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%C1 (a|,4 IIv VL/ · F 1 VOL.LXXIX. BOOKS,STATIONERY,Ac. Newbooks, MAGAZINES andreviews,...

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( ^ F 1 VOL. LXXIX. BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ac. New books, MAGAZINES and reviews, At french's, no. 05 king street. Tho Clifton Ficturo, by the author of "Tho Oild Trump; cloth SI 20; paper 70c. Charlotte Cusliman, hor Lottore and Memories of her Life; $2 00. Momorial and Biographical Sketcho3, by Jas. Freeman Clarko; $2. Rothniel, by tho author of "That Husband of Mine;" SI 00. BlutRon, a story of tc»day, by M. J. Savago; »2»1 r.t\ &L ov. Watch and Ward, by Henry James, jr.; §1 *25. Miss Cro3pigny, by Mrs. F. JL1. Burnett; 50c. Los3 Black Than Were Paintod, a novol, by James Fayn; 35c. The Russians of To-Day; Franklin Square Library; 10c. Deceivors Ever; 30c. Goorgie's Wooer; 20c. A full list of Harpor's Half Hour Serio?, Tho largest assortment of Seaside, Lakesido and other Libraries in tho city. Just rocoived anothor lot of Cheap Paper.21 sheets of paper and 21 envolopes; prico 10c; by mail 15c. blew Bools, Keviows, Maga/.inos and an endless varioly of Illustrated Papers recoivod daily, jo 4 G. E. FRENCH. 4 OPAKTNllKKIIIPS. Alexandria, May 30, ISTc. rpiIE FIRM OF J. T. BECK HAM & CO. L is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either party will sign in settlement of accounts. Our country friends are requested t> make settlement with the firm as speedily a? possible, so as to onable us to settlo our accounts at one3. J. T. BECK. 11 A.M. OH AS. if. TAYLOR, Jr. fllUE UNDERSIGND having withdrawn) I. from th t above iirm, will contmuo tho commission business in this city at No. 11 north Union street Thanking his old friends for their patronage in the past, he promises to give his whole attention to any future business tho7 may put into his hands, and m ike prompt returns of all consignments CUL'AS. S. TAYLOR, Jr.. jo l-3.n No. II North Union st., box 201. Alexandria. May 30, lbTrf. m'JK FIRM OF J. T. BECK.HAM & CO. L is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either party will sign in settlement of accounts. i»ur country friends aro requested make sotUement with the lirm as speedily as possiblo, so a) to onablo us to settle our accounts at once. J. T. BECK.HAM. OH AS. S. TAYLOR, Jr. Alexandria, May 31, lb~S. I 1IAVK tUis tiny aisociatcd with 1110 in b.jsinoss Air. P. A.. KERBY, and will conlinuo tho GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, at my old stand, No. 27 King street, under tho lirm namoof BECKHAM. & CO. Tnankful lor former patronage oxtendod to mo, I solicit aeon* tinuanco of tho sarno to Mr. Kirby and myself, my 31.lOt _ J. T. BECKHAM. WASHINGTON ADV*TM. piANOS AND O R G A IN iS, (New and Sc-cond Hand) FOR SALE OR KENT AT V ictor Becker's Warerooms, 907 H STREET, NEAR 9th, WASHINGTON, 1). 0. I wish to remind my friends that I am in Alexandria every week to sell, tune and repair Pianos and Organs, and solicit their patronage. Address V. BECKER, City 1'. O. Aloxndria, Prof. Heyman, or to my rooms, in Washington. my 22.tf j LUMBER! LUMBER ! j WM. AIcLEAN, DKALWR*IN PINK LUMBER, JOISTS, SCANTLING, SHINGLES, LATHS, &c. ALSO OAK, ASH, WALNUT, POPLAR, RED CEDAR, CHERRY, MAHOGAN Y, MOULDINGS, &c., &c. &c. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES POK fi \ y IT VAUX4 . CtMiuml I! street*, 11. w. ap l2-3m WASHINGTON, D. C. ~ FINAMCIAL. BUltlvE & HER BERT, Dealers in GOLD, GOVERNMENT BONDS, LOCAL STOCKS, AND ALL FIRST-CLASS RAILROAD BONDS and other Rood investment securities, have for sale COUPONS, ALEXANDRIA CITY and VIRGINIA, recoivablo for taxes. Any information ir. regard »<» investment cheerfully given. fob V2 """ MACHINISTS, «fce. Alexandria Iron A Brass Works JAMIESON & COLLINS. Proprietors. Corner of Royal and Wilkes streets We are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines, Shafting and all kinds of Machinery; also to furnish Iron and Brass Castings of the bost quality and workmanship. Having an unusually large and varied assortment of Patterns, we can furnish Castings at reasonable prices and short notice. Hp M-lf 8. MOOKB, MACHINIST AND BLACKSMITH XT~ TTn inn fltroet. Ul W 1/ Alexandria, Va. Where he is prepared to furnish all kinds MACHINERY. WROUGHT and CAS3 IRON FENCES, &c. Repairing done with dispatch, and at pricoi that were charged previous to the war. jan 20 ATKR COOLERS' A N ORE FRIGE K A TORS Just received by STANSBUR Y & BRODealers in STOVES AND HOUSEKEEPING GOODS Corner King and Columbus sts. Tin Roofing, Spouting and all kinds of Tir and Sheet Iron work done. ^jH^Stovea received on storage. _ap 9-8m gOOT S AND SH O E S . FINESTSHOES. Inevitable fashion has decreed SHORT DRESSES. This necessitates the wearing of shoos tha will bear inspection. Ihe popular demand is for concession ii pricej. Both are met by WADDEY, 110 King street, I Iv %C1 ice dealers. ICE. ICE. A full supply of NORTHERN ICE, «!«««/,.» «l o.aIa> m n rA nf nrmcmal ~P T T- UU111 l*UU UU!ArU9b U1 TfAbCi | nuu Vi uuui«i A V RITY and S0LID1T Y, constantly on h9nd. racking for shipraont to tko country a specialty. Persons dosiring to socuro thoir summer's supply of the article, ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM ALL IMPURITIES, and at REASON ABLE BATES, can do so by leaving their orders at my otlico, with my drivers, or with Air. Wm, T. Emorson, corner Princo and Royal stroots. P.A.REEU JANNEY'S WHARF. my 4.tf __ 1( S: t 'SKAII, SODA WATER, ale. ICE CREAM. My Ico Croom Manufactory, ono of the largos t in Virginia, still continues to supply private customers, Sunday schools, excursions, picnics, fairs, festivals and associations, as well as the trade, with that SUPERIOR. CREAA1 that has made a namo in this community, and is known everywhere as BRENGLK'S ICE (J EE AM. 1 could easily roduco its prico by lowering its quality, but good croam, of fresh, pure, wholosomo ingrodicnts, cannot bo furnished at a less prico than 1 serve it. Of cour9o, 1 could "grado my croam by the prico," but my croam would loso the good namo that joars ot fair dealing have won for it. I ask tnat persons abroad ordering "Brongle's Croam" from third parties will assuro themsclvos that tho croam sont is certainly from my establishment. I warrant my croam, and do not wish that inforior cream, sont out as mine, may injure its reputation. It is my aim . to furnish tho BE^T CREAM IN AMERICA, arul ray customers are satisfied that I do so. jotf-lf HENRY BRENGLE. ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM! 1() TilE CITIZENS OF ALEXANDRIA i AND VICINITY. I foci under groat obligations for tho liboral patronage oxtendod to mo since I commenced business in this place, an entiro stranger, and heartily roturn my most hurablo thanks for the many favors shown mo. I have decided to make ICE CUE AM FOR TH1KTY CENTS l'EU QUART, put up in papor, or $120 per gallon, packed in ieo, and sont to all parts of the city. jZ^CUSTAKD and ICES, of all flavors, madoto order. How can it bo dono? 1st, 1 . havo secured a low rent; 2d, I pay cash for my ( goods; 3d, buy tho best of cream at a reduced prico; 1th, do away with hiring hands ; 6th, mako j tho cream myself; Gib, am detorminod to givo r full satisfaction. Picnics and Sunday schools supplied (ton gallons and upwards) at $1 per i gallon. ICE CREAM and DiNN EH ROOMS t No. 170 King streot. my 28-2m J. S. FOliCE. _ A. CJLACIIET, I WHOLESALE CONFECTION EH i 125 KING STREET. LADIES' ICE CREAM PARLOR up stairs. Cakes of every description, of own manufacture, and Fruits of all kinds constantly on hand. ] Ice Croarn and Wator Ices mado toordor. [aplS c Mineral and genuine spring WATERS on draft, all ice cold, and at FIVE CENTS PER GLASS-Bedford, Pa, . Bedford, Va., Alum and Iron, Vichy, Kissen- j gen and Seltzer. Buffalo Lithia 10c per glass. f JANNEY&CO., my 7 Branch storo, cor. King_and Roy. ets. SODA WATER.We aro now dispor.sing at < our Branch Store, corner of King and Roy- ^ alatroats, ICE COLD SODA WATER, with ] genuine and delicious Fruit Syrups, at FIVE 1 CENTS PER GLASS. Wo cordially invite a c call from our friends and tho public gonorally. 