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Can You Count Six Hundred Three Score and “six”? Making

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  • 8/14/2019 Can You Count Six Hundred Three Score and six? Making



    Making AssumptionsBefore conversion many in the Body of Christ, God's Church, heard one

    of God's servants ask, Why do you believe what you believe? Whether this

    question was asked in print, on the radio, on the TV, or via the Internet, for

    many it was the spark for understanding God's truth. Why do you believe

    what you belive?, when examined deeply, helps dispel assumptions about

    God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Bible. God's word asks people to

    always deal with assumptions: Prove all things; hold fast that which is

    good (1 Thessalonians 5:21, King James Version throughout, unless

    otherwise noted). This tells God's people to strive to not take anything forgranted. It is obvious that no one Church of God has a corner of the market

    on the truth. However, how many of God's people are still believing

    assumptions? How many of God's people are asking themselves, and asking

    God, if they still could be believing assumptions today? Sometimes long held

    beliefs, beliefs seemlingly passed down from generation to generation, from

    age to age, end up being nothing but assumptions.

    When it comes to finding these assumptions out the Holy Bible is what

    needs to be examined thoroughly. Other sources can also be used to makesure God's people do truly Prove all things.... For years now most in God's

    Church have a regognition of Revelation 13:18: Here is wisdom. Let him

    that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of

    a man; and his number (is) six hundred threescore (and) six. Among such

    translations as the New International Version (NIV), George Lamsa's

    translation from Aramaic (LAB), the New American Standard New

    Testament(NAS), and theNew American Bible (NAB), only theKing James

    Version (KJV) writes the numberof the beast out so it can be counted. Thenumber of the beast is to be counted using the Greek numeration system.

    That is, taking letters from the Greek alphabet and and adding up the value

    of each letter. In the case of Revelation 13:18: ...the number of the man... is

    what is to be counted, and the Greek numeration system is to be used.

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    Why has it been said above that some other translations of the Bible do

    not interpret Revelation 13:18 correctly? This article is written to show that

    the number of the beast, this 666, is a long held belief that needs to be re-

    examined. In all fairness to the other translations of the Bible, even the KJV

    does not translate the number of the beast correctly. However, the KJV

    comes closes to translating the beast's number using the Greek numerationsystem. Notice how other translations interpret Revelation 13:18, the last

    part: NIV: His number is 666. LAB: ...his number six hundred and sixty-

    six. NAS: ...and his number is six hundred and sixty-six. And the NAB:

    The man's number is six hundred sixty-six. The beginning of this article

    quoted 1 Thessalonians 5:21, KJV. Before we start dismissing any claims

    made concerning God's word, 1 Thessalonians 5:21 has to be firmly planted

    in our hearts. Claims have been made, now they need to be proved.

    What the Greek Really Says

    For the above claims to be proved we need to look at Revelation 13:18,

    the last part, from the Greek language. But Revelation 13:18, the last part,

    can't be looked at like its Greek to me. Some may look at Revelation 13:18

    and say that. However, God's people can understand. After all, the the word

    Revelation means from the Greek, (I) Disclosure:--be revealed. So then

    what does Revelation 13:18, the last part, say from the Greek? To understand

    what the Greek really says concerning Revelation 13:18 we look in The NewStrong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. The entry from Strong's for

    Revelation 13:18 involving the number of the beast, from the Greek

    concordance, is #5516. Except for the third one, these letters are found in the

    Greek Alphabet. All of these letters, however, are found in the numeration

    table for Greek letters. The numeration table takes the specific letters of the

    Greek Alphabet and gives these letters a numerical value. So from the

    numerical table we come up with: =600, =60, and what is the letter is suppose to =6. This is how those who are watching are to count the number

    of the beast.

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    Notice that when God inspired the Apostle John to write this passage of

    scripture God didn't lead John to write the Greek words for600, 60, and 6.

    God led John to write the Greek letters so these letters could be numerated.

    The Greek words for 600, 60, and supposedly 6 are: 600 =Strong's Greek

    entry #1812, , English, hexakosioi; 60 =Strong's Greek entry

    #1835, , English, hexekonta; and 6= Strong's Greek entry #1803, ,English, hex. Normal entries for 600, 60, and 6 in the New Testament will

    translate to the above words. One example to look up is found in Revelation

    14:20. The Greek for six hundred in Revelation 14:20 when the word six

    is looked up is entry #1812, and this translates to hexakosioi. What is

    curious is that when the word hundred is looked up for Revelation 14:20

    the entry is #5516. Evidently, and this only speculation, the word hundred

    needs to be numerated, while the word six doesn't need to be. Unless there

    is an error in the entries, this is what the Greek says for Revelation 14:20.Another example is found in Mark 4:8 for the word sixty. The entry for

    sixty is #1835, as we have translated, and the English word is hexakonta.

    God doesn't use these Greek words when one looks up the entry in the

    concordance for Revelation 13:18, the last part. As mentioned earlier, what

    the Greek says is . Two of these letters are in the Greek Alphabet but to

    count the value of them they need to be numerated.

