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CALL FOR PROPOSALS IDEX IDEX 2 | SELECTION PHASE IDEX-LSE SUBMISSION FORM Acronym of the project IDEX-LSE Titre du projet en français UNIVERSITE DE LYON, IMAGINE : LYON/SAINT-ETIENNE, MÉTROPOLE D'INNOVATION ET DE CRÉATION Project title in English Université de Lyon, imagine: Lyon/Saint-Etienne, a center for innovation and creation Project manager Name : LUSSAULT Michel Contact information: Université de Lyon 37 rue du repos 69631 Lyon Cedex 7 [email protected] Institution leading the project (Project leader) Name : Université de Lyon Capital grant requested M€ 1 137 M€ This project was validated by the administration council of Université de Lyon on May 16 th , 2011. 1/104
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Acronym of the project IDEX-LSE


Project title in English Université de Lyon, imagine: Lyon/Saint-Etienne, a center for innovation and creation

Project manager

Name : LUSSAULT Michel Contact information:Université de Lyon37 rue du repos69631 Lyon Cedex [email protected]

Institution leading the project (Project leader)

Name : Université de Lyon

Capital grant requested M€ 1 137 M€

This project was validated by the administration council of Université de Lyon on May 16th, 2011.


Page 2: CALL FOR IDEX-LSE IDEX 2 | SELECTION SUBMISSION FORMidde.lautre.net/IMG/pdf/IDEXLSE-fiche-b.pdfName : LUSSAULT Michel Contact information: Université de Lyon 37 rue du repos 69631



Structure of the Idex partnership

Higher education and research institutions

Research institutes Other

Université de Lyon (UdL) CNRS Hospices Civils de Lyon INSERM Competitive cluster Lyonbiopole Competitive cluster Axelera

Carnot I@LCentre Léon Bérard

With regard to the previous proposal, the IDEX Lyon Saint-Etienne is now supported by a structure which not only involves the site’s higher education institutions (through UdL), but also the two main national research institutes (CNRS and INSERM) and main local institutions related to research, education, and socio-economic activity: the Hospices Civils de Lyon (coordinator of the two IHU projects); the competitive clusters Lyonbiopole (coordinator of the IRT project) and Axelera (as support of the IEED project); the Carnot institute I@L (coordinator of the Carnot 2 project) and the Centre Léon Bérard. All these institutions were previously project partners and are now co-submitting the project.

This project was validated by the administration council of Université de Lyon on May 16th, 2011 (note that territorial authorities, Centre Léon Bérard and Hospices Civils de Lyon are members of this council).


Page 3: CALL FOR IDEX-LSE IDEX 2 | SELECTION SUBMISSION FORMidde.lautre.net/IMG/pdf/IDEXLSE-fiche-b.pdfName : LUSSAULT Michel Contact information: Université de Lyon 37 rue du repos 69631



Table of Contents

1.RESUME OPERATIONNEL.......................................................41.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................92.“DELTA DOCUMENT” : ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

OF THE JURY..............................................................143.DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT – SELECTION PHASE..............243.1.Ambition and strategy of the project.....................................................................24

3.1.1The excellence perimeter.............................................................................243.1.2Creating a network of “nodes and centres of excellence”..................................243.1.3The strategy and levers which will allow the idex to become a dynamic driving

force initiating a ripple effect across all education and research activities.....243.1.4The next step in the process of changing the UdL............................................26

3.2.Structure and characterization of the Initiative of Excellence.....................................283.2.1Presentation of the project leader (including the legal status)...........................283.2.2Application to the actions of the programme « Investissements d’avenir »..........343.2.3Excellence perimeter, environment, prospects and added value........................38

3.3.Project and prospects..........................................................................................513.3.1International Policy.....................................................................................513.3.2Research..................................................................................................553.3.3Training....................................................................................................573.3.4PhD Policy.................................................................................................653.3.5Development of results and socio-economic partnerships.................................663.3.6Links to society: innovations in how knowledge is constructed, disseminated and

shared................................................................................................723.3.7Campus life...............................................................................................73

3.4.Governance, organization and management...........................................................753.4.1IDEX Governance.......................................................................................753.4.2Process for allocating funding.......................................................................773.4.3The Foundation for Université de Lyon...........................................................773.4.4Audit and management controls...................................................................79

3.5.Means...............................................................................................................813.6.Human Resources...............................................................................................82

3.6.1Hosting policy............................................................................................823.6.2Human resources support policy...................................................................83

4.KEY DATA AND FINANCIAL PLANNING........................................84


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Notre dossier initial de candidature Lyon Saint-Etienne, métropole d’innovation et de création, nous a permis de définir la stratégie générale de l’initiative d’excellence (Idex) que nous défendons. Cette stratégie, doit bien sûr être conservée. Elle constitue un fondement de notre démarche. Elle vise à affirmer la présence et le rayonnement de notre site sur la scène internationale.

Mais l’évaluation a aussi et surtout souligné que nous devions apporter des éléments probants permettant de préciser les actions que nous envisageons et les procédures de décision, d’allocation des moyens et de suivi que nous mettrons en place. Elle a également confirmé que, si notre potentiel est très important, notre fragilité est liée à une certaine dispersion, qui doit être dépassée. L’avis du jury a aussi montré que le caractère généraliste et la grande taille de notre site ne nous exemptait pas d’être capable de proposer des focalisations thématiques plus affirmées, dans le cadre de cette opération « extra-ordinaire » que constitue l’Idex.Nous avons donc construit la nouvelle version de notre dossier autour d’une volonté de répondre en détails à ces remarques justifiées. Nous présentons pour ce faire un projet aux ambitions réaffirmées, au partenariat accru et clarifié, au périmètre d’intervention resserré, aux actions affinées, aux modalités de gouvernance précisées et qui propose la perspective nouvelle d’une « Grande université de Lyon ». Notre démarche s’appuie sur les résultats d’ores et déjà récoltés par le site de Lyon Saint-Etienne, dans le cadre de projets portés par le PRES Université de Lyon (UdL) ou par ses partenaires (donc sans compter les participations à des réseaux nationaux ou interrégionaux) : 4 Equipex, 8 Labex, 1 Cohorte, 1 Infrastructure santé-biotech, 1 IRT, 1 IEED, 2 IHU prometteurs). Ces résultats probants mettent en exergue l’importance du pôle santé-société, la force de l’ingénierie et la qualité remarquable des projets retenus en sciences humaines et sociales. Ils sont bien sûr un des fondements de notre démarche Idex.

1. Les ambitions réaffirmées.

L’objectif est bien, grâce à l’Idex, de développer la qualité de la science, de la formation et de l’innovation du site métropolitain. Ceci afin de renforcer nettement notre attractivité internationale et nos capacités de valorisation. Si l’Idex est une opération focalisée, elle doit être aussi un des vecteurs d’évolution de l’Université de Lyon tout entière. Ces deux mouvements positifs liés, de l’Idex et de l’UdL, seront des moteurs du développement de la grande métropole européenne d’innovation que Lyon Saint-Etienne peut et doit devenir — d’où le titre de notre Idex. Toute notre démarche est ainsi fondée sur le pari de la création et de l’innovation, appliquées à l’ensemble de nos actions. Nous voulons organiser un écosystème de l’innovation exemplaire et dynamique. Une des clefs du succès réside dans la volonté d’assurer une double convergence :

a. celle des sciences de la vie et de la santé, des sciences de la matière, des sciences pour l’ingénieur, des sciences humaines et des sciences sociales ;b. celle de la formation, que nous maintenons très présente au sein de l’Idex, de la recherche de plus haut niveau et de la valorisation économique et sociale. Cette seconde convergence est essentielle, puisqu’il s’agit bien de contribuer au développement économique et social de notre territoire et à son attractivité au niveau international.


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2. Un partenariat clarifié et accru. Le dossier initial présentait notre dispositif de partenariat de manière peu lisible, alors qu’il est une clef de voûte de l’édifice Idex. Nous avons donc revu en profondeur cette question : l’Idex est aujourd’hui déposée au nom d’un consortium cohérent et solide, piloté par Michel Lussault, président de l’UdL. Il manifeste la réalité des échanges existant entre les institutions qui ont accepté de faire converger leur potentiel au service du projet.

L’université de Lyon dépose cette initiative d’excellence en association avec le CNRS, l’INSERM, les pôles de compétitivité Axelera et Lyon Biopole, l’Institut Carnot Ingénierie@Lyon, les Hospices Civils de Lyon et le Centre régional de lutte contre le cancer Léon-Bérard. C’est sur la base de ce consortium, qui rassemble des forces considérables en matière de recherche, de formation, de valorisation et de soins, que se fondent les projets et que s’organisera la gouvernance resserrée de l’Idex. Chaque membre déposant investit dans l’Idex — programme focalisé — une partie seulement de ses compétences et activités. L’Université de Lyon porte le projet en qualité de partenaire académique majeur, mais le périmètre de l’Idex ne se confond pas avec celui de l’université de Lyon, pas plus que les actions de l’Idex ne résument l’ensemble des actions menées par l’université de Lyon. Ainsi, 6 établissements membres sont plus particulièrement impliqués — 8 autres établissements contribuant également de façon significative, sur des opérations ciblées.

Nous avons tenu à mettre en valeur notre partenariat avec les entreprises et les acteurs socio-économiques, qui est consubstantiel du projet : chaque action est marquée par le souci de valorisation. Les entreprises ne s’y sont pas trompées et ont signé un manifeste de soutien à l’Idex Lyon-Saint-Etienne, qui témoigne de leur mobilisation. Elles sont, au-delà de cette déclaration, très présentes dans les opérations importantes que l’Idex propose, notamment les Labex et les Equipex. La présence dans le consortium de deux pôles de compétitivité mondiaux témoigne de la participation de l’UdL et ses membres aux activités et instances des pôles. Le CNRS quant à lui est un des membres fondateurs d’Axelera. La présence du Carnot I@L manifeste aussi l’intensité de la relation effective avec les entreprises et le souci de valorisation, via notre potentiel important en ingénieries. Ce lien entre les entreprises et les établissements est donc déjà ancien et concret ; il s’amplifiera dans l’avenir.Rappelons enfin le soutien sans faille des collectivités territoriales (Région Rhône-Alpes, Grand Lyon, Saint-Etienne Métropole, Conseil général du Rhône), associées aux différentes phases du travail, qui ont validé les orientations ici présentées, et qui se sont engagées à accompagner financièrement certaines actions.

3. Un périmètre resserré. Point capital de notre dossier, nous avons décidé de focaliser le périmètre scientifique sur deux thèmes, alors que le dossier initial en envisageait 4. A partir de l’examen des premiers résultats aux appels d’offres des investissements d’avenir et en particulier du succès de 8 des 12 projets Labex, mais aussi compte tenu de l’ampleur des opérations d’IRT et d’IEED déposés par le site, nous avons choisi de concentrer l’initiative d’excellence sur deux « fleurons » : Santé globale et société d’une part, et Sciences et ingénierie pour le développement durable d’autre part. Ces deux thématiques (auxquelles « émargent » 6 des 8 Labex et tous les Equipex retenus, l’IRT LyonBioTech, consacré à l’infectiologie, l’IEED « Indeed », consacré aux écotechnologies, ainsi que les opérations cohortes, équipements santé-biotech et les deux IHU prometteurs) assurent de pouvoir aborder un large spectre de questions fondamentales ; elles expriment aussi l’excellence spécifique du site, sa signature emblématique. En particulier, elles nous donnent la possibilité de mettre en pratique la convergence précitée des différentes sciences.


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Ces deux thèmes sont majeurs aux plans tout à la fois de la recherche, de la formation, de l’innovation, de la culture et de la capacité de nos sociétés à affronter les défis qui leur font face. En effet le thème Santé globale et société permet de développer des réponses globales aux besoins thérapeutiques concernant des pathologies lourdes (cardiovasculaires, infectieuses, neurologiques, métaboliques et nutritionnelles, cancéreuses, liées aux transplantations ou au vieillissement…), qui exigent de mobiliser les savoirs fondamentaux, les savoirs cliniques et les savoirs de sciences sociales — ceux-ci étant notamment essentiels à la compréhension des cadres économiques, sociaux et individuels de mise en place de systèmes de soins efficaces. Pour le thème Sciences et ingénierie pour le développement durable, il s’agit d’apporter aux sociétés des éléments de réponse aux questions difficiles posées par la vulnérabilité et la faible soutenabilité de nos organisations sociales, économiques et territoriales. Là encore, la gamme de savoirs mobilisés est très vaste et largement multidisciplinaire. On aborde tant les enjeux de conception de nouveaux produits et procédés, de nouvelles technologies et de nouveaux systèmes productifs liés aux exigences environnementales actuelles, que ceux soulevant les questions de développement des systèmes techniques urbains et de la planification urbaine ou encore de l’analyse environnementale. Se manifestent, dans ce thème, la force des ingénieries sur le site de Lyon-Saint-Etienne, mais aussi l’importance croissante d’un sous-thème particulièrement porteur : environnement et société.Nous avons également choisi ces deux grandes thématiques, compte tenu des caractéristiques économiques de la métropole Lyon Saint-Etienne, car elles nous apparaissent comme les plus susceptibles de créer des activités et des emplois liés directement à l’innovation et de développer une culture de l’entrepreneuriat. C’est donc très logiquement que ce choix converge avec la thématique de l’IRT LyonBioTech d’un côté et de l’IEED de l’autre, deux opérations aux potentiels économiques considérables et qui sont de puissants leviers pour la réussite du site. Nous privilégions donc cette approche par les enjeux que nous placions en exergue du premier document, condition sine qua non pour que l’université soit en phase avec les problèmes de son temps.

Une même problématique transversale relie ces deux thèmes : la « Modélisation des systèmes complexes », qui se retrouve dans chacun d’eux et qui est dotée de deux Labex exprimant nos compétences en matière de modélisation de la complexité. Cela nous permet également d’affirmer notre volonté de développer dans les 5 ans qui viennent, à partir des besoins identifiés de nos équipes, une action dans le domaine de la biologie systémique (via la création d’un « Institut Européen de Biologie systémique et Médecine»), qui participe pour nous de cette problématique transversale. Nous affirmons aussi la volonté de travailler des thématiques « émergentes », qui nous permettront d’enrichir l’Idex de démarches nouvelles. Bien sûr, la focalisation sur ces deux thèmes ne signifie pas que la qualité scientifique du site de Lyon Saint-Etienne s’y réduise, mais que nous faisons ce choix pour l’Idex. De ce fait même, se dessine une « géographie » de l’Idex. Les opérations du thème Santé et société se concentreront surtout sur le campus Charles Mérieux (lauréat de l’opération Campus et qui accueillera l’IRT LyonBioTech) et le campus Santé-Est (en cours de réaménagement important). Les opérations du thème Sciences et ingénieries pour le développement durable se concentreront plutôt sur l’écocampus LyonTech-La Doua (lauréat de l’opération campus et qui accueillera des opérations liées à l’IEED) et le campus Ecully-Lyon Ouest. Des actions significatives seront également menées sur le campus de Saint-Etienne. Le projet Idex du site Lyon Saint-Etienne s’inscrit ainsi dans la continuité de la reconfiguration amorcée par l’opération Campus.4. Des actions affinées.

Il nous importe de donner au jury des éléments tangibles concernant les actions que nous mènerons dans le cadre de l’Idex. Nous nous sommes particulièrement focalisés ici sur les


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opérations menées hors programme des Labex et des Equipex — ces structures évaluées et reconnues développeront des activités qui ont déjà été présentées pour obtenir cette reconnaissance. Les documents qui suivent montrent le caractère opérationnel de l’Idex en matière de formation, de rayonnement international, d’attractivité, de valorisation technologique et économique. Cette description tire pleinement avantage de la focalisation déjà évoquée, dans la mesure où nous avons été amenés, volontairement, à ne prévoir qu’un nombre relativement limité d’actions. L’Idex doit à être à l’origine d’interventions peu nombreuses, mais très intensives et à fort impact.

En guise d’exemple, notre politique d’attractivité sera fondée en partie sur la mise en place d’un appel d’offre international de haut niveau, centré sur nos thématiques prioritaires, et donc en lien avec les cibles de l’IRT et de l’IEED. Il proposera des « packages » de 4 ans à des scientifiques de haut niveau, sélectionnés par un jury indépendant. Ce « package », que nous placerons à un niveau de moyens permettant de soutenir la comparaison avec des universités étrangères de grande réputation, est détaillé dans notre document B amendé (3.3.1). Nous y insistons aussi sur le fait que les personnes retenues (16 durant la période probatoire) devront, dans un délai de 4 ans, obtenir une dotation ERC (ou équivalent) pour se voir proposer un poste permanent, sous des formes statutaires variables, adaptées aux profils et aux souhaits des individus. Nous détaillons enfin les engagements financiers de nos établissements pour réaliser cette action et les besoins Idex afférents. Nous renvoyons donc le jury au document delta et au document B amendé pour la présentation détaillée des opérations, qui témoigne elle aussi de notre capacité à faire des choix. Nous avons ainsi été conduits à reporter des opérations qui ne nous semblaient pas susceptibles d’être mises en œuvre rapidement dans un programme comme celui de l’Idex (ex : le projet de TGID, dossier que nous continuons à traiter dans un autre cadre, en lien avec les collectivités territoriales).

5. Des modalités de gouvernance précisées.

Il nous faut être précis et rigoureux dans la définition des modes de gouvernement et d’allocation des moyens. Nous avons défini un schéma qui donne à l’Idex une gouvernance de projet ad hoc (comité exécutif), composée de 9 membres. Ce comité, qui reflète le partenariat du consortium de dépôt et qui s’ouvre à la Fondation pour l’Université de Lyon, prendra les décisions relatives à la mise en œuvre du programme Idex et assurera le suivi des opérations. Il s’inscrira au sein du PRES, comme une instance identifiée et autonome. Cette configuration tout à la fois garantit l’intégrité de chaque niveau et assure l’insertion de l’Idex au sein de l’UdL, dont elle constitue un axe : c’est ainsi que les résultats engrangés de l’Idex viendront, par effet d’entrainement, nourrir l’ensemble du dispositif universitaire et son évolution.

Cette structure de gouvernance bénéficiera de l’appui de la Fondation pour l’Université de Lyon, en cours de création par fusion de deux fondations préexistantes (effective au 1er janvier 2012). Cette fondation reconnue d’utilité publique, dotée du statut de fondation abritante, gérera rigoureusement les fonds d’Etat des investissements d’avenir (et ceux dégagés par l’opération Campus) en ouvrant une unité budgétaire spécifique. Elle abritera différentes fondations que le site compte — notamment celles créées pour les RTRA, CTRS ou à créer pour l’IRT, etc.) .Nous avons souhaité proposer la présidence de la fondation à une grande personnalité industrielle française et lyonnaise, qui emblématise les démarches de formation, de recherche et d’innovation dans le domaine de l’infectiologie, et symbolise la réussite d’un esprit d’entrepreneur : M. Alain Mérieux, qui accepte cette mission.


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6. Vers la « Grande université fédérale de Lyon ».Parallèlement, nous voulons que Le PRES UdL évolue et nous savons que l’Idex sera un des vecteurs de cette évolution, sans que le périmètre de l’Idex ni sa gouvernance n’aient vocation à préfigurer terme à terme ceux de la future « Grande université fédérale de Lyon ». C’est pourquoi nous proposons un calendrier, une procédure et des outils devant nous permettre de mettre en place cette « Grande université fédérale de Lyon », au plus tard à l’issue de la période probatoire. A l’heure où nous construisons ce dossier, il est difficile de trancher toutes les questions posées par une telle transformation. Nous pouvons en revanche garantir la volonté d’aboutir, la procédure et les instruments idoines ainsi que les jalons décisifs (cf. schéma document delta). Dans cette perspective, nous postulons que l’IDEX sera, du fait même des projets qu’elle assemble, un terrain d’expérimentation de nouvelles formes possibles de coopération entre les acteurs et que cela provoquera des évolutions de l’organisation de cette coopération. C’est ainsi que l’Idex va stimuler l’évolution du site.

Nous proposons d’abord de refonder totalement le PRES au 1er janvier 2012 en lui donnant un nouveau rôle, une nouvelle structure et de nouveaux outils. Nouveau rôle, puisque nous confierons au PRES la mission d’être le maître d’ouvrage de la préfiguration du système universitaire fédéral que nous envisageons. Le PRES sera donc l’instance qui préparera et accompagnera cette évolution. Nouvelle structure, puisque nous souhaitons que les membres du consortium de dépôt de l’Idex deviennent membres effectifs du PRES, dans le cadre d’un collège spécifique de partenaires. Nouveaux outils, puisque nous serons amenés par conséquent à modifier le CA du PRES, son bureau ainsi que les règles de fonctionnement et de prise de décisions. Nous mettrons également en place un sénat académique, associant plus directement la communauté universitaire aux réflexions et aux actions. Dans le même temps, et afin de nous donner une capacité de bénéficier d’un retour sur les actions que nous entreprenons, nous créerons dès septembre 2011 un comité d’orientation stratégique (COS). Composé de 10 personnalités extérieures au site siégeant intuitu personae, ce COS aura un rôle majeur de conseil en matière de stratégie du site à moyen et long terme. La présidence en sera confiée à Mme Marie-Claude Maurel, administratrice de l’Institut universitaire de France (IUF) et présidente du Conseil pour le développement des humanités et des sciences sociales. Y siègeront notamment, en tant qu’invités permanents, le président du PRES, le président de la Fondation, le délégué général aux investissements d’avenir, des représentants des organismes de recherche et des représentants des collectivités territoriales.

Dès mi-2009, le PRES avait impulsé une réflexion sur l’évolution de l’organisation du site. C’est une des grandes réussites du PRES que d’avoir permis, via notamment la définition de projets communs, mais aussi via des fonctionnements coopératifs au quotidien, qu’une telle réflexion soit possible. C’est ainsi que, pour exprimer la volonté de poursuivre et d’amplifier la dynamique, les conseils d’administration des 4 universités membres ont déjà adopté une motion favorable à cette réorganisation, à partir des acquis engrangés depuis 2007, notamment ce grand acquis de la coopération entre les universités et les écoles. On se propose donc de réaliser ce changement, qui nous conduirait vers une nouvelle « Grande université fédérale de Lyon » fédérant des membres du PRES. Cette nouvelle université ne serait pas dérivée du PRES-catalyseur, mais donnerait lieu à la création d’une nouvelle entité, devant laquelle, en tant que maître d’ouvrage, il s’effacerait.Dans le cadre de la fonction de préfiguration, nous créerons un « comité constitutif » qui sera chargé de coordonner les travaux préparatoires du futur système universitaire fédéral et de proposer in fine sa configuration, qui sera soumise au vote des CA du PRES et des établissements s’engageant dans cette constitution. Au final, ce sont donc bien les établissements qui devront faire les choix, à partir des propositions du comité.


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Our initial application Lyon Saint-Etienne, a center for innovation and creation, enabled us to define the general strategy for the Initiative of Excellence (IDEX) that we are defending. Needless to say, this strategy must be retained, and it constitutes a foundation for our approach which seeks to affirm our site’s presence and influence on the international stage.However, the evaluation also stressed that we needed to provide convincing arguments giving details of the actions we envisage and of the decision-making, resource allocation and monitoring procedures that we shall put in place. It also confirmed that, while we have very substantial potential, the fragility of our position is linked to a certain dispersion, which must be overcome. The jury’s opinion also showed that the generalist nature and large scale of our site did not exempt us from the need to show that we could offer more pronounced thematic focuses, within the framework of the “extraordinary” operation that is the IDEX.

We have therefore built the new version of our application around a desire to respond in detail to these justified comments. Accordingly, we are submitting a project with reaffirmed ambitions, a stronger and clearer partnership, a tighter scope of intervention, refined actions, clearly defined methods of governance and one that holds out the new prospect of a “Greater Federal University of Lyon”. Our approach is based on the results already gathered by the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site, under the framework of projects led by UdL state-run higher education and research consortium (PRES) or by its partners (and therefore not including participations in national or inter-regional networks): 4 Equipex, 8 LabEx, 1 Cohort, 1 Health and Biotech Infrastructure, 1 IRT, 1 IEED, 2 promising IHUs). These convincing results underline the importance of the health and society cluster, the strength of engineering as a discipline and the remarkable quality of the projects selected in the field of humanities and social sciences. Needless to say, they are one of the foundation stones of our IDEX initiative.

1. Reaffirmed ambitions. Our objective is to use the IDEX, to develop the quality of the science, education and innovation across the metropolitan site, with a view to significantly enhancing our international attractiveness and our technology transfer capabilities. Although, the IDEX is certainly a focused operation, it must also be one of the vectors for changing UdL in its entirety. These two positive and interlinked developments, namely IDEX and the UdL, will be the driving forces for the development of the major European center for innovation that Lyon/Saint-Etienne can and must become — hence our title for IDEX. Our entire approach is therefore based on opting for creation and innovation, applied to all of our actions. We want to organize an exemplary and dynamic ecosystem of innovation.One of the keys to success lies in the desire to orchestrate a dual convergence: a. that of life sciences and health, science of matter, engineering science, humanities and social sciences;b. that of training, which continues to feature very strongly within IDEX, advanced-level research and economic and social value creation. This second convergence is crucial, as it is about contributing to the economic and social development of our territory and to its attractiveness, at international level.

