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Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1852-09-03 [p...

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%. ., x" ^ tive Slave, belonging to Dr. Collins of this city, who excited so much interest in Boston, two years ago, and who had the honor to be conducted through the Crystal Palace at London, during the Great Fair, upon the arm of the Chairman of the Executive Committee, who slighted many fair representatives of the Caucassian race, to pay his devoirs to this interesting chamber-maid, has voluntarily gone into the service of an American gentleman and lady, upon condition that they will bring her back to her owner here." The Southern Baptist Publication Society is ? engaged in the publication of denominational and other religious works. Its General Book Depository, at Charleston, is in successful operation, and sales amounting to Si5,000 were made w-raor omKracinrr 17 000 Volumes of c11c i'tww . j books. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER. p important to dyspeptics. * Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON'S PKPSIN, tiie true digestive fluid, or gastric juice, prepared from RENNET, or the FOURTH STOMACH OF THE OX, after directions of BARON LIEBIG, the great Phvsiological - Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON. M. D. Philadelphia. I This is truly a wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION and DEBILITY, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own Agent, the GASTRIC JUICE. Pamphlets, containing Scientific evidence of its value, furnished by agents gratis. See notice among the medical advertisements. TO TIIE SICK. For the effectual rooting out from the system of all diseases brought on by indigestion, billiousness and impurity of the blood, it is a widelv and well known fact that WRIGUTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are the great PANACEA. Throughout the entire South, these Pills have long been held in the highest repute, both by private individuals and by the Medical V faculty of our country. Southern fevers and Southern ' diseases generally, yield to their influence at ouce; and the unfortunate victim to "earthly ills and woes" is made to thank Heaven that a sovereign bahn has been provided. Let each try them for himself and if the medicine fails to satisfy, the experiment shall cost him nothing. Tiios. J. Workman, Agent for Camden, S. C., and sold by Druggists and Merchants throughout the coun- try. juiiu io.i). jlSTThe friends of Maj. A. II. BOYKIN announce him as a candidate for Representative in the State Legislature at the ensuing election. Buffalo. S&rWe are authorized to announce Col. JOSEPH B. KERSHAW as a candidate for Representative in the State Legislature at the ensu ng election. &sT We are authorized to announce Major JOHN ROSSER as a candidate for representative in the State Legislature at the ensuing election. jfirThe friends of Col. JAMES CIIESNUT. Jr. anuounce him as a candidate for State Senator, at the ensuing election. |I. O. O. F..Kershaw Lodge, Wo. 9. TIIE Regular Meeting of this Lodge vill be held at their nail, this Evening, at 8 o'clock. WILLIAM SHIELDS, Secretary. Notice. fl^HE co-partnership heretofore existing between JL Chesnut k Jones, as barbers, in the town of Camden, has been dissolved. The business will hereafter be conducted by the subscriber, to whom all persons indebted will please make payment. RICHARD CHESNUT. Sept. 3. 71 tf Wanted Immediately. A WOMAN to do the cooking and washing of a small family. Apply at this Office. Railroad Notice. TN consequence of the falling in of the Railroad _L Rridce. over the Consrareo River, and other dama- ges to the Road, neither Passengers or Freight of any description will be received at the CanidcidDepot, for any station beyond Middleton on the South Carolina Railroad, for the present, N. D. BAXLEY, Agent. Sept 3. 71 tf DAY BOARDERS C^AN be accommodated on very reasonable terms J at Hunter's Hotel. August 31. 70 4t MISS WILSO.Y WILL resume her duties in Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC, both on the Piano and Guitar, at the Female Academy, on the first of September. Lessons can also be given at her residence in Kirkwood. Aug. 31. 70 4t Clevelaiid'sPreniiiim Cologne, IN Pint end Quart Bottles. Just received and for sale at Z. J. DeIIAY'S. " June 29 Charleston Prices. HARNESS, Saddlery, Trunks, Military Work, Ac manufactured to order, and warranted, at Charleston prices. psS~Ten per cent, discount for cash within 30 days. LUKE ARMSTRONG. Camden, April 23. 23 sw2twtf. 4 BARRELS choice Leaf Lard. Received and for sale by SIIAW A AUSTIN. June 22, 1852. 50 tf SUPERIOR Pino Apple Cheese, Capers, Currants, Citron, and Lemon Syrups. For side by May 8. E. W. BONNET. Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias to me di reeled, I will sell before the Court House door in Camden on the first Monday in September, proximo, (being the (5th day of said month.) within the legal hours, the following property: 100 ICTcs el Land, more or less, lying on the waters Cw Big Timber creek, located in Kershaw District, adjoining lands of Robert Tumor, Edilli Myers and others. Also; a Gin and Raw Mill situated on said Creek. Levied upon and to bo sold as the property of Lewis Peebles, at the Beparato suits of A. E. Lo.tctt and ^ others. One Mulatto Boy, Bob. Levied on and to be sold ns the proyerty of James J. Dunlap, at the suit of J. W. Bradley. also One marble-top Dressing Bureau. Levied on as the property of H. J. Wilson, at the suit of James and T.l.. U.monn fit al. OKJliU JKtuiuv.., Aug. 17. JOHN INGRAM, S. K. D. 1CASK Gross & Blackwell's Pickles and SaucerReceived and for sale by £ June 22 SHAW & AUSTIN. .* ..... .. . *-> ' : "* v POST OFFICE, CAMDEN, S. C, MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. May 1st, 1852. NORTH ERN MAIL, VIA CHER AW, DARLINGTON C. AND MAYS T. 0. ON WIL. & MANCHESTER R. R. Due. Daily, at - 4.30 P. M. Closes Daily, at * 9 00 P. M. NORTHERN MAIL, VIA CHARLESTON. Due Daily, at ... 4,30 P. M. Closes Daily, at ... 5.00 A. M. SOUTHERN MAIL, VIA AUGUSTA. Due Daily, at - ... 4.30 P, M. Closes Daily, at 5.00 A. .V. WESTERN MAIL, VIA COLUMBIA. Due Daily, at ... . 4*30 P. 31. Closes Daily, at - - 9.00 P.M. tty Way Mails on the South Carolina Hail Koad, close daily, at 9.00 P. M. CHARLOTTE MAIL, VIA LANCASTER C. H. Due Tuesday Thursday, and Saturday, at 5 P. M. Closes Monday Wednesday, and Friday, at 5 A. M. YORKVILLE MAIL, VIA LIBERTY HILL, &C. Due Thursday and Saturday, at - - 12 M. Closes same day, at 12.30 P.M. NEWBERRY MAIL, VIA LONGTOWN, &TC. Due Thursday, at 8.00 P. 3T. Closes Friday, at ... 5.00 A. M. JOHN N. GAMEWELL, P. M. List of Letters, REMAINING in the Post-Office at Camden, S. C. September 1st., 1852. Bradshaw Kphraira MeSween "William Boykin S. II. Murray John Bailey James if. McConnell Ovid Baskin J. W. Nolen Chafes Boyd J. B. Rush Samuel Carter G. Reynolds W. J. Carter W. J. Scott Dye Cotton Dorcas Smart John (2) Cothrane James M. Stogner James Davis Caroline Sanders Dr. S. II. Dunlap John Turner Jemima George William Tiller Jos. L, Ilogan Eugene Tiller E. E. Haynie William Vaughan Lewis M. iliekle Mrs. J. T. Wrighton L. C. McCluster Archy Young Winnifred ir nr, »t.: . aiyurs u usiuiigLuu Persons calling for the above will please say that they are advertised. JOHN N. GAMEWELL, P. M. Wagon for Sale. A FIRST RATE one Horse Wagon, for sale low.. Apply early to W. C. MOORE. Jlist Received. ] ~A Ps, SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGS lf.)U 100 pair Blankets 5000 yds Gunny Bagging 25 coils Rope. 100 kegs Nails. Sept. 3. W. C. MOORE. Beef Tongues. ~A BEEF TONGUES fjU 12 pes. Smoked Beef. Just received at Sept. 3. W. C. MOORE'S. Segars. 