    To see things more clearly, the following numeration table is from The

    Volume Library, Copyright 1976, page 1510:GREEK SYSTEM OF NUMERATION

    Modern Hindu- Greek Greek

    Arabic Numerals Symbol Name

    1 alpha

    2 beta

    3 gamma

    4 delta5 epsilon

    6 * digamma

    7 zeta

    8 eta

    9 theta

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    10 iota

    20 kappa

    30 lambda

    40 mu

    50 nu60 xi

    70 omicron

    80 pi

    90 ** koppa

    100 rho

    200 sigma

    300 tau

    400 upsilon

    500 phi

    600 chi

    700 psi

    800 omega

    900 *** sampi

    (The Greek Symbol with the single asterisk means the author found the small

    case letter for the Greek digamma, but didn't find the upper case for theGreek digamma in the Character Map set. The Greek Symbol with the two

    asterisks means the author found the small case letter for the Greek koppa,

    but didn't find the upper case for the Greek koppa in the Character Map set.

    The Greek Symbol with the three asterisks means the author found the small

    case letter for the Greek sampi, but didn't find the upper case for the Greek

    sampi in the Chracter Map set.)

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    Notice the entry for the value or numeral for 6. When looking at the

    interpretation of Strong's for entry #5516, the number of the beast, the

    letter and value interpretations match for , chi, equaling 600, and ,

    xi, equaling 60. But the letter and value interpretation does not match for

    F, English, or , Greek, digamma. Notice this discrepancy in Strong'sentry #5516 and in the above table. James Strong interprets the last letter , as stigma, not digamma in the lower case. The entry #5516 does use a small case and a small case , but, as far as the author sees it, this

    entry does not use a upper case F, English, or a lower case , Greek, for the value of 6. If the number of the beast is 600, 60, and 6, then why do the

    first two Greek letters match their interpretations but the last one does not?

    An interesting discovery, though, is inserting the three Greek letters

    from entry #5516 in a Micosoft Word document in Windows XP Home

    Edition. This is done by choosing the Insert menu option and then choosingthe Special Character option, then from there choosing Symbol. One will

    find two of the Greek letters needed, but what will not be found is the letter

    for digamma. The interesting discovery, however, is found reading off the Greek letters until coming to the letter for an upper case V. The Greek

    letter is . Now look back and notice how the from the Symbol option

    and the from the Character Map set are alike. As discovered, the letter from the Symbol option is a upper case V in the Greek. As we go on we will

    see the significance in this. Now putting the three Greek letters in a Worddocument we come up with . Next, checking this with the thesaurus, we don't get an interpretation of the last letter, the stigma. But when the

    stigma is substituted with the letter for the upper case V from the Symbol

    option, we come up with . Then checking this with the thesaurus we get

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    the interpretation cxV. Read what the Volume Library, Copyright 1976,

    page 1328 says: ...the Romans borrowed their alphabet from the Etruscans

    and not directly from the Greeks. The sound f did not occur in Greek, but

    was common in both Latin and Etruscan. The Etruscans had experimented

    with three ways of symbolizing this sound. One of the ways was to combine

    the letter F (Greekdigammapronounce as w) and H to represent the sound off; this usage also appears on the ancient Roman brooch....the Romans had

    dropped the H and thereafter used only F to indicate the soundf. Moreover,

    the Romans had a w sound, and if they has borrowed the alphabet directly

    from the Greeks, they would almost certainly have kept the Greek F (with its

    w sound) for the Latin w sound. In the light of the above, the author will

    show reliable sources that the Greek F, English, or the , Greek, can also take the sound of the V or v. Are the readers starting to see the significance

    between the Greek letter for the upper case V and the Greek letter forStigma?

    Moving along, even though the last letter in entry #5516 may not be in

    the small case, Word Windows XP Home Edition does interpret the first two

    Greek letters in the small case because this how they are written in the Greek.

    Read what James Strong in his concordance says after entry #5516: ...the

    22nd , 14th , and an obsol. (obsolete) letter (4742 as a cross) of the Greek

    alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th ), used as numerals; denoting

    respectively 600, 60, and 6; 666 as a numeral :- six hundred threescore andsix. Going over the above we uncover a few things. First, the last letter,

    accordingto Strong, is an obsolete letter of the Greek alphabet. Which means

    it is no longer a letter in the Greek alphabet. Looking at a modern Greek

    alphabet table shows this is true. Next, Strong says this obsolete letter used

    to be between the present-day 5th and 6th letters of the Greek alphabet. Then,

    third, James Strong says the third letter of entry #5516 has entry #4742 as a

    cross or cross-reference. So we are taken to entry #4742.

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    Entry #4742 is from the Greek , and is translated stigma.Read

    what James Strong says for this: From a prim. (primary) stizo (to

    stick, i.e. prick); a markincised or punched (for regognition of ownership),

    i.e. (fig.) scarof service :-mark. James Strong does not interpret the third

    letter as digamma, which is the appropriate interpretation for the value of 6,

    he interprets the third letter as stigma or mark. Why? If the number of thebeast is 600, 60, and 6, the Greek entry #5516 should say chi xi digamma,

    with these names and their corresponding letters, according to the numeration

    table, translating to 600, 60, and 6. Check it out! But Strong does not

    interpret the Greek into chi xi digamma, it is chi xi mark. So how can the

    number of the beast be 600, 60, and 6? According to Strong it is 600, 60,


    Most Christians probably have not studied out this area of prophecy,

    and thought much about what the Greek language really says. For instance,many have thought or assumed the mark of the beast is Sunday Worship.

    This belief has been ingrained into people without any thought to where it

    came from. It has been passed down from generation to generation in God's

    Church, so it has been accepted. When looking at the Greek entry for mark

    from Revelation 13:16-17, however, the translation has nothing to do with

    Sunday Worship. Read what the entry #5480 from Strong's Concordance

    does say: charagma...from the same as 5482; ascratch oretching,

    i.e. stamp (as a badge of servitude), orsculpturedfigure (statue) :- graven,mark. The idea that the mark of the beast is Sunday Worship is read into

    Revelation 13:16-17, but the mark from the Greek does not say this. Greek

    entry #5480 says the mark here is an actual mark that all under a certain

    system will have to have applied. Many have said in God's Church to let the

    Holy Bible interpret itself. But some in God's Church have failed to take their

    own advice.