2. A clearer and stronger partnership. The initial application did not set out our partnership arrangements very clearly, whereas in fact they are a keystone of the entire IDEX structure. We have therefore conducted an in-depth review of this question: IDEX is now being submitted on behalf of a coherent and


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solid consortium led by M. Michel Lussault, president of UdL. It evidences the reality of the links existing between the institutions that have agreed to combine their potential for the project’s benefit. UdL is submitting this Initiative of Excellence in association with the CNRS, INSERM, the Axelera and LyonBiopole competitive clusters, the Institut Carnot Ingénierie@Lyon, the Hospices Civils de Lyon and the Centre régional de lutte contre le cancer Léon-Bérard. The various projects and the streamlined governance of IDEX will be organized around this consortium, which represents substantial combined strengths in the areas of research, training, technology transfer and healthcare. Each member filing the submission is investing only part of its skills and activities in IDEX, which is a focused program. The UdL is leading the project as the senior academic partner, but the scope of IDEX does not coincide precisely with that of the UdL, no more than the actions comprising IDEX summarize all of the actions taken by the UdL. As a result, six member institutions will be most closely involved — with eight other institutions also making a significant contribution to targeted operations. We have endeavored to highlight our partnership with businesses and socio-economic stakeholders, which is a defining feature of the project as each action is characterized by a concern for technology transfer. The business community has expressed its clear support for the Lyon/Saint-Etienne IDEX and signed a document confirming this, and indicating its mobilization. In addition to this declaration, businesses also feature very strongly in the major operations proposed by IDEX, notably the LabEx and Equipex. The presence of two global competitive clusters in the consortium bears witness to the participation of UdL and its members in the activities and bodies comprising the clusters. The CNRS, for its part, is one of the founder members of Axelera. The presence of Carnot I@L also demonstrates the intensity of the relationship with the business community and the concern for technology transfer, by means of our substantial engineering potential. This link between businesses and institutions is therefore already a long-established and concrete reality. It will expand in the future.

Finally, we should mention the unfailing support of the local authorities (Rhône-Alpes Region, Grand Lyon conurbation, Saint-Etienne Métropole, Conseil général du Rhône), which have been involved in the various phases of work, approved the guidelines set out herein, and agreed to provide financial support for a number of actions.

3. A tighter scope. One key element of our application is the fact that we have decided to focus the scientific scope on two themes, whereas the initial application envisaged four themes. Following an examination of the initial results in the calls for proposals for investments for the future and in particular the success of 8 of the 12 LabEx projects, but also in view of the scale of the IRT and IEED operations submitted by the site, we have opted to focus the Initiative of Excellence on two “flagship themes”: firstly Global Health and Society, and secondly Sciences and Engineering for sustainable development. These two themes (linked to 6 of the 8 LabEx and all of the Equipex selected, IRT LyonBioTech, which is dedicated to infectious diseases, the IEED “INDEED”, dedicated to ecotechnology, plus the Cohort operations, Health and Biotech facilities and the two promising IHU) will enable us to deal with a wide range of basic questions; they also express the specific excellence of the site, and its iconic signature. In particular, they enable us to put the abovementioned convergence of the various sciences into practice. Both these themes are of fundamental importance in terms of research, training, innovation, culture and the ability of our societies to meet the challenges facing them. In point of fact the theme of Global Health and Society enables us to develop global responses to therapeutic needs concerning serious pathologies (cardiovascular, infectious, neurological, metabolic and nutritional, cancerous, transplant or age-related, etc.), which call for the mobilization of basic


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knowledge, clinical knowledge and knowledge of social sciences — all of which are essential to an understanding of the economic, social and individual frameworks involved in setting up effective healthcare systems. For its part, the theme of Sciences and Engineering for sustainable development involves providing societies with ways of dealing with the difficult questions raised by the vulnerability and low level of sustainability of our social, economic and geographical organization systems. Here too, a vast and mostly multidisciplinary range of knowledge is mobilized. We are dealing both with the issues involved in designing new products and processes, new technologies and new production systems linked to modern-day environmental requirements, and those that raise questions linked to developing urban technical systems and urban planning or environmental analysis. This theme highlights both the strength of engineering as a discipline on the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site, and also the growing importance of a sub-theme that is emerging strongly: environment and society.Another reason why we chose these two major themes, given the economic characteristics of the Lyon/Saint-Etienne metropolitan area, was because in our view they appear to be those most likely to create businesses and jobs directly linked to innovation and to develop a culture of entrepreneurship. This choice therefore very logically converges with the theme of IRT LyonBioTech on one hand and of IEED on the other: two operations that have substantial economic potential and will act as powerful levers influencing the site’s success. We are therefore favoring this approach via the issues that we underlined in the first document, and regard it as a sine qua non if the university is to be in phase with the issues of its time. A similar cross-cutting approach links these two themes: the “Modeling of complex systems”, which is contained within each, and has two LabEx demonstrating our expertise in terms of modeling complexity. This is also an opportunity to express our desire to develop over the next five years, based on the needs identified by our teams, an initiative in the field of systemic biology (via the creation of an European Institute for Systems Biology & Medicine), which will participate on our behalf in this cross-cutting approach. We have also expressed a desire to work on “emerging” themes that will enable us to enrich IDEX with a number of new initiatives. Needless to say, the focus on these two themes does not mean that the scientific quality of the Lyon Saint-Etienne site is being scaled back, but that we are making this choice for the sake of the IDEX.

As a result, an IDEX “geography” is gradually emerging. The operations associated with the theme of Global Health and Society will be concentrated primarily on the Charles Mérieux campus (the Campus operation award winner which will host the IRT LyonBioTech) and the Santé-Est campus (which is currently undergoing major redevelopment). The operations associated with the theme of Sciences and Engineering for sustainable development will be more concentrated on the LyonTech-La Doua eco-campus (the Campus operation award winner which will host the operations linked to IEED) and the Ecully-Lyon Ouest campus. Significant actions will also be conducted on the Saint-Etienne campus. The IDEX project on the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site thus represents continuity with the reconfiguration process initiated by Operation Campus.

4. Refined actions.It is important for us to provide the jury with tangible proof of the actions we shall be conducting within the framework of IDEX. Here, we have particularly focused on the operations conducted outside of the LabEx and Equipex program — these evaluated and recognized structures will develop activities that have already been put forward in order to obtain this recognition.


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The documents that follow illustrate the operational nature of the IDEX in terms of education, international influence, attractiveness, and of technological and economic technology transfer. This description takes full advantage of the focus already mentioned, insofar as we have deliberately set out to provide for only a relatively small number of actions. IDEX should be at the origin of only a small number of interventions, but that these should be highly intensive with maximum impact. By way of example, our attractiveness policy will be based in part on organizing a high-level international call for proposals, focused on our priority themes, and therefore linked to the IRT and IEED targets. It will offer 4-year packages to top-level scientists selected by an independent jury. This package, which will be resourced at a level that will sustain a comparison with prestigious foreign universities, is described in section 3 of this document. Here, we also emphasize that the persons selected (16 during the trial period) will have to obtain an ERC grant (or equivalent) within a 4-year period in order to be offered a permanent post, with a variety of different forms of employment status, matching the profiles and wishes of the individuals concerned. Lastly, we set out details of the financial commitments made by our institutions with a view to implementing this action and the IDEX requirements relating thereto.

We therefore refer the jury to the delta document and to the amended document B for a detailed presentation of operations; this too bears witness to our ability to make choices. It led us to postpone some operations that we thought were unlikely to be implemented very rapidly in a program such as IDEX (e.g. the Very Large Documentation Instrument project, which we shall continue to work on in a different context, linked to local authorities).

5. Clearly defined methods of governance. We need to be specific and rigorous in defining our methods of governance and resource allocation. We have worked out a plan that gives the IDEX ad hoc project governance (an executive committee) comprising 9 members. This committee, which reflects the submission consortium’s partnership and is opening up to the Foundation for Université de Lyon, will make the decisions required to implement the IDEX program and will monitor operations. It will constitute an identified and autonomous body within UdL. This configuration both guarantees the integrity of each level and ensures that IDEX will fit into UdL, since it constitutes one of its areas: thanks to a ripple effect, the results amassed by IDEX will feed into the entire university structure and facilitate its evolution.This governance structure will benefit from the support of the Foundation for UdL, which is currently being created via the merger of two existing foundations (effective at 1st January 2012). This state-approved foundation, which is labeled as an accommodating foundation, will rigorously manage any State investments for the future (plus any funding generated by the Campus operation) by opening up a specific budgetary unit. It will accommodate various foundations on the site — notably those created for the RTRA and CTRS or yet to be created for IRT, etc.).

We wanted to offer the presidency of the foundation to a French VIP who has strong associations with Lyon’s industrial base, who embodies education, research and innovation in the field of infectious diseases, and who also symbolizes the spirit of successful entrepreneurship: Mr Alain Mérieux, who accepts this mission.


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6. Towards the Grande Université Fédérale de Lyon (GUFL)At the same time, we want UdL to evolve and we realize that the IDEX will be one of the vectors for this change, although the scope of IDEX and its governance are not intended to foreshadow like for like, those of the future GUFL. That is why we are putting forward a timetable, a procedure and tools that should enable us to put in place the GUFL no later than the end of the trial period. At the time we are preparing this application, it is difficult to resolve all of the questions posed by such a transformation. On the other hand, we can guarantee our determination to reach a successful conclusion, and we can guarantee the appropriate procedures and instruments are provided and key milestones are met (see delta document plan). To this end, we claim that thanks to the projects it assembles the IDEX will act as a laboratory for new forms of cooperation between stakeholders and will lead to an evolution of the organization of this cooperation. And it is through this the IDEX will spur the site’s evolution.First of all we propose to completely overhaul UdL at 1 January 2012 by assigning it a new role, a new structure and new tools. A new role because we shall be appointing UdL as the contracting authority overseeing the prefiguration of the federal university system that we envisage. UdL will therefore be the body that prepares and accompanies this change. A new structure because we want the members of the IDEX submission consortium to become full members of UdL, within the framework of a specific college of partners. And new tools because we shall have to adapt the UdL administration council, its executive board and the operating rules and decision-making rules accordingly. We shall also put in place an academic senate, involving the university community more directly both in thinking processes and actions. At the same time, and to enable us to benefit from feedback on the actions we undertake, in September 2011 we will be creating a strategic steering committee (SSC). This will comprise 10 personalities who are external to the site and will sit intuitu personae; it will have an important advisory role in terms of the site’s medium and long-term strategy. Its presidency will be entrusted to Ms Marie-Claude Maurel, Administrator of the Institut Universitaire de France and President of the Council for the development of humanities and social sciences. Invited guests will sit, among them: the President of UdL, the President of the Foundation, the Managing Director of the Investments for the Future, representatives of national research institutes and representatives of local authorities.From mid-2009, UdL initiated an ongoing reflection on the evolution of the site’s organization. One of the main achievements of UdL is to have made possible that such a reflection take place, through the conception of common projects but also through daily cooperative functioning. Expressing the will to sustain this dynamic, the four universities’ administration councils adopted a motion favorable to this reorganization based on the experience accumulated since 2007, and in particular the extensive experience in cooperation between universities and schools. We thus propose to bring about this change, guiding us towards a new Grande Université Fédérale de Lyon which will federate members of UdL. This new university would not be a by-product of the UdL-catalyst but would give rise to the creation of a brand-new entity, in the face of which, as contracting authority, it would step aside. Within the prefiguration function, we will create a “constituent committee” to be responsible for coordinating the preparatory work for the future federal university system and ultimately proposing its configuration, which will be put to the vote of the administration councils of UdL and of the institutions involved in this process. Ultimately, these are the institutions that will have to make the choices, based on the committee’s proposals.


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Comment of the jury: “Their overall potential is higher than their ambitions”The Lyon Saint-Etienne, a center for innovation and creation IDEX project aims to act as a vector for the emergence of Lyon Saint Etienne as a campus of international renown. The aim is to contribute to developing the metropolitan area as a genuine, open and dynamic center for innovation and creation, in a highly competitive context. In order to meet this ambitious objective, the leader of the IDEX project, UdL, has decided to:

• Focus on two themes for which the site has a recognized, extensive skills set;

• Build up a “critical mass” on these two themes in order to stand out on the international stage alongside other major centers of excellence;

• Develop cross-disciplinary collaborations and place humanities and social sciences at the heart of the scientific project: innovation often niches at the interface between disciplines;

• Implement a strong policy on international attractiveness, which will notably result in the institution of selective strategic alliances and partnerships, and an audacious recruitment and integration policy;

• Launch an ambitious action to transform this higher education and research site, with the ultimate aim of constituting the new federation: Grande université fédérale de Lyon.

A- Better defined and more focused perimeter Recommendation of the jury: “Such a broad spectrum site requires an effort in focusing, in order to attain IDEX goals of excellence and institutional transformation”

A1- Creation of a consortium (see 3.2.1)Comment of the jury: “Support from CNRS, in spite of not being listed as partner”

The composition of the group of partners submitting the project has been entirely revised: The IDEX is now submitted in the name of a coherent and solid consortium, under which each partner will use their potential to ensure success of the project. UdL is the lead university institution on the project. The two main national research institutes, CNRS and INSERM, as well as competitive clusters with an international vocation, Axelera, and Lyon Biopôle, the Carnot Institute Ingénierie@Lyon, the Hospices Civils de Lyon and the Centre Léon-Bérard (Cancer research center) are all co-applicants under the consortium. Opening up the project to the CNRS and the INSERM is an obvious step given the density of their presence across the site and of existing partnerships, as shown in their support for the EquipEx and LabEx projects. The inclusion of two competitive clusters reflects the importance of these structures of which the UdL and/or its members are trustees. These clusters already play a vital role in developing relationships between laboratories, education and training institutions, and businesses. They are also involved in the IRT and IEED operations which play a key role in structuring the site, and in which the UdL also participates fully. As for the inclusion of the Carnot Institute, this demonstrates the excellence of technological engineering on the site. The Carnot Institute I@L has just passed the renewal process with flying colors and is supported by the UdL institutions. The Lyon Saint-Etienne site also participates in numerous other Carnot Institutes: the French association of Carnot Institutes has therefore chosen Lyon as the location for its annual conferences. Finally, the inclusion of the Hospices Civils de Lyon and the Centre Léon Bérard represents the importance of the health sector across the site, as well as the clinical aspects and development


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of healthcare systems. The IDEX is truly a collective project, which will act as a forum for experimenting reinforced levels of cooperation as an impetus for changes to our university structure.

A2- Scientific perimeter focused on 2 themes (see 3.2.3)

Comment of the jury: “More focusing is needed on the essentials of the proposal, as otherwise the resources will be too diluted”

A2.1: Refocusing the themes

The creation of the consortium goes hand in hand with a refocusing of the scientific perimeter on 2 themes (instead of 4): Global health and society; Sciences and engineering for sustainable development (see 3.2.3).This focusing means that the IDEX will primarily mobilize six UdL member institutions both in budget terms and through the range of interventions implemented across all actions (Université Lyon 1, Université Lyon 2, Université de Saint-Etienne, ENS de Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, INSA de Lyon). Eight other institutions will be solicited for specific projects only, but will be asked to contribute significantly to these (Université Lyon 3, EM Lyon, ENTPE, ENSMSE, ENISE, Sciences Po Lyon, CPE, VetAgroSup Lyon).

This refocusing also translates into a preferential geographic organization (see 1.3). UdL will naturally continue with its mission to coordinate cooperation between the 18 member institutions and across all campuses. Above all, UdL will be responsible for managing the ripple effect induced by the IDEX.

A2.2: Exceptional potential for development

These two themes express a high overall potential for development across the metropolitan area both in terms of research, education and innovation. They also constitute a remarkable source of job creation and business activities, directly linked to innovation.

Global health and society:

The site occupies center stage at European level thanks to the critical mass of stakeholders. Its leadership is particularly strong in the fields of oncology and infectious diseases as well as cardiovascular, neurosciences, metabolism, nutrition, transplant and aging, high profile sectors in which a genuine dynamic has been created. The Lyon Saint-Etienne site has the very highest levels of potential in industrial, academic and clinical research and top class higher education. Its industrial strength should also be emphasized, based on the long-standing presence of world leaders (Sanofi Pasteur, Biomérieux, Mérial, Merck) and innovative SMEs (Genzyme, GenOway or Flamel Technology) positioned in high growth sectors. The stakeholders have combined their efforts over the last few years to reinforce their target position, their will to scale up by adopting an interdisciplinary approach (the association of chemistry, modeling and humanities and social sciences with life sciences) and the close partnerships developed between industrial firms and academic institutes. The site's ambition is to become an international reference in biosciences. The IDEX, acting as an assembling structure, constitutes a key means of reaching this objective. To this end the IRT LyonBioTech will be deployed in Gerland (over 40,000 m²), a major center for innovation in biosciences and biotechnologies which will bring together: 3,300 researchers and engineers working in biotech firms, as well as 750 academic researchers working in exceptional laboratories (e.g. the P4 laboratory), the international competitive cluster Lyonbiopole and its innovation platforms (the Centre of Infectious Diseases and AcCInov), as well as the UdL Charles Mérieux campus (Université Lyon 1 and ENS de Lyon) labeled under Operation Campus.


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Sciences and engineering for sustainable development: The metropolitan area is a reference in terms of eco-technologies represented by the high density of scientific, educational and business activities in five sectors: chemistry and cleantech, transport and mobility, urban engineering and sustainable area planning, innovative materials-processes-products, environmental engineering and analysis. This potential is deployed across five sites, two of which are emblematic of activity in these sectors:

− The LyonTech Ecocampus (25,000 students, 40% of the site’s scientific potential with 1,500 researchers and 1,300 PhD students), an Operation Campus laureate, which will host the IEED actions. It is a center of reference, notably in terms of analytical and structural chemistry, but also in environmental engineering and urban development. It will include a “city of analysis and environment” (CLEA) almost unique in Europe (which will bring together the center for high field NMR, ISA (Institute for Analytical Sciences) and the CEMAGREF). It will host around 50 SMEs in dedicated business incubators (over 13,000 m² of floor surface) and will create a significant dynamic for economic development. Numerous high performance scientific and technological platforms (Axel’One, Provademse) are planned, as well as a project center intended to accommodate multi-partner innovation operations.

− The Chemistry Valley represents a total of 6,500 employees, including 1,600 researchers in the energy sector, new low carbon processes and environmental management, around 25% of France’s chemistry R&D potential. It is home to three major international groups: Rhodia, Arkema and Total, as well as the IFPEN research center.

The collaborations developed between academic and socio-economic stakeholders will operate through competitive clusters: Axelera (green chemistry), LUTB (transport and sustainable mobility), Tenerrdis (renewable energies) and ViaMéca (surface treatment). The actions planned for this theme are developed along the following lines:

• Reinforced attractiveness and international reputation and an accelerated dynamic for innovation by pursuing the work to structure the LyonTech-la Doua, and Ecully Lyon-Ouest campuses, Chemistry Valley and the Manufacture Plaine Achille in Saint-Etienne (specialized in materials, surfaces and interfaces, and home to the Manutech LabEx and EquipEx). The Charles Mérieux campus, via the IMU LabEx, will develop its potential in terms of sustainable urban planning.

• Making these sites forums for experimentation, where researchers and businesses can deploy full-scale innovative solutions.

• Developing inter-disciplinary collaborations and new educational courses (e.g. the creation of innovative courses in biotechnologies/chemistry in partnership with the Infectious Diseases Centre in Lyon and the creation of the « Altervilles » (Altercities) master’s). (see 3.3.3)

The new scientific perimeter of the IDEX will also apply to the applications currently being prepared for submission (see 3.2.2).

A2.3: A cross-cutting issue and emerging themes

A same issue, which underpins all scientific questioning, is cross-cutting these two themes: the “Modeling of complex systems”, which has been the focus of two selected EquipEx and two LabEx. Within this framework, we propose to create, in partnership with Grenoble, a new European Institute for Systems Biology & Medicine (EISBM) (see 3.2.3). This is part of our will to anticipate the necessary renewal of the IDEX within our scientific choices. Besides EISBM, we thus propose the following actions:


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- Transport and mobility: in partnership with IFSTTAR research institute and LUTB competitive cluster, following on from the Sciences and engineering for sustainable development theme, the CRT-Lyon (Lyon Center for Transport Research) will be created, built on the European model of networks of excellence. It aims to stimulate multi-disciplinary research focused on the challenges and transformations faced by transport systems and mobility practices. - Nutritional and health: in connection with Global health and society theme, the European center of nutrition for health (CENS) will be created.

- Education and training: considering its acknowledged potential, the site believes in forming a new center of reference in this global social theme, where innovation should play a full part.

B. Targeted international action

The UdL's lack of international renown (Grade C in International and European policy) is no doubt primarily due to the very recent creation of this umbrella brand, established in 2007. To resolve this situation, the IDEX will be based on the strong links already established by the UdL institutions, and will develop a targeted international policy (see 3.3.1), focusing on several partnerships which will increase the already high levels of cooperation. Cross-referencing the results of the site’s LabEx, existing associations with international laboratories (see map in 3.3.1), the International Mixed Units in partnership with the CNRS, the implantation of CNRS offices overseas, and also joint-PhD programs (over 500 for 2009-2010), joint diplomas and master’s, as well as Erasmus Mundus program (4 labeled master’s and 2 PhD in the project phase), will make it possible to draw up a map of the following international targets:

• Europe: the Lake Geneva region of Switzerland, Bade Wurtemberg in Germany, Lombardy and Piedmont in Italy, Catalonia in Spain;

• China: Beijing, and above all, Shanghai where we are currently developing a platform for a permanent UdL presence in liaison with 4 national universities in Shanghai;

• Japan: Universities of Tokyo and Tohoku in Sendai;

• Canada: Quebec and Ontario-Ottawa;

• The United States: State Universities of Pennsylvania;

• Brazil: Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. These partnership zones broadly cover the targets determined by the local authorities (Rhône-Alpes region and Grand Lyon) who strongly support the site’s international policy, notably through mobility grants and program funding. These targets also form part of the IRT and IEED’s international strategy.

Within this network of partner sites, researchers, teacher-researchers and students will be able to move around fluidly under a framework of coordinated programs. The aim is to develop international masters, as well as the Erasmus Mundus master’s and PhDs in relation to the perimeter of IDEX (see 3.3.3 and 3.3.4). The current percentage of overseas PhD students (42% in the UdL doctoral schools) will also be increased by drawing up a systematic policy of joint-PhD programs. This internationalization of the education offer will be backed up by a much stronger emphasis on teaching in English. In order to encourage this development, financial support will be provided for mobility and contributions will be made to tuition fees conjointly with overseas partner institutions. Furthermore, the UdL institutions have high levels of involvement in Francophone networks, for example, the network of the 12 Francophonie Senghor chairs or even the engineering sciences and Francophone network of excellence (RESCIF). Within the French-speaking world, Madagascar stands out as a target of particular relevance to the IDEX in the context


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of a development approach. A joint international laboratory (Institute of Chemistry and Molecular and Supramolecular Biochemistry and Microbial Ecology) was therefore set up at the University of Antananarivo, with joint-PhDs and student mobility being developed in the field of health and engineering for sustainable development (water and sanitation, energy, waste). This action, conducted in partnership with the Mérieux Foundation, aims to make the IDEX a cross-cutting development stakeholder intervening, in addition to specific scientific themes, in the fields of the training of trainers and health.

C. HR policy and attractiveness (see 3.3.1)

The attractiveness of the UdL at international level is today a reality, but one which falls short of our ambitions. Our PhD program can certainly be considered as fully international: 30 to 65% foreign doctoral and post-doctoral students in our doctoral schools, 500 joint PhD awarded in 2009-10, representing almost 10% of all PhD students. However, overseas researchers and teachers represent at best a mere 20% of the overall potential in some institutions. UdL is still underequipped in terms of host structures for foreign students such as those set up under the Collegium de Lyon, a hub of the RTRA, part of the “Europe of Knowledge” network. Our ambition to increase the attractiveness of the Lyon Saint-Etienne site makes the deployment of a hosting and recruitment strategy an absolute necessity to ensure the best students, teachers, researchers, choose our metropolitan campus to study, work and implement their projects.

C1- A policy for hosting and recruiting talent This policy targets three populations in particular: i. students at master’s and PhD level who will go on to act as ambassadors for the UdL throughout the world; ii. junior staff - post-doctoral students working under temporary contracts (for 3-4 years), who will then serve as contacts in the network; iii. senior staff - young French, expatriate or foreign researchers who will set up research groups within the UdL and who are capable of rapidly obtaining prestigious contracts such as an ERC contract, or an ANR chair of excellence. This policy is intended to ensure that, at the end of a four-year period and for each of the scientific themes covered by the perimeter of the IDEX, 50% of PhD students come from overseas and ensure a sharp increase in the number of foreign researchers and teachers from our target countries.

Our talent recruitment policy will be implemented by means of two flagship initiatives:* Creation of 16 four-year packages to host junior and senior researchers working on the themes of the perimeter of excellence (see 3.6.1). The package will cover initial operating costs and provide selected candidates with the means for setting up a research group in the laboratories or project centers on the LyonTech-La Doua and Charles Mérieux campuses, designed as part of Operation Campus and which cover 10,000 m². It will consist of:

• An attractive salary and status adapted to the researcher’s specific circumstances; several formula will be experimented (temporary or permanent employment contract, induction etc.)

• A scientific environment in a LABEX, IRT etc.

• A team made up of at least two post-doctoral students and a technician,

• A guaranteed annual operating budget for the duration of the contracting period

• A corporate partnership.

The recruitment process will involve an international jury and will take the form of an international call for applications. The specifications for the call for applications will set out the full set of requirements, notably the obligation to obtain an ERC contract (or equivalent) for the period. It will be funded under a dual mechanism using a quota of the member institutions’ total positions vacant and commitments from corporate partners, through


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the Foundation for UdL, to support these recruitments. Given its experience as an IAS (Institute of Advance Studies), the Collegium de Lyon will be mandated as the contracting authority for this call for applications. * Mobilization of a significant number of positions to service the IDEX (see 3.6.2). Member institutions (for the duration of the project) will transfer responsibility and control of recruitment for 10% of their vacant positions to the IDEX executive committee, representing a potential 25 teacher-researcher positions, 12 support staff positions (engineers, administrative staff, technicians, operators, service and healthcare staff) and 20 PhD students each year. This recruitment will focus on IF structures and the emerging themes. This is an important first step in terms of centralizing the management of pooled resources.

