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Campaign Proposal 2013

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Worked with group members to develop campaign proposal from local non profit. This proposal includes: research and analysis, tactics and logistics, interview transcripts, example press releases, flyers, and evaluation forms.
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  • !Campaign(Proposal(May$2013$$LaSarah$Hudson,$Carli$McAlister,$Jason$Riley,$Judey$Sheff$

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    Table of Contents

    ! Executive Summary... 3

    ! Background Research 5

    ! Primary Research Plan... 19

    ! Goal and Theme. 24

    ! Objectives and Messages... 25

    ! Strategies 28

    ! Tactics and Logistics.. 30

    ! Evaluation Plan.. 42

    ! Appendix A: Client Interview Transcript.. 45

    ! Appendix B: Medical Community Survey 52

    ! Appendix C: Public Health/Social Services.. 53

    ! Appendix D: Sponsor Interview Guide.. 54

    ! Appendix E: Patron Focus Group Guide... 55

    ! Appendix F: Media Focus Guide... 56

    ! Appendix G: Registration Form. 57

    ! Appendix H: News Release... 58

    ! Appendix I: Sponsor Pitch. 59

    ! Appendix J: List of Restaurants... . 60

    ! Appendix K: Constant Contact.. 61

    ! Appendix L: Trip Advisor. 62

    ! Appendix M: Medical Community Evaluation...... 63

    ! Appendix N: Sponsor Evaluation.. 64

    ! Appendix O: Public Health/Social Services Evaluations.. 65

    ! Appendix P: Patron Evaluation.. 66

    ! Appendix Q: Research Summary... 67

    ! Team Biographies.. 75

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    Executive Summary

    Through our campaign proposal for Wolfe Street Foundation (WSF), we addressed

    several problems that concerned Markey Ford Brisbin. The issues we focused on were the lack of

    attendees at already established events, a need for greater funds, larger membership, creating an

    image for WSF as a community resource center, and changing the face of alcoholism. WSF is a

    nonprofit that offers positivity in its community. The challenge is getting others to understand

    the communitys need for WSF. We created tactics to help WSF resolve the issues mentioned

    above. WSF has the potential to bring awareness to various audiences within the Little Rock

    community. Our tactics involve those that primarily reach out to those audiences on a grassroots

    level; It is our goal to seek them out.

    The Problem:

    WSF is currently underfunded due to the less than ideal attendance at fundraisers and programs because of the publics outlook on alcohol addiction and also because of low patron donations.

    Campaign Goal:

    To increase awareness and change attitudes to position WSF as the leading resource center for alcoholism, education, and recovery, while securing community support and funds to keep the WSF mission alive.

    In order to achieve our tactics, we will implement three types of strategies: mass media,

    channels, digital media/channels, and direct communications. These strategies will help us

    achieve our campaign goal and specific campaign objectives.

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    To be recognized by 25% of Little Rocks medical professionals as a go-to facility for continuing medical education by January 2014.

    To obtain attendance of 150-200 medical professionals at a continuing medical education conference held by WSF by December 2014.

    To be recognized by 20% of local clinics, hospitals, and counseling centers as a reliable resource center by March 2014.

    To increase the number of referrals to WSF by 5 by March 2014. To gain at least five business sponsors who have never attended WSF fundraising events

    by April 2014. To achieve a $20,000 increase in business sponsors donations to WSF by April 2014. To increase the level of awareness from patrons family and friends awareness about

    WSF coping program to 50% by July 2014. To gain at least 15 friends and families to participate in WSF programs and events by

    July 2014.

    Through research, we discovered that WSF already implements fundraising events on a

    large scale. However, WSF is lacking ideal attendance for these events. Tactics outlined in this

    campaign would aid WSF in obtaining optimal attendance. Grassroots campaigning is about

    reaching people on their level, and oftentimes, it involves simple strategies. These simple

    strategies are similar to taking small steps towards progress. With this campaign, we aim to take

    the necessary steps towards a brighter day for WSF, and subsequently for the patrons who

    depend on WSF.


    A Step Towards a Brighter Day. WSF, your ultimate resource center.


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    Background Research


    There are many factors to be taken into consideration when creating a campaign for an

    organization. It is important to know the organizations goals, target audiences, messages they

    want to deliver to those audiences, and what research needs to be done. While interviewing the

    executive director of Wolfe Street Foundation, we discovered many of these aspects of her


    Campaign Goals

    When we interviewed Markey Ford Brisbin, Executive Director of Wolfe Street

    Foundation (WSF), we discovered that the organization had six clear goals in mind: increase

    awareness of its organization, alter views towards alcoholism, be acknowledged as a community

    resource, increase membership funding, increase participation, and increase event impact. All of

    these goals are sensible, and will eventually lead the organization into more success. A few

    components of the goals expressed by Brisbin can be found in WSFs mission statement, which

    Brisbin stated as, to serve as a facility for Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and as an education and

    prevention program. As of now, the mission statement is incomplete because it does not

    encompass all of the desired goals of WSF. A new mission statement is in order to reflect WSFs

    new goals. This will give WSF a new, solid foundation to build from to ensure that the

    organization does not lose sight of their goals.

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    Moreover, half of Brisbins goals involved action on behalf of the community or potential

    members. In order to reach those goals that involve action, the goals that influence awareness

    and attitudes will need to be fulfilled first. For example, to increase membership funding, WSF

    would first need to raise awareness in the local and extended community among those who do

    not know about them. In addition, Brisbin expressed that she wants more membership from those

    who succeeded in the program. The dues that are collected from members would help with

    WSFs annual income. Also, it would help lessen the amount of energy expended on fundraising

    as well as produce more volunteers. Increasing membership for WSF would be a tremendous

    benefit for this organization.

    Campaign Target Audiences

    According to Brisbin, WSF has several target audiences: traditional news media,

    recovering alcoholics, local businesses, upper-middle class residents, and medical professionals.

    The target audiences for WSF are diverse. It will be a challenge to design messages that tailor to

    these different audience members. We must be sensitive to the different viewpoints of our target

    audiences to effectively reach them. For instance, recovering alcoholics and the upper-middle

    class may have opposing views about alcoholism. However, to run this campaign we must

    consolidate those views in a way that brings support for the overall objective: to provide

    resources to those who suffer with alcoholism. Brisbin said, Alcoholism knows no race, age,

    gender, classeveryone knows an Uncle Ernie. Addressing the various target audiences for this

    organization is the making and breaking point for this campaign.

    Furthermore, Brisbin explained to our class during the interview that WSF hosted three

    fundraisers throughout the year such as Night at The Rep, Golf Scramble, and Oscar

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    Night. When asked about the budget for these events, Brisbin said, For the fundraiser, I have

    a $10,000 budget. That is for The Night at The Rep. These fundraisers bring in about 40% of

    WSF revenue, and Brisbin explained that they are broken down into different tiers. Brisbin went

    on to say that, The Night at The Rep caters to anyone who can give, while Oscar Night is

    more for the upper class of Little Rock. Accordingly, these fundraisers are successful, but

    Brisbin would like to reach more residents in the upper-middle class of Little Rock.

    Campaign Messages/Themes

    As stated before, the overall message and theme that this organization wants to

    disseminate to its target audiences is that alcoholism knows no race, age, gender, or

    classeveryone knows an Uncle Ernie. This is a message that can resonate with everyone in

    the target audience because this message does not have a specific face; it incorporates everyone

    because it affects everyone: children, adolescents, friends, coworkers, the community, etc.

    Further, Brisbin wants target audiences to know that WSF is 100% privately funded, which

    means that it receives no government assistance. It truly is an organization that is run by its own

    people-recovering addicts themselves. When an organization is privately funded and run by

    people who have successfully completed the steps towards recovery, it gives the organization an

    authentic personality. It is a positive message that is sure to resound with audience members.

    Also, WSF has other messages of this specific type. For example, Brisbin said, WSF is a

    resource center for those who have hit the bottom and have had enough. WSF wants all of those

    struggling with alcohol addiction to know that they are there to help, but only if a person chooses

    to make the change. This message is comforting and straight-forward to its specific audience.

    With this message in place, WSF knows its purpose is to serve those in need.

