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California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association -...

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  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…





    Third Edition


    Retired Jdge of the Superior Cour

    alfria udges oundatonara dgs ssociao




  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…



    Purpose of the HandbookApplicability of the Code of Judicial thics

    I. [§100] Introduction: Purpose, Contents and Organization ofthe Handbook

    Ppose of is book hs Handbook s ntended to assst judcal oc

    ers n the pefomance of ther dutes by provdng n one pace a of thenformaton on Caforna's standards of judca ethcs and conduct. Thepurpose of ths book s not to draw attenton to the ethca blunders that judgeshave made nor ebaass them Although judges have been dscplned, andsome severey, most judges n Calfa have never been dscpned Overall,the Calfoa judcary has a wdespread apprecaton of the mportance ofcomplance wth the Cafoa Code of Judcal Ethics and of ther oblgatonto avod even the appearance of mpropiety Ths s n par due to ncreasedemphass on ethcs n Calfa judcal educaton greater use by he judcayof the servces of the Ethcs Commttee of the Calfa Judges Assocatonthe mportant presence of the Coisson on Judcal Peformance and thequaty of the peope who make up the Cafoa judcary. Judcal ethcseducaton has becoe standard n practcay evey judcal educaton prograand practcaly every judge n Cafoa partcpates n a benna one daycourse on judcal ehcs

    Most judges who have receved advsory etters or other forms ofdscpne om the Cafoa Commsson on Judcal Perfomance take thecorrecton serously and rarely experence a recurence Over the 46 yearssnce the creaton of the Comisson on Judca Performance only a sanumber of judges, relatve to the sze of the Caa judcy, have been

    removed om oce for msconduct or receved serious dscplne Over thatsame perod of tme, thousands of judges have served wth honor anddstncton

    he pupose of he Hadbook s o aemp to ntegrate al avaabematerias on judcal ethcs n Cafoa, ncudng the 46 years of ncdents ofpublc and private dscplne by the Comsson on Judca Pefomance andthe upreme Cou, and examples of ethical ssues whch I beleve are worh

    Th wod dscp as usd hs Hndb rrs o ay r o dscpary a byh u Cour or h Cosso o Judical Proanc adisory ls ia and

    ubi adoishns or oals cnsus and roals o oc


  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…


    00 RN JU NU K P

    thikig abot gathee om the above, aog wi foma a ima ethicopiio give b the Ethic Commttee of the Caioia ge Aociatioove may yea2 a well a ie that have come p i icio with

    jge ove the yea. It i hope that by examatio of the eal ie jgehae ecotee, both i qetio they have aie a iciplie that habee impoe the Hnboo will te etaig of the Coe of icialEtic a help jge to meet the high expectatio place o them to eefai a impatial jtice a avoi jicia coct poblem.

    Setion nbes of Ti Eition. he hi Eitio generlly fllowthe ectio mbe ytem aopte i the Seco Eitio. It ha, howevebee eceay to a a mbe of ew ectio a etcte a mbe of

    exitig ectio A a elt, ome ectio mbe have iffeet cotettha i the Seco Eitio.

    Coetions in te Seon Eition Afte the Seco Eitio o theHandboo came ot i 999 I have eceive ote fom fie a col-leage getly (aly) ggetig that thee wee a fw eo hee a theeI ow that eo i a boo with o mch mateal ae ievitable, bt they aeti iteig a embaaig Eo i the Seco Eitio have, hope-y a bee coecte a ome e ote whee I t it eceay to maech a otatio Sice it i ievitable that thee will be eo, peae let me

    ow if yo ay.3

    Appenies I thi hi Eitio thee ae ome chage i theApeice. Fit, the aal icia Etc Upate of the Ethic Comtteeof the Calioia ge Aociatio CJA) have bee emove, bt the fmaEthic Opiio of the Ethc Comittee have emaie. I felt that, althoghthe cotet of the Ethic Upate ae valable, the pace eee abot 30page) weighe agait iclig them. I have howeve, ice i the textwhat I beieve to be the mot impotat matte om the Upate CJApovie the fll text of the aal Ethic Upate to all jge a willpovie them o eqet

    Cekists an Gies. A majo aitio to the hi Eitio i theiclio of a mbe of ew checkit a gie the at ew yea

    Ths a pis ar giv by h ci sps lph cals h Ehc Ci Th ci gvs hdrds hs ra ps vy y ad hs pa hs ra ps ar pbishd aay ad dsbd a hjdgs h sa h Jdicial Ehcs Upda

    3 rhad@alc


  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…


    . 1

    I have been taken with the idea of providing judges with some kind ofsystematic means to work through particularly complex or consing ethicsproblems: Disqualication and disclosure; gitrelated issues questions of

    community activities and outreach and ethics issues related to weddings.These guides resulted om discussions, review, and a numer of tryouts ofthe uides in the New Judge Orentation program of the Center or JudicialEducation and Research (CJER). Judge La Doris Cordell co-authored the irstversion of the Disqualication and Disclosure Guide and Judge RonniMacLaren coauthored the giftrelated guides Rod Cathcart o the CJER hasalso collaorated on the preparation of these guides As with all the materal inthe Hadbook, I am anxious to receive any comments and input regardingthese new materials.

    n te se of te wo je eneay ean a jiia oesIn this ook I will e using the word "judge to mean any orm of judicial ofcal who is bound by the Code of Judicial Ethics.4 There will be occasionswhere the rles may e dierent for vaous judicial ofcers in those cases, Iwill note the dierences.

    Use of e wo oe an anon. Unless otherwise noted the textof the Hadbook will use the words "code' and "canon to refer to theCalifoia Code of Judicial Etcs and canons therein.

    Te iia Cont Repoe Judges are funate to have the benetof another important resource The Judica Coduct Reporte a quarterlypulication of the American Judicature Society, The Opperman Center atDrake University, 700 Uversity Avenue, Des Moines, IA 5 0 3 1 telephone515-7181 This pulication is the product o the extraordinary work ofCynthia Gra, Director of the Center for Judicial Ethics o the AericanJudicature Society Every judge in Calioa receives a copy of the Reporter.Although the Reporter exanes issues on a national level the information isimportant fr Caoia judges ecause judicial ethics codes aound the UitedStates ae very simlar

    II Hsory and Prncles: Calfrna Code of Judcal Ehcs

    A. . Hisoy an Eoion of te Coe

    Proposition 190 a legislative referendum, was enacted by vote of thepeople on Novemer 8 994 he proposition amended the Constitution ofCalifoa to provide as follows "The Supreme Court shall make rles r theconduct of judges, oth on and o the ench and for judicial candidates in the

    Ca Cod Jd. Es anon 6A.


