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Can a Tax Cut Deepen the Recession?1

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  • 8/14/2019 Can a Tax Cut Deepen the Recession?1



    Can a tax cut deepen the recession? 1

    preliminary and incomplete

    December 2008Gauti B. Eggertsson

    Federal Reserve Bank of New [email protected]


    Abstract:This paper shows that at zero short-term nominal interest rate tax cuts reduce output in a

    standard New Keynesian model. They do so because they increase de ationary pressures. Policiesaimed at stimulating aggregate demand work better. These policies include (i) a temporaryincrease in government spending and (ii) a commitment to in ate. The multiplier of tax cutsgoes from positive at positive interest rates to negative once the interest rate hits zero, while themultiplier of government spending not only stays positive but becomes many times larger at thezero bound. The model suggests policy today should not be based on empirical studies that usepost WWII data because that period is characterized by positive interest rates.

    Key words: tax and spending multipliers, zero interest rates, de ation.JEL classi cation: E52,

    1 This paper was written following an interesting email exchange with Gregory Mankiw about my paper "Wasthe New Deal Contractionary?" Disclaimer: This paper presents preliminary ndings and is being distributed toeconomists and other interested readers solely to stimulate discussion and elicit comments. The views expressed in

    the paper are those of the author and are not necessarily re ective of views at the Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork or the Federal Reserve System. Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the author.


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    investment spending), while those aimed at supply incentives may be counterproductive. 2At aloose and "intuitive" level policy should not be aimed at increasing the supply of goods whenthere problem is that there are not enough buyers for the goods already produced.

    The results in this paper are closely related to Eggertsson (2008b) that studies the expansion-ary eff ect of the National Industrial Recovery Act during the Great Depression. That paper, inturn, builds on a string of papers studying the zero bound on the short-term nominal interest rates,such as Krugman (1998), Eggertsson and Woodford (2003,2004), Eggertsson (2006,2008a,b,c),Adam and Billi (2006) and Jung et al (2006).

    2 The Model

    The model is a standard New Keynesian model as, for example, derived from microfoundations byBenignio and Woodford (2003). Aggregate demand is given by the linearized CE equation (from"Consumption Euler Equation")

    Y t = E t Y t +1 (i t E t t +1 r et ) + ( Gt E t G t +1 ) (1)

    where Y t is output, it is the nominal interest rate, t is in ation, r et is an exogenous shock andE t is an expectation operator, G t is government consumption, and the coe ffi cient > 03. Hatsdenote deviation from steady state. 4 The short term nominal interest rate cannot be negative sothat

    it 0 (2)

    Aggregate supply is given by the FE equation (from "Firm Euler Equation")

    t = Y t + E t t +1 + t 1 Gt (3)

    where the coeffi cients , > 0 and 0 < < 1.5 This equation is derived under the assumptionthat rm adjust their prices at stochastic intervals as in Calvo (1983). The tax rate t is a labortax rate. 6 It can also be interpreted as a sales tax, under the assumption that the price that rmsset at staggered intervals include the tax. 7

    Monetary policy follows a Taylor rule

    i t = max(0 , r et + t + y Y t ) (4)2 It is true that investment tax credit will also improve aggregate supply in the long run, however, my conjecture

    is that this e ff ect will be trounced by the e ff ect a higher investment spending would have on aggregate demand in

    the short run. This, however, remains a conjecture and would require further study.3 This coeffi cient is the intertemporal elasticity of substitution, see Eggertsson and Woodford (2004).4 Here G t is the percentage deviation of government spending from steady state over steady state aggregate

    output.5 For a de nition of the coe ffi cient in terms of the deep parameters of the model, see Eggertsson and Woodford

    (2004).6 This variable is de ned as t t where t is the tax rate at time t and is its steady state value. See

    Eggertsson and Woodford (2004).7 Hence an increase in the tax under this interpretation, does not a ff ect the price the rm charges until the rm

    readjusts its price the next time. See discussion in Eggertsson and Woodford (2004).


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    FE (AS?)CE (AD?)





    Figure 1: The e ff ect of cutting taxes at a positive interest rate.