C2- Hosting program and promotional policyThis recruitment policy will be completed by a hosting program for target populations, offering comprehensive, personalized assistance (see 3.3.1). Furthermore, a variety of promotional events will be organized to further the international reputation and attractiveness of the UdL: for example, two UdL Grand Prix will be created in SSH and pure sciences, and around 15 international scientific conferences will be held on themes related to the IDEX.

D. Economic partnerships, result exploitation and technology transfer Expanding the relationship between the worlds of academia and industry, and increasing technology transfer (Grade C in Economic partnerships, result exploitation and technology transfer) are key objectives of the IF projects. Amended document B (see 3.3.5) sets out in detail the substantial innovation potential of the Lyon Saint-Etienne site, which is France’s leading economic metropolis outside Paris.

IDEX intends to help achieve a major objective: make the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site into an innovation metropolis of international stature. There is a real potential for research and education here, and a dense economic fabric, both in terms of industry and high-quality metropolitan services: it consists of both SMEs and industrial groups of global stature, and comprises both industrial flagships (the so-called “Chemistry Valley”, Gerland Biopole, the Renault Trucks site, innovative SMEs involved in manufacturing, machining and design work, in Saint-Etienne), but also flagship service industries (Lyon’s Part-Dieu business district is the second-largest in France, after La Défense in Paris, and the Eastern Lyon logistics cluster is one of the largest and most innovative in Europe). There are 70,000 jobs in the field of health and life sciences, including 9,000 in R&D and higher education, 15,000 students and 36,000 hospital jobs; investments between 2004 and 2010 were worth €1 billion, i.e. 50% all industrial investments across the territory. In the field of “ecotechnology”, in the broad sense, 700 businesses represent a turnover of €1.7 billion and more than 13,000 jobs, plus more than 2,000 researchers and 15,000 students. There is also a local comprehensive innovation infrastructure: 13 competitive clusters, an innovative business incubator (Crealys), an post-incubator focused on support for entrepreneurs, an entrepreneurship support mechanism (EM Lyon), a pooled technology transfer mechanism (Lyon Science Transfert-LST, within the UdL), technology transfer services and subsidiaries of particular institutions, a metropolitan economic development agency (Aderly), a regional agency for developing innovation (Ardi), and a regional agency for international economic development (ERAI).

At the heart of the system, the stakeholders positioned to provide support for innovation have given a substantial stimulus to partnerships between research teams and the private sector. Indeed, the site can demonstrate a very strong dynamic and a volume of partnership income over €100 million per annum. Different structures are working together in this process : technology, transfer structures for UdL institutions involved in project engineering and management of collaborative research contracts and projects; Lyon Science Transfert, a


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pooled operator system for managing intellectual property and technology transfer on behalf of UdL members; Crealys, the French incubator with the most impressive track record (140 businesses created in 10 years, 60% linked with public research, 115 businesses being still active, and €90 million raised). All together, the site can demonstrate a very strong dynamic and a volume of partnership income in excess of €100 million per annum.This dynamism is also apparent in terms of professional training and sandwich courses (including apprenticeships), which are instrumental in terms of bringing economic stakeholders together with the academic world. Around the two themes, the development of innovation activities will give rise to new requirements, which will be met via a coherent training offer. Part of the response to these new requirements has already been identified and programmed into IEED and IRT projects, in partnership with the UdL. For example, a mixed “institutional-industrial” educational college will be created, involving both IRT and IDEX, in order to anticipate requirements, define specific teaching modules and promote the integration of PhD students into jobs within the business world. In the context of this partnership, students will be trained in entrepreneurship and innovation in the field of life sciences, and in “industrial life skills”. Training in entrepreneurship, which is undoubtedly one of the keys to success when it comes to innovation, will also be developed more comprehensively.

Buoyed up by this “capital”, and in light of this aim to intensify and diversify partnerships between the worlds of research and education and the socio-economic sphere, the IDEX will act as an “amplifier” of coherence, convergence and synergy. To perpetuate and stimulate these innovation facilities and transform them into a fully-fledged innovation ecosystem, more effective relationships must be built between all of the stakeholders involved. IDEX’s role will therefore be to ensure that the site has a coherent strategy, as far as the two themes selected are concerned. We want to turn the IDEX into an umbrella authority, in order to:- Enhance the research capacities and international attractiveness in places where the levels of investment are reaching unprecedented levels;

- Stimulate technology and research transfer by positioning a project that is emphatically open both to industrial stakeholders and academic partners, as exemplified by the new governance arrangements for IDEX (see 3.4.1) and by upgrading education and training in innovation and entrepreneurship. Note that IRT and IEED managers will be invited to sit as permanent members of the IDEX executive committee and will be the dedicated contacts for the future Managing Director for IF in charge of the IDEX project.The IDEX will supplement an unprecedented value chain that has been structured with a view to implementing major projects in the two flagship sectors of the site's economy. Document B (see 3.3.5) sets out the actions to be taken in order to enhance partnerships via the introduction of structuring collaborative actions (mobilization of Carnot Institutes, development of hôtels à projets) and development of innovative technology platforms: Axel One, Provademse.

The UdL has also submitted a SATT project, whose objectives are fully encompassed in the IDEX project. Without limiting itself to the perimeter of IDEX, the SATT is primarily based on the two themes of excellence. Consequently, the IDEX can take on the desired objective, which includes doubling within ten years the number of innovative projects detected each year (85 in year 1, 160 in year 10), generating revenue from the exploitation or transfer of intellectual property (€0.7 million in year 1; €7 million in year 5; €30 million in year 10) and creating 11 start-up businesses in year 1, and eventually 14 in year 10. In addition, since 2009, Lyon Science Transfert has begun to structure the technology transfer of humanities and social sciences by promoting the introduction of specific transfer tools for serving the needs of a multidisciplinary innovative ecosystem that is focused on providing consulting and other services to industry, local authorities and the service sector. IDEX will


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extend this initiative by ensuring that innovation through use and social innovation represent key areas of its development.The IDEX will also devote some of its own resources to this partnership initiative:

- Specific actions for each LabEx (average annual budget of €1.3 million) among the 12 LabEx proposed by the UdL. It should be noted that the exemplary participation of the industrial representatives in the UdL’s LabEx and EquipEx also constitutes a major asset for the future. By way of example, more than 60 companies from the healthcare sector will benefit from IVTV facility, while PHARE is being strongly supported by a number of major groups in the aeronautics and energy industries. EquipEx Manutech linked to LabEx Manutech-SISE is very strongly supported by the ViaMéca competitive cluster, and many businesses are involved in this.- A Doctor-Consultant scheme (20 positions for postdoctoral students in businesses, 50% of which will be financed by local authorities, representing a total budget of €500,000).

- An increase in the professional training and sandwich course offer (see 3.3.3), in accordance with the identified requirements for new skills (this identification process will be conducted in partnership with stakeholders such as IRT and IEED) and support for the IDEA project, around the theme of innovation.

E. Teaching: ambition and innovation (see 3.3.3)

Thanks to the diversity of higher education institutions involved and the wide range of disciplines on offer, the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site, more than any other, has long been developing interdisciplinary productions, cross-cutting training courses and dual diplomas, especially at the master’s degree and engineering levels. IDEX will support the improvement of PhD training courses, promote the internationalization of pathways and of teaching innovation and an opening up to businesses and other organizations.

E1- PhD policy (see 3.3.4)

Each year, 17 doctoral schools host 5,300 PhD students, 62% of whom belong to a doctoral school whose scientific support has been rated A+ by AERES. The IDEX project, which has adopted the PhD program as one of its main levers, will therefore set itself the objective of increasing this rate, by providing as many PhD students as possible with a first rate working environment. The second objective relates to the proportion of foreign students, which will have to rise from between 30 and 60% at present, depending on the PhD program concerned, to a minimum of 50% for each PhD course. Lastly, the third objective involves an increase in the quality of professional integration. To some extent, this set of objectives lies at the heart of our response in the context of our future five-year site contract with the State (especially as regards the monitoring of doctors graduating from the UdL). However, the IDEX enables us to go further, by proposing to turn the doctoral schools with the closest links to the perimeter of excellence, into pilot sites for these actions. The actions put in place are described in document B (see 3.3.4).

E2- The “Université de Lyon” master’s degree policySince 2008, UdL has developed four “international master’s degrees”. The objectives set by the IDEX project involve both: i. an improvement in the international nature of these training courses (so that at least 30% of students on all training courses will come from abroad by 2015, followed by a steady increase to the figure of 50%) by encouraging those who can apply for the Erasmus Mundus label to do so; ii. valorization of the link between the research and socio-economic worlds. The proposal is to consolidate and develop this approach in support of the perimeter of excellence, and in particular to create 7 new master’s degrees around the themes set by the LabEx, and with a strong link with the RTRA, CTRS and competitive clusters. (see 3.3.3) These training courses will be strongly interlinked with the


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site’s offer in terms of PhD programs, so as to propose integrated PhD pathways linking master’s and PhD courses.Furthermore, the wealth of the site covered by the IDEX consortium will be a decisive factor in reflecting on the emergence of new requirements for skills and thus for training courses, especially in the context of professional training and apprenticeships. The IDEX will therefore place particular emphasis on combined technical-scientific and entrepreneurial training courses; the introduction of the partnership platform of the IRT educational ecosystem around the theme of infectious diseases; and training for the managers of tomorrow, and raising their awareness of the new value chains created by the “Factory of the Future” concept.

E3- Educational innovation and experimentation policyThe UdL’s institutions have developed systems of training in innovation and entrepreneurship, which in many cases are linked to local structures providing support for the creation of new businesses (e.g. the INEXO platform, an industrial training facility where students learn how to manage SMEs using Lean Management techniques; the INELSE/Innovation and entrepreneurship project).

In IDEX, training in innovation and in entrepreneurship is being developed via the IDEA (Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship & Arts) project. Its deployment will help to ensure that Lyon Saint-Etienne becomes an innovation ecosystem and a world-class entrepreneurial hub within ten years. (see 3.3.3)IDEX will also turn Lyon Saint-Etienne into the European test-bed for the training of trainers, drawing on the site’s training and research potential, which is unique in France, and is apparent in an application for a UNESCO chair. (see 3.3.3)

F. Governance, resource allocation system and institutional transformationComment of the jury: “Governance, given the already positive experience of PRES, should be further developed with well-defined long-term goals. The foreseen difficulties should of course be taken into account”

F1- IDEX Governance (see 3.4.1)Recommendation of the jury: “More ambition and courage in putting in place a strong governance”


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IDEX will be provided with ad hoc project governance and an executive committee, made up of 9 members. This committee, which reflects the partnership of the submission consortium and is opening up to the Foundation for UdL, will take decisions relating to the implementation of the IDEX program and will monitor operations. It will constitute an identified and autonomous body within UdL. The governance structure of IDEX will benefit from the support of the Foundation for UdL.

F2- Resource allocation system

Comment of the jury: “Resource allocation mechanisms need strengthening”The resource allocation processes have been clarified and adapted to a more streamlined system of governance. The funds paid by the State to finance the IDEX will take the form of a separate budget within the Foundation for UdL. This separate budgetary unit status confers autonomy of governance within the Foundation (see 3.4.2)

F3- Audit of financial and management systems (see 3.4.4)IDEX is being monitored by putting in place control and evaluation procedures inspired by the framework of reference of France’s Financial Markets Authority (AMF).

F4- Institutional transformationRecommendation of the jury: “in spite of the impossibility of predicting the future, a more concrete vision of what LSE wants to be in 10 years from now is needed, also for guiding their decision procedures”

Our intention is that the IDEX will stimulate the site’s evolution because it constitutes a test-bed for experimenting possible new forms of cooperation amongst stakeholders, which in turn will give rise to transformations in the way this cooperation is organized, as it moves ahead towards the future federation “Grande Université fédérale de Lyon”. We are putting forward a timetable, procedure and tools that will enable us to put this in place (see 3.4.4).


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The “Lyon/Saint-Etienne Initiative d’Excellence (IDEX)” is structured across four levels of action which reflect a desire to create a positive dynamic on the site which will lead to long-term progress across all higher education and research activities and not simply add yet another structure to the frameworks currently in place.3.1.1 THE EXCELLENCE PERIMETER

In section 3.2.3 we will present the scientific details of the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site's current perimeter of excellence which demonstrates our ability to organize this project. It is mainly structured around the two key areas described above, which reflect our scientific and educational profile. From an academic point of view, this perimeter of excellence can be seen in our proposals for the EquipEx and LabEx calls for proposals. However, it also underpins submissions for other calls for proposals (IRT, IHU, IEED). This perimeter cannot be considered as a fixed parameter and we hope the IDEX will become an incubator for future centers of excellence. This means that the site must be able to take risks and see them through both in terms of its strategic policy, with upstream consultation with the State, and in terms of the commitments resulting from the Investments for the Future (IF).3.1.2 CREATING A NETWORK OF “NODES AND CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE”

In addition to the projects led by UdL and set out in our proposals, the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site has proposed a series of projects across the IF fields and notably for the IRT, IHU etc. The aim of the IDEX will be to create a network linking all these projects as well as what we have called “nodes (EquipEx and LabEx, Health and Biotech facilities), and centers (IRT, IHU, IEED) of excellence”. This task has been taken on by UdL who is responsible for assembling the IF proposals. In practice, this has taken the form of a collective approach involving the UdL, the competitive clusters Lyon Biopole and Axelera, and the Hospices Civils de Lyon, to draw up the sections on education, research transfer and international attractiveness for the IRT, IHU and IEED projects. In this context the IDEX is intended to act as an umbrella authority. To this end the IDEX operational team will act to federate and lead the site network and will operate through a number of bodies open to all stakeholders across the territory.3.1.3 THE STRATEGY AND LEVERS WHICH WILL ALLOW THE IDEX TO BECOME A DYNAMIC DRIVING FORCE INITIATING A RIPPLE EFFECT ACROSS ALL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES

It is important that the intensive work carried out on the “nodes and centers of excellence” creates a positive dynamic for advancing other areas of activity not directly targeted by the IDEX, or more generally by the IF. In order to achieve this, the IDEX will use a range of levers (the key levers are described in greater detail in section 3.3):Attractiveness policy: An ambitious attractiveness policy, based on an integration and recruitment strategy will be developed to ensure the best students, researchers and teacher-researchers from France and abroad can choose to study, work and implement their projects on our campus. This policy will be based on the IDEX’s international policy (see section 3.3.1).

Scientific policy: In addition to the support for projects recognized under the IDEX, we will implement a policy to support emerging themes, in line with the priorities for the local area, in order to exploit and revive our scientific and technological potential.


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PhD policy: The UdL PhD should become an international reference both in terms of scientific rigor and employability. This action will in turn energize all the courses offered, structured under a reference PhD (P-M-B system1).Training policy: The revival of excellence cannot occur without adopting new approaches to education focused on innovation and creativity. This is a mission for all the higher education institutions, the IDEX is not mandated to implement or assess the courses offered by these institutions. The IDEX will therefore provide support for innovation in the field of education, notably by favoring open and multi-disciplinary course pathways, offered according to the site’s human resources which will contribute to its attractiveness on an international level. With this in mind the IDEX will notably develop “Université de Lyon labeled master’s”, as well as unique courses offered in partnership by all the UdL institutions, and interventions in the field of lifelong learning (in liaison with corporate partners).

Innovation and creativity support policy: Innovation and creativity should be the fundamental premises on which both our educational courses and our approach to research and technical transfer processes are built. The UdL intends to become a natural melting pot of innovation and creativity, by adopting a cross- and multi-disciplinary approach to education and research which is also based on inter- and multiculturalism. This is the premise on which we have developed our approach to creating the Lyon/Saint-Etienne ecosystem.Links to society: Innovation around the development, dissemination and sharing of knowledge to shift the traditional approach to scientific culture and give society back its role in developing and sharing knowledge, for example by setting up processes which allow citizens to question the academic and scientific community. We feel that the restoration of dialogue between science and society is a decisive issue given the increasing lack of trust between citizens and the scientific community.

Knowledge access and processing infrastructure: Firmly anchored in its geographical area UdL has undergone extensive reorganization which means it is today structured across several, mostly thematic, campuses. The Lyon Cité Campus project (the site’s proposal for the Operation Campus initiated by the State) and the urban plan for university development are the scientific and concrete expression of this structure. The aim of the IDEX is to reinforce this approach, notably concerning infrastructure for accessing and processing knowledge. The IDEX includes one priority infrastructure, the cloud of datacenters.The IDEX should not therefore be reduced to a supervisory and leadership role. It should also constitute a space for working to constantly adjust the site’s strategy, and thereby define shared objectives across the geographical area in terms of research, education and technical transfer. The purpose of this is to guarantee that the Investment for the Future makes a genuine contribution to creating a positive dynamic in the local, regional and national society and economy.

This strategic thinking is a requirement of the call for proposals: “This action has a structuring and integrating role for French stakeholders in higher education and research. It is based on the long term and a dynamic of evolution and transformation of higher education, research and innovation systems. The IDEX will thereby ensure the extension and development of a perimeter of excellence and initiate a dynamic for structuring the site by implementing innovative research and education actions under the framework of a renewed, high performance system of governance.”This structuring role is the basis for the final level of our project.

1PhD-Master’s- Bachelor’s


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3.1.4 THE NEXT STEP IN THE PROCESS OF CHANGING THE UDLUdL has been chosen to assemble the IF proposals. At the heart of the UdL, the IDEX will ensure the continuity of this approach but will also guarantee the structuring and integrating role of higher education and research stakeholders. This defines the final level of our project, which aims to lead the thinking required in order to define the steps which must be taken to attain the objective of restructuring the university landscape across the Lyon/Saint-Etienne from a structural point of view. At this stage of the project, we are envisaging the possible conditions for creating a federal university, a new concept in France. In this area we will give pride of place to innovation and experimentation.

UdL can today be seen as leading the prefiguration of this federal system but does not dispose of the resource or the skills required to create such a structure. The transition towards this federal university will take time and the description below detail: the main characteristics of this new structure, the consultation process which will be rolled out as of 2011, and the role the IDEX will play in this process.

1) Towards a new establishmentThe next logical step in the development of our university site is to reinforce our collective approach using a set of both technical, and most importantly, strategic levers. These levers will constitute the future institution’s expertise and include:

* An assets management vision which naturally follows on from the changes already made under the Lyon Cité Campus project and the University Development Plan (defined in liaison with the Grand Lyon conurbation);* The strategy for document management and access: the university site should offer optimal access to its resources which are currently dispersed across the different UdL member institution sites (this does not necessarily mean they must be physically grouped but that shared strategies should be adopted and a harmonized access system implemented);

* The management of information technology network and administrative infrastructures is another area which should of course be subject to a collective approach as is already the case on certain sites such as the Campus LyonTech-la Doua.Although these examples are still in the early stages, they show that a gradual delegation of strategic responsibilities and administrative procedures is a real possibility for what are commonly known as support services. However, pooling these services does not in itself require an overhaul of the architecture of the Lyon/Saint-Etienne university system. This overhaul is intended to implement joint responsibilities at a more strategic level with the aim of meeting the site’s new objectives and challenges.

These more strategic responsibilities include, of course, the traditional responsibilities of higher education institutions: education, research, technology transfer, international policy and partnerships, student life. Furthermore, these different areas of action cannot be developed without the right human resources management. All these themes should be considered when discussing how responsibilities are shared between the future institution and its constituent parts. Thinking about each of these themes should make it possible to strike a balance which will allow researchers and teacher-researchers, as well as UdL member institutions, to maintain the levels of independence and the freedom of action they need. However, this balance should also provide the umbrella authority with genuine powers to ensure it can activate levers to bring about collective commitments.

It is also important to rethink the relationship between the way the site operates and how national research bodies operate.


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2) A consultation and maturation processA reform of this scope requires the broadest possible consultation process. This consultation should not be limited to the academic community (in all senses, both as a community of institutions and a community of individuals). This is why this process will also include an outside perspective (the Strategic Steering Committee – SSC) and a regional perspective represented by the Foundation of UdL.As a precursor of the system to come, we will create a “constituent committee” mandated to coordinate all the preparatory work for the future federal university system and in fine to propose its configuration which will be put to the vote of the administration councils of UdL and of the institutions involved in the process. Given the importance of this work, the group will include the Presidents and directors of institutions, 25 members elected from the members’ boards and invited members (with no right to vote) representing UdL’s partners.

The constituent group will be based on five working groups of 25 people (on organization and governance, higher education and training, research and technology transfer, attractiveness and partnership, student life and campus life) formed from the boards of the member institutions and enhanced with outside experts who will suggest strategic topics for constituent group debates and votes. We will also create a cross-sector working group,a “social action group”, composed solely of UdL managers and trade union representatives from the member institutions, to debate labor relations.

Finally, we will also set up an academic senate to involve the university community more closely in the debate and the actions implemented. This process will result in a decision on how the new institution will be composed and organized, in line with the objectives in the current five-year contract between the State and the higher education institutions governed by the Ministry for Higher Education and Research (MESR), which also corresponds to the end of the IDEX trial period.

3) The rôle of the IDEXIn parallel, we propose a complete overhaul of UdL as of 1st January 2012 to give the consortium a new role, a new structure and new instruments. A new role, because UdL will lead the prefiguration of the federal university system we wish to create and will therefore be responsible for preparing, organizing and steering this process of change. A new structure, as we would like all the members of the IDEX submission consortium to become fully-fledged members of UdL as part of a college of partners. New instruments, as we will adapt the UdL's administration council accordingly, as well as its board and its operating and decision-making procedures.

After this first stage of the transformation, we intend to experiment collective decision-making procedures in key strategic areas such as research or human resources (see more detail on this point in section 3.6.2). This type of experimentation requires a flexible framework which does not require any changes to the UdL statutes. The main shared responsibilities we intend to test form the core of the IDEX project (the definition of a scientific strategy for the site, human resources management, development of the education offer in collaboration with our partners etc.). Whilst it will not prefigure the “Grande Université fédérale de Lyon”, the IDEX will act as a forum for experimentation during this period.Support from the Foundation and supervision by the SSC will allow UdL to gradually take on its latest form: The Federal University of Lyon.

These procedures are recapitulated in the diagram below:


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3.2.1 PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT LEADER (INCLUDING THE LEGAL STATUS)The consortium supporting the proposal is composed of:

Higher education and research institutions: Université de LyonResearch institutes: CNRS, INSERM

Other: Hospices Civils de Lyon, competitive clusters Lyonbiopole and Axelera, Centre Léon Bérard, Institut Carnot Ingénierie @ LyonA short description of the partners is included below.

1) Université de Lyon

UdL is an Etablissement Public de Coopération Scientifique (EPCS - Public Institution for Scientific Cooperation2). UdL is taking its place as a forum for planning a joint policy on higher education and research and getting the greatest possible value out of that policy. Its training programs are now backed by all partners of the Lyon/Saint Etienne metropolitan area. Various structural entities, including the CTRS (Thematic Research and Healthcare Center), the RTRA (Advanced Thematic Research Network), and the competitive clusters, pertaining to projects involving large numbers of public and private research partners, systematically include the metropolitan area’s higher education and research institutions.

2 A more detailed presentation of this public institution has been included on the previous version of the document


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The ambition of the Lyon/Saint-Etienne metropolitan area is to move rapidly into the Top 15 European metropolitan areas. This ambition can only be achieved by basing the metropolitan area’s development policy on a university of international prominence and renown, that is well-connected to the corporate sector, and solidly anchored in the Lyon/Saint-Etienne metropolitan area. With this in mind, Lyon was France’s first urban area to draw up a university master plan3, in partnership with Grand Lyon.The university master plan aims to ensure, or at least to reinforce, comprehensive coverage and synergies between higher educational institutions, as an urban and social function, and the corporate sector and civil society. It demonstrates the value of the pro-active process of consolidation and networking undertaken by UdL:

• Charles Mérieux Campus: A multi-center campus to organize crossover between biosciences, humanities and social sciences;

• LyonTech-La Doua Campus: Open up to the city and consolidate an international campus of excellence centered on environmental technologies and post-carbon engineering;

• Lyon Healthcare Est Campus: A European cluster for biomedical training and research;

• Porte des Alpes Campus: A campus at the crossroads of humanities and local planning;

• Lyon Ouest-Ecully Campus: the UdL’s “sciences-business-innovation entrepreneurship” campus;

• Vaulx-en-Velin Campus: A campus focused on urban design and management (from the technical object to the geographical area);

• Saint-Etienne Campus: A campus focused on the manufacturing processes of the future and creative industries.

The events that are currently unfolding, including the broadening of the scope to include the greater Lyon/Saint Etienne metropolitan area and IF policy, provide a more solid framework for the academic strategy, with obvious and attractive anchors that bring together key elements, including thematic focus, first-rate facilities, the optimization and quality of services, urban organization and synergies with local and regional stakeholders.Its location within the greater Lyon metropolitan area reflects UdL and its members’ commitment to a regional policy, as set out in the Regional Higher Education and Research master plan. This plan is led and funded massively by the Rhône-Alpes region (which also funds real-estate operations via a CPER (central/regional government contract) and supports the Operation Campus initiatives and complementary projects). Finally it should be noted that UdL entered into and signed a partnership agreement in December 2010 with the Rhône administrative département, which also supports our infrastructure strategy (along with our policy to foster dialogue between science and businesses).


The National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) a public-sector research body under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research is the main multi-disciplinary research institution in France.

