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JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the Nat io nal Bur eau of Sta nd ard s- A. Physics and Chemistry Vol. 73A, No. 6, Novemb er- Dece mber 1969 Capillary Depressions for Nearly Planar Menisci M. C. I. Siu Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C . 20234 (July 17, 1969) It is demons tr ated analyti cally that th e ca pillary de press ion C of a nea rl y pl anar me ni sc us is lin ea rl y re lat ed to its me ni sc us height h by the rela ti onship C= h/ [l -/ o( r/a)] . Here, a 2 =y/ pg, (J a nd ya re the density and s urface tension of the liquid r es pec ti ve ly ,g, the acce lerat ion due to gravit y, ,, is the r ad iu s of the ca pillary tub e at the liquid-solid-gas int e rface, an d l o(z) is th e modified Besse l fun c ti on of the first kind and zero ord e r. Key words: Besse l func ti ons; ca lculus of varia ti ons; capillary de pre ss ion ; La pla ce's equa ti on; meni sc us; me ni sc us height ; nea rl y pl anar me ni sc us. 1. Introduction of Goodrich in that the calculus of variations is applied. Corr ec ti ons du e to ca pillarity must be known or eliminat ed in a cc urat e manom etric pro ce dur es. Th e problem of ca pillary de pr ess ion ( or rise) for arbitraril y shaped gas-liquid int erfa ces has bee n studied e x- ten sivel y, both the or e ti cally and exper imentall y. Little att ention, however, has b ee n gi ve n spec ifi cally to nearly planar meni sc i occ urring in large bore pr ec ision merc ur y manometers and which have bee n pro du ce d by Moser and Poltz [ I]' in the co mpr ess ion ca pill a ry of a McLeod gage to re du ce e rr ors due to capillarit y. It is we ll kno wn [2 , 3, 4] that a finite pr ess ure diffe r- en ce exists ac ross a gas-liquid inte rface wh e neve r it is not plana r. Lapl ace [2] was the first to show theo- reti cally that such l oca l pr ess ur e differen ces were solely determined from the mea n curva tur e of the sur- face and the s urface tension of the liquid. Thi s is a statement of Lapl ace's well-known nonline ar diffe r- ential equation for liquid manom etric work. N um erical solutions [3 , 4, 5, 6] of Lapl ace' s e quation exist and tabl es showing the depe nd en ce of capillary de pr es - sions on meni sc us heights and tub e bor es have b ee n c onstru cted. Valu es app earing in th ese ta bl es are for arbitrar y me ni sci, and int e rp ol a ti on is f re qu e n tl y re quir ed when using the m. In this work only nearly planar me ni sc i ar e con- side red , and their a ssoc iated capillary depr ess ion s ar e derived analyti call y. Figur es la and Ib re pr ese nt th e cro ss sec ti on of portions of capillary s ystem s which ar e c apabl e of producin g nearly planar menisci which ar e of ca pillary dimen s ions [1]. The co ordinate sys tems and vari a bl es u se d in this di sc ussion ar e shown in th ese fi gur es . In th ese fi g ur es LMN and L'M 'N' repr ese nt portions of th e vesse l. MO'M' re pr ese nt s the li quid-gas inte rf ace . 00 '0 " is tak en to be the a xi s of sy mm e tr y of the me ni sc us. Th e xy-plane is perpe ndic ular to 00' 0" with CAPIL L AR Y DE PR ESSIO N N N' A A' . oj«x,y) L ------L' CAPILLARY RISE N N' M 2. Theory L' The method of the c alculu s of variations [7] has be en used by Goodrich [8] in hi s s tud y of the static meniscus. Thi s tr e atm ent of the sta ti c me ni sc us is similar to that FIGURE L Co ordinate system and disp Lace ments for a nearly I Fi gures in br ach ts ind ica t e the li terature references al the end of this paper. planar meniscus. 362 - 197 0 - 69- 4 611
Page 1: Capillary depressions for nearly planar menisci · Capillary Depressions for Nearly Planar Menisci M. C. I. Siu Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington,

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of th e Na tional Bureau of Sta ndard s- A. Physics and Chemistry

Vol. 73A, No. 6, Novembe r- December 1969

Capillary Depressions for Nearly Planar Menisci

M. C. I. Siu

Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234

(July 17, 1969)

It is demonstra te d a nalyti call y that the capilla ry de press ion C of a nea rl y planar me niscus is lin ea rl y related to its meni sc us he ight h by the re la tions hip C= h/ [l - / o( r/a)] . Here, a 2=y/pg, (J a nd ya re the de nsity and surface tension of the liquid res pec ti ve ly ,g, the acce lerat ion du e to gra vity, ,, is the rad iu s of the capillary tube at the liquid -solid-gas interface, and lo(z) is th e modified Bessel fun c tion of th e first kind and zero orde r.

