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Cabin in woods

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The Cabin in the woods trailer analysis Georgia Gibbs

The Cabin in the woods trailer analysis

The Cabin in the woods trailer analysis Georgia Gibbs

The Trailer

Background InformationIt is an American horror comedy which was brought out in 2012 and included stars such as Chris Hemsworth and Jesse Williams.The filming took place from March to Mat 2009The film had a budget of $30 million and was filmed in VancouverIt was premiered on March 9th 2012 at a film festival and then released in USA on April 13th 2012The film grossed $66 million worldwideIt was featured on Metacrtics best films list in 2012

Codes and conventions of Horror Genre (http://media.edusites.co.uk/article/horror-genre-codes-conventions/)Predictable narrative content (follows format)Clear binary oppositions e.g. good v evilUse of low key lightingUse of CGI, FXHigh production values but many low budget horror filmsDominant, hegemomic representation of gender: The Female VictimExtensive use of close upIncidental non-diegetic soundDistorted diegetic soundExtensive use of narrative off-screen spaceYoung/teenage characters

Split into sub genres, often hybridisedPrimary target audience male, 16-24, Mainstreamers15 or 18 Certification (promises of pleasure) debates on passive consumptionUses and Gratifications (active audiences) theory can applyExtensive use of Narrative enigmasExploration of Narrative ThemesSlow pace of Editing, builds tension. Long takesThree act narrative structureUse of hand-held camera: audience identification/realismPoint of view shotsLow angle shots

NarrativeThe trailer shows an outline to the narrative as four teenagers go on a holiday to a remote cabin and then unexpected horrors start happening. Each one of them are targeted in different ways by some sort of being, which is being controlled. This shows that Todorovs theory is used as there is a break in the equilibrium, and also show propps theory of the damsel in distress to be involved. Also, there is use of enigma in the trailer as to what is happening and who is harming these teenagers.The equilibrium is not restored in the trailer. Leaving a large sense of enigma.The trailer does not give much more away than this brief outline.

Camera shots and angles

The establishing shot used at the beginning of the trailer uses natural lighting and shows a suburban location which is typical of a horror genre. It is also typical for a horror genre to start as a normal, happy state.

Followed by the panning shot showing the campervan and one of the main characters and this shot is made to look as if they are being watched already adding aspects of horror and fear.

The mid shot of the characters with high key lighting and introduction of the main characters sets the equilibrium as happy.

Camera shots and anglesThis worms eye shot, low angle shot and birds eye view shot all show isolated locations which makes the genre of horror to become evident. It reflects the conventions of an isolated location as in these shots there is no one else apart from the van or house which has the 5 teenagers in. This makes it evident that it is the start of the journey and Todorovs equilibrium and that something may happen that means they are so isolated they will not be able to find help or escape.The natural lighting used is typical of a horror trailer as it makes the contrast of low key later on more obvious and effective.

Camera shots and anglesThese close up shots all show the expression on the protagonists faces. All of which connote fear and the blur effected used in each image so that the only focus is the character adds disequilibrium.Further the low key lighting in use reflects that there is something happening/ going wrong adding to the atmosphere of the thriller genre. The low key lighting is typical of a horror film as darkness connotes danger and mystery.

Camera shots and anglesThis shot shows some typography which adds to the enigma and tension included in horror genre. Further, the white font used contrasts with the background to stand out. The background has shapes on and has a flowing effect like electricity which links into the trailer itself with the CGI effects.This wide shot shows adds Roland Barthes theory of enigma into the trailer. This is because this is a new idea which has not been presented before and makes the viewer suspicious. However this links into the horror genre as it shows that this must be the reason for such events to be happening.

Camera shots and anglesThis is a low angle tracking shot which shows/ follows the actresses legs and feet, from this shot we can see a wooded location which is isolated and has low key lighting indicating the shot is based in the night, this is typical of a horror film to have the break in equilibrium to happen at night. The smoke from the floor is from use of special effects and links into the narrative of this being a planned attack.Secondly, this high angled wide shot shows another isolated location of a cliff with a force field type effect in the image. This makes it obvious there is use of CGI effects and shows the audience that the protagonists are in some sort of game, as it is not realistic. This is a turning point in restoring the equilibrium. This medium shot shows a zombie like person attacking the teenagers. The lighting also reflects that this is a danger, identifying a convention of the horror genre.

