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Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

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Canadian National Railways System Time Tables April 30, 1950
j:. eoring with q trsin lime indicoles o cnd symbols ore exploined under " oppeoring ol or naor lhc. l j ' ll' \ t : voriodt ccrs whic.h moke-up. o ,; udrs rleepingi psrlori or dining' - ed clore lo lho lroin's llme-loblc'' Vfinnipag.JgsFet-Prlncr Rupcfl r 59 SA3KAICHEWA-! .. : .. : : lires Eorlof f, Aucugr . SEPTEMBET lfuY$ slr,rlrlwlTllls I ll"l.lwl:l.ls i {E{J;rl} ,il,d,il,ililhilril,rl,il,il,il,il,ll,i !W ?jif[i*pii"j': lrjifilslleillffis :. fitit;i;r,a; ririiixt*irlli$; ffi
Page 1: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


eoring with q trsin lime indicoles ocnd symbols ore exploined under

" oppeoring ol or naor lhc. l


' ll' \ t :

voriodt ccrs whic.h moke-up. o ,;udrs rleepingi psrlori or dining' -ed clore lo lho lroin's llme-loblc''

Vfinnipag.JgsFet-Prlncr Rupcfl r 59 SA3KAICHEWA-!.. : .. : : lires Eorlof f,

Aucugr . SEPTEMBET lfuY$slr,rlrlwlTllls I ll"l.lwl:l.ls i {E{J;rl}

,il,d,il,ililhilril,rl,il,il,il,il,ll,i !W?jif[i*pii"j': lrjifilslleillffis :. fitit;i;r,a;

ririiixt*irlli$; ffi

Page 2: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

IET'.C:* rilhiil L

":.qG lec *;

@r trrbdEerFb

r= st5ArD.jl t€r:A :

UTATCT{EWANlirrer Eor lolHumboldl, Ytoron Boy.,,.-;i{


Page 3: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


) ;t1oW p=dtu,l<


lll rt*-'l"&-f*.

.RJrvWe lp tu

Page 4: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Gonodion Notioiroi Steomships Operote o Yeor-Round Service to Bermudo ond the Britlrh Wert lndier

Sqve Time - lllqke Reservotions Eorly - Buy Tickets in Advonce qnd Add to Your Own Comfort

Page 5: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Trqyel by Troin


for Dependsble, All-Weqther Service. Arrive Refreshed.a

Iac Ia







gowGlr s









Rsilwoy System on the North Americon Continent

Page 6: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


9c. t?^ xoqnr:

ft{t' ne',EB

$"$ss# grt



r*u trrrfffirtfr i4'{drcris,#rfrrFr








+e'il Fl*r norno, osroro

tlo. I-MO?{TRf,AL TO VAIICOUVER Bt hn. 26 rninr"Ho.3-TOr|OHTO TO VANCOUVER ag hrr. 4E mlnr.

ffi" r.""':*'o+*- rn" o-

dJ n"'

U'N I T E gr

'' : I No.2-VAHCOUVER TO tlOl{TREAL g2 hrr. C{l mtne, I ilo.4-vAilcouvER To ToRoNTo ao hrr. ro nrlnr.

Ealitrouir-Datly Exrr*t ry Dlva





l]59I 486r50lr 518


fvfslo,rt Looloutk Mlnell. Ont. . .

$)*,nnt".". MAt..Ar Brandon l{orth (Bnndon)At Fllvcrr, Mrn.k Mrlvllb. Srrk .











?185 Lv Longleo 10. I 6m?2& LvHornrpayn.... 'i.OOrn

4>4 Lv Fotcyct. 5. l5yn?n? Ar Caprrot. . i.Oi-2592 Lvceprrol.,...;il; $1;",1"1,: : : : : : . : : : : Y?t28 Ar'Parry Sound. I?778 k ToRoNTo. oNT. Y

?WZ Lv Capr:ol. 9.25rn2s86 $)n".,' Bry . { ii:3iffi?_9!2 fi)o.."*',ont... {[:lHAn lr MoNTREAL, ouE. i.OC"r'

Page 7: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Canadian 'National RailrfiffitoN NADA..

s€-.i$- rt

d-oo'.y'.i.$."* "-,$$ ,"'"

\ryr.c,a,tLtf l '


TTONTREA L-WT NN I PEG-VANCOUVER' No, I WEt"rour.o Ho. 2 EAsrrouro

Coechor *Montrsel and Winnioeo. *Winnioeo and Vancouwr.C.oach lunch aorvice available-Caoreol-Wi-nnioog, Winnifoo-Siskstoon. EdmontorrVencouvor.

Dining Car Servica *Montreal and VancouvorTorrirt-Sleepinq Car *Montreal and Vancouvsr (Not. tn ond ,68) l,l Sec. (Kitchon facilitior).Slocping Cerr *Montrsal and Norenda auot. 171 o'til t7gl l2 S€c., O.R.'

(Park6d at North Bey until 7.30 a.m, thonca in No. 47-58 to Norrnda.)(ln No.5l-tl6 Noranda to North Bry-parked at North Bay 10.45 p.m.

thonce in No. 2 to Montr6al).. *Montroal end Vancouver (Not. t8, atd 16g, Bodroom, Buffet Lounge,

*""1,'831i'ollf$'lilJ#i;, ,"*. r[s adr6a I s6c., D.R., 2 Gprc.*Montroal and Winnipeg (No!.156 and 166) l2 Sec., D.R. From Montoal

June lst until S€ptombor 28th incl.; From Winnipeg Juno 3rd untilSoptomhor 30th, incl.

f Vancouvor to St. Paul (No.8A Pullman 6 Gompt.,3 D.H., in G,N, No. Igjfr"#illf,"rl. ,(From vancouvor first trip June 26th and last trip

fWinnipog and Vancouver (Not. ,t7 ard, 1681 24 Sgplox Boomotts. Fir3tlrip from Winnipog May l5ttr. First trip from Vancouver May l6th,

f Bhre Biver to Kerowna (No. 8Ut\ l? Soc., D.R. From Elue Piver Sun.,Tues. and Thur., in No. l. ln No. 194 from Kemtoops Jot., Mon., Wed.. and Fri, 9ee Tabte 306,

f Kelowna (ox. Sun.) to Vancouvor (No. 7tg) l? Soc., D,R.' ln No. l9l to Kamlooos.fVancouver (er. Sat.l to Keloyne lNaAO) 12 Scc., D.B.

ln No. t94 from Kamloops Jct.*Kulowna to Blua. Rivcr (l'o. 808} l2 Soc., D.R. (From Kclowna Mon.,

Wed. and Fri. in No. l9J to Kamloops-soc Table 30Fparked itKamloops until 4.00 a.m., transfsrred to Kamloops Jct., snd thonco toBlue Rivsr Tus., Thu. and Sat in No. 2).

*Saskatcsn to Winnipso (No. 170) 12 Soa, D.R., (Opon in Sasketoon at9 00 o.m.).

Mountain ObservationCar Jaoper and Kamloops Jct., June lst until Septsmbor l5th, inclusiw.

LONGLAC_PO-T ARTHUR_FORT YVILLIAilINor. 79 end 80-Longle*-Po"t /lFlhur-Fod Wllllern

*Buffot Slooping Car (10 sec., D.R.) (No. 245).

o*"LiJt3:n'l:.il$.1{}[iii or No. 3, parked in port Arthur untit 8.s e.m.fBuffet Sleepins Car (10 Sec., D.R.) (No. 246).

Port Arthur to Longlac.Opcn in Port Arthur at i0.00 p.m., parked in Longlac until errival of Nc,2 end 4.

s11111p6ffiMoxrot{*Goach. ...i:::.::.:::..'.'?... ...winnioegssaskaroon

Coach.. .,..Saskatoon-Edmonton*Slooping Car ( l2Sec., D.R.)Wor.1tsand7t{) A *BuFBt Lounge Car. WinoipegSaskatoon


Ldi"lio'. r,, rd qndh r.kilr .Mmdrtwdd.vrdFdd.n ',tf,,LT"jU'il"1l1.t i:tlil^"?l'"liJ*",:l:1iff?;-,k9tE6thiq6nfttid! A tdrr,ftldryMd8.tudr& lorF bnuitusno.n, rr4i;;6;;;iia;b;-!ifi;;

t Bliif.l#fi996; ^n-a'n6. . wddrv, F id.v md 8vnd.,. lfrl"ffi#*iil,trii#f*J::l::**1.:lgI p*O Enclis Jr'.2.h'^rdv. $tury 7.25 rn.d 6d I .r^NDx-By bu d d h 8Mn Ndh e.dil b .is dyidad tu?- .jiii' iilG.-t ;li- 7.0..n. *$4NotsdrlF7. @n.

fllhhd l.ildl{ {{ln ild... dr b Lbb.idlrr erdl4 6lnr



' tyo. 3 Wf$.ouxo No. 4 EarrBouxDCoecher ' *Torcnto and Winnipoo. JrWinnipeg and Vancouwr,__ Corclr lunch sarvics-avrilabie-Capreot-winnipog, Winrii*osaskatoon, Edmonto*VancoirwrDininE Car Servlce *Toronto and Vancouver.TourigtSloeping Crr8 *Toronto and Vancouvot (Nor, l!6 end !IA l, Soc. (Kitchon facilitiss).- *Tomnto and Vancouvor (Noi. 119 and tfi, 14 Sec. ( Kitchsn facilitic<).Slespino Can fToronto and Sudbury (Not. ,41 Mn 242) 12 Ssc., O.R.

t.'b:9 ilitor:?;1":'jl'flPf il,irii l#,o"Jl'l;L,.o Juno zzncr; then

su;J;ii,htv-iioni-ri'onti l^tii berite#uei Jid' in'cr-usiue-;rrair o-ailioperation will be resumod. Car will operate in No. 5l daily excspt Sun-

. Monday only from Sudbury until August 28th inclusive; Sundav Seo-t€mbsr 3rd, and daily oporation will be resumed S€ptomhr 5th. Car willoperato in No. 52 daily cxcopt Monday from Sudbury June 24th until

i Soptsmb€r 2nd inclusivo and Monday, Septomber 4th.r *Toronto and Vancouvet (Not.87 andgg) l0 Soc., D.R., Cpt. From. Tor^on-to Juno- lst-until Soptombar 26th, incl, From Vancduvdr Juno 5th

: *Toronto and Vancouver (Nat. 91 dnd gt, I Sec., D.R,, 2 Cpts.

i *titHr,3o,:"$.yelffi.*r 0.ror. 8e @Iit eor Bedroom, Buffcl, Lounse,

: *St. Pau-l to Vancouver (No.7A Pullman 6 Compt.,3 D.R., in G.N. No.7to.Winnipeg. (From St. Paul first trip June lJrd and last trip Septsmbor

I lstl., **A?fihl: Edmonton (No. 189 12 Sec., D.R. First trip from winnipos

f Edmonton to Saskatoon (No. I7o, 12 Scc., D.R.Parrod tn Saskatoon until 8.00 a.m.

t'rl BB

iaI su

;"1 su:t;:ls"lslSu.1..1.tul utl t.t,.1..1.:l:.1.,t..1.:l;iu I lr{!1iluu lTu\t lTlr. -t-rr lru:li,t,-l--.1..1.rui Wrul W-l--rr lrutl t

.l t:"lw.l'rulf

Mountain ObservationCar



Page 8: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

J-gmslfr 9;JFIll-A.PFtf, HIA*!ffi *Hffiils"tRs[:NH!**-*J-RRKrrsre $ *11i. rxr

LrA, WESTBOUND Errtrrn Timo tl*'Mil'

usrabuno Frrbrn Timc ,r!ff-, I ^... wEsr'quile

'.rnrn rrr' '


lll Hi:{i,i:fi ::::: ,*:'*{Hfr I "i:lH,r'."fiy,"rff:* :": ,:*'L!.? l.r sL C.thrrtn.a . 6.;q?:I Fn;"lii"Flii'.lonr.. . ",.j6H L, r,",,.Il1l.sj"iE[*"Pt1? r ??cnb2.aEnLr.ii.-Flii.lo'"i.,.; . : i:iifr I ulr,n.5l?t",lli.'tT}i,iL1ft . 7.zs"'tSl.0rrsurprnrronaitgs!,Hi!:_.___:_r6.ooffi I _iildUE'.on.p.,...... 6 8.5trnE Effil-r i;gtr

,.,,.9 ll:::,::",Jr.J.......r.y.a.t" atgru'r I :: I ilfiljl*jrt|1a,pa". .nirpnvortrs. ll?nrqr.? li i:'"'i:?f.J.':::: : :'"'t* ol!:i?H I :: I tlfilJil';l'3$:'.'i: : :,-r'H. i:flHl/0'o r sav?" Pr.- : l.{qq I gS.O Lv BrrrlcHrx" . .LV.B.R- 9.zlrn?7l 6Ewirk.i-8r'r....... : i:lp I .gjlLyArtrntown. . 9.34F1328.5 ArLrhicrrton....:::: : 5.gq",, I fig:ifiLrrrgrton. . t0.o7ntif:| f A'.!,L':;.|' : : : : : : : : itl^ I ii6:6[iw,rr-.i'e;,i'.; :;; ; ; : ir.I?i;=: iffi l g#iiF;f;.tr#., ..',, i i'ffi:: fil^iLilt'ii1;i,i...T;__ti'il?Sil Itr j#lr Ailantio City,lr Baltimore. Mr

370.6 lrErrton,Pa.. .. .,Lv.rrp. A20rn I l -:0-43b.2 lr Nrmrk.N.J.PonLEh... .- i:qd -.Hlin,.or,'Frl!,ont... . 5.45il446.6 k Jrnry Glry. N.penn. srn.. rl,JoJ: ; 6:6?il [:8 LI t;e.ih;,i;;.-.". : . . I 6.Qean

447.6 k flrw Yoex. N.'pun";,r**1i,,il"""*,, , t:--_..^ |j:.1[i:gi*t;.: ::::i t , d;ffi :,BEFgREHCA MARKS

f,leoulrrly esrlgnod carr Alr-Conditioncd 'ii.; r' ,

o^ ln.qpn^!!1g.iJo€8 not run yil guftslo, conncction medc rt Dcaow. .

u. l.-r.dilral I rm6. M.T.- Mountain Timo. p.T._prcinc TtmaOCommerrcins Jun6 l8th Lv. Aua;tic cit,i'i.iS d.iir.' ,,, .


EAUtPMEttT -TABLE fio. g

Tnln 8lFfll&-tTHE MAPLE LEApCo.$.............*Toronto to New york.

*Toronto to Bufirlo,

Trrlo No. 7-9194-"THE MApLE LEAFilCoech.. .......,..*New york to Toronto.

*Buflato to TorontoBultot-Prrlor Crt

(IY'o. ts7)... ....*Nirgtrr Felb,ont. to Toronto.Elooging Car (8 Soc-

4 Doublo Bedrooniruppor rnd lowor)(N o, 20) ,. . .. . , , * Ncr York to Toronro.

Slecping Car (10 SGc,.I D. R., 2 Cptr.t[No, S2gr.. . ,.. . *philedotphir to Toronto.

Crfc-Lounge Car .. *New york to Lchiohton.


E .'Dt' rA*: g ;f yli noasox Rour; - -- -'' . e'"*or.

ur).. coHDEf{sEo DAtLy sc}rEDur-t oiir

EAUIPMENTllor. 7 rrrd.FSt. Prgt-Wlnnlpre*Coechss.*8 Soc., Lounoe (No.32)*8 Soc, 2 CPts., I D.R'. (No. 3l)

ThrcuCh Alr-Condltlon.dSlc.plno Cst

Nor.7-3 & 2-8 St.P.ul-Vrnsouv.r.ti ?f,iJ.:its:Xaocou

vB r (N o' 75)'

(F1om St. Paul, June 23rd until.. Soptcmbor lst, inclusivoy.

"?f;if:iBig.€t. paur rlio. s5y.

(From Vanco uver, Juns 26th untilSopt€mber 4th, inclusivor.

Tickols should rsad via pullmanletwean St. Faul and Winnipog'i;dCanadian National bstwean-Winni-pog and Van@uvor.

Hor. 2 rnd lllYlanl1rlg-lh 66suyT

Scc Tebte No. l, xgc 3.

_ , ,.. t.: :.


Dartag the aunncr rao!o4,

from tu.ae 23rd urtil Septem.ber

4th, tLrough air-conditioned6 comportmeuf 3 drowinqrogm aleepiag c<rrr o're op.sroted belween St. P<rul,Mianecpolir cnd Winnipeg,Soskotooan Edmootoa, Jorpor(Nationcrl Pcrrl) ond Vancouver.

Vle an_y oonvenlcnt day Irorvice oonnocting \

at SL paut 7 I

Drily&rn. 8.00 D.m.Sun. 8.30 b.m.Mon. 6.07 a.m.Mon. 8.ffi a.m.

{1i5""!LtiH$fl#Lt chtoreo,|tr...... .....(c.T.)....lt

t ,


DrrlvLl SL Prut, Mrnn........9t. Nor. Ry...(C,T.)....41 8.00 i.m. Wod.Lr Mrnnrepoil., Mrnn..,.Gt. Nor. Ry,,.(C.T.)... . lr 7.?5 a.m. WodLr Emrnon. Mrn........Q!. t-*or. Ri...ac.T-i.....lr i.ii t.;: rrjur.lr Wlnnlprs, Man........ClL Nor. Ry.,.(C.T.),...Ll 2,30 p.m. Tuer


9.! i.t. [.r Wtnnlpre. Man........C.N. Ryr......(C.T.]....tr?.90 p.r. Ar -serrrt-oJi, sarrl......e.N: Hh.::::.ili.fi....[r?:# lH: f, )ea-o.to., Aru.......G.N. Ryr......o*.r.t...{[

,l:9t 3:n: il |r.,o.'. Art!...........c.N. *".....{[fnrt;]:::lll1.45 a.m. lr Vrneuvrr. 8,C..,.....C.N. Rn....,.(P,T.i....lLt


6,10 o.m. Tucr5,30 a.m. Tuer9.00 p.m. Mon.8.30 p.m. Mon.2.35 p.m" Mo.L1.05 p.m. MorL7.30 P m. Sun.


P.W. Teletype links two or more offices inslontly, withtypewritten messoges. Fosf, sure, economicol- used

by hundreds of go-oheod firms, locolly ond coost locoost. Coll your locol telegroph office ... on expert


I:::::T lnl;;:"X:con :errevou best"'ond * g*rl ffusinnreWPltqes

AT TI{E'$4frI6 1liRE !P.sZ. Teletype is a combined caoadian National - canadian pacificservice handling more than TsVo of all canadian teleryDe service.

Page 9: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950
Page 10: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


A'tt Itudo I


filrd UD2 M206rM2 il

Orilylsrt. lwod,



rt lrtlt- |EASTBOUND I

R..d Ur I











Page 11: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950




uar-a 2 |Centrd Timc



I Stops for passsnge€ to or fromWinnipeg and beyond.

s Stoos foirgvonuo passengers to orfrom Winnipeg and beyond.

o Nos. 3 and 4 stop at Mud RivorTuesday, Thuisday and Satur'dav for r€venue passongots to orfroh Capreol, Port Arthur, SiouxLookout or beyond.

ra No. I stops on sional at KukatushNlon. and Fri.: No. 2 Tuo.. Fri.and Sat.

..b 77?l

.235 858 I,.253 855 I

880 I9{]1964 I.. - rms I... il33 1.. ra5 I...12771

... 12781...r4l8lI

noto) I... 15?l


^{H |57r

I... 16031.,. 16231... 16471...16301... 15621... t4981. l]72l...12761.i.r:or...t{08...t6m...1620

165?...t687...1R3...tn3... 1739...rR3. l77e

.^{H rBr2





..,?2rl...unEAUIPMENT_PAGE t

Page 12: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

::l':::l:::il::::l::3.3t 4.3.29 4.

:: I ::


::l:::: I ::::t.:::l::

12. rd i:l2.ool L


No{. I NotBlo



RANSCONTINENTAL SERVICE-lcontinued from Pages o & r) tr,l0t-ITBEAL-

uar-: lJMib.froarMon-troal

Page 13: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


T^BLE 23


No. t96LoavcsPrlncrRup.tt

&00 prnMon.. Wcd

A Fri.ArrivclJerptt

6.S earWod., Frl.

4 Sun"Sco

Tablo.n5 &n6


Swltt C..tkVrlamosntCrderrldrCrnor RlvrlAtbr.drCt.mlna.Gotnall .. '... . . .Lrmpriorc,Pyrrmld(Frllr).....ThundorFlvrr.. .. ..Rrdund,BLU:Rrvri....

^tHAnguahotnWolhndrn.M.|llt.r.CottcnroodFhtt....Avolr -Wim CrchrMcMurphtWrbrgnlrvint .Vrv.nbt.Birch lrlend.Cla.twrtatBleek Pool.BosldorLlttlt FortChu Chur,ChlnootCovr. . . ...EIr"rirta.Loulr CnrkErlou . ,MoLurVl nrullr.H.ttl.tRtylrle hXemlmorJct. A .LrXAr.L@ts306. .tY

ffiKsrowna*...{ilVernon. . . tt

ffiKamloopt Jot. A306 . . ArHrlrton.. .U


I 2.46t.r.


to.5el ro.306.0d 2.15

I 4.30t8.10

REFE RE}ICE MAR XS_TABLES 22.24i Daily. t Daily cx. Sun. /\ R$tauranl ot Lunch Countor.

@Dailv, ln offrct June J0th until sopttmbor lTth' incl'A l{o. I wlll rtop at any slation b.tr..n Winnlprq .nd gdmonton for rovonuo passongors from-"9!91 f:-tl

of Winnifrl inO n'poi sr.rfncient ldvenca notic€ to noerost agant for rownue,pe.songsn t9 J."lryr-119*lP-ljbrtw..6 Elmonton rnd Jarpor for ravtnuo passongprs from eas_t ot south,ot Winnipeg, end upon Sumclonladvancs notico to n€aratt aocni for ravonue passongers to w€st of Red Pass Jct.; brtw..n Jrtp.? rnd Krm't;;;.]-"r-,-i;;o;;-;";-;a;;noiri tiom Erlmonto.-n and b€yond; rnd brtwrn Xrmloopr Jct,. end Vrn-oouvrr for'rovsnue pasiangers-from Jaspor and bsyond.




B No. 2 will rtop at any station botwdn.Vrneouvcr rnd ;le-rpre, upon sufrciont advanco notico to noarost- -

l-qs;'tt, ioiiiienirs passln'siiiio'riiliiiig-;ittr no. o at E<iqlohton, or Nos. l65.1nd^!2_et M^e.1"^i11,-.or.l9

oist 6f -Ca;rool: uit--i Jarpor end-wlnnlors upon sufhciont advanca nott-co tq.Patsst agonL lor

rsvonuo paisong6rs to east of Ciprool, o. tor @nnection with No. ?0 or G.N. No' I at wlnnlpgg.

C l{o, l will stoo ai anv gtation b.tw..n Wlnnlpcg rnd Jilpcr for rewnrr passonoprs.flom.6ast or $outh ol. Wlnnipog; ietw.or Jerper tnd Kemloopr Jct., for ro\€nu€ passanlpnl.ftom Ldmonton eno ooyorlo,

brtwren-'xerir""pr .lii,-JiriJ'it""i""i-for-rlGnue passang€* from-Fed Pass Jct', end boyond.

D No. 4 will stop rt any station b.tw..n Vrnco_uvf .lnd Xrmtoopr Jct.' upon-sufficisnt advanco noticc lo- ilirertii;;i,lbite'ri"tj€;isssiders to AoO eags JCt., anO beyond; b.tw.tn Krmloopr Jct-, rnd Jlprr,

uponi'miiiriiaiivanco;dti'd-i;n?ltes-i as€nt, fo1 revenuepaiseNlrs tq Edmonton a{ be;o1-d:^u-r,a-1nJerpcr end idmo.ton for relonue passangers from Red P3ss.lgt., rnd uast, and u9onsumclont aov^anoo

noti-co tJrieaiest agoni for r€venue pa3€ngsrs_to 6ast or south of Winnipegl brtwen Edmonton .nd wln-;iil il';ofiffi"fiGftiliibm l*p"r-irfr'*{ a,iio upi,n-sumcieni a-dvanca noticc to near$t a08nt fotrsvenu. passonoorg to 6ast or south of \rJinnipog.

E Ttro Continantal Limited $toF for frvo minutos at Mount Robson station to-afford Drsssngsrt a lciruroly view of- '

riag"iliCs;i-ktorjnt'-nousori. hiohest poak in the Canadian Rockioc, l2'972 feolF Trains t- ?, I and t do not oDsrate into Kamlooos. Free transfer is providsd beluoen Kamloops Jct. and

kamt'rb-riirJlhivanue 'Pdssonoers.

Transfei coupon3 can b6 socurcd from Conductor! run-nrng lnloKamloo-os jct. and Kamloops oifrom the agonts at Kamloops Jct. and Kamloops. l'roo trln3lor ls arso

providcri for checksd baggaoe ol such pass€nger3.

M Mixed Train.D tlo, 3 stoor for rovsnue pa$angors from Kamloops and south; upon rpplicetion to lgont sufficicntly in advance,

tlo. a rtopg foi rsvenic passongors to Kamlooos and south.

dSleeoino Car (No.BOD ex. Blue Riwr on No. I Sun., Tue., and Thu., runc in No. 194 Mon', Wod', rnd Fri''. Kemloops ict. io Kclowna--Soe Tabls J06.

./ Stops on signel. .l'/ StoF on rignal for rtwnue pessong€flt'

r ilunbtrt toltowlng caFtrln ttatlonr ralat to trbla! thowlng conn.ctlno tr.lnl.

Page 14: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


- Dahrut rn brt

i"'. I tttl**ff3. LI 1""* rrar-e 25Mon. I

wsd. I Ei.Fri. I Sun

-t------- I ----:-j-

--: ' I ----:-:--.. l-



4.0 Ar..;----t

yPr rler \

.. Do. Pictou

0.0 Dp. Hrlrrex, N.S. . Ar.64.0 Ar._ Tnuio 27,4i1,i16. ADp.

Dp. Svdnev. Ar.Qp. New Glesgow Ar.

:.1::r.r. I e.r.r.ool 7.06





'. iSalnt r,ohn . i Dor.l z7.za 1 ArEax6ror! ilE A2?,?8,58,61.52,d1 . ArB*ryMlllr. ....PaaitlcJct.- . . . .C.trmosdt,,,.Gellagher Ridgc . .CanaanHrbclt.Blrch8ldco ..,.CoalBranch....Adrmrvtll..,...Grengrvlllo. . . . .Hrrcurt.KantJct.3il. .. .AcrdlavllloRogcrvlllrTonndColl.tt.Barnebytllv*. . .Dorby Jct.

I r.30--ilssl2.uI 2.16

II 2.38t 2.u

t/ 2.52I 2.57

3.05/ 3.07

3. r5I 3.32


3.58"r { .06



4,204.81.444 .585.09


lr 6.i. 5.







d.szlr .mll.l2f.zsA.I.




Srlnt John

Scc Trbla Il tnd 28toa comDlata rralor.


REt{votsTABLES 25 &,26

r Daily. - Quotidien.

t Oaily crcoot Sundav.Qrlotidisn,' dim. oxccpt6.

I Sunday only. -.Dim. roulement.!r Mondey onlp*Lundl roulsment.I Daily orcapt Saturdrv.

OuoL, sam. excopt5"-1 Rattaurent, Lunch Counlar. '

Rc8hurrnt.A qtgp rt Aston Jct., Tuc., Thur,,

SLr a!9 d Manreeu,' Mon,,Wcd., Fri., for parsongsrc frofiiMontrcat or to Ltvis & East.Arrdt ii Aston Jct, rnar., jou., ram.of I Mansoau, lun., mor., ven.,pour wyageuri da Montr6al oupour L6vis et I'est.

.f Sto0o only to dotrain grgr|'t Darly 6L Monday.

Ouot. lundi ex.@ Monday, Wodnosday and Fridav.

Lundi, mercredi, vendredi,I Modor train, limitod baggage

rcmrnrmdation.Aubnptrica, bagages limit6s.

X g!op| for psgra. from boyondMotrcton or to boyond Campbell-too.- _On Saturdays will also stopfor Moncton psgrs.

6 Ofl &rndry rrriw 7.15 p.rn.aa ltonc fq.f psolr. from boyond

9rmpbellton. Flag stop Sat.bntyfor psgrr. lo Moncton,'

aD Stopr Mon. to Sat incl. forpsgrr. to Levis and beyond ortrom Mrruoau and west,


stop on Sunday.Arr6t lurt. au sam. incl. pour rrlya-oeuru pour L6vir ct au deli ou dcMrnss.u ctouosl Arr6t rdguliorlo dirnancho.

ot $tops Mon, to SaL incl. for psgrs.to Mansoau and Wast, or'fromEest. of Lcvir, Rogulai stop onSunday.Arrit lun. gu s8m. incl. pour voya-lnrrrt pour Manseau et ouest, oudi l'ost.do L6vir. An6t r6gutiir lodirnanchc.

B For oomplote scrvice botweon Stc,Roselis and Montrgal, sso Table96.Voir tabls 96 frour tous lsr trainsontrc Ste-Rosalis el Montriral.

D Stog Mon. only to detrain psgrs.DD StoPs on Sun. for psgru. from St.

Wmccalil & East.4rdt ts dim. pour lcs royagound€ St. Woncosles of ast.

c On Saturday leav6 8.3O 0.m.d On Sunday leave 6.10 a.m.a Stops for psors. to & from

Monctofl 4 beyond; or to d fromrtetbns beyond Camobellton.

,d Stops Srt. only for psgrs. frcmMorrc-toflj or to beyond Campbell-ton.

?D Stops Wcd. d, Sal. for psgrs. f romMoncton; or to bayond Cimpboll-ton.

cc Stopr Wed. for psors. fromMoncton; or to boyond Campboll-lon-



aE3O- a


c?la9! a:F6j




t il.


::t l.'


Sun.l.r.7 .457.307.267. t77. 08I




5.595.5t5. 435.255.13I



4. t81. 073.5'II


l.I l.t.

t l2'.12.

, t2.

f al2.l

lrt i.r


Additional Rag StogsTrains 25 and 26

Noinvilla Mil.

ft3:i3I,ik,F*l*'FurzeOrossing ..275J olly Rd Crg. . . . 2ZlBusridgo ...28tBig Arch . 236VallosLourdos...3lsNigadoo . 32tTurgoon ....384FurlotteFoad. . . 343Dickie- ...348BenjaminRivcf . .351)Blacklands ....952Hamilton.....3SsCraio.......359Richards.....373

Additional StationcNo Trains Stop

McKinnon...tJflkLutosvillo . 196 0


RFNVOIS (sulta) .TABLES 25 & 26

d !!opr Mon. d. Sat. forptoru. fromMoncton; or to beyond dampbell-ton.

,/ qlops Mon. 4 Fri. for psore. fromMoncton; or to bayond Campbeil-ton.

?4 Stops. Thur. for psgrs. fromMoncton; or to boyond Gamfbsllton.

el Stops^Tue..d. Fri. for plrsonqcrtrrcm Moncton; or beyond Camp_bollton.

, I Stops Tuo., Thur. d, Sat. for osors.from . Moncton; or to b6y6nd'Campbollton.

cl $tops Tuo.d, Sat. for pson. fromMo.ncton; or to beyond Camp-bellton.

?r Stops Wod. & Fri. for psorr. fromMoncton or to b6pnd 6mpbcll-ton.

cr Stops. fgJ nsOrs. from bcpndCampbellton,

.r Stops on eignal.Arr6t sur signal teulamant.

G Baggage will not bo checked toand from 8ridoo St. Station.Aucun €nregistrgm6nt do bagaqoson provonanco ou i degtinationdo la gare Bridge St-

t Stops for psgrs., to or frorn Man-ssau A WosU or from or to Eastof Lavis.Arret- pour les noyagcur! pour oudo Manseau ct ouost; ou de ouDour ost de L6vis.

l Stops Wed.-and Sat. only forpassongors frorn Monctoo- andbeyond.

I Stops Mon., Thur., SaL for psgrs.to Montreal e beyoad.Arr€t .lun., jou., sam., poutMontr6al et au dell

f I Train 59 will stop to dotrain pa+ssngors, or to pick up pa$6n0orslor Lcvls or bgyond.Le train 59 arreta pour laisserdoscendre; et prendrg lcs tova-gaurs pour L6vis ou au dell. -

.t Stops, for psgrs. to or frorn Eastof St. Hyacinth€.Arr0t pour ou de l'sst do St-Hyacinthe.

t Saturday only.Samadi seulsment.

, Stops for . pass6ngor! fromMontrcal and boyond.

f[il,n?i|! .leso.r'ovaocun de

ll Stops for passengers to or fromMontrsal a_nd belond effectivoJune 11 to Sept. erd inctJsiva

--Arr6t. pour _les royrgreurs de ouporlr Montrsd a-t au doli I partirou lt jutn au 3 sepl inclrlsivo_ment.

t ill,?i *i;3flllror Passonse* to

*19! !l"di 9€91. mur las vaya-gours pour L6via at eu dell- -'-


Page 15: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950



EaurpMENt -- llt€ltacEMENT - TABLE 29.

Page 16: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950






1'Ex- ISun. Ie.r- I


::ll. r9l3.251l.3rl3.401

l."1'4.041rli'.ni1"i1:t' I4.alll4.5514.5915. Bt5. ril5.2515.271tlrt*lTI


t{nl6.0t16.0410.uil6. r216.201r.r. I

188.7 l

191.4 r

r95.3 ,

t98.9 I

202.1 |

206.92u.7 |

?t7.3 ,


t25t.4l26r.lt262.312u.4l?65.4I 266. rI 266.91 268 .11269.2I 270. I1270.7l?7t.6l?72.41273.71275.0


278. I

lzru. r

I 362 .5I 168.4I 368. 4I 482. r

1 5i7.3I 556. 6I 589. 9I 6 r7.5I6r7.5I 665. r

I 699.3Il7M.2n73?.2

SAINTsG. llvoto I I

B85llvSaL llonU ll ll,* ll,,




l*. I






ree-: 27

PEntcoor^c 66.6t .

ApohrqulScord .N ortonElomllcldPagckee!H^rrroilLekcrldrNauwlgrwruk. -..

mond Rlvr. . .rl Frrm


prmrb.trlc Lrtr

rtr. $atI & Sun,

i_:*J ?-I.e. tsl l0.r9.25'l 10.:9.10.r ll.(..19.40/ ll.

Floth.r.y.KlngrhuRt.E:rtRlvcoldr....Rrnforth.TorryburnBeookvllbColdbmokSernt Jonl, il.8. 65 Alr



reono.Ma ,.lfrmno- - - - .Lyv^ttcEBoBor ., , .Lr

8:ngor. . ... .&

i.sslr ri0.03/ ll.0.il/ ll.:: , ::


::l::10.45 Tl2.r0.st 12.

i.rd t2'.

'i:"i ,l'..

r i .srl i:

Be unrwlok

' ' " ' 'Ar. ...1vDovcr,N.H. ....lrHavcrhlll.Mes., . .trwranslEorrox (North Stn.) lr

\l/etervl llrAuq stta

Additional StationlHalifax - Saint John

No Trains StoPMilos from Halifax

Southwostorn Jct.... 4.3Wellinqton....,..,. 23.4Sandy Cove.,...... 27.OMons... . 85.4Blacx River....,... 121.3Evans... '. 156.6Portago Jct..... ..., 22o.5lsland Yard. - -.. ... 276.6

TA B L E 27 e -BAS

T0 N - N EW Y0 R K (n'-.t'"jliJ.i-".k"" )Thiro ars traing from South Station, Eoston, for Prwidencs, Nsw London, Nsw

Haven and New York via Shore Lino at 7.30 a,m', 8'30 a-m' lnd ovory hour on tho hourfrom l0.oo a.m. to and including 6.00 p.m. Frsquent ovoinight trains.


188.7 Morcror 25, 68,1r' 1.06t.62,63 A I r.r.

(Atlantic Timo) I

Truio i(!. .Brlmont . .Drbrrt, . .E d Mln.r.Londondrrc;Prob.tt . .Folly Lrkr..Wrntworth.IrV.ltch.ltrtGrtrnvlllo .Atflnron..Thomron. .OxroRo Jct.

64.07t.675. l77.68t.t83.488.?93.397.999.2


. orily. t oatly oxcopt RSFEREfICE MARXS TABLES 27 rna , in3nt:o".0"U",n

passenoors fforn boyond

r Stops for psg8" from West of $aint John.r Stogs to detrein passengers.

I Monday only.I Stops-to detrain passengers lrom Bangor

ano east or trom B, & A. R.R., or to0ntratn passongo19.

ro Stops on Slnday for passangers to Truroand D6yond; slso stoDs on Fridav to detrainpassengers from Amherst and 5oyond.

t Daily 6xcspt Monday. I Surdry otJy.t Drily axcept SaturdaY.a R€staurant ot Lunch Countor.Il Motor train; limited bagla0r ecmrn'tionO Arrivos or loavss Eroad SL StrL'V Er, Saturday d Sunday.T Ex. Sunday 4, Monday,U Juno 26 until Sept. 5 ind-e Stooc daily to detrain oassangorr from

Eoston or Montrsal and boyond; rtopson rignrl on Sunday only.

a On Saturdav leavs 83O P.m.i 5i6pl tot p"i.engors from east of Portland.D Stoos to dstrain sloeing car gassongor!

from beyond Moncton.c Stops on signal Sun. onlY.d On Sundav leav6 5.10a.m.a Flaq stop Daily ex. Sun. for passengerc.to

St.-Hya;intho and beFnd. Regular stopon Sunday.

-lr Stops on signal., ? siopitoi pissiigerstorruroand bevond'

Ir Stoos dailv ex. Sun. for passengers fromMoncton aid beyond; flag stop on Sunday'

l Saturday only.I Changoiraini at Springfield' On Sundrv er'

rivs *orcester 6.00 a.m', Boston 735 &m'l{ Mixad Train,m Stops for Dsgrs. to Moncton and beyond'n Stoos on Sat. only to dotrein passonoert

from Trum end boyond.o Stops for psgrs. to or from bepnd Morr"ton'


Page 17: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

N ot.I





lzrtth,lJunrI str'I rnd

NEW Y0RK - BOSTON Gl,.'.;I',11'"1"1;i?,1".)

I o',,, I oairy I oaity I o.,', I o",,,Eastsrn Time I r.r. I r.r. I r.x. I ?.t. I P.r.

?{swyorx.....tvl 8.101 il.301 3.101 5.001 ll.l0GrandCentralStn- I I I I I

NowHavrn---..tvl S.tl 1.03 I 1.15 I 6.45 I l.nH.rtro"d. :::: .Lvl 10.431 Z.0f l 5.391 7.421 ?,4,

ff;*.'l#:::::fLlfll+ Slll u:l't 8:i?l iflBo3roxSouthStn.. .lrl 2.101 5.151 .. I 10.151 6.20

I r.t. I r.r. I r.r. I e.r. I e.r..06


.t5NEW Y0BK - BOSTON (n':.lTIiLi*Ji:'")Thero ars trains from New York via Shore Lina for Now Hav€n, Now Londotl

Pmvirlenle and Eoston. 6v6rv hour on the hour from I 0.00 a'm. to and including 7.00 p.firFrequsnt ovorniglrt tiains.- Othor traing lsavo Nsw York, Daily at 8'm a.m-Sunday only at 8,00 p.nL



.30 Forcomplctrtcwlcc to Polnt duCh.n. .c. Trbh 53.

For Montrfil to Monctonrch.dsl.! of thtough tralnr 2, I

rnd 60. rl Trblrr e5 & 26.


t z.ztlI 2.351

.501 ::

3.301 6.05



r lt . lslil l. 15

t t0.30irt0.30t 7.l5lr 7.t5

lNotc6lrEx. I 382

Sun. I sat.r.r. I only

:TI ::I I .,.06l ../ lwilr

5-trl5l notI lrua

5. 24 I Julv. I lrt,

:?21 .:.19l ..Il^

5.19 I !.jI !6" I 9o:: l*T,, l7lt I o3L-I ':'t.. lr.r..281 6.30.. I t.. I t.3ll 6.42

IIIi.all 6.51

:: l t 5'6.58

.001 7.l0. r. I t.x.

Eastorn rimo TABLE 284 Heure de l'Est'

Travercier -


Ferry ServiCe. (LrvlrF*ryLlmlod)

From QUEBEC: D. OUEaEC:l.(X)r.m.endcvrry?Omin.toll'O0p.m. dl rl'00 t.m. l.dic.-do 20 mln' ju.rou.iiir'J"i. it.fO p.m,-, 12,0O midnight,'1,00 tt.0O p,m., puir 11.3O p^.m., 12.0O minuli,e.m., 2.0O a.m. ahd 3'00 e.rn. l'00 e.m.' 2.(I) r.m. 3t 3-oo l.m.

From LEVIS: . Dq LEVIS:t-oo e.m. lnd €v.ry 20 mln. to t1.00 p'm.. dt 4.00 e.m. tcrvicc da 30 mln.

- julqu'l

ii":-";ri.tS p.m., tt'45 p.m.' 12.30i.m.. 11.0o p.m' puir 11. 15 e.m.' 11'45^^p.m'.i.3o a.-., 2.30 e.m. and 3.30 e.m. t2'30 e.m.,1.30 r.m.. 2-30 I'm. .t 3.3o4'm.


Page 18: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950



{DininE Car . . Halifar-Mont JoliSlcrplng Cerr:

Ha lllar-Mon trml*Solarium Compt. Lounoo (6 $c., 2 Comptr.)

(Not. rg & g,*(8 S6c., O.R.,2Compt.) CNos.97 & 28,*(?4 Duplcx Foomottsr) <N?N. 16 & 26')

*(6 S6c., 1 D.R. I S.B.R., 3 Cpts"Xivor. t9 d,lO)


*(t2 SoG., t D.R,) (A'or. A7 4h 68, -Car 67 in No, 10 ox. Sat., and in No. 8-16. on Sat. from Sydney toTruro.Car 68 in No. 9 from Truro to Sydney.

Montmtl-Moncton*(12 Sec. 1 DR) (No. 64)

Moniraal to MonclonFrom Montroal, daily excopl Saturday.Until June 24th d, aft6r Septsmbor +th.

Cr mpbclltoa-Montrcal*(12 Soc8., 1 D.R.) (No. 88)

Montrorl to CampbelltonJuns 25th until Sspt. fth, incl,

Crr 88 on train 60 until Juns 2,1 incl. and aftorSopL a$u

*(12 Soc., 1 D.R.) (No. 87)Cempballton to Montreal

Rlvhro ds L^oup-lY1o.at rt*(10 Soc.,2 D,R.) (Ndr, 7, & 71,

From Montroal Fri., June 16th it 23rd only.From Riviers du Loup, Sun., June 18th &

25th only. Open at Riviore du Lonp 9.00p.m.; Parked unlil 7.00 &m.

Montrcal-Mctlr Bdch*(6 Soc- I D.R., { S.B.R.) ) (Fridayr.

<No.74t ! June ro &*(lo SBc- 2 D.R.) (No. 8, J 23 only)

*(7 Compt!.) (JVo. d) .- Juns 23 only.

f,Wagon-restaurant. . . Halifar-Mont.loliWagon-lltl:

H.lltar- Montra.l{Wagon-lits I compartimontr-solarium (6 Scc.,

2 compt.) (Nos tg €t 80,*(8 secs., I salon,2 compts.) (Nos tT d pg)

f(24 Chambrettes duplex) (N6 96 & t6,*(6 s-oc., 1 cabino, I ch. lit rimple 3 compt.)

(Not 39 d 40)

StdncY'Montrall*(12 sec., I salon) (Not 67 ct 68')

Char 67 au No 10, sam. er., of au No 8-16.les sam., de Sydney I Truro.

Char 68 au No 9 de Truro i Sydney.

Montrria l- Mongton*(12 roc., 1 salon) (No 61,

Montr6al I MonctonDe Montr6al quot. sam. ex.Jusqu'au 24 juin of aprds le { sepl

Crmpbcllton-Montr{al*(12 8oo,, I salon) (No 88'

Montr6al I Campbollton25 juin au ,l sopt. incl.No 88 sur lo train 60 julqu'au 2l juin ot

aprds lc + repL

*(12 soc,, 1 salon) (.Vo a?)Campbellton I Montr&al

Rlvllrc du Loup-Mq"1.5.3*(10 soc., 2 salons) (Nat 7, a 7t,

Da Montrirel v6n. 16 et 23 juin seul.Ds Rividre du Loug, dim. 18 €t 25 juin

ssulemsnt.Disponible i Rividrc du Loup 9.00 p,m. ot

jusqu'A 7.00 a-m.Montrarl-Mrtlr Btrch

*(6 sec", I salon., 4 ch. I tvendrsdle.tit simpls) (No 71) ) r'o ot zj;uih

*(10 sec., 2 salons) (No 8J I Eoulemont)

*(7 compts) tjlo 8) - 23 juin eoulernent.


Nor.59 and 60 - HALIFAX - MoNTFEAL

tff'fiilf bi;. :: : : . : : : : : :''' )natitax-Montrear*Coach-...,.......SaintJohn-Halifax

(ln Nos. 13 ii 14 Seint John-Moncton)Coach Lunch cervicc availeble bstwoen

Halifex and Montrsal.ShcplnC Cerr:

Ha l.lf.x-Mont.tal*(10 S6c,, 1 D.R., t Compt.) (Not.76 & 76,

Hrlilax-MontrsalMontrlrl to Carnpballton

*(t2 Sac, 1 D.R.) (/\'o. 8E)Until Juno 24th and afier Sopt.4t},Car 86 will ogorato in trrin 4 fromJuno 25th until Sopt.4th, incl.

Gem pballton-Lrvlt*(12 Sec., 1 D.R) (.vos. 16 & 46,

Opon rt Lsvi3 at 9.30 p.m.Parkod in Levis until 7.00 a.m.

ChrFlottctown - MontrGal*(10 Soc., 1 O.R., 1 Oompl) Wo,6t)

Ex. Sun. from Gharlottstown. ln No. 3!)to Moncton,

*(r0 S6c., I D.R., I Cornpt.) (No. 64,&, Sat. from Montreal June 25th until

SepL ,lth, inol. in No. 42 from Moncton.

Borton-H.llt.t.,THE GULL"

*(10 Scc., r D.R.,2 Compts.) (tios. 931 & 1t9,Daily ex. Saturday from Eoston, ln No. 14

lo Moncton. Daily ox. Suoday frorn Halifax.ln No, 13 from Moncton.


f,Coachor | *Voituros de promiAre classe.

Montrral-Rlvl."a du Lout I Montrlal-Rlvlcrr du Loup*(lO Ssc.,2 DR) (Iar. ?, & 71) | *(tO sec.,2 salons; (Not 72 d ?1>

Opon at Riviere du Loup 9.0O p.m. Parked I Disponible i Riviire du Loup 9,0O p.m.;until 7.0O a.m. I rt jusqu'A 7.00 a.m.

Mctb Bcech - Montrcrl I tvtrtb Bdqch - Monl,rlel*(8Sec., 1D.R.,4S.B.R.)(ffos.7s&74, l*(Or.c.,tsalon,4ch. litsimplo) {NatlSd7l,*(7 Compts.) (Nos. t d 6) I *(7 Compts.) (Nos 6 c1 6)*(10Soc.2 D.R.) (Nor.7& 8) l*(1Osec.,2 salons) (NosTdB)

Parked in Metis tserch until 7.00 em, I Disponibls i Metis Beach jusqu'au 7.00 a.m.

TABLE 29 - if,,?'r?trSJE*rlrABLEs2s- 26-zr-zB

THE MARITIME EXPRESS-N o3. 1 and 2-HAL|FAX - i|ONTREALDrlly .roatrt Sundat Hllller to Montt..lD.lly.ra.pt Slturd.y Montr..l to H.lltarD.lly b.u.rn Mont Joll rnd Montrtel

*ff""ifft*..::. : : : : : : : : . : iHarirax-Montreat

Coach Lunch Servico availrbla betwsenHalifar-Montreal.

*Parlor Crr (,Vas.67 e 6$ Mont Joli-Montreal'- From Montreal daily, June 4th untilSepL 4th incl. Saturday only until Juno 3incl. and after $ept. 4th,

From Mont Joli 'daily, June 'lth - untilSepL 5th incl. Mondii only until May 29ind. and aftor $ept. Sth.

Slccplns Cer.:*(12-Scc- 1 D.R.) (No, {t)'

Halifex lo Montreal*(10 Soa, t D.R., I Compt.) (No. lt1'- Montrsal to Chatlottolown

ln No. {tt from Moncton, From Montroaldaily ox. Saturday, until Junc 23rd rndafter Sept. +th.

*(12 Soc., 1 D.R.) (.tvo. 4t)' Montrcal to Halifar

From Montrcal drily €x. Satrrrday.First trip Juno z5tH-est trip Sopt. 4th.

*(12 Soc., 1 D.R.)(xo. d,l) ln perlor car servics.Moncton to Halifax. Until Junc z{th endaftsr SspL 5ttt

Ouotldltn. lc dlmanchr rrocpt. Hailfari Montrail

Ouotldlcn. lc ram_.dl er€pta, Montrlal IHalit.r

Quotldl.n .nt". Mont Joll .t Montrart*Vr?li?'f-'J"XUi[lif.i.1i'.':)-erirar-Montr€ar

Ropar sorvig dans l6s voituras ordinairos6ntro Halifax-M0ntr6al-

*Wagon-srlon (Not gl A 68,Monl Joli-Montr6al

Do Montr6al quot., .l juin juwu'au 4 sspt.incl. Sam. seul. jusqu'au i| juin ot aprris lo4 sept.

De Mont-Joli quot.,4 juin ju$qu'ru 5 sopt.incl. Lundi soul. jusqu'ru 29 mai incl. otaprds lo 5 s6pt.

W.sons-lltrl*02 mc., 1 3al0n) (No U' Halifex l Montr6al*(10 roc., I s.lon, I compt.) (yo 4-9)

Montr6el I Charlottetown(Sur No tlo do Moncton.)bo Montr6at quot,, sim. cr. Jusqu'au

23 juin et aprds le 4 sopt.*(t2 8ec., I salon) (No 19,

Montr6al I HatifexDe Montr6al quot., sam. ex. Fremier

voyago 25 juin.-Dernior vlyage 4 sopt.*(12 soc., 1 salon) (No 61) Servico wapon-

ulon. Moncton iI Halifar. Jusqu'au 24 juinot apr6a lo 5 sopt.

Nor. 5 and 6HALIFAX - SYDilEY

*Cbach, Halifax-SYdnoYfBuffet Prrlor Crr (N0,' It iL 11,

Hrlifrx-SYdneY. #

.Not. 7' 8 and 8.1eHALIFAX . SYDNEY

*C,orch. Hrllfu-SydnoySllplnt Crrrr

*(12 gsc., 1 D,R.) (No. 617) Sydn?y to MontroElSaturdsy only in No. 8-16 6ydnty-Truto.ln No. l0 rx. Sat.ln No. 3 Truro-Montrcel.

*(10 S6c.,2 D.R.) (Nor. I7 &, ,8,Halilrr-Sydnoy

Car 17 in No.7 ox. Sun. and io No.15-9on Sun.

*(12 soc., t D.R.) (rvo. t{). Sydncy to TruroSaturday only in No, 8-16.ln No. l0 ax. Sat.

*(12 soc'' 1 D'R') (,uos' nt $"flllr*.,nr ronn

From Saint John sx. Sunday in Nos. &12Saint John to Truro.

From Halifax ex. Sat. & Sun. in No. 7 andin No. l5 on Sun.; from Trum 6x. Sat. &Sun. in No. ll and in No. 15 on Sun.;from Moncton in No. 43.

Nos. 9 and 1O

HALIFAX. SYDNEY*Coach Halifax-Sydney

Slccplng Cro:*(12 Soe 1 D.R.) (Not. 87 & 68) Montreal-

Sydneyln Nor, 3 4 4 Montroal-Trum.Parksd at Svdnev until 8.00 A.M.

*(12 soc., t o,F.) (.Vor. EJ & 2t>

*(ro soc.,2 o.R.) (^ro. ,n "n,l#ffts-rTi"'liSunday only. ln No. l5 to Truro.

ln No, 7 €x. Sun.

lt.r 11 "rd


*(12 Soc., 1 O,R.) (iYor. gS & 94,Saint John-Halifax

Car g3 from Halifar ox. Sat. & Sun, in No. 7to Truro; in No, t5 Halifax to Monctonon Sun.; from Moncton in No. 43.

Gar 9+ in No. 20 from Saint John; in No, 8and 16 from Truro.


Coach . Halifax to Moncton

5loeplng Carr:*(12 goc., I D.R.) rilo. 9t)-

Halifax to Saint Johnln No. 43 lmm Moncton.

*(10 S6c,, 2 D.R.) (No. Jz). Hqlifar to Sydnoyln No,9 lrom Truto.

THE GULLNor.13 and 1{

MONCTON . SAINT JOHN*Coach.. .Haliler:9rlnt John

(1fi Nos. 5'9 A 60 Halifqx-Monct n)foa{o Pador Car 1Ya3. 7 4 6,

Car No, 7 Runr Capc Tormontinr to SrintJohn, drily oxcspt Sunday, in No. 39 tcMoncton. Fint trip Juns 27th. Lrrt tripSoplombsr Oth, On 9undayr, July 2rrduntll Soptombcr grd inclurivo, oiiroperqtot Moncton to Srlnl John.

Crr No, I Eunr $alnt John to Crpo Tormcn.tino, dally oxccpt $unday, in No, {2 fromMoncton; Fir:t trlp Juns ?Oth. Lagt trlp8optombor 6th, On Sundry! July 2nd toSoptombor 3rd incluslve crr oporata!6alnt John to Moncton.

Prlor to Junr ?6th and altcr Seplember Sthcar op6rato! dally oxcopl Sunrlay betweenSaint John rnd me€ting point trains13 d, 14.

Slaoplng Cerr*(10 Soc., I D.R., 2 Compt.XtIN. Jte-t":ij;

ln Nos. S a 60 Halifax-Moncton and"The Gull" Saint John-Bogtoru

Daily sx. Sat. from Boston.Daily ex. Sun. from Halilar.


*Coach............ Moncton-Crpo TormontinoCrach...... ..Bordsn4hrrlattgtown

*(Cafe Parlor Ca( <N o- 7lCapo Tormontins to Selnt .lqhn

ln No. 13 from Monclon.First trip Juns 27th.l,ast trip 86pt, Sth.

ttqjptrrg Grnr*(lo $sc., 1 D,8., 1 Cot.) (No. tt)'

Charlottotown to Montrsrlln No. 59 from Moncton.

*(t0 $oc., I 0.R., 1 qpt,) (n'Io. lt)Mqntrsll to Cherlottetown

ln No. ? to Moncton. Until Juno 24th rndrftor 8ept,0th,



*(10 Soc., 1 D.R., I Compt.) (No- 64,Montrsal to Cherlottetown

ln No. 60 to Moncton.*Cafe parlor Ca/ (iva. 6)'

Saint John to Cape Tormontineln No. 14 to Moncton.


*coach Monctsn.$aint JohnStccplng Canr

*(12 sec., 1 D.R.) (tvos. 93 at, sf )

'$ T e' [i' en u-lh*"+'iiii {lilj.tTr

" "rif; il li!.] htXJ8;,' ffi:f,',h r-"

p.?l;i 1l' S llf 5; f, l', lii,il:# Lh:,.'

