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Cape Verde - SalIsland

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  • 7/31/2019 Cape Verde - SalIsland


    Cape VerdeTen Unique Islands - West Africa

    November 2012 - October 2013

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    Experiencehe Cape Verde IslandsAs the largest independent specialist touroperator to Cape Verde we first visitedthe islands 19 years ago and were involved

    in the first direct flight from the UK.

    Our aim has always been to provide a

    knowledgeable, honest and open service

    so that we can be certain were helping

    you find the perfect holiday and the perfecthotel to suit you.

    Honest and inormative brochureWere passionate believers in portraying a destination

    in the most honest way possible, which is why this

    brochure has been put together by those who know and

    respect the Cape Verde islands and everything they stand

    or. The archipelago is a genuinely breathtaking place,

    with its diverse allure rom sandy beaches and warm seas

    through dramatic island interiors with their precipitous

    rice terraces to bustling cultural centres such as Praia

    and Mindelo. Tourism here is still relatively new, and or

    that reason there is inormation that every holidaymaker

    should be aware o beore making a decision as to

    whether Cape Verde is right or them some o which

    may not be mentioned by other tour operators.

    In some towns there is development work and the

    landscapes on some islands are barren to the point

    o desolation! You may also nd the riendly, cajoling

    nature o some o the street sellers takes some time to

    get used to, but in our experience a smile and rm n

    goes a long way. That said, we do believe that i gues

    are well prepared or what to expect then they are

    more likely to enjoy their holiday.

    Sta with rst hand experienceBeing a specialist tour operator, we pride ourselves o

    our knowledge, attention to detail and our customer

    needs and requirements. Thereore when you arebooking your holiday with us you can be sure that ou

    sta are giving you the best choices available and the

    most up-to-date inormation. When our sta visit Ca

    Verde, they write personal reviews o each hotel the

    stay in which are then published on our website on t

    individual hotel pages. You will also nd some o our

    customers opinions on each o the hotel pages in th


    Our resort teamWe have our own assigned representatives on each

    island that live on the islands year round, along with

    assistance rom our specially selected partner and agen

    Barracuda Tours, who have oces throughout the islan

    with English speaking representatives. Together they

    will always be on hand to make sure your holiday goe

    smoothly and to deal with any issues you might have.

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    What we oer Holidays to 6 o the 10 islands o Cape Verde

    A wide choice o hotels rom 2 to 5 . Please see page 8 or more

    details on our classications

    Hotels on bed & breakast, bon appetit, hal board, ull board

    and all-inclusive basis

    A choice o exciting island hopping itineraries including a new tall ship

    (see pages 2729)

    Tailor-made itineraries or any island and hotel combination, subject to

    internal fights

    Service rom our local representative on each island

    A comprehensive website with essential inormation on the islands, fights

    and accommodation

    More online at CapeVerde.co.ukVisit our comprehensive website where you can book securely online 24

    hours a day and view more in-depth inormation on the individual islandsand all o our accommodation including maps, hints and tips, sta and

    press reviews, online chat acility, photo galleries and videos. You can also

    see our latest destination news and stay in touch or share your experiences

    with our various online communities.

    The Serenity serviceThe Cape Verde Experience is part o Serenity

    Holidays, an independent, ully bonded tour operator

    which prides itsel on the quality o its holidays and the

    personal service provided to customers.

    25 years experience o providing holidays to West Arica

    In-depth knowledge o the destinations

    Knowledgeable English speaking representatives

    Loyalty discounts or repeat customers

    5* AITO sustainable tourism status

    Widest choice o fight options to the islands rom 4 UK airports


    A Personal Experience



    For anyone looking for guaranteedtropical sunshine, miles of unspoiled

    white-sand beaches and a low-key, laid-back family

    experience, Cape Verde is a fantastic option; like

    discovering the missing link between the Canaries and

    the Caribbean... No stress, we were told several times,

    is the Cape Verde motto, and the package offered by

    our hotel delivered on that promise. Wed never been on

    an all-inclusive family holiday before, but after a week,

    we were converts... In Cape Verde, we got a proper,relaxing break, with all the convenience and ease of a

    package holiday, but without any of the crowds.


    Te Independent

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    Boa Vis


    Santiago Maio




    20 kilometers10

    10 20 miles

    Santa Maria




    So Nicolau





    Ribeira Grande



    Santo Anto


    So Vicente

    Santa LuziaVILA DA RIBEIRA



    Fly from:GatwickManchesterBirmingham

    Fly from:GatwickManchesterBirminghamGlasgow

    What to expectHard to beat as an all round holiday destinationThe Cape Verde islands are a crescent shaped archipelago

    500km west of Senegal in the Atlantic Ocean. They enjoy

    their own diverse culture, strong sense of history and

    identity that has been widely influenced by Africa, Portugal

    and Brazil, yet remains unique to Cape Verde.

    This diversity is only multiplied by the act that each individual island is also

    so dierent rom its neighbours dierent in people and history, dierent in

    landscape, dierent in levels o development and even in dialect. It all adds

    up to an incredibly alive destination, raw and emerging or sure, but with

    tropical climate and enough beauty and beguiling charm or even the mo

    jaded o travellers.

    The short fights (around 6 hours), the small time dierence and the rien

    people all add to the appeal not to mention that the islands are still low

    key enough to eel like a bit o a discovery.

    The ten islands all oer something dierent, and whilst its true that most

    holidaymakers come to Cape Verde to simply relax in the sunshine it doe

    6 For more advice or to book call the experts on 0845 330 2046


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    pay to explore, as theres so much variety on oer. Youll nd excellent

    hotels and beaches; sun and sur on Sal and Boa Vista; an active volcano on

    Fogo where they produce their own wine o notable quality; the genuinely

    breathtaking interior o Santo Anto with its rice terraces clinging to crags

    and precipices, the history o Santiago and the throb o music in the cultural

    centre o Mindelo on So Vicente. Something or everyone!

    Flying is the most practical way o travelling rom island to island however it

    should be noted that TACV (Cabo Verde Airlines), who provide the islands

    internal fights, can and do change schedules and fights are sometimes

    delayed, cancelled or even depart early, though this has improved a good

    deal in recent years. For this reason we may recommend an overnight stay

    on Sal or Boa Vista or one night prior to, or ollowing an international fight.

    The smaller islands are more dicult to visit due to inrequent fights but our

    team will be happy to advise what itineraries are possible. There is a regular

    erry service that operates between So Vicente and Santo Anto. For more

    inormation on the smaller islands such as So Nicolau, Brava, Maio and

    Santa Luzia please visit our website CapeVerde.co.uk.

    With its mixture o sun, excellent beaches and geographical, cultural and

    historical interest, the Cape Verde islands are hard to beat as an all round

    holiday destination.

    Tourism - the actsIt is vital to remember that tourism is still very much in its inancy in Cape

    Verde and health and saety as well as service levels in hotels and restaurants

    do not always compare avourably to hotels in more established destinations.

    There is poverty and you may encounter locals trying to sell you paintings

    and handicrats. Despite being o-putting at times, the sellers are quite

    harmless and are very ew and ar between. There is ongoing development

    on the islands, which can range rom single villas to huge complexes and

    during your visit you are likely to see and hear some building work. I there

    is building work taking place either in, or next to your chosen hotel, we will

    advise you i we eel it will aect your holiday.

    A bit o backgroundGiven the position o the Cape Verde islands 500km rom the coast

    o West Arica its not surprising that they remained uninhabited until

    Portuguese traders populated them in the 15th century. The islands

    became an outpost o the Portuguese empire and a stop on trading and

    slaving routes across the Atlantic, including visits by Sir Francis Drake in the

    1580s. As such the islands do have a unique culture, part West Arican, part

    Portuguese with a splash o Brazilian, and the people are ercely proud o

    their heritage both on a national and individual island level.

    CurrencyThe currency in Cape Verde is Escudo expressed as $ or CV Esc beore

    the amount which can only be obtained on the islands. There is a xed

    exchange rate o $110 to 1 Euro and as Euros are also generally accepted

    we recommend that you take Euros in place o Sterling. Travellers chequ

    can be changed on some islands but the commission rates are high.

    Visa and Mastercard are accepted, and all other cards ie. Switch and

    Maestro are not. Please do not rely soley on ATM machines.