Key word s : Besse l fun c tions; ca lc ulus of var iati ons; capill ary depression ; La place's equ a tion; meniscus; meniscus height ; nea rl y pl a na r meniscus.

1. Introduction of Goodrich in that the calculus of variation s is appli ed.

Correc tions due to capillarity mu st be known or eliminated in accurate manometri c procedures. The proble m of capillary de pression (or ri se) for arbitrarily sh aped gas-liquid interfaces has been studied ex­tensively, both theoreti cally a nd experimentally. Little attention, howe ver , has been give n s pecifi cally to nearly plan ar menisci occurring in large bore precision mercury manome ters and whic h ha ve bee n produced by Moser a nd P oltz [I]' in th e co mpression capill ary of a McLeod gage to reduce errors du e to capill arity.

It is we ll known [2 , 3, 4] th at a finit e press ure differ­ence exis ts across a gas-liquid interface wh e never it is not plan ar. La place [2] was the firs t to s how theo­retically th at suc h local pressure differe nces were solely determin ed from the mean curvature of the sur­face and the surface tension of the liquid. This is a stateme nt of Laplace's well-known nonlinear differ­ential equation for liquid manome tri c work. Numerical solutions [3 , 4, 5, 6] of Laplace' s equation exis t and tables showing the de pendence of capillary depres ­sions on meniscus heights and tube bores have been constructed. Values appearin g in these tabl es are for arbitrary me ni sci , and inte rpolation is freque n tly required when using the m.

In thi s work only nearly planar me nisci are con­sidered , and th eir associated capillary depressions are derived an alytically.

Figures la and Ib re present the cross sec tion of portions of capillary systems which are capable of producin g nearly planar menisci which are of capillary dimen sions [1]. The coordinate sys te ms and varia bles used in thi s di scussion are shown in th ese fi gures . In these fi gures LMN and L'M'N' re prese nt portions of the vessel. MO'M' re presents the li quid -gas interface . 00' 0 " is taken to be th e axi s of symm e try of the meni scus. The xy-plane is perpe ndi cular to 00' 0" with


N N '

A A' . oj«x,y)




N N'


2. Theory L'

The me thod of the calculus of variations [7] has been A-~---:;;rrt--t--"~ used by Goodric h [8] in hi s s tud y of the static meniscus. This treatment of the s tati c me niscus is similar to that

FIGURE L Coordinate system and disp Lacements for a nearly I Figures in brachts ind ica te the li teratu re refere nces al the end of thi s paper. planar meniscus.

362- 197 0 - 69- 4 611

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z(x, y) = Yx2 +y2and e= tan - 1y/x (not shown in these figures). This distance from 00' to the gas-liquid· solid interface is f. AN represe nts the position the meniscus would take in th e absence of capillarity. All displacements I./J(x , y) are taken with respect to AA'.

Let wyand W y be e nergies associated with the actions of gravity and surface tension , respectively. Consider the menisc us generated from the rotation of the seg­ment O 'M ' about 00'. For convenience of discussion. consider th e situation shown in figure lb. The potentiai energy of a column of liquid of unit cross-sectional area and height I./J(x, y) is given by


where p is the density of the liquid, g is the accelera­tion due to gravity. The surface element zdedt;" where dt;, is an arc length measured along O'M', possesses a surface free energy of amount yzdedt;" where y is the surface tension of the liquid. This exceeds that of a planar element zdedz by amount wy=yzd8(dt;,-dz). Elementary geometrical considerations give

where V I./J= (aI./J/ax, aI./J/ay). Thus the excess surface free energy per unit area, i.e., zd8dz= 1 is given by


