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A guide to help your dog's body fight against cancer and to protect them from getting cancer




Pet Nutrition Systems has the first and only true comprehensive

veterinary prescriptive nutrition service. We would like to offer you our

support in your effort to provide nutrition as a tool in correcting and

maintaining optimum health to your pet (s).

18 years of extensive animal nutrition research with sources such as

Cornell University, Tufts U., Penn and UC Davis, as well as some of the

leading holistic veterinarian’s in the nation all have contributed/been

instrumental in our service & product formulations. We use organic

meats, vegetables, fruits, herbs and concentrate on how each group of

nutrients work together to boost the immune system, heal illnesses and

maintain optimum health.

We use an unprecedented “FOUR CORE STANDARDS PROCESS”

that carefully consider “Form, Balance, Potency, and Freshness” in

order to maximize the bio-availability of all nutrients.

We help you and/or your veterinarian by designing an individual diet

plan that adjusts and changes to meet the needs of your pet as they

progress in their treatment. We provide you with the best holistic hand

crafted whole food products that are produced to provide maximum

absorption of all the critical nutrients.

For decades cancer has been the scourge of medical practitioners

worldwide. The dread of this killer has historically been so pervasive

that it has become known as the Big C starting way back during the

1960's. No one wanted to say the word 'cancer' in almost superstitious



attempt to foil the onset of a disease that has no cure and for many of

our pets has proven fatal. Studies have stated up to 50% of all dogs

with get cancer and 50% of them will die from having it. That is 1 in 4

dogs will die of cancer. This disease is the number one killer of all dogs

over the age of two. Cats are very close behind in the same statistical


Our pets are more often diagnosed with cancer today than ever before,

Whether this increased number of diagnoses is due to a more astute

veterinary community that has more resources at it's disposal or

whether there is an underlying cause is up to debate.

It does seem that many of the potential carcinogenic agents that impact

us as pet parents may mimic themselves and invade the healthy bodies

of our pet companions. The National Canine Cancer Foundation says

that cancer can be attributed to factors such as excessive exposure to

carcinogenic agents, which include chemicals found in commercial dog

food, medicines, house cleaning solutions, fertilizers and airborne


One of the biggest challenges to the immune system and health of your

pet is as close as the bag or can of food that you may be feeding your

pet. Commercial pet food is often advertized as being all organic,

natural or balanced and is frequently nothing more than industrial farm

waste complete with chemicals and additives that are tantamount to

ingesting a bowl full of poison everyday. There is very little regulation of

the dog food industry and the labeling is deceptive at the least. Worse

than human junk food it is often a chemical mixture added to genetically

modified vegetables, meat that can not be sold for human consumption

or farm animal consumption, fillers, preservatives and coloring all

contributors to the onset of canine cancer. One large thing human junk



food and animal processed foods have in common is that they are both

aggressively marketed as healthy, balance, wholesome means that will

give you peace of mind. Any real research or investigation on the part

of the consumer will show them that these foods are anything but what

they are advertized as being.

Another problem that may have an impact in the suppression of the

immune system of our dogs is an over use of vaccines. Veterinarians

will frequently recommend up to 16 different vaccines for a dog and the

regularly scheduled vaccines that are given as a mater of course every

one- three years is now the subject of much dispute among holistic

practitioners who believe that that the biggest beneficiary of 'over

vaccination' is the vaccine manufacturer.

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA,) reports that "...there

is growing professional and public awareness that vaccine products are

not as benign as first believed, and controversy exists as to duration of

immunity and frequency of administration. Vaccine administration is a

medical procedure with which, as with any medical decision, there are

benefits as well as attendant risks"

Dr Donna Starita Mehan in an article posted at the Canine-Health-

Concern at canine-health-concern.org.uk, wrote "Routine" vaccination,

as it is practiced today, is not always effective...most of the problems

involve the immune system. After all, the immune system is what

vaccines are designed to stimulate. But they do so in a very unnatural

way that can overwhelm and confuse the immune system. This can

result in increased susceptibility to acute infections.... or in more

degenerative cases, cancer.



Additionally, an acclaimed Purdue University study cited at the Canine

Health Concern, Drs. Harm Hogen Esch and Larry T. Glickman noted

that "Concern has been growing among owners, breeders, and

veterinarians that current vaccines cause immune-mediated diseases in


A respected veterinarian, Dr Andrew Jones, recently noted that the

vaccinations that he gave his dog as part of a regular protocol may

have in fact been a contributing factor, along with processed food and

medication in the onset of spleen cancer in his pet companion.