  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…



    dicial hics5

    For some 50 ears receding Proosiion 90 Califoia udges imoseda code of udicial ehics on hemselves: he Code of Judicial Conduc I hadno een deemed necessa f he legslaure or oher govemen eniies omose ues o ondu on as ud ne hsoan commened asllows

    In viruall all oher saes, udicial conduc codes are esalishedand inerreed ulic agencies and exlicil crr he force of lawTs has no een necessr in Califia ecause of he crediili accorded he volunar code In hs sense, he udges of Califa rl are

    self regulaed'

    California udges have long recognized ha heir osn is one ofenormous ower and resonsiili, requiring ehavior ha warraned heumos rus of he ulic ha he serve The comenar o canon A of heCode of udicial Ehics, aken esseniall from rior codes, ses ou howudges mus view hemselves in erms of ehical oligaions

    ". . A udge mus exec o e he suec of consan ulic scruin A udge mus herefore acce resrcions on he udges conduc ha mghe viewed as urdensome oher memer of he comuni and should

    do so feel and willingl

    The udicial insiion is one of such signicance o he social order hahe ureme Cour has se a ver hgh sandard of conduc for Califoiasudges "The ulimae sandard for udicial conduc mus e conduc whichconsanl rearms ness for he high resonsiiliies of udicial oce7

    A code of ehics for udges was frs adoed in 949 he Conrenceof Califoia udges, now he Califoia Judges Associaion, and was ased onhe model code of ehics creaed he American Bar Associaion (ABA.8

    ver he ears, he California udges Associaion, a is annual meeings,revised he code, eseciall following maor revisions of he ABA ModelCode of udicial Conduc in order o more closel confrm o hose revisions.

    Cal. Con. § 8 bd. m.

    Andeo A Hio o te Caia Judge Aociation ( 989, . 99.

    Gi Cmmii (93 0 Ca.3d 270 28.

    e t AA canon wee adoped in 92.


  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…


     h I  S Y

    ' eon, owee e lwy ded om e mode nsome respects.

    n adopting the current ode of Judicial Ethics the Supreme ourtconsidered recomendations om the Supreme ourt Advisory omittee onthe ode o udicial Ethics9 and pubc comments on the proposed code

    No other ofcias of govement are bound by such rigorous standards ofconduct and none are so scrupulously policed udges n alifia face notonly appellate court review and the perodic scrutiny of the electorate whomthey serve but are also subject to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the ommssion on Judicial erformance.10 Moreover judges ace the jurisdiction andscrutiny of the Fair olitical ractices omission

    B. Te Cena Pinipe of iia Eis

    . . Te Essene of in, Te Re of aw aniia nepenene

    iia eis as e essene of jin A code of ethcs is a groupof mora prnciples or set of values including prnciples of conduct goveing an individual or a profssion The ode of Judicia Ethics is not just aset of rules Like simiar codes existing in every jurisdiction in the United

    States it embodies those principles which our system of justice articulates asessentia ingredients to preserve the rule of law. n essence the ode ofJudicial Ethics is the core of what being a judge is about

    Re of aw  ublic condence in the judicial institution is one of the essentia eements of the preservation of the rule of law We need not beremnded of the aglty of the rule of law when publc condence s shaken,nor of the degree to which pubic confidence in public institutions hasdeteriorated in recent times. Articulation of the moral prnciples and values towhich the judicial institution binds itself shoud serve to encourage the peoplewhom the institution serves to have confidence in that institution, and torepect the decisions made by it anon 2A of this code accordingly provides

    he Supeme Cor Ador Commee on he Code of Judal Eh ha onned orevew maer oneng he Code of dal Ehi ne he ode wa adoped n 996 her har o he ommee wa ue Chae S. oge of he Seod D Cou o Appeal now rered and he en har Je Rihard D be of he Fourh Dri Courof Appeal

    ° Cal Con, , §§ 8 8

    Webe 3d New nea. D 986


  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…



    a, "a jud sa p and p with the law ad sa ac a a mesn a manne a omoes ubc condence n e negy and maayo e udcay. Teee [a] udge mus avod al moey and aea-ance o moey12

    e Code o Judca Ecs ue deveos ese conces n a numbe ovsons Canon begns w e saemens a a udge sa uode negy and ndendnce o e udc and a [an ndeendenand onoabe udcy s ndsensable o usc n ou socey3 Ts canongoes on o nsuc a a udge soud acae n esabsng manan-g and enocng g sandads o conduc and sa esonaly obseeose sandads so a e negy and ndeendence o e udcay w beeseved4

    iia npnn Te ue o aw s e oundaon o modensoca ode elacng ue by oce and desoc wm w aw5 n

    adseng usce e undamena duy s o be au o e aw egad-ess o asan neess ubc camo o ea o ccsm" Judcandeendence does no mean eedom om consans o e law bu s abas ou codence a udca decsons ae no nuenced by olcaconsdeaons ubc onon e need o be oua o e dese o cuavo w e oweu Judcal ndeendence eques a udges ave ecouage o do wa s g egadless o ese essues as we as e couage o sand beween abuse o owe by e sae and e ndvdua bee ecou

    iia Aontabiity A necessay cooay o a code o ecs o

    udges s udca accounaby o beac o ose eca oblgaons Temanenance o nsuona accounab oug e Comsson on JudcaPeoance s aso essena o e bolseng o ubc condence

    Doin t Rit Tin an iia Coa

    In emaks a a new udges' oenaon ogam gven by e Cene Judca Educaon and Reseac Judge LaDos H Code u s way:

    Wen Judge Leaned Hand was ased e meanng o udgng eansweed smy Do wa you k s g Judgng dong e g

    dv Com Commentar to Ca. Code Jud. Etics canon 2A nternationa standards oudca coduct embrace te concept o jdicia independence. See U Gn Asm. Basinp n h npnn h Juiia Nov. and Dec 98) Res. Nos 032 and06 e Bagaore ricies o udicia Condc 2002) Vaue

    3 Ca Code Jud. Etics canon

    4 bi.