Page 19: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


46.10n4.05Pr3. 50Pl2.l0Pr


r 5.00ili 4.00Pr


t 5.l0Pr5. l5Pr

t 3.$r



lx. Sun)im, rx.

t. x.3.353. r02.452.302. r6I .56t.42t.2lI .02

t2.59r 2.3rwil .40a.x-

4@!_-!l >





I lMilosEx.'sun.l""-- TABLE 30Dim. sx.l

A.t. I Eastorn Timo- Heure ds l'Est6,10 I 0 Dp. RrvrEnE DU Lou?, QuE. .6.55 I 7 St.Modo.t.7.20 I 16 whriwo"th

, I n couturl."7.58 I 27 St' Honorii8.16 I 3l Vaubrn8.30 I l8 St. Loulr ds He He8.48 I 4l Cabano9.23 I 5l Gloutl."9.?8 I 52 Notrc Demr du Lac9.55 I S sto.Ror..

f I 65 Ottorburn, Quc. '10.40 I 75 St'JecqurlChurch,N.E. ::' '4+l tr

A';. )ro,,"*,o" . . . . . . . i:I: {I 95 Bekrr Brook

?R. I l0l Ctalrr .P:} I t06 LcdoorP b 5 I ll0 Llttl. Rlv.r Mlllt ..Lu,

I lll Ar. Connon. N.B. . .


TABLE 5ZEastern Time - Heurs

Dp.Cerrgtlrror, N.B.

$to )rrr^t^t*,^. our. 2


Brillant). -...

St. Sim6onBotrtvantuta....

ff; ln* c^ilriLt, Qur.F:rpebleo

Brsdl:ndr..,.Cro* Polnt (Pts e laOrk 8atPolnt. i lr Gerdc .Ercum inacNouvrlh W.rt (Ouost)NouvalltSt OmcrCadatonMarie. .lrt.htownCerceprdh. ...

. Nrw Riehmorrd . . .BteckCepo. .. ,.Caplen .

st. GodfrolMrroll .Port DrnhlGerconr.NcwportChendlrr. ....St,Adrleldr. ....Gando Rlvllrc , .Str. Thdelrc da GarolCepr Covo (L'AnsoPcrcl . -SummltGornrr of thr Eraoldu Eanc).BancholrSt. GoorgcrBrltt.nt Covr (L'Anse

Douglertown .,-..Ar.Geset.Our.. ....

l?5Ex. Sun.

l.x,10.4 0t2.t7


ltz.13l.l9I .30r .381 .592.212. 35t.r.


r Daily.

t Daily ox, Sunday.

t Dailycx,Mondry.

I Daily ox. Sat

I Sunday only.

@ Mon. Wed. Fri.

d Tuos, Thur, SaL

Y Sun., Tuo., Thur.

a Restaurant orLunch C,ounter.

I Motor train, lim-itsd bagga0s ac-commodation. .

c Wed,, Fri,, Sun.

.l Stops on signal.

I Wed. and Fri.

t saturdry only.

Il Mixed train.

m Mon, and Wsd.

a Tus€. and Thut.

Page 20: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950
Page 21: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


Flcad Dowa Road Uo


PLACENTIA _ ABGENTIAHft ffi f ffi ry+lvr,wt*rrn$sr# 4

i +%Hi{,f, mM7


5. t0'i1.4 t

I1.vt 1.29


3. 55I 3.45, t.37





TABLE 37Nawfoundland Time







B0f,lAvlsrARerd UPr:r': ' g

52Sun., Wed.and Thur.


P, f.(Sat., Tue-and W6d.)

tr4'mt2Tue. lWed.sat.lP.x. I t.r.6.101 8.306.251 8.256.201 8.23tl ftl t

t {.d,t {.w,l I,l ttl Itl I

1.501 7.22tl ttl Itl f

( olor 'rul/ 3.50:/ 6.40

lr.t0 6.25l/lI

| ,'o'l {rolI 1.401 5.07I l.to 5.02I/IILIi1t2.45 4.01l/il.50.r 3.16I il.10 3 10I e.r. I r.u.I Tues- i wed.I sat. I

Ml2-52; M2tt-5sday and Thursda

0.0 Lr Clrnrxvtt-lrl'7

$isr,o"t x.,t,2.5 'Chsech Sld3.7 Mill'r Sidia5.1 Milton . .5.7 BrlckYerd.7.2 Georsr'r 8r

12.7 BarrPtt'r 5i13.8 Twcllth Mi14.6 MorlcY'r Sir19.7 Lcthbrldsc?l .2 Hancoek'r !?2.7 PYG'. Mlll -

?5.4 Strlckltnd'l?6,9 Ncw Countt2q. I Ptnon'r Sir31.7 Southcrn I36.5 P?lncrton .38.7 Summorvlll4].2 Abbott'r sl54.7 TrlnitY Jct,56.9 Loclrton59.5 TrinitY Ear61.0 Port RcrtorCI,0 Port Rcrtor,65.2 Enelirh Ha73.5 Wood SPur79.7 Catalinr84.5 Elliston .

89.7 Ar Boxevtsre



a.t..0 Not". D.m. Jct. .

9,3 Lrwhportc. . ' .

DAME JCT.r Ml8 r M2O I M3O lM22I tue- I wed. I Mon, I Tue.I tnur. I Fri. I Wed. I Thur.lsat-l lFri.lsat.I r.x. I r.r. I r.x. I r.x.

- . rv I t.251 9.ml 6.151 11.20:.Arl 3551 9.301 6.451 il.50

I e.u. [ 4.tr. I t.x. I P.H.


Nowfoundland Time

.0 Lrwbportc.9.3 Notr. DamG Jct


dtfinita detGs tnd timc'l to."rl, p".tiorr"r reirirg.

Mir* PLACENTIA BAY - WEST RUN - M.V' "Burin"lrom Arsonlia EVERY TUESDAYin Aria;i6'-- 29 presque 55 St. Josepb's 69 Rslne_Hsrpour 92 pr_nnlsh Room2i licri"iieen aC F;CAi"e 62 tXerin 79 I'lst Islaod 96 Marystowr26 St. Ityran'e 46 Peil


oo Arsenrtis 30 Krngwell 58 $Dencer'a Cove- Q6 l!@_v Island l16 clattlF--5'Sniri-iilrtor," (rneray) fl piutg (eoew&y) !! Bar.tlaven. I{rrbourI Z Io-ni -- ---

40 Irar5o|r Butr€tt 74 North Hsrboui 99 Tach's B€sch I I 9 St. I-eonsnl'sfr frffr,.ro.6 iS frui' t" l2l Isle Valen

souTH coAsT, FoRTUNE BAY AND HERMITAGE BAY SERVICE5,S. Bar Havcn lcavci Argontia tverlt geond Thurrday -

EftcstlYr Thur.dtl, May tl'196O'-in arcentia 140 Fonuoe 2C3 Terrencevllle 258 ElSlbh --. 305 Pasg Lrland

H ['H#* ifi Sp;; ,3*- 2i4 riaerson;.iui #ff}-nftT.: ili $iiiiltr"

7d Sfi.i*r."ce iid f,,t'ilcnrasee ?10 gencoqtrtEa-rt ?Zl g,o$lz.Egove JJ9 \{illtown.6i G"-" "'---- ibz bi. serfiriia- 2J5 r,attv cove 276 utue aev-- ]45 st'. Alban'c.

162 tidg cove iEo ilv uArcEnt 240 pmi's c,ovo ^- . lYest i65 Pu.ehttuouahidb F,jint-nnbiut iio i,itltesaf nast 29 Bcllooran ?94 Jgr*J Hr.iiO i,sd,t6; --- i9i Hsrbour-Mlll€ 254 st..lacrlues 286 trr. Brcton

Mro from ST. JOHN'S - CORNER BROOK SERVICESiiri .t"ttn'r 5.S. Northcrn Rangot -

E f.ctivc Mat 6th.

,gg R;lfil** 38{ $f,,*H,,H* ilB 33.1''l€""'. ?i? $.*"ill{*''" ffl S#'ili#'itx i; i.;ff-* ii6 r:niiee ' 459 ned ssv - Bav 6! BonDe Bavfi} Fi"iiiit 3lq eoicne 473 Wect st. 559 Oltl Port4ux 65! $orrLsJiointtifi'B;ffi/:rt€ i7i rraingrmx l|{odlst€ -- - ^ cholx 065'troulBlver.

' Cor"e 407 Criquet 503 F'lower'6 Cove--'s"tiiric Daicr feom St--Jbrrn'r -

Mav 6th.'?3rd. Junc 9th"27th'Sailini D. unc 18th.

ST. JOHN'S - LEWISPORTE SERVICEs.s. Glcncoc- srlllne t.om st. John'! .yo?y !.cond Fridty, att.ctive Mey 5th,1960

ffiA#i'H: iiiffiffi,F ilig^f#Rin? iiiffiffir"r 4fli*ffi;ps'ii?fihtHil'. iN bHffij"- air sriliiBi!'" eS fi['fi?.^, _ l$ ffi:tr"H*i|i$Jffi" i83 '.*T.;r F,;a.iliiii ran

Mil6.r"om GREEN BAY SERVICEil;;;;;; 5.S. Sprlngdalr-Lcavl.ng Lcwilrorto cvcrv Slturdetr-ftt'ctlv' Mrv 6th.

A ni,p,Pf--- ?i"FlFf#e" iiilji.lv-*' i;:ffifi{"lffu :1: iTifm-""

# ffi*t iqi l$ffi" Jach*ffBH 6? *,ddlHl'xivl lil l-ff.'tr,"u-194 Shoe Oove


[ffi*ry:""$* "iig'ffi#tu*Hsrbour (INard onJy)

CORNER enOOX .V. "Clarenville"Milc from c-tttin a..6 Crrnar Flraat. ryarw +.6 dtv.

- Elfuatlv. Mrv 3rd- 1950Milor from-.- Saillns lrom Gorner Brook cvcry t.n dty. - Ellrctlvr Mry 3ed, 1950

trHtrtiiTh* ge BffiJiTR:u 146 ord Port-{ux Affi Fb*#f** 3AB 8ffi,:f.r

ig R?Hl: Hil, i96 E**tx'"* l8T ffifi$.*}, ,i? Hnat":',* i?9 8lfif'"f:T*dY i;#i; iff' (Onc wav) '-. - Brv 215 LaDce Au loup- Charleo

id iffi ft;t .,",,,"131 LT *H*# . ',8r? fff.*Y rr, u. 2& *

lh'.r*,o 322 Bsttre sart'our

Mllcr rrom . Kyletfio'f.:ilt*'r 410 grrlp I 461 Comfort nigni gl Era.ck rslend Zlg g-q1v Ea.rbor,'

iH p*Pr,:tr" ",,

fg*u"i$ne a6e *"o'f,lo""u ?18 3ffi"n' ltri 33lfh.**"

riY Yfiiro_i{llte "' HarOour I - ata $ebber'8cove 577 Psch'a__ 784 lrontsound

iiisry*t, iiiFitrn?,fif o'*'.+lHI lu *1sffiI

68? tx*"'fl"'*1an Rirrrl rlr. ,ii5 v'en-ixn GtnriOs ,iq] Srnitd tsl&nde 692 Iudlsn Horbourg0Z lunlqv1hi3H H#iiil#rour ziio H-^itrt --- 496 Ac<t Fotni 695 Smotrey 845 rroperleleiifi Fiiil"ii-ili Flrbour 505 lndian Tlckle 705 wtttq Be9{8 .ift i'ifiiiiJ

-sttip's 458 Bolstes's Rrrck 5l2 wolr rslends (one wav)

II'srt:bur t Belle IEle duriDg fuhing re&$n.NOTE:-Coinmenccmcnt oil rcrviie dcpanding on lco conditlonr'


Page 22: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

NoRTH SYDNEY - P0RT AUX BASqUES -ST. JOHII'S NFLD.TIME: Noon Atlantic Timo, is 1.30 F.M" Newfoundland Tima

- Ellcctlvc until Junc l7th, lnclurlvc.Sca Locrl Hcwfoundlend foldrr for r6rvlcc eltor that det..

Fead Down R.rd Ut



Oo. Uo

,!z l,.u l-laalrt,l",'", If:i:,*.6 I ,!o l'3,.'lr.o lr?.r.r. I r.r. I e.n. le. r. I NEw crJscow.n.s.l e. r. I e. r. I r. r,. I r. r.

il0.t0113.001 l0t30it6.ml 0.01v 43,47,4sA Ar1t5.35iil0.401r2.451t6.35'i0.51 3.j01 ll.05l 6.201 Z.t st"ilarton . . . .l 5.301 9.551 2.401 6.30

,;:*l ,{rol rr'.eol e.:ol i:? f,'j"il,i,i":::: :l s.'rzl s.asl 2.rsl 6.irri0.11lr3.50l il n7v6.381 7.7 Arm. . l15.6u 9.3?1t2. r7l/6.08-rio.stln.nl llt34lr6.42l 9.6 svrvart.?. . . . .l15.Ull 9.?ilrz. l2V6.g2iio.sslTr.ozl i17451.16.501 12.5 Loch Beoom . . .ll4.55il 9. l5l/2.031/5.58-

i i.osl r. tol i I .491 6.551 t4. I Brown Point 4e. I 4.501 9.051 t.5gl 5.50

,,,,,1,,1, ! )tklF{ *l i i. i "

};i:,r:i I i

" I,,.o l, 1,, l, J *1,,1,01, J,,

r.r. lr.r.l r.r. le.n.l PrctouLod0B i e.r. I r.r. lr.x.lr.r,


Page 23: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Ex,Sun.A,Iil.r 1.35u.?2il.n




I ..42t


r Daily. \

t Deity cr- &rndaY.

| &lndey odY.

U Sun- Tua. Thur'

..' Fecieurant or Lunch Countor,

t Daily axcept Saturday.

I D.,it! ercePt MondaY.

6 Monday, WednesdaY and FridaY.

O DaIy axcatt Sat' and Sun.

4 Tuseday, ThursdaY and SaturdaY.

(AT.) Atlantk Time.

(E.T.) Eastom Time.

(N,T.) Newfoundland Timo.

I Motor traina; limited baggage accom-modtt'ton.

A Win not run on MaY 24th', June Sth.,July 1sL, rnr SePtombor +th.

B On MaY 24th., Juno 5th., July lst-..'end Sobtembar 4th. Train 119 wrllro[ ruil ftope*oll to Stellarton andTrein 126 will not run New Glasgowto HoPowell.

C On boatdays only.

D \Mll rpt run Juiy lsl

c Oaily ox@t Sunday and MondaY.

D On Sunday leaws Halifax 6JO p.m.'arrives Truro 8.15 P.m.

c Nl sleeprog Car Train. C,oach Pas-senol€rs errivo Moncton 1.55 P.m.

tt Sbp during June, JulY, Augurl -and- Soptsmber for passen|ors to or fromTruro or boyond.

t Stops on signal.

t Sebrrday only.

M Mixed train.

I Stops on signal Tues., Thura andSaL

ro Stops on signal SaturdaY onlY'

n S'tots on signal MondaY onlY.


Juno 18 I

':::il'I rlsrrnH sTEAMSHIP LINES l{;.itl:,.'..l I r'r'J;-;o' lrr Yarmouth, Ns. (A.T.) . . . -kl cl'n67fi lii B;;i;",M;*.id.i.)'. : . . . . .' .LYl @330";,:": l^ I '-.-



TABLE 52Atlantic Timo

Page 24: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

-!0AMPBELLT0N - EDMUNDSToN%..F---,rr*=sBnd Down Rod iJp

^ilt"lll '^BLE 56r iY,1L6

i:,ll'lt"* Auantic rimo

lt#- E fl ?,?,fiir?,1..T":,.n:":..'Ld ?:lg'i,lllr!,9 ;ffi{H,,',, : .fi.;rrqta:l ll:? iliii'i;,; : : : : i . .:.1, !

^.r10.-33i ]4.8 Grog Erook'De- : : : . '.7

1.5n.. .f . -l 39.4 St. Jcan Beptisto . . . . . t

lll.-l9t A5.? Robinron . .l: : '. . -.

t Z.lS

=altdA.a WhitoBrook - . ., . . ., I

'?i #:1 +#tr,:i.* ::::::::l i"t I 9?.2 SL Mrrttn dc Rcrtleouchr ./

;i,,1 n.6

i;$l;* '

: ' : : : t:|,i,,

- .r -.1 13., Nlckrl . . . . .l I.r l..561 ?i.9 Jerdtnoerooi . . : : : :l 11.50-_/--186.5 Blrck8rook... ^...1 I

/?.lll 88.1 viot.tt.Brooi - . . . . .Vti.tS

? 59i 91.5 vcnrer. . ., . : : : : .iii.m/- j..!01 %.1 Grend nl"ci . . . . . . .l,riO.a5.r l.l"ll0l.8 Frrmmlne : : : : : . .iji\.A

t _1105.> Viotctto Erldoo . . . . .l I1.05i110.5 LN.R.Junctrl; : -'- I s.55

i liilii:3 f, l.' LroraiD . . ifi 8:ffi.. ll16.4 slor.. ...'-l

.r 5.l5il?0.8 oulrlbtr - . . .lt 5.23. . |;|22.9 Th.r,rutt . .',1 - .t s.Jlil?l .l Grcn Bly.r . . . . - .ir S.0SI 5.16:132.3 st. Brttt . . . .:l 8.57i 00lli7. I lr Eoru;orroi, N.a. E8 .Lll- I 45


* Daily. t Daily crcapt Sunday. ! Sunday only.tr Dailysx.Sat.andSun, f Dailyex.Sat. I Daily ex. Mon-dP Tuas., Thurs., and SaL - Mardi, jeudi et samedi@ Mon., Wed. and Fri. - Lundi, mercradi st vendredi.O Froight sorvice only.(A.T.) Atlantic Time. (8.T.) Eastorn Time,1 Rostaurant or Lunch C.ountor.

I| Motor train; Iimitod baggage accommodation* Ro0ulady assiqned cars air-conditioned.A Daily srceot Suniay and Monday. Passengers for

P.E,l.oointsstay overnrght at SaintJohn or Moncton.b Juno 26th until Septombor 5th incl,,f Stops on signal. - Arr0t sur signal.t Sun., Tuas. and Thur, - Dim,, mar. et jeudi., Wod,, Fri., and Sun. - Mer., ven,, dim.I Stops only to gick up passonogr$

M Mixed train. m Stops only to detrain passengors,o Stops for pasgan0ers from Eangor and Eaet, or 6. 4

A.R.F|. also to ontrain passeng€rs.


EoulpMtilT -

nrvt€xlce MEr{T - TABLE 69

Trrlnr 5l rnd 52 * Edmundrton-eurbrcBuflrt Sleeping 9er-(tg Soc, I D,R.) (Nos. tn &, 26A,

Wagons-lits-Buffat.From Edmundston & Quebec, Tues., Thur., Sat.9po! at Edmundston 19.ffip.m.; parked until 8.OO a.m.De Edmundston et Ou6boc mar.. ieu.. sam.Disponiblc I Edmundston i pahjr ds ro.O0 p.m. etjurqu'i 8.S a.rn.

Trtlnr 57-35T rnd 356-BE - Edrnundrton-Montr..l*Slooping Car -(12 Soc., I D,R.) (rvos. E6g & ffi,

Wa0ons-lits.Frcm Edmundston Sun., Tue., Thur.; from Montr6al

Mon., Wod., Fri.Dc Edmund$ton dim., rnar.. jcu.; de Montr6al lun.,

m€r., von,Parkgd at Montroal until 6.it5 a.m.Disponiblc i Montr6al jusgu,i 6.45 e.rn.Trelnr 6? Ind 68- Edmunddon-Glutbcc

Buftet Sleoping Car (10 Soc., I D.R.) (NDs. Nit & eatrln Parlor Gar Servic€ frbm Edniuhdston.Wagon-lits-buffct dans ssrvics do wagon-salon

d'Edmundston.Opsn at Qucbec lO.3O D.m.Drsponiblc I Quibec i'partir do 10.30 9.m.

Page 25: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950




4. 201.041.59


f 1.263. r23. 04

Dally rr, Sundet f"om H.litar_/1*.F.'"


ffi?, MoNCT0N-ELG|N ";;.St?11",,., rABLE 65 *T,i,;loonly I Atlantic Timc onlyl.r. I t.f,.10.{) I 0.0LvMorcror,N.B..A.k 3.1511.20113.1 Sellrbury28... . 3.10

fi:lfll z, o f,)e",,r.oo,," zr, 28 iH il|t 1.00 I 30.3 'Potlrtt Rlvcr. . .' . I 2.10.f l.l8 135.0 Btekncy t 1.52

1.25 I 36.9 lr El-qlr. N.8.. . Lv I .15t.r. I ?.t.


fl'i I g',i

I ;{,i I "'' ffii:,6J lgi I gT

I 33; ".'T'."::::"',;H?.u. I p.x- I ^.M. | ^rra'rrru rr('o

le.r. I ?.m. I ;.t'll: Nrwcrrtlo to south4.351 2.05 1 7.351 0.0 Ly N:wcesrlE, N.8.26,6t A |1"l i.201 l2.OSl l.2g Notron, chrtham &

| " l " I l'Z DerbYJct""""'l:: I :: I :: I 4:6 ll"*;ti:t::::::::l :: I :: I " nuc passrnec?' r?-

i'i!l i'igl c,?Hl

'i,i ;ifri$i''::,: i:::::l l.frl ll.$l i.ii '*i''i;']'""5 25f 2.551 8.?51 17.7 k Loccrevrue, N.B. . . . . Lvl 6.j0l li.i5l f.lOp.a. I p.x. le.t,r. I tHighlvayStop le.r. lr.x. lr.u.

t.00t, n.

rABLE 641%f5Milor Atlantic Time I Sun.

Moxcroi. n,g. I r.r.0.0 l=v

^ kl 2.35rl

fl f,)s*,*"-. iill l !82.9 Prrcc. . . . .' .lt t.ZS4.0 Covcedrtc . . .lt t.ZO9.6 Turtlo Cnck . .l,r 6.05

13.6 Bartimorc . . .lt S.S014.8 Moncton Foad. | /16.6 Stoney Crcck. .lf S.lOli.6 Water Tank . . I9.7 sarem.....lf 5.25

21.8 wordon ....VS.iA24.3f,ixirr,uo.o . {Hl *:t28.7 Albcrt Mtncr . ,l29.7 Woodworth. . .l32.6 Curyvll16...l34.9 Cepc......l37.6 Dantal.....l42.0 Hopewcll Xltt. .l44.0 Rlvcrrida. . . .l44.7 Ar Ar-a:ar. n.4.. Lvl

Page 26: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950



t SccI Not.

401 42r.*. I r.r-

t_t 6.r01F1t0.3{tt 6.@18fl0 n

5.50:: r0. rft 5.15'. Ito.t2.r 5.381Eil'.s7

r [.n!3r {s5.2]l+ 9 525. 13, ; 9.Utt-_r5.02ir 9.34

f 1.55,6 t 9.nt1.50 ! 9 A

t 4.45'it 9.20? tTroiEt 3.Lor 2T15!it 1.15cSTlol ;t 6.30i-g.r6r3--:.-t 5.501?il0.r5f 5.00i; r e.25t 4.lOic t 9. 15

1.2016 9.0sa. Bia 8.58

t 4.a4l7t s qs{.001 a 8.153 . lsli 8.252.40i E 7.lo

, 1[?!e 'i [?I 2.011 t 7.0t

r.551 6.s6, 1.471 t 6.19

t.{rl 6.13I t.}ll t 6.35I 1.251 r 6.nI t-t$l t6.2t

t../ I. r0l .r 5. r0

i l ::r r.001 t 6.00t r2.381r :0.051 ..r B. t5lr 7.mlI 9.mli r2.351 t 5.{5t ll.l0l t{.1ot t0. l0 t 3.15t 7.051 + r.ma 9.301 t9]{tt l0.00l t r. lotr.15l " r t2-]5I il.10t.- t 8.rtr.r- | .1.r.


t t.ttflz.58



tltz.tt,?.2312. t0t


ilt.Iil t.10t t0.10t 6.30








t0.4r2.8t5.619.3a.a23.7? ll

Rced Down

ru63 I

Tue.,WoU.lFel. & Sat.luntil I

Mey 21, Ithan Tue.l

& wed- Ion ty. Ia.r. I

6.t0 I.r 6.35 I

6.45 It6.n I

t 6.55 I7.m I7.15 IA.x. I

Mils! T^BLE 72

Atlantic Timc

EOUIFM€NT_TAALE 70coaches on ell trains, Moncton-cape Tormenline ead Bordon-chadottetown.

. No. 39 Charlottctown to l\|oncton*Cafe.Parlor Car (.l\Io, 7, . . ., . :. . . ._ .. . Cape Tormentino to Saint Johnln No. t3 from Moncton-first trip .lun! Zrtn*(lO Sec., 1 D.R., t Crmpt.,

rn No. 5e ,...,n ,r""j"1;y;.;f: 'l',. '.'I criili;,i",lX,,ll,i"t^i3l;,?lli

No. 40 Moncton to Ch.rlottrtofn*(t0 S€c..l O.R., 1 Compt.).\N.9. F) .- ..:-. .. . MontrealtoChartottetown

ln No. 2 to Moncton- Untit June z4th ind. e"O iiioi i;"pf sii,. -"-'-""(Until June Z3rd and after Sept. 4th from'ttont.irifl, '-

No. il2 Moncton to Chr"lott€town**i'"""$ii9:f ,[f s""',Tt.lor,'n-rr,.st'trir'r*f ,r#f

&?trrt8_ili:tlT:*(10s.c" I D." d f,'"fi31J,'*;,{f i;ipia; mllf::i{*"1[nFi$,*l

Sept ath.


Page 27: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950




TABLE 73Atlantic Time

(The Charlottetown Hotel)

L,id1i-:::1':". 1'': . ."SouthportBunbury.Mount H.?b.rtHarrlbrmk.Mount AlblonVllbgo Gncnl:le Vrrdr,MlllrbsVeenoaMlllvir:L.rh Vardr.Harrnlt ttVcrnon Rlvcr, .Glrncoruice .. . . ' ..GrendvlowFodhlr.Sumy.MrlYlll.Brllt FllvorWood lrlendlrlr . .Hoprfirld.Murr:y Rivtl. .Wllmot

k Mum r He*sor. P.Et. . . Ly

0.0 LY ur, SrEwarr Jcr. 7l . . Ar?.6 Pirqold7.0 Preler9.3 St, Trcra12.2 /t8 Rord13.9 Prrth18. I Cerdlsen.19.2 MontrqurJct!, .

20.3 Flornceth....22.'b iiiioillii : . : : : : : : .21.9 Rob.Ptton25.6 Mont su.?7.? Bob.rcon?8.5 Erudrnclt30.8 Rorcnc:th

Milss Ir6.8r8.520.823. I24.526.528.3i0.933.835. 7]9.64r.944.245.847.85r.651,455.7


I Daily ercept Sundry.

@ Monday, Wednosday, Friday.d Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.i Daily oxcspt Saturday.I Daily excopt Monday.g Tu$,, Thurs. and Sat. On Mon., Wsd-, rnd Frl.

lsavc 6.3O a-m.

A Rostaurant or tunch countor.I Motor Train; limited baggage rccommodation.A Daily excopt Sunday rnd Monday.T Effective until Juno 25th & after Soptember 5lh.c Loave except Fri. and Sat. Passengers for P.Ll.

points stay overnighl at SaintJohn or Moncton.

,f Stops on signal, lr{ Mixod Train"9 Also runs on Thuisday until May 18 incl,I First Thursday trip May 25.

(A.T.) Atlantic Tim€. - (E.T.) Eastern Timc.


:*i]:l::.frr:i:,}.:l**l::t:1-.1ffiq:1|l*,.ll.**.l:',T]:|::,frr:.Hi lr*l,li, lr?l;i l_":i, l.HlJi lF"b"l .E!r.r, lt".olorrtvrxcensunoevl F?!#t lFdcnlr?$, l*..1 .Hf* 1""%1..;*i. 1,.^.1n,ro.!i{l9.dn lr.ftr l.-IE 2.dn ll.OEl l0.35ul9.lorllrB.dhD.. ...L| 10.6u lll.I[i r.5it l].rtfll 5.df, Is.zdle-554 l[?ii|.2581 9.55tr | 8.6fl l5.5nl t.35{ lt.$f,1 ll.illl0.05ulk6D.T.rm.ntrn...L4 9.lw rto.l5rl Lod 12.{rl 1.S{ lt.XEl 9.@N I io.XE


Page 28: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Rcad Down-D. hrut an ba!








f 697












ri. ro


^I l.3tTT:?5

i il.31_Ti.E



I/10. t0






1.00/ 3.30I 1.05

i r|.nIt 2.10

I 2.05



r r.l0I


./10. r0/ 9.3?.r 9"q)

.r 8.407.55

t 7.5r l.osr 6.45

r [.rt 6.n6.m


t. t0

v*I .55


t l.ss-T.*tt 2.2t

2.yI 2.15I 2.57,r 1.00./ 3.03t ,.07

r l.tgI3.383.183. s5


TGATTus.Thu.Sat.Mar.Jou.Sam.A.I.6.mt 6.&

./ 6.18

r {.s')t 7l.rg



r e{w

rr{uil{.sstflz.32I t.g5I t.35II t.55

2.30I 2.55f

/ 3.05I t.m

II 1.15I 3.10



Page 29: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

QUDownt arf*






rABLE 82 Eastern Timo - Heuro de l'Est

Bcad Down-Haut .n blt pt36 lJprBal cn heut


Mhrd TtTr:ln Eastarn TimoMlrt. Heuro dg l'fut


Page 30: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


*i:L$"; BlvlERE A PIEnB!*1$fiisgttinj

0-C Op. Hervsy Ar.*-5 Ar. La Tuquc Dp.5}.8 Ar, Fitzpatrick . Dp,,ll.g Ar, Sonnotorro . Dp.



6.306.206. t0

. t.r.;-Co:






Ar, Val d'OtAr. Noranda- .

Dg. Sonnoterre , Ar.Ar. Taschereau Dp.Ar. Cochrane Dp.

12 t 112Ex. Mon. Mon.onlyLun. Ex. Lun.soul.

A.X- IA.L,7.2J I 4 567.38 I 5. r07.48 I 5. 18

t7.5\1t523i B.0r I .r 5.31' 8.07 I 5.37

8. t7 I 5.478.21 I 5.51


'8491'2Lge.os I 6 3ee.lo I 7.00r.r. I r.n.

^fiEHHgFi[[,, ]r"utu" 28, 7e, s4, s5, 86 & 8e

Quebec-(M ontreal )-Ch icoutimi@

f,Qucbac-Chlcouti ml-Trains 21 1 &. 21 2.Montrcal- Dol bca u-Trains I 1 6-21 6 & 1 I'21 5 Montrsal-Riviere a Pierre;

trains 211 d,212 Riviere a Pierro-Chambotd; d, trains 193 & 196 Cham-bord-Dolboau,

fMontrcel-Chlcoutimi-Trains t1&216 & 11$215 Montreal-Riviore aPierre d, trains 211 a 212 Riviero a Pierre4hicoutimi.

*Montrcrl-Hcryry-Trains 1'l 4 d' 1 I 3.

Di nor*Wa9on -rcrte ura n tHcrvcy-Montrral-Train 33-215, except Monday.

- Lundi except6,Train 34, sxcopt Saturday. - Samodi excopt6.

Montroal-Garncau (l{ar. COS & 9Ol, -Trains 1t5 oxcept Sunday. and l l6-216 except Saturday.SlocPlng Carr-Wrgon-lit!

*Qu.b.c-Chlcoutiml (12 Ssc. DB) (.\'os. ,7 & .l8)-Trains 211 &'212.. Oosn at Ouebsc 9.30 p,m. Parked at Qusbec until 7.00 a.m.

Disponiblb A Quebec I partir de 9.3o p.m., et jusqu'i y.00 a.m. I Qu6bec.*Mont.cal-Chicoutlml. (24 Duplex Roomettes-z4 chambrettos duplex)

(Nos 196 & 19s) Fittt trip May zoth-A partir du 20 mai*Trains 116-216 A ll5-215 Montr6al-Rividro i Piorre; d' trains 211 A212 Riribre dPiorre{hicoutinri.'Not.: Unt;l May t9th incl. (12 Soc., 1 DR.)

(12 s€cs., 1 salon) jusqu'au 19 mai ind.*Monr,rcal-Chlcoutlml (12 Soc. DR) (.rro, t99, 194>-Trains 116-216 &

115-215 Montr6al-Rividre i Piorre; & ttains 211 &212 Rividre I Pierre-Chiooutimi. I

*Montrrrl-Dolbreu (12 Sec. DR) (*"os. t98 & MlFrom Montreal Mon., Wod. & Fti.-De Montr6al lun., mer. of von.From Dolbsau Tue., Thur, & Sat,-Do Dolbsau mar,, jau. ot sam-Trains 116 A 11$.215 Montreal-Rivioro a Piorre; trains 2ll d,212Riviere a Pierro-Chambord; d. trainr 193 4 196 Chambord-Dolbeau.

Q ue bec-( M o ntrea I )-f{ o ra n d a- Ro u y n - Goch ra noThroueh Coachc-Voltur.r dlr.ctcl

. o,,if'j[:i,:oin*A*Xs- "',"ft1*I*Xti,X:;'fi-ii: I ' Rl:ll'!'"fkain passenger"

: I

I Dritysxcspt sunday, | - qroi., din.ii tunoi exceites. I ArrEt oout laisssr descondre I

Quotidion, dimanchs erca9t6, I t uotot train, passonoers and hand I voyagours da Montr6al'

i A*iilgitriil*lia I Ffl$Jd;,lll*Ls:r'J:,tffi; I ' iPgilil',','#l"Pt1'1il',ffi;. I

l*d*$**lffiffil m{'#t*l

t Stogr oxcapt Sat. & Sun, for pas-senoers to bsyond Sennsterre.also to Lac aux Sables andbeyond, and on Sunday stops onsignal for passenoors to boyondSonnsterre.

Arr6t sam. st dim. sxcspt6 Pourles wyaleurs allant au delA deSonnoierre, aussi pour Lac aux Sa-bles et au deli, et les dimanchss,erret sur signal pour l6s voyagoursallant au deli ds Sonnetsrro.

J Baooaoo will not be checked toandirom Mount RoYal or BridgoStreet Stations.

I J Aucun bagage onrogistr'bs desI garss de Mt-Royal ou Eridge St.I & Saturday only. Samodi seul.

I t stoos for passengers to beyondI Sennotorre.I Arr€t pour les royaseurs atlantI au dolA do Sonneterre-I o Sbps for psors. from Joliette &I beyond. Flag stop on Sunday.I Arrtt pour les wyageurs doI Joliotts ot au d6li. Arret surI signal le dimanche.

I m UlxoO train. - Train mixte.I ra Via Aston Jct. and Levis Ferry.I Via Aslon Jct. et Travorsier L6vis

Page 31: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


- TROIS BIVIERES - VICTOBIAVILLEI - | trll t I I a t -rr --1fd

- Gorvlcr Mqntml-Nlcolot ylr Drummondvllb - Tablc 26)


' Erad Down-DcPool354

Flord DownDa hrut.n btr

J!. Ltt I

er. I et. ISun. I Sun. IDim-l Dim. Icrc. I cxc. I

Rrad UpDr ber cn hrut TABLE 91

Tealnr 351-176; t75-3511

Montrcel-Lr Melbelc

*Parlor Cars (Nor. 54O 4 539)WaOons-salons.

From Montroal, 6x. Sun, June 10th toS€pt. gth incl.

Do Montr6al, dim. ex, 10 juin eu 9sept, rnd.

From La Malbais, sx. Sun. and Mon.,June l3th to Sept. 9th incl.

De La Malbaie, dim. et lun, ex., 13juin au 9 sopt. incl.

TABLE 90Eegtern Time - Heure de




Car 539 runs La Malbaio to Quoboc intrain 173 on Sundays Juno ltth ioSept. lOth incl.

Wagon 539 circuls dc La Malbais IQu6boc sur ls train 173, les diman-cheq du 11 juin au 1O sept. incl.

Ou6brc-La Malbalc(12 Sec., 1 D.R.) (lior. 80 & 79) in

Parlor Car Servics.Wagon-salon.

Car 80 in train 176 runs until Juno gthincl, and aftor Sspt. 1Oth.

Jusqu'au 9 juin incl. 6t apr€3 16 .1O sept.

Car 79 in trains 173 and 175, runs untilJuns t0 incl. and after Sspt. 11.

Jusqu'au l0 juin incl.otaprdsloll sopt,

slrtrsil-HcAr{ FArLS - TR0IS RIUIERE$Bur Srnicc oFcrat d by Cerlrr & Frirc

Through ttckota.?r not l33u.di r.ll tickctr at. not hono.od. 6.00r.l Dp.Shewlnisen Frllr

- C.N. Strtloo 86 Ar. t 9.2qn6. lOtl Almavillc 9.l0Pl

St. Loolr, 9.50n.?.SU Ar.Trolr Rivlrrct . . . . . . . D0. r8.30Pl


Page 32: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Rcrd DownD. hrut.n brr MONTR


TABLES 9.I.98. Daily,

- Quotidion.t Daily excopt Sunday.

Quotidien, €xcopt6 16 dim.I Daily except Saturday.

Quotidien, sxcept6r lo samcdi.t Daily sxcopt Monday.

Quotidion, oxcopt6 lo lundi.I Sun. only,-Dim. seul.A Rastaurant or Lunch Counter.

RsstaurantA Stops for passengers to SL

Jerome and boyond.Arr6t pour les voyageursqlur StrJ6rome et au dsll.

6 Mon., Wed. and Fri.Les lun., mot, of von.

dP Tu€s., Thurs. and Sat.Los mar., jeu. et sam.

f Regulady assigned cars ait-conditionod.Lor voitures r6gulidrar sontdimatis563.

T 8us oonnoction, Throughtickots mav bo sold.

0 Stops on signal Sopt. 3 only.Arr0t sur signal le 3 aeplroul.

O Stops on rignal Juns 5 &Sopt. 3 only.Arr6t lur signal 5 juin ot3 eopt. s6ul.

A Passong€re will be handlcdon freight trainr betwoenStc. Martino and Beauhar-nois - freight train pormitlrnt roquirod - freight trainswill not oparate on DominionHolidrys.Los prlsao8n voyagorontavsc las trainc de marchan-disos ontro Ste-Martine ctEeauharnois, rans lo gormirordinairemontrequis. Lotains da marchandisor nccirculera pas los jours dofetas du Dominion-

D On Seturday lsavs Now York9.00 p.m. arrive Portland6.{5 e.m. Sunday.

& Stops only to detrain par-EOngors,Arr6t pour laisser les voya-q6u18.

c StoDs' only for connectionwith C.P.R.

cr Stops only to entrein par-tongorS,Arr6t pour laisrer monter!eulemont.

a Stopr for passengorg lromDanby rnd beyond.Arr6t pour los voyageurs deDanby of au dsli. -

,, Stopr to detrain 9a!scng66from north of S!, Eustaoho.Arr0t pour laimgr dgrccndndu nord de St-Euctroho,

.f Stog! on !ignal,Arret rur rional,

c Baggagc will not bo chockodto end frorn Eridgc 3LStation.Aucun cnrcAirtromont dlbagages 6n provontnoa ou Idastination do lr grraBridso Sl.

} Monday only.Lundi ssulemant.

J tsaogaos wilt not be checkodto rnd from Mount RoyalStallon.Aucun cnrogigtrement dobagagos en glovcnlnoo ou Idestination de Mont-Roy.l.

I Saturday only,Samcdi soulomsnt.

t On Sat,, {rom July 2 to Sspt.3 incl,, stopr only for pareon-oerr to or f rom Montroalind boyond.Ler mm,, du 2 juil, su 3 rgpt.lncl,, arrgt ggulomont pourlot voyaosurs pour au d0Montr6al €t au doli.

M Mixod traln. - Train mixto,m Stopr to detraln passsngorl

from caet Richmond.p Oaily ex. 8un. until Juno 25

rnd aftor Sspt. 3; Dally cx.Sat. 4 $un., Juno ?5 toSept. 3,-Soo No, 126.Quot., ex, lo dim., jusqu'au26 juin ot tprar lo 3 sopt.,Quot., cx. lcs ram. €t dim.t"l j,i;g. ru 3 EoPt. - Voir



Mo. Tu.Wo.Th.Lu. Ma-Mo. J6.



- Ot'h.ut .n'b.r firrd Up -

Dc brr sn hrut

Mil. MonrnuL ACentral Station I

.0.0 Dp. Garo0entralo .J Ar.I .9 Erlder $t. (c) -4.0 Sr, L^r..Eir 96 .9. I Brourro 1{lOll.4 Lepmlrle15-6 Le Tortur16.0 Dctron17.0 St. Conrtent20.5 Ar, Sr. l3rDoB€ rcr. . Dp.

WI ccrt.in rtrtiont rclcr toI teutcr rhowine conn.ctingI treinr.

I Lce .r-a.oe rn rcglrd dlI ccrteincr Jtationr ranvoiantI aur tsblceur indiquant lctI trainr d. racco"d.mGnt.

{H:i'+in ro I 'ABL€ 95 | rr lT,l?li}',j.r_t

Y/6d. I Thu- lEx.Su.l Eastern Time--Hsurc de l'Est lEx.Su. I Wod. i Tnur.FrL I Sat. lDi. ox. . er. I Fri. I SaL

16.7 Beauharnris (A)

16.0 Howick .......1 74217.0 Ayrnor . . . . . . .1 7.3740.8 Bryront . . . . . . .l 7.?844.5 Ormltown .l 7.?049.1 Dcwittvtlle .....11 7.lCY.l Huntlnedon . . . . .1 i.0]59.5 cern . ..l/6Y61.6 whitca . . . ,. . .l 6.5164.5 Bcaver Crosrlnc .ll 6.4666.4 Ste. Asnir, Quc. . .l 6.4?7l .3 A. Fonr covrxcroi, N.Y.O.l 6.1577 .O Bombay . {Freight I e.m.84.j Helena .jServica I93.0 Maunr, N.Y,[only I

Page 33: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950



t i.rot-jlfr

NOTE:-Foe rchrdulc ot additionllTreinr l, ?,3, il, 58r 59 end 6o

batwGcnMontr.l .nd St. Hyeclnthr, roc Tablc 20

Pour horalle daa trainl lupplatnantalrcll , ?,3, 4,58, 59 st 6O

cntraMontrarl .t St'Hyaainth., volr ttbla 28.

nlolrrneer-ouee€cPool S*vlccr

- Trrinl .n comtnurl


BLE 95l.t.

"r8 il8.5 r







t.x.t 9.10

9.229. r0



:,,,t i'.ts


40-5 Brltennla Mlllr - . .l ..42.8 5t. Llbolrc. . ., . .l'.45.9 Upton. . . . . . . .l ..5?.2 Actonvelt ......1 {..59.8 DanbY" '.....1'.64.0 South Durhrm . . .l '.67.0 Llrerr.,. . ... .1 ..69.6 Gorr .l . .

74.3 Ar.nrcx.roxo g8 . . a Dp-lr{.

''lT-E-lBi,?i.fit ??;lg





^. i..


t5. t4f 5.01t4.4411.30i5ffi18000

I t_r-

ojiitll;l., BICHM0ND - QUEBEC o. fiio."uB.,.



Page 34: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950






12.Ft2a. t.

POOL TBAIT{$ - MONTBEAL T QUEBEC,: i:?.tL'JL1:.';,1',:iliL"flTl,;L:'oll.**Rcad Down

- E'! h.ut.n br!.NoteC:n.Net.58Fri.onlyt.t.


Rled Up






PoolTra ln354Daily



Foollra lr362Sat.only1,4:..t2.2


TABLE 99EastErn Time

Fiouro de l'Est

Motrie !Wlndror Stn. Ar.

Dp,Wcrtmount . , L7,Dp.Montrrel Wrrt fu.

Tebl$ Hot. 26. !6 & 96 - Addlttonrt S."vls.l - Mont?..1 rL Oirbca.








brt rnNot.

I ctr.I ttet-lstI Mon.I onlylr-r-


Pool 353*Coach*Parlor

(Nos.6S9, 51t.61t,545'

*DincrPool 35d*Coach*Parlor


fDincrPool 33t*Coach*Parlor


f Diner

Pool 366*Coach*Parlor

(Ns. 654,651t,668>


Pool 382*Coech*Parlor

1NoJ.566, 56E,37O,*Dinet

Juna30ttrul'tllirpt. I

2.mlB 4.l.r. I l'r.

sz I zo llilit *r-lDaily i Daily I Sun. lEx"Su.lQuoL I QuoL I Dim. lDi. ox"i!.I.. I tr" I r-r. I r-r-. I8.25' 7.31 6.3r]: 5.401.. ' .. I 6.12 3.528.a6Ml.J/ 5.9 6.00. v6.5et6cF. lt 7.tot 6.m9.Itaa g.l8l 7.20, 6 10



I lo- I 6.ltli I F l:E lg:Sgi I ,F l;- l[-i',i;P : i! llit,'l ?lt- = l- Z'.1 7.27'

? 1 *l;;irffii+Ivll;ifi,fli

J' sl l-r 'g.ne|.tBl -r:l .. i

:: i .: li. I .: I.. r .. l_.' I ,. Iiii ,:;1'1;.i I i

I&l I 606Er. Su-lEx- SuDi. ex.,Di. er?.s..,i

^,.r.5.m 9.,(5.t2 9,25.20 9.]

I 5.nt 9.3,I t.40t 9.1

5.50, 10.0t. ta- F--

:i I i8:fi

.i; hl8:frr E LrlO.3jx * I'l8 ir. ;'/10.5'::: rt ti0

I lii'll,g; i! I'll :irc!: I r.r.

:E-l ::c. I "

-zl'.=l3r I .-



Pool 358 rnd 3611Slceplng Getr

*8 Soc. { D.B,R. (Not 576 e 5751

*12 Soc, DR. (/Vor. 671 & 6Is,*E S€c.,-{ D.B.B. (Nos, 678 &, 577)

Er. Sat,

Fool 36t6--4N 68: Cl{ 67-Pool 36?

*12 Soa, 1 D.R (Jvar W & t6g)M ontrcal-Oueboo-Ed mundston

From Montroal Mon. Wod.. Fri.From Edmundston Sirn., Tdor., Thur.

Opcn tt Montroel and Quebec 9,30p.m. Parkod at Quoboc unlil ?.m&m., at Montreal until 6,45 a.m.

C.N. trainr 1,2, 3, 4, 57, 58, 59, 60-See Teblo 29 for mmflete equipmenl

OREILLERSd,ans les

TRAINSLes voyageurs en voituregordinaires peuveat, dansIa plupart des bains,louer pour la nuit, dumarchand de iournau:,un oreiller.



t Daily oxcspt Sunday.Quotidien, diminche excapt6.

Rostaurant or Lunch Countar.-RestauranLI Motor train, limited baggago accommodi-

tbn.Aulomotrico, bagage limit6.

f, RoEularly assignod carc air-conditionod.Lss \oiturss r6gulidres sont climatis6er.

" ?:l,iii.r msst lsave Quobec 3t) rninulss

Lcs bagages doivont quiltrr Qu0bsc 3Ominutos plus t6t.

M Mirsd Train. - Train Mixto.

u Slogs for passongers to boyond St. Johns,

3[:3to""r \oyaseurs allant au dotl de

Nurnbo?|rhown opporltr c.rtrln rt tlonrtaf.r to t:bbl thowlng conn.otlng t"tlna.

Lcl num6rot on rcgerd dc crrtalnctItatlonr r!nvolant aur tablcrux indl-quant loi traioi dr rtccord.m.at.

c Stops daily exceot Sunday for passenqoru I D Eaggagsmugtbachocked before midniOht,

l?,9"rono st. Johns' Flas stop on sundav

I f""i",Tiil,",l doivont atre enresistr6r

fjt?lgll; T"o#*"ifor',;3Ji filfli; | { il# fiiJ::3""'ilil;11"'.Tiio{i1., s.orsignal lo dimancho seul. I dili

I s.#lltt't lundi' 4 sept' au lieu do dim"

. :l*BJfiff:sensoretoorrrom

sL Arbans |

, ffgii'S,:ilrfJ":" :r:*l

to and rrom

3rt,rn:,'.,',"., J,oryiaeours oour ou oc | $-Tl{t?'T'H3ij:rtu""l'1T',l"cl?i

Page 35: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


rABLE I04 lr'5 25 12652351,Ex. lD

v259:r Sat Su.


Eastern Tims-Hsure de l'Est I ELMil. MoxrnEAL rl Sun.

{.1 TuncotEatt. .d.i o"-iir"i-.::.:::8.5 Convcnt (Le Couv6nt) .9.4 Lecrtx:

ffiI LI Dorvrl


Sun,t. t.

4.4.tI4.134.t{.11.211. Z{1.1.4.'1.4.37

14.10{.44tl. {74.5:t.f .

















5.45i6i 15

t61t 6.

2441 2Er. I

26 I 4A l2s2Sun. lDai)im-lour


:: I. EEl< c':

:;. lF ?.!'2nl ;J

Ex- I I Sun.Sun. I Ex. Sul onlyDim.lDi. ex.lDim.

Sat. I Sat.only I onlyiam.lSa m.


Sun, onlyDim. ssul.Mit.

Union Stn. I78.4 Orrrwe Gare UnionJ Dp.


J. I Wiltonvrlc6.6 St. Domlnlqu. . . .8.7 Ccdcrr (Lss CMros) .

13.4 VruonsurL (Dorion) .l!.$ lrlc Pc*ot

ffil$.$ Aelo d'Urla.2O.3Breurpalru , ...22.2 Baconrricld . .23.2 Porr.rE CLAri€

ffilQ.t Convrnt (Lo C,ouvonr) .3l.3Domlnlon......,Jt.J Turcot Errt . . .36.1 St. Hcnrl.

oraYrEAL . l!Contral Stationl Ar.Garo Centrale J

ox. I a.r.... 16.15ex. I r.x. lseul.

e.r. I 7.lol ..t,t.1.0

7.501 9.201 ..

, 4'.c9,






I 6.7.0r7, 05

I 7.08/ 7.lt

7.157. t87.207.22

(,U t2.32


24.5?5.t25.7?7 .5

e 10.07



12.5$iI. es

I 7.26f 7.8






For the convcnicnce and comfort of otrr patronr travelliogin coaches_, pillows are aveilable go tha foliowing trainibctwgn tlre points mentioged anb may bc rentid fromthc Ncws Age[t on the train-

Eefivccn And

I Sunday only.-Dim. seutement,

t Daily excopt Sunday.Quot. dimanche ercapt6.

t Hli.X",,r:r"

May 24, July 1 and

Ne circulera pas les 24 mai,1 juillet ot 4 sept.

a Will also run May 24, July lstand Sept.4th.Circulera aussi les 24 mai, I juil-l€t st 4 sept.

+ Will not run Sat. July lstNo circulsra pas lo I juillst.

Rsstaurant or Lunch Counter.Restaurant.

O StoPs only tO detrain.Arr6t pour laisser descondre.

o Stops for psgrs,, from Levis andbeyond; or to Coteeu and beyond.Arrdt pour los norvaoeurr de Ldvisst au d6li ot iro-ur Coteau stau delA.

D Stops for psgrs. from Kingstonand beyond.Arr€t pour las voyageurs doKingston et au dsli,

C Stop SaL July lst., and Sun.. Sept.3n! only.

Arr6t sam. 1or juillot of dim. 3sept. s6ul€mont.

c Stopo for psgrc. from West ofCotaau.Arrdt pour les voyagcurs del'ouost de Coteau.

.f Stom on signal.-Arr6t sur signal., Stogs tor rsvcnue psgrs. from

or io North 8ay and beyond.Arr€t pour les voyagours payantpour ou do North Bay et au deli.

l Monday only.-Lundi seutsment.I Stops for psgrs. to and {rom

Danforth and boyond.Arr6t pour les voyageun pourou do Danforth et au deli.

m Stops for psgrs. to North Bayand beyond.Arr€ts pour les voyageurs pourNorth Bay et eu deli.

o Stops for psgrs. for Cornwclland beyond.Arr6t pour hs wyagours pourCornwall €t au doli,

t Stops to detrain passongers fromMontrsal.Arrit pour laisser los voyegoursd€ Montroal.

", Stop6 for psgrs. frgm Kingslonand beyond. On Sundays, stopsfor psgrs. to Montrsal.ArrCt pour los voyageurs doKingston st au deli. Les dim.,arr6t pour Montr6al.

s Stops for psgrs. to Ottawa andboyond.Arr6t pour les royaosura pourOttawa et au doli.

t Stoos for psgrs, to St. Polycarpoand boyond,Arret pour leg voyageurs pourSt. Polycarpe ot au deli,

r Stops for passen0grs !o or fromBalleville and beyond.Arr0t pour les voylgeurg pour0u d6 Bollevilla et au Celi.

THE CONTINENTAL JMontreal,. Vanc-ouvcrLIMITED lToroqto... Vancouvcr

1, 2, 59 snd 60. ...... Montrcel.. Halifsr7andE. ...... Sydoey-... llalifar1l and 12. . . -. Qtrcbcc.... Sennetcrre163 and 164.... ... ... Quebec.... Chicoutirni163 &2ll and 164 &2r2.... Qucbec.-.. Chicoutimi116 & 216-211 end 212-215.. - Montreal-. Chicoutimi16 errd f 7- . i.. Montfc.l.. Toronto46, 47 and 50..... ... Torooto... North EIay9 and 10. ., . -. Toroato-. . Winds€5and14. .,... PortHuron Chicego79and80..... ......: Longlac... FortWiniam5, 6, ll and 12. ...... Wina:pcg.. Edmootm9and10 ...-. Winaipcg.. Calgary15-63 end 64-16.. .... Winnipce.. !'lin Flo61 and 62.. .,, Regim-, . . Flin Flsr195 and f96.... ...... Jaspcr-.,.. Frince Rupcrt19 and 2O. . , . . Winnipcg.. Fort Francqt33and34..... ......- Fort

Freoccs. Port Artbur

Page 36: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950
Page 37: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


Ll;'1.9,1.9-1."sa.lEx. Sal EI. I Er lStun.:& Sun.! Sun. lSun. I or

r-aSam.aiDim"Dim.lDin. I Dim. I ex. I ox. 1sor^lsx. I I I



lli i, "iri' i i':?,[zl'

.ml s.oi 5.21 6.ool (

':"li ?:l9h:lrd ul

lr s. t6l/5.42,-/6.181- lr s. r8it5.1l16.201,o'il2*\l?18lt

3ll;.osl- 5.281 5.5q 6.281r

. I rr. lr.r.l 1

iifl I I,i I'iiill:14 i: I ,, ls:iiTEMBEF 2nd lNGl-.


,, 1.5,- salex,Sun.i& {im.&iSattim. I D

"r.1.r!t".J a4.lo I..tl.zd:: rr.l rl

:: t4.411.4i..v1.19A,9A

''"' I




'f6l I I

lr,)aily lat*'[.,-?"f*J

'l:*i3. toi


?:'1f 7.29f 3.32:lI 3.31,1r 1.361.r 3.38i/,*iL'sA-

a.0aI 1.051

l*,iirJI r'r. I







l Restaurant, Lunch Countor. G on July lit -ard. Septembor 4th., runr from Val

g sunday only.-- Dimanche seulsmenl Royal Lo st' Eustacho onlv'

t Daily erc€pt-.sunoav. ro s€urollrorrl

" Si-talJ,:llrtt gt"ffiTii.to*' circulo Val Roval I

: $}[li;?i:di'ff*Hi"i''i"?$s rrs?r",rtr' 5;ii$fi*'Iffi; fll ll LJ"mont. , a-_r ,rL 3 sept.