1 my 7 JANNEY&CO. 1 0ONGUESS WATER at i¥T « u-OT UTll IVIIAT.I.I^ IBy 10 W /i XHiJJL/ UV JUL XL. xix« K/ £ FREDEKICHSUALL BITTER WATER £ at . my 15 WARFIELD & HALL'S. 1 11 E YSER WATER at vT my 15 WARFIELD & HALL'3. J HATHORN WATER at i my 15 WARFIKLD & HALL'S. 1 HUNYADI JANOS WATER at my 15_ WAR PI E LD & H AL L' S. _ SODA WATER at __ &_HALL'S VICBRY WATER at my 15 WARFIELD & HALL'S APOLLINAN'S WATER at my 15 WARFIELD & HALL'S. HOUSK rjjKJaiNHlMG POOPS. E. J. MILLER & CO., dealersin CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE. <»5 King stroot, Alexandria, Kespoctfully call the attontion of the trade to their largo and splendid selection of CHINA, GLASSWARE, &e., which thoy offer for salo at the LOWEST RATES. Thoy al.eo have in storo a largo assortment of LAMPS OF ALL KINDS, including all tho latost patonts and designs. A call is solicitod. Orders from the country promptly fillod. nov'29 Donald McLean. Geo. Uulkr. McLEAN & UHLER, (Successors to A. II. Nott & Bro.,) dealersin , HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS, CUTLERY, PLATED, PLANISHED. STAMPED. | «J A PA.N JSJJ, xin, » fvi./ AND WILLOW j WARES, | I r# (»>f ovory description.) I 107 King street. Alexandria, Va. I I N. B..All ordors from tho country promptly I I filled. ap 2-ly J P TJOWE'S MILK CUKE. JLL " TONIC AND PILLS. 1 Also GILES' LINIMENTS and PILLS for | salo by I my 21 E. 3. LEADBEATER & BRO. T)OKDKN'k) CONDENSED MILK,EAGLE I -O BRAND.This is tho purest and bost milk I for infant? in tho market. Received and for I I sale by my 17 JNO. Y. GIBSON & CO. iplNE ITALIAN and FRENCH TABLE ' r OIL AT REDUCED KATES. _J°J GEO. MeBCRNKY &SON. ' J T EA & PERKINS' SAUCE at REDUCED JLi RATES. -I fi G EO. McBURNEY & SO N TTKRY SMALL SUGAR CUKEDSHOULV DERS, prime, roceived to-day by jo 5 J. 0. MILBUKN. 1A BAGS RIO and LAGUAYRA COP' I 11/ FEES received to day by jefi JC.M1LBUKN. 1 TF YOU WOULD HAVE CHOICE RICH X COFFEE TRY McBURNEY A SON, 100 1 and 170 King street. nay 17 1 % lYlS 1 ii ' i II i i | I ill ! 1 1 I K vV --^V JK »/ v v N'' V TUESDAY, J mrr4qi wtiiii iiimibcab.t«w.....a. .n.. I> 3uV U4K»£»K. j^Y K \Y GOOD.'. K M') \! N K VV V i»ftJv Friday, .Jun*» 7, l.^TaWo reecivod to-day, irotn Now York, per iCxpm?, FANCY and STAPLE DliY GOODS In groat varieLy. STYLES ENTIEELY NEW ami very CHOICE. All i»o«>d* sold Hi popular prices. Wo coll ovod cooiia. and defy competition. Call and src. I>. F. lJUASilWAU, II. I?. Iloomes. No. 100 King strool, 0 7 Alexandria, Va. J11ST MECK1VKD. DA 110 AINS IN' r. U N T 1 N S , All sluul >r, At l .'i conU per yard. I! N liKli S S E L) K I 10 S . 2 button at GOc. o button at Too. i, A D IKS' IS 1 L iv iM ITS, All colors. jo 1 -tf Fit ET'/jKELl> IC It & CO. __ J>LA('K SILKS, COLOltKD SI L ICS AND ST It I FED »SU M M E!t S1L ICS, ,rom llio lain 1 irgo auction fidos in Now Yorlc^ it prions lower than over before. ALL WOOL Hi/NTINUS, great variety of hados; Lace Dunliny;, in black', something now, ind now doBigns French Lawns. FIJitrt LINEN LAWNS, plain Colorod Alpaca?, i:i newest spring sliador, at ll'ic. my 1 I*KETZFELDKR & C0. Si IIM .11E11 K EVottT«. ^ LY M 0N T PAVILION, This beautiful Simmer Risort has changod ts management, and has bcon placed in first ato ardor for Iho coming season. Apply toS. F. ISMlTii, rropriolor, Power & White, 15 King Btrool, Alexandria, or Brad. Vdams, M2 F St., Washington, JL). C , for open lates. D-2m* OIIKXEY SPRINGS. FOUR HOURS FROM WASHINGTON, via BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. Through and excursion tickets, good until tfovombor 1. Park Wagonotto?, in wliieh to :onvoy passengers from station to Springs. BOARD RATKS The proprietor of Orknoy Springs, fully ap>reciating business depression, oflbrs the followng reduced rates of board, graduated according o rooms occupied, and the number of persons n each room. Board per day for one week and less than two !>1 50, $2 and $2 50. Board per week for two voeks and less than four $S, $10, $12 and $11. tJoard por month for one month and less than wo $30, $35, $40 and $45. Ministers, physiiians and members of the press will bo entitled o twenty-live per cent discount on Iho above alos. Children under 12 years and sorvants lalf price. Families and parties numbering sovon or more vho desire to remain the entire fioason, can nako special contracts at a reduction on the ibovo rates. Tho soason will open on SATURDAY, Iho i5tb of June, and cloao on tho 15th of October. All communications addressed to E.B. COLEMAN, Managor Metropolitan Hotel, until June [, aftor that dato to tho proprietor at Orknoy Springs, Shenandoah county, Va , will rocoive srompt attention. Rp 3U-3m A. W. .JON ES, Lcpsoo ana 1'rop. 0^^ fruit" |§§g|j JARS. / 1 Kocoivod this Jay pinlf, I 1 >' i' ' I j 'ii quarts and half gallons I iflrlP* f* £ ilfitl Porcelain-lined anil glass I * J w II ! ,' j tops, Alft3nn improved i * 'M mj .nf|;| and Rom Jars. (j J | If " ."l-.-S piK. ,J. MILLER & CO., *. C>6 King street. m5 18 paper hangings AND INTKltlOK »E< OIUTIONS FOB 1ST 8. New and Beautiful Gold, Silver, Mica, Embossed, Plain, Fresco, Marble and Wood Imitations. Now stylos of Papor Hangings and Froseo Imitations for coiling? and side walls of private " ' < -J houses, public Halls ana cnurcnos, Boioeiea. wiw great care from the best manufacturers. My experience for mAny years inthishuBiness enables mo to give satisfaction and sell low. john p. ( lauke, Ap 10No._158_King street SALT ! _ SALT ! LtVK]{POt)bOROONoU ALUM^ TURK'S ISLAND. A full supply in store and for sale by P.B.HOOE, ap 17-2m NO. 2 PRINCE STREET. geokoe k. hill a co., STEAM CRACKER & CAKE BAKERS H5 NORTH LEE STREET, ALEXANDRIA, VA O ft BAGS OF CHOICE RIO COFJFEE in store and for sale low; also L?vGaujra and old Government .Java CV Hue, a vory supot ior articlo. myH W. A. JOHNSON. WK KEKl' a largo stock of WINDOW GLASS, running from »lxS to 2Sx5G in.; also PUTTY, POINTS, Ac. PEAKK & NALLS, fol» Corner King and Columbus sts. i ii w y~~ii-I h a i W/ # i E S A I VL/ vyv UNE11, 1878. TAVl.OtuVSilJri'V. ( Taylor & Hufty,; vKN\SYi,v\vK., WASHINGTON, «. J OUR SUMMER STOCK Is now opened, ami oomprisos fill tho ' LATEST NOVELTIES; ] ( CALICO]SUITS ; Alf.di) with and without vests, fit only to 2 60. Percale Suits in all Colors, i At prices ranging from 4300 to 7 00, : PERCALE Oambi icantl Gingham Kilt Suits t From $5 to $12. j, LINEN SUITS ? In Plain and Bourotlo, from ft 00 to 1:1 60. tl LTNTEK KILT SUITS s From 7 50 toi15 00. " tl WHITE LAWN SUITS 5 Trimmed with Plaiting, Hamburg, Torchon, h Vallonciennos and Colorod Laces, i] from 4 OJ to 24. a DOMESTIC LAWN SUITS I In all colors, made with Barques and Plaited ^ Waists, from b uu to o uj. tl LIKEN LAWN SUITS * In all color?, from 0 CO to 20 CO. ^ KILT SUITS 5 Mftdn of Mohair, Dobogo Bunting nr.il Silk, '< Trimmed and made in various style?, u ranging in prices from t $'15 to $00. a t! c Cashmere, Mohair, Serge and [ Bunting Suits! t From 13 to 20 COO. t !i CAM URIC) J, OVERSKIRTS <fc BASQUES f a Embroidorcd and Laco Trimmed, only v 8 50, worth G tO. 5 Batiste Overskirts A Basques, ' Trim mod with White and Colored Laces. ^ from 5 50 to 0 (X). * J UOUIIETTE LINEN OVEKNK1KT3 t AND B4M(IE9, t In various colors, with Cutaway .Jacket and ^ ^ Vest, price $0. V ,s I COLORED LACE OVERSKIKT AND s BASQUE, s Price 11 00. c c WHITE LAWN OVERSKIKT* AND [ BASQUES, c Trimmod with Plaiting, Hamburg Kdgo, Tor- !" ebon and Vallenciennes Laco, price from 4 00 to 13 CO. * c New <fc Stylish Ulsters, ' Made of Mohair and Linon, from 2 00 to 0 00. £ FIFTY DOZEN t Colored Calico Wrappers I At 88 els , $1 00, 1 25, 1 50,1 75. WHl'TELAWN WRAPPERS : From 2 00 to 25 CO. WJIITE LAWN BASQUES, From 11*26 to$S. "ttr rt t rnn l < t iTnni itr A TC^Psi WJUli'J Dilllll H JLIOXU 1 25 to f> 50, CHEMISES At 50c, (Vic, 75c, 88c, $1 00,1 2r», 1 50, 1 75 & 2 00. ERA. "W" EES At 50c, fi.Sc, 75c, 88c, 1 00, 1 25,. 1 50, 1 75 & 2 00. SKIRTS At 50c, 75c. 88c, 1 00, 1 25, l! 50, 1 75 and 2 00' NIGHT DRESSES At ICO, 125, 1 50, 1 75, 2 00, 2 50 and 3 00. CORSET COVERS At 75c, 88c, 1 (X), 1 13, ! 25, 1 50, 1 75 & 200. Taylor ikHufty, PKNHS\ ,'LVAVl A AVE,, / " r*y (a|,4 g? AyxyAV Ikanftria dfette PUBLISHED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY BY SXsTOWIDlEJdSr. 1AZETTK RUJLDINiJ, NO. 70 PRINCE STREET. Jnc year 50 00 ux months 3 00 I'hroo months 1 CO ADVERTISING RATES. opaco. | 1 w. I m. 3 m. G m. 1 yr. 1 l_ )nc square 52 2oj 50 5( 515 00*528 00 550 00 I'wo squares 4 IIGi 11 OC 22 0: 35 00 00 00 riireo square*... 5 00 15 5t» 31 00 45 00 75 00 foursquares ) 7 0C*| 20 00 40 00 00 00 00 CO fivo squares 8 50 25 00 50 01: 75 00 110 00 Quarter column. 10 50 30 0: 00 00 9O0C15UC0 Jr.o third col'nJ 15 01' 40 00 80 00 100 00 175 00 lalf cclumn 20 00 50 00 100 00 150 00 225 CO )do column jJ5 00 75 (X'|_150 CO 200 0C! 300 00 Transient advertisements inserted at 51 00 per square for first insertion, and twenty-fivo cts. for each subsequent insortion. Special contracts will bo made with yoarly advertisers. tlarriago and Death Notices fifty cents. Obituaries will be charged at advertisement rates. '1 lie Death ot a Race Horse. Jluricg a (hree mile raco last week at St. iOuia between General Baford's ohcstcut colt JcWhirtcr, D. Swigert's bay colt Mahlstick, jyle & Scully's bay gelding Joo Rhodes and L Sc G. M. Simpson's chestnut oolt Rod Bluff, IcWhirtcr met with an accident of tho most nusual character. It is described as follows a the St. Louis Times of tho Gth iost : . When McVVhiricr and Mahlstick camo down he quarter stretch to complete tho scoond milo ; was neck and Dock at a steady, even run. lixly yards away Irom the string Mahlstiek ithout increasing speed suddenly appeared in lie lead. "iMcWhirtcr is giving down I" oiied ut some excited spectator. It was a truo rarning. One leg had failed him, but he kept n gallantly, for the game blood was hot. Had Cnox, the little colored jockey, reined him in lie lite of a noble horse might have been spared p.J might have served ia the 6lud for years. Jut supposing ho could have controlled the scitcd animal, there stood in the way llnole ilia's instructions, to make the race from start d iit)ish,or iD old Jno. Harper's expressive lanUftge, from "end to end." McWhirtcr kept on. It was virtually on brec legs. He rounded the lower turn and 'as well into the second quarter of tho last ltlc, there being ju^t a pcroeptiblo slacking of lie gait,wheu Joe Rhodes overhauled him and 'ont by. As tho horse passed him MoWhirter rccrved, and then it was that Knox, thoridor ays the other fore leg gavo down. From that eiot the poor fellow plunged ahead and into the ist half mile, every jump tearing teudon9, auscles, li >h aud skiu, and Knox tugging at he reins. Wheu at last the headway slackened nd the horse came to a sudden halt, it was with he bones of both forelegs torn from the sockts of the aDkle joints,and protruding six inches hrough hide aud flesh and resting in tho dirt, he hoofs lying limp and useless before. The udden halt sent the jockey flying over tho lorso's head. The scene and those that followed were, for nately, located on the backstretoh, and the ltlc crowd of forty or fifty who went there par iaily concealed the sad spectacle from tho held lasses in the grand stand. Had the accident icen finished where it began.on the last quarcr.it would have spoiled the sport with many turf lover for days to come. Maoy of thosG jho went over to the backstretch turned back L h "f fAn n c?tnnrl»i frlfin/IA 1CK iil Jl'.'Uit U11W1 U !)IUf,lu giuuvw. ''Shoot him, lor God's sake I" was tho irornpt instruction of thciowncr when he learned i\e lull extent of the misfortune. As soon as the jockey got out of the cirt he ad stripped the borso of pigskin and trappings nci Sk-ood crying at the woelul picture when he of the spectators reached tho plaoe. doVVhirtcr stood thus pitched forward and wo-tbirds of his weight resting on tho proruding bones for fifteen minutes, panting with be exertion of the race. The lire gleamed iD lis eyes and the perspiration rolled down his ides'. As the little-group of horrified spcctaors stood about him lie looked around as if Lirprised ' hat uo trainer hurried up wilh tho pODgc and .Mankct. Alas! lor McWhirter ; lotom'y was hiJ1 last race ruo, but there was 10 more use for a gainer. The command to vboot him" came perhaps ifteco minutes after tho acoident, for tho news 11 (he condition of Mc\Vhi.rtcr travelled slowly >ack across the wide field, nobody at first carog to tell what had happened to old General lulbrd, the owner. When the did ionic the halt a dozen policemen looked at each ither wilh no pleasant anticipation of sUoh a ask. Officer Kecble, ol the Fifth district, a xpcrienccd in horse matters, undertook it. lie ock his stand on the left side of McWhirter md, using a Co't's navy, fired at close range. The ball struck hjuarc about midway between be eye aud the base of the car, and from the ao!c the slreamiog blood gushed .forth. At the report the horse threw himself' back on hit haunches and struck out with his .mangled fore legs, but dropped down again into the samt steady position and stood there. Three lime; the officer levelled bis weapon and fired. J'hof time the bullet entered the brain and the Woo< gushed out. At the third shot McWhicte it r hobbled across the track aod stood py tneronec It seemed as if he would never fall. As h panted the blood would spurt out upon th fence aod run from his mouth and nose in grea olots. Finally the cflioer stepped directly i I rent el'die now laiiiog horse, and putting th muzzle of the pistol alpjost to the forehead fired, the ball entering right between the oyci The horse dropped theo, but it was not till Ion after he had been dragged into the Eouthca; corner of the grounds, underneath the shade ( a great oak, that life finally went out. Jockeys and trainers gathered about bit with the most marked manifestations of sorron The mane, which had been braided and tic with the Huford colors, red and white, wr sheared eff and carried away as keepsakes. It was declared at first that