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Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1852-07-23 [p...

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W To Printers. J A good Printer, one who is temperate, of good morJtV. al character, and disposed to take an interest for his employer, is wanted as a Foreman in the Ledjtr Office, Lancaster C. H., S. C. ^ July 23. TO THE SICK. > For the effectual rooting out from the system of all I diseases brought on by indigestion, billiousncss and imuuriiv of the blood, it is a widely and well known fact [ that" WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE BILLS 1 are the great PANACEA, Throughout the entiro L South, these Pills have long been held in the highest f repute, both by private individuals and by the Medical I faculty of our country. Southern fevers and Southern diseases generally, yield to their influence at once; and the unfortunate victim to "earthly ills and woes" is made ^ to thank lleaven that a sovereign balm has been pro" vided. Let each try them for himself and if the medicine fails to satisfy, the experiment shall cost him nothing. Thos. J. Workman', Agent for Camden, S. C., and sold by Druggists and Merchants throughout the country. June 2S.ly. w ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. important to dvspkpt1cs. j Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN, the true pic.esk tite plcu», or gastric juice, prepared from RENNET, ' or the FOURTH STOMACH OF THE OX, after direcrrions of BARON LIKBIG, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON. M. D., Philadelphia. This is truly a wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION and DEBILITY, curing after Nature^ own method, by Nature's own Agent, the GASTRIC JUICE. Pamphlets, containing Scientific cvi- dence 01 its value, lurnisncn uy uguuts graus. ovc I'V tice anions tho medical advertisements. I. O. O. F..Kershaw Lodge, IVo.9 . THE Regular Meeting- of this Lodge fill be held at their Hall, this Evening, at 8 o'clock. D. U. SHULAR, Secretary. jfiTTlie friends of Col. JAMES CHESNUTj Jr. announce him as a candidate for State Senator, at the ensuing election. JBfThe friends of Maj. A. II. BOYKIN announce him as a candidate for Representative in the State Legislature at the ensuing election. Buffalo. J£3T We are authorized to announce Col. JOSEPH B. KERSHAW as a caudidate for Representative iu the State Legislature at the ensu ing election. We are authorized to announce Major JOHN ROSSER as a candidate for reprcscntaa tive in the State Legislature at the ensuing election. G. W. WIEiVGES & CO.,~ X BookseUers, Stationers, AND DEALERS in. 1 Cheap Publications Xo. 56 EAST-BAY, (Oppositethe Courier Office. CHARLESTON, S. C. g. w. wiexges. a. l. solomon. June 23. 59 3m Uve* of the Democratic and Whig 'Nominees for tlie Presidency. THE Life of Geueral Frank Pieece, with a Bio- graphical sketch of Hon. "William Rcfus King, Vice President of the U. S. Price 25 cents. Life and Public Services of Wixfield Scott, General-in Chief of the Army of the United States, coinprising his early life; his services in 1812 at Quccnston L Heights. Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, and Niagara; in the Mexican War, at Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Ciiurubusco, Chapultcpec, the taking of the Capitol, the Conquest of the Country, and nomination as Candidate for the Presidency. With numerous illustrations: Price 25 cents. Queens of England, in 6 Vols.; ACsop's Fables; Illustrated Concordance; Botauy for Beginners; Fa- miliar Science, 4c. A. YOUNG. July 23.59tf | Copartnership Notice. CHARLES LOVE, late partner and successor of Jos. Thompson 4 Co.. Saddle and Harness Mapu- facturers, has this day associated with himself Conrad i M. Wiexges. under the name of LOVE 4 WIENGKS. k They will continue the Saddlery and Harness business at the old stand, corner of Broad and Church Streets, to which a continuance of patronage is respectfully solicited CHARLES LOVE, r CONRAD 11. WIENGES. < ' * Charleston^ July 23. 59 tf ' pgr-Sumter Bacner and Darlington Flag copy 3 times, and forward bills to L. & W. OUUIX1 VUX VI41IU jnt«yj|3U««,fB In the Common Pleas. ' WD. PEEBLES, who is in the custody- of the Sheriff of Kershaw District, by virtue of a writ of Capius ad Respondendum, at the suit of Ilnriet C. Taylor, having filed in my office, together with a schedule on oath, of his estate and effects, his petition to the Court of Common Pleas, praying that he may be admitted to the benefit of the acts of tho General As- < 8embly made for the relief of insolvent debtors: It is > ordered, that the said Ilarict C. Taylor, and all other the creditors to whom the said W. D. Peebles is in any wise indebted, be, aud they are hereby summoned and i have notice to appear before the said Court at Camden t Court House on the first day ol November next, to shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of tho petition should not be granted. Office Common Pleas. Kershaw District, 21st July ] A. D. 1852. MOREAU NAUDIX, c. c. P. " July 23. 59 ni3m South Carolina.KerihaW District. ] In the Common Picas. DAVID II. SHULAR who is in the custody of the Sheriff of Kershaw District, by virtue of a writ of Capias ad Respondendum, at the suit of Elizabeth Yillepigue, having filed in my office, together with a seliedL ule on oath, of his estate and effects, his petition to I the Court of Common Pleas, praying that he may be I admitted to the benefit of the acts of the General As- f sembly made for the relief of insolvent debtors: it is ordered, that the said Elizabeth Villepigue, and all other ^ the creditors to whom the said David II. Mhular is in any wise indebted, be, and they are hereby summoned < and have notice to appper, before the said Court, at Camden Court House, on Monday the first day of No- vember next, to show cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the petition aforesaid should not be granted. Office Common Fleas, Kershaw District 19th July A. D. 1852. MOREAU NAUDIN, C. C. P. July 23. 59 m3m Sheriff's Sales. L virtue of sundry "Writs of Fieri Facias to mo pi directed, I will sell before the Court House door in Camden, on the First Monday in August next, being the second day of said month, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One Mulatto boy, BOB, levied on and to be sold as the property of Jamos J. Dunlap, at the suit of Alfred , U iX)Dg. Also, at tho residence of the Rev. Thomas Mason, one Marble top Dressing Bureuu and Glass, levied on as the property ol H. J. Wilson, at the suit of George Abbott, et. al. Conditions Ciisli. JOIIN INGRAM, S.K.D. July 20..5Stf JUST received a variety of IIA 7 COTTERS\ war- ranted a superior article, and for sale low by July 13. E. W. BONNEY. v. X ..*-^0*2**.... / ....P.... HEAD QUARTERS, SUCK HEAD, July 3d, 1852. 