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Cants. iiiierml LEWIS CO.;

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j 1 lllllVn I Iff r WAX t: Iv ... VOL. VIII.-N- O. 14 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN I8LAND8. TUESDAY, JUNE 12. L888. PRICE 5 CENTS. justness (ttanls. lusinesiS Cants. jflE DAILY Zlfcucrnsfmeius. I iiiierml Advertiser PCBLISUED Jlhiir Except Sundays. The Liverpool k London k Globe INSURANCE COMPANY. G. P. CASTLE. S. N. CASTLE. J. B. ATIIERTON. CHU ON & CO., LEWIS & CO.; FORT STREET, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions. Importers and Dealers in CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, Chinese & Japanese Goods B.1,.Ii.N"z.l;,,r't01ei!;D (in- - d;t8e' Assets $30,620,000 Net Income, 18SG 9,079,000 Claims Paid 112,509,000 Having established an agency in Honolulu for the Hawaiian Islands, the undersigned are prepared to write risks against fire on buildings, merchandise and dwellings on favorable terms. Dwelling risks a specialty. Detatched dwellings and contents insured for a period of three years, for two premiums in advance. Losses promptly adjusted and payable here. BISHOP & CO. ably Advance. -- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN- - .hie lrtn P3 Greneral jVIeiclaandise. HiffAlIAN (GAZETTE CO TTrmnllllU. U. I. -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- - 22Tlve House tioods a Specialty 181-- tf d. Mckenzie & co., Commission Merchants, SHIP CHANDLERY, Naval Nfores ami Groceries, ISrieks, Lime antl Cement. Eohala Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, Papaikou Sugar Co. Grove Ranch Plantation, R. Halstead's Plantation. A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. N F. BURGESS, ICIFTTC Hardware Company, I'd and Drayman, jpressman Ifnrfi No. 15. ltf 42 NUUANU STREET, Have constantlj on hand Silk, Satin, Crape, Grass Cloth, Embroidered and Hemstitched Silk and Grass Cloth Handkerchiefs, Silk and Crape Shawls and Scarfs. A great variety of Chinese and Japa- nese Tea Sets, Vases, Jironze and Lac- quered Wares. Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise Shell Card Cases, Paper Cutters, Fans and Jewelry Cases. Gold" and Silver Jewelry, setting with Tiger Claws, Cats' Eyes and Amber, such as Scarf Tins, Earrings, Bracelets, Necklaces, Etc. An assortment of Chinese and Japa- nese Nick-Nack- s and Curiosities too nu- merous to specify. Chinese Matting a sjecialty. Ebony and Marble Furniture in sets Tables, Chairs and Settees. A full assortment of Flower Fots, Arti- ficial Flower Baskets, Lacquered and Bamboo Goods, Etc. New Goods received by every steamer. The public are respectfully invited to inspect our goods. U-oi- n Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines. Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson seaving Mvcniis i :s. A. H. RASEMAN, OOK BINDER, Families and Ships supplied on most reason- able terms. Island orders solicited. Mutual Telephone 292. P. O. Box 479. No. 26 FORT STREET, opposite Oceanic Steam-s- h i p wharf. 21 6-- 1 y B. LEVY & SON, Importers, Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchants In Foreign and Domestic FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Kler ami IUaiil Book paper naiiulatlnrer. tf JtreejUpjtaiM) ltf LEWERS & COOKE, S;ccc5sors to Lowers & Dickson) FORT STREET, Are just opening a fine line of Baskets. BASKE T S ! Picnic, Hand, Butchers', Garden, Sponge, Flower, Stocking, Biscuit, Indian Linen Buff Hampers, White Hampers, Barrel Shape. Basket Tables, Dress Stands Work Baskets, Knife Baskets, Dutch Baskets, Sand Baskets, Brush and Omb Baskets, News Stands, Letter Baskets, Carpenters Baskets, Ktc. LAtiGE ASSORTMENT. 2FCall early and make selections.!! rs an.l Dealers In Lumber G. WEST & CO.'S, 105 Port St. Is the place to go to for all kinds of FURNITURE, Ail all KinJs of Building Materials, fl FORT STREET, Honolulu. ltf THE Wffl. McCANDLESS, Dealer in Crockery, Etc., Etc. Noest Heel, ei, MH"f National Brewery ! We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds in our line, and make a specialty in packing all kinds of fruit for long distance markets. Hawaiian Island patronage will receive special attention. 628 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco. P. O. Box 1742, E. Ti. MARSHALL, Honolulu, 118-C- ni Agent lor Hawaiian Islands. 3PIOHSTEER Stem Candy Factory Toys, Baseball Goods, G. WEST & CO.'s, - 105 Fort Streei No. C Queen Street, Fish Market, 'TinJ shirring orders carefully attended be Stock furnished tt vessels at short VfgttaMe.s of all kinds supplied to Telephone o.VL ltf . J. ALFRED MAGOON, KALI HI VALLEY, Is the Ilace to liny Pianos, Orgraus and - Every Kind of Vf usical Instrument. 50-12- l'aclfic Hardware Co. !. GOO KIM ! GOO KIM ! attorney - at " Law, AN D G. WEST & CO.'S, 105 Fort St. ltf 12 Merchant Street, Honolulu. Is now one of the Permanently Established Industrie of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and the Company to whose Enterprise its Existence is due have for the first time solved the problem of Brewing in this Country a BAKE Tl Y . VA1LLANC0URT ASHFORD, GOO KIM ! Is Where Everybody oes to Buy Babv Carriages, Dolls, Toy Dishes, Etc. onipj. Solicitor, Agent to Take Acknowledgment, Etc. -- Old Capitol Building, adjoining General Post Office. 27-3- ui Pure, Wliolosoims Palatable F. HOEN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. 71 Hotel Street." ISo tli Telephones 74. COT STEEL JEWELRY When You Want a Picture Frame or a Cornice Iole, so to JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, 105 Fort Street, G. WEST & CO'S, - BEER. 239 1216 JUST RECEIVED FOE SALE ! Importer and Dealer in SNERAL MERCHANDISE. So. 25-3- 1 Qneen Street, ITonolulu. ltf H. HACKFELD & CO., -- INVOICES OF- - At Greatly Rcducpd Prices. THE LATEST NOVELTIES JUST RECEIVED FROM PARIS. The Finest and Most Exquisite Workmanship Guaranteed. No imitation, but real GENUINE CUT STEEL. That it possesses these qualities in a very marked degree, and is a beverage admirably adapted for consumption in a tropical climate, is admitted by all who have tried it. It was pre- dicted at the outset that EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE, THE STEAM BEER -- And Just Lauded In Fine Order. 1 Galv. Corrugated Iron, 6, 7 and 9 Feet Long. For Sale by H. HACKFELD & CO. general Commission Agents ftr. Fort & (jneen Sta., Honolulu, ltf BEAVER SALOON, rviMreet, Opposite Milder Co.s, I H. J. NOLTE. PROPRIETOR. Just Received, per S. S. Australia, OF THE Barrel Shooks and Heads, Ax Handles, Pick Handles, Hoe Handles, Canal Baarows, Nests Trunks. A VERY FINE LINE OF Galvanized Barb Wire, Galvanized Cut Nails, Galvanized Cut Spikes, Galv. Clinch Boat Nails, Iron Cut Nails (asst'd) Horse Shoe Nails. ltf -- us Lnnches Served with Tea, Coffee, National Brewery Co. Dry and Fancy Goof's! aier, umger Aie or jiiik. iii From 3 a.m. till 10 . m. linkers' Requisites a Specialty. ltf THOMAS LINDSAY Has Removed His Manufacturing At Astonishing Low Prices. No trouble to show goods. Would soon find favor in the community after it had been given a trial. R. W. FRAZER. Second-han- d Iron Safes. Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber, Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing, Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust. pERCHAT TAILOll, GOO KIM, 138 Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts. ment Jewelry Establish c. King and Alakea Sts., Honolulu. In the course of a few short months the pre- diction has been amply realized. ?ttile Kood workmanship and a 1 tie JUST AKR1VED. charge, 'guaranteed. J.i.1 GERMANIA MARKET. From Xnuanii Street to Thomas Block, King Street. iJ- - . RAI PP, . m pTnPTtTF.TOR. "Electric" Kerosene Oil. "Downer's" Oil, "Belraontine" Oil, Lard Oil, Gasoline, in Drums, (2 5 gallons in each). Plaster, Rosendale Cement, Portland Cement, Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns. The IleaNoiitt Why It Ha Achieved Succei Are Not Far to Sei-k- . lort ret. Ilonoi,,!,!. MUTTON AND VEAL. Frh Sa ...... Particular attention paid to repairing. 06tf Household .Sewing: Machines, with latest improvements and attachments. Hand Sewing: Machines. One Washing: Machine, New. Musical Instruments, Aristons, Ac-cordeo- us, Guitars, Violins. Bijrotphones, a new and comical instru- ment, can be played by anyone. Guitar and Violin Strings Velveteen Carpets and Itug-s- . Ed Heffschlaeffer & Co. UNTOTICE. Shipping served on short itf i0KOLULD IRON WORKS CO., Cumberland Coal. Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones, Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black, Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-pl- y. Ox Bows, Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks), Drain Pipe 3, 4, G and 8 inches. engines, , ar MiiK. foiilers, llrass Scientific Experience and Practical Skill began the work and nae carried it through. A Cool and nealthy Site was selected for the Works. An Absolutely Pure Water Supply has been ob- tained from an artesian source G70 feet deep. The ingredients used in the manufacture are the best which the MARKETS OF THE WORLD AFFORD. THE MACHINERY is of the most modern and improved type. GI LBERT WALLEK, Manager. Bell Telephone G. Mutual Telephone 147. P, O. Box No. 448. eTust Arrived. Pi-uiar7,e,r- 'Ascription made to fe-g- . Job lou to ships' black-or- k executed on the shortest ltf to lay. To Arrive per Australia Apples, Sweet and Baking. Fears. Prunes. Jams and Jellies. Canned Fruits. ' Potatoes, Onions. Garlic, Cabbages. Cauliflower, Etc. ;PKCJST USTTJTS ! Walnuts, Hazel Nuts. Italian Chestnuts. Almond Nuts. THE ROYAl. Q a t nrvxT Hand Carts, Baby Carriages, Sashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension Top Carriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas- s Carriage. C. BEEWER & CO. ' Merchant Streets Ulthe Management of F- - Wolter, FOR SALE. We have now a steam nut roasting ma- chine in full running order. Xr-Twenty-fi- ve extra heavy corn fed turkejrs on hand. California Fruits Market. Kin? street, Honolulu. 61 FLENSBURG STOCK BEER, in quarts and pints. CHAMPAGNES OF Joseph Perrier Fils & Co., in quarts and pints. Carte d'Argent. Bouzy Mousseaux, Grand Vin Mousseaux. VEUVE AMIOT Carte d'Argent. Carte Rose. ACKERMANN LAWRENCE Carte Noir. Ed. Hoffschlaeger & Co. KING AND BETHEL STREETS. H. E. JVEelntyre & Bro., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed? EAST JORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. iwor innd received bv every pacKet from the Eastern States and Europe, fresh Californ'a C. MAP P.U a vrm A GOO-Gall- on Redwood Tank ! (Sn... In goo-- i order. Apply to Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of tl e city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoffice Box No. 416 H. HACKFELD & CO., rOJKSf ISWlOJf AGENTS, GEXEKAt Qaften Bt.t Honolulu G. 3?- - CASTLE 60apl7 Telephone No. 92 I HfJ St. Honolulu.