    See rias o Wa Crimnals Beore e Nrembeg Miitar ibnas nder Contro Councia No. 0 Was DC Govement inting Oce 9) vol 3 case no 3 te JsticeCae). Ca. Code Jud Etics caon 3B2)


  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…


    Ch 1 OSE D AICABY §22

    thng, s not aways easy. ndeed, when reet upon the work that we judges do, the word hero' omes to mnd. We have been taught thatheroes are those peope who submt themseves to the most treaherous of

    stuatons, entrey obvous to fear. But, f one s obvous to fear, thenthat persons atons are reay of tte moment. t s presey naowedgng fear n fang danger wh enormous amounts of trepda-ton, n frgng ahead even whe quverng, that heroes are bo. So, ourstereotypa hero, by denton, annot perform hero ats It s onyordnay peope, e you and me, who have ths hero potenta Heroesdo not need to shed bood hey do not need oud onontatons. Someof the most hero ats are quet demonstratons of what s rght n thefae of groups whose atons are defntey wrong

    We must wea our juda robes wth ourage and ompasson, even nthe fe of haenge and ontroversy; for, n our nobe profsson ths swhat beng hero s a about

    We judges are ordnary peope ased to do the extraordnary We'regven enormous power, and yet requred to eshew the temptaton to abusepower. We are guardans of the rue of aw and ensted wth the protetonof the berty of the peope, whe onstanty tempted to ompromse our honorand abandon our trust by suumbng to bases and prejudes, by the naturadesre for aeptane and advanement, or by far of pota pressures or

    pub dsapprova. And these ae ony some of the fores and nuenes thatan get n the way of juda ntegty. There are many thngs that one an doto ounter these nuenes, and that s, of ourse, the pont of ths Handbook.Consder the entra prnpe of juda eths, fus on who you are andwhat you have been entrusted to do, and pture those whom you onsder asthe great judges of our hstory

    S Hanbk sio .23. S Hanbk sio 12

    a artil abot sti oh Marshall Harlas disst i Plessy v Frgusn 16 63U.S 37 2, ild Haran' Gra Disn 16 No. , Ktky Hmaiis pblishdby th Kky Hmaitis Coil Chls hompso rlats his story A a 3 rmoyi mmory of [si hrgood] Marshall a olag [U.S Dist dg Coa BakrMotly alld that wh Marshall was h ad atoy i h NAACPs ght o d sgrgatio h pikd hml p i low moms by radig alod fom Harlas diss . Asod i Juiia Enigma a w biography o Harla dg Moty said Mashall adrdth orag of Hara mor ha ay sti who has r sa o th Sprm Cort Ev Chisti Eal arr forthrigh ad movig disio for h o i Brwn [v Bar f Eucain 14 347 U.S. 43 did o a Marshal i th sam way. Ear a was wrtig ra aimos Sprm Cot Hala was a solitary ad loly gr wriig r porty.' http//wwwawoisvill.d/ibrary/o!tio/harla?pagid=dsshm> as of Apr



  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…





    Te Centa Pnpe: ntety an Honesty ofDesons


    Bo 99 th cod dd not conin tmnt o cntl gudngppo Th gn concp out n cnon o "[]n indpndnt ndhoob judic bng "indpnbl to jutc n ou octy, dd no r-lly xp cntr inhnt udcl hc bhnd th concpt o jutch w n mpon omon n th ABA Mod Cod w n hCloi cod, lthough ppntly not n unuu on.2 h Cod o JudclEhic doptd by h upm Cout n 99 ddd h owng pgpho t Adoy Commtt Commntay to cnon 1 :

    0 sti oh Marshall arla Brady-ady Photograph Collio, ibrary o Cogrss,Prits ad Photographs Disio ashigto DC, CDGwpbh06 S Kass oward a Mor Natra Si 18 pp 2226, whr th athor dissssth ihrt thi i h mdial ars: h prps that d th mdial profssio. otsth dirs bw h ippoat Oath ad th Priipls o Mdial Ethis of thAma Mdia Assoiato ad, i paila th tt o whih th op o ag o

    ha h si is prssd i th fomr bt ot i th atr.0

  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…



    "h basi funtion of an indpndnt and honorabl judiiary is tomaintain th utmost intgrity in dision making and this Cod should brad and intrprtd with that untion in mind

    his ntral prinipl is onsistnt with th Biblial dfnition of th judiial untion:

    "Judgs and ors shalt thou mak th in all thy gats whih th Lordthy God givth th trib by trib and thy shall judg th popl withrightous judgmnt. hou shalt not wrst judgmnt thou shalt not rsptprsons nithr shalt thou tak a gift fr a gift doth blind th ys of thwis and prvrt th words of th rightous. Justi justi shalt thoufollow that thou mayst liv, and inhrit th land whih th Lord thyGod givth th.

    h honsty and intgrity of dision making itslf is th most signiantlmnt of justi, yt th most diult and subtl. t is an ativity that takspla in th privay of a judgs mind Unlss th judg says somthingrvaling or provids a nonvrbal lu no on ls an know whthr th judgmnt was guidd by far of publi opinion dsir for advanmntfavoitism or prsonal bias. Morovr, wrstd judgmnt may also binflund by unonsious fators.

    h fat that distortion in judgmnt may not b onsious maks it nolss a brah of th ultimat prinipl of judiial this baus part of th judiial rsponsibility is to know what is influning ons dision. n spit of

    th importan of ths issu, instans ar rar whr disiplinary ation hasrsultd om th disionmaking pross. o srv justi th ntralprinipl of honsty and intgrity nds to mov to th top of on'sonsiousnss. Has th judg onsiously or unonsiously, allowd th intrusion of insidious bias to ommand, or allowd asload and tim prssurs totransnd justi? Has th judg givn th prtns of a haring whn in tno listning has takn pla? Has h or sh faild to thow of th rol ofadvoat on assung th bnh bowd to popular opinion in rahing di-sions for publi fvor arr advanmnt or ltoral vitory or favord thinluntial litigant or lawyr

    On xamining th provisions of th Cod of Judiial Ethis although afw of th anons ould b sn as mor narowly drtd on nds that s-sntially all th provisions of th od a ditd to nsur th intgrity andhonsty of disions i. justi

    Handbk stos 1 .23 osty ad tgty jdal dsos as t al ppl ofdal ts 22 osty da avts ad as a mmm alfiao of vydg 83 osy pva .0 osty psaos appotm ad los ad 2.28 osy bf Commssio o Jda Pfoma

    Dtoomy 16820.

    Handbk so 2 5.

