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Cambridge Website Design

Date post: 15-Jan-2015
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Webdesign Cambridge at http://www.closeupagency.com/cambridge-web-design - opportunities and pitfalls for businesses with the consumer trend towards using smartphones and tablets increasingly to search for products and services - including considerations of mobile responsive web design.
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Business Goes Mobile Cambridge Web Design
  • 1. Cambridge Web DesignBusiness Goes Mobile

2. Your customers are looking for you onmobile 3. Smartphone Penetration is on the Rise 4. Since your customers are on mobile ...as a marketer, you need to be on mobile,too! 5. Why is going mobile so important? 1. 85% of mobile devices will be web enabled by next year. 2. Mobile search has grown 4x in the past year. 3. 1 in 3 mobile searches have local intent. 4. Search volume forecasts are growth for Desktop 0%, versus +68% Mobile and +180% Tablet. 6. Is your Website Mobile Responsive?Mobile responsive webdesign means that nomatter how visitorsarrive at yourwebsite ...by phone, tablet or desktop, they will beable to view your content ... easily, withoutsquinting, side to side scrolling ... for thebest user experience and retention 7. The problem (and opportunity) is big...While nearly 75% of usersprefer a mobile-friendly site,96% of consumers saytheyve encountered sitesthat were clearly notdesigned for mobile devices.This is both a big problemand a big opportunity forcompanies seeking toengage with mobile users! SOURCE: Google Study, What Users Want Most from Mobile Sites Today, 2012 8. Not having a mobile-friendly site helps yourcompetitorsA great mobile site experience is becoming increasingly important, and users willkeep looking for a mobile-friendly site until they find one that works for them. Thatmeans your competitors will benefit if your site falls down on the job (and viceversa). 61% of users said that if they didnt find what they were looking for right away on a mobile site, theyd quickly move on to another site79% of people who dont like what they find on one site will go back and search for another site50% of people said that even if they like a business, they will use them less often if the website isnt mobile-friendly SOURCE: Google Study, What Users Want Most from Mobile Sites Today, 2012 9. Non-mobile friendly sites can hurt acompanys reputationIt turns out that you can lose more than the sale with a bad mobile experience. Asite thats not designed for mobile can leave users feeling downright frustrated,and these negative reactions translate directly to the brands themselves. 48% of users say they feel frustrated andannoyed when they get to a site thats notmobile-friendly 36% said they felt like theyve wasted theirtime by visiting those sites 52% of users said that a bad mobileexperience made them less likely to engagewith a company 48% said that if a site didnt work well ontheir smartphones, it made them feel like thecompany didnt care about their businessSOURCE: Google Study, What Users Want Most from Mobile Sites Today, 2012 10. Research confirms what we already suspected -- that todays website users are becoming increasingly mobile and actively seek out and prefer to engage with mobile-friendly sites -- its sobering when you think of how quickly and deeply users attitudes can be shaped by mobile site experiences. Having a mobile site is no longer just about making a few more sales. Its become a critical component of building strong brands, nurturing lasting customer relationships, and making the web work for you.Visit www.CLOSEUPagency.com to explorehow your Cambridge website can becomemobile friendly or Call us at (226) 444-9718
