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Camden Gazette and mercantile advertiser (Camden, S.C.). 1819 … · 2017. 3. 20. · CAMUEJS',VS....

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CAMUEJS', VS. C. Tiicksuay, Feb. 18, 18iy. i't»c Honorable Lvnodun Curvts pas¬ sed through this place on Tuesday last for jftiitadetphia as it is understood to acccpi the appointment of President of the Bun* el the United btates. U. S. Bank Stock is selling from 98 to 101 in the nor the cities. We feci it our duty to caution the public against a certain Garkit Hey- *:k, who lias beeu figuring in this pliice and in Augusta lor some time paat. lie left Augusta indebted to all who would trust him ; and de- i ° m camped without the least vulgar for¬ mally of a farewell. Along the ruad to this place lie always forgot his fare hill, came here, made a great talk about goods, got what cre¬ dit lie could, and lias again made oft', as we understand, to the north w ard. The citizens of Caaiden, Fayette- ville, and Raleigh would do well to j be on their guaid. j Columbia Telescope 16/A inst. 1 The U. S, ship Juhn Adams, was at New-York 23th ulL waiting a wind to proceed to sea. It is said she is to proceed to Jarnica, to biing home specie. *_ * » « ( . . . From the Alexandria Ga zette,Feb. 9% Yesterday evening, at a late hour, the Seuiinole quesliou w as pui to resL Mr. Clay spoke for some time, and was answered by Mr. Floyd, and Mr. Irvine, of South-Carolina. Your readers will readily excuse your not giving auy more of the speeches, iivery question, and there were sev¬ eral, \\ as carried against the report of the military committee, and iu favor of gen. Jackson's conduct, by an immense majority.- On that pa it connected with Arouthuoi's execu¬ tion, the question tJeing taken by ajes and noes.ihe majority was 10ii to 63. On that w hicfT>espected Ambrister, the majority was 107 to 63 : aud a motion of Mr. Cobb's, to declare the seizure of Pensacola aud St, Carlos de iiaruncas contrary to the constitution of the United stales, was negatived by 100 votes to 70. Thus has the uninterrupted employ¬ ment of aboui £00 legislators, lor three weeks, terminated : and such is the bargain which the American people have got for aoout «*0,000 dol¬ lars of compensation money. a lumping pennyworth, nodouot! ! J . . . . . From the Southern Patriot. JA TERNAL IMPROVEMENT. We are happy to find that great exertions are made to improve the Inland Navigalion iu every part of our &tat«. t Oil Pedee, the neighbors interest ed have associated to find laborers and promote the undertaking, while the operations are directed by thft State Engineer with skill and ex- perience, and the incidental expences defrayed from the funds appropriated by the Legislature. Mqor Wilson, the Engineer, bas contracted for opening the llroad and Saluda to their confluence, and the Congare* and Santee Hi vera to the ocean. By this, a very large proportion of the interior of our State will now receive their supplies and send their produce to market by wa¬ ter carriage, which hitherto, they could only do by land; the freighting business will therefore be greatly in¬ creased on tliose rivers, and we find preparations made to profit by it.. The Congaree and Santee Steam Boat Company have obtained nn ac¬ curate survey of the Sea Coast, and made engagements for rendering it perfectly practicable for Steam Boats .thereby evincing a foresight and prudence that must ensure success. They have likewise sent orders for an Engine on the most approved plan, and made such other arrange¬ ments that their boat will certainly be in operation early in the Fall.. As their stock is held by those who send nine tenths of the freight to and irftui Columbia, there is no doubt that they will reccive that proportion ;>f the business. Major \V ilsox has likewise con¬ tacted for opening tlie Wateree and Caui>a, up to tiie Falls of Rocky mount anil fur making a gmul |u>r- tu?^e round those Falls, so as to cum- . i *i inunicate with the upper part, w hich iheCataha Company of North Caro¬ lina have undertaken to render navi gable as far as the Mountains.. This enterprising Company intend to connect the upper part of the Ca- taba by a Canal or portage, to the Wataga or the Natachukey Rivers of Tennessee, by which the produce of the ri- h valley of Tennessee, as that of the finest portion of North Carolina, w ill he shipped, anil their supplies received through Charleston as the nearest sea-port to-vn. The Santee Canal Company will likewise profit by thU increase of business.they have lately erected" Steam Engines to secure a |>erman- ent supply of water from the river, st) that it is confidently hoped there will he no more interruptions from