1 lllllVnI Iff rWAX t:

Iv ...


justness (ttanls. lusinesiS Cants.jflE DAILY Zlfcucrnsfmeius.

I iiiierml Advertiser


Jlhiir Except Sundays.The Liverpool k London k Globe



Importers, Wholesale and RetailDealers in

Groceries and Provisions.

Importers and Dealers inCASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission Merchants, Chinese & Japanese GoodsB.1,.Ii.N"z.l;,,r't01ei!;D (in- -


Assets $30,620,000Net Income, 18SG 9,079,000Claims Paid 112,509,000

Having established an agency in Honolulu forthe Hawaiian Islands, the undersigned areprepared to write risks against fire on buildings,merchandise and dwellings on favorable terms.Dwelling risks a specialty. Detatched dwellingsand contents insured for a period of three years,for two premiums in advance. Losses promptlyadjusted and payable here.



.hie lrtnP3

Greneral jVIeiclaandise.HiffAlIAN (GAZETTE CO

TTrmnllllU. U. I.


22Tlve House tioods a Specialty181-- tf

d. Mckenzie & co.,

Commission Merchants,SHIP CHANDLERY,

Naval Nfores ami Groceries,ISrieks, Lime antl Cement.

Eohala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

Paia Plantation,Papaikou Sugar Co.

Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation.

A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.N F. BURGESS,

ICIFTTCHardware Company, I'dand Drayman,


Ifnrfi No. 15. ltf


Have constantlj on hand Silk, Satin,Crape, Grass Cloth, Embroidered andHemstitched Silk and Grass ClothHandkerchiefs, Silk and Crape Shawlsand Scarfs.

A great variety of Chinese and Japa-nese Tea Sets, Vases, Jironze and Lac-quered Wares.

Ivory, Sandalwood and Tortoise ShellCard Cases, Paper Cutters, Fans andJewelry Cases.

Gold" and Silver Jewelry, setting withTiger Claws, Cats' Eyes and Amber,such as Scarf Tins, Earrings, Bracelets,Necklaces, Etc.

An assortment of Chinese and Japa-nese Nick-Nack- s and Curiosities too nu-merous to specify.

Chinese Matting a sjecialty.Ebony and Marble Furniture in sets

Tables, Chairs and Settees.A full assortment of Flower Fots, Arti-

ficial Flower Baskets, Lacquered andBamboo Goods, Etc.

New Goods received by every steamer.The public are respectfully invited to

inspect our goods. U-oi- n

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco.

Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson

seaving Mvcniis i :s.



Families and Ships supplied on most reason-able terms. Island orders solicited.

Mutual Telephone 292. P. O. Box 479.

No. 26 FORT STREET, opposite Oceanic Steam-s- hi p wharf. 21 6--1 y

B. LEVY & SON,Importers, Wholesale Dealers and

Commission MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestic


Kler ami IUaiil Bookpapernaiiulatlnrer. tf

JtreejUpjtaiM) ltf


S;ccc5sors to Lowers & Dickson)


Are just opening a fine line of Baskets.


Picnic, Hand, Butchers', Garden,Sponge, Flower, Stocking, Biscuit,

Indian Linen Buff Hampers,White Hampers, Barrel Shape.

Basket Tables, Dress StandsWork Baskets, Knife Baskets,

Dutch Baskets, Sand Baskets,Brush and Omb Baskets,

News Stands, Letter Baskets,Carpenters Baskets, Ktc.


2FCall early and make selections.!!

rs an.l Dealers In LumberG. WEST & CO.'S, 105 Port St.

Is the place to go to for all kinds of

FURNITURE,Ail all KinJs of Building Materials,

fl FORT STREET, Honolulu. ltf THEWffl. McCANDLESS,

Dealer in Crockery, Etc., Etc.Noest Heel, ei, MH"f National Brewery !

We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds inour line, and make a specialty in packing allkinds of fruit for long distance markets.

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

628 and 530 Sansome St., San Francisco.P. O. Box 1742,

E. Ti. MARSHALL, Honolulu,118-C- ni Agent lor Hawaiian Islands.


Stem Candy Factory

Toys, Baseball Goods,

G. WEST & CO.'s, - 105 Fort StreeiNo. C Queen Street, Fish Market,

'TinJ shirring orders carefully attendedbe Stock furnished tt vessels at short

VfgttaMe.s of all kinds supplied toTelephone o.VL ltf .

J. ALFRED MAGOON,KALI HI VALLEY,Is the Ilace to liny Pianos, Orgraus and

- Every Kind of Vf usical Instrument.50-12- l'aclfic Hardware Co. !.

GOO KIM ! GOO KIM !attorney - at " Law, A N D

G. WEST & CO.'S, 105 Fort St.ltf12 Merchant Street, Honolulu.

Is now one of the Permanently EstablishedIndustrie of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and theCompany to whose Enterprise its Existence isdue have for the first time solved the problem ofBrewing in this Country aBAKE Tl Y .

VA1LLANC0URT ASHFORD, GOO KIM ! Is Where Everybody oes to Buy

Babv Carriages, Dolls, Toy Dishes, Etc.onipj. Solicitor, Agent to TakeAcknowledgment, Etc.

--Old Capitol Building, adjoining GeneralPost Office. 27-3- ui

Pure, Wliolosoims PalatableF. HOEN,

Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

71 Hotel Street."ISo tli Telephones 74.

COT STEEL JEWELRYWhen You Want a Picture Frame or a Cornice Iole, so to

JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, 105 Fort Street,G. WEST & CO'S, - BEER.239 1216


Importer and Dealer in

SNERAL MERCHANDISE.So. 25-3- 1 Qneen Street, ITonolulu. ltf



At Greatly Rcducpd Prices.



The Finest and Most Exquisite WorkmanshipGuaranteed. No imitation, but real


That it possesses these qualities in a verymarked degree, and is a beverage admirablyadapted for consumption in a tropical climate,is admitted by all who have tried it. It was pre-

dicted at the outset that


--And Just Lauded In Fine Order. 1

Galv. Corrugated Iron,

6, 7 and 9 Feet Long. For Sale by


generalCommission Agents

ftr. Fort & (jneen Sta., Honolulu, ltf

BEAVER SALOON,rviMreet, Opposite Milder Co.s,


Just Received, per S. S. Australia,OF THE

Barrel Shooks and Heads,Ax Handles,

Pick Handles,Hoe Handles,

Canal Baarows,Nests Trunks.


Galvanized Barb Wire,Galvanized Cut Nails,

Galvanized Cut Spikes,Galv. Clinch Boat Nails,

Iron Cut Nails (asst'd)Horse Shoe Nails.

ltf-- us Lnnches Served with Tea, Coffee, National Brewery Co.Dry and Fancy Goof's!aier, umger Aie or jiiik.

iii From 3 a.m. till 10 . m.linkers' Requisites a Specialty. ltf


Has Removed His Manufacturing

At Astonishing Low Prices. No troubleto show goods. Would soon find favor in the community

after it had been given a trial.R. W. FRAZER.Second-han- d Iron Safes.

Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber,Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,

Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dust.

pERCHAT TAILOll, GOO KIM,138 Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.mentJewelry Establishc. King and Alakea Sts., Honolulu.

In the course of a few short months the pre-

diction has been amply realized.?ttile Kood workmanship and a1 tie JUST AKR1VED.charge,

'guaranteed. J.i.1

GERMANIA MARKET.From Xnuanii Street to

Thomas Block, King Street.iJ-- . RAI PP, . m pTnPTtTF.TOR.

"Electric" Kerosene Oil."Downer's" Oil, "Belraontine" Oil, Lard Oil,

Gasoline, in Drums, (2 5 gallons in each).Plaster, Rosendale Cement, Portland Cement,

Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns.

The IleaNoiitt Why It Ha AchievedSuccei Are Not Far to Sei-k- .lort ret. Ilonoi,,!,!.


Particular attention paid to repairing.06tf

Household .Sewing: Machines, withlatest improvements and attachments.

Hand Sewing: Machines.One Washing: Machine, New.

