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C120 User English

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    Copyrght 2011. Acer Incorporated.All Rghts Reserved.

    Acer Projector C120 Seres User's GudeOrgnal Issue: 9/2011

    Changes may be made perodcally to the nformaton n ths publcaton wthout oblgaton to notfy any person of such revsons or changes. Such changes wll be ncorporated n new edtons of ths manual or supplementary documents and publcatons. Ths company makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

    Record the model number, seral number, purchase date and place of purchase nformaton n the space provded below. The seral number and model number are recorded on the label affixed to your projector. All correspondence concerning your unit should include the seral number, model number and purchase nformaton.

    No part of ths publcaton may be reproduced, stored n a retreval system, or transmtted, n any form or by any means, electroncally, mechancally, by photocopy, recordng or otherwse, wthout the pror wrtten permsson of Acer Incorporated.

    Acer Projector C120 Seres

    Model number: _______________________________________ Seral number: _______________________________________ Date of purchase: _____________________________________ Place of purchase: ____________________________________

    Acer and the Acer logo are regstered trademarks of Acer Incorporated. Other companes' product names or trademarks are used heren for identification purposes only and belong to their respective companies.

    Do not use ths product near water. Do not place ths product on an unstable cart, stand or table. If the product falls, t could be serously damaged. Slots and openngs are provded for ventlaton to ensure relable operaton of the product and to protect t from overheatng.

    These openngs must not be blocked or covered. The openngs should never be blocked by placng the product on a bed, sofa, rug or other smlar surface.

    Ths product should never be placed near or over a radator or heat regster, or n a bult-n nstallaton unless proper ventlaton s provded.

    Never push objects of any knd nto ths product through cabnet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage ponts or short-out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind onto or into the product.

    To avod damage of nternal components and to prevent battery leakage, do not place the product on a vbratng surface. Never use t under sportng, exercsng, or any vbratng envronment whch wll probably cause unexpected short current or

    damage rotor devces.

    Information for your safety and comfortRead these nstructons carefully. Keep ths document for future reference. Follow all warnngs and nstructons marked on the product. Turning the product off before cleaning Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.

    Caution for plug as disconnecting device Observe the followng gudelnes when connectng and dsconnectng power to the external power supply unt:

    Install the power supply unt before connectng the power cord to the AC power outlet. Unplug the power cord before removng the power supply unt from the projector. If the system has multple sources of power, dsconnect power from the system by unpluggng all power cords from the power


    Caution for AccessibilityBe sure that the power outlet you plug the power cord into is easily accessible and located as close to the equipment operator as possible. When you need to disconnect power to the equipment, be sure to unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet.



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    Product servicingDo not attempt to servce ths product yourself, as openng or removng covers may expose you to dangerous voltage ponts or other risks. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel when:

    the power cord or plug s damaged, cut or frayed liquid was spilled into the product the product was exposed to ran or water the product has been dropped or the case has been damaged the product exhbts a dstnct change n performance, ndcatng a need for servce the product does not operate normally after followng the operatng nstructons


    Note: Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operatng nstructons, snce mproper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to normal condition.


    Warning! For safety reasons, do not use non-complant parts when addng or changng components. Consult your reseller for purchase optons. Your devce and ts enhancements may contan small parts. Keep them out of the reach of small chldren.

    Additional safety information

    Do not look nto the projector's lens when the lght s on. The brght may hurt your eyes. Turn on the projector first and then signal sources Do not place the product n followng envronments:

    Space that is poorly ventilated or confined. At least 50cm clearance from walls and free flow of air around the projector is necessary. Locatons where temperatures may become excessvely hgh, such as nsde of a car wth all wndows rolled up. Locatons where excessve humdty, dust, or cgarette smoke may contamnate optcal components, shortenng the lfe span and

    darkenng the mage. Locations near fire alarms. Locatons wth an ambent temperature above 40 C/104 F. Locatons where the alttudes are hgher than 10000 feet.

    Unplug mmedately f there s somethng wrong wth your projector. Do not operate f smoke, strange nose or odor comes out of your projector. It might cause fire or electric shock. In this case, unplug immediately and contact your dealer.

    Do not keep usng ths product to break or drop t. In ths case contact your dealer for nspecton. Do not face the projector lens to the sun. It can lead to fire. Do not frequrntly turn off the mail power abruptly or unplug the projector during operation. Clean the air filter frequently if have. The temperature inside may rise and cause damage when the filter/ventilation slots clogged with

    drt or dust. Do not block the projector lens wth any object when the projector s under operaton as ths could cause the object to become heated

    and deformed or even cause a fire. Do not attempt to dsassemble ths projector. There are dangerous hgh voltages nsde whch may hurt you. Refer servcng only to

    suitable qualified professional service personnel. Do not stand the projector on end vertcally. It may cause the projector to fall over, causng njury or damage.