droughts, On Pcdee. a similar arrangement has be«%n made with ihat of fcdisto. * n nd the V in yaw and Wurrdo CattaV Company h ue contracted and pro¬ gressed iu connecting those fine rivers w itii Charleston. Beyond the North Carolina line, on tnese » alers, the Yadkin Couipauy, aided by the State, will opeu that navigation, so . that a large portion of the most pro¬ ductive part of North Carolina will hold a direct trade w ith Charleston by water carriage, and their produce be ship|>ed from tiiis port with all the advantages attending such trans¬ actions.advantages that are enjoyed in a greater or less degree by every inhabitant of Charleston, by the in¬ crease of commercial advantages.. Our prospects are very Jiattering if j we use but commou exertions to se¬ cure and promote them. A CAROLINIAN. Savannah, February 4. A rumor was very prevalent in London that the king of Spain had absconded from Madrid..l»y letters received it is stated that he had de¬ stroyed himself, and by others, that lie had been murdeied. The Times observes, that the aspect of affairs in Spain was such a made it but too ; jwobahle wome crisis was at hand. Certainly something serious has oc- 1 curred in Spain. j Sir Philip Francis, the supposed | author of Junius, departed this life on the £2d Dec. last, in the 79th year of his age. Papers and docu¬ ments are said to have been found j Which conclusively prove that Sir, ! Philip Francis w as the author of j niiu. Fi*om the Pittsburg Mercury. CANCERS, In cfltisequence of a notice publish¬ ed in the Mercury of the 8th instant, extracted from the Haiti more Patriot, requesting a complete description of the plant called " Kvergreen" wliich is said to be a complete cure for the cancer, a lady called at this office on Wednesday last, and left us a sam¬ ple of the plant. She says it is bet¬ ter known l»v the name of mountain tea, than that of I'imissaway. She had herself been afflicted with a can¬ cer : had had it extracted by knife : but it returned and liccame worse than before. Khe hud observed a publication in tlie newspaper recom nr. nding Pipsissaway, but did noi know the plant by that name, until informed by a lady that it was gene rally known by the name of moun¬ tain tea. She procured a quantity of the tea, made a decoction of it 5 drank copiously of it throughout the day, and bathed the cancer with it. i»y a regular proceeding in this course, a cure was completely effected with- out any inconvenience. The tea is pleasant and mild. The lady show¬ ed us the mark where the cancer had oeen on her lip; and said that she wished the fact made public for the benefit of others w ho might be la¬ boring under this dre:\dful complaot. New-York, Jan. 19. The common council of ilie ii;y of Schenectady have reconimemleil u: the citizens to petition the legislature to restrict drunkards from waUting their estates., THE MAIL ROI1BERS CAVGHT. Copy of a letter from the Post .Mas¬ ter of the City of +Yeic- York, to the Post-Matter General, dated Feb. 3d, 1819. ** I have the pleasure to inform you that two of the maii roMier* mentioned in my-letter of yesterday, (their names Maujie and lierfivui .. both fr\* nchmen,) were this morni.i., apprehended by two of oar polici officers, and are now under examin¬ ation before our city police magis¬ trates* They found -upon.th im. secreted in their cloths, about one thousand dolurs; the.-search not vet - 7 % + completed. The third robber is also a Frenchman, of the name of Lh>ctor Henrie* who, it is believed, is mak¬ ing his way for Philadelphia, There can he no doubt hut that these are the vdliaus who perpetrated the rob- ben." new-york, Wednesday, 1 o'clock. Two men were arresied in the up¬ per part of the city, and brought to the police office at 12 o'clock, where they are now under examination.. A n >te from Col. Clnistian, the ma¬ gistrate, to C?:\. M i\\ a they are no doub; ihe idw.Uc /. person:? about 1(XK) uo'lars are already found upon them. One of them i* a siout. tail manjjUie. o;her writer his unine 46 III. Ataurie.'* J'ait U the money found is id.MitilUiu io i.a\ o Lcca' taken. The name of tae t:.ll man is l?er- trand, or Ktairtmn, hu ItidLn. 1050 doll n-.i are found upon them; araoti" which 1 notes of iOJ dollars each, from u soutlrern c< respondent to Messrs. W. W. and T. Is. Ches¬ ter, in this city. I;IEI) In the vicinh\ of lilulrns- hurg, on Saturday morning. Ueuev- al Arrrtstead T. jVlason, «.i ij'oudoun County, Va. filled aiiou? d3 vears.. He-least kiLid in a duci fought ivith muskets, at a short (lis! ice : at th<s iirst discharge he ie.il, and hi* anta- gonist was wounded. i hus has Vuginia lost one of her <n^! e.