamented in tho ono caso and un. ^ectodly wolcompd In the other, by tho person ho loved the most, his wifo. v Finding no occasion of free speech, I be- thought mo at last of a kind of documentary disclosure; and for some nights, whon I was off duty and should havo boon asleep, I gave my time to the preparation of thatwhioh I may call my budget, But this I found to be the easiest portion Of my task, and that which remained, name- ly, the presentation to my lady, almost moro than I had fortitude to overt ate. Heverhl days I went about with my papers undor my arm, spying for some juncture of talk to serve as introduction. I will not deny but that some offered; only when thoy did my tongue olovo to tho roof of my juouth, and I the master's papers. Weary us I was with watching and dis- tress of mind, it was impossible for me to sleep. All night long I walked in myicham- ber, revolving what should bo tho issue and sometimes repenting the temerity of my in- mixturo in affairs so private; and with the first pbep of tho morning I was at the sick room door. Mrs. Henry had thrown open tho shutters, and eveiv the window, for the temperature was mild. She looked stead- fastly before her, where was nothing to see, or only tlio blue of tho morning creeping among \voods. Upon the stir of my en- trance, sho did not so much as turn about her face—a circumstance from which I au- gural very ill. ' l "Madamo," I began; and then again, "madamo," o but could make no more of it. Nor yet did Mrs. Honry come to my assist- ance witli a word, In this pass I began gath- ering up tho papers where they lay scattered on thcjlablo, and tho first thing that struck mo, their bulk appeared to have diminished. Onco I ran them through, and twice; but tl»3 correspondence with tho secretary of state, on which I had reckoned so much against tho future, was nowhere to be found. I looked in tho chimney; amid tho smolder- ing embers black ashes of paper fluttered in tho draught, and at that my timidity van- ished. [ "Good God, mudaino," cried I, in a voice not fitting for a sick room, "good God, madame, what havo you done with my pa- pers!" "I havo burned them," said Mrs. Henry, turning about. "It is enough, it is too much, that you and I have seen them." "This is a fine night's work that you have donol" cried I. "And all to save the reputa- tion of a man that eat bread by tho shedding of his comrades' blood, as I do by tho shed- ding ink." "To savo the reputation of that family in which you .aro a servant, Mr. Mackellar," she returned, "and for which you have already done>w much." "It is a family I will not serve much longer," 1 cried, "for I am driven desperate. You have stricken the sword out of my hands; you hayj/left us all defenseless. I had always these letters I could shake over. his head; and now—wh.-ii is to del We are so falsely situate, we dare not show the man ' the QOor; the country would fly on fire against.us; and I had this one hold upon him —and now it is gono-*-now ho may comeback to-morrow, and wo niust all sit down with him to dinner, go for a stroll with him on the terrace, or take a hand at cards, of all things, to divert his loisurcl No, madame; God for- give you, if ho can find it in his heart; \or I cannot find it in mine." "I wonder to find you so simple, Mr. Mac- kollar," said Mrs. Henry. "What does this man value reputation f But ho knows how high wo prize it: he knows wo would rather die than make these letters public; and do you suppose he would not trade upon the knowledge? What you call your sword, Mr. Mackellar, and which bad been ono, indeed, against a man of any remnant of 'propriety, would have been but a. sword of paper against him. Ho would smile in your faco at such a threat. Uo stands upon his degradation; he makes that his strength; it isin vain to strug- gle with such character* '' She cried out this last a littlo desperately and then with more quiet: "No, Mr, Mackellar, I have thought upon this matter all night, and there is no way put of it. Papers or no papers, the door of this houso stands open for him. He is the rightful heir, forsooth! If we sought toex- cludo him, all would redound against poor Henry, and I should seo him stoned again upon tho streets. Ah, if Henry dies, it is a different matter { They have broken the en- tail for their own good purposes. The estate goes to my daughter, and I shall see who sets a foot upon it.' But if Henry lives, my poor Mr. Mnckcllur, and that man returns, we must suffer; only this timo it will be to- gether" On the whole, I was well pleased with Mrs. Henry's attitude of mind; nor cottld I oven deny there was somo cogency kt that which she advanced about tho papers. "Let us say no moro about it," said I. "I can only bo sorry 1 t rusted a lady with the originals, which was an unbusinesslike pro- ceeding at the best. As for what I said of leaving the service of tho family, it was spoken with the tongue only, and you may set'your mind at rest. 1 belong to Durrls- decr, Mrs. Henry, ns if I had been liorn there." L I must do her. tho justice to say she seemed perfect'v relieved} so that we Legan this morning, as wo were to continue for so many years, on a proper ground of mutual indul- gence and respect. Tho snmo day, which was certainly predi- cate to joy, wo observed tho first signal of Recovery in Mr. Henry; aud about 3 of tho following afternoon ho found his mind again, rocognir.ing mo by name with tho strongest evidences of affection. Mrs. Henry was also in tho room, at the bod foot; but it did not appear that ho observed her. And indeed (tho fever being gone), ho was so weak that ho made but tho one effort, and sunk again into iv lethargy. Tho courso of his restora- tion was now slow but equal; every day his appetite improved; cvory week wo were able t< remark an Increase both of strength and flesh, and before tho end of trtp month ho was out of bed and had oven boguf i to bo carried l„ t,to ..1,•.11- nniin thn tevrivcgy < (TO MK CONTINUED.) —Havo you seen the 6>A Five Milo , Horse illanket ? If not, why not? 61w8 —Sick hoadscho is readily cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which tones and re- gulates the digestion, and creates, an ap- petite. -A request for the payment of that little poker obligation should be ante-dated. . •"!' •" >. * ". ' —Parents, do not fail to give Dt. Bull's Cough Syrup to tho little ones for cough, oold and croup- «. —• —••—• i • » - •"••' "in* —The man who tore his coat thinks rents are Increasing. For Sale* Several village lots on Haverling and AU^t streets. Apply to W. W. A I.I. Children Cry for Pitch.rt G i^tOliii, *». Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: C. S. Brownell & Co Sllflff 23/Bath NY... · IsTew^ TSToxls.. %ST4BI4IBXB 1149 ^ouiuin (HI* Bank la comt«ct«tl slMt-l*r to National Bunk*. DSVOSITS ABlT BEOBIVEi). ,•*»!}•

$fe $jkjy^5f*

s / X > /


5Ji,. I


/ M u b w yr>vmcv?y:'̂ rtvoi-rttc ESTABLISHED IN 181S.

I ' J I > W I PI i 1, I I iN I N ' i l t U l l i l 1,

St****' to A. I. ifkDiRHIIX ft SOU.

Office in (he ADVWHTI Btoc«, *f L 1 ^**y 8 t r e e t -Bath, Steuben County, New fork.

T U H of 8 « « » i i t i O K - | l . o e » * ' ' X V J j « * P i i n

Steubert County i W cents added If not paid d u l n g the year. |l.6p per year if

* gent out of the County.

Advtrttiing rates furnithtd on application.


T « i ABTOOAW hue the largest circulation of any paper published In Steuben County. Its adtan. fatTes as an advertising medium are evident

JOB PRINTING. We have all the modern appliances for doing

Joo Printing of every description. New Maoh1 ne Presses, Wafer Motor Power, New Type, New Cuts and other material of the latest s vies Our Jolli­ties for doing every kind of Printing in large or small quantities are unsur "

C. S. Brownell & Co

§u$itt*00 CM*.

HBUBKN R. W O N , Attorney »«d Counselor a* Law, office over Farmers' * Mechanics* Bank,

Bath, N X , - a p r ' 6 8 8 .

HHABLKS P. KINQSIiBT, ATTORNEY AND U Counselor at Law. Office over, First National lank , Bath, N . T . , ; '

BAS8ETT, Attorney and Counselor Office over Dr. Dunn's drug store,

lanSStf. WML Bath, N. Y.


office, Bath, N. Y . - N o v . 8,1874. ' selor atldHT * Oflloeover" Hallook's Banking

RKUBEK B. ROME, ATTORNEY AND OOUN-* • selor at Law. Offioe. over Robles' Dry Goods fJtotoBath.N. T . -Mayge , 18T1.

T N 0 . F. LITTLE, Attorney and Counselor at * U w , Bath. N. Y. 0 « o e oyer Tharp's Shoe itore.-Jan.86'8».

VfoMAHTER ft PARKHUR8T, ATTORNEYS * * and Counselors at Law, Bath, Steuben county, N. Y. Special attention given to cases in the United States COurt. and proceedings nnder the Baakrupt Act. Office, Perine Bloek, Liberty St. lTath, N. Y. -Nov. W, 187«.

H. MoMUstm. J. F. P A B t a w t .

1 •; J. B. HELOVBR-S Dental 1 rooms ov«r Brundnge's store 1 the

„ j of mate; i»ls used. Dental pistes ofSBrhif B'oo' mbheir—w«rr««t<wl t|o» *A break.