1 ORDER XO. £ rI',IIK following Regiments will parade for Review j, X and Drill at the times and places specified, viz: j. The 25th Reg. of Infantry at Winnsboro', on .Satur- c day tlie 7th of August next. q The 24th Reg. of Infantry near Winn's Bridge, on ] Wednesday the 11th of August next. The Oth Beg. of Cavalry at Younguesville, on Friday ^ the 13th of August. y The 26th Reg. of Infantry at Chesterville, on Monday the lGth of August. The 27th Reg. of Infantry at Rich Ilill, on Wednesday the 18th of August. S The 10th Reg. of Infantry near Ebenezer, on Friday the 20th of August Tiie 34th Reg. of Infantry at their Regimental si Parade ground, on Monday the 23d of August. o The 37th Reg. of Infantry at Wilkin's Old Field, on ti Thursday the 2Gth of August The 35th Reg. of Infantry near Unionville, on Saturday the 23th of August. jj The 9th Reg. of Cavalry near Glenn Springs, on jj Tuesday the 31st of August. : Tne 36th Reg. of Infautry at Timmon's Old Field, on Q Friday the 3d of September next The 43th Reg. of Iufantiy at the Burnt Factory, on w Tuesday the 7th of September. The 41st Reg. of Infantry at Park's Old Fieldon r( Thursday the 9th of September. The 40th Reg. of Infantry at Boyd's, on Saturday the 11th of September. The 10th Reg. of Cavalry at Martin's, on Tuesday the 14th of September. . The 38th Reg. of Infantry at Keller's Old Field, on Q Thursday the 16th ofSeptember. s* The 39th Reg. of Infantry near Rufl's Mountain, on * Saturday the 18th ofSeptember. The Reviews will commence at 12 o'clock, M. ^ The commissioned and non-commissioned ofTicers willasseui le the day previous to the reviews, except those of the 2Gth and 34th Regiments of Infantry, who will assemble on the Saturday previous, at their Regimental parade grounds for Prill and Instruction. The Major Generals and Brigadier Generals will, with J their Stall; attend the Reviews within their respective G commands. * The Brigadier Generals are charged with the extension of this order. By order of the Commander-in-Chief. J. W. CANl'EY. Adj. and Insp. Cen'l. July 9, 1852. 55 tf J MADISON SPRINGS^ so 23 MILES FROM ATHENS, GEO. MR. J. D. W ATKINS, owner and proprietor of these Springs, informs the public that a new A Spring has beeii discovered, containing Sulphur, Iron, £ Magnesia and Amonia. The whole establishment is much imprpved, and will be, this season^ under the care of Wit. Seymour, .perhaps the best caterer in South Carolina, late of the oultrie House, Sullivan's ri Island, and Jones' Hotel, Charleston, A fine band for J Music will be in attendance, and every appointment of j> the Hotel arranged for pleasure and comfort. t0 May 28, 1852. 43 tf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rPIIAT the Co-partnership heretofore existing beJL tween the subscribers under the name and firm of GILBERTS & CIIAPIN is this day dissolved by mutual consent. > The business of'the concern will be settled by S. <fc Ji E. M. (JlLUEUT. Pi STEPHEN GILBERT. LEONARD CIIAPIN. ELI AS M. GILBERT. Charleston, 1st June, 1852. r. S. & E. 31. GILBERT J \VTILL continue the CARRIAGE BUSINESS at ? t the old stand of Gilberts k Chapin, (formerly S. _ & J. Gilbert) Nos. 35 and 40 Wcntworth-st,, and will keep constantly on band an extensive assortment of < UAiuiiAur.o manuiaciurcu uy inemseives expressly ^ lor their own sales, together with an assortment of other styles usually found in this market, to which the mention of their old friends and customers is respectfully invited. Carriages of any style will be made to _ order, and repairing in all its various branches prompt- [ Iv and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. STEPHEN GILBERT. ELI AS M. GILBERT. [ Charleston, June 1st, 1852. * £2?" Persons indebted to the firm of S. i J. Gilbert iro requested to make payment to S. & E. M. Gilbert, . who are authorized to settle the business of said firm. : June 29. 52 din j LEONARD CHAPIX, [LATE OF T1IE FIRM OF GILBERTS & CIIAPI IS NOW OPENING an extensive CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY REPOSITORY, fronting and on Weutwortb-street, next door to tbe old stand of Gilberts 4 Chapin; also, on Meetiug-treet, next door North of the "Pavilion Hotel," Charleston. S. C. vmn.? iui v.imi.im-? .iiiu iiuuit^ jhuiiijmiy va jcuted from this date, on such terms and iu such mauaer, as to insure a continuance of lixvors. June 11.47 tf ractics for Light Infantry and Kiflciiicu. j_ COMPILED for the Washington Light Infantry. Charleston, S. C. Containing the new manual of . irms for the Percussion Iti/ie, furnished by the War Department. The Deployment as Skirmishers, and all "It that is peculiar to Light Infantry and Riflemen. 1. July 12. A. YOUNG. * k( to Branch of tlic Bank of the State of th South-Carolina at Camden. m ALL Notes intended for Renewals at this Bank ir, the months of Juno nnd July, must be in theorifinal signatures of the makers and endorsers. D. L. DESAUSSURE, Cashier. n May 25. -11 2m. J of co-pakt:*i:rsiiip ivotice. th THE UNDERSIGNED, have this day entered into lK a Co-Partnership for the purpose of transacting Ht. i WHOLESALE LI QUO It A EI) COMMISSION BUSINESS\ under the style and Ann of WITTK A , GOODWIN, at the old stand of C. 0 Witte; 92 East Bay, where we will be happy to see all our old friends. 0. 0. WITTK GEO. M. GOODWIN. Charleston. July 5. 57 tf rj WELL Wheels, Steelyards, Broad Axes, Anvils ^ Y and Vices. Fur sale by E. W. BONNEY. Sulphate Quinine, OF superior qualitv, from the well known Laboratory of Rosengarten 4 Denis Also, Rowand's Tonic Mixture, Jayne's Fever and Ague Pills, Dr. Turner's Fever and Ague Pills, .tc. Jx\ Just received at Z. J. DeIIAY'S. TIIERIVIOITIETER CHERTS ,SU1AW CUTTERS, and GRAIN CRADLES. Received and for salo by McDOWALL & COOPER. "YTOTICE..I hereby forbid all persons giving credi or employment to any negro in my employ with- J_ out rav permission, after this date. - F " 1 J. F. SUTHERLAND. k Aril 12, 1852. 30 tf i POSITIVE BARGAINS!! HAYING- a verv large stock of LACE and FANCY SUMMER GOODS, which I wish to dispose f before the Fall, I will positively oiler thein for cash at Greatly Reduced Prices! Tlicy consist of a large variety of Fashionable Lace !npcs. from one to eight Dollars. Blk. Lace Veils, Lace Sleeves, Trimming Laces and Idgings of every description.sucli as Real Thread, Vove Thread, Valenciennes, Linen, Cotton and Bobin. T)lb- nml Wliitf, Ttlnnilo Tjines nnrl Fdrriinrfl.* At. o, a full assortment of 'RE.XCII NEEDLEWORK EMBROIDERIES Comprising beautiful "Worked Muslin Collars, very low, ilk. Embroidered Muslin Capes, at cost prices; imb'd Sleeves and Culls, of the the newest patterns; 'rcnch Emb'd Lawn Ilandk'fs. at New-York cost; wiss Edgings and Insertings at reduced prices; lambric do. " do. " " " ufant's Frock Bodies, various sizes, at cost; " Embroidered Caps, " " .adics' Muslin Breakfast Caps, very few left; Corked Muslin Chemisettes, choice patterns and unquestionably cheap. Summer Bonnets at and Under Cost, ome of them quite new, and others tolerably ancient. In disposing of these, 1 will graduate the prices acirding to seniority; those of two years standing coniderably under cost; also, BOXXET RJBBOXS, all f them new, at prices to suit tho Bonnets and the mcs respectively. Summer Dress Good*. Such as Printed Muslins, Ginghams, Gingham Musns, Baragc DeLaines, "White and Colored Dotted Musns, Ac., Ac., purchased this Spring and ottered temptlgly low; iu fact, I am willing to sacrifice the profits 11 all of these as well as many other exclusively Sumicr Goods, in ordcrto make room for my Fall supplies, liich I intend to be on a scale unusually complete, nd at prices calculated to increase the extensive patmage alreadv conferred on me. June 25.51t JAMES WILSON. Final Notice. A LL persons indebted to II. Levy or II. Levy 4 rx. Son, either by open account or note, will call and :ttle, otherwise they will be placed in the hands of an ttorney. H. LEVY 4 SON. June 25. 51 tf_ i TEAL. AND GRITS. Always on hand, at U MOORE'S. Red Flag. NOTICE. rH E subscribers liavo this day formed a Co-partnership, under the name and firm of ROOT x INRAM, for the purpose of carrying on the General uctioneering Business. F. ROOT, JOHN INGRAM. Camdex, Jan. 23. 