-ti em- ed ho us. lie has been already lor a time, her lie. preventative in he- Senate of the i.. *¦?. and. i; has f;e* u said would have Seen til * ne x^f.iov- ernor of tfie WVaTe. A bereaved mother, wife, and child, and a large circle of aiiertionnJe reiati\es, a«e planned, by tlijs sad event, m deep and inconsolable affliction. , ItW. inL U'holusale. tJ-uiTcuu C.4 Frbruuru 3. Butter (lb Y c^.ea " Bacon do. - - - . 15 tlo llrancby -.* 2M> do flees Wax (lb.) - - . 25 do Upland Cotton, - - - 16 a 1^ do Corn (bush.) - - . 137 do Committed To the gaol of Kershaw district a negro fellow about 35 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, bald head, has been ironed on the left leg as it is sore, says hi . name b hob, and that he belongs to Edward Brought n i Clarendon district, the owner is reques¬ ted to come forward, prove property, pay chargcs, and take him away W illiam Love, u. k. d. January 2 1, 45.tf Committed To the gaol ot Kershaw district, a ne<*r« fellow of a dark compiexciuii, about 5 Ipf' 10 or It inches high, *20 or '22 years? " age, stout built, well clothed, and hn three scars ruised high in the skin on h: ¦> left shoulder, he says ii was done with a stick, calls bis name JIM, and says that be belongs to John Ea«on in Pitt county, N. C. the owner is reques ted to come forward, prove property, par charges, and take him away. W illiam Fiovr, o. k. i>. .I list, iieceaeu, AND for sale by the Subscribers, of our own Manufactory^ good as«* ' nt ot SHOES; opposite Messrs. Lap A ftc Ku.- GORE. John Whit & Co. F?hr;nrv i 1. 3t.\a . Notice. .Alt pzrsons indebted to the Estate o; R. L. Champion, deceased: tor the putc»*a^ of Lots m Camden, are requested 10 make immediate payment. a* the pressure e c.aim* a^amst the- EsiateT will not adm. ui lurthe;. .giduigence. i>enjumiu Bine ham, Ex'o.\ Eetiruarv 18 9.4t Notice. ALL persons having any demands a- j^a.nst ilie Estate ot Avdkew John^Toa, i 'tv- of Lancaster district, deceased, aic t C[Ucs»vfd to it nilur them propeily attct* . . a d those indented CO Said L^a r, 'O ma** i .»inedi.u payment to ei.her of the suh >sl'l.,ctS. Knuicis 8. Let\ > K ri .^uisuu. ^ Hjcni3* I'tbrua \ 1 s if iiai Nil mi, RevpoL'..u .. liil-.r. ;s ihe citizens < at id .ts vnintty, ttiat he intend opening <* D.LVCLYG SCHOOL, ;*t Mr. IVallard'slon^ room on Friday iW -6th inst. And from his experience in th< way ot his piofession, he hopes to tnev with ehepuragemenu Subscription papers may be seen u* Messrs. Undoes hz M'Caa'b, aod at Mr. btiar.non's stoic. 1'cbruary 18 9.21 Ciitcrtainment. THE ftiihftcrii .or respectfully informs his fi iciidt ansi me puh'.ic in gencial, that li iia^j puie:!us»d and a^ain opened a 11 )U SE OF E.ST kit I"A IN MEN T, in that iar^e and wc.l kn^wn house formerly owned by M »*. Uivcs, and lately occupied by 4 i' . a .*bb, opposite the state house, v»hj*r«» * e t opes iVom his experience anu lormcr aasi'luoUs and unremitted attenuou in the r.!)>ve lint, t » render comfortable the s tuation ol those who have heretofore favored him with their custom, to share a generous part ot' t.ie pubic patronage, The beautiful) e.ev.ited and pleasant situ- alion ot tne above place is so well known to the public encryily, as to render further^ commniem untie ceasaiy. Ilis table wnl always be supplied wuh every necessaty he market Will attfjrd : and his stable, with abundance ot provender of all kinds, j widen will be attended by a faithful ostler, jic has appropriate rooms elegantly furnsned for the, reception of families, entirely remote bum tii<* bustle of the tavern. He also hns gcod pasture lots for the act.oininof'aiKm of horses ; and vacant luls fyr droves Oi hogs, horses, and mules Isaac Jb'mziert Columbia, J;v uai"y is, 1819. N. IV. l^ji-bui tilings ha^ttiK lately un¬ dergone at:iorou,;h repair, and are now more fit for t ie reception of those who iv. iv be pi» asedto r.a.l on him, than they r.ave cv ; for sorm vi.ne past. iiOBliKUY. liKU'.UlK OF VI L.U1LVS. , () N Sunday Mj»ht the 31st oiJanuniy my sloi w >v,ii tji'.kc «),>en by some villains by prizing up the bur cf the door, which > enaoic A tlivjmi to ^ct in, and rob me of up¬ ward* of 1 W O HUNDRED DOLLAR - in wAs'^ln f.vciitwt*, ten's, five's and one and tsu do.