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    Why does James Strong translate the last letter after as stigma

    instead of the usual Greek letter F, in English, or , in Greek, which would supposedly numerate to 6? So then the translation is 600 ( ), 60

    ( ), mark. But everybody seems to think it is suppose to be 600 (small ),

    60 (small ), 6 (capitolF orsmallf) according to the numeration table. In the

    May 2002 issue ofYahoo! Internet Life there is a web site called xe.com/ucc,which is a web site to CONVERT your money into the euro. If one has a

    currency converter to look up the value of one's country's currency against

    another country's currency, and looks up the currency for all of Europe,

    which is not the euro, but the European Currency Unit, the prefix for the

    European Currency Unit is XEU. Is it just happenstance that the prefix for the

    European Currency Unit is equivalent to the Greek letters ( , ), which

    numerate to 600, and 60? After all, Revelation 13:17 says there will be no

    buying or selling without the mark, or the name, or the number of thebeast. Will the European Currency Unit (xeu) have something to do with

    Revelation 13:17-18.

    The author is opened minded to those who believe the number of the

    beast is 600, 60, and 6, but how are those conclusions drawn? Many things

    need to be explained regarding the contradictions between what many believe

    and what the Greek really says. If Biblical subjects aren't studied out to the

    fullest then things become taken for granted. Those in God's Church could be

    setting themselves up for great deception if they aren't careful.

    Separating Letters and Values

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    In this section we will take a more detailed look at the Greek Alphabet

    on the one hand, and the Greek Numeration Table on the other hand. The two

    tables will be compared so we can separate the letters from the numeration

    values. The first point to notice is how there are 24 letters in the alphabet, but

    there are 27 values in the numeration table. The Greek Alphabet leaves out

    the following Greek values, or symbols: F, English, or , Greek, with the Greek name digamma, the lower case , Greek name koppa, (notice the table), and the lower case , Greek name sampi, (notice the table). As far as the Greek Alphabet is concerned the above values may still be on

    the Greek Numeration Table, but they are obsolete for the alphabet. This is

    why the Greek Alphabet has 24 letters in it. The next point is that although

    there are 24 letters in the alphabet, each of these letters is given a value on

    the numeration table. Looking at the previous numeration table confirms this.

    In the same way, even though the above three values of the three names,digamma, koppa, and sampi, are on longer on the alphabet, they still will

    numerate a value. These points show how the letters in the Greek Alphabet

    have to be viewed differently from the values in the Greek Numeration Table.

    So how does this knowledge have to do with Revelation 13:18? This

    specifically concerns the last letter regarding the number of the beast,

    which supposedly numerates the value of 6. While the first two letters, chi

    and xi, in the Greek Alphabet do numerate to the values 600, and 60, the last

    letter , when supposedly interpreted to digamma, on one hand is obsoletebut yet numerates a value in the Greek Numeration Table. This value is 6.However, as we have shown James Strong does not translate the last letter to

    the value of 6 with the Greek name digamma. He translates the last letter to

    stigma, which means mark. So even though the last letter is separated from

    the other two because it supposedly has a value but is no longer a letter in the

    Greek Alphabet, Strong does not numerate the value as 6. It seems to appear

    that James Strong does not give this last letter a numerical value at all.

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    Now the third point in separating letters and values brings us to the

    Phoenician Alphabet or letters being passed down to what we have in our

    present English Alphabet. It was mentioned earlier that there are reliable

    sources to show the Greek , named digamma, supposedly translated in Revelation 13:18, can take the sound of a v. Notice the table below showing

    the Phoenician Alphabet in the I position, and the phases it went through toour present English Alphabet. Counting down six places brings us to what

    looks like a Y, then move across through the next position ( II ) which is

    the early Greek Alphabet. Then also read the later Greek in the III position.

    Now in the IV position is what became the Latin Alphabet. There is the

    evidence the sixth letter of the Greek Alphabet taking a v sound. And of

    course, in the English Alphabet f is the sixth letter. Notice in the English

    Alphabet how the v, and the u were given their own sounds and thus

    expanding the alphabet. The Greeks eventually gave the u its own sound alsoas it became Upsilon, and the Greek letter for Upsilon in the upper case is

    . So when the Word Processing program was used in Windows XP Home

    Edition, clicking insert on the menu choice, then special character, and

    finally clicking symbol we get what is the Greek Alphabet among other

    symbols. Sounding off the symbols until getting to the V in the upper case

    brings one to the Greek letter . Notice how this symbol is alike to entry

    #5516 in Srong's Concordance of the Greek New Testament. It is interesting

    that this Word Processing program includes the upper case translation in theGreek for the V. In this case this symbol for the V in the Greek is separate

    from the Greek Alphabet because there is no symbol or name for V in the

    Greek Alphabet, that is according to Strong's Concordance of the New of the

    New Testament. Even the supposed symbol for F, in English, or , in Greek , as in Strong's entry #5516, the , is not in the Greek Alphabet anymore. Just as James Strong says under entry #5516, the third letter is obsolete. But this

    lower case does numerate to a value, and as we have seen its value is six. Notice the above table again.