. ar.o tuns on Sat. July 1.st and Mon. Sept' ath. I -e"iiis"

witl mt be chockod to and from MountCiiJuiJii"rlsl tC sa,ri. 1 juil. et le lun' 4 sopt'.. Rovar station.

rt Will not run on Sat. July lst nor Mon.S€pl.4tn- AJiun enreqistrament ds bagaoos €n prownancoNo circulora pas le sam. 1 juil' et 16 lun' 4 sopt' ou i dostinition do Mont-fuyd-

.1 Also runs May 24, J'rly,l .ald 9t?tt 1^T. & Saturday only. - Same<ii sculemcnt

Circulera aussi 24 mai, 1 juil' ot { sopl.^ M Er. Sat. and Sun., May 29 to Juno 18 incl. and

otlil,f;trjy;JLliiiij,1ff'',1""[?T"ii","0,. e.'1,:';Xl,;n;',1;,ilt"d?iloll."'"il''eR'J'L,Hl,lil Sil.'1i'$'Jr,'i,Ti.ii.ol'''l; . *ot l3Ti'.lllll,ff'fr,iliil'b'iiill,ili''1'i.iX'J.e nun. l*,try ZC until Sopt. 23 incl.; cancolled July Annul6 I juil. et't sepl_

lst and SoPt.4th'circursra 2e mai .u 23 sepL incr.; annurb 1 juir. * I'i# Sr\. "il,J: 'il"":rlfi:,*i3 lt",1i*ril8ei I seot. inci' witt rrot run July 1st'

c nr^.-friv 28 untit sept. rz incl., also Julv 1st diiilts'isarn- seut.-3 i:f ,lJ^tl.jli1^ijitli;,9,t' nurrs rYrev vvP!' " ;;;; ziept' Dim'-ex'''lg juin au-2 sopt' incl'and Soot.4th.citlr'iiii'zii ilai au 17 sept' ind', russi 1 juil' ot Annul6 I juillcrt..

+ iipt. P Also runs on Fris" June 23 to-Sept. I incl'.o nrn-.-jrn. 18 until Sept. 3 incl', also Julv lst ' Ciid'ii'ia'"si lBs v?n" 23 iuin au '1 sept''incl'

'- liii'-stptith: - - " - . - -

. -, .. ^ s FJns^Mav.zsuntil &ptember 22inct' will not

cir"rr'i"ii'tti juin au 3 sept. ind', russi I juil' et run sept' 4'

4 sopt. ""' "".---. .

e nrnlJrnu 25 until Sopt. 3 incl', aluo Julv 1st and ,

tffiJ,?J"til"1,"t ,o S"or z ioci. wi, not run

Seot. 4th. ' i'.1:-".'1""diri,iirdil'zs juin au 3 sopl ind., aussi 1 juil' et

**t [*;", 19 juin ru z sEpr. incr. No circurera4 sopt.

I itojJo" signal. - Arr6t sur signal. pas le I iuil'

Page 38: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


^1 Flestaurent or Lurrch C;ountge

r Dally.

I Sunday only. : ,i Daily ex. $rrday

t Daily cx. Monday"

I Motor Train; limited baggageeccomrnodation.

* Regularly egigned ctru tir-conditionod.

,) Will .ho run Wsd., M.y 24;Eat., July 1, end Mon', SePt.4.

" Will not run Wed., MaY 24iSet., July 1, nor Mon., SaPt' l.

I Motor coech rcrvice botweonEss6x JunctioG Fort EthenAllen, Wrrnoski and Burling-ton (Oantral Terminal), rrilticketr honourud. Bail endPullmeo tickete on sale etCentrel Tcrminal. Coachsserrivo Union Stat'ton fivominutsc Jator and loavg fiveminulos oerlior. Chockod bag'gaoo it tr.nstcrrod bY truelc

D On Sun. leave Lowsll 5'4Op.m, Arrivo Worcestor 7.28 P.m.

C On Sundey, lcrvos Greonfisld5.45 a.m., rrt. Northampton6.12 a.m., Hotyoko 6.29 a.m.,Sprinqfiotd 7.5O a.m., Hartlord8.72 a.m., Moridan 8.46 a'm.,Now HaY€n 9't3 a.m., Bridge-pod 9.13 a-m., Notwalk &So. Norwalk 10.04 1.fi.'Stamford 10.1{ 4.m., NowYork 1l.m..m.

d StoDs for revenuo Pastanoortto or from Montrsal, Mont'pslier JcL, and beYond.

, Stop3 only to dotrain.

P 8v buses of the VormontTiansit CorP. Rail ticketrhonourod,

,r Stopt on rignal.

l Saturdryonly.

m Sloos on SaL & Sun. onlY.Effdctive June 15th, will elsostoD Mon. thru Fri. ro detrainrsvenue Psgrg. from ConcordSpringfreld rnd b€Yond ot tooick up revenu€ psgra. forMontrcel and bcyond.

n Stops only to datrain on Sun-<lay; weelidays, stoPs on signrl.

? Stops {or psgrs. for North ofSpringfnld.

r Effectiw Juno 15th., stop todetrain revtnue PsgG. fromMontreal and to gick uPrevonus 9sgrs. for concord,Sorinqfield, or belond'

c Stop to dctrain rovonu€ Pas's0ngor3.

t StopS for rovonua Passen06r3to 6r from Si. Albant, WhitoRivsr JcL or boyond.

ro Bug aarvica. Heil tickets hon'ourod only betweon Lowollend Worcester.

t StoD3 lor P306. or fmmSt. Albans and bsyond.

, Mondly only.

Numb*r rhown ogPolltc caP'teln rtrtlonr rctrt to Tlblatrhowlni conn.etlnt tr!lnr.

Fod Down

4o4 I 3O4rABLE I I 3Eastsm Time

10..10.* 10.


'10.40I t0.50;n.G

|!.4cco"91....1i8.6 I'airtJ. ....1S8i.8 Colchc.t.r . ...1f89.5 Ar Errcr Jct. .L!i<.ll .01

-.il. ti:rll.l7TIIAff



rl l.

'l:rll.| 12.rl2..l I ..ll .

lrJI i.rse 5.m

dz#ft, 6.6t;J-.td't.gv9.a.llu27.uJ f 12 u36I. tuog' . 7.05t.t.

A.r.. ?.1




6.16.457.1I7.168.08.1* 8.!



I J.03.23.?It


I 5tl5.i

c 6.(.c6. I; 6.:i 6.r





Page 39: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

ST ITSANS-BICHFORD*"""*u". res.gl15 --+

0.0 sr. Ala^xr. vr- (CV)l8.6 Snrtdon SPelngr' ' I Freioht

l9:l ?l:i1;";?l1iil : ltti:)2 A Ez* B.ttthare . I27.i n,c*to*. vr. (CVI J

Motor iruck Sorvics fot Exorsss Traffnc and Mail'daily oxc. Sun.. loaves St. Albans 8.55 r'm' anoRichford 10.55 a.m.tllotor Corch Sorvica - indepcndenlly operated. byNortharn Bur Line - No through tick6t3 lssued'


raeue | | $iler Eastorn Timc

aor, *r, -ALBURGH

Mires TABLE I l7

0.0 E^sr AL!uR6H,.-vt-. (CV, \5!13i:3.6 Ar.runcx. vr. (CV). . J oitiv.

The Gharlottetown ACharlottelown. P.E.l.(Yl. G. Foster,

".n.t.llo ,*r,The Nova Scotlan E

Halilax. N S.(H. lY. Aslin,

".ntt.t)r* *oo*,Chateau l.aurlsr E

0ttawa. 0nt.(W. H. Avletl Manaser)- -1000 Guests

Locrted in the capital city of Prince Edward*l.l;nd. Scenid and tiislorical inlerest'

LooO--uCactres nearby' Goll. Tennis.Fishinc. Rates: $8.75 and uP-

Overlook'ing picturesque Halif ax harbour'-'c;;;.ct.?hih staiion bv aLc-ade' Golf,

iinnis, eoating- Rates: $1.50 and up'

ldeal facilities lor banquetr and meetings''-i;i;;l;;-;o.ot. tt'i'aPY and turkish

liii"dl'dlirhi;is. colf . 0onnected-withuitiii'-5t"'ti6; bv tunnel. Rates: $4'00

L#f"Hpti head ol lakes. Huntins rrrd all

outdoor tecreation in soason' xales:$4.00 and uP.

t'T.,,0,t0, J,lo t^f,.l 8:ii]' rg.'J:$r.$

and up.

Wheat citv of the west. Home of Provincirl.' Fth'biiffi and Winter Fair' Adjoinsstation. Bus connection with Brtndonliorttt Station. Coll. Rates: $4.50 and up.

coii.'Xunt'ng and Fishing in saason' ln'-iiie'tieait-ot the golden west' Rates:

..l3,,frti: ulhe

north- Golf. Hunting,;Ratei: $1'50 and uP.

Golf. Fishing, Stelmer Excursions. Eates:

$5.00 and uP'

Svdney's only modern holcl, centrallt-'rocaied in the downtown district over-

',',iR l l e,t; ll lll'J.'ili'?:l li :",f :l; f i[:

'S:',1 il i': T:h',T? li'. 1'[: I ff ?i I3iesistant outside rooms. Steel and con-l.i"ie ionitruction. sprin kler protected:

iiome ot all Serviie Glubs. Goll. Rates:32.50 and uP.

c',fii-.irv loniid in the capital ciry ol--tiCwl6unOtanA.

Rates: $4.50 and uP;

rAsLE I I 4Eastam Time


Wnaoutt I{AnoitAIHOTETS

Namo ol Hotel


All Year

All Year

All Year

All Year

All Year

AU Year

All Year

Atl Year

Slocplno Cerr

* Compt.-Club (5 Compts.) (.vot. IJ't and 688) Montreal-New York-Washington

* tt Su"', 5 Doublo Eodtoomc, Lowor and Upp6r) (Not' I3I antl 6E7r)^-Washington

* (8 Sac., 5 Douua Badroorn* Lowor and Uppor) (l'or' "9

atd686). Montreal-Now York

* Coech " Montroal-Bolton

i Sr""girro Car (12 Scc. z Double Bedroomr) (may bc sold singly or en suito)( N6.E2 a*d I) Montraal-Boston

n *. giliJEJilEJilEEs Aoo R


*Coech ' ' 'Montrsal-Boston

*Partor crr (Atd. tE atr, w) ' Montreal-Eoston

fCefc Grill Car . . .*"^.*.,-*"; ;r;;

' ' Montreal-Whito Riv€tJcL

. Montreal-New York

- Montreal-White River &L. . - Montreal-whito livor 'l{'

;;y) . . . New York to Whito River Jct'

- .'- . . . . Whits River JcL to Naw York

Ho. ?8 -Whitt Fllvc'r Jct.'New York

* Coaches

* Parlor Gar ' Springfeld to N€w Yotk

Pictou Lodge A

Pictou. N.S.(J. F. Pellerin, Managtlrd0

cuu.t,Minaki Lodge A

Minaki. 0nt.(L S. IYanzel, *tn.ttil,

ou.r,,Jasper Park Lodgc A

Jasper, Alta.(H.-J. Gunnins *.ntt;li


A*American Plan 0ncludes Room and Meals)-F-Eurooean Plan (Room onlY)

C-Cootinental Plail (Room and Braaktast)

All Year

All Year

All Year

All Year

8r SOMMERVILLE'Generel Msnagerol Hotels. 0ttawar

Siluated on the Northumberland Slrait:- iinnis. BoatinS, Swimming, Golf-. -No

hav feyer and complete absenco 0l l0g.Raies: $8.00 and uP'

rn" f-aii -ot

ttre lVcioOs District. Golf.- -fennii, Boating Canoeing, FishinS'

Swimminr. Launch Excursions lo polnltot interesi. Rates: $8.00 and uP.

ln-Jasoer National Parh Goll'.Tenni3'Swidrminl in heated open'alr p001.

Fistrinl. B*oating, Riding, Hikin g,-Moun'

iiin c-timuins.*SceniC Motor Drivee,

bancing. Rates: $12.00 and uP.

Page 40: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950



- No. FTHE LASALLEMontt.rl and Totonto to D.ttolt and Chlcrgo

No. 5 I'r Pocl T''ln b.tw..n Montr..l and Toronto onltcorcher *Montreal to Toronto *Toronto to Chicago

*Toronto to Detroit..ln No. 105 lrom London'*Drtroit to Chicago..ln No. 57 to Ourand

otnre *Montreal to Toronto *Toronto to London

Comot.- Paitor *Mortr6al to Toronto (No. W,Perlor *Montrosl to Toronto (No. W)' ;; ^ 'fr'Ctiri,lune

25lh Car.405 will operato in Pool No' 7.*Toronto to Port Huron (ivo. I0O

Comot.-E;i"i *Toronto to Dotroil (No. dt) tn No. 105 frsn London

sr " er n' IS:f Jlq8ili#frTof,l# gJ 1t'f



*Lansino to Chicaoo tNo' 577 l2 S€c., D'R.Sloooing Ctr oDon in LenElng rt 10 00 p.m'

Slonping Cariopon in Port Huron rnd Dottoit rt l0-00 D.m.

*corchor *Dlnt"*Csl. P.tlot (No. $Ull fPrrlor (.Vo' '10tr)


Corohrt *Toronlo to Datroitsr..Dtns *Toronto to Detroit lvg. ril 12 Sec'. 2 Ooubtc

L; - -' Eedrmtru-told singly or cnruito

Sl669in0 Cer opon ln Toron[,0. rt 9.30 p'm.

: f{o. IFTHE INTERNATIOIIAL LIMITED" Monttill to Chlotgo

No. 15 lr e Pool Trrln b.tw..n Mootr..l lnd Toronto onltCorehrt * Montrgsl to Totonlo

*Tolonto to Chicago

Dlnre *Montrcal to Toronto*Battte Cresk to Chicloo

pertor *Montraal to Toronto (No' ttg) Friday and Sunday only.C.rr *Montreal to Toronto (Nos. t23, re6 & *7) Thrco car3'

*Ottawa to Toronto (No. ,29 and 2!tt, Two cao.-' ln Pool 559 to Brockvillc.*#:tl,

*Montroel to Toronto (No.tt!To?onto to chlc.to

sr..olnq *Bufi6t-Loun0a, O.8.. 2 Cots,3 Singlc Bodtmm! (Ivo't)cin - *24 Duplsx Roomottos (A'o. ,)

*8 Sec., D.R., 2 CPts. (No. In" Sleaping Cac opon in Toronto at 9.00 p.m.

. Mont"..l to Drtrolt and ChlergoHo, 17 h e Pool Trrln-b.tw..tr Montr..l lnd Toronto onlt

Carohrr *Montrsal to Chicalo*Toronto to Detroit-ln No, ll7 from London*Detroit to Chrcaoo -ln No. 2l lo Durend

oln.r *Laosing lo Ghlcato

Cetr Prrlor- C.r *Toronto to Port Huron (No. 18f1

"H:lr *Toronto to chicroo (No. t8t)BuF.t- i.rLr *Delroit to Chicago (Ito. ,sg) ln No. 2l to Dutand.

Perlcr' C.t *Toronto to Dctroit (lvt.69l ln No. ll7 from LondonSlrrplng Cen

Montnrl to ToTonto*2zl Duplex Room€ttos luo. t16). Daily cx. Sat.*14 Sinolr Bsdrooms (No. t6gl*[l singte Badrooms (No. tls). Daily ox. SaL* 8Sec., Euftet Lounge (No.gc')*10 Soc., D.R., 2 CPtr. (No. Ior)

Montrc.l to Nbgrrr F.ll., ont. ln Nos. 101-102 from Toronto

*10 S6c.. 3 Double Ecdroomq upgorNnd lo\r'€t (No. 97\

MontrcNl to London-Daily ex. Salurday-ln No. 29 fromToronto darly ox. Sunday.

lrl2 Sec, , D.R. (JVo. ,6t)Monrrul to Drtrolt. ln Ro. I17 frOm LOndon

*12 Soc., ! Double Bodrootrg--€ld ringly orcnsuito (ffo.9t)

Montr..l lo Chlcago

* I Sec, D.R', 2 CPts. (|fo' 9t)Slcrolno Cart ogcn ln Montrcel' at 9.00 p.m.


llor, 5, | 5, 17. ena 2 | am POOL TRAltl5 b.twaln MONT REI\L rnd TORONT-O gnlt.-pOOf- ZOff *s-lvlo^iiert-.ro.ontoi rnd Otttws-Toronto via Brockville, Smiths Fatls or PotsrborH.. lt.m ;.'nt.rchangoabllity ot Tl.k.tr. Tlcktt lrau.d to amplot.at at !.duo.d l.t.t lrr not y.lld tor pr3tr9a onPocl l5 bitwrln Montmal rnd Toronto'

0.0 Moilrnr LWindsor

2.0 Wrrtmount. .4.7 Montr.rl W.3t

TABLE I20Eastern Time

117.7 Ottawa Union Station . A LY



v ior,lz






9 .35

o t1.00



ro. rg


r i.og!il. t7gn.24

]9.44r.341"950. I55.56r.l&.?i0574075.178881.285.794. I


Corcau 106 . .St.Zotlqu.,... .LvRtvrr( Rividre) B.r udrtt..POBelnrvllbront.. " . . .Lancart.rSummrntown

Cornwell Jct. . .Millr FlochrrMoulln.tt.Welor.Farran'r Polat. .Aultrvlllo..Morrhburgleoq uclrCa rd lna l.

52.9 Ottlwa (C.P R No, 56b. Lr

I l5.4 Fr:rcorr . Lt


Oodonsburo,N.Y- FBrtY.{ il

Gananoque via f.r' nv' {fi

303.5 Pstarboro l4t l5l . {f,






77? ? BELLEVTLLE 121 . .LvZli.i rarxror JGt.156.

U TnEratota.89.9 Smlttnold.24J.5 Brlshton...?5l .l Colborn.257.6 Grafton.. . .2Aq q CoBounG. 'zfr.i P"ar HorE 145.

u 3.40

v 4.t0

NewcartleBowmanvilhOSHAWAwhltbyPlctorlnqPort UnlonScarboroDanforthL.6.ld.Don. ,

ToioiYo, qit-. l?9. . A ArUnion Station






'' -" 4.50' 5.085.?2


5.125.546-076. t5

/ 6.r9._lJ:

5. {5


/ 6.1t6.476.97.057. t57.33

i'.azI 7.15

7.5t8.008.058. t78,278.36


I r{9


/ 9.0t9. r0



Ex. Sat& Sun.

::7.558.028. r58.228.30

r g:478.5{


Page 41: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


rArLE 120MilesfromMon-trs.l

"ijl[?'.1il.;. . . .atuSunnyrldr.Oakvllle. ' '^ ?dHanrlrott 129. . . . .AtLrBayvicw.DundrrCo pGtownLyndcn .''irlgn tatroRD. , . . .JA-'-'iill'iaz,ioi-- .' .ttrPerlr .Prlnc.tonWood.tockl9?..... ..Brechvtlle.lngenolllzz.-...":Dorclralto?i;;;iliit, izg, rra . . arr

l9l. 204


















I .582,6

t ?.19



EQUIPMENT continued



sr"Prne *'6 3::::f."*.li$3rlt[33#; ,wt wo''ssar' sc')

*'! *ig',*F$r!].'#iff;g ac sal ) 2 crn

* 4 b.B.R; I cpt.' wo"l")Sleopirw Gen opon in Montroal et g'00 p'm'

Hlli';.";:'a:r$il#,i'' li3j[l[ [ ff,ifi$,.



1S7. 158.05


*m:""1ffi * tl ;ix8''llLli" I 1xi"$":ily,ij!

*'[",liiil;'**:,1ro3?"s*'Jl,*offft "'"J]dotails.

iisfl{i'i.:?'.,.;;:,u,lr g :iol:''n l:l"i,l1i-'


Grh PtCornpt

pr?ro? cr' *f-onO'on ii'findror Wo' -rut' ] Jl- !o;]Irrror Crr *LonOon'io Windror (No' 'mo1' I ln No:75]'i'."lil'c" iG;a6n ib-Dotroit (ivo' 6e1'' J lrom Toronto'


l3n:l; ;; ;r.', ii' oii. io .'. . . : t l""'fi 1"5t?,Tjl"0'L'


3:::i - +!!?;fr!!.#it# wo. 6s,l trsiil",,,Perlor Cr?*Toronto to

Montnl to D.trott ln NO lT from Montroel

st..ptne *12 S6c, 2 Double Bedroono--old ringly or-'CIr - '- '-ensuitc'

1No- e'l


coech tf"^',*tlol?3,lll3',li,on ",'00".

rn No. ts6rrom*to' H"ilton'

compt. Prrloe Cu *Ioronto to Detroit (/Vo' 69)'-.

Eii.-pirr.i irr *Toronto to Windrcr (No' 46r'

Drily lEx.Su.l DailyleHol.lr-r. lr-r. lr.r.

4.351 7.r51 r0.r5..201 7.ml t0.0{lr.:. lr,r. lr.r.

Dailv tEx.Su,l Daily I'l&Hol.l I

r-r. I r.r. I r.r. I

l8:ill l"8i llSlr.r. I t.r. I t.r. I



!=i t/ttl


h :-l !o.;!l ru!F: EIF i E

i5l F :5


d Mondav, wodnosday alF tuosdaY, ThursdaY and

t DeilY sxcopt Sunday.i ildn'aii, wednesdiY and FridaY'; +;;"";;;. Thursdav ind SaturdaY-

B StoD€ to dctrain tovcnuo DelsonoeB.; 5i;; ioi-ilGensara lrom Montreal and bovond or to

Torbnto and bovond.c n'.i.-iiit"G at'oaivuls for ruvonue passengsrs to Sernia

and b€Yond.. sibpiii" lin"enocrg lo Drnforth rnd bovond'

t StoN on signal.i sii-m ror oassenoars from Montroal or to Kingrton d' beyond'i Siii's t"r'tt"en'ue passengers to Toronto d beyond'i El?L"-'toiio" provided C-N. Station Hamilton to oundas,

lcavino Hamilton 3.45 9.m.M Mix8d train.'; 'dil*il;iions to and from Patrolia, rco Trbla l2l'? Stoos on srgnal lo entrlin D:ugsncon'I Eiiil i"r-o'as"enoers to stations west cf Port Hurotl'; 5i;; iii ia-Gnoets to scllevillc and bcvond'

"r sundaY -dnlY'

i ffi'ttiriilfi.:f}$ilikwr:::i stois foi passsngers to Cornwall and b6yono'

x Canadian Pacific Station3 Flliiii?."i nofiiiiv"rocal pa$tns6t! from windsor- Station to Wastmount.

" On SundaY loave Ottawa 7.10 P'm'

i ;lnr ifllr,lruily$ffi {*:T *'exs.ilri ff;T;


6 .55

7 341 7.458.mi 8.10

e.:. I t.l.Numberr toltowlne o'rtlln rt'tlonl t"'r t' Tlblo rhoslng oonnlctlng tnlnr'

Page 42: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950



No. FTHE INTER CITY LIMITEDChlargo to Tcrcnto rnd Montrrrl

No.6 lr r Pool Treln b.ttr.n Toronto and Montr.ll onltCorchrr *Chicago to Detroil-ln Nos. 28 and 128 lrom Durand

*Chicago to Toronto*Toronto to MontreellDotroit to Toronto--ln No.l2 to London*S-usponiion ariogo to Toronto-ln No, 95 to Hamilton

:H:i:;,., * ff,i :'fjl jtJf l?31$"'{it'. ?', }- r n r'r o' r 2 to Lond on

EuttrtPerlor*Durand to London (No. 101

Prdof *Toronto to Montreal (No. 218) Friday d, Sunday only'*Toronto to Ottawa lNot. ,28 ard 23o) Two carE" ln Pool 550 from Brockvills

*Toronto to Montt€al Wov.022,994 anit t'6) Throo cars

*Toronto to Montreel (No.2w)*Toronto to Montrcel

f Chicago to Lansing (No.68r.. . . . . . . .l? !d., ^Df.^ -lciiiiiio i6 port nlion tlvo.l1&....,12 q"s.' 2 D'8.R*ctricago to Det,o.t ,t"5,^8n?.l.iB"?A i8o,?;. o,r""o

Sleeping Cen opcn in Chicago, at 9.30 9.m.Slcoping Car parkcd at Lansing until 8.30 a.m.

No, I POOL-TORoNTO TO MoNTREAL*Corohor f Oinr*Gpt. Pertor (No. tpil *Prrlor (r*o- ,1O6)

t{o. l(FDETnolT AilD wlNDsOR TO TORONTOVle London lnd StntfoFd

Coechrr *Ootroit to Torontosrrplne *Ootroit to Toronto,(t/.o' tr) l2.Ssc.,2 Doubls- C; - "

Bodroomr sold sirqly or ensuitc

sroopino Car opcn in Dotrortg.l0 p.m.; in Windsor 10.50 9'm

"OCoeoh *Dstroit to TorontoComrt,P:rlot* Dstroit to Torcnto $fo. 80)

crl. P.rlor *Windsor to Toonto (No. fi61

Chlceec tt Mcnt"rlHo. 14 lr r Pool Terln b.twnn To?onto lnd Mont...l onlt

Corchrr *Chiceoo to Toronto*Toron-to to Monttsel

Dlnrr f,London to Brockvillr

"'#:h *Toronto to Montrsel (rio.4o4)

P'ror c' *t"iHll'l? ]l,"ltffJr(*?ff)-ir op€'ats in poor No. 8.

- Chieto to TorontoSlrwJns

*Buflet.l-oungo, D.R,, 2 cpts., 3 single' Bodroorrls llfo.{)

*24 Ouplsx Roornoties (rvo.4*8 Sec., D.R.,2 Cpts. (fo.I8)

No, |6-THE MAPLE LEAF-O.ttolt to Montr.llNo. l6 lr r Fool Treln b.trrn Totonto lnd Mont?.rl onlt

corch'r *?3ll?l'*?"1ff&illnDtnrr *Windsor to Toronto

tH:':. f,Dotroit to Toronl,o wo.6t,

Sloeping CrrrNirsare F.ll., Ont., to Montr.al-ln Nos' 107'108 to Toronto

*10 Soc.. 3 Doublg Eodrooms-Uppor and lowrr (iv4 s8)

Chlcego to Montrql-ln No. ?0 to Toronto

* I Sec., D.R., ? GPts. (No.81,D.trolt to Montr..l

*12 Soc., 2 Doubla Eodroomr'-'told ainglyor onsuitc {.Yo' 96)

London to Monuo.t--O.',t:l;.a,X,j-ln No' 40 to

*12 sec'' D'R' (Ivo' t6'). Totoato to Montr..l

124 puplex Roor€tt€s (No. 1/,6). Daily ex. SaL*14 Single Bedrrcrns (1vo. r80)*ia Singte Bo4r(rc{ru (:;o' 1U). Dailv ex. Sat.* I Sac., Butfct'Lannge (No. IUD:tl0Sec., O.R." 2 CPts. (No. 1o2l

Shoplng Can oprn ln Toronto at 9'30 p'm'



201 I lr4l 6

t2. I






I t.0r

Additional StationrNo Train! Stog

Ersoon........]l. Mit. 8.8Haytord- ' t ll.8Asliburn,...,......' 12.8Evergrean Park....' ' 14.5M t. Grae nwood. . .. ' ' I 6. 5Bluolsland......,'' 19.5OakGlen...,.....' ' 28.6Maynard......... lrd' 31.6GrrFitn,.....,.,... ' 16.lLottavitle........,' ' 39.6SetJley...,...,. .a t 50.3t"firrcit..........Mich . 716.2Trowbridgo. ' ??3.5Pcrry............' ' 240.0Oufficld. ' ' 257.?Bol$y. -. ' ' ?!3 5Tapp1r........,.' ' 331.9



Slf oln!C.t

Special Delivery ol Hand Baggage





Avoid inconvenisnce*4n arrival ln thePrincipal Cibes turn ovor your hand ba00a9€to Trrnrfer Company'r Erprctcntstivr,ind it wrll bo deli'ercd to your City rosidoncsat low ctrargo. €nquire ttom. Agonts . for


4.344 .41




na.4279.0289,8]3r .7309. II r7.63??.7113.7'

l3r.6]36.8y.4.6350.435d. r350.4354. r

162.5lAO <

iis.i3s5. 718e.439r.5


o{ rriangoments cororing chrckcdga9e,

Tlct.tt ratdlng vlr Cenedlan Nrtlontl

Rsllwrta bal.w.tn Porntt brYond

Hemtlton end Dundrt wlll ba honoild

by th. C.ntd. Coech llnlt Dundal to


S.. Fold.. G or Conrult Agentr lor








r d.st7.05


Page 43: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Hor. 6, 14. 16 lrail 22 rrt POOL TRAIHS b'tw"n TOROHTO rnd MONTREAL onlt'

m**idid_-;gm:tgi.ff ."rHi,li.xTi,rllhtll'Pli':ll:lf l'i'ffi *'$:

T 0 R 0 NT o-oTTAwA--+l 0 !IlE!!

rear-e 123Eastcrn Timo

Tonoiro. oxt..515.6 '-T"ii-^:s-titi-oir- ' ' 'rh520.9 Danforth . "

U Don...


EQUIPMENT co'tirued


Itor. 18 rnrl I I8-DETROIT TO MOilTREALCoroha *Dotroit to Toronto -

*Toronto to Montroel

Buff.t P.rlor *Detroit to foronto luq'7E .-A;- --'-' iitondon to Toronto (No' 1041

No. 20-4H I CAGO-LON DON-TO ROI{}Ovlr Er.ntto?d

co.Gh.. *Chicaoo to Detroit-ln No' 56 from Durand'

*Chicago to Toronto.

Dln.t *Chiceoo to Lansing

3i?.1""11i'"'i'* 8li:133 ts l'"',!i,'i (Si' i! fi. : t N o. 56 r rom D u rand.

Ceh Perlor *Port Huron to Toronto (fvo' Ida)Crr

Ghlotgo to Montr..l-ln No' l6 itom Totonto

Sl..rlnt Crr * g Soc, D'R', 2 Cpts' Wo' g1'



*,1ffi,33;3;Li'l{'t.,61, oso, t88 a- sat) 2 czrs' ox' Sat', I Cat on SaturdaY'

* 4 O.B.R., I cal' (No- 4'2,. Sleoping Can open in Toronto at 9'30 p'm'

No. 8?-'LOttnoN TO TORoNTo*Coloh *Perlor Crt ('ryo'


No. 80-r.OilDoN TO TORoNTO*Corch

L...ld.Scr?botoPo"t UniooPlc*dngwhitb, ...'.OsxawaBowrnrnvllllNrxor.tltPgnt Hott , . : . ' 'i,








, t.l.







ltz"S't l.t)4


609.9 Pctsrboro t45, l5l . '

ffi.6655.6561.4669 06i6 .1r81.7695 5

rcp 0

Ottav.e Union

lrchlnlTurootE tt. ' . .Moxrnf^L, oUA.

tsntral Station .



::i.ui'.n--Tr5r .20


2.44lz.sst 5.35



1. t52.30

;-r.i7x 3.25

3. ]3l.--:;!i i5


0 4.01


b 4.n

7Allrot. I

sun. IonlY Ir.u. I

; 6.001s.'8

?1 It-:. - |; -7-.t5


6*# IE/6 3t Ir 6.39 IE/6.50 Ii t6.sq I

F#,iilIr 7.20lsr.3tlN 7./t0l;n.47Fl'il-a 8.02


lJ B. oBI rs. 13li 8.2tl# 8.nl- 8.31ta_

FEfEnEilCE MAaKS-TABLES 123 rnd l2l

i Bllll'.*"0. sundav.i oaitv sxcoPt SaturdaY.

d r'aoniliv, WednesdaY & FridaY'F tliso"v, ThursdaY & SaturdaYir Dailv eicrot Satutday and Suncry'f nxtiurant or Lunch Countot.

i $fii li i*tn,*"Tor?r:drffrnfol "*

I 3l?'i,::.?.T?il'3::1fi bTSft'l,il', wiil bc-provictcd frorn Dund*to Hamilton tor passsngais and ordinary hrnd baooago arriving Dundar

oii;;i;'it;: 2-O rioroino rait tickou rsadins. to Hamilton and b€vond'

o Sioiiilor'i"tins€rs f?o; Danforth and bovond; ot to Monttoel and

boyond'c Si6iJibr pdts€nogrs from London and bovond' . ^.; 5i;;; i6i'p*.n-suo from uevond surrnvCida, SL Clair Aw' rnd wost

Toronto., siJil'iit gassonssru from Kinorston rnd bovono'

{ gtlR ff til$;*o

rrom roronto end bavond'

iEl"S,l"E"il',r$'r*liii-:t'4"'l$',li{91.1,,"'-,e.05p.m.'i ii"-o-J i- ii*s'ioors from banforth^rnd bevond'

i 5i;6 i6i ie"i""'e passense's lrom Ghicaso'M Mixed train.; '6r;:;;;-,;.iion to an-d. from Pstrolia, rec Tablc No' l2l'? Siops tor passengsts from stations wost ot..London's stoos tor revenue oassingots irorn

-Bsll€ville and beyond'

I Excbpt sunday, - sy"flirr:ll'J,TI #rfi;jl

", to Montreat & 4yono.g Stoos for Passen0ers lto

; 5;;; ciaiiv for isssonoon-iiom xingEion rnd bevond' on Sundav- -i|im for passengors to Montroal'r siii,?rii'p'"..iis'"iir;;'Kl'ibsion ano bovond; or to Montroal lnd

, SJglo;", arrives 8.25 e.m.i Sioiiroib"ssnq€n ilom Bsllovillo rnd bovond'

llurnba"l lollowlng G'rtaln lt'tlonr r'ft" to t.lbl'r 'ho*lnloonnrctlng tlrlnl.

i. rs[':6-55-*433


t 5.*


TAALE I24ThrcughTlok.trrn not ltaurd.r'll tlchlt. !?.

not honorrd.

r NotE -Additional 8ur Sarvicr

I i"ilt ne orovidorl to conneci withI C.N.B.' Trains et Bellsvillo'I whan thero are four or morg gass'

I enoeru and tdvanc€ Itrangc-I m'eliti are made with Asent,I Bcll€vills, for such !!rvrc8.

ilE" u, ". -

B E L L Ev I L L€ S.:":li":: t;?l;""1T"?[f po

:a tod b v F ran k sm i th

Page 44: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

sPRIflG,SUfittER ond FALL


ruU/dtunot/€(race. t::

t tAc famout,,, ..tthADY'' ulIERsoid Mator Vessels

ft's a merry life at sea-the guest of Canadian National!.Onceup tbe gangplank, you're headed straight for fun and adven-rure in your leisurely sea-tour of Bernruda, the exotic Lee-ward and \flindward Islands, and the lovely Caribbeanpanorama. \flile away the days with new-found friends ingay ship-board activities, between visits to- suaoge ports-of-call . . . or laze in your deck chair as the blue Caribbean rollsby! Sflonderful, expertly-served meals and restful sleep inoutside roorns, cooled by north-east trade winds, Ieaie yourelaxed and carefree. Visit thelilflest Indies by sea. . . you'llsee more, enjoy more! "Lady"Liners, six-week "Round Voy-ages" from $639. up.

, lnlormathn ond rcrcrvrliom fipmony authodzcd lrcvcl qeat,

railway ogenl or


5-DAY YOYAgESRegulor soilings bclween Montrcolond Boslon, yio lhe lcenicSl. Lowrence route, wilh Holifox oso port of coll. From $ I O0. up.

flAflnilAr // srmrfsfitPs' lleod Ofiice:384 51. Junrer Slrecl Wetl, MonhealOtfiar Ofrices: Toronlo, Holifox, Soinl John, Botlon


5 r 15 r l7 r lB3Daily I Daily I Daily I Sun.

J35.4 Tororro. . . . .tJ374,7 Hrmllton... .Lv4m. I Bnntlord., .Lv455.3 Lormr, .!

0.0 LorDor, 120, 123, 178193. 198.. ..rlv

1. I Hydr Prrt.lQ.Q Komokel{.J Mount Bryds.tfQ./ Lonswood. . .25.1 Aeptn,J0.4 cLEico: . lf10.4 Glfrrco. 207. . . . .Lt36,6 l{rrbur, .4l.7Bothwrll.,.49.2 Thrmovlll.. ,J!,Jl{orthwood.,.. ..64.J CH^rH^r . fr64.3 Gxerxrr ..h72.5 Pnlclt Sldlno ,78,0 Jrrnnrtt.'tCr..k. . . .${.$ Stonry Point .92,7 B*c Rlvrr .

101,9 Trcumr.h...l$$.J Wrlhrrvllb . .109.9 wlioior. Onr,lll.5 D:rnort, MrcH. (E.T,)Alr

Erush St. Stationffff T-EIF

'iTLTJ:-:. ].ltl

432.0 Cxrceco (C.T.). . lrDoerborn Station



I nt.r-CityLrd.




Sor Trbh198









c7.lA.t, t.r,







0.0 Loxoox . Lv55,2 Errntlord.. .lr80.6 Hrmllton..... .Ar

ll9.9Tororto. .. .lrffi-:-r5ffi-:-:tr233. 1 Brlrvltlr .. .tr?80.8 Klnrrton. .trJ28.2 Brockvllb, .lr-0:0-E-Ak- viliE-;-:l: :-. fY76.2 Ottawa.. .k

3ffi-tr455.3 morrneer-Csntral Station Ar

Windsor Stetion Ar

REFERENCE MARKS-Trbll 127 rnd 128t Daily. t Dally cx. Sun. I Sun. only. ! Oaily ox. Mon. A Reiteurant or Lunch countcr.a Mon. onlY. b 8us connection orovided from HCmrlton to Dunda.r for wdtbound oasremoruI Mon. only. b 8us connection providod from Hamrlton_to Dunda; tor wstbound 9as!sr!gor!.c On Sunday arrive,s 8.25 a.m. d StoN on signal Sundeys only. .f Stooion sioiet.s Will not stop on Sunday!. I Eff€ctivs June 25th teavci Tororilo 9.20 a.m. n Stoosor oas_s6ng6rs from.lrondon and_.boyo,nd.^ pStops on Sat. and Sun,forpalr6n0erss Will not stop on Sundayr. I Eff€ctivs June 25th leavci Tororiirlor oass6ng6rs from London snd boyond. p Stoos on Sat. anfrom Windsor or Chatham. t Stooc to oick uo oassenosr! ontv.

1C.T.) Central Time (8.T.) Eaitern Ti-me.


(C.T.) Central Time (E.T.) Eartern Timo.Nutltbar3 tollowlng oartaln ttatlont rttat to ttblar |'howlog cannactlng tt..lnr.


Page 45: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

[I O NTR EA L_TO RO NTO-HAM I LTO N_N I AGA RA FA LLS-B U FFALO_-P H I LA OELPH I A_N EWCrtr-AD,tf tl_ NlrroilAL ExHlalrror-ToRoil?or From Auq. 25th untll S.pt. 9th inc. (.rc.pt Sundayr,Au9..27th&scpt.3?d) t{or. 79,5, tl, t9' 1t7' and I will rtop at Erhlbition Stn. to cntialn pr33oni.rr; and Hos.76, 94, t0end S"witlffgnf*riln p:rscngerr'

TABLE 129 Al. l"o"L'l 't lnP"?.1i83-t B1'I'f,?.lnll.l t IBts'i 'u l'lBl't eiun. lDailylDailyl Sat. I Sun. I Ex. I Ex- lEx.SE.l DailylDailvlOailyl Sat. lDain.n. I r.r I r.r. I only I only I Sun. I Sun- l&Su.l r.r. I e.r.'i r.r.'i r.r. I r.r




Wed.hrl ay24thnor








Trblrlat S..


Aug. I ..7Sl::&t..SopL I ..4th l. ..

,, l-;.:l:.

TOR0NT0-ST. CATHARINES-WELLAND-P0RT C0LB0BNE' RArL-Bus sERvrcEr Hend btoclcr and rmalt plcccs chroked baggagr wlll b. hrndlGd-not comm.rcbl b.gg.la

TABLE I 29A I ro'-'o;F?:'3I"1'bi36 honourcd o; th' Bur scnr*

l?,Tr*: l?.5?:: l"$;,"d.LvTonoxro. .....1 8.m I l.l5 I 7.40 I I a.x I p.n I r.r.lr sL cathrrlnl. .l 10.08 I f .SZ I S.Zl I Lv Poit coLEoirr .l 5.05 I 12.20 I 6.fS

l?l;?"":lE;l=ilil"'I;,?," I llHl'8ili;;";: :l eag l '?:i3 I i99Lrst.cathrrrn.r.....l 10.10 I 3.55 I 9.30 I I 93-94 I 95-6 llOT-lO8lrwrrrnd.. ...,l 10.45 I 1.30 I10.05 I LrSt.Cetherlnrc-.1 rlOg I 1.24 I 7AlkpoarcoLBonrE .. l ti..f I i:ff | ,0,.3? I "roioxro... t LT Ll;T I l:ll



il:: ?a;!?rr)t"RoNro ro suspENsrox BRTDGE

Coech-*Toronto to Suspension Bridgo.

ro. SIo'S-.THE MAPLE LEAF' Toronto-Phlladrlphh-Nrw Yoll

(Vis C.N, and L.V.)Gorctr-*Toronto to New York.

*Toronto to Buffalo,Buffrt Prrlor Car--f,Toronto to Niagera Frllc, OnL


sl..plng Crr!*Toronto to Nsw York (jvo. td) I Soc., 4 Doubfe Bed-

rooms (upp6f snd low6r).*Toronto to Phitadstphia (No.r6.) l0 S6c., D.R., Z Cpts.

Dintng.Ceef,Lahighton to NewYorlg except Saturdayand Sunday.

Crfe-Louncc Cer--*Lehiohton to Now Yorlc

No. 7-93-9{-THE MAPLE LEAF

Nrw York-Phl ledrtphh-|67en1g(Vir L.V. and C.N.)

Coech-*Now York to Toronto.f,Buffalo to Toronto.

Bufi.t Pr?tor Crr.-f Niagarr Falb, OnL to Toronto

sr-grng ce' (l'o'

"7).UTladj,l3:la to roronto (rvo. t e) l0 Scc., D.R.,

{New York to Torontc (No. W) I Soc., 4 Doubto Bc&tooms (uppor rnd lcwer).)

Cal.-l-ognc. Cer-f New York to LehiOhton.

No. 95-6-SUSPENSION BRIDGE TO TOBONTOCoach-f,Susponsion Bridgo to Toronto.

No. l0l-102-ToRoNTO To SUSPENSION BRtDc€Coech-*Toronto to Susponsion Bridgo.Buff.t Parlor Car-f,Joyenlo to Niagara Falls (ffo.8d).ttiillir*ino

Niasara Fails (No. ez) l0s€c.,3 D.B.R.(ln No. l7 from Montroal-Toronto).

No. 107-108-sUsPENslON BRIDGE TO TOROHTOCoach**Suspension Bridge to Toronto.

Buf,lt P:rlor Ceef,Niagara Falls to Toronto (ivo. 86).Steeolne Car---.t.H..n"r. Falls to Montrsal (flo. 9A) l0

(ln No. l6 Tcironto-Montrcel).


r Deily.t Daily oxcopt Sunday.

t Oaily except Saturday.

I Sunday only. Bsstaurant or Lunch Counter.* Rogularly assign6d carr Air-Conditionod.

0D Effeclivs .lune 25th.

€l Effoctiv6 June 25th arrivs 4. l0 p.m.

I The Empire-Reservod Seats.a Stopr for passsngers from London and boyond.D Through train doos not ogorats via 8uffalo, connocUon

mad6 at Depew Jct.c Stops for fiusenosrs lrom New York and boyond.d No. 15 stops at Oakville for passongars to Sarnia .nd


.f Stops on signal.I Stops for pa$songeru to Susponsion Bridgo and bcyond.

Page 46: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950




Lcavo Dur

--l-_oucb.c lHrtltrr





":l 'r,lii zoMav 3l

Juno l0

.ruiri Za

"11 2

.ruij 1 1

,ruiy 21Aug' I

::Auo. I IAus. 18

Sspt. I

Mav l0

;uirb g


uuiJ 6




li. . . - . . , . .

cenlt,..yrhl... .

1,,........1.... ,,. . .. ,



Sept. I I

S€pt- l5





Sicl mrl

E-;;c*,"t- -EmprarrolFrrncr.,,..

Enprrs of Crnedr. ' . ,

EmptGt ol Scotlend. . .

Emprru of Frencc... '.Emprcra of Cane de. .. .

Emprcrs ol Scotbnd. ' -

Empror of Frlnc:'. . . .

Emprru ol Cenada. . ' 'Emprors of Scotlend. . .

EmprcrrolFrencc..''-Emprr:l of Crnadl . .. .

Emprdr ol gcotlrnd ' . .


;..;.' lt,*'r- i;Emprit ol Crnldr. . ''.Emprcrt ol Frtncr.. ...Emprrrr of Crntdl ' .. -

Emp?rt8 of Scotlrnd- ' .

Emprcrr of Francc... '.Emprcrt of Crnrdr. ' ' "

Empr.3r ot S.othnd.. .

Emptc* of Frlncc.. . . .

Emprcr ol Crnada ' . '.Emgrrrr ot Scotlend'..Emprrlrol Fetnct-....Emprnlr of Canede. - ' .

Ernprc;r ot Scotlrnd. '.EmprcrrofFrencr"'..'Emprol o{ Grnldl ' .. 'Ernprdt ol Scotl:nd. - -

Emprcr ol Fnner.....Emprttr of Crnedr. . '.Emprrtr o{ gcotl.nd,..

Empre tr of Frlnec-. - ' .

Emprrlt o{ Genrd:. .. 'Emprctr ol S.rtl.nd...Empr*r ol Frlncr. ' .. .

Apr. l8May ?May 9Mav l6Mav 2JMav J0Juno 6Juno lJJune lgJuno 27JulY lJulY l0JulY 17JulY 14JulY 3lAug. 7Aug. 14Aus' 2lAus. ?8Sept. 4Sept. I ISept. l8Sept.25

Apr. llAst. 25May ?Mav 9May l6Mav 23Mav J0June 6June 13June 20Juna 27JulY 4JulY I IJuly l8JulY 25Auq. IAus. IAus. 15Aus. ZZAus. 29Sept. 5Sept. l2Sept. l9

..Mav l0


.luirb et

.ruii tZ

oio: t

nuc' z:

Sspt. 13

Apr, l8May ?Mav 9

r'riv ZiMay J0

.tuiri t3Juno 20

Juiy 4JulY l I

.luii ZlAus. I

Ais'. l5Aus.22

sc;i. 5Sept. l2

soii. zo

Emprrrt of Frlncr.. . . ,

Emprctr ol Cenade ' .. .

tmprcs ol Scothnd ' ' .

Ernprnrr of Fnnct.. . . .

Emprrs of Crnlde ' .. 'Emprrs of Scotlrnd. . .

EmpF.33 of Frenco. . -. .

EmprcrcotCrntda'...Ernprcs ol Scotlrnd.. .

Emgrrrr of Francr'. '. .


Page 47: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


$h fl'lTfrtd'::'ll :nl."-'*: * I "r'i F* pi$ii" i:BEF€RENCE MARKs.-TABLES 130 end 135

(C.T.)-€antralTims. (M'T.)-MountainTime' (P.T')-PacificTime'


I 2.512 .31

I 2.0'.I 1.4"t t.7I 1.2:

r i'.tT

t2 .5f

tt2.3l t2.Il/11.5l/il.3I I t.2l/lo :lr0.ll^o{,ltltltgtil 9:;l 9.


For Gomplrta rch.dul.r wGst ot C:prrol lcc- Tabh 130- -' iotOir E, or Tablcr 2U24 oI Thr Elur Foldre'

EAUIPMENTNor.3 rro 4 TABLE l19.Nor. 49 & 50 TABLE 169.

EOUtpMENT_t{or. 5l and 52

Open in Toronto 9.30 p.m,; in Sudbury 9.00 p'm' Parked at Sudbury

until 0-S a.m. , _ i

Tlxt Tnansr€n SErvtcE lnor wa3$Aco 7o Onll"lla roa

PAssEtrGEns orr SourslouiD Tnalx ilo' 4' --For the lonvenionco-of ri"enue passengers on Train No' il'

tit]'set"iii will bs providod lrom wt.thaso to Orillit'!h.h ticktt! tced to qr blyond Orillia, lor passengers

ino- or.linatY l..nd baggage on tlckeis of all classes reeolng

lrom Sudbuiy, Sudbury Jct' and beyon'd'



Sudbury-Alqo Fraight onlY

ckffi;-= :-e"'""0Argo... FreisjttollvAlqo'suiuury.tci.' . . . . FreiohtGrrson-':.."' onlyFalconbridso, Ont.





Page 48: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


Atl rrgularly rsrlgnad c!Fa.l?-f,oft dltlon.d


*Winnipog and Vlncosvrt. ,Bcn lunch servics availabie--Capreol-Winni-

V/innr peg-Saskatoon, Edmonton-Vancouval.lng Car Servier

*Monl."!al lnd Vancouvrrlourirt Slcoping Cerr*Montroal end Vancouvrr tjvos.

68) l4 Scc" (Kitchen lacilities.;,ing Crrr

D.R. (Pathoncs in

-46 NorandaY l0.il5

T^BLE 138Fastorn Timc

Lr Morat?Erq Qur . lrLY HorxsrrYr:, Ont. . kk LoxGLAc. ont. . Ll

Lr fi;t". o".. -

ItLv HonremvrE', OnL . llL LoxcLAs. Ont. . Lt

tr L....;o". l35 k-OctoPltt.Milr 8.9.Ltngmui?.HtrdtockGcnal.DtotMecwrll.KcmlrKlnchornSturcron Flvrr Crorg,

[].r...,.o.. ' . {l'Nceh....'.:,J.clDln8..?dmoaoWrrnrfcr{Brompton CrmPlL{!Frlrloch.FrrllncerMrcdlrrrnld, . . .

I Orl.htBtt . . . ., Covrlnlst. ...., E rtMcKhdt. . .I MoKlrdt' Hogrrth.i MrcArllll

Cemtron Ftllr . .I Prrmrch*na.. r

r NlplgonRrd Rocl

I Robtord.Evrnrd

I GoughllnI Hurk.tt.i DorlonI AnclitlI Prrrl! Prrtbt... . . ') Am.thtrt) Sllv.r Hrrbol . , .i wtta coor . .i b ponr Arrxun . I- Prinoo Arthur Hotcl

vh KING'S Hl€Nrtionel T'.nrPo

TABLE I38AEaststn Timo

Loncrrcvl LLAGE,OLoicLAc STAllot /Ctmp 24 .Oremrr Polnt .

Geaeloror A

G:nrlototr . . ILittl. Longlro. .MrgnetCraclmen Crcck.Sturgeon Rlvrr .

JELLtcoE...tNezrh. , . E

Jectplnr.'.tBgaiDronf(Alexinder Hot€l))Wrrnatord . . .Kcatlsyr CemPMacdlarmld. , IOti.nt8tt . . fCorrlntrt, . . IGoaEa Ctt.l'' 'McXlrdy , {Mll..e. 56 CNHHop.t'th. . I

Polly LekoGlerkr Foad . .Lakr Hrbn MllrlT"anlCtnsdr J(

f,)H,rr** lirr x...'Flrd Roek Fioad BHurl.tt Roed WcDorkln . . IFc:rl , .8Loon Lekc Foad.P.tr Lrh. Eord E

Am.thytt . , ESllvrr Hrrbour IWild Goose . 6Poir ARTHUn ,

Princo Arthur HrAr Fom wttlter " I

rn bus botwoen Forl Wlndian tickets) issuod

ilable will be honoredaan points where both)assags on Railway fyn8c6s3ary,

47-53 to Noranda.North Bay*parksd- th€nc. in No. 2 to



r Dailv iDaily excspt Sundry.n Dtill oxcopt Saturday and Sunday.I ireiOav. Thursday and Srturday.i Restaurint or Lunch Countor.


TO RONTO.WINNIPEG.V.ANCOUVERllo. 3 Wqtbound end l{o. 4 Errtbound

Corchorf,l'oronto and rifinnlprg*Winnlprg and Vencouver.

Colih luncn servica a vailatrl+-Ca preol-Wi nni-peg, Wi nni poqsSaskalmt\ EdmontoGVancouwr.Dining Crr Senicr

, *Toronto end Vrncouvrr.

EQUIPMEilT_TASLE I38, I4()Nor. 79 and 80

Coach. ., . Lonslac.Fort Williamf EuffatSloeping Car (l0Soc., D.R.) (rYo. ,Jf)

Longlao to Porl Arthur.Opon in Longlac uoon arrival of No. J, parked

in Port Arthur until 8.m a.m.

f Euffet Sloepins Car (10 Soc., O.R.) LNo. 9.16J.Port Arthur to Longlac.

Open in Port Arthur at 10.00 8.m., parked inLonglac until arrival of Nos. 2 and 1.

No. I 39*Cafe Car rnd *Parlor Car (,Vo. I90)

ln No. 56 from Scotia.

No. l4O*Cafs Car and *Parlot C^r (No.l8s)

ln No. 55 to Scotia.

Tourirt-Slctpln! Cerr*Toronto end Vrnouvrr (,lvor. 115 aTad' II6) l4 Sec. (Kitchsn fecilities.)*Toronto rnd Vrncogvrr (A'ot. Irg anlt

Jro) l4 S€c. (Krtchen facilitrer.)Stcrplng Ctrr

*Toronto end Sudbuey Wot. tll atd 219'ti2 Soc.. D.R. Par*ed et Sudbury until8.S 4.m., oPen 9.00 P.m.Car 241 oparalos in No. 3 daily to and in-cluding Juno 22nd; then $unday only fromToronto until Ssptcmb6. Jrd inclusivo whendaily oporation will be resumed. Car willoporets in No. 51, daily excspt sundayfrom Toronto Juns ZJrd until Septsmbor2nd, both datas inclusiw.Car ?42 opsrate$ in l'lo. 4 daily 1q 166 in-cluding June ZJtd: thsn Monday only fromSudbury until August l!th incltrsive; Sun-daySepbmbsr 3rd, and daily operation willbo rosumed Septernber 5th. Car will operatoin No. 52 daily oxctpl Monday from Sud-bury June 2,tth until Soptembor 2ndinclusive and Mondat, S€ptemb€r 4th.

*Toronto lnd Vaneouvcr (,\os.E?and88)l0 Sec., O.R., Cpt- Ftom Toronto Junolst until Septambgt 26th incl.; trom Van-couvor Juno sth unlil S€ptemeer l$th incl.

f,Toronto .nd v.nsuv!r (]ios.89 attd fil

Page 49: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

hmd DorSer Iti

TABLE l4. l t4- I 36- ;M446:PooLlPooL;PooL

Farg'1r66 :# I lL l * Irh,l#,lg:'ds* "T;iiit?iJ.; : : :lli ';irJ ilid ^;^l ioiool tlil ^iT;s

il.i *ffii'irrli$* !ijt-milll i:iil :: l3l3l ;el a:zo

:: tl !:l::.;;: : :it"' lI| :: I '?:fl

:: | :: LiS ?:']

Er;:psffi;EffFifl!:8 Frr*r"i+:::::l:l

:: I :i [i.!fl ,' I 'i liilff,$ Fi*'r*:t i

'89:? i'.1llll#';": :::.:l :: I :: l'l:iH :: I .: liif

rlffi:l" xr*lli; : : : J :: [l4i,ffi r ]iiii



s:!aa>!tL o3:i


; E:a=





,llv I


:91- Ol. sl.!!a:0.F!:c

. >!LII

! r ll


l. ssll





;Sun. Ir-r. I



/ 6.XIf 6.49t65!I7-tAt 7.21t 7.ltj

::l_t::-lLrtr B.Att 8.15leooLr 9. t0lt 9.25lteltI [email protected]. t5I ro. 45l/to 55l./r t.orl/r r .os1 il.15




!.!>! a





dtirCarC3t...1 !3iAii riaca!:ul

:l/l r!.Oa=c!:o -tr: E;



r. l0:.30


tu, t)I .00t. t65. r0

tv. t>10,55



NeprnrrSor Trlb lSl



Lv Bnocxvrr-rr UnionStn..Afl 2.101 I .. I 7.501 ,. lo= ILv Krxcsror C.N. Stn. . . lrl I .3d I .. I 6 591 lz:1il)"_.:.:::_ll .-dil ilj$_;l :: | 8:9ll-;-l$j!