1 A AAA SEGARS. of the vervbost brands.. IU . U U U For sale by W." C. MOO RE. 3orlli-»Carolina Flour. A FEW barrels first quality Norih Carolina Flour. For sale by W. C MOORE. Jujube Pa«te. i A BOXES first quality Jujube Paste, fresh. Just JLU received by W. C. MOORE. Candies. Candies. OA A LBS. of the handsomest Candies ever offered OUU in this market. W. C MOORE. St. Julian Jledoc Clare!. VFEW cases of the above just received. W. C. MOORE. lVolier. rTMIE subscriber invite oilers for the purchase of the I whole of his property in Camden, viz: That Three Story House on Broad-street, opposite the Episcopal Church, at present occupied by Mr. Harris .... ., Ot..rn .1 ti',.11 inip l.r.,cn tlw. T...n Cl,.-.. If...,.,. South of the above, occupied by Mr. Billings as a Store house and dwelling.tho Small House South of the above, and the House South of it occupied by the subscriber as a dwelling and Store house. The above property (some of which Is new) is all in good repair, and all well situated for business. Terms accommodating. For further particulars apply to August 31.70tf JAMKS M'EWEX. Final Police. VLL persons indebted to the subscriber previous to 1S52 if not settled before next Return Day, will positively find their notes and accounts in the hands of an Attorney for collection, as settlements muse be made. W. C. WORKMAN. August 27. C9 tf Vanilla Rcans FRESH and Hue. Also, Ess. Vanilla, Extracts of Lemon; Orange, Bitter Almond, Rose and Pencil, for flavoring Ice Creams, Puddings, Custards, Ac. Just .received at . Z. J. DeHAY'S. Tactics for Light Infantry and Riflcnicn. CCOMPILED for the Washington Light Infantry ) Charleston, S. C. Containing the new manual of arms for the Percussion liijlc, furnished by tho War Department. The Deployment as Skirmishers, and all lifit in nnruiliar to Liirht Infimtrv ainl Rillenicn July 12. ° " A. YOUNG. qpiIOSE persons whose accounts have been .standing X for last year and previous that time, will please call and settle, either by note or payment, else I shall place them in the hands of an Attorney lor immediate collection. \Y.' C. MOOUK. May 7.37tf South Carolina.Kershaw District. In the Common Pleas. \\[ P. PEEBLES, who is in the custody of the t T Sheriir of Kershaw District, by virtue of a writ of Capius ad Respondendum, at the suit of Ilariet C. Taylor, having tiled in my ollice, together with a schedule on oath, of his estate and ell'eets, his petition to the Court of Common Pleas, praying that he may bw admitted to the benefit of the aets of the General Assembly made for the relief of insolvent debtors: It is ordered, that the said llarict C. Taylor, and all other the creditors to whom the said W. 1). Peebles is in any wise indebted, be, and they are hereby summoned and have notice to appear before the said Court at Camden Court 1 louse on the first day of November next, to shew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the petition should not be granted. Office Common Pleas, Kershaw District, 21st July . . .nr., XIOIHMn VA1TH1V i\. 1'. X. XJI *> i;, \\ |-# July 23. 50 ni3m South Carolina.Kershaw District. In the Common Pleas. TA.MKS MACK, who is in the custody of the Shcri.T of Kershaw District, by virtue of a Writ of Capias ad Respondendum, at the suit of David W. C'uttino, having tiled in my ollice, together with a Schedule, on oath, ot his estate and effects, his petition to the Court of Common Pleas, praying that hn may be admitted to tlie benefits of tho Acts ot the General Assembly, made for the relief of insolvent debtors. It is ordered, that the said David "W. Cuttino, and all other the creditors to whom the said James Mack is in nnywiso indebted, be, and they arc hereby summoned nnd have notice to appear before the said Court at Camden Court Ifouso on Monday the first day of November next, to n|,ow cause, if any they can, why the prayer of tlio petition aforesnid, should not be granted. Clerks Office, Kershaw District, July 30, 1852. MORKAU NAUDIN, C. C. P. August 3. 02 m3m i 5. tfc / .vo-v- -*tL. , J ' \ Auction Sale. TIIE subscriber intending to close up his business in Camden, will sell at Public Auction, without reserve, on the first Monday in September next, the balance of his stock of goods, consisting in part of the following articles, viz: ] Loaf and Brown Sugars, i Java and liio Coffee, < ".1 1 T v A ^ I). 1 t ill tiny U101U auu J.'uuuee .LmygiiiLj, liale Rope and Shocthread, [ Paints, Oil, and Window Glass, Hardware, Iron, Nails and Castings, Candles, Soap and Starch. A choice assortment of LIQUORS, viz : 1 Brandy, Wine, Whiskey, Porter and Ale. Together with a large stock of SALT AND MOLASSES. i Those desirous of purchasing for Cash, or Bankable paper on short time, would do well to call and examine the goods. ALSO i All his Hoasehold and Kitchen Furniture, P:ano Forte, Ac. JOHN W. BRADLEY. INGRAM A ROOT, Auctioneers. August 13. G7 tf G. W. WIEffGES & CO., Booksellers, Stationers, and DKALERS in. Clicap Publications, No. 5G EAST-BAY, {Opposite the Courier Office. CHARLESTON, S. C. o. w. wiexges. a. l. soi.omox. June 23. 59 3ni "WARDLAW & WALKE1L FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. w. a. wardlaw. 0. walker. OUR Commission for selling Cotton will be fifty cents per bale. Supplies will bo purchased for our friends, and special attention given to the articles ordered. Refer to Col. L. J. Patteksox. Aug. 10. G1 2m REEDER & DESAUSSURE, ADGER'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. A RE prepared to devote their undivided attention 2A. to the interests of their friends in the sale of COTTON, RICE, and produce generally; and to filling their ORDERS. They will make fair advances 011 Consignments of Produce to their care. OSWELL UEKDEH. JOIIN D. DESAl'SSURE. Aug. C. G3 w7m In Equity.Kershaw. Zack Cantey and Wife vs. John M. DeSaussure, Trus tee, Win. Adamson Cantey.Rill to sell Trust Property. IN obedience to an order in this case made at June Term A. L>. 