the bones of th forelegs had been brokeD. To any oneacquaio ed with the aaalomy ol r:»co horses th seemed impossible, and it proved Dot to hat been the ease. At the conclusion of tho race and while the grave was being dug, Gener Mitchell and other we'll known horsemen mac an examination. In one sense, perhaps, both McW hirtcr's legs were broken; but it was ni a bone fracture. Tendons and muscles we torn apart aod the bones disjointed. The act dent was what is knnwo amoDg horsemen "breaking down." Lt happoos occasionally < race tracks, hut probably there was never so so aggravated a case as this. The "broakii down" ol one leg occurred just before oomph iog the second mile, and the other gave w when floe Rhodes slipped past. After th MeWhirtcr ran on the stumps for a furloc crippling himself to the death. McClure, one ol the standard authorities, i scribes the accident as follows:. "Breaking down.This accident means 1 k. ' 3STO. 131. consists in rupture of the teodonsand ligaments, and occurs at once when the horse is at full speed. Tha horse stops suddenly, or, perhaps, stumblos and falls; gets up, but stands on his fotlooks, tho toe of the foot turned up and tin solo of tho foot a9 it were looking at you." Mr. Walsh, the editor of tho Field, ao Foglish paper, io his book describes "breaking down" as follows: "The aocidoet generally occurs io a bred horse when the flesh or muso^ do not continue to support the iigamcnts, from whioli circumstance it so often happcos in tho last few strides of a raoc. Tho symptoms are a paitial or entiro giving way of the fetlock joint cn flm hack of it either touol > « uuvrurraiu, cv »ut.. - the ground or nearly so when the weight u thrown upon it." Both authorities go on to desoribo a treatment, but from tho account already given it will bo seen that, after breaking down, McWhirtor, with tho most wonderful enduranoo probably ever seen on a track, had gono on and comploted bis run. Talking to a Times roportcr shortly after the occurrence General Buford said: "The bov ought to have held him up. McWhirter hasn'< I complained of this training, and I only entered I him to oomo hero. 1 engaged him hore and I nowhere else, lie was ridden badly at Louis I ville, where I gave him a trial to seo how he I woDt more than anything clso, and another I horse strnok him oa his good leg. (McWhirter I has had trouble with ono of his foro legs for I somo time past.) Wo havo nursed him and I ho seemed to bo all right. Wo used cold I water ou his leg and it must havo made it tenI dcr. I refused $10,000 for him. 11c rao the I grandost raoo ever won, and his winnings have I been betwocn $S,000 and $10,000." I Tho jookey who was to rido McWhirter h>< I at dome with a fraotured thigh, ctusod by un I accident in exercising Enquirer. I Tho St. Louis jockey club will rut up a J monument in MoWhirtcr's memory and any I turfmon desiring to subscribe will bo permitted I to do so. I MEPlciwAIi. VEGETINE | FOK DROPSY. tCentral Palls, K. 1., Oet. 10.1877. | Dr. R. 11. Stevens : I It is a pleasure lo givo my testimony' for your I valuable mGdicine. I was sick for a long time I with Dropsy, undor tho doctor's care. Ho said I it was Water botwoen tho Heart and Liver. 1 I receivod no benefit until 1 commoncod taking I tho Vegetino; in fact, I was growing worso. 1 I havo tried many remodios; they did not help mo I Vegetino is tho medicine for Dropsy. 1 bogan I to feel bottor after taking a few bottles. 1 havo I taken thirty bottles in all. I am porfoctly wol! I novor folt better. No ono can fool more than1 I ful than I do. ! I am, doar sir, gratefully yours, j A. I). Wiikklkk. | Vkgktine..When the blood becomes lifoloss " 'vl* iifaul liar or and stagnant, citnor irom caan^a u> of climate, want of oxorciae. irregular diet, or from any other cause, the Vegotino will renew the blood, carry off the putrid humors, cleanse the stomach, roguiato tho bowels, and impart a tono of vigor to tho whole body. V E a E T INK FOK KIDNEY COMPLAINTS AND NEKVOUS DEBILITY. t Islesboro, Mo., Doc. 2d, 1S77. H. R. Stevens, esq. Dear Sir.I had had a cough, for eighteen years, when I commencod taking ..tho Vegotino. I was very low, my system was dobilitatod by diseaso. I had tho Kulney Complaint, and wn< very nervous-cough bad, lung soro. Whon 1 had takon one bottle I found that it was helping mo; it has holped my cough, and strengthens r mo. I am now able to do my work. Never havo found any thing like tho Vegotino. 1 know it is ovory thing it is rocommondod to bo. Mrs. A. J. Pendleton. Vkgktine s nourishing and strengthening ; putilies tho blood ; regulate? thobowols; quiets tho nervous system; acts directly upon tho secretions; and arouses tho whole system to action. YBGETIN E FOK SICK HKADACUK Kvansvillo, Ind., Jan. 1, 1S7A Mr. II. R. Stevens : Dear Sir.I have used your Vegotino for Sick Headache, and boon greatly benelitodthereby. 1 havo every reason to boliovo it to bo a good medicino. Yours vory respectfully, Mrs. Jamks CoNNOit, 411 Third street. j ninisn; f.ir JiEADACII E.xnoro uru Valium utuuv/^ headacho, as dorangomenl of tho circulating systom, of tho digostivo organs, of tho norvous systom, &c. Vogctino can bo said to bo a sure remedy for tho many kinds of koadachoas it acts directly upon tho various causes ofthis complaint, Norvousoness, Indigostion, Costivonoss, Klioi matism, Neuralgia, Biliousness, &c. Try tho Vogotino. You will novor regret it. ' V Ea ET I 1ST E J DOUTOK'S KKl'OKT. CUas. M. Duddonhauson, Apothecary, Kvansville, lnd. Tho doctor writos: 1 have a lago number of good customers whotako Vogotino. Thoy all ! speak woll of it. 1 know it is a good mctlicinr ' for tho complaints for which it is recomniondod. 3 December 27, 1877. Vkuetink is a groat panacea for our agod » fathors and mothers; for it gives them strongth, g quiet their norvos, and gives them Nature's ^ sweet sleop. IVEG ET I 2ST E * DOCTOR'S KKl'OKT. c| c' //. R. Stevens, esq.: i' Dear bir. We have been soiling your valuable Vogotino for three yoars, and wo lind that it D gives porfoct satisfaction. Wo beliovoitto bo e tho host blood nurilier now sold. I, Dr. J. J£. Drown as uo , i, Uniontown, Ky. Druggists. K rr ,t Vkcjetins has never failed to effect a euro, giving tone and strength to tho eystom dobilitated by diseaso. »VEGETINE j Prepared by l9 II. II. NTEVENS, Uostoii, Nusn. 0 Vegotine is sold by all druggists, my 1-1 m 1 FISH, OYSTEBS. Ac. re ^yiliUAMH. SMITH, 8', dealer in ,al FKK3H AND SALTED FISH, lo FISH WHAKF AND STALLS CITY MAKof I£KT, would inform dealers and othors^ that he is prero pared to furnish tbem with all kind of :i POTOMAC FISH. aH at the lowest possible prices. I would call tho 3n attention of buyers to tho fact that my brand stands No. 1 in market at all timos and I intend CD to sustain ray reputation in that rospcct. OK My stalls, Nos. 4 and 5, Fish Markot, will bo Jt supplied with fresh fish every morning. Tkoy ay will bo superintended by Mr. JamesG. Grimos, at Br., and families can depend on getting tho bost, whether they come in person or send orders. Persons at a distance wanting Fresh Fish can , depend on getting them packod in good order. All orders addressed to WM. H. SMITH, Alexandria, Va., will rocoivn prompt attention, or mar 1
Page 1: %C1 (a|,4 IIv VL/ · F 1 VOL.LXXIX. BOOKS,STATIONERY,Ac. Newbooks, MAGAZINES andreviews, Atfrench's, no.05 kingstreet. ThoClifton Ficturo, by the author of …