Musical Instruments, Aristons, Ac-cordeo- us,

Guitars, Violins.Bijrotphones, a new and comical instru-

ment, can be played by anyone.

Guitar and Violin StringsVelveteen Carpets and Itug-s- .

Ed Heffschlaeffer & Co.

UNTOTICE.Shipping served on shortitf


Cumberland Coal.Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones,

Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black,Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, 3-pl- y. Ox Bows,

Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks),Drain Pipe 3, 4, G and 8 inches.

engines,,ar MiiK. foiilers, llrass

Scientific Experience and Practical Skill began

the work and nae carried it through.

A Cool and nealthy Site was selected for theWorks.

An Absolutely Pure Water Supply has been ob-

tained from an artesian source G70 feet deep.

The ingredients used in the manufactureare the best which the MARKETS OF THEWORLD AFFORD.

THE MACHINERY is of the most modern andimproved type.


Bell Telephone G. Mutual Telephone 147.

P, O. Box No. 448.

eTust Arrived.Pi-uiar7,e,r- 'Ascription made to

fe-g-. Job lou to ships' black-or- k

executed on the shortestltf

to lay.To Arrive per AustraliaApples, Sweet and Baking.

Fears. Prunes.Jams and Jellies.

Canned Fruits.' Potatoes, Onions.

Garlic, Cabbages.Cauliflower, Etc.


Walnuts, Hazel Nuts.Italian Chestnuts.

Almond Nuts.

THE ROYAl. Q a t nrvxT

Hand Carts, Baby Carriages, Sashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five Extension Top

Carriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas- s Carriage.

C. BEEWER & CO.'Merchant Streets

Ulthe Management of

F- - Wolter,FOR SALE.

We have now a steam nut roasting ma-

chine in full running order.Xr-Twenty-fi-

ve extra heavy corn fed

turkejrs on hand.

California Fruits Market.Kin? street, Honolulu. 61

FLENSBURG STOCK BEER, in quartsand pints.


Joseph Perrier Fils & Co., in quarts andpints.

Carte d'Argent. Bouzy Mousseaux,Grand Vin Mousseaux.


Carte d'Argent. Carte Rose.


Carte Noir.

Ed. Hoffschlaeger & Co.KING AND BETHEL STREETS.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed?EAST JORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

iwor innd received bv every pacKet from the Eastern States and Europe, fresh Californ'a

C. MAP P.U a vrm A GOO-Gall- on Redwood Tank !(Sn...

In goo-- i order. Apply to

Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of tl ecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoffice Box No. 416


rOJKSf ISWlOJf AGENTS,GEXEKAt Qaften Bt.t HonoluluG. 3?- - CASTLE60apl7Telephone No. 92I HfJ St. Honolulu.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser. We do not hold ourselves responsible for thestatements made, or opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents.

Graduating: Exercises Kleven Newl'reacliers.

Be ju.?t and fear noi:Let all the ends thou aiiu'st at be

Thy Country's, thy Clod's, and Truth's.

Sunday School Picnic.The Sunday School picnic under the

auspices of the Central Union Churchand congregation was a splendid successin all and sundry of the elements thatcontribute to success on such an occa-

sion. A beautiful day, magnificentgrounds, rich, healthful breezes, abund-

ance of commissariat supplies, a large

but not overcrowded assemblage, andamusements in all but endless varietywere the features of the event. Betweenfive and six hundred persons, of all ages

I would r.p,.ctfl,nut IJUNE 12, 1SS8.TUESDAY,

TKawaiahao Church was filled last Sun-

day evening, by a large audience chieflyof Hawaiians, who came to listen to thegraduating exercises of eleven youngpreachers who have completed a four


Where I avigorousfrom the toddling infant to the mfUnreJt0. '--' . . i Theoctogenarian were on tne grounu"t:

forming, as far as laws could be made todo so, all of the evils named above, andto repeal all laws that had a tendency toencourage corruption either in high orlow places.

Extravagance and folly are beingchecked by law, and opium prohibited.Why not check or try to check the worseevils by the same means ? It is certainlyexpected if not demanded by the reformmovement.

We want prohibition pure and simpleas that would be the direct opposite ofwhat the old government practised.Prohibition of official corruption and in-capacity, prohibition of opium, prohibi-tion of rum, etc., is what we expected ;

but as the latter dies hard and seems tohave friends among sober men we wouldbe satisfied for the present if the Legisla-ture would give us that part of prohibi-tion called " local option," as that wouldgive an opportunity for agitation andsecure to the people of every district theright to decide this question themselves,and we would look to the future growingpower of temperance to insert a prohibi-tory clause in our Constitution. It willsurely be done, and these islands mayyet have the honor of being the firstcountry to do away with rum by consti-tutional prohibition. This done, theseislands would be " gems of the ocean"in fact as well as in name, being freedfrom the evils of king alcohol.

John M. Horner.

years, course of study in the North Pa-

cific Mission Institute, under the care of JeI" the .,IMM satisfy..uo secured th -

Aud will yiuranthave also just 'HVedaE,.l

GOLD AN' I) pt tl ,

Rev. C. M. Hyde, D. D., assisted in thework of instruction by Rev. II. H.Parker, the pastor of Kawaiahao Church.The young men with three fellow-student- s,

under-graduate- s, making fourteenin all, were seated upon the large plat-form with their teachers and two Ha-

waiian pastors who had assigned partsin the exercises. The appearance andbearing of the young men was that ofcultured and civilized gentlemen, in ahigher degree than in any similar classwe have ever seen in former years.

Four speeches were made by selected

Rev!3 Lowell Smith, D.D., who on theprevious day. before an assembly ofsome five hundred people, in referringto events fifty years gone by, remarked," I was in the prime of life then," movedabout among the crowd, taking in thescene, with as much zest, apparently, asif he were one of the boys himself. Mr.P. C. Jones and Chief Justice Judd tooktheir runs on bases in a baseball gamebetween married men and unmarriedboys with a celerity and lightness of footthat probably they did not very greatlyexceed when thirty years younger andseveral points avoirdupois lighter. Itwould be difficult to imagine a betterspot for a picnic party to enjoy them-selves to the utmost. The place, aspreviously announced, was 'SweetHome," corner of Nuuanu and Juddstreets, the home, in the 'forties and for

It is worth while to compare the pro-

visions of the Married Women's Prop-

erty Act with the codes of some of theStates. We have done this in the caseof Massachusetts, Michigan, California,and the Province of Ontario, and wereat once gratified to find how enlightenedand progressive the provisions of thosecommonwealths are, and ashamed toobserve how far behind the rest of theworld we have fallen. In all the juris-

dictions mentioned, the separate rights ofwomen are very fully recognized. Withsome differences in details, with mockconservatism in some and more ofradicalism in others, t tie general resultof legislation has been to deprive thehusband of all interest in the propertyof his wife whether acquired prior orsubsequent to marriage; to give her insome cases a partial, in others a com-

plete control over its disposition; togive her, with varying limitations, thepower to contract, sue and be sued ; tomake her earnings either her own or

T I IT 11 a.

Suitable for theat tre,nelylowpricJ: ,ioIlJ

81ect the sa.ne Wfore mrZ T"' .'.-- ""nig t'MThanking yon f

and asking f0r a - .'!Absolutely Pure. '"f0 IV,..KespectfullvMAUlFor quick raising, the Royal leaking Powder is

superior to all other leavening auents. It is ab-

solutely pure and wholesome and of the highest Houolmu. H. I? amon IilockiB.Ililu Notes.

members of the graduating class, ofabout six minutes each, of course in thenative language. Their topics weretheological, evidently assigned to them,

leavening power. It is always uniform instrength and quality and never fails to makeMr. II Luce has been appointed De- - many years subsequently, of the late Dr. x. " DEUTSCHEJudd. The trees under wliicti groups or

delighted picknickers reclined were,light, sweet, most palatable and nutritive food.Bread, biscuits, muffins, cake, etc., raised withRoyal Baking Powder may be eaten l.or withoutdistressing results to the most aelicate digestiveorgans. It will keep in any climate withoutdeterioration.

Prof. H. A. Mott, U. S. Government Chemist.

and all relating to the Holy Spirit. Allevinced thoughtful study, and carefulstatement, not devoid of practical appli-cation and sound feeling upon their im-portant themes. As usual with Ha-waiia- ns,

their delivery was vigorous andanimated. To the foreigners presentfamiliar with the language this portionof the exercises was unusually interest-ing a id attractive, not tedious as some

after examining officially the principal baking

mostly, if not all, planted by the handsof the present Chief Justice, when aboy. Several foreign guests from differ-ent points in the States were of thecompany.

About the middle of the afternoon thehomeward movement commenced, andhundreds of little folks will long remem-ber, with retrospective satisfaction, the11th of June, 1888.

WHITE ni;u

common property. in Drier, an mebeneficent provisions of the bill nowunder consideration have been drawnfrom one or the other of the States men-

tioned above.

powders of the country, reported:"The Roval Baking Powder is absolutely pure,

for I have so found it in many tests made bothfor that company and the United States Govern-ment.

"Because of the facilities that company havefor obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, aud

puty Sheriff for the Island of Hawaii.More Japanese are pleasant to see, be-

cause they always look so cheerful, andare as polite as any nation in the world.

Judge Akau Hapai has been ill forsome time, but is gradually recovering.Mr. J. P. Sisson has been acting in theJudge's place.

Mr. Nathan C. WTillfong and MissMaria Conway were united in the bondsof wedlock on the 2d inst., by Rev. E. P.Baker at the house of the bride's mother,on Pleasant street, Hilo. There were aselect few to witness the cheerful cere-mony. The manager of the great crater

Portland Cemf- -

for other reasons dependent upon tne proper BLACKSMITH COM


KE Blur


times, as the judicious principal hadsecured a rare brevity and conciseness.