Another potential cause of cancer in your pet may be attributed to

certain medications that are prescriptive such as anti-inflammatory,

such as those given for arthritis. These drugs can have a negative

impact on your dog's organs and may contribute to the onslaught of

cancer. Other studies have noted a link between the use of certain

medication and the onset of liver disease in dogs

So why did your pet get cancer? The answer may not be easy to

pinpoint but there is a plethora of evidence that suggests that a number

of immunology suppressing factors may be obliterating the natural

nutrients and health sustaining capabilities of our dogs, and we may be

unwittingly giving them these potentially life shortening culprits.

In an attempt to protect our pets from disease we may be vaccinating

them into illness. In a desire to feed them a balanced dog food we are

poisoning them with commercially processed garbage. In a desire to

alleviate illness we may be medicating them to death.

We live in a wonderful time of challenge and opportunity. The

technological and medical advances in our world and that of our pets

offer great promise. The unfortunate part in this is the misuse of many



developments for convenience and greed in which is lining the pockets

of drug companies, unethical veterinarians and pet food manufacturers.

Certain breeds of dogs and cats are known to be at increased risk for developing specific types of tumors. As a pet owner, you can play an important role in helping to protect your pet from cancer by being aware of any genetic predisposition to cancer that your pet may have. With this knowledge, be on the lookout for any signs of related problems and request that your veterinarian run appropriate screening tests during your pet’s routine check-ups. Screening tests can help detect cancer in its earliest stages, when it is most amenable to treatment. Bear in mind that mixed breeds of dogs and cats are also at risk for cancer, as genetics is only one of many risk factors involved in the development of cancer.

Cancer is the leading cause of death in dogs. Half of all dogs over ten years old die of cancer and the incidence is increasing. Tumor is an alternative term for cancer which is defined as an uncontrolled overgrowth of cells. Tumors can be benign if the cell growth is restricted to a local area, like a mole. Cancers are called 'malignant' when the cell growth is invasive. These tumors can spread throughout the body and are ultimately capable of causing death. Any lump or bump you find on your dog should be examined by your vet as soon as possible. Lumps that grow fast, change size or shape, ooze or break open, are hard, firmly attached to the body or have an unusual color are all causes for concern.



Cancer represents a unique state whereby the body's healing system fails to eliminate cells with damaged or altered DNA. This allows these cells to escape the normal regulatory signals leading to uncontrolled cell growth. While most auto-immune diseases represent a failure of



the healing system from an over-active immune system, cancer represents the extreme opposite, whereby the immune system is hypoactive (at least in regard to the tumor). On the other hand, both chronic immune diseases and cancer probably represent outcomes from the failure of the healing system brought about by living within a polluted environment, insufficient nutrition and the genetic make-up of the pet.

Although eating a healthy whole food diet is the best tool in the fight against cancer, once cancer takes hold certain dietary changes may only help the patient fight against the effects of the cancer. Tumor cells rely heavily upon carbohydrates for their energy and rob the body of amino acids. On the other hand, tumor cells cannot utilize lipids (fats) for energy while the rest of the body can. As such, diets with increased fat content may slow tumor growth, allowing the patient to fight against the tumor. Protein content must be maintained a levels sufficient for tissue repair, but carbohydrates should be held to a minimum. Reducing risk factors for cancer, eating a properly balanced diet (free of pesticides and preservatives), drinking pure water, providing appropriate anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals, and exercising regularly can help prevent cancer. Most processed food claims to have these elements present in their product but they are not bio-available. The heat used to process kibble and canned food destroys them. Once cancer has been found, additional supportive measures are needed. Cancer cells utilize carbohydrates for fuel and compete for the body for amino acids. However, these cancer cells do not metabolize fats. Some data suggests that high fat diets can help the patient overcome the effects of cancer and even reduce cancer expansion. A number of herbal products and naturally prepared fruits can stimulate the immune system to attack cancer or block the mediators which the tumor uses to spread to other areas of the body, mediators which the tumor needs to survive. The following is a guide to the integrative treatment of cancer, using those compounds where there is scientific data to support their use in cancer management, helping the patient survive the disease.