4£3k ^& V \ I ' t U O B r beat 1

*a>iiwt r i n n TO LOAN ON IMPROVED J p l l K ' . U U U Real Estate in wenbeo and adjoining counties, W F-MoLEAN,

, Hunker. Prattsnittth, N. Y.

PENSIONS AND CLAIMS.-M»j C W. Camp bell, Attorney at Law, late Paymaster U.S.

Vols., and Clerk In the Pension Office, will prose-cute Claims for Pensions, Bounties, Arrears of Pay and all other military and naval claims against the Government. Office, Liberty street, Hath, New York. tf.

I AT 2* U K . .La -WITH—

Fire, Lifo and Accidont Insurance.

28 Liberty Street, - Bath, N. Y. SATISFACTION G U A B A N T E E D .

O. H. SMITH. (Successor to Henry Faucett,)


Office over Dr, Dunn's Drug Store,

July 24, •8»~yl E l J ^ J J f W t , 1ST, I T .


ESTABLISH!!) IN 1857 ..,. ,


Office with Chas, W. Campbell, July 13,1881, Bath, N. Y.

• J U p JB XMMLM.MM.JLZftji (Successor to D. C. Aiota.)

i f iret Life, Plate ttlass & Accident

Insurance ! Representing the following flreUoloss Companies,

possessing Capital of 1104.000.000.

Niagara, • Agricultural, Liverpoolt London Citizens,

and Globe, People's, Sun—Fire of London, American,

—and— Liberty, Now York Life Insurance Company.

B a t h , N . Y., Sept . 2 6 , l S 8 9 . ~ t f


Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College and

Honorary Fellow of the Ontario Veterinary Medi­cal Hooloty treats all dtieaats of domestls animals. Special attention to »e»tal and Surgical Operations.

ffi-Offlooa*. the Ntohols House. Satisfaction Guaranteed. , aug.211889 tf.



a so


The great cry of Oven Ven­tilation has induced different manufacturers to try and build a Range with a perfect ventilation, and the celebrated firm of RATHBONE, SARD & CO. has adopted a system in their CELEBRATED ACORN RANGES that is the only sys­tem that is PERFECT.

Above is ah illustration of their method, and the Ranges are for sale by



0 d

a H



Town (bftrtjes, Town charges/audited iund allowed by

the Board of Town Auditors oft the eey* oral towns of tho County of Htcul.on, at tbelr niuuiui meetings, In November, 1889 and presented by the Supervisors tof said Towns to the Board of Supervisors of laid County, November 15,1880,


D Wainright, elk of election. MOIIKO Huganlr, ins of election. Beard & Griffin, counsel fees...

. O B Huganlr, elk of election... • Win Holmes, ox-conn' ODFoster , assessor,. . . « . . . S3 49

I Beard & Griffin, counsel fees, '84 18 00 O O Kelly, Ins of election.. • 4 00 Asa Kazy, erroneous tax 19 6H D O Vandellnder, constable fees. 6 00 Lyman Ross, " " 18 60 Leroy Clark, use of hall 16 00 110 white, overseer of poor . . . . . 3 00 1 1 Weloh, highway oomr 118 01 P 8 Burdett, juatlco of the peace 0 00 Clark Halght. ins of elect ion. . . . 10 84 H B Hendee, just, of the peaoe.. 11 00 Q 8 VanKe"ren, supervisor...... 16 85 J M Kelly, justice Of the peace.. 30 SO By order of town beard, for

highway purposes. 220 00 H R F l i n t . f o w n clef* 24 68 For highway purposes Seymour Jones, justice of peace 10 00 OII Orltes, constable fees 8 80

Total.. '* QBEENWOOD,

Names. ' Claimed. Allowed. R P Stephens, damage paid Bun>

ker for horse • .$160 00 R P Stephens, comr of h'way.. . 87 00 M V Smith, for books 6 00 GM Webster & Co,poor mas­

ter's order , 10 00 W L Hartram, assessor so 00 V Relman, poormaster's order.. lO 00

" " " " 10 00 J 8 Young, poormaster 8 85 Minhaol McCaffery, inspector.. . 4 00 Q M Woodward, " 4 oo Patrick Oocoman, excise c o m . . . 6 oo Andrew Miller, " " .. 8 00 NBCoston, exsupervlsor and

healthboard 400 4 0 0 'Ellas Williamson, bond comr . . . . 6 60 5 50 John J Guyon, " " . . . . 4 00 4 00 A MGroff, inspector 14 80 14 80 Chas Austin, clerk of election.. . , 4 00 4 00 B P Stephens, for spile driver.. . 103 00 103 00 H 8 Gillette, health officer t <•<) -too B S Brundage, constable 0 30 5 80

82 00

Claimed. Allowed, $ 4 0 0 $ 4 0 0

4 0 0 4 0 0 10 00 10 00

4 0 0 4 0 0 11 00 4 00

52 40 16 00 '4 CO 10 68 (3 80 8 16

10 00 200

118 00 0 00

10 84 11 00 16 85 20 60

386 00 81 63

360 00 10 00 8 20

$840 40

$150 00 37 00 0 00

10 00 30 00 10 00 10 CO 8 85 400 4 00 0 00 3 00

HORNBY. 1 Claimant. Nature of claim. Claimed All'd.

B. J. Basterbrook, town ole'rk 8 13 60 $ 13 60 O. M. Stenton, olerk of eleotloD... H. D. Adams, •• » « R. O, Bixby, inspector olootion... Albert Duval!, ex>supvrTl8or M. W. Harrison, overseer poor Thomas Oldfleld, ex-supervlsor... Willis Lilly, assessor , 16 00 J, N. Wneaton, bridge plank...;...,. 3 14 M. J. Harrison, assessor 16 00 J. D. Blxby, for timber and plank. 12 70 Willis Lilly, road work 20 60 Patrick MoOiUHboy, oversow poor 88 00 Wm. F.MoNamara, legal counoil.... M. J. Harrison; ptank O it. Adams, plank., , B. L. Townloy, road work Horbert Benediot, road work . . . . Parmer O. Hewitt, road work W. J. Underwood, clerk town meet­

ing and inspector.., , Amos Howell, stone for town hall.. Daniel Wlxon, road work Patrick McOiuskoy, bridge S. O. Brwln, bridge , Herbert Bonediot, road work 80 00 John Wlilson, road work 21 CO 0 . 0 , Wheat, bridge work 8 03 Thomas Oldfield, viork on road.. . 12 13 D. F. Lane, bridge 62 82 D. F. Lane, work on road scrapor. 1 76 F. P. a K. K. Htanton, bridge plank 32 40 Wm. Butler, road work 6 75 M. K Bddy.ex-com'r 14 20 Fall Brook Coal Co.,lr<m for bridge 15 00 Amos Howell, on bridge 1 60 P. H. Weilman, getting and re­

turning pile drivev 10 00 Chas. Pontt, work on bridge . . . . . . 14 75

" • " • " ' • " ; . . . 2 6 0 M. A. Green , t imber for bridge. .; . , . 28 06 George A. Wheaton ,br idge wotfk,

a s s i g n e d to F . B. Olark , „ . o 38

4 00 4 00 4 00 6 00 7 00 0 70

6 00 8 84

18 95 80 76 36 00 28 20

8 00 2 00

77 50 16 00 16 00

23 26 2 00 4 87 16 00 3 80

12 00 46 00 35 00 12 10

ilt?e, itiiire Si 00

C. S. Brownell & Co

James Dunolgan, assessor B 8 Brundage, advertising non

resident t a x , . . , 2 00 Newel Austin, exolse comr 6 00 Porry E 8te|>hens. assessor "41 00 8 D Coston, town hall 20 00 w O Slocum, elk of eleotlon 4 00 Lee Drake, constable , 89 40 Chas Austin, town clerk 40 70 L G Burton, justice of the peace. 83 00 Thos I) Rogors, " " '• to 00 John K Miller, " » » «00 KJRelmann, " , l " 35 80 MFSmlth , supervisor 17 00 M F Smith, sup, disbursed Newel Austin, dep sheriff Highway purposes ..2858 03 Bonding Commissioners 8400 00

3 00 6 00

41 00 80 00 4 00 79 81 40 70 83 00 10 00 6 00 !5 80 17 00 13 71 6 10

8868 08 8400 00

Total.. $5516 40


E J Cleflln, city const . . . . c laimed. Allowed.

Wm II Greenhow, printing ib le . . . . .

To the People of Steuben and Adjoin­

ing Counties: I ' I . ' K ' K ' K ' U ' I I ' W ' . I ' I I M I . / I . I I . M I M . M . M . I I . M . M . H I I I . H . M . M I ' I . I

GEORGE I . HALLQCK BANK, / :r::3a,tla. I s T e w ^ TSToxls..

%ST4BI4IBXB 1149 ^ o u i u i n (HI* B a n k la comt«ct«t l s lMt-

l * r t o N a t i o n a l Bunk* .