1852, of the said Court. I will offer for sale at Public Outcry, at the Court House Door in Camden, 011 the first Monday in November next, all that Tract or Parcel of land (except the residence on the same known as Spring Dale place, and two hundred (200) acres around it) lying on the East side of Watercc River, in Kershaw District, containing by resurvey of E. Parker, Deputy Surveyor of the 17th day of January, 181!).Fifteen Hundred and Twenty (1520) Acres.bounded North bv 'amis of Dr. E. A Saltnond and lands of the Estate of John Chesnut, East by lands of the Estate of John Chesnut. South l»v lands of Edward E. Adamson, and West by the Wateree River. The said Tract, with the exception above made, will be sold at the time and place hereinbefore specified, to the highest bidder For the same, provided it brings over Six Thousand Dollars, (GOOD) but it will not be sold for less than Six Thousand Dollars piOOO.) Terms..A credit of one, two and three years.purchaser to give bond with approved personal security and a mortgage of the premises. Possession of said lands to be given on the 1st day of January ensuing said sale, and the purchase money to bear interest from the dav possession is given. W. II. R. WORKMAN, 0. e. K. D. August G. G3 tf In Eqiiity-Kertiliaw. Josiali Pierce and Wile, Zack Cantey and Wife vs. Ed- ward J*;. Adumson.Uii! to soil tana tor rnrwion. ]X coiuplinnco with an order in thi* case made at last . June Term of said Court, I invite proposals for the purchase of that portion of the Real Kstate of Louis C A damson, lately dcc'd, lying on "Wateree River and called the Brevard Place, containing it is thought about Pour Thousand and Mighty-three (4083) acres. Said tract adjoins lands belonging to W. J. Taylor, Zack Bowen, E. Parker, Estate of Jno. Chesnut. Terms to be specified in proposals as the}* are open to agreement of parties in interest to whom all propositions are to be referred for acceptance or rejection. Propositions may be made to the undersigned. .Sale not to bo effected before the 1st January next. W. II. R. WORKMAN, C. k. k. a July 30. CI 5in. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT IX SETTIXCi UIXEKAE TEETH. r|MlK undersigned, owner and agent of Pr. Allen's X valuable improvement, for the Southern States, bogs leave to call attention to its superiority over all other methods in the following particulars: Ixckeaski) srnicngtit Continuous Ocm, Life-like aiTEAUANCK, perfect adaptation of tiie plate, and Cleanliness.the Teeth, Gum and Plate being baked into One Piece, without interstices, and ns Ireo from impurity as a piece of porcelain. Dentists are informed that I have lifted up a Labora-1 ton- in Montgomery, Alabama, and am prepared to give instruction, and Futxisii Materials. Two days in the Laboratory will enable any competent Dentist to put up teeth in this stylo to his entire satisfaction. The public, and especially those who cannot use the pieces they now wear lor mastication, are informed that I am'willing to insert Teeth on this plan, and give tho parties thirty, sixty or ninety days to test them, after which they may return or pay for them, at their picasure. Those who wish to see me in Montgomery, must make immediate application, at the Exchange Hotel. 11. P. SMITH, Surgeon Dentist, 114 St. Charles st New Orleans. July 27. GO 2m. {^"Circulars containing full particulars can be had at this ollicc. Dr. Smith is now in Augusta, where he will or a few days only. August 8. Ono to Four Dollars a Window. BEFORE purchasing call and examine the subscriber's assortment of Transparent WINDOW SHADES, which comprises many late and handsome attcrns. C. L. CIIATTEX. M. R. E. MAYER I RESPECTFULLY informs tho citizens of Camden \i and the surrounding country that lie has opened at the Old Stand near Mr. S. Shiver's iducksmith's Shop, where lie will repair Carriages, Buggies Ac. on lnoderatc terms. July 20. NEW SPRING GOODS. MDHUCKER A CO. have just received their now supply of Spring and Summer Clothing, to which they would invite the attention of the public at tho same time they would recommend their Stock o OUTFITTING ARTICLES, viz: Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Undergarments, lloscry, Gloves, Suspenders, Ac. April 9, 1852..tf Another Chance. I have just received another lot of those very fine " CANVASSED UAMS." Low for Cash. W. C. MOORE. CARRIAGES. At the Old Stand of S. & J. Gilbert. Sk E. M. GILBERT continue the CARRIAGE BUSINESS at the above stand, Nos. 35 and 40 Wentworth street, where they will be pleased to exhibit to their old friends and customers a very extensive stock of VEHICLES, comprising those of their own manufacture, together with the various other i. it. c a ..I,,** tUaSb IaMM siyies usuunjr iuuiiu 111 hum ujiuncu men j^iig ugquaintancc with this market as manufacturers and dealers will enable them to offer great inducements to purchasers, both in styles and prices. Charleston, Aug. 20. 67 tf LEONARD CHAPIN, [JjATE OF THE FIRM OF GILBERTS & CHAPIN) IS NOW OPENING an extensive CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY and REPOSITORY, fronting and on Went worth-street, next door to the old stand of Gilberts A Chapin; also, on Meeting-treet, next door North of the ''Pavilion Hotel," Charleston. S. C. CgTOrders fur Carriages and Harness, promptly ex ecutcd from this date, on such terms and in such manner, as to insure a continuance of favors. June 11.47 tf NEW GOODS. rr,HE subscriber has just received, and now offers X for inspection, 14 cases of Domestics and Plantation Goods, consisting of ALL-WOOL PAINS, Plain and TWILLED KERSEYS, Ac. Chiefly of Southern manufacture. The attention of Planters is particularly invited to the above Goods, as they will be sold at unusually low prices. C. MATHESOX. Aug. 20. 67 Gt BUI A BROOM ? THE subscriber announces to the citizens of Camden and the surrounding Districts, that he is now established, and is ready to supply them with different assortments of BROOMS, of his own manufacture. Persons desiring to purchase will find him one door above the Post Office. T. C. DUTTON. Aug. 20. 77 tf To Rout. TIIE Dwelling on the corner of DeKalb and Church streets. It is in good repair, and a desirable residence. Possession given after the 26th of September next. For particulars apply to W. E. 1IUGH80N, Agent for A. Burr. . Aug. 17. G5 wtf WORKMAN & BOONE, manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in Boots, Shoes, Leather, And Slioc-Findings,' camden, s. c. OTRAW CUTTERS Ac..'The subscriber lO have received a full assortment of Large Straw Cutters Small Do. Corn Shellers Thermometer Churns Aug. 13. McDOWALL & COOrER. J'l'ST RECEIVED..A general assortment of Ladies SUOESaud BOOTS. Somenew styles, by WORKMAN i BOONE. August G. G3 tf Frcsli Turnip Seed, I.^OR for Fall planting. For sale at T. J. WORKMAN'S. Liid NoticeVLL persons indebted to the Estate of Robert L. Tweed, either by note or account, aro requested to make payment of the same, on or before the first day of October next, else they will be placed in the hands of an Attornev for collection S. TWEED, Adm'rx. August 10. 61 tf Writing Inks. r|~MIK subscriber has just received a large und va L ricd assortment of Black, Blue, Carmine and Red INKS, of superior quality in vials and bottles from 5 to 50 cents each. also, Harrison's. Tarrant's. Wright's David's and Maris' INDELIBLE INKS, lor marking on cotton, linen and silk, with and without Preparation. March 2G. Z. J. DkIIAY. Quinine. I A A 0^- QUININE, at the lowest market price. 