7 tf Cod Liver Oil. HAV E just received a few gallons of pure COD LIVER OIL, which will bo sold in quantities to lit purchasers, and at reduced prices. ' March 30. Z. J. DeTIAY. i FOUNTAIN Butter, Fine Cheese. Fresh Macciro Ti lii, Corn Starch, Brouifl, Chocolate and Citron, jr sale by E. W. BONNEY. Writing Inks. I HIE subscriber has just received a large and va , . ried assortment of Black, Blue, Carmine and Red s KS. of superior quality in vials and bottles from 5 50 cents each. also, Harrison's, Tarrant's, Wright's David's and Maris' CDKL1BLK INKS, for marking on cotton, lineu and Ik, with and without Preparation. March 2C. Z. J. DeIIAY. Sands' Sar»aparilla, 7*ROM "licad quarters." Also, Pecry's Dead Shot, Pushton, Clark A Go's. Cod Liver Oil, and all the apular Summer Medicines. Just received at June 15. Z. J. DeIIAY'S. Fanning Mills. 1"MIK subscriber has just linished n few of the above . Machine* for cleaning Wheat, Rice, Oats, Corn, ens. Ac. .Made and warranted bv May 17.2mw It, * J, MeCREIG HT. Quinine. AA OZ. QTTIXINE, at the lowest market price. Uv For sale by June 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN. j ' Another Chance. have just received another lot of those very fine . "CANVASSED HAMS." Low for Cash. W. C. MOORE. .) ICQ CUT'S Garden Plough*. For ale by MeDOWALL A COOPER. Juno 29. 1 .FRENCH China Tea Setts, China and Glass Fru_ Dishes, Tureens, Ac, Also, Housekeeping Arti es in great variety. For sale by. 1 March 2, 1852. ' E. W. BONNEY. Mm? ' > For the Fall and Winter. V fresh Invoice of LANDREWS SUPERIOR ' GARDEN SEEDS. Just received at July 13. Z. J. DeIIAY'3. Notice. S""0 person having applied for letters of administra- tion upon the estate of Sarah Kershaw, I have tain possession of tho same sis derelict, and give notice ' allhavingdomandstopresenttheni duly attested, and ose indebted to said estate to muke immediate payen t to me. JOIIN It. JOY, 0. K. D. and Adni'r. Juno 29. 52 » tf I To Rent. I'M IE subscriber oilers for rent that large and com. modious STOHK HOUSE, situated on the corner Broad and York-streets, and immediately opposite c Waterec House, which for several years past has en occupied by 0. Matheson, Esq. It is a well-knowu 1 ami. being located in one of tho most business parts 1 tho Town, and lias an extensive Lot and Cotton J ard attached. Possession will be given on the first 8 iv ot August next, JOIIN INGRAM. July 9. 05 tf j New Books and Novels. PI IK Abbottsford edition of the WAVERLY XOl YELS. Price 50 cents for each Novel.complete12 bound volumes, at SI per vol. Days of Bruce; Brace's Hungary; Hue's Tartarv, Bancroft's U. S. History, 4th volume, Legislative Guide, Men and Women of the 18th Century, Glances at Kuropc, bjr II. Greely, ( Essays from the London Timca Jenkins' Life of Jackson; Meigs on Children, Wilson's Anatomy; Sophocles' Greek Grammar, i Scrap Books; English Family Robinson, Fnr GIT. by the author of Peep of Day, Wild Girl of Nebraska; Texian Virago, Ac. July JC. A. YOUNG. 1 Tarrant* Seltzer Aperient, A ND Cordial Elixir of Turkey Rhcubarb; Holden's .TL Diarrluea and Dysentery Cordial; Murray's luid Magnesia, largo and small bottles; fresh and genie. Just received at Z. J. DeIIAY'3. June 29. BRICKS IOR SALE. rpiIE subscriber has on hand a largo quantity >f X GOOD BRICK, which may be had on application. January 23. J. F. SUTHERLAND. O BARRELS fresh " Kennedy's Butter Crackers.". w Received and for sale by Juno 22, 1850. SHAW k AUSTIN. 7 ~ "ALCORN'S" superior FAMILY HAMS. Re( (J ceived and for side by June 22, 1852. SHA1V k AUSTIN. 1CASU potted Yarmouth Herring 1 do do Anchovie Paste. Received and for sale bv SO AAV & AUSTIN. June 22, 1852. 50 tf 1CASE Guava Jelly in quart Jars. Received and for sale by SHAW & AUSTIN June 22. 50 tf 4 CASES Preserved Limes, Oranges, Pine Apples and Citron. For sale by June 22. SHAW & AUSTIN^.. CHOICE Gun Powder, Ilyson and Imperial Teas. Received and for sale by June 22. SHAW & AUSTIN. Selling Off at Cost. THE subscriber desirous of closing his business in in Camden will sell at New York Cost, his present stock of Goods, consisting of the following articles, viz Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugars, St. Croix and Porto Pico do. Java and Rio CoiTee, Gunny Cloth and Dundee Bagging, Bale Rope and Twine, Hemlock Leather, Shoe Thread, (ire. Paints, Oil, and "Vindow Glass, Hardware, Iron, Nails and Castings, Domestic Dry Goods, Saddlery, <fcc. Candles, 8uaj> and Starch. A choice assortment of LIQUORS, viz : Rp*»nrl\- \\ inn \Vlii<tov Pol-tor ntirl Ale. Together with a large stock of .SALT AND MOLASSES. Those desirous of purchasing for Cash, or Bankable paper on short time, would do well to call and examine the goods. JOHN W. BRADLEY. Camden, May 11,1852. 33.tf Vanilla Beans, 1 THRESH and tine. Also, Ess. Vanilla, Extracts of Lemon; Orange. Bitter Almond, Rose and Peach, for flavoring Ice Creams, Puddings, Custards, Ac. Just received at Z. J. DeIIAY'S. HEW SPRIVG GOODS.MDRUCKER A CO. have just received their new supply of Spring and Summer Clothing, to which they would invite the attention of the public it the same time they would recommend their Stock o OUTFITTING ARTICLES, viz: Shirts, Collars. Cravats. Undergarments, Hosery, Gloves, Suspenders, Ac. April 9, 1852..tf DR. UPIIAM'S Vegetable Pile Electuary. 4 CERTAIN cure for Piles, cither External or Interl\. mil. Bleeding or Blind. Also for all Inflammatory Diseases. Affections of the Skin, and Impurities oi die Blood, arising from anv source. For sale bv June 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN. CI RAIN Cradles, Steel Forks and Rakes, Iron and J Steel Hoes, Spades and Shovels. For sale at Feb. 24.tf E. W. BOGEY'S. Aromatic Spirits of Vinegar. PUT up in beautiful style. For sale by THOMAS J. WORKMAN. SUPERIOR Pine Applo Cheese, Capers, Currants, Citron, and Lemon Syrups. For sale bv May 8. E. W. BONNKY. LJACON SIDES anil LAUD for sale. low lor ens a. ) Also, a tew Dags CORX. E. W. BOXXEY. ICE! ICE ! ICE!~ HAYING made arrangements for a regular supply of ICE through the summer season. I will be ?lad to supply the citizens of Camden and its vicinity with this luxury. Quantities under fifty pounds three :ents; over lifty pounds two and a half cents. CASH Tor ICE without any exception. F. L. ZEMP. May 7 s7 tf One to Four Dollars a Window. BEFORE purchasing call and examine tho subscriber's assortment of Transparent WINDOW SHADES, which comprises many late and handsome itterns. C. L. CHATTEN. PINE APPLE and Goshen Cheese, Family Hams and Bacon Sides. Also, Lard and Canal Flour. Just received at BOXXEY'S. At Cost, A LOT of PLOWS and CULTIVATORS, will L V. sold at Baltimore prices, for Cash, to close a consignment. McDOWALLi COOPER. May 11. 3S tf N'EW LAUD, of superior quality. Also, Sugoi House Syrup, Rock and Table Salt. Just received by E. W. BOXXEY. Pure White Lead, OF superior quality. Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Chrome Green, Prussian Blue, Litharge, Copal, Japan and Leather Varnish, Window Glass Ac. Just received at Z. J. DEHAY'S. Julv 15. -IS tf Fresh Lard Oil, OF superior quality, which will be sold as low as tho present advanced prices of OILS of every <ind will warrant. Just received at DkHAY'S DRUG STORK. SODA WATER. SODA WATER fresh from the fountain will be kept through the season,.with an abundance of ICE wid a variety of pleasaut SYRUPS, by P. L. ZEMP. Head Quarter* 5th Iti'g. Cavalry. IN pursuance of orders froin Major General Buchanan, an election for Brigadier General of the 3d Brigidc of Cavalry, is hereby ordered to bo held at Camion (for this Regiment) on Thursday, the 12th day of \ugust next, to till the vacancy occasioned by the rcagnation of Brigadier General Owens. Lt. Col. Davis and Major Baker are hereby ordered o attend at Camden and assist as Managers of said Election. By order of COL. ANCRUM. Camden, June 22,1852. 