The CNRS in Lyon and Saint Etienne, has 87 units working in 90 operational research and service structures making the CNRS the UdL’s most federative partner. The CNRS has 2,300 members of staff working across the site a third of whom are temporary staff (PhD students,

3The full text of the university master plan (in French) is available at https://extranet.universite-lyon.fr/prj/GrandEmprunt/idex


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temporary contracts, ANR, industry, Europe), researchers and Engineer technicians (48% researchers and 52% Engineer Technicians).Locally, the CNRS is particularly heavily involved in two areas which correspond to the IDEX’s key areas of strength: Global health and society (cancer, infectious diseases, neurosciences, the health-society relationship) and Sciences and engineering for sustainable development (biological systems, multi-scale modeling, energy networks).

Ambitious projects are being built around these key areas, often led by federal structures under which laboratories, networks or labeled structures of which the CNRS is a member, collaborate: Instituts Carnot, RTRA, RTRS, competitive clusters.The CNRS is also a founding member of the Axelera competitive cluster, the only cluster in France in which it has this role.

The CNRS participates in all IF projects including the EquipEx (Manutech-USD, PHARE and IVTV as well as the SENS Ultra-High Field NMR mixed unit CNRS/Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon), cohorts, and national biology and health infrastructures etc., through its laboratories or by providing institutional support. The CNRS has supported 8 labeled LABEX under which 75% of the laboratories involved are jointly-run with the CNRS and 90% of the units leading the projects are mixed structures. Furthermore, the CNRS is also fully involved in the Axelera IEED INDEED project as well as the IRT project of the international cluster Lyonbiopole.

On the Lyon-St Etienne site, the CNRS is also a major stakeholder with regard to relations between public-sector research and the socio-economic sector. It manages half of the site’s contracts, and is a member of the GIE Carnot Ingénierie@Lyon, member of the Créalys business incubator and partner of the regional technology transfer structure Lyon Science Transfert. This, along with the need to ensure connections between the different technology transfer support structures, explains why the CNRS is closely involved in the consultation process on the SATT project.


Founded in 1964, Inserm (the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) is a public scientific and technological institute which operates under the joint authority of the French Ministry of Health and French Ministry of Research. As the only French public research institute to focus entirely on human health, in 2008 the Inserm took on the responsibility for the strategic, scientific and operational coordination of biomedical research. The Institute is a major partner of UdL especially regarding the lead theme of Global health and society. Inserm has 63 laboratories across Lyon Saint-Etienne, employing 1,500 people including 680 Inserm employees, contract and statutory workers. The flagship themes of the Inserm Lyon Saint-Etienne are as follows: cancer, neurosciences, infectious diseases and immunology, nutrition, metabolism, cardio- vascular.

A member of the Lyon Biopôle, competitive cluster, the Inserm is also a member of 4 Foundations for Scientific Cooperation: Finovi (infectious diseases), NeuroDis (neurological disabilities), Synergie cancer and Centaure (research and healthcare network dedicated to transplantation). The Inserm is a partner in the two LabEx of the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site: DEVWECAN and CeLya.

4) Lyonbiopole

Lyonbiopole is an international competitive cluster accredited in 2005. A center of excellence in vaccines and diagnostics, it is focused on the fight against human and animal infectious diseases and cancers. Its main objectives are to set up a “health protection zone” to protect the


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populations and define innovative diagnostic, preventative and therapeutic approaches and their administrative systems.Lyonbiopole has established the following priorities:

- Speed up innovation as a vector for corporate competitive- Strengthen public/private-sector R&D collaborations and attract both European and international private and public-sector funding

- Support the economic activities of SMEs and develop strategic international partnerships (the Technological and International Partnership Program supported 27 SMEs in 2010) Provide specialized host facilities.

- Strive for excellence as a vector for attracting investment and talent.- Build on the excellence of local academic research into infectious diseases and in life sciences more generally speaking

- Work towards the convergence of bio- and micro-nanotechnologies- Draw up a major innovative and federative scientific and technological project by shifting the nature and quality of the relationships between partners.

Since 2005, Lyonbiopole has labeled 87 multi-partner R&D projects representing an overall investment of €459 million including €187 million in public-sector investment obtained from the State, the local authorities, OSEO and the European Community. Lyonbiopole is also the leader of the IRT project which is part of our collective response to the IF program.

5) Axelera

AXELERA, the Lyon Rhône-Alpes Chemistry and Environment competitive cluster was created in 2005 bringing together local stakeholders in industry, academic and research to facilitate the construction of a global industrial and scientific network that combines chemistry and environment for innovation. The AXELERA strategy is based on 5 themes:

- Factory of the future, to develop “clean processes”- Green chemistry, to develop materials from bio-resources

- Recycling & material recyclability, to develop recycling processes and new materials- Protection of natural resources, with water, air, soil preservation & treatment

- Chemistry & Environment for market applications in the field of building, transport and energy.AXELERA has more than 210 members to date, 2/3 from industry (half of which are SMEs), and 1/3 from academic laboratories or training organizations. In six years, with the involvement of both academic and industrial stakeholders, 122 R&D collaborative projects have been certified by AXELERA and financed by public grants, representing an overall budget of €409 million.

Lyon - Saint Etienne University has been a key stakeholder in the cluster since its creation. Indeed AXELERA benefits from the support and expertise of this university in both academic and research areas with the involvement of well-known laboratories specialized in catalysis, processes, analysis and green chemistry. It results in many academic-industrial collaborations developed through collaborative projects. Strategic Platform and Institute projects are currently under development.* AXELONE is a collaborative platform for innovation initiated by AXELERA to share technological equipment resources (halls, labs, offices), from laboratory scale (Campus) to industrial scale (Chemistry Valley), dedicated to clean processes and innovative materials.


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* PROVADEMSE is a platform certified by AXELERA, dedicated to the sustainable management of water, raw materials and energy.* INDEED an Institute, part of the IF program IEED, with the ambition to develop the factory of the future and focus on low carbon processes development.

AXELERA has also supported IMU and iMUST LabEx which are connected in a cluster strategy.

6) Hospices Civils de Lyon

The Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) is a public institution and the second largest University Hospital in France. The HCL include five hospitals clusters spread across the city of Lyon and have an annual budget of €1,354 billion, with a total of more than 20,000 employees, including 2,754 physicians, and 5,335 beds. Every day, the HCL receives 530 emergencies, and manages 470 new in-hospital patients and 2,360 outpatient visits. Their professionals dispose of numerous assets, with the latest and most advanced equipment, dedicated daily to one single mission: to contribute to the continuous improvement of health not only in Lyon but globally.The Hospices Civils de Lyon is the administrative arm of healthcare delivery in Lyon. These hospitals are tertiary centers with responsibility for acute and chronic diseases. The centers integrate all the various medical and allied health disciplines and carry out a wide range of human, technical and logistical tasks to ensure that healthcare, teaching, research and medical innovation, prevention and education are performed to the very highest level. HCL today includes 15 facilities that provide specialized multidisciplinary or major missions.

The HCL provides efficient healthcare through a coordinated pool of expertise that spans all clinical specialties. In order to address the individual needs of each patient, its 17 member hospitals include institutions with cross-disciplinary expertise, others with a more specialized focus and a number of geriatric care centers.The scientific activity of the HCL is coordinated with Université Lyon 1 and Inserm. HCL is currently a scientific partner of UdL. HCL is the leader of two IHU projects as part of our collective response to the IF program.

7) Centre Léon Bérard

The Centre Leon Bérard (CLB) is the regional center of reference for cancer treatment. It is a private non-profit organization and is positioned as a public-service, university hospital that belongs to the French Federation of Cancer Centers (FNCLCC).

In the last two decades, the CLB has developed professional structures dedicated to the management of the clinical research programs so that patients may benefit from the latest therapeutic innovations available. The CLB is rated as the second French cancer center in terms of the number of patients recruited into trials. It was labeled as an early phase clinical trial center in 2011 by the French National Cancer Institute. Recently, the CLB has made major efforts to develop applied and fundamental research, through the launching of well equipped translational platforms (Pôle des Sciences Cliniques) and strong support for the Lyon Cancer Research Center. The Pôle des Sciences Cliniques is devoted to translational research, from basic, translational and clinical research.

The Lyon Cancer Research Center is dedicated to basic research in oncology. Affiliated to the Inserm, CNRS, UCBL and with the CLB and the Hospices Civils de Lyon as hospital partners, the aim of the CRCL is to increase international recognition and the attractiveness of the research cluster, to facilitate the transfer of knowledge gained from cancer research to clinical application in oncology and to develop teaching and training. This Center, evaluated


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A+ by the AERES in 2010, brings together 16 research teams organized in 3 departments (“Tumoral Escape”, “Information flow in the cancer cell” and “Immunity, Microenvironment, Virus”). These teams participated in the creation of the Foundation for Scientific Cooperation “Synergie Lyon Cancer” in 2007 following the Ministry of Research and Higher Education’s nationwide call for proposals and, very recently, in the setting up of the “DEVweCAN” LabEx project (“Development, Cancer and targeted therapies”).

8) Institut Carnot Ingénierie at Lyon

The Carnot institutes are the French version of the Fraunhofer institutes. It is a national label which gives financial support to invest in basic research to the laboratories which are most efficient with respect to the industrial relationships. This label was given at I@L for the first time in 2007 and has just been renewed for 5 more years.

The strategy of I@L is to promote and develop engineering science in UdL. The basic scientific strategy is based on the following idea: that science develops from social issues, to answer to the questions of social bodies and industry. I@L groups together 12 laboratories (10 of them being CNRS UMR) from Lyon 1 (2) Ecole Centrale de Lyon (4) INSA de Lyon (6): all these labs have been evaluated A by AERES and four of them are A+. It is interesting to note that these four laboratories are also the most efficient, within I@L, in terms of research work undertaken in partnership with companies. The I@L has 474 permanent full-time equivalent contracts and 491 temporary contracts including 400 PhD students. Its total budget is €61.7 million. In 2010, the institute signed €16.6 million of contracts involving companies (27% of the consolidated budget) and €9.4 million of direct industrial contracts (15%). The strategy of the Carnot is defined by a “steering committee” which includes four laboratory directors, the institutions and four industrial partners.

The main effect of this Carnot institute was the construction of a strong engineering community on the Lyon site. Also, it was the first inter-institutional structure to be allocated high levels of resources, which helped for the next steps in the construction of a more collective vision of Lyon site. Some keys to this success can be seen in the existence of MEGA doctoral school and its policy of providing research allocations on the sole basis of excellence: this decision led to respect for the quality of the laboratories and a genuine understanding of colleagues.The Carnot I@L therefore has significant experience in terms of links with the industrial economic sector. It also strongly supports links with small start ups born out of research laboratories to invent new markets and create economic activity.


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List of the acronyms used in this section.

Acronym Extended name Acronym Extended name

Cetim Centre technique des Industries mécaniques

Chu-SE Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Saint-Etienne

CLB Centre Léon Bérard Cnrs Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Cnsmd Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse

Ecl Ecole Centrale de Lyon

EML EMLyon Business School Enise Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Saint-Etiénne

Ens Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon Ensadse Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Désign de Saint-Etienne

Ensal Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Lyon

Ensase Ecole Nationale Supérieur d'Architecture de Saint-Etienne

Ensatt Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Techniques du Théatre

Ensm-SE Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne

Entpe Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat

Grame Centre National de Création Musicale

HCL Hospices Civils de Lyon Ifpen Institut Français du Pétrole et des Energies Nouvelles

Ifsttar Institut Français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux

Inra Institut national de la Recherche Agronomique

Inria Insititut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique

Insa Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon

Inserm Institut National de la Santé Et de la Recheche Médicale

LUTB Lyon Urban Truck and Bus

Lyon 1 Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Lyon 2 Université Lumière Lyon 2

Lyon 3 Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 Pep Pôle Européen de Plasturgie

UdL Université de lyon UJM Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne

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1. Selected Laboratories of excellence

Project acronym

Field 4 Name of the project manager

Project leader Consortium/ implicated partnership (on the site Lyon/Saint-Etienne)

ASLAN SHS F. Pellegrino UdL Lyon 2, Ens, Cnrs

CeLyA SIMI D. Juvé UdL Lyon 1, Ecl, Insa, Enise, Entpe, Ifsttar, Cnrs, Inserm

DEVweCAN SVSE P. Mehlen UdL Lyon 1, Cnrs, Inserm

IMU SHS J.Y. Toussaint UdL Lyon 1, Lyon 2, Lyon 3, UJM, Ens, Ecl, Insa, SciencePo, Entpe, VetAgroSup, Cnrs, Inra, Ensal, Ensase, Ensadse

iMUST SIMI M. Broyer UdL Lyon 1, UJM, Ens, Insa, Ecl, Enise, Cpe, Cnrs, Ifpen, Rhodia

LIO SVSE B. Guiderdoni UdL Lyon 1, Ens, Cnrs

MILyon SIMI B. Remy UdL Lyon 1, UJM, Ens, Insa, Ecl, Cnrs, Inria


SIMI C. Donnet UdL UJM, Insa, Ecl, Ensm-SE, Enise, Cnrs, HEF R&D, Impulsion, Sciences et Surfaces


HASTEC SHS P. Hoffmann Cnrs UJM

2. Other Laboratories of excellence presented in the Idex project, to be submitted to the second Labex call

Project acronym Field Name of the project manager

Project leader Consortium/ implicated partnership

Biosciences SVSE J. Traas UdL Lyon 1, Lyon 2, UJM, Ens, Insa, Ecl, Enise, Cnrs, Inra, Inserm


M.H. Lafage-Proust UdL Lyon 1, Lyon 2, UJM, Ecl, Ens, Ensm-SE, VetagroSup, CNRS, Techtera, HCL, CHU Saint Etienne, Ifsttar

EcoEvoLyon SVSE D. Pontier UdL Lyon 1, Lyon 2, Lyon 3, UJM, Ens, Insa, Ecl, VetAgroSup, Cnrs, Inra, Inria, Cemagref

H2N SHS L. Thirouin UdL Lyon 1, Lyon 2, Lyon 3, UJM, Ens, Ecl, Insa, SciencePo, Cnrs

IWW SHS Y. Malevergne UdL Lyon 1, Lyon 2, Lyon3, Ens, UJM, Eml, Cnrs

CLOOM SHS UdL Lyon2, Ens, UJM, SciencePo, Cnrs

4 SIMI : Information, matter and engineering sciences SVSE : Life, health and ecosystems sciences SHSE : Humanities

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3. Selected Investissements d’avenir projects related to the perimeter of Excellence (apart from Labex)

Call for proposal Project acronym

Name of the project


Project leader Consortium/ implicated partnership, only local institutions


F. Pigeon UdL UJM, Ecl, Ensm-SE, Enise, Insa, HEF R&D, Impulsion Cetim

IVTV T. Hoc UdL Lyon 1, UJM, Ecl, Ens, Ensm-SE, , Enise, VetagroSup, CNRS, Ifsttar, Cinnov, HCL, CHU Saint etienne, Techtera, Pierre Fabre, Covidien, Evolutis 42, Serf, Servier, BASF Beauty Care, Ceries, Peritesco

PHARE F. Thouverez UdL Lyon 1, Ecl, Insa, Ens, Cnrs, EDF R&D, SNECMA

SENS L. Emsley Cnrs Lyon 1, Ens, Cnrs

Equip@MESO Genci Lyon 1, Ens

FIT S. Fdida Paris 6 Ens, Cnrs, Inria

ThomX Cnrs Cnrs - In2p3


IHU CESAME F. Mauguières HCL UdL, Lyon 1, Lyon2, Cnrs, Inserm

OPERA M. Ovize HCL Lyon 1

Carnot I@L A. Combescure Carnot I@L Lyon 1, Ecl, Insa, Cnrs

LISA M. Lagarde Carnot LISA Lyon 1, Insa, Cnrs, Inra, Inserm

CALYM G. Salles HCL Lyon 1, Ens, HCL

Health and bio. F-CRIN O. Rascol CRN-CIC Lyon 1, HCL, Inserm

Biobanques G. Dagher Inserm Chu-SE, HCL, CLB, UJM

Cohortes OFSET C. Confavreux HCL UdL, CHU, Lyon1, Inserm


CDK-Rein Univ. Paris Sud

Lyon 1, Lyon 3

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4. Investissements d’avenir projects related to the perimeter of excellence (apart from Labex) submitted or likely to be submitted.

Call for proposal Project acronym Name of the project manager

Project leader

Consortium/ implicated partnership

IRT Lyon BioTech P. Archinard Inserm, Cnrs, Inria, HCL, UdL, CEA-LETI, Insititut Pasteur, Inra, Lyonbiopole, Danone Research, Institu Mérieux, Sanofi-Aventis R&D,

IEED INDEED S. Jullian IFPEN UdL, Insa, Ensm-Se, GDF-Suez, Rhoia, PEP, Sita, Arkema, Cnrs,

SuperGrid B. Luscan Alstom Lyon 1, Insa, Ecl, Nexans, RTE, Edf, Elia

EquipEx2 TEC-Images M. Rautenberg UdL UJM, Lyon 1, Lyon 2, Lyon3, Cnrs, Cité du Design,

PILIVE P. Douek UdL Lyon 1, Insa, HCL, Siemens, Philips, Neurodis

Genomex J. Samarut UdL Lyon 1, Ens, Cnrs, Lyonbiopole, VetAgroSup

Plibat P. Dupuis Ifsttar UdL, Insa, Ecl, Entpe, Cnrs, LUTB

ACCES Y. Confesson Cemagref UdL, Lyon 1, Cnrs

PRC A. Tiran UdL Lyon 2, Ensatt, GRAME, Ens, Cnrs, Cnsmd, Imaginove

SEDAQUA P. Marmonier UdL Lyon 1, Entpe, Cnrs, Inra, Cemagref

HoVi X. Xie UdL UJM, Ensm-Se, Insa, Cnrs

Lyon-Mu T. Epicier UdL Lyon 1, Insa, Ecl, Ens, Cnrs

Canope D. Zighed UdL Lyon 2, Lyon 3, UJM, Ens, Insa, Cnrs

SATT SATT-LSE M. Lussault UdL Cnrs, Inserm

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1) An evolutive perimeter based on two main fieldsIn recent years UdL member institutions have demonstrated an ability to work together and develop innovative programs which has encouraged them to further their involvement in other projects under the IF framework (see section 2.2). The UdL is a key stakeholder in each of these projects. In particular, it has headed proposals for EquipEx, LabEx and SATT calls for projects and has actively supported the IRT, IHU, IEED, and health and biotechnology facilities proposals.

The intensive collaboration between partners, steered by the UdL made it

possible to build an overarching strategic vision for building a scientific, education and competitive technology transfer organization around four major areas in perfect coherence with the three priority fields identified by the SNRI (National Research and Innovation Strategy): Global health and society; Knowledge, trade and regulation; the challenges and modeling of complex systems; Sciences and engineering for sustainable development.The results from the first set of call for proposals, comments from the IDEX jury, and our ongoing internal process have lead us to reformulate this signature to focus on two main issues: Global health and society and Sciences and engineering for sustainable development. These two issues naturally relate to the modeling of complex systems which remains our main cross-cutting theme. They also sit at the crossroads of sciences, engineering and humanities.

Following on from the Lyon Cité Campus project, developing the IDEX project should be a priority for these campuses, and notably for those at Gerland, Lyon East and Saint-Etienne on Global health and society, issues and Lyon Tech La Doua, Lyon West Ecully and Saint-Etienne on the issues of Sciences and engineering for sustainable development.The following figure resumes this new signature and shows our current success in the IF program.


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2) Sciences and engineering for sustainable developmentThe sustainable development of interactions between living organisms and man is a systemic vision which encompasses every aspect of the damaged relationship between society and the environment which has broken down and needs to be rebuilt. It is therefore a natural subject for multi-disciplinary research, and the development of know-how and engineering to tackle issues such as energy management, a revised relationship between man and the environment, design and urban planning of the post-carbon city, and the preservation of biodiversity, and environmental technologies etc. The network of campuses on the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site, on which environment, transport and energy management issues can be analyzed as in a large-scale laboratory with a new culture and ecological policy, is an emblematic example of urban ecology.This grouping presents numerous advantages.

• It concentrates around 35% of the site’s higher education and research potential, measured using high level scientific production indicators.

• It participates in the five UdL-led LabEx covers all scientific disciplines.

• It constitutes a forum for exchanges between sciences, engineering, humanities and social sciences.

• It impacts a large number of institutions and research bodies whose specificities are recognized whilst coming together around numerous areas of cooperation.

• It forms the foundation of relationships with corporations (major groups and SMEs) and the socio-economic sector.

This leading sector in terms of national research has a major impact on several economic sectors including: Transport, aeronautics and space industry, chemical industry, urban planning, machines, energy, new functional materials, design and manufacturing, entrepreneurship and innovation etc. These fields taken as a whole represent an exceptional continuum which runs across education, research and innovation, fundamental sciences (of nature or of man) and the major challenges facing society. The building blocks already exist and have met with recognition, in particular under the IF program.

Strong support for the LabEx and EquipExThe LabEx projects submitted in this sector have all been recognized. They have the advantage of grouping together numerous A+ and A-rated laboratories from across the university landscape. The federal project will therefore benefit from exceptional coverage of all fundamental sciences:

• iMUST pools potential for excellence in physical sciences, matter and materials sciences, and engineering sciences: from particles to materials to the design of new functional, sustainable objects.

• MANUTECH-SISE is specialized in the characterization and functionalization of surfaces and offers the specific advantage of forming an interface between engineering sciences in Lyon and Saint Etienne.

• CELYA is concerned with the established strategic focus and fundamental considerations of research into nuisances and the environment in interaction with the health sector and the humanities.


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• IMU adopts a multi-disciplinary approach to analyze in an original manner the global, local, political, social, technical, economic and environmental aspects of urban environments.

• LIO and CLERVOLC establish a connection between fundamental physics, astrophysics and observations of space and the planet, and theoretical aspects and means of observation, with an emphasis on volcanic risks for Clervolc.

The IF program has also provided the Lyon Saint Etienne scientific community with four new sector-related facilities of excellence (EquipEx).

• MANUTECH USD, a facility for the three-dimensional and multi-scale characterization of materials and surfaces, leading on to the design of functional surfaces.

• PHARE, a platform for optimizing the design and performance of the rotating machines of the future, to control environmental risks.

• IVTV, a platform equipped with innovative tools to explore the effects of aging on human tissues, at the interface between the sciences of matter and biological sciences

• SENS will make it possible to equip the center for ultra-high field nuclear magnetic resonance with specialized devices for studying solids and molecular systems.

In addition to these EquipEx, there is also a network of labeled facilities with direct links to the system including the ECOX (Lyon – Grenoble), a construction project at ESRF for a new generation line for the characterization at molecular and atomic scale of metallic elements, metalloids and noble metals in the natural environment.

A project dynamic corresponding to industrial needs in order to meet the needs of society in terms of employment and services The emergence of an ecotechnology which can overcome experimental limitations to produce genuine industrial developments implies changes in social, political, economic, scientific, technical and industrial practices i.e. a genuine break with the current paradigm. This break with the past, vital for ensuring the emergence of an ecotechnology industry, means we must reformulate environmental issues to include their political, social, urban, economic, scientific and technical aspects. The practice of scientific pluralism, involving the social sciences and humanities, features at the heart of this change as it fuels greater hopes for reformulating these environmental issues and consequently producing technical and industrial innovations. This leap constitutes a major technical and scientific challenge and ensuring the emergence of genuine deep-rooted innovation involves both the economic sector and society. With this in mind, six themes can be identified:

1) The modeling of complex systems: a theme that cuts across the two major issues which we will address.2) Technological changes: the new production systems to be built are the central building blocks of the factory of the future, in order to manufacture in a different way and make the expected technological breakthroughs. Today, solutions in certain sectors are being developed through the work of the teams working under the Carnot Institute I@L and the MANUTECH-SISE LabEx. The technological obstacles overcome through this research are one of the results of this multi-scale approach which will determine the issues R&D should tackle. The Carnot Institute model may constitute a generic model for the effective promotion of relationships with businesses within the IDEX.


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3) Analysis of matter, the understanding of reaction mechanisms, and “soft” production methods: the products of industry must be revisited (different raw materials, zero emissions, energy efficiency). In order to do this, the development of analytical methods as stated under the framework of the ISA (Institute of Analytical Sciences), should be focused on addressing these issues (in operando analysis, for example). The development of chemistry and advances in molecular biology under the health section should find in-roads to develop bio-inspired solutions for transforming matter right up to the industrial stage. The industrialization of these new products requires the evaluation of their social, political and economic efficiency. 4) The materials of the future: The design and formulation of materials for conventional uses (transport, construction etc.) should be reviewed in terms of their specifications (lightening of vehicles, insulating properties, controlled urban planning etc.) and sustainability (recycling, eco-design etc.). Logically, these new materials will result from the work of teams in Lyon. The MANUTECH project combining an EquipEx and a LabEx will be one of the key elements of this approach, notably on the theme of surfaces and interfaces. Finally, these materials cannot be developed without analyzing social uses, social and environmental risks and new perspectives in terms of practices and uses which any new object or technical system brings about.

5) The spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship: the IDEA project (see section 3.3.3), which will have connections to stakeholders in applied research (Carnot I@L, IRT and IEED submissions) will constitute a test-bed for experiments in higher education and research innovation. The technological campus will lead to the launch of start-ups which will be accompanied by systems put into place by the Créalys incubator and EM Lyon. The presence of a dense industrial fabric, with several competitive clusters (LUTB, AXELERA etc.), across the second largest area in terms of employment in France will encourage the rapid development of highly innovative technologies. 6) Industrial engineering higher education courses: The creation of a “laboratory for educational innovation" with the IEED INDEED for industries, in direct collaboration with the Lyon IDEX is intended to implement innovative projects, in terms of content (innovative technologies and processes, behavioral skills etc.), practices (in situ training courses, opening up pilots to industrial operators, tutoring etc.) and educational tools (serious games, e-learning etc.). Some of these educational courses will be experimented on the technological campus. This will be done with a view to establishing coherence with the institutions’ existing higher education cycles.