,•*»!}• book* Issnsd, aocounta opened, and Deposits are anbjeot to Check on Demand.

iMTMCftt P«i> o" DifOOtS Iiir» on • n m .

DBAFT8 FOR SALE ON NBW TOBK CITT, 4 id all Foreign Countries at Seasonable Ratea.

Loam onUnlnoumbered Real Estate Negotiated.

f u n i c u l a r A t t e n t i o n G i v e n t o Co l l ec t i ons

Mortgage! and Proaliwnr Hotel Bought. «F,PBRBN0K8-AU the Business Men of Bath.

GEO. W.HALLOOK.Bankar. W. H. H*MOOI Cashier. , ;. marW'80


Ho 8 Liberty St,t Bath, N. 7. A i s A M BSBKMAN, Prrfsldont. FRANK OAMPBKLL, Cashier.


Honey Received on Deposit. INTBBBBT PAID WHBN LEFT ON TIME.

"iralti for Dale on Sew fork ami »i Foreign Countries.


Son&n, Mortgages and Promissory Notes Bright , SptOtaTAttentlon given to Collections.

. Bathrff. Y.. Jan. 1.1M0. ]

A U \JtX I Oiln E E R i years exponence to selling Heal Estate, k, Mf.chintry, Household goods and all


twelve Live Stoc l i n e s o f 1 111" i Htore sjnable.

Four years In a City Auc-. Batlsfaction Ruaranteed. Terms rea-Addreas, W. H. EDWAIML

10 Campbell St.. Bath, N. Y.

I'm' III.ACK' fi 't 'OCIil it i ln ia t o Cut H I .( t i m e S u n t ' , W l M l t I l iK Nm' I

t lnt i l i i / lit ii!<^l-)i''(.

[ '•••••,!. .,1 , . , , , : ! „ ! , , . B. t ' . ' r ' . ! i l l . | ' < t ' , , . . , i l . - f ( / X iv.,!, ; i;;i,„,,vi(„„ '

. % , ! ' . , ! . 11 ...|Dvea—8co

* l t « 1IIK

i t;-: '; r

H . l l l l l . U -• ' . l i t . ' .


», , • . „n i>( .

My t'all Stock is now in. I have everything in the'line, of

and also have a large stook ot

Lir^Ta\0*Wft*E»UV^Gi%, T&VTBL^ \ An early selection always gives the choice ai imported Goods.

Never, in the history of man has tho Texture and Design of

W o o W & © © & % b,eenmoro beautiful than they are this

'Pall; and I have made a special effort to make a oolleotion adopted to

the wants of the people of this and the surrounding country, and it is

of ton said that if I had not so many beautiful goods that it would be

easier to make a seleotion; but it is no trouble >to show goods

136 21 4 00

102 80 0 00 7 20 7 00

18 60 0 00 0 06

60 00 10 00

130 81 4 00

102 30 0 00 7 20 7 00

12 60 4 00 6 76

60 00 10 00

1 like to show them and name prices that I know is iiripossiblo for my

coropetitorfl to name on the same class of goods. I do my own cut­

ting and selling, and will make the price as cheap as the cheapest.

Call and eee flT-T-Tccmir T h e TalioiN


STOVES & RANGES ! We have the best and largest assortment of Cooking1 St0V09 and

' BangfOS to be found in this seotion.—Our variety of Ooal and Wood Hoating Stoves oannot be excelled.

GUARANTEE THE PRICES ON ALL OUR STOVES We are the head of the market, also, for Lumboi and Platform

Waff one, Road Oar to, Buggios and Phaetons, oto.




FOR SALE 1 ' j

The Avis Farm, 160 acres, in Thurston, one-half mile east of Merohantvllle.

Tho Carroll Farm, 95 tores, In Thurston, three miles south of Savona.

Lot in Cameron, 274 acres, oalled "the Big Lot," two miles from Cameron village. May be sold in paroels. Vineyard, 15 aores, in Wayne,

known as the Monroe Wheeler Vineyard.

The Cary House and Lot in Cohooton.



I I I I I | , ' \

n . i ! . i n t l y ,

> I. t ; I ' i \ , | • i l N | ' I

',','.vi ! U'OKOfcii.M,' OU

Ivf iuyUiln^ ki)t>t In •» i 11Ht <)l i< i M^rk.it,

M. If I, I n ly H, IDfty,

i l i n t •


Uilll.iUiMii LOTS IN BATH. On llnvorllng Street,

u Allmt , "

" Willhim " W. W. AM ! CI,

Doc 18, '89-tf Bath, N. Y.


'20 40 11 10

D A Vandelindor, constafcle 28 08 Julius Webber, town clerk.. 76 8!) B I' Hartlett, lumber 20 00 J W Bacbman. s u p p l i e s . . . . , . . , , 12 GO Kmmet Cook, Ins election 6 00 Daniel Brownell, ina election

and prepare 6 00 Frank Marley, oPk of election (100 D A Vandclender, " " e 00 Charles T Tenant, olerk of town

meeting 100 M W Hawley, ex sunt 138 «1 i P Rathbone, leRal services . . . 4 00 Jphn Miller, assigned to John

Gavin mason work,. . '245 06 A H Bunnell, printing..) 18 70 J It Morris, ex highway com . . . . 76 00 Avery MoDsugal, sewer p ipe . . . . 14 40 John Mil'er aslgned to Wesley

Brown, work . , . . . ,«2B6 46 John Miller assigned to Simmons

LHowell ,Material . . . . Reuben Hart, lumber H O Sawyer, ex town olerk J G Kelley, health officer J R Rose, sewer pipe II O Stephens, room for olection Avery McDougal, sewer p ipe . . . . HobartSmith, ins e lect ion . . . . . . » ,«»'r, " , c««ying returns A W Emery, lumber r W Near, legal services 1888.... W W Oxx, Justice of peace as­

signed to Esex Page 137 75 F P Hedges, constable 167 28 O H Orltes, " 67 35 Pittsburg Bridge Co assigned to 1st NatT Bank, H'Vllle bridge.. 890 10 David Willever, lumber 8 62 John Miller assigned to James M

Welsh, labor oo 80 M Powers aslgned to James M

Welsh, stone ,...,,... 63 07 John Mi ler assigned to James M

Wesh,labor iQ3 24 Judson Withey, ins of election.. 4 00 ... L. . excise com 8 00 v\ ni Woolever, brush 46 00 John A Mayor, clerk of election 4 00 John Miller ass'd to K F Wllletts 140 60

" " left with " i?o 00 )y .S X°.n D W n J constable 03 40 a WQrlswold, auditor i s 00 «. i V . highway com 628 00 Frank. Dermis, lumber 60 81 J H 01 jnoy Jus t i ce of the peace 2J8 02 Dan'l KPowell, highway labor.. 100 00 John Miller assigned to F p

Sherwood, labor 246 89 Lyman Rosa, constable ie 1ft AWEmery , lumber. 70 00 Lot manor, justice.-. 20 00 Frank Kelley, V 27 35 Wm 11 Murray, constable , 39 58 fcieth M Huntloy, labor 4 oo FM Sheldon, material 2 40 L1) Hathaway, Ins of election*. 4 00 H L Daven port, assessor 79 00 L O Haskell, " . . . . . 08 09 H i t Ranger, " 60 00 AW Hunt, printing 8 00 1 1 J & f e ' k »"P. int. acoount

w i t h w i l l e t t s . . . . . 212 60 J K l'atten, l u m b e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 03 P " Hurlburt, el'k of town mt'ng 4 00 I W Near, legal services 6 00 ADHurlbut,clerk of election.. 4 0) Homy Uologrove, supervisor... . 96 88 Myron Hurlbut, ins of election.. 4 0o John Hurlout, auditor 26 00 Edward Shepard, " 3 00 New ton Colgro ve. constable 68 05 A O Hill, overseer of poor 45 00 T A Carter, constabb 4 so AlexPatten, " ago Henry Oolegroye, h'way dm'ges 10 00 James Gray, stone 1888 " . . uo 00

building fence 1885 22 04

10 70 11 10

°2* 65 76 89 20 00 1'2 00

* i 00

0 00 4 00 4 00

4 CO 132 61

4 00

245 66 18 70 70 00 14 40

265 46

Frank Hilton, bridge work,. Dr. M.O. Butler, Board of.Health.".; Onas. Boow, work on town had....... F. t \ Vannortwlok, piles for bridg A. D. Ooye, plank. George Goodsell, plank L,., F. Kasling, butmonts for b«idge... P. MoOluskey, Dr. for poor Dr. Butter, service for poor , „ , . . Patrick Carney, bridge wo k 15 CO George Van Alstine, constable...... 4 20 It. J). Adumii, jui.lliio 1; 56 Weekly T i m e , Horuellsvllte 4 00 F. E. Olark, Justice 10 30 H. W. Wheat, luinUr 23 87 P. B. Humphrey, road work 130 40 G.J. Murphy, jus Hoe 2 60 John D. Boott, work on town hall. 4 60 Oven Koloson , aiii.OiiiKii' ,.,. 10 00 Daniel Bampl*-, brldgoworir 0 00 H.T.Jtmeison.road work...; 165 47 David Rogers, insp. ard delivering

returns M lo vi J. 11. F01 onlmni'.ii. plank\jM H. D. Adams, JanticowtfKfv, J. H. Forenbaugh, supervisor John D. Soolt, 'constable Thomas Oldfleld, Justice Ooorge W. Fuller, road work Thomas Oldfleld. bridge work II. T. Jimerson. oom'r highways., James L. McLaughlin, bridge F. F.Stantor, olerk Board Heal !i F. F. Btantor, town clerk O. i. Murphy, Justice and road w'lt S. O. Irwin, road work L. W. Wellington, Justice... Highway oom'r, tor road maohiue 240 10 EirasW. Palmer,..