7. tI7.21

.. af LEA9|DEU.r.DIn. . . .LYl I 9.441 .. I .. I ll'tll ll.Jt

. . lr oox C.P. Stn. . . . . Lvl *:},$.3d ,, L.o-:{.-*,}=::i

Ex.a.l. ?-r. t.x. t.l.

"o*o,jll'n"dlli,dn. .^{Wy ..

lt :Xryd"#A.I. I 1,I., Al. l t.t. | ?.L l t,I.



Ottrwr to To?onto (Vlr Brockvllb)Coeoh Ottawa to Brockvillc.

For equlpmcnt on Poot Train 5 botweon Brockvlllcend Toronto--See Tablc 120'

POOL TRAIH No. 559-15Coroh *0ttawa to Brockville.

Prrlor Cerr *Ottewa to Toronto' Wo. 2rg & 2S1t Two car3.

For equigmant on Pool Train l5 beb*eon Brockvilleend Toronto--Sac Tabis 120.


Ottrwr to Tofonto (Vh Prirrboec)Coach Ottawa to Toronto.

Shplnl Crrr *Ottawa to TorontG(ivo.t8t) SSection D.R.,2 Cpb.(,lvo. &B.i l4 Single Eodroomr.(ro. sao) 12 Section D.B.(No, s87\ l2 Section o.R.Ovo. t89) l2 Section O.R. (ox. Sat.)

Cars open in Ottawa 9.00 p.m.

ffiOtt w. to Toronto (vle Brllrvlllr)

Daily except Saturday

Caach Ottawa to TorontcSlmplno Cer *Ottawa to Toronto:

(No.43E l4 Singlc Bodrooms"(No. #s) l2 Section D.R.

Carr open in Ottawa 9.00 P.m.

TRATN Ho. l1-562Toronto to Ott s. (Vlr Brockvlllr)

Goeoh Brockvillo to Ottawr.For equipment on Pool Train ll bctwoen Toronto

and Brockvillo--S€c Table 123.

PooL TRAIH Ho. 6-560Corch f Brockvill6 to Ottawa-Prrtor Garr f Toronto to Ottawe

(No. tt8 & ,t0) Two caft.For equipment on Pool Train l,lo. 6 botwscn

Toronto and Brockvillesoo Tablo 123.

ffiTorontq to Ottewr (Vle Potrrboro) '

Corch Toronto to Ottawa.Slorplng Grrt f Toronto to Ottawa.

(.rio. t8t) 8 $ection D.R., 2 Cptr,-Saturday only.(No, s81') l4 Single Bedrooma.axo. sEd) 12 S€ction D.R.iivo.ssa) l2 Section D.R

_Cars ogsn in Toronto 9.J0 p.m.

POOL TRAtd No. 2rtToronto to Ottrwe (yla Brlhvllh)

Paily oxcept ShturdayCoach Toronto to Ottawr"Slecplng Carc |Toronto to Ottawa.

tNo. tiA l4 Singlo Bodrooms.(No. 1S8l 8 Section U-R., 2 CatLiNo. 14o) l2 section D.R.ino. W) l2 section D.R.

Cars op6n in Toronto 9.30 p.m.


+ Dailv sxc€ot Sundav. I Daily sxcept Satutday.i oaitv excebt Monddv. A Restaurant or Lunch countet.>i Canidian Pacfic Sta'tion' I Sunday only.* Reqularly assigned cars Air-Conditionod-'i

Eftectivri June 25th, Lvs 9.20 a.m.D Tuesday and Thucday.i ei;-k Sirmt Station located at Bank and.lsabella Stroets.. No.baggagc tranrfu rrnn0emcnb- --" io dr rrlm'Union Stiiion. Baggago will not bo checkod through'/ Stopt on rignal. r

M Mixeo rriin il Windsor Station'

Numbrn followlng cart.ln tt.tlont r.tar to trbl.! 3howlne Gonnrctlng ttrlnl.

, -4., ,:, .



Concd.ion Nosonal ErprrrMotor TrusL Sorvioc

Srtrcon Picton*Bloorrnield

. W dll ngrton:Bclbvillo

Eoc Teblr 198


rAaLE 143Ea.itsrn Tim6

ll7-7 l.r Montrsal,Quo..t





l.0rf l.2l

I .5:l.r,



t 6.5I7t



Page 50: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

I ,' .,. r,,*J-9[o#o *iI "::J

f; | :x 1","'Hi.:" lrp I :*

i :* l rl)*'i'u'lJ::-


1,,il:'l:iid,# #,8 l; rt""***,s,"i,r'' $Liiri-rgl--,1r=-F;', 1

I m;:1j,#i .,mmpffi,tr, fl ;l i;l'^n;T' I

I Auq.7; l 7.0>l ll.0>l 2.2 sund*lrnd . . . . .l 8.25 1 6.ld 7.l3li 8.411 Aus.7; I

| .s".' I llil ll:lli '!i f;,T:Tfi:'.':::: :l 8:681 ?i8l l:8lii 8l3l ',"" I

l i,ftiil '""1 ii,?ii li l r)::::.::':'.ll : lHlj{i l,iil_,U_'1'":':'1tr# IlMon-l lll.14l 25.9 cam.brids...-..1 +Z l5.l5r t+el lMon., I


s"or+ln I ill,lig.i ltil,-Jlt , , , , ,[:.F,.1 il]l:tliil :: l*.

, I

I lr.r. lt2.30l 4l.6koetrrtr .'.Lvl r.x. 11401 i?.r. I ..L-".!,_l;ltrjld i;irtl . EI B^s|rA'r.10[.f Lvonrur.re .r"l risIrlilsTlol - l].15I .r 8.13 ,t t.1g 12.13i 49.5 uhthof . .l 7.00 I 3.231R/5.341 .. I f7.30I I E.tZ U 9.24 12.a9i,52.3 Formred .l/ 6.56 y I tgl >t6.]tl .. I n.26I 8.24 l9.z9-t?.57i57.1 cordwrt.'....,.1 6.dal3.loi;6.211 17. 18

I .r 8.28 l.r 9.tl I .0ll 59.2 F.lrrrron .ll 6.4?. y 3 05i? t6.l8l I fl .13l/8.31 19.3d 1.071 6l .2 wrubrurhrnr...,l 6,19i3oli:6.t41 I 7.09I .. I I I / l61 6 stursrcnBav. .l I I / l= I I I 'I B.4l I 9.461 t.l7l 67.0 vtctoriaHrrboe...l 5.29 I 2S6i d 6.041 I 6.59I /8.19 lI 9.5{l1.24' 7l .0 Mrrtrn'shrlnr. . .lf 6.'NV?.l7irls.Xl I /6.50I 9.m I [email protected] 74.0 lr Mrorero, o'.r.. .Lyi 6.t5 i Z ]oid 5.501 | 6.15

lr.u. ie.r. l r.m. l I e.n.I t... lr.r., r.n. I

l t'*" -. ""'-I "dgl*.o.:f-r- I I

Porrnj ro lrlidhod-sre Nar c-

I EOUIPMEIIT;_Alr-Conditlon.d oorch opcnt.r on trNinr {2. lt ll 1/t! To!'onto-Mldl.nd

lrre'-e 149 WHITBY-BH0OKL|N*PORT PERRYI S.-,o by Trucl (drlly u. Sundey) lor th. plok-up rnd d.llv.rt of L.C.L. Fmlght, endI eto"-t rt whltbt, Brmkltn tnd Port Prrrt.I C.X. Erprru Motor Trsctc S.nlo. b.tw..n Orhrwr,Port Prrry rnd Eroohlln, rm Trblr 198.l-I nETERENcE MARKs-TABLES l{i to li2I o Darlv. t Deily excsot Sun. I C Frequent bus ssrvico Midland & Ponetan0.I t Oritv exccpt Mon, I Daily €xcept SaL I Through ticket! aro not issued. F&il tickotcI d tron'oav. Wodn€sday and Friday. I arc not honorod. .f Stopsonsrgnal.

" I I, Rostaurint or lunch-countor. I t Saturday only' M Mixcd trern.I i rtotor traln: limitod baogago accommodation. I x Windsor Station. r Central Station.

' i E gno"ti"e JJn€- 29th,to ssotember ?nd inr.l', I r rlcancoiled July 2nd until sept. Jrrt incl.

l- Ui:,1;iil.,1|;,'.i".11|,ff* ''40 p'm''ndl$*i"

arso operato. on Mondaw, Jury 3rdI I ii,ii,-,Ji.I;i.b;;;.r_.;;..hotidavs. |

_untir sept. 4th inct.

I a Sun<iav ani holidavs onlv. I f.fiOporates Sun' Ju1v2,9,16,23.30; Mon. Aug.7;- I I ercapf Saturday, Sunday and holiitavs. I vSun. Aug. 13,fr,27; and Mon. Sept' 4.


For rddltlonrl lo'vlct, Totonto-P.t.?boro, rol trbld l4l and l5lSo ltrm er latlrchrntobitltt ot Tlchttt.

ierd Dcwn Rod UP

1aa.eele4 lezI 'ABLE l4S ittltult?jJl8s-s7

|,nr" IE.Ier. I Eastsrnrimc Ier. IEr.ISJilsoenoto

ffil##s,**r,*,,**r.r: ,"ii;iJ ;ij *;l rtI it'iiil !:8ii 3fi

'3:?"ffil?:l*:::::Ti '884 8:63i 8:i?li t:ffI :: il'i:ill n:d i8:8 illl'ilii'i?.: : : : : :i/8.iH t $l i rzl! i:rzl! .. _ol S.zql S.S9 n.3 Merr<hrm .l 9.30 7.521 8.07 li 9.y

li'':l:l ?:?8i l8:H 3i:1 *r11'ji: . : . :lrgg i:lil '\.ftl.n,,ii':i'jl [:S 18:14 S:3"'B$:',1*1,;": : : ir'l 83d l:l8t ] ?6F 3:16It I 6.2q 10.5d Ltl t18 \q 8.39 6.5q1 7.t7 I 8.17I . .. t I 6.28 ll.m 56.9 Mrnlllr .l 8 ?8i 6.41i YL I Yi.l..c ..:l 6.351 lt.0d 6t.8 M."tporr

.1" l'i:il 8:ifi ll'g or t[]r,rD*v r5o t!;i 8:s 8:?8; 8 ?81 l.;?il .. -lt 7.04itt l.3g 74.5 -Foboro. .lt I .5}1 6.0|,1 t 6.gl I

dl .. 91 7 09i ll.45l 78.8 omrmro .l 7.471 5.55i 6.02 lopnt.r-l :: il IlllEfl 3:ill'::'::::::l ,lIl1ff1,'S:

sl ,Ti'il t'"1 13,$

e22iliP1?irolo.'-"'. {ilI i9 i:?8j

"#l-'?-ff.I byto. I ll2.3t lm.Q Frerrvlllr. . , , . ,l | 4.55i l?,sr!.I s.r I I 12.4fl 105.3 Mtllbrcok .l ,|\ I tl.il5i Can- | Aur. lr,

l',ll:'lv l'{oJl?9:8 H'#'o'.i,.;"i.: :::l I [ill, Tili'l?'*I .. lll I lll5.0 P.rryto*n......1 All 1.22iZnd lSert.{,

I :: I + I '{r'l

ll18 F."#';o;.'*"rio;6t.l -"

Itl:At' iij',l I '--I .. I I t.251 123.6& Port Hotr. oxl.. . LYI I 4.05r lrd I Hrtl-I .. I I r.r. I 120, l2l I I r.n. I incl, lburton-l---- l-llrrold .--r-rqonireii.l ]-Tii---r-f3 i-l - I-?IIEI ,-. t-Q7fi-".t."r-o"o. - l-.Ti--7' U e-. r----l i:lI :: I j;l :l l'ff:8-'*::n::":':: : : :l u{d ll I :: l''?i:'I :: l'; l:: tiffi:l 5lx;';.:::::l il.'. I :: 1..I .. l|i.fl| 1108.7 srrduil'. .l 6.191 I .. I..I .. I s.lol I I 14.5 Hr.trnsr .l 6'3ll i .. I ..I :: I l*l :: I li!:8 &11"jilJ',?;;: : . :l olod :: I :: I ::I :: llts:fflq',:'i 113:6 l::,lliso. : : : : :il3:fit?:'i :: I :.I :: l'3i8l lll'Ill3:1"i,llll"ri,.... rirr?1tr$li :: I ::


to-951 92-5F.x. lt*itor rABLE l5l Fx.sun' I Easlorn Timc uun'

--t-R+\ ?.r,.l?.35y 0.0 Lv ToFoiyo, Oxr., . lr 5.25

l$l "rfi)e..,Hoprr45 . {!j ?:i3

?5.121 94.4 lr'PErf,irono. oilr.. . : Lr 12. t8

,ermm *i i,nl,itill,igrffliij{

,?,g " Hfirif:: ';',rlfiii,l,ii! r ,'l'8:lBi'i$:!ii'6 dil ii:i t i:tlxlii:'.1 :Hl' i,iHi' i,il

iiilliiilt$l ,: lli,l :$***,,:l;i$l ,:


Iill. 1",',, rABLE 146 iff:s3LIr.r. I l.l'ta.otl o.o Ly MADoc. orr. . . .rf 10.4t)

I 6- I Crookrton,nZ.Ol 9.8 Fulrrr. . ../lQ 05"i.091 11.9 lr Mrooc Jcr. 115 . . tr .9.36

t.a'i 27 .2 Ar Bellcvillo, OnL . . [r 9.mr-r. I a-t.


rAaLE 147Milot Eartorn Time

Fetshtl0.0 Prrrrloro, Ort. l{5 . Sraicr9.8 Ler:rtrlo. Oit. . . . . oil,


Oprretcd by Chldbv Eluc Lln.cTnnoucn Ttcrfis ARE rlor lssuED, RAIL TtcKErs AnE rot HoxofiED.

Page 51: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

r^BLE 158

F?.lght Servlcr Only:Zophyr, Brorn Hill rnd Sutton


rssongers' hand baode0b end itcrmu trunks willbo handlod, but not commorcial bagqago.rnadian Customs Olficen are locatod - tt


t Daily axcept Sundry.-/ Slogs on lignd.

M Mirad Tnrn-* ReOularly trsigncd ca,n Air-

- Cond'rtionsd.

)n Saturdayr, July lst untll September lndrnclusivo, operatss on I later schedulo lo con-noct with Tho Highland8r No,88-89.


YABKER-NAPA}IEEtErD Dowi r*o ur IM339M335t . __ M336M34t

wod. l ruc., l T^rLE l5 { l luc. iweo.and I Thu. I Eagtorn Tinre I enc I rnu..sat. ldFri. lMle I pri- lcsait.. l^... 1 lra"o.*"rlr'r...rrl ,..-lr.r.

I I l0l 0,0 oxr. rzo. r23 I .. I r.r:I 8.5015.2 Lyn. . . . . . .1 I 3.54L 17.9 Soolrvr.. .. . .ll/ 9.15112.9 Fo"thton.. . . .l l/ 3.3:

:: I I lit:t F,l?l:'".'::' :l :: I II 9.50117.6 Ath.nl . . . . .i .. I f.aI IVA.O soe."ton....l -. I f110.35126.4 Lyndhunt. .l I z.st110.5028. I Drrtr......l 12.3!

.:._lll I .0133.I Fhiillprviltr . .l lt Z.Z

'ii:lii'l|#n,{. ir# .i;'i i .il' ?.iit.r. lr.r I lr.r. lr.r.ulas lr,ptzl l,otrelrao,

Er- | tu6.. I lWad,l r-sun. llne I lSlllffi.r-r. lr.r. I lr.r. lr.r.?.89i 2.101 0-0tr Forrar ltl . .l1l tz.illt 2.9

tlLl.i,, i'.$ i:l E'fit.;'; * :l,ii lflil:i/ 9.45i 3.t0118.6 P."th Rord - . .lti i i{r i r-lq.-oq I2sl?5.4 sydonhrm . . .f ii.0d' i:Tll0.l5tl 3.40129.7 Hrraowrmtth . .lrin i(n) S

-lg.ltl {.201i6.0 yrrrrr t4t. . .l'i0 251- iZ.4ltq.5_rit { 35140.q cemdrn r""r . .lrid.6fl/i2.2,/l I .0li 1.45142.5 lrrwburqh . - .l''d 1(lril i'll:?li i l8ii3 f , i'ii^1ll,ifro, :'.J 8:ifi'i?.i'#;. l'"'I '" [^''l^''


',*; i^fihl,xl.i;i: I m l,:,",r.;,.r. lr... lr.'.8.401 I 40{ t0 t5

4-451 i,4ol ?dr

o.,rl ,.,J ,.r,I I .. I rr ssl s.ool /.oe

t 3.2711 4.4413 06.1 4.301 6.4[

t 2.57.t 4.2d2.45l| 4.rol 6.t(2.nl 1. t0l 6.3(2. l51 3. s2


M t rseer389 I iruotsl

rrro,.,..l IABLE 155 i#B i

weo.'juires Eastorn rim€

i$ilii;+t*-fi I a.r. I

l9 051r.- Lv Tonoxro. oilr.lrl 10.251

TORONTO-LIrr r Dou'l

.S€€ Seet M I' Nots Note 139 l - |

88- , 395 t 324 I

89 ! ru". Iro..l:SaLl & lThu.;i onlyl Thu. I SaL

,-'i#'.':: *?k



Sat.onl Y

llunrb.n tollowlna cr"ttln ttrtlcnrt.t.r to trbl.. rho[lno

ac[nagtlna taalna.

rr^D oo{,r TREN .9*qTH ir D ut


Grnrdlrn Natlonrl Erprcr Srwlcr by Motor TruokBttwren T?.nton rnd Frankford*Soe Tabh ltt

rret: J $P EourpMENT TABLES l7st76llor. 3 ond ,**lbr Coatianutol Linited-tor cquipmoat rs Tcbb l3g

x:.@* Coach. . .. . . ., Toronto-l.lo-?th-8il--* Buffot Parlor Gar tMot. tss orld t h)-Toronto-Gravsnhursl

Nor. il2. {5 rnd 148-Toeonjo-Mldhnd-*Coechl{or. {3 rnd 156-Toronto-North 8rt

*Bufret parror car tiv*,ffif0oegh. ...Torontffi....North BapVet Grgno,srroprng cerr Torontc-srtrtrkr

*ilt *; B:R.l if3:ts:l5lt.1l1t1';:::::.:.::.::::::::::::Itsl,?"'?"'i;i"'tltMontrorl.Nonndr

*(lASo9, D.R.) (No.s.r71 and, f7tl,_ ln trains. I and 2 lotween Monlrorl end North Bay.car from Montroal parked until 7.J0 a.m. in North Bey.Cer from Noranda oirked at tO.fb -p.-m. in North Bay. - i

TorcnteNorth 8ry*(l2Scc- O.R.) (rvor. U @td trtn. Dailvsxccotsaturdav.

Parked in North 8ry intil 8.@ a.m.; from 9.-00 p.m.


*[i3*r8#.i,1y#9""#"?.:1i:t.:iil.f::1.T:::::ii.::."',.J-^iy u"i rimmine

*(l0Soc.,D.F.,2Cpta) (Nas.&o'ldfir,-.....1uarutoryonly.



t3.2t5.4??.8?5.027.t10.416.440.645650055259.662.565.373571.580.7B?.2Bi .588.993,?96 .5


t0l. tr04. tilo01t3.4ll6.l

8rlnrre.....Marmora....Malona. .,,Eldorado. . . .Bannoelburn'.Millb?idq€.MaDonaldr. . .Gllmour.,..3t, Ola.O?mrby Jct. . .

COE HILL. . .CoE HILLOrmrby Jct.Brinklow. . .Egan Cre.k. . .Turlff , . . ,.Dctlor., . . . .Bronro6....

BAilCFOFI. . .

M32tWed.onl YA.I.7.30

t i ..tiJ/ 8.05t 8.t5








a.ta. I10. r5lI 0.301

'l :tolII.551ilz.t0l,


t.t0lr r.301

I .5012. t0!

I 2.?51t2Asl

3.001/3 r5l



r i.islr 3.5Al)

o!.rolt 4.30.

| 4.401

lM3r 5lI Fri. I

I ?:'oll/ 5.301l/ 5 501i/ 6.051I o.zol!r-x- i

Page 52: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

;flD t t

I't8 I 156

l{oTr I Norr


revsnu8 pas-

' lSth to Sept.

8th, incl., also

operato Mon-

rng. Throuohhonored.pt Sat. &Sun.to t bl.l

r lor for rer

lge, June llt

l2th to 28th,

Will also op{

i Penetang.ar6 not hon

rily excapt {a r.lat 'tona.

nuo pasgsnoors/ and bevond.ts Bernird Lod

a Wharf, June I

Cay only.

av.ind Mondav. t

I Septamber 4th.

'6 Midland 8n(

l. Rail tickets|oston Creek dsartaln atatlonl,n^.ctlno ttalt

rard Lodg6,

t, June l2th


rnday. willrber 4th.and snd P,tickets ar6

)reek dailyatatlona r.ro tralna.

ain revanue passrorih Bay and beyral at Lako Betnat

hrs*oi" whart, ,

h to 9th.rrl Monday ordy.

i saturday.Sunday and Mon

;7th and SsPtBmhrs Servico Midlarot issued. Rail tnal at Boston Cr,rwlng cartaln atrino connastlng

to detrain revarrs to North Bayon signal at Lalincl.dav onlY'rteri via Muskokimber 4th to 9th.on signrl Mond

d Train.dav and Saturda'oicont SundaYAuoust 7th and

Jont Bu3 Servicts aro not issucdr on signal at Brr followlng cr

thowing coi

ssnogrs toStops on siI 5th, incl'Saturday o

OporatBs vSept€mbsrStops on sMixad Tr:Tuesday a

Daily 6xc€days, AugrFrequsnttickets ar€StoF on I

rmbarS fo

Stops to c

ssn9€rs ttStops on !

I 5th, incl'SaturdayOporatBsSeptembsStops onMixad TtTuesdayDaily 6xcdayg Au1Frequsnttickets atSto6 on

tYlffin*tgtllhhlt ALG'NQUTN PABK

T^gr-e l7o\ , IEAD D{

17.3 t49 145ttofc Ir-r. I t.r

r 3,45 li 3.45



r 3.45

Ii.il)Lr Taorro, Orr. Urd Frrldelo.,.| 9t- Chir Avr. ,] ConcordJ llrpb- .,...7 XtnsJ lorcre..,.I ltrmerkrt - .I Hollend L.rridlagI Bndlord . .J Gllt6?d -.- .I Ldroy....5 Calsveh..,0k Att fp^Lr l1l. I

d b Collngwood -2 t Maajord .


oLY Ar.trrDlLt l7l. II Eriilr ...? Shrntt 8rt. '2 Oro9 Xrrkr'rtonr2 Orillir ln.tllut1lr Oilurr la8i---r-nriama, ag-.llrortrur. - - ..5 Ath.rl.t...,7 Lanelord...( Ftonl Prrk ..6k wrrrrrso t35.(S(.q * ?anv soJnd-..4 S.r.?n.....2 Kllworthy-.7 [lM6koka wha

lr Ml,3kore Whelr Bcaumrrir .F Port Carting -

- lr Windsrmorc .l Wigra$an' .b RoYd Muskok

:ltF,'.-,*' .

l.l Bncrbrldsr ' .r.6 Felhrnburg ' .i.4 Utt.don.'.,0 Mrrtint.. . .

' ) HuirsvlLLf .

--T-TTun{iilntDo, lr Eritennie. ., lr Brgwio lnn.. lr Dorsct.;.6 Novrr,. . . ,

I 2L s.orra l,l0.lq l.Jo€Lak€.J lr Aloonouin Pa

l.2U scon^ la{t.1.0 Emrdeb . .

7.0 Krtt'in.. . .

I .4 Bunx'3 FlutA.4 c.r$. - -.7 .4 LaLr B*nerd).2 ScndrideP' .

8.8 South Fliwr .

0.2 Trout Cmk.7.8 Pow.rr.n ' .

9.7 Crll.ndr?. .?.5 Hi9i3!ing -E.0lr nortx B^Y. ot!


Excspt SundaY, &rn€ -il)ailv crl€Dt S{rn- Lfibaili oxce Pt Sun. EfitFrom Junc 5 to ZZ inckoka Wharf 1.45p.m. i

Stops tol gassongcrs tStora for re\€nu€ Ior fo Swartika end be:

Stoos for rswtlue PassStogs for rovenuo Paor to t{orth BrY and I

Monday and FridaY.atter S€ptember lst.StoF for ravenus Pasor to prck uP rovenucStoog {or r616nt 9asand byond.

l4.46I 4.1911.55


i.zz5. 355.596.12

/ 6.]tr 6.:o

l.r.ARKS-TAaLES l70-l77lnd, until S€ptember 4th, inclusive.*tivo Juno l9th until Sept. l0 incl.ctive Juns llrd until Seot. 4th incl.. d, SePl. 5 to 2l incl. laavos Mug-nd arrires Royal Muskoka 5.30p.m., Washago and bayond.lss6n0isr8 from beyond North Beyond,ngers to Porquis and bsyond.sen0en from Swartrka and b€yondevond.dffectivo until Juna 26th, incl., and

./ Stoos on rional.r6ngersfrom North Bay and beyondoaSson0erS.inoen, from Porquir or to Englsharl

aL Satuday.

alm oporate oninclusivo.

4th insteadRUn3 through10.35 e.m.

on Laks Nipis-on th€ French

t. t Oaily erI Ga Mondry.ndav. Will alcolqr|bcr 4th, incltry.tzt.

if ano Ssptemborrplenbor 3rd. R

, arriving there Irndrt.

aacsnmodation; are opsratod on)lurrrJierg Dam or

mr from and toc.T. C

Ausuat Ttli and Sor6th rnd SaPternbsr,'July lnd, errivingiay and Sundey.n Countu.d baQgaqe aacofimo{Jiesel ships are oporBay and Ctra'.rrlierso Terna0emt from I


t uarly cx.rly.ept Sunday aJrrly lrd un

lvodnosday atThursday andsignal ThurstMondays, Au!/E, Augult 6thlo, Sundey, Jt;eot Saturday'rt or Lunch C,

rin; limitsd bi,lorthland di6s

' t Daili cr Miunday and Monday.' Jrd until SeptGmbGrrssday and Friday.rday and SaturdeY.rl Thursday only.lays, August 7th and !rgust 6th rnd Sapterl9rnday, JulY lnd, errtvtiaturday and Sundey.Lunch Countrr.imitsd baQgace amornrland diosol ships are ol{orth BaY and CturrJitr Lako Ternaoemt frot

Vlonday. lvodnosday anlussday, Thursday anditom on sional ThursdWill run Mondays, Augof Sundayr, Augurt $thto Toronto. SundeY, JuDallv 6rceot Saturday i

Restiurant or Lunch ftMotor train; limitsd baOntario Northland diestsino botween North BatRiier; atso on Laks TFor details consult ager

t Oaily cx. SundeY.. I DailY t

I Sunday and Moouly Jrd until Septcrdnosday and Fridalrursday and Saturdrrnal Thursdav only6ndays, August 7thAusust 6th rnd SaP

Sunday, July 2nd,t Saturday and Sunor Lunch Countrr.: limitsd baqgage ar

ihland di6sol shiPs,n North Bav and Clon Lako Terna0em

consult agents.

t Oaily

ii suno"Jrrly Jrdvodnosda''hursdayiignal Tnt6ondays,t, Augultr, Sundeyrot Saturc

ay only.y bxcept Sdavs, JulYday. lvodnday, Thur!t on signarun Mondrndayt, Auoronto, suy ercept Saurant or I

or train; lirrio Northlbotween itr: also on


to Temagami.Csntral Timo.

Page 53: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950



l^blr t

lrl'iLvl. Ilr





rBLE l?l

'0A Inol

. . lrl'- - Arl'



Eastorn'MoilltE LOrrawt .ilo'lrH Bl,



EastornoilltE LtTl*l -oirH Ba





HITIilUEDili.ss T

0.0 Lr t

117.7 Lv t]44.1 lr I









r t.3t.r.

0.0 Lv TonsnrongA b Nonrr B^Y--- --b nEnrIEIii

0.0 ont. a. -Tt.l Tfx^cau t, . .76-9 Goward95.4 Lrtchtord... -

104. I CoB^Lr . .. .iotd n""ti'cio}i...108.7 Helloybury...lll-9 i:*_!$:::9,_...-

.. Elk LaksTi9:7 T;-E;r-..l?6.1 ThornlorlA.9 E rltonI j6.2 Hcr 3l I p119.8 Er.cl-ir^it. ..i542- BortonCr..k165.84 Swartitr A.TiltI-T'3T9I*:''

T9.5r. 6.34


r I.l0t 2.t0

a.f _

rt55il t.{lflolsg


r0 26il0. t4

i:ii{ iiil'i:xi*ii'ii ' 'l-ie.2

= Larder Lake

I97 t < Cneminis,On'.712.4I Arntfield, Que?24.4 ^

Rouyn, Quo.225.6

= Noranda Qu6.

-- 3u l3:^P;di;--t-TTn t sorriirrrii,oiif-l-ITf .l X, s.r.kinlkr,onr -

184.0 F Bourho. 'i96 0 G Rimo?.XV\ 2 O Mrth.rcn7\6iz vrrGaen.. ..219.1^ Montrith .. '219.1^ Montsith ' .??\7=kPonouts A,a278 lroouoisFalls-


??A 7 =

KilburnI E ;;;iil'r. iprr . .

.7 i Connaueht

.3 v Dugwrl

.4 Hoylr . .

3 Schumrchrl . .Q Timminri poiqniill-l-ll

Pa m oulPorcupln;. .So. Porauprna. .


il6,756. l8It

t 5.*I 5.50

5. 4{53{

t 5.10T-€-.8t 6.t4/ 6.04I 5.5fI 5.391530



.3 PottGt'3 Nrhm..

,h lrCocxnrxtcxr. 175. 176





Iit. Eastorn Tims?-t.






Onlorio Norlhlond dlerelrhlpr orc operolod on LchNipirring bclwe.n Ncrlh Boycnd Chsudie@ Dam on lhcFranch Riveq olro oo LoloTemogomi from ond lo Temq.gomi.







Motor T"ucl


Allandelr rnd

Cemp Bordrn

Allendrlc rnd



Mralcrd rnd

Owen Sound


rfoQ-1t't'ror ;[*i\:,". lT4 ]_33:ex'su

178'8 r, t",t1ll:#al;. . .u'iil$

r.r. I tv Hanll-toil, oxl. - ?!'--7.15 I 0.0 Jamos Strsct . .Lr. - t-'22

1777 I At AldeBhot 'I1.4>

, i:ij I i i i::l':l':i '?: . '. '. 'iti'ti'.iilis.t arr,.. ..t7'?9.

7 .58 I ?l .2 rlitton . {. ll,I b.Oi I 24'.2 Mrnrrwood . . - . . t 7 Ai 6:Ti I Z,i.E stcwtrttown . . .. t I n

8.20 I 32.8 lt Geonoctowll' . . Lv o:44

Tn I "E5 1., i- r ",--.,--"1"

r ?s--.l} -eri;-n-i,tl-rrtu-Grffi-3 3iri(i I ihi T.r?rCottr. . 16.19i d.56 I i6:8 lnt.rptovlnct.l Brlcr ,tr 6 l!' 9.W l'46.6 ch.lt.nhrm" . . . / 6..13';- l )i'A Frrndrlr . . . . . . I

o'nrliiX iiar-rwooD ,.. 6.07,6.2i I 56.0 caLEDox Est. t.5!

t6.2ilq.6 Arbion. .15-.11' ,i i6 I 6e:i parsrrvr. t tl

6'qA I At'i Tottrnhrm 5.30

,i8* I 88 i ii'?l'.'l lT : : :',:?fr'/i6:iilii.{i Fandrrr . ./i.Qq'ig.ii I ii d c@k3town 5.92ih'i-A I ii t Thornton 4.51

tii AA l Ef i " Xi-ll";^i,: : :':;,r;t 1.18

ii$- i-%6- --F-Barri6;Oni:IA It --4-!9

t 2.tt 2.lI 2.3t 2.t'3(t 3.1


t9,I l.


I 7.l.r-



Page 54: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


{ Daily oxc€pt Monday.I Daily sxcapt Saturday.

O Excopt Saturday andSunda y.

t lestauranl of LunchCounter.

I Motor Train, limiied baggaoe accomrnodation.

f Rcgularly assign66 sgrsArr-Condi tioned.

o Stops for passongers fromtoronto and beyond.

6 Monday only,B 8aggag€ wiil not bo check-

cd from, to or via Lucenurosstnq.

c Stopl for Darsenogrs toconnoct with No. l7a atGuotph, No. 662 algeoroetown, and for wosltoronto 4 beyond.

d No. 29 witl stop for pas-gngoe from boyondI OrOnto,

.l Stops on rionll.0 At.rivo 4.10 p.m. cffec.

trvc June 25th.t Saturday only.

N umb.m totlowlng s13-trin ttrtionr r.tt" tottbl.! rhowln! Gonnrct-lno trrinr.

T0 B 0 N T0 jSllE[BS "*l$

TC H E N E B-ST B AT F0 R D -10 N D 0 N -G

0 D E B I C H -SA

R N I AW "ry+T5t*-qleB'xgp.+tgriqcrqflF;tsrh.:{rsr#F+*ry.&.15Fds#*a..*E--.--

R:eo Dowr TOrOntO J stfatf Ofd -

LOndOn '' ^'w:'$EaQ'if'-{++.l*,lrr:sgr.4,,ffi6!fuffigt4*.':d

'1.:,.J"lI.8 l#,lgi ll# iJ:iMolrFEAL, ou:. lZ0, 123 I I I I






29,Er. I

sun. I

r0. :9 rI








r39Sat. &$un.only




For Trrln l0'r SchcdulrDctFolt to London

rm Trblr 127.

Tickets reading via Can. Nat. Rygbstwson Hamilton or Dundas andpolnt, blto^d Kltchonrr will tnhonorod by Canada Coach Lines bo-tweon Hamilton or Dundas andKitchonor.

Ses foldor C or consult Agsntrfor delails.


9: stl




9.35i9.4CI.. lt

d 9.56t10.04ir0.04i

alA.l4'lal0.l8.ral} 2l IdtO.2g ti

r0 r8i


I t. tsiI I .2e1ll.4c


t2. ldt2.3elt2.5rl

l:otit.2lll:t'll.16lr .4612.0t12.0112.td2 . t8'd2.30,2.3Ci'2.42a2 48a2-54 a'1.6d

,.tl' l:

t'l3. 431

' l. 5tr4001. t04.20t,".



371351ex su.lex.su.l n,tiler

r:iJ ib:rtl .o Lv srnrtron'. . . . .19.471 10.571 5.1 sabtlnsvlllr. . . .-

9. s8l ll .l2l lj.? Mitchril,/'0.09i ll.221 tB.3 Dublrn

llll.251 n.7 st. columbrn . .t0.2tl ll.161 24.8 sc.tortht0 351 11.50 3l.l cnnton t93

Il0 42lll2.A5i 36 9 Holmcrvilh. . ' .

i,l.Ti Ll"loi 4s.e k coDEBrcH


i . . . by win or lcttcr.f Agentr will glodly erplaiai ou, Pnpoid fk*at delivctY1 plon.,


Stratford - SarniaI6Orl BOO

E:.I ELSun. I Miles S.rrL

^.". I r.r.

7 .45.I .0 Lv srnrrroro . . . . aAr 1.45t 7.561 5.3 st. P'ulr .I 1.13

8.051 102 st.Matt'rJcL. . . . 1.178.25i 19.5 Granton 1.038.18i 25 4 Lucan 3.51

I 8.451 ?7.6 Lucan Grorrlns l9l (B). . t 3.448.551 32.5 Attr crais 1.339.lZ 4').2 Parkhlll 3.179.101 48.9 Thadrord. 3.019.5d 57.7 Forcrt. . 2.15

/l0.0ll 63.2 Aberardrr. . .l 2.3tl0.l0l 66.9 Camlachir 2.n

ll0.20i 71 6 Prrch ../ ?.18ll0 26i 74.9 Bltckwrll .I2.lll0 4q 8l.l lr Senxtr, oxt' 120. . . . Lv 2.00

r fiAfildlfuq ors-ut. th."?iov rh"t tail rol!I ql yowcollr or

.!n isvclog foetlqdioatk Yov,on thtr


,sn, ftlFTPlilt


ffiIfl 8T[ TF



*:ilr;'ff,;..;li;":;I:":r)r raoior




lL"?i::'o leovcl'

9nd rofcr,hcn div.o1. for bo3;616.lripr-'ourtorf

c(,il! ani m,

',1::i;,flrvaoian, l|

lU[ clffiYAttE ea

qrrP ff,



I Yqcotioay o daivc.,' you ia aclor. UnircdilctctAqcnod.rn,




For inlormotion regordi^og colonizotion, immigration, lond seltlement,form employment, or ogriculturol developmenl, opply to:

]. S. McGOWAN, Director, 355 McGill St., Montreql, Que.T. P. DEVLIN, Union Stotion, Winuipeg, Mcn.E. H. GURTON, 1?-19 Cockspur St., London, S.W. l, Eng.


Coaches on all trainr,llq lO-Drtrolt to Toronto*Coach ItSieepins Car tNo.l

a6) .12 S€c-, 2lDetroitDoubto Bod-l toroonLs

- soldlTorontcsingly o. orlguito. I

Nor. ll lL lllToronto to London

*Goach*Buftot Parlor car

0Vo. JO7).Toronto to' London

tlo, Z9-Toronto to London*C,oach*Coach-Toronto to Godo,

rrch. ln tio. J5 fromStratford.

*SleepLng Car 12 Sec., I

w0. 16tt'. Montraal toLondon

ln No. 17 to Toronto,*Euftst Parlor Car

(No. 6n.. Toronto toStratford

No,3rFGodrrlch to Toronto

*Coach*Buft6t Parlor Car

(JVo. 6a). .Stratford toToronto

l{o. 3Fstr.tford toGodrlch

*Coach-Toronto to Gode-rich. tn No. 2g toStratford,

t{or. 37 lt 28

Toronto - God.rlch*CoachNo. JFToronto to London*Coach

No. 4{FLondon to Toronto*Coach*Sle€prno Car l2Sec., I O.R.

Wo.15t).. London toMonlrael

tn tto. ti from Toronto

Page 55: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


EBSTON0wEll sout{D

Rxd U! r

172 . t74 ,

Ir s.0rlI 7.541

Ex. I Er.Sun. I Sun.

I r.r. I

I I.2oll/ 8.071

,0 Pr.rton:I x.rprrer.:::::::,I Gl.nch?irth.

16.,{81lt 6 42|l

,0 Gurlph Jct.. .5l .0 Ar csqlrx 178 . . . h :: I i.rsl .:

6 Shrllow Lrhr.] Brnrlbn3 lr owrr sbuxo, (

.l Lv llaier3luf,G. . . . .|'

.2 Br.nchton

.S GaLT . .

ian National RailwaHamilton and potn

ween Guelph ind Halian National Reilwa

will bs honored

National Railwa

for doteils.

I 7.rl5l1 7.il1-- l---r--l-- .r--:. l-T.t5l-T-I 7.EtI 7. r5117.001


quEl?x. l/u...,Elon . .Frrgut .Almr.C€ldrton......Drtytoa.MoorcfirldPll.r:r3toti. Ott. -

185. lg6. r88


'-"'-lrys betvorIt b.tondIton.betrrogn (by Cened

bebrcen I


ao nF^){

o. Oxr.. .

ailways bepolntt b.tiHamilton.rvayr betrrororsd by Cr

rays bebraCanada Coi

rnd Gurlphoh.Canadian Nonrr will beon6r,sult AgontE

3.271 r0.471'r.r51.40.521' 3.181.rt l.02ll1.001 r r. toll.l. I r.r. I

'ickots readinlrand HemlltorCanada Coach'icksb roadingt and pointrso pointr and ('ickets raadingntr botond KDundas and I;os Foldor C ot

rtond Html' Canada CoTicksb roacrlt and poineso pointr arTicksts raacrlnta boton,

Dundas anSos Foldor I

SoHotr AConnl-



*'i,1ti€l'1",,r, r^BLE | 84 lE'1tit'?tsun. I Sun. I Eartcrn Tirn6 | Sun. I Sun.r'r- lr'r' I lt'[ lt'r''ilosl

to.2Sl 0.0 uv PraxxraD, ort.l82. lrl I . ld 1.252. iliriO.ld 2.1 Hrpworth .l l.Qli,/ 3. 17

3: 3liil8 341 r3:3 r, 9'l;l'#lla";.: :'. tit"l soy szosl

r.u. lr.r. I tt.t.it.r.






rAELE 187Bus Service, via Tho Canada CoachLinos Limited, is availabls bstweon

Brantford and 5t. Gcore..

Through Tlck.t! .?. not llru.d.nrll Ttat.tt rFa not honord.

2.46t 2.A


I 1.17I .331.05



Eastarn Timo nie

Motor Corch Srrylo.4p€ratgd by A. Lithman-Rrll Tlctrtr arr HonordCrnrdhn Netlcnel Erpretl Slrylce by Moto? Truct-Kltchrnlr end Elmtre*S.. Tabl. lgf

EasternTimc lA.t, lA.x. le.r, tA.il. r F,m. I r.r. lr.r.r?.r. I r.r. lr.r. lr,H. Ixrtchrnrrr78.....Lrla6.l5lc 7.30il 8.l5lfll.l5lt I.00la 2.551a1.151'5.l5lt 8.001c8.0o1*to.t5lElnlrr

l^.r.1^.". l^.r. l^.,. l^.r. lr.*. 1,.,. 1,.". 1r.". l'*.1r.". lr.*.Ermln . . Lr ra5.00lc 6.COic 7.0llc 8.15h 9.l5lot2. t0]t2dt0ltr .q5la 3.35i*6.frt't 9.001e 9.00Kltchrner 178.....1r a5.35!a 6.fr'a7.351c I50it 9.50ra12.45.d1 .00iI2.201a Ll0:*6.35,t 9.351c 9.35

On request busse will call at C.N.R. Station for train pa$sngeys leaving ot ariving Kitchensr.

"TlSiISi#ffi* GALT*KITCHENER- way Frsishr rrain servica

. eairy. ELMIRA 3l',Ll'*"p"f$tXtblt'L"'fi:$li 8ffiHT*qtl"h:fiitrJi?i I uir,, r^BLE t90 *:",f,t,nti*illli"'.,:'p*

gX"A,H,f1:T;#,?flie.?:: I gg o^.''o"'. -l fl*',f-l"d';ll T,l"*'h*'ll:?i:'ruf ili:ii#1i#,13; I d-H liir ,., : :l wrv n:1"1, *L"'T#'tl3i"inllrut'i::*:m'i".":p;; I l?,i u..1,.*", .l l'jilj ,:tJ:l ".$igp;",ill"rlinot carrY chsckod baggac

t HtlT,'".,ffig 9lHriltlYi*:r: | ??:i ?Ll;::B';,. I 'rarn sor'roe'

Coach Linss Limited, is avail- |

. ilojit.t:"itf"1fm st' Goorsc'

I r'.kots,readins via. caladian -Nationat Raitways

; b;;;1,';il'f,otidavs onlv. I bet*een Dundasl Galt, Blair, Doon, Parkway. 6rc Srnl tioiiaavs & niohl befor6 I Kitchoner and pointr bayond Hamllton will be-

;;iij";;. - j'Siombn Sionat. honorod by Canada Coach Lines betwoon theso points

c N;.-ii0 wili waii for No ll and Hamilton.- whenif,ore are passengers foi See Folder C or consult Agsnts for dotails.this connection-

t Saturday onlY. M Mixed Tnrn.


Page 56: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

rABLE 197 W00D$T0CK-I,I0BWlCH BUs sERvrcEOp.?tt.d by Elur Blrd Coeoh Lln.t Ltd.

n Rri l,r]Fo n D-T I LLSII{BU Be,;rVte ltltihilirfi i:ae*'Ottini

I l.

Down R.ed upM328

rABLE 195 tri.Milos Eastern Tima r.r.64.8 LY Toronto,Ont.. .lr 8.10

Lv Hamilton, OnL'25 .t (James St.) . . lr 6.49

@0.otr EerxrroRo, Oxr. .h 6.00.SA MountV.rnon...!q.Z Bsrtord!!.!, Hrtchl.)r .....f l.SsZJ.)lr Nonwrcx Jcr.. . ,Lr 4.40

Q.QLv Nonwrc6 .lte. . .& 1.10l.lArNorwlch. . .t-v i.j5ffii---


M33.I t.0lt.t


I Oaily.t Daily lxcopt Sundty.I Sunday only.

0 Daily exoep[ gElusdly and Sundry. B6staurant or Lunch Counter..I Motor treinl .limitcd baggagc


" t"f,'ff,;.rn."t whoro train connoc-

e Sundaya and Holidayr.o Baggago will not bo chockcd to

lrorn or via Lucan Crossinq.D Day.following Saturday, Sunday d

holida yr.D D6r not oporato on Holrdarr,c Saturday, Sunday and holidayr..r Sbps on sion.l. l Saturday oniy

M MLed Trarn.

Itlumbrer tollowlnO otrtrln ttatlonr?.fa" to tt bl.t rbowln!

connstlne tnlna.



$uru l



s.2cI 9.4t

10. r0

M33l10. i010. t5

Mf 30

QIJ. .-lilclron.'Ont.

I Fraioht8.8 Woourtock, Ont. i Servica only

*ffiffi,"*rAaLE I 9 g

cISYoNEY-NEW WATERFOBO-cLAC: BAyOaily rrctpt Sunday

!A J!"n 9.3oao [v..'....lJ.iq"n 1r...........Nsr Wateiford.....::::::: -'::'1ltpm _- ,: 1J...........,Hs,v WatortbrA...,........ ::4.10fle 10.mil lr........ ....ctaco say...'......ti Z.lirn ll.!odn 1.i0rr,

dMONCTON-BUCTOU CH E-Rl CH I BU CT_O, r. B._Daily orc€pt Sunday,Lv Moncton. 9.30 r.rn

-1 ry 1-i,iniluci".:. ::.:.:::.-. 3.00 p.m.! Buctouche. , ..lt.ea-nr. I rr leiion....:::::::.;:::: i.i0 A.;:k Bext;n. .'i.oo p.Ir'- I r s"Ci6udr,d.....:::::.::. i.oo b.,nlr Richibucto. ....... i.!0irrn" I lr MfiA-;n.....'.'.::::::::: j.40e.m:

dMONTREAL-MONTREAL (DOnVAL) AtRpORT, eur._Dally. Trip takor 30 minutag.-. _..Fllqmol sprvic,s.

' df MorltRE^LrDO M I N I OH, eur.-Oait y srcopt Sunday.!r Montroel ....-.,. 9.([ a-nr l' Lf tjominion. 5.30 p.m.lr Dorninion.. ... 9.:[e-rn I lr M;;i&i::::::::::::.:: 6.00 p.m,

5T.. JEflOME-oIMONTREAL, Ou..-Drity cxcopt Saturdsv and Sundav.Lr 5t. Joromo. 5_ !l p.m. \ TakF I hour.and 15 ininutas ro niik! trlp.b Montreat.. 1.00 p.m. J Ao intormodiate ri6pi.' ----

TROIS AIVIERES- CSHAWINtcAil FALLS. eur.-Daily axcsot Sundrv-Lt I rorr Htvruror. . . ,. . 5.00 p,'IL Texcs I hour to mais trip.dALLAflOALE-CAMP AOFDEN, Ont" I dALLANDALE-MtDLAND. OnL

tr A"anda o s?'tf llslfil),;fr'ft;:; I r r ffi. Ll 3i'hxil{ilt ll fi B:*:Lr C.mp Bordon.6.45m

SiYS3f'.-owEN 'ou6l,..?11,* | i filft lJ l'it?illl :.il l8.i8 [:n:?.p l.r. .Lr Ajtandrto_... lr lZ. l5 a.rn I nlvrnsroil. d|cLENcoE. ont.3.0J r.m, ty Staynor.. . . . . Lv !!.lf p.r" I - Dty. er. Sui.--

-- SaU

J {5 r.m. tv Coilingwmd..fv 10.50 p.nr. I fr Atvinslon...-.'? 00-":,rt-"' O.OO p.m.

X lilH: ll lLmil,?H:l .ll g !3;.fr I $ Fjlrtr;,,i,li.#ilm i.igi:m:5.15 am Ar Owen Sound. h 9.00 ir,nr. I 5_ otcHATHAM-RUTHVEN, Ont.-Daily ex. Sun.J.e a.m!r, . .....Cnitnam.......:........ f.5.tj o.m.

i.ii i:n[] 'Lea.ington..:.:::::::.::iIi:!! i:il:3.10 p.mAr. ....-Ruthven. ......:'6i:Ii ft.

dcHATHAM-wALLAcEBURG. ont.-Dail1 ex..sunday. . Takes {e minutes to makc trip.LvChatham .... 6.J0e.m. 1 Ly wail',acsbuls-:...:.:i.iii;..ELM tfi A- dt KITC H EN E F,.O-nL-Daily crcept Sunday.

Ly Errhira. .0 5t a-m. anl 3 i0 p.m. r ilres gQ_ minuter ro mrke trip.Lv Krtchencr .10- 15 a.m. and d a5 p.rn, I soivei-st. Jiicir "ln'ibutcd9l!T.: dG U ELP-H_-_dH ESPELE R- dP RESTOI{, Or

Lv Galt. ....... .8.20 a.nrr Gua,ph. ... . .e m .


' i"f, ils#}t::':i8:s':*?'"i "i!'i:.,!?j,'1" '. 1s 15 r '.Lr Guetph......9.J0a.m. I Ar p*rrori.....ro.i3lfi: I

k catt"".'"10'30a'm'

orH AMI LTON-OUN DASt Qqt.-Daily ercrpI Sunday.

|; Bifii'f.1.'..:::..8:m 1:3ffi I H Bt*lt";:::::::13 ffi^ ?:Iffi

dNAPAH€E-DESERONTO, Ont.--Dally crcopt Sunday. Takss 15 n-lr uto! to mskc tri9.Lr Nepaneo.....7.mr-m.endZ.OOir.m.-j" -Lrl-d;eronio.. j: iZ.di;"-nd5.00p.mJilIAG-ARA FALLS-FORT_E'it E. Ont-Daily cxceot Sunday.

Lv Niaoara Fafir....-.. 7.i0a.h. 1 rarei bni'-n-o' to drako tnp. sorvr chlppoweLy Fort Eri6. .. 1.7t 0.m. l inJ sieJens"iilc in rorrti. -' -

""'fi 1yi;J?f; ,[,T'.ft ,i;f,lj:*''n':":-1"*::'Jiif.H;,1';fdr:""r, o,r','. ?llr t, "ii,#i,n j,ft'ln I u nI#ihksfitifl *ld''';, rffiIEilitrii''::::::. , ]o p.,n r 3oo.m. rLY _Brocktin. .. i.oO b.m i 5i;;: IlrOrhawr {via Whitby) l.fO ir.m. i.B;.m: I

P I CT_oN-ALO OM Ft ELD-WELLI N cTON- ctB E L LEVt LLE. OnLEx. Mon. -- i;,. sif -a s-,in.'-t'sii'i Sun SaL onry4.30m Lv.-.. Belrcvrtte.....lr -- iingtr" 5.lqfn ll.ggsn5.00e0 lr....wailington....1i ':::::. d.t5F e 45Fn5.30ar tr... BloomFrotd::::trt i:iir 9-l5Fn5.45rn 1r... . . .prcton. .... : Li t:O6h 9.00rnPORT DALHOUSTE-dgf. CATHARTNES_Oa|Iy 6xcorrt Sunday. Takss 15 minutes tomake trip.Lv Port Dalhousic.l0.30 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. I Lv St.Catharines.I I .S a.m. and S,30 p.m.

PORT DOVER- dJARVTS, Ont---Dairv ercopt sundry. Trkor lQ minuter to mrh! urD.LrPort Dovor. ....tO0Oa.ni.--i-'iiJ;i"rs..... .10.50a.m.Sl M.Co E- {8 R ANT FO R D, Ont-- D.aily oxc6 pt Sunday.

tJElT,ffia.. :::::::t:i9::;*] r.t*onehourromakerrrs. Nornrermcdirrerrops.SUDBURY- drcAPREoL. ont.--D-a-iry axcopt sunday. .Takas 45 minutas to make trrp.Ly suoou'y.. . . . 7.45 a.m. and 9.00 'p.ni:--i-

rv 'ixrireot:.:'_.g1fi'ilil".ii

i.m p.rn.dTRENTON-dFRANKFORD. Ont. Dly. cr. SeL

l; Ilgllt'o'::::::?t'i:il:" I H i;:l*'L::::::. ;.}'li#, rilil;ndWINDSOR-KINGSV|LLE, Ont I dWTNDSOR.AMHERSTBURG. Ont.

T",*..r.^:lglo.flill'itri *YL. ro make rrip. I . ., .3' _ ?",,r excapt Sundav.

- mt[tit,$!1ii; ':., .,;::.^.!:E]il: I ll,E 3$ H.lT,f":"fj3l1i lf ax lligSsrvss essex and Cottam en iduisl

"- | "afr- an ,n n,n

dWINGHAM- dCLINTON, Ont.-Dailv ex. SunLv orinton.-r2.r0rn rr wingham. r.2-0gn I Lv wingham. r.{rtr' rr crinton.. 2.15rn' Serves Londesboro and Bitsravs eiio'ute.'

. BfIANDON- o.AFANDC?{ HCFTH. Men._DailvLy tsrandon...... 12.10 om. !.30'p.m. I Lv Brandon North. 1.05 o.m. 2 0j p.m.Ar Branoon North. I 00 p.m. 2.06

-p.;. I G B;;;ffi..'.:::': i.ii ;.il' 2.35 ArL

o*tlltnBfiLi;fJ?.T1'"n1dtl-tT:D.r sTk'-.-Darrv exc6pl sundrv end rhurrdrv.. U eitttotoru-..:..::::' t0 ft ;:;: ] rakes40 minutos lo make trip.

Page 57: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

,.T,'"?.t lHf3,il"',* rrer-e lQg :H:3fl 1t"?"'

HAMILTON-JARVIS- SIMCOE_ POBT DOVER -STEVENSVILLE-JARVISMn!F.' rABL€ 2O5'0.0 srEvEr.svrlr.t .. .lJ.6Bobbinr......l9.4 wrluexo Jc"... . .l

13.4 Fccdcrsidins.. . .lFreight17.0 Marrhvlll!. . . ' .i s€rvlcg24.7 Moulton .. . . . .l onlyJ4.6 Crxrtrro Jct . .l40.8 Cevuse.. . . . . .l54.4 Jenvts. onr.. . .J

ST. TH OMAS_G LE NCO E*ALV I NSTO IIMit6! TABLE 2O70.0 sr. TfioxA3. orr...'l4.5 Payng . . . . . ,l$.! Beirdr. 'l Fteighl

l2.3Lawrrnec .tEiervlco14.5 Thrmcr Rlvor . .l only16.5 Mlailhmls.. . .lfl.Q Ekfrid. . . . . . .l27.7Grercoe.....,,27-7 crrxcor. . . . ,1 FrerOht and3 .5 srti.rat.. I ExpressServico38.6 Alvinrton. . . . .l only

Can:dlan N.ttonal Erprerl Scrvlct by Motor Truckb.tw..n Alvlnrton end Glrncoa. Scc Tabll ltS.