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    Sources of Background Research

    This preliminary interview with Brisbin raised concerns about how WSF viewed their

    peers and competitors within the addiction and recovery sector. In the interview, Brisbin stated

    that an ideal situation would be for members to attend groups closer to their homes, but still

    retain membership in WSF. We have looked into other 12-step-related programs that are similar

    to WSF locally and nationally to compare and contrast best practices within the addiction and

    recovery sector (Appendix Q). In order to get more information, we investigated websites,

    articles, and journals that pertain to organizations that use the 12-step model. Other sources of

    background knowledge include a clear understanding of how Alcoholics Anonymous works,

    including its mission and an outline of the 12 steps. Also, exploring WSFs tactics currently in

    use to reach their target audiences could aid in future actions to reach these audiences. We want

    to find out what works for those organizations and what does not work. We want to find out how

    to make WSF stand out from all of the rest in a positive way that encourages healthy competition

    to ensure that WSF receives resources of both quality and quantity to further its endeavors and

    ultimately reach its goals.


    WSF is currently in a transitional phase. They want to be seen as a community outreach

    center and a resource for local businesses, as well as provide resources for those who suffer with

    alcoholism. Their target audience is broad, enveloping traditional news media, recovering

    alcoholics, local business, upper-middle class residents, and medical professionals. However, we

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    must first encapsulate these goals and objectives into a mission statement. Once the statement is

    in place, we can create a plan to make WSF well known in the community as a center for AA

    resources and community involvement.

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    Secondary Research Report

    There was much useful information discovered in the secondary research provided by the

    other teams. With their compilation, we were able to grasp a better understanding of Wolfe

    Street Foundation in conjunction with AA, industry and peer competitors from the addiction and

    recovery perspective, and WSFs primary and secondary audiences. In addition, we discovered

    issues that require more research along with some relevant information that could help improve

    WSF in various areas. This compilation was helpful in understanding WSF overall; however,

    some more questions were raised in the light of creating an effective campaign for Markey Ford

    Brisbin, Executive Director of WSF.

    Understanding Wolfe Street Foundation: An AA Approach

    The AA Background

    WSF is a unique organization that implements the 12-Step program, which goes hand-in-

    hand with Alcoholics Anonymous, a form of group therapy that focuses on wellness and

    recovery for alcoholics. Service is offered free of charge for all those who desire recovery. While

    the 12-Step Program and AA are criticized by varying groups in the addiction and recovery

    discourse, there are many organizations such as WSF that utilize this method and successfully

    reach positive outcomes.

    AA is inherently unique because it has factors that classify it as a specialized method.

    AA was established on August 11, 1938, to help those living with alcoholism on a peer-to-peer

    basis, and for 75 years this tradition still carries on as a vital component to the recovery process

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    (Information on A.A., 2013). While it is true that the 12 Steps originated within a religious

    context, it is understood that AA welcomes all those who identify with religious affiliations or

    not. Due to AAs acceptance of all individuals, WSF is able to reach a wide variety of those

    seeking help without exclusion.

    WSF Message Based on AA

    This distinctive program implements its own traditions and culture, which was founded

    informally by those suffering with alcoholism (Information on A.A., 2013). AAs initial informal

    assembly has a significant role in AAs culture. An AA groups personality can vary depending

    on its members. According to Brisbin, an AA group is similar to a spiritual family (M.F. Brisbin,

    Interview Transcript, 2013). WSF utilizes the 12-Step program and approaches recovery in a

    highly personal manner. The 12-Step program is about recovering and helping others in the same

    predicament. This is a core value that Brisbin mentioned in the preliminary interview.

    Volunteerism is an integral component of recovery because those who have recovered have the

    ability to come back to help those in need (M.F. Brisbin, Interview Transcript, 2013). This

    principal of service is a core value of WSF, which holds true to the core values of AA in general.

    WSF can run an effective campaign by focusing on this message: Stay sober and help others

    achieve sobriety too. It is clear and simple. This is what defines WSF.

    Industry and Peer/Competitor Tactics: How Other Organizations in the Industry Excel

    There were outstanding self-sustaining programs implemented by peer organizations that

    could be utilized by WSF (See Appendix Q for overview). In this industry, organizations focus

    on getting their messages out to the public to receive the necessary funds. In the preliminary

    interview, Brisbin stated that she was interested in more programs that could possibly generate

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    more income as opposed to relying heavily on huge fundraisers (M.F. Brisbin, Interview

    Transcript, 2013).

    While major fundraisers play a huge role in providing funds for a nonprofit, it is

    important to drive income at a steady pace. For example, a vast amount of information was

    discovered regarding self-sustaining practices such as the annual fashion show hosted by the

    Bridge House (BH) of New Orleans (Bridge House, 2013). A program of this nature requires an

    in-depth internal and external recognition of an organizational purpose. For example, WSF must

    provide internal and external audiences with a clear message, such as the one mentioned above.

    The tactic utilized by BH shows that they have a reasonable understanding of their

    community audience. BH figured out a way to get external sponsors involved by creating a

    program that appealed to the self-interests of sponsors. BH was able to tap into sponsors who

    valued fashion and design, and was able to create an event that brought attention towards local

    designers and met their fundraising needs. Overall, both parties were able to benefit from this

    event in a satisfactory way.

    Furthermore, the Gyst House (GH) located in Little Rock, Arkansas, provided excellent

    examples that WSF could use. For instance, recovering members are able to detail vehicles for

    GH revenue (Gyst House, n.d). This program involves current members, and the giving back

    message aligns with WSF. This is a tactic that ensures revenue to remain self-sustaining. In

    addition, this inexpensive service offered by GH reaches out to low-income community members

    who want to contribute to GHs mission. There is a huge take away from this peer organization;

    WSF can design various events and programs based on its various audience members in the


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    Understanding Alcoholism and Addiction: Building Awareness for Primary and Secondary


    Primary Audiences

    It is important to understand the nature of alcoholism and addiction when dealing with

    organizations such as WSF that aid in recovery. Brisbin stated that alcoholism affects everyone

    in some way. It is also important to figure out who it affects so an effective campaign can be

    created for this audience. It could be one campaign targeted toward WSFs different audiences

    with a similar message that hits home with each group. But first, alcoholism and addiction must

    be understood for these audience members.

    It is understood from the research gathered on alcoholism and addiction that addictions

    are warranted with their own set of criteria. Alcohol dependence can be identified as having

    strong cravings to drink, the inability to stop drinking after it is started, physical dependence

    and withdrawal symptoms (Substance Abuse and Mental Health, 2008). Addictions should not

    be confused with habits because an addiction has the ability to severely interfere with normal

    day-to-day functioning, whereas a habit is relatively harmless (Medical News Today, 2011).

    When a hindrance is present in normal functioning, problems are prone to follow those who have

    addictionswhether it is substance addiction or behavioral addiction. Fixations on substances or

    behaviors take their toll on productivity in all areas of life. In short, research suggests that

    addiction is indeed an economic, social, and psychological problem. For example, it is reported

    by the National Institute of Drug Abuse that 18 million people are addicted to alcohol in the

    United States. According to the US Census Bureau, there are currently a little over three-hundred

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    million people in the United States. This indicates that nearly six percent of the U.S. population

    is dealing with alcoholism alone.

    These statistics can resonate with a number of potential audience members in the Little

    Rock area. WSF can find audience members who are personally affected by alcohol-- whether it

    is a family member, friend, coworker, etc. However, they must be able to recognize what the

    problem is and how to identify it. So, a campaign that informs community members about

    alcoholism and addiction is beneficial for WSF. In addition, it is documented that the number of

    people living with alcohol dependence in Arkansas is higher compared to national rankings

    (Substance Abuse and Mental Health, 2008). These numbers tell us that there is a need for

    organizations such as WSF who treat those dealing with alcoholism and other addictions. This

    information is highly relevant in helping WSF because it brings alcoholism and addiction into

    perspective. It lets us know that this organization has the potential to help many individuals in

    Arkansas. Awareness is necessary because alcoholism is a real problem in the United States and

    subsequently in Arkansas.

    Secondary Audiences

    WSF has an extensive list of secondary audiences that help in achieving their mission of

    aiding those with alcohol addiction. WSF has recently partnered with over 35 local businesses

    and media outlets to spread awareness and garner support within the community. WSF has built

    long-term relationships with these audiences that have allowed for successful fundraisers such as

    the Oscar Experience and other programs that aid in recovery.