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    To understand why there is and why there was a separation of the Greek

    Alphabet and the Greek Numeration System we read from a source about the

    Greeks. Notice: But styles of dress, decorative art, and practical methods of

    the craftsmen were not the only things which the Phoenician merchants were

    bringing into Greece. For the Greeks now received from the Phoenicians a

    priceless gift, far more valuable than all the manufactured wares of theOrient. Indeed, it was the most imporant foreign contribution that ever

    reached Europe. This new gift was an alphabet. Between 1800 and 1600 BCthe western Semites near Egypt had devised an alphabet drawn from

    Egyptian hieroglyphs. The Phoenicians adopted this system of twenty-two

    alphabetic signs for writing their own language. It contained no signs for

    syllables, but each sign represented a single consonant. There were no signs

    for vowels, which remained unwritten. The western Semites were thus the

    first to devise a system of writing containing only alphabetic signs, that is,true letters. In the twelfth century BC the Phoenicians were already giving up

    the inconvenient Babylonian clay tablet and importing great quantities of

    papyrus paper from Egypt. The Phoenicians arranged their new letters in a

    convenient order, so that the whole twenty-two might form a fixed list, easily

    learned. Such a list could not be learned without giving to each letter a name

    (emphasis mine). They called the first letter of the alphabet ox, because the

    Phoenician word for ox, that is aleph, began with the first letter. The second

    letter of the alphabet they called house, because beth, the Phoenician wordfor house, began with the second letter, and so on. This was not unlike our

    old primers, where our Grandfathers learned to say: 'A is for axe, B is for

    bed,' etc. When the children of the Phoenician merchants learned their

    letters and were called upon to repeat the alphabet, they therefore began:

    'Aleph, beth,' etc., as if our children were to say: 'Axe, bed,' etc., instead of

    'A, B,' etc1 (Ancient TimesA History of the Early World: Volume IIThe

    Greeks, pages 329-330, by James Henry Breasted).

    1 There is some question as to the Phoenicians really having their own alphabet. Their

    alphabet is much like that of the Hebrew Alphabet. Biblical and archeological

    evidence is suggesting that the Phoenicians borrowed from the Hebrew Alphabet, and

    not the other way around as the so-called scholars have long contended.

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    We see how the Phoenician letters were given names at first to represent

    things in their culture. These letters were just consonants with no syllables,

    and no vowels came to be either. The table shows how the Phoenician letters

    evolve into our present alphabet with syllables, consonants, and vowels to

    make words. Read further from the Greeks: The Phoenicians also had a

    literature chiefly religious. Their merchants kept all their business records atfirst on clay tablets but later in their new and convenient alphabet on papyrus.

    We have seen that the Arameans carried the Phoenician alphabet from the

    Aegean and the Mediterranean eastward through Asia to India. In western

    Asia Minor and the Greek islands the Etruscans learned to use the Phoenician

    alphabet, and later they carried it to Italy when they settled their. In the same

    way it reached the Greeks, whom we have seen crowding around the

    Phoenician ships. They often found the Phoenicians handling bits of pale-

    yellow paper on which were written bills and lists of merchandise in strange black signs. These the Greeks viewed at first with misgivings, as being

    mysterious and dangerous symbols. One of their songs of this age speaks of

    them as 'baneful signs' (Page 331, emphasis mine). Notice that the alphabet

    was used by the Phoenicians for business purposes. Read what page 332 of

    the above book says regarding the alphabet used as a business application:

    For a long time it (the alphabet) remained only a convenience in business

    and administration... (emphasis mine).

  • 8/14/2019 Can You Count Six Hundred Three Score and six? Making


    Those who have studied Revelation 13:16-18 see the connection with

    the Greek Alphabet and the Greek Numeration Table. Referring to Revelation

    13:18 concerning the number of the beast God doesn't use the normal

    Greek words for 600, 60, and supposedly 6. God inspired John who wrote the

    book of Revelation to put down Greek letters that need to be numerated, or

    given a value. God says in Revelation 13:17: And that no man might buy orsell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his

    name. Just as the alphabet, adopted by the Greeks from the Phoenicians,

    who most likely adopted it from the Hebrews, see footnote 1, was used for

    business purposes God in the same way brings this back. The three letters

    having to do with the mark, the name, or the number are going to be tied into

    an economic system set up by the beast, a political-economical leader

    many believe will come from Europe. However, others believe this beast

    personage will also have some Muslim extraction in him. Just as the Greekssaw the way the Phoenicians used the alphabet for business as baneful

    signs, or evil signs, Christians see the same evil signs in Revelation

    13:16-18. This political-economic system will not help this world and its

    turmoil, it will in part lead to the brink of total destruction of the world. What

    the Greek says translated to English in Revelation 13:18 is: = 600, = 60,

    and = mark. All this equals 600, 60, mark. There is a distinction of the last

    letter from the others because, according to Strong, it is obsoleteit is no

    longer in the Greek Alphabet. However, it supposedly is in the numeration asthe value of 6. That is, if it is translated digamma as the before-mentioned

    table shows. But once again, James Strong translates the last letter as stigma

    not digamma. So how can the last letter, , have a value when it is not

    translated to take a value? We have seen other obsolete letters, no longer in

    the alphabet, but they still take a numeration value when applicable.

    Digamma, or the small case in the Greek, still takes a numeration value also even if it is obsolete of the alphabet. But the translation in Revelation

    13:18 in Strong's doesn't give the last letter a value. This entry is #5516.