    Contact your Local ravel Agent or book at CapeVerde.co.uk


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    Language and cultureThe ocial language o the islands is Portuguese, which is used in anything

    that is written; yet Portuguese is rarely spoken. Instead they use Creole,

    their national language, and even this can dier rom island to island.

    The Cape Verdeans are generally very riendly and welcoming many

    people will approach just to chat and to use and practise their English.

    MedicationAt the time this brochure was printed no vaccinations were required to visit

    the Cape Verde islands. There is also no malaria present in Cape Verde

    with the exception o the island o Santiago rom September to November.

    I you are visiting Santiago during these months please check with your GP

    or the latest advice.

    Hotel classicationsWe have created our own rating system based upon standards available

    within the islands and taking into consideration eedback rom our

    customers. Our ratings are illustrated by a hibiscus fower.

    A fower outline illustrates a midway grade. Our team will be happy to

    discuss in more detail which hotels would best suit you.


    ClimateThe weather on each island can vary but year round temperatures

    on all the islands are in the mid to high twenties. Sal and Boa Vista

    enjoy virtually uninterrupted sunshine although it can rain irregularly

    between August and October. Due to their location in the Atlantic

    Ocean and some o the islands being fat, Cape Verde attracts aconstant breeze, which is heightened between November and April

    - perect or watersports, though cooler in the evenings.

    1 2 4 3 2 1565 6 7 6

    8 9 10 8 9 88610 10 8 7

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May JulJun Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    6 7 10 14 10 7192113 17 20 22

    24 25 25 29 28 27302825 26 27 27

    Jan Feb Mar Apr May JulJun Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    Sunshine hours (AVERAGE)

    = London Averages

    Restaurants and nightlieYou will nd a selection o restaurants in the main towns oering local Creo

    dishes as well as international cuisine and many will have live Cape Verdean

    music at least once a week. There are numerous bars and restaurants in

    the likes o Santa Maria (Sal) and Mindelo (So Vicente) and these can be

    throbbing with music long into the night. The smaller, quieter islands includBoa Vista do not have such a wide selection and the limited menu may we

    be what they have prepared on the day. Prices vary, but expect to pay the

    equivalent o between 25-30 or a three course meal with wine.

    FamiliesChildren are made to eel very welcome in Cape Verde. Although most

    hotels do not have specic childrens clubs or a babysit ting service there i

    selection which oer play areas or daily activities or children to join. A tri

    to the islands will prove extremely interesting or children due to the vibr

    culture, changing landscape and the range o activities available inside and

    out o the hotels. Please check in the hotel descriptions, or to discuss the

    requirements or your amily urther, please call our reservations team on

    0845 330 2046.

    Getting around Cape VerdeTaxis are readily available in the larger towns and as a guide, a 2 to 3 mile

    journey would be approximately 3. The most inexpensive way o gettin

    around are the aluguers that are easily identied and drive around town

    oten ull o passengers and packages. You simply shout when you want to

    get o! Car hire is available but roads are poor and quite bumpy outside

    main towns with little signage so we do not recommend this.

    ActivitiesAlong with superb beaches and a great climate, the Cape Verde islands

    provide a wealth o activities or those who enjoy a bit more than sun

    seeking and meandering around whilst they are on holiday. There are a

    huge number o activities on oer including diving and snorkelling, all orm

    o surng, small to big game shing, turtle or whale watching, excursions

    plane, boat, camel or quad bike, plus as many hikes, rambles and treks as

    you can manage! O course each island does have its own niche i you a

    a particular activity during your stay. To enquire about a specic activity or

    excursion and to check what is best on your chosen island please call our

    reservations team on 0845 330 2046.

    Jan - Dec J F M A M J J A S O N


    Wind/kite Surng

    Game Fishing

    Seeing Turtles

    Whale Watching


    Best Good Not Id

    Boa Vista Sal

    Temperature C (AVERAGE Max)

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    Take a quick glance at the huge golden sweep of the beach at Santa Maria and youll be under no illusion as to why the

    island of Sal has become famous for its beach holidays; and if youre looking to switch off totally and spend some time

    soaking up the sun, we might just have the perfect place for you...

    Viewed rom the plane window ater a ew hours o the slatey blue o the

    Atlantic Ocean, the island o Sal is quite a prospect. The interior o the isl

    is o reddish rock, and or the most part is almost completely fat and bar

    whilst the southern coast holds the renowned golden beaches. To the

    north, the islands capital, Espargos is home to most o the islands residen

    and is worth visiting i you wish to see the workings o an authentic

    Cape Verdean town.

    The resort o Santa Maria is where youll nd most o the hotels, plus a

    continually growing number o lively bars and restaurants oering a variet

    o local and international dishes. The highlight is o course the wonderull

    resh seaood, which you can see being brought into the towns dock eve

    day. Santa Maria is only 20 minutes or so rom the airport, so you can be

    by the pool or on the beach quickly ater touching down. The beach is

    exceptional and does seem to roll on orever thereore its not too dicu

    to nd a nice quiet spot to relax in.

    Many visitors come to Sal or the watersports and its hardly surprising. Sal

    long sandy beaches and turquoise waters make a wonderul playground or

    windsurng, kite surng and surng. The wind can sometimes be very stro

    and Sal is considered to be amongst the worlds top ve windsurng locatio

    Diving and shing are also available and there are plenty o places to hire

    equipment and organise trips, which can be arranged by our resort team.

    There is currently development work happening across Sal including part

    o Santa Maria. However, we have ound it does not detract rom the ma

    reason people go to Santa Maria the sun and the glorious sandy beach.

    Famous for its year-round beach holidaysIsland of Sal



    5 km

    5 miles


    Pedrade Lume



    Terra Boa



    Meli TortugaBeach Resort & Spa


    Oasis Belorizonte


    Odjo dAgua

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    from 6

    from 6

    from 14

    from 14

    from 38

    from 38

    from 51


    Bon appetit

    Half board

    Full board


    Single room

    Child sharing (2-11 years)

    All supplements and room upgrades are per peper night (unless stated) based on twin occupa





    Sea side

    Junior suite

    Executive room

    Family room

    Duplex (on 2 floors)

    Master suite

    Executive suite


    Main swimming pool, executive poolWeekly barbecue, regular evening entertainmentFitness room and hairdresser(payable locally)Internet point (payable locally)120 rooms


    Twin or double bedsSmall fridgeTelevisionHairdryerTelephoneAir-conditioningSafeBalcony or terrace


    Tennis courts (pre book), games roomGym, archery

    Ptanque, mini-golfWatersports centre nearby (payable locally)


    3 restaurants, Beach Club, La Tortue andLes Palmiers

    (There is a lift to La Tortue restaurant & bar)3 bars More Online - CapeVerde.co.uk/Morabeza

    Customer Favourite - Couples - Beachfront

    The Morabeza has always been our most popular hotel on theisland of Sal, with good reason and was voted the top hotelon the island by our guests in 2011. Its family run and friendly,

    has great facilities and restaurants, and is located just a few steps

    from the glorious Santa Maria beach.

    Morabeza is a local word meaning hospitality - a term which the hotel morethan lives up to. Its the longest established hotel on Sal, and was originally thehome of a Belgian family, the Vynckiers, whose legacy has been preserved by therecent unveiling of a sculpture and the naming of a street adjoining the hotel. The

    fact that its now run by their granddaughter (one Sophie Marcellesi) adds a realsense of continuity and provides a strong family atmosphere. It has developedinto a very attractive and much sought after hotel, particularly with the recentaddition of an executive block housing a second pool area with superb roomsand suites, which have proved extremely popular with our guests.

    The grounds of the hotel are extensive with a broad range of superbly furnishedroom types and with excellent facilities at every turn: the main pool area witha bar, tennis courts and mini-golf, a well-stocked library and games room,including two snooker tables and table tennis as well as a gym. All this and yet

    the hotel never feels overly busy, it absorbs everything into its air of peace andcalm. There is also the superb Beach Club, which is right on the beach and is

    the perfect spot for lunch, or a refreshing drink.

    A popular way to explore the resorts excellent restaurants and themed evening

    meals is choosing the bon appetit dining option. With this, you get dinner at thehotel in the newly refurbished Les Palmiers restaurant on the first and last nightof your stay and the Saturday barbecue buffet, leaving you free to venture outinto Santa Maria to try the local bars and restaurants on the other evenings.