By developing an integrated approach in terms of the means of meeting the needs of contemporary and future societies which involves setting production objectives for the “factory of the future”, the connection between the scientific campus (IDEX) and the technological campuses (INDEED) will constitute an organic link for value creation. One provides the other with discoveries which will accelerate the marketing of innovation, and the other provides a permanent supply of questions and issues to be resolved by the academic community. The whole will constitute an emblematic melting pot of innovation and no doubt act as a lever to attract talent to a major site for experimentation.


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3) Global Health and SocietyTackling health issues is a social and economic priority. Conceptual and technological innovations in this area require interaction between a variety of disciplinary fields and in return feed the areas for development in all other fields. Investment in this field would involve experimental, engineering and social sciences and the humanities. It would be focused on understanding (the psychopathology) and treating major pathologies (notably cardiovascular, cancerous, neurological, nutritional and infectious diseases) using original multi-disciplinary scientific approaches, the development of innovative investigative medical tools, and strengthened links between biology and health, engineering sectors and economic, social and political studies. The later will allow us to tackle both issues concerning individuals’ relationships to prevention (environment, nutrition, and lifestyle) and to healthcare and those concerning the organization of health systems. The Lyon-Saint Etienne site currently offers numerous advantages, in particular the instruments for scientific collaboration born out of the 2005 law on research. These instruments enhance the rich potential on the site around its two teaching hospitals and the presence of prestigious institutions such as the Centre Léon Bérard, and the BSL4 J laboratory, Mérieux and the CIRC (International Centre for Cancer Research), as well as a dense industrial fabric (BioMérieux, Mérial) of companies working together, notably in the international competitive cluster (Lyonbiopole). Finally, the diversity of the university activities across the site means it can develop original approaches at the interface between engineering and health, and SSH and health.

New instruments under the IF program (IFP)This sector has had a wide range of projects accepted under the IFP, which confirms the depth of potential on the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site in relation to the main themes:

OncologyThe DEVweCAN LabEx project (“Development, Cancer and targeted therapies”). It aims to develop excellent basic cancer research and focus their findings on original targets and markers causally involved in the progression of cancer, as well as an oncology education program unique to France.

A new Carnot institute (CALYM) aims to “speed up innovation and its transfer in the field of lymphomas”. With a research budget of €12 million, it is implanted in Lyon, Montpellier, Rouen, Rennes, Créteil, Villejuif, Toulouse and Marseille. It is lead, notably by the Gela (Study Group on Adult Lymphoma), the CNRS, Inserm and the universities Rennes-I, Montpellier-I and Montpellier-II.Infectious diseases

HIDDEN / P4: This national infrastructure reinforces the Lyon site's position as coordinator of the European research infrastructure on highly pathogenic micro-organisms ERINHA. The IRT LyonBioTech project also serves to confirm Lyon's positioning on the infectious disease theme. The issues addressed by the project are:

• Personalized medicine and mass population protection

• Reinforcement of the long-term sustainability of a competitive industry positioned on growth markets.


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• Making Gerland an internationally renowned innovative campus of excellence with a biomedical focus.

The main objectives of IRT are to:- Create a pipeline of biotechnological innovation for the medical sector

- Provide top level technologies and services to the whole of the bio-health community - Act as a catalyst for the implementation of an integrated real estate program on the Gerland site, at the heart of the C. Mérieux campus.

This IRT project will be reinforced by the LabEx project Biosciences which will be presented in the second submission.Transplantation

IHU OPERA (Organ ProtEction and ReplAcement): This project, recently labeled “IHU Prometteur” (university hospital of promise) aims to combine intensive fundamental research, a clinical transfer infrastructure, medical expertise and facilities to diagnose and treat patients in the field of regenerative medicine and organ repair.Neurosciences

IHU CESAME (CErveau and Santé Mentale, or Brain and Mental Health): This project, recently labeled “IHU Prometteur” (university hospital of promise) aims to continue to organize and integrate clinical and fundamental neurosciences with the Neurocampus de Lyon Est as the focal point, and to reinforce ties with the Vinatier psychiatric hospital; one of this project’s special features is the significant level of involvement of humanities and social science teams from the Université Lumière Lyon 2. This project focuses in particular on the strength and depth of the Lyon site’s scientific expertise.However, the IF program has also served to:

* Reinforce the LISA Carnot institute The LISA Carnot institute was created and labeled in 2007 at the instigation of three founding members (including the IMBL – the Multidisciplinary Institute of the Biochemistry of Lipids - on the Lyon site) working in the field of oils, fats and lipids, in order to advance research and act as a forward-looking driving force behind industrial companies and public authorities. Recently renewed for five years, its aim is to develop partnership research in health and nutrition-related areas around three main fields: Nutrition-Health and Food Security, Health and Biomolecules, Green Chemistry and Bioenergies.* Label the LabEx ASLAN (Advanced Studies on Language complexity): This program promotes a multidisciplinary approach which integrates the complexity of language and languages. One of the key areas of the ASLAN concerns the relationships between language and health: (i) language-based learning disorders, language pathologies and deterioration (aging), disability, remediation; (ii) language practices in the field of health and interactions in the medical sector.

* Launch the project Cohort OFSEP: The general objectives of the present application are threefold: Firstly, it will maintain and expand the nationwide cohort of PwMS (Persons with Multiple Sclerosis) in France. Secondly, thanks to the possibility of breaking down the cohort into nested cohorts, each with a specific aim, it will maintain and develop existing cohorts and implement new ones. This will make it possible to address specific questions such as the pharmaco-epidemiology of recently introduced DMTs and the cost-effectiveness of DMTs.


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Thirdly, the data presently available for this cohort are mainly clinical and therapeutic. They must be enriched with more systematic biological sampling and imaging data. This will render the cohort more suitable for translational research in terms of diagnostic markers, prognostic markers, assessment of environmental and genetic factors, pathophysiology, treatment, and prevention and restoration of neurodegeneration.

• The aforementioned labeling of the EquipEx IVTV (concerned with the aging of living tissue) coupled with the LabEx VieBIS project. Furthermore, it should be stressed that the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site forms part of the national networks put into place by the IF program: the F-CRIN and Biobanques infrastructures, the federations of cohorts RADICO and CDK-Rein.From wealth to wealth creation

This wealth of tools is a formidable asset for the site but they must be used in synergy in order to constitute a genuine source of wealth creation (in terms of employment, services etc.). This is one of the challenges the IDEX must seek to meet, notably through the active participation of the main structures spearheading these tools in the IDEX governance. This approach has already been implemented to encourage the coupling of LabEx and EquipEx, for example the IVTV and VieBIS, and to forge closer links between the IRT project and the LabEx Biosciences.This wealth should also act as a catalyst for developing the higher education offer and attractiveness to students. In particular, the policy on doctoral courses and the commitment to emblematic master’s degrees also provides a frame of reference in terms of policy coherence between institutions. Further opportunities for cooperation will be pursued to create new course pathways which bring together universities and schools in new diploma-awarding cycles which promote cross-cultural approaches open to major knowledge issues of the future. The first program of this kind on the theme of oncology will be proposed shortly (in support of our LabEx DevweCan): It will include a master’s program in oncology and it will allow exchange programs with prestigious institutions, such as the MIT, Imperial College London or Johns Hopkins University.

These programs will be closely linked with our site’s PhD courses in order to be able to offer integrated PhD pathways connecting master’s and PhD programs.The role of SSH in this theme

One of the specificities of the Lyon - Saint-Etienne site are the numerous tried and tested collaborations between social sciences and humanities researchers and biosciences, neurosciences and public health researchers as well as the clinical practitioners working across it.These numerous co-operations, whilst often very low profile in institutional terms, can be used as a solid foundation for developing higher profile, better structured and clearer research interactions in the fields of health and healthcare. The Rhône-Alpes region research clusters, which recently became Academic Research Communities (ARC), constitute forums in which this inter-disciplinary research on health issues, aging, disability, nutrition etc. can be structured.

In terms of SSH, the disciplines involved in collaborations with health sciences cover a wide spectrum: Psychology (cognitive, clinical, social) sociology and anthropology, history,


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education sciences (health education, education at school), law, geography/environment, economics, management, linguistics etc.One of the most innovative projects, and one which is most representative of the interaction between health and SSH, has been developed by the IHU CESAME (the brain and mental health). The singularity of this project is its resolutely holistic and multi-disciplinary approach to the patient, which aims to overcome the traditional barriers within the field of health, which can hinder our understanding of the complexity of the heterogeneous factors and processes involved in health/illness and, consequently, in therapeutic efficacy. Social sciences and the humanities are fully integrated into the key areas of this project and notably (i) in the implementation of innovative therapeutic programs (healthcare, remediation, rehabilitation) adapted to patients and the specificities of their social and family environment, with the originality of associating medical, psychological and social interventions (ii) in the assessment (psychological, ethical and social) of new brain therapies and their impact on the patient and their environment and (iii) in the implementation and assessment of the support/counseling systems for carers (families and health professionals) and their role in potentiating treatments.

4) Modeling of complex systemsThe necessary modeling of complex systems: Any new technology or new object constitutes a potential path towards new social, political and economic practices. They form a connection with the everyday world. Traditional scientific knowledge focused on matter, objects and production processes cannot, in isolation, envisage the potential of new technologies and new technologies. The multi-scale, multi-science approach (involving all scientific branches) can be used to understand the environmental dimension of an innovation. This approach constitutes a genuine break with traditional engineering approaches. The development of ecotechnologies therefore involves developing a systemic vision and tackling the major scientific challenge of finding a means of modeling of complex systems that is capable of integrating the social and political dimensions of all anthropogenic activities. In this way, the modeling of complex systems calls for all scientific sectors to converge around a new eco-socio-technical-scientific paradigm of knowledge and action.

The needs relating to the modeling of complex systems are found in all disciplinary fields as shown by the numerous LabEx across the site which refer explicitly to this, in the field of health (DEVweCAN), engineering (iMUST), humanities (ASLAN) and the analysis of urban environments (IMU). Beyond these knowledge models for components, which can be established by the LabEx and even beyond the EquipEx which will be built, the integration of modeling and the platforms of full systems must necessarily be developed, in order to give Lyon - Saint Etienne a methodological head start, legitimized by its long history of industrial activity (an innovative approach to engineering, industrial ecology and health processes). The MILYON mathematics LabEx project will bring crucial added-value to this approach. The EquipEx Equip@meso national plan for acquiring supercomputers to work as a network across the country) will also provide us with the computing power required.


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5) The roadmap based on the aeres assessmentThe Lyon-Saint-Etienne site was assessed by AERES5 in 2010 for its education, research and institutional policies. This assessment highlighted strengths and weaknesses that the Ministry of Higher Education and Research has compiled in the STRATER6 system. However, the data that have been made available to us are not sufficient for in-depth comparative analysis on a national scale. Even so, here are some of the assessment’s findings:For education: 64% of specialties are rated A or A+ at master’s level. This compares with the 54%, again for A or A+ specialty, of all AERES assessments from the previous three years, which attests to the quality of training available on the site. This rating is comparable to the Grenoble academic district and only includes nationally-recognized master’s degrees. The site also offers several Erasmus Mundus master’s degrees, whose quality is recognized at European level.

However, the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site is special in that it offers engineering students a very clear path to master’s studies for engineering degrees (about 12% of French engineering students), management and business schools or through the Sciences Po Lyon degree, the degree awarded by Lyon National Advanced School for Architecture, and the veterinarian degree awarded by VetAgroSup. These schools account for 35% of the site’s master’s degrees and 25% of UdL’s doctoral students. These schools’ curricula are not always assessed by AERES but are accredited by national or international commissions recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and by their supervising ministry. Note that many French and European rankings often give priority to Lyon and Saint-Etienne engineering programs and grandes écoles. While these rankings are to be taken with precaution, they do reflect the excellent reputation of the site’s engineering and management schools, based on the quality and variety of the courses it offers, the extent of the relationships they have formed with companies, their active and influential alumni networks, the professional opportunities that they create, and the intensity of their international partnerships. The Ecole Normale Supérieure, meanwhile, saw the quality of its courses recognized in the Times Higher Education ranking, where it is ranked 100th in the world.Similarly, healthcare training is not assessed by AERES, while the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site includes two university hospitals, including the largest in France outside Paris, with 17,000 students enrolled in healthcare, and France’s top facility after Paris for the annual number of doctorates in medicine and the top site in the number of dual degrees (doctorate in pharmacy/engineering or management degree). In addition to sheer volume, the site is also ranked in the top two in national rankings for medicine and pharmacy internships.

On the whole, UdL offers exceptionally high levels of educational potential and is the top French higher education site after Paris.For doctoral training: While 82% of the site’s researchers and teacher-researchers (i.e., more than 3,800 persons) are part of a team or unit ranked A or A+, this is the case for only 74% of our doctoral students. Similarly, only 62% of our doctoral students are part of a doctoral school ranked A+ by AERES for scientific impact. Our project, which has chosen the doctorate as one of its main means of leverage, will therefore aim to raise this rate by

5Agence d'Evaluation de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, - Agency for Evaluation of Higher Education and Research6Stratégies Territoriales de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation, - Local and Regional Strategies for Higher Education, Research and Innovation.


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providing as many doctoral students as possible with an environment that is recognized at the very highest levels.For research

More than 80% of the site’s researchers and teacher-researchers are part of a research team or unit rated A or A+. Among them, almost 90% are considered “producing”7 as defined by AERES.The STRATER system set up by the MESR (Ministry of Higher Education and Research) provides us with a scale for ranking the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site based on based on the number of research producers and various national criteria:

• 2nd in Humanities and Engineering Sciences;

• 4th in Physics, Chemistry, Agronomy and Ecology;

• 5th in Mathematics and Biomedicine;

• 6th in Social Sciences.

These raw figures are supplemented by the index of the impact of scientific publications in these broad disciplines (source: OST8), which found that the site ranks above the national average in particular in mathematics, medical research, engineering sciences, biology and ecology in the areas of sciences and life sciences (SSH data were not provided to us).We might add that, based on the number of nominations to the Institut Universitaire de France from 2006 to 2010, UdL ranked third with 57 nominations (out of 575), just behind the Sorbonne Université PRES (61 nominations) and Sorbonne Paris Cité (59 nominations), and far ahead of the fourth-place finisher (which had just 41 nominations).

6) Achieving excellence in a dynamic systemThe concept of excellence is at the heart of everything that has been written on investments for the future. It is described as the pathway towards rivaling the world’s top universities. Whilst no one is against an objective of excellence, we would hope that such an objective would not limit itself to merely singling out individuals and entities in order to produce a showcase that would necessarily provide a reductionist and contestable view. Excellence is a framework that must leave a system open to change. For, there is no such thing as absolute and intransigent excellence. There are only processes aiming at improvement and performance on the basis of multi-criteria objectives (international scientific recognition, connections with the social and economic sector, validation of the public service mission, promotion of diversity in all its forms, etc.), which fits our premises.

Our decision as presented in this IDEX proposal, is to build up an architecture of processes and levers which, together, make it possible to maintain and develop the current recognized level of excellence and also allow for the emergence of new forums for excellence, all the while focusing on the emergence of approaches that combine education, research and innovation. Our capacity for risk-taking is at the heart of our approach.

7Researchers or teacher-researchers are considered to be "producing research and technology transfer" when their A-rated scientific production over a period of four years is at least equal to a nationally defined threshold and that reflects the status of the person being assessed and his/her discipline.8Observatoire des Sciences et Techniques, or Science and Technologies Observatory


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Taken as a whole, the eight LabEx projects encompass 35% of the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site’s researchers and teachers-researchers. This choice aims to foster the emergence of so-called “nodes of excellence” led by one or several disciplines, working on a key area of research.These projects include 61% of permanent staff who are part of a team or unit rated A+ in the recent AERES assessment (or about 840 persons), as well as 28% of those who are part of an A-rated team or unit (about 520 persons).

Our choice is based on our wish to draw out genuine leverage for the entire academic community. It will also ensure the major scientific themes that form the basis of our research, training and innovation efforts and hence our attractiveness and reputation are given optimal coverage. This approach confirms that UdL is a broad-spectrum scientific site that is far from having a single specialty profile. It is both the strength of our project (we are closer to the ideal of fully mastering the chain of knowledge) and its relative weakness (it is harder to identify a single aspect from the outset). We have chosen to focus on the breadth of our fields of knowledge, as we believe that scientific progress requires a cross-disciplinary approach and analysis that is possible only within the comprehensive framework provided by the major academic institutions, amongst which we hope to rank.

7) European research rankingData from AERES and STRATER provide an interesting overview but no analytical context. As the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site has chosen to organize itself around four broad research areas, it is on this basis that we wish to be compared, as this is the context in which our “excellence” will be established. Each theme is, of course, very broad in its presentation but they are split into numerous facets that reflect our specificity, thus illustrating our scientific credentials:

• Global health and society: Cardiovascular, cancerous, infectious and nutritional diseases, neurological disorders, healthcare and SSH etc.

• Knowledge, trade and regulation: culture, heritage, inter-culturalism, cities and the urban fabric, image, media, communication, etc.;

• Modeling of complex systems: biological systems, multi-scale modeling, energy networks, artificial cities and territorial intelligence, etc.

• Sciences and engineering for sustainable development: environmental technologies, energy conservation, risks and nuisances, biodiversity, water and ground, etc.

Looking firstly at the sole criterion of scientific production, we had a specialized independent firm (Technométrix) carry out a study of our European ranking. We are aware that such an approach is rather unusual, but we felt it was important to try to be as objective as possible in assessing our scientific profile on a European scale.After working with the researchers, our four main benchmark themes were boiled down into key-words used for information retrieval requests from the Scopus9 database. From 2006 to 2010, 162,339 publications were retrieved that involved at least one European author. The following figures reflect the UdL’s overall and thematic ranking based on the two normal criteria of scientific production in terms of volume and in terms of impact.

9While this database contains biases in certain disciplines, particularly humanities and social sciences, it is representative of international scientific production.


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The way that UdL is structured endows it, de facto, with a strength that is reflected in a highly satisfactory European ranking (3rd overall and in the top 10 in three out of four research areas), and first place in France10. This first measurement concerns publication volumes.Independently of volume, this study found that UdL is also very well positioned in terms of impact, as the work from UdL has an average impact that is above the French and European average in three of our four research areas. The “Knowledge, Trade and Regulation” area is below par for several reasons. Firstly, most scientific production in this area is published in French, which is under-represented in the Scopus database. Secondly, and more crucially, this research area is based on a scientific substrate that is under construction as it is deliberately multi-disciplinary, particularly pertaining to the theme of the “City and Urban Fabric”.

This study also analyzed patents filed by academic institutions between 2005 and 2009 (1,602 patents on our research themes). In healthcare and the environment, UdL is, here again, very well positioned, as it accounts for another 3% of European output and 15% of French-priority patents. Furthermore, UdL is one of the few stakeholders who are both major publishers of scientific articles and patent filers. This study shows that our collective decision to priorities a few research areas was the right one.

European ranking of UdL research areas (based on publication volume)

10But this study has thus far been unable to extract data on the granularity of all PRES, which nuances this ranking.49/104

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European ranking of UdL research areas (based on average impact)


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IDEX will work on the site’s higher education and research system using a set of levers described in this section. Each of these levers is broken down into initiatives with their own processes, objectives and indicators.When designing and implementing these initiatives, the IDEX will focus on the scientific perimeter which includes our LabEx and jointly-selected emerging clusters.

However, for the purpose of promoting site dynamics, such initiatives must embrace broader communities. Examples of this approach will be given later in this document. Such levers ensure the biggest possible ripple effect for the policy of targeted excellence, thus promoting overall, medium-term improvement in our research, education and innovation activities.The IDEX project has defined seven sources of leverage:

• International policy

• Scientific policy

• PhD policy

• Training policy

• Innovation and creativity support policy

• Links to society

• Knowledge access and processing infrastructure

For each lever, the budget indications will be descriptive and not quantitative. Detailed budget items have been grouped together in section 4.


1) Deployment of an international policyAn inherent defect of any relatively new structure such as the UdL is the difficulty it has in asserting and promoting the concept of an “umbrella brand” created in 2007, and also in the as-yet still hesitant intermediation between the federative logic of UdL, in terms of international promotion, and the individual logic of each institution in terms of its own reputation.This is why the IDEX international and European policy will of course draw on the strong links already established by the member institutions of UdL, by sketching out a preferential international geography focused on a number of targets where cooperation is particularly well-integrated in terms of research and training. Cross-referencing the site’s LabEx results, the international partner laboratories (see chartbelow), the International Mixed Units working in partnership with the CNRS, the CNRS offices abroad and the joint PhD programs (more than 500 for 2009-2010 alone), joint diplomas and joint master’s programs plus the Erasmus Mundus programs produces the following map of international targets:

• Europe: the Lake Geneva region of Switzerland, Bade Wurtemberg in Germany, Lombardy and Piedmont in Italy, Catalonia in Spain;

• China: Beijing, and above all, Shanghai where we are currently developing a platform for a permanent UdL presence in liaison with 4 national universities in Shanghai;

• Japan: Universities of Tokyo and Tohoku in Sendai;


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• Canada: Quebec and Ontario (Ottawa);

• The United States: State Universities of Pennsylvania;

• Brazil: Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

These partnership zones largely coincide with those targeted by the local authorities (Rhône-Alpes Region and Grand Lyon conurbation), which strongly support the institutions’ international policy. The targets listed also form part of the international strategy of the two global competitive clusters linked to the IRT and IEED calls for projects, i.e. Lyonbiopole and Axelera.Lastly, via its institutions, UdL is closely involved in Francophone networks (e.g. in Lebanon, Tunisia or Vietnam), for instance the network of 12 Senghor Francophonie chairs, the network of French high schools abroad, and RESCIF (the network of excellence of engineering science and of the French-speaking world). Within the French-speaking world, Madagascar stands out as a pertinent development target in the context of IDEX. An international partner laboratory (the Institute of Chemistry, Molecular and Supramolecular Biochemistry and Microbial Ecology) has been set up at the University of Antananarivo, and jointly awarded PhDs and student mobility arrangements are developing in the fields of health and also in engineering for sustainable development (water, sanitation, energy, waste).


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The IDEX project will enable us to construct a network of partner sites, corresponding to the targets listed, by establishing cooperation projects that are particularly well-integrated in terms of research and training. In this network of partner institutions that share the same values, researchers, teacher-researchers and students will be able to circulate very easily within the framework of coordinated programs.We shall therefore develop a number of UdL-labeled master’s programs linked to the scope of IDEX, together with master’s and Erasmus Mundus PhD programs (see 3.3.3 and 3.3.4). The current percentage of foreign PhD students (42% within the UdL’s doctoral schools) could also be improved by developing a systematic policy of joint PhD programs. In particular, this internationalization of our training programs would involve the more widespread use of teaching in English. Encouraging such a development will entail both providing financial support for mobility (undergraduates, PhD and postdoctoral students, and teacher-researchers) and working with foreign partner institutions on a concerted approach to contributing to the registration fees payable.

An innovative concept such as IDEA (see 3.3.3) could be extended on the basis of the cooperation that is already in place, e.g. with Singapore, Arizona State University, University of California or Zhejiang University.The policy of participation in the Francophone network could be strengthened via the RESCIF network and the IFRAMOND (Institute for the Study of the French-speaking world and globalization), e.g. in the field of engineering sciences, or in an emerging IDEX field such as training of trainers, via the IFÉ (the French Institute of Education). The development of initial training and professional training modules aimed at managers from the French-speaking world, together with the introduction of programs linked to the scientific perimeter of IDEX (“Global health and society” and “Sciences and engineering for sustainable development”) will constitute the foundations of the site’s actions.

2) International attractivenessThe international attractiveness of UdL is a real asset at the present time, though it does not live up to the site’s full scientific and educational potential, even before the new laboratories and facilities of excellence have been put in place. Three indicators particularly highlight this situation:

- Depending on the institutions concerned, UdL hosts 30 - 65% of foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students, and each year there are 500 jointly awarded PhDs, accounting for nearly 10% of the total number of PhD students.

- Foreign researchers and teacher-researchers account for no more than 20% of the potential in some institutions. The countries most strongly represented are China and the Maghreb countries of North Africa. However, there is a fairly broad range of up to thirty or so countries in some institutions, which reflects the outcome of an insufficiently focused strategy at international level.

- UdL still has too few host facilities for foreign researchers similar to the arrangements in place in the context of the Collegium de Lyon, which constitutes a RTRA node within the “Europe of Knowledge” network.

The ambition to turn the Lyon Saint-Etienne metropolis into an attractive conurbation and “a place to be”, calls for the deployment of a strategy for integration and recruitment, to ensure that the best students, teachers and teacher-researchers will choose our metropolitan campus


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as a place to study and work, and implement their projects.This strategy will be organized around a global integration policy that incorporates all the different facets and is commensurate with the talent we wish to attract here, either on a selective or permanent basis, and around a promotional policy for the site as a whole.

It will be particularly sustained by the foundation, which will liaise with local businesses involved in the IDEX project’s research and training partnerships. This policy is particularly aimed at three types of public:

- master’s and PhD students who in time will become UdL ambassadors around the world, - junior and postdoctoral students who are accommodated for a limited period of time (3-4 years) and will themselves constitute future points of contact within the network,

- and finally seniors and young French expatriate or foreign researchers who will form the research group being established within the UdL and who can rapidly secure a prestige ERC-type contract, the ANR chair of excellence.This should make it possible, within 4 years, in each of the scientific themes comprising the IDEX perimeter of excellence, and drawing on the scientific potential of the LabEx, to reach the figure of 50% foreign PhD students, and to significantly increase the number of foreign researchers and teacher-researchers coming primarily from the UdL’s targets.

