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Cactus' take on Boulder Digital Works

Date post: 21-Oct-2014
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Cactus staffers Norm and Mike headed to Boulder Digital Works' Making Digital Work. Here is there take on the 2-day workshop. Norm's through his sketchpad, Mike's through his iPad.
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FPO: Making Digital Work II via Norm’s Sketch Pad “analog bullshit” ................................................... MAKING DIGITAL WORK ................................................... August 9 & 10 at Boulder Digital Works ................................................... Workshop Overview *REGISTER NOW AT MAKINGDIGITALWORK.COM*

Norm and Mike BDW

FPO: Making Digital Work IIvia

Norms Sketch Padanalog bullshit


MAKING DIGITAL WORK...................................................

August 9 & 10 at Boulder Digital Works ...................................................

Workshop Overview


Gareth KayDirector of Brand Strategy Goodby, Silverstein & Partners

Stop communicating products and start making communication products.

Useful entertaining or memorable, not interruptive, experiences.

Create, dont fill, media space.

Steve JobsSince you are reading this on an iPad, do I really need to tell you who Steve Jobs is? If you dont know, please leave now.

"It's really hard to design products by focus groups.

A lot of times, people don't know what they want until

you show it to them.

Doing and then learning is a much better strategy

these days versus learning and then doing.

Gareth KayDirector of Brand Strategy Goodby, Silverstein & Partners



Image manipulation

Saying things at people

Intangible value




Value creation

Doing things for people

Tangible value




Image manipulation

Saying things at people

Intangible value




Value creation

Doing things for people

Tangible value



50% of clients are trying to escape the old agency model. The other 50% want to try

something new.

John WinsorChief Executive OfficerVictors & Spoils

Any idea is dangerous if its a persons only idea

There's a lot of redundancy in silo'd agency structure. Interactive accnt mgmt and regular accnt mgmt = $$$ + bad work @mrhowell #digiwork


marketing thought leaders need to shift from campaigns to commitments #digiwork



Digital is no longer someone else's jobs. It's YOURS. @mrhowell #digiwork10:54 AM Aug 10th via TweetDeck

"Bloated teams = lack of accountability." - @mrhowell be more efficient with your team, be more efficient with your work. #digiworkTwitter - Aug 10, 2010 10:46:45 AM


The structures and processes that guided our industry for the past 25+

years have begun to fail.They are not working now, and

something needs to change. The old structures are

actually becoming liabilities to the business.

Matt HowellChief Interactive OfficerModernista!Also dude who invented Nike+

It's hard to get people to talk about a brand. It's much easier to get people to talk about themselves on a brand's platform. #digiworkTwitter - Aug 10, 2010 10:46:45 AM


Consumers today have more control over the experiences

they choose to have. The best way to reach them is to

understand them & understand where they are

thinking/ coming from.

Kim LaamaInteractive DirectorAKQA

A new breed of T-shaped people is emerging with

knowledge of all disciplines at the top and core discipline expertise pointed upward. Ultimately, it is up to every

employee, not a department, to become digiraditional. Learn

it, live it, tweet it.

Edward BochesChief Creative Officer /Chief Social Media OfficerMullen



art director

web designer



video producer

content strategist

connection planner

PR/social media


Thursday, April 15, 2010

You need to be a T person

Expect some pain.

Edward BochesChief Creative Officer /Chief Social Media OfficerMullen

Email volume = communications breakdown = trouble" - @mrhowell. Irresponsible substitutions for collaboration. #digiworkTwitter - Aug 10, 2010 10:48:45 AM


Where are we headed: More mobile, More socialized layers

and Location-Based Contextual Awareness (messaging relevant to where you are at the time).

Alastair GreenDigital Executive Creative DirectorTeam One

Norm was on a client call

"We (ad industry) have a lot of money invested in people who are no longer capable of contributing" #digiwork Twitter - Aug 10, 2010 10:46:45 AM


The Twitchhiker: one man on a Twitter travel missionMeet the Twitchhiker. His quest - to see how far he can travel in 30 days relying solely on the hospitality and advice of the Twitter community, and raising money for charity as he goes

Its not what we do, its what people do with

what we do.

Gareth KayDirector of Brand Strategy Goodby, Silverstein & Partners

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Like Kogi BBQ, which launched a brand with a Twitter handle

$80 million

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Attention is the new scarcity

The Good Enough Revolution


Edward BochesChief Creative Officer /Chief Social Media OfficerMullen

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Master conversation strategy: Embrace agility,

constant presence, frequent experimentation

Edward BochesChief Creative Officer /Chief Social Media OfficerMullen




interest plan





media plan


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Re-think how you think






Thursday, April 15, 2010

The old sequence. WTF?


This isnt about the digital brief.Its about a better brief for the post-digital world.

Gareth KayDirector of Brand Strategy Goodby, Silverstein & Partners

Check list manifesto


Mike Leepr & social media directorCactus

how we delivered ! collapsed all project

management into one group, allowing key online

pm to leave ! assumed a brand creative brief

was enough despite lack of details to do effective

digital work ! allowed traditional creative teams to

present ideas before including UX and technology

! failed to unite different groups physically !

delayed integrating digital media, creative,

Technical Support ! neglected to invest in

collaborative technology, depending too much on

IT instead of developers

how we rewarded ! assumed digital people would

put learning on hold while they spent time cleaning

up after offline colleagues ! under invested in

training (formal and informal) ! didnt mandate

digital skill expansion as part of performance

evaluation for all

how we scoped ! refused to acknowledge true

costs of digital ! gave team leftover money

squeezed from offline budgets ! failed to train

clients on actual value ! brought message rather

than experience mentality to the space ! gave

digital work away to get the business !

perpetuated the diminished worth of digital

how we sold ! encouraging offline aes to think and

sell digital with no training or supervision !

neglected to put digital-savvy person in new

business role ! arrogant enough to think we knew

what we were talking about

how we staffed ! continued to hire legacy talent !

focused on usage rather than future when

downsizing ! assumed traditional talent could

lead digital efforts ! believed project management

could compensate for digitally nave account

people ! defined integration as offline people

could try digital (but not the other way around)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

sell scope staff deliver reward

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sharing some mistakes

Smart people can be really stupid

2005 2010Media $ placed inonline, SEM, SEO

Cacti who contribute to blogs, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook,


$22,300 $4,394,200

3/15 47/47

Staff time hours spent on web, online, digital,

soche, mobile, etc.140 3,560

* These figures are all made up.