Four musical selections in Hawaiianwere rendered with excellent force andfeeling by the fourteen young men, sup-ported by two of Berger's band. It isencouraging to see our young pastors be-

ginning their work with so much musicalculture.


proportions ot the same, ana the metnod of itspreparation, the Royal Baking Powder is un-doubtedly the puresr and most reliable bakingpowder offered to the public.

"Dr. HENRY A. MOTT, Ph. D.,"5 1221-l- y U. S. Government Chemist.


YTILL BE CLOSED FOR TWO MONTHS FROM' July 1st to August 31, 1888. 1121-3- t

was present.Some teachers in schools in Hilo dis- - STEEL RAILS.

A public examination of these 3roung trict set a bad example to their scholars

The fact that the statutes of theseStates contain, and in some cases havecontained for more than thirty years,such radical provisions in regard towomen, is of itself enough to rafute theabsurd notion that there is anythingdangerous or revolutionary in them,anything which is going to breed dis-

sension and unhappiness in otherwisepeaceful homes. The infatuated heroesof the old order of things are alwaysready with this cry, are always ready tothink lhat change means ruin. We are


of Liquors! WIRE NAILS.




men was held on the Wednesday pre-- by coming to their schools whenever itvious, in the subjects of church history, suits their convenience in the morning,exposition of several psalms, pastoral The father of one scholar was fined fortheology, and Christian doctrine. Thor- - his child's n. Tiie matteroughness of instruction was shown, and will be contested before Judge Lyman.

SugarTillS PAPER

IRON TANKS.marked progress in the school from pre All tne talk at ililo is now that there By orker of W. F. Allen and A. J. Cartwright,Assignees of the Estate of F. Brown & Co., I willsell at Public Auction, on

IS KEPT ON FILE AT E. C. DAKE'S ADVER-TISING AGENCY, 04 and 65 Merchant's Exwill be a wagon road to the Volcano

House, and possibly Hilo will be as change, San Francisco, Cal., where contracts formuch benefited as if the Hon. S. G


HL15I50CK'S Faints


advertising can be made for it.

vious years. Those familiar with theschool are assured that it is steadily andstrongly advancing in all respects. Themen now going out are many of themalready called to pastorates in nativechurches; it is hoped that suitable loca-tions for all may soon be secured. The

Wilder had secured money to build the T'llllVflfl V .TllllP 1J. 1 &Hfirailroad, but why not build a railroad to feUd. '

optimist enough ourselves to be con-

fident that a simple act of justice is notgoing to turn the world upside down. Itis, to say the least, not matter of com- - VALUABLE

Tor Kule Ky .

mon knowledge that domestic peace and ( position of a Hawaiian pastor is usually

kilauea instead of a wagon road. Theexpense would not be much greater for anarrow guage road perhaps.

J. A. M.Hilo, June 8th.

Property For Sale (p H. HACKFKLI) 4(215

LARGE LOT ON ONE OF THE MOST DE-sirab- leV avenues and near the center of city.Lot measures 144 feet in width front 105 feetrear, and 208 and 119 feet in depth on sides.


OF LONDON.i litre are nine new uoitages ouiit on tiiese premises, now ren'eti lor so.uo per month. Thisproperty is offered for sale ou very reasonable

humble; his support is meagre ; he oftenbecomes disheartened. He needs theencouragement and active support ofwhite Christians in his vicinity; heshould have frequent visitation and helpfrom white missionary workers, if suchthere were to incite and inspirit him.But with all their drawbacks, the workof these humble native pastors is of ines-timable value, both spiritually and ma-terially, to the population of theseislands, keeping alive the sacred flameof spiritual life in a multitude of other-wise heathenized souls.

In maintaining this important work,

At 10 o'clock a. m.,

At the Store of Brown Co., Merchant streetA General Assortment of

Ales, Wines and SpiritsA follows:

Gin, in red, green and blue oases,Stallion, Key and other brands, 3 sizes;

Gins in bulk, Scotch, Irish & American


harmony have become the shadow of aname in most Anglo-Saxo- n homes dur-ing the last generation. We never heardthat the stability and permanence ofmarriage had been abolished thereb'.On the contrary, other pet corner-stone- s

of our social fabric seem as calculatedas ever to support the happiest struc-tures. There is no sort of connectionbetween the legislation proposed andlax divorce laws. Or if there is a con-

nection, we believe it to be the reverseof what might be supposed by the ene

Established ITlJterms and as an Investment cannot be excelled.Apply HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,11-l- w Corner Fort and Merchaut Sts.

A Public Grievance.Mr. Editor: I wish to call the atten-

tion of the authorities to a public griev-ance which exists in this district. Irefer to the confining of lepers in theordinary prison cells. AVe have at Ilon-oka- a

two small rooms, 6x12, for the ac-

commodation of prisoners, one of whichis always occupied, and generally both.Now, when ten or a dozen lepers arecollected and awaiting a steamer, thevare huddled together with the otherprisoners, sleeping on the same mat,eating together, and usinj? the R.m

I nsurauce effected iiiiou every ilncr;;

property at current rates ot preiuiui.Japanese Parasols !Total Sum Insured iu 1N85 irlthe N. P. M. Institution is the chief

agency. Dr. Hyde has wrought therein, Claims arranged by the Local .Afc'efiti, :5

with promptitudf and liberality. TLtjiiJust the thing for the Picnic and Races on Montion ol the Local tribunals recuguuw.in bulk and cases;

mies of this measure. We believe that,putting the legal relation of man andwife on a just and rational basis, isgoing to contribute directly to the peaceand permanence of marriage. We donot believe that vesting in the husband

G. W. Miicfiirlane 1 1

now tor eleven years, ably, patiently,and with very great success. A largeclass of new students is promised to takethe places of those now graduating. Theinstitution, like all others, needs fre-quent help, and requires some expendi-lur- e.

The Hawaiian Board have form- -KI.W All Qualities of Brandies

day, and to ornament your houseafterwards. Only

25 Cents Each, at

Gr. WEST & GO 's12

lm Agents for HawiiiinW

power over the wifo which it would be I ally approved of Dr. Hyde's present

li part ot trie punishment consists in ac-quiring a loathsome disease, then it ishard punishment indeed. The Board cfHealth has been appealed to, I believe,to put up a separate house to be used for

H. HACKFKLI) 4 5effort to raise money for the erection ofnew buildings to replace the old. dilapi

Executors' Notice. HAVE JUST RECEIVED FEBdated, and ill-adapt- ed structures .which tnat purpose alone, but 1, understand,have hitherto poorly accommodated the have declined to do so, and recommend

in bulk and bottles;

Sherry and Tort Wine,in bulk and bottles;

Madeira and Malaga "Wines;in bulk.A large assortment of

California Wines

tyranny to exercise, ever brought any-thing but confusion", dissension and un-

happiness into wedded life. This isspoken as from a Benedict, of course,not with the authority derived from ageneration's experience of domestic ty-

ranny or servitude.

school. He has already secured $1,500. fumigation for the cells after beincr occu

Bark Deuischlailand needs several times that amount.S. E. B.

pied ; but l have not yet heard of a casewhere fumigation has driven the diseaseout of the system after it has taken hold.

T From Europe, an assorted cargo of

l?lin nml Our-- It o n I I lltf Ult.,Honokaa, Hawaii, June G.

THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BEEN DULYExecutors under the will of

GEO. ENGELHAHDT, late of Honolulu, de-ceased, notice is hereby given to all creditors ofthe deceased to present their claims, whethersecured by mortgage or otherwise, duly authenti-cated and with the proper vouchers, if any exist,to C. Bolle, within six months from this date, orthey will be forever barred. And all nersons

NEW GOOD?;In cases; a variety of fine White and RedBurgundy; an assiut. of LIQUEURS;OUR SAN FRANCISCO LETTER. mr. editor: mat tne direct ana in-

direct consequence of rum was the firstmoving cause of our revolution, and IPer S. S. Francisco, Wbicutbey offer to the tradeChas. Farre, Goulet, aud other brands of

Pearl Iliver Expedition.At early morning, a foregathering of

" Alameda," SanJune :5rl. 1888.

indebted to said deceased are requested to make

legislators and prominent citizens was CHAMPAGNE, EtC, EtC, MarketAt Lowestimmeaiaie payment to C. Bolte.


Executors under the will of George EngelhardtHonolulu, May 2, 1888. 24U-2- W 121S-5- t 209 tf

may say the greatest of the many causesthat brought on our revolution yea, andgreater than all else combined, we thinkwill not be disputed by a well balancedmind that is posted upon the subject;and to one not posted a reference to thehistory of those times, with the memoryrefreshed by the reports of the recenttrials of the revenue whiskey frauds,will furnish sufficient proof that rum was

N"otice to Creditors.

The chief rendesvous seemed to be at theBrewer wharf, where the little steamerEwa was lying. At about half-pa- st 7the tri-whist- le signal was sounded, "allaboard" called and the nimble littlecraft was off. About the same time, a



The Liquors will be sold in bond and dutypaid, and comprise a general assortment of theregular class and kinds kept for sale.


eTas. F. jVXorgan, 111rrt"S UNDERSIGNED GIVE NOTICE THAT 174

(From our special Correspondent.)The affairs of Win. T. Coleman & Co.

are still in process of settlement, and it isreported that a com position will be effectedat the rate of 75 cents on the dollar. Thepublished statement of assets and liabili-ties shows that the latter amounted to al-most $3,00U,IMH), which is exceeded by theestimated assets when they include theprivate property of Wm. T. Coleman.Without this property there is a deficiencyof almost $1,000. ooO in the actual businesstransactions of the firm, valuing the assetsas estimated by themselves.