( ^F1



and reviews,At french's,

no. 05 king street.Tho Clifton Ficturo, by the author of "Tho

Oild Trump; cloth SI 20; paper 70c.Charlotte Cusliman, hor Lottore and Memoriesof her Life; $2 00.Momorial and Biographical Sketcho3, by Jas.

Freeman Clarko; $2.Rothniel, by tho author of "That Husband of

Mine;" SI 00.BlutRon, a story of tc»day, by M. J. Savago;»2»1 r.t\

&L ov.

Watch and Ward, by Henry James, jr.; §1 *25.Miss Cro3pigny, by Mrs. F. JL1. Burnett; 50c.Los3 Black Than Were Paintod, a novol, by

James Fayn; 35c.The Russians of To-Day; Franklin SquareLibrary; 10c.Deceivors Ever; 30c.Goorgie's Wooer; 20c.A full list of Harpor's Half Hour Serio?,Tho largest assortment of Seaside, Lakesido

and other Libraries in tho city.Just rocoived anothor lot of Cheap Paper.21

sheets of paper and 21 envolopes; prico 10c; bymail 15c.blew Bools, Keviows, Maga/.inos and an endlessvarioly of Illustrated Papers recoivod daily,jo 4 G. E. FRENCH.

4 OPAKTNllKKIIIPS.Alexandria, May 30, ISTc.

rpiIE FIRM OF J. T. BECKHAM & CO.L is this day dissolved by mutual consent.

Either party will sign in settlement of accounts.Our country friends are requested t> make settlementwith the firm as speedily a? possible, soas to onable us to settlo our accounts at one3.

J. T. BECK. 11 A.M.OH AS. if. TAYLOR, Jr.

fllUE UNDERSIGND having withdrawn)I. from th t above iirm, will contmuo tho commissionbusiness in this city at No. 11 northUnion streetThanking his old friends for their patronage

in the past, he promises to give his whole attentionto any future business tho7 may put into hishands, and m ike prompt returns of all consignmentsCUL'AS. S. TAYLOR, Jr..jo l-3.n No. II North Union st., box 201.

Alexandria. May 30, lbTrf.m'JK FIRM OF J. T. BECK.HAM & CO.L is this day dissolved by mutual consent.Either party will sign in settlement of accounts.i»ur country friends aro requested l» make sotUementwith the lirm as speedily as possiblo, soa) to onablo us to settle our accounts at once.


Alexandria, May 31, lb~S.

I 1IAVK tUis tiny aisociatcd with 1110 in b.jsinossAir. P. A.. KERBY, and will conlinuotho GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS,at my old stand, No. 27 King street, under tholirm namoof BECKHAM. & CO. Tnankful lorformer patronage oxtendod to mo, I solicit aeon*tinuanco of tho sarno to Mr. Kirby and myself,my 31.lOt





(New and Sc-cond Hand)


V ictor Becker's Warerooms,907 H STREET, NEAR 9th,

WASHINGTON, 1). 0.I wish to remind my friends that I am in Alexandriaevery week to sell, tune and repair

Pianos and Organs, and solicit their patronage.Address V. BECKER, City 1'. O. Aloxndria,Prof. Heyman, or to my rooms, in Washington.my 22.tf jLUMBER! LUMBER ! j




MOULDINGS, &c., &c. &c.


CtMiuml I! street*, 11. w.


BUltlvE & HERBERT,Dealers in



Rood investment securities,have for sale


VIRGINIA, recoivablo for taxes.

Any information ir. regard »<» investmentcheerfully given. fob V2

""" MACHINISTS, «fce.

Alexandria IronA Brass WorksJAMIESON & COLLINS.

Proprietors.Corner of Royal and Wilkes streets

We are prepared to manufacture Steam Engines,Shafting and all kinds of Machinery; also

to furnish Iron and Brass Castings of the bost

quality and workmanship. Having an unusuallylarge and varied assortment of Patterns, we

can furnish Castings at reasonable prices and

short notice. Hp M-lf


XT~ TTninn fltroet.Ul W 1/ Alexandria, Va.

Where he is prepared to furnish all kinds

MACHINERY. WROUGHT and CAS3IRON FENCES, &c.Repairing done with dispatch, and at pricoi

that were charged previous to the war. jan 20



STOVES AND HOUSEKEEPING GOODSCorner King and Columbus sts.

Tin Roofing, Spouting and all kinds of Tir

and Sheet Iron work done.^jH^Stovea received on storage. _ap 9-8m


FINESTSHOES.Inevitable fashion has decreed

SHORT DRESSES.This necessitates the wearing of shoos tha

will bear inspection.Ihe popular demand is for concession ii

pricej. Both are met byWADDEY, 110 King street,

I Iv%C1ice dealers.

ICE. ICE.A full supply of

NORTHERN ICE,«!«««/,.» «l o.aIa> m n rA nf nrmcmal ~P T T-

UU111 l*UU UU!ArU9b U1 TfAbCi | nuu Vi uuui«i A V

RITY and S0LID1T Y, constantly on h9nd.racking for shipraont to tko country a specialty.Persons dosiring to socuro thoir summer's

supply of the article, ABSOLUTELY FREEFROM ALL IMPURITIES, and at REASONABLE BATES, can do so by leaving theirorders at my otlico, with my drivers, or withAir. Wm, T. Emorson, corner Princo andRoyal stroots.


my 4.tf


1( S: t 'SKAII, SODA WATER, ale.

ICE CREAM.My Ico Croom Manufactory, ono of the largost in Virginia, still continues to supply private

customers, Sunday schools, excursions, picnics,fairs, festivals and associations, as well as thetrade, with that SUPERIOR. CREAA1 that hasmade a namo in this community, and is knowneverywhere as BRENGLK'S ICE (J EEAM. 1could easily roduco its prico by lowering its quality,but good croam, of fresh, pure, wholosomoingrodicnts, cannot bo furnished at a less pricothan 1 serve it. Of cour9o, 1 could "grado mycroam by the prico," but my croam would losothe good namo that joars ot fair dealing havewon for it. I ask tnat persons abroad ordering"Brongle's Croam" from third parties will assurothemsclvos that tho croam sont is certainlyfrom my establishment. I warrant my croam,and do not wish that inforior cream, sont out as

mine, may injure its reputation. It is my aim .

to furnish tho BE^T CREAM IN AMERICA,arul ray customers are satisfied that I do so.