60.td: HEIDSICU CHAIWEAIGAE..10 Bas_ kota, low for Cash. W. C. MOORE. MORE Brown Homespun at four cents a yard, just opened at BOXNEY'S. Youth's and Men's Dress Shirts. J UST received an invoice of the above of the latent stylos, well made and warranted to tit. April 27..St A. M. &. R. KENNEDY". The Southern Broom Manufactory. I ANNOUNCE to the citizens of this District, that I will establish a BROOM MANUFACTORY iu Camden. All those who ar willing to eucourago home iudustry, are respectfully solicited to give me a call. In addition to the above, I will re-bottom cane scat Chairs.and I hope all friends of the blind will sympathise and encourage ino in mv undertaking. T. C. DUTTON. Juno 4. 46 tf Livery and Sale Statles. rpHE subscriber, late of Abbeville, 8. P., begs.leave. .JL to inform the citizens of Columbia andthe public generally, that he has become proprietor of John C. O'Hanlon's well known Livery and Sale Stables. His Omnibus and Carriages will run from the American Hotel to the several Railroad Depots, and to any pant of the city. The subscriber has added largely to the lino supply of Carriages, Buggies and Horses bought by him of Mr. O'Hanlon; and lie is satisfied he will bo able to afford accommodations in his line of business unsurpassed by any similar establismcnt in the State.. He has been at great pains to employ the most experienced and careful coachmen, so that families may feel peifcctly safe in his vehicles. The subscriber lias also hue lots with abundance of good water for stock, and flrAVAra «*i 11 ft rii 1 if /-» tlini* f/v /Mfin UIm \uui\.ig mil unit it ^miuv tv UlUl ilHUJCC*0 IU glVC illlXl a call. Orders left at the American Hotel, so favorably known under the management of Messrs. Boatwright & Januey will be promptly attended to. W. E ARCHER, Propriptor. May 14. 3<> 3m Office Transportation S. C. E. E. Co. CAMDEN* May 25, 1852. ON and after Tuesday next, 1st June, the Passenger and Mail Trains (under regulations of the Post Office Department) will, until further notice, run as folioW8: ..-v Charleston, Colombia and Camden Bead. FIRST OR REGULAR PASSENGER & MAIL TRAIN UPi Leaves Charleston (daily at 8 1-4 o'clock, a. m. Arrives.Columbia " 3 " p. m. ,' Camden " 4 " p. m. DOWN. , Leaves.Camden at 6 o'olock, a. in. " Columbia at 7 " a. Arrives.Charleston at 2 1-4 p. m. This Train now connects with the regular Mail and Pnefipntrpr Train nf flip flrppnvillo an/1 rnlnmKio PeH. road, which leaves Columbia daily, (Sundays excepted) at 3 1-2 o'clock, p. m. or immediately after the arrival (at Columbia) of the Charleston Train. It also connects with the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad at their junction with the Camden Branch at 2 1-4 o'clock, p. m. SECOND OR NIGIIT EXPRESS FREIGHT and PASSENGER TRAIN. UP. Leaves Charleston at 5 1-4 o'clock p. m. Arrives.Columbia at 5 1-2 " a.m. DOWN. Leaves Columbia at 5 1-2 o'clock p. m. Arrives.Charleston at 6 " a. m. Passengers going up by this Train will always arrive in time at Columbia to take the Regular Day Train of the Columbia and Charlotte Railroad, which leaves Columbia daily (Sunday's excepted) at 7 o'clock a. m. for Charlotte. Also, with the Day Train of the Greenville Railroad, which leaves Columbia at 6 o'clock a m. daily, (Sunday's excepted. J. D. PETSCH, Sup't Transp'n 4c. May 28.43 tf So. Ca. Railroad Company. A CARD! Messrs. g f Kennedy, of Chester and james M. HURST, formerly one of the proprietors ol the Planter's Hotel, Charleston, have leased the AMERICAN HOTEL, King Street, and would res- ( pcctfully solicit from their friends and the travelling public a portion of their patronage. We pledge our; selves that the guests of the Hotel will teceive accommodations unsurpassed by any in the city. KENNEDY & hurst. Charleston May 17. 40 6m Mexican Mustang Liniuient, TN Bottles at Fiftv Cents and Ooo Dollar. For sale " rj T rv«TT A TTIO aw u. xjzjIajx x u. ^ Hair Restoratives. I HATE now on hand a largo and varied assortment of IIA1R RESTORATIVES, consisting in part of Hauel's Eau Lustral; Barry's Tricopherous; Phalon's Invigorator and Jayne's Ilair Tonic; French Pomatums, kc. Having been lately received, they are fresh and fine. To be had at May 28. Z. J. DeHAT'S. Fresh Sperm Oil, OOLAR OIL, LARD OIL, the finest BURNING O FLUID, and CAMPHENE, at the lowest market price, may be had at TVORKMAX'S Drug Store. BEAL ESTATE^ FOETSAIS INTENDING to remove from the State, the subscriber offers his large and commodious Dwelling House on Broad Street. There is every convenience attached, a fine Flower Garden, and a variety of Fruit trees. ALSO A small House adjoining, and a Lawyer's Office in th® rear of the Court House. ALSO The large Stores occupied by II. Levy k Son, and £ Armstrong.the upper part used as the Odd Fellow's Hall. ALSO.. The Stores and Dwelling House occupied by V. C. Moore and T. Baskin', Esq'rs. ALSO . A commodious Kirkwood House, pleasantly situated .high and airy. The Stores would be a good investment to any capitalist, as they are now paying at least 15 per cent, on value. A long credit will be given if desired. Apply to il. LEVY. May 6,1852. 37 tf \TEW RAISI1YS-50 quarter boxes RAISINS. J.\ Received at MOORE'S. Clevelaud'sPreiuium Cologne, IN Pint and Quart Bottles. Just received and for sale at - 2. J. EeHAY'S. June 29 Just Received, AN additional supply of Groceries, consisting of New Orleans Santa Croix, crushed and clarified Sugars; New Orleans and West India Molasses; E{ack and Gunpowder Teas; Rio and Java Coffee; New Bacon ; Pickled Salmon; Dried Cod and Mackarel fish Cheese &c. Also, one barrel fine Cuba Honey, and a few kegs Malaga Grapes, all of which will ne sold low for cash, by JAMES McEWEN. mar!2 21 . tf Columbia §. . Insurance Company. rpHE undersigned continues to act as Agents for the X above Company, and aro prepared to take risks on Buildings and Merchandize at customary rates. A. M. <fe It. KENNEDY. Juno 15th, 1852. 48 tf DOZEN two-pound cans Fresh Salmon. Received w and for sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. Juue 22, 1852^ 50 tf 4 BARRELS choice Leaf Lard. Received and for sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. Juno 22, 1852. 50 tf 1CASE Gross A Blnckwell's Pickles and Sauces.. Received and for sale by Juno 22. SIIAW A AUSTIN. O BARRELS No. 1 Pickled Salmon. Received and J for sale by . SHAW A AUSTIN. Water's Tooth Soap, . I^OR cleansing and removing animalcute from the teoih. For sale by June 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN. NEW ARRIVALS; 4 MDRUCKER A CO. have just received a iarge selection of the newest patterns of Plain and Fancy BERAGES, DELAINES\ CHALLYS\ TISSUE SILKS MUSLINS and GINGHAMS, and other articles for LADIES' DRESSES, to which they in* vito the attention of the Ladies and the public goner* 00 ally. ' a
Page 1: Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1852-07-23 [p ].historicnewspapers.sc.edu/lccn/sn93067980/1852-07-23/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · pgr-Sumter Bacner and Darlington Flagcopy3 times,