  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…



    . §.) Nexus Between ubli and rate Condut and thentegrity of the DesonMakng roess

    Wih the cetra prcipe juicia ethics mi, t eome cear y

     judge mu be conceed h her conduc n raccay eery aec ofher e boh ubc and rae A judge mu exec o be he ubjec ofconan ubc cruny and acce rercon on he judge' conduc hagh be veed a burdenome by oher member of he communy andhoud do o eey and ngy5 Reran on he conduc of a judge are jabe here here a raona nexu beeen he conduc, eher n hecourhoue or n rae f, and he negry of he deconmakng roceOhere, he conduc ermbe en f a connecon ex, omeconduc houd no be reraned by he code becaue of gncan oerrdngconuona or oher ocy conderaon

    ublcntegty of the

    d ivte NEXUSDecsmkg


    . . Minness of Who You Are

    A one ho hod uch gh ofce, a judge mu be acuey and conanyaare ha eeryhng he or he doe or ay mu be managed hrough heer of deny h h hgh offce Wheher you are CO of a majorcomany enaor, adra, genera, udge or juce, your deny ennedh your e and oon Wha you do and ay mu aay be n he

    ece of or, a he ery ea, be neura o) he goa and obece of youroce. A judge need o deeo he mena roce ha ao or h kndof mndfune o ake ace The key queon, of coure, heher hecoduc undene hoe egmae goa and objece of hgh oce Thdea be dcued more uy n Handbook econ .46 n he conex ofnarorae judca demeanor n cour Here, I my an o nroduce hedea o undercore he morance of h ame of mnd A you ree ar-ou aec of ubc and rae fe come back o conder your deny your ofce

    dv Com Comtay to Cal. Cod Jd Eths ao 2A


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    onde jut one eape A awye who no a oe peoa ed)ps up the tab o you unh Does eept o suh a benet om a awyeadvane the egtmate goas and objetves o you oe Does t hep you,

    as a judge mae honest desons and advane te pub peepton o yountegty

    III. Scope and Applcaton of te Code

    A. Compliane Wit te Coe is Manatory

    The onsttuton eques the Supeme out to mae ues fo theondut o judges and, theeoe, ompane wth suh a ode s obvousymandatoy Moeove use o the wod "sha n the ode o Juda Ethsmandates ompane7

    Unifr appliation of te oe troot Califrnia.The povsonso the ode ae apped unmy thoughout the state, egadess o the sze

    o the ommunty n whh the judge pesdes It s not a mtgatng to thatmsondut too pae n a sma ommunty whee ontats between judgesand awyes ae ose than n a age ounty

    In the ase o Inqu Concng Jug Wasnko the ommsson onJuda Peomane eteated ths onept wth absoute ty

    By the tems the anons mpose unom statewde standadsWheneve an assgned ase nvoves a paty the udge nows the judgemust be patuay vgant to ensue the appeaane and eaty o

    ndependene and mpataty The stuaton may ase moe equenty na sma town than a majo metopotan aea but the judge's eta du-tes ae the same espetve o popuaton statsts In any ase thedemogaphs o Maysve and Yuba ounty ae eevant to themsondut engaged n by Judge W aseno

    See Hanbook seton  7 5 f dsusson o sma ommuntes n eaton to ssues o dsquaaton and dsosue

    Ca. Cos V, § 18 sub (m a see Peamble Ca. Coe Ju. Eics (A membeso e iciar ms compl wi e Coe. Compiace is equie o preserve e iegi o

    e bec a o esure e coece o e pblic.". ee aso Adv. Com Commea oCal Code Ju. Eics cao 1

    Aloug e caos ave log bee egare b e peme Co as appicable i udicialcoduc cases (see Spruance v. Commiion, (1975 13 Cal. 3d 778 796 Cannon Comm-on (1975 14 Cal3 678 707 22 ad Koepfer Commion (1989) 49 Ca.3d 826 838f 6 e Cosiio ad e lagage o e coe adoped b e peme Co i 1996 aepu o res e sse o wee o o e coe s maao

    Flether Commion (998 19 Cal.4 865 918 24. ee disse wic aised isssue. d a p. 922

    Com. o Ju. Peormace A ep. (2005 Publc Cese a Bar p. 18. Te maeia

    oed i e ex is i e l csio o e commissio isse o Marc 2 2005 p 18.


  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…



    B. [§131] Iterpretig the aos

    The peamble to the Code of Judcial Ethcs prvides guidance frntepetaton of the canons. 'he Canons should be ead togethe as a whole,

    and each poson should be constued n context and consstent wth eeyohe poson They ae to be apped n confomance wth consttutonalequements statutes othe cou ules, and decsonal law."30

    Adsory ommiee ommetary. he peambe aso expans that thecomentay that foows each canon by explanaton and exaple podesgudance as to the pupose and eanng of the Canons but the coentaydoes not consttute addtona ules and should not be so consted.31 In ad-dton as aeady noted the comentay to canon 1 podes that [t]he bascncton of an ndependent and honoable judcay s to mantan the utmostntegty n decson makng, and ths Code should be ead and ntepetedwth that ncton n nd.32

    Pesos Bod y the ode o diial Ethis

    . dges

    Anyone who s an offce of the state udcal system and who pefosudcal unctons s a judge fo the puposes of the appcaton of the Codeo udcal Ethcs33 All posons of the code apply to the fllowng categoesof those pefomng judcal nctons:

    Consttutonaly dened udges and appellate justces;

    Subodnate udca oces34


    uges of the tate B Cout.35

    Pambl Cal. Cod ud s

    Pabl Ca Cod ud s .