    Island of Sal

    Hotel Morabeza

    A most relaxing holiday in a beautiful beachlocation amongst a very friendly local population.

    Mr Kilvert, Shropshire

    The Morabeza places a high premium on taste,not just when it comes to its cocktails and greatfood, but in its decor, its grounds and its stunningbeachside restaurant. All the elements you look for ina hotel, mixed to perfection!

    Paul Kendall, Sunday Telegraph

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    WINTER 2012-13 PRICES

    No. ofNights


















    1013 996 976 1013 1479 1434 1103 1079 1100 1206 1110 1110 1139 1219 1072

    1397 1383 1373 1894 2129 1870 1571 1549 1570 1587 1574 1549 1649 1623 1549

    Prices are in s per person on Bed & Breakfast in a Double land view room with direct UK flights to Sal and include 25 visa, 65 APD and 30 of taxes.Extra nights (per person per night) 1 Nov 30 Apr from 70


    Direct flights to Sal from Gatwick, Manchester Birmingham20kgs luggage allowance and transfers includedSee page 34 for flight information

    Executive room

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    from 47

    from 90


    Single room

    Child sharing (2-11 years)

    All supplements and room upgrades are per peper night based on twin occupancy.


    2-bedroom suite (minimum 3 sharing)

    2-bedroom family suite (minimum 3 sharing)

    3-bedroom villa (based on 5 or 6 sharing)

    4-bedroom villa (sleeps up to 8)


    2 swimming pools and shaded childrens poolRegular evening entertainmentWi-Fi and internet room (payable locally)4 bars - Sway piano bar, Late bar, Pool bar, My barComplimentary shuttle bus to Santa Maria271 rooms


    Double beds, air-conditioningFlat screen satellite TV, telephone and safeBalcony or terraceInternet access (payable locally)FridgeHairdryer

    This 5* all-inclusive resort operated by the Sol Meli Groupopened in May 2011 and offers a more intimate and personalexperience than can be found in the other larger all-inclusive

    resorts on Sal.

    The resort boasts the highest quality hotel suites and villas found on the islands.There are 271 rooms, each designed and furnished to a very impressivestandard. Our pricing is based on the 1-bedroom suites which have a spaciousliving area. 2-bedroom suites and family suites are also available as well asluxurious 3-bedroom or 4-bedroom villas with private plunge pool and garden.

    Located in the south west of the island, 15 minutes from the airport and lessthan 10 minutes by taxi from the town of Santa Maria, the resort offers a choiceof restaurants, stylish bars, a gymnasium and a YHI Spa. As you walk from themain complex through the cobbled pathways you pass the two large freshwaterpool areas, the first quietier and the second more lively, featuring a pool bar andadjacent, shaded childrens pool. The mini club is based here providing activities

    throughout the day. Upon arriving at the beach you are met with golden sand,a beautiful turquoise sea and the fabulous Grille beach restaurant and bar perfect for lunch or a refreshing cocktail before sunset.

    Spices, the main restaurant provides international buffet cuisine plus showcooking and themed nights on selected evenings. For more casual dining, the

    Waterside restaurant is next to the main pool or you could choose the la carteMediterranean restaurant, Aqua (reservation required).

    The watersports centre on the beach offers a wide range of activities, or fortotal relaxation and rejuvenation enjoy a treatment at the YHI Spa. Meli TortugaBeach Resort & Spa offers an excellent combination of quality accommodationand facilities. In our opinion the resort is ideal for those looking to relax and getaway from the stresses of life back home.

    Please note for safety reasons, we do not recommend bathing in the sea directly

    outside the hotel due to underlying rocks. For safer waters, Ponta Preta beach is a

    10-minute walk along the beach.

    More Online - CapeVerde.co.uk/Melia

    Island of Sal

    Meli Tortuga Beach Resort & Spa

    Couples - Spa - Families - Beachfront


    Mini clubYHI SpaGym, beach volleyballWatersports centre on beach (payable locally)


    4 restaurants: Spices main buffet restaurant,Aqua Italian & Mediterranean la carte(reservation required, supplements may apply)

    Grille beach restaurantWaterside pool restaurant



    Staying at the Meli Tortuga Beach Resort & Spa includes breakfast, lunch,dinner, snacks, unlimited soft drinks (including bottled water), local andinternational alcoholic drinks (Premium brands excluded), which are servedpersonally rather than self-dispensed, late bar, and a range of hotel-basedactivities.

    We loved the MeliTortuga Beach.Quiet, unostentatious, comfortable and tasteful.

    Mrs Chennell, West Sussex

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    WINTER 2012-13 PRICES

    No. ofNights


















    Prices are in s per person on All-inclusive in a 1-bedroom suite with direct UK flights to Sal and include 25 visa, 65 APD and 30 of taxes.Extra nights (per person per night) 1 Nov 30 Apr from 72

    1068 1048 1039 1084 1519 1483 1172 1102 1149 1269 1196 1165 1189 1264 1116

    1498 1481 1468 1930 2228 1968 1700 1619 1669 1685 1669 1682 1720 1650 1548


    Direct flights to Sal from Gatwick, Manchester Birmingham20kgs luggage allowance and transfers includedSee page 34 for flight information

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    WINTER 2012-13 PRICES

    No. ofNights


















    Couples - Central Location - Small & Friendly

    Island of Sal

    Odjo dAgua Hotel

    More Online - CapeVerde.co.uk/Odjo

    Right in the heart of Santa Maria, enjoying a privileged locationand its own sandy beach, Odjo dAgua is a small, family runhotel with an authentic Cape Verdean feel.

    The hotel has a charming interior with many personal touches as well asantiques and photographs from the owners history. The warmth of the greetingadds to this family atmosphere as well as guests receiving a personal guided tourof the hotel. The rooms are simple but comfortable and are situated on two

    floors, with upgrade options available including sea views and suites.

    From the swimming pool, the views along the shore are fabulous, although

    nothing can match the outlook from the O Farolin restaurant. Perched on a seawall promontory, the restaurant comes alive at night with gentle live music andserves some of the finest freshly caught seafood anywhere on Sal. A bon appetitdining option is available at a supplement.

    To the side of the hotel, there is a more sheltered sandy cove, ideal forsunbathing or having a quick dip. For those who wish to venture out in theevening, the Odjo dAgua is only a short stroll from the resort centre of SantaMaria with its ever-growing number of shops, restaurants and bars.

    Please note there are some unguarded drops around this hotel.


    Direct flights to Sal from Gatwick, Manchester Birmingham20kgs luggage allowance and transfers includedSee page 34 for flight information


    Beach area and beach bar(beds and parasols payable locally)

    Small swimming poolGym areaAlma massage suite (payable locally)Local art shopInternet point (payable locally)46 rooms


    Twin or double bedsAir-conditioning, safe (payable locally)Minibar(payable locally)Telephone, LCD television, hairdryerShower over bath

    Balcony or terrace

    Prices are in s per person on Bed & Breakfast in a Standard room with direct UK flights to Sal and include 25 visa, 65 APD and 30 of taxes.Extra nights (per person per night) 1 Nov 30 Apr from 47

    953 938 918 954 1262 1203 979 924 916 1028 929 913 972 1052 894

    1250 1230 1214 1493 1690 1457 1299 1202 1197 1234 1214 1180 1263 1233 1164


    Adding the bon appetit option will entitle you to breakfast on each morningplus 3 evening meals for a 7 night stay, 4 evening meals for 10/11 nightstays and 6 evening meals for 2 weeks - the perfect way to experience thecuisine both at the hotel and around Santa Maria during your stay.


    69 pppw



    from 13

    Bon appetit

    Half board


    Single room

    from 12

    from 14

    from 24

    from 36


    Sea view

    Junior suite

    Junior suite partial sea view



    O Farolin restaurantBar with evening music

    Supplements & room upgrades are per person pernight (unless stated) & based on twin occupancy.PPPW per person per week.