The total energy of the static meniscus is taken to be

W[I./J(x,y)]=JJ (wl/+wy)dxdy+J cf>(s)ds. (3) /I r

The second term on the right is a line integral term and has been included to take into account any energy associated with the liquid·gas-solid interface along the curve r : x 2+ y2 = r2. The double integral is to be taken over the surface of the meniscus R. For I ilI./J I ~ 1, we have

W[I./J(x, y)] =4 J L (pgI./J2+ y IVI./J12)dxdy

+ Jr cfJ(s)ds. (4)

Suppose I./J*(x, y) and cf>*(s) are chosen such that

I./J*(x, y) = I./J(x, y) +EX(X, y)

and cf>*(s)=cp(s) + EYCPO(S)x(S) , where E is a very small number. Then the variation in the total energy, oW= W[I./J*(x, y)] - W[I./J(x, y)], is given by

OW=E[J L (pgI./JX+yV I./J· V X)dxdy


where 0 (E2) represents the term of order E2. The

term yVI./J· V X may be re placed by use of the identity V ' (XV I./J) = VX' V I./J+ XV 2I./J. Furthermore,

\7.( '\hf;) = aQ+ap X ax ay'

where P=XtjJy, Q=xI./Jx and I./J x, I./Jv are partial deriva· tives of I./J with respect to x and y. Then by Stokes' theorem

J L (iJaxQ +~~) dxdy= f (-Pdx+Qdy),

eq (5) becomes

OW=EJ L(pgI./J_ yV 2I./J)xdxdY +E ~_Ycf>oxds

+E Ir YX(I./Jxdy-tjJydx).

In terms of the normal and tangential directions at r, the differential elements dx, dy and the partial deriva­tives I./Jx, tjJy become - sin 8ds, cos 8ds,

atjJ aI./J . a- cos 8 and - sm e, n an

respectively, so that I./Jxdy - I./Jydx can be written as aI./J -ds. Thus, an

oW = E J!u (pgI./J -yV'2I./J )Xdxdy

+EY{(cf>o+aI./J)xds. (6) Jr an

The necessary condition that W is a minimum is oW = 0 for arbitrary variations X (x, y) [7]. Hence, we obtain the equations


1 V2I./J(X, y) -- I./J(x, y) =0


aI./J -+ '/"0=0 an 'I' ,



where a 2 = "1/ pg. Solutions of eq (7) give functions that minimize W, while eq (8) provides the condition for the evaluation of the constants of integration. It is eq (7) which is now pertinent.

Since the gas-liquid interface is taken to be a surface of revolution, I./J is a function of z alone and eq (7) transformed to cylindrical coordinates (z, 8) becomes

d2 I./J(z/a) 1 dI./J(z/a) d 2 +- d -tjJ(z/a) =0 z z z


A solution of eq (9) is

I./J(z/a) =Cdo(z/a) (10)

where Jo(z/a) IS the modified Bessel function of the


~ ~



Page 3: Capillary depressions for nearly planar menisci · Capillary Depressions for Nearly Planar Menisci M. C. I. Siu Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standards, Washington,

first kind a nd zero order. The meni scus height h is given by the differe nce of '" at z = 0 and z = r, a nd eq (10) beco mes

hlo(z/a) ",(z/a) =±1-lo(r/a) (11)

where the plus and minus signs refer to capillary depress ion and rise, respectively. The capillary depress ion C= tjJ (O) (see figure 1) is lin early propor­tional to the meniscus hei ght, h for a specifi c valu e of th e r atio ria. Differentiation of eq (10) gives

hII (z /a) V tjJ(z/a) =+ a[l- Io(r/a )] (12)

where II (z) is the modified Bessel fun c tion of the first kind and order one. The condition for validity of linear behavior be tween C and h is that I V tjJ(r/a ) I q l.

3. Results and Discussion

In eq (10), verti c al di splaceme nts of the me ni sc us are taken with res pect to a carefull y selec ted planar surface such th a t the value of the capillary depression is given by C. The condition that a me ni scus be nearly planar implies that h q r. Th e co ndition that only menisc i of capillary dimens ions are to be considered requires that 0 < r/a :::; 1, since a ~ 2 mm for merc ury. Howev er, larger values of ria are admissible so long as the condition that the meniscus be nearly planar is met.