    Under normal circumstances a tax cut is expansionary in this model. Consider a one time taxcut in period 0 that is reversed the next period. Let Gt = 0 . Substituting 4 into the CE equationwe can write the CE and FE equation as

    Y 0 =

    1 + y 0 (5)

    0 = Y t + 0 . (6)

    Figure 1 shows the FE and CE curves (5) and (6). The gure looks like any undergraduatetextbook AS-AD diagram, where AS corresponds to the FE curve and AD to the CE curve. A taxcut shifts down the FE curve because now people want to work more since they get more moneyin their pocket for each hour worked. A new equilibrium is found at point B. We can compute the

    multiplier of tax cuts by using method of undetermined coe ffi cients. In computing the multiplierI assume that taxes follow the stochastic process t = t + t where t is normally distributediid. The tax cut multiplier is

    Y t t


    (1 t + y )(1 t ) + > 0 (7)

    Here denotes change relative to the benchmark of no variations in taxes. To illustrate themultiplier numerically I use the values reported in Table 2, taken from Eggertsson and Woodford


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    (2004) 8, and assume t = 0 .9. Then the multiplier is 0.15. If the government cuts taxes by 1dollar in a given period, this increases output by 15 cents. We now turn to the case when thezero bound is binding.

    Table 2, parameters from Eggertsson and Woodford (2004)parameters r eL yvalues 0.5 0.99 0.02 0.4 0.9 -0.02 1.5 0.25

    3 The Zero Bound

    Observe that when r et < 0 then the zero bound is binding so that i t = 0 . This shock generates arecession in the model.

    A1 Structural shocks: r et = r eL < 0 unexpectedly at date t = 0 . It returns back to steady state r eH = r with probability 1 in each period. The stochastic date the shock returns back to steady state is denoted T e . To ensure a bounded solution, the probability is such that L () = ( 1 )(1 ) > 0.

    Where does this shock come from? In the most simple version of the model, a negative r etis equivalent to a preference shock, see Eggertsson (2008a). Everyone suddenly want to savemore so that the real interest rate has to decline for output to stay constant. More sophisticatedinterpretations are possible, however. Eggertsson (2008c), building on Curdia and Woodford(2008), shows that a model with nancial frictions can also be reduced to equations (1)-(3). In

    this more sophisticated model the shock ret corresponds to an exogenous increase in the probabilityof default by borrowers and banks. What is nice about this interpretation is that r et can now be

    mapped into the wedge between a risk free interest rate rate and a interest rate paid on riskyloans. Both rates are observed in the data. The wedge implied by these interest rates has explodedrecently in the US economy, giving empirical evidence for a large negative shock to r et . A bankingcrisis characterized by an increase in probability of default by banks and borrowers is my storyfor the models recession.

    Panel (a) in Figure 2 illustrates assumption A1 graphically. Under this assumption, the shockr et remains negative in the recession state denoted L, until some stochastic date T e , when it returnsto steady state. For starters let us assume that t = Gt = 0 . It is easy to show that monetarypolicy now takes the form

    i t = r eH for t T e (8)

    it = 0 for 0 < t < T e (9)

    We can now derive the solution in closed form for the other endogenous variables assuming(8)-(9). In the periods t T e the solution is t = Y t = 0 . In periods t < T e assumption A1

    8 This corresponds to the zero debt case in Table 1 of their paper.


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    (b) Inflation


    -10% L


    (c) Output


    (a) The fundamental shock:The efficient rate of interest





    Reverts to steady state withprobability 1- [each period

    0=t i e

    H t r i =

    Te Te

    Figure 2: The e ff ect of negative r et on output and in ation.


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    Figure 3: The e ff ect of multiperiod recession.

    implies that in ation in the next period is either zero (with probability 1 ) or the same as attime t, i.e., t = L (with probability ). Hence the solution in t < T e satis es the CE and theFE equations

    CE Y L = Y L + L + r eL (10)

    F E L = Y L + L (11)

    It is helpful to graph the two equations in (Y L , L ) space. Consider rst the special case inwhich = 0 , i.e. the shock r eL reverts back to steady state in period 1 with probability 1. This caseis shown in Figure 3. It only applies to equilibrium determination in period 0. The equilibriumis shown where the two solid lines intersect at point A. At point A, output is completely demanddetermined by the vertical CE curve and pinned down by the shock r et .9 For a given level of

    9 A higher effi cient rate of interest, r eL , corresponds to an autonomous increase in the willingness of the householdto spend at a given nominal interest rate and expected in ation and thus shifts the CE curve. Note that the keyfeature of assumption A1 is that we are considering a shock that results in a negative e ffi cient interest rate, thatin turn causes the nominal interest rate to decline to zero. Another way of stating this is that it corresponds toan "autonomous" decline in spending for given prices and a nominal interest rate. This shock thus corresponds towhat the old Keynesian literature referred to as "demand" shocks, and one can interpret it as a stand-in for anyexogenous reason for a decline in spending. Observe that in the model all output is consumed. If we introduceother sources of spending, such as investment, a more natural interpretation. lf a decline in the e ffi cient interestrate is an autonomous shock to the cost of investment in addition to the preference shock (see further discussion inEggertsson (2008)).