    S Handbk son 23

    3 Cal. Cod Jud s anon 6A Cal. Cod Jud. s, anon 6A was amndd, v Januar 1 2005, o pla ouommssonr rr, w rm subordna uda or" w s dnd n mnolog son as a pson appond pursuan o ar V son 22 o CalaConsuon, nludng bu no md o a omssonr, and arng o"

    35 Bus. and Pro Cod § 6079. , subd a 1 999 don o Handbk ronousld s son as § 86079. Busnss and Possons Cod § 60 9 sub (a provds: . .An udg appond und s son sal b sub o admonon nsu mova omn b Supm Cou upon sa grounds as povdd fr udgs o ous orod o s sa" Caoa uls o Cou u 9. (d ss ou poss fo dplnor mondu o dsab o Sa Ba Cour udgs s ul qus ompans agans

    Sa Ba Cou Judgs o b addssd o xuv Do C Counsl o Com


  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…



    eca ae6

    Othes peomig jdiial o qasijdiial tios Ceta pviss e Cde udcal Ecs apply t es w pem udcial ad

    uasudcal ucts e cas alcabe t eac f te flwgcaegies ad ccumstaces we ceai cas aly t eac ae detailed ca 6

    Reied udges sevg i te Assged udges Pgam3

    Tempay udges8

    Reees sevg ude Cde Cvl Pcedue secs 638 93

    Cutappted abas ;40

    udcal cadidates;4Admiistaive Law udges4

    Wkes Cmpesa Admistaive Law udges.43

    missin n Jicial Pfmanc r instigain an sts in tal t rc tanling f cmlain wi m Cr makng t rminain

    T C Jicial Eics s n in wa is man b a scial masr Bas ncann 6, wr, scial mass sring in iscilinar rcings wl clarl b bnb t C Jicial Etics Handbk scin 215

    3 Cal C J Etics canns 6B an 6C

    Cal C J Eics cann 6D Caliia ls C rl 2 14 qis a a ma gs incl a ciicain a mrar g is awa an willcml wi alicabl isins cann 6 C Jicial Eics "

    Cal C J Eics cann 6D. als Cal ls Cr ls 39003910 an 3920-3927 ls 3904al an 3.924(al as cntain a rqimnt ctiicatin tat t is awar an will cml wi" t isins cann 6 a al s

    ° Cal C J Ecs, cann 6D Cr-ain arbiratrs mntn in is cann lat arbiats sing in icial abitatin Cal ls Cr l 3 4(2 qis mmbs arbiatin anls t ci a mmb is awar an will cml wi cann 6 C Jicial Etics

    al C Eics cann 6E

    G C § 475.20 sq G C § 1 147540 xcls cain rsins C icial Eics rm alicain t Aminisrati aw gs G C § 1 1475 50is iscilin ilains t c ail t cml wi crtain gi ls

    Wrrs Cmnsatin Aminsrati aw gs a qi t cm wit t C icial Eics at b t m C san sbiisin m cin 1 Aticl I Caliia Cnstiin cnc gs an sall n wisirctl r inirctl ngag in cnct cnar t tat c t t cmmntar t t C Jicial Eics Lab C § 1236 sb (a T amnsai icr Wks'Cmnsain ssm is qi a glains nc is scin Lab C

    § 236 sb a.15

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    The applicability of t cod dos no dsppr whl dg s o sab-acl r kg a eave asece. See Hanbook eco 3

    Judicial Accountability

    he Cala judc s sujec a aa mea assure ulcaccual Thee meas cude aellae revew he cduc all

     jucal cer, emme revw he cduc urdae judcal crs ad erc revew udges elecos. O tp of hs ssem all

     jucal cers re sujec he Cde Judcal Ehc Ecal mcduc judca cer ha ee he a r aellae revew has ee raed  judcal elec ad ha ee he sujec emlme dec he cae surdae judcal cers

    Uduedl he ms mra ad eecve sme judcal ac

    cual he Cala Cmm Judcal emace whch ha jursdc ver judca mcduc judge" ad surdae judcacers.

    oda dal o Surdae judcal cer a emlee he suerr cur are accuale rmarl he cur whch heee ad re ujec dce he cur he resdg judge a cur ujec dclar rceedg he Cmm Judcalemace r alure lll he lga mr ad dcle uchsurdae judcal cers Hanbook sec 6 cs a dcuss he dscl reles he redg judge.

    add accual he uer cu surdae judcal cers are al ujec dclar rceedgs he Cmm Jucal ermace uder acle V, sec 18 1 he Cala Cu aded he ver Jue 998 va r 1 Th secrvdes:

    he Cmm udcal errmace hall exerce dcrear jursdc wh regard he versgh ad dcle urdae judcal cers accrdg he ame sadard ad sujec revewu e he Sureme Cur as eced Sec 1 8 .

    N ers wh ha ee ud u ee as a rdae judcalcer aer a hearg ere he Cmmss Judcal ermacehal have he requse saus eve a a urdae judcal cer

    h ec de dmsh r elmae he resl a cu eercse al jurdc dscle r dms a surdae

     judcal cer a s emlee.

    Hanbook ec 161 cas a dcu he dcl acve he cm sce he ad r 1

    Wh re urdae judici l cer? he elg ec he

    Cde Judcal Ehcs dees urdae judcal cer a a ers a-6

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      1 D B

    poited prsat to artice V sectio 22 of the aiforia ostittioicdi bt o imted to a cne, efeee ad he ocer4

    Disinion eween a eeees and jenile o eeees who

    ae sodinae jdiial oies and ohe "eeees who ae no odinae jdiial oe Athoh thee is n eeence "efeee nat V n 8 the Caa Cntutn the Tengy ectoof te ode of dicial Eics ses te boad erm "eee i e deitioof "sbodiate jdicial ofce Tis boad lagage howeve cao easoably be iepeed o mea tat evey "efeee metioed i alifoiastautes is sbject to the jisdicio of e comssio Te wod "eee iseqely sed i alifoia stattes i may dieet cotexts wi te l-lowig beig oly a w of them: oappoied efees psat o odeof ivil Pocede sectios 638 ad 639 ofe efered to as special masespobate efees45 efees sevig i sh ad game mates taffic efeeeseees i boxig maces ad ote sporig eves ad so o Te wod issed so idiscimiaely at i cold ot have bee te ite of te amesof Poposiio 21 o of he votes i he se of te wods "sbodiate

     jdicial ofce to place evey sot of efeee de the jisdictio of teommissio o Jdicial Peformace

    f e se of he em "sbodiae jdicial office wee wihi ecoex of ial co fudig e iclsio of "efee mst mea pesosemployed i jdicial capacities by cos sc as jveile co eees adac eees i.e pesos simila i sas o co commissioes oeovei e coext of deaig wit compaits agais sbodiate jdicial ocesthe alifoia les of o dee "sbodiate jdicial oce as "a attoey mployd by a cout to seve as a commissioe o eee wehe teatoey is acig as a commissioe efeee o empoary jdge. The tedoes o iclde ay ohe atoey acig as a tempoay jdge. (alicsadded)4 Based o this destadig te discipliay esposibiliy of theommissio o Jdicia Pefomace wod ot exted o "efeees appoied psa o ode of ivil Pocede sectios 638 ad 639 as esepesos are o empoyees of cors o fuded by hem ad are occasioalylay pesos accotas ad ote expers).