    Caution for ListeningTo protect your hearng, follow these nstructons.

    Increase the volume gradually untl you can hear clearly and comfortably. Do not ncrease the volume level after your ears have adjusted. Do not lsten to musc at hgh volumes for extended perods. Do not ncrease the volume to block out nosy surroundngs. Decrease the volume f you can't hear people speakng near you.

    Disposal instructionsDo not throw ths electronc devce nto the trash when dscardng. To mnmze polluton and ensure utmost protecton of the global environment, please recycle. For more information on the Waste from Electrical and Electronics Equipment (WEEE) regulations, visithttp://www.acer-group.com/publc/Sustanablty/sustanablty01.htm

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    Regulations and safety notices

    FCC noticeThis device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These lmts are desgned to provde reasonable protecton aganst harmful nterference n a resdental nstallaton. Ths devce generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to rado communcatons.However, there s no guarantee that nterference wll not occur n a partcular nstallaton. If ths devce does cause harmful nterference to rado or televson recepton, whch can be determned by turnng the devce off and on, the user s encouraged to try to correct the nterference by one or more of the followng measures:

    Reorent or relocate the recevng antenna. Increase the separaton between the devce and recever. Connect the devce nto an outlet on a crcut dfferent from that to whch the recever s connected. Consult the dealer or an experenced rado/televson techncan for help.

    Notice: Shielded cablesAll connectons to other computng devces must be made usng shelded cables to mantan complance wth FCC regulatons.

    Notice: Peripheral devicesOnly peripherals (input/output devices, terminals, printers, etc.) certified to comply with the Class B limits may be attached to this equipment.Operation with non-certified peripherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception. CautionChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority, which is granted by the Federal Communcatons Commsson, to operate ths devce.

    Operation conditionsThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operaton.

    Notice: Canadian usersThs Class B dgtal apparatus comples wth Canadan ICES-003.

    Remarque l'intention des utilisateurs canadiensCet appareil numrique de la classe B est conforme a la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

    Declaration of Conformity for EU countriesAcer hereby declares that this projector series is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.Compliant with Russian regulatory certification

    Radio device regulatory notice....................................................................................................

    Note: The regulatory information below is for models with wireless LAN and/or Bluetooth only.

    GeneralThis product complies with the radio frequency and safety standards of any country or region in which it has been approved for wireless use.Depending on configurations, this product may or may not contain wireless radio devices (such as wireless LAN and/or Bluetooth modules).

    Canada - Low-power license-exempt radio communication devices (RSS-210)a. Common nformaton

    Operaton s subject to the followng two condtons: 1. Ths devce may not cause nterference, and 2. Ths devce must accept any nterference, ncludng nterference that may cause undesred operaton of the devce.

    b. Operaton n 2.4 GHz band To prevent rado nterference to the lcensed servce, ths devce s ntended to be operated ndoors and nstallaton outdoors s subject to lcensng.

    List of applicable countriesThs devce must be used n strct accordance wth the regulatons and constrants n the country of use. For further nformaton, please contact the local office in the country of use. Please see http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/rtte/implem.htm for the latest country list.

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    First things first

    Usage Notes Do:

    Turn off the product before cleanng. Use a soft cloth mostened wth mld detergent to clean the dsplay housng. Dsconnect the power plug from AC outlet f the product s not beng used for a long perod of tme.

    Don't: Use abrasve cleaners, waxes or solvents to clean the unt. Use under the followng condtons:

    In extremely hot, cold or humd envronments. In areas susceptble to excessve dust and drt. Near any appliance that generates a strong magnetic field. Place In drect sunlght.

    PrecautionsFollow all warnngs, precautons and mantenance as recommended n ths user's gude to maxmze the lfe of your unt.


    Warning! Do not look nto the projector's lens when the lght s on. The brght may hurt your eyes. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this product to rain or moisture. Please do not open or dsassemble the product as ths may cause electrc shock. Turn on the projector first and then the signal sources.

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    USB 3.0

    Projector Power adaptor wth AC Plug (Optional) USB Y-cable

    # Descrpton # Descrpton1 DC IN connector 4 Focus Dal2 USB 3.0 Mcro B type 5 Foot Stand3 Lens

    431 2


    USB 3.0

    IntrductionProduct Overview

    Package OverviewThs projector comes wth all the tems shown below. Check to make sure your unt s complete. Contact your dealer mmedately f any thng s mssng.