    One of the many ways WSF attracts its sponsors is through recognition. WSF values each

    person who makes a financial contribution. For example, WSF gives a key chain to those who

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    donate, and this group of people is recognized in the annual reports (M.F., Brisbin, Interview

    Transcript, 2013). WSF provides an excellent incentive for those who donate by providing each

    sponsor with a tax identification number for the opportunity to gain a tax deduction for their

    donations at the end of the year. It is evident that WSF values their sponsors and resources

    through the incentives that are provided; however, research has shown that organizations must go

    beyond the expectations of their sponsors to make them feel important. An effective campaign is

    attainable when audiences self-interests are served. By serving the sponsors self-interests, WSF

    must think about what sponsors really desire in this partnership. For instance, corporate sponsors

    may enjoy an offer for spa gift certificates for their employees along with a tax write-off. The

    incentives can correspond to self-interests that are unique to each sponsor. This small gesture

    ensures WSF displays an in-depth involvement with its sponsors. It will show that WSF

    recognizes each of its unique sponsors.

    This tactic of dealing with sponsors is similar to the one used by Serenity Park (SP). For

    example, SP recognizes their sponsors by giving them bricks with their names engraved on them.

    This small gesture signifies much more than the brick as a gift; it tells the sponsors that they are

    a part of the foundation that makes SP the organization that it has become. In comparison, the

    WSF website has a Sponsor a Meeting Room link, which is a designated place where sponsors

    can visit online to honor a friend or loved one (Sponsor a Meeting, 2013). WSF also has a

    sponsor a pew link. This form of donation is tax deductible. WSF does its best to make sure

    every donation counts by recognizing its sponsors in some way. Again, it is important to make

    incentives unique and personable. During the preliminary interview, Brisbin stated that WSF

    hosts letter-writing sessions during AA meetings and the participants have the opportunity to tell

    donors about the impact their contributions had on recovery. In turn, sponsors truly know that

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    they are helping a worthy cause. (M.F. Brisbin, Interview Transcript, 2013). Letters sent to

    patrons further instill the personal atmosphere of WSF.

    Suggestions for Additional Primary Research

    There is some information that is lacking within the secondary research that should be

    looked into more closely such as the research that focuses on sponsors and how WSF actually

    configures incentives for certain programs such as the Annual Golf Scramble, mentioned in the

    secondary research on WSF. For example, questions were raised on how the incentives were

    configured and how WSF figured out who to target for this event. In addition to the sponsors

    incentives, what is the sponsors role in WSF events? Exactly what are these sponsors roles in

    the community that makes WSF target them for these events? Also, questions arose about how

    WSF prioritizes their audiences. We want to know if WSF is utilizing their relationships with

    sponsors in the most effective manner. Are there certain sponsors and audience members

    neglected? If so, who are they and how can we better the relationship? What do the sponsors

    really want as an incentive from WSF? And if the desired incentive is determined, will sponsors

    be more apt to participate?

    Imperative Findings Overlooked

    It is a valid point that alcoholism affects everyone and has no race, gender, age, class, or

    creed. However, this is a statement that may deter the WSF campaign from discovering target

    audiences. So in essence, we must give alcoholism multiple faces to some degree to expand the

    reach and effectiveness of WSF. Furthermore, Brisbin mentioned parenting classes for

    recovering alcoholics during the interview. This is a great idea, but a normal parenting class

    would be insufficient for recovering alcoholics. A recommendation is for WSF to implement an

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    in-house parenting program. To gain attendance, the parenting class should pertain to the

    obstacles and circumstances that recovering alcoholics face, for they are dealing with a unique

    situation. Moreover, through the preliminary interview, it was discovered that Brisbin may be in

    need of understanding what it means to build the WSF brand. While it is nice to help recovering

    alcoholics, it is important to know that maintaining members at WSF is about loyalty and helps

    the longevity of WSF. This tactic of sustainability is not about putting local business or

    nonprofits out of business, but it is about creating a brand for yourself that makes a person feel

    like they cant get this specific service from anywhere else. Our goal is to set WSF apart from

    resembling organizations and create a loyal followership consisting of members and sponsors.

    Situation Analysis

    WSF serves as a valuable resource to the Little Rock community. Providing services to

    alcoholics and their families is a necessity for every community. If these individuals are not

    assisted, this will create a huge disservice to a large portion of the population, because everyone

    is affected by alcoholism. Luckily, WSF recognizes this need.

    However, many people do not realize the importance of an organization such as WSF.

    We must change the perceptions of key publics related to alcoholism so that they may be more

    supportive of WSFs efforts. Also, showing members of WSF how imperative their continued

    contributions are to the longevity of the organization is critical.

    Core Problem/ Opportunity

    WSF is currently underfunded due to less than ideal attendance at fundraisers and programs

    because of the publics outlook on alcohol addiction and also because of decreasing membership


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    SWOT Analysis:

    Strengths Strong core values that adhere to AA

    traditions Personal quality to their foundation Established within the community Devoted membership New location Can serve the masses without the

    religious aspect.

    Weaknesses Donor fatigue/giving less Little knowledge of social media Lack of marketing knowledge and

    promotion Only two paid staff members Publics perceptions of

    alcoholics/addicts Small PR budget

    Opportunities Relationships with media Little Rock location, metropolitan area Hispanic community who deals with

    alcoholism Partnerships with local parenting

    classes facilitators

    Threats Peer organizations Longevity Need goals and objectives Poor economy Difficult to measure success rate of

    programs and events

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    Primary Research Plan

    TA 1: Little Rock Medical Community

    Description: The medical community is made up of educated individuals in the healthcare


    Rationale: This target audience can help garner awareness about alcoholism and legitimize

    continued education on the issue. The medical community will bring increased credibility to


    Current Relationship: Right now this relationship is in its infancy of development because they

    have not been reached with the idea of continuing education. There are currently two members

    who want to spear-head the idea to the rest of this target audience.

    Opinion Leaders: Doctors, medical boards and teachers

    Self Interests: These members are concerned with furthering educational development within the

    medical community.

    Research Objectives:

    RO1: To determine how many medical professionals are interested in continuing medical


    RO2: To determine the interest of medical professionals in the subject of pain

    management among those with addictions.

    Research Method: Survey

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    Due to the busy schedules of medical professionals a focus group would be an unrealistic

    method. A survey is the most realistic research method. A survey could be made through Survey

    Monkey and issued to medical professionals. Perhaps, the most effective way of reaching

    participants would be for an intern to hand deliver the surveys to their offices and return to pick

    up the completed surveys after 3-5 days. Participants could be chosen through the contacts of the

    two medical professionals who have already expressed interest (See Appendix B).

    TA 2: Public Health and Social Services

    Description: Local clinics, hospitals, and counseling services that have access to the general

    public and those served related to health and social issues.

    Rationale: These organizations have the prominence to distribute information about WSF to

    potential WSF patrons who do not have the means to pay for recovery services.

    Current Relationship: The relationship with this audience is weak because this particular group

    has not been reached by WSF in the past. WSF may reach out to this audience, which, in turn,

    could bring awareness to the general public. This audience could bring more patrons to WSF by


    Opinion Leaders: Clinicians, nurses, counselors, etc., who understand that alcoholism is a health

    and social issue. These opinion leaders treat and come into contact with problems dealing with

    alcoholism every day. WSF can establish a relationship with this target audience because they

    are the most known and general sources for health and social services. The members could

    provide information for those in need with financial concerns. WSF is a free service, and this

    audience could inform others.

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    Self-Interests: The desire to improve the lives of their clients. Public and health services want

    the best clinicians, doctors, and counselors. WSF could provide workshops in their facilities for a

    small fee for this target audience.

    Research Objective: To determine the willingness of public and social services to use WSF as a

    resource for continuing education.

    Research Method: Survey

    A survey would be easy to mass produce and reach the most people in both professions. A

    survey could be made through Survey Monkey and issued to social workers and public school

    employees or these surveys could be hand delivered to the employees offices by an intern. The

    intern would pick up the completed surveys within 3-5 days. Participants would be chosen by

    looking at local clinics and counseling services and then delivering surveys to a selected few of

    each (See Appendix C).

    TA3: Business Sponsors

    Description: Local businesses are patrons who give substantial monetary contributions to WSF

    fundraising events such as The Oscars, the Night at The Rep, and other events.

    Rationale: Local businesses that are involved with WSF are well known within the Little Rock

    community. These sponsors can provide substantial donations that attract media such as the

    Democrat Gazette. This target audience is wealthy and social within the Little Rock community,

    and WSFs fundraising events cater to this while benefiting nonprofits.

    Current Relationship: WSF has a strong relationship with this target audience because local

    businesses regularly get involved with WSFs fundraisers.

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    Opinion Leaders: CEOs of businesses who have influence and network with other business

    leaders who could support WSFs high-profile fundraisers.

    Self-Interests: Local sponsors can gain a more positive reputation within the community. This

    group has the opportunity to socialize with other prominent local businesses while giving to a

    good cause such as WSF.