Ticksts roading via Can. Nat. Rys. botween Caledonia,Cavuoa. Canfistd. Dunnvills. Hagersvills, Jarvis, PortDovei,

'Simcoo, Nixon, Delhi, Courtland, Tillsonburg.Avlmer or St, Thomas and polntl btyond Hamilton willbo'honored by Canada Coach Lines bstwesn these pointsand Hamilton. ALSO

Tickots roadinq via Gan. Nat. Rys. botweon Aylnrer,Tillsonburg, Courtland, Delhi, Nixon, Simcoe, Port Dowr,Jarvis, Hagersville, Dunnville, Canfiold, Cayuga, Calodonia,Hamilton, and point bcyond St. Thomar, will behonorod by Canada Coach Lines betweon these points andSt. Thomar.

Soe Folder C or consult Agontl for details.

M2 19Ex.

Son.t.r.r. t5{.201.35a.421.55

t 5.0t5.09

I 5.135-37

sln/ 6.00t 6.a5

6. t1-7n_'6:tit 6.41t 6.*


8.108. r2

I 5,248. 328.46

I 8.579.089.25


Grnrdirn Nrtlonrl Erpror Scrvlcr bt MotorTrusk betwlen Fort Erh rnd Nlagrrr Felll'

Sre Trblr 198.

Eastern TimeLr London, Ont.lr St, ThsmI..k Port 9tenlrt.



' All Saltlng. rubJcct Lo crnc.ll.tlon wlthout notic..F.'rl€ havc Mllwruk..8.00 a.m.2.00 p.m,,7.30 p.m., 11.00 p.m. (C.T.) daily, Forfurthsr

information tolephone SHsridan 4-196. After 5.30 p.m. and before 8.S..m., also Sundalrand holidaF, t€lephone SHeridrn 4-7417.

Fcrrler lcsvr MurkrEon 5.0 a.m., I I .m a.m., 4.00 p.m., I I . (n p.m. (E.T.) daily. For furthorinformation t6lephone Muskegon 2-5J47.

Ferm betw€an Milwaukoetnd Muskegon$3.75 oneway, berth extra. (Limited eccommodations,)B.rrh R.tcr hetwoon Milwaukse and Muskogon, lower b€rth, $2.50, upper borth$2.?5; ctato-

rooms 54.75 a $5.75. (Lirnitod tccommodations,)

Abovr frrrr rubJ.ct to U,S. ttrP:rrrtr rnd brrth tlck.tr m.y br rccuhd only lrom Stramrr Putr.?.

Ho Motor V.hlcl.r Carrlcd


St. Catharines-Niagara Falls Bus Service

Thorold-Wel land-Port Col borne

St. Catharines-Port Dalhousie (Bur Servlcc!

BusEs leav€ sr. catharines Terminat ,rff:"r:1];:;.00 a.m.,5.30 a.m.,6.6 r.m.,6.30 a.m.,and ewry lQ minutes until 11.00 p.m.

Sundays-7.00 a.rn', 7.30 a.m., 8.m a.m', and evory JQ minutos until I | . 00 p.m-

BUsEs teaw Porl Dalhousio (Main and Lock Sb) daily cx. Sun.5.33 a.m., 6.03 a'm', 6'JJ 4.m.,7.03 a.m., and every lQ minutes until 11.33 p.m.

Sundays-7.33 a.m., 8.03 a.m., 8.3J a.m., and BYsry }] minuter until ll'33 p'm'


Page 58: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Certain trainc Ghown in Tablcs 2lCF2l6, end.designated by tho-.word "Noto"-ii i ti ig will not bs oporatod on tlie lollorying holidavr: Novr Ysar'l Pav, .l-vl

bitiJttii 'oai.' srioulo CnY of thesg holidav! fell on $undev' thorc trainr will

I o rrn o lr- ( c hicaso)-c BAN D BAP I Ds-lt{q sr FG9I- f.llll H4Ig

r- r, *cotch & *Sloopinc Cer (l2Soc., D'R.) (nito.dl). ',Mutkcoon lo Dctroilns' '&" ' ' ' ' ' I ^ --Oftr ln Mtlg'aagslnar 18.fi 9'm.: har6rn Bovldt d llo56 9'm'

ltor. 28 rnd 128.*corch rnd *srocoin! car g#Ao;\*crtrJ (No' 66) "il1l3.f ,$',lJh.

Ho. 57... ... .... *corch .l# S":'ffl'jlg B.#"18r-"

o.R.,z cptr) (rra. 6t) Dstroil to chicaor--"-"'r-nsf,il.'o.R.) (rvo. dt) cx. Set" "octfit to Mutkcson'

c,ntooatgtDcttottrltto.oor.Et.: catrrr:rd-d{Graaniitai'dl-imo"m',otMuEtryonuntltS'soa'm'


/ 3.1tl3. ]0

t3.15.r 3.04

3.03i3.00I t.r.

.41 Fwbc . .l ,. I '.

.79 Parmo. . -l .. I ..

.73 Mutr . . .l .. I ..

.16 lonlr . . ' .l 2.2O ..



SgFERSHCE MA'tX'TArLer 210-2t7

t Daily oxcopt Sunday.

1 Daily oxoapt Monday.I Daily ixccpl $aturdry.

* Rg|uhr{y urignod carl Air-Conditioned.fi\ No ch6ckod bo0gaoo carri€d botwoonv Dotroit and Pontiac or Durand,D 9lq$ for pron. from Durmd rnd w6t.

(C.T.)-Contrrl Tlmo.! S9! Tablo No. 2044 l0r passenoor rcrvlca

on crr lerrlsg-botwaon Murkogpn, Mlsh.rnd Milwrukoo, Wh,

.f Stopr on rlgnrl.t Saturday only.

M Mixcd Train.

I Motor traln, llmlted broor0r.ccommodr-tl(}.L

l Fleltaurant ot Luncn Canntrr.

I Numbrn followlne o."t.ln Jt tlont tct.i

' to trblcr rhowlng connrctlng trelnl

Page 59: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


2)Daily I?.tt. I6. t0 Is.00 Ie.00 I8.30 I2.rs I

P.m. I

--t66 'weC. Fri.l

Sun. Ia.x. I6-00 I

I z)\li l:Ai I

t 4.52 |t 4.44 I'r 472 I

l- 4roIlt \ial:t i;,a^iIr z.zt

l, litlt t.4ll' l:?BI t2.55

1,,16*l/ I r.58

lt n.r42

I rr'rg. I / to.58.lr to.at.l 10.31.lr to.zzl/ t0.00


, ul.ou| 7.tt7.29

r t{ss


I t?.321.00I.t5

I t.12I 1.57

2. l5t.r.




w I N N I PEG-l Nl1l00 D-H 0DGS0t'lRced Down Fred Ur

*ilili.l""*' T"ii,",?,zJ I'K,-r. I (Fort Garry Hotcl) I .f-rf.-

ilfi I r,i


'',ll,ia,ri;iili?';i lixT.;j,,, .'1 i.ili.ii I a6:2 Erinvicw .l 9.5q

i:ii lae:8 !:;::,1,;:::::l ?:3:87.Ol I Ot .t Narclrrc 'l {'l?t.Za | 75.Q Chrillcld. . . . . .l L'!9.

1:i9 I 86:3 E:31?l{,"j'1;: : : :l i:i!'5.20 I 96.1 Firhtt Btrnch . . .l 6.42i:ii

lto5:d &HoDc'on. M^x'. . tl 1.ff

wINl.lIPEG-BELll0NT-Rred Down DEL0RAINE Rord up


Nor. 195 and 196:

*Coach .Jasper-Princo RuPert

*Caf6.Lq:nos Car. .Jaspor-Princo Flupert

*t''fi 3:T.t:!'tl,o.tj,i;1,1,,9F;"l"H.il8;i(Parked at Jasper to 8.00 a.m., P'T)

*Sleeping Car (10 Sec., I D.R., I 9o*p!''- rub.2tS, 2l'6,) Jaspor-Prince Rupert.

From Jasoer June l2 to SePt. ll inc.From Pr'Rupert Juno l4toSePt. I5

*sleeoino Car (12 Soc., I D.R.,'- ruirs.2 tz, ? i8). .Jasper-Princc George( parkod

ii !:tr""9::'F1ayd J as ner

* Regulariy assigned cars*Air-Conditioned.


Tebtat225-286 Mon. Wod. and Frid Tues.. Thurs. and SaL

@ Sun., Wed and Fri.A Restaurantor Lunch Counter.

Nrtc A-Pas-senoers destinad Haaeltonshould detrain at New Hazelton' Noconnection b'etween Harelton Stationand Harelton Town.

.f Stops on signal"

Numbcr3 ?oltowlne c.rtaln statlont referto TeblG! :howlng connecting traln*

Bcad Dowrr2t

Mon. lMilosWed.F


rear-e 229Central Tima

Rord Up22

Tues.Thur Sat

Page 60: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


ICentral Tims


r 3.31t 3.?3

2.49r 2.31


t l.1lI 1.26t l.ll



r t.55/r t -417r r .lo'il-20rl 0. 557to. rz

r0. t6t 9.457 e.30| 9.2OI s.o5

8. 508.42.8. ?88.15

I 7.58I 7.4\

t _287. ?07.00

a. ri.

PoRr AirHUR. Oxr. 230.Fon? WrLLrAx 2j0 . .Wort Fort Wllllem. . . -Nacbi ng ,

Krkabcke Frllr . .Mokomon.conm.c 230 .Elllr. . .Flctt . .Grlff .Hornc.,Frith . .Llnko. .Jemet..Xolly.Larton.Mack . .Gioror.GrahrtnOrctr . ,Pctry . .Quorn,Rcbr.SowdcnTannlnUnela .Valorr.ClerkdonWrtcombUmhrvllh.Yondc.Zrrn .Alconr.Suoorlor Jct- ?0Stoux Looxour 20 . L


t 5.005.17

t l.l0


A.r.r 7I{




a.t.t l0lt0. I

/r0.0rt 9.55





I l.lI l.c



I 6.1







Hotel)IItlam. .







rt. .

t,. . .




(PrlncsPoir ArFort WlW*t FoNorblngTwln ClJcllyKrkrbrlHumr,Molom,ConmrtGbnwrtShrbtgrMrboltrShcbtnrRorr mrXr brlgcXrrhtb,PlrnrtXrogo.H sronlrOwrkorOu.tlooAblwlnXrwrntEtrlookSrprwlH.mrtl,Oloott.Attrox,OvcrflorEllrebdBrnnlnlFlrndrrLrrclnrCrllly ,

MrlhlrrGlrnoroTurtlr.Mlnr CrOllvc .Frrrlng,8ue PrNlctrl ISlmr .Rocky ISclbftDuluthFoir ftCrorlrrLrvrlrrDrvlln.Emo .ErrwlcllVlrndrrSt?rtt6rPlnrwotSlomrrnarxY F

BeuornPltt.GraaatoWlllbmFlooroYoSwllt ,

WaiiorMlddlrtS?ircurSouth JVrru tMoodbBrdgcrCrrrlclWoodrlcSrndllrrBcdfordMrrchrrLr BrocGlrcurSt. Annr

r2.3t 6.22?b26.)30.1]5. I43. ?52.557.66?. I65. I72.090.9s5.?89.896. I

tor ,4r05.0I t3.6r20.5125.6t2?.4rlo.5r 35.9

rlt .4i11.1!5r.9I 59.2161. {I

'0.5ID.9I 14.9ts0.3I86.6t89.1t91.9r99. r

406.12rt-9216.1m.7nl.6a9.l2n.t237.0?41. I2{t. I251.0?57. I?62.2266. l2n.9?r8. t?s5.3

?f,6.9&t.2?98. I]o1.83r0.6lt r.l123.33tl-s34?.9149.035].9158.7162.8168.5]71.933t.3]E5.0]91.1198.11C3. 5111.44t6.2

KrkrbrhHumr. .MolomonConmt 2lGlanw.t.tShrbtqirrMrboltr.ShcbrndorRorl mlreXrbrlgonXrrhtbowPlrnrtXrooo.,H sronlr nOwrkontlOu.tloo .Ablwln .Xrwrnt .Etrlook .Srprwr .H.mrtlt.Oloott.

)rr,.o*^tOvcrflowEllrebrtbBrnnlngFlrndrtLrrclnr.Crllly , .MrthltuGlrnorohtTurtlr. .Mlnr CtntOllvc .Frrrlngtor8ue PrtrNlctrl LrlSlmr .Rocky lnlSdbrrtDuluth Jo

) rorr rnrnCrorlrrLrvrlm .Drvlln. .Emo..Errwlck.lVlrndrnSt?rtt6nPl nrwoodSlomrnt

iRrrrv Rrv

| "^rorrr..Pltt.GrtrctonWllll.m!FloorvoltSwllt ,


)smrcue z:

South J.t.Vrrut.MoodbBrdgcr .CrrrlclWoodrld!rSrndllrndBcdford ,MrrchrndLr BrogucGlrcurSt. AnnrD ul rtr nrLor.tt.Nrvln .St. Bonlh,WrnxltEcl

(Fort Garry




t 3'.



2. s:12.y12.412.'2


ll,tr 1.0t0.1t0.17t9.27

s.x9. 19

9. 399 .30

1 9.2t9. r39.0 t



18.8.lr7.557.157.3 r7 t97.07


,r Brogucll;lrcur . .t. Annr . .lul?atna . .oratt. . .lrvln. . , ,t. Bonlhco.9rrxrt:c, Mrort Garrv Ho t-1.

Page 61: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


Hor. 9 end l(FWlnnlpcg-Catgary:


(Fort ctltttrrPEa,St. ClrtrbDhmond.Celrln . ,Whltr PlrDrcotrh .Elic . .Bcnrrd. .V/lllow RrOeltvllb .tltwton .Curth . .Poi?rct Lllobron .Rlsnold .Youllt - .Ba.vf. .Katrlmc .Mulr 246 .Goldrn 9tGledrtonrOEllvh. -Plurur .Colbt .Tcnby . .Gltnrlb .Gl..ctl

"nRovt . .McCrtmrMsCnrrlLr urlcr;lilrklnrt .

Ochrc RhPrulron ,

Oau"$tr iArhvltlo .Gllb.rt PlGnndvbrMchrrry .

TlmbrrtorShortdrbBbld.Shrrlln-Boblln - -

Page 62: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


| "-.o 1-" *"''^E.-24t1- ,"'""r'o I

I ?:;.|l 1",* Mountain rinr I ";',il II ro.ts lo'.9 Dcrmrr . . . .l t-3t II l0.3ll6i9.a Brcrrylor.........l 1.22 II 10.45 I 647.5 Frynron . . . .l l.0l I| 'ii,iiliii,i ffi*i:"i :::::,i,1'i'ii | .'Jil',.:"

I il:l3l8ll:l ht':l:ii. : : : : : . : I i:3t | .'-".,s240-248

| 'li,iil:#:! s 1i,:I::i:ill,; ,lri' i,ffi I igliilll.ruA,I i i?ll?l:S -'",.','jgr'.

. : : : : : :'rl l:i6 | d$1liiil;i:jll.ri"I i"filni"6 rrtrv'' :' : :'' :''l a'ii l{Ilryrrlrur'rndsnl'I t Z.io I ll0-S Borirdrllr . . .ll l.Sg I r' sto'ls ort ci'nal

I l:!!lin.o;1;*,.'".:.::I ^{.Jl l:1S l '.rlilfi,'r ,I t Z.ia l7a5.a 'ctryrrnoee . .'-ll i.ls I l'f,', Mon.. Frl..I i.07 I 7;2.6 Mannvitlo I l.0l L ^PatI i.2: Il6o.i Mrnburn.I i.atli65:6 rnnrrrrla.::::::: I 2:it llflP''andrhun.I ltrliii'i [t#1,.,*, ',,, I l?i ljilii,rTf,tlI ;:;:lgai:8 ni;jj*ti:::::: VBll | :fliltii:tltll:I i'lilBli,i ils#.", ::::::: I ii,ii ljuiill{::r#'I 6.oa I tit:z BruduhrimI t 6.20 I 8ia:i scotrord lr i i.ii I Lunch Coun[er.l. 6.i2lBt3.I FortSrrkatohrwrn. l ll.02. lfC.N.StationinAFI , 6.42 | 655.0 Rlvrr Bcnd lf tO.lg I ta. Part of TownI I 6.4E | 859.7 ollv* . lr IO,lf I rnd P.O. in Sesk .I t 6.501860.9 st.prutJcr. :.....lrtO.tl I| 6.58 | 864.6 Horth Edmonron. . . .l' 10.16 II 7.101867.? & EDroirox,ALr^.22..Atr1 10.25 II ^-..

I (Macdonakl Hotel) I r.r. II Mixed trainl run botwson Ednronton and Vsrmilion: Vor. II milion rnd North Battleford. For particularr conerlilocet I

| .r"nt* - |

Ir I HTEPAwA-BEULAHI I Fcad Down Rcad Up

I I .il-=11"" r^'LE 243 lY"'3"1

I "_::y0NT-BRA*03:""" I i:i?l 3:?! Ilit#t"'z,',i :il[ i?:li

I :':ill": 'ffi;'1*"2 li:i: II ta.rol 0.0rr B:r-xoxv Ztl. . tl 9-25 I

I ;i,iil tl,l #l!it;, , ' ,l,i:!i I i,fi! rt'i"i,ii.H?"':::{ ii:l!

I ri:Gl ii:i iiri"it'...,.lts.te I i'02; !8'? c*dova"' 'l 10'20

| 'ti'\,;lli:} ri.ifr::i':::.:li8,8l I 'ifi, ii l !:.*:i.;: : : :1,!:!fi

I ;i,isl !i,i n::*;*: : :l; T,;g I l:$i ii:i 1""?i1."'.". : : :l l:i!| 'i'.t1 t3:I,F,,E5t##;I'a*"tl'juld I i,fii li,i ff#i;;,; , ; ,l ?,iiI I 6.37;64.6 L:vlnla.....l 6.45I I 7.02; 6s.6 Dekcr.....l 6.25I I 7.25i 13.8 bebrllr . .l 6.07I I 7.50: 80.8l BEULAH. MAx. . tyl 5.40ll....ll^.,.ttI eaurpMENT-TABLEs 1,r0, z{1. 216. 259.

I Nor I rnd 6-Wlnnlprg-Edmonton:; asadchI *guffet-Stcspins C{r (8Sec., I Oouble B6dfoom) (Nat. t7g.ttu lso} wilrlipog ind Edmonton|

- (Sleeoer bpen at Edmonton 9.10 p.m. and oarkad et Edmonton to 8.00 a'm.)

I no. 7 and 8-Reoina.Satkrtoon-Prlnco Alb."t3I *coictrI *SteooinoCir (:2Sec.. I D.R.) (Nos.Jatend 2o!\ Rocinr and Saskatoon|

--Ct*ivo&upyat RegiriaandSaskatoon lC.r.rj p.m.andat ReqinaendSaskatoon to8.0Carn.)

I xot. l5 rnd l6-Wlnnlp.g-FllnrFlon-Prlnc. Alb.rlrI ftactr . WinniPeg-Princo AlberlI guttet-steipinq Car (i0Sec., I D.R.) (Nor. tgsdlrra fi$.... .Winnipeg'The PasI (Mav occuov at The Pas to E.'10 a.m.)I sJffet-'S;o€piit6 Cat (lgsec., I D.R') (Nos. l9ls14 rsg, . ' . - . Flin Flon'PrincoAlberlI Ho. el W.rtbound: No.64 Eertbound:I *co-a1rrI isteeping Car(l'2Sei.,-t O.R) (ivar. 196attn 196) . . . winnipes and flin flotl. aur6t-[ounsecar:. . . , . . ... . winnipeoandFlinFlorI xo.. J-61 end 62-2-Wlnnlpcg-Mclvlllc-Thc Prr-Flln'Flon:I *coaltr ...... -. .-. winnip.0*Melvilla-Flin FlorI *Steeoinqcar(l2Sec,. I D.R.)(,\'or. Iggottdw) .Me-lville-Flin FlotI aunbf parlor Car . Regina-MelvillrI Buffet-LounoeCar...,. .Melville-FiinFlo(I *Broutarlv assioned ca*-Air-Conditionod

I Numtcrr followlng ca"trln 3tetlona r.rct to Tebler rhowlng connoetlng tralnc.


n#lru.. rn.

Daily I SaLt.r, I r-r.8.551 !.3{l

:,,n.h 2l;n

*,T:li l ig

li?i, i,ii7 .2Al I .13

t 7 .0716.561 rm-

-r 6.511 *ino6.461 rtucrt,6.351 reurc-

2.111 ,"-

/ 6.o8l

, i.!il ::t 5.27|-

5. t61r 5.091t a.581


/ l. 5ll.r 1.391

J.2817 3. t61,f 3.031I 2.451

2. 30t2.?012.07|'

I t.521t.aol

I ..

L l9lt.081


trz.oslI L501r o. 10l

n0.271t0. r0lro.01le.5019 .1619 .2018.5e1I .1418.291 e

, $,[flne-orr| 7.rDl uzttY

, I:191, iligI " l't 4.22

I i:Xl' !:$I s .081 l. l>

I ii*l a:nI r:idl/ I.igI l:sol, l.ilI t "l,ltrl'4I 1,"l' ii,3iI .. l/il.58I r.ool ll 10

I ti.ss1 r.r-

I :: lr--I ll.!Ql PrincoI ll.0SlAtuett'I t0.5tlTabr.l/ro.lsl 262.I r0. r8tI ro.03l

I l'fil ::I 9. rotld B, 5il,l B. 4ol'l 8. r5l1..1..I 7.5t1I oaitv II r.n. I


@UUe| Centnl Time

(Forl Garry Hotol)0.0tr wrixu:a. rrrir. 2l .7, I Searlc .

14.4 Wcrt Wlnnloro, . .ll,l Bcrudrt22.2 crbot.25.7 Duor..30.5 florth Elh. :3f . I Fortlc.11, 3 Grrvrlr54.3 tr PonrrcE !A Pi rlrr59.3 McArthur66.3 Edwln,69'5 Lclrnt .l2.l Rorondrb. , .-. .17.8 Levcnhrrn82.9 Lrdyrmlth86.8 Prrtt.90,8 Getcrldr91.2 A"honr99.4 Pl.srnt Polat . ,

106.9 Errodon Jct.114.2 Onrh .119.8 shtto.l2l ,8 Wytonvllle129.f' Lron. ,

t>, tlt lBmndonrJr'e f, [ (Primo Edwerd Hotr142.2 Vurctrr119.7 Mrrtc.154.6 Trrcnor160.6 Frtrtonl6t. I Atcrr .173.0 Mronl8l.9 Scrrth 264187., Woodnorth. . .194.8 Cromrrn?,l Butlrr.Mrn..,..ZrO.i []m^"trrrro. ssx. ?2218.1 felrroht,?24.1 [email protected]..?Jl .6 Xolro2J9.2 Vrndurr248.0 Lrnqbrnk?55.8 lnohlolth?6t. 3 I I

x'^'.", [S']t'jf,r.}i?69.3 ' 'Drtzoll?71 .7 Pobi'.?80.8 Krsworthnl .4 ct;nr'on.n2.9 Candho301,4 Montmrrtr....,109.1 Kcndrl,..:.,.li7'l od'rr.125.1 vibrnk.lll.? Dertn .i14l.a Jrm'on1318.8 Drrshorn.

llss.l 1 )n*,". 2t3,2t.. . .

1i66,7 Coadlr.ll70.t B.dtn.lil6.l Lurnrdrn.1395. I Dl.t.r .13e3.4 Eethunci403.6 Ftndtrtcr.l{l?.1 Chemberlrlo...

ll38:? irl?i':-.:::::1418.7 Gtntn .1441.? Drytdron.1456. ? Bhdworth146l'9 smrlm.,....1458.0 Xcnrrton1414.? strcn!.

lilS:9 llt'i':t: .::::1493. I Dundurn.lSm.l strohlow1505.0 Heulteln.. .1509.9 Grrrwood.. .

I sr r. a [ ]

t^'.^ifr lrrt] :r?t?;r,

I (The Basborough H<1526.2 Chrk'r Croglno .i5ll.4 wrrmrn1540.2 Delmrny,. ..1548.0 Lrnohrm,.,.1555.9 Goocr .1552.0 Bordcn.1569.9 Rrdtrrcn.. ..l5li.2 Frcrdrnr15S4.8 Maymont....rl59l .7 Foddrlt;1599.2 Dcnholm. ...11607,7 Brede. srrt. . .

;lori.o I in. a^n.aro"o . .

1619.? 'Erttletord Jct. .11624.4 Hlshgatr,serk.| (Cont'd in Table ?,


:ool.nlt.321t.t7lt.1|I.161.5ll.0ll.t.221,l- ll'- ll

'. | 'rle I


Page 63: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


't.at3 .30r. t62. 562.tl2,282.07I .52r -t5t.2,t,l2

.t2.5at2.{0r2. t9r2.0 til^1tIt.3l

/l t. 13il.00Lf-


t0. 2lt.lil.t2.t.tt.52.23. ]0| 3,15{.0




0.Cf, )a""on',EtD 255 .

5. I Zcnon Part . .I 1.0 New Orgoodo... .15,5 Clashmoore . .

5tr Cngox€o RlvEn4 Elderslcy. 1.

I Trsonr-e I

(Mountain -

JLr Hrrosox 8aY . .5 Vcttlr?dYill. . .9 Grecnbush. . .9 Prtlti€ River . .I Bannoek.. ..7 Miitatim7Perane..,

I Valparabo4 Star City.3 Naisbcrryni -1".0 I rvr sr-ronr J

I 263, 28r l

r,l lr.3 Bcatty.,l xinistino .,8 Weldon .-l Brancepcth.9 Bi.ch Hilll ..6 Fcnton. .-l senator . ..l oavir . . .,4lr P8lncE ALBER

Page 64: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


Tues,Sat.A. tr.ri.00tc.l5r 0.22t0. t09. 599. 439. t59.058. {l

.r 8. ll7. 5t

| 1.347.?07.00



I .30t2.55r2 30t2.00lt lf,il009.l5

/ 9.?09.0 t

8 .057 "357-056.456. ?06.00


Ti"?]|",*, rABLE 253l';: I

csntrar rime

12.351 8.q b P. L Pa rrrE 2t. !12.481 2-) Arphe .1235.2t5.2.571 !.\) Townllna . - . .l. l0l l!.q oaLrand1.201 1.\ Fulton .| . lSl lb.tl Lonoburni.i6l ?!.! c;;;;;.': : : . :2.171 i!.) Lrkcland. . - . .

'i,{il ii.i h:xil , '.

,./3.50i '';.i Bafiin.

{. l0l !4.4 Hercur.

14 401 71.2 l Ar'onsr. M^x. - Lr



rABLE 257Read Down Rced UpM295r rM296Tues. lMiler Mountain Time I Tues.a.x- | I l.r*.

I fihe Bessborouoh I_--l Hotol) I7.001 0,0 trsesxrroox..-r'l 1.j0I s^sx.. zt-. lle I : .--., I 8.4 Clerk'r Crorrinol

{,iil ii,l HiHf:',: i':l i,ifi9.lzi .160 Hapbu'n .::l i.oo! :ll 41.4 w;rdh.r- : : :l i.to!q.tql >q4 Laird . . . . .l ri.riI I . t)l )ii.> lr Canl"rer., SAsx. trl 12. t0^.". I l'.".

Flcad Dowrr Rrad Up

T,'"'"11",,* c.antrat rimo lTf.iYl;l'l (princa Edwarrl xouD lrj;*sa.

8.401 0,0 Lr Bnndon, Men..&l 1.Os/B.5Bl {.9 Leon.. .l^rf.l1/ 9. l91 12.9 Wytonvlllc. .lJ 1.24

0.241 14.8 Shilo Cemp .l I.18/ g.lal 2n.4 oneh lJ 3.00

10.051 27.9 Erandon Jct. .l 2.1510.401 32.0 Carborry. . . - .l 2.25ll.C0l 36.1 Farrvlcw. . . . .l 1.5511.28140.3 Pctr.l .....1 l.40li.5ll 45.5 Munroe . . . .l l.1512.]Cl 94.1 Hrrr-sono 24J .l t?.5012.501 60.1 L NEtt^w^, M^i. .ttl 12.30P.x. I Ul6, ?66 r 2.x.


2.J52 .00r .c0

l. 4i




5. 16

9. 35l-x.

-Mt N N I PEG-M0 B B I S-S0M E RS ET-EM E BS0 N-Sp BA GU E**r**",c'i.6dfu r*'a'"t+*#qEX'gr53*m*rd'*s*xrr'aaemr

r(].Zlt 8.1210.1il 8.42r0.441 8.56I 0. 521

r r.001 9. ls.. I 9.23

r.m, I r.x.r0.001 8.0c,-*. lo."-

4.i.0lr lvtoanls. - rt45.i 5t. Jean Bapttrto.55.5 Letalller

6.58i 8.326.43ir 8.145.3nx 7.59

lr 7.506.4 7.1j6.071

^'"'-ljit8.0d 9.00

':1 | ^:l'

::l:::: I ::



61. I Chrirttt6i.g Emercon J.i.: . :66.1 tr. Euensort . [t

ffi-63.ltrE,r.€Rsor{-..&73.1 stockport ,..ll.0 Fradensthel...15.4 Ridsevillc . . . .q5. t Tot3tot9i 4 Ga?d.nton, . . .ca.a vtt..

!Ci.4 Caltantoll?.1 Sundownllo.? M€nblno. . . . .l?6. I Pineylj.a.? wameum..,.117.5 south Jct, . .143.5 rr SparouE. Mal. tt


*".,,,,.,, SoIf DENSED SCHEDULESWl Nl{ I PEG-THE PA}*fLlll, St0}l

Rcrd Dorn Rred Up6{l

Tues. IThur. ISat. I

t.". IL2018. t51

7. 451Vlr I

Kam-lrack I

3. zslr r .s0lr I .0017. 3013. t01r-r- I

Mon- Iwed. IFri. I

i1-l6rTues. IThur- I

Sat- I

,.*. I

3.3018. 351

8-051Vle I


"l:"'lr2.0rlr r .0017. 3013. r01r.r. I

Mon. I

Wed. IFri. I


5- r:9Ex. Sun.

a.t.9. l03.556. t0

{ 6.256. 386. 487. r0

t 7.N7. 36f 7.478.00

I I.t98. 378.579.20t.t.

Numbcrt followlng crrt.in ltrtton. r.!tr to Tabler ghowlng REFERENC€ MARKS_Trbtcr 253-266conn.ctino trainr. I Motor Trains. S ltops on siariar Sun??V-oijyl, Beslaurant or Lurrclr Countor / $tobs on irgnai

Page 65: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


TAELE 263Miles Mountain Time


n Read UP

,i,ar TABLE 264 L1.9.Miles .^els &vr I Tu6t.Ccntral Time lThr.Sat

EOUIPMENT-Nor 3l end 32-Coaches . . .Sarkatoqo-Moltort-Molvillo

Nor. 9 rnd l(FCoachsa. . . -Calgary-Canora-WinnlDeg

{8uffet-Slooping Car (8 Soc., I Doublo Brd Room)(Nos. ta7 dnd I88) . Calgary-Canora-Winnipeg



.U Lr





CAtronA ?35.267 . . lrlFouJcL . . .. ^..1Donwrll. . . . . . , .lHemton........lRhc|n......,..1Siornowr;l . . . , , ,lWaoxror ... ,t-rl

2.402.252.00I .35t.05


8.551 28 I . 5 Lr cerone. 215, 267 k9.l0l2BB.l Bueqlr9 .221?54.7 corrttz9.3213!0.8 Ebcnczor . . .

.r 9, 4l | 105.9 Mahan .

9.52lll 1.7 rr JYonxron.Sesxl10.001- _ul 2671. 1116.5 Enfin.,...,

lo.2oll22-l otthon -no zolizi.'.i ;.i;;; : . : :f10.271325.1 McKtm/10.351ii0.5 Browcr . . . .

10.501117.9 lr M€lvrLLE,267 .9.10

t 9.45t0.05

I lo.mt0.40



'ARLOR CAR Wi&Bcrch m kriarJw 24: July E, lS,

pes'Victch42-Mry 20;

Page 66: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


f Ae'LE 267 Rcad up














3.2I 3.4t 4.tl4.lt 4,29| 4.57t 5.t3I 5.31t 5.46t6.


17.I ?.7.




t 8.tt 8.3






' l:o

I9.tI 9.219.tlo.t0.

l0 f,4t.n.

Jt luz:clrue. I Mon. Ittru. lwed. I

6at. I Fri- I


^:;. I ^:;. I

7.ml o zol| 7.t3l 6.40

ti#l e 3!

t: sol l: liI r.r.lMznslcx.SunIr.n-

8.251 t.00

'E.l:lii *8.5?l 1.4\9.021 ?.s8c. l5l 8. t5

1M243lTu. TlrI sat.r.r. le.r-

l0.ml t0-30/10. l6l rl0-55tt0.271tt|.15/r0.3rl7l t.l0tc.4j[ r r.50

rr r.oil/r r .091


.. I Sat.,f I 1.4.11 r.r.t2.001 3. t5roor U 1.35

lt 1.47I / 4.oo

:: | 1.3sI ?.r.

:: I .I... I >lE

:: lln:: ljF


::l:.t..::l::t..I ..



..'l l-.t..::l::::l::t...:l::l.

Page 67: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


r^F'Le 272


Daily i TuasThur9.Sat.


Flecd Down Rord Up

M 293Wed.Fri.a.x.

M 350Thurs.



::i. zs3.002.30I .45


M3l5Mon.t.x.4-504. t5,1.00

I 3.153.35Lr02.45?.x,

Fro rnRlvrr-hurrtTebhnt



,2.J5t 3.00

3. 203 .403 .554.254.50

t 5.445. r0


0.0 [r Rtorre. Serx 240.262,2?a. hlll-5 Fowrtt . - . - .lr18.8 Ertttn. .tq.q Ertttn.......... .

i3'! i:r^':r' : : : : : : : : :!>.q Lrwvrn)l.l Colhx. .55.2 Codour64.9 Wq"c.tt.r6e.8f,)r^r-"rcr. .. . . . {l

IMI r2.35I r2. roI 1t.45I I t.20ltt t .05I r0.30

| ^.1'

t::t'.t::I ::t::


r^BLE ZTS -i{r".t

Mountain rimo I l:::t{oirHRrclxa.S[x. . . .ll l.ZSMAwEr ....r1 i.-5K-.ttlchut_ , . . . . . . .l i.i5ThundrrCrock . . . . . .l 12.,tHrlvorsetr . . . . . . . .l ii.i5Aqurdrlt ....1 12.1tCrldorbrnk . . . . . . . .l 12.00GlrnKrrr ., ..... .1 11.30Trlklo, ....1 ll.l0Gouldrown . . . . . . . .l 10.50Matx CExliE. sA3x. . . lrl 10.30

I e.x.

76.5 Mrnrst

tl 9;) wrY.uir . . . . . . {q?.5 'Unlon Jaok92.9 Gnrrdrlo99.4 Clcrrfictd101.7 Dandonncau109.1 & R^DvrLLr 272,274 - . .

ffi13.8f,)rrr.rrcr. . . . . . . . {l?0.1 Brcueh26.9 Grlffin,)2.7 lnno. .18.5 Huntrcn{1.8 Vbwficld50.7 Ernron56.1 Wodlry.62.t Mlnrrd .....163.ef,)urlrai . . . . . . . {!l6q.9 -Bncrr ....'.1,r71.0 stmtmrn -.:.1'52.4 Frcblrh.F -.:.189.0 Oprnrhaw.95.1 SourlsRlvcr. .. - -.. .1793.6 Elcott. ....17

102,1 t tloarraerc.Sesr!. . . . .bl

8.158"2?8.10?. 487.31t. t87.09?'00


CD Mon., Wod, lnd Frl.d Tu$., Thurs. and Sat.,t' Stoo on sional.

6 Suri,, Tusi. anc ThunO Sun., Wed. and Fri.

Rf FEREIICE MARXF Tadtct267-777

M Mixod Train. I Motor train.A Eestauranl or . Drrk lrcc figurcr dcnota g.m. ilm6.

Lunch Counlor, Light-face figures denoto a,m time.--

M379 r

Tues- lMilsst.*. I

3.10 I 0.0k3.35'l 8.6

y 3.55 | t1.6- t.20 12c.2s.05 I 26.3s.30 I 12.36 05 I 40.7

r 6.20 I 45.17 6.ts | 5l.8

7.05 I 57.0s.20 I 70.9 lr

t.r. I

r^BLE 276 lTrr,?:Mountain Time I

".r.Brccan. Srs* 2l Arrl 1.10oben 2l .l I. 15L.tt . . .lttz.sosartcr . .l 12.30Cando .l,rll.35Rod Phcrrrnt . , .l ll.l0lbtton. .l 10.15Porrrr.. .lrto. t5Drcrr . .ll 9.5ASarrt-€roiD....l-S.fOHcRrH BArrLE oao trl 8.15

210 II e'r'

Page 68: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950




Eltox ;Snloo I


3 .103. r62.56t.r.




Hi: l"'.r Mountain rimo I

itis[ o.o Lr PRlncEALaEBt,s^sx.rrli.i?l s- t Buckrend ' 1247 ' 262l7.551 li.l Crutwell . . . . . .i8-0Sl tr.6 HotbclnB.l0i n.7 tr sHElr.anoox 247 . tr

I n-7 u SHELLBRoox 247 . k*r I 15,9 ClonfertY I 4i-6 CenwoodI I ;t.O PorworthI I 1t.8 Mrtt.tI Irll DcbdcnI I 1;.9 Etdrcd .I lle. I wrtronI I 75^5 Du mbtc.+ I r:.5 Bodmtn' I ?c-0 lr BrG RrvEn . . Lr

g A;tl ?i .I Lr sx tt-Lenoo,r 247 . N

9.071 ld.l crmco9-l0l 4i .5 ordalo .9.fr\ 1l .7 Mont NGbo

10.071 53.1 HawkcYcl0-l0l >i.5 Shell Lakell.00l 55.7 AmlcnrI1.401 R.2 Mltdrcd12.2Ol 7).4 SPiritwood12.501 94.9 Eapeumc1.201 91.2 Bslbqtt.l.{01 96.2 Bazrntln .

i:iil;; ;ili;;;;; r:3.1glllo.5 Roblnhood . . .

3.151i:3.1 GlarlYn1.2511?l .2 Feirholmc ...1.55i1:5. I Livclonss rsl i4J.6 Hartwcll6.ml t:0.0 L TuRrlEtoro. s^sx' . I

r.r. I

Page 69: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


T^BLE 287Mountain Timo

HonrH BattLt-rono,5a5x.2{9 k

H.mlin . ,Prlnhrm. , . .Princr. -...McotrCrvrllrr,..Vawn....Edam,,..Dulwlch. .Mcrvln. . . -Turtbfo:d 279Clccvcr. .Sprucc Lrtr ,




Mountain Time lTh.Sal only




r^ilLz 292 ITiJJMountain Timo lTh.Sa.

{Macdonald Hotol) I t.*.r Ebroxrox, ALt^ . akl 2. l0

Morlnvlllc. .l 12.25Pcevcv . .l/12.00Lcorl - .l 11.45vlirv . .l 11.00clvdi - -l 10.30N"-rtow .l 10.C0T.watlnrw. -l 9,i5Roehcatct. ^l 9.C5Pcrrtrveb .l S.25Mcrnook .l 7.50Collnton .l 7.10

r. ArHAe^sca. Ar"rr. . ul 7.0O

Numbors lollowing corlain stations designato tablesshowing connecling line9.

Page 70: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950



"#9.t,,.1*"., rABLE 298 l;ii.x'.Tue Sat.l Mountain Time lSun.Wed

r.s. I (Macdonald Holel) I r.x.6.00 I 0.0 Lr Eottoi?ox 22 , ,.r'l li .006.21 I 3.1 Grnncll .....1 i0.186.10 I ll.4 st. Alb.rt. . . .l 10.?96.14 119.4 Vlllcncuvc...l 10.125.55 125.8 celrho. . . . .l 10.027.05 l3l.? Btrby......t 9.52?.13 135.8 onowey. - . . .l 9,457.27 142.4 Gunn.......! 9.3'|7.41 I50.8 clGncvlr ....l 9.137.58 I 58.0 Chorhin. . . . .l 8.588.tll6l.4 Lirburn. .; 8.468.2{ 168.9 Saneudo . . .l 8--148.14 |r71.2 Floblnron . . . .l 8.288.41 I 75.3 Rochfort Bridoc .l 8- l9g 59 | 80.7 Mafcrthorpc . .l 8.079.ll 186.2 GrarnCourt.-.i 7.Ss

1 9.3 | 91.8 Lombarl. .l f l.al9.14 I 96.0 Eiuc Rldqo . .l 7.il

10.05 1109.5* Wxrrrcouar. . Lrl i.05r.r.. lAlte. lr.x.



88ngef, galanca cnocxao Da00a9s nanotadby truck wilhout ertta oharo€.

r0.20t t0. l0r 9.55

9.30f 8.53I 8.11I 8.25

8.021 7.16I 7.26

7.056 .556.456. 256. t0



I 5.14I 5.06I 1.59t 1.45


t 5.00i 0.0 Kemloopr JcL . .ti.jBl 2.8[ixe"'oo,'z]. . {lt ).rJJi 0.0 Kemloopr JcL . .ti.jBl 2.8[ixe"'oo,,z]. .

{t^:6.001 14.5 Crmoboll Cnk Jct.

f 6 451 26.5 ouckr Mordow. .| 6.571 30.9 Montc L.h. . .f 7. l4l 37.8 Wcrtwold

7.151 47.1 Felklrnd| 1.471 52.4 Swactbrldo. . .../ 8.061 61.6 o'Koelc

a. 251 7 1 .0 Armrtrons8.131 71,3 Rcalm ,8.431 77.1 Lerkln ,

!;!!l as n il )r.**o* ilt g.i?l gl .6 Lumby JcLF^ilffioulll5.0 Lumbv. ....

,r9.4t192.1 KrlamalkalC.07l 9?.2 oyama.

f lA.2?|105.9 wlnnold/10.ltll l09.5 Portlll/10.371 I ll.0 Rutlrndf l0 501 118.9 tr Ksr.owxe, B.C.23. h

Page 71: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950






T,S.5. "PRINCE GEORGE" lRrom sourl2rD)

rrer-e 31 5

NotFAbove schedules are on Paciftc Standard Tims. Alaska Tim6 north of Kotchikanis one hour slow€r.

Conyenient connsclion marle at Skaoway with the White Pass and Yukon Rsute trains-permitting passengers to make the Skagway-West Tuka Arm tour or Bennot and White Horresido trip.

*Stop wilt only bo mad6 to ernbark and dissmbark passongors.

Sr^ I




S.S. "PRINCE RUPERT" (Rrorn EourprEo)

NoRrHBouNDl raaLs 316 lsourHBouND

(wockry) | "o"r, oF cALL | ,*",*,r,

I Pacif ic StanCard Tine I

9.00n uon. lr-, v^icouvEn . . "l 2.c0pr SaLu ruor

ltr *iFJi:llniuio' L'l e'004r sal

pl Tuor ltr oc:rx Frr-r.c. . Lrl pt Frl.l0.mAI Wed. lrr pnrilcE RupERr. . tyl ll.15pf Thur.ll.QQ mrit. Wed.lk pnsxcE BupEar. k I 7.00n Thur.9.00u Thur. lrr KErcHrx^r. . Lrl ll.10u Thur.

LY SxAcwaY;H;i";;i. : , :: .:::Ar WrangcllLv WrangcllL XetchikrnLv Kotchitenk Princc RuportLv Prlnco Rupert

CruisrGardncr Canaland Douglas Canal . .

lr Ocea n Falls. .Lv Ocean Fallr.k VarcouvEn

Page 72: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

rururr*::::';rl i*l il;ft*;f ifl;fl 6#3$J,TJltu";.. I .c,,,i.-

$fs*l**r riii'it ^:: l:i.i3

j#{bl :: lisl tii

BUFLtNcrott uouT.F. !-, {. g q. R.n. ,'?f"?,..;.l.iar.*T.1ffi-

iffi**i', .'t'.'tffi,*i'::,[{rli ,fSgtttr......lrl



! Stdmllnrr op.r.totlrter 3rd, 6th end rvrrythlrd dey th.r.alt.r.

Lv >!atttc,Ar Portl.nd


VEffective Juno 30thuntil Saptembor lTth


DailylDaitI rir

A.r. I l.x.8.45i t.36 30lt 1.0r.r. I e.r.

QEffective Jun6 30until Septombsr 5inclusrve.

t Oaily ex. Sun. t Daily sx. Sat. O Daily ox. Sat. d, Sun. I Sun. only.

Page 73: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

lntershangeability of Tickets(t) QUEBEC AND MONTREAL POOL ZONE

(a) QU-EB_EC STAT-tONS-patais DoDot. Lovi&MONTREAL STATIONS-C€nt?ii. Mois i ;oa, vii;;:"i wd i'"ou n t, [i'i,,ii",a, wil: A?I* "I:'lilJii!!]:

u,'o*(b) Through tickott Yia Canadien National or Canadian Pacificwill be honorsd on alltrainr via(C) THE POOL CHANNELS

Canariian National via Richmond_. ... Canadian Nat,onal yia Garneau.canrdian Nationar via Drummorrdvi[s. c;";;;'i;;ir;;ia'i?&-Hffi;as (Throo Riv'rs).o"fi :',"r;;l',1*;*i{fi:ti#i',';;,."g i!li"i;.ftii.#ffi fl{ef#f ,ffibo honorsd on C

ifil" f JpffiT,_rjg ted) and ss ilA 6d


i5"o t i an)'i,i' i i t iji"i i", 6Jd iH, betwean

n.;nf l['j"^ti,1t?S ?i'r?# "t?:R,.i.ai:l:.":'#3f;:ffl,,i,,tf in?i,'",',.ffJ,tu'iT,[lf,,,i,l

(e) Otner lickets originating or.terminatinO. within tho euobec-Levir and Montrealpoot zono wiu be honorod onTy via tii tlii'i'Ji? ,iil'icii'inoy reao.

(2) MONTREAL AND TORONTO POOL ZONE(a) MONTFIEAL STATTONS-Centrat, St. Henri, Turcot East. Windsor,Westmount, Montreal West.

TO RO N TO STA T tO NS-Un ion, Don, L6asido, Oanf orth.(b) Throuoh passagolickets via Canadian Natronal or Canadian pacific will b€ honoradon all trains via(c, THE PooL CHANNELS

Canadian National via Boilev-ille_Canadran pacifrc via Bolleville_Canadian pacificvia Petetboro--A.lso via Ottawa. .io.Jt' b.tw..n Montr.al_Ottawa ont,ovot llnc bt which thcy r.rd.(d) Tickets originating and torminating within thc poot Zone will be honored by oitherlino as lollows:-

MONTREAL end stations to vaudrouit-ta and fron*goilovi[pand stations toToBo N To_arso betwseir-a it-il"t-i6nr Hsrrivifi e-'i6 T;;;i;:- -." -,M on treal-+o and lr om_p ellldlot g,

(e) Canadian pacific tickats.f rom rtations bstwson Vaudrouil and Smithc Falls_toand1""f.,i:"is:tll-ff 'ntrf,rry;$:;ft 1'.].{,,,riigf ittff.'ii,lg,q'Tffi i,Ji"gjfli}i{to and from-stations on th(Erockvillo or via Tichuorns.

iD For Pool rrain r5, canadian pacific Agents, MoNTREAL ewindsorst., ew6strnount and oMontreal wasi will issus ci^alt"'tiiiionai tictets to-i6rnwiii-br"cidlv;rre anaKinsston at taros appricabrs via coG;u;;d;;; ii;ftt;iri il;.,iioil';i;'i"i;lt'onry.(eOn roturn trip may bo nonorod to Co,iiiai Eii.t,o;i.-- "

il;T#ffif1;"Hi"4j1ffi l?if h,T^'f#'"^t'"?+bHsl,"+'s:',xf, ,H'i5;st!Prarcott-Brockvill+*smiths Falls_ Kingston.

Monbaal and rtatiorrr to vaudreuil-and-Bollsvirt€ rnd :tations lo Toron!0,Atro BEyOND Montroal_to and frorn_peterboro.

(3) OTTAWA AND TORONTO POOL ZONE($ oTTAWA STATIoNS-Union $tation, Hult, Huil wsst, ottawa wetl

TOtsOl.l TO STAT IONS-Union, Don, Leasida, Danforth.(b) Thryush ticketg via Canadian National or Ganadian Pacific will bs honorod onall trainr via.-(€) THF PooL CHAHNELS

Slligill p*','F,i1,""?,s3t?i:: &l;.i,tr-J,fiililil JllJi:?}"u,".fin, ..(dfLfI*ets

orisinating and terminating within tha pool Zone wiil bo honorad by either

orrAwA*sMlrHs FALLs*to ot lrom-Boilsviile and:tations to ToBoNToOTTAWA*SM ITHS FALLS_KI NGSTON_PETERBORO

.-,,- -!.-l St*l"" ^{tlationar . tickets betwsen stations west of Brockviil*-a$d--smithsFars ano uanroran Nat;onal stations to ottawa or beyond. will be honorsd v;a grockviiiicanadian Pacihc- Asents at ottawa in? smittri Ffuri'rirav isrue banaoian paiinitirrets tootations on tho Cancdran National between tirociviiri aad geiievrtie.

r,,-J"y-g],r"ll!:l'"llT.jo',i,.il,i SlXYfi.,l,,'r"ffJ*'$,lillipliffi?sfti!.Jii;ti1,lpb ot tton Ottarya or Tordnto.

smithr Falls- Brockviile-Krngston-Beileviile and ctations to Toronto.

^ ' - t0) Grnadlan Nrttonrl tlctrtwlil ba honor.d by Grn:dhn prclllc to rnd lromCarleton Placr, Arnprlor and btyond to p.mbrok..

g-q"r{l]!-:i"?ni?r: il,iillfiilti,:1"&'!'"{ft,1'?',,ffffi.f"9:f}J8fdl*:ff f,T;fii?fftilgprry -q1lu,,trains throuoh Beileville and pool channeld via-Napanes, Tichbor;6, oi 816,9l:Ill?:9I*?!lll!,tfk9tl readins bc,twrcn Pstrrbo'o and balrinrt and smittrs Fatti, iliboe(w€on Petorbo.o and b€Yond, and Canadian National 6tatio^s beyond Smiths fatts rtb buinot includino ottawar, wiri noi ba varidnia eioiiviTie u^iers'endorssd,'vii arocxvitrs,,,, (i) Canadian Pacific tick€ts readin0 botw€en petorboro anrl bevond. rnd Smiths Falls.arso Dotwo€n P8tsrboro and.b€yond. and Canadian Pacific stations beyond Smitns Falls (tri

B?L?11,ilg]*t'g ottawa ano ninpribrJ, iltt

"oiiis'';aiii.i,ii6.rii"ile'Jnr-esi'6h?drseo i'riii

.^,,- ,.(j] __Tjckats^ b..tw..n .Canadian -Pacific gtations west of Smiths Fells and stationrEerrevllle ano wast wlll mt bo honorod yia Smiths Falls 8od Brockville unless ondorsed"Via Brockvilla".

l*mtr;* .lii', l:l .li'jji!ffi ii:fd :iiffi,ffi

t*'';r*5'1- $im;r*r:lfi 'ff::: ;: Wff

.$ffill$ 1m*'ru'^iffiilft# ufu***'

INDEX TO TABIJESB tff"r,*"*H*"*SniHll; ;"iHffiiqfrffij*jr"T *:.,::v vp.vvoae^vuuutsrou rruaq! ,t \/_umoms.port lor etarDltrol,loD ol bonded boggrAseocy. oD grriial ot trainl.-'---'*- " '€ Asencv ooen 3',hher sesaon onry. tcl c,isbil'r'poifi-orJiiiilrnatioD of bondcd brsgage(E agencv opeD rt inter se.Non only-.' '

. '

. ;iiil"ri-ent ntth?iusrome'oitlier arrer rrrird carctaker Ticte! Ageoey 6 As_9."-;i'1*rin;i' .-$6;;-6;i;i", c{rmuriss,Tickec Accncy Summci sasoD

,rrpna JL (vtctona). Vancouvar-- - I

-. 8.C.. . . . .. .. .XX Arneson. Alta_- ^'Alpland! 8.C.....225 Arnotd, 8.C......@Alsask,Sask..236,282 - OArnold's Cova.


Alsfeldt, Ont.....182 Nfld.. ... ....O,Altamont, tvtan...25B Arnot. Man.. -,

Alticano, Sask... .288 64rnprior. Ont..OArton . N.S.. . . .27, 28 Arntfield. Oue.9Alvcna,Sask.....281 Aroland,-Ont,.-n.ri;ni,snl.._.2i! @a1;;i,$A ::::26i ;;il;l:b*"t:li."26 "ii'n%:i':i1

OAdamsville, N.8.. .25 OAlvinstbn, Ont. ntona, Mi,n... . . ,.2i OBaiiisvi'e, Ont.Adolpha, Man....2284qjk,o.t:. ......N

^,-.i,, ;i.ii:'.Tl gii',*,{.i; :'.: 2'i'lljll,".

^,,r,Atward, N.e......61 [ertrariO,Sisi..

'iilll"1fi#,fift ;: 38! EilYil'"1''J;1': :

Amery, Man..,..248 -Arvita.'Alti..,_Amery, Nlarr.. . . .246 * ervira,'Atti._ .lliiZ B;i;F;;k;6;i:::

Amesdale, Ont....21 Asbesios, p.O. -'- S.ii norj,-Oni..nmason, OgL . . l/7

OrSea Dinvilre, p.e. OeiiJarres, Siil. .

r3B, r3BA o,ff8ii?,'t : il? t8llglt#,'*id,Aqnsw,Man.....264 t38.liBA Ash.Ont....,.....!i4 -B;it..iqii;'a;;:i:y;Ahuntsic,p.o...'.89 oAmherst,Mass:..il6 n'nbuin, rii.fai,'i2i Eii*l?i o.v,Menz65Aitsa crai0, ont..l7g oAmh€rE!, ry.s._(")._ _ A;rruuii,i,i,'ohil,.l16 E;iiil:i4iiv, o."L-i. .:::iii :'"

Zi,2i, abl'oif 6ii'r,i,ort, q.9...t,24 "",,,;J;l,li;:

;'72liL$,"|,f*ui#i3? iilltH'Bsp:ilr?8 ;i:Rg:xii*;;: ?x ".r"ilr,':r,":'


OAilsa Craig, Ont..l79 OArnh€rE!, {.S.-(c) ^ nshUurt;n,'Oit-tl{!1v, o-r1t- .. ..,.|{J 25,27, ?8, 634 Onshcrort, 6.c.. .Aiton, N,F.,..2!._28 Amherstburg,Ont.lgS -nsnOowii, Mii..Akosans.Sask.255267 Amiens,.Slrsk-....1/! Oeinorn, Manl.'..

o4ipa, N.S .. .... .41 Amos, N.8.... . . . .6i *nsn G'tC. Miir'n

OAlbanol,P.Q......85 OArnos;.p.e.(c).78,1i5 OAshtoy, Micn.l..Albanv, ft.9.......5e oAmq.ui, e.q.-....2! $Airr;6?ri, Aiil'..

_ Arbany, N._Y,. ... ._lJ Amsbury, b.q. ..226 -nii,toir, F.e.i...@Albany,f.E.l......70 Amsterdam,s-qs_k.--- nsnviti6,trAin...

-iiiSli fr"$::9.i139 oAnaeanco, * tlii,rg ri:tliTi$;ft:::€)Arbert, N.F,......64 Ana-toj6,^Atta..:.a90

*essineau, eiii...