71 77 14 OO 23 18

8 09 4 00

20 00 163 82 86 00 33 Ofr

7 50 28 52 38 CO

Voo co 6 15

4 40

4 00 400 4 00 6 00 7 00 6 70

10 00 3 14

16 00 12 70 29 60 83 00 6 00 3 84

13 96 89 26 86 00 28 2)

8 00 2 00

74 20 ' 16 00

18 00 80 00 isl 60 8 03

11 75 62 32

1 76 82 40

0 76 14 20 46 00

1 60

10 CO 14 75 2 60

27 00

6 58 23 25 2 CO 4 87

16 00 8 80

12 00 46 00 86 00 12 00 1< 00

. 4 20 0 65 '4 00 10 30 23 87

130 46 2 60 4 60

10 00 6 00

165 47

10 92 71 71

, 14 00 23 18

8 09 4 00

20 00 168 32 85 00 33 00

7 60 • V8 62

38 60 • t O 0 0

5 16 '240 00

4 40


H O W A R D .

$2081 13

POWDER Absolutely Pure.

This powdor never v a r i e s t A marvel or purity, strength and wholosomnesB. Moro economloal Unui the ordlnar; kind, and cannot bo sold In tho ootnpo-tlon with tho multitude of low test , short wolghtalutn or phosphate powders . Sold only t» cant. KOYAI BAKIMO POWD«R Co.. 08 tVftll n NY—14-W48

BY ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, The Celebrated Noveliat, 1

Author of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.",

4 00 6 00 6 00 6 00

86 00 89 00 39 00 11 26

102 75 164 65 66 76

890 40 8 52

00 99

63 07

163 21 4,00 3 00

45 00 4 0(1

132 70 120 00 88 60 16 00

628 00 66 81

181 02 100 DO

245 89 10 15 70 60 20 00 26 86 39 36 4 00 3 40

f 4 00 *02 00

50 00 !;60 00

I 8 0 ° 212 60 60 03 4 00 5 00 4 f0

06 88 4 00

• 25 00 3 00

68 06 45 00 4 80 2 CO

, 10 00 1 60 00

22 94 81 2(»

4 00

4 0 0 6 00 6 00 6 00

36 00 80 00 89 0Q 11 25

260 00 8*70

250 00

For training YOUNG M K N and WOMEN for the Businoss Profession. Best modern facilities, su

study ypewriting and Totegrap

of seven professors and lecturers, fiostand latest

porior course of business ography, Typewriting and

lncludin ilo'graphy.

o , on™ g cten-Faoulty

text books used. Fall term begins Sept. 2d, 1880 Students admitted at any IH/K, Aid to situations. Diplomas awardod graduates. Vail not to send or Olroular, to Penn Yan. B. G, FOLSOM.


Wm T Hurlbut, lumber 81 20 John A Mayor, town labor . . . . . . 4 00 John H Dowdell ass'd to O h

Hawley, Ins election 1888 Wm H Prangen, com of excise. . OeoLTubbs, " <• ' L O Haskell, highway work. . . . James Gray, town auditor.. John B Woodruff, " '• Wm 8 Hurlbut '• '< „ Sheldon Bros, refunded tax Geo W Grlswold, for highways.. 260 00 OH Lain, constable 8 70 Z L Parker, deficient highway.. . 260 00

• .. ie i is la OIIY OF HORNBLLSVILLB.

AbslraotcontainiDg a list of all olalms presonted J&JSa Mo"«A bf the Auditing Committee of the Common Counoil ol the City of Hornelisvllle.

Claimant. Nature of olalm. Claimed. All'd, A,aron Res'), overseer of poor $ 2 0 00 210 00 Wm. H. Prangen, exolse com. 89 00 Horaoe Hunt, " » 39 ho Geo. L. Tubbs, " " 39 00 L ving Paine, Att'y for exolse Com. 25 00 Rev. 0. M. Gardner, eroneous tax, 6 69 J. H.MoNett, aotlng Overseer or

the Poor 79 25 J. W.Baohman, registry books.Ao. 28 16 Wm. L.Collins, overseer of poor.. 412 00 N. L. Harrison, insp. eleotlon and

tallysheete ;,., 27 00

39 00 89 00 80 00 25 00 6 60

70 26 28 18

412 00

Names. John W Willis, ins of election. Aaron McDonnell, room rent. A W Fenton, oik of election H W McChesney, ins of election. B E McDowell, " O D Crandall, " " 1 8 8 8 R A McDowell, agt comr h'ways A U Brown, ox superv'ors olalm ^ i n E . s u l t . . . R R Lyon, attorney's fees for t'n 11 O O Sharp, assessor Ira Benuit, ox-town olerk.,

" " olerk of elect ion. . . . A V Sharp, assessor Jas 8 McKibbin, overseer poor.. A V Sharp, viewing sheep Wm H Grave?, painting elk desk Wm S Goff. ex-comr. highways.. Sidney Meslck, ex-overseer poor OhDs McConneil, bill lumber oik

desk Calvin Hullook. ins of election... GeoWRohell. " " . . . . A M Cole, excise commissioner

& counsel fees Joslah House, assessor Bert MoConnell, oik of eleotlon.. Almerion Cobb, comr h'way Floyd Sharp, ins of election 8 00 Mary A Glover, erroneous assess 1 62 Lewis W Bonnlt, town elerk Joseph Miller, just of the peace. A W Stewart, erroneous nssesm't Judson Wells, room rent.. I. B L Stewart, clerk of election.. A Almerion Cobb, 2 days viewing

4 00 24 77 10 00

1 00 10 CO 1 80 7 00

17 00 1W Near, counsel comrs n'ways a 00 H J VanWio, excise comr 6 00 AII Baldwin, Just of tho peace. . 3 60 Calob Bullock, " •' • " 12 00 R P Parkhlll, supervisor. 29 01 Frank Hedges, const Hornellsv'e 4 70 Audited for highway purposes.. 831 44 Highway money 250 00 Ward Oatley, agent h'way comr J F Parkhurst, atty for town in Everett c»so 1,,

Claimed. Allowed. ? 3 00 10 00 3 00 0 00 3 20 3 00

66 00

19 00 22 68 44(H) 11 73 3 00 42 CO 22 00 20 00 5 60 5 2*

12 00

5 80 9 16 8 00

6 00 39 00 3 00

67 25

44 35 2 00

78 10 00 8 00

aheep..... .......,...,, ....... Lewis w Bennit town elk de»k.. B LStowart, Just of the peaoe. . . H S Hull, printing eleo'n notices Joseph Miller, lust of the peace. B N Uonnot, constable Trustee Lodge, room rent A II Baldwin, Just of tho peace.,


9 8 (0 10 00 8 00 0 00 3 20 3 00

60 00

19 00 22 58 44 00 11 78 3 00

42 0J 22 00 26 00 5 60 5 25

12 00

6 80 9 16 8 00

6 00 8!) 00 8 00 67 25 8 00 1 62

41 35 2 00 78

10 00 3 00

4 00 24 77 10 00 1 00

10 00 1 80 7 00

17 00 3 00 6 00 8 60 13 00 1.0,91 4 70

881 44 260 00

4 00


Cures Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Croup,Whooping UOUglJ, Bronobitis and Asthma. A ocrtnln ouro for Uoiistimption In flr«t «t«go», and a sure relief in advanoed

"SI8*!' »liM M?n<">' Y o u will see the axoellont effeot l<argi bottles, 60 cents and 11,09.

Caveats, and Trade-Harks obtained, and all Pat­ent baslnesi conducted for MODKHATK r » « .

• a i vre can secure patent In less time than tnoee remote from Washington.

Bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip­tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Oar fee not due till patent Is secured.