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    output, then, in ation is determined by where the CE curve intersects the FE curve. Its worthemphasizing again: Output is completely demand determined, i.e. completely determined by the CE equation.

    Consider now the e ff ect of increasing > 0. In this case, the contraction is expected to last forlonger than one period. Because of the simple structure of the model, and the two-state Markovprocess for the shock, the equilibrium displayed in the gure corresponds to all periods 0 t < T e .The expectation of a possible future contraction results in movements in both the CE and theFE curves, and the equilibrium is determined at the intersection of the two dashed curves, atpoint B. Observe that the CE equation is no longer vertical but upward sloping in in ation, i.e.,higher in ation expectations L increase output. The reason is that for a given nominal interestrate ( iL = 0 in this equilibrium), any increase in expected in ation reduces the real interest rate,making current spending relatively cheaper, and thus increasing demand. Conversely, expectedde ation, a negative L , causes current consumption to be relatively more expensive than futureconsumption, thus suppressing spending. Observe, furthermore, the presence of the expectation

    of future contraction, Y L , on the right-hand side of the CE equation. The expectation of futurecontraction makes the e ff ect of both the shock and the expected de ation even stronger . Let usnot turn to the FE equation (11). Its slope is now steeper than before because the expectationof future de ation will lead the rms to cut prices by more for a given demand slack, as shownby the dashed line. The net e ff ect of the shift in both curves is a more severe contraction andde ation shown by the intersection of the two dashed curves at point B in Figure 3.

    The more severe depression at point B is triggered by several contractionary forces. First,because the contraction is now expected to last more than one period, output is falling in theprice level, because there is expected de ation, captured by L on the right-hand side of the CE

    equation. This increases the real interest rate and suppresses demand. Second, the expectation of future output contraction, captured by the Y L term on the right-hand side of the CE equation,creates an even further decline in output. Third, the strong contraction, and the expectation of it persisting in the future, implies an even stronger de ation for given output slack, according tothe FE equation. 10

    Note the role of the aggregate supply, or the FE equation. It is still really just importantto determine the expected in ation in the CE equation. This is the sense in which the outputis demand determined in the model even when the shock lasts for many periods. That is whatmakes tax policy so tricky as we soon will see.

    10 Observe the vicious interaction between the contractionary forces in the CE and FE equations. Consider thepair Y AL , AL at point A as a candidate for the new equilibrium. For a given Y AL , the strong de ationary force in theFE equation reduces expected in ation so that we have to have L < AL . Due to the expected de ation term inthe CE equation this again causes further contraction in output, so that Y L < Y AL . The lower Y L then feeds againinto the FE equation, triggering even further de ation, and thus triggering a further drop in output according tothe CE equation, and so on and on, leading to a vicious de ation-output contractionary spiral that converges topoint B in panel (a), where the dashed curves intersect.


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    To summarize, solving the CE and FE equations with respect to t and Y t , we obtain (thefootnote comments on why the denominator has to be positive) 11

    t =1

    (1 )(1 ) r eL < 0 if t < T

    e and t = 0 if t T e (12)

    Y t = 1

    (1 )(1 ) r eL < 0 if t < T

    e and Y t = 0 if t T e (13)

    The two-state Markov process for the shock allows us to collapse the model into two equationswith two unknown variables, as shown in Figure 3. It is important to keep in mind, however, thestochastic nature of the solution. The output contraction and the de ation last only as long as thestochastic duration of the shock, i.e., until the stochastic date T e , and the equilibrium depictedin Figure 3 applies only in the "recession" state. This is illustrated in Figure 2, which shows thesolution for a arbitrary contingency in which the shock lasts for T e periods. I have added forillustration numerical values in this gure, using the parameters from Table 2.