Immune System Stimulants: Vitamins & Antioxidants: The vitamins and antioxidants for cancer patients are the same for all dogs, including vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium, beta-carotene, ginkgo bilboa, green tea and grape seed extract. In addition, the membrane stabilizers omega-3-fatty acids, gammalinolenic acid and coenzyme Q-10 are important for cancer patients. Many of the antioxidants help stabilize DNA and help reduce cancer development or progression. Some data suggests that antioxidants can reduce the effectiveness of radiation and chemotherapy, but this is not well documented. It may be best to stop antioxidants 3 days before radiation therapy or at the start of chemotherapy, reinstituting the antioxidants a few days later. Most of the herbal antioxidants are good for preventing cancer, too. Echinacea: American Indian medicine gave us a useful native plant that is another immune-system booster: purple coneflower, Echinacea purpurea and related species. The root of this ornamental plant is held in high esteem by herbalists, naturopathic doctors, and many lay-people because of its antibiotic and immune-enhancing properties. You can buy echinacea products in any health food store: tinctures, capsules, tablets, and extracts of fresh or dried roots. Although few medical doctors in America are familiar with echinacea, much research on it has been done in Germany, and the plant is in widespread use as a home remedy in Europe and America. Follow the directions for adult dosing. Astragalus: Another Chinese herbal remedy with similar properties comes from the root of a plant in the pea family, Astragalus membranaceus. This plant is a relative of our locoweed, which is toxic to livestock. The Chinese species is nontoxic, the source of a very popular medicine called huang qi that you can buy in any drugstore in China for use against colds, flus, and other respiratory infections. Recent studies in the West confirm its



antiviral and immune-boosting effects, and preparations are now available in most health food stores here. Follow the directions for adult dosing. Anti-Cancer herbs: Cat's Claw (una de gato): Cat's claw (name derived from the pattern of thorns found on the vines), Uncaria tomentosa, comes from the Peruvian rain forest and was traditional used by the indigenous people to threat cancer and arthritis. Recent studies indicate that it contains immune-enhancing substances, including several antioxidant compounds. These compounds may account for the antitumor properties reported for cat's claw. Treatments have been reported to lead to remission of brain and other tumors. While published data is lacking, cat's claw should be considered in tumors of the central nervous system. Use ¼ the adult human dose for small dogs, ½ for medium dogs and the equivalent dose in large dogs. Reishi and Maitake Mushrooms: Like astragalus, mushroom extracts stimulate the patient's immune system by presenting unique macromolecules to the intestinal tract, where they alter the immune regulation by intestinal antigen processing systems. In addition, maitake mushroom extract has been shown to activate NK Killer cells which attack tumor cells and to prevent destruction of T-Helper cells. There is no known toxicity from these mushroom extracts. Use ¼ the adult human dose for small dogs, ½ for medium dogs and the equivalent dose in large dogs. Pau D'Arco: This herbal extract from the inner bark of trees of the Tahebuia genus (found in South American rain forests) contains lapachol which has been reported to induce strong biological activity to cancer. No adverse effects have been reported with the drug. Studies with pure lapachol have not indicated that blood levels are inadequate to provide the anti-



cancer and anti-inflammatory actions attributed to Pau D'Arco. On the other hand, its effectiveness may not be related solely to lapachol, but influenced by other phytochemicals in the extract. Use ¼ the adult human dose for small dogs, ½ for medium dogs and the equivalent dose in large dogs. Other Dietary Supplements: Milk Thistle: Milk thistle is an herbal product that help protect the liver from toxic damage. It may be useful in treating chronic active hepatitis or as a prevention of injury from other drugs. It has been used to protect the liver from damage from chemotherapy in human patients. It may help prevent damage from traditional anti-convulsants (phenobarbital). I recommend starting at 1 capsule twice a day. Shark Cartilage: Mounting evidence suggests that shark cartilage has anti-angiogenic properties, reducing blood vessel development into tumors. While it is not ecologically sound to harvest sharks for their cartilage, it is hard to deny to benefit of reducing tumor blood flow in reducing tumor size and preventing distant metastasis. On the other hand, a recent study using shark cartilage in terminally ill human cancer patients showed no evidence of benefit either in tumor growth or in the quality of life of the patients. If your dog has neoplasia, you can consider using 1000-2000 mg of shark cartilage daily, taking into account that it may do nothing beneficial. Miscellaneous: You may want to add Essiac tea, Wheatgrass extract, Soybean Concentrate or Chlorella (see www.wheat-grass.com) {these are not proven, only antidotal} Soybean concentrate contains many of the same compounds found in Tofu, in a liquid form. My feeling is that if you use the diet which is based upon Tofu for much of its protein, you do not need soy