A PAMPHLET, " H O W to Obtain Patents," with names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, eent free. Address,

C. A.SNOW & CO. «!»!> r»Y««|T t»*»lVK. W*«I» I*« ,V««. » . A-

5 00


HARTHVILLE. $1742 33

Names, W C Acker, supervisor. . . , , J W Beyea, town clerk 0 F Hartman, Just of tho peace. Ryrson Clark, '{ " " RO Morgan, " " " J W Call, " " " S W "Fuller, comr h'way MiloHays.ex " " JohnOline, overseer of poor.. . Wm K Thatcher, assessor George Hempholl, " . . . . . J C Hendee, " Joseph Vickers, ex " . ,t,, N V Flint, olerk of e lect ion. . . . . . W A Vlckors, elk town meeting AWhitford, L Hopper, Jr, O 0 Henery, use of hall .1 A Almy, oomr excise Axalnder Todd, comr exclso . . . W R whiting, comr exolse O E Cook, elk of town meeting Wm Olark, ex supervisor. . , , . . . David Travis, burying horse. . . . Simon Woodworth, collector.. .

" " ins of election. Hornell Times Association 4 00 Geo R Crobett, elk town meeting 4 00 Highway money .'. 1363 03 CII Lain, constable

Claimed. Allowed. $10 69 $ 10 60

82 70 8 00

14 00 8 00 8 60

130 00 10 00 11 00 28 C 22 On 21 00 1 00 1 00

I v . i * %\im» <>i, , . , IIIJ^ . 4 0 0

ns of eleotlon A 00 11 00 20 00 8 00 3 00 3 00 4 00 6 00 2 00 8 25 4 00

82 70 8 CO

14 00 8 00 8 60

180 00 16 00 1 1 0 0 28 00 22 00 24 00 1 00 4 00

•4 00 4 00

11 00 «0„00

8 00 3 00 8 00 4 00 6 00 2 00 8 26 4 00 4 00 4 00

1866 02 81 46

Total $1792 61 $1702 01

JASPER. Abstraot of the names of all persons who pro

sented acoounts to the Auditing Board of Town Auditors of the town of Jasper, on, the 7th day of November, 1689, together with' the amounts olaimed by eaoh and the amounts Anally audited.

Claimant, Nature of olalm. Olaimed, All'd. E. Timmerman.hall rent $ 6 oo $ D. Colgrove, hall rent 30 oo B. Tlmmerman, oom'r of h'ways... 74 00 O. J. Cole, assessor 43 oo M. W. Huntington, assessor 47 00 O. Tolbert 48 00 . T.T. Chetchum, overseer poor 19 80 R. W. Hllborn, Insp. olection.. 4 oo Wm. Purdy, insp. eleotlon..,

K- MWl ' i l n s P- eleo. and registry 24 00 F. 0. Hall, " " « «• 24 oo



AT CAMERON, has been refltted with new machinery and Is in first-class condition and prepared to do 'as good work as any mill on the river, Everybodyuhav-Ing anvlgrlnding tojdo will And It to their inter­est to give us a call.

W. It. M081IKK, Miller.


S. M. H K W i . K T T & C O .

(: i n e r t :••

i ; i l !0;1I'I',K i

II ,N D M K I ' A . K , HlKii A

o r i t o )

K M K j i r r ,

N I I MM it A l,,M K K

N i i ' h t .


calls to ho nirtiln on

VV'iMt Moni . i

I. M, Miiv/li.tl,

ll-ttli, N, V,

The undersigned, of George Nortlnui>, the estate, offers foi settlement, southwt !< uiiivu ii>i t l in

as administrator of the estate deceased. In order to close up i ,l,i tho In. ..I In thn Nnrthrttp

at part of town of Rathbone,

'<<0Ol'K'O l\l'0Cli»H'U[> ^ J U ' u t , 'I'lil.-i r u i n !• 11 nii Int.i oi'vffii) noroii, nil iilinu'jil, exi iopt YO iiiifn i i iMuui l wood nuil hmolooli t luil ior, Tho lioiit'.o In In t u b ' c o n d i t i o n , ami thoi'o urn nl;< IIIUMII unit n Wilson hiMiHO, 'I'litii'o In II lino ni'chiirit of ol){ht HOI'.VI. 'I 'ho Imiii In v/oll «ii tc(Cit . 'I 'ho liuul I i ro l l ing , I'loplii^ tov/nnl'i t ho Month. I 'mmlmm will ho tiolil nt ii loicunmhlo p r i c e end on oiciy |, lymcnt i i . Cull on or mlilrt'tiH,

OHf .MMt nfOltTHK'Ul*,

AiliuinlHtt ' i t toi ' ,

"'in''! HeilKCSvlHo, N. Y.

B.A.VanScoter, insp. eleotlon and registry, &o

H.J.aiynes.in»p. eleo.and registry H. O. Pay, " " " « Henry Dore, " " " " Nathan N a s t " " " •' Chas.Tennant, Insp. election , D. O. Amey, clerk registry and

election 14 oo H. L. Nash, ass'd to J. it. Day

olerk registry and eleotlon J. B. Collier, oleik eleotlon and


20 50 24 00 14 00 22 00 22 00 0 00

24 00

O, 8. Bowman, Insp. election. rk " ,

24 00 22 00 22 00 22 00 600 600 600 6 00 000

F. L. Howard, oler 0 .0 . Hobart, " " ..„ 0. B..8everns, " " Harvey Crane, " " Geo.A.ProntiBS," " .,„ N; A. Boynton, " " ,.„ W.H.VanDusen," • " C, C, Hubbard; rent o f offloe, reg ,

and eleot lon 20 00 D, Kenton, rent ol offloe, reg: and

election i s 00 J. H. Clancy, Insp. registry and

election 24 00 Monroe Knme, Insp. registry and

ol«ctlon, 22 00

16 00

16 00

K. iiiKMilmni, rent for reg. and election....,.;. , „

K. u. Howard, ast-ignee of B. 8. Bentloy, olerk of reg and eleo.

James Kingkade, Insp. reg, and „ •!?°lJ?1

n"! «»« 22 CO B. J. c|,mi,1, |,mo. rog.and elootlon 22 00 Rob'tBtoyle, •• » «' " 22 00 Ohas. Walt hers ol'k " " " 2000 B. J. Donnelly, •' ' " " 4 00 A. W. Logle, rent for r*g. and

election 11 co D. Wollever, olerk eleotlon , 22 (0 M. Heatherman, insp, eleotlon 22 00 M. McGuire,Jr., '« " .,„„ 14 00 O. Preston, Ur., rent ,., 16 00 E. F . Wlllets Bupervlsor 46 85 W. W. Howel l , « 46 88 B. F . W l l l e t s , Superv i sor , G. A. R. '

iollo[!H>|iro|>i'lntlim twin (in J o h n l M o G r e e v y , Bupervlsor 12 00 II, f.l, IVI'JIHU, " . , , , . . . 2 00 11. 0 , iiiivvyoi', i i l i iht i iut ing bal lot

IIIKOII « no T'IIOI'M Ai'HiKilntloii, linoltii (or c i ty Iti (ill t l lu ' l lo i i Iti'im , I>.<(KI:IMIVO tux ,,, (I 7f> Chun. C.; l lutchli iHoi) , c o u n t y l lunt .

iiKntni I t h e Ol y of l lomol lu -vlllo, I'oi'nioiH'.vii 1'itlil In cuso of l ' ' innk Hoiiiplo

26 00 22 00 22 00

24 60 22 00 14 00 22 00 22 00 6 00

.14 00

22 00

24 00 22 00 20 00 n 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 600 6 00

20 00

18 00

24 00

22 00

15 00

. 1 0 00

22 00 22 00 22 00 20 00 4 00

14 00 22 00 32 00 14 00 10 0O 40 36

. 46 85

1600 00 12 00

2 00

3 60 12 00 6 78

iy, insp. J, K. Towsfey, olerk election. 8. F. Dennis, exolse oom'r J, B. Sargesnt, exolse oom'r .1, F. Batohelder, exolse oom'r... , B. Clark son, pocr fund.... D . O. Huntor, poor fund B . B . Wallaoe, b ir ths and deaths . . E. D. Wallaoe, medical services..., N. P. Hunter, M. D.. births, 4o 10 00 A. A. Van Orsdale, lustloe 12 00 Byron Crosby, Justice. 18 00 B, ohatflold. insp. eleotlon.. . 4 00 John ltoblnson, overseer poor. 4 00 B.B.Hardy, supervisor 40 52

10 60 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00

32 42 2 22 0 25

18 60

J, 8 Outman, town olerk. 60 10 <j,» uutman, IUWU mom i « w Peter Drakejustice,...., 14 00 J. M. Simpson, Justice..., Highway appropriation., Extra appropriation

10 76 600 0f> 900 00

6 00 20 00 74 00 48 00 47 00 43 00 10 60 4 00

10 60 4 00 3 00 8 CO 3 00

82 42 ' 2 22 0 26

18 60 10 00 12 00 10 CO 4 00 4 00 40 62 10 10 4 60 0 76

600 00 000 00

MICROBE KILLER Cures All Diseases.