-iaf wis, and about five dollars in small cnan^e of the bank ot N. C. such as forty and twenty cent l>ills and some sil¬ ver, For the detention or the return of the money I will nive * reward of fifty dollars, for the thi<^if a negro I will ^ive for him fifty dollar, and should a white man be proven to be guilty or even concerned, i will ^ive fil«y dollars more which wi i nuke one hundred and fifty dollars 1 will * give if 1 can get hold of the monty a»v villains, provided a white man should b< implicated in the fact ; my su^picio'i* ha* been placed on negroes, but I am let. to believe that some white man is . oncei n ? <1 from cHcumHianccs which hasoccu* red since the robbery has been commit<e< bn» no suflintnt for a conviction or evei. Cor a discovery. JOSEPH GOODMAN- Sfutebu>'g. February 8, 1^19. General Order. Hrad Quarter*, Lanca*trry 5th Frb. R1 * The Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel Mi Major, of the 52d Regintyent ot the Mm tia of South-Carolina, will immediate y subdivide Robrkt Hamilton's company i the uj)p«r liatallion of said Regimen* l ito two companies. Permitting the oftic- ow in com nission, in the aforesaid R hkht Hamilton's company, to hold the . respective commissions in w'.;chaeever the said companies they may reside, a. :*usint{ the vacancies lor the balance .i>e officers to be filled up as the law direc* it, order of J. BLAIR, Gen. 8th Brigade. ORL \NlK) S. RLKS slid d" Cam fx. F binary IS. 49.3 1 j ons, Neatly executed at this Office. Oils, Paints, <^c. or s>aic, opposite *he Masonic iia.li. Uiottd- bticct, Camden. hite Lead, dry, Jo. do. ^rouna iu oil 1.1 2% lb*. and 1 V li)s». . \ ed Lead, .Vu^ar Lead, V oi low and stone Dome, diy, >o. do. ground in oil '28 lb. ke»;s, .'atent Yellow, ' Iromic \ eilow, usian lllue, < do. ."eidi.;res i;round in canister 1 lb. each ) » » ly iVdllI'df . pj.iian Hi-own, drv, ground in oil 28 lb. kei^s, } . i mill >,, 1 CttiiiCdC, < T Umber, < R ¦ >i Pink-,.. y Lamp bhie k. $ tibarge J Terra de Seinna, j 'opal Varmali, J larncss do. i ' »uni Copal, < Do. Shellac, Yenicc Turpentine spirits do. VV^aw k. liiuc \IU- UXil, Civ id a id Silver i-c^T Pumice Sioi.e, U<>t;eu Stone, lilllC, Saiiil Faper, C ilu »S tU>. f'uiK t Knives* Wutcr c* k-u.s, ooxes 4 ii» ws, Do. 3 Uw. Do. 2 vlo. 0>;. J tUi L)<x for C.i. iUrcn, C aiuiiici*.U i\i r W-noils uimI Fetches, tai:U Hniv.'iN from No.OOO t > No. 6 I^aiiu Imms.i ^ iwiuid from N u. it) 5 Sash T »jfcrt. mrNo. 1 to No. b Linseed Oil, \V .nter Strain Lamp Oil, W na. * Oil, Ciluss * hv I 1 o hf \ 2 anu 1 5 bV -'4. c Ami a general a&soitment of " 1e:iici:ie$ k V , u!.A \ Kebniarv. 1 I. for &ala BY MURRAY at ttOJiXSOX" Shear Moult'a, liar Iron aa».ji'te J, I'mciu Hoes Wo. 2 and 3, Common Nu, t, 3 and 3, Trace Chains, Mackerel N v l in hail barrels, Si.ad, ire&n i'nilaciclpina Ctackti*. Fe binary 18. . ..n sheriff's ^a!es. By virtue oi sundry executions to me di¬ rected. will be sold on Tuesday the 2d day ol March within the legal uoun*> ut lit* late residence of Armsiead lilhaid, de¬ ceased, on the waters ol Ueavcr week and Sin^let *ns creek, the following m titles, fuur Cows, two ) oung tin throe Y ear- JiiigSijpne bay' 4-+-*-. three litxUieads, House-hold and Kit hen i'urnituie, I'lantaiion T«c!» See. levied on as uio property ol tiv said A.. Milliard at me separate suits of Will* Vaughanand George Gayd, n._ Conditions, cash, pure a-i ;rs to pay foe She iff* Titles and Bills ol Sale. M. C. VV lv^Ci 1 r. v. February 1 »-¦ * ¦ " . . ¦ ....- ¦...«* in Equity. South -Carolina, CIiituw District. Je^se Clements and wile a.»a others, I n v.. L Daniel l'yncs and wife | n*Hon and others. j It appcan.igti.at the ciel: "idants, Dakip.l 1'vne^ and. Ruth nis \\,fe, . eiidt win,out the limits oi this State. I: is ordered thai t;»ey do appear to this 1 i" of complaint, at Darlington C*>uit House, on or before tfie second Monuay in T :ne next, or the bid will Ue taken pro ccnfes«o. (ieurge Llrucpf Com. Inquiry for ('Arrow Durrict, Commissio». rs Office, Feb. 1 <>» __ Atlcntioa. Beaver Creek Jl\flemeny YOU are required to attend a muster, on tltc first Satuulay in March nox., at the usual place of patadc, cjinplct^i) i'juic¬ ed. Lieutenant Hradfohd having resigned, *».a eieciirin will bo Ih Id on that day, to till . ic vacancy. John ttlieopshire, 1 David Ballard, sen. V Managers* John llallard, sq. J M. C. Wiggins, OA, Sergt. February 18. 49.5 1 TaeTt At E. & N. Williams' store a fc7 layh nil,co a walking v ane, wnidi .lie owner can l»a\e by l>ajiu~ i«>f ins advertisement. February 18 Sale rostponed Theuile ot'tlie Li -i »r>, Carriage*) nui Furniture, belonging .<> tlie i.tle ol Kiel la id i . C'h< »np;<»n (le¬ ased, is |/im poiitd uMi» Friday .;J 8atuid*n next. ?». «>tijeham, JfLjo dr. Februat v 18 ' i>ram Hi.a.s*ding and Jamks . ». IsolmM a- enter .. u»to ro-panner.hip in the « ike law i n* Keishaw distiic . Mr. ines will atten<! constantly in ti.eir of.ee t doortocapt. ' arren's store, in Cam- and'Mr. li»»noing"""Viill 11' J he T.*tr» of tens uad (.<juAt> a^ ' ». wiU l a;n Ic'1 .. *««c: ally oii tne (. ?.!»/» - i:i ( oi U moi.th. juiajaiy L'8 46. %
Page 1: Camden Gazette and mercantile advertiser (Camden, S.C.). 1819 … · 2017. 3. 20. · CAMUEJS',VS. C. Tiicksuay, Feb. 18, 18iy. i't»c Honorable Lvnodun Curvts pas¬ sedthroughthis