    C120 Series

    USB 3.0

    Pouch User's Gude Quck start gude

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    How to use the AC adapter plugGetting Started

    # Descrpton1 Power adaptor wth AC Plug

    2 USB Y-cable


    Note: To ensure the projector works well wth your Notebook, please make sure the tmng of the dsplay mode s compatble wth the projector. Note: Please make sure USB cable plug well wth notebook.

    Connect the USB connector to your Notebook and plug the USB connector to the projector. If you want a brghter dsplay, use power adapter or plug two USB connector to your Notebook.

    ...................................................................................................Note: It s recommended to use power adapter to get best brghtness.Note: If no power adapter, t s recommended to plug n USB 3.0 f have or plug the two USB connectors on the same sde of the Notebook to get the best performance. Please make sure that your Notebook s capable of supplying suffi cient current through the USB ports.Note: If only one USB port available, use the Master USB connector (for Acer NB).Note: Recommend to plug 2 USB port or use AC adapter f non-Acer NB. If only one USB port avalable, use the Master USB connector and must plug in AC adapter (for non-Acer NB).Note: Only support Notebook to lnk one C120.

    Connecting the Projector

    1 2 3


    4 5

    # Descrpton1 Insert the plug. (illustration #1~3)

    2 Change the plug. (illustration #4~6)

    USB 3.0

    USB 3.0



    Slave Master

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    Minimum System Requirements: Core 2 Duo 2.0Ghz 2GB DDR SDRAM


    Note: Video playback is not recommended when using netbook or CULV notebook (CPU power limitation).Note: Dual-core notebook or above s recommended f you want a smooth vdeo playback.Note: USB bandwidth is depended on USB 3.0 or 2.0 specification.

    Supported OS: Wndows XP Home or Professonal 32-bt Servce Pack 3 or later Windows Vista 32- and 64-bit Service Pack 2 or later Windows 7 32- and 64-bit.


    Note: Mac OS and Androd OS are not supported.

    Turn Off the ProjectorWhen you have finished using the projector, unplugging the USB Y-cable from your Notebook.


    Note: If C120 enters nto standby mode, please re-plug USB cable.

    AutoPlay Installation

    For first time use, follow Step_1~3 to set up PC before plugging C120 into the PC USB port.

    Step_1: Please dsable the ant-vrus software and re-plug C120 nto your PC untl C120 s dsplayed.

    Step_2: Make sure you logn to your PC wth an Admnstrator account.

    [Wndows Start

    [ [

    USB projecton s an easy-to-use functon to project a NB/PCs screen by sngle USB cable wthout needng any drvers. C120 provdes both USB3.0 projecton and USB2.0 projecton.

    When you first plug in your projector, NB/PC will detect C120 automatically and follow the onscreen nstructon to nstall the applcaton Acer DsplayPal.

    Run dlusb_launcherC120.exe and then your NB/PC screen wll be projected out va C120. Enjoy your USB projecton.

    Acer DsplayPal wll be dsplayed as tray con, you wll see C120 detected once C120 s ready to use.

    Display over USB

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    Step_4: Plug C120 nto the PC USB port

    USB 3.0

    Step_5: C120 dsplays the ACER welcome logo

    Step_6: Rundlusb_launcherC120.exe program

    When PC dsplays the AutoPlay wndow, select Always do ths software and games & Run dlusb_launcherC120.exe.


    Note: If the AutoPlay wndow does not appear, rght-clck on the mouse button to open C120 CD Drver dsk and run the dlusb_launcherC120.exe program

    [ [

    Step_3: Reset PC AutoPlay functon Reset AutoPlay to default settng & enable Use AutoPlay for all meda and devces.

    [ [ [ [


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    Step_8: C120 dsplays the PC mage.

    The PC detects C120 and dsplays the control con ; C120 wll dsplay PC screen mage correctly.


    Note: Make sure that AutoPlay s set to Install or run program from your meda.

    [ [ [ [

    Note: It takes a little time for NB/PC to finish USB recognition if each first-time usage. Once you see above wndow, that means C120 has recognzed by notebook.Note: Please use C120 after NB/PC has finish OS start/restart procedure.Note: Ensure that you have admnstrator-level permsson on your NB/PC.Note: You may see pop-up message wndow of ant -vrus applcaton to ask you f execute C120. Note: It is recommended that you dont use other USB devices (External Optical drive, External HDD device, charging your mobile phone/devices) when using the USB projector.Note: Dont support USB projecton f DrectX PC games.