Albertin€, N.8......58 Ancliff, Ont.. . .. .l3g astte, r'r.'fj.'...'. ,Alb€rt Miqa9r N.8.64 Ancona, tte... . .lgJ estori. p.0'. . . ..OAlbertor q.E.1...,i5 nnc.rum, Sa!k... ,270 eAsio" jcil, ii.O.iAlbion,Ont......lf{ An-derson'sCova, - -nsiorvili;Oni..oAlbreqa, q.9......23 _ Nfld.. . . . . .. ;. .41 Gttffi;ii"sl:::Albrisht,Alta..--310 Andononviilo, Mich.- OAifrar,aii'i,lirtiOAlbursh, Vt...13, ll7 ?lO -Aihen'n Mr.- '

.il'01Tf,,1s'1i::?f:r! ifrlilhlffl::::11? .^,i#$fu1ifi ffi;;; I'il'rril'fr:8: :::::E? -iffi,h'*!#i

Eiiil,,t:,a i, : JL Ba, more,


Albany, N.Y.. ... . 13 IOAlbany, P.E.l.. ...70 I

A lL--.. C^.L- n-l A-ri[3il fr"#i:li#,^"-:; ;?iiiL:r,a:rlati$i,::ii! Eillf;?i3#oie:;iff

€)Atbert, N.F,......64 Ana.toj6,-Atta..:.a90 *essineau,

etta....lTb:;ib;;iid ^i:d.

. -H ffiriii;b';i..:.::ijd iiir", r,r.a....... .r,t 6)Bencron.onr lf& l?l

"Al*'Jl'Iii{d' 1:: -Andimaur, r,'.. il| rltnln,'o*:: : :

. 310,l.!2 oAnerloy,Sgsk....278 :nihi;iiy,o'ii.tie.

f lcona, ont... ...231 oAnsetina), q.O-... .I00 Ai6i; riis:::'jlfiAtdordare ,on.t.^.,. , !9 Anqrqsey, -8.c. , . .:l{ oninoii,irii,

'ii. dl1

oArdorshot,OnlJ29,lJ{ Onnsora. Minn....2JZ -Aiik, Frre;...'.-.-::^Aldouano,!.8....33 6Ansus,Ont.. .,..172 Aiiia;60"Lii;;'OAloxander Bay, Angushorn, B.C. ..21 -

Mari'_. . . - .'- -€,Aloxander Bay, 4nsustrorn, .8.C. . .2J - M",il . . .'. .ig :$[il;;"*'k::: :r#Nfld........-..30 oAnsusvile,.Man..?F5 6ltirox"^,ci{i....2i0 6.iji,ert.......2g4

':1"i"::':oi'0,$ tliiiiil;i''l; lii -li,:lr$,1ff13 5i*::frA:i:,ii

"iilr.$ji':,m iiil#$r'",?., liuili,uh:iLl? 'ffi:,;'

;oo'tr8lll,"dliloo'Xb ltil,.:^tiliIIii 'tiw$!;;q$;u JBf

"".,"",, -i"3il$.A:;

^''F'1n*:i',**it :iltr;':ffii lig'll g131ft1* jT -

gillllt;til' 'iiand Go-vsrnment - @Arborfietd, Sask. - - nrU,ji, {.O.: : : : ::iS eiiilri-Ri;Jr, i(.b.ii

o,,Il'J*fll:::::13 sey1p,1a,"111,!f! .iiti:"9$:

..' jB Bii:tt;li:;;..iiArik. Nnd. .. .. . ..41 Arcadia, art-a. ...li6 A;iiit",!;:.2?.dU oElli.luts, F.A.:i's;--@Alix,Alta.295,299,]Arcadia,t.l's..''.-5IoAuiac,r'i.e..'lzzl2e6Aran, sask. .....t{ rii!?ii,'l.tti:: :'ia @Aurtsvirro':1tto, i; eBilihEl;o:

.ffi iiaAuandale, It.9. . . .55 @4rdbes;.ont. . . . .IiS OAurora, Ont . lll'. ii6 6;;;;(DAllandal€, Ont. and I- ro,oiio-parivr- 'iii,i,l:3^:;ff

i:'ljj Etvi:si'fig',1i1i6 r{:jjl'1'1?1rr, iiisound..........135 Ardi.i,Atta... ....7r5 Auilt"AUi;:::Ti5 Barrrread, Atta...ll2roronto-North tlll3$:1,11,t?rz,6|i Eiv:1,t"?;i,ri;::::3: oE;;;i;,ffiii;i,;iiij

fiH1r,#r.:. I iil,lififfiiqf';itrj sliitgiii

$HHamilton.. . ..174 - 36, 18,'41

Exoress Motor. ^^ Argentia Jct., Nhd.lB Avonhurst, SaskRoutes........l!! Ar[o,.Sask-. :....Zfi Oe"o"i"i,bi.r..lAllanwator, Ont.-.20 Argotis, ont. . .. .:20 -avton-t-it<e, oni

o.95, 106

Page 74: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Cap AuxOies,P.Q..9lCap tsru|e, P.O....91Capo, N.8... .....64Capo Broton, N.8.68

OCapo Covo, P.4...3?Cape Harrison,

NRd.. .........41Cape La Huoe,

Nfld...........41CaDo Porcupine, N.S.

Cape RaY, Nfld..364iCaoe St. Charles.


N.8. .27,28,70,76O0aplan, P.Q. .. .. .32CtCaoreol, Ont..l, 19,

20, r35, r98Caprona Aita....296

@Cap Rouse, P.O.?6,58.78. 8t,98

ocap sante, P.o7g, 86@Cap SL lonaca,

P.O.......... llCap Tourmonb,

PO...,.......9l6Caramat. Ont... . .20Ooaraqu6t, N.8.(c) .57OOerb€rry, Man...256

Carbrrry JcL, Man.

Carbondalo. lttr.246lt0, 3rz 3t3

OCarbongar, Nfld.to)36, l7

€)Csrdal6, Mrn.. . .243OOardisan, P.Ll...74

Cardrnel, Man. . .264@Cardinal, Ont I 20,123

Carey Lako. Ont,.l77ocar0iil, ont......l85

Caribou, Nfld. .. .36ACaribou,P.Q...,..84Carillon, P-Q....100ACarlea, Sask.....281

@Cerleton, P.Q.. .,.32Carleton, P.E.1... .70Carlgton Placo, Ont.

carlsbed sontr, l4l

Ont.....,....105Garlton, Srrk....257

Carmronor, Ont., 145@Carman, Man...,264

Carmrnvllle, Nfld,4lCrrmol,Ont.,,..l45

@Crrmol, Sark.,. . .235Carnaby, 8.C.. . ,??6Crrobido, Alta.. .l0lCaron Brook, N.8.58

O0aro,Ont.......l43CarPcntet, Sack. .28 I

a"""r'.n.,t li!;,UlCarrick, Man....2lOCarroll, N.8.... -..61Carrollton, Mich..2l rlCarrot Cre€k. Alta.23

OCarrot Ri vsr,Sask.?8 ICerrs, P.Q........95

OCarruthen, Sask..277Carson, N.B. .....55

O0arson City,Mich.? lJCarss, Ont"...,..170Cartier, Man... , .258Cartisrville. P.Q.. 109Cartwrisht, Nnd...4l0artyville, Nfld..36AQarvol, Alta. .....2?Oar Works, N.S.. .47

@Caraoodia, P,Q...12Ootsoviile, Mich.. . 2l ?G0aroy, P.Q....,..78

Caslrn, Alta..,..JlJCaspaco, 8.C.....?26

Ogass City, Mich..2l2OCasselman, Ont...105ocassoporis,

"iif, ,r,c'Gatalina, Nfld.. . ..39

Catamount, N.8...25O0ausapscal. P.Q.. . 25

Cavalisr, Sask.. .287Gavell, Ont.. .. . . .?0Cavell,Sask..--..22Cawdor, Uan.. . .253Caye, Man. .. , .. .?l

O08yuga, Ont... . .205Ca:alet,Sask.....22Ceba, Sask . . - . . .261C,ecile,P.Q.,....106Cedar Brae,Ont.. lJ5Codarhurst, Ont..135

6lCadars-les Cadres.- P.O.r04,105,t20.123Ccdanide, 8.C.. . .2]Codarvale, 8.C,..226

O0sdqux, Sesk. ...27J

BrrrorYs, Man....216OBarrys Bay, Ont..l43

Bartibos, N.8.... .?5Barilott, Minn...232Bartlotts Hr., Nfld4lBartouillo, P.Q.. . .80Barver, Sask.... .266

OBarwick, Ont. ...230OBashaw. Alta. .. .295

Basin Minos, Ont .l9Easin Road, N.S 48ABasqug, LC. .. ...24Eersiqnac, P.Q.., .78

OBateman, Sask.. ,271OBetcs, Me. .. .... .96

Batcsvillo, P.Q,...91@B:thurst, *.u. jilS,

Battaau, NRd.....41Battcaux,Ont... . 172Battle, A1ta..295,295

(DBettlo Crock, Mich.- 120,123OBr ttleford, Saslc I 9f,

Ertucford Jct., sask.240,?n

Battlo Herbour,NBd...........41

OBaudctto, Minn..2l0Bawk OnL.... .. .20EryardrSask,,..274

6Bay City, Mich. andMontrsal-Chicaoo

t20, l?3Srqlnaw-Durand

Brv Citv cr*.inoll1Mich.........2lr5

OBryficld Roed,N.S.438ay lj Argsnt, Nfld4l

OBry Robort3. Nnd. (o)

BaysYrrte?, Ont..135Bayviow, Ont. I 20, I 29Bazsntin, Sask. . .279

OEoachburg, Ont...l9OB€rchvillo, ont.

, l?3Beeconir, Man., .265B6aconsf)€ld, P.Q.104

OBcadlr.Sask.... .236B6amont, 8.C.,..?26

OBcameville, Ont. .129Bear Cove, Nfld. . 4 |

oBsrrdmors,Q0l,rroEear Lake, Ont. . 140Boar Pass, Ont.. .2J0

OBoar Rivor, P.E"l..7lOBoatty, Sask. .. . .?46OBeattyvillo, P.Q.. . B0- 86aubirn, P.Q. . . .58

Bcauceoo, Ont. ... l9Beaudot, P.Q.... ,84Boaudry, Man, . .?tl0Bsauficld, Sask.. .290

(DEoauharnois, P.Q.. 95Eoaumaris, Ont. . 170Beaumont, Nnd...4lBoauropairo, P.Q.l04Bsavcn Lako, P.Q .94Bcawr, Mrn,....235Eoavor Brook, N.8.25Eeavor Covc, Nftd .4 [Beavsr Covo, N.S..43Beawr Crossing, P.Q.

Beawrdalo, Sasf<.23?Beaverlodoe, Atta.3l0BeavsrPond,Nfld.16ABoaverRiver,Al talg I

O8oavorton,Ont. ..135BBaverton East.

Ont....... .. .148Bechard, Sask... .?73Eedford. Man....2lO

OB6dford, N.S..27,28OB6dford, P.E.1.... 7l

Bodno$ti, B.C ...225Beechvilic, N.S... 5l

OBsochy,Sask.....278OBeeton.Ont.l73, 174

Beoin, P.O... , . .. 26Behan, AIta..... .313

O Beisoker, Alta.. . . 295Belair, Man.. ....265Ealrnier, P.O.. .. 58Eelbuito, Sask... .27986lchsr, Man... .248

OBclchertown, ""T.iU

OBolcoutL P.O.- 78,80, t75Balgravc,Ont.. . . 198Bellavtnco, P.Q. . 25Bollhurns, NRd. . .41

OBelloduno, N.8,.. 25Bollefleur, N.8... 58Bollooram, Nnd...4l

OBclle Riwt,OnL,,r,

oBellc Riwr, P.Ll.7lBelloviow, Man-.26486llevillG, N.B-.. 55E6llsvilt€, N.S..-. 5l

o86l16vill€, ont.(c) andMontraal-Chicaoo


r42. r98Montreal-Detroit

t27. t28Ottawa-Toronto

r4lPetcrboro. ..145Madoc...l46, t98

Bellovua. Mich.' tn,tztBellsvuc JcL, P.O.-

90.s2OB€llis, Alt.-.. -. .291

Ballows Fallr- VL

B.u"y, ArJ}.l1'.lieBells Cornen, Ont.llB€llsit6, Man-.,..2468slmar, OnL... . l55

OBalmonl, Man.m,242,?.U

OEolmont. N.S..27.28OBolocil, P.Q.. . .26, 96

Eclray, Migtr.120. 1238clval,P.O...-... 58Bamooyds, Sark.284Bsnallen, Ont,...182Bsnard, Men.....235Bond, 8.C.. . ....725

OBsnOotlgh, Sask.,.274@Bsnito, tvlen.,.. . . 269

Bcnjamin Rinr,N.8....-.--..25

O6snron, Sark. .. . .273OBonton, Alte.....2J60B6nton, Nnd..... .36OBereaford, N.8-,. 25OBcrlin,NH......95@B6rry Mlll|' N-8.

25.61Bartram, Ont. .. .177Bortrand, N"8-... 57Bortwcll. Sesk.-

?55,2678orube,P.Q......58Eorwyn, Alt&....3118ests,Ont.....,.145Bethany, Man....266

OBath6l, Mc.... .. . 96OBethol, vL.......1 ll

Eothlehcm, P:..,. IBethnal,Ont... .. 20


Esvoridoe, N.8... 25Bsynon, Alt*,. . .R6

OBic, P.Q,. . , .. . .. 26Bickcrdikc. Alle..

21,102OBiddoford, Mc.28,96

eisld, Mrn-......2350Bienfait, Sask -... .272

8ig Arch, N.8.... 258is 8each, N.S... 43Big Brook, N.S... 43

@Bisoar, Sask. . l, 2?,276.293.2*

Bigras lsland, P.O.94, r09.1094

OBis Rivsr,Sark...279OBig Vell6y, Atta-.296

Bigwin lnn, Ont.159, 170

Bilby, Alta. .....?98OBilodaau,P.Q-... .84

8i-Ma, P.Q.......84Bingle, Ont.. .... .78Birchem, 4ta....295Eirch Bay, Mzn..Z?9Birch Cove,N.S.27,28

@Birch Hills,Sesk.246OBirch lsland, B.C..2l

Birch Flidge, N.8..25OBirch Riwr,Man.246

Eirchtown. N.S...5lBird, Man.. .. . ..248Eirdsrll's, OnL... 145Bird's Creek,0nt.l56Birds Hill. *ran. .265Birdteil, Man. -. .266Birlino, Sask... . .241Birmingham, Ala.J20

OBirminqhrm, Mich,

ai,.,"i"st'r*,31?i3llBirnio, Man- ....246

OBinay,Sask.....278OBishop's Frlls,Nfld36

BissolL Alte...... .22OBjotkdelo, S:sk.,


Black Brmk, N.8..56OBlack Capes, P.Q..32

Black Duck, Nfld 364@Blackfoot, Alta.. . 24 I

Black lsland, Nfld.4lBlacklands, N.8..,?5Black Pool,8.C...23Black River,Mich.!lrlBlack Bivar. N.S.' 27,48Black River, P.9.

( Arthabarka)...90(Portnouf).....84

Blach Rock, N.S..50OBlack Rock, N.Y.203

Blackstono,Mass I lJElack Tickle,Nfld. {l

OBlackville, N.8... .61OBleckwater, Ont.

er".k*"rr,o#l',llBOBladworth, Sask..240@Biainc **, t**r.,

Blalr,Ont"... .. . 190Blairs, N.8....27, 28BlEknoy, N.8.....65llelock, Ont.....130Blanchrrd Settls-

ment, N.8... .57Btanche,Ont.....l77Elewstt,Sask. . . .272Blezrrd'r, Ont... . 145Elissficld, N.8... . . 6lBlockhourc, N.S. 5l8loom, Mrn.... ,.21

OBloomficld,N.B 27,28OBloomfisld, Ont.'

r42. lg8OBloomfield, P.E.t..75

Bloomfield Hilh,Mich......,,.211

Blount, Ont,.. ..,1?6Btuuber 8ay,B.C. 3l 7Blue Bcll, N.8... ,58

@Bluc lrrand, 'll.O, ,el

Bluo Ridoe, etts..298OBtus Riysr, B.C.l, 23

Bluosky, Alte. ., .f ll6Bluovale,Ont.,..l86

Boakview, Ont.. . lJ5Bodmin, Sark., ..279Bodo, Altr... -. . .281

O8oisstown, N.B. . .61Boir Blanc, P.Q. . .86

OBoisdals, N.S.....418olduc,P.Q.... .78Bolger,Ont.....,135Bolser,P.O.. .....78Bolney,Sask...,.ttlBolrtor's 8ock,

Nfld.... .......41OBombay, N Y.....95

8on Accord, Alta.3l38onar, A|ta....,.236

OBonarlaw, Ont..,156OBonevontur., P.Q..J2@Bonavista, Nnd...39

tson Conrril, P.Q. .26Bondiu, Alta. ...313Bonno Bry, Nnd,.41

@Bonnyvillo, Alta,,29 IBoothroyd, 8.C. ..24

OBorden, P.E.l. .70,75,76

@Bordsn,Sask... . .?40Borradailo, Alte..241Boscombo, alta.,.29l

@Boston, Mass., andMontreal-NowYork. .13, 14, l13Saint John-Halifex.27,28,6lAHalifax....l4,5lNfld...... . ..36AP.E.tsland.. . . .70PortiandQucbec-Montreal... ...95Nsw York

?7A' ?7sOEoston Bar,B.C, 1,24

Boston Croek. Ont.' l70AOBothwell,Onl 127, 128

Bouchcrville, P,Q.. S0Boulder, 8.C,.. . ..23Boundary Grosk,

N.8... .. ...27, ?8u""'$161I

lL'lli1'.:eBourbonnais, P.Q..58Bouro Louis, P.Q .84Bourkos, Ont... l70ABourmont, P.O.. . .78Bourncmouth, Sask,

Bousquet. P.Q.78, I 75Boutilior, N.S....51Bowlands Bay,Ont.l9

CiBowmanville, OnLtcl

o8ow!r'an,"lfl:11?Boyd, Man.. . .,.?48Boyd's Cove, Nfld,4lBoyle, Alta... ...311

@BracebridOe, OrL("rL

grackley, P.Ll. . .718rada, Sask. . .240,


Brasburn, Alta...ll0Erainerd, Man. ,.265

OBraintre6, Vt..... I llOBrampton,OnL(c) l79OBranc€ p€th, Sask.2it6

Brrnchton, Ont. . tc,@Brandon, Man. (oi--

and WinnipegESaskatoon-Ed-moaton. l, 21, 240Brendon Northl9Srnd Bstmont,.242Nespawa. ....2*

BrandonJct., Man. -

240.2%Brandon North, Man.


t27,tnMontrcal-Chicego. l?0, r2lHrrnsburg-P8l-msrston.... .1trz8t. Goorpo... . 187Tittsonburo., . 195Simcoa.. .... .lqaFort Eric.....20JStratford...--2f11

@Bres d'Apic, P.O.:56G,Enttloboro, Vt. lZ

Bntton, sa!klll'.1188nwny,OnL.....l9

O8ruoau, A|t1,...30]Brcgult, P.O,. .. ,.90Brschin, Ont,,.,,l48Bmchln Eact.

OnL.,,,,,.,,135Brodin, Sask. . , . .28Brecrc, Sack. ,, . ,273Bromon,Sask. ,. ,270Eromnor, All^.?2.

GBrent, Ont. ,. . .f?3OBrEnt Crook, *'*2,U

O8cntwood, N.S,2tg

Brentwood, Ont. . 172Ercrston Lake. Man,

Brcseylor, s"t...ZA2|Eraslau, Ont.....178Bretagna, P.Q.,.. .58Br€tona, AIta.294,

295.716Brotville JcL, Aita.

294,'295,n6Brswsr,$ack,....267BrickYltd, NRd...19Bridoar,Mcn....248

OBridse, P.Q,?6,58.98OBridgs Stroot,

(Montroal, P.O.)26, 90.95,96, lm

Bridor Straat.(Srckvills. N.B.)70

Bridgeport, ao,T.,,,

OBridsetown, N:S...52OBridqoville, N.S.. .50@Eriooowater, Nf,t!,

Eridsowator ,",;iTr*i

8rie,P.O.........58Brions, Nfld. . ....36

6Briercrest, Sask. .174Brrerly Brook,N.S.43Eris Bay, Nfld. .. .41Briggs,Alta......303

OBrisht, Ont... .. .201Brirhton, Nfld....4l

Oariqhton,Ont.l20, l236,Brisur, NRd. .... .17OBrigur Jot., Nndr. r,

Bri I lr nt Covo, P.-Cj-JZBrinka. Ont... . .. .ZlErinkldw. Ont....156Brisbin.$rsk.... .2J6

OBristol,'P.Q.. ..... l9Bristol's Hopo,


Britennia B.acft.B.C.3r7


And West....320@Chicaoo Lawn, lll.-

r20, t8@Chicoutimi,P.O.(c)

84.86Chilako,8.C.. ...225

@Chilf iwack, A.C....?4O0hinook, Alta.. . .216

Chinook Covs, B.C.2lChip Latce, Alra.. .23

OChipman, Alta.. .241OChieman.N.B.29A,6l

Qhippawa, Ont.. . l99Chisholm, Alta...3i0

Page 75: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Christic, Man... .258Christievilte, P.Q. .94

OChristrnas lrland.N.S.. .. .. . . ...43

Christopher, N.8...56@Chu Chua, 8.C....23

Cbodleigh, Ont.. . .19@Cburchill, Man...248

Church Siding,Nfld......,-...39

OChutes ShawiniEan,P.O...........86

GChrtes Ste. UrsuloP-o.. . .. .. . .. .86

OOrcirinati, Ohio.l20Cisco,8.C........24Claqsett, Sask... .23l

OClair,Sask...,..B5Clairmont Alta..3l0Clairs, N.8...... .30Clandeboye, Ont..l93

OGlanwilliam,Man.266Clarabslls, Ont... 136ClarqmontJct.. N.H.

ctarenco, N.s.. ..lllClarendon, P.Q....19

@Clarenville, Nfld. (cl36 l9

Clarkbom. Sask.' 2r1261Clarkdon, Ont.,..231

Oclarks's Beach,Nfid.. ...... .. .li

Clarkloioh, M4n..229Clarks Road,


735,?4A,257,262OClarkson's, 0nt... I 29O0larkston, Mich..2l0

Clrshmoor. Sask.' 246,255

Clattico Harbour,NRd...........41t

Clanerino, Ont, .. l84iOClavet Sask... .. -Z

Claybank, Sask.. -274Claysmoro, Alta..24lClearfreld, Sask.. .2RCleanflater, 8.C., .21Clear*ater, N.8,..61Cloevar, Sask.. . . .287Clsmancrau. Sask.

255.267Clemina, 8.C...'..21Clercs SL Viataur. i

P.Q..........'.78@Clericy, P.Q. .. ...78

Clermont, P.E.l...75OClifford, Mich....2l2@Clifford, Ont.... . 185

Clifton, N.B. ..,..57Climax, Uich.l?0,1?3

OClinton. Ont, (c)ri8. l9l. t99

Clinton Jct., Ont.l93Clonfert, Sask.. . .279Clouston, Sask. . .262Cloutiar. P.Q. ... .}]

OClova, P.O. . .. ...78Glowr Bar, Alta...22Club Hirondelto.

PQ. -... ... . .84Club lroouois, P.O84Club Jrcques Cartier,l

P.Q.... .......84rClub t-aval, P.O,

94. 109; l09AClubSLLouis,Oue-84Club Triton, P.Q..84Clusiault,P.O....53Clute.Ont..,....l76

ocrydd,Alta.. .-..2AGlvds, P.El. ..70Coachman's Cove,

Nfld..,.-__. .41@Ooal Eranch. N.8..?5

Coalburn, N.S...,49AO0oa:spur, Alta. ..3C2GC,oaticook. P.Q.+,S6

Coatstone, Man..2?1Cobalt. 0rt.(c) l70ACobb'i Camo,Nfld-J6

. cobequid *o- lil*rncoboconkont -.1506Cobourg, Ont.(c) and


Cr'lCoch rane, O n t. (c) and- ouebec. . . 7t. i75xearsl..79,[70AMontreal...,. 82Toronto. .. . lTCAMoosoneo.... .176

Codnsr, A|ta....303Oodrov Pond.

Nfld.... -" -. . .364OCoo l.lilt, Ont. . . .156

C,ofiee, P.Q. .. . .. .78Coshill. Arta... . .301Goin du Banc,P.O..32

@Colborns,Ont......r20, t23

Colby, Man......235Colchoster,Vt..ll3

@GoldbrookN.E-.77,28@Coldwater,Ont.. . 148

Cole, N.S,. .. .. . . .53Q0oleman, P.E.1....75

Cole Summit, N.S.53Gr0oleville, Sask. . .290O0olfax,Sask.....273

Coloate,Sask....272OColinton, etta.. . .292OColleoe Eridos, N.B.

c"rr.it, H.e.. .11:38Colliads Sidinq,

NRd. .. . .... . . .37@Collingwood, Ont.(o)

170,172.lR. te8Collins,OnL...,..20

Ocollin'r t",Pr6l.,r:Collishaws, Nfld.16AColrnsr,Sa3k.....267Colombiore, P.Q.. .78Colombourg, P.O..,78Colonio la5, P.Q.78Oolorado Springs,

Colo. ........120Colpton, N.S..... .52Columbus. Mich..2l6Colville, P.E-1... . . 70Colwell,Ont.lTl. 172Colwood. 8.C... .3S4Coms-by-Chanco,


Sidins, Nnd.....36Comfort BiOht,

NRd. .... .....41OCompton, P.Q.....96

Conchs, Nnd......41Conoord, N.H.t4, ll3

OOoncord. Ont... . i70Condie, Sask.'. .. .240

@Coniston. Ont... . 135Conklin, Altr.. . .lllConmee, Ont.2l0, 231Csnnaught, Ont. I /QA

. Connaught,P.E.l. .72O0onn Mills, N.S...49

Connors, N.8-....10Conquarall, N.S.. .51

OConquest, Sask., .278Conrich, A|ta....295

O0onsscon, OnL.. , 142Contour. Man.....21

O0ontrecoeur, P.Q. .90OConwnt,P.O....lMOOonway, P.El.. . .75OCook,Minn......232

Cookino Lake,Alta.22,294

Cookg,Ont..... .203Cmks Brmk. N.B.

27, 28, 63Cook's Brook,

Nfld..........36ACook's Harbour,

Nnd...... ..41€tOookstown, Ont., 1 74' Coomb's Cove,

Nfrd.. .. -. ... 4lOCoopersville, Mich.

(icooetown, ont. 210

I r0, 123, 182Coppen.Sask,...274Copper Crcek,8.C.24Coppervilla, N.H...96Coouar,P.Q......78Coral Rapicls.OnLlT6Cerbyville, Ont. .. 145Cordon. P.O..... .89Cordova, Man...243Corinth, OnL-. . .206Corist:ns,OnL..... l9Cormier, P.Q.... 84Cormoranl, Man.248

@Cornsr 8rook,Nfld (o)....X,C,41

Cornsr of the Beach,P.O.-.........32

O0orninq.Sask...284OC,omwall, Ont.(c)


Coronado, AltL. .2glCorson's,Ont. ...15C

Oconjnna, Mich,,.2l0Cosino,Sask. . .. .283

Ccoto,N'8.........58Cote.Srsk... -. .235

Ocoteau, P.Q.- .10-2,- 104, t05, t?0, t23

ODuck Lake,Sask.262Duc,ks Meadow.

8.c.. .. ....-..106Eudlov, Sask. . ..278Dufauitville, P.Q..25

ODuft, Sask. -. . .. .267Duffhefd, Alta. - -. .2.Duffisld, Mich. 120-

Duffs, Nfld.......36Dufour,P.Q......78Dufresne, Man...230Dufrasnoy, P.Q.. .78

ODuqald, Man. ... .21Dugas, Man,. .. .240Dugwal,O.it....l70ADuhamol, Alta.. .295

oDuruth, *tn?ir. ,aDuluth Jct., OnL.230Dulwich. Satk... .287Dumblo.Sask... .279

ODummor, Sask. . .?74Oouno,.nt,t"ili

.27gDuncan, P.Q.-. .. .26

(trDundag. OnL- 't?a, t23.182

Dundes, P.El. ., .70ODundurn, Sask.. .240

Ounkeld,Ont....l85Dunlop, Man....248Dunn.Alta.......?2Dunnino,Sask,..272Dunns, Mo.......96

@Dunnville,0nt. (o)0,

CDDunrea, Man....264- Dunrobin, Ont. , . .19Dunshalt, Alta...216Dunsinane, N,B.

27.7ADunster, B.C. ...2?5Duntroon, Ont... | 73Dunvegan Yda., - -etta.310,3tzJIJDunville, Nfld.. . .38Duosrow. Sask,. .290Dublassis-.P.O....78

oDubuy, P.Q. .78. 175ODurand, Mich', and

M ontreal-Chicagot20, t23

Detroit-GrandHaven...,...210Musksgon. . . .213Bay City.....2l4

ODurban, Man....269Durham, N.8..,..61

ODurham,Ont.,.,l88Duro,Sask. ......nDuvar,P.E.l,....75Dwyer Hill,Ont..l4lDvce, Man.. . ...248Dike'Brook, N.S..53

OEndians, Alta...,299End Lake.Sark..283Enfiotd. t'I.H.....lll

OEnflold, N.S...27,28Enfin, Sask. .. , . .267

- Ensen, A.C......n5- Enslee, Nnd......41

OEnslofeld, Sark..235Enslehart, ont..l70AEnolish Harbour,

Nfld...........39English Harbour

Weet, Nfld......41Enilda, Alta. . .. .310

OEnosburgh Fallr, VL,

Ens, Sask.. . . .. .27OEnt6rprise, M2n,.228

C)Entranco, Altr... .23Entwistle, Alta.. . .?2Equityr Alta. ....n5

OErickson, Man...266Ericksburg, Minn.

2]2.OEriksdalo, Man,..229

Erinview, Man,..??1Erith, Alta.......T2

OErnsstown, Oirb ,ra

OErwood,sask..,.246Escuminac, P.Q.. .32Eskbank, Sask. . .27 IFss Creek, OnL.. .19Essex,Ont.......l98

OEssex Jct., Vt. 14, I I lOEstcourt, P.Q.(o)..58OEst6ven. Sask.(o)272

Esther, Alta..290,Jl0Otutlin,Sask.. . .. .273

Egtmore, N.S..,..43OEston,Sask..... .278OEthel,Ont.......186OEthelbert, Man...246OEthol ton, Sask,,. . 281

Ettin0ton, Sask. .274Eitrick, Ont...,.191Euclid,Sask.....27l

OEurska, N.S.. .13,47Euroka Place, Mich.,

Evandale, N.8....55OEvanooline, N.B. .57

Evans, N.8.. ..27,?8OEvansburg, Atta...23

Evanston, N.S...48AEvansvlllc, lnd...3?0Evalyn, 8.C, ... ,U6Everard, Ont.,.. . 138Everett,Ont.....l73Evernreen Park, lll.-

t20, t?3Excol, Alta. . . .. .236Excoleior. Alta...3l3

OErater, Ont,. ....191Exira. Man.. , ... .2 |

Exlou, 8.C.., . ....?3Exoloits, Nfld... , .41Exstaw, 8.C. ... ,n0Exton, Ont...... .20Eyro.Sask.......Uz

FabvJiiiAlta. 22Fairfax. Man..,..264Fairlo'd, ry/'an.,..29Fairholme. Sask, I'

275,?88oFairlight, sask. . .240

Fairloch, Ont. ... ll8Fairmount, Saslc.236Fairs,Ont.......l57Fairvale, N.8..27,28Fairvisw, nlta. ,.31 IFairview, tvtan. . .256Fairviaw Jct,, N.S,

27.nFalmnbridoe,Ont. 136Falding, Ont.... . 135Falhcr, Alta. . .. .310Falkenburo, Ont.. 170

OFalkland, 8.C....306Fallis, A|tr...,,,,?2Fallowfiold, Ont. .l4lFrll Rivor, N.S.27,28Falls Cro6k, 8.C.. .24Falls Jct., Minn..2J2Falmouth,Mo....96Falrie, P.Q. . ... . ,8ilFarlane,Ont,.....2lFarley, Sask......|/Farlinoer,Ont....lJ6

@Farnham, P.Q.(c) lffiFarran's Point, Ont'

r20, r2lFarrant, Alte. .,.l0lFarrinoton, Ont. .2J0Father Point, P.O.26Fathom, N.S,. ....53Faulknor, Man.. ,229


OEckvillo, Alta... .303- Ecurouils, P.Q .78, 86OEdam, Sask. . . . .nlOEdbers, Alta.. ...296

Eddv, 8.C.. .....??5OEden, Man. . ....246

Eden, N.S.. .. ... .43OEdenwold, Sesk. .267OEdoeley,Sask... .267OEdoerton, nlta... .220Edsinston, Ont.. . 140OEdmonton. Alta.(c)&

Montrsal-Tor-onto"Winnipog-Vancouver...l,22Chicaoo. ,. . .. . 9Prince Rupert.225Winnioog-Rogifla-Saskatoon, . ..241Atliancs......294Calgary. .295,2'.6Hsinsburg....?91Athabaska.. . .292Whitocourt. ..298Dawson Creek3l0Barrhead.....]12Waterways. ..311

Edmonton Bsach,Alta. .. . ......72

(r)Edmundston. N,B.- (or29A, 56,58Edouardville, Alta,n,

OEdson, Alta-1,23,302Edwand. Alta....29l

@ Edwardiburo, lvtich.,

Edwin, Man. .. . .2&OEel Rivor, N.8.. , .25

Eoan Creek, Ont. I 56OEqanvillo, Ont. . .143oEosrton, N.S..,,. .43

Eorsmont, Alta.,.3l3Ekfrid. Ont... .. .207Ekhari. Man.,...227Elcott. Sask. . ,, .2REldsrbank, N.S....53

OEldersley, Sask.,2!6:to5

Eldon,Ont......l50Eldoradq Ont. 156,

r98Eldred, Sask.. .. .279

OElsin, Man...., .264OEloin, N.8.., .... .65

Eloin, Ont...l4l, 157Eloin Road, P'O...26

OElle, Man. .. ....235Elizabeth,0nt. . .210Elk Lrko,Ont..1704

OElk Point, Alta...291rDEllsrstio. P.E.1.,..75-Elliott, N.S.......52

Elliotts. lr/.an. ,.,242Elliotts, P.E.l.. . ..70Ellis,Ont.. ....231Elliston, Nnd.....39Ellscott. Alta....3ll

OElma, Man. ... ...21@Ermira, o",.

lBSl ,nagElmira, P.E.1.... .72OElmsdale, P.E.l. ..75OElmsdale, N,S..27,28

Elm Troo, N.8... ,25OEtmval€, Ont-171,198GElmwood, Ont. . .l82OElnora. Alta.. .. .295OElora, Ont.......182- El Paso, Tex.. . . .320OElohinstone,Man.266G)Elross, Sagk. . ...278

Elsas,Ont........20Elsdon, lll...120, 123Elsdon, Minn. ., .232Els poth, Alta... . .303Elswick,Sask....272Embarras, Alta'..302Emburv. Man... .251

69,n6616 J61., P.E. l.-70.75

OEmorson, ".n.f,rS,

OEmorson Jct, Man.258

Emily Harbour,Nftd...........41

Emmotson, P.8.1,..74@Emmett, *'1?b,,,aOEmo, Ont. . ..., .210

EmDeror, A.C... .22tEmpire Road, Me,.96

6€msdale,Ont. ...170Ena, Ont.. ,. . ... .21Encombo, A.C..,,225

OEndako,8.C.....2?5Endcliffc, Man.. .1ffi

@Endeavour, t?tj.rOZ

Page 76: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Foothills, Altr-...3@Foreman, B.e^...ns

OForest,Ont......l78@Forest buro, Altr-. 294

For6stdalo, B.C...nsForeqtc/r Fallr, Ont,

Forutl-awn, Mic]rl9

Ororrar, Ont..lal. ?49OForfan.Sask... .278

Forgot, P.Q.. .....78@Fork Rirnr, Mtn,294

Frnmln, Minn.,.82Forsythe,P.O..,..78

@Fort CovinEton, N. Y.

Forteau, Nnd..,. .X?Fort Dodge, la..l2n

OFort Eric.OnL'*

ro* eri"wJ?!'e3Ont.... .. .. . .Al

Fort Ethm Allen.vt. . . ..-. .. .'.1 tl

OFort Frrncss.OnL.+z]CI,732

Fort Fngr, A.C..mFort Kont, Attr..291Forthton, Ont...lllFortior, Men.... .240Forti6r,P.Q... . . . .26

@Forticrvillc, P.O.. .25OFort Langlsy, 8.C.24

Fort Lewrancc.N.S... ., .. .27,?8

OFort Ou'ADeollc,Sark. .. .. .. ..267

Fort Srn, Sark.. .267OFL Sarkatchowrn,

Altr... . .....211Fortuno, Nfld.(o).41Fortunc Hrrborrr,

Nnd,..........41OFI Wllirm, Ont.{q}

L 138, t38A,2t0,231,232

48 Rd., P.er.. ... .74Fort Worth, T6x..320Forward, S..k,.,.274Fosrnill, Ont,. .. .19Fostor,8.C.......2JFosterr, Mich.,..214

'*F'fliT::l:...reFountein Road, N.S.'49Fournior, P.Q.... .58

@Fowlsr, Mich. ., .2l0Fowlor,OnL....,.20Fox M'arsh, NRd..36Formcad,OnL...148Franchora, Alt&..291Francis Harbour,

Nfid...........41Francoir, Nfld....4l

@Frankford,Ot ,n,

Franxlin, N.H.. lllFnnkslake. Serk.267Franz. Ont.29A, lJ7

OFrascr,Mich.....?16Fras6r. N.8....,..58Frascr, Ont. . . .. .lnFressrdale, Ont.. . 176Frasar Lrko, B.C.n5Fnsorville, Ont... I45Frsdcnsthrl, Man258Frederick, 8.C...,2,fFraderick. Ont.-

79, l70AFrcdcricksburg, Ont.

t20, t23Froderickton, Nfld.4l

OFodericton, N.B.(o)end Helifar-Montreal....,.25SL John-C.otrt-ville. .....,...55Moncton-NoFca!t16.........61

OFredoricton,P.E. 1..70OFroclown, F. E. 1....75

Frcnch Lick, lnd.320oF''8*[::.:llli'zsz

Franchman's lrland,Nfld.. .. ,. " .,..41

OFronch Villaqo, N.S.5lFreshford, rilan...267

6rresniero, p.e.9f*1

Frobirhcr. Sesk..2RFroissart, P.O.. .. .78Fryett,Ont.79, l70AFullcr, Ont......146Fulton,Man.....2RFurlotta Rd., N.8.25Furnacr Falls,OnLlSFurzg0rro., N.8..25

*T'1f;?3,lfjt#,13h o""Jll-H;,'#i19r'H*1T:H.13[i?,j?? H3iltll']'"t: t: :1i?

o"t.it-cl39ira gffi'.:*i"' uHliliilSilS?'i:.:l8i ol]833:Ijl*;"ijh.1i3Havon,......210 53,54 Hathorleish'S.sk.239 Hodgin'N.8...-..?)

GranA Rivei, tU.g156 p,e tsrand.l1'.70 Haultain,Sask...240 OHodsso,n, rv/'arr...47

:Fllli;i*il#$iiii':1":r*::'J"1#Jlil fliJiil,:**k;fi .m$:ih,*'r

d;;;ffiril [il$f'$,!J',',x "iiluird'ffi

,l;lffi*$JluGrassdale,Sask...273 I

B,3s,Hn,Brli_t?8,HrqtH"ilsH;i'i ffiiitfri.,#:lp :[lid$lj,"#5;i:?iHOGrewlbourq, Sack.

:il:6;iilq' ffii,'lii .HilH:,':i"S# :iiiffi:1n(*). . . . . ... ... tzo +6w lork' ' ' ' la 6xavncr, ar!al.'.1'.-gi ^H..i.6i; ii;i;::: ii]


,Eg.';1fi,ffr.'61 H,rmm,,i?i .i$ffilf;,ii *n#N,l,illfi

ffiH ffi*riffi#it 'nmr'li'l!'.l'.ffiOrcsnbush, Sarlc.246

ffffiff {ffi'ffimg* ffiffi s{r.htAi,flffiffii,t:,,Hf.i:,,$:*,fi,:r.,::nqi:tllririf,ia:iTj



.ilil'#,ffi,firy :fi:ffr'$iliffi :ilfr[iifir!ff-",*"_*r.

;rp:gi eHii;ii'li;an*dl ffHiltll,f3l:;:? Hllli;"fX1i;...r.ilolfi

%iffi',Yti,-"u;?l tnre1es,s"r-n,.ffif iiil;;;i;i; iffi" ulillili,tlt::. :?ii

*,1",'" *#'jiqt ^F,iffiiP-;,',r%:,;:?3'itifjli ::g;sr 8ili$ilii,Tib:: :61

T,fllit:i#gi{'lffii;ffi r ffll';"qHi]ii ;timiiffi;ii?Grilofin, Sask. . ...?73

*ffifi rffi#'i ffi:tffinffiN.8.... . . .. . .. .56 Hardenc,s$k.. .2a.2 xiiii,iir,.,b,ii.. iffi n,i,

Tffi;ffit'H:I$jeffi;;;rt: Fiffi,!"Ji,Tll;'ifi 'lii*:;"i;,fr-;,?;ffi;ili:B8 q:fi[r::,,,,??i fii'#j,ii,"{iffiffi HxL;",,,o;, u;"-OGubloh, Ont. (o)

Efill*j,'lrj:l?i Hl#:,:,{ii,:; :85'Hr€'F1g::t}f;i+9,f,*H;"6,#:ii9frSr*rr";t 1.?.:?3

ilffi,|!li',# .[ffi,p5;:,,5 ffiffi:,:r:l3Gunn, Alta. .....298Gunning Cove,N.S.5lGuntors,.N.B......55 Harber, f.ai;....ii ijighsatoSpq&,vt.lhl

_ Qyo, Sagt.. .,, ..?7- _4 -H.arptni_e.Saix...?7i ijiohlands Gardons, nurkott,Ont. . ..l3boGypsumvilo,Man?Ze .Hili:fili;;i::?*l

; ?.a::..::::llb Hu'.1uiti'noatiiiii-i,-

Hackett, Arta.2ee oxaniiion,-o.nt.'."-- 'i::::r"i:'::.::irJ *l{-q.xl i-il{di

.fili!,::5&:::i!? Harrirvirre' r82-'185

'::::?:'::'.t;ilTl[ .tl'l#*e:,,?iE;H:hT#tl,l;,i#,::H':",#,hii Hiiilfig"ffiij3 gfiltyr-el'::ffiOHasuo,Sask..,..262 i4l,l5Z Hitbre.Man.....fd coiii,

Ha.4a s1y, p.e...Q4 Har4/r Broorq Nrrd. Hirden; N.s....27;ze '!l:fit!f*,ltJHaisht Alte. ...J@ 36A r.ririhtl'si,F:A..l.ii6 HlifFir'r<CirGiiiof

Haileybury,Ont.lT_0A Harr/s Harbour,- -

AHiltiarO.-hta-. :::2ii 'Ont. .. ..,.;. . lq'lHainos,e.laska...Jt! ..N!'d,,.........4! :Hi'ii;;;b;i_::::Iil Hycr6l6iri..:...:ii

,iiii,r},T''*it jilffiiix'liiiffi*fl*'H "*i[Tf ::rllo"''ifi.["]ff:1 zs il]}fiau:?l rl"*,elE1;,i$ lrnu,:*ijf ii!

Boston and South 279,?8 Hino3Crook,Alta.Jtl lfRot,Saik..-.-.tffi?7,28,63A Harty,OnL_ 7?,170A Hinron, nrti... . . .23 Ondefion. Oni. :: :Tdi

Sydney...,....4l Harvey,Ont..-...20 Hoards,Ont...,.l45 -lloSioris.P.O -'' -Nfld-l6t Harkotls, lnd.l20l23 Hobson, t*an....235 - 94; l0g, l09A

Page 77: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Jasmin, Sask.. . .. .21 Kcrensky, Alta. . .291'OJasrer, Alta. (€) and OKerwood, Ontl20,l23

Chicag$Van- -Kessock,Sask....266couyor,....,...9 Ketchen,Sask....lggM.ntreal- OKetchi|.an,Alaska,Toronto-WinniPog 3;5,316Vancouver... l, ?] Kettlehut,Sask. .275Princa Buperr?25 Kottl6 Rapids, Man,

OJoannottcs Creek, -- 248Ont. . . . . . 127 , l'ZB 6 Key Jct., ont. . . . ll5

Jedburgh, Saslc. .260 Keystown, Serk. .274Jeffsrson, N.S.....43 Kidd, 8.C.......225Jeffrsys, NRd....35A. Kilburn.Ont...l70A

Olellicoe,Ont.l3S,lSSA OKillrloa, Ont..... l4JJennex, Nfld.....36A Killam, N.B......66JerssyCity, H,J....8 Kilrush,Ont....,.l9Jerscy Harbour, Kilsyth, Alts... . .310

Nf|d...........41 Kilwinninq,Srsk.24TJornnds, P.Q..78, 175 Kitworthy, OnL. . | 70Jobrin,Ont.,....l77 OKinburn,Ont....l4lJrburke, Ont. . .. ,20 OKincardinc, Ont..186Jock Scott Pool, r (DKinderrlcv.Sask.

Nnd..........36A' , - ?\i5,?78,2nJoe Eatt'r Arm, L6Kino,Ont.......l70

Nnd...........411 | Kinshorn,Ont...l38Jos Laks,ontl4&lO I Kinq Kirkland.Ont.Joffrc.Alta......30l I -

l70AJoooins. N.S. ....29A OKingm.n' Altr.. .294

€Uo[otta; pO. (s).. .86 King, N.S. . . . 27, ?g

"i$"Ll*9u. :::i;,'i8 Kinsaburv''ftb,'aJones.Ont.. -._--.21 KinlsclcNr,N.B...55

Olonquierc, PO... ,61 King'r Cove, Nfld.4l-Jordan, Mrn.....258 OKings.y,P.Q,..,.98Otordan. Ont.. ... .129 Kin$ford, Serk. .272

Jordan'Fatlr, H.6..51 Kingshunt,N.B.27,28Josssrrd, Attr"...3l0 KinO'rMillqMich2l2Jowsoy. Man.....267 (ins's Point Nflc {lJudeh, Altr......3l I OKingston,Mich...2l2

Ojudiouo, N.S..,...48 @Kinsston,Ont(o) rnd

'"fi'ff311.11TL. r Montrcar-clicrg

Junoau,nlaskr..3l5 Montrcel-Detroil

Jacrm. Man..248Jackman.8 C.,...8Jackpins, oiii,

,rro@Jeckson, Mich.. .215

Jacksonboro. Ont.'79. l70A

Jackcon't, P.Q... .84Jackson's Arrn,


'"il,iil.'. ?.'.':. . . o rJ acksonville, F1a..320Jacobc,Ont.. .....20Jacquer Garticr Ch.tb,

_. P.Q....,......84Qllacquot Rivor.N.B 25Jamer,Ont......2ll.lamoson, Sask... .240

_,lrmss lsland, B. C.3 I 7QIt.mBs Rivar. N.S,.4J

oamot, p.e.......59,Janot,Alta......216J.anevills, N.8.. .. 57

_.,ardino Brook,N,B56U\larrow. Alta..... .22^.rarvio, Alta". .. . .310(!}raryit, Ont.

r 98, 205, 206

Juniata. Sask. ....22 127, 128drlunioer.N.B.....58 Ottrwt-Toronto

rjlli'*:;$:* : : :.111 [lffii,,",lli 1,""f.,: : : | |i

.[i'-ri'f,H;';;ff g [it[,l[f*r1 : :'.}jKalamalka.B.e.'i6A Kinmount,Mina.232Katamaz.o- UicLiii @Kinmount, OnL. . 155

: xlffi ::,F,'b . finrlffr''':ilii-- 23.306 Kinsol, 8.C.... . .104(rKemsack. Sasli.-.715 Kinuro, Altr... , .llQKinuro, Altr... , .310

@Kiosk, Ont. . .. .. . l9@Kiplins, Sask . .. ,240

Kippen, Ont, .. . , 193Kirke. Ont..... .. .78

@Kirkliold, Ont.. . . 150Kirkland Lakc.

Ont. ,. ...:.170AKiron. Altr.... . .294Kishbauqh, Ont...20Kiskisink, P.O. .. .84

OKitchcner,Ont.(o) | 78,r89, r90, r98

Kitisan,OnLT9, lZ0AKitseias. 8.G.... .226

@ Kitscoty, Alta-. . .241Kitty's Broolq

Nnd..........36AKitwanqa, 8.C...226Knocklrolt, 8.C..225Knox, Man.. ,. ,. .21

foKomoka. Ont.- t20,-t23. t27,128Kondiaronk. P.Q. ,84Kowkash, Ont. .. .20

OKrydor. Sask... , .247Kukatush, Ont.. . .20

@Kuroki, Sask.... .235Kwinitsa. B.C-.-.226Kylcmoo, Sask..235

Olabale. P.O... 90Labarre,-P.Q... . . .84l-abatis Sds., P.Q..9lLebrocouo. P.O.../8

@Le Broquorio,*"lS

Lac a Baauca,P.Q..78Laca B-lloy,P.Q.-84

OLacadsne. Sark...278OLacadic, P.Q.. ... lm@Lac au Saumon, P.!.

Lacau Viaon,P.Q...5l{OLac AuxSablot,P.QS6(DLac 8rker, N.8... .58OLac Bouchott6.P.Q.84

Lac Ghal, P.Q....78Lac Chovraui l. P.Q.94Lac 9arey, Que, " .78Lecd83 Commlisairss

F.Q.. . .. .... . -84

-26, 28A, 70' 99

Lrwke. Sesk....274Lowir. Man.. .. . . .21Lrwis: Nfld. ....36

@Llwnoortc, Nfld.(o)' 16.40,41

@Lnvirton, Mcii#;SO

Olrrllvrn, serk . . . ,LflOlsylmd,Altr....3@OLibru, Mlfl......265

Liooo, Man. ..,..?ntitac, Sarlc..24Z 28{lLimehoxo. Onl, .178Limerick, N.B. . ..56

OLimogss,Ont. . . . lO5Urmilan, P.Q..84,91Lincoln, N.8... ...55Lindborgh, Alte..29lLindbrook, Al!n...n

OLindcn, Mich. ...210Lindequiet, Sark..277Lindsay, N.8.. ...55

OLindsay, Ont. (o) andToronto-Pcter-boro-Port Hooo-Boltoyillo....: 145Midland.. .. .. 148Coboconk.....150Fonolon Falls,l52Haliburton-Barpcroft-Howland 155

Llndup, B.G. .. . .n5Linko. Ont. . .. ..211Linkville, Mich...2l2

@Lintlaw, Sark....268Linton, P.Q.. .... .84Linwoott, N.S... . .41Lrppae, P.Q.. ... . .58Lipsatt,Saslc... .281Lisburo, PO......94Lisburn, A1ta....298

6Lisgar,P.Q.......96Licieur, P.Q. .. -..90Lise,Ont. . .....lR

OL'lslet, P.Q.. .. .. ,26@Listowel, ontidilre6

Littls 8ay, NRd.'..41Liltle Bay East, Nfld.

Uttlc 8ay Wrst,llNfld.... .. .. ...11

@Li ttle"Brar d'?.t: . . Of

Littlefisld, Mc. . ..96Little Fort,8.G....23Littloqom. Alt&..290Littlo Lonslac, Ont.

llSALittle Riror Mills,

N.8..... .. .....30'OLivelons, Sacl,,,,r,(Duverpool, N.s.(o).51

Lizotto, P.Q......84OLloydmin!tar. nltr,

(P.O.in Sask.).241Lloy, N.S... ..... .53L'Otir, P.Q. .....84Lobbville, Man...246Lobo, Ont... l?0, ltsLoch Broom, N.S,.46Lochearn, Altr.. .103Lochlin, Ont.... .155Lockaporto, 8.C..3 1 7

OLockcport,N.S.(o) . 5lOLskc'! Mills. Me. 96

Lockslcy, Ont....143Lockston, Nfld. .. .39Loogo, A1t4......303

OLoosiovilla, N.8.. .67Lombardv, Ont... l4lLomb6ll. Alta.. . .298Londsbbm, Ont..l98

OLondon, OnL(o) lndMontrsal'Chtcr6


S tratfor&Toronto

Ow6nSouod..182Palmsrston.. .183Cfinton.,.....l93Tillsonburg...195Fort Erie.,,.,!93Portitanloy. .204Port Huron'Dotroil. ..,..2|.6

@Londondcnv, ftlrs- r,

Lon0acr6,J4!k.' .271Lono Branch,Ont,l29Lonoburn, Man...l!3L.ono Croclq N.B. .55

gLo0qford, onL...l70Lono Hrtbour.

Nnd. . ........ .36ot onotactlnLl , 2!t ,,

Lonshc P.eP,N.,l.ont.,.. ....|n


OLooguouil, P-O....90Longwood, o?lr.

,r,Lonqworth, &C..225Loomr Altr 294,

29r296i%lfll.TlrnoLoos, 8.C. .. . . ..225Lords Covq Nfld.4lLorstt6, Men. ...230

OLorottsvillo, P,Q. 846Lorlic, Sa*, . .. . .267

Lorne, N.S,...,..41Lorno Pqrk, Ont. 129

OLornovil16, OnL, rndMidland......l48Coboconk-Lind-Eay.... ......150

@[or Ahsdaa #:r,

Lottaville, lnd.t?lJ,123

Lot40,P.Ll....,7lLourbourq,N.S+29ALoui! crook, B.C-.23

@Louisdate, N.S-..484Louiso. Man.... ,228Louirvillo, Kv....320Lourdes. N.S. .43.47Lousana, Alta .. .295

OLovorna,Sask... '290Lowbank!, Ont.'.&3Lowburh Rivor'

ont.,... ..f8, 16OLowe Farm,Mrn.l$t

Lowcll. Mast..l4. I l2OLowell, Mich... . .210. Lowor Arqylc' N.S.5l'!"i,"ilTl1Tl3i

Lowthcr,OnL79.l70ALovalist. P.E l, . . .70Loiier. N.8....,..56

6lucan.Ont. . ,., . l78-Lucan'Crmin1, Ont.