CAMUEJS', VS. C.Tiicksuay, Feb. 18, 18iy.

i't»c Honorable Lvnodun Curvts pas¬sed through this place on Tuesday last forjftiitadetphia as it is understood to acccpithe appointment of President of the Bun*el the United btates.

U. S. Bank Stock is selling from 98 to

101 in the northe r» cities.

We feci it our duty to caution thepublic against a certain Garkit Hey-*:k, who lias beeu figuring in thispliice and in Augusta lor some timepaat. lie left Augusta indebted toall who would trust him ; and de-


camped without the least vulgar for¬mally of a farewell. Along theruad to this place lie always forgothis fare hill, came here, made a

great talk about goods, got what cre¬dit lie could, and lias again made oft',as we understand, to the north w ard.The citizens of Caaiden, Fayette-ville, and Raleigh would do well to jbe on their guaid. j

Columbia Telescope 16/A inst. 1

The U. S, ship Juhn Adams, wasat New-York 23th ulL waiting a

wind to proceed to sea. It is saidshe is to proceed to Jarnica, to biinghome specie.

*_ * » « ( .

. .

From the Alexandria Ga zette,Feb. 9%Yesterday evening, at a late hour,

the Seuiinole quesliou w as pui to resLMr. Clay spoke for some time, andwas answered by Mr. Floyd, andMr. Irvine, of South-Carolina. Yourreaders will readily excuse your not

giving auy more of the speeches,iivery question, and there were sev¬

eral, \\ as carried against the reportof the military committee, and iufavor of gen. Jackson's conduct, byan immense majority.- On that pa itconnected with Arouthuoi's execu¬tion, the question tJeing taken byajes and noes.ihe majority was 10iito 63. On that w hicfT>espectedAmbrister, the majority was 107 to63 : aud a motion of Mr. Cobb's, todeclare the seizure of Pensacola audSt, Carlos de iiaruncas contrary tothe constitution of the United stales,was negatived by 100 votes to 70.Thus has the uninterrupted employ¬ment of aboui £00 legislators, lorthree weeks, terminated : and suchis the bargain which the Americanpeople have got for aoout «*0,000 dol¬lars of compensation money. alumping pennyworth, nodouot! !

J. . . . .

From the Southern Patriot.

JA TERNAL IMPROVEMENT.We are happy to find that great

exertions are made to improve theInland Navigalion iu every part ofour &tat«. t

Oil Pedee, the neighbors interested have associated to find laborersand promote the undertaking, whilethe operations are directed by thftState Engineer with skill and ex-

perience, and the incidental expencesdefrayed from the funds appropriatedby the Legislature.Mqor Wilson, the Engineer,

bas contracted for opening the llroadand Saluda to their confluence, andthe Congare* and Santee Hi vera tothe ocean. By this, a very largeproportion of the interior of our Statewill now receive their supplies andsend their produce to market by wa¬ter carriage, which hitherto, theycould only do by land; the freightingbusiness will therefore be greatly in¬creased on tliose rivers, and we findpreparations made to profit by it..The Congaree and Santee SteamBoat Company have obtained nn ac¬curate survey of the Sea Coast, andmade engagements for rendering itperfectly practicable for Steam Boats.thereby evincing a foresight andprudence that must ensure success.

They have likewise sent orders foran Engine on the most approvedplan, and made such other arrange¬ments that their boat will certainlybe in operation early in the Fall..As their stock is held by those whosend nine tenths of the freight to andirftui Columbia, there is no doubt

that they will reccive that proportion;>f the business.

Major \V ilsox has likewise con¬

tacted for opening tlie Wateree andCaui>a, up to tiie Falls of Rockymount anil fur making a gmul |u>r-tu?^e round those Falls, so as to cum-

. i *iinunicate with the upper part, w hichiheCataha Company of North Caro¬lina have undertaken to render navigable as far as the Mountains..This enterprising Company intendto connect the upper part of the Ca-taba by a Canal or portage, to theWataga or the Natachukey Riversof Tennessee, by which the produceof the ri- h valley of Tennessee, as

that of the finest portion of NorthCarolina, w ill he shipped, anil theirsupplies received through Charlestonas the nearest sea-port to-vn.The Santee Canal Company will

likewise profit by thU increase ofbusiness.they have lately erected"Steam Engines to secure a |>erman-ent supply of water from the river,st) that it is confidently hoped therewill he no more interruptions fromdroughts,On Pcdee. a similar arrangement

has be«%n made with ihat of fcdisto.*

n nd the V in yaw and Wurrdo CattaVCompany h ue contracted and pro¬gressed iu connecting those fine riversw itii Charleston. Beyond the NorthCarolina line, on tnese » alers, theYadkin Couipauy, aided by theState, will opeu that navigation, so

. that a large portion of the most pro¬ductive part of North Carolina willhold a direct trade w ith Charlestonby water carriage, and their producebe ship|>ed from tiiis port with allthe advantages attending such trans¬actions.advantages that are enjoyedin a greater or less degree by everyinhabitant of Charleston, by the in¬crease of commercial advantages..Our prospects are very Jiattering if

j we use but commou exertions to se¬

cure and promote them.A CAROLINIAN.