    4 Why Tax Cuts are Contractionary

    Let us now consider the e ff ect of tax cuts when the zero bound is binding. In particular, considera temporary tax cut aimed at ending the recession. Assume the tax cut takes the form

    L = r eL < 0 when 0 < t < T e (14)

    with > 0 and t = 0 when t T e . (15)

    Consider now the solution in the periods when the zero bound is binding but the governmentfollows this policy. Output and in ation again solve the CE and FE equations. While the CEequation is unchanged, the FE equation is now

    FE L = Y L + L + L (16)

    where the tax appears on the right-hand side. An increase in L shifts the FE curve outwardsdenoted by a dashed line in Figure 4. Why does the FE curve shift? This is just a traditional shiftin "aggregate supply" outwards. Consider a reduction in taxes. The rms are now in a position to

    11 The vicious dynamics described in last footnote amplify the contraction without a bound as increases. As

    increases, the CE curve becomes atter and the FE curve steeper, and the cuto ff point moves further down in the(Y L , L ) plane in panel (a) of Figure ?? . At a critical value 1 > > 0 when L ( ) = 0 in A1, the two curves areparallel, and no solution exists. The point is called a de ationary black hole. In the remainder of the paper weassume that is small enough so that the de ationary black hole is avoided and the solution is well de ned andbounded (this is guaranteed by the inequality in assumption A1). A de ationary solution always exists as long asthe shock is close enough to 0 because L (0) > 0 (at = 0 the shock reverts back to steady state with probability1 in the next period). Observe, furthermore, that L (1) < 0 and that in the region 0 < < 1 the function L ( ) isstrictly decreasing, so there is some critical value = (,, ) < 1 in which L ( ) is zero and the model has nosolution.


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    Figure 4: The e ff ect of cutting taxes at a zero interest rate.

    charge lower price on their products than before. This suggests that they will reduce their pricesrelative to the prior period for any given level of production in the recession state, hence shiftingthe FE curve. A new equilibrium is formed at the intersection of the dashed FE curve and the

    CE curve at lower output and prices, i.e., at point B in Figure 4. The general equilibrium e ff ectof the tax cut is therefore an output contraction.

    The intuition for this result is that the expectation of lower taxes in the recession createsde ationary expectations in all states of the world in which the shock r et is negative . This makesthe real interest rate higher which reduces spending according to the CE equation.

    Y taxL =1

    (1 )(1 ) [(1 )r eL + L ] < Y

    notaxt if t < T


    and Y taxL = 0 if t T e

    taxt =

    1 (


    Dt + L ) <

    notaxt if t < T



    Dt = 0 if t T


    We can now compute the multiplier of tax cuts at zero interest rates. Its is negative and givenby

    Y L L


    (1 )(1 ) < 0 (17)

    Using the numerical values in Table 2 this corresponds to a multiplier of -1.89. This is alarge number. It means that if the government reduces taxes by 1 dollar at zero interest rates,


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    Figure 6: The e ff ect of increasing government spending at zero interest rates.

    consumption, people want to work more to make up for lost consumption, shifting out laborsupply and reducing real wages. This e ff ect is shown by the outward shift in the FE curve inthe gure. The new equilibrium is in point B. Let us assume that government spending follows

    an autoregressive process G t = gGt 1 + t . Using method of undetermined coe ffi cients, we cancompute the multiplier of government spending at positive interest rates as

    Y 0 G0

    =1 G +

    G1 G

    1 G + y + G1 G

    > 0

    Using the parameter values in table on we nd that the one dollar in government spending increasesoutput by 0.51 which is almost four times bigger than the multiplier of tax cuts at positive interestrates.

    Consider now the e ff ect of government spending at zero interest rates. In contrast to tax cuts,

    increasing government spending is very e ff ective at zero interest rates. Consider the following scal policy:

    Gt = GL > 0 for 0 < t < T e (20)

    Gt = 0 for t T e (21)

    Under this speci cation, the government increases spending in response to the de ationary shock


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    and then reverts back to steady state once the shock is over. 12 The CE and FE equations can beare written as:

    CE Y L = Y L + L + r eL + (1 )GL (22)

    F E L = Y L + L GL . (23)

    Figure 6 shows the e ff ect of increasing government spending. Increasing GL shifts out the CEequation, stimulating both output and prices. At the same time, however, it shifts out the FEequation as we discussed before, so there is some de ationary e ff ect of the policy, which arisesbecause there is an increase in the labor supply of workers. This e ff ect, however, is too small toovercome the stimulative e ff ect of government expenditures. In fact, solving these two equationtogether, its easy to show that the e ff ect of government spending is always positive and alwaysgreater than one. Solving (22) and (23) together yields the following multiplier 13