concentrates. On the other hand, this might be useful in dogs who remain on commercially processed dog food. Spirulina and chlorella are two varieties of freshwater algae, primitive plants that are cultivated for nutritional use, dried and sold as dark green powders or tablets. They are very expensive and heavily promoted as miracle supplements. What they provide is mostly protein, which you do not need, along with some vitamins and minerals. Claims made for these products are not substantiated by research. Addit ional Measures: Acupuncture: While acupuncture cannot prevent cancer, it can be very effective in relieving pain caused by cancer and may help balance the energy flow throughout the body, directing the bodies healing system to fight the tumor. Acupuncture is widely accepted as a method to provide analgesia without the side-effects of drugs. It stabilizes the adrenal gland function and may increase endogenous corticosteroid secretion without the side-effects of exogenous steroid medication. Electrical acupuncture will stimulate reflex activity, improving muscle strength and allowing more rapid return of function. Post-operatively, needle acupuncture is useful to reduce muscle spasms without drug intervention. Generally, acupuncture is given over several treatments. If it does not provide benefits within 3-5 treatments, then further therapy may not be warranted. Acupuncture should be performed only by a veterinarian who is trained and certified in its use; your veterinarian should be able to refer you to a qualified veterinary acupuncturist in your area. Static Magnetic Therapy: Magnetism has been used for years to treat a number of medical conditions; however, only recently has the use of magnets been rediscovered as relatively simple and safe methods of promoting health with few or no side-effects. Static magnets have a number of physiologic effects which can be useful in the treatment of tumorous



growths. "North" pole magnets create alkalinity by decreasing hydrogen ion concentration in the tissues (since the north pole of a magnet is positive, it repels positively charge molecules. In addition, north pole magnets suppress cell mitosis, inhibits viral and bacterial growth, shrinks tumors and decreases both tissue edema and inflammation. Applying north pole magnets over the area of the tumor for 15-20 minutes a day may help in tumor control. Most medical magnets need to be of 1000-3000 gauss. The higher the magnetic strength, the greater the tissue penetration. For superficial tumors, lower gauss magnets are fine. Healing Touch: Healing touch is based upon the capacity of human beings to pass "life-force" from themselves into others willing to accept this gift. Although many forms of healing touch are taught in the West, they represent teachings of the same physical process. Many studies have indicated that human contact can help lower blood pressure, reduce stress and improve the state of well-being of the recipient. Human contact has also been shown to increase the immune resistance of others. These principles can be used to help animal patients heal, as well. While it is not easy to demonstrate measurable results in all cases, certainly healing touch does no harm. When done as taught by practitioners of healing touch, it does not cost the "giver" personal energy, since the "giver" acts as a conduit of "universal" life-force which is freely available from a limitless supply of life-force within the cosmos. The "recipient" is free to accept and use this life-force energy. Most Eastern philosophies of healing are based upon the concept that living beings are based upon energy which flows in the body. When the energy level is low or there is a blockage of energy flow, disease develops. Healing touch, by providing life-force energy above or below this blockage, can re-establish the natural flow of energy, allowing healing to take place.







Cornell University Charts



Knowing the right way to create an immune system boost can help your pet fight disease and achieve optimum health. This is true whether your cat lacks energy, has chronic problems or is immune deficient. It can even help with age-related decline. Pet Nutrition Systems will teach you three simple steps that will make a big difference in your cat's life. Many pet owners who are conscientious about their health wonder if an immune system booster can be helpful to their favorite feline or canine, The answer is YES. The right sources and combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs and antioxidants are very beneficial for your pet. Our felines and canine companions have different nutritional needs than ones commercial pet food companies would have you believe, but near the end of this article, you will learn what to look for in a good quality supplement if you choose not to feed a rotational raw diet plan. (rotating different non processed protein sources with traces of whole food, oils and herbs) Let's take a look at two basic immune system boost methods. The most important thing that your pets needs for optimum health is species specific nutritional food. After all food is medicine and provides the first line of defense against disease, chronic conditions and aging. Unfortunately, many pet owners unwittingly feed their pets unhealthy processed food. This is not their fault due to the commercials created by well-known brands and nutritionally inept veterinarians lead pet owners to believe that their food is healthy. A quick glance at the label reveals that these brands contain preservatives, dyes, cheap grains, fillers and meat byproducts instead of high quality human grade meat. If you find that you are feeding your pet this type of food, next time, buy an organic human grade food pet meal instead. (call or write us and we will provide you with recipes that you will be able to make at home or buy from us) Meals like this will be so full of nutrition that your cat and or dog will eat less, so the cost will actually be about the same as you are feeding now. Large dogs will cost a little more but the benefits will be cost recovery from lower vet and medicine bills as well as a 45% longer life span.