1UU For sale by June 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN. BKItKS FOR SALE. I'M IK subscriber has on hand a large quantity of . GOOD BRICK, which may be had 011 application January 2J. J. F. SUTHERLAND. »") BARRELS fresh "Kennedy's Butter Crackers.". . Received and for sale by Juno 22, 1850. ' SIlAW & AUSTIN. DR. UPJIAM'S Veseliiblt! Pile Electuary. VCERTAIN cure for Riles, either External or Internal, Bleeding or Blind. Also for all Inflamniatory Diseases. A (lections of the Skin, and Impurities of the Blood, arising from any source. For sale by June 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN. To Rent. rrMIK Store at present occupied by Shaw & Austin. JL Apply to W. ANDERSON. Aug. 20, 07 ttf ICE! ICE! ICE! HAVING made arrangements for a regular supply of ICE through the summer season, I will be glad to supply the citizens of Camden and its vicinity with this luxury. Quantities under fifty pounds three cents; over fifty pounds two and a half cents. CASH for ICE without any exception. F. L. ZEMr. Mav 7 s7 tf Water's Tootli Soap, I^OR cleansing and removing aniraalculac from the . teeth. For sale by June 22. TIIOMAS J. WORKMAN. Mexican Mustang Liniment, IN Bottles at Fifty Cents and One Dollar. For salp at * Z. J. DeIIAY'S. To Kent. rI"MTc small HOUSE ou Broad-stroot, immediately 1. North of the subscriber's. Store. For particulars apply to JAMES M'EWEN. August 31.C9tf Bogai'aieN Planetary Korxe Powers, PA TF.ST TYKE-BENDERS SA IF MILL J/WXS. For sale by meduwall & COOPER. ^"Orders for Castings. Ac. promptly executed. Aug 27. 79 tf 13 ICQ (JET'S tiiai'deu Ploughs. For sale by MoUOWALL & COOPER. Juno 29. Sulphate Quinine, OF superior quality, from the well known Laboratory of Rosongarten k Denis Also, Rowaud's Tonic Mixture, Javno's Fever and Ague Pills, Dr. Turner's Fever and Ague Pills, kc. &. Just received at Z. J. DeIIAY'S. 2 DOZEN two-pound cans Fresh Salmon. Received and for sale by SIIAW & AUSTIN. Juue 22, 1852. 50 tf *. - ft... " - ? >s-r:-> " "^r^'y- «-»»w / MMM..cn.IM.B...MiMil HEAD qilBBTERS. Buck Head, Aug. 24th, 1852. fpHE BRIGADIER GENERALS are hereby re-" X quired to make returns as directed by the Act of 1841, (see Section 13th.) Upon a non-compliance, the law will be enforced against all defaulters. By order of the Commander-in-Chief. J. W. CANTEY. Adjutant and Insp. General. August 31. 70 wlm ______ Messrs. g f Kennedy, of Chester and james M. HURST, formerly one of the proprietors ot the Planter's Hotel, Charleston, have leased the AMERICAN HOTEL, King Street, and would respectfully solicit from their friends and the travelling public a portion of their patronage. "We pledge our selves that the guests of the Hotel will receive accommodations unsurpassed by any in the city. KENNEDY & HURST. Charleston May 17. 40 6m POSITIVE BABGMNSH HAVINr, y, very largo stock of LACE and FANCY SUMMER GOODS, which I wish to dispose of before the Fall, I will positively offer them for cash a Greatly Reduced Prices! They consist of a large variety of Fashionable Lace Capes, front one to eight Dollars. 131k. Lace Veils, Lace Sleeves, Trimming Laces and Edgings of every description.such as Real Thread, Wove Thread. Valenciennes, Linen, Cotton and Bobbin; Blk. and White Blonde Laces and Edgings. Also. a full assortment of FRENCH NEEDLEWORK EMBROIDERIES Comprising beautiful Worked Muslin Collars, very low, Blk. Embroidered Muslin Capes, at cost prieea; Entb'd Sleeves and Cuffs, of the the newest patterns; French Entb'dLawn llandk'fe. at New-York cost , Swiss Edgings and Insertings at reduced prices; Cambric do. " do. " " ". Infant's Frock Bodies, various sizes, at cost; " Embroidered Caps, " " Ladies' Muslin Breakfast Caps, very few left; Worked Muslin Chemisettes, choice patterns and unquestionably cheap. Summer Bonnets at and Under Cost. Some of them quite new, and others tolerably ancient. In disposing of these, I will graduate the prices occording to seniority; those of two years standing considerably under cost; also, BONNET RIBBONS, all of them new, at prices to suit the Bonnets and the times respectively. Summer Dress Goods. Such as Printed Muslins, Ginghams, Gingham Muslins, Barage DeLaines, White and Colored Dotted Muslins, <tc., & purchased this Spring and offered temptingly low; in lact, I am williug to sacrifice the profits on all of these as well as many other exclusively Summer Goods, in order to make room for my Fall supplies, which I intend to be on a scale unusually complete, and at prices calculated to increase the extensive patronage already conforred on me. June 25.511 JAMES WILSON, Hair Restoratives. I HAVE now on hand a large and varied assortment of HAIR RESTORATIVES, consisting in part of Hauel's Eau Lustral; Barry's Tricopherous; Phalon's Invigorator and Javne's Hair Tonic; French Pomatums, &c. Having been lately received, they are fresh and fine. To be had at May 23. Z. J. DeHAY'S. Notice. 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of A. E Allen, 1\. who neglect to settle by the 15th of September next, will find their accounts in the hands of an officer for collection. JOHN R. JOY, 0. K. D. and Adm'r, June 29. 52 tf Columbia S. C. Insurance Company# r|MlE undersigned contiuues to act as Agents for the A above Company, and are prepared to take risks on Buildings and Merchandize at customary rates. A \f * R REXrVETW June 15tli, 1802. 48 tf SALEM WOOLENST" I HAVE now on hand, and daily expectiug further * supplies of brown, mixed and white TWILLED AND PLAIN SALEM KERSIES* of different qualities. Planters wishing their Negro Clothing, Can now be supplied at Manufacturer's prices. also.ox iiaxd, A full assortment of BLA CK and MIXED JEANS, and will in a few days receive a variety of these Goods . " in fancy colors, in qualities from fine to superfine. All of which will be sold either wholesale or retail by W. ANDERSON. Camden, Aug. 10. G4 w3tn PARIS-MADE BOOTS..A few pair, just received by WORKMAN 4 BOONE. r ~ "ALCORN'S" superior FAMILY HAMS. Re( t) ceivcd and for sale by June 22, 1S52. SHAW 4 AUSTIN. 1CASE potted Yarmouth Herring 1 do do Anchovie Paste. Received and for side by SHAW 4 AUSTIN. June 22,1852. 60 tf 1CASE Guava Jelly in quart Jars. Received and for sale by SHAW & AUSTIN, June 22. 50 tf 4 CASES Preserved Limes, Oranges, Pine Apple* and Citron. For sale by June 22. SnAW 4 AUSTIN. C1II0ICK Gun Powder, Hyson and Imperial Teaa. I Received and for sale by June 22. SHAW 4 AUSTIN. GRAIN Cradles, Steel Forks and Rakes, Iron and' Steel Hoes, Spades and Shovels. For sale at Feb. 24.tf E. W. BONNEY'S. Aromatic Spirits of Vinegar. "JJJUT up iu beautiful style. For sale by J- IllUMAa J. WORKMAN. PINE APPLE and Goshen Cheese, Family Hams and Paeon Sides. Also, Lard and Canal Flour. Just received at BONNET'S. Coffee Mills! LUTIIER'S Patent, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.By the improved construction of this Mill, the grain is convcved through the chamber to all parts of the runner equally, and at the same time, thereby increasing the grinding operations. Merchants will be supplied at manufacturer's prices. Specimens can bo seen at my store in Camden. E. TRYON, Ageat. Aug. 20. G7 tf. AJEW RAIS1NS-50 quarter boxes RAISINS 1> Received at MOORE'S. HEIDSICK CHAMPAIGNE.-10 Bmkcts, low for Cash. W. C. MOORE. Fresh Eard Oil, OF superior quality, which will be sold as low as tho present advanced prices of OILS of evory kind will warrant- Just received at DeHAY'S DRUO STORE.
Page 1: Camden journal (Camden, S.C.).(Camden, S.C.) 1852-09-03 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93067980/1852-09-03/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · x" ^ tive Slave, belonging to Dr. Collins ofthis