Savannah, February 4.A rumor was very prevalent in

London that the king of Spain hadabsconded from Madrid..l»y lettersreceived it is stated that he had de¬stroyed himself, and by others, thatlie had been murdeied. The Timesobserves, that the aspect of affairsin Spain was such a made it but too

; jwobahle wome crisis was at hand.Certainly something serious has oc-

1 curred in Spain.j Sir Philip Francis, the supposed| author of Junius, departed this lifeon the £2d Dec. last, in the 79thyear of his age. Papers and docu¬ments are said to have been found

j Which conclusively prove that Sir,! Philip Francis w as the author ofj J« niiu.

Fi*om the Pittsburg Mercury.CANCERS,

In cfltisequence of a notice publish¬ed in the Mercury of the 8th instant,extracted from the Haitimore Patriot,requesting a complete description ofthe plant called " Kvergreen" wliichis said to be a complete cure for thecancer, a lady called at this office on

Wednesday last, and left us a sam¬

ple of the plant. She says it is bet¬ter known l»v the name of mountaintea, than that of I'imissaway. Shehad herself been afflicted with a can¬

cer : had had it extracted by knife :

but it returned and liccame worsethan before. Khe hud observed a

publication in tlie newspaper recom

nr. nding Pipsissaway, but did noiknow the plant by that name, untilinformed by a lady that it was generally known by the name of moun¬tain tea. She procured a quantity ofthe tea, made a decoction of it 5drank copiously of it throughout theday, and bathed the cancer with it.i»y a regular proceeding in thiscourse,a cure was completely effected with-out any inconvenience. The tea ispleasant and mild. The lady show¬ed us the mark where the cancer hadoeen on her lip; and said that shewished the fact made public for thebenefit of others w ho might be la¬boring under this dre:\dful complaot.

New-York, Jan. 19.The common council of ilie ii;y of

Schenectady have reconimemleil u:

the citizens to petition the legislatureto restrict drunkards from waUtingtheir estates.,


Copy of a letterfrom the Post .Mas¬ter of the City of +Yeic- York, tothe Post-Matter General, datedFeb. 3d, 1819.** I have the pleasure to inform

you that two of the maii roMier*mentioned in my-letter of yesterday,(their names Maujie and lierfivui ..

both fr\* nchmen,) were this morni.i.,apprehended by two of oar policiofficers, and are now under examin¬ation before our city police magis¬trates* They found -upon.th im.secreted in their cloths, about one

thousand dolurs; the.-search not vet-

7% +

completed. The third robber is alsoa Frenchman, of the name of Lh>ctorHenrie* who, it is believed, is mak¬ing his way for Philadelphia, Therecan he no doubt hut that these arethe vdliaus who perpetrated the rob-ben."

new-york, Wednesday, 1 o'clock.Two men were arresied in the up¬

per part of the city, and brought tothe police office at 12 o'clock, wherethey are now under examination..A n >te from Col. Clnistian, the ma¬

gistrate, to C?:\. M i\\ a theyare no doub; ihe idw.Uc /. person:?about 1(XK) uo'lars are already foundupon them. One of them i* a siout.tail manjjUie. o;her writer his unine46 III. Ataurie.'* J'ait U the moneyfound is id.MitilUiu io i.a\ o Lcca'taken.The name of tae t:.ll man is l?er-

trand, or Ktairtmn, hu ItidLn.1050 doll n-.i are found upon them;

araoti" which 1 notes of iOJ dollarseach, from u soutlrern c< respondentto Messrs. W. W. and T. Is. Ches¬ter, in this city.

I;IEI) In the vicinh\ of lilulrns-hurg, on Saturday morning. Ueuev-al Arrrtstead T. jVlason, «.i ij'oudounCounty, Va. filled aiiou? d3 vears..He-least kiLid in a duci fought ivithmuskets, at a short (lis! ice : at th<siirst discharge he ie.il, and hi* anta-gonist was wounded. i hus hasVuginia lost one of her <n^! e.-ti em-ed ho us. lie has been already lora time, her lie.preventative in he-Senate of the i.. *¦?. and. i; has f;e* usaid would have Seen til * ne x^f.iov-ernor of tfie WVaTe. A bereavedmother, wife, and child, and a largecircle of aiiertionnJe reiati\es, a«e

planned, by tlijs sad event, m deepand inconsolable affliction.

, ItW. inLU'holusale. tJ-uiTcuu

C.4 Frbruuru 3.Butter (lb Y c^.ea "

Bacon do. - - - . 15 tlollrancby -.* .« 2M> doflees Wax (lb.) - -

. 25 doUpland Cotton, - - - 16 a 1^ doCorn (bush.) - - . 137 do

CommittedTo the gaol of Kershaw district a negro

fellow about 35 years of age, 5 feet 7 incheshigh, bald head, has been ironed on theleft leg as it is sore, says hi . name b

hob,and that he belongs to Edward Brought ni Clarendon district, the owner is reques¬ted to come forward, prove property, paychargcs, and take him away

W illiam Love, u. k. d.

January 2 1, 45.tf

CommittedTo the gaol ot Kershaw district, a ne<*r«

fellow of a dark compiexciuii, about 5 Ipf'10 or It inches high, *20 or '22 years?


age, stout built, well clothed, and hnthree scars ruised high in the skin on h: ¦>

left shoulder, he says ii was done with a

stick, calls bis nameJIM,and says that be belongs to John Ea«on inPitt county, N. C. the owner is requested to come forward, prove property, parcharges, and take him away.