A Japanese paper states that the numberot emigrants going thence to Hawaii hasbeen yearly increasing, and that the steam-er Takasago-Mar- u was to sail on May 20thwith 1,000 more. When a certain number

tbey have been appointed assignees offlotilla of sloops and yachts to the num- -the supreme agent used in all attempts 14-t- d AUCTIONEER.at wrong doingind corruption, not only ber of seven got sail up and bent their

Walker & Heluwto influence elections and defraud the courses in the same direction as therevenues, but the grand lever used by ateumer. Some sixtv excursionists wor HAWAII AXthe party in power to influence members on board the eijjtht vessels. The obiec- -

tJKU Jt (JO., Merchants of Honolulu.All persons having any claims against the said

firm- - whether secured by mortgage or otherwise,are notified to present the same to the assigneeswithin three months from April 23d inst.All persons indebted to Messrs. Brown & Co.

are requested to make immediate payment toBrown & Co. or the assignees,


Assignees of Brown & Co.Honolulu, April 23, 1888. .. 225-2- w I215-3- m


OPERA HOUSE atContractors & Hi

tive point, Tearl Harbor, was readiedwithin a couple of hours. Ford's islandwas circumnavigated by the flotilla.After this, some time was spent cruisingabout in the lagoons. The excursion-ists, particularly those heretofore unac-quainted with the waters of Pearl Har-bor, were much impressed with the

Brick. Stone ami WoleEHtiiuates Given- -

Washington Irvini Bishop iied... ..I I V A!"n'Jobbing70

m -



Bell Telephone No. 2.(

Kntertaiiimerit Extraordinary!In aid of the British Benevolent Society, Amer-

ican Relief Fund, and the LiliuokalaniEducational Society.

depth of the water. Soundings weretaken in different places showing fromseven and a half to nine fathoms. Thehealthy and vigorous algeroba trees onthe islets in the harbor were particularlynoticed. About one o'clock p. m. theexcursionists landed, and made theirway, with big appetites, to the old Rob-inson homestead. There a grand spreadof substantial was laid out on the grassunder the trees. The luau part of theday's " exercises" being satisfactorily

A. H. KASEMA-V- .Invoice of Superior

Tuesday Even'g, June 12BOOK

to vote as they wished when they want-ed laws made to uphold their corruptactions. When they wished a law passedto raise the salaries of officials, they in-

fluenced members with rum ; 3;henthey wished money raised by taxationor otherwise, they used rum as their, in-

direct agent. The opium bill, and infact all bills aiming at extravagances,were passed by the aid of rum. Thiswas charged frequently at the time, andnever disputed, so far as I saw. So al-

most all lines of extravagance, as well asdrunkenness, must be laid to this giantcorrupter, rum, and as stated above,rum was both the direct and indirectcause of the evils that brought on therevolution. To say that the Legislaturehas no right to deal with this king ofevils, because " intemperance was notspecifically agitated during the electioncampaign," is straining the point ofsound logic, as it had been thoroughlygitated and ventilated months beforethe revolution, and no more needed aspecific agitation before election thanany other evil of which the people com-plained. The wisdom of dealing withthe cause of all evils, as well as the evilsthemselves, is very apparent, as withoutthe drunken officials and their stillworse drunken acts, there would havebeen but little cause for a revolution.

Of the many shortcomings of the oldGovernment, no one item, to the exclu-sion of others, was held up as a con-spicuous object of reform, but drunken-ness and the evils arising from it, com-bined with financial extravagance, offi-

cial corruption (rum the agent), inca-pacity, bribery and opium licenses werethe evils complained of to be reformednot one of them but all of them. To

Iron Tanks!A few seats are still available. To avoid dis-appointment early application will be necessary

H-t- f J. E. BROWN & CO.Paper

has departeil the Japanese government willput a restriction upon further emigration,so that no more may leave until some havebeen returned.

Mr. Adair Welcker, son of Professor"Welcker of Berkeley, has written a comicopera entitled, " It, or a Tale of the Kan-aka Kingdom," the music being by MarianoXicoy. The opem is said to be veryamusing and Mr. Welcker has imitatedGilbert's style. It will shortly be producedat the Orpheum in an Francisco.

A late Consular report from Germanyshows that, under the improved methodsof manufacture now in use, the quantityof beets required to produce one millier ofsugar has decreased by 40 per cent. Whilethe gain in raw sugar has risen b' 75 percent, the efficiency of individual factorieshas increased by over 20 per cent. Thesuperior yield of saccharine from beets isattributed mainly to scientific and techni-cal improvements that have been intro-duced in the internal economy of sugarfactories. It is these improvements thatmake Mr. JSpreckels so confident of successin California.

The three story brick building, at thecorner of Fourth and Brannan streets, andoccupied by the West Coast Furniture Co.,has been destroyed by fire. Among theproperty burned was a very handsomeshow case for the California State cerealexhibit at the Melbourne Exhibition.

Ex-Assess- or Louis F. Holtz has diedafter a lingering illness extending over sixor seven months.

Immigration statistics show that 9.000,-00- 0

immigrants have landed at New Yorksince 1847, and 3.000,000 since 180. Thisvear there have already been landed 179,-00- 0

aud over 135,000 have arrived sinceApril 1st. It is probable that this will bethe greatest year on record for immigra-tion.

The Sydney Cabinet has appealed to the

..... be t"Wishes to notify the pn;

got tnrougn witn, inose wno naa comeunder canvas, embarked on the returnvoyage, and the steamer's complementof passengers were on deck an hour anda half later. About seven o'clock thesteamer reached the wharf. Some ofthe sailing craft had come in a littleearlier, and the rest were reported com-ing.

The party were highly delighted withtheir day's airing, and, no doubt, thenext few days' legislation will be of anextra vigorous type.

Oil Sa'e at the Cal. Fruit Market to larger-

Ex S. S. Australia, May 29tli. Jusl Keceived from Auckland, and

No. 13 Kaalinnwn11ON ICE for gale cheap at the

Cherries, Apricots,Peaches, Amries.

Bed Currants, MniOn F(W ( 0. DAVIS & Vw w- V

Trouble on Kauai.There is news of a serious encounter

between Captain Larsen, Health OfficerReynolds and the two police officerswith them, on the one hand, and lepersin the mountains of Kauai on the other.Shots were exchanged between the Ten Dollars Eeyvard.

reform financial extravagance and leave posse and a leper man and woman, after

Gooseberries, Plums, Olives, Artichokes, Sage.Also

Sauerkraut. .Smoked Nalmoii,Olive 0:i.


Onions and Potatoes.

ft PrCJrocei

Legislative Council against the decision ofthe Supreme Courts granting a writ ofhabeas corpus to Chinamen paying polltax. The steamer Ben Muir has returnedto Hongkong with 35 Chinese who were notallowed to land, and thesteamerCh-ingsha- s

arrived off port with 150 on board but wastloselj' watched by the police.

drunkenness and its attendant evils un- - which fortunately the pair were capturedmolested would make the revolution as by strategy. The force had started inincomplete as if the evils of drunken- - pursuit of a party of armed lepers, andness had been removed and national ex- - news from the expedition will be anxi- -travagance left unmolested. The Legis- - ously awaited. This intelligence is verbal,lature was elected to make laws for re- - no written account being received.


THE ABOVE REWARD WILL BE PAID" ONof any person found stealing

the Daily Advertiser or "Weekly Gazette" franithe store or residence of subscribersHAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.

Honolulu, March 30, 1888.



KAMEHAMEHA DAY,3UrjfrttseiitttU5.it

iaghth race, Hawaiian Hotel Stablespurse of $100 and cup added. RunningA mile heats, best 2 in 3, Hawaiianbred horses. Cup to become the nron--Fifth Annual Meeting of the Hawaiian

Jockey Club The Itaces atthe Park.i

MovpAY.June 11.

eir.niHainakuaaiul Grermania Marketerty of the winner two consecutiveyears.

1. Uaterford Colt, g. st., aged, babyblue and garnet, N. Perrv.A BRILLIANT ARRATam

-- 1 Kwa.i , ( rulU OF.o i l). Hawaii. Karnehameha Dar had royal weather, purple and

purple andif bright sunshine and refreshing breezes

Jennie B., g. m., 5 vyellow, Kealia lianch. "

3. Nettie T., b m., 3 yyellow, Kealia Ranch.

NOTIFIES ITS CUSTOMERS AND PUBLICAj in general that its P.ices for all kinds of

--ueat are as LOW as those of any market in town.9--

!3i :: from Kona, Hawaii.2.' " . .. Hiiu. . v, in iiiiiu constitute such. Different celebrationsmii'j AU ,.t:., tro JAtnv OuiiiiMtM m-es- s imiicruus:r :tml .Maui.?r :.,v.i Kuan of the anniversary occurred in Honolulu,

from Kauai. the suburbs and the surrounding coun AND OTHER LATEST NOVELTIES AT TIIELOST- -

try, of which the principal ones are reuna To-da- y.

r ported in tins issue under appropriateheadings. At noon a royal salute wasMan', Brown, for Popular Millinery House,

Maui and fired from the shore battery, U. S. F. S.tor A LADY'S EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEF,on Saturday evening, at the Hawaiian OperaHouse. Finder will be rewarded on leaving thearticle at this office. 13-- it

..:l.i- - LorenzenV andalia and II. B. M. S. Cormorant.'J " ., m. and 104 Kort St., Honolulu.







There was a beautiful display of flagsrunieron,for Hama- -

Kk-iLuiw1101-from those warships, the Japanese

N. S. SACHS. PEOPBIETOB.t, :,;i.5P I1U steamship lakasago Maru and other For Kent or For Sale..'or.for Molokai and

Ivanhoe, jr., br. g., 4 v., cardinal andsilver gray, Waterford Stables.Last named did not start. Nettie T.