AND VICINITY.I foci under groat obligations for tho liboral

patronage oxtendod to mo since I commencedbusiness in this place, an entiro stranger, andheartily roturn my most hurablo thanks for themany favors shown mo. I have decided tomake ICE CUEAM FOR TH1KTY CENTSl'EU QUART, put up in papor, or $120 pergallon, packed in ieo, and sont to all parts of thecity. jZ^CUSTAKD and ICES, of all flavors,madoto order. How can it bo dono? 1st, 1 .

havo secured a low rent; 2d, I pay cash for my (goods; 3d, buy tho best of cream at a reducedprico; 1th, do away with hiring hands ; 6th, mako jtho cream myself; Gib, am detorminod to givo r

full satisfaction. Picnics and Sunday schoolssupplied (ton gallons and upwards) at $1 per i

gallon. ICE CREAM and DiNN EH ROOMS tNo. 170 King streot.my 28-2m J. S. FOliCE.




LADIES' ICE CREAM PARLOR up stairs.Cakes of every description, of own manufacture,and Fruits of all kinds constantly on hand. ]

Ice Croarn and Wator Ices mado toordor. [aplS c

Mineral and genuine springWATERS on draft, all ice cold, and at


Bedford, Va., Alum and Iron, Vichy, Kissen- jgen and Seltzer. Buffalo Lithia 10c per glass. f

JANNEY&CO.,my 7 Branch storo, cor. King_and Roy. ets.

SODA WATER.We aro now dispor.sing at <

our Branch Store, corner of King and Roy- ^alatroats, ICE COLD SODA WATER, with ]genuine and delicious Fruit Syrups, at FIVE 1

CENTS PER GLASS. Wo cordially invite a c

call from our friends and tho public gonorally. 1

my 7 JANNEY&CO. 1


IBy 10W /i XHiJJL/ UV JUL XL. xix« K/ £


at .

my 15 WARFIELD & HALL'S. 1


my 15 WARFIKLD & HALL'S. 1








E. J. MILLER & CO.,dealersin

CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE.<»5 King stroot, Alexandria,

Kespoctfully call the attontion of the trade to

their largo and splendid selection ofCHINA, GLASSWARE, &e.,

which thoy offer for salo at theLOWEST RATES.

Thoy al.eo have in storo a largo assortment ofLAMPS OF ALL KINDS,

including all tho latost patonts and designs.A call is solicitod. Orders from the country

promptly fillod. nov'29

Donald McLean. Geo. Uulkr.

McLEAN & UHLER,(Successors to A. II. Nott & Bro.,)




I r#(»>f ovory description.) I

107 King street. Alexandria, Va. II N. B..All ordors from tho country promptly II filled. ap 2-ly J



| salo by I

my 21 E. 3. LEADBEATER & BRO.

T)OKDKN'k) CONDENSED MILK,EAGLEI -O BRAND.This is tho purest and bost milk

I for infant? in tho market. Received and for II sale by

my 17 JNO. Y. GIBSON & CO.




TTKRY SMALL SUGAR CUKEDSHOULVDERS, prime, roceived to-day byjo 5 J. 0. MILBUKN.

1A BAGS RIO and LAGUAYRA COP'I 11/ FEES received to day byjefi JC.M1LBUKN.



1 and 170 King street. nay 17 1


lYlS 1 ii '

i II ii | I ill ! 1 1 IK vV --^V JK

»/ v v N''V

TUESDAY, Jmrr4qi wtiiii i» iiimibcab.t«w.....a. .n..

I> 3uV U4K»£»K.

j^Y K \Y GOOD.'. K M') \! N K VV V i»ftJv

Friday, .Jun*» 7, l.^TaWoreecivod to-day, irotn Now York, per

iCxpm?, FANCY and STAPLE DliY GOODSIn groat varieLy. STYLES ENTIEELYNEW ami very CHOICE. All i»o«>d* sold Hi

popular prices.Wo coll ovod cooiia. and defy competition.Call and src.

I>. F. lJUASilWAU,II. I?. Iloomes. No. 100 King strool,

0 7 Alexandria, Va.



r. U N T 1 N (« S ,

All sluul >r,

At l .'i conU per yard.I! N liKli S S E L) K I 10 S .

2 button at GOc.o button at Too.

i, A D IKS' IS 1 L iv iM ITS,All colors.

jo 1-tf Fit ET'/jKELl> IC It & CO.__





,rom llio lain 1 irgo auction fidos in Now Yorlc^

it prions lower than over before.

ALL WOOL Hi/NTINUS, great variety of

hados; Lace Dunliny;, in black', something now,

ind now doBigns French Lawns.

FIJitrt LINEN LAWNS, plain Colorod

Alpaca?, i:i newest spring sliador, at ll'ic.


Si IIM .11E11 KEVottT«.


This beautiful Simmer Risort has changodts management, and has bcon placed in firstato ardor for Iho coming season.

Apply toS. F. ISMlTii, rropriolor, Power &White, 15 King Btrool, Alexandria, or Brad.Vdams, M2 F St., Washington, JL). C , for openlates. D-2m*



Through and excursion tickets, good untiltfovombor 1. Park Wagonotto?, in wliieh to:onvoy passengers from station to Springs.

BOARD RATKSThe proprietor of Orknoy Springs, fully ap>reciatingbusiness depression, oflbrs the followngreduced rates of board, graduated according

o rooms occupied, and the number of personsn each room.Board per day for one week and less than two

!>1 50, $2 and $2 50. Board per week for twovoeks and less than four $S, $10, $12 and $11.tJoard por month for one month and less thanwo $30, $35, $40 and $45. Ministers, physiiiansand members of the press will bo entitledo twenty-live per cent discount on Iho abovealos. Children under 12 years and sorvantslalf price.Families and parties numbering sovon or more

vho desire to remain the entire fioason, can

nako special contracts at a reduction on theibovo rates.Tho soason will open on SATURDAY, Iho

i5tb of June, and cloao on tho 15th of October.All communications addressed to E.B. COLEMAN,Managor Metropolitan Hotel, until June

[, aftor that dato to tho proprietor at OrknoySprings, Shenandoah county, Va , will rocoivesrompt attention.Rp 3U-3m A. W. .JON ES, Lcpsoo ana 1'rop.

0^^ fruit"|§§g|j JARS.

/1 Kocoivod this Jay pinlf,I1 >' i' '

I j 'ii quarts and half gallons

I iflrlP* f* £ ilfitl Porcelain-lined anil glassI * Jw

II ! ,' j tops, Alft3nn improvedi * 'M mj.nf|;| and Rom Jars.

(j J |If " ."l-.-S piK. ,J. MILLER & CO.,

*. C>6 King street.m5 18

paper hangingsAND


New and Beautiful Gold, Silver, Mica, Embossed,Plain, Fresco, Marble and Wood Imitations.Now stylos of Papor Hangings and Froseo

Imitations for coiling? and side walls of private" ' < -J

houses, public Halls ana cnurcnos, Boioeiea. wiw

great care from the best manufacturers.My experience for mAny years inthishuBiness

enables mo to give satisfaction and sell low.john p. ( lauke,

Ap 10No._158_King street




A full supply in store and for sale by


geokoe k. hill a co.,



store and for sale low; also L?vGaujraand old Government .Java CV Hue, a vory supotior articlo.myH W. A. JOHNSON.

WK KEKl' a largo stock of WINDOWGLASS, running from »lxS to 2Sx5G in.;


fol» Corner King and Columbus sts.

i ii w y~~ii-I ha i W/ # i E SA I VL/ vyv

UNE11, 1878.TAVl.OtuVSilJri'V. (

Taylor & Hufty,;vKN\SYi,v\vK.,


OUR SUMMER STOCKIs now opened, ami oomprisos fill tho '



CALICO]SUITS ;Alf.di) with and without vests, fit only to 2 60.