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  • 8/14/2019 Can You Count Six Hundred Three Score and six? Making


    One intriguing question is why didn't God use the normal Greek words

    for 600, 60? What is the difference if the same value is arrived at? One

    answer to consider is that God used Greek letters that are numerated because

    those letters have something directly to do with this economic system of the

    beast. There is the possibility the numerated letters are part of the name of a

    conglomeration that when applied correctly add up to 600, and 60. Thereforethe name of the beast is not the proper name of a person. It is the name of

    an economic conglomerate.

    We observed earlier that there is a web site called www.xe.com/ucc,

    which is used to convert other countries' currency into the European

    Currency Unit. The small x =Currency, the small e =European. Now look at

    entry #5516 in Strong's Concordance, New Testament. One sees a small x

    (Greek small ) that =600, and a small e (Greek small ) that =60. The author

    doesn't believe this is just happenstance. These examples help answer somequestions but not all the questions. We will probably have to keep being

    vigilant in order to answer more questions.

    To gain more understanding on what we do know let's look at examples

    of values in the Holy Bible. This will help us see why God did make a

    distinction between normal Greek words and numerated Greek letters in

    Revelation 13:18. Read Revelation 14:20: And the winepress was trodden

    without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse

    bridles, by the space of a thousand six hundred furlongs. The word for sixhere is entry #1812, which is hexakosioi. This is the normal Greek word

    for 600. The six is added to make six hundred. This difference is obvious

    when things have to be numerated, as the entry is for #5516. What is curious,

    though, is when looking at hundred in regard to Revelation 14:20 the entry

    is, surprisingly, #5516. It appears that six hundred in one case isn't

    numerated, that is when looking at six in Strong's Concordance. But in

    another case it appears that six hundred is numerated, that is when looking at

    six hundred in Strong's. The author doesn't know why there is the difference

    in the two entries. But this curiosity makes the point about normal entries, on

    one hand, and about numerated entries, on the other hand.

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    Another example is found in Mark 4 in which Jesus Christ gives the

    parable of the seed and the sower. Read then verse 20: And these are they

    which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and

    bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred. The

    Greek entry for thirtyfold is #5144, and in Greek is trikonta, the entry for

    sixty is #1835, and is hexakonta, and the Greek entry for hundred is #1540,and in Greek is hekaton. See that these entries aren't numerated. Normal

    Greek words are used to define their values. However, when it comes to

    numerating, 30 = , upper case, (notice the numeration table), , lower case,

    and the symbol name is lambda. 60 = , upper case, (notice table), ,

    lower case, and the symbol name is xi. And finally, 100 = , upper case

    (notice table), , lower case, and the symbol name is rho. The author

    believes there is a great significance in God using just letters that translate to

    symbols, and these symbols that numerate to certain values. As we have seen,in Revelation 13:18 concerning the number of the beast, this 600, and 60,

    one has to use a numeration table to interpret the symbol names correctly.

    We will look at one more example. Then came Peter to him, and said,

    Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven

    times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until

    seventy times seven (Matthew 18:21-22). As the other examples showed,

    Greek words are used here to define seven and seventy. The Greek

    entries for seven are #2033 and #2034, and in Greek are hepta andheptakis respectively. The Greek entry for seventy is #1441, and in Greek

    is hebdomekontakis. But once again, when numerating there is a vast

    difference. According to the numeration table 7 = , upper case, , lower

    case, and the symbol name is zeta. Then 70 = , upper case, , lower case,

    with the symbol name omicron. These scriptural examples are given to

    show Christians the need to educate themselves on the differences between

    the Greek Alphabet and the Greek Numeration Table. It needs to be stressed

    that God doesn't use normal Greek words to interpret Revelation 13:18

    regarding the number of the beast. God uses letters, or symbols, with

    symbol names, that have to be numerated, or given a value. When the readers

    start to study in depth Revelation 13:16-18, they will be directed by God's

    word to familiarize themselves with Greek numeration.

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    The coming section will go into more detail on whether or not the

    mark of the beast has a value. What the Hebrew Alphabet says on this will

    also be examined.

    Does The Mark Have A Value

    To many Christians the mark probably doesn't have a value becausethey haven't viewed Revelation 13:18 as saying anything about a mark.But

    this has been based on a huge assumption. Few, it seems, have studied

    Strong's interpretation of Revelation 13:18 for the number of the beast, let

    alone have studied Greek numeration. We have shown conclusively, and

    without a doubt, this author contends, in order for the number of the beast to

    be 600, 60, and 6, the 6 value would be translated digamma. Just as the

    numeration table reveals. But as has been said numerous times, James Strong

    doesn't translate the last letter to, this small , digamma, he translates the last letter to, , stigma, which means mark. This can be checked by looking up entries #5516 and #4742 in the Greek New Testament


    So now the question we have to examine is whether or not the mark has

    or can take a value. Just because Strong translates the last letter as stigma

    doesn't necessarily mean it can't after all take a value. Let's look at some pros

    and cons. The first point for the pro that the mark takes a value is found in

    Strong's Greek New Testament entry #5516. Despite saying the last lettertranslates to stigma, Strong does mention in the description the letters do take

    the numerals 600, 60, and 6. Most likely, this is where many Christians have

    stopped studying this part of scripture and have settled on what has been

    passed down. The con against the above, however, is that how can there be a

    numeration value without the symbol name digamma? How can stigma take

    the value of 6 when digamma is suppose to?

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    This really brings up the question as to whether or not there is a

    misinterpretation in Revelation 13:18. The translation says what it says in the

    Greek, so the problem doesn't lie there. Books upon books have been written

    about this, but none, if any, go in depth as to what the Greek really says.