%. .,x"


tive Slave, belonging to Dr. Collins of this city,who excited so much interest in Boston, two

years ago, and who had the honor to be conductedthrough the Crystal Palace at London, duringthe Great Fair, upon the arm of the Chairmanof the Executive Committee, who slighted manyfair representatives of the Caucassian race, to payhis devoirs to this interesting chamber-maid, hasvoluntarily gone into the service of an Americangentleman and lady, upon condition that theywill bring her back to her owner here."

The Southern Baptist Publication Society is? engaged in the publication of denominational

and other religious works. Its General BookDepository, at Charleston, is in successful operation,

and sales amounting to Si5,000 were madew-raor omKracinrr 17 000 Volumes of

c11c i'tww. j



p important to dyspeptics.*

Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON'S PKPSIN, tiie true digestivefluid, or gastric juice, prepared from RENNET,or the FOURTH STOMACH OF THE OX, after directionsof BARON LIEBIG, the great Phvsiological

- Chemist, by J. S. HOUGHTON. M. D. Philadelphia.I This is truly a wonderful remedy for INDIGESTION,

DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINT,CONSTIPATION and DEBILITY, curing after Nature'sown method, by Nature's own Agent, the GASTRICJUICE. Pamphlets, containing Scientific evidenceof its value, furnished by agents gratis. See noticeamong the medical advertisements.

TO TIIE SICK.For the effectual rooting out from the system of all

diseases brought on by indigestion, billiousness and impurityof the blood, it is a widelv and well known factthat WRIGUTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLSare the great PANACEA. Throughout the entireSouth, these Pills have long been held in the highestrepute, both by private individuals and by the Medical

V faculty of our country. Southern fevers and Southern' diseases generally, yield to their influence at ouce; and

the unfortunate victim to "earthly ills and woes" is madeto thank Heaven that a sovereign bahn has been provided.Let each try them for himself and if the medicine

fails to satisfy, the experiment shall cost him nothing.Tiios. J. Workman, Agent for Camden, S. C., and

sold by Druggists and Merchants throughout the coun-

try. juiiu io.i).

jlSTThe friends of Maj. A. II. BOYKINannounce him as a candidate for Representativein the State Legislature at the ensuing election.


S&rWe are authorized to announce Col. JOSEPHB. KERSHAW as a candidate for Representativein the State Legislature at the ensu

ng election.

&sT We are authorized to announce MajorJOHN ROSSER as a candidate for representativein the State Legislature at the ensuing election.

jfirThe friends of Col. JAMES CIIESNUT.Jr. anuounce him as a candidate for State Senator,

at the ensuing election.

|I. O. O. F..Kershaw Lodge, Wo. 9.

TIIE Regular Meeting of this Lodge vill be heldat their nail, this Evening, at 8 o'clock.

WILLIAM SHIELDS, Secretary.Notice.

fl^HE co-partnership heretofore existing betweenJL Chesnut k Jones, as barbers, in the town of Camden,has been dissolved. The business will hereafterbe conducted by the subscriber, to whom all personsindebted will please make payment.


Wanted Immediately.AWOMAN to do the cooking and washing of a small

family. Apply at this Office.

Railroad Notice.TN consequence of the falling in of the Railroad_L Rridce. over the Consrareo River, and other dama-ges to the Road, neither Passengers or Freight of anydescription will be received at the CanidcidDepot, forany station beyond Middleton on the South CarolinaRailroad, for the present,

N. D. BAXLEY, Agent.Sept 3. 71tf


C^AN be accommodated on very reasonable termsJ at Hunter's Hotel.August 31. 704t


WILL resume her duties in Vocal and InstrumentalMUSIC, both on the Piano and Guitar, atthe Female Academy, on the first of September. Lessonscan also be given at her residence in Kirkwood.

Aug. 31. 704t

Clevelaiid'sPreniiiim Cologne,

IN Pint end Quart Bottles. Just received and forsale at Z. J. DeIIAY'S. "

June 29

Charleston Prices.HARNESS, Saddlery, Trunks, Military Work, Ac

manufactured to order, and warranted, at Charlestonprices.psS~Ten per cent, discount for cash within 30 days.

LUKE ARMSTRONG.Camden, April 23. 23 sw2twtf.

4 BARRELS choice Leaf Lard. Received and forsaleby SIIAW A AUSTIN.

June 22, 1852. 50tf

SUPERIOR Pino Apple Cheese, Capers, Currants,Citron, and Lemon Syrups. For side by

May 8. E. W. BONNET.

Sheriff's Sales.BY virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias to me di

reeled, I will sell before the Court House doorin Camden on the first Monday in September, proximo,(being the (5th day of said month.) within the legalhours, the following property:100 ICTcs el Land, more or less, lying on the watersCw Big Timber creek, located in Kershaw District, adjoininglands of Robert Tumor, Edilli Myers and others.Also; a Gin and Raw Mill situated on said Creek.Levied upon and to bo sold as the property of LewisPeebles, at the Beparato suits of A. E. Lo.tctt and

^ others.

One Mulatto Boy, Bob. Levied on and to be soldns the proyerty of James J. Dunlap, at the suit of J.W. Bradley.


One marble-top Dressing Bureau. Levied on as the

property of H. J. Wilson, at the suit of James andT.l.. U.monn fit al.OKJliU JKtuiuv..,

Aug. 17. JOHN INGRAM, S. K. D.

1CASK Gross & Blackwell's Pickles and SaucerReceivedand for sale by£ June22 SHAW & AUSTIN.


..... ..

. *->':





AND MAYS T. 0. ON WIL. & MANCHESTER R. R.Due. Daily, at - 4.30 P. M.Closes Daily, at * 9 00 P. M.

NORTHERN MAIL, VIA CHARLESTON.Due Daily, at ... 4,30 P. M.Closes Daily, at ... 5.00 A. M.

SOUTHERN MAIL, VIA AUGUSTA.Due Daily, at - ... 4.30 P, M.Closes Daily, at 5.00 A. .V.

WESTERN MAIL, VIA COLUMBIA.Due Daily, at ... . 4*30 P. 31.Closes Daily, at - - 9.00 P.M.ttyWay Mails on the South Carolina Hail Koad,

close daily, at 9.00 P. M.CHARLOTTE MAIL, VIA LANCASTER C. H.

Due Tuesday Thursday, and Saturday, at 5 P. M.Closes Monday Wednesday, and Friday, at 5 A. M.YORKVILLE MAIL, VIA LIBERTY HILL, &C.Due Thursday and Saturday, at - - 12 M.Closes same day, at 12.30 P.M.

NEWBERRY MAIL, VIA LONGTOWN, &TC.Due Thursday, at 8.00 P. 3T.Closes Friday, at ... 5.00 A. M.


List of Letters,REMAINING in the Post-Office at Camden, S. C.

September 1st., 1852.Bradshaw Kphraira MeSween "WilliamBoykin S. II. Murray JohnBailey James if. McConnell OvidBaskin J. W. Nolen ChafesBoyd J. B. Rush SamuelCarterG. Reynolds W. J.Carter W. J. Scott DyeCotton Dorcas Smart John (2)Cothrane James M. Stogner JamesDavis Caroline Sanders Dr. S. II.Dunlap John Turner JemimaGeorge William Tiller Jos. L,Ilogan Eugene Tiller E. E.Haynie William Vaughan Lewis M.iliekle Mrs. J. T. Wrighton L. C.McCluster Archy Young Winnifredir nr, »t.: .

aiyurs u usiuiigLuuPersons calling for the above will please say that

they are advertised.JOHN N. GAMEWELL, P. M.