    Step_7: Allow the C120_dlusb Applcaton program to run

    When Wndows pops User Account Control, select YES.

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    Refer to below table to choose the sutable one.

    Power Mode Used USB portTotal Power

    (for reference)

    Brghtness rankng by Brghtness

    (unit: lm)Remark

    Auto Adapter NA 20W Recommended

    USB 3.0 x 1 (Master) 1 port, USB 3.0 x 1 9W No adapter, NB wth USB 3.0 port

    USB 2.0 x 2 2 ports, USB 2.0 x 2 7W No adapter, NB wth USB 2.0 port only

    USB 2.0 x 1 (Master) 1 port, USB 2.0 x 1 4W~7W Depended on USB power(Only for Acer NB)Eco Adapter NA 12W Recommended wth slence

    USB 3.0 x 1 (Master) 1 port, USB 3.0 x 1 4.5W Depended on USB power

    USB 2.0 x 2 2 ports, USB 2.0 x 2 4W Depended on USB power

    USB 2.0 x 1 (Master) 1 port, USB 2.0 x 1 4W Depended on USB power(Only for Acer NB)

    Display Mode

    Acer DisplayPalTap tray con of Acer DsplayPal f you want to adjust settng.

    You can choose Mirror mode or 800x600 mode to display. 800x600 is default setting.

    Power ModeYou can choose Auto Power mode and ECO mode. Auto Power s default.

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    How to Optimize Image Size and Distance

    screen size


    screen size



    1.0 mDesired Distance



    Screen Sze Top Dagonal


    W x H(cm)

    From base to top of mage

    (cm) 0.37 10 22 x 12 120.5 14 30 x 17 171.0 27 61 x 34 341.5 41 91 x 51 512.0 55 121 x 68 682.5 68 152 x 85 85

    3.0 2 12 x 102 1023.5 96 212 x 119 119

    3.65 100 221 x 124 124

    Choose the approprate dstance for your need. After nstallaton, you can now enjoy your USB projecton.

    AboutAbout : verson nformaton of Acer DsplayPal.


    Some solutons to problems that you may encounter:

    # Problem Soluton1 No mage apprears on-screen Make sure the USB cables are correctly and securely connected.

    Make sure that your Notebook s turned on. Please check to plug Master USB connector. Recommend to use power adapter f not acer notebook.

    2 Image s out of focus Adjust the focus dal. Adjust the dstance from the screen to sut your vewng needs.

    3 Image s too small or too large Move the projector closer or further away from the screen.4 Image is fl ickering Adjust power mode because USB power s not enough. Follow on-screen

    ntructon to adjust. USB power adapter n the market s for reference.

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    VGA Analog - PC Signal

    Mode Resoluton V.Frequency (Hz)H.Frequency


    SVGA 800 x 600 60 37.9

    XGA 1024 x 768 60 4.4

    SXGA 120 x 1024 60 64.0

    QuadVGA 1280 x 960 60 60.0

    SXGA+ 1400 x 1050 60 65.3

    UXGA 1600 x 1200 60 75.0

    Compatibility ModesA. PC 4:3 timing B. PC Wide timing

    VGA Analog - PC Signal

    Mode Resoluton V.Frequency (Hz)H.Frequency


    WXGA 1280 x 768 60 47.

    WXGA 120 x 720 60 44.

    WXGA 120 x 00 60 49.6

    WXGA 1024 x 768 60 59.9

    WSXGA+ 640 x 480 60 65.3

    WSXGA+ 800 x 600 60 67.5

    WSXGA+ 1024 x 768 60 47.7


    Projecton System DLP Weght 176 gResoluton Native FWVGA (854 x 480)

    Dmensons 110 x 85 x 25 mm(4.3" x 3.3" x 0.98")Dsplayable Colors 16.7 Million ColorsVertical Refresh Scan Rate 25 Hz to 86 Hz Input Interface

    DC IN x 1USB 3.0 Mcro B type x 1

    Horzontal Scan Rate 30 KHz to 100 KHzPower Supply

    40W AC adapter (19V/2.54A, 100V ~ 240V AC)USB Power (type A) from NBProjecton Lens

    F = 1.7, f = 11.00 mmManual Focus

    Projecton Screen Sze 10" (25 cm) ~ 100" (365 cm) AC Adapter Power Consumpton

    Standby mode