The second immune system booster is to make sure your pet gets lots of water. Water hydrates the body so organs can function properly and flushes toxins from the body. It helps keep the kidneys and bladder healthy and free of disease. If you are giving your pet water from the tap stop immediately because this is full of chemicals. Rather than buying bottled water, install a tap filter, so you and your pet can both drink fresh, clean water. The third step is to give your pet a daily supplement designed to get rid of stored toxins in the tissues and organs, boost immunity and provide vital nutrients and antioxidants that are not found in commercially made processed food, even organic kibble. We suggest raw meat mixed with small amounts of fruits and or vegetables that will provide these bioavailable anti-oxidants. Animals that eat a processed diet (kibble or canned food) need supplements as much as people because our processed foods are so depleted and because they are subject to all the chemicals from their food and pollutants in the environment. Before choosing from the variety of supplements available on the market, consider using whole food added to the meal and do your research because they are not all the same. Look for one that contains proven ingredients like Mistletoe, Indian Ginseng, Echinacea and Huang Qi. This combination of potent plant-based ingredients will increase immunity, remove stored toxins, promote healthy circulation and boost energy levels. The best pet immune systems boost supplements will also help fight viruses and improve the body's overall defenses and even ward off age-related decline. So there you have it: a simple, three-step plan to increase your pet companion's well-being. Good food, clean water and a daily supplement if you still refuse to feed a whole food diet will go a long way to helping your cat live a long, happy and vibrant life. Don't take chances. Start your pet's immune boosting plan today.




50% of canines and 42% of felines develop cancer in their middle or later years do to bad diets and an accumulation of toxins in their body. Most major veterinary universities have concluded this fact and are on record strongly suggesting the general public stop feeding processed commercial fast food. (kibble and canned food) Here are a few things everyone can do to help prevent cancer taking hold of their pet: 1. Avoid chemical preservatives 2. Feed a homemade or hand crafted (non-processed) whole food diet 3. Feed organic meat, vegetables and fruits 4. Stop feeding processed treats 5. Use only human grade ingredients in your pets diet plan 6. Give plenty of clean non chlorinated water. 7. Detox your pet at least once a year If you are feeding commercially processed pet food it is time to stop and find an alternative. Your pets will live up to 40% longer on a species specific diet,


A multi-level, holistic pet care approach, comprised of incremental, intelligent improvements in its life, along with a healthy rotation diet plan, with organic whole food, will increase your pets life by up to 45% and add to his quality of life as well. Far too many of our pets are under exercised, under socialized, under stimulated, under nourished, and overweight. This lifestyle leads to a road to poor mental and physical



health. Changing these two elements alone will benefit your pet – and you, too! Dogs and cats thrive when they receive regular exercise that is within their capabilities and are fed species specific whole food meals. The fresh air, sunlight and mental stimulation of being outdoors is also hugely beneficial to their overall health. A half hour on a hike is much better mentally and physically than an half hour walking around the same block everyday. Where do you start? Most holistic veterinarians say the most important part of a health-promotion plan is improved diet; most dog trainers will say it’s increased exercise. I propose that these two are equally important and are the back bone of any health program. Unless your pet is in peak health, and eating a home-prepared dog food diet of fresh organic whole foods, you can improve his diet. If you already feed a high-quality commercially made processed product, but your dog still has persistent digestive problems or any signs of food allergy, you should try a change to a more natural whole food diet. Look to provide variety in your pets diet, or consider a manufacturer that provides products of different protein and vegetable sources, or, best yet, a handmade catering service or making the food yourself. (consult a animal nutritionist for a diet plan) If you feed kibble, consider a dehydrated food, or a frozen raw diet like Pet Nutrition Systems. Make notes on your calendar or in a notebook indicating when you switch foods, and what type and variety of food you use. If you are feeding a commercially processed food, you should buy a higher-quality product. Whole foods, raw or freshly cooked, that contain greater amounts of high-quality proteins and fats provide more of the nutrients beneficial to dogs, including a more complete panel of amino acids and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. An improved diet can make a world of difference to the attitude and responsiveness of a dog who suffers from a chronically upset stomach, allergies, mood swings and digestive problems.



Very few pets receive the opportunities to exercise and eat fresh food as much as their wild ancestors did – or even as much as their more recent ancestors did just a few decades ago. Exercise releases endorphins, making the dog feel better. It strengthens bones and soft tissues, and burns calories. It improves the circulation of the lymph system, helping the body move waste products out of the tissues. Exercise also helps pets feel tired! This is a tremendous boon to pets who are chronically anxious, hyperactive, or aggressive. This is why Mr. Milan and others are constantly preaching about exercise for your pet. It is one way to naturally help them balance their life and make their behavior more manageable. Reduce toxic burden If you made a list of every toxic chemical your dog was directly exposed to on a weekly or monthly basis, you’d probably be shocked. The list would probably include hundreds of pesticides, herbicides, cleaning agents, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from building materials and furnishings . . . and that’s not counting the pesticides we apply directly to their skin! “All of these substances are strangers to the body and need to be processed by the liver and other organs,” says Jenny Taylor, DVM, a holistic veterinarian in Oakland, California. “Even products that are supposed to stay on the surface of the body can be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream. Avoid these medications when possible, or ask your vet or holistic practitioner for alternatives.” Yes, we’re exposed to many toxins, too, but we don’t generally lick our skin and feet – and we surely don’t spend as much time as our dogs breathing the highly polluted air near the floors of our homes. (Many common solvents have a higher molecular weight than air, so they settle toward the floor.) And due to their body mass and their rate of respiration, pwts, like infants, are also more susceptible than we are to toxic chemicals in the air. Try to reduce the number of toxins your dog is exposed to. Use natural agents to clean your home, furnishings, and bedding. Keep windows open as much as possible to reduce indoor air pollution. Keep your