Wagon for Sale.

AFIRST RATE one Horse Wagon, for sale low..Apply early to W. C. MOORE.

Jlist Received.] ~A Ps, SHIRTINGS and SHEETINGSlf.)U 100 pair Blankets5000 yds Gunny Bagging

25 coils Rope. 100 kegs Nails.Sept.3. W. C. MOORE.

Beef Tongues.~A BEEF TONGUESfjU 12 pes. Smoked Beef. Just received at

Sept. 3. W. C. MOORE'S.

Segars.1 A AAA SEGARS. of the vervbost brands..IU .UUU For sale by W." C. MOO RE.

3orlli-»Carolina Flour.

AFEW barrels first quality Norih Carolina Flour.For sale by W. C MOORE.

Jujube Pa«te.i A BOXES first quality Jujube Paste, fresh. JustJLU received by W. C. MOORE.

Candies. Candies.OAA LBS. of the handsomest Candies ever offeredOUU in this market. W. C MOORE.

St. Julian Jledoc Clare!.

VFEW cases of the above just received.W. C. MOORE.

lVolier.rTMIE subscriber invite oilers for the purchase of theI whole of his property in Camden, viz:That Three Story House on Broad-street, opposite the

Episcopal Church, at present occupied by Mr. Harris.... ., Ot..rn .1 ti',.11 inip l.r.,cn tlw. T...n Cl,.-.. If...,.,.

South of the above, occupied by Mr. Billings as a Storehouse and dwelling.tho Small House South of theabove, and the House South of it occupied by the subscriberas a dwelling and Store house.The above property (some of which Is new) is all in

good repair, and all well situated for business. Termsaccommodating. For further particulars apply to

August 31.70tf JAMKS M'EWEX.

Final Police.

VLL persons indebted to the subscriber previous to1S52 if not settled before next Return Day, will

positively find their notes and accounts in the hands ofan Attorney for collection, as settlements muse bemade. W. C. WORKMAN.August 27. C9tf

Vanilla RcansFRESH and Hue. Also, Ess. Vanilla, Extracts of

Lemon; Orange, Bitter Almond, Rose and Pencil,for flavoring Ice Creams, Puddings, Custards, Ac. Just.received at . Z. J. DeHAY'S.

Tactics for Light Infantry and Riflcnicn.CCOMPILED for the Washington Light Infantry

) Charleston, S. C. Containing the new manual ofarms for the Percussion liijlc, furnished by tho WarDepartment. The Deployment as Skirmishers, and alllifit in nnruiliar to Liirht Infimtrv ainl Rillenicn

July 12.° "


qpiIOSE persons whose accounts have been .standingX for last year and previous that time, will pleasecall and settle, either by note or payment, else I shallplace them in the hands of an Attorney lor immediatecollection. \Y.' C. MOOUK.May 7.37tf

South Carolina.Kershaw District.In the Common Pleas.

\\[ P. PEEBLES, who is in the custody of thet T Sheriir of Kershaw District, by virtue of a

writ of Capius ad Respondendum, at the suit of IlarietC. Taylor, having tiled in my ollice, together with a

schedule on oath, of his estate and ell'eets, his petitionto the Court of Common Pleas, praying that he may bwadmitted to the benefit of the aets of the General Assemblymade for the relief of insolvent debtors: It is

ordered, that the said llarict C. Taylor, and all otherthe creditors to whom the said W. 1). Peebles is in anywise indebted, be, and they are hereby summoned andhave notice to appear before the said Court at CamdenCourt 1 louse on the first day of November next, toshew cause, if any they can, why the prayer of the petitionshould not be granted.

Office Common Pleas, Kershaw District, 21st July. . .nr., XIOIHMn VA1TH1V

i\. 1'. X. XJI *> i;, \\ |-#

July 23. 50ni3m

South Carolina.Kershaw District.In the Common Pleas.

TA.MKS MACK, who is in the custody of the Shcri.Tof Kershaw District, by virtue of a Writ of Capias

ad Respondendum, at the suit of David W. C'uttino,having tiled in my ollice, together with a Schedule, on

oath, ot his estate and effects, his petition to the Courtof Common Pleas, praying that hn may be admitted to

tlie benefits oftho Acts ot the General Assembly, madefor the relief of insolvent debtors. It is ordered, thatthe said David "W. Cuttino, and all other the creditorsto whom the said James Mack is in nnywiso indebted,be, and they arc hereby summoned nnd have notice to

appear before the said Court at Camden Court Ifousoon Monday the first day of November next, to n|,owcause, if any they can, why the prayer of tlio petitionaforesnid, should not be granted.

Clerks Office, Kershaw District, July 30, 1852.MORKAU NAUDIN, C. C. P.

August 3. 02m3m i

5. tfc/ .vo-v- -*tL.

,J ' \

Auction Sale.TIIE subscriber intending to close up his business in

Camden, will sell at Public Auction, without reserve,on the first Monday in September next, thebalance of his stock of goods, consisting in part of thefollowing articles, viz: ]

Loaf and Brown Sugars, i

Java and liio Coffee, <

".1 1 T v A ^ I). 1t ill tiny U101U auu J.'uuuee .LmygiiiLj,liale Rope and Shocthread, [Paints, Oil, and Window Glass,Hardware, Iron, Nails and Castings,Candles, Soap and Starch.

A choice assortment of LIQUORS, viz : 1

Brandy, Wine, Whiskey, Porter and Ale.Together with a large stock of


Those desirous of purchasing for Cash, or Bankablepaper on short time, would do well to call and examinethe goods. ALSO i

All his Hoasehold and Kitchen Furniture, P:anoForte, Ac. JOHN W. BRADLEY.

INGRAM A ROOT, Auctioneers.August 13. G7tf

G. W. WIEffGES & CO.,Booksellers, Stationers,

and DKALERS in.Clicap Publications,

No. 5G EAST-BAY, {Opposite the Courier Office.CHARLESTON, S. C.

o. w. wiexges. a. l. soi.omox.

June 23. 593ni



w. a. wardlaw. 0. walker.

OUR Commission for selling Cotton will be fiftycents per bale. Supplies will bo purchased for

our friends, and special attention given to the articlesordered.

Refer to Col. L. J. Patteksox.Aug. 10. G12m


A RE prepared to devote their undivided attention2A. to the interests of their friends in the sale ofCOTTON, RICE, and produce generally; and to fillingtheir ORDERS. They will make fair advances 011

Consignments of Produce to their care.


Aug. C. G3w7m

In Equity.Kershaw.Zack Cantey and Wife vs. John M. DeSaussure, Trus

tee, Win. Adamson Cantey.Rill to sell TrustProperty.

IN obedience to an order in this case made at JuneTerm A. L>. 1852, of the said Court. I will offer for

sale at Public Outcry, at the Court House Door inCamden, 011 the first Monday in November next, allthat Tract or Parcel of land (except the residence onthe same known as Spring Dale place, and two hundred(200) acres around it) lying on the East side ofWatercc River, in Kershaw District, containing by resurveyof E. Parker, Deputy Surveyor of the 17th dayof January, 181!).Fifteen Hundred and Twenty (1520)Acres.bounded North bv 'amis of Dr. E. A Saltnondand lands of the Estate ofJohn Chesnut, East by landsof the Estate of John Chesnut. South l»v lands of EdwardE. Adamson, and West by the Wateree River.The said Tract, with the exception above made, willbe sold at the time and place hereinbefore specified, tothe highest bidder For the same, provided it brings overSix Thousand Dollars, (GOOD) but it will not be sold forless than Six Thousand Dollars piOOO.)Terms..A credit of one, two and three years.purchaserto give bond with approved personal security

and a mortgage of the premises. Possession of saidlands to be given on the 1st day of January ensuingsaid sale, and the purchase money to bear interestfrom the dav possession is given.