Lucorno. 8.O..23.225OLucovillir,P'Q.. . .' 26CoLucknow.Ont....l86clLuckY Laio,Sa3k.278'= Ludqita, ont. .. . 135

Ludlow. N.8......61Luke. Man,. ,.. .?49Lum.'Mich......212

coLumbv. 8.C. ....306-LumblJct., 8.c.306Lumsdsn. Nfld... .41

orLumsden. Sask.. .240d>Lundar. Man. ...2296Lunenburs, n;i:,glo

Urscar, Alta ... 'WLush'a Bight, Nfld.4lLutevillc. N.8.25,61Lux. Ont.'......, .20Luxton. Satk... .272LYalts,'Altr. ... .236Llddef. Man....248Limburn. Alta...ll0Lin. ont.. .....,157Lindcn. OnL' -t2c,

123, 182frlLvndhunt, Ont. . 1 57- Llnn Vellcy, Ont.206

Lvnton. Alta-....313Linx. Ont. ......17fLyon'tsrook, N.S..49

OLystcr, P.Q'.. ' .. .98OLyttrn, B.C. .....24

Mabclla' Ont.230OMab.u, N.S. .. .. .48OMacamic, P.Q.78,175

nilacArkill, OnL..138@Maccan, *.a.iJ.,^o

Macclos, Nru.... .36Macdiarmid,Onl. 138

MacDrnald,N.S.,49MacDooqall, N.8..68MacDowall, Srsk262Macduff .Ont.....?0MacG,Ont........78

o"1.t111'.3":..arMack, OnL.. .. . .231MacKav, elta.,..8Macnrm, 8.C....226Macnrquac, N.8..55

coMacNutl, Salk. .266-Macovik,'Nfld....41OMacRoric, Sark..2E

Mec*ell,Ont. ... 138(DMadawask., ont. 143(bMadi3on, Sark..,?78- Madipn,Wit,.. .120OMadm. OnL

. ' t45. t46, tgg'Mrdoo JcL,

?ij; ,ouOMefckin0, Men...246

Mrgnot, Mtn.. . .254Msgnot, Ont., . llSAMagnctawrn Riv6r,

Ont Sce N. Mao-netrwan,Ont.. 135

M'fitlL311ll'..2Mahcr,Ont......176Maher'a, Nfld.....16

oM&hona t.t,ji:ti,^

OMaidston6,Sa,sk,. 241Maillard. P.O.. .. .91Main 8rook,Nfld..4lMain Contro,

Srsk.. - .....?75Main Dam, Nfld..364Main Point, Nfld. .41Mair, Sa!k... . .. .272Meitland, N.S..,..51Maitlard,Ontl20. l2JMakaroff . Man...235

@Mqkinak, Man.235,246

Mrkinson, Nfld...37Mrkwa, Ont..,.. .?0

€Malachi, Ont. . .,.2l@Maleqarh, N.S. ,..49OMalartic, P.O.7E, 175

Maldsn,N.8.,....70@Mallaio, nlte... . .291

M allorytorvn,,OnL ,,


Mrlwood,Ont. -..19Manchestor, *,'f.,

,,*"**r'n,PSl.,r,Manden. Ont.. ..230Manille. Ont..... 145Manir.Altr......3l0Maniwrwa Club,

P.O.. . .. ..... .78Manliur, Mrn.. ..265Manole, Alta...,]12

OManreau, P.Q.....25Uansowood, Ont, 174Mansfield. Conn.. f l6Mlnsul, Sask. ..?73

oManterio, Sark., .2826Mennvilla,Alta..24l-Manuels, l!nd.....16

Manzor, 11.9..'.. .61Maon. Man,. ',. .?40

oMeol;.Ont......170- Mable'Beach,Ont.l l5Mablc Orovo, N'8.58Mables, Man.,...26tlMaoleton. N.H.. . .96

OMaicslin,Sask.. .247@Meroellur,

"',t4. ,,OMerchand, Man..2]QoMarcil.P.O..,....32d)Marenio, Sask.. '?\6aiMaroeret, Man...264-Mar6ie. Alta.....3l3OMar6o,'Sask. '.. ']];1anMaria. P.O...,...126Merisapolir, Man.264


Page 78: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Marievilla, P.a.+108OMrriposa,Ont...l45

Marius. tvl'an.. - .253OMarkMo,Ont...l45

Marlboro, Alta....2JOMarrnora,0nt. ..156i

Merne. Mich.....2l0Marridtt, N.S.....51Manhall. N.S.....47

OMarshall, Sask-..?41Manhr$'s *r, oTl.,

Mrrshville,Ont. -205Otvlarshy Hom, N.S4l

M&tel. 8.C. . -...?4Mrrton Lake,B.G.225MartinqOnt.-..170MartinsFliwr, N.S.5lMartinvillo, Man.242Martvn'Shrino,

Ont.. ... ... . . 148Marven, N.B .?7, 28.

oMaryficld, %h,,o

Marystown, Nnd (c)4 |OMaryrville, N,8.. 6l

Meryrvillo, Ont.t20, t23.

Maryvilts,N.S...48loMa656na. N.Y... 95i

Mataao,'Man. '..2481Matane, P.Q +..2941

OMatrp6dia.P.O.25, 321Matholon,Ont. l70AMathiou,Ont, , . ,2J0

OMatsqui,8,C... . 24Matter,Sark,. . .??9

OMetticc, Ont..?9,l70A

Mrvl+ N.8... ... 58OMenrr. Sasx. 271.2756Maxviltc,onL. . . 105

trlarwollr,Ont...l55OMryartlnrpa, Alta.

?98OM ryfelr, Sask.. . .2J8

Mayfold, Man.,..246@Miymont,Sask. .240

Marynrd,lnd.l?0,123@Maynooth, Ont... 156OMazlnod, SGk.. -?74

McAbco, LC.... 24McAdam, N.B.(o)

27, ?8McAlpiner, N.8.. 55McArthur, tvlan..?40

OMcBride. 8.C.,. .U5Mc0all, 8.C.. ...225Mc0allum, N.S.. 49Mc0rnn, N.S.... 6lMcCarthy,P-O.. 78M'Clintmk, Man.24B

OMcOonnell, Man.24JMcGrancy,Ont. . 140

@Mc0reery, Man.235.246

McCrsrry JcL,Men.... .235,246

McGully, N.8.,2i, 28McDonalds, OnL. I 56McDougall Miltr.

OnL.. ....... 20@McGoa,Sask. .,, .236

McGinlcy, N.8.., 55OMcOivnsy,N.B.58,6l

Mclnnis,Ont,...l76Mclntosh,Ont... 2lMclntosh Sprino!,

ont........170AMclnlyrc, Mich..?12Mclvor, Mich,.. .214

oMcKa% N.S...27, 28Mc Keyrr, NRd. . .36AMcKorohan, N.8 55McKee Milla, N.8.68McKce'r Gamg,

Ont........,. ?0McKim,Sark... .267lr4cKinlsy Ferry, t

N.4.... ..... 55McKinmn, N.B. ;

25.27, ?9,OMcKinnon Harbor, '

N.S... . . .. .. . 43,McKirdy, Ont.

ll8, l38AMclaogan. N.B. , 6l'McLauqhlin, N.B. 58McLannen. Alta,

310,3il-McLeod, N.8.... 25McLeod Rivcr,

Altq.. .... .. .30?McClintock.Man.24EMclurt, 8.C.. .. . 23McMictael.Sask .281McMullin Crossing,

N.S..........51McMurphy, LC.. 2]McNameq N.8... 6l


McNsill, P.E.1."., 75McNeil Sds., P-Q..78McNeish. N.B. .. 3lMcPher$on, N.B- 55McWattors, P.q.

73. r75M.C.R. Crcseinq.

Mich.... ...215McVittiar,OnL.- 135

OMeacharn, Sark. .270M6ad,Sask,..,.. 22Moadow Broolg

N,8.......27,28Meadowside,0nt. I 9Meadowville, il.S.49

@Mesford, OnL170, lZe t98

OM6a0her, N.S.., . 53Moanook, Alte...292l*earns,Alta. ]lOJl2

OM€chrnic FdgMo.. .. . .... - 96

Medard, Men.*.248Medicine Hat &t,

Alta.. ...236, l0lModicine LodgA

Attr. .. . .... . 23Medora,Ont.,...lll

OMedstead, S rsk.279. ZSr ?59

Moductic, N.8... i5OMadwry, N.S.... 5lOMeeting C,rc6h

A|tr........-296M6qiscane, P.Q...78Mshrn,Sark.263, ?67Msharry, Man...85

@Motf6rt, Sask246255,26] 281

Mclroso,N.B. -.. 70Molruds, Minn.-.82

OMelville,P.E.l... 73(t,Motyilto, Srrk.

t , 21, ?59, 267Momphis. Tonn..320Momramcook, N.B.' 2i.28Msnisino, Man.-.218Monnon.Sastc...257Mantmoro, Men.2aJMenzio, Man....266

OMoota,Sa$k. . ...n7Morashoen, Nfld...4lMarctr'3 5161*,

NRd...........37@Mercoal, Atta....l02

Merid, Sask......23,6Meriden, Conn.

rz lrl@Morigomish, NS. 4l

Msrrvate, Ont....l4lMerle, Man......240

@Merritton, Ontl2?. 208

Mershon, Mich...2l4OMsrvin, Sask .-. . .nl@Msskanaw, Saalc 2? I

Mossiter,3.C.... 23OMotabstchouan,

P.Q..........84Motchosin, 8.C..104Methley, Man. ..254Math\€n JcL,

Man......,..2f2eMotis Beach,

P.Q. . . ...?6.?3AMiami, Fla.. ... .l2C

6Miami, Man.... .258@Mrchichi, AIta..-.216

Middle Arm, Ntld.d IMiddlebro, Man-.230Middle Creok,

Alta. ... .. ...nlMiddlemiss, OnL.207Middtemrl, OnL.E3Middlo Sackvilla,

N.8.. . ...... ?0@Middroscx, Vt....ll3OMiddlBton, Mich.2llOMidCl€ton, N.S..1.52

Middloton Jct- -N.S_.... .... :?

Middtewood, N.S. 5lMidgrll, P.Ll. . . 7l

@Midsic, N.B. . . .. 70@Midland, Ont, (c)

148. t70. l98Midland Cr3s..

N.8..........61Miette,Alta.....23Miouick,P.Q.... 84'

6M ikado, Sask-, . .235OMildmay, OnL... 185

Mildred, Sask."..279OMilford, N.S...27,2&OMilieu,P.Q...... ?&

Miltbridge.OnL.. l56r6Millbrook. Ont.-.145

Mill Erook Cno-N.S.......27,28

@Morrica, Mich.120, l2l

OMorrin, A1ta.....296OMorris, Man,... .258Olvlorrisburq. Ont (c)

t20, t8Morrisdalo, N.8,. 55Morrison, P.Q..,, 94Morrisonc, N.S... 43Morse,P.Q......96Mosborough, Ont.l78Mose Ambross,

Nftd...........41Mosoley, SaEk....28l

OMossbank, Sask,.274Mossmen, N.S.,. 5ZMoulinette, Ont.

ln. tztMoulton, Ont..,,205

OMounlain Park,AIta....... . .3g|

Mountainside, Man.228

@Mount Albert, Ont.t35

€lMuskokr wherf,Onl(er).. . . . . 170

OM usquddoboit, N.S.53@Musquodoboit

Hbr., N.S..... 53Myra, Man....., 2l

@M yrtlo, Men.. ...258

t*"ilHl'..'.ti11:. x€lNorth Sydney, N.S.

(o)... .36A, 41, 45ONorth Wiltshirc,

P.E-t. ..... ... 70@Northwood, OnL,,O

ONorton, N.8.27,28,2iA

ClNorton, Vt. .. . -. 96Norval,Ont. ..,.178Norwatk, Conn... ll3

ONorway, Me., . -. 96Norway 8ay.P.Q..l9Norway Puint,

Ont..... -... l5SNorwaySdg., N.S.46

ONonwich, Conn...ll66ruorurich, Ont l95,lg7

Norwich Jct,,Ontl95ONotre Damo.N.B.S$

Notrs Damo duLac,PQ......30

ONotro Dame deLourdes, Man..264

@Notre DamoJct.,Nfld. . . .,...36, 40

Nottawe,Ont.,..lRONouvelle,P.Q.... 32

NourclleWesl(Ousst) P.Q..,. 32

6Nevrr,Ont...,..l70Novra, Man. ....?46Noyan,P.Q..I....lllNunica, Micli... .210

ONut Mountain.s.3k. . . . . . . . . .268

Oak Bay, P.O. 32Oak Bluff, Man..2M

@akburn, Man.. .266Oakfield, N.S. .27, 28Oak Glen, lll. l?0, | 23Oakland, Man...25J

@akner,Man.... 21Oak Point, Man..229Oak Point, N.8.. 55

@akville,Man. . .fl5@akville, ont

r20, t23,t?9Oakwood Blvd.,

Mich.........211Oatland, Ont,.,.. ?0

O)Oba, OnL 20,?9A,l.37Oban,Sack., .?2,?16Obed,Alta......23Oberlin, A1ta,....299Occasional Hr.,

Nfld...........41@cern Falls. B.C.- *. . . ..3t5, 316

Oceari Pond .Nfld. 16C')Ochre River, Man.- 235.246.254

Octopus, Ont, .. .138O'Day, Man...,.243Odenback,Ont..."l9Oderin, Nfld......41

@dessa,Sask.. .. .240Odhill, Man. . -. .245O'Donnell, N.8., 6lOsahella, Ont.,, . lIlOsaki,Ont. . .... nOsd6n, Utah.. .. .320Osdsn Poin t

Dock, 8.C.....317Ogdsnsburg, N.Y.

(Ferry). . .120, 123Ogilvie,Man.....2f5Oke, Alta.. ......T2O'Keofe,8.C.. ..306Okla, Sask.. ,....268Oklahoma City,

ok|a..........320Ola, Mich. .... ..2llOlcott, Ont. .. .. .230Old Orchard Beach,

M6.. .. ... ....' 96Old Port au Chois,

NRd.......-..41€O'Lsary, P.E.|... 75

Olivo,Ont.......2nOliver, Alta.. .. ..241Olivers, lnd.l20, l2]

@Olivet, Mich.l20, l2lOmaha, Nsb.. "..320Ombabika. Ont... 20

60momeo,Ont.,.,145Omer, Mich. ....2 4Onah, Man. .240,?56Onakawana, Ont.176Onaoino, Ont.... 20Onondaoa, Ont...203

@noway, Alta,., .298Opal, Alta. ... ...313

@naotika,Otgt 17gl

Opsmisha,Ont. . . I77Opsnshaw,Sask, .27n

Mount Atbion,P.E.r...,.... R

OMount Erydoes,ont......t?7,lZB

OMount Clamonr,Mich... . .... .2l|6

OMount Fotost,Ont,.........188

Mount Grccnwood,ilr.......120, 123

Mount Hcrbort,P.E.r........ R

Mount Lshman,8.C.. .. .. . .., 24

Mount Oliwt,Mich.........216

Mor.rnt Flobrcn,8.C.. .. . 9

OMount Royal, P.Q.t9.94, t09, t09A

OMt. Stowart Jct.,P.E.1......71,74

Mount Vernon,onL.........195

Mowat, Ont. . ., . l15Mud Riwr, Ont.. 20

OMuenster Sask...235Muir, Man. .?35,?46

OMuir, Mich... ...210@Mulgrrvo, N.S.., 43

Mullingar, Sask. .288Mulvihill, Man.. .229Mumlord,Ont.. .155

OMundaro, Alta...24l@Munith, Mich... .215

Munk, Man.....ld$Munns Boed,

P.E.t........7?Munroe, Man.,. .tlg

OMunson, Alta... .236Munson JcL, Atta.

236,296Muriol.Alta.....29lMurray, N.8.... 55Murray, N.S.,.., 4l

eMurray Bay, P,Q.and Qusb€c-Montroal(c) lZ 9l

OMurrey Harbor,P.E.|......... 73

Murray Hill, Man.265

Page 79: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Parc Otterburn,P.O.---...-,.. s6

6Parcnt, P.O. .78, 175@Paris, ont. ,.lr!|^i

OParir Jct., Ont. . .201gParisville, P.Q.... 26

Park, N.B.. .... . 6lPark Beach, OnL.l35

6Parkdale,Ont. I 70, I 78Parkdale, N.S,..491Parkar, N.8..... 6lParkerview, Sa!k.266

OParkhcad. Ont.

6Parkhiil, onLlll l?6OParkman, Sask...272

Parkmount, Man.265OPerkstdo, Sask. . .247

Parkway, Ont....190Parm{ch6cno.OnL 138

OParrrbo?o. N.S-I.29AParry.Sask....l,274

OParry Sound, Ont. (o)l, t35,140,170

Parton'sPond,Nfld4 IParson's Siding.

Nnd.. .. . -.. . . .3SParthia, Ont.79.170APasadona, NRd ..36A

@Pascalis, P.O.... . 78Pascopoe, OnL. . . 20P$kr,Ont...... n

OPaspebiac, P.Q.(o).12Passcksag, N.8.27,28Pass lgrand, Nfld..4lPast Lako, OnL" . lJ8Pars Lako Road.

Ont........138APasweoin,Sask. .215Paterson, Man,..248

OPathlow, Sask. . .281Patricaa Bay JcL,

8.C... .......304Patrick's Brook,

NRd.......-.364Pattee,Sask. . ., .274Pattorson, N.8... 25Paulson, Man.

?35,246.254Pavilion. Mich.'t?0.

t?3,?t7Paynss,Ont. ...207

OPaynton, Saak....24lPayuk. Man.....267Peace River, Alta.3llPoachland,8.C...106

OPoakos, P.E.1.... 74Poarl,Ont. ll8, l38APearl Lake,P.Q.. S{Poary, Minn. ....232Peavoy, Alta....E2P6dloy. Alta. .... 23Pesbles, Sa.kJ40284

OPo€rs, Alta. . ,... 23C)Poesrns,Sask...?46@Pofferlaw, Ont. .. 135

Peflers, Ont.....,183Pelican, Ont. . .. . ll

OPelletier,P.Q. ,. . 58@Polly. Sask. . ... .269CnPembroke. Ont.- (c). . .:.. . 19, 143

Pernbroke Jct.,OnL l9Peneouani, Ont... 20

OPonetano, Ont. (c)td8, 170, l7l

Penhall. Ont. . .. . li7Ponhurst, Ont... . 20Penniac, N.B. .. . 6l

OPsnny, A.C,. . .. .2?5OPcnoblquis N.B*27,28OPonticton, B.C.(c)

OP6rcs,P.Q.. l??:SPorch,Ont.......l78

@Parcy, N.H.. .,. . 96Porkinsfiatd, OnL. l7lPerow, 8.C. . ..,.n5

OPorrinton, Mich..2l3OP€rry, Mich.120, lZl

Perrytown, Ont. ,145Perryvalo, Altr-. .292Porth,P.Ll.....7rlPerth,Ont.....+l1lPorth Road. Ont-.

p"rttuir, ourlll'.l3lPatain,N.S....., jl

@Peterbell,Ont.... ![OPoterboro, Ont.(c) -

r20, r2l, t4t, 145, t47OPotersburg, Ont..l78

Poter6on, Salk. . .270OPetitcodiac, N.B.

2l,78, 65,65Patite Ferme, P.Q.9lPstito Forte, Nfld .4 I

OP6titeRiviore,P.Q,9 |Pstil Motir, P.Q.. 25

€)P6tit Roch€r, N.8.25Potrel, MarL.. .. .256

OPetrolia, OnLr20. r2r, t23,198

Petry, Ont.......231Pewamo, Mich. ..210Phelan, 8.C. . .. .226Phelpston, Ont... I 7lPhiladelphia, Pa. d.

Toronto. . . . 8, 1 29Montreal..l2, ll3Boston .27A, 27B

Philim, Alte. .... 22philliprviile, Ont. I57Philomena. Alta..ll3Phipps, P.Q. .. .. 78Phoenrx, Atta... ,30iPhoonir, Ariz.,. .320Pibroch, Alte....3l0Picardville, Alta..3 l0Pichotte,P.Q....58

ePick6rBl Rivot,Ont..... . ....135

OPickarino. Ont.-- t20. t23@Picton,Ont. (o)

t24, t42, t98@Pictou, N.S.(c) and

H alitax-M ontr6al25

Halifex-8otonand Sorth..27,28HalifarSydnoy 43N6r'r Glrroow. 46OxfotdJct....49

tt''.,$:..Tiliil,. o,OPiodmofli, N.S... 43

PislX,PQ.....89@Pierreville, P.Q... 90OPiqeon, Mich. ...212

Pikwitonei, Man. 248Pilley'r lrland,

N8d..........,4tOPincknoy, Mich..2l5

Pi nconninq, M ich.2l4Pine Beach, P,Q..t09

OPine Fatlr, Man..265Pinohu6i, N.S.. . 52Pino Lako, P.Q... 94Pinoland Timbor

Co..Ont......20Pino Oichard,Ont.l35

@Pine River, Man..?46@Pin6wood, Ont. . .210OPinry, Man......258

Pinslo,Alta......3l3Pinkerton, Ont,.. I 85

@Pinkham,Sask.. .236Pipun, Man. ....2AgPirate Harbor,N.S.43Pisqurd,P.E-1..,74Pitlochiie, l,lta.. .313 .Pitman, LC.... .n6Pitquah, 8.C......24Pitt, Minn.......2nPiusville, P.El.. . 75

OPlacentia, Nfld....38Placentia Jct.,

NRd.. .... . .36,38Plaoo Leval, Ou€.- 94,109. l09APlanet,Ont......230

OPlastsr Rock, N.B. 58OPlato, Sask. -. . . .278

Pleasant Lako,N.S.5lPlsesant Point,

Man.........240t'*fili.l'1.':. .r, ,

PleasantRiwr,N.S.52OPlessisville, P.O. . 98OPtumas, t/tan....235

Ptumw6oop, *1Fr,,r,

Poe, Alta... ..... 22Poilu, Ont.. .. ... 20Pointe I la Croix,

P.Q.... ..... . 3?Pointe a la Gardo.

P.O..........32Point au Gaul,Nfld4lPointe au Pero,P.Q.lg

OPoints au Pic(Murny 8ay)P.Q.(c).. ..... 9l

Pte. aux Francair,P.Q...........84

OPoints aux Trsmb-les, P.O... .. . . 89

Pointe Bleuo, P.Q.85@Pointe Clairs, P.Q.

r04, t05,120PL du Chone, N.B.

27,28. 63Point Enragoe,

NRd...........41Pte. Levis, P.Q,.. 26

@Point Tupprr, N.S.41,48, 49A

Poisson,P.Q,....78Pokemoucha Jct-.

N.B. .. ...... '57Pokeshaw. N.8... 57Pokiok, N.B. . .. . 55Pollott Rivcr. N 8.65Pollockville, Alta.30lPolly Lako, OnLlSSAPolwarth, Sask...279Pomeroy, Mich.. ,217Pompei, Mich....2l3

OPornquet, N.S,... 43OPontiac. Mich.

?t0,2n,2t2,215Pontiac, P.O..... l9Ponton, Man. . .249Pool's Cove, NRd. .41Pope, Man. . . ... 2lPopkum, B.C. ... 24Pgplarfield, Man.727Pbrcupine, Ont,l70A

@orcuoine Plain.saik. .. .255,263

Porlock,Ont.....l35Porquis, ont....l70APortage,P.E.l..,75

OPortaoo du Fort.P.O.. .. .. .. .. 19

Portade Jct., tvlan258Portago Jcl., N.8.27

OPortaqo la Prairie.Man. d. Montrsel.Toronlo-Winni.peo-Vancouvcr 2lWinnipog- CalgarY


Portal Heights, P.Q.89, .t09, t09A

PortAlfred, P.O.+81Port Anson, Nfld..4l

@Port Arthur, OnL (o)t, 13& r38A,

230,23t, ?32OPort aux Basques.

NRd.(c)36A,41,45OtPort Blandford,

Nfld. . .. .... .. .36Port Bolstor, Ont. 135Port Carlino, Ont 170

@Port Clyde, N.S.. 5l@Port Colborne, Ont,

(c) 129A,203, 208@Port Credil. Ont (o)

oPort Dalhous,., 129

Ont.. ..... 198,208OPort Daniol, P.Q. 32OPort Dovor, Ont,

(c).......198,206Port Edward, 8.C226

@Port Elsin, N.8.. 70OPort Elsin, Ont. .185

Porter, N.S.. .... 5lPorter,Sask. .,.,?76

OPort Hastings, N.S.48OPort Hawkesbury,

N.S. (o).. ..... 48OPort Hill, P.E.l. . 75OPort Hood, N.S.. 48OPort Hopo.Qnt. (c)

r20, r23. I 45, r 5tOPort Huron, Mich.,

t20. t23,2t6OPortland, Ms., and

Halifax-St. John27,28, 63A. Montrsal...... 96

Queboc... ...98Portland. Ont... . l4lPortland,Ore320.32 I

OPort Mann, tr"O,r,,

Port Mcllon, B.C.3l7Port Moody, B.C.ll7

OPort Mouton, N.S.5lOPorineuf , P.Q..78,86

Port Parrv. Ont.

PortPic, t"l1?:'!8@Port Rexton, Nfld 39

Porl Boxton BallastPit, NRd. .-. ...39

OPort 8owan, Ont.206Port Saunders,

Nnd. . . . . . . . . . .41PorlSaxon, N.S.. 5lPort Stanley, Ont.

(o)..........204OPort Union, Ont.

Postirl, B.c..lT.'.lAPotter, Ont....l70APottarcburo, Ont. 178

Pottcrvillc. Mich.pou." crr*.|#C.l?i

OPowassen,Ont...l70Powell, Man.....246

OPowell Rivcr. Wost-

o""J)''"I'rf,;9:f::18OPrairio RiwrSask246

PrairioSidino, OnL -

Pratt, Man. .1.1?.'.LlErrocieux Sang,p.e.Qe

6tPro6covi116, Sask..268Pr6mont,P.Q....86Pr6ntiss.Alta.---lm

OProscot[,Ont.(c). ---

- t?0,123PrBsquo, t{fld..,..41Press, P.O-. .. .. . 7g

OProston, Ont. (c)

Prostviuo, ^,,111'!?8Prevo. Alta. .... .303

Prico, N.8....... 6dPriostty, 8.C.....225

@Prince,Sesk. ....281OPrinco Albert, Sask.'

(o, 246,247,262,

sPrinco n3ff?3:67_ .(o)..........2?5

Or,rinco Ruoart. B.C.+..1.726,3i5,3t6

Prince's Lodoo. N.S.

O)Princoton, Nfld?I'qB@Ptincet6n,OnL -

oprincevirro, p.l6?'. I

6iPrinham, Salk. .

p,irr.t ca'fJii!3Prttc6611't 500.,

Nnd.. ...-...16Proberl N.S...27.29Prongua, Sask.. . .t//rrospector,M an..267

FlSiii#li'.:?3:' 86

2t^.27B., ll3@Prud'homme. Sask,

Puutic t-anainq, 235

N.B. .. ...... 55gPubnico, N.S.... 5lOPugwash, N.S.... 49OPugwash JcL, N.S.49

Putten, Ont.79, l70AOPunnichy, Sask.. . 22

Pushthrough, Nfld.4lPye's M ill, Nnd. . .39Pym, Sask.. .... .ZXPynn's Brook, Nfld.

36APyramid,8.C.... 23Quadra, Man. 2lQuarries, N.8... . 55Quarry, Nfld.....36AQuarryville, N.B..6lQuartz, OnL ....135Quays,Ont......l45

@uabsc, P.Q. + andNaw York-Bmton-Washington. I ?, l4Halifex-Montreal

26Levis.... .,..28AEdmundston-Moncton.. ... 58Val d'Or-NorandaCochrano. .78, I 75Chrcoutimi. . . 84Joliatts-Montreal

sorer. . . i. . . . . 88Murrey 8ay.. 9lRichmon$Port-land.. ......96,98Montrsel (PoolS6rvica3i..... 99

Queongland, N.S.. 5lQueenstown, N.B. 55Queon Streat, N.B.SlOuotico,Ont.....23O

@uibell, Ont..... 2l. Ouick, B.C. .... .225Quigley Alta. ...3ll

@uillLako Sask..235OOuinton, Sesk.... ?2

Quirpon, Nfld.....4lQuisibig, N.8..56,5gQuisprmsir, *.7i,

r,Quorn, Ont.,... .2J1

@Sabblt l-eke'Sask.........288

Rackham, Man...266Badiant,OnL.... l9

Boward,Sask... .283@Rexion, N.B. 31, 198ORsynaud,Sask., .281@Rhcin,Sask.. . ,..26

Rhody's Pond,NRd.. . . . . .....18

ORibstonor All^.,, ?2

ORicoion,Sark....?73Richan,Ont. ... , 2l

O Richard. Sask .247,?88Richards N.8... 25Richdalo, Alta. . .236Richclieu,P.Q...lS

ORichford,Vt.....l15@Richibucto, N.8.. 3lORichlea, Sesk . ., .2nORichmond, Mich.

2t5.216ORichmond, Ont.. . l4lORichmond, P.El. 75ORichmond,P.O.

(o1.....90.96,986Richmond,Vt....l13ORichmond Hill.OnL

nicn*ooc, ont. . .l8iRideau, Ont. 120. l2lRideau Lakes,OnL

See Chaffot'sLockr d. Portland

Eld6r, 8.C...... .rrAOBrdg€dato, ;ask. ,2g I

Rrdge Road. N.S- 52O Rid0ov il lo, M an.. 2-58ORidosway,OnL. .203

Ridrng Mountain.Man.. . . .....'246

Hrdpath, Sask.. ..2J6xrlle Rangos,Ont. l9Hignold, Man... .235Hrgoiot, NRd......41

ORimouski,p.e. (o).26Ftrnfret, p.O..,...948ioux, P.O. ..... 26

ORiplay,Ont...... tR6

F:[ii::&,""::::BiRitchic Lake, N.8. -

oRiv67 gqr6. ft37-' ?8

_. Que. . ... t20:123f-trvor B6nd, Alla.Z4lHrver Band,P.e.g{A

OHivor D€nys, N.S.43OHrvor Gtads, *

!r,. r,F{tvorhead, NRd.. 3Z

6Riverhurst,Sask..2T IOHrvorJohn, N.S.. d9oFiISlfnlllil'$8. 56

oRiv6rs, "*...:l'.i?OHrvorsdalo, N.S..'43fitv6rsto(, N.8,. . 64Hrversrde, Nfld....39Rivorton, N.S.-. _ 47Rivsrton, VL.. .li1River Valtoy,Ont_ i-a

6Bivrerea Pierro,P.Q..... . ..04.86

ORiviorB Eoaudette. -

_ P.Q. . ...t20,t23OHiviorc 8louc, p,O,58

Rivior€ doe Prairies,_ P.Q. . . .. ... .. 89

OHivi6re du LouD,P.O.(c).26,29A

"' "i".o'.?:.'.']TT, zt@Riviere Ouotte.P.O.26

Robb, Attr. .....102lobbins,Ont... .205Robert'sArm, Nfld.4lRobertson, P.E.l. 74

ORobsrval, P.O,.,. 85Robford,Ont. .., l3BRobinhood, Sask,

279.288BobinEon,N.B... 56Robinson,Ont... 20Robinson, Atta...298

ORobinson's, Nfld.36A6Boblin, Man... . .235r"*nF:6:::11.. *6Rochaster, Atta. . 292ORochest€r, Mich..2lS

Rochestor, Minn..f26@""T,iTl.?l'lll:.zssORockinOham, N.$.

,,Flock lsland, lll.,120Rock Lake, Ont.. l4lRockway, P.Q... 94

6Rockwood, Ont... l786Bockyford, Alla..2y

Rocky Hr., NRd..4lPlscky lnlet,Ont.230

o"*I'ijY.li.i:::fu3Rocky Point, B.C.*

Boddick.Sask... .26?Roddickton, NRd..4l

Bossr Bcach,P.Q.l09Roogra. N.S... -. . 49

ORosenville, N.8.. 25ORorrnd, uan...,258

Romr, Alta..... .3ll@Romco, Mich.. . ,215

Roncott,Sark.. . ,274ORmsevelt, Minn..230

Root Lrkr, Man..267Roots', Mictt,. ...215

ORorkoton, Man...254OFlosaire,P.Q.. ... 58ORosalind, Alta... .294

Rosborouoh, N.B. 55Roscoo,Sask.. . . .246

ORosebank, Man. .258Rose Blanche.

Nfld.(c)........41ORosebud, Alta. . .236t**ot't'o'tliu.an7

Rosodalo,8.C.... 24ORoseiCe,Man.. . ,?64

Rose Lake,8.C..225Rose Lynn, Alt&.301Rosoneath,P,Ll. 74

ORosetown,Sask. .236Roscvsar,Alta... 23Rosoway,N.S,...5lRosncl,Ont...... 20Ross. N.B. .... . . 6l

ORossburn, Man...266Ro$burn Jct., Man.

- 246,?6Ros8oau,Ont. . . . 170BossoauRoad,OnLl35

ORosssndale, Man,240Ross Jc|,3ask...26,6Rossmoro,Ont. ..230

ORorthorn,Sask. . .?62ORothesay, N.8..27,28

Rousemont, P.Q..108ORoundhill, Alta...J0

Rounthwaito, Man. ,

(DRourosPoint. N.Y.

n*.ru"r, p.ol.1'.188

Routhisrvillo, P.Q.25(D Flouvn-Noranda

o"':'tPtotf;'zrRowatt,sack. ...2RRowletta, Sa"sk, . .271

ORowlty, Alta-,., .296Roxana,Alte. . , .lllRoxboro, Quo. ,94,

109 l09AORoxbury,Vt.....lll

""b"i,T:llifl:. 'zo@Royaloak,

Y,,.il.r,,Royal Park, atta.24lRoyalton, Vt.....113

@Royalty Jct., P.-Q. 1..

Ruby.onl....{Yiiinudell.Sa:k. , . . .240Ruel, Ont, . .... . 20Rustto, PQ. .....80Ruf{ord, Man.. , .24lRuissaauClair,P.Q,gJRuisseau du Moulin,

P.Q...,....... 25

"''ffd.:].".'.'.'.-:. r,@Rumsey, Alta... .296@Runnymede,Sask 135

RushyPond, Nfld.36A6Busse t1,Man246.266

Russcll.N.B. . . 25Rutan,Sa*k.. ..2m

ORuthilda,Sesk.. .290Ruthven,Ont.... l9BRutland, 8.C... .306Rutltnd. Vt. . ... llRycroft, Alta....3l0Ryerson,Sask,.. .271Ryland.Ont. ....ln

6Ftyloy, A|ta...22, 300Bymal,Ont..... .206

Sablnc, Alta..?99Sable River, N.S 5l

OSackville, N.B.tc) 4Halifax-Montr6al

Halifax-Saint ?5

John and South27, ?8,8A

P.Llsland...70Sacramonto, Cal..320

OSrcr€Cosur, P.O...26OSasinew, Micltii,r,O

OSa0uonay Power,P.Q... ..82,84

C$t.Adot&ido, p.e. 32@SLAddphe,P.O. 78


ORadisson,Sask.. .28@Radville, Sask-1272,

OBadvvay, Alta....29lRaheb, Alta. . .. .310Rainbow, B.C.23,ns

ORainy River. Ont.+..... ......2n

Raith, Ont......2llRak, Sask. . .... .281Raleioh, Nnd. ....41Ralston, Man..,,240

ORama,Sask.. ....?35Ran€a, NRd. (c) . 4lRamore, Ont.. .. I 70ARandell, OnL. ...174Randall Beach.

Mich... . . .'...212ORandotph, Vt....ll36Ranfurly, Alta...24l

Rang Casimir, P.Q.

Rang Nord, P.O..'856Ranior, Minn. -..232

Rantem, Nfld,....16Flantem "Y",Nfld.16Raphoo,Ont..... 20

ORapid6 8lanc, P.Q.78Rapid City, Man.243Rathburn, Ont.. . li5Batho, Ont. . . .. ,h3Rattlinq Brook.

NRd.. . ..... .. .41RaughValloy, B. C.225Ravonsworth,OnLl40

ORawdon. P.O. .. . 89Rawdon Jct., P.O.89Rawebb, Man.. . .248

oBay, Minn. ..., .?32Rayleish 8.C.... 2l

ORaymoro Sask.,, 22Raaboro, Ont . . . I 45Bealm,8.C..-...306Rearguard, B.C. .225Roba, Ont.... .. .ZllRed Bank, N.8.. 6lBed Bay, Nnd. ...41Redberry, Sask.. . 247Red Cliff, Nftd..36A

ORed Dosr.Alta.{c)11't1Red DeerHill-' '---

Sask. . . .. .'. ..270Red DeorJct.. Alta-

@Beclditt, Ont. ...T?Rod lsland, Nfld...4i

ORed Lak. Road.Ont.. .......21

Redland, Alta.. . .236Redmond, Ont... 20

OBed Pass JcL. -

8.c..... .'.23.URod Phsasant.Sask

Red Pine, *.; - zrq

Rod Point, Nfld.. 4iO Red Rock. Ont. . . t?,n

Red Bock Boad. --Ont . .-... ilBA

Radsand, 8.C...'. 23ORedwator, Alta,..29lORed Witlow, Atta.Z96

Fteesor,Ont.79, l70AR66vE, Man.. -. .2f5Rsford. Sask..,. . 22

ORogrna, Sask. (c) andWinnipeg-Edmonton. . ..240Princs Atbsrt.262Mslville-The Pas-Ftin Fton.259,267Dunblane... .271Northgatc....2RWitlowbunch. .274Main Contro..275

Raid, N.S.. .... . 5lReids, Man......242Femo, 8.C. .....A6Rsncontro East,


"',ilffi.'llY."ll..rrRsn6, P.Q. .. .... 78Renforth, N.8.27, 28

@Renfrew,Ont. (c) l4lRonfrew JcL, Ont. l4JReno, Alta.. . ... .3ll

ORanous, N.8.... . 6lRenton,Ont. ... .206Renwor, Man....246

OReserve, Sask.- 255,263,267

Page 80: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

t''lH* 9.'1":..:zo

oSalt Springs, n2_9: e,

Salvedor,Sask. . . U3Salvuq 8.C.. ....226Sanatorium, Man.2&Sandor6n.Sask.

** o'*"."3,t1:tt13Sandirandr, Man..230Sandrrdge, Man,.227Sandwith, Sask.. ,289Sandv Cova. ldS.

27. ?8Sandy lslands, Nfld.4 t

6Sanoy Lake, Man2666Santord, Man,...264

Sanlord, P.Q..... 84

T.n t'"**j#l?,

O'Sarlgud o, Ai ta,. :-. 298Osanmaur, P.ol....-78

Sapawa, Onl... lleOqaranec,^M ich... . 2 | OOsarorr, (JnL {.

r20J23, t78ootir.:::i53Srsrcnoa. B.C. .. .304

Osatkltoon,Srrlc (c)4M on trerl-TorontoWinnrpo{pVan-couwr. -..,.1,?2Chicroo. .., . .'. gWinnr ooglPrincoRuscrl... .,..nsW'tnnipcq-Calsaty. .235,2J6Wrnaioeqr-ReOina-Edmonton 240,241Princc Atbart

262,?70Carltofi. . . . . .257M alfort-Canora-'Kamsack.,...26lTichfield-Eston

Carrot Ai"or..fi?North Batti€ford-SL WNJburg

S-ar.rcier. r.a .?.!:.2r1Seull eu Cochon.

P.O... ... . . -'. et rSault es Rmll.t-


- P.Q........-: Jesalllsaur, Alta...il0Osauit St6. Maria-

_OnL (ar. ?iA', lj7@_Saunders, Alta. . . l0_]

Saurin.Ont--_ - _ t7l6Savani Laks, Ont..20

savofl, Ont. . . . - - l7lSavofl West. Ont. 177

QSavonr, 8.C.. ... 2i_savory, B-C, , .. .?6

€Sayab€c, P.O. .., 25Sayro, Pa_.... ..- nScanterbury,M en-265ScaD!, Alta-. ....299ScartoroBaa- h.Ma?A

GrScarbor.o, Ont.-120. t23,145

G:Scatth, Mln.240,?64Sccntgrr5s. gask..289Schooeter,Ont... l48Schist Lake,Man.267lichnu€s Grcsin0,

N.S....-,....5tA@Sc"holcreft. Mich.'

s"r,m."r,.r. Hil2lsurtcr, nt-.. ..l.f4tScoilild,Alta. ...296Scotchtort P.El- 7lScotch Soturrnent-' '

N.8. . .. ... -. '68Scotfietd. Atta..--236scolford. Atta....24l

€\Scotia, Ont. . l40, I i0Oscotsbum, N.S..-. 49€Scott"Sesk. ..... 22

Scotts, Mich.l20, 123ScottsbuOh,Sask.2T{

OScoudouc, N.8... 63Scragq Lakc, N.S.5?Soaforth. N.S. .. 5l

OSoatorth, Oot. . . 1 78Seagrem, Ont-.. . l9Scal Cove, Nnd.36,4l

'"ii,?.:]l:ilt *Ssarh.Man--..240Sc:ton, 8.C... ..226

OSarttlc, wastt.t.24.t?0,121

SEbr 8€ich. Attr. 22OSabnnOvitb, OnL. 178


Second Mile, NtU.lg Simar, Minn.. ...|32t"??11:,

3',P. : :i1i 38 osimcob, ont- f;),.r.,Se.tion22. Nfld...16 SimmeJct.,OnL.206

OSedalia, Alta... . 290 Simonhouse, Man 267Saddell, 8.C. . ... ei Simpson's, Ont...l43

l"Bl8ill.3lI: .Jr Siftiiglili,:a:e:#nodloy, lnd.. 120, lB Singelake, Ont... . 20SooloyE, Ont. ,...157 Sinkut. B.C-.- -- -?25

3ffin",f,r3.'o;i:,!A 3im Plir; !t::l?flSeiUert,Ont......2J0 O.Sioux Lookbut. O;t:-

"3:il:,lftFa9'.:: ?1 sipiwesJl (f;"z.t.'.HASetkirk,p.E l.... 7l Sirois,p.e.......-79Sellan, P.Q.. . .. . 32 Sisson, N-B . . . 58

OSemans, Sask . .. . 22 9Sixteen lsland,P0.94Seminary, P.Q-.. 9l Sixty-Fifth Sidind,Semplc,Man....,265 Nfld...........16Senator,Saek...,246 Skagway, Alaska.3l5

CrlSenneterre,P.O. Skaad.Ont.-.--. lS78, 80, 86,175 Skeoni. a.c. . . . .nA

Soneca,6n1......e03 Skeena-Cso.. B.C.nESorvico,Sask.....272 Skoonka. 6.b...--tiSosekinika,Ont.lT0A Statsrocti.Ont--. 7dSeven Mils Pool, Slave Latis. Alte_.ltO

Nfld..........164 OSioemans,Ont....2ldSovern,Ont,....,l70 Smalos,S'ask..,..240Severn Rivor, Ont. @Smiley, Sask., .. .2S0

Sea Washaoo 4 Smith. Alte... . - -1ln- Hydro Glen...lJ5 Smith'Crosslno. N-.bllievick,Man. , , ,.246 -' (lSewell. 8.C.....,317 6$mitheru. B.C.Sexsmith, Alta...3l0 ?25,?26Shabaoua. Ont. . .230 S mithfiold. On t.Shaftsburo, Mich. 120, 123

120. l2l OSmith'r Crsek- Mich.shag Herbor. N.S^ 51 7tA

6Snaxerooaro,'Ont. l7A Osmithr Frllr. OnL-' 'ShallowLake,Ont.lB2 (o)..........141Sham6,8.C.....226 Smokoy, Nfld.....4lshamokan,Ont..177 SmokinoTent,Sagk.Shannonvills, Ont. '- ?46

120. l2l OSmokv Lako, AltailglShanty Bay, Ont. I m OSmooth Rock, Ont.' 'Sharon, Vt.. . ,. . I ll 79, I 704Shaw, Alta. , , .. .lO2 s mutt,rtuk. . .. ,281Shaw, Minn. . ...212 qnarino, Alta..,. 23Shawbridoe. P.O.. ad Snip0 Lak6,Sask.278

Cshawinigan Falls. - ' Snook's Arm,NflC..4i

_ P.Q.rcl86, 91. 198 Snow Valloy,Man.264Shawmsrs,Ont..'. 20 SnugHarbour,Nfld4lShawnigan Beach, Sockoyo, B.C. . ..n6_. 8.C.... .. , .. .304 Solomon, Alta.... 2lShebandolvan. Ont. GSomenct. Man.

oshediac, N.8... . .?9 6fommo, ;-.??ti38jSh06rnoss,Aita...lOl $opors, Nfld.....16ASh8kalqOnt..... 20 Soperton,Ont....l57Shelburne. N.H. . 96 Sop's Arm, Nfld. . .41

O,Sholburns, N.S. (o) 5i @Sorel, P.Q. (o) ,90, 92QSheldon Spgs., Vt. I l5 Sruart, P.O. . . . . .mQSheldonJct.,Vt.,l15 Soucy,P.Q...... 78Oshollbrook, Sask. Soulangos, P.Q.. , 102

sh'ilburn, ".ta.7:.1ifi

83l"iii#Pci,:r; 1?Shettoy, 8.C... ..ZZS OSouris. p-E-l . .7t.7?

OShellLako,Sask..2Tg SourisRivor.Sask.2E@Shellmouth, I'tan.266 OSouthampton, Ont.' -Olhenacadie,N.S.. 4j (c)......:...195

Shepardsville, Mich, 6rsouth Bend, lnd.

shsraton,B.c ..9rq south e,"n"il30'18@Shorbrmko, P.Q. -- Nfld.. .. .. .'...16A(c)..90.96.98 South Brook.NfldlAA

Shers, 8.C.. .....2215 South Brmkhetd.--.-@Shoridan, Mich...2ll N.S..... ...,'_ S?

Shorks,Ont......20l OSouth Coventrv- --@Sherridon, Man..267 Conn. . ...:: .l16or'Sh€rrington, P.Q. 95 Osouth Dsvon. N.B.'-

Sherritt Gordon qq At. Mines, Man. ..261 O8outh Durham.--'-'ihanvood,P.E.l.70,7l P.O.......:.. 96Shovlin, Man,....235 South Elbow SaskZTiShields.Ont, . .. .z)7 Southern Bav.Nnd-ia

Oshi,o, Men 24A,256, Southern Uar'uour.-'ShipCovo.Nnd...4[ Nfld..........:36Ship Harbour, Nfld.4l South Jct.. Man_ -21{'r

OShippigan, N.8... 5Z @South Lyoh,Mich.zT'tihoal Harbout, South Maonatawan-

rnlilh;u";;'JPi,3e r*,ouih;in.m llisnlJL";;;, Nna :i? ssxli

Netson, t!.e.6i

Shonts,Alta..... ?2 Conn.....:..lllShortdale, Man...235 OSouth Paris. Mo..'dA

O.Shubonrcadie. N.S. South Parrv. Ont. '-

osibbard, Artr...1l2g8 sou$, po,."ollll l0Sidmar,Sask.....274 Ont.........i70A

OSif ton, Man,246.?54 iouthoort. P-E,l'-'11Sisar, N.8.....56.58 OSouth Rivbr. N.S- i1Signei, P.Q...,..- 78 O.s'outh River. Onr ti6Silcox, Man... . , . 24[ 6south Rovaiton.-' ' '-t""8lllllfiit,'xo

r*Ynhru;;; i;i:1rlSilvor Ptains,Man258 N.S. .. .27, 28,'51Silvcrton, Man'...266 South Wiltin-oionl -'Silyorwood, Altr.3l0 Conn. ...-... ;ll6

@Stirling,Ont.. . .. 145$tirlins, P.Q..... 78strtt, Man. .. .. .zAE

@Stockbridss, M ich.2 | 59tockPort, Man..25i)Stolberg, Altr....l0lStonafield,P.Q.. l09AStonehaven. N.B C7

' Stoney Credk. N.B.6i@Stoncy Creek,Ont 129OStoney Point, Ont.

oqt'"y B"*h.JfJd9le!!ony ptain, Atta..22

&l&1?T,?J:3lil::?18Stoul, 8.C.. .....'idstrachan, P.O.... 7n

GStratford, Orit. (o )'-ost .tt*,lllbl"8i'2ol

s to tr,u"rn, olnatl I I

?lStrathlorno, N.S.- 4A

cLstrathmore, p.e.. 104Otjtrtthroy, Ont. (c)


*"*t*,,'3!ii:113st.ckrandls l?ali"u.o^.NRd..........:1qsuomncss,Ont". .203urron0,Sask....24Dbruaft6,()nt....... lgI lupfrt, Qnt. . . . 26Druroee,Sask... 266prurqcon 8_ay,OnLl{gnlurooon Rtvor, Ont.........l3BAtiturg€on Rivor_ Crossing, Ont ll8

Osturg i.,Sask.263"?67,

s t y" r, nrtr-. .169'.219gDudbury, Ont. (o)


'.$tfjF6:til?,'ilDummonord, Nfld,lOSumnnrland, 8.C.306O)li{rmmorside.P.e l./c)

25,27,28,5]^"'summsrstown- 70,75:

^ onl..... tZ0, 123'

DummorytttO, Nflrt ?6.Summit. N.B. -'"'l

RestitioucheCo. ttls,H'J?i',b*...'. 5dl

Qaspo Co..... '{21

_ Quobec Co.... [IiItummit, Vt. .... 95i$ummit Club, P.e.B jlsunbury. N.B. .. 6i

@Sunderlend,Ont. - lii

*Bnffili3lt::?*Sunn y 5! ric, N. B,' ' "

_ 27,?8,63,(tDunny 6ra6, N,S. 50^sunny Glon, Sask.28lOpunnynoo*, Alta.30l

5unnysldo.B.C. ??(@Sunnycido,Ont.-


^ 8, t20,t23,1?9Dunslrum ,Ont, . 2lr ut)€rior Jct.. Ont.

iuiHflH{e'4{@Sr.rsponsion Eridoa-' -

oll liiT'.tsfi:. 1:l: r 4lDutonta,p.O.,..7n@Swalwall, Alth....d

swan Cro6k. N.B- qqOSwen Lako.'Man--2AiO6wan Rivei. Man.--'

^ at 246.?6erwtnson, Sask..2Zgqswrnton,Vt. ....lll€)Utvertz Crcck. M ich.

120. t2l!ff iilid8,l'i,iilJ9rtuwoetgre!t,Sask, 277Su.cctsbradoo. g. c_?r)A

@Swift.Minn.-._- tidSwif t Grack, A.C.7iswrftwrtor,8-C- T)<Swordt, Ont. . .. .TiO

Spear Harbour,Nfld.. . .. ....41

CrSpedden, alta.. . .29iSpoddinoton, Sack.'-

o90".",s4.zffi,!!fSpenc6r'6 oovo,

Nfld........-,-rtt@Sponco's Bridqo.

_ 8.C.........,24O*tedino, Man....264

Spirit Rivor, Alta.3l0OSpiritwood, Sask..270

Split Lako, Man,.24gSpokana. Wash.- -12nS oortino'Mountaiil-

N.S.........46ASpottod lslandr, -

Nfld . . . . . . . . . . 4 tOSoraoue. Mrn.*

qo*,0 i.o'u3,iHi238s prr ngbrook, Ont. I 56!pringburn, Alt&,lllSpringdsls, Nflu...41S gringfield, lll,,, .320

OSprin0frcld, N.S.. 52Springfiold, Masr.l2.13,l'4,?7A,2i8, I tlSprinoford, Ont. .lgqSprinshill, Man. .266

OSorinohill Jct.. N.S, -

?7.28,2e^bgnn0hrll. N.S _2qA

Q!ori n9 Lai6,M ich.-Z I 0O}DPnng Vallsv.Sask.

S prinsvrt,e. ll.S. -24.{6S grrngwater, Sasklrjfi(r,lpruco droox,

Nfld.... ....364@Sprucodrle,Ont.. l4O@Spruce Grove, A116 !2€)SDrucs Lake, Sesk.

Soruce Lako ,t*.!81^ Sask. ... ....:ZglItpurfi8ld, Alta. . .310

Ospy Hill, Srsk. . . 2l5quaro lsiand!,

Nfld... ......4tSsueah, LC, ..,. 24Squirreltown, N.S.52!tackpool,Ont... lSStadacona, P.Q... 84

OStaflord^ Conn. .. I l6Stag Haibour,Nfld.ii

@strmford, *i1: f t:

6Slanbridse, P.O.-. I l4Strnhope, P.O;.. 96

@Stanley, N.8..... 6lS tanrnorc, Alta.. . 2J6S tanovan, 8.C. , .3 1 7

OStgr Citv,Sask,

rr.''*.*-u,3!1iii3Starn€t,Mari....?4AState Prison,MichZiOStaunton,OnL... Z0

Ostayn€r,OnLl72, l98Stead, Man.,.. .'.265

"lt# ilTil.lTtiSteslman,Sesk.. .2IJStoen, Sask.255,261Stsopsr, Alta..., .102

Ostoep Rock, Man.229Steop Rock Jct.,_ Man.. .......2Astoovss, N.8..... 66

@.Stellarton, N.S.43,46,47,n

6otonon,Sask.. ., .269Stophenfi6ld, M an.Z64

GSte phonvilioCrossino,Nfld (c) . .. .. .,364qStorco.Alta......lm

OStottbr, Alta.. .. .2966$tcvens,Ont..... 206tStovensville, Ont. 205

Stsveston, B.C, . .l l7Stewartto*n, Ont.lZd

@Stewiacke, N-S.27, 28Still Rivcr.Ont..- lliStillwoll, lird. 120, i21Stimson, OnL. . . . 7E*t'3f,:.?i::::';;

Page 81: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

Tack's Beach,nftd...,......41

Tacoma, Wash.3r8,320

Tadmor,Sask263,267(DTalt, Minn. ,...,?3?

Taooart, OnL. . . . 2 ITako,Sask. ..... ?2Talbot,P.Q......84Talbot Club, P.Q. S4Talcville, NRd. . ..15Trllman, Sask.. ,247t." *n..,a*jtr. z'l

oTalmaqo,sask. . .2R- Tancant, Alta.. . .310Tankvillo N.8... 68' Tannin, Ont. .. . .231Tansley,OnL.. ..174TaoDan,Mich.l20 lzJ

OTara.Ont...,...182Taradalo.Ont.... 20TarnoPol, Sask' ' .281

tt*n.'*urfi.r'd, ,r,Tashota, Ont. . , . 2 0Tassigny, P.Q.. . .80

OTatamaooucho,N.S.. .. ... ... 49-

rirTats.Sask.. ...., Zz- Tatldw. 8.C.....2?5Tatsfield, Sask. . .277

OTavistock, Ont.. .203Tawas City, M ich.2 I 4Tawatinaw. Alta.292Taxis,N.B......58Tavlor Statten,OnLO

OTavnnuth, N.B'. 6lTainrouth Pit, N.8.6lTsitte,Sask...,.275

tt*.*n,o'lbr, ,ZS

OTelkwa, 8,C.. ,..nS

'""'{.Blil.?ill: ziToltaka,Ont.....l77Temasami, o",fi6hTemple, N.8..... 55Tenby, Man.....215Terence, Man.. . .240

OTsrracs,B.C.....??6Torra Cotta.Ont. 174

OTerra Nova, Nfld.35Terro Haute, lnd.320Terrencovillo, Nfld . 4l

OTessier.Sask. ....236Tote Jaune, 8.C..225Thamcs Rivor. OnL,

@rhamesville, P#,r,

6Thodford.Ont. . . l78OTho Pas, Man. (o)235,248,?46,259,267Thsriault, N.8.56,58

OTherien, Alta. .. .291Thibaud€au,Man 248Thibault, N.8.... 56Thickst Portaqc,

Man-. -. .. ..,?48Thomas, P.Q... .. 78ThomOsonvillo, On|,

Thomson, N,S.27, 28oThorbuf n; N.i. 49A

Thorburn Lak6,Nfld...........36

Thorhild, Alta-...313Thorlake,Ont.,.. 20

Orhornbury, 1?l,f iq

OThorndals, OnL llEThornlsa,Ont...lJ)Thornloo.Ont. .170AThornton.Ont-.,174

oThorold. Ont.(c)..208oThrso Hillr, Alta.295

Three Milo Post,Nfld.... .......37

OThroo Rivors, Mast.U

Thrope, N.8..... 6lThundor Croek.