    Again, what the Greek really says! It can't be assumed the number of the

    beast is 600, 60, and 6 just because this is what everybody believes. EvenBiblical Scholars have to set things straight as to why the value of 6 is called

    stigma and not digamma. It just may be that the truth from the Bible has

    become lax, and therefore what many Christians believe has become lax.

    Another con to the mark having a value is found in the bookAlpha Beta

    How 26 Letters Shaped The Western World, copyright 2000, by John Man.

    On page 289, Appendix 2, Man lists different alphabets of some major

    cultures. Turning to page 293 brings us to the Greek Alphabet. Going down

    the alphabet table, stop at the symbol name digamma. What is listed after it?Nothing is. And the reason why is because this letter, in the upper F, as the

    table shows, or in the lower , is obsolete. It is no longer used in the Greek Alphabet, especially in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. Strong's

    Concordance of the Holy Bible in the back shows the Greek Alphabet and the

    upper and lower case entries of digamma aren't found. Even James Strong in

    his interpretation of #5516 calls the letter for digamma obsolete.

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    Now as we have covered earlier, just because some letters are obsolete

    doesn't mean they can't still take a value when numerated. Digamma is one

    example that could numerate to the value of 6 where applicable. But this is

    the whole point being made. How can stigma ever numerate to the value of 6,

    and why would it ever replace digamma? So therefore how is it possible that,

    even though James Strong calls the last letter in the number of the beast,entry #5516, stigma, it can take the value of 6? To numerate to the value of 6

    the proper translation is the symbol name digamma. How could the value of 6

    take any other symbol name? The author sees the answers to these questions

    as pretty plain.

    There is a final con for the mark of the beast taking a value, and this,

    surprisingly, is found in the Hebrew Alphabet. An article in The Jerusalem

    Connection publication called Learning The Letters helps us understand.

    In class at Wheaton College Graduate School, I asked the late, great Hebrewscholar, Dr. Barton Payne, 'Dr. Payne, the 6th letter is written vov, vav, wow

    and waw. I'm confused. Is it- w or v?' In his usual, enthusiastic approach,

    this incredible teacher...paused, and said in a loud voice, 'Wow! What a

    question!' Then he casually got up, continued the lesson, and nothing more.

    That day I learned the original pronunciation of the 6 th letter of Hebrew.

    However, today in Israel it is pronounced 'Vav.' So it will be (The Jerusalem

    Connection, Spring 2002, page 14, by Pat Mercer Hutchens). If we go back

    to the quote from The Volume Library, copyright1976, we saw that the Greeksymbol name digamma has or can take the w sound. And from the Greek

    Alphabet Table in the book The Greeks, digamma can also take the v

    sound. From the above article notice the correlation with the sixth letter in the

    Hebrew Alphabet and the sixth letter in the ancient Greek Alphabet and its

    evolution through Latin and English. Read more from the above article: Vav

    is not as much a letter as a determinative, a graphic symbol to denote a class

    or category, like stress marks, periods, commas, quotations and

    parentheses...A determinative gives the reader informationlike a stop sign.

    Vav is this type of unique, multi-purpose, chameleon-like sign (The

    Jerusalem Connection, page 14).

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    In the Hebrew Alphabet the declension of letters determines their

    numeration value. For example, Alef =1, Bet =2, Gimel =3, and so on.

    However, Pat Mercer Hutchens is saying that Vav, usually the value of 6,

    can also mean a symbol for something. She says: Vav is not as much a letter

    as a determinative, a graphic symbol to denote a class or category.... Do the

    readers see what the author is getting at? James Strong translates the lastletter of the number of the beast as stigma, which takes no value, instead of

    digamma which in Greek numeration takes the value of 6. These correlations

    can't just be happenstance. When examined closely these correlations are

    very significant. The parallels between what was once the 6th letter of the

    Greek Alphabet, and its subsequent translation by James Strong in Revelation

    13:18 as stigma, which doesn't have a value put as stigma, and the present 6th

    letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, with its subsequent translation to also mean a

    symbol for something, are plainly there. The 600 ( ) and the 60 ( ) in theGreek language of the New Testament may not have any translations or

    parallels with the Hebrew language of the Old Testament. But the last letter,

    according to Strong, in Revelation 13:18, once the 6th letter in the Greek

    Alphabet, and the 6th letter in the Hebrew Alphabet have clear parallels. The

    author believes the readers can put together these parallels and understand

    what is being said.

    So to the question: Does the mark have a value? After asking questions,

    looking at the Greek and the Hebrew Alphabets, studying how things aretranslated, and researching the stigma character, the author believes the

    answer is no! The mark doesn't have a numeration value. The author believes

    James Strong calls the letter in the Greek in Revelation 13:18 stigma to set it apart from the other letters. The other letters on one hand translate to

    numeration values, = 600 and = 60, with no discrepancies. But the last

    letter in the number of the beast in Revelation 13:18, the above letter , on the other hand has great discrepancies in it having a numeration value of

    6. Digamma should be the proper translation from the Greek Numeration

    Table for the value of 6. Then why in the world does Strong translate it


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    Could this stigma be the answer to the mark of the beast? This is the

    direction the author is leaning. Read Revelation 13:17, in the King James

    Version, that sets a distinction the author feels there is in Revelation 13:18:

    And no man might buy or sell, save he that has the the mark, or the name of

    the beast, or the number of his name (emphasis mine). The word that is most

    significant in Revelation 13:17 is or, because it sets the distinction betweenthe mark of the beast, the name of the beast, and the number of the

    beast. If the word and was used this would probably imply that all three

    of the above have to be applied to the inhabitants of the world in order to

    buy or sell, as Revelation 13:17 says. But with the word or this implies

    one or the other two separately have to be applied to buy or sell, run a

    business, trade, and the such. This fact along with the translation by Strong as

    stigma leads to this stigma, or mark, being distinct from the other letters.