    Research Objectives:

    RO1: To determine the willingness for business sponsors to attend WSF fundraising


    RO2: To determine types of fundraisers that attracts business sponsors.

    Research Method: Interviews

    To accomplish the research objectives, interviews will be conducted with local businesses. The

    interviews may be conducted by WSFs public relations intern or public relations director. This

    survey allows us to analyze local businesses and their possible interests in WSF fundraising

    events. WSF wants to find out how to increase attendance from business sponsors. (See

    Appendix D).

    TA4: Patrons, Families, and Friends

    Description: Current members and families who have been affected by alcoholism.

    Rationale: WSF patrons are those who have been affected by alcohol or drug abuse, and these

    patrons come to WSF for help. WSF needs information on how to better serve them. All AA

    groups are self-supporting.

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    Current Relationship: WSF has a strong relationship with current patrons but believes it could

    grow. Brisbin expressed in the primary interview that rooms within our facility should be filled

    as opposed to empty (M.F. Brisbin, Interview Transcript 2, 2013).

    Opinion Leaders: WSF Staff and Board and AA group leaders.

    Self Interests: WSF supports the facility to host AA group members. WSF hosts meetings for

    teens and family members.

    Research Objectives:

    RO1: To determine the needs of teens related to WSF

    RO2: To determine unique reasons why WSF has lower patrons participation

    Research Method: Focus Group

    A focus group would be ideal to receive feedback from participants about needs and services

    desired from WSF. WSF is trying to determine other needs for patrons. (See Appendix D).

    Note: We designed an additional research instrument for media (See Appendix F).

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    Goal and Theme


    To increase awareness and change attitudes to position WSF as

    the leading resource center for alcoholism education and

    recovery, while procuring community support and funds to keep

    the WSF mission alive.


    A Step towards a Brighter Day. WSF, your ultimate resource


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    Objectives and Messages

    Little Rock Medical Community


    Awareness: To be recognized by 25% of Little Rocks medical professionals as a go to

    facility for continuing medical education by January 2014.

    Action: To obtain attendance of 150-200 medical professionals at a continuing medical

    education conference held by WSF by December 2014.


    Awareness: WSF is a credible source for continuing education and understanding the

    recovery process.

    Action: I will attend WSFs continuing education in order to be knowledgeable of those

    in recovery.

    Public Health and Social Services


    Awareness: To be recognized by 20% of local clinics, hospitals, and counseling centers

    as a reliable resource center by March 2014.

    Action: To increase the number of referrals to WSF by five by March 2014.


    Awareness: WSF can lend a helping hand to those affected by alcoholism.

    Action: I will refer clients/patients to WSF.

  • 27!!

    Business Sponsors


    Awareness: To gain at least five business sponsors who have never attended WSF

    fundraising events by April 2014.

    Action: To achieve a $20,000 increase in business sponsors donations to WSF by April



    Awareness: WSF is dependent on donations from local businesses to continue its mission

    to serve those struggling with alcoholism.

    Attitude: WSF is worthy of donations because recovery is possible, and my donation can

    improve the quality of life for other individuals in need.

    Action: I will give money to WSF to ensure that AA meetings will continue to take

    place at WSF for the benefit of those recovering from addiction.

    Patrons, Family and Friends


    Awareness: To increase the level of awareness from patrons family and friends about

    WSF coping program to 50% by July 2014.

    Action: To gain at least 15 friends and families to participate in WSF programs and

    events by July 2014.


  • 28!!

    Patrons, family, and friends play a major role in the success of a struggling alcoholic or

    drug abuser.

  • 29!!


    Strategies the overall concept, approach, or general plan for the campaign designed to

    achieve the objectives. Frequently associated with channels of communication, the broad

    categories of communication methods to be used.

    Mass media strategies/channels broad dissemination of messages through traditional

    print and electronic media, including newspapers, magazines, radio, and television.

    o Media relations earning traditional media coverage through gaining the

    attention of media gatekeepers by disseminating newsworthy information.

    Content is considered uncontrolled but generally more credible because third

    parties decide what is included.

    o Institutional advertising paying for messages to be placed in traditional media

    with a focus on overall brand/image/reputation. (Content is considered controlled

    and thus less credible because it appears exactly as the sponsor intends.)

    Digital media strategies/channels broad or niched dissemination of messages through

    online channels.

    o Blogs websites hosted by an individual or organization with entries listed in

    reverse chronological order, usually with the ability for others to subscribe, share,

    and post comments (e.g., WordPress is a common blog-hosting platform)

    o Media sharing sites websites that enable users to share digital content,

    including images, music, and video (e.g., Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube).

  • 30!!

    o Podcasts websites that enable users to download digital content in audio and/or

    video format.

    o Social networking sites websites hosted by an individual or organization that

    enable users to interact with other users in the form of friends or followers,

    (e.g., Facebook, Twitter).

    Direct communication strategies/channels other means of reaching target audiences

    directly, without the use of traditional or digital media third parties.

    o Special events gathering people together for a purpose, including celebration,

    education, promotion, and reunion.

    o Sponsorships a relationship in which individuals or organizations supply

    money and/or resources to support a program or event, usually in exchange for

    public recognition of the donation.

    o Internal relations managing relationships with internal publics, including

    employees, volunteers, and board members.

    o In-person communication delivering messages face-to-face, including one-on-

    one (e.g., over lunch or coffee), one-to-few (e.g., town hall meeting), and one-to-

    many (e.g., public presentations).

    o Collateral materials print items and merchandise that support the promotion of

    an organization, program, or event. (e.g., brochures, t-shirts).

    1 All definitions were developed by Dr. Amy H. Pitchford based on broadly agreed upon characterizations of communication-related strategies

  • 31!!

    Tactics and Logistics

    Goal: We aim to increase awareness and change attitudes to position WSF as the leading

    resource center for alcoholism education and recovery, while securing community support and

    funds to keep the WSF mission alive.

    Theme: A step towards a brighter day. WSF, your ultimate resource center.

    General Tactics

    Tactic 1: Partner WSF with different audience members with similar missions.

    o Brief description: WSF needs to position its goals and values alongside the goals

    and values of other organizations in the community (e.g., business sponsors,

    wellness centers, and families). When this is achieved, major events can be

    planned that encompass the overall themes of all organizations to expand the

    reach of this campaign. This strategy will gain media coverage because these

    events will be able to speak to larger audiences within the Little Rock community.

    o Deadline: Approach audience members with partnership proposals by October


    o Supervisor: PR intern and/or WSF Executive Director.

    Tactic 2: Explore social media by creating a Twitter account and updating WSF

    Facebook page.

    o Brief description: WSF can create a Twitter account and make a few changes to

    its Facebook page. Twitter can be used to update members about meetings and

    events. Also, Twitter is an excellent way to communicate directly with business

    sponsors since businesses have a significant Twitter presence. This tactic will

  • 32!!

    increase awareness and ensure that Twitter followers are up- to- date on meetings

    and events. Tweets should be sent out daily. During Alcoholics Anonymous

    meetings or WSF events members can be encouraged to tweet what they are

    learning. When tweeting, users are able to end their tweets with different hash

    tags that groups each tweet into a specific category (e.g., #makeamends). This

    specific hash tag is relevant to one of the 12 Steps entitled making amends. In

    addition, Twitter may be used to tweet inspirational quotes and can be used to

    countdown major WSF events. Second, WSFs Facebook account can be updated

    with photo albums that record WSF events. This would allow Facebook fans to

    easily know about WSF past and upcoming events. Once the Facebook page is

    updated, WSF will continue to monitor, post, and invite audience members to

    like the page. In addition, this will be WSFs sole Facebook page. WSF must

    explore its social media options to send messages in ways that are appealing to its

    audiences while also respecting member privacy concerns.

    o Deadline: Create a Twitter page and update Facebook page by November 2013.

    o Supervisor: PR intern and/or Executive Director.

    Tactic 3: Contact target audiences (e.g., medical and academic community and business

    sponsors, etc.) to schedule face-to-face meetings.

    o Brief description: Acquisition of target audiences such as potential partners and

    business sponsors require face-to-face interaction. WSF representatives need to

    ensure that they are briefed on the background information of these audience

    members before the initiation of a phone call, email, or lunch date. Direct contact

    with audience members is integral in building these new relationships. These

  • 33!!

    interactions will begin as formal interactions because WSF wants to create an

    impression of credibility towards audience members.

    o Deadline: Contact new audience members (e.g., medical and academic

    community, business sponsors, etc.) by December 2013.

    o Supervisor: PR intern and/or Executive Director.