Over the period 2011-2015, the talent recruitment policy will take the form of two flagship initiatives:* Creation of 16 four-year packages to host junior and senior researchers within the promising sectors of the perimeter of excellence. Recruitment will be done via an international jury, based on an international call for applications. The specifications of the call for applications will set out the levels of requirement and in particular the obligation to obtain an ERC contract over the period.

* The mobilization of a significant number of jobs among the grouping’s member institutions in favor of IF programs and emerging themes (see 3.6.2).The policy of attracting young talent, master’s degree students and PhD students will be implemented via the following actions between 2011 and 2015:

- creating 40 specific UdL grants for the purpose of hosting PhD students; these grants are intended to nurture the strategic areas of the IDEX project, notably the LabEx. The grouping’s members have undertaken to finance half of these theses as part of their overall HR commitment (see section 3.6.2);- boosting incentives for short-term mobility amongst our PhD students and master’s degree students on study courses at foreign institutions;

- the widespread delivery of teaching in English on international master’s programs, with the aim of delivering 80% of modules in English within three years, this being a key criterion for earning the “UdL master’s” label;- introducing international pathways for master’s and PhD courses, drawing both on our UdL master’s programs and the development of jointly awarded PhDs, particularly in connection with the LabEx projects chosen.

The recruitment policy for all these target populations will be supplemented by integration arrangements to facilitate the assistance to be provided by the IDEX project, as described in detail in section 3.6.1.


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3) Promotional policyVarious promotional operations will be carried out to enhance the UdL’s reputation and attractiveness:- creating two UdL international Grand Prix awards, in the fields of SSH and the exact sciences;

- developing a highly ambitious communication policy linked to the master’s and PhD courses run by the UdL, within the UdL network for the target geographical zones, and creating local information gateways, relying in particular on the CNRS offices abroad. - selecting around fifteen international scientific conferences and congresses in the light of the IDEX themes of excellence and, in association with the Grand Lyon conurbation, developing a strategy for hosting at least one of these international scientific congresses each year, from 2012 onwards.

The UdL five-year contract (2011-2015) concluded with the State offers an immediately operational framework within which to implement these actions, relying on the UdL services mobilized to facilitate rapid deployment of the IDEX project.


Our project is clearly centered on what is termed the “perimeter of excellence” which has been extensively described in section 3.2.3. In terms of research, the IDEX project gives rise to the actions of the LabEx. However, if the LabEx are the excellence of today, the IDEX project must also focus on the future regeneration of its perimeter of excellence.

Support for the LabExUdL has submitted 12 projects to the LabEx call for proposals, eight of which have been approved. These projects will receive annual funding as defined by the state rule but this funding is only part of the overall funding through other actions of the IDEX project. Indeed, all actions are preferentially focused on the LabEx projects such as the package for setting up and operating new research groups.

Foundation of UdL that we would like to see managing IF-related funds will ensure that the LabEx procedures and undertakings are respected. The IDEX will draw on its scientific bodies in order to scientifically supervise the LabEx with regard to site policy whilst respecting their need for independence. The last four LabEx projects must also be considered. Indeed, they correspond to a scientific and strategic choice for the site. Based on the review of the international committee, they will be re-built in order to form part of the second submission.

Support for emerging clustersAs already stated, the IDEX will ensure the regeneration of its ‘perimeter of excellence’. It will offer financial and logistics support for emerging clusters by drawing on its strategic steering committee and the expertise of its international scientific committee. The site ethos does of course already exist both within UdL and beyond its walls with our regional partners. The IDEX represents an opportunity for us to better assume this collective risk in order to renew our potential.

The academic senate and the SSC in particular will be solicited for broad pre-labeling consultation and final decisions on these emerging clusters.


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Transport: Within the framework of the innovative investments procedure, it is crucial for the intermediation between industrial and academic stakeholders (research and training) to be made more explicit and better exploited, especially as part of the IDEX. This scientific field and the issues it covers are very much part of the general theme of “Knowledge and engineering for sustainable development”. In association with this initiative, the research stakeholders in the conurbation’s transport field have agreed to develop a joint research network, based on the European model of networks of excellence. The aim of this CRT-Lyon (Lyon Center for Transport Research) is to stimulate multidisciplinary research focused on the current and future challenges and changes faced by transportation systems and mobility practices. Obviously, this project is being constructed in synergy with the development of advanced-level teaching in and through research, and on the basis of the relationships developed over a number of years now with economic stakeholders within the framework of the LUTB competitive cluster. Scientific research into transportation systems and mobility practices could thus develop its scientific relevance and also its ability to drive innovative training courses (a proposed master’s degree in the transport field is one of our priorities) and its relationship with economic and industrial stakeholders, and with public decision-makers. Systemic biology: Systemic biology is a new approach that regards biological objects as systems, i.e. collections of parts that are involved in dynamic interaction. This is a multi-scale, multi-variable and, by nature, multidisciplinary approach to systems, which will constitute the common language and research strategy for biology and medicine in the 21st century. The objective of setting up a systemic biology cluster will be three-fold:

* Offering all biology stakeholders (healthcare professionals, industrialists and academics) access to this essential approach by facilitating access for Lyon’s biologists to the various bodies, so that these platforms can talk to one another more effectively, and by helping them to identify their own future needs. * Giving the community visibility on the national and international stage.

* Positioning UdL as one of the top 10 players in systemic biology within the next ten years.It will also endeavor to complement the activities of other local federations, such as the IXXI (Rhône-Alps Institute of Complex Systems), the IRT and international federations, such as the Systemoscope Consortium’s proposed European Institute of Systemic Biology & Medicine. In terms of technology transfer, with the support of SATT, the cluster will identify industrial preoccupations calling for systemic biology approaches to be adopted, and will offer the partners concerned local solutions and contracts as part of an active approach aimed at stakeholders leading the applications market.

Education and training: This is a major global societal theme. However, we note that at the present time, France is virtually absent from the field of training research and innovation. Our ambition is to set up a new top-class training cluster in this area within the UdL, which will seek to reflect the main areas of international scientific debate. The radical overhaul of the INRP11 within ENS12 Lyon as a French educational institute is a unique opportunity for the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site, which already has four universities sharing an IUFM13, to become a major site in the training sector. The UdL can also benefit from the recognized expertise of the ISPEF (the Institute of Education and Training Sciences and Practices) of the Université

11Institut National de la Recherche Pédagogique12Ecole Normale Supérieure13Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres


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Lyon 2 and the experience of the innovative mechanisms being implemented in various member institutions, notably the training programs introduced at the Institut Catholique de Lyon. This will mean adopting a pro-active approach to structuring this field.Budget

• Support for the LabEx: total funding for the 12 projects submitted in December 2010 is €15.3 million a year.

• Support for emerging clusters: the allotted budget is based on a hypothesis of four clusters and an average budget of order of 75% to those allocated to the LabEx i.e. €0.96 million a year. The funded projects must also provide evidence of funding from institutions and bodies under the same rules as those applied to the LabEx projects and external funding (social and economic sector) to the tune of 20% of the IDEX funding amount.

• Support for one or two main investment on the four years period.


1) IDEAChallenges and objectives

In the introduction we reiterated our desire to develop a flagship project (IDEA) within the IDEX. The project has a clear and ambitious objective: help to make the Lyon / St-Etienne area ‘an innovation ecosystem’ and a world class ‘entrepreneurial hub’ within 10 years.By de-compartmentalizing and opening up the universities and grandes écoles, strengthening links between the different Lyon/St-Etienne campuses and bringing together scientific research, technology, innovation and management in a system which aims to benefit entrepreneurship, the IDEA scheme intends to be a key player in promoting a culture of innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit and to make an effective contribution to economic and social wealth creation.

InitiativesThe IDEA scheme draws on the area’s research laboratories of excellence, in partnership with the competitive clusters, and seeks to facilitate (through training in innovation and entrepreneurship) and supplement (through post-incubation marketing support initiatives) the work of the SATT, in order to accelerate the creation and development of innovative business activities, which in turn create financial, human and social wealth.

This scheme helps to deploy and boost the three key stages of value creation through innovation and entrepreneurship and leads to three changes:

• Gradually enable an idea, concept or technological solution to take the form of a commercial product and devise a business model.

• Gradually teach and train a 'project developer' to become a real entrepreneur.

• Gradually train and turn a group of people (the project team) into a genuine entrepreneurial organization.

IDEA will facilitate these three major changes in concrete terms through four main activities:

• Entrepreneurship, technology transfer and innovation research.


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• Lifelong learning to prepare and develop the innovative and entrepreneurial leaders of the future.

• Incubation (technological post-incubation) in order to help all sorts of ‘aspiring entrepreneurs’ and innovative and ambitious projects to create new business activities, and also to help existing entrepreneurs to look to new areas for developing their companies (drawing on innovation).

• The Agora (or open forum) to facilitate meetings, interaction, discussion and innovative projects developed jointly by entrepreneurs, students, researchers, academic teaching staff, artists, designers and architects, who are all play an active role in the ‘creative melting pot’ from which groundbreaking innovations emerge.

The IDEA scheme and its activities (listed above) is a network-based initiative deployed across the four Lyon and Saint-Etienne campuses through the ‘open innovation districts’: an IDEA School (Lyon-Ouest/Ecully Campus, the lynchpin of the scheme) and three IDEA centers (LyonTech/La Doua, Charles Mérieux /Gerland and Saint-Etienne campuses). Each of the centers has its own system of governance made up of 'local’ founder members and covering projects connected to the site.

1) For example, the IDEA School will develop the school of innovation and entrepreneurship and a new generation technological post-incubation scheme. 2) The Saint-Etienne IDEA center has set itself the objective of training and preparing the leaders and entrepreneurs from the creative industries of the future and will particularly draw on design.


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3) The LyonTech IDEA center will focus its efforts on university / corporate / regional meetings in order to step up and intensify innovation for socio-economic development, making use of the development of students’ creative potential and entrepreneurial culture.4) Finally, the Charles Mérieux IDEA center will harness the potential of the Gerland site’s higher education institutions’ social sciences and humanities / life sciences crossover.

The four IDEA centers will coordinate their projects and work and pool some resources and skills, making for a new flagship networked space within the UdL; a space for innovation and entrepreneurship. As well as the founder members of each IDEA center, the consortium (a sort of ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship Council’) comprises the various competitive clusters involved (including Lyonbiopole, Axelera, Techtera, Lyon Urban Truck & Bus, Imaginove, Via Meca) and key economic stakeholders (CCI de Lyon & Saint-Etienne, Grand Lyon, Saint-Etienne Métropole, Conseil Général du Rhône, de la Loire, Drire RA, Région RA). It is seeking to be a new space for:

- Communication, interaction and synergy at the crossroads between the worlds of science and technology, business and entrepreneurship, design and the arts, to devise and develop innovative concepts, new business models and help a new generation of entrepreneur innovators to emerge.

- Joint learning for those involved in the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem (entrepreneurs, funding bodies, researchers, artists, students and academic teaching staff) in order to increase knowledge and the associated training.

- Observation and knowledge, in order to grasp and devise social, economic and political trends, which are sources of opportunity for the future.

- Promoting an ambitious and ethical ethos of innovation and entrepreneurship with the aim of creating wealth and improving well-being and social justice.

Finally, to ensure it is globally focused and in order to draw inspiration from best practice, the IDEA consortium will be placed at the heart of an international network of excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship, made up of top level partners in the world’s major ‘innovation and entrepreneurship hubs’.

BudgetActively contributing to making the Lyon/Saint-Etienne region into an innovation ecosystem and a world-class entrepreneurial hub within ten years will require significant resources over the whole period, in order to enable the IDEA scheme in UdL to become the leading European innovation and entrepreneurship training and research hub.

The resources include:- The recruitment of 30 world class innovation and entrepreneurship teaching staff who

will be involved in all the IDEA centers' training and research programs.

- The setting up of the first ever European innovation and entrepreneurship resource center.

- Strengthening current innovation and entrepreneurship research teams and creating research centers.

- Major academic investment so as to create new IDEA programs: ‘IDEA pathway’ degrees, the IDEA Bachelor’s degree, the IDEA master’s degree, the IDEA PhD, IDEA certificates, IDEA professional training, IDEA training for trainers etc.


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- The creation of IDEA web TV for broadcasting classes and lectures delivered across the consortium’s campuses, aimed at the region’s businesses and graduates.

- Holding numerous colloquia, lectures and exhibitions, open to academia, students and the business world.

The IDEA scheme founder institutions (Centrale LYON, EMLYON Business School, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, INSA, IPL, ENS, Sciences Po Lyon, VetagroSup and the Université Jean Monnet) will on average contribute €4 million of their own funds every year over the course of the 10-year project. The initial IDEX funding requirement is €6.4 million with external contributions evaluated at 10% each year, so just €5.5 million last year.

2) MastersChallenges and objectives

In the field of training, the IDEX aims to encourage innovation and boost international appeal. Given that UdL member institutions still control their training offer, which is harmonized at UdL level, the IDEX will focus on incentive-based support for these institutions. Part of this initiative will be run by the LabEx. They will help support or develop specialized master’s degree and PhD pathways. The institution of the federal university system will help develop this policy over the long term.Initiatives

The ‘Université de Lyon’ master’s degreesSince 2007, the UdL has been developing an ‘internationally-oriented master’s degree’ accreditation policy. The UdL has listed in a charter the criteria that need to be met by institutions wishing to obtain accreditation. With regard to the site’s international appeal, the accreditation could be given to courses that meet the following requirements:

* Some or all teaching delivered in a foreign language, with this requirement naturally being more stringent for a course that specifically bolsters the site’s international appeal.* The active involvement of teaching staff, researchers or industry professionals, who are either foreign or who have proven international experience related to the course objectives.

* Gradual recruitment of international students (who have not previously studied in France) with the ultimate aim that they will represent 30% of each year group. * Internships abroad for French students and also for other students.

The IDEX will pay particular attention to the programs that already have or could obtain Erasmus Mundus status. Indeed, we must develop our current proposal (only 4 Erasmus Mundus master’s courses14 over the 60 in which at least one French institution is involved).In addition to this international component, the UdL wishes to incorporate its training courses into the research / social and economic sector development scheme, notably by ensuring strong links with the RTRA (Thematic Advanced Research Network), CTRS (Thematic Research and Healthcare Centers) and competitive clusters.

Four master’s degrees already have this status:

14ATOSIM (Atomic Scale Modelling in Physical, Chemical and Bio-molecular Systems) coordinated by ENS Lyon, CIMET (Color in Informatics and Media Technology), and MACLANDS (Master of Cultural LANDScapes) coordinated by UJM and DMKM (Data Mining and Knowledge Management) coordinated by Uniiversity Lyon 2.


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• Biosciences (in conjunction with the Lyonbiopole competitive cluster, the IRT LyonBioTech and the Biosciences LabEx).

• Nano-scale engineering (in conjunction with the iMUST LabEx)

• Materials sciences

• Administration of research and knowledge dissemination institutions.

The idea is to reinforce and develop this approach to support the perimeter of excellence and notably with a focus on the following subjects:

• Europe’s neighborhood policies and spaces

• Transport and mobility (in support of the IMU LabEx, the LUTB competitive cluster and our emerging transport cluster).

• Cancer research (in support of our LabEx DevweCan).

• Imaging (in support of our H2N LabEx and the Imaginove competitive cluster).

• Alterville (in support of the IMU LabEx and the emerging transport cluster).

• Nuclear power (in support of the iMUST LabEx).

• Cleantech (in support of the iMUST, MANUTECH-SISE and CeLyA LabExs, the Axelera competitive cluster and the IEED INDEED).

These programs will be closely linked with our site’s PhD courses in order to be able to offer integrated PhD pathways connecting master’s and PhD programs.

BudgetSupport for international master’s degrees: for each master’s course, ½ FTE for administration, operating budget to cover international communications, the additional cost of the involvement of international academic staff, investment budget for launching the program. Scholarships for international students: 10 scholarships (lasting 10 months) per master’s course offered as an incentive. The local authorities are expected to support the overall program. The cost of delivering the training will be borne by the institutions taking part in the master’s course (around €0.3 million a year).

3) Training of trainers“Training of trainers is a global issue” is the slogan of the 1st World Forum on Lifelong Learning, under the patronage of UNESCO.

Recent developments to initial trainer training and vocational training mean that there is an urgent need to deploy new trainer training tools and methods, drawing on social science research and technological innovation. The IDEX will make Lyon into the European test-bed for trainer training by making possible ambitious projects of the following types:* Organizational innovation (curricular) through the setting-up of hybrid training programs combining distance and on-campus learning, and aiming to achieve “high educational quality” and targeting trainers from French state education system, or with a background in the higher education system and professional training, and, in a wider sense, those involved in education in its different forms (for example, health education and popular education).

* Technological innovation, harnessing the region’s laboratories and businesses (new uses, new terminals, serious games etc) for a world of education made up of increasing numbers of digital natives.


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* Social innovation, focusing on reflexivity and stakeholders working together, with emerging schemes that aim to ensure equal educational opportunities being discussed in particular.The ENS’s Institut Français de l’Education in Lyon (French Education Institute - formerly INRP), the ULL Institut des Sciences et des Pratiques d’Éducation et de Formation (Institute for Education and Training Theory and Practices) and the Académie de Lyon IUFM (Lyon Regional Education Authority University Teacher Training Facility-UCBL) will implement these projects in conjunction with the S2HEP, Triangle, ECP, and ICAR laboratories, CERPHI (Center for Research on Rhetoric, Philosophy and the History of Ideas), CRTT (Center for Research in Terminology and Translation) and the INSA Humanities Center. One of the first steps taken to inaugurate this partnership project is the creation of a Lyon 2 / Lyon 1 jointly accredited master’s degree on trainer training in partnership with the IFE and ENSL. Likewise, via the IFE, we will support the creation of a UNESCO ‘Training trainers in the 21st

century – a French-speaking research and teacher training network” chair, bringing together several French-speaking universities and institutions.

4) Giving apprenticeship-based courses an international outlookChallenges and objectives

We wish to strengthen links with the socio-economic sector as one of our priority objectives and this should be reflected in training initiatives and specifically in apprenticeship-based training. We propose laying down a model and international framework for sandwich courses going beyond the basic rationale of pooling institutions’ resources, as well as combining existing schemes in order to speak with one voice and cement a model jointly developed by the higher education and business sectors.Professional training and sandwich training (including apprenticeships), of which socio-economic partnerships are key components, are the spearheads. UdL accommodates the professional training department (Lyon 1), which is ranked second in France (turnover of over €9 million excluding apprenticeships and over 1,200 placement students) and first in the health sector.

‘Mixed’ training courses, combining several sectors and professional profiles, should also be promoted. These courses are true educational test-beds as they compare and combine different issues, practices and professional and educational cultures. This type of training is best suited to effectively addressing the complex socio-economic developments that typify both contemporary societies and, to an even greater extent, the societies of the future.The Accreditation of Prior Experience system, which is already well structured and developed in UdL (over 250 in the four Lyon education authority universities), is a vital resource for forward-looking careers and skills management, to enable businesses to optimize their human resources and develop their staff’s skills in response to the requirements of their business segment and the economic context.

This initiative should make our site a leader in France for testing, coordinating and promoting international initiatives for expanding apprenticeship and sandwich training courses. The interaction, particularly international interaction, fostered by this initiative should also make a positive contribution to regional business.


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In the global economy, executives need to fully embrace international culture, which requires an understanding of socio-cultural work contexts and the ability to work in different environments.The promotion and implementation of educational mobility is one of the key priorities in higher education in Europe. The objective of 20% of European graduates having spent time abroad during their studies or on a work placement has been set for 2020. This mobility is key to the creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

The objectives are to improve student employability, mobility and the quality of the higher education / business relationship and make a genuine contribution to the EHEA and for the businesses in question to expand internationally.Significant progress is hoped for in several areas:

- In education: to foster international teaching in specialist areas relating to the IDEX’s priorities, offer special learning and teaching provision which students cannot access in a single institution, discover new educational approaches, enable teaching staff to test out their methods in an international environment, develop cross-disciplinary skills that boost employability, and encourage multilingualism.- The world of business: extend beyond international borders the training institution – business network that ensures the provision of apprenticeships, particularly to neighboring countries, the rest of Europe and the Mediterranean region countries that are developing strongly (North Africa and Turkey, for example), develop the involvement of business in apprenticeship-based learning by widening international business opportunities (new markets, new products and new technologies).

- Organizational aspects: federate initiatives to extend the international reach of French apprenticeship-based training in order to raise its profile with French companies and European academia and business, as well as French and European institutions, and achieve the critical mass required to carry out development initiatives targeting ‘new countries’, and to test and promote educational trials.- In terms of profile: promote the French apprenticeship-based higher education model using innovation transfer and support for economic development. Support the educational method of apprenticeship implementation at master’s degree and engineering degree level in countries where it does not exist. Identify and use overlaps between the various national apprenticeships or equivalent systems. Ensure that the international expansion of apprentice training is based on an ethos of balanced interaction.

InitiativesTo achieve this ambition, a consortium of partners from the higher education and the business sector (neighboring countries, other European countries and Mediterranean Region countries) could implement and manage an institute - university / business cooperation project to increase the relevance of training programs and student and researcher work - study program arrangements, and to improve researcher career prospects throughout their professional lives by further developing their knowledge of entrepreneurial skills. The principle of inter-country reciprocity could be the basis for running the consortium.

A prospective phase will therefore be needed to identify partners. Moreover, the inclusion of this ambition in the IDEX application will facilitate deployment for institutions already implementing trial engineer training international expansion initiatives.


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BudgetFor the prospective phase, two FTE project leader posts, filled by four to six people who will share out the work based on geographical criteria, disciplinary specializations and different topics (educational methods, regulatory aspects, corporate needs) and ½ a FTE for administration, and an operating budget for travel and accommodation costs (€50k).

The subsequent consolidation phase will be addressed and budgeted as a second step and / or under another framework.

5) Innovative training initiatives Apart from the much-needed, vital focus on opening up the different institutions’ learning pathways, the IDEX will support innovation in teaching methods and notably methods using ‘learning by doing’, new technologies and the use of 3D in learning, whilst assessing the results of these new teaching practices.The IDEX will put forward a project focusing on the learning of healthcare techniques, thus supporting the excellence of health training demonstrated by the results achieved by students in the national competitive medicine exam and in pharmacy residencies. The project will have three central building blocks, two of which are partially or fully operational, and will require the setting up of a simulation center where medical techniques can be practiced on a dummy, and equipped with a patient – healthcare professional interaction room and a mock operating theatre.

The development of training in entrepreneurship will also be supported, starting from awareness- raising in the form of a double-major degree, and extending right up to PhD level.One way to initiate the future federal system from a training point of view is to promote initiatives such as cross-institutional courses (a student having courses in different institutions) especially to favor multi-disciplinarity.

The wealth of our geographic area, far beyond its university institutions, is reflected in the IDEX bid consortium. This wealth of experience and expertise is a determining factor with regard to thinking on the emergence of new requirements in terms of skills. The IDEX project will therefore support initiatives to offer training in these needs, notably under professional training programs and apprenticeships. These needs will be expressed across the full range of courses offered (bachelor’s, master’s, PhD). The IDEX will specifically promote:

• mixed technico-scientific and entrepreneurship training courses;

• support for the implementation of an IRT shared educational eco-system platform on the theme of infectious diseases;

• the training of managers by raising awareness of the new value chains brought about by the “Factory of the Future”.


• Via a call for proposals based on a scenario of four projects selected every year, with an average allocated annual budget of around €0.10 million per project and the requirement that the institutions must make a larger contribution (factor 3).

• Support for the training of trainers. Ensuring a diverse intake.


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Challenges and objectives

A UdL PhD can and must be an international benchmark both in terms of its academic standards and the employability of its holders. This initiative will help boost all the academic courses, with the PhD as the lynchpin (the PhD - master’s - bachelor’s ethos).This is reflected in a set of objectives, some of which are at the heart of our approach with regard to our future five-year site contract with the state (notably following up on UdL PhD holders). However, the framework of the IDEX enables us to go even further by offering to create doctoral schools, with extremely close links to our perimeter of excellence, which will act as pilot sites for these initiatives. Rolling them out to cover all disciplines and doctoral schools will help to create the desired leverage within the IDEX.


• Develop the quality and enhance the profile of the ‘Université de Lyon PhD’ label The UdL PhD will come in the form of a qualification and an add-on skills record in order to improve the synergy between academic and professional recognition and to encourage transparency and international recognition. Indeed, the lack of recognition and undervaluing of PhDs is a widespread problem and the information provided on the certificates is not sufficiently clear. The paper qualification itself will state the general field of study (for example, Philosophy, Chemistry or Economic Sciences). The add-on will come in the form of a skills record providing information about all the knowledge and skills gained during the PhD course, linked to the research work itself and also to cross-cutting training courses taken during the period of study (extra-disciplinary studies, supplementary activities and languages, for example), and whether they were compulsory or voluntary. These skills need to be carefully defined in close collaboration with the directors of the pilot doctoral schools and in consultation with student, staff, business people and employer representatives.

• Facilitate PhD holders' integration into the job market

As soon as young researchers start their course, they need to determine what they want to do with their PhD and the professional research experience acquired along the way, and to realistically analyze the future professional opportunities available to them. Working with UdL, the directors of the doctoral schools, the academic supervisors and with the support of professional stakeholders, the IDEX will introduce initiatives to improve the employability of PhD holders, in particular by developing the Doctor – Consultant scheme launched by UdL. This scheme enables young PhD holders, who have received prior training in innovation from the UdL, to join an SME on a minimum six-month contract complete with funding. The assignment with which the PhD holder is tasked must be linked to their real PhD skills (non-academic skills, but rather those linked to their understanding of innovation processes).