yards organic, and rinse your pet’s paws after strolls on public lawns, which are often liberally coated with garden chemicals. Appropriate medical attention Medical surveillance, treatment, prevention, and oversight are important parts of a holistic healthcare program – but only if the holistic vet in charge of your dog’s healthcare orders only those procedures and medications that do the most good with the least side effects. In my opinion, it does more harm than good to employ the services of a general veterinarian who enthusiastically promotes every available vaccine, strongly recommends year-round flea and heartworm preventatives (no matter what the climate), and practically requires that their patients be fed commercial “prescription” diets. These people are out of touch with the current research and may have another agenda. (padding their pockets) Instead, look for veterinarians who promote wellness exams and preventive healthcare practices (like fresh, species-appropriate diets and regular exercise). I seek out vets who are knowledgeable about and use gentle, natural remedies that stimulate the dog’s body to heal itself as first-line treatments, before reaching for strong-arm antibiotics and steroids. And I appreciate practitioners who approach the task of healing with spiritual awareness, reverence for all life, and a deep compassion for animals. This category of veterinary care is generally referred to as “holistic” or “integrative” veterinarian service. These enlightened professionals have acquired extensive training in alternative or complementary medical modalities such as acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, or herbal medicine, and offer these treatments in addition to (or as a replacement for) Western medicines and procedures. I have been a large fan of holistic practitioners, particularly because they tend to be the only vets who are knowledgeable about, promote, and support natural diets. Nutr it ional management of disease 10 to 20 years ago it was considered fairly radical to propose that canine diseases could be treated, at least in part, by manipulating the



animals’ diets. Today, the VCA and other Western vet increasing availability of “prescription” diets processed diets. The big story in the pet food industry now is that both vets and the companies making these product (Hill's) recognize the advantages of a diet plan made specifically to aid in the healing process. Sadly the products and the vets that sell them are just paying lip service to the issue while making a boat load of cash selling the concept to you. “This is truly an exciting time for those involved in the discipline of clinical nutrition because of the veterinary profession’s increased understanding of the role of nutrition in health and disease management, pet owners’ continued interest in receiving the best nutritional information for their pets and the recent proliferation of commercially available therapeutic foods. Our ability to improve the quality of life for pets and their owners is great.” If your pet has any sort of disease or an inherited propensity for disease, ask your veterinarian about the benefits of nutritional therapy to help treat or prevent the disease. Don’t settle for the suggestion of a commercial processed “prescription” diet; they are formulated and made with lower-quality ingredients. Instead, ask what specifically in the diet has been manipulated so as to be beneficial for your dog. Then, see if you can find a product that offers the same benefits and better-quality ingredients. Pet Nutrition Systems Veterinary Prescriptive Nutrition service was designed to address this very need. The best example is a “kidney” diet for dogs with kidney failure. The goal is to feed these patients a diet with a moderate level of very high-quality protein and low amounts of phosphorus. An intelligently formulated home-prepared diet can do a far better job of accomplishing these goals than the commercial diets on the market. You should also do some research on your own to determine what dietary changes might help your dog. A good starting place is Donald R. Strombeck’s Home-Prepared Dog & Cat Diets: The Healthful Alternative. Dr. Strombeck details strategies for changing the dog’s diet to treat and/or prevent gastrointestinal, skin, skeletal and joint, renal, urinary, endocrine, heart, pancreatic, and hepatic disease.