    Tactic 4: Call or email those already on WSFs contact list. Set up a time to sit down for

    a 30-minute interview. During the interview discuss past events and fundraisers and how

    they thought the events could have gone better, as well as what they liked about the

    events. Take input from interviews (Appendix D) to make modifications to current

    fundraisers or add new fundraisers to attract business sponsors to fundraising events.

    o Brief description: Interviews would provide us with insight to know how WSF

    can improve on current events. Markey Ford Brisbin expressed that there are no

    evaluation methods set in place. Those interview responses can provide us with a

    wealth of information. However, further action is contingent on the responses.

    When responses arrive, they can be analyzed into various categories such as

    current tactics that are effective, non-effective tactics, tactics to consider, and

    tactics to consider with slight modifications. Once responses are organized, WSF

    can improve from there.

    o Deadline: Have interviews completed by January 2014.

    o Supervisor: PR intern and/or Executive Director.

  • 34!!

    Little Rock Medical Community

    ! Objective:

    To be recognized by 25% of the Little Rocks medical professionals as a go to

    facility for continuing education by January 2014.

    To obtain attendance of 150-200 medical professionals at a continuing medical

    education conference held by WSF by December 1, 2014.

    " Tactic 5: Host a continuing medical education seminar, Shedding Light on

    Alcoholism. This program will help reach out to graduate students of

    addiction studies. WSF should get to know members within the education

    sector of addiction studies because WSF would be able to network with other

    stakeholders who deal with addiction. Students and professors alike can

    volunteer their time to educate others in the academic and medical world with

    their knowledge and expertise in addiction. The people in the medical

    education field will gain a network of contacts that will eventually help them

    in the future, especially graduate students.

    o Deadline: Contact those who are willing to participate by February 2014

    o Supervisor: Executive Director of WSF and/ or intern.

    Public Health and Social Services

    ! Objective:

    To be recognized by 20% of local clinics, hospitals, and counseling centers as a

    reliable resource center by March 2014.

    To increase the number of referrals for WSF by 5 by March 2014.

  • 35!!

    " Tactic 6: Create pamphlets and flyers to be placed into the offices of local

    clinics and hospitals.

    Brief description: This tactic allows WSF to reach out to a broader audience. The public

    health and social services industries often come into contact with those suffering from

    alcohol-related issues. Printed materials should be placed in those facilities to let this

    audience know that WSF is a resource center. The intern should hand deliver print

    materials that promote WSF services and events to these locations. Registration forms

    should be emailed (Appendix G) and news releases should be sent out to media outlets

    (Appendix H). These materials should be presented in the waiting areas of each facility.

    Some potential public health and social services facilities are listed below.

    Centers for Youth and Families 6601 W. 12th St. Little Rock, AR 501-568-4294

    Methodist Family Health 1600 Aldersgate Rd. Little Rock, AR 501-661-0720

    Mental Health Services 305 S. Palm St. Little Rock, AR 501-686-9000

    US Health & Human Services Department

    1200 Cherry Brook Dr. Little Rock, AR 501-225-8114

    o Deadline: Have pamphlets/flyers in offices by March 2014.

    o Supervisor: PR intern and/or WSF Executive Director

    " Tactic 7: Reach out to local churches and universities to attend their wellness

    fairs for networking purposes. Some churches and universities that hold

    wellness fairs are listed on the next page.

  • 36!!

    St. John Baptist Church 2501 Main St. Little Rock, AR 72206 501-377-1814

    Community Health & Wellness Expo

    Pulaski Technical College 3000 West Scenic Dr. N. Little Rock, AR 72118 501-812-2200

    Health Fair

    University of Arkansas Little Rock 2801 S. University Ave. Little Rock, AR 72204 501-569-3000

    Growing Healthy Communities Fall Wellness Fair

    o Brief description: Local colleges and universities often host wellness

    fairs. Attending these fairs will enable WSF to build relationships with

    students and professors. This could position WSF as a go to resource if

    any of the students or professors are asked for a reference.

    o Deadline: Set up dates by January 2013.

    o Supervisor: PR intern and/or WSF Executive Director.

    " Tactic 8: Host A Step Towards a Healthier You

    o Brief description: Education for the Little Rock community on

    healthy living will help WSF position themselves as a resource to the

    community. How to eat healthy and exercise workshops will be

    presented. Meetings will be bimonthly with a new speaker for each

    month. Different sections of Wolfe Street will need to be sectioned off

    as work stations for the exercises that will be displayed. In the

    kitchen, cooking demos will take place. In the demo sessions,

    understanding how to substitute items in food and how to read labels

    will be discussed. Speakers will need to be ready to host at least three

  • 37!!

    different sessions, and there will need to be three different fitness

    instructors. Only one cooking instructor will be needed with a help

    aid. The purpose of this is to bridge the gap in the fitness community

    and WSF to help people move towards a brighter and healthier days.

    o Deadline: Contact speakers by March 2014

    o Supervisor: Executive Director and PR intern

    Business Sponsors

    ! Objectives:

    To gain at least five businesses who have never attended a WSF fundraising event by

    April 2014.

    To achieve $20,000 increase in business sponsors donations to WSF by April 2014.

    " Tactic 9: Send information to potential business sponsors such as fact sheets, newsletters,

    and emails to increase awareness about WSF using both mass media and direct

    communications strategies.

    " Brief description: Businesses need to be aware of WSFs mission. It is

    imperative that WSF set up face-to-face meetings with business sponsors (see

    prompt in Appendix I). Media kits can be compiled with the theme A Step

    towards a Brighter Day. The main object included in the media kit will be a shoe

    which represents the different lives of those who struggle with alcoholism. The

    shoe will have a news release, background information about WSF, a testimony

    from a patron, photos of the facility and events. Also, letters can be sent to

    businesses requesting permission to present a formal or informal presentation to

    business owners or PR representatives.

  • 38!!

    " Deadline: Contact businesses and send out media kits by April 2014

    " Supervisor: PR intern and/or WSF Executive Director.

    " Tactic 10: Create personalized invitations for potential business sponsors requesting their

    presence at WSF fundraising events.

    o Brief description: Sending out personalized invitations to each potential

    business sponsor will express their importance to WSF. This shows their

    importance to WSF and how their services are valued. People do not like to feel

    as if they are only a number. Group invites are more likely to be ignored.

    However, a personal invitation makes the receiver feel more obligated to attend

    the event because the sender took the time to specifically invite them. Also,

    businesses get a lot of junk mail on a daily basis. Having a personalized touch

    will differentiate WSF from other impersonalized requests.

    o Deadline: Send out personal invitations three to four weeks before each event by

    April 2014.

    o Supervisor: PR intern and/or Executive Director.

    " Tactic 11: Invite potential business sponsors out to lunch to inform them of WSF events.

    o Brief description: Businesses need to know the importance of WSF and its

    mission. Having a lunch date would be the perfect setting for a WSF

    representative to inform a potential business sponsor about these efforts (see list

    of suggestions in Appendix J). This would also be a good time to give great detail

    about any upcoming events held by WSF. Having this lunch will give the WSF

    representative the opportunity to persuade the business representative why they

  • 39!!

    should sponsor WSF. Follow prompt as a loose guideline to tactfully mention

    events (Appendix I).

    o Deadline: Take at least five potential business sponsors out to lunch by April


    o Supervisor: Executive Director/ Member of the WSF executive board.

    " Tactic 12: Stepping Forward with Monetary Gifts, set up a contact list of business

    sponsors in Constant Contact to email pledge letters for a minimum of $200.00.

    o Brief description: In between major fundraising events, pledge letters can be sent

    to business sponsors who cannot contribute large donations throughout the year.

    This will help WSF meet its fundraising goal because smaller donations can add

    up. WSF already has an extensive list of business sponsors. Constant Contact, an

    online tool, can be used to send emails, newsletters, and event flyers to WSFs

    existing contact list. Through this tool WSF can inform their contacts of the

    opportunity to support WSF through monetary donations. More information can

    be found at www.constantcontact.com such as templates, frequently asked

    questions, customer service, and other services available through the site

    (Appendix K).

    o Deadline: Have updated contact list completed and send pledge letters by June


    o Supervisor: PR intern and/or Executive Director.

  • 40!!


    ! Objectives:

    To increase the level of awareness from patrons family and friends about WSF

    coping program to 50%. By July 2014.

    " Tactic 13: Community Service A Step Towards Unity

    o Brief description: The purpose of this tactic is to promote WSF

    through community service. WSF patrons and volunteers can

    contribute their time to help clean up the streets of Little Rock.