Jd first position, Jennie B. the middle.H ith a good start in first heat, the racewas close between Waterford Colt in thelead and Nettie T., this position beingmaintained to the finish, which wasreached in 0.54.

Second heat Again a first-rat- e startand Waterford Colt ahead, with JennieB. close up till near the wire, whenJennie B. with a a brilliant dash made ita dead heat. Time 52.Third heat A fine start was made,Jennie B. getting an earlv lead. On thehome stretch Wateiford Colt was ahead,but almost lost it by another grandspurt of Jennie B. a few yards from thefinish. Waterford Colt's" time was 53,winning by a head.

Ninth race, Jockey Club Post Match,sweepstakes of $25. Trotting and pacing,mile heats, best 2 in 3, free for all horsesthat have not a record of 3 minutes or

J, for Uaialuafinlerwoo.merchant vessels in port, while oflicialand private bunting flew to thebreeze all over town. This anniver

L .a it 'J a in. . . ,.r:,.i ISTew Goods and. HSTew J3argains!PLEASANT COTTAGE1' N IV.., H 111. In I'erfecl Order.,n!.iv sary of Karnehameha the Great, has,

however, long if not immemorial)!.-- :

.1 1 Jl " for Kapaa,

for KilaueaA few minutes' walk from the Post Office.

Apply totheare


C7TO THE LADIES Before making your purchases, take aimmense assortment of new Dress Materials, and combination Suits,

atweusage for being considered as the day for

l&Stfnorse racing. At all events the Ha HUGO STAXGENWALD, M D.iSnX, for Koolau and Wai- -

waiian Jockey Club recognize it as such..lil.-IIAl- . ( I .1 '

JIawaii. anu uns inn oi June was mat organiza.hi. for Kuhala,

tion s fifth annual meeting.lor liainaKua. lhere was a large gathering at Kapio- -::;'.:ljiiwnu.j

KtiGlau. lani Park to do or watch the Hnort and better, to he driven in Frazil rnnrl cart k Japan and China.. ;'.ini tor

L' ii. 11snorting, or to taKe liie mil benetit ot an ov members ot the c nh. This mntnh

ior could not he made up,outing with whatever congenial pleas and was thereures might fall in therewith. Withal the lore declared off.

A. . . Tenth race, Lunamakaainana purse.

now displaying and offering at Extremely Low Prices. A full line of

New Fancy Figured and Dotted 3Iuslins.Summer Silks and Combination Suits. A ne.v line of Embroidery Flounces.

SKIRT AND HOLUKLT LENGTHSIn White, Cream, Pink. Light Blue and Mixed Colors. Ney Lace Flounc

ings, in Black, Cream, and Ecru. Embroidered Scarr Shawls,in Cream, Light Blue, Pink, and Tan Shades.

CTRKIAM JERSEYS,And New Kid Gloves, in all the new Tan Shades.

Children's Fancy Parasols,A complete assmt. of Silk Mits and SiM: ( Wow s,111 iii.i

perennial music of the Roval Hawaiiani .1 i r r i t - " .rt from foreign mm.

inS America. $75. Running, mile dash, free for

all.- r.,n, ! :t. iuw-'".- ' ' .- oaiui, rroi. rerger leading in person,

was shed over the whole lively scene atI

J' ,,,t Nicoll.. Eolith America- Vt ,, limwn. Yokohama. Amandine, b. m., 5 v.. ourole andsnort intervals. Orderliness ruled in

yellow, Kealia Ranch.o o isu.t.niMi 'ttar.oananu, The Nippon Yusen Kaisha'sFriis, San r rancisco.the main, breaches of propriety or thepeace being comparatively rare. Manyof the races were well contested, a few

1. Hancock, b. St., aged, Nile green,k. I'ort I o nsena. etc., D. H. Davis.

2. Mattie M., br. m., 4 v., purple andwent by negative results, but only oneNewcastle.Holland, S S Islands. was declared on. The officers of the yellow, Kealia Ranch. FINE STEAMSHIP- -day were as follows : 3. Queen Kapiolani, s. m., 5 v., cardivie. Laoo-t- e,

:;Uh Lee. - Newc astle, fe .

, Newcastle, N S W..m-in- s. S in Francisco. .5 innal and silver irrav. Waterford Stables.Judges Dr. J. S. McGrew, Messrs. F. in an colors, and an tne new em;g ;

Jerseis and open work.Amandine was withdrawn. HancockS. Pratt and F. P. Hastings. (The DocrW'iJ-ie- I'atil. San Francisco."oVbumore, Ward, Departure Bay tor retired when the races were about bad the pole, Mattie M. the middle, Maru,TakasagoBerger taking his Queen Kapiolani outside. It took a longhalf over, Mr. C. O.


MILLINERtime to tret a start, but when effectedcted from Foreign I'orts.Where from. Due. Hancock led, Mattie M. next and theStarters Messrs. C. B. Wilson and J. Y IQueen gaining. On the home stretch, 2,121 TONS.I. Dowsett, Jr.

Clerk of the Course Major W. HCorn well.

this position was maintained, Hancock AND THE LATEST SHAPES IN- -

.Bremen July 2.San Francisco. .June 10San Francisco.. June 10

T t

E Bishop

I;VvMverv winning an all-roun- d close race in 1.18.

Eleventh race, Ponv race, $75, mileTime-keepe- rs Messrs. Jas. G. Spen Will sail for the above ports:J i rv a ii .i i STRAW HATS AM) BONNETSuasu. upen to a4i ponies 14 nands or

.jv Lampoon. an r rancsco.. june 10I'Ferkiii"5. . San Francisco June 15

jrk.'krVM. Liverpool iSept 10. . Liverpool Aug 15 under, and 3 year old or over.

1. Nettie bl m. 4 v, purple jacket, white June 12th, at 12 M. FOR LADIES and CHILDREN. 12;nhv l otk oept xIlontrkongr June 10 sleeves and cap, J. Hestbrook.

2. lielle g f, 3 y, black and red, E. R.-

iunes.Mollie g m, aged, William Brown This fine vessel has FIRST-CLAS- S ACCOMMO

i:,y Turner.jIjU

..a..Was tie.

.tn ..Trenton . .

: omaha. . . .


; Nit sic

; Hv'avinth.

Mollie was ruled out before the start. DATIONS for SALOON.SECOND CLASS or STEER- - POSTERS CO.,NOTICEAUK passengers.The other two got away in fine stvle,

cer, Mueller and 1. S. Kay.Saddling Pad doc c Mr. E. R. Miles.The brief record of the different events

given below will give a fair idea of thestyle in which the day passed onthe turf, beginning at 10 in the morningand ending at about 6 in the evening:

First race, Queen's Plate, $100. Run-ning half mile dash, free for all.

1. Queen Kapiolani, s. m., 5 v., car-dinal and silver gray, Waterford Stables.Won by a length in 50- -

2. Hancock, b. st., aged, Nile green androse maltese cross jacket and sleeve, D.II. Davis.

Amandine, b. m., 5 y., purple and yel-low, Kealia Ranch.

Amandine did not start.

Nettie leading all round, although hotly

..San Francisco.. June 5S. in Francisco. June 10Newcastle June 20

. S America June 15

. . Panama 44

. S America 44

..S America 44

S America 44

. . ITownsend . . .June 2GNewcastle July 31

..Newcastle July 31

..San Francisco.July 1. Samoa June 30

chased near the halt pole. Time 2:14.for China will be transferred atPassengersHawaii Ponoi. Yokohama. Importers and Wholesale Dealers in--THE STOCK OF- -i'liAMnx


iiril.iiiH'o. . .


A lSeautiful Tree. For further particulars apply to

Wines. Ales ami SpiritsOne of the finest blooming trees of thei . . Groceries & Provisionsjdvlla Wm. (jr. Irwin & Co.,' ' ' - ; n June 20

June 20 numerous exotics growing in tne city isJcnifii'ii Ft Tovn.sendthe catharta carpos, which will impressJuly 31 td AGENTS.iaiei Uarues.. Newcastle

ilikauu San Francisco Belonging to the Undersigned,June 30en Fleece. San Francisco. June 20

Will be Sold at Very Lou Prices Dur AND

Second race, His Majesty's Cup, $100added. Running mile dash, for Ha-waiian bred horses owned by membersof the Jockey Club. Cup to become theproperty of the one winning it twice.

any person who sees it for the first timeas not only beautiful but very remark-able. When the tree is in good soil, theshoots of the previous year, which are

ing the Month of May, I8S8,Daily Receipts of Produce.

B igs sugar. Bags rice. Mis. ptgs Teachers i v ' i w n i And all parties wishing to supply themselveswill do well to call aud examine the goods1. Wonder, b. g., 4 y., black and red, often six or eitrht feet loiiir. are corn- -

H'jimanalo 450 PURCHASING AGENTS,IUUIiMUUWon in 1.51, after a good pletely surrounded with light pink flow before buying elsewhere.30.iwaiam. . . 4Mty E. R. Miles,race.

2. Jennieers, making the annearanee oi the limbtWiiide 1015

B., g. m., 5 y., Waterford, that of a loner kahili. There are several The Goods Must be Sold,'Canute. . . 3uOU'KaAiilatii

?i Elizapurple and yellow, Kealia Ranch. in bloom now, but the largest and mostGOO

37S'ZG and 28 California St., SAN FRANCISCO.AGENTS OF THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIPTHE have arranged for an Excursion ofstriking is in the front yard of Captain

iiaakikal.. XJO Babcock's residence on Piikoi street, two Teachers wishing to visit the Convention of thefcLnuokawior three blocks above Beretania street.MEFoter 12u2it presents a sight wincii will repay a

And embrace th best assortment of goodFamily Articles that can be found

in this city. Terms Cash.

At Brown & Co.'s Store,andSPECIAL ATTENTION Paid to Selecting

Packing Goods on Foreign Orders.visit from those who have never beioreseen the catharta in bloom.I'ASSENG F.liS.