W illiam Fiovr, o. k. i>.

.I list, iieceaeu,AND for sale by the Subscribers, of

our own Manufactory^ good as«* ' nt otSHOES; opposite Messrs. Lap A ftc Ku.-GORE.

John Whit & Co.F?hr;nrv i 1. 3t.\a .

Notice..Alt pzrsons indebted to the Estate o; R.L. Champion, deceased: tor the putc»*a^of Lots m Camden, are requested 10 makeimmediate payment. a* the pressure e

c.aim* a^amst the- EsiateT will not adm.ui lurthe;. .giduigence.

i>enjumiu Bineham, Ex'o.\Eetiruarv 18 9.4t

Notice.ALL persons having any demands a-

j^a.nst ilie Estate ot Avdkew John^Toa,i 'tv- of Lancaster district, deceased, aic t

C[Ucs»vfd to it nilur them propeily attct* . .

a d those indented CO Said L^a r, 'O ma**i .»inedi.u payment to ei.her of the suh>sl'l.,ctS.

Knuicis 8. Let\ >K ri .^uisuu. ^ Hjcni3*

I'tbrua \ 1 s if

iiai Nil mi,RevpoL'..u .. liil-.r. ;s ihe citizens <

atid .ts vnintty, ttiat he intendopening <*

D.LVCLYG SCHOOL,;*t Mr. IVallard'slon^ room on Friday iW-6th inst. And from his experience in th<way ot his piofession, he hopes to tnevwith ehepuragemenu

Subscription papers may be seen u*Messrs. Undoes hz M'Caa'b, aod at Mr.btiar.non's stoic.

1'cbruary 18 9.21

Ciitcrtainment.THE ftiihftcrii .or respectfully informs

his fi iciidt ansi me puh'.ic in gencial, thatli iia^j puie:!us»d and a^ain opened a

11 )U SE OF E.ST kit I"A IN MEN T, inthat iar^e and wc.l kn^wn house formerlyowned by M »*. Uivcs, and lately occupiedby 4 i' . a.*bb, opposite the state house,v»hj*r«» * e t opes iVom his experience anulormcr aasi'luoUs and unremitted attenuouin the r.!)>ve lint, t » render comfortablethe s tuation ol those who have heretoforefavored him with their custom, to share a

generous part ot' t.ie pubic patronage,The beautiful) e.ev.ited and pleasant situ-alion ot tne above place is so well known tothe public encryily, as to render further^commniem untieceasaiy. Ilis table wnlalways be supplied wuh every necessatyhe market Will attfjrd : and his stable, witha» abundance ot provender of all kinds,

j widen will be attended by a faithful ostler,jic has appropriate rooms elegantly

furnsned for the, reception of families,entirely remote bum tii<* bustle of thetavern.He also hns gcod pasture lots for the

act.oininof'aiKm of horses ; and vacant lulsfyr droves Oi hogs, horses, and mules

Isaac Jb'mziertColumbia, J;v uai"y is, 1819.N. IV. l^ji-bui tilings ha^ttiK lately un¬

dergone at:iorou,;h repair, and are nowmore fit for t ie reception of those whoiv. iv be pi» asedto r.a.l on him, than theyr.ave cv ; for sorm vi.ne past.

iiOBliKUY.liKU'.UlK OF VIL.U1LVS., () N Sunday Mj»ht the 31st oiJanuniymy sloi w >v,ii tji'.kc «),>en by some villainsby prizing up the bur cf the door, which

> enaoic A tlivjmi to ^ct in, and rob me of up¬ward* of 1 W O HUNDRED DOLLAR -

in wAs'^ln f.vciitwt*, ten's, five's and one andtsu do.-iaf wis, and about five dollars insmall cnan^e of the bank ot N. C. suchas forty and twenty cent l>ills and some sil¬ver, For the detention or the return of themoney I will nive * reward of fifty dollars,for the thi<^if a negro I will ^ive for himfifty dollar, and should a white man beproven to be guilty or even concerned, i

will ^ive fil«y dollars more which wi inuke one hundred and fifty dollars 1 will *

give if 1 can get hold of the monty a»vvillains, provided a white man should b<implicated in the fact ; my su^picio'i*ha* been placed on negroes, but I am let.to believe that some white man is . oncei n? <1 from cHcumHianccs which hasoccu*red since the robbery has been commit<e<bn» no suflintnt for a conviction or evei.Cor a discovery.

JOSEPH GOODMAN-Sfutebu>'g. February 8, 1^19.

General Order.Hrad Quarter*, Lanca*trry 5th Frb. R1 *

The Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel Mi

Major, of the 52d Regintyent ot the Mmtia of South-Carolina, will immediate ysubdivide Robrkt Hamilton's company

i the uj)p«r liatallion of said Regimen*l ito two companies. Permitting the oftic-ow in com nission, in the aforesaid Rhkht Hamilton's company, to hold the .

respective commissions in w'.;chaeeverthe said companies they may reside, a.

:*usint{ the vacancies lor the balance.i>e officers to be filled up as the law direc*

it, order ofJ. BLAIR, Gen. 8th Brigade.ORL \NlK) S. RLKS

slid d" Camfx.F binary IS. 49.3 1

j ons,Neatly executed at this Office.