    Action speaks louder than words. When the community of Little

    Rock sees WSF patrons and volunteers doing service on the

    streets, they will have the chance to hear WSF goals and

    mission.WSF can even call on the volunteer service of community

    members as well. This community service event will help build

    relationships with the community members WSF comes into

    contact with.

    o Deadline: July 2014

    o Supervisor: PR Intern, volunteer leader.

  • 41!!

    Wolfe Street Foundation Timeline


    Oct 2013 Approach different audience members with partnership proposals.

    Nov. 2013 Create a Twitter page, explore other social media options and update Facebook page.

    Dec 2013 Approach LR medical professionals to participate in WSF events and programs.

    Jan. 2014 Call and email those already on WSF contact list.

    Jan 2014 Contact target audiences (e.g. medical and academic community and business sponsors to schedule face-to-face meetings

    Jan 2014 Call or email those already on WSFs contact list. Set up a time to sit down for a 30-minute interview.

    Feb 2014 Create pamphlets and flyers to be placed into the officers of local clinics and hospitals.

    March 2014 Reach out to local churches and universities to attend their wellness fairs for networking purposes.

    March 2014 A Step Towards Toward a Healthier You Begin informing public health and social services of educational seminar.

    April 2014 Send out fact sheets, newsletters, emails to increase awareness about WSF using both mass media and direct communications.

    April 2014 Create personalized invitation for potential business sponsors

    April 2014 Invite potential business sponsors to lunch to inform them of WSF events.

    June 2014 Stepping Forward with Monetary Gifts Begin sending out pledge letters to business sponsors.

    July 2014 A Step Towards Unity

    Start%Date:% Action:%

  • 42!!

    Total Budget: $1,601.00

    Pamphlets/Flyers for local clinics and hospitals: $500.00

    A Step toward Unity: Food: $250.00 Invitations: $100.00

    Stepping into Understanding: $250.00

    Constant Contact: $126.00/year

    Media Kit: $75.00/each

    Pamphlets/Flyers for patrons/family/friends: $300.00

    Invitations: 10 invitations from $3.99-$6.49 www.vistaprint.com

    Coffee: 44oz. $35.92 Sams Club

  • 43!!

    Evaluation Plan

    An evaluation plan is a tool that determines the effectiveness of a public relations

    campaign. After the implementation of tactics provided, we want to see if tactics were successful

    or unsuccessful among individual audiences for Wolfe Street Foundation. This is the most

    important step in this campaign. We can use the information acquired to build on successful

    tactics and redesign unsuccessful tactics. We aim for progress.

    Medical Community

    Rationale: The medical community is a valuable target audience because WSF can partner with

    them in a variety of ways. The medical community can help spread the goals and mission of

    WSF by hosting education seminars and donating to this cause.

    Research Method: This group can participate in a survey. The survey can be used to gauge their

    awareness and willingness to support WSF in future events (Appendix M).

    Business Sponsors

    Rationale: The tactics created for business sponsors focus on awareness and action in favor of

    WSF. We want business sponsors to know that WSF is a nonprofit foundation that serves those

    who struggle with alcoholism for free. In order to get business sponsors to WSF major

    fundraising events (e.g., Oscar Night and Night at The Rep), we implemented tactics to garner

    awareness about WSF goals and mission. Afterwards, tactics were created to solicit action once

    awareness was established among this target audience.

  • 44!!

    Research Method: An initial interview was distributed to this target audience to gauge awareness

    about WSF that can be found in Appendix D. For the evaluation, we will approach the same

    participants with a follow-up survey (Appendix N).

    Public Health and Social Services

    Rationale: This audience provides WSF with a large reach because their goals and missions are

    closely related. Tactics created for this target audience promote action in the form of referrals.

    This target audience is usually the first to come into contact with those who struggle with

    alcoholism. Other tactics implemented focus on WSF networking with these audience members

    to gain partners for awareness events such as health wellness fairs hosted on the campuses of

    colleges and universities.

    Research Method: Initially a survey was conducted with this target audience. We will evaluate

    this audience with another survey (Appendix O).


    Rationale: The patrons, family, and friends of WSF are the heart of the foundation. Without the

    support of these individuals the foundation would cease to exist. Understanding the wants and

    needs of the patrons, family, and friends of WSF is a monumental step toward success.

    Research Method: The method we used previously to better understand the patrons, friends, and

    family was to hold a focus group. The best way to evaluate how effective our efforts were in

    understanding these individuals would be to implement a focus group once again (Appendix P).

    By asking how satisfied they were with our efforts and how they felt about our programs, we can

  • 45!!

    rate exactly how successful we were in our endeavors to make WSF a more welcoming place for

    patrons, family, and friends.

  • 46!!


    Interview transcript

    Markey Ford Brisbin

    Executive Director, Wolfe Street Foundation

    Interview transcript 1/31/13


    Wolfe Street Foundation (WSF) is in its 30th year.

    WSF is a resource for sending people where they need to go. We offer them information.

    WSF is a resource for Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon which caters to moms, dads,

    employers, employees, and relatives of alcoholics.

    We send out the Wolfe Street Journal on a quarterly basis.

    We do not make recommendations, but give them the information they need.


    One in six Americans suffer from alcohol addiction.

    10,000 military personnel are dishonorably discharged every month due to alcoholism and


    Last year 8,000 students died on American college campuses from binge drinking and drug


    Over 80 percent of illegal substances that exist on planet earth are used in the United States.

  • 47!!


    What is the organizations mission?

    Answer: The mission statement is lengthy, but the two primary points are:

    1. WSF serves as a facility for meetings of AA and Al-Anon (teen survivor support).

    2. WSF offers education and prevention programs.

    Why was the organization started?

    Answer: AA cant raise money less it divert from its primary purpose of helping people to get

    and stay sober. Once money enters the picture things start to take on a different flavor. WSF was

    founded to serve AA. The foundation can raise money and thats one of the things Im going to

    ask for your help with and helping set up plans of how to go about doing that.

    What are the organizations strengths and weaknesses?

    Answer: We have fantastic programs, but 100 people out of the 600 I was expecting show up.

    People are there once they get sober. I have 250 volunteers; only two people work there, me and

    the maintenance guy. Some people call them volunteers, but they actually are not. Part of the 12-

    step program is service work. It is giving back what was given to us. People dont forget that

    WSF was there for them. We are anonymous at the level of press and radio. WSF is open 365

    days a year, sixteen hours a day and seen as a safe haven.

  • 48!!

    What makes the organization stand out?

    Answer: WSF doesnt cost a penny. WSF is not a treatment center. You walk in and women talk

    to women and men talk to men. WSF is paid for by fundraisers. We hold 45 meetings per week

    and a basket is passed around, and 65% goes to WSF to pay for rent and utilities. Each group

    individually buys their own coffee, cups, creamer, and sugar.

    What are some things you wish to accomplish through the PR campaign?

    Answer: How do I get people to come to the programs? AA and Al-Anon members, they come to

    the meetings, but these programs that are fantastic, I dont know how to get people to come. Im

    talking about paying customers. I would like to do a pain management all-day seminar offered to

    physicians and medical professionals. I want to invite them from all over the country. Not

    particularly at our facility. We are looking at the Embassy Suites to get them to come for

    continuing medical education seminars. So thats a very different audience. I also want to do a

    pain management seminar where medical professionals come to the WSF facility and talk to

    recovering addicts. It is called Alcoholism not alcoholwasm. ISM stands for I, Self, Me. AA is

    not group therapy, it is about giving back.

    How do you want the general public to view the foundation?

    Answer: I want WSF to be seen as a community service. I want WSF to be a resource to help

    employers, spouses, children, and teens.

    Are there specific groups of people you would like to reach more than you have in the past?

    Answer: I would mostly like to change the public perception of what an alcoholic looks like.

  • 49!!

    Are there more events you want to do that are specialized to the upper class?

    Answer: Not particularly, I would love to increase my membership. I dont have perks or

    rewards for membership so I could use something on how to attract more membership. Ideally I

    would like to not have to do fundraisers, or possibly write more grants, but I dont have a grant

    writer. I would like to turn education programs into a money maker.

    Who are your monetary supporters?

    Answer: The annual budget is $350,000. 40% of the budget comes from fundraisers. 10% comes

    from rent from the baskets passed around at meetings. We currently have 150 members

    consisting of recovering alcoholics and corporate members; their membership dues make up a

    significant amount of the budget. Sadly, many members have decreased their dues because of the


    Do you receive financial support from schools or churches?