National EducationalAssociation,

Held in San Francisco, July 17th to 20th.

niHainakua, per stmr Iwalani, June BUSINESS ITUMS.No. 11 Merchant Street.'JH'itun, Ah .Mee, and 21 deck pas JtSTCarefnl Attention given to all Commissions

and Satisfaction Guaranteed BOTH IN PRICEAND QUALITY. 1G8-I- y l'2u6-l- y

Horn's genuine Butter Scotch.Genuine Butter Scotch (Horn's) Round - trip I'icketssu I rriXG NOTES. for


Assignees of Brown & Co.Honolulu, April 28, 1888. 1217 lmcoughs. METROPOLITANKauikeaoulivLooners Luka and

:wyesterdav in ballast. Hose atDiamond Dye Ladies' BlackFROM

HONOLULUSachs' store.

3. Conspiracy, g. h., 3 y., cardinal andsilver gray, Waterford Stables.

"4. Ivanhoe Jr., b. g., 4 v., cardinal andsilver jray, Waterford Stables.

Third race, King's Plate, $75. Trot-ting and pacing race, for Hawaiian bredhorses only to harness, mile heats best2 in 3.

1. Stranger, b. g., aged, John F. Col-bur- n.

Won both heats easily in 3 :47)and 3 :30.

2. Billy, b. g., aged, F. P. Hastings.3. Lele, s. g.,5 y., F. T. Winter.Fourth race, Karnehameha Plate, $100.

Running mile dash, free for all. Ifbut one starts to beat 2 :50.

1. Mattie M., b. m., 4 v., purple andvellow, Kealia Ranch. Won by a length,time 2:44.

2. Hancock, b. st., aged, Nile greenanil rose maltese cross jacket and cap,D. H. Davis.

Fifth race, Kapiolani Park plate, $150.Trotting and pacing mile heats, best 3 iD

5, free for all. All horses having a recordof 2 :30 or better, tcsgo to wagon.

1. Albert L., b. st., aged, formerlyMarin, D. H. Davis.

2. Mink, b. g., aged, record 2:22tH. J. Agnew.

3. Elmo, eh. g:, aged, E. R. Miles.First heat Albert L. had the pole.

,:!ark Sonoma, Captain T H. Grif-ij- 5

days uut from San Francisco. Horn's Butter Scotch, the best lubricatorfor the throat.Ymer Waimanalo brought nearly

; FuRv from Ewa, Uahu, last DEL MONTEn Francisco and Returncakes and eciairs 1UA No. to-da- y1 creamElite.at the;.tbrkr- - Whitmore will be docked XfTTTTATn rAHIT?TV""'"S to unload her cargo of 1,400 Children's Parasols, all colors, at iSachs'

store, 104 rort street. Meat Company,$ lOO.OO,temKe An Hou arrived yesterday Go to G. West & Co.'s for a Japanese' M.'iia. lawan, with a load of koa OF SAN FKAXtlSCO.parasol, only twenty-hv- e cents.tlrli JllllV h u l l i: Big Bargains in Dress materials and Em Which includes the initiation or membership

broidered flounces, at baths store.1 4 ;,a!'d h.us bet'n moved to the Kinau fee and all the privileges of theAssociation. Best Boiler FlourPlums, peaches, apricots, cherries, at theW1W receive sugar from-.-er iwalani this morning. California t nut .Market per Alameda on

ice. 3t.MADE IN AMERICA. 81 UINO NTKEirr,Plums, peaches, apricots, cherries, at the

For further particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,T ? stiraiUshiI Takasago Maru,

yf,V .! Ifrown, sails at noona:, ohama- - with "early 3CXJ

Japanese steerage passengers. Fort street r ruit Uepot ier Aiameua onMink broke at a urett v fair start. Albertice. Meals Superior to all OthersL. in the lead, but breaking between the

quarter and half pole ; recovering, won... me nuruor were gaily It has been proved by unanimous verdictM wit 1221 7-t- d Agents O. S. S. Co.i im ri 1 1 ; v iti nriirir that the San Jose Lager Ueer on uraugnthv half a lentrth in 2 :42 : Elmo second.eha Day notaoiy among at the Iloyal baloon is the best.Second heat Albert L. got away first, G. J. WALLER,;e, Alex. McNeil,the Al.len Doss

fMaru, Vandalia Chs. Gertz has received per Alameda a Gonsalves cfc Co.,and Cormorant. but was passed by Mink before the half,1 - ,1 . , i 4 rk - 1 1 1 M I' t- selected stock of cents', ladies and chilana never regaineu puiuuu, iiiima. yn- -

dren's boots, shoes and slippers : alsonino-h- a length in 2:36H. Elmo was Sole Agents Hawaiian Islands.20 tfgents' lawn tennis shoes.- C ' c, - 'distanced. FOR SALE. MANAGER.Irritated throats and annoying coughsThird heat A fine start, Albert L.leading: Mink breaking but soon recov-- are quickly relieved by the genuine Butter

Scotch, only to be found at the Pioneer' . i. i . 1 1 A


lWa!'lar?e anJ gy assemblage ati Z eSocial Club st evening.41 ,WaS urrestfcd on Sunday

i'urglary and housebreaking... 'Ue beeun nj tr, r 4l.

erini irraduanv urew uu anu passcuWe have again on hand a few of our exceptionSteam Candy Factory of F. Horn. Plenty

L. at the half, then lieia uie ieaa of testimonials.The Pioneer Steam Candy Factory, Bakthroughout, won by a length, despite a

dest)prat Dtish bv Albert L. near the

ally superior

STJEF BOATS,In sizes from 18 to 24 feet.

i - - ery and Ice Cream Parlor is the only estab-lishment in Honolulu that can afford towire "in 2:42.

Fourth heat Mink breaking alter aUUrth" celebration is to take WHOLESALE AND RETAILsell the best Ice Cream at $2 per gallon, andHe ar.good start, ien Dauiy uemuu, cmsmany lods in rear at the half, but picked no others can.

F. Horn, Proprietor. As these boats ..peak for themselves, we inviteinspection. Price as low as any.- 1 L

aknrf " Vl1 me ioin, m--We have also several 70-l- b. Clinker, Copper- -up a little toward trie nome sireicu

without avail, being distanced by Albert-- t i fastened Recreation Boats, with oars and row,' ,unu inirteenI!'ly for drunkenness. locks complete, capable of holding three perL. in 2:45o, and the latter was ac--

corded the race.(1 II T1 t t. r sons; JUSt lue miU ior au improiupiu icgaua,spin round the harbor, lake or river. Price romRunSixth race. Honolulu Plate, $o..

UJe A ariKu .... i

Fruit Depot, Fort St,(Old Shooting Gallery),

On Sale, ex S. S. Australia, May 29,ON ICE

Apricots, Peaches, Apples,Red Currants, Gooseberries,

Plums, Olives, Artichokes. Sage


Sauerkraut,Smoked Salmon,

Olive Oil.23f N. B. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER.-- l

New Season Onions A Potatoes.3

50 to 60.-- tsh ',;,:--- -.a ami will BTJTCHEBSmile dash, open to all Also, a light Baggage Express with two snortninggive

his stay' ' "J!l ,jf his art durin portable cushioned seats; handy for business orHawaiian bred horses only. Manienie Hay, a iamny oui 01 iuwu; uu uu uuug uauu

Cart. Cheap for cash at1. Conspiracy, g. h., cardinal and sil--. .T T 1 M. 11s vpr rrav. Watprtora otaoies.Takasago Maru J. A. DOWER'S

Printer's Lane, Punchbowl Street.J 7 . . , TAffw. Whi 2. Lydy L., bay t., iNUe green, etc., u.uney were in a boat Mutual Telephone 325. P. O. Box .

Hf Dm via 252 lmon the bar yesterday 3. Nettie T., b. m., purple and yel SALE AT THE REFORMATORY SCHOOL,FOR the bale or ton.

13-t- f W. G. NEEDUAM.A ANDlow K"pnlia Ranch.

m 1 1 1 1

Ladv Lanzford. eti t., DiacK anu reu,yesterday at- -with a knifp J. I. Dowsett. ir.J i

'The first three started in position asycrini't. wrist. Tiie Navy Contractors.entered. Conspiracy led at tne staii

and to home stretch, when Lydy L. got GKASS SEEDS.JSTOTICE.lven bv tbp v0.ii:. the lead, keeping it with almost certain. . i-- ii i t. n n .Iiine, Pera House lasta laro-- nn.i:. .

prospect ot winning tin auuui ouk"f. attract1 "'iRpA ... from the wire, when, to tne surprise 01..uuicui'e. ihe - . t . rrr nrin cttttt, .irXn NEW ST0EESall and consternation of many, Contut in everv CLiOsJt:L uul uun omrHAVING we request all persons hav- -

"ts a COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS, ENGspiracy shot ahead and gained the race ins uemauus uhiusi h iu iit-;u- i -... jl .1 . 1. . .1 1 . . . 1 n. . I ti i--Q p n tCatK e in rear of the iu ""v . -settlement, auu uiuociuucmcuial:22. A. W. PEIRCE & CO.V; Col j,,, , ' Park yesterday. SpvphH rapp. ttOSlta viiaueiiKc 11-- CtV.V...!... - J . T , Honolulu, June 7, 1388.KK'J!'ta;n,;.Mr-E--Tenne- y TO LET.lOOaddpd. Running 1 mile uasn, iree LISU RED CLOVER, COW

GRASS.--at,. "S Out 4u. ' -- vviKintr for all. Winner to beat record of An-gi- e

A., 1 :45K, to be run for annually.1. Oueen Kaoiolani, s. m., cardinal anu1 iaKest'TdKr 1 . ?ig award- -

silver gray, Waterford Stables.run over again onUiJuiv.WONG SAI,

.A. I JLi O --R2. Amandine, b.. m., b y., purpie anuyellow, Tealia Ranch. Tt: ldf'l.,l

The Queen had the pole. An evenbfiM'leavingfor

WO STORES TO LET IN THE NEW FIRE-pro- ofJ Block just erected on Hotel Street,with or without Cellars; wil be let at reasonableprices on a long lease and possession givenabout July 1st.