WTo Printers.J A good Printer, one who is temperate, of good morJtV.al character, and disposed to take an interest for

his employer, is wanted as a Foreman in the LedjtrOffice, Lancaster C. H., S. C.

^ July 23.

TO THE SICK.> For the effectual rooting out from the system of allI diseases brought on by indigestion, billiousncss and imuuriivof the blood, it is a widely and well known fact

[ that" WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE BILLS1 are the great PANACEA, Throughout the entiroL South, these Pills have long been held in the highestf repute, both by private individuals and by the MedicalI faculty of our country. Southern fevers and Southern

diseases generally, yield to their influence at once; andthe unfortunate victim to "earthly illsand woes" is made

^ to thank lleaven that a sovereign balm has been pro"vided.Let each try them for himself and if the medicine

fails to satisfy, the experiment shall cost him nothing.Thos. J. Workman', Agent for Camden, S. C., and

sold by Druggists and Merchants throughout the country.June 2S.ly.


important to dvspkpt1cs.

j Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN, the true pic.esktite plcu», orgastric juice, prepared from RENNET,'or the FOURTH STOMACH OF THE OX, afterdirecrrionsof BARON LIKBIG, the great PhysiologicalChemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON. M. D., Philadelphia.This is truly a wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION,DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINT,CONSTIPATION and DEBILITY, curing after Nature^own method, by Nature's own Agent, the GASTRICJUICE. Pamphlets, containing Scientific cvi-dence 01 its value, lurnisncn uy uguuts graus. ovc I'V

tice anions tho medical advertisements.

I. O. O. F..Kershaw Lodge, IVo.9 .

THE Regular Meeting- of this Lodge fill be heldat their Hall, this Evening, at 8 o'clock.

D. U. SHULAR, Secretary.

jfiTTlie friends of Col. JAMES CHESNUTjJr. announce him as a candidate for State Senator,

at the ensuing election.

JBfThe friends of Maj. A. II. BOYKINannounce him as a candidate for Representativein the State Legislature at the ensuing election.


J£3TWe are authorized to announce Col. JOSEPHB. KERSHAW as a caudidate for Representativeiu the State Legislature at the ensu

ing election.We are authorized to announce Major

JOHN ROSSER as a candidate for reprcscntaative in the State Legislature at the ensuing election.G. W. WIEiVGES & CO.,~

X BookseUers, Stationers,AND DEALERS in. 1

Cheap PublicationsXo. 56 EAST-BAY, (Oppositethe Courier Office.

CHARLESTON, S. C.g. w. wiexges. a. l. solomon.

June 23. 593m

Uve* of the Democratic and Whig'Nominees for tlie Presidency.

THE Life of Geueral Frank Pieece, with a Bio-graphical sketch of Hon. "William Rcfus King,

Vice President of the U. S. Price 25 cents.Life and Public Services of Wixfield Scott, General-inChief of the Army of the United States, coinprisinghis early life; his services in 1812 at Quccnston

L Heights. Chippewa, Lundy's Lane, and Niagara; inthe Mexican War, at Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, Ciiurubusco,Chapultcpec, the taking of the Capitol, the Conquestof the Country, and nomination as Candidate forthe Presidency. With numerous illustrations: Price25 cents.

Queens of England, in 6 Vols.; ACsop's Fables; IllustratedConcordance; Botauy for Beginners; Fa-miliar Science, 4c. A. YOUNG.

July 23.59tf |Copartnership Notice.

CHARLES LOVE, late partner and successor ofJos. Thompson 4 Co.. Saddle and Harness Mapu-

facturers, has this day associated with himself Conradi M. Wiexges. under the name of LOVE 4 WIENGKS.k They will continue the Saddlery and Harness businessat the old stand, corner of Broad and Church

Streets, to which a continuance of patronage is respectfullysolicited CHARLES LOVE,r CONRAD 11. WIENGES. <

' * Charleston^ July 23. 59tf '

pgr-Sumter Bacner and Darlington Flag copy 3times, and forward bills to L. & W.

OUUIX1 VUX VI41IU jnt«yj|3U««,fB

In the Common Pleas. '

WD. PEEBLES, who is in the custody- of theSheriff of Kershaw District, by virtue of a

writ ofCapius ad Respondendum, at the suit of IlnrietC. Taylor, having filed in my office, together with a

schedule on oath, of his estate and effects, his petitionto the Court ofCommon Pleas, praying that he may beadmitted to the benefit of the acts of tho General As- <

8embly made for the relief of insolvent debtors: It is

> ordered, that the said Ilarict C. Taylor, and all otherthe creditors to whom the said W. D. Peebles is in anywise indebted, be, aud they are hereby summoned and

i have notice to appear before the said Court at Camdent Court House on the first day ol November next, to

shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of tho petitionshould not be granted.Office Common Pleas. Kershaw District, 21st July ]

A. D. 1852. MOREAU NAUDIX, c. c. P."

July 23. 59ni3m

South Carolina.KerihaW District. ]In the Common Picas.

DAVID II. SHULAR who is in the custody oftheSheriff of Kershaw District, by virtue of a writ of

Capias ad Respondendum, at the suit of Elizabeth Yillepigue,having filed in my office, together with a seliedLule on oath, of his estate and effects, his petition toI the Court of Common Pleas, praying that he may beI admitted to the benefit of the acts of the General As-f sembly made for the relief of insolvent debtors: it is

ordered, that the said Elizabeth Villepigue, and all other^ the creditors to whom the said David II. Mhular is in

any wise indebted, be, and they are hereby summoned <

and have notice to appper, before the said Court, atCamden Court House, on Monday the first day of No-vember next, to show cause, if any they can, why the

prayer of the petition aforesaid should not be granted.Office Common Fleas, Kershaw District 19th July

A. D. 1852. MOREAU NAUDIN, C. C. P.

July 23. 59m3m

Sheriff's Sales.L virtue of sundry "Writs of Fieri Facias to mo

pi directed, I will sell before the Court House doorin Camden, on the First Monday in August next, beingthe second day of said month, between the legal hoursof sale, the following property, to wit:One Mulatto boy, BOB, levied on and to be sold as

the property of Jamos J. Dunlap, at the suit of Alfred ,

U iX)Dg.Also, at tho residence of the Rev. Thomas Mason,

one Marble top Dressing Bureuu and Glass, levied on

as the property ol H. J. Wilson, at the suit of GeorgeAbbott, et. al. Conditions Ciisli.

JOIIN INGRAM, S.K.D.July 20..5Stf

JUST received a variety of IIA 7 COTTERS\ war-

ranted a superior article, and for sale low byJuly 13. E. W. BONNEY.

v. X ..*-^0*2**.... /


SUCK HEAD, July 3d, 1852. 1

ORDER XO. £rI',IIK following Regiments will parade for Review j,X and Drill at the times and places specified, viz: j.The 25th Reg. of Infantry at Winnsboro', on .Satur- c

day tlie 7th of August next. qThe 24th Reg. of Infantry near Winn's Bridge, on ]

Wednesday the 11th of August next.The Oth Beg. ofCavalry at Younguesville, on Friday ^

the 13th of August. yThe 26th Reg. of Infantry at Chesterville, on Mondaythe lGth of August.The 27th Reg. of Infantry at Rich Ilill, on Wednesdaythe 18th of August. SThe 10th Reg. of Infantry near Ebenezer, on Friday

the 20th of AugustTiie 34th Reg. of Infantry at their Regimental si

Parade ground, on Monday the 23d of August. o

The 37th Reg. of Infantry at Wilkin's Old Field, on tiThursday the 2Gth of AugustThe 35th Reg. of Infantry near Unionville, on Saturdaythe 23th of August. jjThe 9th Reg. of Cavalry near Glenn Springs, on jj

Tuesday the 31st of August. :

Tne 36th Reg. of Infautry at Timmon's Old Field, on QFriday the 3d of September nextThe 43th Reg. of Iufantiy at the Burnt Factory, on w

Tuesday the 7th of September.The 41st Reg. of Infantry at Park's Old Fieldon r(

Thursday the 9th of September.The 40th Reg. of Infantry at Boyd's, on Saturday the

11th of September.The 10th Reg. of Cavalry at Martin's, on Tuesday

the 14th of September. .