    Answer: No, WSF is 100 percent private funding, no schools or churches. Occasionally we do

    apply for grants in addition to the fundraisers and programs.

    What other services do you all need help with?

    Answer: I need someone to come organize our new library that was provided by a grant. I have

    one computer, but I dont want to increase the number of computers. Our budget for PR is

    $3,000 and that is the high end, I would like to get it lower if possible.

  • 50!!

    Are you open to the website being revised?

    I have a webmaster that I pay $300 per year who makes changes, but she doesnt create. If you

    could propose a redesign I have people who ask all the time to help, but I dont know what to tell

    them to do. Overall, I need a detailed plan of how everything will work and the steps to take to

    succeed. I would like a write up maybe about WSF, but I encourage people to go to their home

    group. I wouldnt want to compete.

    What effects are you expecting from this campaign?

    Answer: A solid outline to work from. I need an outline to give to workers; some sort of


    What time frame and budget do you have in mind for the campaign?

    Answer: For the fundraiser, I have a $10,000 budget. That is for the night at The Rep.

    What is your number one strategy to gain awareness and support?

    Answer: it is very personal. As the executive director I try to reach everyone, because everyone

    has an Uncle Ernie. You might even be an Uncle Ernie. 70% of people are affected by

    alcoholism. That sounds very personal to me.

    How do you advertise?

    Answer: Boy, did I need help with that. Oscar night is our biggest fundraiser. I use T.V., Good

    Morning Arkansas, Comcast Community, and Arkansas Times. This is a money maker, not a

    money spender. Members are willing to pay the $75 because they got sober using the program.

  • 51!!

    How does your organization use social media?

    Answer: We use it. Go to Friends of Wolfe Street, Wolfestreet.org, Facebook, and we are about

    to get a Twitter. Weve got three Facebook pages, and people say thats too much. We have great

    volunteers, but I do not know how to do it. I just dont have time. I need help with combining all

    of these elements. Im also creating a twitter account in the next couple of weeks.

    What types of contacts do you have with the news outlets in Central Arkansas?

    Answer: We have really good contacts because a lot of them are friends. Theyre friends and I

    know them personally, but theyre in the business to make money and Im in the business to save

    money. Im open to any suggestions.

    What are your long-term and short-term goals?

    Answer: My short-term goals are to establish connections with UCA. I think its great because

    some of yall might be looking for jobs in the future. The night at the Oscars is a nine month

    program. I need help with that. My long-term goals are to create a strategic plan that can use

    things offered.

    Have you met your previous goals?

    Answer: I personally have met my goals. However, I have not had any written goals since our

    capital campaign.

  • 52!!

    Who are your supporters as far as funds go?

    Answer: We receive a $350,000 annual budget. 40% are from fundraisers, 10% are from rent and

    the rest are from membership. Alcoholism knows no color, no eye color, and no weight. Its a

    disease. They dont forget where they got sober at. We have members that pay $250 to $2,000 a

    year. Those are members who remember getting sober and want to give back.

    Would you like to increase corporate support?

    Answer: Yes, I would love to increase membership. I want to get people to move up to the next


    Do you guys receive any outside help?

    Answer: No, we are 100% privately funded.

    What resources are you in need of?

    Answer: We need someone to help organize the new library.

    How would you measure the success of the campaign?

    Answer: I would measure by how many people came to the events and how much money we


    Can you guys serve alcohol at the events?

    Answer: Yes, we serve alcohol. Alcoholism is an allergy. Some people are just allergic to it.

  • 53!!


    Survey- Little Rock Medical Community

    1. How often are you in contact with those who have issues related to alcoholism? a. never b. infrequently c. sometimes b. often e. daily

    2. On a scale 1-5, how important to you is continuing medical education?

    Not important---1---2---3---4---5---Very important

    3. Are you required to complete continued education hours? YES NO

    4. If you are required to complete continued education hours, how many hours do you complete each year?

    1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 Over 30

    5. Do you currently attend conferences for continuing education each year? YES---- if yes, circle YES and go to question 6. NO---- If no, circle NO and skip to question 7.

    6. What type of continuing education do you attend?

    7. Would you be interested in continuing medical education on issues such as alcoholism and addiction?

  • 54!!


    Survey- Public Health and Social Services

    Thank you for taking our survey. Please note that the information provided is confidential.

    1. What is your profession?

    2. On a scale of 1-5, how familiar are you with Alcoholics Anonymous?

    Not Familiar 1 2 3 4 5 Very Familiar

    3. On a scale of 1-5, rate the consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction.

    Not severe 1 2 3 4 5 Very Severe

    4. In your opinion, do you think there is enough education within the medical community about alcoholism and drug addiction?

    5. How many organizations do you know that treat alcoholism? a. 0 b. 1-2 c. 3-4 d. 5-6 e. 7 or more

  • 55!!


    Interview- Business Sponsors

    Thank the interviewee for his or her time and let interviewee know that the interviewee know consists of a few questions. All responses will aid us in gaining a better understanding of local businesses. The information provided on this survey is confidential.

    1. Does this organization donate to local nonprofits? a. Never b. Infrequently c. Sometimes d. Often e. On a regular basis

    2. How often do you attend fundraising events? a. Never b. Infrequently c. Sometimes d. Often e. On a regular basis

    3. What organizations do you donate to?

    4. What nonprofits or causes would you be interested in donating to?

    5. Do you face any obstacles that make donating difficult?

    6. Have you attended Wolfe Street Foundation (WSF) fundraising events such as The Oscars and The Night at the Rep? If so, what do did you like about it, and what did you not like about it?

    7. If you have never attended a WSF fundraising event, would you be interested to find out more information about it?

    8. What are some elements that you would like to see in a fundraiser?

    9. Do you have any suggestions for any type of fundraising events that you would like to see?

  • 56!!


    Focus Group Patrons, Family, and Friends

    Hello! My name is {insert name}, and am your facilitator today. I am {title} of {name of who

    you representing}. On behalf of Wolfe Street, I would like to thank you for your participation in

    our focus group. Today we will be seeking your feedback on your experience, with Wolfe Street.

    This session will last about an hour and will be audio recorded for analysis purposes. An

    associate from Wolfe Street is here to take notes by hand in case anything goes wrong with the

    recording, but because Wolfe Street wants your candid feedback, they will not have access to the

    transcript of this recording, and all identities will be protected in the final report.

    Are there any questions that you may have before we get started?

    Icebreaker: Please introduce yourselves

    1. Describe a typical day in your life.

    2. How did you hear about Wolfe Street?

    3. In what capacity have you interacted with a Wolfe Street employee?

    4. Do you feel like WSF helps you and your family? Why or why not?

    5. What is your favorite thing about WSF?

    6. What changes would you make to WSF?

    7. Is this support system effective? Why and how?

    8. What kind of things do you see going on in your community that relates to Wolfe


    9. Do you have any other questions or comments for me?

  • 57!!


    Media Telephone Survey Script

    Hello, I'm _________calling on behalf of Wolfe Street Foundation (WSF). We are conducting a brief survey to help us better understand the attitudes of local media toward WSF. Your organization has been chosen because you all serve the same demographic group we are trying to assist.

    Your responses will be kept completely confidential. Your organization will not be connected to your responses in any way. This survey will only take a couple of minutes. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me at any time.

    1. Let's begin, On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being "not at all familiar" and 5 being "extremely familiar," please rate the level at which you are familiar with WSF. [Circle respondent's answer]

    a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

    2. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being not at all familiar and 5 being extremely familiar, how likely are you to cover an event held by WSF? [Circle respondents answer]

    a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5

    3. Please state your level of agreement in which you view WSF as a valuable resource to the local community. [Circle respondents answer]

    a) Strongly disagree b) Somewhat disagree c) Neither agree nor disagree d) Somewhat agree e) Strongly agree

    4. In your view, what are some actions WSF could take to increase the likelihood of you covering their fundraising events in the future? [Record respondents answer

  • 58!!




    Greetings [insert name],

    Wolfe Street Foundation would like to invite you to A Step Towards Unity, our

    open house event. A Step Towards Unity will have an open reception along with a

    meet and greet, a short presentation followed by a tour of WSF. We hope to reach out to

    those within the community to gain awareness about WFS. We want to let others in the

    community know that we are service oriented and willing to contribute to other causes.

    Thank you for your interest in A Step Towards Unity. To register for this event,

    please see attachment below and email to [email protected].

    Wolfe Street Foundation, Inc.

    A Step Towards A Brighter Day. WSF, Your Ultimate Resource Center.