Other diseases that can be improved with dietary management include: • Allergy or intolerance. There are a number of breeds that are particularly susceptible to food allergies, including Cocker Spaniels, Dalmatians, English Springer Spaniels, Labrador Retrievers, Lhasa Apsos, Miniature Schnauzers, and more. Again, it’s important to keep a record of what foods you feed your dog, what they contain, and how your dog looks and feels. If your records indicate that one or more ingredients trigger bad reactions in your dog, seek out foods that do not contain those ingredients in any amount. • Cancer. High-fat, low-carbohydrate (or carb-free) diets are ideal for cancer patients. Cancer cells use carbs for energy, and don’t easily utilize fat, so you can effectively “starve” the cancer cells while providing extra energy to your dog with a diet rich in a high-quality fat sources. • Inherited metabolism disorders. Some breeds are prone to diseases with a strong dietary influence. For example, the West Highland White Terrier and the Cocker Spaniel have an inherited tendency to suffer from copper buildup in the liver; these dogs should eat a diet that is formulated with low levels of copper. Malamutes and Siberian Huskies can inherit a zinc metabolism disorder, and require a high-zinc diet (or zinc supplements. Ask your veterinarian (and reliable breeders) about your dog’s breed-related nutritional requirements. And contact Pet Nutrition Systems for options of recipes for you to make at home or food we can deliver or ship to you. Pet food makers are not required to print the levels of every nutrient on their labels, but should make this information available to you upon request. Caloric considerat ions Another thing you have to consider is the caloric content of the food you choose. If the food you select for your dog is energy-dense, and your dog is a couch potato, you may have to cut her daily ration considerably to prevent her from getting fat. Some dogs respond to forced dieting with begging, counter-surfing, and garbage-raiding. If your dog is one of these, you may have to seek out a high-fiber, low-



calorie food – one that may not necessarily contain the highest-quality protein or fat sources on the market – to keep your dog feeling contentedly full without getting fat. Dogs exhibit a wide range of energy requirements. You may have to seek out a higher- or lower-calorie food based on the following attributes that can affect your dog’s energy needs: • Activity level. The more a dog exercises the more energy he needs to consume to maintain his condition; it’s that simple. • Growth. Growing puppies or kittens have higher energy requirements than adults. A food with a higher protein level, but a moderate (not high) fat level is ideal. Obese puppies are far more prone to degenerative joint disease – especially in large and giant breeds – than puppies with a normal or slim physique. • Age. The age at which a dog becomes a senior citizen varies from breed to breed, with larger dogs considered geriatric at earlier ages. Older dogs typically require fewer calories to maintain their body weight and condition, partly because they tend to be less active than younger dogs. • Environmental conditions. Pets who live or spend much of their time outside in severe cold temperatures need from 10 percent to as much as 90 percent more energy than Pets who enjoy a temperate climate. The thickness and quality of the dog’s coat, the amount of body fat he has, and the quality of his shelter have direct effects on the pet’s energy needs. • Illness. Sick petss have increased energy needs; it takes energy to mount an immune response or repair tissues. However, dogs who do not feel well also tend to be inactive, which lowers their energy needs. • Reproduction. A pregnant female’s energy requirement does not increase significantly until the final third of her pregnancy, when it may increase by a factor of three.



• Lactation. A nursing female may require as much as eight times as much energy as a female of the same age and condition who is not nursing. • Other individual factors. Other factors that can affect a pet’s energy requirement include its temperament (nervous or placid?) and skin, fat, and coat quality (how well he is insulated against weather conditions). Human factors Finally, there are the human factors that may influence your pet-food purchasing decision, such as cost and local availability. Understand that there is a connection between the quality of an animal’s food and his health, and do the best you can do. You will be surprised how cost effecient our catering service and vet prescriptive nutrition services are. It’s also worth considering the reliability, responsiveness, and availability of the manufacturer’s customer service people. It can be frustrating and costly if a company making your food has a recall. (if your lucky enough to find out about it) When you do find out about a recall or have questions about the change of formulations you can never reach them. I know that the facts are only 18% of the pet owning public care enough to feed their pets correctly. I also know that a larger percentage have it in their heart to do better by their pet companions. That is why I continue to educate you and try to inspire you to do the right thing. The majority of our clients do not come to us until there is a health issue that needs a nutritional component to help extend the life of the pet. My hope is to reach more animals before the illness starts and allowing us to have better success in the extension of life for you pet.

CAN YOUR PET LIVE TO BE 24 YEARS OLD? In 1999 a panel of experts at the Western Veterinary Conference in San Francisco referred to antioxidants as the "missing link" in commercial dog food. They had determined that Vitamins E, C, and beta-carotene work the same way in canines as they do in humans. They defuse toxic molecules known as "free radicals." Free radicals are formed as a result