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    WINTER 2012-13 PRICES

    No. ofNights



















    Direct flights to Sal from Gatwick, Manchester Birmingham20kgs luggage allowance and transfers includedSee page 34 for flight information

    More Online - CapeVerde.co.uk/Belorizonte

    808 804 794 864 1278 1240 892 849 859 964 868 839 889 939 829

    1003 990 980 1363 1750 1497 1124 1078 1094 1124 1100 1074 1224 1114 1036

    Prices are in s per person on Bed & Breakfast in a Standard room with direct UK flights to Sal and include 25 visa, 65 APD and 30 of taxes.Extra nights (per person per night) 1 Nov 30 Apr from 34

    Families Central Location - Island Hopping

    Island of Sal

    Situated alongside the white sands of Santa Maria beach, theOasis Belorizonte is a well-established hotel with a good rangeof facilities.

    The comfortable rooms, all equipped with air-conditioning, are situated inbungalows within the well-kept grounds or the block encircling one of theswimming pools. There are three ample sized pools, surrounded by floweringplants, palm trees and lounger-decked sun terraces, as well as two small pools

    for children. Alternatively, the stretch of beach in front of the hotel is very wellmaintained and is an irresistible place for sun worshippers to relax or enjoy a

    drink at the excellent beach bar.The more energetic can partake in organised exercise classes, beach gamesor watersports or even use the best gymnasium in town free of charge.Throughout the day, there are always plenty of activities on offer, fromdiving lessons to tennis and traditional Cape Verdean shows in the pleasantsurroundings of the Salinas bar, there is something here for everyone.

    Minutes from the amenities of Santa Maria, Belorizonte is perfectly placed fora stroll along the promenade to visit the local shops, bars and restaurants andof course take full advantage of the excellent expanse of beach right on yourdoorstep!

    Oasis Belorizonte


    3 swimming pools - 2 are salt water2 childrens poolsChildrens play areaLaundry facilitiesInternet (payable locally)263 rooms (203 bungalows & 60 superior rooms)


    Twin or double bedsBungalows including bunk beds for childrenAir-conditioningMini bar(including a free bottle of water daily)Safe (payable locally)Television, telephone

    Balcony or terrace





    from 22

    from -10

    Half board



    Single room

    Child sharing (2-11 years)

    from 7

    from 16


    Superior bungalow

    Superior room


    3 restaurants, Santa Maria, Flor do Sal, Salinas Grill5 bars

    Supplements & room upgrades are per person pernight based on twin occupancy.

    With a wooden interior and decorated withseashells plus comfortable sofas and plenty of shade,the beach bar is a great little place to sit and relaxwith a drink or lunch!

    Heidi Page, Marketing Executive

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    We offer a wide range of hotels throughout the Cape Verde islands, and we may also add hotels to our programme after

    this brochure has been printed. To see all our latest hotels please visit our website CapeVerde.co.uk/Hotels.

    CapeVerde.co.uk/HotelsFor more hotels visit

    The family-run Orquidea Guest House is a charming, seafront property, setin Boa Vistas capital Sal Rei. Shaded by tropical plants with an emphasis onpersonal service and only 10 air-conditioned rooms, this property enjoysan intimate feel and is the perfect choice for those wishing to get away from

    the larger resorts.


    Orquidea Guest House

    This hotel has a magnificent position on the headland in the upper part of

    So Filipe on the island of fire, Fogo. The Xaguate offers well-furnished,air-conditioned guest rooms and there is a good sized swimming pool toenjoy. Its restaurant serves mostly Portuguese cuisine and of course the

    famous Fogo wines produced from vines, grown in the volcanos crater.


    Hotel Xaguate

    A delightfully quiet retreat, located on the side of a mountain in a tropicalplantation benefiting from fantastic views. This small hotel and restaurantoffers 20 bungalow-style, simply furnished rooms. The small swimmingpool is ideal for a quick dip while the surrounding terrace, with views down

    the valley is perfect for relaxing with a drink and a good book.SANTOA

    NTO Pedracin Village

    This established hotel is an excellent base for exploring Santiago. Perchedon a rocky headland overlooking the bay, it offers a good standard ofaccommodation and facilities and holds a reputation for fine service. ThePraiamar has a large pool area suitable for children, massage suite, Jacuzzi,sauna and a restaurant, as well as the very pleasant Panorama bar.


    Oasis Praiamar

    Set on the edge of the Norte national park, Spinguera is a unique propertywith a sustainable ethos. Once a settlement for farmers and fishermen, thisbeautiful eco-lodge has been transformed into a peaceful haven for rest andrelaxation. The lodge is an ideal choice for those seeking an authentic andunspoilt location with little but the sea and a book for company.

    BOAVISTA Spinguera Eco-Lodge

    More Online - CapeVerde.co.uk/Spinguera

    More Online - CapeVerde.co.uk/Orquidea

    More Online - CapeVerde.co.uk/Xaguate

    More Online - CapeVerde.co.uk/Pedracin

    More Online - CapeVerde.co.uk/Praiamar

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    Things to know

    before you go

    A-ZIn order to help you plan your visit wehave compiled a short A-Z o useulinormation about our holidays to CapeVerde. You will fnd a wealth o urtherinormation relating to these and other

    subjects on our website, please visit

    CapeVerde.co.uk or alternatively call

    one o our experts on 0845 330 2046.

    Airport hotels, car parking and loungesWe can oer a range o hotels with or without

    parking to suit all budgets located at or near

    the airport o your choice, with prices rom

    approximately 35

    per person. For

    your convenience

    we can also arrange business lounges at all our

    UK airports. To check prices please visit our

    website CapeVerde.co.uk/HolidayExtras


    Please ensure that you check-in at least two hours

    prior to the departure time. I you are collecting

    a ticket on departure, please ensure you allocate

    sucient time to pick up your documents.

    Child & inant discounts

    Many o the hotels within our collection oer child

    discounts. To qualiy or a child discount, children

    must be between 2 and 11 years old on return

    to the UK. They must share a room with 2 adults

    paying brochure price. Inants under 2 years

    on return to the UK are charged a ee o 40to cover administration costs however are not

    allocated a seat on the aircrat.


    The currency in Cape Verde is Escudo expressed

    as $ or CV Esc beore the amount which can

    only be obtained on the islands. There is a xed

    exchange rate o $110 to 1 Euro.


    There are a variety o excursions available on

    each island including horse-riding, quad bikes,

    watersports, diving, shing and island tours.

    Please see our representative or an extensive

    excursion list and prices on arrival in resort.

    Flight delays

    Occasionally, despite the best eorts o all

    concerned, fights are delayed or reasons

    beyond our personal control. In the event thatsuch a delay occurs, we will always do our best

    to provide a snack or meal when appropriate.

    Should there be an extended delay to your

    homeward fight we will endeavour to delay your

    departure rom your holiday accommodation,

    and in the case o an overnight delay,

    accommodation will be provided, although this

    may not be your holiday accommodation.

    Foreign Oce travel advice

    We are working with the Foreign and

    Commonwealth Oce to do all that we can to

    help British travellers stay sae overseas. Their

    website at Fco.gov.uk/KnowBeoreYouGo is

    packed with essential tips, travel advice and up-

    to-date country specic inormation.

    Holiday questionnaires

    To assist us in improving our service and ensure

    standards are maintained, we should be most

    grateul i you would take the time to complete

    our questionnaire and it return to us.

    Inter-island fights

    Please be aware that schedules can change an

    fights are sometimes early, delayed or cancell

    Internet and mobile coverage

    Coverage can be intermittent across the island

    Be sure to check the cost o internet access as

    can be quite expensive, especially in hotels.

    Luggage allowance

    The luggage allowance on all Cape Verde figh

    usually 20kg pp in the hold and 5kg in the cabi


    There is no malaria present in Cape Verde wit

    the exception o Santiago rom September to

    November. I you are visiting Santiago during

    these months please check with your GP or t

    latest advice.

    Mobility advice

    Cape Verde is not recommended or those wany walking diculties due to the pathways in a

    around the resorts being cobbled or uneven. T

    discuss this urther please call our expert team

    Passports and visas

    A ull 10 year British passport is required or e

    into Cape Verde, valid or at least 6 months at

    your date o arrival back in the UK. All British

    nationals require a visa to enter Cape Verde

    which are only issued at the point o entry. We

    are able to pre-arrange visas providing we hav

    received details no later than 7 days prior to ydeparture date.

    Pre-allocated seating

    This is recommended to avoid being seated apa

    during your fight as checking in early does not

    always ensure seats together. A supplement wil


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    Prices and surcharges

    Holidays are based on the cost o uel as at

    4th May 2012. I the cost o uel does rise, or

    other security costs or taxes are levied, then

    there may be an increase in prices printed in

    this brochure, please see section 11 o our FairTrading Charter on page 35 or more details.