Camera shots and anglesThis close up shot of the masked people gives the audience sense of fear as they cannot be identified. It is easy to identify that they are antagonists or false hero's as they have not made an appearance in the trailer before and are only in it for a brief few seconds.

This close up at the end of the trailer shows that the equilibrium has not been restored as the female is evidently scared for her life or in pain. This leaves enigma with the audiences making them want to watch the film and see what happens to the girl and also reflects that the this is of the horror genre.

EditingThe editing in this trailer is not overly evident as it is mostly quick cute editing to meet the conventions of the horror genre. This is because a quick paced trailer connotes fear and danger as it has a tense build up to the end. The noticeable editing was the use of fading in and out of some shots and these were used when the next shot was connected the next.

SoundDiegetic:The anonymous character, could be seen as a false hero as he helps the teenagers get to where they want to go however then makes a phone call saying they have come to the killing floor. His speech seems mysterious and connotes danger and enigma, as you know something bad is going to happen but are un sure of what.Also the Speech of protagonists guides through the trailer almost like a narrator as their speech helps form a narrative. In understanding they are going on vacation, partying and that when the danger strikes something has been sent for them, this makes it easier for the audience to be guided through.The screams of the teenagers during the trailer shows that there is something going on and is a typical convention of a horror film therefore we know this use of diegetic noise is used to give fear.When the bird flies into the force field it has large bang so it coordinates with the action, and makes the audience more aware that there is a force fieldNon diegetic:At the start of the trailer the overlay music is upbeat and gives a sense of happiness which meets the equilibrium in a horror genre as it starts like a normal happy day until this is interrupted.Intense music is then introduced after 35 seconds to change the equilibrium and to build up suspense, tension and to show that the horror genre is in action.

AudienceCertificate 15, therefore the main target demographic will be 15+ but mainly teenagers as above the age of 26 are not interested in horrors as they are un realistic and are predictable. Also, typically horror genre is targeted mainly at the male audience due to the use of violence, gore and female representation and this is shown in the trailer as the females are objectified and there is both violence and gore.They are most likely to be C1, C2 and D categories due to the type of the film this is due to the fact that these categories can sympathie and relate with the main characters, therefore this meets Maslow's hierarchy of need to fit in.

Propps TheoryThe hero- Shown to be the biggest male as he seems to take control and seems dominant from his speech and camera shots of him being above or bigger than the others.The villain- The men in the computer room operating the system to kill the teenagers as well as the male at the petrol station.The anti-hero- the anonymous male from the petrol station as he acts as he is helping them to get to the destination but then makes a call to someone to make them aware that the teenagers are now in the killing floor The princess- this is shown to be the blonde teenager in the group, as she is the female who appears the most and is objectified the most in the trailer.

Todorovs theoryEquilibrium- The group of 5 teenagers going away on a holiday, happy atmosphere and music with natural bright lighting. End up at the cabin.Disruption in equilibrium- when it becomes apparent they are trapped and being watched and targeted.Recognition of the disruption- When things start to go wrong and they identify that there is an issue and then beings start to be released to try and kill them.Attempt to restore equilibrium- They try and fight off the beings and run/ get away from the cabin, however they are locked in.

Male gazeTypically horror films are more popular with male viewers as they enjoy watching violence and gore, this is shown in this trailer as it is obviously from the view of a heterosexual males perspective as the women are objectified to an extent. This is shown by the reactions of the male characters to the females as well as the clothing the females wear being provocative. And the male is shown as a lot more superior as they are in control of the situation whereas the females are very scared and do not do anything to help.

Roland Barthes: enigma codesThe uncertainty of some characters such as the man at the petrol garage, the two in the control room and the two masked people leaves enigma with the audience as there is no answersFurther, the equilibrium is not restored so this leaves enigma with the audience as they do not know what the outcome is, do the teenagers survive or do they die.