    Acle I § 22 oves e egslae ma ove f e aome b a corsof eco of ofces sc as comssoes o em sboae ca es e ermsboae jca ofce aael comes om lagage e owPesle ral Cog Ac of 88 wee e erm s efe as a cor commssoe o efeee aorzeb sae" Gov Coe § 77006

    Pob Coe, § 00 e seq

    Fs & G Coe § 28

    7 Gov Coe § 720 e seq

    s & Pof Coe § 8730 Pe Coe § 238

    9 Cal les of Co rle 0703b(


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    Scton 638 and 639 rr ar howvr ubct to anon 6D o theCod o Judcal Etc and uch rr an atie or inaie lawyer  hepron ubct to th dpln o th Stat Ba S Hanbook cton

    1.36 et seq Referees who e, howeve, subodnae jdca or u atac and uvnl ) a ubct to dcpn by Common onudcal Prormanc.

    §] Appiatio o Ethis Piipes ad diiaDisipie Drig A Leaves o Absee

    Judg a ubct to both voluntar and nvoluntary abnc romprmanc o udcal dut. Th nclud voluntar lav o abnc toun o nonudcal oc abbatcal lav and nvoluntay lav du tononprmannt upnon or dqualcaton b th Common on Judcal

    Pormanc. Dung uch lav th udg contnu to b bound b thcalcontrant and ubct to udcal dcplnry procdng.

    Th languag o canon 6A o th Cod o Judcal Etc ndcat that[a]nyon ho an ocr o th tat udcal tm and who prormudcal ncton bound by th Cod.

    eave o absee to oe50 A udcal oc ho on lavto un or ohr publc oc und artcl V cton o th CalornaConttuton mut compl wth al povon o th Cod o Judcal Ethcxcpt ollowng canon B) and (), u o prtg o oc or tt to

    advanc th udg pronal ntrt canon C) apparng at publc hrng; and canon ngagng n poltcal actvt.5 Th commntar to canon6H ndcat that h xcpton apply only durng th tm t udg onlav wl runnng or othr pubc oc. All o th provon o Codll bcom applcabl at th tm a udg rum h or hr poton a aud

    abbatia eave52 Caloa Rul o Court rul 0.0g) xpryqur a udg on abbatcal lav to comply wth th Cod o Judcal Ethc dung uch lav.

    n h abov to tuaton vn though th udg may not prormudcal ncton durng uch lav o abnc th provon o t Cod oJuda Ethc oth than tho xprl xcludd rman ully applcabl

    Othe eaves o absee, sspesio o disqaiatio Alough thr no xpr povon o la on h ubct thr no atonal to conclud

    so Cl Cost. I § 7

    C. Coe J Eti o H

    C es o Cout, ule 002 (plot pogm o p sbb ees o bsene un

    Gov. Coe, § 7723.


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    a aben a pe e a ge on a eave of abene (oer an o n fornona oe or abbaa) reeve of e y o ompy w eCoe of Ja E

    n e ae of vonary eave oe an rnnng for nona oeo abbaa)5 o be noe e Coe of Ja E a we appaon n a vaey of mane a ave no reaonp o peomaneof "a non (ee fr exampe anon 2 an 5) Mon bya ge weer o no e ge wa aorze a a me o peform aa fnon, bng e ay no epe an amage pbonene n e negy o e ary.

    Moreove, ae VI eon 8 bvon ( of e CafonaConon aorze e ommon o pne a ge o fomer ge

    "fo aon[] ong no more an6

    year pro o e ommenemen ofe ge rren erm or of e me jge a erm On a nmber ofoaon e ommon a pne a ge f on a orebere a peron beame a ge. Tere no banve reaon wy ame neranng wo no appy rng any or of abene om ae weer vonay or nvonay.

    In mane of nvonay eave (qaaon o penon)5 mg be arge a beae e ge pobe om performane ofa e e o e exe om ompane w e Coe ofJa E by e angage of anon 6A Fo reaon noe aeay a

    Leae o abee other tha thoe exprey oted the text (to u or other ojudaoe or fr abbata a ude peroa eae aato e (ee Ca Re of Couue 0.03()(2(D E (H)), ad eduato (ee Ca Std. ud. Ad. tadard 0 (d ad(h. Other o eae ot exprey dreted to judge ude eae to atted to tayobgato ad ury duty Apparety udge ad ubordae uda offer hae aefoa upad eae o abee athough t ot ear what proo of aw authoze uheae

    See Inqu neng Judge uwenerg Co o Jud. Peoae A Rep. (200Reoa ro Oe pp. 7. See u deo o the oo ued o Augut 5200 pp 2 where geera etha tadad were apped to a judge r repreeta

    to ade the Peroa Data Quetoare he ubtted to the Goeor beore appotet. See Handk eto 8.0 ad 2.

    The Cottuto requre that a judge be duaed o atg a a judge wthout o oaay pedg ea a proeedg or pedg a petto to the Supree Cou orreew o a deo by the oo or reoa or rereet o a judge Ca Cot V § 8 ubd. (a The oo ha the authoy to dquafy a judge o ag a ajudge wthout o of aay upo ote of ra proeedg by the oo hagg thejudge wth uda odut or dabty. Ca Cot V § 8 ubd (b. Fay theoo requred to uped a judge wth o o aay where a judge oud guty orpead guty or o otet to erta ra hage Ca Cot. § 8 ubd. (.


    See Inqu Cneng udge uweneg supa deo o the oo p

    1 9

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    wu e usu a he uge, a a mmum wud eu geea eca saas57

    4. Appliatio o the oe to Persos Other Tha FllTimeiial Oers58

    a etie ges erig i the Assige gesPoga

    A eed judge wh aes he Che usce seve he Assgedudges gam9 ad mees eg equemes such sevce seque cm wh a he vss he Cde udca Ehcswh he ece he wg

    Ame gvee ss ca 4C(2); ad

    Fduca acves ca 4E

    Eve we he she s acua sevg assgme, a assged judge s u a he vss he Cde udca Ehcs (whony he w ed eces) e same ee as a acve sg udgecudg a he vss he cas ha a he vae audge

    Aotaility o assige jges. The Che usce esashes hesadads ad gudees eg ad sevce he Assged udges

    gam These guees dee he mas wh ma seve A eed judge wh s seg he assged udges gam s deemed em judca ucs he uses he Cde udca Ehcs60 Theseudges, hweve, ae suec dsce he Cmss udcaemace sce he ae acve udges ad hus cud edsced he Cmmss udca emace acs cmmedbefoe eeme m judca ce61 As a esu he Che usce maasdsa auhr ve eed udges seg he gam

    In November 2005, a speial eletion was hed to onsider eigh popositions Poposiion 77whih was defeaed wold have ed ove to hree reired dges e seting of legislatve adonessional distt bondaies. Alhogh the propositon onained provisions egding gisand f the makng of es oneing impope ommniations hese etired dges, enstedwith a mater of exaodinay impoae to or system of goveent wod not have beenset o he Code of diia Ehs or any form of diia aontabiliy wee hey to haveengged in sond in performing ths task.