The 38th Reg. of Infantry at Keller's Old Field, onQ

Thursday the 16th ofSeptember. s*

The 39th Reg. of Infantry near Rufl's Mountain, on*

Saturday the 18th ofSeptember.The Reviews will commence at 12 o'clock, M. ^The commissioned and non-commissioned ofTicers

willasseui le the day previous to the reviews, exceptthose of the 2Gth and 34th Regiments of Infantry, whowill assemble on the Saturday previous, at their Regimentalparade grounds for Prill and Instruction.The Major Generals and Brigadier Generals will, with J

their Stall; attend the Reviews within their respective Gcommands. *

The Brigadier Generals are charged with the extensionof this order.By order of the Commander-in-Chief.

J. W. CANl'EY. Adj. and Insp. Cen'l.July 9, 1852. 55tf J



MR. J. D. WATKINS, owner and proprietor ofthese Springs, informs the public that a new A

Spring has beeii discovered, containing Sulphur, Iron, £Magnesia and Amonia. The whole establishment ismuch imprpved, and will be, this season^ under the

careof Wit. Seymour, .perhaps the best caterer inSouth Carolina, late of the oultrie House, Sullivan's ri

Island, and Jones' Hotel, Charleston, A fine band for JMusic will be in attendance, and every appointment of j>the Hotel arranged for pleasure and comfort. t0May 28, 1852. 43tf

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,rPIIAT the Co-partnership heretofore existing beJLtween the subscribers under the name and firm of

GILBERTS& CIIAPIN is this day dissolved by mutualconsent.>

The business of'the concern will be settled by S. <fc JiE. M. (JlLUEUT. Pi


Charleston, 1st June, 1852. r.

S. & E. 31. GILBERT J\VTILL continue the CARRIAGE BUSINESS at? t the old stand of Gilberts k Chapin, (formerly S. _

& J. Gilbert) Nos. 35 and 40 Wcntworth-st,, and willkeep constantly on band an extensive assortment of <

UAiuiiAur.o manuiaciurcu uy inemseives expressly ^lor their own sales, together with an assortment ofother styles usually found in this market, to which themention of their old friends and customers is respectfullyinvited. Carriages of any style will be made to _

order, and repairing in all its various branches prompt- [Iv and faithfully executed on reasonable terms.

STEPHEN GILBERT.ELIAS M. GILBERT. [Charleston, June 1st, 1852. *

£2?" Persons indebted to the firm of S. i J. Gilbertiro requested to make payment to S. & E. M. Gilbert, .

who are authorized to settle the business of said firm. :

June 29. 52dinj



on Weutwortb-street, next door to tbe old stand ofGilberts 4 Chapin; also, on Meetiug-treet, next doorNorth of the "Pavilion Hotel," Charleston. S. C.

vmn.? iui v.imi.im-? .iiiu iiuuit^ jhuiiijmiy va

jcuted from this date, on such terms and iu such mauaer,as to insure a continuance of lixvors.June 11.47 tf

ractics for Light Infantry and Kiflciiicu.j_COMPILED for the Washington Light Infantry.

Charleston, S. C. Containing the new manual of .

irms for the Percussion Iti/ie, furnished by the WarDepartment. The Deployment as Skirmishers, and all "Itthat is peculiar to Light Infantry and Riflemen. 1.July12. A. YOUNG. * k(

toBranch of tlic Bank of the State of th

South-Carolina at Camden. m

ALL Notes intended for Renewals at this Bank ir,the months of Juno nnd July, must be in theorifinalsignatures of the makers and endorsers.

D. L. DESAUSSURE, Cashier. n

May 25. -112m. Jof

co-pakt:*i:rsiiip ivotice. th

THE UNDERSIGNED, have this day entered into lKa Co-Partnership for the purpose of transacting Ht.


GOODWIN, at the old stand of C. 0 Witte; 92 EastBay, where we will be happy to see all our old friends.


Charleston. July 5. 57tf rjWELL Wheels, Steelyards, Broad Axes, Anvils^ Y and Vices. Fur sale by E. W. BONNEY.

Sulphate Quinine,

OF superior qualitv, from the well known Laboratoryof Rosengarten 4 DenisAlso, Rowand's Tonic Mixture, Jayne's Fever and

Ague Pills, Dr. Turner's Fever and Ague Pills, .tc. Jx\Just received at Z. J. DeIIAY'S.


and for salo by McDOWALL & COOPER.

"YTOTICE..I hereby forbid all persons giving credior employment to any negro in my employ with- J_

out rav permission, after this date. -F" 1 J. F. SUTHERLAND. k

Aril 12, 1852. 30tf


POSITIVE BARGAINS!!HAYING- a verv large stock of LACE and FANCYSUMMER GOODS, which I wish to disposef before the Fall, I will positively oiler thein for cash at

Greatly Reduced Prices!Tlicy consist of a large variety of Fashionable Lace

!npcs. from one to eight Dollars.Blk. Lace Veils, Lace Sleeves, Trimming Laces and

Idgings of every description.sucli as Real Thread,Vove Thread, Valenciennes, Linen, Cotton and Bobin.T)lb- nml Wliitf, Ttlnnilo Tjines nnrl Fdrriinrfl.* At.

o, a full assortment of'RE.XCII NEEDLEWORK EMBROIDERIESComprising beautiful "Worked Muslin Collars, very low,ilk. Embroidered Muslin Capes, at cost prices;imb'd Sleeves and Culls, of the the newest patterns;'rcnch Emb'd Lawn Ilandk'fs. at New-York cost;wiss Edgings and Insertings at reduced prices;lambric do. " do. " " "

ufant's Frock Bodies, various sizes, at cost;" Embroidered Caps, " "

.adics' Muslin Breakfast Caps, very few left;Corked Muslin Chemisettes, choice patterns and unquestionablycheap.

Summer Bonnets at and Under Cost,ome of them quite new, and others tolerably ancient.In disposing of these, 1 will graduate the prices acirdingto seniority; those of two years standing coniderablyunder cost; also, BOXXET RJBBOXS, all

f them new, at prices to suit tho Bonnets and themcs respectively.

Summer Dress Good*.Such as Printed Muslins, Ginghams, Gingham Musns,Baragc DeLaines, "White and Colored Dotted Musns,Ac., Ac., purchased this Spring and ottered temptlglylow; iu fact, I am willing to sacrifice the profits

11 all of these as well as many other exclusively SumicrGoods, in ordcrto make room for my Fall supplies,liich I intend to be on a scale unusually complete,nd at prices calculated to increase the extensive patmagealreadv conferred on me.

June 25.51t JAMES WILSON.

Final Notice.A LL persons indebted to II. Levy or II. Levy 4rx. Son, either by open account or note, will call and:ttle, otherwise they will be placed in the hands of anttorney. H. LEVY 4 SON.June 25. 51tf_

i TEAL. AND GRITS.Always on hand, atU MOORE'S. Red Flag.


rH E subscribers liavo this day formed a Co-partnership,under the name and firm of ROOT x INRAM,for the purpose of carrying on the Generaluctioneering Business. F. ROOT,

JOHN INGRAM.Camdex, Jan. 23. 7tf

Cod Liver Oil.HAVE just received a few gallons of pure CODLIVER OIL, which will bo sold in quantities to

lit purchasers, and at reduced prices. '

March30. Z. J. DeTIAY.

i FOUNTAIN Butter, Fine Cheese. Fresh MacciroTi lii, Corn Starch, Brouifl, Chocolate and Citron,jr saleby E. W. BONNEY.

Writing Inks.IHIE subscriber has just received a large and va ,

. ried assortment of Black, Blue, Carmine and Reds KS. of superior quality in vials and bottles from 550 cents each. also,Harrison's, Tarrant's, Wright's David's and Maris'CDKL1BLK INKS, for marking on cotton, lineu andIk, with and without Preparation.March2C. Z. J. DeIIAY.