Thoolaira to cure all dlseasos, may at first glance seem very absurd; but ftflev reading our pamphlet, glvluga t'lslory of tho Microbe K*ller explaining the germ theory of dlfioaso, and read­ing our testimonials, which prove conclusively there is no dlseaso it, will not nine, tho truth ol our assertion beoomos clour. No person sullerlng from blood, chronic or contagious dlsoase should let a day pass without getting and rending this in­teresting book, which will bo given nwny or mailed nee . Tho gentlemen connected with this company nre;well known business men of this oity. Agents wanted everywhere. Addrcsi1

The Wm. Radam

Microbe Killee Co.,

8 4 S ix th A v e n u e , JSKYV Y O R K folTf,


IMNUfACIUIIEK AMI W t l o m A l l ni'M.m IS

Sash, Blinds, Doors, ff0fli<tinK8, Sitllnfr, Ceiling1, .

FLOORING, LUMBER &e» *«., &c.

!Planing & OrtpovitifX

, Bono on Snort ITotioe.

81913 70


117 75 102 26

Total MNDIiBY.

Abstraot of the names of all persons who 1 sented accounts io he audited by the Board Town Auditors of the Town of Llndley, on the 7th day of November, 1889, with the amount claimed byeaoband the amounte audited and allowed


eaoh, via Claimant. ' Nature of Claim. Olaimed.

0. P. Hill * Co., ass'd to I<.W.Teed 12 00 0 . P . H i l l 4 C o . , " " A.L.How-

ard,olerk •• o 00 0, P. Hill * Co, ais'd | . B. Knapp 0 00 Joel Newton, countable 8 00 8.LWebster, « io 16 B, Wade. Justice of the Peace 9 15 Henry Uphsni.Justloe of the Peaoe 8 00 Wm. B. Kuhl,olerk,, . . . , o oo A. I* Howard, insp. election 4 DO JohnJ.Oary, constable 6 60 J ,W. Youngs ..,. 460 Ooorge Pepper, Assessor 40 00 Oliver Camp, « | 88 00 O. P, E»m«», Assessor.!.. 88 00 Matt Riffle, excise oom v J j O Wm. F. MoNamara, 1...... I 187 68 Thos. B. Dunning, oonatable 85 Ohas. P. Burr, constable! 8 60 II. M. Morgan, 25 60 B, »i Leggett, olerk.,..*.v» * 0 0

Krwln J. llill , insp. election , 11 40 John J. Cary, oonstable...., 0 07 R. R Buggins, oom. of h'way 212 co Onas. P. Burr, oonst 3 45 Thos, W. Burke, deputy sheriff,... 5 35 D. Gee, com. of exolse 8 00 W.O. Riirle,ol¥rk... 4 00 Marou»8towell78bperv«or,,.. 96 08 Henry Stowell, Juetloe of the peaoe ao 05 0, H. 1 min, count ,_...,.. 11 40 Blam Watson, Juetlof of trio Peaoe 37 65 l . B . K j i a D p / •• «»«fc-7» •• 9 fO

85 00 Wm. t. MoNamiv O, U, Riffle, town clerk.i A, C. Hill. com. of highway . 1 . A , I t O f j i i n i . . . . , Interest on town bonds., W. 8. Ounsell.insp. election Highway purposes., ,. To pay Interest on notes , lOxtinot'diiiiiiy mpalrs on h'way.. Minim W.Ooidm', ovmnoin' poor. Mntltov/ Hllilo, for vontof hull

. 60 65

. 24 00

. 600 J 400 00

400 ] 250 00 ,? 20 01 2611 45 , 16 00 . 6 00


All'd. 12 00

6 00 9 00

. 800 10 16 0 16 8 00 0 00 4 00

. 6 60 4 60

40 00 88 00 88 00

3 00 186 66

85 8 60

85 60 4 00

it 40 8 73

ai2 00 8 45

... 2 00 3 0 0 4 00

05 08 ,20 05 11 40 87 05

9 80 85 0O 60 65 84 00 600

400 00 4 00

200 00 80 01

2611 48 J5 00

5 0 0

14180 Oil

( i m t l i m o d o n 4th page,)

Prices as Low as any In the Couutry,


BUCKET1 ̂ ~ Mowers, Reapers

and Binders. tIGER

Horse - - Rakes. BULLARD


Hay - - - Tedders. M. B. SHANNON,

JhiatiJia .IN. Y .

f'I suppoHo i t will bo," said I. "I a m liko a blind man."

"No," said «ho, "nothing! IIuvo you not dreamed?"

"Ah, would to God wo lmdl" cried I. She spied tho sword, picked i t up, and, see­

ing the blood, lot it fall again with her hands thrown wido. "Ah I" sho cried. And then, with an instantcoimigo, handled it tho second t ime and thrust it to tho hilt into tho frozen ground. "I will tako it back and clean i t properly," says slio, and again looked about her on all sides. "It cannot bo that he was doad?'f sho added,

"Thoro was no flutter of his heart," said I, and thon remembering: " W h y aro you not with your husband?" •,

"It is no uso," said sho, "ho will notspoak to mo."

"Notapeak to you?" I repeated. "Oh, ybu have not tried I" 1

"You Uavo a right to doubt me," sho re­plied, with a gontlo dignity.

A t this, for tho first, time, I was seized with SOITOW for her, "(Jod knows, madamo," I oriel , "God knows I a m not so hard a« I ap­pear; on this dreadful night who can vonoor his words? But I a m a friend to all who aro not Henry Durio's onomiosl"

"It is hard, thon, y o u should hesitate about his wifo," said sho.

I saw all at onco, liko tho rending of a veil, how nobly she had borno this unnatural ca-luniity, and how generously m y reproaches.

"We must go back and toll this to my lord," said I.

"Him I cannot face," sho cried. " Y o u will Ibid him tho least moved of all

of us," said I. "And yot I cunuo! faco him," said she,

"Well ," said I, "you can return to Mr. tlonry; I will seo m y lord."

As wo walked back, I bearing tho candle-tticks, sho tho sword—a strange burden.for that woman—sho had anothor thought. 'SShould wo toll Henry?" sho asked.

"Let my lord doeido," said I. My lord was noarly dressed whon 1 camo to

bis chamber. Ho heard mo with a frown. "Tho frco traders," said he. "But whether dead or aliyo?"

"I thought him"— said 1, and paused, (islianiod of tho .word.

"I know; but you may very well have boon in error. Wiry should they removo him if not living?" ho usked. "Oh, hero is a great door of hope. It must bo given out that ho departed—as ho came—without any note of preparation. Wo must save all scandal."

I saw ho had fallon, liko tho rest of us, to think mainly of the houso. Now that all tho l iving members of tho family woro plunged in irromedial sorrow, it wass trango how w e turned to that conjoint abstraction of the family itself, and sought to bolster up the airy,nothing of its reputation; not tho Duries only, but tho hired steward himsolf.

"Aro wo to toll Mr. Henry?" I asked him. - "I will seo," said ho. "I a m going to first

visit him, thon I go forth with you to v i ew tho shrubbery and consider."

Wo wont down stairs into tho hall. Mr. Honry sat by tho tablo wi th his head urxm .his hand, liko a man of stone. His wifo stood a littlo back from him, her hand a t her n o u t h ; it \vas plain sho could not niovo him. My old lord walked very steadily to whoro his?on was s i t t ing; ho had a steady counte­nance, too, but methought a littlo cold; when ho was coino quite up, ho hold out both his hands and said: "My son I"

With a broken, strangled cry, Mr. Henry leaped up and foil on his father's nock, cry­ing and weeping, tho most pitiful sight that over a nirtn witnessed. "Oh, father," ho cried, "you know I l o v o d h i i n ; you know I loved him In tho beginning; I could have died for him—you know that I I would have givoli my lifo for him and you. Oh, say you know , that i' Oh, say you can forgive mo I Oh, father, father, what havo I done, what have I done? and wo used to bo bairns to­gether!" mrJ wept and sobbed, and fondled tho old muiij and clutched him a!>out tho nock, with tho passion of a c h i l * i u terror.

And then ho caught sight of his wifo, you would havo thought for tho first t ime, whoro sho stood weeping to hem1 h im; and in a mo­ment had fallon at her knees. "And, oh, my lass," ho cried, "you must forgivo mo, tool Not your husband—1 havo only boon tho ruin of your lifo. j.Jlnt you know mo when I was a lad; thoro Was no harm in Honry Durio then; ho meant ayb to bo a friend to you. It's him—it's tho old bairn that played wi th you—oh, can yo never, nover forgivo him?"

Throughout all this tny lord was liko a cold, kind spectator with his wi ts about him. A t tho first cry, which was indeed enough to call tho houso about us, ho had said to mo over his shoulder: "Closo tho door." And now ho nodded to himself.

" W o may loavo him to his wifo now," says ho. ''Bring a light, Mr. Mackollar."

Upon my going forth again with m y lord, I w n s a w a r o p f a stratum pho:

no longor.checfteJ by policy; A n d for an­other, thing, tho nature of that insult, and tljo conduct of Mrs /Henry , pointed t o o n o con­clusion: which I havo nover verified, and can now nover verify until tfyj groat assize; the conclusion that ho had at last forgotten himsolf, had gone too far in his advances, and had been rebuffed, It cau nevcrt bo vor-lllcd, as I say; but, as I thought of it that morning among his baggage, tho thought was 8wcot to mo liko honey.