Percale Suits in all Colors, i

At prices ranging from 4300 to 7 00, :


Oambi icantl Gingham Kilt Suits t

From $5 to $12. j,LINEN SUITS ?

In Plain and Bourotlo, from ft 00 to 1:1 60.tl

LTNTEK KILT SUITS sFrom 7 50 toi15 00. "


WHITE LAWN SUITS 5Trimmed with Plaiting, Hamburg, Torchon, h

Vallonciennos and Colorod Laces, i]from 4 OJ to 24. a

DOMESTIC LAWN SUITS IIn all colors, made with Barques and Plaited ^

Waists, from b uu to o uj.tl


In all color?, from 0 CO to 20 CO. ^

KILT SUITS 5Mftdn of Mohair, Dobogo Bunting nr.il Silk, '<

Trimmed and made in various style?, u

ranging in prices from t$'15 to $00. a


Cashmere, Mohair, Serge and [Bunting Suits! t

From 13 to 20 COO. t!i



Embroidorcd and Laco Trimmed, only v8 50, worth G tO. 5

Batiste Overskirts A Basques,'

Trimmod with White and Colored Laces. ^from 5 50 to 0 (X). *


AND B4M(IE9, t

In various colors, with Cutaway .Jacket and ^ ^Vest, price $0. V




Price 11 00. cc


Trimmod with Plaiting, Hamburg Kdgo, Tor- !"ebon and Vallenciennes Laco, price

from 4 00 to 13 CO. *


New <fc Stylish Ulsters, '

Made of Mohair and Linon, from 2 00 to 0 00. £FIFTY DOZEN


Colored Calico Wrappers IAt 88 els , $1 00, 1 25, 1 50,1 75.

WHl'TELAWN WRAPPERS :From 2 00 to 25 CO.


"ttr rt t rnn l < t iTnni itr A TC^PsiWJUli'J Dilllll H JLIOXU

1 25 to f> 50,

CHEMISESAt 50c, (Vic, 75c, 88c, $1 00,1 2r», 1 50, 1 75 & 2 00.

ERA. "W" EESAt 50c, fi.Sc, 75c, 88c, 1 00, 1 25,. 1 50, 1 75 & 2 00.

SKIRTSAt 50c, 75c. 88c, 1 00, 1 25, l! 50, 1 75 and 2 00'

NIGHT DRESSESAt ICO, 125, 1 50, 1 75, 2 00, 2 50 and 3 00.

CORSET COVERSAt 75c, 88c, 1 (X), 1 13, ! 25, 1 50, 1 75 & 200.

Taylor ikHufty,PKNHS\ ,'LVAVl A AVE,,


r*y (a|,4 g?AyxyAV


SXsTOWIDlEJdSr.1AZETTK RUJLDINiJ, NO. 70 PRINCE STREET.Jnc year 50 00ux months 3 00I'hroo months 1 CO


opaco. | 1 w. I m. 3 m. G m. 1 yr.1 l_

)nc square 52 2oj 50 5( 515 00*528 00 550 00I'wo squares 4 IIGi 11 OC 22 0: 35 00 00 00riireo square*... 5 00 15 5t» 31 00 45 00 75 00foursquares ) 7 0C*| 20 00 40 00 00 00 00 COfivo squares 8 50 25 00 50 01: 75 00 110 00Quarter column. 10 50 30 0: 00 00 9O0C15UC0Jr.o third col'nJ 15 01' 40 00 80 00 100 00 175 00lalf cclumn 20 00 50 00 100 00 150 00 225 CO)do column jJ5 00 75 (X'|_150 CO 200 0C! 300 00

Transient advertisements inserted at 51 00 persquare for first insertion, and twenty-fivo cts.for each subsequent insortion.

Special contracts will bo made with yoarly advertisers.tlarriago and Death Notices fifty cents. Obituarieswill be charged at advertisement rates.

'1 lie Death ot a Race Horse.

Jluricg a (hree mile raco last week at St.iOuia between General Baford's ohcstcut coltJcWhirtcr, D. Swigert's bay colt Mahlstick,jyle & Scully's bay gelding Joo Rhodes andL Sc G. M. Simpson's chestnut oolt Rod Bluff,IcWhirtcr met with an accident of tho mostnusual character. It is described as followsa the St. Louis Times of tho Gth iost :.

When McVVhiricr and Mahlstick camo downhe quarter stretch to complete tho scoond milo; was neck and Dock at a steady, even run.

lixly yards away Irom the string Mahlstiekithout increasing speed suddenly appeared inlie lead. "iMcWhirtcr is giving down I" oiiedut some excited spectator. It was a truorarning. One leg had failed him, but he keptn gallantly, for the game blood was hot. HadCnox, the little colored jockey, reined him inlie lite of a noble horse might have been sparedp.J might have served ia the 6lud for years.Jut supposing ho could have controlled thescitcd animal, there stood in the way llnoleilia's instructions, to make the race from startd iit)ish,or iD old Jno. Harper's expressive lanUftge,from "end to end."McWhirtcr kept on. It was virtually on

brec legs. He rounded the lower turn and'as well into the second quarter of tho lastltlc, there being ju^t a pcroeptiblo slacking oflie gait,wheu Joe Rhodes overhauled him and'ont by. As tho horse passed him MoWhirterrccrved, and then it was that Knox, thoridorays the other fore leg gavo down. From thateiot the poor fellow plunged ahead and into theist half mile, every jump tearing teudon9,auscles, li >h aud skiu, and Knox tugging athe reins. Wheu at last the headway slackenednd the horse came to a sudden halt, it was withhe bones of both forelegs torn from the socktsof the aDkle joints,and protruding six incheshrough hide aud flesh and resting in tho dirt,he hoofs lying limp and useless before. Theudden halt sent the jockey flying over tholorso's head.The scene and those that followed were, fornately, located on the backstretoh, and the

ltlc crowd of forty or fifty who went there pariaily concealed the sad spectacle from tho heldlasses in the grand stand. Had the accidenticen finished where it began.on the last quarcr.itwould have spoiled the sport with manyturf lover for days to come. Maoy of thosG

jho went over to the backstretch turned backL h "f fAn n c?tnnrl»i frlfin/IA

1CK iil Jl'.'Uit U11W1 U !)IUf,lu giuuvw.

''Shoot him, lor God's sake I" was thoirornpt instruction of thciowncr when he learnedi\e lull extent of the misfortune.As soon as the jockey got out of the cirt head stripped the borso of pigskin and trappingsnci Sk-ood crying at the woelul picture whenhe of the spectators reached tho plaoe.doVVhirtcr stood thus pitched forward andwo-tbirds of his weight resting on tho prorudingbones for fifteen minutes, panting withbe exertion of the race. The lire gleamed iDlis eyes and the perspiration rolled down hisides'. As the little-group of horrified spcctaorsstood about him lie looked around as ifLirprised ' hat uo trainer hurried up wilh thopODgc and .Mankct. Alas! lor McWhirter ;lotom'y was hiJ1 last race ruo, but there was