    Se Ca. Cons. VI 6 sbd e. Assignmen nde hese msanes is distingshedom stipation by the paies for a etired dge to seve as a emporay dge nder Cal.Cos. VI See Hadbook seton 36 regarding ethis res appiabe o tempordges.

    0 Adv Com. Commenay o Ca Code Jd Ethis anon 6A.

    1 Ca. Const., a. V 8 sbd d


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     . S D T §.36

    Ba on piately opensated atiities y assigned jdges. Te Cefustces Standads and Gudenes fo Judca Assgnments eque at, node to be egbe fo patcpaton n te pogam a eted judge must

    cetfy tat e o se w not patcpate n pvatey compensated dsputeesouton actvtes dung tenue n te pogam. Te standads go on topobt pvatey compensated dspute esouton actvtes dung s o etenue n te Assgned Judges Pogam.

    Tepoay dges, Code o Ciil Poedeetions and eeees andCotAppointed Aitatos

    Tepoay jdges A tempoay judge s an actve o nactve membeof te ba wo . . seves o expects to see as a judge once spoadcay, o

    eguay on a pattme bass unde a sepaate cout appontment fo eacpeod of sevce o fo eac case ead

    Cotappointed eeee A coutapponted eee unde Code of CvPocedue sectons 638 and 639 may e any peson tat te cout deemsnecessay to pefm te tas equed by te efeence, ncudng pesons woae not ete awyes o eted judges. Occasonay, te tas cas fo ac-countng, constucton engneeng o ote expetse. Te eees dscussedbeow n eaton to canon 6D ae tose apponted unde sectons 638 and639

    Cotappointed aitatos Coutapponted btatos fa nto twocategoes: tose sevng n judca atatons pusuant to Code of CvPocedue secton 1141 10 et seq. and tose apponted y te cout n pvatecontactua btatons wee te cout s caed upon to mae an appontmentbecause te pates wee not ae to do so It s not cea wete te temcoutapponted abato as used n canon 6D s ntended to ncude abtatos apponted n judca abtatons pe Code of Cv Pocedue secton1 14 1 . 11 ) and tose apponted by a cout wee te pates ae unabe to ageeunde te povsons of a contact contanng an abtaton cause pe Code of

    Sadad ad Gdi fo Jdia Aig (fi a id Ap 2 26) -B3 Sadad ad Gdi o Jdiia Aig ( a id Api 2 26) V-B-

    4 Ca Co ar. V 2 poid o appoi o poay jdg pa o ipao o pari O ipaio o pari iiga o ay od a a o brd by a poary dg wo a b of Sa Ba wo ad powd o a ia dao of a Ad Ca R o Co 8 6

    5 Toogy Ca Cod Jd Ei S diio i andbk o 3 ad o

    Cod C. Po 286.


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    Civl Pocedue secto 281 6 The Supreme Cout dd ot clafy ts ssuen the adopto of the revso of cao 6D March of 1 e questo,however was made moot by e adopo 2002 of te Eca Sadards for

    Neutral Arbtrators Cotracual Arbtrato pursua to Code of CvlPoceure secto 28 .8.68

    ao D estalishes ethial stadards r temporary jdges, odeo iil Proedre setio ad referees, ad aritrators i jdiialaitratios Cao 6D of te Code of Judcal Etc was create for tepurose of establsg te ules of etcs for te above-descrbed groups wocto rectly uder te autorty of te court or by appome of tecour e teoy of ts cao s ta at least whle te persos covered bythe cao are sevg ese capaces tey ougt to be subject to he ulesapple to tem b e cao Aga s cao apples oly to temporay

    juges referees uder Coe of Cvl Proceure sectos 68 ad 6, adbtrators judcal arbtratos ad does o apply o oters performgpvate dspue resolutos sevces

    oept of ao D Cao 6D deals wth the uque crcumstace ofa perso suc as a lawyer wo oly serves a judcal or quasjudcalcpacty uder court appotmet regard to a patcular case or group ofcses r a te peo of tme Followg revew ad recommedatos romte Sate Bar the Supreme Cour adoped cao 6D ad Rules of ProfessoalCuct le 11 69

    Temporary jdges referees ad ortappoited aritrators who arememers of the tate Bar aotaility As oted above te pcpalccep of cao 6D was to create a sysem oug te Sate ar dscplaystcture to secure accoutablty for actve or actve members of the SaeBar wo serve te capacy of temporary udges, reerees uder Code ofCvl Procedure sectos 68 ad 6, ad btrators judcal arbtraos.70

    peial rles r temporary jdges Eectve uly 1, 2006 te SupremeCour aopted cera specal ules cao 6D relatg to temporary udges.mog te cages cao 6D, ese ew ules clue caos 6D() ad(4) wc se ou te grous r dsqacao ad waver of dsquaca

    8 al. Rules of Cout ue .(d

    ule 70 of the Rules o oessona Condut, adoted b the ueme Cou n Mah odes A membe who s seng as a temoa judge eeee o out-aontedatato and s subet ude the Code of udal Ehs o ao 6D shal om h etems o tha anon" Fo doumets oneng adoto of anon 6D see ee of Janua 3,6 om Che uste Malolm M. Luas to tate Ba, Reot of the eal Ad Ho Rulesubommttee of he tate Bas Commttee on oessona Resosblt ad Coduthaed b tanle W Lamo, Es..