    Therefore the author concludes the mark doesn't have a value.

    What Is A Stigma?

    To understand the answer to the question: What is a stigma?, we will

    look at a few sources. The first source is that of the dictionary. Read this from

    Webster's Dictionary, 1977 edition, by Bookman's Press, page 366: n. brand;

    mark of disgrace; stain on character; blemish on skin. This dictionary

    definition of stigma is much like entry #4742 in Strong's Concordance for the

    New Testament: stigma, from a prim. (primary) stizo (to 'stick,'i.e. prick); a mark incised or punched (for recognition of ownership), i.e.

    (fig.) scar of service:-mark. These definitions help highlight what James

    Strong is talking about in writing stigma instead of digamma in Revelation

    13:18. Recall entry #5516 in Strong's, New Testament, the first part: chi xi

    stigma; khee, xee, stigma; the 22nd , 14th , and an obsol. (obsolete) letter (4742

    as a cross) of the Greek alphabet.... This is what God inspired the Apostle

    John to write regarding the number of the beast in Revelation 13:18. And

    again, the word stigma means mark.

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    Now let's look at another source. This source is the bookAncient Greek,

    copyright 2001, by Gavin Betts and Alan Henry. We simply turn to page 376,

    and go down the page until we see tattoo-mark. Notice thedefinition for the word stigma is tattoo-mark. This definition doesn't just

    say mark, as the above sources do, it says tattoo-mark. Need we have to

    define what the word tattoo means or implies? These sources are plain, andclear as to what the stigma is in Revelation 13:18. The name of the beast,

    or the number of the beast may not have to be applied on people in order

    for them to buy, sell, trade, or run a business. However, the stigma, and its

    definitions, seem to imply that this mark will be applied on people, like a

    tattoo. This is all the more reason why the author believes the stigma is set

    apart from the other letters, and symbol names, and why the stigma doesn't

    have a value.

    The third source for finding out what the stigma is, is the Holy Bible.Look at the only place in the Bible where the word stigma is used: ...for I

    bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus (Galatians 6:17). The Greek

    word for marks here is translated stigma. But this stigma that Paul is

    speaking of, and that all true Christians should adhere to, has good meaning.

    Christians suffer for the sake of what they are proclaiming to the world.

    Sometimes there were literal marks left on Christians for their service to God

    the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Read 2 Corinthians 6:4-6. Certainly in

    the case of Paul he also had literal marks, as is found in 2 Corinthians11:23-27. The stigma in Revelation 13:18, however, has bad meaning. The

    world's inhabitants will be subjected to an economic system that will force

    allegiance on it. According to Revelation 13:2 the political-economical

    beast will have power,...(a) seat, and great authority from the dragon,

    or Satan the devil. The Greek letters along with the small case and the small case are truly baneful signs, as the bookThe Greeks says.

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    Now, the Greek word for mark found in Revelation 13:16-17 is not

    stigma. The Greek translation is , charagma, which means: a

    scratch or etching, i.e. stamp, (as a badge of servitude),...:-graven, mark.

    This entry in Strong's is #5480. Notice how this entry is very alike to entry

    #4742. Some questions arise as to why there is the two definitions for

    mark, entries #4742 and #5480, but yet having similarities. One answercould possibly be that #4742 is the mark of the beast itself. Entry #4742

    says ...a MARK incised or punched... (emphasis mine). We can deduce

    from the above that this is the literal mark, or, in the Greek, a tattoo-mark.

    Then looking at #5480 it says: ...a SCRATCH orETCHING, i.e. STAMP...

    (emphasis mine). We can deduce from the above that this is how the mark

    of the beast is applied. The differences arise from the context they are found

    in. The literal mark from #4742 is found in Revelation 13:18 speaking about

    Greek letters and their translations and their numeration values. How themark is applied from #5480 is found in Revelation 13:16-17 speaking about

    Greek words and their translations. Which ever context is used doesn't change

    the fact that the mark of the beast won't be anything saving for the world.

    Another source for explaining what the stigma is, is the bookAlpha

    Beta, mentioned before, by John Man. On page 60, speaking about the

    Chinese Alphabet, Man says: One final trait is unique to Chinese. In

    evolving the scripts, scribes adopted the technique of welding the twoelementsdeterminative and the root wordto form a single diagram. In

    hieroglyphic and cuneiform, by contrast, the determinative acts as a separate

    unit. Man also says on page 57: Both hieroglyphic and cuneiform

    contribute to the seedbed from which the alphabet sprang.

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    Recall the parallels shown between the 6th letter of the Hebrew

    Alphabet and the once 6th letter of the Greek Alphabet, the , which is now obsolete. The parallels show the similar v or w sounds in both alphabets,

    ancient and modern. Read again what Pat Mercer Hutchens says of the

    determinative Vav in the Hebrew Alphabet: Vav is not as much a letter as

    a determinative, a graphic symbol to denote a class or category... (TheJerusalem Connection, spring 2002, page 14). Even the 6th letter found in the

    Phoenician Alphabet, the letter looking like a Y, translates also to a V.