    Y L


    (1 )(1 ) (1 )(1 )

    > 1

    i.e. one dollar of government spending, according to the model, has to increase output by morethan one. In our numerical example the multiplier is 1.95, i.e., each dollar of government spendingincreases aggregate output by 1.95 dollars. Why is the multiplier so large? The main cause of thedecline in output and prices was the expectation of a future slump and de ation . If the privatesector expects an increase in future government spending in all states of the world in which thezero bound is binding, contractionary expectations are changed in all periods in which the zerobound is binding; thus having a large e ff ect on spending in a given period. Thus, expectationabout future policy play a key role in explaining the power of government spending, and keyelement of making it work is to commit to sustain the spending spree until the recession is over .

    6 A Commitment to In ate

    Finally I consider another policy to increase demand, a commitment to in ate the currency.Expansionary monetary policy is modeled as a commitment to a higher growth rate of the moneysupply in the future, i.e., at t T e . As shown by several authors, such as Eggertsson andWoodford (2003) and Auerbach and Obstfeld (2005), it is only the expectation about futuremoney supply (once the zero bound is no longer binding) that matters at t < T e when theinterest rate is zero. Consider the following monetary policy rule:

    i t = max {0, r et + + ( t

    ) + y (Y t Y )} (24)

    where denotes the implicit in ation target of the government and Y = (1 ) 1 isthe implied long-run output target. Under this policy rule a higher corresponds to a credible

    12 This equilibrium form of policy is derived from microfoundations in Eggertsson (2008) assuming a Markovperfect equilibrium.

    13 Note that the denominator is always positive according to A1. See discussion in footnote 6.


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    Figure 7: Commitment to in ate at zero nominal interest rates

    in ation commitment. Consider a simple money constraint as in Eggertsson (2008a), M t /P t Y twhere M t is the money supply and > 0. Then a higher corresponds to a commitment to ahigher growth rate of the money supply in t T e at the rate of . The assumption about policy

    in (4) is a special case of this policy rule with = 0 .What is the e ff ect of an increase in the in ation target? It is helpful write out the FE and CE

    equations in periods 0 < t < when the zero bound is binding:

    CE Y L = Y L + (1 )Y + L + (1 )

    + r eL (25)

    F E L = Y L + L + (1 ) (26)

    Consider the e ff ect of increasing = 0 to a positive number > 0. As shown in Figure 7 thisshifts the CE curve to the right and the FE curve to the left, increasing both in ation and output.The logic is straight forward: A higher in ation target in period t T e reduces the real rate of interest in period t < T e , thus stimulating spending in the depression state. This e ff ect can bequite large owing to a similar e ff ect as described in the case of scal policy. The e ff ect of doesnot only increase in ation expectation at dates t T e , it also increases in ation in all states of the world in which the zero bound is binding. In general equilibrium the e ff ect of in ating thecurrency is very large for this reason.

    Consider the following, "in ation target multiplier". This statistic answers the question, byhow much does output increase, for each percentage increase in the implicit in ation target of the


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    government? This number is given by

    Y L

    =(1 ){(1 )(1 )k 1 + }

    (1 )(1 )

    to 7.2 percent using the parameter values from Table 1. Hence, a fully credible increase in thein ation target increases output by 7.2 percent once the zero bound is binding.

    We can compute this the same "multiplier" at positive interest rate, i.e. when there is node ationary shock. In this case we have


    = (1 ) 1

    so that a percentage increase in in ation increases output by only 0.125 percent. Hence, in ationis in ation is nearly neutral at positive interest rate.

    7 CredibilityExpansionary monetary policy can be di ffi cult if the central bank cannot commit to future policy.The problem is that an in ation promise is not credible for a discretionary policymaker. Thewelfare function in the model economy is given by the utility of the representative household,which to a second order can be approximated as 14

    E t

    Xt =0

    t ( 2t + Y 2

    t )

    The central bank has an incentive to promise future in ation at date t < T e but then to renege

    on this promise at data t T e

    since at that time the bank can achieve both zero in ation and setoutput at trend, which is the ideal state of a ff airs according to this welfare function. Eggertsson(2006) shows this formally and calls it the "de ation bias" of discretionary monetary policy atzero interest rate. Government spending does not have this problem. In fact, the policy under fulldiscretion will take exactly the same form as the spending analyzed in section ?? . The intuitionis that scal policy does not only require promises about what the government will do in thefuture, it also involves direct actions today. And those actions are fully consistent with thosethe government promises in the future (namely increase government spending throughout therecession period).