    70 ee adbk seton . oeng the euement of ate a membesh fo membes

    egaged n vae dsute esouton


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    ton applcale to temporary jdges and canon 6D9) whch creates partclarrles applcale to temporary jdges apponted nder rle 8 0 of theCala les of Cort reated to se of ttle and servce as a temporary

     dge At the same tme rule 280 et seq estash rules or selecton tran-ng and other qalty control matters fr temporary jdges apponted y thecort who saly seve n small clams trafc amly aw and other areas ncorts arond the state7

    eeees ad ot-appoited aitatos who ae ot ees othe tate Ba - disipliay stats. As noted already temporary jdges arereqred to e memers of the State Bar Becase artrators and refereesnder Code of Cvl Procedre sectons 63 and 639 ae not reqred to elawyers (memers of the State Bar) does not mean that they are exclded om

    complance wth canon 6D Canon 6D s not lmted n ts appcaton and thsa reree or cortapponted artrator whether or not he or she s a lawyewho volates the provsons of cann 6D s accontale n a varety of ways Areree's report mst e approved y the cort and one wold assme that fthe reree engaged n mscondct that fact cold e roght to the attentonof the cort and mpact the corts determnaton conceng the report. As to dcal artrators ther awards are not ndng and the cort wold certanlyhave the athorty to remove a person who voated canon 6D rom ftreappontments

    Ogaizatio o ao D. Canon 6D s organed n a tme ramematrx so that a person can determne what ues appy at any gven pont ntme he matrx rests on the nderstandng hat persons servng n thesecapactes spend most of ther tme engaged n varos occpatons say asawyers representng clents and are not ultme sttng jdges

    The longest tme ame set ot n canon 6D s om the tme of appontment and ndentely thereafter wth the shortest tme ame eng whe theperson s actaly presdng n a proceedng or commncatng wth the partes wt as t were gavel n hand In these rules when actaly presdng orcommncatng wth the partes the person s ond y all th ul applcaeto al of the tme ames The person who has nshed wth the assgnment sond forever thereafter y the fewest nmer of res

    he provsons of canon 6D and all provsons of the Code of JdcalEthcs are set ot n Handbook Appendx A

    Te new rles nd nges n e Code o Jdi Eis were e resl o e eesiesd nd reommendions o e emorr Jdge Working Gro o e Clio JdlConl om 2004 2006 o-red b sie Dogls Mlle nd Jdge Rober Fredmn

    2 Cl Cons, § 2


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    c [§14] Retired Judges and State Bar Membership

    Assined jdes - may not be active members of the Bar n ode topartiipate in the Assigned udges Pogam, a eed judge must ety hathe o she does no ntend o beome an atie membe o the Stae Ba.

    State Bar members who engage in private dispte resoltion may nothae nactie embership status Rule 230(B) of th Sa B MmbrshipRues eaed to nae membeshp n the ba podes

    No membe pang law, o oupyng a posion n the empoy o oenderng any lega seie o an ate membe o oupng a postonwheen he o she s alled upon n any apaity o ge legal adie oounsel o eamne he law o pass upon the legal ee o any a, doument o law, shal be enolled as an nate membe.

    The State Ba has aken he positon that ths ue equies that a membeseeng o manan nate saus s pelung om wokng as a piateabtao, medao, eee o othe dspue esoluton poide, a law lekpaalegal, eal estate boke o CPA. The aionale ths s the pesumpion tha hese aes all upon a membe to ge egal adie o ounsel oeamne he law o pass upon he legal eet on any at, doumen o law,an he membe s theeoe, pelued om beomng an nate membe.

    As noed n Habook seon 1.36 the Stae Ba has dsiplinary autho-ity oe a membe's beahes o the posions o the Code o udial Eths

    elted to tempoay judges, eees une Code o Cl Poedue setons63 and 639 and abitatos n judiia abtatons whehe the membe is ate o nate

    d [§1.42] etired dges Enaed in Private Dispteesotion

    A ome juge s aounabe to he Commisson on udal Pemaneonl fo ats ommted whle he o she aually see as a judge. Reted juges hae been subjeed to dspine llowing eemen o thei ondutwhle in oe

    Sanars an Genes for al ssgnmens eve as revse pri 20 2006) § iB)l)).

    Rles an Regs. o Sae Bar Membersp Rles tt. 2 rle 230(B)

    Se ranser o nave Sas Stae Ba of aoa webste as o pr 5 2007).

    76 See eg Knnk Cmmn 990) 50 a3 297; Inqu Cnng udg amR om on J. Peromane nn Rep 998) Pb ensre an Bar p 9 nquCnng udg Tamm, om on Peformane nn Rep 999) Pbl ense an

    Bar p 7


  • 8/19/2019 California Judicial Conduct Handbook Excerpt: David M. Rothman California Judges Association - California Commi…



    s noted in anoo section .36 canon 6D of te ode of Judiciatics appies to anyone, incuding a retired judge wo engages in work as ateporary udge, reeree or court-appointed arbitrator. n addition a retired

    judge serving as an arbitrator s goveed by the tics tandards for eutrarbitrators in ontractual rbitratons7 Finay aia e of t,ue 3850 et seq contan rues o conduct or ediators in "courtconnectedediation progras r genera civi cases.78 though these rues conceingediation do not appy to pvate ediation practice, e. ediation outside ofcourt-connected progras tey ay coe to represent te standard o goodpractice in te ed of ediation.

    e dvsory ottee oentary to canon 6 states: ecauseretired judges wo are privatey retained ay peror judicia unctions, theirconduct we perorng tose unctions soud be guided by ts ode

    D. Disiiy Tds A TY Aysis

    44 ost isodt Tks i th Cothos

    e courtroo setting is obviousy te ost iportant part o the work ofjudges and is te aspect of being a judge tat soud draw te ost attentionAtoug udges are we aware o te ode o udicia thcs te pressuresof te courtroo and oter actors are not aways conducive to reectionvents in court oten take pace witout warning and do not easiy end

    teseves to contepation, especay wen events in te courtroo teptangry responses or unconscious appearances o unaiess More often thannot, courts are aso under te pressures veryone is capabe of beng seto by soeting and acceptabe eves o toerance are often diicut toaintan, especay wen udcia autority s caenged9 veryone asbind spots and unconscious biases whc sneak past even te ost vigiant efts at obectvty and partiaty 80

    n oveber 00, te oission on udicia erfoance pubsed astudy o discipinary cases fr the period 990 through 999 My own anaysis

    of te discipinary cases r te period 999 troug 005 is consistent witthe study. e study invoved deveopent o a statistica anaysis of a ors

    a Rue o o e 4

    Tese rles app o a eaor cle o a supero co ls a is selece b e coro paies o see o a eao o s seece i a cour eao roa See aRues o ou re .851a a 2

    9 See Handb seco 24 .


    See Handb seco 20 e seq