    Wolfe Street Foundation, Inc.

    A Step Towards A Brighter Day. WSF, Your Ultimate Resource Center.


    Wolfe Street Foundation, Inc.

    A Step Towards A Brighter Day. WSF, Your Ultimate Resource Center.


    Wolfe Street Foundation, Inc.

    A Step Towards A Brighter Day. WSF, Your Ultimate Resource Center.


    Wolfe Street Foundation, Inc.

    A Step Towards A Brighter Day. WSF, Your Ultimate Resource Center.


  • 59!!


    News Release

    1015 Louisiana Ave., Little Rock, AR 72202

    P.O. Box 3708, Little Rock, AR 72203 (mailing address) !

    Phone: (501)372-5662 !

    Fax: (501)375-7949!


    A Step Towards Unity!

    Little Rock, Ark. [Insert DATE] Wolfe Street Foundation (WSF) launched its inaugural A Step Towards Unity with local organizations in the medical field [insert NAMES]. !

    Markey Ford Brisbon, Executive Director, said, [Insert QUOTATION].!

    This inaugural event attempts to reach out to Little Rock medical communities to raise awareness and form partnerships against alcoholism. WSF hopes to expand its outreach by joining efforts with other organizations. !

    WSF is a local nonprofit that serves those battling alcoholism. It is a facility that receives approximately 100,000 visitors each year. It is WSFs goal to never turn away those who seek recovery. !


    Markey Ford Brisbon !

    [email protected]!

  • 60!!


    Sponsor Pitch

    Greetings [Insert appropriate salutation],!

    I am [NAME and TITLE] from Wolfe Street Foundation. We are in the process of

    reaching out to local businesses to increase awareness about our mission. We want to bring to

    your attention a few of our major events such as Oscar Night and Night at The Rep. The funds

    raised at these events ensure that we keep our doors open for those who seek help.!

    We offer a wide variety of resources such as peer support, social events, sponsorships,

    etc. We aim to keep our facility and services offered free of charge to those who need it most.

    We believe that each step we take is one step towards a brighter day. !

    If you have any questions or want more information, please contact us [give business

    card]. Thank you for your time. [Give media kit].!

  • 61!!



    List of Restaurants !

    (Lunch dates with business sponsors)!


    Acadia Restaurant !Price: $15!3000 Kavanaugh Blvd, Ste 20,!Little Rock, AR 72205-3769 (501) 603-9630

    Local Lime Taco & Margarita Bar!Price: $8-$15!17815 Chenal Pkwy. # F-105, Chenal Promenade Shopping Center, !Little Rock, AR 72223 (501) 448-2226 !

    Bonefish Grill!Price: $15-$20 !11525 Cantrell Rd Little Rock, AR 72212-1709 (501) 228-0356

    Oyster Bar Price: $15 3003 W Markham S. Little Rock, AR 72205-5853 (501) 666-7100 Brave New Restaurant Price: $18 2300 Cottondale Ln, Ste 105 Little Rock, AR 72202 (501) 663-2677

  • 62!!


    Email Directory!



  • 63!!


    Restaurant Search Tool

    % % % % % %%%%%%%%%(TripAdvisor)%




  • 64!!


    Medical Community Evaluation Survey

    Thank you for taking the time to take this survey. Your responses are for evaluation purposes only. All responses are confidential.

    1. On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest, how well do think you are familiar with WSF?


    2. How many WSF events did you attend this year?

    a) None

    b) 1

    c) 2

    d) 3

    e) 4

    f) 5

    3. Would you partner with WSF in the future?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    c) Maybe

    4. Did you benefit from this partnership in any way? Explain.

    5. What do you suggest to make this partnership a better experience?

  • 65!!


    Business Sponsors Evaluation Survey

    Thank you for taking the time to take this survey. Your responses are for evaluation purposes only. All responses are confidential.

    1. On a scale of 1-5 with 5 being the highest, how well do think you are familiar with WSF?


    2. How many WSF events did you attend this year?

    a) None

    b) 1

    c) 2

    d) 3

    e) 4

    f) 5

    3. Would you partner with WSF in the future?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    c) Maybe

    4. Do you feel that your sponsorship is beneficial to the community? Explain.

    5. What do you suggest to make this partnership a better experience?

  • 66!!


    Public Health and Services Evaluation Survey

    Thank you for taking our survey. Please note that the information provided is confidential.

    1. What is your profession?

    2. On a scale of 1-5, how familiar are you with Alcoholics Anonymous?

    Not Familiar 1 2 3 4 5 Very Familiar

    3. Would you say you are more familiar with WSF now than you were previously?

    4. Do you attend more WSF events now than you did previously?

    Yes No

    5. On a scale of 1-5, how helpful would you say WSF is as a resource and reference center?

    Not Helpful 1 2 3 4 5 Very Helpful

    6. Have you referred any of your clients/patients to WSF in the past 6 months?

    Yes No

    7. If you responded yes to the previous question, how many?

    1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 over 30

  • 67!!


    Patrons/Family/Friends Evaluation Focus Group

    Hello! My name is (insert name), and I am your facilitator today. I am (title) of (name of who

    you are representing). On behalf of Wolfe Street, I would like to thank you for your participation

    in our focus group. Today we will be seeking your feedback on your experience with Wolfe


    This session will last about an hour and will be audio recorded for evaluation purposes. An

    associate from Wolfe Street is here to take notes by hand in case anything goes wrong with the

    recording, but because Wolfe Street wants your candid feedback, they will not have access to the

    transcript of this recording, and all identities will be protected in the final report.

    Are there any questions that you may have before we get started?

    Icebreaker: Please introduce yourselves.

    1. What activities/programs do you attend at Wolfe Street?

    2. How comfortable do you feel at the facility?

    3. How much time do you spend at Wolfe Street on a weekly basis?

    4. Do you feel like WSF helps you and your family? Why or why not?

    5. Do you think WSF has improved in aiding you and your family in the past year?

    6. Do you think WSF should make any changes? If so, what are they?

    7. What kind of changes do you see going on in your community that relates to WSF?

    8. Do you have any other questions or comments for me?

  • 68!!


    Peer/Competitor Information

    I. Introduction

    Wolfe Street Foundation has many strengths; however, there are a few areas within the organization that could be improved. Researching peers and competitors within the same industry can aid in turning WSFs weaknesses into strengths. We examined three national organizations and two local organizations to find best practices that may help WSF. Organizations on a national level include: Bridge House of New Orleans, Louisiana, The Salvation Army Bell Shelter of Southern California, and Valley Service Center of Dublin, California. Organizations on a local level include GYST House of Little Rock, Arkansas and Family Services Association of Little Rock, Arkansas. All these organization have outstanding programs and services, major events and fundraisers, and social media tactics that could be helpful to Markey Ford Brisbon, Executive Director of WSF.

    II. National Organizations (Org. 1)

    The Bridge House of New Orleans, Louisiana

    The Bridge House (BH) of New Orleans, Louisiana is a recovery center for those who struggle with alcoholism. BH started in 1957 as a shelter for alcoholics and is now one of the best facilities in the country for recovering alcoholics (Bridge House, 2013). Their mission is to provide gender specific treatment to men and women who have become dependent on alcohol or drugs so that they may lead sober and productive lives (Bridge House, 2013). BH generates 75% of its income through its thrift stores, used car lot, events, and individual donations. The state of Louisiana funds the remaining 25% of its income (Bridge House, 2013). This organization has excellent examples of self-sustaining practices that can be implemented by WSF.

    BH Programs (Income)

    First, BH runs two thrift stores that allow BH to continue its mission. BH thrift store donors are able to effortlessly give back to the community, which appeals to donors self-interests. Moreover, BH urges community members to donate their cars and to buy cars from their used car lot. Again, BH makes the donation process simple on behalf of its patrons. For instance, BH owns tow trucks that pick up donated vehicles. In addition, BH is willing to accept all cars because BH believes in giving their recovering residents the opportunity to work on the cars. These are a few of the best practices that allow BH to be functional on its own, while

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    receiving a steady income to continue its work with recovering alcoholics. This is a self-sustaining tactic that could inspire ideas for Brisbon of WSF.

    BH Events/Fundraisers

    BH does an excellent job in creating innovative fundraising ideas that uniquely appeal to their audience. BH is keen on knowing what appeals to their audience members, and because of that, BH is likely to gain donations and support from their community. For instance, BH hosts a fashion show, Recycled Fashion Show. The fashion show involves local designers and volunteer. Designers within the community work closely with BH to revamp thrift store clothes. The partnership