• Encourage international mobilityAs the aim is to harmonize PhD holder recruitment policies across the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site, the IDEX will develop its work on coordinating the international mobility of PhD students and holders by providing funding for the recruitment and hosting of PhD holders on the LabEx themes. The IDEX will offer programs for PhD students (benefiting from the general hosting policy) and for the outgoing mobility of our PhD students and holders. The IDEX will work to develop Erasmus Mundus PhD's programs (only 13 at European level) and more precisely the first attempts at DMKM (Data Mining and Knowledge Management - as a


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continuation of the EM master’s program) and THRUST+ (Turbomachinery Aeromechanics University Training with link to the EquipEx PHARE).Budget

* Strengthening PhD policy: two FTE (notably for monitoring integration), an operating budget, notably for coordination and communications work on the recognition of PhD qualifications and for the task of putting together and updating the individual PhD skills records.* 20 Doctor-Consultant packages (50% of the six-month internship covered by the company) of which 10 will be funded by the IDEX partners. The goal is for 100% of the funding to be covered by external resources at the end of the first four-year period.

* Incoming international mobility: 30 semesters of provision for hosting PhD students in conjunction with the LabEx and the Erasmus Mundus programs.* Outgoing international mobility: 30 semesters for site PhD students in conjunction with the LabEx and the Erasmus Mundus programs.


Major developments to the structuring of the ‘knowledge triangle’ have taken place over the past five to ten years.This process is clearly visible at European level, even though it sometimes takes very twisted paths, to achieve the same core objective: to create genuine synergy between research, education and innovation in order to boost economic dynamism and social and environmental progress.

The IDEX has the stated ambition of making the Lyon / Saint-Etienne site into a center for innovation. It has exceptional research and training potential, a strong industrial sector made up of SMEs and global groups and a comprehensive innovation ecosystem (13 competitive clusters, innovative business incubators, shared technology transfer system, development subsidiaries and divisions, and an agency for innovation development). In this context, the relationships that have been forged between UdL member institutions and the socio-economic sector are exemplary, as they foster a form of coherence and a dynamic unique in France. This dynamic has led to the emergence of what is now a sustainable system, which renews, maintains and optimizes itself, and generates new sources of innovation, which fully incorporate stakeholders and research, education and innovation processes.

The IDEX project is being developed today on the strength of this ‘capital’ and takes into account the objective to scale up and diversify partnerships between research, education and the socio-economic sector.The IDEX has been designed in such a way as to increase coherence, convergence and synergy, and this, combined with its complementary relationship with new schemes, such as the LabEx, EquipEx, IEED and IRT, should enable the Lyon / Saint-Etienne cluster to climb to the highest summits of global excellence.


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1) The current situation: a very strong dynamic of collaboration, partnerships and transfer

UdL is at the heart of a socio-economic network established and consolidated by its members with (without being an exhaustive description of the landscape) a dynamic industrial sector and institutional partnerships with all the local authorities and the ANR at national level.

The site is a top European center for life sciences due to a critical mass of stakeholders and leadership in three areas: infectious diseases, cancer research and neurosciences.

Key facts and figures – Life sciences-70,000 jobs of which 9,000 in R&D and higher education.

-15,000 students -36,000 hospital jobs.

- €1 billion of investment over 2004-2010, accounting for 50% of regional industrial investment.

The ecosystem draws on a highly competitive industrial sector made up of world leaders (Sanofi Pasteur, Biomérieux, Mérial and Merck) and innovative SMEs (such as Genzyme, GenOway and Flamel Technology) positioned in high growth sectors. It also has industrial, academic and clinical research potential with internationally recognized excellence in the fields of infectious diseases, cancer research and neurosciences.The site is also characterized by significant industrial and scientific activity in four areas: chemicals, transport, sustainable mobility and innovative materials.

Key facts and figures – Energy / Clean technology

-700 eco-companies accounting for turnover of €1.7 billion and over 13,000 jobs. -2,000 researchers.

-61 training programs.

The area’s eco-technology potential is particularly based on two flagship sites: the Lyontech campus (eco-technologies and post-carbon engineering) and the Chemical Valley. Three large multinationals - Rhodia, Arkema and Total – are based there, as is the IFP Energies Nouvelles research center.The clean technologies market poses a considerable challenge, as the site's chemicals and transport industry needs to undergo major change. The metropolitan strategy supports the promotion of production units and the development of new solutions that will enable leaders and local SMEs to create wealth.

Lyon Saint-Etienne therefore offers a complete innovation ecosystem: exceptional research and training potential, 13 competitive clusters linked with the IDEX’sperimeter of excellence, and strong institutional partnerships with local authorities and the State.At the heart of the system, the stakeholders positioned to provide support for innovation have given a substantial stimulus to partnerships between research teams and the private sector: creation of technology transfer structures for UdL institutions involved in project engineering


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and management of collaborative research contracts and projects; Lyon Science Transfert, a pooled operator system for managing intellectual property and technology transfer on behalf of UdL members; Crealys, the French incubator with the most impressive track record (140 businesses created in 10 years, 60% linked with public research, 115 businesses being still active, and €90 million raised). All together, the site can demonstrate a very strong dynamic and a volume of partnership income in excess of €100 million per annumThis dynamism is also reflected in the training sector, particularly professional training and work / study training (including apprenticeships), as explained in Section 3.3.3.

The next diagrams summarize the potential of the Lyon / Saint-Etienne site in figures.


Research contract with industrial partners (turn over in €/year)

Grants for collaborative research (EU FP, National Research Agency, …) + Research contract( in € / year)

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2) The future: maximize initiative potential within the IDEXThe growth of partnerships is accompanied by a process of progressive integration set in motion by the implementation of joint structuring initiatives, which have acted as a breeding ground for preparing the Investment for the Future applications:

The Carnot Institutes have demonstrated their true value as forums for liaison and the formation of public-private partnerships (PPP). The IF program will enable this model to continue and develop on the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site.The Lyon Cité Campus project is going to enable new settings for the creation of partnerships via the Campus plan; these project incubators will be located on the Lyon Tech La Doua campus for science and engineering projects and on the Charles Mérieux campus for digital sciences, modeling, humanities and social science projects.

The Technological Innovation Platforms, such as the emblematic Axel-One project, a platform which aims to meet the major challenges posed by the clean procedures and innovative materials fields, and to bring together members of UdL and the industrial companies that founded the Axelera cluster. The platform is made up of technology halls, laboratories that can host partners to carry out joint projects with their teams and dedicated equipment on two R&D sites; La Doua Campus for pure research and The Chemical Valley for pilot units. Strengthened by numerous successful IF bids, the Lyon/Saint-Etienne site has new instruments that will be key components when pursuing the dynamic of developing links between business and academia. The exemplary involvement of industry in the UdL’s EquipEx constitutes a major asset for the future. As an example, over 60 health sector companies will benefit from the IVTV facility, while PHARE (Machine Platform for the Control of Environmental Risks) is receiving significant support from major aeronautics and energy groups.

In particular, the IDEX will complete an unprecedented value chain structured to enable the implementation of major projects in two flagship sectors of Lyon’s economy:* An energy / clean technology cluster around INDEED, an IEED developed by Axelera and based on the Axel One platform, which will be a European benchmark within five years.


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* A world-class biohealth campus in Lyon, LyonBioTech, an IRT developed by the Lyonbiopole cluster.The Lyon/Saint-Etienne site has many partnership facilitation and support tools made available through its subsidiaries, the ARDI (Regional Development and Innovation Agency), LST (Lyon Science Transfert) and, in the future, the SATT, which needs to significantly increase integration, given the number of existing structures on the site. However, this support alone will not forge a link between academia-business.

These new structures have significant resources and need to be part of a coherent overall project. IDEX’s role will therefore be to coordinate this new network so as to:

• Increase its research capacity and bolster international appeal in areas in which investment is increasing to unprecedented levels. This will be supported in particular by LabEx projects to back and fund an ambitious talent recruitment policy and an alliance strategy with the most important international campuses.

• Boost development and technology transfer by positioning a project that is completely open to industry and academic partners, encapsulated by the IDEX’s new governance system and the strengthening of innovation and entrepreneurship training.

In this context, the IDEX should act to coordinate the various initiatives that will be undertaken or have already been set in motion by the UdL and its members. The aim will be to make the initiatives more coherent and to systematize relations between stakeholders who have not been sufficiently involved in collaborative work in the past. The desire to develop an innovation ecosystem should be understood in this way. It is not a case of wanting to start from scratch and build a new framework; instead the aim is to efficiently reorganize a rather fragmented field.

The UdL has submitted a SATT project with this objective in mind. The SATT objectives fully contribute to the IDEX project. Without being restricted to the scope of the IDEX, the SATT is primarily based on the two areas of excellence. The IDEX can therefore fully incorporate the objective set, which includes doubling over a ten-year period the number of innovative projects identified annually (85 in Year 1 and 160 in Year 10), the generation of income from the use or transfer of intellectual property (€0.7 million in Year 1, €7 million in Year 5 and €30 million in Year 10) and the creation of start-ups (11 in Year 1 and 14 in Year 10). The efforts made to identify and support projects and the search for partners will lead to an increase in partnership and collaborative research; which in turn will result in new innovative projects and transfer opportunities.

The new IF instruments are also new forums for liaison; comparable to the Carnot Institutes in the sense that they are managed on a more economic basis, the IRT and IEED, for example.These new structures have significant resources but need to be incorporated into a university landscape that will undergo progressive reorganization. IDEX's role will be to coordinate this new network. Consequently, the IRT and IEED managers will be permanent guests on the IDEX Executive Committee and will be key contacts for the future Executive Officer for Investment for the Future, who will be responsible for the IDEX project.

Moreover, since 2009, Lyon Science Transfert has been structuring the development of Social Sciences and Humanities by encouraging the implementation of special transfer tools for a multidisciplinary innovative ecosystem focusing on services and consultancy for industry,


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regional authorities and the socio-economic sector. Given the great potential of the social sciences and humanities in the Lyon / Saint-Etienne area (3,500 researchers and close to 2,500 PhD students, France’s second university cluster), the IDEX will extend this initiative by making innovation a key development area through usage and social innovation.In addition to this coordination work, the IDEX will also use some of its own resources to enhance this partnership-based approach:

• Actions specific to each of the LabEx (estimated annual budget of €1.3 million) for all 12 LabEx proposed by the UdL.

• Development of the Doctor-Consultant scheme (20 Doctor-Consultant packages for business; 50% of which will be funded by the local authorities, with an overall budget of €500k).

• Increase the professional training and work / study training offer (see section 3.3.3) based on the needs for new skills that have been identified (this will be done in partnership with stakeholders such as the IRT and IEED) and support for the IDEA project on innovation.

This system is summarized in the following diagram.


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Challenges and objectives

Innovate in terms of how knowledge is built, disseminated and shared in order to support the current shift in the approach to scientific culture and return society to its rightful place by stimulating debate between science and society.Science/society issues: ideas and practices on science – relationships with society.

Science/society issues were structured as a field of CSTI (scientific, technical and industrial culture) in the 1990s, firstly in the field of health and then with the debate on GMO and nanotechnologies. Society has taken over the sciences and the resulting cultural forms are therefore part of CSTI, even though those traditionally involved in disseminating knowledge still find it hard to incorporate these issues into their practices. The process requires a range of stakeholders to be taken into consideration. These fields require the creation of mediation tools which differ from and complement those used to disseminate the sciences and also need interfaces to be created between the different stakeholders working on these issues, namely researchers, industry, civil society and institutions.The different facets of CSTI need to be developed for all populations, while taking into account their specific features. It is important to ensure that different CSTI policies are not developed for the different target groups (based on age, professional activity etc.), but instead to associate knowledge dissemination with science and social issues as much as possible. In short, it is not a question of aiming knowledge dissemination activities at some groups and science and social issues activities at others.

Building interfaces between different spheresCSTI is an umbrella term for a variety of spheres, stakeholders and professions: ‘culture’ (cultural, scientific or other mediators, artists, amateurs, associations etc), ‘scientific and technical’ (researchers, teaching staff, engineers, technicians, scientific mediators) and industrial (industry and industrial occupations). Furthermore, CSTI is at the interface of political decisions, social issues and the economy. Developing CSTI therefore involves rolling out the ideas, places, tools and resources which will improve understanding between these different spheres and allow them to interact and work together in projects combining knowledge dissemination, discussion and scientific and social issues.

InitiativesThe IDEX will offer schemes on several levels in order to create closer links between civil society and research and enable it to participate in the public debate:

* In order to familiarize civil society with the content of the LabEx’s research work, from time to time the IDEX will run ‘arts and science’ events (meetings with researchers) which will be widely relayed on social networks. It will draw on UdL’s ‘science and society’ department’s expertise, as well as harnessing the expertise of other bodies. The objective is to hold regular gatherings (two events a year), each one linked to one of the IDEX’s four major themes.* A dedicated website will host online debates on potentially controversial research subjects linked to the work of the laboratory and aimed at different social stakeholders (civil society, young people and adults, business). Again, the planned IDEX will offer a design and


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operating infrastructure for this site which will enable the laboratory to focus its work on pure science.* An innovative initiative to address the concerns of civil society will be part of the set of schemes connected to the planned IDEX and developed by UdL. The scheme draws its inspiration from the ‘science shop’ model. Acting as an interface between civil society and research, the ‘shop’ aims to identify and group together the needs of various social stakeholders (an issue or a problem for an association, company, public policy stakeholders, an individual or grouping). The shop analyses the concern, turns it into a research subject, identifies research resources (previously published results, bibliography, contact with suitably qualified laboratories), acts as a link between the organization or individual and the research laboratory and plans the work phases required to address the concern with the stakeholders involved. The laboratories of excellence will be the mainstays of this work. This new scheme will be based at the science and society projects center built as part of Operation Campus. The project will be developed to support the European PERARES15 project and will join the European ISSNET network16.

Budget• Running science events: two FTE positions, operations.

• Interactive website: one FTE position for website design and operation.• Science shop: three FTE positions, operations, support budget for selected projects,

specific budget for supporting social innovation in conjunction with the SATT.


The IDEX will provide support for the setting up major knowledge access and management infrastructure. A collective approach is the only way to set in motion this type of project. The IDEX’s primary aim is not to be the major funding body for the project but instead use these funds to ensure each infrastructure can incorporate the site’s perimeter of excellence as effectively as possible. The following list is supplied for information purposes and was created as part of the reflection process on the UdL’s five-year contract. Imaging of living organisms: The Lyon/Saint-Etienne site boasts an extensive experience in the imaging of living organisms (two IF submissions which draw on the CERMEP17 - the Centre for the Exploration and Multimodal and Multidisciplinary Research on the Imaging of Living Organisms). Without becoming involved in investing in and running these structures, the IDEX will have to harmonize the schemes in order to guarantee that they work efficiently for all academic and private sector stakeholders.

Datacenter project: The objectives of UdL ACDC (A Cloud of Datacenters) are:* Put forward a proposal to set up a cloud of four data centers on the LyonTech/La Doua, Charles Mérieux/Gerland, Lyon Ouest Ecully and Saint-Etienne campuses. The centers’ logistics and technical resources and the performance and professional development of the teams tasked with running them must match the institutions’ IT infrastructure requirements.

15The Public Engagement with Research and Research Engagement with Society (PERARES) project strengthens interaction between researchers and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and citizens in Europe.

16Improving Science Shop Networking17Centre d'Exploration et de Recherche Multimodal Et Pluridisciplinaire en imagerie du vivant


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* Provide an optimal hosting environment for the institutions’ strategic Information Systems resources.* Guarantee excellent service availability and the introduction of an effective business continuity plan in the event of a major incident on one of the sites by interconnecting the UdL datacenter resource units to the LyRES network distribution points.

* Offer different service levels: hosting or physical servers, task schedulers, virtual operating systems, digital services and sector applications.The cloud will draw on the four main sites’ existing IT structure which will be updated or optimized and will offer a set of shared, secure, ‘highly available’ services, including common management procedures for all UdL member institutions. The project will be gradually implemented in order to enable the candidate institutions to prepare and manage changes in use over the course of several years. This is one of the conditions upon which the success of the project hinges.


• Cloud of Datacenters: Involvement in the running and investment. Payroll costs will be covered by the institutions.


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1) IDEX’s identity and role

The IDEX is a UdL project sheltered by the Foundation for UdL in the form of a budget unit. It therefore has no independent legal status but does enjoy autonomy of governance in carrying out IDEX’s objectives.In addition to its own activities, IDEX is in charge of assembling other projects coming under IF program, including IRT, IEED, IHU, SATT, etc. There is no formal hierarchy between these projects and the IDEX, but the IDEX will be accountable for generating synergies between them. The IDEX will therefore be in charge of their joint strategic planning. Through its activities, the IDEX will be one of the mainstays of the UdL-led Lyon Saint-Etienne university consolidation project.

2) Organizing governance

IDEX’s project governance is organized around three pillars:

• The IDEX Executive Committee, which is in charge of implementing the project;

• The Strategic Steering Committee, which will benefit to IDEX, UdL and the Foundation;

• The participation of the UdL and Foundation administration councils in IDEX’s governance.

A - The Executive Committee (EC)

The EC’s role is to serve as arbiter, to ensure the project is proceeding properly, and to certify that it has met its objectives.


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The EC has nine members who essentially represent the IDEX project consortium (eight members), to which we wish to add a Foundation representative:- one representative of the Foundation (representative of the socio-economic world);

- eight representatives of the consortium that submitted the IDEX project:

• four representatives appointed by the UdL's administration council on the nomination of the UdL board and chosen from among institution officials;

• two representatives of the research institutes;

• two representatives of other consortium structures.The EC is led by the Managing Director for Investments in the Future (MDIF). The EC also includes four permanent guest members: the presidents of UdL and of the Foundation, and the heads of IRT and IEED.

The EC reports quarterly to UdL and annually to the Foundation. The EC’s internal rules determine its role, membership and organization.The Executive Committee’s decisions are implemented by the MDIF, who is appointed by the UdL's administration council. He/she is assisted by a team in charge of coordinating IDEX’s activities, heading up strategic planning within IF program structures, IDEX project communications, funding allocation, and reporting to UdL and French government officials. The MDIF will set up an activities committee of all the officials of activities funded in whole or in part by the IDEX project, in particular to represent the LabEx and emerging entities.

B - The Strategic Steering Committee

The Strategic Steering Committee is a cross-disciplinary body of UdL and the Foundation that is involved in the IDEX project governance. It is composed of external and international members (10) and is chaired by Ms Marie-Claude Maurel, Administrator of the Institut Universitaire de France. It gives an opinion on the site’s development process. Regarding the IDEX project, the Strategic Steering Committee will be called on at three times:

• when the IDEX project is launched, in order to interact with the site’s strategy;

• prior to the French government’s initial assessment of the project; and

• where applicable, if the project undergoes a major shift, by, for example, setting up an emerging entity or initiating/eliminating an activity.

The Strategic Steering Committee may also be asked for opinions on new scientific orientations of projects. It can then call on international experts.

C - Role of UdL and Foundation entities in the IDEX’s governanceUdL’s role. The UdL's administration council, which represents the institutions as structural entities, issues an opinion on IDEX’s provisional budget. The Academic Senate is also involved through the issue of periodic opinions and recommendations to the administration council, particularly on IDEX.

The Foundation’s role. The orientations of Investments for the Future may also be discussed by the administration council of the Foundation for UdL, which is the preferred forum for interaction with the community, and particularly with socio-economic circles. These bodies


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will be necessary to the university development plan. They will therefore interact above and beyond the IDEX project.


IDEX’s is mainly funded by the consortium’s member institutions. Government funding allocated to IDEX will therefore be in the form of the Foundation’s own budget unit for the UdL. This provides some autonomy of governance within the Foundation.

The Executive Committee’s strategic planning is reflected in multi-year commitments on the main themes (LabEx, in particular) and annual commitments. The MDIF splits the strategy into a provisional budget through overall allocations for each activity. This budget is approved by the IDEX EC based on the provisional opinion of the UdL's administration council. Each activity supported by the project divides its funding into a budget, which is approved by the EC after final review.The Foundation is in charge of allocating and monitoring the funding provided by the French government, in accordance with the budget proposed by IDEX. Funding earmarked for the IDEX may not be used by the Foundation for any other purpose.

An external financial audit is ordered by the UdL on an annual basis. Audit findings and an activity report are presented to the administration council of the Foundation and the UdL.


1) Role and implementation processes

The UdL has set up a “Foundation for Université de Lyon” whose purpose is to act as the clearinghouse for all community stakeholders for contacts, planning and developing strategic priorities. In developing partnerships around joint projects, the socio-economic sector should help enhance the quality of education and research, and the academic community should reinforce its capacity to produce innovation that can be transferred to companies in the Rhône-Alpes region.That’s why this Foundation will have the following characteristics:

1. the governance of the state-approved Foundation will be balanced between its academic, economic and political partners;

2. it will aim to gradually bring together foundations working in higher education and research;

3. it will act as a forum for information exchange and coordination, it will help organize and develop fundraising in a consistent manner across the various projects;

4. it will offer the possibility to pool resources and reducing management costs, in order to devote more financial resources to project development.

With a goal of initiating the streamlining of structures, the Foundation for UdL will be created out of the dissolution and merger of two general Lyon-based foundations that serve as interfaces between higher education and the business sector: the Scientific Foundation of Lyon and Southeast France, which gained state approval in 1919; the “Rhône-Alpes Futur” Foundation, which gained state approval in 1988, and has acted as an umbrella entity since 2006.


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The Foundation for UdL will be completed on the administrative level in early 2012 but has obtained the backing of the two existing foundations to handle UdL missions as of this year, including:

• Taking charge of managing two 2 FCS in July 2011;

• Taking charge of sponsorship of four grandes écoles in September 2011;

• Setting up a system to handle deposits for foreign researchers in need of housing;

• Planning international events;

• Raising student awareness of entrepreneurship (e.g. the “Campus Création” operation)

2) Organizing governanceThe foundation is organized on the basis of budget units (that can be in the form of a “sheltered project” or a “sheltered foundation”); each budget unit has its own governance. The Foundation’s administration council therefore does not manage each project but, rather, oversees the proper execution of those projects, and, above all, handles strategic planning between partners in the community. As a result:

* the administration council is a small body, with 12 members, plus four permanent guest members (the government Commissioner and three local government representatives) to ensure it can efficiently establish strategic priorities;* the administration council is balanced with equal representation of four representatives of UdL, four representatives of companies, four specialists and four permanent guest members.

* Administration council members focus on a collective, community-focused strategy; they do so by setting up relay structures, including:

◦ A “Business Club”, which brings together companies from the Lyon/Saint-Étienne economic region and sets up task forces tackling economic issues;

◦ A Local Government Committee.The administration council is also assisted by specialized bodies, including:

• a Strategic Steering Committee that serves both the Foundation and the UdL;

• a Financial and Audit Committee, whose task is to define and approve management control procedures and see to their application, to manage investment strategies, and assess and manage risks.

3) The Foundation for UdL and Investments for the Future

The Foundation’s remit is to carry the funds earmarked for the Investments for the Future (in particular, IDEX, IRT and INEED). The Foundation’s legal status allows it to help bring together public and private funding, and its ambition is to develop and coordinate public-private partnerships. Each operation will be managed with a strictly identified “budget unit” and its own governance structure. However, the Foundation will form part of the IDEX’s governance.The Foundation also plays a role in UdL’s development process by serving as a forum for the community planning behind the strategic project. The Foundation’s administration council and the UdL’s governance may set up working groups whose purpose it will be to provide


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grist for strategic planning on issues submitted to the two administration councils. As a forum for strategic thinking for community stakeholders, the Foundation is not an isolated system for academic governance:

* UdL appoints the academic members of the Foundation’s administration council, and the Foundation’s socio-economic representatives take part in the IDEX Management Board;* the IDEX works council may consult with the “club des entreprises”;

• the Foundation, UdL and the IDEX EC set up joint working groups.


The control mechanism developed for the IDEX project is based on the framework proposed by the AMF (France’s Financial Markets Authority). It has been adapted to the project’s context and specific challenges, in order to improve its steering processes and ensure that objectives are met. The mechanism is based on four main components:

• Clear project governance that explicitly defines responsibilities and powersA detailed organizational and governance framework, presenting the bodies and rules encompassing decision-making will be formalized within three months after notification and presented to the UdL's administration council for approval.

An independent review will be mandated by the UdL's administration council over a five-year trial period in order to assess the functioning of the governance bodies and to make any adjustments necessary. This review will cover the basic themes for the smooth running of the project, such as the organization and membership of various governance bodies, relationships between the bodies, operating rules, the quality of information, deliberations and decision-making, as well as project monitoring and steering procedures.

• An efficient system of communications that makes it possible for all stakeholders to exercise their responsibilities

A website has been designed to communicate with all stakeholders and the general public on the IDEX project (http://imagine.universite-lyon.fr).

A secure platform ensures the dissemination of relevant and reliable information to project stakeholders in a timely fashion. This gives each employee the knowledge and information needed to establish, operate and monitor the control mechanism, with regard to the objectives they have been assigned. It manages and disseminates basic documents, such as organization charts and the chain of command, job descriptions and responsibilities, delegation of powers, organizational notes, policies and procedures, the internal control manual, etc.

• Monitoring of the main risks likely to affect the meeting of the project objectivesWithin three months after notification, the basic procedures for running the project shall be laid out and formalized by the MDIF, then approved by the Executive Committee.

In particular, the procedures for organizing and implementing the critical processes of budgeting, funding commitments and financial monitoring of activities will be developed and shared with all stakeholders.These procedures will fit with stakeholders’ existing procedures and will be applicable to all IDEX initiatives, in order to specify the roles and responsibilities of the various stakeholders,


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the principles and rules that underlie execution of the process, and the procedures for running activities, thus ensuring that there is sufficient traceability of activities and stakeholders to produce an audit trail and, lastly, basic controls within the processes to control the inherent risks.All leaders appointed by the IDEX Executive Committee must comply with the operating procedures defined by signing an “Activity Leaders Charter”.