Oils, Paints, <^c.or s>aic, opposite *he Masonic iia.li. Uiottd-

bticct, Camden.hite Lead, dry,

Jo. do. ^rouna iu oil1.1 2% lb*. and1 V li)s».

. \ ed Lead,

.Vu^ar Lead,V oilow and stoneDome, diy,

>o. do. ground in oil'28 lb. ke»;s,

.'atent Yellow,' Iromic \ eilow,

usian lllue,< do.

."eidi.;res i;round incanister 1 lb. each

) » » ly iVdllI'df. pj.iian Hi-own, drv,

ground in oil28 lb. kei^s, }. i mill >,, 1

CttiiiCdC, <

T Umber, <

R ¦ >i Pink-,..y Lamp bhie k. $

tibarge JTerra de Seinna, j'opal Varmali, Jlarncss do. i


»uni Copal, <

Do. Shellac,

Yenicc Turpentinespirits do.VV^aw k. liiuc \IU-

UXil,Civ id a id Silver i-c^TPumice Sioi.e,U<>t;eu Stone,lilllC,Saiiil Faper,C ilu »S tU>.f'uiK t Knives*Wutcr c* k-u.s,ooxes 4 ii» ws,Do. 3 Uw.

Do. 2 vlo.0>;. J tUiL)<x for C.i. iUrcn,C aiuiiici*.U i\i rW-noils uimI Fetches,tai:U Hniv.'iN fromNo.OOO t > No. 6

I^aiiu Imms.i ^ iwiuidfrom N u. it) 5

Sash T »jfcrt. mrNo.1 to No. b

Linseed Oil,\V .nter Strain Lamp

Oil,W na. * Oil,Ciluss * hv I 1 o hf

\ 2 anu 1 5 bV -'4.c

Ami a general a&soitment of " 1e:iici:ie$k V , u!.A \Kebniarv. 1 I.

for &alaBY MURRAY at ttOJiXSOX"Shear Moult'a, liar Iron aa».ji'te J, I'mciuHoes Wo. 2 and 3, Common a© Nu, t, 3and 3, Trace Chains, Mackerel N v l inhail barrels, Si.ad, ire&n i'nilaciclpinaCtackti*.

Febinary 18..


sheriff's ^a!es.By virtue oi sundry executions to me di¬rected. will be sold on Tuesday the 2d dayol March within the legal uoun*> ut lit*late residence of Armsiead lilhaid, de¬ceased, on the waters ol Ueavcr week andSin^let *ns creek, the following m titles,fuur Cows, two ) oung tin throe Y ear-JiiigSijpne bay' 4-+-*-.three litxUieads, House-hold and Kit heni'urnituie, I'lantaiion T«c!» See.levied on as uio property ol tiv said A..Milliard at me separate suits of Will*Vaughanand George Gayd, n._Conditions, cash, pure a-i ;rs to pay foeShe iff* Titles and Bills ol Sale.

M. C. VV lv^Ci 1 r. v.February 1»-¦ * ¦ " . .

¦ ....- ¦...«*in Equity.South-Carolina, CIiituw District.Je^se Clements and wile

a.»a others, I nv.. L

Daniel l'yncs and wife | n*Honand others. jIt appcan.igti.at the ciel: "idants, Dakip.l1'vne^ and. Ruth nis \\,fe, . eiidt win,outthe limits oi this State. I: is orderedthai t;»ey do appear to this 1 i" of complaint,at Darlington C*>uit House, on or beforetfie second Monuay in T :ne next, or thebid will Ue taken pro ccnfes«o.

(ieurge LlrucpfCom. Inquiry for ('Arrow Durrict,Commissio». rs Office, Feb. 1 <>»

__ Atlcntioa.Beaver Creek Jl\flemeny

YOU are required to attend a muster,on tltc first Satuulay in March nox., at theusual place of patadc, cjinplct^i) i'juic¬ed.

Lieutenant Hradfohd having resigned,*».a eieciirin will bo Ih Id on that day, to till. ic vacancy.

John ttlieopshire, 1David Ballard, sen. V Managers*John llallard, sq. JM. C. Wiggins, OA, Sergt.February 18. 49.5 1

TaeTtAt E. & N. Williams' store a fc7

layh nil,co a walking v ane, wnidi.lie owner can l»a\e by l>ajiu~ i«>fins advertisement.February 18

Sale rostponedTheuile ot'tlie Li -i »r>, Carriage*)nui Furniture, belonging .<> tliei.tle ol Kiel la id i . C'h< »np;<»n (le¬ased, is |/im poiitd uMi» Friday.;J 8atuid*n next.

?». «>tijeham, JfLjo dr.Februat v 18

' i>ram Hi.a.s*ding and Jamks . ». IsolmMa- enter .. u»to ro-panner.hip in the

« ike .« law i n* Keishaw distiic . Mr.ines will atten<! constantly in ti.eir of.eet doortocapt. ' arren's store, in Cam-and'Mr. li»»noing"""Viill 11' J he

T.*tr» of tens uad (.<juAt> a^ '». wiU

l a;n Ic'1 .. *««c: ally oii tne (. ?.!»/» -

i:i ( oi U moi.th.juiajaiy L'8 46. %