Into tho open portmanteau 1 dipped a littlo ero I closed it. Tho most beautiful laco and linen, many suits of thoso lino plain clothes In which ho loved to appear; a book or two, and those of tho best, Caesar's "Commen­taries," a volume of Mr. Hobbos, tho "Hert* riado" of M. do Voltaire, a book upon tho Indies, one,on tho mathematics, far beyond whoro I havo studied; these were what I ob-1 served with very mingled feelings. But in' tho open portmanteau, no papers of any do.-' toription. This sot mo musing. It was po liblo tho man \vns dead*, but, sinco tho trad- , H-s had carried him away, not likely. It was j possible ho might still dio of his wound; but .t was also possible ho might not. And in this latter case I was determined to have the means of some defense. -, '

Ono after another I carried his portman­teaus to a loft in tho top of tho house which wo kopt locked; wont to m y o w n room for m y koys, and, returning to t h o ' loft, had tho gratification to find two that fitted pretty well. In one of tho portmanteaus thoro was a shagreen letter case, Which I cut open with tny knifo, and thenceforth (so far r.s any credit wont) the man was a t m y mercy. Hero was a vast dee.1 of gal lant correspondence, chiefly of his Paris days; and, wnat was moro to tho pur­pose, hero were tho copies of his own reports to tho English secretary, and tho originals of tho secretary's answers—a most damning scries—such as to publish would bo to wreck tho master's honor and to set a price upon his lifo.

I chuckled to myself as I ran through tho documents; I rubbed m y hands, I sung aloud in my-glee. Day found mo at tho pleasing task; nor did I then remit my diligence, ex­cept in so far as I wont to tho window—looked out for a moment, to seo tho frost quite gone, the world turned black again, and tho rain and tho wind driving in tho ,bay—and to ossuro myself that the lugger was gono from its anchorage, and tho master (whether doad or alivo) now tumbling on tho Irish Son.

I t is proper I should add in this place the vory littlo I havo subsequently angled-out upon tho doings of that night. It took me a

thinsT r might have been carrying about toy ' packet till this day hud not a fortunate acci­dent delivered mo from all m y hesitations.

; This was at night, when I was once more leaving tho room, thoUhing not y e t done, and myself in despair a t rny o w n cowardice.

" W h a t do you carry about wi th you , Mr. Mackollar?" sho asked. "These last days I seo you a lways coming in and out wi th the same armful ." ,

I returned upon m y steps without a w o r d . laid tho papers before her on the tablo, and left her to her reading. Of what that was I am now to g ivo you somo idea; and the hart * i l l be to reproduce a letter of m y o w n which camo first in tho budge,t,!and of which (according to an excel lent nabitude) I have preserved the scroll. I t will show, too, the moderation of m y part in those affairs, a thing which some have called recklessly in question.

"DUBR18DBBB, 1767. " H O N O K K P M A D A M K : I trust I would not

stop out of my place wi thout occasion; but I see how mucl; evil has flowed in the past t o all of your noble houso from that unhappy and secretive fault of retlcency, and thepa^ pors on which I venture to call your atten­tion aro family papers and all h ighly worthy your acquaintance.

"1 append a schedulo wi th some necessary , observations, and am, honored madame, your ladyship's obliged, oliedient servant,

" E P H I I A I H M A C K B L L A B . " I . HI IM I I OP PAPERS. i i

A,, Scroll of ten letters from Kphralm Mackellar to tho Honorable James Doric, Esq., by courtesy Master of Itallantrao during the latter's residence In Tails: under dates—CfOllow tho dates)—Note: to ho read in connection with B and C.

B. Seven original letters from the said Master of Ballantrae to tho said B, Mackellar, under dates-* (follow the dates).

O. Three original letters from tho said Master, < of Ballantrae to tho Honorable Henry Durte, Esq., Under dates—(follow tho dates)—Note: given mc by Mr. Henry to answer: copies of my answers A 4, A 6 and A 9 of these productions. The purport of Mr. Henry's communications, of which I can And no scroll, may l>e gathered from thoso of his unnatural brother.

D. A corresiKmdence, original and scroll, ex­tending over a period of three years till January of the current year, liotwecn the said Master of Ballantrae and , under secretary of state; twenty-seven in all, Notn: found among


long whilo to gather i t j for we dared not openly ask, and the free traders regarded me with enmity, if not with scorn. It was near six months before wo even know for certainty that tho u>an survived; and i t was years be­fore I learned from one ODiCrall's men, turned publican on his ill gotten gain, some particu­lars which smack to mo of truth. It seems tho traders found the master struggled on ono elbow, and now staring.round him, and now gazing at the candle or a t his hand which was all bloodied, liko a man stupid. Ujiou their coining, ho would scorn to havo found his mind, bade them carry hjm aboard and hold their tongues; and on the captain asking how ho 1UMJ c o n | e in such a picklo, replied with a burst of pussionatp swearing, and inconti­nently fainted.

They held somo debate, but they woro mo­mently looking for a wind, they woro highly paid to smuggle him to Franco, and did not wire to dolay. Besides which, ho was well enough liked by thoso abominublo wretches: they supposed him undor capital sentenco, know not in what mischief he might havo got his wound, and judged i ta .p iocc of good na­ture to remove him out of the way of danger. So ho was taken aboard, recovered on the passago over, and was set ashore a convales­cent a t tho Havre do Grace. W h a t is truly notable: ho said not a word to any ono of the duel, and not a trader knows to this day in what quarrel, or by the hand of what adver­sary, ho loll. With any other mun I should havo sot this down to natural decency; with him, to pride. Ho could not bear to avow, perhaps even to himself, that ho had boon vanquished by ono whom ho had so much in­sulted and whom ho so cruelly despised.


Complete Grocery 1 IN BATH,


FAMILY GROCERIES, Ohoioo Teas and Coffees.

U 60o Tea for 85o.) FttUIT IN ITS SEASON. Orders taken, and

delivery prompt. J. A. BBKWSTKU, MM Howoll Streot. Bath, N. Y.

To Horsemen and Farmers. I. have tho largest stook of shoeBorany bhtok

smith In the Oounty. the haul shoes made. I em Ploy only the best of workmen to put tbem on, and I warrant all work satisfactory done and tho prieeB will be as low as by auy good blaoktmith. I am glad to see all my old customers ooming back again. All kinds oi blaoksmlth-work attended to promptly. All persons Indebted to me trust pay up at onoe or oost will be made them, This means business.

ROBERT STEWART. Math, August 81St,l88B~tf.

(ingo phonomonon; for, though it wnb quite dark and tho night not yot old, methought I sinoHod tho morning. A t tho same timo thero wont a" tossing through tho brnnohos of tho evergreens, so that thoy sounded liko a quiet soa, and the air putted at |t imes against our faces and t h e flame of Ow enjullo shook. Wo made tho moro speed, Tt bel iovo\boing surrounded by this bustle | I visited tho scono of the duol, whoro m y lord looked upon tho blood wi th stoicism, and,(passiiig further" on toward the landing place, cnlne, a t last upon some evi­dences of the truth. For, first of all, where thero was a pool across the path, tho ice.had boon trodden in, plainly by moro than ono man's weight; next, and but n littlo furthor, a young tree was broken, and down by tho landing place, whoro tho tradors' boats were usually beached, anothor stain "of blood marked whoro tho body must havo boon in­fallibly sot down to rest the bearers.

Thjls slain wo sot oursolvos to wash away with tho soa water, carrying It in my lord's hat; and as wo woro thus engaged, thoro camo up a sudden, moaning gust and loft us in­stantly benighted. .

"It will como to snow," says m y lord; "and tho best thing that wo could hope. Lot us go back now; wo oan do nothing in tho dark."

As wo wont houseware!, tho wind boing again subsided, wo wore awaro of a strong puttering noiso about us in tho night; and whon wo issued from tho sholtor of tho trcos wo found it raining smartly.

Throughout tho wliolo of this, my lord's oleum JSS of mind, no ljws than his act iv i ty of body, had not ceased to minister to m y amaze­ment, i fo sot the crown upon i t in tho coun­cil wo hold on our return. Tlio freo tradors had cortainly secured tlio master, though, whether dead or ollvo, wo woro still left to our1 conjectures. Tho rain would, long bo-foro day, wlpo out all marks of tho transac­tion, B y this wo must profit. Tho master had unexpectedly qomo after tho fall of night. It must now bo givon opt ho had as suddenly departed bofore the break of day, and to nml(o all this plausible i t now only reniaiuod for mo to mount into tho man's chamber and pack and concoal his, b a g g a g e True, wo st. I lay at tho discrotion of tho tradors; but that was tho incurablo weakness of our guilt .