    The publication date o this brochure is the

    4th May 2012.


    I you have any requests or your holiday

    accommodation or fights, please ensure they are

    requested at the time o booking. We shall pass

    on your request to the airline or hotel however

    we cannot guarantee that they will be met.

    Room check-in and out timesThe standard international practice is to let rooms

    rom midday to midday. However times do vary.

    Check-in is usually rom 3pm, and checkout is

    by12 noon on the day o departure.

    Saety standards

    All our hotels have been careully selected

    and visited by us. We ensure that they oer

    reasonable standards o saety and quality and

    that they conorm to the local re and saety laws

    and regulations, however these laws are not asstringent as in the UK.

    Summer 2013

    Summer prices will be available on our website.

    To request a price sheet call 0845 330 2046.

    Sustainable tourism

    The Cape Verde Experience has been awarded

    5 star sustainable tourism status, the highest level

    possible, by the Association o Independent Tour

    Operators (AITO). As well as bringing a wealth

    o benets to a destination, all tourism potentiallyhas an environmental, social and economic

    impact so we strive to negate any detrimental

    impact our business has on the environment and

    the destinations we send our customers to.

    In 2007 we introduced a carbon oset scheme,

    Opt in & Oset, and have committed to working

    with the Tourism Industry Carbon Oset Service

    (TICOS) to manage projects, initially in The

    Gambia: planting 20,000 trees and manuacturing

    low energy stoves. We are constantly looking

    at opportunities in Cape Verde or the uture.

    When a booking is made there will be an option

    to carbon oset the fight or the additional cost

    o 5pp and help oset some o the damage

    emissions cause. For more inormation about

    these projects and how you can help please goto CapeVerde.co.uk/ST


    These can be expected 2 weeks prior to your

    date o travel along with your accommodation

    voucher, luggage labels and our Cape Verde

    Guide, which we hope you will nd useul. Your

    actual fight timings will be those shown on your

    tickets, please check them careully as soon as

    you receive them.

    Time dierenceCape Verde is GMT -1.


    Transers are usually provided by minibus or

    4 wheel drive. Your transer time will vary

    depending on the island/itinerary you have

    chosen. Please call us or clarication on this.

    Whats included

    The basic holiday price includes:

    Return fights rom the UK as stated in theprice panel.

    Luggage allowance, usually o 20kg pp.

    Transers rom the stated airport to the holiday

    accommodation & return (package bookings).

    Accommodation and meal basis as detailed in

    our booking conrmation invoice.

    Visa (i we receive details 7 days beore

    departure) on package bookings only.

    Inter-island fights, erries and transers as

    stated in the price panel or itinerary.*

    Services o our representatives or local agent.

    Airport departure taxes in UK & Cape Verde.

    UK Air Passenger Duty (APD) o 65pp.

    CAA ATOL Protection Contribution.

    *Any additional inter-island fights will be at a


    When booking close to departure day, tickets

    will be arranged or collection at the airport. We

    reserve the right to charge or this.

    Quality CharterEXCLUSIVE MEMBERSHIPAITO sets criteria regarding ownership, nance andquality which must be satised beore new companieadmitted to membership. All members are required adhere to a Code o Business Practice which encourahigh operational standards and conduct.

    FINANCIAL SECURITYAn AITO member is required to arrange nancialprotection or all holidays and other arrangements(including accommodation only) booked by customewith the member under the AITO logo. This nanciaprotection applies to customers who are resident inthe UK at the time o booking and to most overseascustomers who have booked directly with the memb

    In doing so, the member must comply with UKgovernment regulations. Members are required tosubmit details o their nancial protection arrangemeto AITO on a regular basis.

    As a member o the Association o Independent TourOperators Trust Limited (AITOT) Serenity Holidayshave provided a bond to meet the requirements o tPackage Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours

    Regulations 1992. In the evento Serenity Holidays insolvency,protection is provided or non-fpackages commencing in andreturning to the UK and other

    non-fight packages excluding pre arranged travel to arom your destination. Please note that packages boooutside the UK are only protected when purchaseddirectly with Serenity Holidays.

    In the above circumstances, i you have not yet traveyou may claim a reund, or i you have already travell

    you may be able to continue your holiday or claimrepatriation to the starting point o your non-fightpackage.

    ACCURATE BROCHURES & WEB SITESAll members do their utmost to ensure that all theirbrochures and other publications, print or electronicclearly and accurately describe the holidays and servicoered.

    PROFESSIONAL SERVICE & CONTINUALIMPROVEMENTSAll members are committed to high standards oservice and believe in regular and thorough training oemployees. Members continually seek to review andimprove their holidays. They listen to their customeand always welcome suggestions or improving stand

    MONITORING STANDARDSAITO endeavours to monitor quality standards regulAll customers should receive a post-holiday questionthe results o which are scrutinised by the Association

    SUSTAINABLE TOURISMAll members acknowledge the importance o AITOsSustainable Tourism guidelines, which recognise thesocial, economic and environmental responsibilities otour operating. Those demonstrating their achievembeyond the pure acceptance o this principle arerecognised by the award o 2 to 5 star status.

    CUSTOMER RELATIONSAll members endeavour to deal switly and airly withany issues their customers may raise. In the unlikelyevent that a dispute between an AITO member and customer cannot be settled amicably, AITOs low-coIndependent Dispute Settlement Service may be calleupon by either side to bring the matter to a speedy aacceptable conclusion.



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    Travel insuranceOur customers should be adequately insured, and we arepleased to oer our insurance policy withtagis, with no

    price increase rom 2011 and still including ZERO EXCESS

    on claims made (excluding personal liability). This policy

    is tailor-made to the specic needs o our customers

    and includes additional areas o cover, such as delays or

    cancellation due to snow, sandstorm or volcanic ash.

    Full details o the policy will be sent with your conrmation invoice; there is a 14 day cooling o period rom the date o salewherein the policy may be cancelled without charge.The policy does not cover any pre-existing health conditions o the persons travelling and others upon whose health the tripmay depend, unless a healthcheck has been carried out by calling 0845 408 0585 and cover is conrmed in writing.

    Summary o cover includes

    Cancellation or curtailment 5,000

    Medical expenses 5,000,000

    Personal accident 25,000

    Missed departure 1,000

    Missed connection 1,000

    Personal possessions 2,500

    Personal liability 2,000,000

    Legal expenses 15,000

    Up to 9 nights

    Adult 35.60

    66-79 Years 71.35

    Children (2-17) 21.30

    Up to 16 nights

    Adult 41.80

    66-79 Years 85.30

    Children (2-17) 24.40

    Longer durations, couples, amily and annual policies are alsoavailable. Premiums include 20% insurance premium tax.



    On conrming your holiday we require a deposit o 95 per person,

    payable by debit or credit card. In addition, i our insurance is taken

    this must also be paid or at this time. The balance must be paid at

    least 8 weeks prior to departure, either online, by cheque, bank

    transer, debit or credit card (2% charge).

    For bookings made within 8 weeks o departure, ull payment is

    required at the time o booking.

    I we do not receive the appropriate payment, we reserve the right

    to cancel your booking and you will be liable or cancellation charges

    in accordance with our Fair Trading Charter.

    Please make cheques payable to The Cape Verde Experience and

    send to Serenity Holidays, Atlantic House, 3600 Parkway, Solent

    Business Park, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 7AN. Any monies paid

    by credit card are currently subject to a 2% charge to cover costs

    levied by the providers (no charge or debit cards).

    Boa Vista

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    Call The Cape Verde Experience on 0845 330 2046 to

    book your holiday or to talk to one o our reservations stor more inormation.

    Making your booking

    Once you or your travel agent have conrmed your holiday

    reservation, we will issue our conrmation invoice by the ollowing

    day. It is essential you check that all the details are correct and advise

    us immediately i they are not. Any changes at a later date may incur

    an amendment ee.

    Book with condence

    The Cape Verde Experience is a trade name o Serenity Holidays

    Limited. The air holidays and fights in this brochure are ATOL

    protected by the Civil Aviation Authority.Our ATOL number is 1866.

    Please see our Fair Trading Charter

    or more inormation. We are also

    members o ABTA and AITO. AITO is the

    Association or independent and specialist

    holiday companies.

