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Page 1: ¼c@Ö‡– @@ - islamahmadiyya.net fileSIDQU AHMAD The truthfulness of Hadrat Ahmad, the Mahdi and Promised Messiah By: Sir. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan ARABIC TRANSLATION Translated

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Page 2: ¼c@Ö‡– @@ - islamahmadiyya.net fileSIDQU AHMAD The truthfulness of Hadrat Ahmad, the Mahdi and Promised Messiah By: Sir. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan ARABIC TRANSLATION Translated

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The truthfulness of Hadrat Ahmad,

the Mahdi and Promised Messiah �

By: Sir. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan �


Translated from English by: Maha Dabboos

First Published in England in 1997

Present Edition (UK) 2010

Cover Desinged by: Muhammad Tahir Nadeem

© Al Shirkatul Islamiyyah

Published by:

Al Shirkatul Islamiyyah


Sheephatch Lane. Tilford

Surrey GU 10 2AQ (U.K.)

Printed by:

Raqeem Press

Islamabad U.K.

ISBN: 1 85372 629 X

Page 3: ¼c@Ö‡– @@ - islamahmadiyya.net fileSIDQU AHMAD The truthfulness of Hadrat Ahmad, the Mahdi and Promised Messiah By: Sir. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan ARABIC TRANSLATION Translated

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Page 4: ¼c@Ö‡– @@ - islamahmadiyya.net fileSIDQU AHMAD The truthfulness of Hadrat Ahmad, the Mahdi and Promised Messiah By: Sir. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan ARABIC TRANSLATION Translated
Page 5: ¼c@Ö‡– @@ - islamahmadiyya.net fileSIDQU AHMAD The truthfulness of Hadrat Ahmad, the Mahdi and Promised Messiah By: Sir. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan ARABIC TRANSLATION Translated

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Page 10: ¼c@Ö‡– @@ - islamahmadiyya.net fileSIDQU AHMAD The truthfulness of Hadrat Ahmad, the Mahdi and Promised Messiah By: Sir. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan ARABIC TRANSLATION Translated

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Page 30: ¼c@Ö‡– @@ - islamahmadiyya.net fileSIDQU AHMAD The truthfulness of Hadrat Ahmad, the Mahdi and Promised Messiah By: Sir. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan ARABIC TRANSLATION Translated

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Page 31: ¼c@Ö‡– @@ - islamahmadiyya.net fileSIDQU AHMAD The truthfulness of Hadrat Ahmad, the Mahdi and Promised Messiah By: Sir. Muhammad Zafrulla Khan ARABIC TRANSLATION Translated

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