Sask. . . . - . : . .275Thunder Riwr,8.C.23Tiblemont. P.Q.. 78Tichfield, Sask. .278

OTichtleld Jct,Sask.278Tickle Harbour,

Nftd...........36Ticouape, P.Q. .. 85Tidal,Man.....24BTido Head,N.B.25,56Troland, Alta.....3l0

@Tienr5h, P.E.1.70,75OTillsonburg,Ont. (o)

t?2. te5,?06Tilloonburq Jct.,

Ont.....195.206Til|y,P.O.......26Tilnoy, Sask....274Tiltino, Nfld......41Tilton, Nfld,......17Timborlea, N.S... 5lTimberton, rUan.,235Timbrell. P,Q.. . . 78Timmins, OnL (o)

I 704Tingwick, P.Q... 98Tintagel, 8.C....2?5Tiny,Sask.. .....235Tioga,Ont.......l73

OTiona0a, Ont.... . 20tt'*"'u'Eil5ss,ru,

Titus,P.O.......96Tizzard's-H r., Nfld .4 ITobin. P.Q. .... . 26

OTofleld, xlta..D' ?9 4OToso, Sask. . . , . .235

Tolstoi, Man.. ...258Tonrokins. Nnd..36ATondsrn,Ont..... 20Tonkin,Sask....256Topeka, Kan.... .320Toploy,8.C.....2?5Toosail, Nfl t.. . .. 36Torl6a,Alta..... ?2

@Toronto, Ont.{ andWiilnioeo-vancoirv6r... l, 20M ontr6al-London-Chicaoo .120,123New York andSouth.. ....8, l29M ontroal-Bo!ton4

M ontrsal-Dotroit-l?7,1?8

Por t ColborneIEA

Parrv Sound-Sudbury... .. . 135Port Althur-FortWiiliam.. l33, 230Aloonquin Park-Parry Sound..140Ottawa-... .. , l4lPicton. . . .,..l42Peteruoro.l45, l5lMidrand.148,170Hiqhlands ofOntario-Bigwinlnn . 159,170North Bay-Cobalt-Cochrane-Hearst.. l70 l70APenetanq.. ... l7lMeaford... .. . 172Collingwood... lRGeorootowrpAllandale.....l74Stratford.....l78Harrisburg-Gueloh-Palmor-ston-Owan Sound

ts?Tiltsonburg"-.195Pt. Dovor-Pt.RoweDSLThoma!

Port Huron- Zffi

Detroi t... . . . .21 6Port Arthur-Winnioeo.... .230

OTorranco,' Ont...l356Torryburn, N. B.27,28

Tory Hill,Ont. ..155(DTottenham. Ont.. I 74OTotzkB, Sask.?35,270

Touchwood, Sesk. 22Townline , Man...253

OrTracadio, N.8.... 57oTracrdi6, N.S. .,. 43

Tracadie.P.E l... 7 ITrafalsar,8.C... 24T6nquills,B.C,.2{

Hal,fax-SaintJohn and South

OWhitbourne, NnC..36@whitby, onLrl39ins

Whito,Ont.,,... ?l6Whitebear, Sask. .278

White Bsars, Nfld.4lWhite Brook, N.8.56Whitechurch,Ont.186

OWhitocourt, Alta.298Whitafac€, Minn..232Whit6 Hall, Ont..l40Whitelaw, Alta...3llWhito Ottor,Ont..20WhitoPlains,Man.235Whito Point Boach.

N.S..........5tWhit!gool, Sask..290

OWhito River Jct.,vt.... t2, 14, I 13

Whito's Fload,Nfld.......,..364

Whites,P.Q..... 95whitssid6, N.S..484Whrte Ster. Sask.280Whithorn, Man. .267

6Whitney,Ont....l43Whittomo, Sask..28lWhitworth, P Q ]0

@Wiarton, Onl. ... la4Wichita, Kan....320Wigwassan, Ont. . 170Wilberforce, Ont..l55Wildo, Man.. ...248Wild Goose,Ont.

138, l38AOwildwood, Atta.. 23

Wilgar, Ont. .82, 177Wilk$-Barro, Pa, 8,Willbeach, Man..24l|Willet, Ont.. .... 20

Owilliams, Minn.. 2J0Williamsport,Nfld.4l

OWillimantie,Conn. I I 6Wiiliston, Vt....ll3Willmar, Sask....272

OWillowbrook, t.rlUO

OWillow Bunch.Sask.

wirrowcroonnlta.16?Willow Grovo,Ont205Willow Bango, Mrn.

wirforniver.B.C.?l?Wilminoton,-DEl, '--

t2, ll3OWilmot, Mich....2l2

Wilmot, P.E.t.... 7lOWilno, Ont. .... . l4l

Wilson, N.S... ,,. 49OWilsonvala, P.O.

r04, t20,123Wimmor, Sask. . .2J5winasami' otiio,l'rWrndermaroOnL 170Windiats, Mich. .210Windioo, P.Q. . . . 78WiMsor, N.S. *.29A

@Winrtsor, Ont. .l-t20, t23,127,

r28, rs8gwindsor,Vll2,l4,l 13Cr)WindEor Jct., N.S.- 27,28,29A.54@WindsorMills, P.Q.96

Winfield, 8.C... .306@wineham' oi$b,

'utOWinniPeg, Man.*and Montrsal-Toronto-Van-couver..l,2l,l35Chicaqo-Van-oouvar....... 9o.N. R t70APrinco Flupert225Gypsumvillo..229Dsloraine. .. ..228Port Arthur. .230Dauphin-Calgary

Reoina-North?35Battloford-Ed-monton...,.,28Princs Albert.246The Pas-FlinFton..246,259,?67Hodoson.....2?7Beuiah.. .... 243EmsrsonSDraouo'

258Motfort..... .26JVirden...... .264Grand & VictoriaBeaches.. ....265Russ6ll- Yorkton-Parkorvisw.. .266Reoine-North-sat-r. ..... ...2R

OWinnip€gosis, Man_.-

Winnitoba. r"f en..?1Owinona,Ont.....l29

Winooski, Vt I 13, I l6Winsloe, P.E"l. .. 70

OWinter,Sask.....?2Wiro Cacho, B,C. 23

6Wiseton, Sask.. ..278Withrow. A|ta...303witloy,Sask.....278Wivenhoo. Man,.248

Owixom, Mich. ..,215Woito,Ont.. ....143Wokins, Atta....310Wolf Croek, Alta. 23Wolfondon,8,C.. 23Wolf lslands, Nfld.41Woodburn,N.S..4JWoodcock, 8,C...226Woodfibr€,8.C...317Woodford's, NRd. .36

Owood l5land,P.E.l.73Woodlands, Maa.dWoodlawn, Ont. . l9Woodley, Sask.. ,!/f,Woodrnan's Pt..

N.8......:..556Woodnorth, Man.240Owoodridgo, Mrn..2l0

Woodroyd, Man,,227Woodg Harbor,N.S,5lWood Spur, Nfld..39

Owoodstock, N.B.(c)..........55

OWoodstock, Ont. (o)t20, r 23, t96, t97

@Woodville,Ont.. .148Woodworth, N.B. 64Woody lsland,Nfld4lWorcestsr. M asg.

i4,277A,27B,ll3Worcsstor, Sask. .273

OWordsworth,Sask 272Workman, Ont., , l76Wranooll, Alaska.Sl5Wrrght's Gamp, Ont.


Owroxton, Sask..,266Wurtslo,OnL....l76Wyevalo,Ont.,..l7lWytonvilla. Man.

wvr.r, e.q..lf12?8Wynd, Alta.- .... 23

OWyomin0, Ont.120. t21,r23,198

Xena, Sask..22,27

Zarn, Ont.....231OZealandia,Sask..236

Zobra,Ont.......lJ5Zohner, Sask. ,. . .267

Oz6lma,Sark. ..,. 22Zonota,Srsk... .. 2 I

oZsnon Fark, ?iiilSS

Zcphyr, Ont. I 35. I 58Zilwauk6o, Mlch..2l4Zumbro,Sark.... 22


Washington,tvl ich,2l 5Wasing, Ont. .. .. l9

OwaskatBnau,AIta.29lWassewa, Man...228Watconb, Ont.. .231

Owatoroury, Vtl4,tllWatorfall,Ont. ..135

OWaterford. Mich..2l0Waterford Brid0o,

Nftd.......... .35Waterloo, 1a.... .320

@Watorloo,Ont. (c) 190Owaterloo, P.O.... 100

Water Shuto, Nfld.17Wator Tank, N.8..64Wat€rville, Me.27,?8

Owatarvillo, P.O. . 96Waterways, nlta..3l3

OWatford, Ont. 120, I 23Watino, Alta....310

owatrous, tTlb,,rOWatson, P.O.. ,l09A

Owatson,Sask....235Watsons,Ont....l55Watts,Alta....,.236Watts Camp, Ont.20Wattsview, Man., 2lWaubamik, Ont. . lJ5

OWaubaushene, Ont. ,

Waverley, N.S. ,. 54Owawanesa, Man,.?4?Owayno,Aha...,.236

Wayno Jct., Pa... Iwoald, Arta.. . .. .302Weaver,N.B,....6lWobber'sCovs,Nfld4lWebster. Alta... .310Webster Ont. ... 2lWedgwood, 8.C..??5

@Woekes, Sask255,?63€Weir,P.Q.......94

Woir River, Man.248@Wekusko, Man...248

Welby, Sask. ... . ! |Welch,N.B......58Weldon, N.8..,". 64

OWeldon, Sask . .. .246OWelland, onLn,il'e

OWelland JcL, Ont.205Wellinqton. N.S.-

27,28ow6,inston, o,i,i.

rn,OWellinston. P. E" 1..75

Wellsboro- lnd.' t20, t23Wcmblay, Atta...310Wanlock, V|...., 96

OWontworth, N.S.- 27.28

Wesleyville, Nfld . .4 I

Westbank, 8.C...306@West Bay Road,N.S4l@W$tchest€r, *rt,,,

West Devon, P. E.1.75@Wost Dulu[h, lr{inn.

west End, n.".. .zieWBstern Shoro, N.S.5l

Owestfield Boach,N.8........55

Wosl Fort William,Ont. ., ..210,231

Wastgato, Man...246@West Hartford,Vtll3

Westlake, NRd...364Wastlang,8.C... 24Westlock, Alta.. .310

@West Milan, N.H.96OWestmount, P.Q.

99, r20.123Ow6ton, ont. . .. . 178

westoort, Nfld....41@Westport,Ont.. .lt. Westray, Man, " .267Ow&str6€,Onl..-..20OWest River, N.S,, 4l

West Saunderc.Alta. . ....:..301

Wast Shsfford,P.QlffiWasl SL Modisto,

Nfld...........41OWost Toronto, Ont.

(o).........178Wost Tranacona,

Man.... .. ...265Owostviow, B.C.+316Owestville, N.S. .-. 46OWest Willin0ton,

Conn........116W€st Winnioeo.

Man.. ..'. .-:.,?40Wcstwotd, 8.0...306

Owoyburn,Sslk (o)273Wgymoqt. P.O.,. 78Wharl Roed. P.Q. l9

OUdney, Ont...l35OUhthon.Ont....l48OUioo, P.E.l...... i3

Ukraina. Man.. ..?46Ultican.'N.8..... 25Umfrevilla, Ont. .231Unaka, Ont.. .. . .231Uncas, Alta. .2?,294Underhill, Man...2&Underhill, N.8.. . 6lUndora,Sask. ... 22Unracke, PA. .78, mUnion, N.S.. .. .. 43Union, P.8 1..... 7lUnion'Jack. Satk.2RUnion Mirls,

123: ,r,Union Point Mari.258

OUnionville,Ont., 145UniversitY Ave,,

N.8....."... ))OUnity, Sark. .22, 283

Uno,Man..,...,?lUno Park, Ont.,l70AUopar Blackville,


"'ooni!1i'Yil. szUppor Cros Croek.

N.8........,61Uppsr Dorcherter,

N.B. . .... .27, 2g


34Nnd. . ..... ..3,6ASydnoy....... 43P.L lstand... 70Yarmouth. . . .29A

Tuft. N.S........ 54Tullis,$ask......278Tunnel, N.8.. ... 2;Tupper, 8.C.. .. -310Turcot East, P.O.

104, r20, t23Turgcon, N.8... . 25Turnavik, Nfld... 4lTurnbsrry, Man..267Turnbull, Man...24ETurnor, Mich.,..2l4Turners, Ont....185Turrif,Ont......l56Turtlo. Ont. .. . . .210Turtle Craek, N.8.64

OTurtloford. Sask.?75.287, ?88

6Tusket, N:S . ... 5lTwoodis, Alta... ,3llTwelf th Milo Sidino,

Nfrd,..,...... 1sTwig, Minn.. ,...232Twillingate, NRd..4lTwin Elm, OnL..l4lTwinino, Alta... .295

. Twining, Mich...2l4Two Flivsrs,Ont. 143Tyee, 8.C. ,. .. . .??6Tyner,Sask......?78Tyrrell, Man.....248

Page 82: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


Jo$t PULL:I. . Gonoral Frpght TrafRo Manager. ... Montroal, euo.c. 1,r/, wrL..r. .. Aasirtant ocroral Froight rraffic Managor.. . ,. Montraal. (iue.F. J. Srocr(. '.. . Traffic Meruacr, Foreign Freight Dopartmonl.., Montreal, Que.L J. Kr{owl.3 Freightrrr"r5c Mor. (Ratsg, Tarrflg4 Divisionr) Montrsal, euo.C. R. MUnRAY .. Ass't. FrL Tnf. M0r. (Ratos, Tariffr & Divisions! N4ontreal, eu6.C. L McCoY. .. Gon. Frt. AgL lRatoe, Tariffs & Drvisions;..... tvtontreali C)ue,G, M. OouctA3. .. . ...,. rA.$s't. Gen. FrL A0t. (Ratos, Tarrffs d Divigiono) Montreal, euo.A. SuyxrillxD....., ... A$'t. Gan. Frt. Agt. (Ratos,Tariffs d Divisions; Montreal, euo.J.A-Aico. ...,. FreightTra-$cMana0er,.,....,.... ... Toronto,Ont.(i. E. S$rx. Gon.rel Fra'aht ACsnt. . ..,.. Toronto, OnLR. prrn,r. . . . . . . Assistant G*}€ral Frsight Agont (Ratci), . . . . . . . Toronto, OnLW. A Wltioil . .. Foroign Fro4:ht Agont. .. ..... Toronto, OnLc. H, Bu3x. .... Gonoral Frc4nt fiq661, ,...... Montroat,euaJoili Gr€Av-. , Foroign Freighl Agent. ..... Montreat, Quo.H. J. Snr,aTH.. .- Assistant Frraign Freighl Agont.- ...,. Montroal,euo.J. R. 8rowx. .. . A$istant Forsign Froight Agont (Orain)... ., .. . Montroal, Que.A. Svrx;nLAio ,. Assistant F*eign Froight Agont (Rat$). , .. ... Montroal, eue.W. A. K:rtri ,. . Ooneral Fru;lht Aoont. , . .. ... Boston. Masa



ALISTAIR FRASER..Vice-pretidcnt............ Montrcal, euc.H. B. FARR .Arrt.toVi3e-preridcnt..Montroal, eua


E. A- RyoEi. ... Trefnc Manag6f.,, ..... Moncton. N.B.E. B. Ros.. ..... Oonsrrl frgtgnt Agent. . Moncton, H.B.J. V. Mrlonry .. Freighl.Ttaffic Marugor.. Chicago, Il.L. A- VE.ox.^u......... G€neral Froight Agont. .... Chicago, lll.J.M.PAin^roiE,.......G8neralFrei9h|Agent..O. B. Dun^rD. . . feristant Gonoral Fraight Aqent. .:, ...... . .... . Cf,ic"Oo, f rf.R. A. Noinrs. .. Assistanl Goneral Freight Agsnt (Ret6). . .. ..., CiiiiaOo, rff.E. F. HowrLL. Forsign FroiOhl Agont. ...-. Chicigo, 11.D, M. Cnrwroie. .. .. . -. Ooneral Freight Agant. ............... Dctroit, Mich.G.o.THoiftf'l.........AssistantoonoralFrciohtAoent..H. F. Roir... ... Generat Frotght Ag€nt. .....,. auftafo, ru.y.W.H^rELy.. ... FreightTramcManagor.,,..., ....... Winnipeg,Man.L. A. Foxcrr. .. Assistant Freight Traffic Manag€r.. ... Winnipeg, Man.c. N. McMrLL lr........ €eneral FrelghtAgont.L,H.FoBEerr .. A$istantGonoralFreightAgant(Rat{).........Win"iqeg.Man.W. A. W,{yrr. .. Genarel Froight Agont. ..'Vancouver, B.C.R. M. Mca^ri , . l$is.tant Gonoral Froight Agont...... -. Viniuvor, a.C.F. llr. Cairlctrart'. .. .,. . Foroign Froight Agont. ... Vrncouvsr. g.C.

Brilrrlflr. Or!,.,-... ]4o-ffqqtpt.,...-",... Gso. A. Campbstlr. City pess. and Tkt. AgenlBirmtnsh_r.m-(J).Alr. 20Q8_Third Av. ts.-.... W. Gohr. . Oerierai-ng€n[, f,[ Oripf


Bo,rton(t6).Ma.'...497_Bovlsto-nSL....... S. C. V_aushan..... G;;;AAJoiiil pais.-rjipt.. (to) .. B0 Foderat _St. . M. p. Curiningnam. cJniial nii"i, r,f Dor,Ld -(9) ., 64 Fruit <t Produo Erch. J. O. Sterto... . . . . D;,;; A;;?,i"Enndon. Mrn... ... C,N.R. Station... -,. . . . R. Chamber!.. . . . ., f icrrit nlani

B'ntford. g^1..... t5J corbo,ns.s.t-...,...,.. [.{tllifl;,;;:::: 3Ji;'fgol,lf?",i1", oo,Eeockvurr, or!_....' oor.Kingd[E,Msr*rtstN,J. D. Ftukor....... ciai pass.incr ticrit n'g:LBufirlo(2), N.Y.,... l_3Wgs! G_enascc--.... C. V. Howick....., CE,isial-A'qeni, p.ss. Oept,Bsnrro(2), H.Y.....?38 f"tfilSt.,....-..... C. E. Heioenbrirg c"il. nsd"i, i--'ioigTi oe-lCc:rerrr.'A|t........?l-7_Slhnyg.Wm-.....J.C.Munro-.....-.Cii;F1iurisbrA-ssnt'-

?l8e gtt Avs-.Wcgt .. . R. B. Mclntosh... . OrviaionJre-iirrt Aqe;ltCrmpb.llton, N.8... R.ose^borryd^O'LrerySts. J. A.8r0au........ biv. fit.*-O-iti.p"aii.nOt.Crdar Repldr, l-..j._, loJS:8co-r,rdSt.,€r!1.... E.J. L9o..,.i.j...Comm;i-frt. Ab;irtAgichrdottltown.P.E.l. C.N..R.SE!i99,.-_-..... L. J. McDonald...: D;;.'F;iinijOist.eais.nliCh.thrm.9"t...... 145 KingSt. Wcd--"... W. E. Rtsprn &Soo Aoants. - - -Chlcaoo(3),ttt......lalWostAdamsSt..... A.M.N.orin....,. d6n.Westornpass,Agent

lo5 W€st AdanoSt .... H. W. Hanor...... Cil. Aqo"t-Froisif Oopt--E. F, F.trnn. . . .... , Genorai Oiiry R6eot.

c|nornnetr (2),ohro. 206 Dlxie rermirur Bloo h. "". tl'$il;;;;::: 33;iJ,iiil,l;t, pags. Dapt.

cr.y.rrnd (.!3).orrro. l3l-orsrminalroErBrds f.i,;.!1,"?l::::::: 331l8:li Fi:iiil*ll:cornw.rt..ont.--.... ll_spcond strocl E_ast .. G. p. Gosring...... citv pii.'lno ti:isi Aqt.Drtrotr (26), Mlch.. [Z39_Waghinston &vd.. R. G. Evansl...... Ol,ioiar asi;it p;s.-Osi,i441 East Jofforsr Avo. . A. O. Lsos. . . .... . Gil. As€nt fisistil Do'pt

Dsruth 1n. Mrnn. .. 118 wesr superlr sr. . . !: sl'in;i;;::::: 8*"I;:Il#i"t'Edmcnton. Artr.... c.N.R. sraiion::,.::...ial $;J#llir.: BiJiil:l'JJl"'j,Trt lx?t"r. Cor.Jaspgl {.l0ltrsb. . T. S. Webster. . .... eiiy piisJnoii noent

C.N.R. Station A. J. Barber...... - Di;i.'Baggaris a-Miiilst.Flnr.e)...Mroh:..... t-06 Ej [?lr!.vs1..... l,f:*f,i[.T]:::: 3r't"J'b",!,:'.1ttiitfl:it^;,.Fdrt Wlluam, ont. . C.N.R. Station-. -...... A. D. Lucis.. ... .. . iiiftit egi"i -Fr.df rcton, N. B. '. . 580 egeen st .. G. H, cunningham. ciit FrL? pasr. Aot.tGenrnoqur. oo_t.... T. t.'Ry.Statlon.-..... e.C.-Xowaid--.:;: diiie'riiioiritGrrnd Sepldr (2).. Mlch...:..........?Ql .y9q{ooA:}.-.....ttt..N._Q,Brion..,.. Divirion Freight Asent

fiI;lllS.tl':::::::9,yfi:gi:fiLll::.::::{^/11ffi9r?:::::::: Ei',,i,ff*.*l{,y"[.,:ll.c. N. R.,Buirdin&.

^. { i: i .?;5"1f.1,: : : Slll ?ffi3i'^"J;fi."1-8t507 Batringisr Sl'l A. A. Loaman. ... . Division Frt. Aot.Hrmlltcn.Ont".....7-J-!n[o8^qt.-r{oft!.-....C.H.*atrCi.....6,tipair.ind'tiireteot.G,N.R. Strtion 8k!s.... E. C. Champ.-.:..: Di;isiont;iohf Ae;;i '-'

E A, Lavery......, District Frsig-hi Aglnt

Hlllt*; ii,; ;,i ;: l?ilHi&:,:f,h.'f ': : l: i,i,_ilI]. . : . :::ilT:::,:::.,,

G. M. Nowby. . . . .. Oen. edenl Froistl CroolG. O. Rundquict... Comm,i Fri. & Dairy Agt.

Krlowne, S.C....... C.N.F. Station. W. M. Tilley,..... Agonl

I ilg::l;.k: : : : : : | 15fi K,l*l"li . . : : : : t, r, **fi . I $11iut'ffi*1]t

London. Onr., . ., . . , 430 Ricnmond St,...... N. A. tLor Anerbr 07),ar. e6i s:H:15 it";. ::: fi:t.I

Room ll0Z 510 West

Maron c,ty, rr... . . . c"6,1?"11;;';-sii6si,. t. H: fil,il;;. : : : : Sl;#l'f,l. ?.b*lrT3lMrmphb (3), Trnn.. 130 Madiron Aw.., .... O. R. Nolan. ..,... Gen. Agont. Freight Dept.

ilF::::;,:tiril''" 11:

No' Mirryruk.€st" F:8'fli;l,i.'.'..'...: g',r',:;i*t'l,snl,;,,

Minn" ' llid[J:!:if."Al.l:::: E: S: $,1i",1,1.':::: E:* i1hi"ff;[?,'.,'&C.Marquette Ave. atSirth Sl.

::::':i'.1."^ E"X;hiF!!l'n0.:::: Ie';,ifl,i:t:::i: B."t;,fl'"]?.1fhTno.;p,"o'Mont'..r (3). our.. ..c. N. centrar s tati6i. . . t l Btrff".'r,;: : : [r1li;lp;ry;gl,Mon*..r c), Qur... 384 sr Jenr$ sr . .... F. f"ffi;,r.


f.T';.t:,,., ;).:.. . . r 0 r Main srree r *",*. . 1: t,f?,n. . . . : : : : 3i:Lli?,,lir,iltTff ,lr

_. Conn.......:..... 3o ChurchSt......,... J, G. Br

m ";i',','*l;:'.:,,:

ftr "&'# g,x *i i : : : : : : n. I *ru -::

f . f , li++,iff]ifi;gl I o.'''

Ncw Yo^rk (20), N. Y. (.joFif th Ave., Rockof 6ilor Csnt rs.(Oabto Addr6$: CANATTONAL A. p, L-ajt-.-._.. . ... gen. Fastern pass. Agent,._ New Yorkl J. F. MNrw york (7), N.y... ziia;"id",;fiy.. "r,?Tl..11,,..': 3:l.t!:j"lJrT*;?iooi;

il;;.";'F jt,ll,,iJ:;f ,1i,litif "',{sj,,,,,fU{re"#*#fli{iHfr

.l',ii,'*:l'Nrasere Frllr. ont..536 c-riftonAw........ *5ii]i#f;il'd: ilSfil:.ParsensrcrDepLNo".h Bsy, ont.....2oi r"ririiSt" w;i::::: iv:d.'b-;"'i;:::.:. Dil:'in.d Disr.pasr.Asr.

#;ft,:,,, u{,:ild : : : : : ff fi ;';i},iii.', $*fr",iT.';ffi;Motcatre Str...... .. .

0: E: MacDougafl.. qistrict pareensor Agenl

,6QLri_ ! i {,l.{il:l::: gl|}eassenoor-nooni-'Unron strtion.. F- 0; ,!,."-"f : : : :: : E'liq*'!j.ii.,1;;B. S. Liberty..... . Disrrict rretdni eiiii.

Page 83: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950


Prtrrboro. O.1...,., lfd Gorq9St,...,,..,. E. J. Ryan........ City Pa$. & Tlcket AgLPhltedrlphle CI).Pr. Lincoln Libarty 8ldg.,- cor.Broao40hestnutSts. F, K Moor6....... een.Agont, pass. DepLPhlledrlphh(2),Pe. l4?0-l426So.Psnn. lio..-..-..:............Gon.e6ont"frsioiriE[pf

J. A. D-ougherty.... Comm. Frt. d, Deiry Agt.Plttrburoh (22). Pe.3555th A\€...........{.E.qv"o...--....gen.AgenlFiss. Dostl-port Arthu?. ont .. c.N.R. sration R;. f 8lH::..:: :: : 9l&;it^",jlhrroisht


, Pring'cirthur Hotrl.... . D. J. $gott, .. , . , . . Disrrict FrEight AgsntPortlend (3), t*r, .. g. I..B.Station....... H, RPorry.,..... T1av. passeigoiAgCnt

- 15lndiaSt. ...E.P.Cronk..-.... DivirionFrci[htngontPo"tlrnd (l). oT..:. I??Q_S.!V. Molnsgn St.. W. Q Fietdins.... . Ggn. As1, f i6is-ht b-Jp-t.Prtnor Ruprrt,8.C..528 3rd Avc. Ea!t...... W. Crurckshank... G6n. Agoht, pais. Dopt.

R. S. Coilinson.. . . . Oistricf Frdioht AgentQurbro. Our........ t_D_qFoqtSt..,........4.P. Brbeautt..... eistric[eGinioilgent

l-O-Qto. .Anqq 9t. . . . . .. . G,,9. Nool. . . . . . . . City Passansar -Aseni

c'N'Rrv'Brds t.?%,'f,'",:::l: Bf]i:iFf,Llli,fr?lit

Frglar,Smk........ UnlonStation.. !. F. Dickie.....,. gitypassenq-oiaieniR. N. Brucg... .... . Ticrat Aocnf

st. Bonrrror. rvrr_n... te5_prownchor Aw... , h "rtdli,t&;;:::: ffi;TFLl3llj'"t t8lLst. cathilln.t._ont. l.] Q-ueen SL.,.. ., . .... W. (. !f . evson, . . CIty piss. enri' flckoi Agt,s.lntJchnrN.B.,,.,49KingSt.,..,...,,...F.M.Crocksr......DistrictpassonosrAosni

C.N.R.StaUon . D. B. Bishop...... Division preistrflodi -


Nowroundrand Horsr.. . . iirli,"T d;:'rtli. : Rllii3:J.!1t$ltrJJ,.St. Loulr (0. Mo.... Jl4 North Btordwry,... 97' E. hudolptr..... O6n. AbonilPaG. O;'o[

W. J. Kctly. .. .,, .. Gan. Agent, Frsiqht D'opLsL prur (l). Mron... 135 RobortSL. A. M. Sha?pe...... gen.Aea;i: Frai6hi DiptsL rhomrl, ont... . 3Bo rarbor sL. . .. . ... . f; i; F.'i"li;tr; ::: 3'i,lil1l?t"d rrcker Aor.Sreinaw (2), Ml9f... 216 Thompson St..,... T.P .McOarth!.... Goriorat AgonlS:nFrancirco(8)

C.t.. , . .SanFranclrco(4)Crt.6-81 {ar!€t.St......... C.W.Notidn...... Gsn.,cgen(fi6igt'tdipfSar*atoon. srrk. . . . C.N.R. Station.... ,... . E. G. Wickorson.. . OirtiiciFaiseng;r n0di'

zre rrt Ava. south. .. .. H:ir.*f,il'.1{L'::: BitJ.[X*r'[nrfi-T:*,S..ttl. (l), WDh.... 2_l4.Vanco_Bldg.,3rdAvo. M. J. Woods.-.... Oon. nos-"t, Fair. bipl

d.Union St...,........ A. R. Menning..... Clen. AqEnt, Freight DogLshrrbrooko, clur.. .. 23 wetttngton st No... H. J. Enright. .. . . . citi pass ino ric*el Ait.South Brnd(2r). rnd. gr. R..ptation ,. i

'Bi',I3X,lli;:::: gi:'+::Fi"AtJ;*tT*,*.

srrrtord, ont...... 3_8 Wgtli^not_qnSt....,.. g. L Btowes....,., City pass. and-Ti;koiAot.C.N.R..Station . C. E Litfls...--.. Division Frerght Agint ---

Sudbury, Ont....... 4l Durham St. South... A. G. Bell. Citv Frerohiind Piss. Aar_Torrdo (4).. o1t9.... !45;puqmitStr€ot..... E. A. Russeil...... ceri. nsCit, Fr6iohtD;pi.'Torcnto(l).ont.,... 6 KlngSL W6st........ R. A. Burch ....... Districipa.iengai Ageni-

F. S. Webster. . , .. , Clon. Agont, pal3. D;pL

cor. Kins *..yqngo srr.. w: fi;. T,,i3ii: : : : : : : 3i[ ?ffi 8l'fi"Xi."t6 KinoSL wost........ w. H. L.qw........ Divisio; Fririsfri Aq6nt

rurcr e). o!r1.. ... . l!! sourh..Be^ron Ave. . E: 3 ilir',Ta6. : : : H:yj'1.5['i?Tntfli"'vrncouvrr.B.c.....527Qranvilrost.....,..T.A.Griffinl..... o;Jtrrctpalsino"siAoent

Hoter Vanoo'vcr Ticket. E D' Bsll' citv Passangoragsni

Travol an<t lnformatioriBureau. . . ... . D. Mcphorson. -... Tiekat Aoant

- !5 Ctranviilo St........ J. J. Rateish.. _... . Oiiiiion Fieight ngentVrrnon, 8.C........ Cor. Barnetd Avo. and

Whetham St.. . , .,. ... 1.. Cornor.. Dist. Froight & pass. Agt.vt6torl., 8,C. . . .... Cor. Gov'l a Fort Sts., A. l. Curtis. ... . .. . G€n. lOt.?isi Odpt --, P.Lakie........,.. Districf FroiohtAgrint

Wrrhlnston (5).O.C.9?? lSttt Street N.W.... R. C. Curtoy...... Aen. nseni Fais.'D;Dtwindtofont.....'.364ouelletteAvo......G.Stivon.26 Sandwich St. East... C. Hitl.. . Disirict Freight Aseni"'*wtnntp.c.Mrn.'... unionstation. .J.s.steohe.n.. ... Districipassinoer-Agint

A. Camoholl....... Division Fre;ght Aq€"ni -

Cor.portage &MainSts. Q. Tindail........: City paise --r - -


H, S. Grangcr...... District Froi-ght A:gentWoodrtoot. Ont.... . 414 Dundar St. , .... . , . C. D, Kelcoy. . ., .. City pesr. and Tickot ASt.

EUROpE-Frctght, fIi.ng.r rnd Exp?.rl. J. B. rhom, EuropeaiSiiilih",ji,,L!,,

%#$ii".jr,London, $.w. l, Ensr.

London' s'w' l' Enc"" l7'l9Jrf)cffi!lti,:*. ...gqepf passonserAsonr

w.Ovenc. .......::. g,stiiiieass;il;; de,ii

Londo6, Ec. 3. Enc. . . .,,.-t xl":i'",{il : :l : : : : : : : : : : : : : ffffi lii tFsr.l;:S''

,\nrw.Fp, Brrgr um.. . .. . s *":i*:;lrt$ t&il;;; u;;4" Dirtrict Froioht Asent

Glarsow. c.2. scottand.. S a##i d' L' Rademakers" "-' ' Goneral Agont

Lrvrrpoor. €ne.. .....,.. cr"i;fe3lTiv"tii s'c' District rraffic Ao€nt

F. ,v. 9: Jlysh* . . .. . District passenser Asentp*rr, Frrncr. r n,[si1[]il...::::::c";ftil ?llti8l5ET,lliffil*"*,southlmpt n. Enc...... R"rS'nTl,T''ilU

- .-- " oenirit rodnl---'-A. A, Masoy... . .. . . . District Treffic Agonl

Fnlght rnd Etprorgarb. Swlterrlrnd...... Aoschengrabsn 24

. N",j*l?JJ:?i.rsto0 & co. Ltd... Asonr!

B.u.rt, rrrread.. ....... g u'ft?fftt co' Ltd" ' ' Asentr

B*ern, ^oeray.........

strriii?i."ft" walkin0ton' " " " Aoontr

coprnhrernK,Drnmerk zgAl,l:1[ffo.A/s''"'' Asontr

Grnoa 6, rtrrr/. . . . . . . ... via E;f;"?,?lg't 4 companv " ... Aeentr

Gcthe nburg, swodon.... s*rofilllit'ff n courtman" " ' Asonb

Lr Hrvre, Frenco. . . . . . . I o r 3^it1u0; bT'frf,:ffi Az 0.. oounlt

Lrrbon, portuger.....,.. A*r?ib"ui06"n & companv-' .'"'' Asentr

Rott.?d.m. Holland. . .. p*tEtifrisi? *" d' companv" ' ' lrgenb

srvilrr,sparn. . A"dlbf;ix3t5i,t":11*"v''"' Asonts

J. & A. Lamaignero... . ..,.... Agsnts

CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRES;F. N. wtcctnr. . . . Qencral Managor.. . . Montreal, erro.C. E. Porrs..,.... Assistant General Manager ... Montreal, Oua.T. H. MAnTtx..... Genoral Superintendent of

c. w. sr,?H. . . . . . s,,H?nt.""tl J,:"ii#FtJ,"i;;' r;;ffi; MBlllHi Bt";.R. AltxEtt. ..., ... Superintendent-of Transportition.... Montreal, Oue.Brllrvlllr, Ont. .,... l-85 Pinnacle St . ..,.. . N. S. Eaton ...... AoentBrendon, Man...... q.ry.[. Station......... .t. W-. WaiJon.... : : Agoni.

*::;:?'t: 3ll: : : . : &i'Pt,ir'i'gi";;,i;i' e' aooth " "''' " ngintsh*'*.--........:. J. D. Fluker....... Agent

celsary, Altr. ._. ._.,. 9.1!.1. Statiori. ........ F. C.'a"i'ot. : :. ; : ; Affi iEiil:'il:::-;,f;.i1 : 8: N:R. SliilSk ::. : : : i : H

"g.Sf L : : : : : : : : Si}t*,nf*',

fiixiif$;, :, : [,il,$j $,#;; :: : H'*"3.'ii:ljil,',' lliri' Jamgs g.^Sl11t St3... J. L. Novins...... . Agent

'fi?::;,1,'3;i: : : : : : lii*r:i3l'31;;;i : : : : A: [,'inu;, : :, tg3liKltchenrr, ont..'.. 9.1! [.:111191......... N. A. Bec.tet..,... loant

h*iT"3tta-: : . : . 8:il:E 8lili3k..::: . i : * ^i

Sihfii. .: : : S.?3ti",,"..^,I.#i!:#,1" : : : : i;:li*'"0'inr6nd6nr

G. H. SHER|DAi...... . Traffic Managor. .,. .. . Montroal, Oue,F, M. silrrx. . Ganaral Superintondent...,...... M6nirsli,'O-G.5, O. M^nnil . Goneral SurrerintsndentS. E. BnExNAx. Ganorat Suierintendeot . Win;i9s'0;M;n.

Montr.rl,Qur.,.... C€ntral Station ..".,., J.J.Ouinn.....,.. Superintandanl

8e I Lasauchetiere st. w. H J' $.,',iiiP:. : : : : AX'"l ;i 1'"'jntendsntH!re.?r Fallr. Ont.. q.N.E.Stn., Bridgo St.. R. W. Fyoer.'..... Aslni-

- '-.--l{orth Bay, Ont.... . Q.N.R._Station...... .. . A. Allen... . -.,..:. nqoniOttrwr,9rt-,...... !n'r-onStation...,...... W. H.Greonvriy... CfniialAAsntourbrc, Qur........94Ft. PetorSt..,...... F. S. Carrier...'-.. CenerlniJniFrrstnr,Sark........ ppionStation. . W. H. garker,.... Ageni-

--'- 'St. Crtha?incr: Ont. l3 Queen Straet.... . .,, A. Wiliamson..'.. . nOiniSrlnt Johd N.8..;... Union Station.. B. Tylor.St. John's, !nd...., _.:..:. S. A.-Long........ SuoorintendenlSarkrtoon, Sark. ... g.!i"[. Statron.... ., .. . C. S. patnior. ...... ngintSh.rbrook.. Qur.. . . C. N.R, Station . J. R. Mooney. ... .. egi;iiTo"onto. Ont. ., , .. . York and Station Sts. . . S. H. Bultett-. . .., . SrioeiintenOont

fi;. t t{t8l;a;i: : ffi:,'s"*:lTliy* t

vencouv*, 8.c.. . . . q.N.F, sration.. .- . .. . *.l"Hljlil:::: : 8Sffitli i33l[vlciorlr. 8,.C. ....., 9ll,Government St..... F. Snow .. .. . ... lqentWlndror, Ont... ..,. 30 Srndwich St. E... . .. M. J. O'Reillv.. .. - Geneial Aoentwlhnip.t. Mrn, . ... Main anri Portage Avo- D. MacKav... . , .. . Sugerinten-rhnt

Union Station.. :....... H. E. Frasor,..,... Gslteral AUent

Page 84: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950

GENERAL INFORMATIONTlrnr Trblar hrroln lr. rubi.crt to ahrn!l. wlth ut no,;lcr. Services will ooerate

at ttp times shown, circumstances..D€rmitting,-but in th6 ovent of their failura to bo ro,thc Ganadian National Railways wiil not accopt rssponsibility foi dolay, detention or anyoth6r condition caused thareby. Whan servicc timos of oth-sr transo6itation comoanrcsars shown, it is as a convonionco to the public, and ths Canadian Nat'onal Railwayi doesnot vouch fontheir cortoctnoss, nor will assume resoonsibility for any failuro to donncctwith such servicas or vico versa, no1fq1 any delay, dotontion 6r any hipponing whatsosvcrwhioh may occur on the services of other transportatron comganias.. .Whrn th. p?.frr "M" appoars before a train number that indicates a mixad lrginhandhng passengors and L.C.L. frei2ht traffic

Ttckrt will be sold lnd Bregarr chockad only to rlatioar rt which trainr r'o*n1'Jifr"rtl"*

l2ol a.m. (sfrar midnisht). unrir 12,00 noon i3rho,vn in liqht racatypo, Timcfrom 12.01 p.m, (eftst noon) until 12.0 mldnteht irrhoirn in hsavy facstype. Standard fime is used for all rchedules in this Timstablo.

. Chltdrcn, fiyo years of aoa rnd undor twelvo, half fare. Undcr fivs y6atr of rOrwhen eccompaniod by oaront or guardian frao.

Lod tlckrtr.-Railnay Companies ero nol recponsiblo for lct tickota.Round Telp Ttckrtr may ooly be issuod by Conductorr whon pass6n0€rs board

trains at non-agrncy otation!, or at ttations *hor€ Tickot Offico ic not bpen.F.r.o .rnnot b. Adjs.t.d br Conducto.r.-ln tho avsnt o, disaOroemcnt with

Conductrr tolativs. to tick6t& priyileq_os allowod, atc., pasien0srs rhould pay C,onductor,takr his raooipt and refer the catc !o Goncral Passcnger Depaltnrnt lor adjustmont.

Tlok.tr 11116-fls1lfleebl..-Tickgts ats Oood only for tho transportation of originalgJtchallr and cennot bo us6d to cov6r tho transportation of any otnsr porson.

-. Stop_Ovrrl are_grantod on c.rtain da$ssof tickets in accordl'rc€ *ith tarifi ro$Flations Drtailcd information e! to thoso orivil0o6s cen bo obtained from Aoonts.

Frrr Sldr Trlpr will bo rllorGd, Toronto and Hamilton to Hi.gara Fells, OnL orSulponsion Bri{ge or- Niagera Faltr, tt.Y. snd roturn on certain dassos ol tickotr, onspplication to Canadian Nationd Agcnt at Union Station, Toronb or Dopot TicketAgont &t Hamilton.

Air-Conditlonrd Terlnr.-Rc?ularly esclgn6d aironditionod ca'' er€ dosiqnatcdwith r *, Evory otlort will be medc to provide ar gpocified, but the rrght is rosorvod toomploy non-rir-conJitionsd c,arr El noce$itat6d by voluma of traftic or omorgenciog.

Srr.tohor Caror.-A! these mowmontg may causs delxy 116 rriour inconvenicncoto othor Ds3ror8err, arrangemontl thd/ld b6 maAc woll in advsnct. Parsenoerr aro rs-auostod to consult Agontr.' Lort Arttcl.r,-Enquiri6s for rdicles lcft on train!, ehould bo mado to tho nearoetGcnsral Baggaoe and Meil AgonL, Hr-nd.Bre oeco,-Passcngen rro ontitlod to takt into Corchel, Parlor and SleepingCarr with them only a reasonabls quantity of hand baqgage,

Sasgrsr mnrish of wearing rpparel, toilst articlss and rimilsr efioctg neceesary fortho oomfort and convonicncs of thc persengor on tho journoy, and musl bo enclosod inDropor r6coptacl6r, luch a! trunk!, vrligsr, otc.

No ringto piace of baggago or oth6r article weighing moro lhan 250 poundc will borcceptsd for transportation in ro0ular bagie0e scrvico.

Thlr Compnny doos not guanntoo thrt baogag€ will bo forwardod on tho samo train8s passsngor, but roror\ros tho right t9 forwerd tame on first conv€nient train.

Unlur oth*wl.. rtlpulrtcd. 150 pound3 of baqgago, not sxcogding 3100.S in vrlrswill bs chockod wilhout chargc on oach adult passongor tickot and 75 pqrnUs, not 6xcoodin0$50S in valuo, fot a child tnvolling ena halffare tickol Bapgagooxcs€ding thoso woighhor valuoc will bo chargod for rt qrrront ratos.

Thr carrylng ot inflammabls, oxploiiyo or dangorou! artidct of sny naturewhstso.vor in cithar chockod or hand baloa0o ir a violation of tho lew.

Gomrn*clel Trsy.ll.r.' Samds trunkr will not b'6 chockod to or from Sunnysido, Onl,Bagstgt lor Flao Strtlonr, whore Agents lro not on duty, mult bo clrimod from

Tnin Baqgaoornsn beforo arrival rt dostination.Spcclel Drlivcy ol Baosrsr.-Baglago may bo chocksd thrangh lor delivory rt

dostination to residoncsg, hotols, stcamship docks or othor Railway station!, and char0csfor delivery servico propaid, or @lleto.J on dolivery, in the larger Citios and Towns inC,ansda and tho Unitrd 6tet6!.

Storasr on 8agsrgr.-StonOc will bs charged in accordanco with current tarifi: onsach pieco of baggaqo ramaining at rtations ovsr tho authorirad treo timc limit.

Basgrsr lnrgeancc,-Tho Company's liability for batgago is limit€d, and passon0orlaro rocomrnendod to fully protect themsoives by insuranco, Policics cen be obtained atreasonable ratss from principal Canadran National officgs.

oogrwill b6chtckodlnbaggagn*rvicaattariffrates. Thoymustboproperlymur?'gdand provided with strong.socuroly-fittino collar or harness and chain or lsash, orelss o:-closeJ in crat8s. B€foro oflering dogn tor chocking across Stato or lnternational boundarisrpassongers ars mquestod to inform trromselvgs in rtgard to tho laws which govern suchshipmehts. "Seoing Ey6" or other guido dogs accompanying blind passBngers will b€handled in accordance with Circular No. E. 559, W.424, C. 143. Thocarriago in Canl,Ja,in oassanger accommodation, of othat dogs and pets ol any naturo is prohibitod.

Curtoms.-Paisengars should pers(.nally attond to examinatircn of baggagc.Besgasr Chcckcd from Unrtrd St tcr to Ganade lhould bs oassed Custom3 at

frontier ports. whero it is ttossible or convoniont to do so. Canada Customs lmpoctortaro located at all principal citie! and towns as indicatod in stetion indox" Handbagqele rnust be inspoctEd at ths ftonti€r.-

Baogagc ohrckrd trom Can.dr to th. Unltrd Stst$ must bg examined by U.S.Curtoms lnEpostots at tho bordot, sr et:

Srlnt John, N,B. I Daily oxc6p.t Sunday

iii"i. n"pl't" B.c. t u.s. f,lfio"vr.Mcntr..l. Quc., dailY.Trrcnrr. Ont., daily June 25th to Sept, lOth, Daily excopt Lrnday prior to Juno

25th and aftsr Soptembcr l0th.Duty hours of lnspoctors locatd in Canada may b6 obtained from Agentr.

OFTIONAL NOUTE ARRANGEMENTSAll classos 0f tickots rsading vi. Canadian National Railwaw in aither diroction be-

ll1ff*%"fl,,Srpoints namsd below will ba honored wholly via Canrdian National Ryr,

(l) Ertwrrn To"onto rnd Wlnnlpegr-(t) Via Parry Sound or North Bey, Capreol and Longlac, thence vh Armstrong or Port

Arthur.O lrtwron Ottawr rnd Wlnntprg.(8) Via 8ront, Caprsol and Longlac, thenca via Armstron0 or Port Arthur.(b) Via Toronto, thoncs via routas authorizod in Clause (l) b€twoen Toronto and

Winnipeg.C3) Ertwrcn Montr..l rnd Wlnnlprg.(a) Via Ottewa, Brent, Caprool and Lonolac, thence via Armatrong ot Port Arthur.(b) Via Cornwall or Ottawa and Toronto, thenco via routes authorizgd in Clause (l)

betwesn Toronto and Winnipo{.NoT -See oage 73 for interchangeability of tickets within specified t6nitory via Canadian

Nrtional-Canadian Pecific Railwaya.


_L.r hor.irGt ront su j.tr i chrng.m.nt t.nr.vir traahbt.. L6s traing circulerantrux hEu169. indiqu6os i l'horaire, mais le chemin de fsr n€ sara t6nu rosponsablo dss d6tNisou retards incontt6lablos. Lo Canadien National ne r6pond pas de I'oxaitituda dss hor"iresd'autres gompagnics. lls

-no sont montionn6s gua pour ia commodiio cu puutii-v6vigourLo.chsmin d6 for no.pout etro tenu rosponsable do$ delais, ennuis, retar'dr encouius pardefaut d6 corrospondancs avec cgs compagnies.

-..L. prattr. "M" dovant le num6ro d'un train indiouc quo co train cst mixto etQu'il transport6 los voyag€uB of los msrchandis$ en cFrantit6 nroindro ou'un waoon.

L' Bilr.tr scront d6livr6s'0t les Bereg.. onregirtr6s quo pour les rtatioii o0 lcrtrring ar16tsnL

-, , Ll{tqFE dea trains, de. minuit I mrdi, cst indiquEcn garectdrps ordineiros (6lr6vir),6t (b mrdt 1 mtnurt en caractoreE grat (normando). Tous les horairss sont atabls surl'houre normalc. ". L.. .Enbntr dc 5 t 12 ans.paient domi- placa, Can de moinr dc 5 ens voyegont gn.fuitrmcnt quand rcccmpagn6s d'un paront oir d'un oardron.

Eill.tr P.rdur.-La Compagnie d&Jino toute iesDonsebilit6 pour los billat! Dordu&Dcr prrrego dr i!!ou-" ne sont.6mis par las chefs do trainr qu'aux voyagedrs qui

nDnt6nt. a clos gares oi il n'y a pas d'aoent ou bion oi lo bureau bss billots ir,sst paron dovoir.

En cl dr dar.ooo.d evoc ls oonductour d'un train el !uj6t dr billotr, privildgoc, otc.,g:"r,[ril{ ;S,!;:,]?!:"

payor lo mnducteur, Iui dcmandor ui roeu ct ras'pirtar 6 cls au

L.6 btll.$ ront p.r.onn.tr of n€ pouvont otra utilila{ par d'autrer oue lcr achotsun.L.l enctr 0n @urs dB routo sont conssntis avoc cortdnq crt6gorros ilo billetr. pour

ruruignernents, I'adresssr aut agents.. Der.voyrso s?.tuttr-do Toronto ou Hamilton I Nitgara Fallr, OnL, ou {iu!por}

rion Bridqc ou Niagan Fallr, N.Y., ct rctour, sont accord6c avoc ccrtiines &teooriei dcbillcb. S'adrsesor tux ag6nb du Canadion Nrtional ii le Grro do Toronbo oo i li Garr doHrm;lton-

Treinr G$mrtlrlr.-Les volturo climalis6or qrr ontront r6gulliremont dans lrcornposition dss trainr ront marqu6oe d'un f . Ndrrnrltmsnt slies circuioront sanrintgrrugtion, mais sn.cag d'urgonco ou do fort trafic on rc rcsorru- ls droit o,onipioior Ooavcituro non clrmatis6ar,

Ger dr olvllrr.-Comme ler cer de civiirc pouvont crugor d6! encombromont"r ruplblic voyagcur, .il art essenticl do frirc I l,avanca Ls arnngomontr n6cesriires;vajillCz consultsr lca agenl3,, Li obr.tr hl.rar d.n. 1.. tnlm dorrtnt 6trc r6chm6r do l,aOont g6n6rtt d6rbrgeg$ lo plur prAs.

. P.tlp brgrg.t.-Les voyagours nc pcuventornportrrr dans lo3 voiturcs qr/une guantit6nionnable do potitr bagaosr,

La brgrsm comprennent les sffcts d'habillement, lc rrticles do toilstto at los autrgsartjdcg n6c6ssair$ au voyaoour pour ron confort; oor clnser doiwnt 6ke ontsrm66r darpdec rats, valiaor, mallos, otc

Aucun baoago pesant plus dc 250 livr*s no mra tnnrport6 comme bagaoe ordinairc.. Lr Gomprsnl. no.garantit qas -dq transporter lec bagagos dans lc m6me train qu6lo! voyaosurs maig ge r6servo lo droit de les ex06dier par lo piom:er train i ta convenanco,- A nolnr d'tvlr ontrelrr chaquo billot d'adulte donno droit au traruport gratuit do

150 livres_do baoasas d'uno valour n'ixc6dant pas tlmct chaqus biltet d,infani {Oami.irrif t 75 livrcs dc bsgagos n'exc6dant pas uns vatoirt do $50.m. L,erctlcni ort tar6d'eordr leg tarifs courants._ lt .'t tlttset do transportor dans de bagarros cnralirtros ou i mein doc nratidro!inflemmablos, oxplosives ou autremsnl dangordu*s.

La mallcr d'6chantlllonr dd voyroruB da smrnaroa ns sont pa! ooroglotr6orpour ou do Sunnyside, Ont.,. leg39$ ..nt glrt?ar pour lil rtt,llont d'rrrlt tur rlgnrl,-Lorsqu'il n'y e p!!

d'rg6nt I la station d'arrivEro on doit r6clamor s6r ba0rg6s au fourgon avint I'ariiv6o._ Livreiron spiclrh dr3 basigr..-LO! bagagst peuvent 6trO enr6gistr5s pourlivraison-i des_tination, au domicile, aux hOtols, auiqlais d'ombarcation an iutres garords ctrcmjn dsJor; -lss chargos pour c6 service pouvonl gtro pay6es i l'avancg ou porguostur livraison dans los principales villos rtu Canada et des Etats-Unis. ,".

D.. trrl. d. lt tlonncm.nt ssront gotgus sur tosto pioce do bagagcs lai$6e I laomigne au-doll du tomps raglemontairo._ Arueanor d.t brerg.r. On rreut agsurer lcs baga0es aux principaux bureaux duCqgdiry National.. La rosponsabilitA de la comgagnioari cas do pcrto ou vot 6tant limit6o,c€tt8 praxution ast rscommand6g aux voyagours.


Lo Chicnr sont transport6s dans lo fourgon i bagagec d'aprds le tarifen cours. lladoivlnt etro bion muselos of porlor un collier ou un harnais ajust6 Bt fort, ainsi qu,unochains ou une laisss solido, oi.r alors ltrs plac[s dans une cais-se I clairrvbic. Avint dsdsmander l'onrogistromont d'un chien pour un endroit arldeli de la frontiirs, lss voyagsurssont pri6s de sa renseigner sur la leg;slation I cs suost. LEs chrons sp6cialom€nt €ritr;tn6rqgur guidor. le_s avougias, seront tr_ansportas en conformit6 avsc la circulaire no E.559,W.4?1. C. 143. Lo transport au Canada do tous autr* chiens et animaux favorii-driquelquo naturo quo ce soit, ost d6f€ndu dans los voitursc aarvant i l'aocommodalion dosvoyageurc.

Douano.-Los voyagours doivent d6douanor eux-rn€mes leurs bagagrc.La bagegd.6.aglrtr6t rux Etrtr.Unlt pour lt Clnadt dovraiont 0tro, autant

quo possiblo, d€rdouanlr I la frontidre. Des douanien canadiens sont stationn6s danstout€s lBs principates villos (voir lndsx dos atatioru). Les bagages I marn sontd6douan6s I la frontidre.

L.. brgrg.r rnr.gldrar eu G.n.d. pour lrr Etttr.Ualr pouvont 0tre examin6gpar l'officior do douenc am6ricain I la frontidro ou i:

*l$';i?X;?-". i :r.ltr'i;;li#nMontrlal, Qua., tous lg! .iou6.Toronto, Ont., tous leg jgqrg du 26 iuin au | | scptombro; tous les jourc exoptd

lo dimanche avant le 26 juin et aprds le ll soptembre$adresser aux agentg pour prMsione quanl aux heures de rervice des officiorr de

douano, au Canada"

Les billetg, tout$ class63, sa lisant via Canedien National dans los daux ron8 ontrg ouvia les endroits ci-dessous sont accept6s sur tout lo parcours du Canadisn National commoruit:-(l) Enir. Toronto rt Wtnnlprg.(a) Via Parry Sound ou North Bry, Capreol el LofiOlec, encuito via Armetrong ou

Port Arthur.O Entrr Ottewr rt Wlnnlprr.(a) Via Bront, Capreol ot Lon0lac, ensuite via Arrnstrong ou Port Arthur.(b) yJt T;liljS:

onsuite via lss sndroits montionn6s dans la olauso (l) onttc Toronto

G) Entrr Mohtr6al rt Wlnnlptg.(r) Via Ottawa, Brent, Capreol €t Longlac,6nsuit6 vir Armstrono ou Port Arthur,(b) Via Cornwall ou Ottawa €t Toronto, onsuito via ler endroits msntionn€e dans le

elause (l) ontrs Toronto st Winnip60.Ayr!-Voir pass 73 les billets interchangoablo! drns cortain! tcrritoires sur las r6scaur

Canadien National-Pacifi quo Canadien.

Page 85: Canadian National Railways System Timetables April 30, 1950