    How to book

    Our expert team have invaluable knowledge o Cape Verde and can oe

    a wealth o advice enabling you to choose the holiday that is right or you

    Our oce opening hours are 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

    Saturdays and 10am to 4pm Sundays. The oce may be closed during

    national & bank holidays. Calls may be recorded or training purposes.

    Loyalty discount

    Valued customers who have previously travelled with The Cape Verde

    Experience in the last three years wil l qualiy or a loyalty discount o 35

    The discount must be claimed at time o booking and is available through

    the year on package holidays, booked at the ull brochure price and cann

    be used in conjunction with a group discount.

    The Cape Verde Experience works with a

    select number o independent travel agents

    who we eel oer the same high standard o

    service that we adhere to. You can make a

    booking with the travel agency where you

    obtained our brochure.

    You can check availability and book your

    holiday online, 24 hours a day. Our website

    CapeVerde.co.uk is very in-depth with more

    detailed inormation on the islands, photo

    galleries and up-to-date destination news.

    We just cannot t all our enthusiasm and

    passion or the Cape Verde islands into this

    brochure so please visit our website to nd

    out more or live chat with our expert sta.

    Visit your localTravel Agent

    Visit us online at


    Call us on

    0845 330 2046

    Booking Checklist

    .. Deposit - 95 per person Make sure you have adequate insurance

    Check your conrmation invoice

    Balance paid 8 weeks prior to departure

    Complete Additional Passenger Inormation(API) online

    Payment by cheque, bank transer, online,debit card or credit card (2% charge)

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    FlightsThe Cape Verde Experience oers a wide choice o flights

    to the Cape Verde Islands. As shown in our price panels,

    our flights are based on direct UK flights to Sal or Boa Vista.

    Please see the below grid or your preerred flight options.

    Winter 2012-13

    Departures rom 3 UK airports to Sal and 4 UK airports to Boa Vista

    Twice weekly fights to Boa Vista rom Gatwick and Manchester

    10 & 11 night holidays possible

    Summer 2013

    Summer prices will be available on our website. To request a price sheet

    please contact us on 0845 330 2046.

    Flights from UK to Sal International Airport

    Flights from UK to Boa Vista International Airport

    Please note that fight inormation is correct at time o going to press and is subject to change at any time by the airline.Pre-allocated seats (rom 25pp) are recommended. No in-fight entertainment is included.

    All above fights are operated by Thomson Airways. Any fight supplements will be detailed at the time o booking.

    I you have any special requirements, please advise all details to us at the time o booking and we will pass these on to the airline. TAP Air Portugal operate a dailyfight to Sal rom Heathrow via Lisbon.

    From To Terminal Day UKDepartureUK

    Arrival Operating Dates

    Gatwick Boa Vista North Tuesday 09.30 22.45 06 November 2012 - 30 April 2013

    Gatwick Boa Vista North Friday 09.30 22.45 09 November 2012 - 26 April 2013Manchester Boa Vista 2 Monday 09.45 23.30 05 November 2012 - 29 April 2013

    Manchester Boa Vista 2 Thursday 09.35 23.20 08 November 2012 - 25 April 2013

    Birmingham Boa Vista 1 Wednesday 09.00 22.25 07 November 2012 - 24 April 2013

    Glasgow Boa Vista Main Sunday 09.00 23.15 04 November 2012 - 28 April 2013

    From To Terminal Day UKDeparture UKArrival Operating Dates

    Gatwick Sal North Thursday 10.45 23.35 08 November 2012 - 25 April 2013

    Manchester Sal 2 Wednesday 09.20 22.30 07 November 2012 - 24 April 2013

    Birmingham Sal 1 Tuesday 09.05 22.05 06 November 2012 - 30 April 2013

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    The Cape Verde Experience is operated by Serenity Holidays (Serenity Holidays Ltd). We arecommitted to a policy o air trading and make every eort to ensure that you have an enjoyableholiday with us. Our terms o trade have been ormulated as a result o our responsibilities underlaw and in no way aect your statutory rights as a consumer. We accept responsibility or the qualityo the holidays we provide and the excursions booked with our local representatives. Please read

    this careully and keep with you on holiday as it sets out the basis o the contract between you andSerenity Holidays Ltd.

    We are a member o ABTA, membership number V5963. We are obliged to maintain a highstandard o service to you by ABTAs Code o Conduct. We can also oer you an arbitrationscheme or the resolution o disputes arising out o, or in connection with this contract.Further inormation on the Code and arbitration can be ound at http://www.abta.com

    DATA PROTECTIONWhen you make an enquiry or booking with us, inormation about youis collected. This reers to inormation such as your name, contact details, travel preerences andany special needs/disabilities or dietary requirements. By giving us these details, you consent or

    these to be used as necessary in processing your booking and complying with legal requirements(e.g. orwarding passenger lists to airlines). We may also use your details to send you uture holidaybrochures or advise o special oers rom ourselves - should you NOT want to receive these,

    please tell us. Some o your inormation may be considered sensitive personal data under theData Protection Act 1998, which will only be used when it is necessary or us to communicate yourneeds to a hotel or airline. For more inormation please reer to our Privacy Statement shownon our website www.capeverdeexperience.co.uk.

    We sell the ollowing arrangements:

    Package HolidayA package holiday is a combination o at least two o the ollowing services (a) transport,(b) accommodation or (c) other tourist services (not ancillary to any t ransport or accommodationand orming a signicant part o the arrangements) where booked through us at an inclusive price.

    I you book a package holiday through us, it will be protected under the Package Travel, PackageHolidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 and these regulations require us to provide security

    or the monies that you pay or the package holidays booked rom this brochure. We provide thissecurity by way o an ATOL (number 1866) administered by the Civil Aviation Authority.

    When you buy an ATOL protected air holiday package you will receive a Conrmation Invoicerom us (or via your travel agent through which you booked) conrming your arrangements andyour protection under our Air Travel Organisers Licence number [1866]. In the unlikely event oour insolvency, the CAA will ensure that you are not stranded abroad and will arrange to reundany money you have paid to us or an advance booking. For urther inormation visit the ATOL

    website at www.atol.org.uk. The price o our air holiday packages includes the ATOL ProtectionContribution (APC) we pay to the CAA. This charge is included in our advertised prices.

    Accommodation or Flight onlyI you book accommodation or fight only through us, we will accept responsibility or your bookingin accordance with the terms set out in the relevant sections below. As this is a single component,

    the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 do not apply.

    Note: As a member o the Association o Independent Tour Operators Trust Limited (AITOT)Serenity Holidays Ltd have provided a bond to meet the requirements o the Package Travel,Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992. In the event o Serenity Holidays Ltdinsolvency, protection is provided or non-fight packages commencing in and returning to the UKand other non-fight packages excluding pre arranged travel to and rom your destination. Pleasenote that packages booked outside the UK are only protected when purchased directly withSerenity Holidays Ltd.

    In the above circumstances, i you have not yet travelled you may claim a reund, or i you havealready travelled you may be able to continue your holiday or claim repatriation to the starting pointo your non-fight package.

    1. YOUR HOLIDAY BOOKING When making a booking you must be aged over 18 years andhave the authority to accept and do accept on behal o your party the terms o these bookingconditions. All correspondence and documents are sent to the party leader who is responsible tous or all payments in respect o the booking. The contract is made on the terms o the inormationin this brochure, the details set out in the conrmation invoice. We agree that the courts o Englandand Wales have jurisdiction and English Law applies (unless you live in Scotland or Northern Ireland,in which case you can bring proceedings in your local court under Scottish or Northern Irish law, asapplicable). Our conrmation invoice is our acceptance o the booking (as detailed therein), and thecontract is made on its issue. We ask you to check the details and any anomaly should be reported

    to us or your travel agent immediately otherwise the details shown on the conrmation will bepresumed to be correct. Verbal quotations should not be considered binding until the rst invoiceconrmation is received. All holidays and oers published in this brochure are subject to availabilityat the time o booking.

    2. PAYMENT I you wish to conrm a booking you must pay the deposit o 95pp. Your nal

    payment will be detailed on your invoice and must be paid in ull no later than 8 weeks beore yourdeparture, or your booking may be deemed cancelled and your deposits retained. I payment oryour holiday is made by credit card a handling ee, currently 2% will be levied.