Sands' Sar»aparilla,7*ROM "licad quarters." Also, Pecry's Dead Shot,

Pushton, Clark A Go's. Cod Liver Oil, and all theapular Summer Medicines. Just received atJune15. Z. J. DeIIAY'S.

Fanning Mills.1"MIK subscriber has just linished n few of the above

. Machine* for cleaning Wheat, Rice, Oats, Corn,ens. Ac. .Made and warranted bvMay 17.2mw It,



Quinine.AA OZ. QTTIXINE, at the lowest market price.Uv For sale byJune 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN. j

' Another Chance.have just received another lot of those very fine

. "CANVASSED HAMS." Low for Cash.W. C. MOORE.

.) ICQ CUT'S Garden Plough*. For ale byMeDOWALL A COOPER.

Juno 29. 1

.FRENCH China Tea Setts, China and Glass Fru_Dishes, Tureens, Ac, Also, Housekeeping Arties in great variety. For sale by. 1

March 2, 1852.'


Mm? '


For the Fall and Winter.

V fresh Invoice of LANDREWS SUPERIOR '

GARDEN SEEDS. Just received at

July13. Z. J. DeIIAY'3.


S""0 person having applied for letters ofadministra-tion upon the estate of Sarah Kershaw, I have tainpossession of tho same sis derelict, and give notice '

allhavingdomandstopresenttheni duly attested, andose indebted to said estate to muke immediate payent to me.

JOIIN It. JOY, 0. K. D. and Adni'r.Juno 29. 52 » tfI

To Rent.

I'MIE subscriber oilers for rent that large and com.modious STOHK HOUSE, situated on the corner

Broad and York-streets, and immediately oppositec Waterec House, which for several years past hasen occupied by 0. Matheson, Esq. It is a well-knowu 1

ami. being located in one of tho most business parts 1

tho Town, and lias an extensive Lot and Cotton J

ard attached. Possession will be given on the first 8

iv ot August next, JOIIN INGRAM.July 9. 05tfj

New Books and Novels.PIIK Abbottsford edition of the WAVERLY XOlYELS. Price 50 cents for each Novel.complete12bound volumes, at SI per vol.Days of Bruce; Brace's Hungary; Hue's Tartarv,Bancroft's U. S. History, 4th volume,Legislative Guide,Men and Women of the 18th Century,Glances at Kuropc, bjr II. Greely, (Essays from the London TimcaJenkins' Life ofJackson; Meigs on Children,Wilson's Anatomy; Sophocles' Greek Grammar, i

Scrap Books; English Family Robinson,Fnr GIT. by the author of Peep of Day,Wild Girl of Nebraska; Texian Virago, Ac.JulyJC. A. YOUNG.

1Tarrant* Seltzer Aperient,

A ND Cordial Elixir of Turkey Rhcubarb; Holden's.TL Diarrluea and Dysentery Cordial; Murray'sluid Magnesia, largo and small bottles; fresh and genie.Just received at Z. J. DeIIAY'3.June 29.

BRICKS IOR SALE.rpiIE subscriber has on hand a largo quantity >fX GOOD BRICK, which may be had on application.January 23. J. F. SUTHERLAND.

O BARRELS fresh " Kennedy's Butter Crackers.".w Received and for sale byJuno 22, 1850. SHAW k AUSTIN.

7 ~ "ALCORN'S" superior FAMILY HAMS. Re((J ceived and for side byJune 22, 1852. SHA1V k AUSTIN.

1CASU potted Yarmouth Herring1 do do Anchovie Paste. Received and for

sale bv SOAAV & AUSTIN.June 22, 1852. 50tf

1CASE Guava Jelly in quart Jars. Received andfor sale by SHAW & AUSTIN

June 22. 50tf

4 CASES Preserved Limes, Oranges, Pine Applesand Citron. For sale by

June22. SHAW & AUSTIN^..CHOICE Gun Powder, Ilyson and Imperial Teas.

Received and for sale byJune22. SHAW & AUSTIN.

Selling Off at Cost.THE subscriber desirous of closing his business in

in Camden will sell at New York Cost, his presentstock of Goods, consisting of the following articles, viz

Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugars,St. Croix and Porto Pico do.Java and Rio CoiTee,Gunny Cloth and Dundee Bagging,Bale Rope and Twine,Hemlock Leather, Shoe Thread, (ire.Paints, Oil, and "Vindow Glass,Hardware, Iron, Nails and Castings,Domestic Dry Goods, Saddlery, <fcc.Candles, 8uaj> and Starch.

A choice assortment of LIQUORS, viz :Rp*»nrl\- \\ inn \Vlii<tov Pol-tor ntirl Ale.

Together with a large stock of.SALT AND MOLASSES.

Those desirous of purchasing for Cash, or Bankablepaper on short time, would do well to call and examinethe goods. JOHN W. BRADLEY.Camden, May 11,1852. 33.tf

Vanilla Beans,

1THRESH and tine. Also, Ess. Vanilla, Extracts ofLemon; Orange. Bitter Almond, Rose and Peach,

for flavoring Ice Creams, Puddings, Custards, Ac. Justreceivedat Z. J. DeIIAY'S.

HEW SPRIVGGOODS.MDRUCKERA CO. have just received their newsupply of

Spring and Summer Clothing,to which they would invite the attention of the publicit the same time they would recommend their Stock o

OUTFITTING ARTICLES, viz: Shirts, Collars. Cravats.Undergarments, Hosery, Gloves, Suspenders, Ac.April 9, 1852..tf

DR. UPIIAM'SVegetable Pile Electuary.

4 CERTAIN cure for Piles, cither External or Interl\.mil. Bleeding or Blind. Also for all InflammatoryDiseases. Affections of the Skin, and Impurities oidie Blood, arising from anv source. For sale bvJune 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN.

CI RAIN Cradles, Steel Forks and Rakes, Iron andJ Steel Hoes, Spades and Shovels. For sale atFeb. 24.tf E. W. BOGEY'S.

Aromatic Spirits of Vinegar.

PUT up in beautiful style. For sale byTHOMAS J. WORKMAN.

SUPERIOR Pine Applo Cheese, Capers, Currants,Citron, and Lemon Syrups. For sale bv

May 8. E. W. BONNKY.

LJACON SIDES anil LAUD for sale. low lor ensa.

) Also, a tew Dags CORX. E. W. BOXXEY.

ICE! ICE ! ICE!~HAYING made arrangements for a regular supply

of ICE through the summer season. I will be?lad to supply the citizens of Camden and its vicinitywith this luxury. Quantities under fifty pounds three:ents; over lifty pounds two and a half cents. CASHTor ICE without any exception.

F. L. ZEMP.May 7 s7tf

One to Four Dollars a Window.

BEFORE purchasing call and examine tho subscriber'sassortment of Transparent WINDOWSHADES, which comprises many late and handsomeitterns. C. L. CHATTEN.

PINE APPLE and Goshen Cheese, Family Hamsand Bacon Sides. Also, Lard and Canal Flour.

Just received at BOXXEY'S.

At Cost,A LOT of PLOWS and CULTIVATORS, willL V. sold at Baltimore prices, for Cash, to close a consignment.McDOWALLi COOPER.May 11. 3Stf

N'EW LAUD, of superior quality. Also, SugoiHouse Syrup, Rock and Table Salt. Just receivedby E. W. BOXXEY.

Pure White Lead,

OF superior quality. Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine,Chrome Green, Prussian Blue, Litharge, Copal,

Japan and Leather Varnish, Window Glass Ac. Justreceived at Z. J. DEHAY'S.Julv 15. -IStf

Fresh Lard Oil,

OF superior quality, which will be sold as low as

tho present advanced prices of OILS of every<ind will warrant. Just received at


SODA WATER.SODA WATER fresh from the fountain will be kept

through the season,.with an abundance of ICEwid a variety of pleasaut SYRUPS, by


Head Quarter* 5th Iti'g. Cavalry.IN pursuance of orders froin Major General Buchanan,an election for Brigadier General of the 3d Brigidcof Cavalry, is hereby ordered to bo held at Camion(for this Regiment) on Thursday, the 12th day of\ugust next, to till the vacancy occasioned by the rcagnationof Brigadier General Owens.