An annual review will be carried out by each activity leader in their area of responsibility, in order to submit to the Executive Committee a map of major risks and a related control plan. Action maps will be consolidated, summarized, and included in the IDEX’s annual activity reported submitted to the UdL's administration council.

• Ongoing monitoring of the control mechanism as well as a regular review of its operations

Project oversight, in particular of its financial and management system, is based on three levels of control:

* The first level is based on self-inspection by operational personnel in charge of implementing activities;* The second level is based on the vigilance of activity leaders in exercising their role of supervising the proper execution of activities, in accordance with the policies and rules set by the Executive Committee;

* The third level of control is implemented by the Performance Steering Manager, who is responsible for deploying and running a self-assessment process. They will administer an annual self-assessment questionnaire in order to report to the Executive Committee on the efficiency of the internal control mechanism and to submit recommendations for improving it;The Foundation will independently administer the funds allocated to the project. The main activities come under formalized procedures and operating modes, in order to provide all personnel with the framework under which the activities necessary for executing the missions are planned, executed, monitored and controlled;

Lastly, an audit of IDEX’s financial and management system will be done mid-way through the probation period. Its findings will be presented to the UdL and Foundation's administration council, which will follow up on the implementation of recommendations. An interview with an ANR representative will be scheduled after an initial stage of structural project stabilization, in order to present the control mechanism and to take suggestions for any improvements.


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3.5. MEANS

Our project can be characterized by some global ratios. First of all the excellence perimeter (EP), by means of the LabEx funding, represents about 40% of the total budget. The other actions focused on the EP also represent about 40% of the budget. Finally, 20% of the budget is devoted to the leverage effect we want to create thanks to the IDEX project on the overall academic community.

Human resources policy is a budget priority. It will allow the EP to benefit from about 100 new researchers positions (which means +7% of the current number of EP's academics) and about 140 new Ph.D. positions (+8% of the current number of Ph.D. associated to the EP). The overall number of new positions including these categories and the support and management positions adds up to about 270.

Among all the actions planned, some are a priori affected 100% to the EP. This is for instance the case of governance, communication policy, links with society... This is why these actions appear both on tables 3 and 4 in section 4. However, we decided that the effect on the perimeter of excellence should be emphasized and we decided an a priori global assessment of 75% on the perimeter of excellence.

The resources for this project are being requested on a short-term basis. Extending the budget to cover a 4-year period only takes into account inflation (2%/year). Given the planned structuring effect, it is impossible to predict for the next 4 years the nature of resources both in terms of income and expenditure, in the same way as the project partner institutions are unable to forecast their own financial investments. The project partner institutions are making a political commitment which also involves making a financial investment as a basic principle.

Our project focuses on levers which will primarily use Initiative d’Excellence funds. The contributions from the IDEX member institutions will mainly be allocated to four areas:

1. Support for the excellence perimeter as per the various LabEx applications submitted by the UdL.

2. Support for the project proposed by the IDEX governance by means of human resources principally as explained in next section.

3. Covering the cost of delivering training leading to the national master’s degree (only the specific cost is covered by the IDEX project).

4. Implementation of the IDEA project by the project partner institutions.

Most of the budget is devoted to human resources, which are based on civil service pay scales.


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The IDEX project will put into place an innovative human resources policy across the site, which will not only offer comprehensive packages for hosting researchers but also define a significant annual allocation of collective positions.


A site can be attractive but not have a truly comprehensive hosting policy that reflects all internal (relating to professional practices, training and education, technology transfer, documentation, and digital infrastructures) and external aspects (accommodation in the literal sense of the term, room and board, education, integration into the metropolitan area, culture, sport, etc.). The LabEx projects filed by UdL provide for the accommodation of 40 additional post-doctoral students and 80 additional doctoral students across the site. These new arrivals will have to have the best possible scientific environment as well as the best accommodation on campus.

An attractiveness policy aimed at students, researchers and teacher-researchers includes:* Packages for setting up and operating a research group in its initial stages (amount to depend on the discipline and research topic and on the practices of the competing foreign universities): this theme is a priority LabEx policy. The IDEX will nonetheless handle accommodation logistics (with a budget covering rental, operation and maintenance) for the new teams in “project centers”18 designed under Operation Campus, while the LabEx will provide the scientific operating budget;

* Scientific packages for a full time equivalent professor, two post-doctoral positions, one PhD grant, financial support for a technician and of course a recurrent operating budget (one post-doctoral position and PhD Grant provided by the LabEx);* Support for bringing in part-time professors from the corporate sector;

* Support for bringing in post-doctoral students funded under the framework of the scientific policy (LabEx and emerging clusters);* Making research and teaching space available: this will mainly take the form of the “project centers” on the LyonTech-La Doua and Charles Mérieux campuses;

* Salary adjustments, including repatriation bonuses for expatriate doctoral and post-doctoral students at the Lyon/Saint-Etienne, help fitting in, etc.;* Information on accessible shared resources, such as research infrastructure, platforms, documentary resources, etc.;

* Social assistance (spouse, schooling, child care, housing), including a precautionary fund for access to housing in liaison with local and regional governments within the Foundation for UdL;* Assistance with legal and administrative formalities;

Political, operational and promotional assistance by local and regional government, academic institutions and the social and economic sector (competitive clusters, Thematic Advanced Research Network, Foundations, etc.).

18Four project centers are planned under Operation Campus around four themes: sciences of the complex, science and society, language and culture, science and technology.


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The structures which support the IDEX-LSE project and notably the project stakeholders, will commit to a supporting human resources policy. Indeed, the human resources these structures possess and their capacity to use them strategically are one of their key strengths. With the aim of progressively implementing a more federal university system, a percentage of the annual vacancies open (PhD students, researchers, teacher-researchers, administrative staff and technical staff) will be pooled. Most of the positions in this pool will concern the actions implemented by the IDEX i.e. LabEx and EquipEx for the research section, but also the IDEA project and UdL master’s degrees for the education section.

The target figure of 10% of the total positions has been approved by all institutions. Of these, 50 - 66% could be devoted to IDEX actions.For the purposes of information, this commitment will see an average of 24 statutory teacher-researcher posts devoted to the IDEX each year. As regards the technical and administrative staff, this will result in a pool of 12 positions annually. For PhD students, this will represent 20 new students each year.

The positions which are flagged up for the IDEX will still be employed by the institutions or institutions which make them available. However, the job profiles will first be determined by the IDEX governance and then gradually overtime by the federal structure. The external structures of the IDEX, Foundation, SSC and Academic Senate will be used to draw up the human resources strategy and in the annual decisions to be made.


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Table 1 : Proportion of faculty and students involved in the excellence Initiative

Table 1.1 Excellence perimeterAll partner institutions

of the Idex

Number of academics 1 357 3 834

The number of academics of the excellence perimeter is the current number of academics involved in the LabEx projects already labeled or under submission. It only refers to permanent positions.

Table 1.2Idex training programs


All Idex partners students

Number of students 2 800 130 000

The exact number of student in the excellence perimeter is hard to estimate. This number is based on the new master degrees (11 x 60), the IDEA project (500 students as a mean for the first 4 years period) and the overall Ph.D. Students affiliated to a LabEx already validated or submitted in the next call for proposals (1630). This does not take into account the students which will benefit from senior scientists recruitments at bachelor's level, neither the new degrees related to socio-economic links.


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Table 2 : Capital grant requested (in millions of euros)

Capital grant requested1 137

Yearly expected interests from the capital grant (based on a 3.413% rate)



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Presentation of the different actionsThe document presents each operation in detail. This section only includes the funding allocated to each action. If not specified, any funding is supported by the IDEX specific funding.

Most of the budget is devoted to human resources which are based on a civil service pay scales (overall cost for one year salary):

– Technician and administrative: 40 K€

– Ph.D.: 35 K€

– Postdoctoral position: 50 K€

– Senior position: 130 K€

1. Attractiveness policy1.1 French sixth form colleges

• Twenty 6 month grants of 500€ each and one invited professor salary, 35 K€ annual operating costs.

1.2 Communication

• Two administrative FTE and 150 K€ of annual operating costs.1.3 Hosting teaching staff

• A mean of ten hosting packages including one invited senior researcher, one technician, a postdoct and 100 K€ of annual operating costs. The complementary salary of the hosting package (one PhD grant and a postdoct) is supported by the LabEx projects).

• Two main investments of 500 K€ each over the four years.

1.4 Reception policy

• two administrative FTE and annual operating costs of 20 K€ (covered by UdL)

• Rent for the average sixteen hosting staff evaluated to 2 M€ a year

• Contribution of territorial authorities and the State to the “Hôtels à projets” and the International House for Culture and Language, evaluated to 47.8 M€ over the four years

2. Scientific policy2.1 LabEx

• The overall funding of the 12 LabEx (already labeled and submitted) on the IDEX funding is about 61.2 M€ over the four years. Other contributions are listed in the table 3.

2.2 Emerging clusters

• The four potential emerging clusters are funded on a basis of 75% of the mean funding of a LabEx. The same ratio is required on other contributions.

3. Ph.D. Policy3.1 Strengthening the Ph.D. Studies department

• Annual contribution from UdL PhD department : 180 K€ for salaries and 170 K€ of operating costs


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• Annual IDEX funding of 100 K€ for operating costs

3.2 UdL brand

• One administrative FTE and 80 K€ of annual operating cost3.3 Inclusion work

• One administrative FTE

• 50 K€ of annual operating cost

• 20 “docteur conseil” positions, half of them supported by external partners (territorial authorities)

3.4 Ph.D. Grants

• 40 Ph.D. Grants, half of them supported by higher education institution partners of the IDEX3.5 International mobility

• One administrative FTE

• 30 annually incoming grants of 6 months each (2.9 K€/month)

• 30 annually outcoming grants of 6 months each (600 €/month)

4. Training policy4.1 Innovative training courses with regards to economic partnership

• Four programmes of 400 K€ each, two third of each supported by the higher education institutions partners of the IDEX4.2 Training of trainers

• 500 K€ of annual operating costs (4/5 of which supported by the higher education institutions partners of the IDEX project)

4.3 International master's degrees

• 11 master's degrees (4 already existing, 7 to be in 2012)

• For each masters degree

• ½ administrative FTE

• 30 K€ of annual communication cost

• 30 K€ of annual cost for visiting professors

• 50 K€ of investment the first year

• 10 grants of 6 months

• Non IDEX funding for each master's degree are

• 600 K€ of annual operating costs supported by higher education institutions partners of the IDEX

• 220 K€ annually for the 11 master's degree from the LabEx projects

• 15 K€ from territorial authorities

5. Innovation and creativity support policy : the IDEA project

• Over the four years :

• 42 M€ from external funding essentially from companies87/104

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• 15.9 M€ from higher education institutions partners of the IDEX project

• 22 M€ from the IDEX funding

• allocated to

• 30 senior positions

• 34 M€ of operating costs

• 4 M€ of investments

6. Links to society6.1 Science shop

• 3 administrative FTE

• 25 K€ of annual operating costs

• 250 K€ of annual funding for social innovation projects

• 250 K€ of annual other funding

• 1.5 M€ of investments over the four years

• Other resources

• 2 M€ from other IF programmes

• 200 K€ from partners of the IDEX project

• 200 K€ of annual funding from external partners (mainly the territorial authorities)

6.2 Events

• One annual event

• 2 administrative FTE

• 150 K€ of annual operating costs

6.3 Website

• 60 K€ of investment over the four years

• One webmaster FTE

• 50 K€ of annual operating costs

7. Infrastructures : cloud of data centres◦ 2.94 M€ of investments over the four years

◦ 960 K€ of operating costs over the four years

◦ 9.78 M€ of salaries over the four years, supported by the partners of the IDEX project

8. Governance8.1 Management team

• DGIA (senior position)

• 2 programme managers

• 1 performance supervisor

• 2 administrative FTE88/104

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8.2 Operations

• 200 K€ of annual operating costs8.3 Programme supervision

• 150 K€ of annual operating costs

8.4 Communications and events organisation

• One administrative FTE

• 120 K€ of annual operating costs8.5 Organisation of committees

• 50 K€ of annual operating costs

9. Management costs

The management costs represent 4% of the overall IDEX funding.


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Table 3 : Presentation of the resources and expenses of the actions of the perimeter of excellence of the Idex – total over 4 years (millions euros).



Incomes Outcomes

Idex funding Other funding IF

Attractiveness policy 14,46 0 0,5 35,88 35,88 6,6 8,36French sixth form colleges 0,68 0,11 0,57

Communication 0,7 0,46 0,24Hosting teaching staff 6,6 6,6

Reception policy 6,48 0,5 35,88 35,88 6,03 0,95Scientific policy 61,2 95,56 336,9 40,28 58,73 197,56 277,65

LabEx 61,2 95,56 336,9 40,28 58,73 197,56 277,65

PhD policy 6,68 0 3,85 0,72 0 2,85 8,4Strengthening the PhD studies dpt 0,32 1,05 0,83 0,54

UdL brand 0,37 0,25 0,12Inclusion work 1,03 0,72 1,63 0,12Ph.D. Grants 2,8 2,8 5,6

International mobility 2,17 0,15 2,02Training Policy 5,81 0 21,83 0,31 0,41 25,47 2,06

1,2 3,6 4,8Training for trainers 0,3 1,2 1,5

International master's degrees (11) 4,31 17,03 0,31 0,41 19,17 2,06

22,01 0 15,89 42 4 34,49 41,41Idea project 22,01 15,89 42 4 34,49 41,41

Links to society 1,49 1,5 0,15 0,6 0,5 2,53 0,72Science shop 0,47 1,5 0,15 0,6 0,45 1,92 0,36

Events 0,7 0,46 0,24Website 0,32 0,05 0,15 0,12

Infrastructures 2,92 0 7,34 0 2,21 0,72 7,34Cloud of datacenter 2,92 7,34 2,21 0,72 7,34

Governance 3,52 0 1,6 1,92Management team 1,8 1,8

Operations 0,61 0,61Programme supervision 0,46 0,46

0,49 0,37 0,12Organisation of committees 0,15 0,15

Management costs (4%) 4,72Total 122,81 97,06 386,45 119,79 101,73 271,81 347,85

Capital 899,59

Idex scope of excellence budget (€ million over 4 years)

Partner institutions

funding from their own budgets

External income

Invest. Including real estate

Opera- ting


Human ressources

Innovative training courses with regards to economic partnership

Innovation and creativity support policy

communication and events organisation

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Table 4 : Presentation of the resources and spending of the other Idex actions - total over 4 years (millions euros)



Incomes Outcomes

Idex funding Other funding IF

Attractiveness policy 4,82 0 0,17 11,96 11,96 2,2 2,79French sixth form colleges 0,23 0,04 0,19

Communication 0,23 0,15 0,08Hosting teaching staff 2,2 2,2

Reception policy 2,16 0,17 11,96 11,96 2,01 0,32Scientific policy 20,4 0 84,22 10,07 12,06 40,55 56,99

LabExEmerging clusters 20,4 84,22 10,07 12,06 40,55 56,99

PhD policy 1,29 0 0,35 0,24 0 0,95 0,93Strengthening the PhD studies dpt 0,11 0,35 0,28 0,18

UdL brand 0,12 0,08 0,04Inclusion work 0,34 0,24 0,54 0,04Ph.D. Grants 0 0 0

International mobility 0,72 0,05 0,67Training Policy 1,94 0 7,28 0,1 0,14 8,49 0,69

0,4 1,2 1,6Training for trainers 0,1 0,4 0,5

International master's degrees (11) 1,44 5,68 0,1 0,14 6,39 0,69

0 0 0 0 0 0 0Idea project 0 0 0 0

Links to society 0,5 0,5 0,05 0,2 0,17 0,84 0,24Science shop 0,16 0,5 0,05 0,2 0,15 0,64 0,12

Events 0,23 0 0,15 0,08Website 0,11 0,02 0,05 0,04

Infrastructures 0,97 0 2,45 0 0,74 0,24 2,45Cloud of datacenter 0,97 2,45 0,74 0,24 2,45

Governance 1,17 0 0,53 0,64Management team 0,6 0,6

Operations 0,2 0,2Programme supervision 0,15 0,15

0,16 0,12 0,04Organisation of committees 0,05 0,05

Management costs (4%) 1,24Total 32,34 0,5 94,51 22,57 25,05 53,81 64,72

Capital 236,87

Other Idex actions budget (€ million over 4 years)

Partner institutions

funding from their own budgets

External income

Invest. Including real estate

Opera- ting


Human ressources

Innovative training courses with regards to economic partnership

Innovation and creativity support policy

communication and events organisation

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Table 5 : Total budget over 4 years – resources and spending (in millions of euros)

Resources mobilized for the actions of the Idex project

Total of the resources of the Idex partners

Financements apportés par les Investissements d’avenir (A) et (B)I Investissements d’avenir : amount of the requested funding for the Idex (A)

155,14 Sans objet

Other fundings within Investissements d’avenir which could affect the Idex (B)

97,56 Sans objet

Funding obtained (b1) 95,56 Sans objet

Pending fundings (1st and 2nd

wave) (b2)2 Sans objet

(b2) is low because the projects for the 2nd wave of EquipEx and LabEx are still under construction and evaluation is not significant. (b1) takes into account the results from 1st wave of EquipEx, IRT, IEED...

Contribution of the higher education Idex partners (C)

Université de Lyon (UdL) 2,71 60

Université Lyon 1 111,23 1 089

Université Lyon 2 29,07 472Université J. Monnet StEtienne 23,09 364

ENS 35,64 323

EC Lyon 28,01 147

INSA Lyon 36,21 480Others higher education members of UdL 66,04 984

Total 332 3 919

As explained in the document, 6 institutions mainly contribute to the IDEX budget (about 80%). We group together the other 12 institutions in one line.


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Contribution of the research institutes within the Idex partners (D)CNRS 120,78 908

INSERM 19,44 180

Total 140,22 1088

Contributions of other partners (E)

CLB 4,62

HCL 4,10 6 056

Total 8,72 6 056

Other partners of the consortium do not actually have direct contribution to the IDEX project but will mainly contribute for the in-service training programme.

Contribution of the territorial authorities (F)

Grand Lyon 19,67 Sans objet

Région Rhône-Alpes 21,85 Sans objet

Total 41,52 Sans objet

Contribution of the private sector (G)

HEF R&D 2,44 Sans objet

Others 54,34 Sans objet

Total 56,78 Sans objet

Many companies are under contact to fund IDEX projects. Main part of the line « Others »corresponds to the IDEA project which includes a contribution from companies of about 42 M€ (mainly based on the in-service training program.


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Other contributions (H)

Cemagref 0,61 Sans objet

Inra 9,20 Sans objet

Inria 7,54 Sans objet

IFPEN 2,26 Sans objet

Ifsttar 2,35 Sans objet

MESR 8,5 Sans objet

Other higher education institutions outside the site

13,6 Sans objet

Total 44,06 Sans objet

Contributions from the research institutes are mainly focused on the LabEx projects and confirmation of this can be founded in LabEx documents. The contribution from MESR is focused on one operation included in the project Lyon Cité Campus and which will be strongly related to our project of accomadation package for international researchers.


TOTAL of the resources mobilized for the actions of the Idex project

876,03 Sans objet


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Table 6 : Distribution of the expenses according to the nature of the 4 year budget (in millions of euros) 19

Requested funding for the Idex

Resources mobilized for the actions of the Idex project

Ratio Requested/Overall (%)

HR (including permanent staff) 73,83 412,57 17,9

Equipment 14,07 127,78 11

Operating costs 67,24 335,68 20

Total 155,14 876,03 17,7

As it is emphasized in the document, the priority of the IDEX project is human resources (which represents 47% of the total resources mobilized for the action of the IDEX project). However, the ratio of the requested funding for human resources is not the highest as we get a high funding quota mainly from the six higher education institutions constituting the core of the UdL contribution. Equipment ratio is low as this is the main line of contribution from territorial authorities (partially due to the Lyon Cité Campus project which is linked to the IDEX project). The operating costs ratio is the highest ratio mainly to support the IDEA project and the LabEx.

19 (a’) in table 6 must be equal to (a) in table 5(i’) in table 6 must be equal to (i) in table 5


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Table 7 : Distribution of the expenses by activity of the 4 year budget (in millions of euros) 20

Resources mobilized for the actions of the Idex project

Resources mobilized for the Idex project

Research 49,47 398,15

Training 47,00 260,56

Development of results and relations to the economic sphere and society 13,03


Governance 4,69 4,69

Infrastructures 3,9013,68

International policy 27,2775,77

Other 9,78 38,15

Total 155,14 876,03

The LabEx and emerging clusters funding is split between research, training and relations with economic sphere and society based on the LabEx documents and similar ratios for the potential emerging clusters (61% on research, 22% on training, 12% on valorisation and 5% on others). The doctoral action is also divided according to the exact content of each sub-action. The links to society action is grouped together with actions linked with economic sphere.

20 Idem :(a’’) = (a’) = (a)(i’’) = (i’) = (i)


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Partenaire : Université de Lyon

Prénom : Michel Nom : LUSSAULT

Qualité : Président

Ayant le pouvoir d'engager juridiquement l'établissement ci-dessus, je déclare:- avoir pris connaissance du dossier de sélection du présent projet et du règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence » et souscrire aux obligations qui en découlent, notamment à des fins d'évaluation globale de l'action ;- m'engager à mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires à la réalisation du projet dans les conditions prévues par le règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence ».

Signature :


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Partenaire : CNRS

Prénom : Alain Nom : FUCHS

Qualité : Président

Ayant le pouvoir d'engager juridiquement l'établissement ci-dessus, je déclare:- avoir pris connaissance du dossier de sélection du présent projet et du règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence » et souscrire aux obligations qui en découlent, notamment à des fins d'évaluation globale de l'action ;- m'engager à mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires à la réalisation du projet dans les conditions prévues par le règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence ».

Signature :


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Partenaire : INSERM

Prénom : Dominique Nom : PELLA

Qualité : Délégué régional

Ayant le pouvoir d'engager juridiquement l'établissement ci-dessus, je déclare:- avoir pris connaissance du dossier de sélection du présent projet et du règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence » et souscrire aux obligations qui en découlent, notamment à des fins d'évaluation globale de l'action ;- m'engager à mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires à la réalisation du projet dans les conditions prévues par le règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence ».

Signature :


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Partenaire : Lyonbiopole

Prénom : Philippe Nom : ARCHINARD

Qualité : Président

Ayant le pouvoir d'engager juridiquement l'établissement ci-dessus, je déclare:- avoir pris connaissance du dossier de sélection du présent projet et du règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence » et souscrire aux obligations qui en découlent, notamment à des fins d'évaluation globale de l'action ;- m'engager à mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires à la réalisation du projet dans les conditions prévues par le règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence ».

Signature :


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Partenaire : Axelera

Prénom : Denis Nom : BORTZMEYER

Qualité : Président

Ayant le pouvoir d'engager juridiquement l'établissement ci-dessus, je déclare:- avoir pris connaissance du dossier de sélection du présent projet et du règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence » et souscrire aux obligations qui en découlent, notamment à des fins d'évaluation globale de l'action ;- m'engager à mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires à la réalisation du projet dans les conditions prévues par le règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence ».

Signature :


Page 102: CALL FOR IDEX-LSE IDEX 2 | SELECTION SUBMISSION FORMidde.lautre.net/IMG/pdf/IDEXLSE-fiche-b.pdfName : LUSSAULT Michel Contact information: Université de Lyon 37 rue du repos 69631




Partenaire : Hospices Civils de Lyon

Prénom : Daniel Nom : MOINARD

Qualité : Directeur Général

Ayant le pouvoir d'engager juridiquement l'établissement ci-dessus, je déclare:- avoir pris connaissance du dossier de sélection du présent projet et du règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence » et souscrire aux obligations qui en découlent, notamment à des fins d'évaluation globale de l'action ;- m'engager à mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires à la réalisation du projet dans les conditions prévues par le règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence ».

Signature :


Page 103: CALL FOR IDEX-LSE IDEX 2 | SELECTION SUBMISSION FORMidde.lautre.net/IMG/pdf/IDEXLSE-fiche-b.pdfName : LUSSAULT Michel Contact information: Université de Lyon 37 rue du repos 69631




Partenaire : Centre Léon Bérard

Prénom : Sylvie Nom : NEGRIER

Qualité : Directeur général

Ayant le pouvoir d'engager juridiquement l'établissement ci-dessus, je déclare:- avoir pris connaissance du dossier de sélection du présent projet et du règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence » et souscrire aux obligations qui en découlent, notamment à des fins d'évaluation globale de l'action ;- m'engager à mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires à la réalisation du projet dans les conditions prévues par le règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence ».

Signature :


Page 104: CALL FOR IDEX-LSE IDEX 2 | SELECTION SUBMISSION FORMidde.lautre.net/IMG/pdf/IDEXLSE-fiche-b.pdfName : LUSSAULT Michel Contact information: Université de Lyon 37 rue du repos 69631




Partenaire : Institut Carnot Ingénierie@Lyon

Prénom : Alain Nom : COMBESCURE

Qualité : Président

Ayant le pouvoir d'engager juridiquement l'établissement ci-dessus, je déclare:- avoir pris connaissance du dossier de sélection du présent projet et du règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence » et souscrire aux obligations qui en découlent, notamment à des fins d'évaluation globale de l'action ;- m'engager à mettre en œuvre tous les moyens nécessaires à la réalisation du projet dans les conditions prévues par le règlement relatif aux modalités d'attribution des aides « Initiatives d'Excellence ».

Signature :