Table 1 gives capillary depressions C = tjJ (O), from eq (11) for some values of ria. Table 2 gives a com­parison of the capillary d epressions predicted b y eq (11) to those obtained from num erical solutions of Laplace's eq uati on as performe d by Akiyama, Hashimoto, a nd a kaya ma [5] , and Gould and Vickers [6]. Table 2 shows that res ults of thi s paper a re in fair agreem e nt with those obtain ed by num erical methods.

Figure 2 shows the depende nce of capillary depress ions on me ni scus heights for so me valu es of ria. Th e solid lines ar e the linear be havior pre ·

TABLE 1. Ratio of the cap ill a ry depression. to the meniscus height of a nearly planar mercury men.iscus for some values of r/a

r/a . ..... .. .. . .. .20 .30 .4Q .50 .60 .70 .80 .90

Ratio ..... .... 100 44.2 24.7 15.7 10.9 7.91 6 .01 4.69

TABLE 2. Co mparison of capillary depressions for a meniscus height of merCllry equal to O. I mm

r/a AHN* GV** This work Difference I 'V l/J I

mm Hg 111.'" Hg mm Hg

.34 3.34 ... ... . . .. . . .. 3.43

.543 ... ..... .. ... . 1.32 1.33

.815 .............. .573 .578

.96 .417 ..... . ..... . .. .409

*Values taken from Akiyama , et a l. [5]. **Values taken from Gould and Vicke rs [61 .


2.9 .3 0.8 .2 0.9 .1 2.0 .1

di c ted by this paper. The dotted lines are loci of constant V tjJ. These dotted lines a pproach the axes asymptotically as ria approaches zero or becomes very large. The points r epresent values obta ined from numerical solutions of Laplace's equation. Thi s fi gure shows that within the validity of the assumption s, ca pillary de pressions are linearly related to meni scus he ights. The fi gure shows that thi s linear relation ship co mpares fairly well with results obtained from numer­ical solution s of Laplace's equation for I V tjJ I < 0.5 a nd ria :::: 0.35.


9 E E 8

Z 0 7

en en 6 w 0:

5 a.. w 0 4

>-0: 3

« ....J 2 ....J

a.. « u

0 0 0 .1

'- . \ . \

\ \ . \

\ \ , ,

---o ~'0 .96

• •

0.2 0.3 0.4 0 .5 0.6 0 .7 0.8 0 .9


FIGURE 2. Capillary depression versus menisClI.s height for nearly planar m.ercury menisci.

Open and solid c ircles ind ieat e va lues from numeri ca l so lutions of Lap lace's eq ua tion: ope n circles. Could and Vickers; so lid c ircles. Akiyama , (:1 al. Dull ed lin es indicHle val ues of Ill ob I.

In s umm a ry, it has bee n s hown that cap illary de press ions for nearly planar me nisci a re lin early re la ted to their me ni scus heights. Co nditions for the validity of thi s behavior have been give n.

Th e author is inde bted to S tanley Ruthberg for sugges tin g thi s proble m. The author is grateful to H. P. Wate rs for so me helpful di sc uss ions in connec tion with thi s work.

4. References

[1] Moser , H., and P oltz, H., Instrumentkunde 65,43 (1957). [21 Laplace, P. S., Supplement a la Theorie de l'Action Capi llaire ,

Transl. by Bowditch, Mechanique Celeste; Supplement to the Tenth Book (U.S . Naval Observatory , 1839), pp. 685-793.

[31 Blaisde ll , E., 1. Math. Phys. 19,186 (1940). [4] Bashford , F. , and Adams, J. c. , An Attempt to Test the Theories

of Capi llary Action (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England , 1883), pp. 1- 73.

[51 Akiyama, Y., Hashimoto, H. , and Nakayama, K. , 1. Vac. Soc. (Japan) 7,12 (1964).

[6] Gould , F. A., and Vickers, T ., 1. Sci. lnstr. 29, 35 (1952). [7] Gelfand, I. M., and Formin, S. V., Calculus of Vari ations, Ch. 1

(Prentice·Hall , Inc., New Jersey, USA, 1963). [8] Goodrich, F. c., Proc. Roy. Soc. A260, 481 (1961).

(Paper 73A6-574)