Lt. Col. Davis and Major Baker are hereby orderedo attend at Camden and assist as Managers of saidElection. By order of COL. ANCRUM.Camden, June 22,1852. 60.td:

HEIDSICU CHAIWEAIGAE..10 Bas_kota, low for Cash. W. C. MOORE.

MORE Brown Homespun at four cents a yard, justopenedat BOXNEY'S.

Youth's and Men's Dress Shirts.J UST received an invoice of the above of the latent

stylos, well made and warranted to tit.April 27..St A. M. &. R. KENNEDY".

The Southern Broom Manufactory.I ANNOUNCE to the citizens of this District, that

I will establish a BROOM MANUFACTORY iuCamden. All those who ar willing to eucouragohome iudustry, are respectfully solicited to give me a

call.In addition to the above, I will re-bottom cane scat

Chairs.and I hope all friends of the blind will sympathiseand encourage ino in mv undertaking.T. C. DUTTON.

Juno 4. 46tf

Livery and Sale Statles.rpHE subscriber, late of Abbeville, 8. P., begs.leave..JL to inform the citizens of Columbia andthe publicgenerally, that he has become proprietor of John C.O'Hanlon's well known Livery and Sale Stables. HisOmnibus and Carriages will run from the AmericanHotel to the several Railroad Depots, and to any pantof the city. The subscriber has added largely to thelino supply of Carriages, Buggies and Horses boughtby him of Mr. O'Hanlon; and lie is satisfied he will boable to afford accommodations in his line of businessunsurpassed by any similar establismcnt in the State..He has been at great pains to employ the most experiencedand careful coachmen, so that families may feelpeifcctly safe in his vehicles. The subscriber lias alsohue lots with abundance of good water for stock, andflrAVAra «*i 11 ft rii 1 if /-» tlini* f/v /Mfin UIm\uui\.ig mil unit it ^miuv tv UlUl ilHUJCC*0 IU glVC illlXl

a call. Orders left at the American Hotel, so favorablyknown under the management of Messrs. Boatwright& Januey will be promptly attended to.W. E ARCHER, Propriptor.

May 14. 3<>3m

Office Transportation S. C. E. E. Co.

CAMDEN* May 25, 1852.

ON and after Tuesday next, 1st June, the Passengerand Mail Trains (under regulations of thePost Office Department) will, until further notice, runas folioW8: ..-v

Charleston, Colombia and Camden Bead.FIRST ORREGULAR PASSENGER & MAIL TRAIN

UPiLeaves Charleston (daily at 8 1-4 o'clock, a. m.Arrives.Columbia " 3" p. m.

,' Camden " 4 " p. m.DOWN. ,

Leaves.Camden at 6 o'olock, a. in." Columbia at 7 " a. m»

Arrives.Charleston at 2 1-4 p. m.This Train now connects with the regular Mail and

Pnefipntrpr Train nf flip flrppnvillo an/1 rnlnmKio PeH.

road, which leaves Columbia daily, (Sundays excepted)at 3 1-2 o'clock, p. m. or immediately after the arrival(at Columbia) of the Charleston Train. It also connectswith the Wilmington and Manchester Railroadat their junction with the Camden Branch at 2 1-4o'clock, p. m.


UP.Leaves Charleston at 5 1-4 o'clock p. m.Arrives.Columbia at 5 1-2 " a.m.

DOWN.Leaves Columbia at 5 1-2 o'clock p. m.Arrives.Charleston at 6" a. m.

Passengers going up by this Train will always arrivein time at Columbia to take the Regular Day Train ofthe Columbia and Charlotte Railroad, which leavesColumbia daily (Sunday's excepted) at 7 o'clock a. m.for Charlotte. Also, with the Day Train of the GreenvilleRailroad, which leaves Columbia at 6 o'clock a m.daily, (Sunday's excepted.

J. D. PETSCH, Sup't Transp'n 4c.May 28.43 tf So. Ca. Railroad Company.

A CARD!Messrs. g f Kennedy, of Chester and james

M. HURST, formerly one of the proprietors olthe Planter's Hotel, Charleston, have leased theAMERICAN HOTEL, King Street, and would res- (pcctfully solicit from their friends and the travellingpublic a portion of their patronage. We pledge our;selves that the guests of the Hotel will teceive accommodationsunsurpassed by any in the city.

KENNEDY & hurst.Charleston May 17. 406m

Mexican Mustang Liniuient,TN Bottles at Fiftv Cents and Ooo Dollar. For sale


rj T rv«TT A TTIOaw u. xjzjIajx x u. ^

Hair Restoratives.

I HATE now on hand a largo and varied assortmentof IIA1R RESTORATIVES, consisting inpart of Hauel's Eau Lustral; Barry's Tricopherous;Phalon's Invigorator and Jayne's Ilair Tonic; FrenchPomatums, kc. Having been lately received, theyare fresh and fine. To be had atMay28. Z. J. DeHAT'S.

Fresh Sperm Oil,OOLAR OIL, LARD OIL, the finest BURNINGO FLUID, and CAMPHENE, at the lowest marketprice, may be had at TVORKMAX'S Drug Store.

BEAL ESTATE^FOETSAISINTENDING to remove from the State, the subscriberoffers his large and commodious Dwelling Houseon Broad Street. There is every convenience attached,a fine Flower Garden, and a variety of Fruit trees.

ALSOA small House adjoining, and a Lawyer's Office in th®

rear of the Court House.ALSO

The large Stores occupied by II. Levy k Son, and £Armstrong.the upper part used as the Odd Fellow'sHall. ALSO..The Stores and Dwelling House occupied by V. C.

Moore and T. Baskin', Esq'rs.ALSO .

A commodious Kirkwood House, pleasantly situated.high and airy.The Stores would be a good investment to any capitalist,as they are now paying at least 15 per cent, on

value. A long credit will be given if desired. Applyto il. LEVY.

May 6,1852. 37tf

\TEW RAISI1YS-50 quarter boxes RAISINS.J.\ Received at MOORE'S.

Clevelaud'sPreiuium Cologne,IN Pint and Quart Bottles. Just received and for

sale at - 2. J. EeHAY'S.June 29

Just Received,AN additional supply of Groceries, consisting of

New Orleans Santa Croix, crushed and clarifiedSugars; New Orleans and West India Molasses; E{ackand Gunpowder Teas; Rio and Java Coffee; NewBacon; Pickled Salmon; Dried Cod and Mackarel fishCheese &c. Also, one barrel fine Cuba Honey, and afew kegs Malaga Grapes, all of which will ne sold lowfor cash,by JAMES McEWEN.mar!2 21 .tf

Columbia §. . Insurance Company.rpHE undersigned continues to act as Agents for theX above Company, and aro prepared to take risksonBuildings and Merchandize at customary rates.

A. M. <fe It. KENNEDY.Juno 15th, 1852. 48tf

DOZEN two-pound cans Fresh Salmon. Receivedw and for sale by SHAW & AUSTIN.Juue 22, 1852^ 50tf

4 BARRELS choice Leaf Lard. Received and forsaleby SHAW & AUSTIN.

Juno 22, 1852. 50tf

1CASE Gross A Blnckwell's Pickles and Sauces..Received and for sale by


O BARRELS No. 1 Pickled Salmon. Received andJ for sale by .


Water's Tooth Soap, .

I^OR cleansing and removing animalcute from theteoih. For sale by


NEW ARRIVALS; 4MDRUCKER A CO. have just received a iarge

selection of the newest patterns of Plain andFancy BERAGES, DELAINES\ CHALLYS\ TISSUESILKS MUSLINS and GINGHAMS, and otherarticles for LADIES' DRESSES, to which they in*vito the attention of the Ladies and the public goner*

00ally.' a
