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C* Summit EU 2013: Using Cassandra in a Telco Storage System

Date post: 10-May-2015
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Speaker: Pavel Pontryagin, Senior Engineer at Peter-Service Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf81x5V8xKY&list=PLqcm6qE9lgKLoYaakl3YwIWP4hmGsHm5e&index=7 Data volume grows and in telecommunication area it is painful to support and scale RDBMS systems. This presentation shows how we switched from SQL to NoSQL. This will be an overview of aspects: * how we model schema for call data using NoSQL vs SQL. * what hardware architecture we use * NoSQL vs SQL insert-select performance * how we store graph data using C*.
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#CASSANDRA EU CASSANDRASUMMITE U Using Cassandra in a Telco Storage System Pavel Pontryagin, senior developer
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Using Cassandra in a Telco Storage System

Pavel Pontryagin, senior developer

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* What hardware architecture we use

* How we model schema for call, client and graph data using NoSQL vs SQL

* NoSQL vs SQL insert-select performance

What we will discuss today is how we switched from SQL to NoSQL

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What and how much is Telco data

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* What is CDR? Under the hood.

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500 millions/day 100 millions/day

Scaling data in a traditional schema

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* Speed up processing *  Increase reliability * Decrease costs * Unify units  * Add new functionality

Unanswered questions. How to:

Solution for us is

Switch to Cassandra

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How to load, model and query data

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The schema is

Local Storage

SSTable Loader

Local Storage

SSTable Loader

Local Storage

SSTable Loader

CDR files CDR files CDR files

Thrift Thrift Thrift 62Gb RAM 12 x CPU 2.50GHz 10Tb array

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SQL data Query

SELECT started, numA, numB FROM events_1003_main WHERE started > sysdate -1 and numA = ‘765-23-14’;

Data modeling. Calls

started numA numB Event type


20131015210458 765-23-14 765-23-18 VOICE 2901 35140 IMSI1 IMEI1

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noSQL data “raw” data CALLS_201301 index cf CALLS_MSISDN_201301 Query

SliceQuery<String, Composite, String> sliceQuery; //define query sliceQuery.setColumnFamily(“CALLS_MSISDN_201301”); //define CF

sliceQuery.setKey(“201301.765-23-18”); //Query given msidn for given date Composite start = new Composite(); start.addComponent(0, “201301”, AbstractComposite.ComponentEquality.EQUAL); // from date Composite end = new Composite(); end.addComponent(0, “201303”, AbstractComposite.ComponentEquality.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL); // to date sliceQuery.setRange(start, end, false, 1000); QueryResult<ColumnSlice<Composite, String>> qr = sliceQuery.execute(); //get the result

uuid1 20131015210458,765-23-14,765-23-18,VOICE,2901,35140

201301.765-­‐23-­‐14   {2013-­‐10-­‐15  21/04/58:uuid1}  numB  

201301.765-­‐23-­‐18   {2013-­‐10-­‐15  21/04/58:uuid1}  numA.IMSI1.IMEI1  

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… where num like ‘%123’ Using SolR

Clone Keep using

+SolR indexing

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noSQL data “raw” data CALLS_201301 index cf CALLS_LAC_CELL_201301 Query

SliceQuery<String, Composite, Date> sliceQuery; //define query sliceQuery.setColumnFamily(“CALLS_LAC_CELL_201301”); //define CF

sliceQuery.setKey(“2013.05.01 15:15”); //Query given time slice Composite start = new Composite(); start.addComponent(0, “2901”, AbstractComposite.ComponentEquality.EQUAL); // from date Composite end = new Composite(); end.addComponent(0, “2901”, AbstractComposite.ComponentEquality.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL); // to date sliceQuery.setRange(start, end, false, 1000); QueryResult<ColumnSlice<Composite, Date >> qr = sliceQuery.execute(); //get the result

uuid1 20131015210458,765-23-14,765-23-18,VOICE,2901,35140

2013.05.01 15:15 {2901:35140: uuid1} 20131015210458

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SQL data Query SELECT distinct dn.msisdn, tl.name, t.full FROM SUBS_DATA.DCT_NUMS dn, SUBS_DATA.SUBS_NUMS_HIST snh, subs_data.clnt_attrs_hist cah, SUBS_DATA.DCT_NAMES t, dicts.telcos tl Where (dn.num_id = subn_num_id) and (cah.clnt_clnt_id = snh.clnt_clnt_id) and (t.name_id = cah.reg_name_id) and (tl.telco_id = dn.tlco_tlco_id) and (snh.started > to_date('10.09.2012', 'DD.MM.YYYY')) and (snh.started < to_date('17.09.2013', 'DD.MM.YYYY')) order by dn.msisdn;

Data modeling. Subscribers

started numA numB Event type


20131015210458 765-23-14 765-23-18 VOICE 2901 35140 IMSI1 IMEI1

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noSQL “raw” subscribers data first slice update index cf SUBS_NAME

uuid1 Pavel, 765-23-14, address1, document1, 2, 21-01-2013, 1(active_status)

uuid2 Vadim, 765-23-16, address2, document2, 2, 21-01-2013, 1(active_status)

Pavel {21-01-2013: document1: 1} {21-01-2014: document1: 0} uuid1 uuid3

Vadim {21-01-2013: document2: 1}


uuid3 Pavel, 765-23-14, address1, document1, 2, 21-01-2014, 0(active_status)

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Data modeling. Graph data

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noSQL graph data First record from the first switch Second record from the second switch CALLS_EDGES column family

2013/01/12.msisdn1 {VOICE: msisdn2: 1:uuid1} {VOICE: msisdn2: 2:uuid2} OUT OUT

2013/01/12.msisdn2 {VOICE: msisdn1: 1:uuid1} {VOICE: msisdn1: 2:uuid2} IN IN

uuid started numA numB Event type


uuid1 2013/01/12 msisdn1 msisdn2 VOICE 1

uuid started numA numB Event type


uuid2 2013/01/12 msisdn1 msisdn2 VOICE 1

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*  Loading speed *  Query speed *  Fun


Write,  rec/sec  

Oracle 10 000 Cassandra 5 000 per node


Oracle > 1, depends on plans, statistics etc. Cassandra < 1, stable

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*  How to model "traditional" data *  How to add full-text search to intensive data load *  A couple of hardware issues

What we discussed today…

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[email protected]

Pavel Pontryagin, senior developer