W. II. R. WORKMAN, 0. e. K. D.

August G. G3tf

In Eqiiity-Kertiliaw.Josiali Pierce and Wile, Zack Cantey and Wife vs. Ed-

ward J*;. Adumson.Uii! to soil tana tor rnrwion.

]X coiuplinnco with an order in thi* case made at last. June Term of said Court, I invite proposals for the

purchase of that portion of the Real Kstate of Louis CAdamson, lately dcc'd, lying on "Wateree River andcalled the Brevard Place, containing it is thought aboutPour Thousand and Mighty-three (4083) acres. Saidtract adjoins lands belonging to W. J. Taylor, ZackBowen, E. Parker, Estate of Jno. Chesnut.

Terms to be specified in proposals as the}* are opento agreement of parties in interest to whom all propositionsare to be referred for acceptance or rejection.

Propositions may be made to the undersigned..Sale not to bo effected before the 1st January next.

W. II. R. WORKMAN, C. k. k. a

July 30. CI5in.


r|MlK undersigned, owner and agent of Pr. Allen'sX valuable improvement, for the Southern States,bogs leave to call attention to its superiority over allother methods in the following particulars:

Ixckeaski) srnicngtit Continuous Ocm, Life-likeaiTEAUANCK, perfect adaptation of tiie plate,and Cleanliness.the Teeth, Gum and Plate beingbaked into One Piece, without interstices, and ns Ireofrom impurity as a piece of porcelain.

Dentists are informed that I have lifted up a Labora-1ton- in Montgomery, Alabama, and am prepared to giveinstruction, and Futxisii Materials. Two days inthe Laboratory will enable any competent Dentist to

put up teeth in this stylo to his entire satisfaction.The public, and especially those who cannot use the

pieces they now wear lor mastication, are informed thatI am'willing to insert Teeth on this plan, and give thoparties thirty, sixty or ninety days to test them, afterwhich they may return or pay for them, at their picasure.Those who wish to see me in Montgomery, mustmake immediate application, at the Exchange Hotel.

11. P. SMITH, Surgeon Dentist,114 St. Charles st New Orleans.

July 27. GO2m.{^"Circulars containing full particulars can be had

at this ollicc.Dr. Smith is now in Augusta, where he will

or a few days only. August 8.

Ono to Four Dollars a Window.

BEFORE purchasing call and examine the subscriber'sassortment of Transparent WINDOWSHADES, which comprises many late and handsomeattcrns. C. L. CIIATTEX.


I RESPECTFULLY informs tho citizens of Camden\i and the surrounding country that lie has opened

at the Old Stand near Mr. S. Shiver's iducksmith'sShop, where lie will repair Carriages, Buggies Ac. on

lnoderatc terms. July 20.


MDHUCKER A CO. have just received their nowsupply of

Spring and Summer Clothing,to which they would invite the attention of the publicat tho same time they would recommend their Stock o

OUTFITTING ARTICLES, viz: Shirts, Collars, Cravats,Undergarments, lloscry, Gloves, Suspenders, Ac.April 9, 1852..tf

Another Chance.

I have just received another lot of those very fine" CANVASSED UAMS." Low for Cash.


CARRIAGES.At the Old Stand of S. & J. Gilbert.

Sk E. M. GILBERT continue the CARRIAGEBUSINESS at the above stand, Nos. 35 and 40

Wentworth street, where they will be pleased to exhibitto their old friends and customers a very extensivestock of VEHICLES, comprising those of theirown manufacture, together with the various other

i. it. c a ..I,,** tUaSb IaMMsiyies usuunjr iuuiiu 111 hum ujiuncu men j^iig ugquaintanccwith this market as manufacturers anddealers will enable them to offer great inducements topurchasers, both in styles and prices.

Charleston, Aug. 20. 67tf



and on Wentworth-street, next door to the old stand ofGilberts A Chapin; also, on Meeting-treet, next doorNorth of the ''Pavilion Hotel," Charleston. S. C.CgTOrders fur Carriages and Harness, promptly ex

ecutcd from this date, on such terms and in such manner,as to insure a continuance of favors.June 11.47 tf

NEW GOODS.rr,HE subscriber has just received, and now offersX for inspection, 14 cases ofDomestics and PlantationGoods, consisting ofALL-WOOL PAINS, Plain and TWILLED KERSEYS,Ac.

Chiefly of Southern manufacture.The attention of Planters is particularly invited to

the above Goods, as they will be sold at unusuallylow prices. C. MATHESOX.Aug. 20. 67Gt


THE subscriber announces to the citizens of Camdenand the surrounding Districts, that he is nowestablished, and is ready to supply them with differentassortments of BROOMS, ofhis own manufacture.

Persons desiring to purchase will find him one doorabove the Post Office.

T. C. DUTTON.Aug. 20. 77tf

To Rout.

TIIE Dwelling on the corner of DeKalb and Churchstreets. It is in good repair, and a desirable residence.Possession given after the 26th of September

next. For particulars apply toW. E. 1IUGH80N, Agent for A. Burr. .

Aug. 17. G5wtf

WORKMAN & BOONE,manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in

Boots, Shoes, Leather,And Slioc-Findings,'

camden, s. c.

OTRAW CUTTERS Ac..'The subscriberlO have received a full assortment of

Large Straw CuttersSmall Do.Corn ShellersThermometer Churns

Aug. 13. McDOWALL & COOrER.

J'l'ST RECEIVED..A general assortmentof Ladies SUOESaud BOOTS. Somenew styles,

by WORKMAN i BOONE.August G. G3tf

Frcsli Turnip Seed,I.^OR for Fall planting. For sale at


Liid NoticeVLLpersons indebted to the Estate of Robert L.Tweed, either by note or account, aro requested

to make payment of the same, on or before the firstday of October next, else they will be placed in thehands ofan Attornev for collection

S. TWEED, Adm'rx.August 10. 61tf

Writing Inks.r|~MIK subscriber has just received a large und vaL ricd assortment of Black, Blue, Carmine and Red

INKS, of superior quality in vials and bottles from 5to 50 cents each. also,

Harrison's. Tarrant's. Wright's David's and Maris'INDELIBLE INKS, lor marking on cotton, linen andsilk, with and without Preparation.

March2G. Z. J. DkIIAY.

Quinine.I AA 0^- QUININE, at the lowest market price.1UU For sale byJune 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN.


I'MIK subscriber has on hand a large quantity of. GOOD BRICK, which may be had 011 applicationJanuary 2J. J. F. SUTHERLAND.

»") BARRELS fresh "Kennedy's Butter Crackers.".. Received and for sale byJuno 22, 1850.



DR. UPJIAM'SVeseliiblt! Pile Electuary.

VCERTAIN cure for Riles, either External or Internal,Bleeding or Blind. Also for all InflamniatoryDiseases. A (lections of the Skin, and Impurities ofthe Blood, arising from any source. For sale byJune 22. THOMAS J. WORKMAN.

To Rent.rrMIK Store at present occupied by Shaw & Austin.JL Apply to W. ANDERSON.Aug. 20, 07ttf

ICE! ICE! ICE!HAVING made arrangements for a regular supply

of ICE through the summer season, I will beglad to supply the citizens of Camden and its vicinitywith this luxury. Quantities under fifty pounds threecents; over fifty pounds two and a half cents. CASHfor ICE without any exception.