10 more use for a gainer.The command to vboot him" came perhaps

ifteco minutes after tho acoident, for tho news

11 (he condition of Mc\Vhi.rtcr travelled slowly>ack across the wide field, nobody at first carogto tell what had happened to old Generallulbrd, the owner. When the didionic the halt a dozen policemen looked at eachither wilh no pleasant anticipation of sUoh a

ask.Officer Kecble, ol the Fifth district, a

xpcrienccd in horse matters, undertook it. lieock his stand on the left side of McWhirtermd, using a Co't's navy, fired at close range.The ball struck hjuarc about midway betweenbe eye aud the base of the car, and from theao!c the slreamiog blood gushed .forth. At thereport the horse threw himself' back on hithaunches and struck out with his .mangled forelegs, but dropped down again into the samt

steady position and stood there. Three lime;the officer levelled bis weapon and fired. J'hoftime the bullet entered the brain and the Woo<gushed out. At the third shot McWhicte

it r

hobbled across the track aod stood py tneronec

It seemed as if he would never fall. As hpanted the blood would spurt out upon thfence aod run from his mouth and nose in greaolots. Finally the cflioer stepped directly iI rent el'die now laiiiog horse, and putting thmuzzle of the pistol alpjost to the foreheadfired, the ball entering right between the oyciThe horse dropped theo, but it was not till Ionafter he had been dragged into the Eouthca;corner of the grounds, underneath the shade (

a great oak, that life finally went out.Jockeys and trainers gathered about bit

with the most marked manifestations ofsorronThe mane, which had been braided and ticwith the Huford colors, red and white, wr

sheared eff and carried away as keepsakes.It was declared at first that the bones of th

forelegs had been brokeD. To any oneacquaioed with the aaalomy ol r:»co horses thseemed impossible, and it proved Dot to hatbeen the ease. At the conclusion of tho race

and while the grave was being dug, GenerMitchell and other we'll known horsemen mac

an examination. In one sense, perhaps, bothMcW hirtcr's legs were broken; but it was ni

a bone fracture. Tendons and muscles we

torn apart aod the bones disjointed. The act

dent was what is knnwo amoDg horsemen"breaking down." Lt happoos occasionally <

race tracks, hut probably there was never so

so aggravated a case as this. The "broakiidown" ol one leg occurred just before oomphiog the second mile, and the other gave w

when floe Rhodes slipped past. After thMeWhirtcr ran on the stumps for a furloccrippling himself to the death.

McClure, one ol the standard authorities, i

scribes the accident as follows:."Breaking down.This accident means


3STO. 131.consists in rupture of the teodonsand ligaments,and occurs at once when the horse is at fullspeed. Tha horse stops suddenly, or, perhaps,stumblos and falls; gets up, but stands on hisfotlooks, tho toe of the foot turned up and tinsolo of tho foot a9 it were looking at you."

Mr. Walsh, the editor of tho Field, ao Foglishpaper, io his book describes "breakingdown" as follows: "The aocidoet generally occursio a bred horse when the flesh or muso^do not continue to support the iigamcnts, fromwhioli circumstance it so often happcos in tholast few strides of a raoc. Tho symptoms are a

paitial or entiro giving way of the fetlock jointcn flm hack of it either touol > «

uuvrurraiu, cv »ut.. -

the ground or nearly so when the weight u

thrown upon it."Both authorities go on to desoribo a treatment,but from tho account already given it

will bo seen that, after breaking down, McWhirtor,with tho most wonderful enduranooprobably ever seen on a track, had gono on andcomploted bis run.

Talking to a Times roportcr shortly after theoccurrence General Buford said: "The bov

ought to have held him up. McWhirter hasn'<I complained of this training, and I only enteredI him to oomo hero. 1 engaged him hore andI nowhere else, lie was ridden badly at LouisI ville, where I gave him a trial to seo how he

I woDt more than anything clso, and anotherI horse strnok him oa his good leg. (McWhirterI has had trouble with ono of his foro legs forI somo time past.) Wo havo nursed him andI ho seemed to bo all right. Wo used coldI water ou his leg and it must havo made it tenIdcr. I refused $10,000 for him. 11c rao the

I grandost raoo ever won, and his winnings haveI been betwocn $S,000 and $10,000."I Tho jookey who was to rido McWhirter h><

I at dome with a fraotured thigh, ctusod by un

I accident in exercising Enquirer.I Tho St. Louis jockey club will rut up a

J monument in MoWhirtcr's memory and any

I turfmon desiring to subscribe will bo permittedI to do so.


| FOK DROPSY.tCentral Palls, K. 1., Oet. 10.1877.

| Dr. R. 11. Stevens :

I It is a pleasure lo givo my testimony' for yourI valuable mGdicine. I was sick for a long timeI with Dropsy, undor tho doctor's care. Ho saidI it was Water botwoen tho Heart and Liver. 1

I receivod no benefit until 1 commoncod takingI tho Vegetino; in fact, I was growing worso. 1

I havo tried many remodios; they did not help moI Vegetino is tho medicine for Dropsy. 1 boganI to feel bottor after taking a few bottles. 1 havo

I taken thirty bottles in all. I am porfoctly wol!I novor folt better. No ono can fool more than1I ful than I do.

! I am, doar sir, gratefully yours,

j A. I). Wiikklkk.

| Vkgktine..When the blood becomes lifoloss" 'vl* iifaul liar or

and stagnant, citnor irom caan^a u>

of climate, want of oxorciae. irregular diet,or from any other cause, the Vegotino will renewthe blood, carry off the putrid humors,cleanse the stomach, roguiato tho bowels, andimpart a tono of vigor to tho whole body.


Islesboro, Mo., Doc. 2d, 1S77.H. R. Stevens, esq.Dear Sir.I had had a cough, for eighteen

years, when I commencod taking ..tho Vegotino.I was very low, my system was dobilitatod bydiseaso. I had tho Kulney Complaint, and wn<

very nervous-cough bad, lung soro. Whon 1

had takon one bottle I found that it was helpingmo; it has holped my cough, and strengthens r

mo. I am now able to do my work. Neverhavo found any thing like tho Vegotino. 1

know it is ovory thing it is rocommondod to bo.Mrs. A. J. Pendleton.

Vkgktine s nourishing and strengthening ;

putilies tho blood ; regulate? thobowols; quietstho nervous system; acts directly upon tho secretions;and arouses tho whole system to



Kvansvillo, Ind., Jan. 1, 1S7AMr. II. R. Stevens :Dear Sir.I have used your Vegotino for

Sick Headache, and boon greatly benelitodthereby.1 havo every reason to boliovo it to bo a

good medicino.Yours vory respectfully,

Mrs. Jamks CoNNOit,411 Third street.

-« j ninisn; f.irJiEADACII E.xnoro uru Valium utuuv/^

headacho, as dorangomenl of tho circulatingsystom, of tho digostivo organs, of tho norvous

systom, &c. Vogctino can bo said to bo a sure

remedy for tho many kinds of koadachoas it acts

directly upon tho various causes ofthis complaint,Norvousoness, Indigostion, Costivonoss, Klioimatism, Neuralgia, Biliousness, &c. Try tho

Vogotino. You will novor regret it.'


CUas. M. Duddonhauson, Apothecary,Kvansville, lnd.

Tho doctor writos: 1 have a lago number of

good customers whotako Vogotino. Thoy all! speak woll of it. 1 know it is a good mctlicinr' for tho complaints for which it is recomniondod.3 December 27, 1877.

Vkuetink is a groat panacea for our agod» fathors and mothers; for it gives them strongth,g quiet their norvos, and gives them Nature's

^sweet sleop.

IVEG ET I 2ST E* DOCTOR'S KKl'OKT.c|c' //. R. Stevens, esq.:i' Dear bir.We have been soiling your valuable

Vogotino for three yoars, and wo lind that itD gives porfoct satisfaction. Wo beliovoitto boe tho host blood nurilier now sold.

I, Dr. J. J£. Drown as uo ,

i, Uniontown, Ky. Druggists.K rr

,t Vkcjetins has never failed to effect a euro,

giving tone and strength to tho eystom dobilitatedby diseaso.

»VEGETINEjPrepared by

l9 II. II. NTEVENS, Uostoii, Nusn.

0 Vegotine is sold by all druggists, my 1-1m


re ^yiliUAMH. SMITH,

8', dealer in


would inform dealers and othors^ that he is preropared to furnish tbem with all kind of:i POTOMAC FISH.aH at the lowest possible prices. I would call tho

3n attention of buyers to tho fact that my brandstands No. 1 in market at all timos and I intend

CD to sustain ray reputation in that rospcct.OK My stalls, Nos. 4 and 5, Fish Markot, will boJt supplied with fresh fish every morning. Tkoyay will bo superintended by Mr. JamesG. Grimos,at Br., and families can depend on getting tho bost,

whether they come in person or send orders.Persons at a distance wanting Fresh Fish can

, depend on getting them packod in good order.All orders addressed to WM. H. SMITH,

Alexandria, Va., will rocoivn prompt attention,or mar 1