I heard him, as I said, with wondor.'and hastened to oboy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry wero gono from tho hall; m y lord, for warmth's sake, hurrlod to his bod; thoro was still no sign of stir among tho servants, and as I wont up, tho towor stair and onterod tho doad man's room a horror of solitude weighed upon m y mind. To m y extromo surprise, it was all in tho disbrdor of doparturo. Of his throe port­manteaus two woro ready looked, tho third lay operi and noar full. A t onco thero flashed upon mo somo suspicion of tho tmt' i . The man had been going after al l; he had but waited upon Grail, a9 Grail waited upon the wind; early in tho night tho seamon had per­ceived the weather changing; the boat had como to give notice of tho chaugo and call tho passongor aboard, aud the boat's orew had stumbled on him ly ing in his blood. N a y , and there was more behind.

This prearranged departure shed some l ight upon his inconceivable insult of the n ight before} it was a part ing sjjot; hatred bslhK

cries of his mind? watching by tlio

Mrs bed.


•}••' BKCON1) AltSKNCK.

F T H E heavy sick­ness which declared itself next morning I can think with equanimity ns of the last unminglcd trouble that befell my m a s t o r ; and even that was per­haps a mercy iu disguise, for what pains of the body could equal the mis-

jllcnry and 1 had tho 'My old lord called

from timo to time to take tho news, but would not usually pass tho door.| Onco, I remember, when hopo was nigh gone, ho stopped to. the bedside, looked awhile iu his sou's face, and tuniod a way with a singular gesture of the head and hand t h r o w i up, that remains upon m y mind as something tragic, such grief and such a scorn of sublunary things were there expressed. But most of tho timo Mrs. Henry and I had tho room to ourselves, taking turns by night and boarurfg each other company by day, for it was dreary watching.

Mr. Henry, his shaven head bound *in a napkin, tossed to and fro without remission, boating tho bod with his hands. His tongue u e v o r l a y ; his voico ran continuously liko a river, so that m y heart was weary with the sound of it. I t was notable, and to mo inex­pressibly mortifying, that ho spoke all tho whilo oh matters of no import; comings and goings, horses—which ho was over call ing to havO' saddled, thinking perhaps (tho poor soul ft that ho might ride a w a y from his dis­comfort—matters of tho garden, tho salmon nots, and (what I particularly raged to hear! continually of his affaire, ciphering figures and holding disputation with tho tenantry. Nover a word of his father or his wifo, nor of tho master, savo only for a day or two, whon his mind dwelt entirely in the past and he supposed himsolf a boy again and upon some inuocont child's play with his brother. W h a t made this tho moro affecting: it appeared the master ha.l then run somo peril of hisltfo, for thero was a cry—"Oh, Jamio will bodrowned —oh, savo Jamie 1" which ho camo over aud over with a great deal of passion.

This, I say, was affecting, both to Mrs. Honry And myself; but tho balance of m y master's wanderings did him littlo jus­tice. I t seemed ho had sot out to justify his brother's calumnies; as though ho was bent to prove himsolf a ' m a n of dry nature, im­mersed in money gotting. Had I been there Rlono, I would not havo troubled m y thumb; but all the whilo, as I listened, I was estimat­ing tho effoet on the man's wifo, and tolling myself that ho fell lower every day. I was the ono person on tho surfaoo of tho globe that comprehended him, and I was bound there should be y e t anothor. Whether he was to die there and his virtues perish, or whether ho should savo his days and come baok to that inhoritanco of sorrows, his r i g h t memory, I was bound ho should bo hearti ly lamented in tho ono caso and un. ^ectodly wolcompd In the other, by tho person ho loved the most, his wifo. v

Finding no occasion of free speech, I be­thought mo at last of a kind of documentary disclosure; and for some nights , whon I w a s off duty and should havo boon asleep, I g a v e m y t ime t o the preparation of t h a t w h i o h I m a y call m y budget,

But this I found t o be the easiest portion Of m y task, and that which remained, name­ly , the presentation to m y lady, almost moro than I had fortitude to overt a te . Heverhl days I went about wi th m y papers undor m y arm, spying for some juncture of talk to serve as introduction. I will not deny but that some offered; only when thoy did m y tongue olovo to tho roof of m y j u o u t h , and I

the master's papers.

Weary us I was with watching and dis­tress of mind, it was impossible for me to sleep. All night long I walked in myicham-ber, revolving what should bo tho issue and sometimes repenting the temerity of my in-mixturo in affairs so private; and with the first pbep of tho morning I was a t the sick room door. Mrs. Henry had thrown open tho shutters, and eveiv the window, for the temperature was mild. She looked stead­fastly before her, where was nothing to see, or only tlio blue of tho morning creeping among \voods. Upon the stir of m y en­trance, sho did not so much as turn about her face—a circumstance from which I au­gura l very ill. ' l

"Madamo," I began; and then again, "madamo," o but could make no more of it. Nor yet did Mrs. Honry come to my assist­ance witli a word, In this pass I began gath­ering up tho papers where they lay scattered on thcjlablo, and tho first thing that struck mo, their bulk appeared to have diminished. Onco I ran them through, and twice ; but tl»3 correspondence with tho secretary of state, on which I had reckoned so much against tho future, was nowhere to be found. I looked in tho chimney; amid tho smolder­ing embers black ashes of paper fluttered in tho draught, and at that my timidity van­ished. [

"Good God, mudaino," cried I, in a voice not fitting for a sick room, "good God, madame, what havo you done with m y pa­pers!"

"I havo burned them," said Mrs. Henry, turning about. "It is enough, it is too much, that you and I have seen them."

"This is a fine night's work that you have donol" cried I. "And all to save the reputa­tion of a man that eat bread by tho shedding of his comrades' blood, as I do by tho shed­ding ink."

"To savo the reputation of that family in which you .aro a servant, Mr. Mackellar," she returned, "and for which you have already done>w much."

"It is a family I will not serve much longer," 1 cried, "for I a m driven desperate. You have stricken the sword out of m y hands; you h a y j / l e f t us all defenseless. I had a lways these letters I could shake over. his head; and now—wh.-ii is to de l W e are so falsely situate, we dare not show the man ' the QOor; the country would fly on fire against.us; and I had this one hold upon him —and now it is gono-*-now ho may comeback to-morrow, and wo niust all sit down with him to dinner, go for a stroll with him on the terrace, or take a hand at cards, of all things, to divert his loisurcl No, madame; God for­give you, if ho can find it in his heart; \ o r I cannot find it in mine."

"I wonder to find you so simple, Mr. Mac­kollar," said Mrs. Henry. "What does this man value reputation f But ho knows how high wo prize i t : he knows wo would rather die than make these letters public; and do you suppose he would not trade upon the knowledge? What you call your sword, Mr. Mackellar, and which bad been ono, indeed, against a man of any remnant of 'propriety, would have been but a. sword of paper against him. Ho would smile in your faco at such a threat. Uo stands upon his degradation; he makes that his strength; it i s in vain to strug­gle with such character* '' She cried out this last a littlo desperately and then with more quiet: "No, Mr, Mackellar, I have thought upon this matter all night, and there is no way put of it. Papers or no papers, the door of this houso stands open for him. He is the rightful heir, forsooth! If we sought t o e x -cludo him, all would redound against poor Henry, and I should seo him stoned again upon tho streets. Ah, if Henry dies, it is a different matter { They have broken the en­tail for their own good purposes. The estate goes to my daughter, and I shall see w h o sets a foot upon it.' But if Henry lives, m y poor Mr. Mnckcllur, and that man returns, w e must suffer; only this timo it will be to­g e t h e r "

On the whole, I was well pleased with Mrs. Henry's attitude of mind; nor cottld I oven deny there was somo cogency kt that which she advanced about tho papers.

"Let us say no moro about it ," said I. "I can only bo sorry 1 t rusted a lady wi th the originals, which was an unbusinesslike pro­ceeding at the best. A s for w h a t I said o f leaving the service of tho family , i t was spoken with the tongue only, and you m a y set'your mind at rest. 1 belong to Durrls-decr, Mrs. Henry, ns if I had been liorn there." L

I must do her. tho justice to say she seemed perfect'v relieved} so that we Legan this morning, as wo were to continue for so m a n y years, on a proper ground of mutual indul­gence and respect.

Tho snmo day, which was certainly predi­cate to joy, wo observed tho first signal of Recovery in Mr. Henry; aud about 3 of tho following afternoon ho found his mind again, rocognir.ing mo by name with tho strongest evidences of affection. Mrs. Henry was also in tho room, a t the bod foot; but it did not appear that ho observed her. And indeed (tho fever being gone), ho was so weak t h a t ho made but tho one effort, and sunk again into iv lethargy. Tho courso of his restora­tion was now slow but equal; every day his appetite improved; cvory week wo were able t< remark an Increase both of strength and flesh, and before tho end of trtp month ho was out of bed and had oven boguf i to bo carried l„ t,to ..1,•.11- nniin thn tevrivcgy <


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