of normal metabolism in the cells, as well as by exposure to environmental pollutants. If left unchecked, they can damage DNA, corrode cell membranes, and kill cells outright. Free radicals have been implicated in some cancers, heart and lung disease, and cataracts. Their cumulative effects may be responsible for accelerating the aging process and altering the body's immune system. The antioxidants are available in great abundance in many vegetables, particularly the bright orange and dark green ones. By including just one of these vegetables in your dog's daily ration you are buying a small insurance policy for good health. Having a nutritionally balanced diet that included the right vegetables and fruits added to the meat base is the best insurance policy you can give. The trick is to make sure that they are bio-available. They must be crushed, finely chopped or pureed. Steaming also works but be careful as to not use to much heat. highly processing them into kibble will destroy the antioxidant qualities. Do you have a pet that is suffering or recovering from dog or cat cancer such as, lymph cancer, skin cancer or kidney cancer? Did you know that a whole food diet can help speed up the rate of their recovery and help boost their immune systems so they can actually fight off the disease? It's true. Just like with human beings, it has been discovered that a healthy immune system is the best weapon against fighting, treating, and preventing disease. Dog and cat lymph cancer, dog skin cancer and cat kidney disorder rates have increased dramatically over the past 3 decades. This means that the chances that you will own a dog or cat that will suffer from cancer also have risen. The articles and seminars I have read and heard at many Veterinary Conference were stating the fact that it will take years, if ever, for the pet food industry to respond and include anti-oxidants in dog food in a way that would be of value. Even if they decided to spend the money to add anti-oxidants to their formulations, the heat process by which they produce kibble and canned food by would void the effects provided. At



this conference many veterinary nutritionist claim that the average life span of a dog feed a natural clean diet should be 24 years of age rather than the 11 that is the case now. Cancer is now the number one killer of all dogs over the age of two. the best thing you can do to expand your pets life and protect them from cancer is to give them a whole food, nutritionally balanced, specie specific diet. I am writing you to suggest that you take control over the food that your dogs and cats eat. I hear pet owners say too many times that they will try a healthier diet and see if their pet likes it??? Their pets may not like going to the vet too get there shots, getting a bath or having to go to the bath room at side in the rain. But you make that choice for them. Be responsible and make this no brainer decision for them. Over the years we have received some unfriendly, and sometimes heated letters arguing the safety of processed food. I generally offer to send some of these people our recipes to prepare for themselves or samples from our menu to try. The response has been over whelming! Many with individual questions which I try to answer. These are normal, everyday people who just loved their pets and want to do the best for them. People who, like you, questioning the sanity of feeding our pets overly processed or canned foods which we, as thinking human adults tried to avoid eating ourselves. Not all commercial dog foods are killing our dogs - just most of them. Most of these products are woefully deficient in key nutrients and are chock full of toxic rubbish and fillers (like grain) that provide no nutritional benefit to our dogs. Some of the ingredients hiding behind the laughably inept labeling laws and fuzzy feel good marketing tactics are: Indigestible waste products, colors, dyes, toxins, pesticides, chemicals, harmful preservatives (BHA, BHT and Ethoxyquin) and antibiotics. It doesn't stop there, then you've got a wide range of dead, diseased, disabled or dying animals prior to their visit to the slaughter house added to the mix. You may even find some so called animal "by-products" and some recently euthanized pet cats or dogs. Basically all of the rubbish that other industries can't or won't use can end up in your dog's dinner bowl. To top it all off any nutrition that is present in this toxic cocktail is then ruined by the cooking processes used. All of



which add to the chance of poisoning and slowly killing your pet.

Simply put, kibble, most processed canned food and poorly thought out raw diets are all things we can control. Don't hide your head in the sand hoping your dog and/or cats don't get sick and then run around looking for help to do damage control. Read my articles written in my notes and start doing right by your pets. The alternative is painful and very expensive! Pet Nutrition Systems is here for you. We offer free consultation services, free diet planning, free recipes and cost efficient handmade veterinary prescriptive nutrition meals. For those who cannot prepare meals for their dog or cat, call or write me food us to make it for you and deliver it to your home. ([email protected]) For those who prefer to prepare their dogs food, the following sample diet contains the ingredients important for cancer patients. In addition, it supplies the important nutrients for cancer protection. email [email protected] for an individual diet plan and recipes. Home cooked cancer diet: (for 60-90 pounds body weight) 4 oz Pork Back Fat (boiled, baked or fried in olive oil) 4 oz Tofu (firm soybean curd) 2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2 Whole Carrots (boiled and then cut up) 1 cup Spinach (cooked) 4 Tbs Green Bell Pepper (chopped and steamed) 4 Broccoli Spears (boiled and then cut up) 2 Sardines (in olive oil, drained) 2 cloves raw Garlic (crushed and added before serving) 1 tsp dry, ground Ginger (added before serving) ½ tsp dry, yellow Mustard (added before serving) 1/4 cup diced tomato (added before serving)

PET NUTRITION SYSTEMS VPN CANCER AND IMMUNE WELLNESS PROGRAM http://www.petnutritionsystems.com/vpn/fordogs/vpnfordogs_cancer.html