F. L. ZEMr.Mav 7 s7tf

Water's Tootli Soap,

I^OR cleansing and removing aniraalculac from the. teeth. For sale byJune 22. TIIOMAS J. WORKMAN.

Mexican Mustang Liniment,

IN Bottles at Fifty Cents and One Dollar. For salpat



To Kent.rI"MTc small HOUSE ou Broad-stroot, immediately1. North of the subscriber's. Store. For particularsapplyto JAMES M'EWEN.August 31.C9tf

Bogai'aieN Planetary Korxe Powers,PA TF.ST TYKE-BENDERSSA IF MILL J/WXS. For sale by

meduwall & COOPER.^"Orders for Castings. Ac. promptly executed.Aug 27. 79tf

13 ICQ (JET'S tiiai'deu Ploughs. For sale byMoUOWALL & COOPER.

Juno 29.

Sulphate Quinine,

OF superior quality, from the well known Laboratoryof Rosongarten k DenisAlso, Rowaud's Tonic Mixture, Javno's Fever and

Ague Pills, Dr. Turner's Fever and Ague Pills, kc. &.Just received at Z. J. DeIIAY'S.

2 DOZEN two-pound cans Fresh Salmon. Receivedand for sale by SIIAW & AUSTIN.

Juue 22, 1852. 50tf

*. - ft...

"- ? >s-r:->

" "^r^'y-«-»»w



Buck Head, Aug. 24th, 1852.

fpHE BRIGADIER GENERALS are hereby re-"

X quired to make returns as directed by the Act of1841, (see Section 13th.) Upon a non-compliance, thelaw will be enforced against all defaulters.

By order of the Commander-in-Chief.J. W. CANTEY.

Adjutant and Insp. General.August 31. 70wlm


Messrs. g f Kennedy, of Chester and jamesM. HURST, formerly one of the proprietors ot

the Planter's Hotel, Charleston, have leased theAMERICAN HOTEL, King Street, and would respectfullysolicit from their friends and the travellingpublic a portion of their patronage. "We pledge our

selves that the guests of the Hotel will receive accommodationsunsurpassed by any in the city.KENNEDY & HURST.

Charleston May 17. 406m

POSITIVE BABGMNSHHAVINr, y, very largo stock of LACE and FANCYSUMMER GOODS, which I wish to disposeof before the Fall, I will positively offer them for cash a

Greatly Reduced Prices!They consist of a large variety of Fashionable Lace

Capes, front one to eight Dollars.131k. Lace Veils, Lace Sleeves, Trimming Laces and

Edgings of every description.such as Real Thread,Wove Thread. Valenciennes, Linen, Cotton and Bobbin;Blk. and White Blonde Laces and Edgings. Also.a full assortment ofFRENCH NEEDLEWORK EMBROIDERIESComprising beautiful Worked Muslin Collars, very low,Blk. Embroidered Muslin Capes, at cost prieea;Entb'd Sleeves and Cuffs, ofthe the newest patterns;French Entb'dLawn llandk'fe. at New-York cost ,

Swiss Edgings and Insertings at reduced prices;Cambric do. " do. " " ".Infant's Frock Bodies, various sizes, at cost;

" Embroidered Caps, " "

Ladies' Muslin Breakfast Caps, very few left;Worked Muslin Chemisettes, choice patterns and unquestionablycheap.

Summer Bonnets at and Under Cost.Some of them quite new, and others tolerably ancient.

In disposing of these, I will graduate the prices occordingto seniority; those of two years standing considerablyunder cost; also, BONNET RIBBONS, allof them new, at prices to suit the Bonnets and thetimes respectively.

Summer Dress Goods.Such as Printed Muslins, Ginghams, Gingham Muslins,Barage DeLaines, White and Colored Dotted Muslins,<tc., & purchased this Spring and offered temptinglylow; in lact, I am williug to sacrifice the profits

on all of these as well as many other exclusively SummerGoods, in order to make room for my Fall supplies,which I intend to be on a scale unusually complete,and at prices calculated to increase the extensive patronagealready conforred on me.June 25.511 JAMES WILSON,

Hair Restoratives.

I HAVE now on hand a large and varied assortmentof HAIR RESTORATIVES, consisting inpart of Hauel's Eau Lustral; Barry's Tricopherous;Phalon's Invigorator and Javne's Hair Tonic; FrenchPomatums, &c. Having been lately received, theyare fresh and fine. To be had atMay23. Z. J. DeHAY'S.

Notice.4 LL persons indebted to the estate of A. E Allen,

1\. who neglect to settle by the 15th of Septembernext, will find their accounts in the hands of an officerfor collection.

JOHN R. JOY, 0. K. D. and Adm'r,June 29. 52tf

Columbia S. C. Insurance Company#r|MlE undersigned contiuues to act as Agents for theA above Company, and are prepared to take risks onBuildings and Merchandize at customary rates.

A \f * R REXrVETWJune 15tli, 1802. 48tf

SALEM WOOLENST"I HAVE now on hand, and daily expectiug further *

supplies of brown, mixed and whiteTWILLED AND PLAIN SALEM KERSIES*

of different qualities. Planters wishing theirNegro Clothing,

Can now be supplied at Manufacturer's prices.also.ox iiaxd,

A full assortment of BLA CK and MIXED JEANS,and will in a few days receive a variety of these Goods .


in fancy colors, in qualities from fine to superfine. Allof which will be sold either wholesale or retail by

W. ANDERSON.Camden, Aug. 10. G4w3tn

PARIS-MADE BOOTS..A few pair, justreceived by WORKMAN 4 BOONE.

r ~ "ALCORN'S" superior FAMILY HAMS. Re(t) ceivcd and for sale byJune 22, 1S52. SHAW 4 AUSTIN.

1CASE potted Yarmouth Herring1 do do Anchovie Paste. Received and for

sideby SHAW 4 AUSTIN.June 22,1852. 60tf

1CASE Guava Jelly in quart Jars. Received andfor sale by SHAW & AUSTIN,

June 22. 50tf

4 CASES Preserved Limes, Oranges, Pine Apple*and Citron. For sale by

June22. SnAW 4 AUSTIN.

C1II0ICK Gun Powder, Hyson and Imperial Teaa.I Received and for sale byJune22. SHAW 4 AUSTIN.

GRAIN Cradles, Steel Forks and Rakes, Iron and'Steel Hoes, Spades and Shovels. For sale at

Feb. 24.tf E. W. BONNEY'S.Aromatic Spirits of Vinegar.

"JJJUT up iu beautiful style. For sale byJ- IllUMAa J. WORKMAN.

PINE APPLE and Goshen Cheese, Family Hamsand Paeon Sides. Also, Lard and Canal Flour.

Just received at BONNET'S.

Coffee Mills!

LUTIIER'S Patent, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.By the improvedconstruction of this Mill, the grain is convcvedthrough the chamber to all parts of the runner

equally, and at the same time, thereby increasing thegrinding operations.

Merchants will be supplied at manufacturer'sprices. Specimens can bo seen at my store in Camden.

E. TRYON, Ageat.Aug. 20. G7tf.

AJEW RAIS1NS-50 quarter boxes RAISINS1> Received at MOORE'S.

HEIDSICK CHAMPAIGNE.-10 Bmkcts,low for Cash. W. C. MOORE.

Fresh Eard Oil,

OF superior quality, which will be sold as low astho present advanced prices of OILS of evory

kind will warrant- Just received atDeHAY'S DRUO STORE.