    This fact is found on page 292 of John Man's bookAlpha Beta. This author

    believes the stigma in Revelation 13:18, entry #5516, is a determinative and

    is therefore separate from the other Greek letters found in that verse. James

    Strong calls the last letter stigma, not digamma, in order to set it apart.

    The last source for answering, What is a stigma?, is also found in the

    Holy Bible. This is the whole chapter of Revelation 13. The readers aredirected to read this chapter to understand the kind of conditions that will be

    in this world. Notice especially verse 6. To be caught in this situation will

    mean allegiance to the power and authority of the beast. Those who find

    themselves entrapped truly will have a stigma place on their lives. If any

    man (person) have an ear, let him hear (Revelation 13:9).

    We will conclude in the next section. This section will deal with why

    God instructs his servants to count.

    Why God Wants Us To Count

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    To answer this section, Why God wants us to count, we will examine

    some scriptures involving the word count. The first scripture is found in

    Leviticus 23. This chapter introduces God's Festivals that coincide with his

    plan for mankind. In verses 9-22 God reveals the Feast of Fruits, or

    commonly called Pentecost. Read what verses 15-16 say: And ye shall count

    unto you from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought thesheaf of the wave offering; seven Sabbaths shall be complete: even unto the

    morrow after the seventh Sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall

    offer a new meat offering unto the Lord (King James Version). The entry for

    count in Strong's Concordance, Hebrew language, #5608. The definition

    means, toscore with a mark as a tally or record, i.e. (by impl.) (implication)

    to inscribe, and also to enumerate.... To figure Pentecost, 50 days have to be

    counted with seven Sabbaths, or 49 days. The next day is Pentecost and will

    always be on a Sunday. God here gives instruction to his servants to countthese days to figure Pentecost. What is asked is personal initiative on the part

    of Believers to arrive at the proper date. However, on certain years there may

    be 3 or 4 dates depending on when the count starts. So even with personal

    initiative there is still the element of human imperfection. The point,

    however, in God asking his followers to count is so they take the initiative.

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    The second scripture involving the word count is found in Luke

    14:28: For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first,

    and counteth the cost, whether we have sufficient to finish it? The entry in

    Strong's, Greek language, is #5585 and translates: psephizo,...to use

    pebbles in enumeration, i.e. (gen.) to compute:- count. Jesus Christ givesmore explanation in verses 29-30 to show that before undertaking anything

    one must ask what the price will be. This doesn't just apply to building things,

    it also applies to the walk of Christians. Do Christians count the cost of

    being in service to God and Jesus Christ? Do Christians have the marks of

    the Lord Jesus? Or, would Christians rather not? The point God is making in

    Luke 14:28 is the same point as in Leviticus 23:15-16.Personal initiative has

    to be used to be diligent in counting the cost of what it means to be a

    Christian.The last scripture that involves God wanting us to count is Revelation

    13:18: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of

    the beast.... The word count here in the Greek is the same entry as is found

    in Luke 14:28. This being entry #5585. Even though God knows how to

    figure things in Revelation 13:18, he still asks Believers to figure it out

    themselves. Again, like the other two scriptural examples, personal initiative

    has to be given. But it is the fear of this author that too much is being

    assumed in counting the number of the beast. How can one count 600, 60,and 6, when the Greek letters needed to numerate don't say this? is

    translated correctly as 600, is translated correctly as 60, but the Greek letter

    , according to James Strong, is not translated as 6. James Strong calls this last letter stigma, which means mark, or tattoo-mark. In order for

    Christians to understand clearly, without assumptions, they need to heed

    God's word. Notice: Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast

    that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22, KJV). In the Greek the word

    for prove is dikomazo...to test( lit. or fig.); by impl. to approve:-

    allow, discern, examine,...prove, try.

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    Before the author decided to write this how many Christians knew

    clearly what the Greek said, how many knew God used letters that have to be

    numerated? Did they know what those letters were before? The author no

    doubt made assumptions, or else he wouldn't have had to write this. If many

    Christians can't say off the top of their heads what is being said in the Greek

    in Revelation 13:18, then how do they know they are right? Initiative has tobe applied in our lives so we dispel assumptions and understand things

    clearly. Once initiative is taken then new doors are opended to deeper

    understanding. And of course, initiative leads to a far, far more open mind.

    This is probably in part what Paul meant in 1 Thessalonians 5:20 by

    saying, Depise not prophesyings. Prophesyings here is translated to

    prediction, and is from a related word prophet, which means forteller,

    inspired speaker. So in essense Paul is telling Christians to not think nothing

    of those who are revealing deeper truths from God's word. If one is inspiredby God to say truths and to say revelations, then this person should be

    listened to with an open mind. It is the duty of all who have read this to

    examine what has been presented. There are discrepancies that now need to

    be addressed regarding accepted teachings on the number of the beast. No

    more can Christians let others tell them what God's word says or doesn't say.

    They have to take their own Holy Bibles and really, truly look for

    themselves. Only in this way do Christians truly prove all things, especially

    in this age of technology and this age of access to information.The author has presented information that he hopes will spark more

    questions, more inquiries, and will lead to the desire to understand God's

    word in a more profound way. So therefore, Can you count six hundred

    threescore and six? The author hopes that whatever answer the readers

    arrive at is no longer assumed or taken for granted. With that said, take to

    heart the scripture found in Romans 16:25-26: Now to him that is of power

    to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ,

    according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the

    world began, but now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets,

    according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to all

    nations for the obedience of faith.

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