    3. IF YOU WISH TO CANCEL YOUR BOOKINGYou will need to let us know as soon aspossible either by telephone or in writing (or must ensure your travel agent does so on yourbehal). Since we incur costs rom the time we conrm your booking, the cancellation charges setout below will apply, calculated rom t he date on which we receive your notice o cancellation. You

    will then receive a cancellation invoice detailing any charges.

    No. o days beore departure Cancellation charge

    More than 42 days Loss o deposit

    29 - 42 days 50%

    22 - 28 days 75%

    6 - 21 days 90%

    0 - 5 days 100%

    The charges above apply to your total holiday price excluding any insurance premiums, amendmentcharges or charges or goods sold and dispatched. The conditions o your travel insurance policymay allow a reund claim.

    Please note: i any members o your party cancel, but the others still wish to travel, it may benecessary to re-calculate the cost per person based on the new party size as the accommodationmay now be under-occupied. This may result in an increased amount per person payable to secure

    the original booking.

    4. CHARGES FOR NON-INCLUSIVE HOTEL ITEMS AND DAMAGES You enter into aseparate contract with the hotel or residence or these items (e.g. parking, bar bills etc.), and agree

    to pay locally or any charges or items or services used by your party and not included in yourholiday price. The accommodation we arrange or you can only be used by those people namedon your Invoice. You are not allowed to share the accommodation with anyone else or let othersstay there.

    5. IF YOU REQUEST A CHANGE TO YOUR BOOKING All amendments to your booking,e.g. name changes, dates o travel or accommodation, will incur a charge, the amount o which

    will depend on the nature o the change and the time beore the date o travel. Any changes madewithin 8 weeks o departure may be treated as cancellations and re-bookings. The lead nameon a booking cannot be changed under any circumstances and this would also be classed as acancellation and re-booking.

    6. IF YOU BOOK TH ROUGH A TRAVEL AGENT we will assume that in dealing with us theagent is acting on your behal. All monies you pay to the t ravel agent are held by him on our behalat all times.

    7. IF WE CHANGE YOUR HOLIDAYAlthough it is unlikely, we may occasionally have to changeyour holiday arrangements and we reserve the right to change or cancel your booking. Mostchanges are minor and we will always endeavour to advise you or your travel agent o any suchchanges at the earliest possible date.

    Note: Any amendment or cancellation ees you incur in terms o other arrangements you havemade with other providers under separate contracts are not claimable rom us.

    Package Holiday & Flight only:A change o airline, aircrat type, overseas airport o destination, travel timings by 12 hours or lessand accommodation o a similar or higher standard in the same resort or region are classed asminor changes which do not entitle you to cancel or change to another holiday / fight withoutpaying our normal administration charges, and or which no compensation or reund is due.

    In accordance with EU Regulation 2111/2005 we are required to advise you o the actual carrieroperating your fight/connecting fight/transer. We do this by listing carriers to be used or likely

    to be used as ollows: Thomson Airways, Thomas Cook Airlines and TACV Cabo Verde Airlines.Any changes to the actual airline ater you have received your tickets will be notied to you assoon as possible and in all cases at check-in or at the boarding gate. The carrier may occasionallyhave to change the type o aircrat used on a particular fight without advance warning. In suchcircumstances where you have booked and paid an additional seat supplement and such seatcannot be provided, then you will receive only a reund o the supplement paid.

    Occasionally, we have to make major changes to your travel arrangements or accommodation.A major change is a change made beore departure, which, on the basis o the inormation given tous by you at the time o booking we can reasonably expect will have a major eect on your holiday.The ollowing changes are examples o major changes: changing travel times by over 12 hours,your UK departure airport (excluding London airports), your holiday region, a change to a lowerstandard or type o accommodation or reducing the number o days holiday.

    I we have to make a major change or cancel your holiday we will tell you as soon as possible.Where possible, we will oer the ollowing options: you can either a) accept the changedarrangements b) purchase another holiday/fight rom us at the advertised current selling price orc) cancel your booking upon which we will reund your monies in ull and nal settlement.

    I you have booked a Package Holiday, subject to the note below, irrespective o whether you choosea), b) or c) we will pay compensation to passengers who paid the ull brochure price as ollows:

    No o da ys be ore dep ar tu re Am ou nt or eac h ul l are pa yi ng ad ul t

    More than 56 days Nil

    29 - 55 days 15

    15 - 28 days 25

    8 - 14 days 35

    Less than 7 days 50

    Accommodation only:

    I we make a change to your accommodation and you dont want to accept it, you can takeany alternative we are able to oer you (you will pay the increase in cost i the replacement isadvertised at a higher price than your original booking, or receive a reund o the dierence iit is less expensive) or a reund o the money you have paid to us. This does not apply where

    the change is not material. Examples o non-material changes include, but are not limited to,temporary withdrawal o acilities or seasonal unavailability o amenities. I we have to cancel youraccommodation, again we may be able to oer you an alternative. I you accept it, you would pay

    the dierence i it was advertised at a higher price than your original accommodation, or receive areund o the dierence i it was advertised at a lower price. Or we will reund the monies you havepaid us or your accommodation. We will not be responsible to pay any compensation ollowing achange or a cancellation by us.

    Applicable to Package Holiday, Accommodation or Flight only bookings:

    Note: I a change or cancellation occurs because o circumstances beyond our control, orexample war, threat o war, riots, civil disturbances, actual or threatened terrorist activity and itsconsequences, industrial disputes, natural or nuclear di sasters, re, health risks, adverse weatherconditions, hurricanes, foods, unavoidable technical problems with transport, closure or congestiono airports or ports, epidemic or pandemic illness and all similar situations we will have no liability

    to you. No compensation payments, expenses or any other sums, including the cost o securingalternative accommodation will be paid by us.

    8. IF YOU HAVE A COMPLAINT In the unlikely event you have cause or complaint whilstabroad, about the accommodation or about any other element o your holiday, you must reer itimmediately to our local representative. It is unreasonable or you to take little or no action whilston holiday and wait until you return to complain, and you must take reasonable steps to minimise

    the consequences o the problem. I you ail to ollow this simple procedure we will have beendeprived o the opportunity to investigate and rectiy your complaint whilst you were in resort and

    this may aect your rights under this contract. I a problem cannot be resolved locally you shouldcomplete and sign a Guest Comment orm in resort, setting out the details o the problem.This should be handed to your representative who will give you a copy; it is essential that you alsoreport the problem to any supplier o the service you are complaining about. Any complaint mustalso be ollowed by written conrmation o all the details, with any supporting evidence, within 28days o your return rom holiday.


    Package Holiday:

    I the contract we have with you i s not perormed or is improperly perormed by us or oursuppliers we will pay you appropriate compensation i this has aected the enjoyment o your

    travel arrangements. However, we will not be liable where any ailure in the perormance o thecontract is due to: you; or a third party unconnected with the provision o the travel arrangementsand where the ailure is unoreseeable or unavoidable; or unusual and unoreseeable circumstancesbeyond our control, the consequences o which could not have been avoided even i all due carehad been exercised; or an event which we or our suppliers, even with all due care, could not

    oresee or orestall.

    Our liability, except in cases involving death, injury or illness, shall be limited to a maximum o [3]times the cost o your travel arrangements. Our liability will also be limited in accordance with and/or in an identical manner to:

    (a) The contractual terms o the companies that provide the transportation or your travelarrangements. These terms are incorporated into this contract; and(b) Any relevant international convention, or example the Montreal Convention in respect o travelby air, the Athens Convention in respect o travel by sea, the Berne Convention in respect o travelby rail and the Paris Convention in respect o the provision o accommodation, which limit the

    amount o compensation that you can claim or death, injury, delay to passengers and loss, damageand delay to luggage. We are to be regarded as having all benet o any limitation o compensationcontained in these or any conventions.

    You can ask or copies o the transport companies contractual terms, or the internationalconventions, rom our oces: Serenity Holidays Ltd, Atlantic House, 3600 Parkway, SolentBusiness Park, Fareham, Hampshire PO15 7AN

    We do not accept liability or happenings or actions outside our control, e.g. delays to travelservices, the temporary invasion o pests, the presence o indigenous animals or insects,government action, industrial disputes, damage or inconvenience resulting rom the weather (e.g.drought conditions) or rom acts o God, or your partys negligence resulting in loss or accident.