For terms, apply to

C Brewer & Co.,9 1222-2- QUEEN STREET.

start and race likewise to the quarter,

ATTENTION OF ALL INTERESTED INTHE the pasture lands of the Islandsis called to the above valuable seeds, which weoffer for sale in lots to suit purchasers.

We have also on band sample lots of WhiteClover, English Alsyke, Timothy, Rib Grass,Crested Dog's Tail, Tall Fescue. Italian RyeGrass and Lucerne seeds, which we offer insmall lots for trial, and will also receive ordersfor quantities of-- not lesi than half a ton weight,and execute same with dispatch.


No. 46 1-- 2 Merchant Street.Hawaii1 a mo- - when the Oueen rapidly moved away in

J. EE. FISHER,(At Bishop & Co.'s Bank.)

Sole Agent for the Hawaiian Islands

lr'g in V 1Uonce nyone requir-sh(iul- il

ii,.,i,- - White and Flannel Pants,advance, and the next moment Aman- -at f.- u r. it....-- rt"J dine gave out and up, ueen ivapioiani10p X' "" aiurc White and Calico blurts, anuUnderclothes, made cheap.


making a beautiful finish in 1:51, or41 Beretania.06 under condition. a-',- -

"V, !

i' "n;V(i;;Variety. j

LOVE'S BAKERY, Australian Mail Service. IT. HORN FIBEWOKKS !3fo. 73 Xuuaiiu Street.

MRS. ROBT. LOVE, Proprietress. .A.FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Is the Only Practical Confectioner Large

Every Description of Plain and Fancyfho new and fine Al steel steamship

Bread and Crackers, For Sale by CastleZEALANDIA, 99 In All and Every Branch of the Confectioners" Art--FRESH-

j tha Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due 2T Price:L.ists Funiisliecl.onlAppUcation.Soda Crackers at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

-- A N D- -on or about On These Islands !

& Coot

I July 1st, 1888,Saloon Bread. Iways on Hand.

--: o . WOLFE & CO., KING STEEpTA nrlll Iaotto tha a haca rrrt trlth m Q 11 fttiri nave Just Keceived an Assorti ofjSL I JLt EZ B R E .A.D Passengers on or about that date. F. HORN is not obliged to pay extravagant wages to inferior workmen or so-call- ed

spoilers, as he is complete master of his trade, having over halfa century's practical experience.

tor ireigm or passage, naviug o u x c.xwACCOMMODATIONS. aDDly to

A Groceries, Provisions andWm. (j. Irwin & Co., 'ftIsland Order- - Promptly! Attended 1

172-3- m SUCH ASAUENT8. F. HORN does all his own work with his unsurpassed facilities and knowledge.Dupee Hams and Bacon, Kits Pig Pork, Kits S il". TT . 11 1 IT . r s .

JEWELRY ! JEWELRY ! or Sydney anu AUCKianu.F. HORN can and does, for that good reason, sell his superior manufacture at

PRICES FAR BELOW OTHERS. Please call and convince yourself. Barrel

xvegs iiouanu "erring Kegs Sauerkraut, LimberMettamurets, Smoked Sausages, Green ChetJrp ni

u'est''Boston Brown Bread, French and ,

an(1 JVa--sSprouts, Salmon, Oxford Sausage, Curried F,m! m'ru'an IVas, '?'

Table and Pie Fruits, Olive Oiliekled Olive, ,Germea, Rolled Oats, Pearled Y


Cracked Wheat, Oats, Brando n' vXn M !!

NEW GOODS AND DESIGNS. Fresh Grapes, picked.


day and sold for 25 ,m - - -

The new and tine Al steel steamship

"MAEIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

I'1-- ' a wiir uriK-rw-, or Jtliig lip I or n 9


K. HORNs USTOT Raised His Price !

($2.00 per gallon) for bis Fine Delicious ICE CREAM, althoughWoodlawn Dairy Cream and Milk have

Advanced in Price.

HaJuly 5th, 1888.

CASH SATAnd will have prompt dl3patcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having S UPERIOR AC

W ATC HE S,Gold Chains, Lockets, Pins,

Diamonds, Plated Ware.

Kukui and Shell Jewelry.


F1. EHLEES fc coF. HORN is the only Practical and Experienced Ornamenter here who furnishes 113.COMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

WEDDING CAKE at prices to suit both the elite and the poor.

-- :o:-toil TliK JNEXT TWO WKKKH, CI U-i- F opt 1CONSIUNMKXT Ol"

French. Silks and Laces,F. HORN is the pioneer and sole maker of his Celebrated Genuine BUTTER

SCOTCH. An Established Fact, to be superior to any ther made here.F00K LOT & CO.,Blk. Bliadames reduced from 82.50 to113 Nuuanu Street, opposite Emma Hall

IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN K . HORN Black Gros Grain reduced from $1.75 t $1 --Y jjlri,Flouncing reduced from $3.00 to jjtf.oo.' ' ,an'?l

Chinese & Japanese Goods,Serves Yon Strictly Honest, Cheapest, Best otter Black siiks and Laces RwiHOeProportion.Fire Crackers, New Designs in Cups and

Saucees, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of Fancy


At Greatly Reduced I'rices.-- o-

Regular shipments by every steamer.

Proprietor Steam Candy Factory, BakeryPOST OFFICE BOX NO. 255.

WElsnSTER & CO.,9a Fort .Street. 109 tf







P. C. Jones, Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen Auditor


lion. C. R. Bishop. lion. H. Waterhouse

BONE MEAL!!The undersigned are now prepared to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizeifrom the manufactory of Buck & OhlandtSan Francisco:

The following is a report of the compo

.AJNTD ICE CREAM EOOM. TBTIR CE3BUHACH !Hotel Opposite Bethel Street. Both Telephones No. 74.

172 lm


Beware ol Imitations, EESEEVEDW. 0. PEACOCK & CO.,

WHOLESALEWhich are being put upon the market.

THE GENUINE BUHACH FORWine & Spirit Merchants,sold only by






.3 a















So. 1









! G





Honolulu, Haw n Islands,ith Co.Benson Sin C. J. FISH EL.5

Have Received ex. "Cerastes," "Hercules," "St. Lucie" and other late arrivals

nent parts, as obtained by Chemical anaiy-si-s


Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18Silicious Matter 4.65 'Lime 31.70Phosphoric Acid 23.11 "Oxide of Iron 85 " "Carbonic Acid 1.89 "Alka Salts 52 "

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will have Prom

and Careful Attention.

W. Gr. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.

2 .

To the Pnfolic.

from Europe and America, a full assortment ofSole Agents In the

HAWAIIAN ISLANDS jles, Wines, Gins, Rums.FOR THE

Buhach Producing Beers, "Whiskies, Liqueurs,Brandies, Eic., Etc., Etc.

and Mfg. Co. . Including Canadian Rye Whiskies, Duffy's Malt Whisky,STOCKTON, CAL.

78 augl2tf JOHN NOTTGr. H. MUjNIjVPSThe Pacific Transfer Co.,

Extra Dry and Dry Yerzenay Champagnes,ETC., ETC., IN QUARTS AND PINTS.

lOffice with Jas. I. Dowsett, Sr., QueenStreet.

h I BSprecfcela Wm. G. Irwin.



BOTH TELEPHONES NO 15 of which we offer for sale at unusually low rates.,JMole Agents in the Hawaiian Islands For

V -- --fil CT-- wkmm ;I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage,haullnsr or moving work, all of which I will guarantee to execute faithfully.

Draw Exchange on the principal parts of theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.D. R VIDA,

Manager.Deposits bearing interest received in their Sav

ings Department subject to published rules andregulations. 7oc.'UfSugar Plant For Sale. Stoves, Kanges und Iloiisckcciiins ,f0l!

HONOLULU MARKET.(Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

Xo. 6;Qneen Street, Fishi9Iarket, Ho

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Slieet

nolulu, II. I.SAN JOSE, CAL, U.S.A.

The Entire Plant of the

STAR MILL CO.Kohula, is offered for sale. The machinery isin perfect working order, and consists of

One 2fix48 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r,

etc., complete.One pair of hoilers, 6x20.One Double Effect. C and 7 ft. Pans.One Vacuum Pan C with Blake Pump.Three Weston Centrifugals and Engine.

Together with the usual assortment of Clarifiers,Cleaning Pans, Coolers and other Machineryusually found iu a well appointed Mill.

Also, a number of

California and Island Mnleo,Cane Carts and General Plantation Implements.




lei1876. GEO W. LINCOLN.Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish


Always Kept on Hand. BUILDERJ. J. Melcher's Elephant" Gin.

J. J. Pellisson's rTnJ Old Brandies.Only qualities shipped 7 and 10 years old.

Coates Sf Cos "Plymouth" Gin,.

Ey. TF. Smith $ Cos "Thistlcdew" Whisky.B. Dreyfus Sr Co.'s California Wines.

P. O. BOX No. 504. S9 3m TELEPHONE No. 46.

r 1 1 .. i 1 1 1. ninon .fta. A

been harvested, say about July 1. 1889. Family and Shipping orders Carefully... . .I Attended to.

For further particulars apply to 75and 77 Sine Street, . - - - W01Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at short

notice.John Hind,Manager Star Mill,

Kohala, Hawaii. I Telephones ISTo. 212tf Cell Telejlui, Wo. 275.i