    Its seem quite likely that in practice, especially for a central bank with a high degree of credibility, that a central bank can make credible announcements about its future policy andthereby have considerable e ff ect on expectations. Moreover, many authors have analyzed explicitsteps, such as expansion in the central banks balance sheet through purchases of various assets suchas foreign exchange, mortgage backed securities or equities, that can help make an in ationary

    14 see e.g. Eggertsson and Woodford (2004). Our assumption about the shocks is such that Y t = 0 in theirnotation, see discussion in Section 1.2 of that paper and also Eggertsson (2008a) who discusses this assumption itin some detail.


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    pledge more credible (see e.g. Eggertsson (2006) and Jeanne and Svensson (2006)). Finally, if the government accumulates large amounts of nominal debt, this too, can be helpful in makingan in ation pledge credible.

    8 Tax Cuts Together with Demand StimulusObserve that neither the e ff ect of the monetary expansion nor government spending changesqualitatively the eff ect of a tax cut as long as + [ G + y Y G ]GL r L . While the newequilibrium is associated with higher output and in ation than before, the e ff ect of reducing Lremains the same because the slopes of the FE and the CE curves remain unchanged. The keycondition for this result is that the change in the implicit in ation target from 0 to , and theincrease in GL , are still small enough to satisfy the condition stated above so that the interestrate remains at zero.

    9 Conclusion

    The main problem facing the model economy I have studied in this paper is insu fficient demand.In this light, the emphasis should be on policies that stimulate spending. Payroll tax cuts may notbe the best way to get there. The model shows that they can even be contractionary. What shouldbe done according to the model? Traditional government spending is one approach. Another isa commitment to in ate. Ideally the two should be put together. Government spending has theadvantage over in ation policy that is has no credibility problem associated with it. In ationpolicy, however, has the advantage that it does not require any public spending, which may be at

    its "

    rst best level" in the steady state of the model studied here. Any

    ddling around with thetax code should take into account that de ation might be a problem. In that case shifting outaggregate supply can make things worse.

    It is worth stressing that the way taxes are modelled here, although standard, is special inseveral respect. In particular tax cuts do not have any "direct" e ff ect on spending. The variationsin taxes only has an e ff ect through the incentive it creates for employment and thus "shiftsaggregate supply", thus lowering real wages and stimulating rms to hire more workers. One canenvision various environment in which tax cuts stimulate spending, such as old fashion Keynesianmodels, or models where people have limited access to nancial markets. In those models therewill be positive spending e ff ect of tax cuts, even payroll tax cuts like the ones in the standardNew Keynesian model. For this reason I am bit hesitant to draw the lesson from this paper thatit would be ideal to raise payroll taxes to stimulate the US economy today, although this clearlyis a direct implication of the analysis .

    It is also worth raising another channel through tax cuts can stimulate the economy. Taxcuts would tend to increase budget de cits and thus increase government debt. That gives thegovernment a higher incentive to in ate the economy. As we have just seen in section 6, higherin ation expectations have a strong positive impact on demand at zero interest rates. Eggertsson


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    (2006) model this channel explicitly. In his model taxes have no e ff ect on labor supply, but insteadgenerate tax collection costs as in Barro (1978). In that environment tax cuts are expansionarybecause they increase debt and through that in ation expectations.

    What should we take out of all of this? There are two general lesson I want to draw fromthis paper. The rst is that insu fficient demand is the main problem once the zero bound isbinding, and policy should rst and foremost focus on ways in which the government can increasespending. Policies that expand supply, such as some (but probably not all) tax cuts and alsoa variety of other policies, can have subtle counterproductive e ff ects at zero interest rates byincreasing de ationary pressures. This should and can be avoided by suitably designed policy.The second lesson is that policymakers today should view with great deal of scepticisms anyempirical evidence on the e ff ect of tax cuts or government spending based on post war US data.The number of these studies is high, and they are frequently cited in the current debate. Themodel presented here, which has by now become a workhorse model in macroeconomics, predictsthat the e ff ect of tax cuts and government spending is fundamentally di ff erent at zero nominal

    interest rates than under normal circumstances.


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    10 References

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