    I the contract we have with you i s not perormed or is improperly perormed as a result o ailuresattributable to a third party unconnected with the provision o the services, or as a result o ailuresdue to unusual and unoreseeable circumstances beyond our control, the consequences o whichcould not have been avoided even i all due care had been exercised, or an event which we or oursuppliers, even with all due care, could not oresee or orestall, and you suer an injury or othermaterial loss, we will oer you such prompt assistance as is reasonable in the circumstances. I youhave taken our recommended insurance cover, you must make an insurance claim in respect oany legal ees incurred abroad or that purpose, and i you have taken alternative insurance, youmust do likewise under any Legal Expenses cover provided by it. You must also provide us with theconrmation rom the insurance company o receipt o your notication to them o your claim.

    Excursions or other tours that you may choose to book or pay or whilst you are on holiday are notpart o your package holiday provided by us. For any excursion or other tour that you book, your

    contract will be with the operator o the excursion or tour and not with us. We are not respor the provision o the excursion or tour or or anything that happens during the course o provision by the operator.

    Accommodation only:We have a duty to select the accommodation providers with reasonable skill and care. We hliability to you or the actual provision o the accommodation, except in cases where it is pro

    that we have breached that duty and damage to you has been caused. Thereore, providingwe have selected the provider with reasonable care and skill, we will have no liability to youanything that happens at the accommodation or any acts or omissions o the provider or oth

    We also have no liability in the ollowing situations:

    i. where the accommodation cannot be provided as booked due to circumstances beyond ocontrol (see the Note in clause 7)ii. where you incur any loss or damage that could not have been oreseen at the time o youbooking, based on the inormation provided by you.iii. where you incur any loss or damage that relates to any business activity.iv. where any loss or damage relates to any services which do not orm part o our contractyou.

    I we are ound liable to you on any basis, we limit the amount we have to pay you to a maxo three times the cost o your accommodation. This limit does not apply to cases involving or injury.

    10. YOUR RESPONSIBILITYYou undertake to exercise due and reasonable care in respeco your holiday accommodation and its contents, to leave it in a clean and complete conditio

    to respect local and on-site regulations and bye-laws, to limit party numbers to those on yoconrmation, to remit payments as invoiced on or beore the due dates, to indemniy us agaall loss or damage arising directly or indirectly rom any act, deault or omission o your partynot to exceed the published occupation capacity o the accommodation. Any serious abuse property or its contents may render you liable to eviction without compensation.

    11. PRICES AND SURCHARGES The price o your holiday was calculated using the excharate o 1 = 1.18 on 12 March 2012. We reserve the right to increase or reduce prices, a

    the current price o your holiday will be advised to you at the time o booking. Whilst everyis made to ensure the accuracy o all the inormation and prices provided to you, regrettablyerrors do occasionally occur. In the event that an incorrect price has been given in error, anybooking made based on this price, will not be valid. You will be advised o the mistake at theearliest opportunity and you will then have the option either to pay the correct price or the

    travel arrangements or to cancel and receive a ull reund o any monies you may already hapaid. Once you have booked your holiday we reserve the right to surcharge or cost increasdue to government action such as changes in VAT or any other government imposed charge

    transportation costs (including the cost o uel), taxes or ees chargeable or services such as taxes, embarkation or disembarkation ees at airports, and exchange rates.

    Package HolidaysThere will be no charge within 30 days o your departure. We will absorb such increases upo your basic holiday price (excluding insurance premiums and any amendment charges). I surcharge is greater than 10% o your holiday price you have the option o changing to anotholiday that we oer (i we are able to oer an alternative you will not have to pay more, buis o a lower quality you will be reunded the dierence in price) or you have the right to can(within 14 days o receiving surcharge notication), in which case we will reund in ull all mopaid to us except insurance premiums and any amendment charges. Should the price o youholiday go down due to the changes mentioned above, by more than 2% o your holiday co

    then any reund due will be paid to you. However, please note that travel arrangements arealways purchased in local currency and some apparent changes will have no impact on the pyour holiday due to contractual and other protection in place.

    Accommodation and Flight onlyWe reserve the right to pass on all increases. I we ask you to pay us any increases in taxes,similarly, i any taxes you have paid to us are reduced or abolished, you will be entitled to clareund. Such right shall not apply in respect o any surcharge paid in respect o aviation uel c

    12. TRAVEL SERVICESWhen you travel by air the relevant carriers Conditions o Carriagwill apply to your journey, some o which may limit liability or exclude liability in accordance the relevant international conventions. Copies o the conditions are available or inspection aABTA travel agent. Inormation given by us about such services is or guidance only and the concerned accept no responsibility or our brochures. It is your responsibility to report promat the check-in times given by the carriers and with the appropriate valid travel documents (passports), and we cannot be held responsible or any costs incurred by you i you ail to doOccasionally there are times beyond our control when a fight is delayed. We will work clos

    with the airline and our resort oce to make sure any delay is as short as possible and that yoverseas transer and accommodation arrangements are changed i necessary. Our aim is tominimise the inconvenience o delays as ar as possible.

    Under EU law you have rights in some circumstances to reunds and/or compensation romairline in cases o denied boarding, cancellation or delays to fights. Full details o these rights publicised at EU airports and will also be available rom airlines. Please note that reimbursemin such cases is the responsibility o the airline and will not automatically entitle you to a reuyour holiday cost rom us. Your right to a reund and/or compensation rom us is set out in c7 i we change your holiday. I your airline does not comply with these rules you should co

    to the Air Transport Users Council - www.auc.org.uk. In March 2006 the European Commpublished a list o airlines considered to be unsae and which are thereore not permitted to passengers or Cargo in the EU or operate within the European airspace. This list is updated

    three months and can be viewed by clicking on the website or the European Commission ec.europa.eu/transport/air-ban/list_en.htm. Alternatively, should you wish to be sent a copy list, please contact us either by telephone or in writing.

    13. TRAVEL INSURANCEYou agree to our requirement: at the time o booking your holiyou either accept our travel insurance or you or your travel agent make immediate alternativarrangements with cover at least to our own policy.

    14. SWIMMING POOLS AND OTHER FACILITIES Where a swimming pool or other acis reerred to as being available or use, such availability is at the hoteliers discretion and isunderstood to be conditional upon temporary or unavoidable closure necessitated by: the hessential maintenance programme, accident, damage or malunction o equipment, and in thcase o swimming pools: compliance with any water conservation regulations imposed in timo drought, damage or malunction o the mains water supply. The above are understood toresult o orce majeure and not to refect on our ailure to deliver an advertised acility.

    15. ARBITRATION In the unlikely event that a complaint cannot be settled amicably betweus, you may i you wish reer the matter to arbitration under a special scheme, which, thougdevised by arrangement with ABTA is administered quite independently by CEDR part o theChartered Institute o Arbitrators (details on request). This is a simple method o arbitration documents alone with restricted cost liability to the customer. The rules o the scheme prov

    that the application or arbitration must be made within twelve months o the date o returnthe holiday but in special circumstances it may still be oered outside o this period. The schdoes not apply to claims over 5,000 per person or 25,000 per booking, nor to claims maor solely in respect o injury or illness or their consequences. Alternatively, AITOs IndependDispute Settlement Service may be called upon by either side to bring the matter to a speedamicable solution.

    16. PASSPORT/VISAIt is the responsibility o all customers to ensure they have a valid passand any required visa. In addition, you must consult your GP or advice regarding recommemedication and anti-malarial drugs beore you book.

    17. HOLIDAY PARTICIPATION Should anyone be reused admission to the fight or to thedestination country by the airline or government authority due to the correct documentatiobeing in order then we are powerless to assist and cannot be held responsible. Any passengconsidered being unacceptably under the infuence o alcohol or drugs may be denied board

    to the aircrat or entry into the country. In these circumstances we shall consider the customhaving given notice o cancellation and be under no liability or any costs or charges incurredresult o our doing so.


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    Reservations: 0845 330 2046 (+44 1489 866 969)

    Administration: 0845 330 2068 (+44 1489 866 970)

    CapeVerde.co.uk| [email protected]

    Serenity Holidays Ltd, Registered in the U.K number 01744872Atlantic House, 3600 Parkway, Solent Business Park, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 7AN

